242 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2019
    1. Although educators may use technology for personal use, technology may not be used to supportlearningor prepare students for thecurrent digital culture.

      This article focused on how K-8 and K-5 classrooms fail to use the technology in their classrooms. In the first section of this article, the author defines the problem and provides a conceptual framework for the problem. In the second section of this article, the author presents the research, data that was collected during the study, and the participants that were involved. In section three, the project description and the projected goal was shared. Along with the literature that was reviewed, obstacles that were encountered, evaluation, and changes that were made to change the predicted outcome. The last section, section four concluded with the strengths, limitations, other approaches that were encountered during the project. The project closed out with the analysis, changes that effected the project/social change, and future research. Rate: 4/5

  2. Oct 2019
  3. Sep 2019
    1. On the App Engine flexible environment, ESP is automatically deployed for you when you add a few lines to your app.yaml file. For more information, see Deploying your API and ESP. For the App Engine standard generation 1 environment, you must use Endpoints Frameworks. If you instead deploy the container to one of the compute options above, you can proxy to either generation of App Engine standard runtime.


    1. Use your favorite API framework and language, or choose our open source Cloud Endpoints Frameworks in Java or Python. Simply upload an OpenAPI specification and deploy our containerized proxy

      oh so maybe endpoints framework is just their open source implementation that is limited to java 8 & python 2.7, otherwise endpoints is available to any stack?

  4. Aug 2019
  5. Jun 2019
    1. conceptual framework

      A conceptual framework is an analytical tool with several variations and contexts. It can be applied in different categories of work where an overall picture is needed.

  6. May 2019
  7. Mar 2019
  8. Feb 2019

      Here's the beginning of the first excerpt we're focusing on for Week 2: Section II, parts A & B.

      The second excerpt is below, Section III, Part A, subsections 1 and 2.

      We are focusing on specific excerpts to make this lengthy document a little more manageable for this iteration of the project. That said, you are of course welcome and encouraged to annotate any part of the document you find noteworthy.

    2. more-rapid comprehension, better comprehension, the possibility of gaining a useful degree of comprehension in a situation that previously was too complex, speedier solutions, better solutions, and the possibility of finding solutions to problems that before seemed insoluble.

      "Better, stronger, faster" like the Six Million Dollar Man. Clynes & Kline proposed the Cyborg in 1960. Engelbart's vision seems at once more far-reaching and less like science fiction.

  9. Jan 2019
    1. Augmenting Human Intellect: A Conceptual Framework

      You are in the right place for annotation Doug Engelbart's paper as part of the February 2019 Framework Project - see https://framework.thoughtvectors.net/

      For an overall view of activity here, see the paper's entry on CROWDLAAERS

    2. This kind of system approach to human intellectual effectiveness does not find a ready-made conceptual framework such as exists for established disciplines. Before a research program can be designed to pursue such an approach intelligently, so that practical benefits might be derived within a reasonable time while also producing results of longrange significance, a conceptual framework must be searched out—a framework that provides orientation as to the important factors of the system, the relationships among these factors, the types of change among the system factors that offer likely improvements in performance, and the sort of research goals and methodology that seem promising.
  10. Dec 2018
    1. Here’s the simple sales framework I used to answer “sell me this pen”. Memorize it for yourself. Find out how they last used a pen (gather info) Emphasize the importance of the activity they last used a pen (respond to info) Sell something bigger than a pen, like a state of mind (deliver info) Ask for the buy (closing)
  11. Nov 2018
    1. 1Engaging Adults Learners with Technology

      The pdf provides information from The Twin Cities Campus Library with instruction incorporating technology into teaching adult students.

      It includes a review of instructional technology, assessment for learning, framework for teaching adult learners and a workshop. This 14 page pdf provides the essentials necessary in understanding basic learning needs of adult learners.

      RATING: 3/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)

  12. Oct 2018
  13. Apr 2018
    1. Theserequirements imply the integration of KOcapabilities not just in “design time” but at run time and,in the collaborative case,“on the fly” throughout the whole ‘life cycle’ of the ontology. [63] This way, dynamicontology building and maturing[42] arrived at technologies for permanent refactoringwith open ended lifeline including the possibility of bootstrappingthe ontology management framework. [65]

      bootstrapping ontology management framework

  14. Jan 2018
    1. the protection of private information in an online environment has become the responsibility of user

      Certainly an info lit issue. The Information Has Value frame puts heavy emphasis on other people's info, but we also need to be conscious of the value of our own

  15. Nov 2017
    1. Thanks to @jeffgrann for the heads-up! Clearly, people have been waiting for this. We’ll have to wait for the concrete results (not all IMS Global activities make as big of a splash as the others). But it’s very interesting. And needed. For instance, Quebec uses a competencies model all the way to higher education (its Cégeps are post-secondary institutions for vocational training and pre-university education). Thing is, they lack consistent frameworks. CASE won’t make these magically appear, but at least it gives them room for impact.

  16. Sep 2017
    1. This article demonstrates the value of one relatively new approach, that of framework synthesis (Carroll, Booth, & Cooper, 2011; Thomas, Harden, & Newman, 2012). The distinguishing characteristic of this method is that it allows preexisting understanding (in the form of themes or categories) to be included in the analysis alongside (and combined with) con-cepts that emerge from the studies themselves (Dixon-Woods, 2011). This makes it particularly suitable for studies where a relevant related conceptual framework already exists, or where the findings from primary studies need to be explored in the light of perspectives of various stakeholders (e.g., practitioners, parents) in a structured and explicit way

      Justification and rationale for framework synthesis

    1. It is useful if interventions, and their evaluations, draw explicitly on existing social science theories, so that findings can add to the development of theory. However, evaluators should avoid selecting ‘off-the-shelf’ theories without considering how they apply to the context in which the intervention is delivered. Additionally, there is a risk of focusing narrowly on inappropriate theories from a single discipline; for example, some critics have highlighted a tendency for over-reliance upon individual-level theorising when the aim is to achieve community, organisational or population-level change (Hawe et al., 2009).

      Potential limitations of framework approach to synthesis

  17. Apr 2017
  18. Mar 2017
    1. Conversely, western pedagogy continues to deal with content predominantly in the abstract form, in spite of attempts to contextualise subject matter.

      This jumps out at me as a major difference between the two systems of learning. Indigenous: highly contextualised with a strong sense of place versus Western: pedagogy deals with content in the abstract in spite of attempts to contextualise. What do you think?

  19. Oct 2016
  20. Jul 2016
    1. are the products of their history and current situation.

      ...which is why use of an ecological framework to make sense of their languaging practices makes sense



  21. Jun 2016
    1. T he Future of Publications in the Humanities

      Fuchs, Milena Žic. 2014. “The Future of Publications in the Humanities: Possible Impacts of Research Assessment.” In New Publication Cultures in the Humanities: Exploring the Paradigm Shift, edited by Péter Dávidházi, 147–71. Amsterdam University Press. http://books.google.ca/books/about/New_Publication_Cultures_in_the_Humaniti.html?hl=&id=4ffcoAEACAAJ.

    1. If done in good faith, four like-minded authors in the arts who agreed on a project of work could co-author four papers together and have the REF return of each sorted. If they are from different institutions, this would certainly be a more efficient way of meeting the framework's requirements. It might be viewed as a cynical exercise, but perhaps viewing it that way would be a sign that we haven't yet changed our mindset. If genuinely collaborative work became the norm, it wouldn't be viewed with suspicion.

      How to game the REF

  22. Apr 2016
    1. A system that assumes a "quite good" institution is unable to get better, and thus denies them the funds that would enable them to get better, is probably not an optimal system for promoting merit. A system that rewards in proportion to merit would at least be able to recognise and reflect the dynamism of university research; research groups wax and wane as people come, go, get disheartened, get re-invigorated.

      On the importance of funding middle-ground

    2. it could be argued that we don’t just need an elite: we need a reasonable number of institutions in which there is a strong research environment, where more senior researchers feel valued and their graduate students and postdocs are encouraged to aim high. Our best strategy for retaining international competitiveness might be by fostering those who are doing well but have potential to do even better

      capacity requires top and middle.

  23. Dec 2015
    1. blade is a web framework for rapid development of Java applications,you can be used to develop API, Web and back-end services and other applications, a RESTful framework, it provides a simple and convenient way of development, the whole operation of the micro kernel MVC bus guide frame, initial goal is to simplify the web development, and of course the author will upgrade in the future and integrate more compact components based on blade.

      MVC backend java micro framework for API

  24. Jun 2015
  25. Oct 2014