134 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
    1. I've been a UK resident for over 70 years, have two degrees from a very well known university, and find both zeros and zeroes quite acceptable as the plural form. So our perceptions are different. Do we toss a coin, or see who can shout the louder? ... Dictionaries are less open to subjective bias than individuals because of the averaging effect of carefully controlled large surveys (and acceptability is usage driven). It's good to realise that personal preferences may not be the best basis for judging correctness.
  2. Jul 2024
    1. Presidential campaigns increasingly are conducted as performances before a sympathetic audience, one that is invited to watch and listen but not to question or respond.

      broadly true, especially for Donald J. Trump

  3. Jun 2024
  4. May 2024
    1. Holacracy is a system of corporate governance whereby members of a team or business form distinct, autonomous, yet symbiotic, teams to accomplish tasks and company goals. The concept of a corporate hierarchy is discarded in favor of a fluid organizational structure where employees have the ability to make key decisions within their own area of authority.
  5. Mar 2024
    1. I find it ridiculous that we spend energy on debating whether an alternate spelling is "correct" - real people, not English professors and dictionary authorities, are the authorities on English-as-used, and will ultimately make the distinction irrelevant.

      Point: there is no "authority" on which spelling is correct, because normal people using the language are the ones who decide

  6. Feb 2024
    1. accepting an answer doesn't mean it is the best one. For me it is interesting how argumentation of some users is reduced to "Hey, the editor has 5000+ edits. Do not ever think that a particular edit was wrong."
  7. Dec 2023
    1. Now consider the World Encyclopedia from the point of view of the ordinary educated citizen—and I suppose in a really modernized state the ordinary citizen will be an educated one. From his perspective the World Encyclopedia would be

      The problem is that the material of such a World Encyclopedia would need to be believed as truth. Many in 2023 certainly don't believe in science, much less "truth". Its a complicated issue of identity, mass movements, and belief systems. Something which might be teased apart by cultural anthropologists?

    2. Some of the general problem here is that "authority" is different for everyone.

  8. Oct 2023
    1. New words, and new senses and uses of words, are not sanctioned or rejected by the authority of any single body: they arise through regular use and, once established, are recorded in dictionaries and grammars.
  9. Aug 2023
  10. Jul 2023
    1. Beim Treffen des Rats der Internationalen Meeresbodenbehörde kam es nicht zu einer Einigung über den Tiefsssebergbau. Einige Staaten, darunter Deutschland, wollen ein Moratorium durcchsetzen, haben damit aber weinig Aussicht auf Erfolg. Viele Firmen wollen in der Tiefsee Mineralien gewinnen, die für die Produktion erneuerbarer Energien verweendet werden können. Tiefseebergbau würde die Biodiversität in größtenteils unerforschten Ökosystemen enorm schädigen. https://taz.de/Bergbau-auf-dem-Meeresboden/!5946114/

  11. Jun 2023
    1. While the progressives think of education involving discovery and play, theformalists say that to put the emphasis on discovery is to ignore the tapestry ofestablished ideas, rules, and traditions that have been handed down to us fromcountless earlier generations.
  12. Nov 2022
  13. Aug 2022
    1. The special considerations which enter into the determina-tlon of the credibility of historical statements are discussed,with considerable fullness, in Hereford B. George, Histori-aal evidence, Oxford, 1909; Allen Johnson, Hhtorian andhistorical evidence, New York, 1926; and Charles G. Crump,Hwtory and historical reeearch, London, 1928. The studentwill receive some aid in handltng the roblems of conflictingauthorities by using Frederic Doncalf and August C. Krey,Parallel source p r o b l e m in medieval history, New York andLondon, 1912 [Harper‘s parallel aource problems], or one ofthe other volumes in the same series.

      These look fascinating, but alas for another day.

  14. Jul 2022
    1. Prof. Barkai: "In light of previous studies, our team proposed an original hypothesis that links the two questions: We think that large animals went extinct due to overhunting by humans, and that the change in diet and the need to hunt progressively smaller animals may have propelled the changes in humankind. In this study we tested our hypotheses in light of data from excavations in the Southern Levant covering several human species over a period of 1.5 million years." Jacob Dembitzer adds: "We considered the Southern Levant (Israel, the Palestinian Authority, Southwest Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon) to be an 'archaeological laboratory' due to the density and continuity of prehistoric findings covering such a long period of time over a relatively small area -- a unique database unavailable anywhere else in the world. Excavations, which began 150 years ago, have produced evidence for the presence of humans, beginning with Homo erectus who arrived 1.5 million years ago, through the neandertals who lived here from an unknown time until they disappeared about 45,000 years ago, to modern humans (namely, ourselves) who came from Africa in several waves, starting around 180,000 years ago."

      The different hominin species studied in this well defined, archeologically rich region were Homo Erectus, Neandertals and Modern Humans..

  15. Jun 2022
    1. But systems of schooling and educational institutions–and much of online learning– are organized in ways that deny their voices matter. My role is to resist those systems and structures to reclaim the spaces of teaching and learning as voice affirming. Voice amplifying.

      Modeling annotation and note taking can allow students to see that their voices matter in conversation with the "greats" of knowledge. We can and should question authority. Even if one's internal voice questions as one reads, that might be enough, but modeling active reading and note taking can better underline and empower these modes of thought.

      There are certainly currents within American culture that we can and should question authority.

      Sadly some parts of conservative American culture are reverting back to paternalized power structures of "do as I say and not as I do" which leads to hypocrisy and erosion of society.

      Education can be used as a means of overcoming this, though it requires preventing the conservative right from eroding this away from the inside by removing books and certain thought from the education process that prevents this. Extreme examples of this are Warren Jeff's control of religion, education, and social life within his Mormon sect.

      Link to: - Lawrence Principe examples of the power establishment in Western classical education being questioned. Aristotle wasn't always right. The entire history of Western science is about questioning the status quo. (How can we center this practice not only in science, but within the humanities?)

      My evolving definition of active reading now explicitly includes the ideas of annotating the text, having a direct written conversation with it, questioning it, and expanding upon it. I'm not sure I may have included some or all of these in it before. This is what "reading with a pen in hand" (or digital annotation tool) should entail. What other pieces am I missing here which might also be included?

    1. Think about the last time you were the only person in aroom who remembered a salient fact. What did that do for your credibility at thatprecise moment? Memory has that power.



  16. Apr 2022
    1. In this way the pressures of the multitude and diversity of authorita-tive opinion, already articulated in the previous century by Peter Abelard (1079–1142), were heightened by the development of reference books, from indexes and concordances that made originalia searchable and to the large compilations that excerpted and summarized from diverse sources.

      Prior to the flourishing of reference materials, Peter Abelard (1079-1142) had articulated the idea of "the multitude and diversity of authoritative opinion" to be found in available material. How was one to decide which authority to believe in a time before the scientific method?

      link to https://hypothes.is/a/oMSaKLb2EeyXOE_0Yh1Chw

    2. Even if the Speculum was copied only in parts, Vincent of Beauvais exposed the reader to multiple opinions on any topic he discussed. Neither the concordance nor the encyclo-pedic compendium resolved the textual difficulties or contradictions that they helped bring to light. Vincent explicitly left to the reader the task of reaching a final conclusion amid the diversity of authoritative opinions that might exist on a question: “I am not unaware of the fact that philosophers have said many contradictory things, especially about the nature of things. . . . I warn the reader, lest he perhaps be horrified, if he finds some contradictions of this kind among the names of diverse authors in many places of this work, especially since I have acted in this work not as an author, but as an excerptor, that I did not try to reduce the sayings of the philosophers to agreement but report what each said or wrote on each thing; leaving to the judgment of the reader to decide which opinion to prefer.”161

      Interesting that Vincent of Beauvais indicates that there were discrepancies between the authors, but leaves it up to the reader to decide for themself.

      What would the reader do in these cases in a culture before the scientific method and the coming scientific revolutions? Does this statement prefigure the beginning of a cultural shift?

      Are there other examples of (earlier) writers encouraging the the comparison of two different excerpts from "expert" or authoritative sources to determine which should have precedence?

      What other methods would have encouraged this sort of behavior?

    3. The earliest medieval florilegium is probably the Liber scintillarum composed by Defensor of Ligugé at the end of the seventh century, which arranged extracts under topical chapters in descending order of the authority of their sources—Gospels first, then St. Paul and other apostles, other books of the Bible, and the doctors of the church.103

      Liber scintillarum (The Book of Sparks) composed by Defensor of Ligugé from the end of the seventh century may be one of the earliest medieval florilegium. Its excerpts are arranged under topical chapters in descending order of the authority of their sources beginning with the Gospels, St. Paul, the other apostles, other books of the Bible, and finally the doctors of the church.

      Cross reference: 103. Rouse and Rouse (1982), 167.

      What manuscript composed by Defensor of Ligugé from the end of the seventh century may be one of the earliest medieval florilegium? :: Liber scintillarum

      The seventh century florilegium Liber scintillarum was composed by whom? :: Defensor of Ligugé

  17. Feb 2022
    1. This is accomplished through the use of a certification authority (CA). CAs perform real-world due diligence to ensure credentials are only issued to actors who are whom they claim to be.

      TODO: See if this is a top-down certificate authority, as in the HTTPS domain where browsers embed lists of trusted CAs.

  18. Jan 2022
    1. As NewsPunch wrote just yesterday, “Democrats File New Bill Authorizing ‘Strike Force’ to Imprison Unjabbed Families: ‘Our Internment Camps Are Ready’”

      False authority, second-hand evidence: According to Wikipedia, "NewsPunch is a Los Angeles-based fake news website known for spreading conspiracy theories, political misinformation, and hoaxes,". NewsPunch is definitely not a reliable source to cite.

    2. I covered this in great detail in a Situation Update podcast entitled, “Situation Update, Sep 21, 2021 – Washington State hiring “strike teams” for COVID quarantine camps.” It is available here

      First-hand evidence, false authority: Mike Adams cites a podcast ...made by Mike Adams.

    3. Check the fictional novel series “299 Days” by Glen Tate for a very accurate depiction of how this is going to go down. (It’s also available on Audible.com as an audio book. I strongly recommend you give this a listen.)

      False authority: Citing a survival-fiction novel in an argument about the government and COVID-19.

    4. Here’s an image of the original job listing:

      False authority and anonymous authority: This image is extracted from Pinterest, a social media site typically used to find home decor and recipes, not to find reliable evidence. When I clicked on the image to see who posted it, there was a pop-up that stated "Sorry! We blocked this link because it may lead to inappropriate content,".

  19. Dec 2021
  20. Oct 2021
    1. A history of FLICC: the 5 techniques of science denial

      Shared by Langdon Roberts on the topic of science denialism and challenging authority.

  21. Aug 2021
    1. annotating this page, it is the hebrew4christians site with the "broken vav" that I repeatedly quote

      for some reason SSN and the SOCSEC; @WALTERGATE @DEFLATEGATE @SCC

      Sacred Consciousness and "the matrix jack" are connecting to llowell and eschatology at this time where we had betterr start fearing god fearing shit because there's no way we are going to bere4shit.

      the Universe is closed; per the Holy of Holies etc @VGA

      on the legatus and the idea that something per az per azrael perun and per adranus links the "blood rite" of being "made" with knowledge that we are in fact a created bride apparently in the midst of a mating cycle.

      CELO, EPT; ANNUIT COEPTUS; "god is with us"


      OLLY, NORTH BY NINTENDO--HEART OF NEC AND I. NAGAMOTO AND SATOSHI'S SEE, OUR RB IN THE BARK IS ... "an entire world reading sche-b-chol, hay LAY LOT .. and believing the display of synchronicity has something to do with the obvious plugging of google or baidu into our matrix jacked "minds"

      think fast--the lack of discussion of elon's version of illustrious "why love lace?" ADA @MFC

  22. Jun 2021
    1. DigiNotar was a Dutch certificate authority owned by VASCO Data Security International, Inc.[1][2] On September 3, 2011, after it had become clear that a security breach had resulted in the fraudulent issuing of certificates, the Dutch government took over operational management of DigiNotar's systems.[3]

      Dutch Certificate Authority gets hacked.

    1. Mike: Not even that, it's just getting with my stepdad. I'd always had trouble listening to male authority, just because I didn't have that at all. So every time he would tell me to do something, I'd get so mad. I just want to punch him in the face. And it sucked, man, because he would always try to tell me stuff—he would do it for my own good.Mike: He would never get out of hand talk to me, but I would always explode on him. I would treat him like the parent that I never had who wanted to be back in my life. So you know you could kind of treat him like however you want? That's how I would treat him. And I just started realizing over time my dad just—this guy really cares about us. He's providing for five kids and still doesn't ask for anything.Mike: It just started growing on me and we started getting along and it started getting better. But yeah, I would not get along with my mom, or my dad at all. And my mom was—I feel like a lot of Mexican women and men, they have something against black folks even if you want to or not. I feel like that's racist too, because my mom would always be like, "Why do you hang out with them? Why do you do this? Why do you do that?"Mike: I'm like, "Because they're cool, man. They're like... I feel like these are my people. They've gone through the same struggles, a lot of the same stuff that happened to them. They would happen to me." So I would always bring them over, and I remember one time my mom got so mad she grabbed an orange and threw it at my friend, but my friend was so tall, he just caught it.Mike: These were kids from Nigeria. They're African—these guys are like, "Whoa." So he caught it and then he just said hi to my mom. My mom was so mad that day, man. I didn't come home for like two or three days just because of that. I got a lot of stories. I'm sorry I get out of track.

      Time in the US, Homelife, Parents/ Step-Parents, Expectations

    1. It comes through as the presumption that all authority figures--teachers, generals, cops, ministers, politicians--are hypocritical buffoons, and that hip jaded coolness is the only way to be.
  23. May 2021
  24. Apr 2021
    1. Οταν δεν συμβαίνει αυτό, όταν δηλαδή οι επιστήμονες αθετούν ή, έστω, παραβλέπουν την αναγκαία μεθοδολογική και διαφωτιστική λειτουργία τους, τότε από ερευνητές της πραγματικότητας μετατρέπονται σε «ειδικούς», που αναλαμβάνουν τον ρόλο -αλλά όχι και την ευθύνη- της επίλυσης διάφορων προβλημάτων τα οποία, ενώ σχετίζονται με την επιστημονική τους αρμοδιότητα, ταυτόχρονα την υπερβαίνουν, λόγω των επιπτώσεων που θα έχουν στη ζωή των ανθρώπων οι «λύσεις» που εισηγούνται.

      "Ειδικοι" != Επιστημονες

  25. Mar 2021
    1. Because annotating a syllabus conveys a message–from day one–that course documents are not static artifacts, that something authored by an instructor is not unwelcoming of feedback, and that student voice is both appreciated and necessary for a shared endeavor.

      This helps to turn the class into a community.

      It also establishes the class as an ongoing conversation of learning with all the participants.

      It sets up the teacher not simply as the unquestionable "sage-on-the-stage" but as a guide through the material.

      If we didn't question our teachers, their ideas, their writings, and learn new things, we could have stopped at Aristotle and everyone would still think the Earth was the center of the universe and that feathers fall as fast as bowling balls.

  26. Feb 2021
    1. While Trailblazer offers you abstraction layers for all aspects of Ruby On Rails, it does not missionize you. Wherever you want, you may fall back to the "Rails Way" with fat models, monolithic controllers, global helpers, etc. This is not a bad thing, but allows you to step-wise introduce Trailblazer's encapsulation in your app without having to rewrite it.
    1. The "authority terms" comprising it are expected to be used outside the library catalog, as metadata in the sources, enabling links to the taxonomy.
  27. Jan 2021
    1. § 3-303. Alteration, amendment, or repeal of charter This charter may be altered, amended, or repealed by the General Assembly whenever the public good shall require.


      State Legislature has ultimate authority

  28. Dec 2020
    1. But something about the comforting rigidity of the process, its seductive notation, but perhaps mostly its connotations of intellectual privilege, has drawn a diverse selection of disciplines to the altar of mathematical reasoning. Indeed, the widespread misappropriation of the language of mathematics in the social and biological sciences has to be one of the great tragedies of our time.

      The deliberate misappropriation of the language of mathematics.

  29. Nov 2020
  30. Oct 2020
    1. To silence circular dependencies warnings for let's say moment library use: // rollup.config.js import path from 'path' const onwarn = warning => { // Silence circular dependency warning for moment package if ( warning.code === 'CIRCULAR_DEPENDENCY' && !warning.importer.indexOf(path.normalize('node_modules/moment/src/lib/')) ) { return } console.warn(`(!) ${warning.message}`) }
  31. Sep 2020
    1. But because it is espoused by so many leading members of the JavaScript community, scrutiny is all too rarely applied.
    2. It’s written by Sindre Sorhus, whose npm profile is enough to make all but the most prolific developer feel wholly inadequate, and so carries with it a degree of authority.
    1. The chaos manager is concerned with the credibility of the organization and ensures that positional authority is aligned with personal authority.  That the people in leadership are the ones people want to follow.  While the Marine Corps has a clear position hierarchy, they have a deep understanding of this idea.  Official authority is a function of rank and position and is bestowed by organization and by law. Personal authority is a function of personal influence and derives from factors such as experience, reputation, skill, character, and personal example. It is bestowed by the other members of the organization.…Official authority provides the power to act but is rarely enough; most effective commanders also possess a high degree of personal authority

      The Marine Corps draws a distinction between positional authority and personal authority.

      Reminds me of lateral leadership.

  32. Aug 2020
  33. Jul 2020
  34. May 2020
    1. What I don't like is how they've killed so many useful extensions without any sane method of overriding their decisions.
    2. I know, you don't trust Mozilla but do you also not trust the developer? I absolutely do! That is the whole point of this discussion. Mozilla doesn't trust S3.Translator or jeremiahlee but I do. They blocked page-translator for pedantic reasons. Which is why I want the option to override their decision to specifically install few extensions that I'm okay with.
  35. Apr 2020
    1. This is likely due to the influence of the New York Times, which is notoriously conservative with tech terms. The Times still uses Web site, and many American publications follow suit.
    1. Despite their awarded diplomas in the art of writing, you'd be surprised at how many editors and journalists in the United States make English mistakes. For instance, "an" is still often coupled with words that begin with an "H" sound, even though this is improper. I'd advise against treating material from news sources as if it were error-free or even a higher authority on grammar.
  36. Mar 2020
    1. Police powers of the states are an expression of civil authority, i.e., the state's ability to control, regulate, or prohibit non-criminal behavior.6 Health officials may use these powers to compel treatment, prohibit or direct a particular conduct, or detain and isolate in a quasi-criminal nature
  37. Sep 2019
    1. Think of someone, either a person you have known or a national or historical figure, whom you regard as a charismatic leader. What is it about this person that makes her or him charismatic? Why is rational-legal authority generally more stable than charismatic authority?

      Please respond to these two questions. Please use the assigned reading to build up and substantiate your views and analysis.

  38. Feb 2019
    1. Is the freedom of the individual served by neoliberalism? Centrality of the state for this freedom, which NL denies. “neoliberal thinkers deliberately sustain the fiction that ‘the market economy’ is a natural and spontaneous order that must be placed beyond politics … The question of how authority can be something other than domination and private power shaped the ideas and action of those who built the tradition of constitutional democracy in western societies from the 16th to the 20th centuries … basic needs were those that had to be met before the individual could practically enact the status of a free subject or person. It was such needs provision that made it possible for individuals to be both personally secure and to enjoy an equality of opportunity to develop as individuals free to discover their talents and gifts … the representation of market society as a spontaneous order is pitched to the punters while, within the tent of the doctrine’s initiates, it is fully understood that the state has to be both a strong state, and to be re-engineered in order to impose neoliberal institutional design.” YeatmanFreedom.pdf
  39. Jan 2019
    1. 项目参与者报告称,通过应用区块链技术,可确保地籍数据更高的透明度,并可在房地产登记期间避免未经授权的变更。此外,参与者一致认为,通过区块链技术创建单一登记处的所有好处将对乌兹别克斯坦的投资环境产生积极影响。

      <big>评:</big><br/><br/>如果没有区块链的加持,公权力是否会想到采用类似分布式技术等颇为 geek 的手段来维护现有体系?就算这只是个早晚会实现的时间问题,那民众也应该保留不停追问的权利。要知道,公权力与 geek 在精神上互为对立——回顾一下当年快播王欣案上公诉方那贻笑大方的审问吧——「(针对媒体类大文件的分布式存储)你为什么要粉碎文件?你到底有何企图?」<br/><br/>同样令密码学社群捉摸不透的企图是,区块链确权被运用在现实资产上。高度透明、单一登记,这与现在的互联网秩序在目标上又有何区别?真可谓理想主义者的又一次溃败。

  40. Sep 2018
    1. but where there is no certainty and there is room for doubt, our confidence is absolute

      The power of Authority, ethos. Think, Sacha Baron Cohen.

  41. Aug 2018
    1. At the very same time, I go back to being completely convinced that these were legitimate I.D.F. special forces soldiers that had trained with these techniques or had actually used them.
    2. The way it was explained to me is that there was a group of Israeli special forces soldiers that were going around the United States shooting a show for Israeli television about terrorism and how Americans defend themselves.

      Rhetorical Authority.

    3. Authority

  42. Jul 2018
    1. Upon receipt of notification, the Authority shall determine whether such breach should be reported by the data fiduciaryto the data principal, taking into account the severity of the harm that may be caused to such data principal or whether some action is required on the part of the data principal to mitigate suchharm.

      This means that users aren't always informed about a breach of data. That's the prerogative of the Data Protection Authority, and not mandatory, in the interest of the user.

  43. Mar 2018
    1. argument from authority (e.g., President Richard Nixon should be re-elected because he has a secret plan to end the war in Southeast Asia — but because it was secret, there was no way for the electorate to evaluate it on its merits; the argument amounted to trusting him because he was President: a mistake, as it turned out)

      Everytime I hear Trump say "trust me", I think of this.

  44. Sep 2017
    1. In conformity with the principles of our constitution

      As evident from both the past and present, the University of Virginia values adherence to the Constitution. The subsequent portion of this sentence elucidates the reasoning for Thomas Jefferson's vision of the Rotunda (a library) as the epicenter of campus, rather than a Chapel. UVa's respect for the separation between church and state epitomizes one of the many successes that come from "conformity with the principles of our constitution." However, in my eyes, there are negatives to an absolute adherence to this rule. Supporting outlook of judicial activism, I believe the ideals presented in the Constitution should accomodate situational context. On August 11, when neo-nazi's stormed our campus, the principles of freedom of speech and right to assemble were abused. Cleary, this illuminates a detriment to our undying loyalty to the Constitution.

    2. we have proposed no professor of Divinity;

      This segment of the report is an affirmation of the rejection of a national religion in the constitution. The University is choosing to not have an official religion and placing the issue of religion in the department of ethics. This is representative of Jefferson's views on the relationship between religion and the state. Although religion is discussed in the declaration of independence, Jefferson did not want to include it.

      This represents a shift towards a more rationalist style of education by placing the authority of education in the hands of humans instead of God. Instead of being based on faith and belief, education would focus more on logic and facts.

  45. Apr 2017
    1. This is backed up by NewScientist.com:

      adding quotation for further strengthening of claim and support

    2. However, there’s a stark contrast between measles and chickenpox as Redditor kgt5003 eloquently explains in a discussion about ancient Egyptians and the measles.

      bring up evidence from scientific source with precise quotation to make solid claim

  46. Feb 2017
    1. Mattingly has shown, Willard and the temperance women who followed her lead also made heavy use of tmditional cultuml references, especially to the Bible and American history, to identify their reforms with accepted values.

      Appealing to higher authority... good move.

    1. including William Lloyd Garrison, who could testify to her good works from her activist days in Boston to the present.

      Historically, this sort of testimony was fairly common as a preface to the writing of women and people of color. Such testimonies from (white, wealthy, well-connected) men would sometimes appear prior to the text itself to convince the reader that the author was worth taking seriously, since women and people of color were not considered worth of consideration on their own merits.

    2. The Spirit of God came before me, and I spake before many
    1. The social evils they attacked were, they claimed, so offensive to God that pious Christian women must speak out, even at risk of social censure.

      This was an excellent logical grasp at authority for women. Since they were expected to be models of morality within the family (though they were denied the authority of the pulpit or even of the home), these women were able to turn that moral authority outward to shine it on social justice issues in the name of God.

  47. Jan 2017
    1. They Write best per haps who do't with the gcn-111.uc..~ so., tile and easy air of Conversation;

      It is interesting that she is claiming that the best writers are excellent, gentle speakers in smaller, private conversations while also declaring that women have no role behind the pulpit. She seems to imply both that women are naturally the best at speaking privately and conversationally, and implying that the best public speakers would be those who conduct themselves similarly, yet she clearly states that women should not speak publicly. There is some strange logical contortionism happening here.

      In previous coursework, I've read feminist theory in which the authors would work within the acceptable framework of what authority women did have in society--typically, this was religious authority (but only as lay people, not religious leaders), or in morality and gentility. Although her declaration that women "have no business with the Pulpit, the Bar or St. Stephens Chapel," perhaps she is merely trying to suggest that gentility (which women are granted by nature) should give women more authority in private relationships, rather than public ones. The argument for private authority was sometimes prioritized over the argument for public authority, with the assumption that if women were treated equally as private citizens, public equality would follow.

      Then again, the rest of this section is very black-and-white (and boring as hell) and does not seem to include any subversive plans to overthrow the patriarchy. So I might be giving her a little too much credit with this addition.

    1. Belinda Cleary For Daily Mail Australia

      Who is this author? Does she have an area of expertise that's related to this story? How would you find out? What is this source and what are its biases? How would you find out?

    2. Leadership consultant Simon Sinek

      Who is Simon Sinek? What is the basis of his authority? What is a "leadership consultant"?

  48. Jun 2016
    1. . It follows then that the machinery of the institution does not grow up to accommodate needs that are independently perceived but that, rather, the institutional machinery comes first and the needs then follow, as do the ways of meeting them. In short, the work to be done is not what the institution responds to but what it create

      On the creative nature of literary criticism

  49. Mar 2016
    1. Greenberg, S. A. (2009). How citation distortions create unfounded authority: Analysis of a citation net-work.British Medical Journal, 339, b2680
  50. Feb 2016
  51. jackymumford.wordpress.com jackymumford.wordpress.com
    1. education

      If you can, you might share some of your pre-ed work experience. This often conveys seriousness and valuable experience coming into the classroom.

  52. sharigulam.weebly.com sharigulam.weebly.com
    1. Experience

      You have had a lot of experience for a sophomore! For all the different age groups you've worked in and block experiences under your belt you might share a focused detail about each one or link to the schools where you've interned to give more depth to these "references."

    2. helping her out

      This connection to your mother is instant credibility! You might list some of the ways you helped her out here (perhaps err on the unexpected or concrete side of things to keep our attention) to make this story stick and begin to establish your authority from a very young age.

  53. jacqgonzalez.wordpress.com jacqgonzalez.wordpress.com
    1. This is a great start. I hear your hopes, your credibility and authority (long past and present line of ELA eds), and your love (quote). Be sure to use the visual affordances of the webtext and consider hyperlinking, even if it's to your favorite author's open online collection or your goodreads feed (just a shot in the dark, but brainstorming here with you).

    1. speech pathology

      Clear, long-term, multi-tiered goals demonstrate your level of focus, intensity, and vision for yourself.

    1. I have been working with students on understanding how to graph information, aspects of 3-Dimensional shapes, and we are now moving on to fractions beginning with halves.

      These images and this caption speak volumes about experience you are getting in the field. They go above and beyond the about page assignment.

  54. rubenaf.weebly.com rubenaf.weebly.com
    1. Living in such a small town there is really not much to do, so to pass time, me and my siblings would play basketball at the one court that my town had just about every night (the days were too hot).

      I have an instant image of this routine in my mind. This is such a quick story and it contributes to your credibility and authority as a physical educator. You've got to display your lifelong learning and identity as a physically active person and you're doing it, concretely and credibly.

    1. 100

      After such a list, thinking a few hyperlinks might have enhanced the webtext, BUT that's also another area of the site to "maintain" and he's writing often, so...probably a wise authorial choice.

    2. TEDxNYED

      Internationally renowned context for public speaking listed first.

    3. named

      Lots of recent honors (past 2-3 years).

    4. writes

      LOTS of popular, widely circulating blogs and online news sites listed here.

    5. He’s also a committed writer, activist, web designer, and father.

      Lots of education related and enhancing identities here, e.g., parenting, web design (ed tech!), social action, etc.. He establishes a lot of authority in and beyond the classroom.

  55. Nov 2015
    1. The commercial port is the second largest municipally-owned port in the UK. It can handle up to 5 million passengers and 0.5m freight units annually and accept vessels up to 175m LOA, 6.5m draft, with no tidal restrictions.

      There are 62 municipal ports in the UK. Most are not commercially significant. The major ones are Portsmouth, Ramsgate, Sunderland and Workington.

  56. Sep 2015
    1. Rabinow links the growth of modem forms of political power with the evolution of aesthetic theories and shows how the

      the quote continues on to discuss how the French showed their superiority through the presence of their architecture

  57. Nov 2013
    1. I do not make evil use of the testimonies of men who can lie, but I establish my argument by the truth-fulness of unwavering, natural usage, the usage, I repeat, which I have been following for so many years with the greatest effort through daily practice and by experience in the subject.

      He is the authority on this subject because of the duration he has spent studying it.

  58. Oct 2013
    1. Gorgias said that you should kill your opponents' earnestness with jesting and their jesting with earnestness;

      This will only work, though, if your audience looks to you as some sort of authority figure - if you don't seem to know what you're talking about, I think that doing what Gorgias suggests would only make you look foolish.

  59. Sep 2013
    1. Does he who teaches anything persuade men of that which he teaches or not?

      This can lead to what we call "The Authority Bias." Saying something is true simply because a person of power, like a teacher, said it was so. "Dr. Cruise from L. Ron Hubbard College University said e-meters really work, so they must."

    1. A considerable amount of aggressiveness must bedeveloped in the child against the authority which prevents him from having his first, but none the less hismost important, satisfactions, whatever the kind of instinctual deprivation that is demanded of him may be;but he is obliged to renounce the satisfaction of this revengeful aggressiveness

      authority turns into superego external object--father conscience arises through suppression of aggressive impulse

    2. First comes renunciation of instinct owing to fear of aggression by the external authority. (This is, ofcourse, what fear of the loss of love amounts to, for love is a protection against this punitive aggression.)After that comes the erection of an internal authority, and renunciation of instinct owing to fear of it - owingto fear of conscience

      In (2) internal authority, bad intentions=bad actions, leads to guilt and punishment

      instinctual renunciation (i.e. renunciation of instinct)--is it the source of conscience?