- Sep 2019
www.chronicle.com www.chronicle.com
make the entire course relevant to students’ daily lives. All of the labs center around chemicals and materials that students interact with regularly. For instance, they evaluate bottled water versus tap water, test both for pH, conductivity, and taste, and then debate why so many people choose bottled over tap
money.stackexchange.com money.stackexchange.com
www.nature.com www.nature.com
We focus on how quorums are detected and how quorum sensing controls group behaviours in complex and dynamically changing environments such as multi-species bacterial communities, in the presence of flow, in 3D non-uniform biofilms and in hosts during infection.
- May 2019
dougengelbart.org dougengelbart.org
Conceptual Framework as an orientation to "real possibilities" regarding the use of technology as an aid to comprehending complex problems through revelation regarding improvement opportunities.
- Jan 2019
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
nature/culture framework in terms of the real and the sym-bolic.
Perhaps unrelated, but I'm reminded here of a passage from Cormac McCarthy's The Crossing -- "The world has no name, he said. The names of the cerros and the sierras and the deserts exist only on maps. We name them that we do not lose our way. Yet it was because the way was lost to us already that we have made those names. The world cannot be lost. We are the ones. And it is because these names and these are our own naming that they cannot save us. That they cannot find for us the way again" (387).
I like this quote because it makes explicit the real/symbolic distinction that we apply to nature, similar to Siegert's music example. The world simply exists, but we interact with it symbolically, assigning names and numbers to denote physical locations or geographic/geological features.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
When I was looking up real for another annotation, I kept coming across meanings referring to monarchs and royals. Funny that Braidotti uses it here when one might think of 'real' science.
www.8btc.com www.8btc.com
<big>评:</big><br/><br/>如果没有区块链的加持,公权力是否会想到采用类似分布式技术等颇为 geek 的手段来维护现有体系?就算这只是个早晚会实现的时间问题,那民众也应该保留不停追问的权利。要知道,公权力与 geek 在精神上互为对立——回顾一下当年快播王欣案上公诉方那贻笑大方的审问吧——「(针对媒体类大文件的分布式存储)你为什么要粉碎文件?你到底有何企图?」<br/><br/>同样令密码学社群捉摸不透的企图是,区块链确权被运用在现实资产上。高度透明、单一登记,这与现在的互联网秩序在目标上又有何区别?真可谓理想主义者的又一次溃败。
- Nov 2018
www.surveymonkey.com www.surveymonkey.com
SurveyMonkey is a FREE survey platform that allows for the collection of responses from targeted individuals that can be easily collected and used to create reports and quantify results. SurveyMonkey can be delivered via email, mobile, chat, web and social media. The platform is easy to use and can be used as an add on for large CRMs such as Salesforce. There are over 100 templates and the ability to develop customized templates to suit your needs. www.surveymonkey.com
RATING: 5/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)
www.sqrlab.ca www.sqrlab.ca
One teacher's experience using slack, referencing what things were like before using it and after; contains many ideas on how about how to maximize Slack (3/5)
www.zachwhalen.net www.zachwhalen.net
One instructor's use of Slack, comparing and contrasting other LMS (but he used Canvas); good basic breakdown of the conversational tools and samples of how hey can be used; This is a great primer of Slack's use in the classroom (5/5)
www.peergrade.io www.peergrade.io
Use of Slack in a FACE-TO-FACE class and how much it increased interaction; brings up a point that concerns me and that's what happens when the instructor/TA appear to be available 24/7 given the nature of Slack; good exploration of motivating students to use it (4/5)
activelearningps.com activelearningps.com
Just a political science professor's thoughts on using Slack in his class; points out how it can be useful (1/5)
- Oct 2018
forboredom.com forboredom.com
This is what Edgar Orrin Klapp meant when he wrote in his 1986 Overload and Boredom: Essays on the Quality of Life in the Information Society that “meaning and interest are found mostly in the mid-range between extremes of redundancy and variety-these extremes being called, respectively, banality and noise” (). Redundancy is repetition of the same, which creates a condition of insufficient difference, while noise is the chaos of non-referentiality, or entropy. In a way, these extremes collapse into each other, in that both can be viewed “as a loss of potential … for a certain line of action at least” ().
There is perhaps something of "the real" here, as well. Volker Woltersdorff (2012, 134) writes that: The law of increasing entropy is a concept of energy in the natural sciences that assumes the tendency of all systems to eventually reach their lowest level of energy. Organic systems therefore tend toward inertia … Freud identifies the death drive with entropy … within his theory, the economy of the death drive is to release tension."
Adam Phillips clarifies the death drive: “People are not, Freud seems to be saying, the saboteurs of their own lives, acting against their own best interests; they are simply dying in their own fashion (to describe someone as self-destructive is to assume a knowledge of what is good for them, an omniscient knowledge of the ‘real’ logic of their lives)” (2000, 81, cf. 77).
The real
In Return of the Real the critic Hal Foster considers "the real" to be art and theory grounded in the materiality of actual bodies and social sites. (As opposed to the "art-as-text" model of the 70s and the "art-as-simulacrum" model of the 80s).
In Rewiring the Real, Mark Taylor describes the thought of "god" and "the real" as synonymous. One vision of theism he is concerned with is that of Schleirmacher, Schiller, Schlegel, Hölderlin, and Novalis, through to Coleridge, Wordsworth, Emerson, Thoreau, and Stevens, where god becomes identified as the creative impulse immanent in the world. He is also concerned with the ontological thought of Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard, Freud, Poe, Melville, Blanchot, Jabès, and Derrida for whom the real is "wholly other, or, in Kierkegaard's words that continue to echo, 'infinitely and qualitatively different'" (4). In the latter tradition, Lacan, following most closely on Freud, is especially associated with the concept of the real. For him, the real is the state of nature from which we have been severed by our entrance into language. It erupts, however, whenever we are forced to confront the materiality of our existence, as with needs and drives, such as for hunger, sex, and sleep.
- Aug 2018
wendynorris.com wendynorris.com
The notion of temporal structuring views "real time" not as an inherent property of Internetbased activities, or an inevitable consequence of technology use, but as an enacted temporal structure, reflecting the decisions people have made about how they wish to structure their activities, both on or off the Internet. As an alternative to the idea of '·real time," Bennett and Wei II ( 1997) have suggested the notion of "real-enough time," proposing that people design their process and technology infrastructures to accommodate variable timing demands, which are contingent on task and context. We believe such "real-enough" temporal structures are important areas of further empirical investigation, allowing us to move beyond the fixation on a singular, objective "real time" to recognize the opportunities people have to (re)shape the range of temporal structures that shape their lives.
real time vs real-enough time
- Jul 2018
wendynorris.com wendynorris.com
However, as Mark Poster points out, 'the new level of interconnectivity heightens the fragility of the social networks. '·50 The source of control now undermines its execution. For clock time to exist and thus to be measurable and controllable there has to be duration, an interval between two points in time. Without duration there is no before and after, no cause and effect, no stretch of time to be measured. The principles of instantaneity and simultaneity of action across space, as I have shown in chapter 3, are encountered in quantum physics; they have no place in the Newtonian world of causality and bodies in motion, the world chat we as embodied beings inhabit. The control of time that has reached the limit of compression has been shifted into a time world where notions of control are meaningless. More like the realm of myths and mysticism, the electronic world of interchangeable no-where and now-here requires knowledge and modes of being that are alien to the industrial way of life. Other modes of temporal existence, therefore, may hold some viral keys, their 'primitive' understanding of time pointing not ro control but to more appropriate ways of being in the realm of insrantaneity.
Adam argues that control of time is futile in an interconnected network where hyper-compression has effectively rendered duration/intervals of time as unmeasurable.
If temporality cannot be "measured, fixed, regulated or controlled" (see timescapes image), then time cannot be controlled.
Subsequently, we need other approaches to be "in the realm of instantaneity."
the potential capacity of exterrirorial beings to be everywhere at once and nowhere in particular is inescapably tied to operators that are bounded by their embodied temporal limits of terrestrial existence and sequential information processing. The actual capacity for parallel absorption of knowledge, therefore, is hugely disappointing. Equally, the electronic capacity to be now-here and no-where has brought the body to a standstill.
Adam's critique of transmission technologies allowing people to be "now-here and no-where" perhaps also helps unpacks some of the tensions for SBTF's global social coordination.
Could this be some of the unconscious motive to use terms that situate volunteers with one another as they attempt to grapple with tempo-imposed friction points which work against "terrestrial existence" and "sequential information processing"?
money.cnn.com money.cnn.com
The Six Corners store, like more than 100 other Sears locations, is owned by Seritage Growth Properties, a real estate company controlled by Sears Holdings CEO Eddie Lampert. Seritage, which is publicly traded, has a market value nearly 10 times greater than Sears Holdings.
Interesting to see the interaction between Sears Holdings and Seritage. The value is apparently all in the real estate.
- Jun 2018
forumpa-librobianco-innovazione-2018.readthedocs.io forumpa-librobianco-innovazione-2018.readthedocs.io
Raccomandazione 3.6g - Definire un modello di governance del dato e progettare automatismi organizzativi e tecnologici
ogni applicativo gestionale in uso nelle Pubbliche Amministrazioni centrali e locali DEVE(!) fare uso di [API (Application Programming Interface)] (https://pianotriennale-ict.readthedocs.io/it/latest/search.html?check_keywords=yes&area=default&q=api) al fine di pubblicare, in modalità automatica, dati tematici aggiornati in tempo reale.
Senza l'uso di API pubbliche (e documentate) non ci sarà mai un sistema di dati pubblici in formato aperto su cui poter fare riferimento per creare qualsiasi tipo di riuso costante ed utile alla società e per la nascita di nuove forme di economia. Senza API pubbliche continueranno ad esserci soltanto isolati esercizi di stile di qualche rara Pubblica Amministrazione (nel contesto nazionale) sensibile alla pubblicazione dei dati, soltanto perchè fortunatamente vede al suo interno del personale dirigente/dipendente sensibile culturalmente all'obbligo (non sanzionato in caso di non rispetto) della pubblicazione dei dati.
Oggi (2018) l'uso delle API pubbliche nei software delle PA non va raccomandato, va imposto! Diversamente si continua a giocherellare come si fa per ora. Ma niente dati di qualità e su cui fare riferimento senza API pubbliche nei software della PA!
forboredom.realtimecollective.com forboredom.realtimecollective.com
The real
In Return of the Real the critic Hal Foster considers "the real" to be art and theory grounded in the materiality of actual bodies and social sites. (As opposed to the "art-as-text" model of the 70s and the "art-as-simulacrum" model of the 80s).
In Rewiring the Real, Mark Taylor describes the thought of "god" and "the real" as synonymous. One vision of theism he is concerned with is that of Schleirmacher, Schiller, Schlegel, Hölderlin, and Novalis, through to Coleridge, Wordsworth, Emerson, Thoreau, and Stevens, where god becomes identified as the creative impulse immanent in the world. He is also concerned with the ontological thought of Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard, Freud, Poe, Melville, Blanchot, Jabès, and Derrida for whom the real is "wholly other, or, in Kierkegaard's words that continue to echo, 'infinitely and qualitatively different'" (4). In the latter tradition, Lacan, following most closely on Freud, is especially associated with the concept of the real. For him, the real is the state of nature from which we have been severed by our entrance into language. It erupts, however, whenever we are forced to confront the materiality of our existence, as with needs and drives, such as for hunger, sex, and sleep.
This is what Edgar Orrin Klapp meant when he wrote in his 1986 Overload and Boredom: Essays on the Quality of Life in the Information Society that “meaning and interest are found mostly in the mid-range between extremes of redundancy and variety-these extremes being called, respectively, banality and noise” (). Redundancy is repetition of the same, which creates a condition of insufficient difference, while noise is the chaos of non-referentiality, or entropy. In a way, these extremes collapse into each other, in that both can be viewed “as a loss of potential … for a certain line of action at least” ().
There is perhaps something of "the real" here, as well. Volker Woltersdorff (2012, 134) writes that: The law of increasing entropy is a concept of energy in the natural sciences that assumes the tendency of all systems to eventually reach their lowest level of energy. Organic systems therefore tend toward inertia … Freud identifies the death drive with entropy ... within his theory, the economy of the death drive is to release tension."
Adam Phillips clarifies the death drive: “People are not, Freud seems to be saying, the saboteurs of their own lives, acting against their own best interests; they are simply dying in their own fashion (to describe someone as self-destructive is to assume a knowledge of what is good for them, an omniscient knowledge of the ‘real’ logic of their lives)” (2000, 81, cf. 77).
- Mar 2018
www.psychologytoday.com www.psychologytoday.com
- Jan 2018
s3.amazonaws.com s3.amazonaws.com
Charity devoid of charity, that Envy who looked like nothing so much as a plate in some medical book, illustrating the compression of the glottis or uvula by a tumour in the tongue, or by the introduction of the operator's instrument, a Justice whose greyish and meanly regular features were the very same as those which adorned the faces of certain good and pious and slightly withered ladies of Combray whom I used to see at mass, many of whom had long been enrolled in the reserve forces of Injustice. But in later years I understood that the arresting strangeness, the special beauty of these frescoes lay in the great part played in each of them by its symbols, while the fact that these were depicted, not as symbols (for the thought symbolised was nowhere expressed), but as real things, actually felt or materially handled, added something more precise and more literal to their meaning, something more concrete and more striking to the lesson they imparted. And even in the case of the poor kitchen-maid, was not our attention incessantly drawn to her belly by the load which filled it; and in the same way, again, are not the thoughts of men and women in the agony of death often turned towards the practical, painful, obscure, internal, intestinal aspect, towards that 'seamy side' of death which is, as it happens, the side that death actually presents to them and forces them to feel, a side which far more closely resembles a crushing burden, a difficulty in breathing, a destroying thirst, than the abstract idea to which we are accustomed to give the name of Death?
The real allegory:<br> An explanation of how the pregnant kitchen main represents charity not through some abstract ideals of what true charity is and looks like but through her living and showing what charity is constantly.
mattheneus-healthcare.com mattheneus-healthcare.com
big data solutions for cardiovascular and oncological research.
big data solutions for cardiovascular and oncological research.
- Dec 2017
hypothes.is hypothes.is
Phil Devin Consultants Review - 6 måter å velge riktig eiendomsmegler på
Å få service av en eiendomsmegler er sterkt fordelaktig for deg når du kjøper eller selger en bolig. Imidlertid er hver agent forskjellig fra hverandre og å finne den som passer best for dine behov, vil ikke være en veldig enkel oppgave, men bekymre deg ikke mer siden denne artikkelen laget av Phil Devin Consultants vil tjene som en guide for å lete etter den rette agent for deg.
Å holde en pålitelig og god agent med deg, vil sikkert hjelpe deg med å oppnå de resultatene du søker. Det vil også være lettere for deg å forstå trinnene som er involvert i prosessen med kompetanse fra en agent, hvor han vil forklare alt for deg på den måten du lett kan forstå, og slik profesjonell kan ta vare på den tekniske, taktiske, og økonomiske aspekter inkludert i din eiendomsmegling innsats. Velg noen som er i stand til å håndtere inn og ut av boligmarkedet i ditt område også.
Sørg for gode oppføringer
Ved å søke etter riktig eiendomsmegler, gjør det til en vane å gjøre noen undersøkelser. Finn ut om agenten har et godt antall oppføringer i ditt nabolag, og om han også har vært involvert i ulike vellykkede eiendomsprosjekter fra mange kunder. Agenten må gi like muligheter og oppmerksomhet til alle sine klienter; ikke vær med noen som er veldig forutinntatt på hans beslutninger.
Merk ærlige henvisninger
Du kan få ærlige vurderinger og meninger fra personer du er i nærheten av som familiemedlemmer, venner og arbeidskamerater eller til og med fra nabo i mange år. Med sin tidligere erfaring fra en bestemt klient, er de klar over profesjonelle gode poeng og noen dårlige poeng også. Du bør bedre notere den typen informasjon og lage en liste over kandidatene som sannsynligvis vil bli din eiendomsmegler. Å ha disse notatene med deg kan hjelpe deg bedre å velge hvilken som er best for deg og dine eiendomsbehov.
Hvis du for tiden har en pålitelig eiendomsmegler med deg, men du vil snart flytte til et nytt sted, kan det være litt av et problem siden du ikke vil kunne få sin tjeneste og kontakte ham lenger for din fremtidige eiendomsproblemer. Men Phil Devin Consultants vil ikke at du skal bekymre deg for mye om denne saken, så gruppen foreslår at du spør din nåværende eiendomsmegler for henvisninger i stedet. Flertallet av eiendomsmeglere har mange tilkoblinger og nettverk i bransjen, og det er derfor mulig at de også er kunnskapsrike om andre gode agenter på forskjellige områder.
Lei en flyttespesialist
Hvis du flytter til et fjernt sted uten å anta hvem du skal ansette som eiendomsmegler, så få bedre service av en flyttingsekspert. Du kan avhenge av spesialisten siden han har et stort nettverk med tilknytning til agenter også i en bestemt region eller et land. Han har også tilgang til agentens ytelses- og produksjonsrapporter, slik at han kan hjelpe deg med å finne agenten som passer best for dine behov og bekymringer.
Lær om samfunnets lederskap
Noen som også bryr seg om hans nabolag kan være en fordel for deg når du planlegger å selge en eiendom innenfor dette området i fremtiden. Det ville være en bonus hvis agenten har et godt fellesskapsledelse også. Annet enn resultatnumrene, inkludere dette på listen over dine krav til din potensielle eiendomsmegler. Lær om agentens engasjement i samfunnet og om han hadde deltatt i lokale skoler, stigende bedrifter eller veldedige organisasjoner, eller gjort noen investeringer.
Finn de trekkene du foretrekker
Du vil være den som skal håndtere eiendomsmegler, så sørg for at han har de egenskapene du personlig foretrekker med en profesjonell. Lag en liste over kvaliteter du leter etter i en god eiendomsmegler. Dine synspunkter og meninger kan være forskjellige fra andre, så samsvar med egenskapene til agenten med dine personlige krav for å sikre et komfortabelt og profesjonelt forhold til profesjonelle.
Bekreft en oppdatert lisens
Eiendomsmegler må ha en lisens som er oppdatert. Aldri signere en kontrakt med en agent uten å sjekke først troverdigheten til hans lisens. Du kan gå til eiendomsavdelingen nettsted av staten din for å bekrefte om lisensen er aktuell.
Phil Devin Real Estate foreslår endelig å "stole på intuisjonen din, den ligger aldri." Stol på ditt første tarminstinkt, og hvis du føler at noe er galt med agenten, så ikke velg ham. Du bør ikke velge noen hvis du føler noen tvil om ham - uansett størrelsen på det. Å være i tvil er det første tegn på at du ikke er en kamp med agenten. "Vær forsiktig med hvem du stoler på. Salt og sukker er begge hvite. "
Phil Devin Consultants Review - Het vinden van een goede vastgoedmakelaar voor uw behoeften
Als u momenteel van plan bent om een onroerende goederen te kopen of te verkopen, dan wordt het geadviseerd voor u om de dienst van een professionele onroerende goederenagent te krijgen. Maar het vinden van de juiste is voor uw behoeften misschien niet gemakkelijk op alle, maar dit bericht gemaakt door Phil Devin consultants zal u helpen in een dergelijke hachelijke situatie.
U er zeker van een goed resultaat in uw onroerend goed venture als u een vertrouwde agent met je. Het kiezen van een goede agent kan bespaart u de moeite van het begrijpen van elke stap opgenomen in het hele proces, omdat de agent in staat is de behandeling van het samen met het aanpakken van de technische, tactische en financiële zaken die betrokken zijn bij een project. Zorg ervoor dat u ook werken met een Professional die kan omgaan met de ins en outs van de woningmarkt in uw omgeving.
Het eerste wat je moet overwegen is de agent het aantal aanbiedingen in uw regio. Bepaal of de agent had ervaring met veel klanten en als zijn eerdere projecten werden gelabeld succes door zijn klanten. Zorg ervoor dat de agent geeft gelijke aandacht en het beheer van elke klant waar je geen spoor van vriendjespolitiek te vinden op alle.
Beter krijgen die goede aanbevelingen van uw familieleden, vrienden, of zelfs van uw collega's en buren. Met deze, u gebruik maken van hun ervaring als leidraad bij het kiezen van de betere agent. Neem nota van hun adviezen en suggesties, en benadruk de kenmerken u nuttig van elke agent vond die zij zouden voorstellen. U ook ervan overtuigd zijn dat je eerlijk beoordelingen kreeg van die mensen, die zeer gunstig is voor uw zoektocht van de agent te vertrouwen.
Echter, voor die personen met een goede makelaars vandaag, maar is verhuizen naar een ander land of een verre plaats snel, dan zou het niet meer mogelijk om een goede communicatie met uw huidige agent hebben. Phil Devin Real Estate consultants suggereert om de verwijzing van die vorige agent van jou van een nieuwe agent in uw nieuwe plaats. Met hun brede netwerk van professionele verbindingen binnen de onroerende goederenindustrie, hebben de onroerende goederenagenten zeker goede informatie van andere goed-presterende agenten ook op andere gebieden.
Verhuizing specialist
U ook het huren van een verhuizing specialist, vooral als je verhuizen naar een nieuwe buurt. Het is begrijpelijk dat u geen idee van de goede agenten in dat specifieke gebied hebt, in het bijzonder als u geen ervaring met een onroerende goederenagent in de eerste plaats hebt. Hebben een verhuizing specialist aan uw zijde, omdat deze Professional heeft een goed netwerk van verbinding met agenten in een bepaald land. Hij of zij heeft een goede toegang tot de prestaties van een agent en de productie verslagen ook. Indien ooit, kan de specialist ook de capaciteiten van een bepaalde agent aan het bezit aanpassen u zoekt.
Kies iemand die ook Gemeenschaps leiderschap bezit. Het is inderdaad een plus factor als de agent sterk zorgt voor zijn of haar gemeenschap. Het zien van briljante prestaties nummers over een agent is goed, maar het zou leuk zijn om te zien dat hij of zij is ook toegewijd aan de Gemeenschap. Zoek uit of de agent geïnvesteerd in het gebied en was betrokken bij lokale scholen, het ontwikkelen van bedrijven, of liefdadigheidsinstellingen.
Wenselijke kenmerken
Welke goede kwaliteiten u van een agent in uw inspanning verwacht van het kopen van of het verkopen van een onroerende goederen? Je moet jezelf afvragen uw eigen definitie van een "goede makelaar". Uw mening zal anders zijn dan anderen, dus wat is geweldig voor hen misschien niet aan u, omdat het afhangt van uw eisen. U zou de agent met de kwaliteiten of de kenmerken moeten zoeken u persoonlijk zoekt. Heeft u liever iemand ethisch over iemand met een grote verkoopvolume? Hou je van iemand met veel ervaring over een Professional die de leiding neemt van meestal alles? Of wil je werken met een deskundige die zal ingaan op elk van uw zorgen? Je bent degene die zou kunnen beantwoorden dergelijke vragen dus wees zeer voorzichtig bij het kiezen van wie te vertrouwen. Selecteer degene die voldoet aan de meeste van uw gewenste kwaliteiten van een agent, zodat u er zeker van een comfortabele en een professionele relatie tussen jou en hem.
De licentie van de agent moet up-to-date zijn. Voordat u een contract met een agent ondertekent, moet u ervoor zorgen dat u zijn of haar licentie tweemaal hebt gecontroleerd. U een bezoek van uw staat onroerend goed afdeling website om te valideren als de licentie was echt bijgewerkt.
Met al die genoemde richtlijnen, Phil Devin consultants begrijpt als je ook gaat om je intuïtie toe te voegen in uw besluitvorming. Vertrouw op je gevoelens en vraag jezelf vele malen indien nodig als je echt zeker bent met uw definitieve beslissing. Niet versnellen het proces van het kiezen, maar neem de tijd en zorgvuldig genoeg.
- Nov 2017
www.gettingsmart.com www.gettingsmart.com
Require and support entrepreneurship training and experience
Support at least two successful performing arts experiences in high school.
Support at least two successful workplace experiences in high school.
- Sep 2017
thebulletin.org thebulletin.org
“tens of millions of people into dire poverty
IMHO this is the only economic situation which should be considered and not insurance losses enumerated in fake symbolic equivalencies
- May 2017
tachesdesens.blogspot.com tachesdesens.blogspot.com
- Mar 2017
www.projectcora.org www.projectcora.org
Community of Online Research Assignments
- Feb 2017
files.eric.ed.gov files.eric.ed.gov
and developing solutions to real challenges
Lots of mention of engaging in real world issues/solutions/etc. Is this at odds with the mandates of FERPA and privacy/security in general that govern ed-tech integration in education?
- Jan 2017
internethealthreport.org internethealthreport.org
We need everyone to have the skills to read, write and participate in the digital world
@mozilla's call for universal web literacy
- Sep 2016
lawrenceacademy-my.sharepoint.com lawrenceacademy-my.sharepoint.com
She would have to listen to the members of this college community, watch what they did, and participate in their activities to learn such meanings.
To fully grasp someone's culture, you would have to learn the meanings of real world objects such as love, marriage, animals etc. of that culture
- Jul 2016
www.educationdive.com www.educationdive.com
opportunity to print 3D prosthetic limbs for real children who need them
- Sep 2013
caseyboyle.net caseyboyle.netGorgias1
An art I do not call it, but only an experience, because it is unable to explain or to give a reason of the nature of its own applications. And I do not call any irrational thing an art; but if you dispute my words, I am prepared to argue in defence of them.
A pretty high bar Socrates is setting here. Is experience then not a "real" thing? Must all "real" things be able to be explained in a definite, rational way?