450 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2016
    1. I, by so doing, provide My Idea with a suitableform for Earthly expression, -- I gave you the power to express Your Self, through a definiteorganism, by means of words

      I have the power to express from the Impersonal Self

    1. evinced


    2. remarkable


    3. Thedata displayedthat it is roughly possible to

      My data suggest that it is possible to qualitatively

    4. normalised tissue

      reference tissue

    5. defined


    6. after


    7. middle top


    8. mentioned


    9. mentioned


    10. terminate


    11. across

      extending across

    12. across

      going across

    13. terminating


    14. across

      going across

    15. provided

      consisted of

    16. distinguished

      made non-redundant

    17. drift


    18. of

      observed for

    19. compare


    20. and splicing

      versus transcription

    21. gene


    22. lab

      group (lab is slang)

    23. mechanisms


    24. paternal


    25. variances


    26. constituting




  2. Jun 2016
    1. Neural Word Embedding Methods
    2. dimension of embedding vectors strongly dependson applications and uses, and is basically determinedbased on the performance and memory space (orcalculation speed) trade-of
  3. May 2016
    1. And so I Spake the Word, and drove You out of the Garden of Eden, and clothed You with a"coat of skin," or, in other words, with flesh, the same as other animals. For now, in order thatYou might enter into the heart of Earth conditions, into the real Earth, the Earth of My Idea, --not the one of your Dream, -- so as to quicken My Idea therein into active life expression, You,My Attribute, had to have an organism and a covering appropriate to the conditions in whichYou were to manifest in your Dream

      Humanity entered the dream of separation so as to manifest a form, an organism to be an active life expression of God....

    2. Expressing what?What else could I express, if I AM All that Is, but My Self?You cannot yet see or comprehend when I inspire you with an Idea.Therefore, if I AM All there is, that Idea, which is direct from Me, must be part of or a phase ofMy Self in Being or Expression.Any Idea, once born within the realm of My Mind, as has been shown, immediately becomes aReality, for in the Eternality of My Being Time is not. With you, however, an Idea first createsDesire, a desire to express that Idea; then Desire compels Thinking, Thinking causes Action, andAction produces Results -- the Idea in actual outer manifestation.In Reality I have no Desire, for I AM All Things, and All Things are of Me. I need only to thinkand Speak the Word to produce results

      God is the very substance of all things............. expressing the very essence of substance........... all expression can only be God..........

    3. In the beginning, at the dawn of a new Cosmic Day, when the Word consciousness was justawakening and the stillness of Cosmic Night yet prevailed, I The THINKER, conceived MyIdea.This My Idea of My Self in manifestation in a new condition, called Earth expression, I sawcompletely pictured in the mirror of My Omniscient Mind. In this mirror I saw the real Earthshining forth brilliantly in the Cosmos, -- a perfect Sphere, where all the Infinite phases,attributes and powers of My Divine Nature were finding perfect expression through the mediumof Angels of Light, living Messengers of My Will, My Word in the Flesh, even as It is in theCelestial World of the Eternal.I saw My Self manifesting outwardly as Nature, and My Life as the vivifying and evolvingPrinciple back of all Manifestation. I saw Love, the Divine Creative Power, as the animating andvitalizing Force back of all Life, and My Desire to give perfect expression to that Love as thePotential and Real Cause and Reason of the birth of My Idea.All this I saw mirrored in My All-seeing and All-knowing Mind, which could see and reflectonly the Soul of things or their Reality. Therefore this that I saw pictured in My Mind was theReal Earth, in fact, its beginning, its conception into Cosmic being

      Gods inspiration .................

    4. This means that all Words, through the regenerative power of My Idea within, shall have evolvedthrough the flesh, transmuting and spiritualizing it and making it so transparent and pure that thepersonality will have nothing more of Earth nature left in it to hinder Impersonal expression,enabling My SELF, therefore, to shine forth perfectly and become fully manifest; thusamalgamating once more all Words and all flesh into One Word, THE WORD, which was in thebeginning, and which then will shine through all created flesh as the SUN OF GLORY, -- TheCHRIST of GOD!This is the plan and purpose of My Creation and of all manifested things.A glimpse of the process of My Creation, or of My Thinking My Idea of My Self into Earthexpression, will be given in what follows
    5. Just so will I develop and unfold all My mediums of expression, which shall finally, unitedly andcompletely picture forth My Idea from out their souls, in all the glory of Its perfection.At present these mediums are of such nature that they require many languages of many types,from the simplest to the most complex, composed of almost an infinite number of Words, toexpress My Idea.But when I shall have completely thought out My Idea, or shall have perfected My manymediums of expression, then shall My Idea shine forth in every Word, each, in fact, being aperfect part or phase of My Idea, all so chosen and arranged that they will really be as one Word,radiating the sublime significance of My Meaning.Then shall all languages have melted, merged, into one language, and all words into One Word;for all mediums shall have become One flesh, the now perfected medium for the completeexpression in One Word of My Idea, -- My SELF.Then shall My SELF, now capable of being expressed by these perfected Words, shine throughIts medium of expression, -- through the personalities, their bodies, minds and intellects; and theWord shall have become flesh, or shall BE the flesh

      I am being fashioned, as is everyone else to be clear conduits for the expression of Substance,the expression of the inspirations of God..............

    6. The Word that was in the beginning and that was with Me was then not only an Idea, but It wasMy Idea of My Self IN EXPRESSION in a new state or condition, which you call Earth life.This Idea was I, My Self, because It was part of Me, being as yet latent and unmanifest withinMe; for It was of the substance and essence of My BE-ing, which is Itself an Idea, the OneOriginal Idea.All things were made by Me by the vitalized action of this, My Idea, being thought and spokeninto expression; and nothing has been or ever can be expressed in Earth life without having MyIdea as the primary and fundamental cause and principle of its being.This, My Idea, therefore, is now in the process of unfoldment or of being thought into outerexpression -- some call it evolution -- just as is the flower when the bud puts forth from the stalkand finally opens into the blossom, obeying the urge to express My Idea hidden within its soul

      The Word in the beginning was God, Substance wanting to express in the inspiration of Earth Life.

      The unfolding expression of Substance is evolution!

    7. You shall learn herein how My Word was in the beginning, how It was with Me, and how It wasI, My Self; how all things were made by Me and by My Word, and that without Me and MyWord was nothing made that now exists.Now, a word to the human understanding is a symbol of an Idea; that is, it stands for, embodies,and represents an Idea.You are a Word, a symbol of an Idea, if you can see it. So is a diamond, a violet, a horse.When you can discern the idea back of the symbol, then you know the soul or the reality of themanifestation appearing as a man, a diamond, a horse, a violet.Hence, a word, as used in the above quotation, means an Idea, an Idea latent and unmanifest,however, waiting to be expressed, or thought and spoken forth, in some form or another

      Word is God, Substance!

      The meaning of the word 'word' in human language is a symbol of an Idea..

      The Word in this context is "an Idea latent and unmanifest, however, waiting to be expressed, or thought and spoken forth, in some form or another."

    8. This is the plan and process of all true thinking, and therefore of all Creation.Listen! You have now and always have had, through this power of thinking, dominion over allthe kingdoms of the Earth. If you but know it. You have now, this moment, only to Think andSPEAK THE WORD, -- realizing your power, and that I, God, your Omniscient, Omnipresent,Omnipotent Self, will bring about the results, -- and the waiting consciousness of the invisiblecells of all matter upon which your will and attention become focused, -- which waitingconsciousness is My consciousness, remember, -- will begin immediately to obey and do exactlyaccording to the image or plans you have prepared by you thinking.For all things are made by the Word, and without the Word was not anything made that wasmade.

      To allow the inspiration to be expressed brings it into manifestation.........

  4. Apr 2016
    1. Weigh and study carefully these words.Rise up and free yourself now and for always from the domination of your personality, with itsself-inflated and self-glorifying mind and intellect.For your mind henceforth must be Your servant, and the intellect Your slave, if My Word is topenetrate to your Soul consciousness.I AM come now to your Soul consciousness, which I have quickened expressly in preparation forthe reception of My Word

      There is a very clear invitation here to 'rise up and free myself' from my perceptions of identifying as the human mind and persona.............. and receive the Word, the Truth.......

    2. 3Now, if you are strong enough to bear it;If you can put aside all your private personal fancies, beliefs and opinions, which are but therubbish you have gathered from the dumping grounds of others;If you are strong enough to cast them all away; --Then My Word will be to you a source of endless Joy and Blessing.Be prepared to have this personality of yours doubt My Word as you read It all along the way;For its very life is threatened, and it knows it cannot live and thrive and longer dominate yourthinking, your feelings, your going and coming, as of old, -- if you take My Word into your heartand permit It there to abide.

      I need to let go of my beliefs about myself and the world that I have taken on from what has been role modelled to me through my human life....

      And to realise that the part of me that has believed other than what is Truth may be resistant to the message in this text.

      The invitation extends to taking the Word within my heart and to abide, be with it and it will become a source of joy and blessing...

    3. I, the I AM of you, bring to you this My Message, My living Word, as I have brought to youeverything in life, be it book or "Master" to teach you that I and I alone, your own True Self, AMThe Teacher for you, the only Teacher and the only God, Who is and always has been providingyou not only with the Bread and Wine of Life, but with all things needed for your physical,mental and spiritual growth and sustenance.Therefore that which appeals to YOU, as you read, is MY Message, spoken to your outer humanconsciousness from within, and is but a confirmation of that which the I AM of you always knewwithin, but had not yet translated in definite, tangible terms to your outer consciousness.Likewise, all that ever appealed to You, coming from some outward expression, was but theconfirmation of My Word already spoken within. The outward expression was the avenue ormeans I chose at the time through which to reach and impress your human or self consciousness.I AM not your human mind, nor its child, the intellect. They are but the expression of yourBeing, as you are the expression of My Being; they are but phases of your human personality, asYou are a phase of My Divine Impersonality

      Even when I have been attracted to things perceivably outside of me, it really comes from within appearing in a way that I may pay attention to it until I go within.......

      The True Self is not my human mind or the intellect, they are the 'expression of my Being' and I AM an expression of Gods Being.

      I AM not the human personality, rather an aspect of Gods Divine IMpersonality.

    4. 2Listen!I AM You, that part of you who IS and KNOWS;WHO KNOWS ALL THINGS,And always knew, and always was.Yes, I AM You, Your SELF; that part of you who says I AM and is I AM;That transcendent, innermost part of you which quickens within as you read, which responds tothis My Word, which perceives Its Truth, which recognizes all Truth and discards all errorwherever found. Not that part which has been feeding on error all these years.For I AM your real Teacher, the only real one you will ever know, and the only MASTER;I, your Divine SELF

      The message shares immediately that my True Self is my teacher

  5. Jan 2016
  6. Dec 2015
  7. Oct 2015
    1. perspicacity

      Perspicacity is a penetrating discernment—a clarity of vision or intellect which provides a deep understanding and insight.

      Wiktionary Definition

      Pronunciation on Youtube

  8. Aug 2015
    1. geodesic

      adjective. "of, relating to, or denoting the shortest possible line between two points on a sphere or other curved surface". via Google

  9. Apr 2015
  10. Dec 2014
  11. Apr 2014
  12. Nov 2013
  13. Sep 2013
    1. GORGIAS: What is there greater than the word which persuades the judges in the courts, or the senators in the council, or the citizens in the assembly, or at any other political meeting?—if you have the power of uttering this word, you will have the physician your slave, and the trainer your slave, and the money-maker of whom you talk will be found to gather treasures, not for himself, but for you who are able to speak and to persuade the multitude.

      Rhetoric can give freedom and create slavery, give power and wealth.