3,620 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2021
    1. What Elon Musk has accomplished with Tesla goes beyond good and bad company numbers. Electric cars used to be associated with moderation bordering on self-denial. With the Model S, Musk has given us an electric car that looks like the luxury car that it is… and is a blast to drive (I know, my spouse lets me drive hers). As an impolitic Valley wag once said: Before Tesla, e-cars were for vegetarians; Musk made an electrifying chariot for carnivores.

      Elon Musk 和 Tesla 的成就,其实已经超越了「卖得好不好」的层次。过去,电动车在各种妥协之下,只能算是「勉强可用」的替代产品,但在 Tesla Model S 问世之后,不仅证明了电动车也可以豪华,而且开起来还很过瘾。就像某位硅谷人士说的:在 Tesla 之前,电动车都只能算是吃素的,但 Tesla 却是不折不扣的电动肉食野兽。

    2. Jean-Louis Gassée

      Jean-Louis Gassée,法国巴黎人,曾于 1980 年代担任 Apple 欧洲营运负责人、以及 Mac 电脑开发主管;之后创立 Be 公司,旗下产品 BeOS 曾传出将为 Apple 所并购,并成为后来的 Mac OS X,但后来并未实现。之后亦曾任职于 PalmSource,目前为 Allegis Capital 投资公司合伙人。

    1. NexusFont 是 Windows 下一款轻量好用的字体管理器。

      NexusFont 不但能快速预览自定义的文本,还可以给字体打上 tag 进行分类,极大地提高了工作效率。




    1. PaperWeekly 每周会分享 N 篇当下最流行、最有趣的自然语言处理、机器学习、深度学习主题相关的研究论文,旨在用最精炼的话说明白 Paper 的贡献和创新。

    1. Techmeme 是一个科技新闻聚合器,文章主要来自各大新闻站点和博客,跟 Google 一样,它分析新闻的重要程度,给予不同新闻不同的权重。这让实时掌握科技行业最新动态这件事变得更加简单。

  2. www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
    1. Vsauce 是一个由麦可·史蒂文斯创建的 YouTube 科普频道。主要拍摄关于游戏,科技,文化,以及人们普遍关心的议题的视频。

    1. The Economist Espresso 是经济学人推出的新闻晨报服务。每天早晨推送 5 篇精华文章供你阅读,犹如清晨咖啡一般,让你习惯自然享用。

    1. 美国梅奥诊所(MayoClinic)虽被称为诊所,但实际上是一所拥有悠久历史的综合医学中心,是世界第一个和最大的综合、私立非营利性医疗机构,是世界医疗领域当之无愧的医疗体系品牌。健康知识查询梅奥诊所官网就可以了。

    1. 一个能让所有人学做任何事的平台。wikiHow 通过共同协作的模式建立全球最实用的百科指南。与维基百科类似,wikiHow 也采用了 wiki 技术,所有人都可以创建或编辑文章中的内容。成千上万来自全球的共同协作者们已经编写了超过 16 万篇指南。

    1. 一个以可视化图表呈现信息的网站。专注于以最少的文字,用漂亮、有趣,尤其是可视化的图表、信息图来提炼许多数据、知识、信息。

    1. 一个邮件订阅服务, 通过 Wikimedia Tool Labs 检索每周更新条目, 利用 MailChimp 每周五通过邮件推送上一周被编辑和讨论次数最多的 Wikipedia 条目列表。内容包括:过去一周 20 大热门条目、过去一周新建的 10 条最活跃条目、过去一周最活跃的讨论以及过去一周 Wikipedia 被编辑的次数统计。

    1. 建筑网站,帮助建筑师了解目前最新领域的要闻、项目、竞赛等其他信息。网站使命是在下一个 40 年里,为这些建筑师提供无数灵感、知识和工具——他们为将进入城市生活的下一批 30 亿人提升生活品质。

    1. Andreessen says that Joseph P. Kennedy Presents, which chronicles the banker's time as a Hollywood movie mogul, is one of his favorite books, and he calls Kennedy "the one who wasn't like the others." That sums up Kennedy, and it sums up Andreessen too. Both were outsiders (Kennedy an Irish Catholic Bostonian among Jewish immigrant traders from New York, Andreessen a computer nerd among financiers). "He's someone who looks at society and says interesting things," García Martínez says of Andreessen, "which is unlike most VCs, who are total followers and don’t have much interesting to say about the world."



    2. The title of David Thompson's 2006 Hollywood history, The Whole Equation, is a nod to an oft-quoted passage about Hollywood in F. Scott Fitzgerald's unfinished novel The Last Tycoon. "It can be understood," it reads, "but only dimly and in flashes. Not half a dozen men have ever been able to keep the whole equation of pictures in their heads."

      《完整公式》(The Whole Equation)是大卫·汤普森(David Thompson)在2006年出版的好莱坞史记,其书名致敬了弗朗西斯·斯科特·菲茨杰拉德(F. Scott Fitzgerald)未完成小说《最后的大亨》(The Last Tycoon)中的一段话,人们在谈论好莱坞时经常引用这段话。


    3. This is how Silicon Valley works too. It makes stars, shaping their origin stories into legends like the one about Lana Turner and Schwab’s Drugstore.


    4. Later, as she rose to fame at MGM, the star machine didn't just change her name and her clothes and her voice. It remade her story. She wasn’t Julia Jean Mildred Francis. She was Lana. She wasn't discovered at Currie’s drinking a Coke. She was discovered at Schwab's Drugstore drinking a chocolate malted, because that sounded better. The studios were shameless about spinning things their way, and the press was shameless about spinning things the same way to keep on the good side of the studios.




    5. Old Hollywood, writes Jeanine Basinger in The Star Machine, another book in the Andreessen lobby, was a factory that built illusions. It transformed ordinary men and women into "the gods and goddesses known as a movie stars." Take Julia Jean Mildred Frances Turner. Born in an Idaho mining town, she landed a Hollywood agent after the editor of The Hollywood Reporter spotted her drinking a Coke in Currie’s Candy and Cigar Store, across the street from Hollywood High School.

      旧好莱坞是一个制造梦幻的工厂,珍妮·贝辛格(Jeanine Basinger)在《造星机器》(The Star Machine)中这样写道,这也是摆在安德森大厅里的一本书。


      就拿朱莉娅·简·米尔德里德·弗朗西丝·特纳(Julia Jean Mildred Frances Turner,艺名:拉娜·特纳)来说,她出生在爱达荷州的一个矿业小镇,有一次在好莱坞高中街对面的Currie’s杂货店喝可乐时被《好莱坞记者报》(The Hollywood Reporter)的编辑发现,之后在好莱坞找到了一位经纪人。

    6. The story of early Hollywood is very much the story of Silicon Valley, full of innovators fleeing the old rules in search of the new.


    7. Who the Devil Made It—an oral history of Hollywood collected by the director and film historian Peter Bogdanovich—begins in the days of the Patents Company. Allan Dwan, who started making movies in the 1910s, tells Bogdanovich that as independent filmmakers moved west, the Patents Company hired strongmen to enforce its patents. Dwan remembers snipers climbing trees overlooking movie sets and taking shots at the cameras they deemed illegal. He would film as far as he could from the railroad stops, so he and his crew were harder to find.

      《到底谁拍的?》(Who the Devil Made It)是由导演兼电影史学家彼得·博格达诺维奇(Peter Bogdanovich)收集整理的好莱坞口述历史,它的开篇正是电影专利公司横行的时期。

      亚伦·德万(Allan Dwan)从1910年代开始拍摄电影,他告诉博格达诺维奇,随着独立影人向西海岸迁移,电影专利公司开始招募打手来确保专利案判决的执行。


    8. The lobby also offers myriad books on computer programming and the Silicon Valley ethos, like John Markoff’s What the Dormouse Said and Clayton Christensen’s The Innovator’s Dilemma.

      大厅里也有很多关于计算机编程和硅谷精神的书籍,比如约翰·马科夫(John Markoff)的《睡鼠说》(What the Dormouse Said)以及克莱顿·克里斯坦森(Clayton Christensen)的《创新者的窘境》(The Innovator’s Dilemma)。

    9. Silicon Valley’s Secrets Are Hiding in Marc Andreessen’s Library
    1. 《完整公式》(The Whole Equation)是大卫·汤普森(David Thompson)在2006年出版的好莱坞史记,其书名致敬了弗朗西斯·斯科特·菲茨杰拉德(F. Scott Fitzgerald)未完成小说《最后的大亨》(The Last Tycoon)中的一段话,人们在谈论好莱坞时经常引用这段话。


    1. 旧好莱坞是一个制造梦幻的工厂,珍妮·贝辛格(Jeanine Basinger)在《造星机器》(The Star Machine)中这样写道。


      就拿朱莉娅·简·米尔德里德·弗朗西丝·特纳(Julia Jean Mildred Frances Turner,艺名:拉娜·特纳)来说,她出生在爱达荷州的一个矿业小镇,有一次在好莱坞高中街对面的Currie’s杂货店喝可乐时被《好莱坞记者报》(The Hollywood Reporter)的编辑发现,之后在好莱坞找到了一位经纪人。




    1. 《到底谁拍的?》(Who the Devil Made It)是由导演兼电影史学家彼得·博格达诺维奇(Peter Bogdanovich)收集整理的好莱坞口述历史,它的开篇正是电影专利公司横行的时期。

      亚伦·德万(Allan Dwan)从1910年代开始拍摄电影,他告诉博格达诺维奇,随着独立影人向西海岸迁移,电影专利公司开始招募打手来确保专利案判决的执行。


    1. The First Person to Hack the iPhone Built a Self-Driving Car. In His Garage
    2. Hotz started the autonomous car work because he sees it as Step 1 in the revolution. Transportation is an area where AI can have a massive impact. He hopes to take his technology to retail next, building systems that provide flawless self-checkout at stores. His desire to have AI take over so many jobs stems partly from a near-religious belief in the power and ultimate purpose of technology. “Technology isn’t good or bad,” he says. “There are upsides like nuclear power and downsides like nuclear bombs. Technology is what we make of it. There’s a chance that AI might kill us all, but what we know is that if you’re on the other side of technology, you lose. Betting on technology is always the correct bet.”

      霍茨制造自动驾驶汽车,因为这是他所说的革命的第一步。交通是人工智能可以产生巨大影响的一个领域。他希望下一步能将他的技术推广到零售领域,打造相应的系统,可以在商店实现零瑕疵的自助结账。他希望让人工智能取代众多工作,这个想法在一定程度上源于他对科技的力量以及终极目标抱有近乎宗教式的信念。“科技本身没有善恶,”他说,“科技有好的方面,比如核能,也有不好的方面,比如核弹。我们让它成为什么样,科技就是怎样的。人工智能也有可能杀死我们所有人,但我们深知,如果站在科技的对面,那你必输无疑。押注科技一直是正确的选 择。”

    3. By the fall of 2012 he was bored with the contests and decided to dive into a new field—AI. He enrolled at Carnegie Mellon University with the hope of attaining a Ph.D. When not attending class, he consumed every major AI research paper and still had time for some fun. At one point, the virtual-reality company Oculus Rift failed to man its booth at a job fair, and Hotz took it over, posing as a recruiter and collecting résumés from his fellow students. None of this was enough to keep him interested. “I did two semesters and got a 4.0 in their hardest classes,” he says. “I met master’s students who were miserable and grinding away so that they might one day earn a bit more at Google. I was shocked at what I saw and what colleges have become. The smartest people I knew were in high school, and I was so let down by the people in college.”

      2012年秋季,他厌倦了比赛,决定研究新的领域——人工智能。他注册了卡内基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University),希望获得博士学位。不上课的时候,他专心阅读了所有重要的人工智能研究论文,不过仍有时间找些乐子。有一次,虚拟现实公司Oculus Rift在一场招聘会上没能找到人照管摊位,霍茨就接手下来,扮作招聘人员接收同学的简历。这些都不足以让他长久保持兴趣。“我上了两个学期,最难的课程成绩是4.0,”他说,“我认识了一些硕士生,他们都挺惨的,刻苦用功,希望有朝一日能进入谷歌,多赚点儿钱。我看到的那些情形以及大学现在的样子令我极其吃惊。我认识那些最聪明的人都是在高中的时候,大学这些人太让我失望。”

    1. A short time later I slip into the back of a two-story amphitheater where Zuckerberg, dressed in a dark suit and a tie, has come to make the case that the Internet should be considered, like health care or clean water, a basic human right. He sees this as the most critical social endeavor of our time. Zuckerberg believes peer-to-peer communications will be responsible for redistributing global power, making it possible for any individual to access and share information. People could tap into government services, determine crop prices, get health care. A kid in India—Zuckerberg loves this hypothetical about a kid in India—could potentially go online and learn all of math. “It’s the underpinning for helping people get into the modern economy,” he says. “Ten years from now, we should not have to look back and accept there are people who don’t have access to that.”


    2. Inside Facebook’s Ambitious Plan to Connect the Whole World
    1. So the bottom line is that the Internet as we know it was indeed born as a government project. In fact, without ARPA and Bob Taylor, it could not have come into existence. Private enterprise had no interest in something so visionary and complex, with questionable commercial opportunities. Indeed, the private corporation that then owned monopoly control over America’s communications network, AT&T;, fought tooth and nail against the ARPANet. Luckily for us, a far-sighted government agency prevailed.


    2. And while I’m gratified in a sense that he cites my book about Xerox PARC, “Dealers of Lightning,” to support his case,

      为了支持其论点,克罗维茨引用了我所撰写书籍《闪电商人》(Dealers of Lightning)有关施乐(Xerox)PARC研究中心的内容。

    3. So, who really did invent the Internet?
    1. Wyler’s gamble is to place O3b’s satellites in what’s known as a medium-earth orbit, which is about 5,000 miles into space. At that distance, data can travel up and back in about 150 milliseconds, a performance comparable to fiber-optic cable. There’s a trade-off: The lower the satellite, the less earth it can see. So O3b is putting up an unusually large number of satellites, 12 so far, with more to come. The cost to launch four satellites—each the size of a large restaurant-grade refrigerator—runs about $300 million, and the company has raised more than $1.3 billion to date from the likes of Google, HSBC, and SES, one of the world’s largest satellite operators.


    2. The New Space Race: One Man's Mission to Build a Galactic Internet
    1. Integrating information flow between varying types of devices from a wide range of global manufacturers with proprietary data and technologies Performing analytics and management of the physical objects and low-level events to detect signals and predict impact Orchestrating those signals and objects to fulfill complex events or end-to-end business processes Securing and monitoring the entire system of devices, connectivity, and information exchange
      1. 整合世界范围内不同制造商采用专利数据和技术制造的不同类型的设备之间的信息流。
      2. 执行实物和底层事件的分析与管理来监测信号预测影响。
      3. 将这些信号和实物组织起来完成复杂事件或端到端的商务过程。
      4. 保护并监测整个系统的设备、链接和信息交互。
    2. Sensors and actuators, including implantables and wearables, that let us capture more data and impressions from more objects in more places, and that affect the environment around them. Ubiquitous computing and hyperconnectivity, which exponentially increase the flow of data between people and devices and among devices themselves. Nanotechnology and nanomaterials, which let us build ever more complex devices at microscopic scale. Artificial intelligence, in which algorithms become increasingly capable of making decisions based on past performance and desired results. Vision as an interface to participate in and control augmented and virtual reality Blockchain technology, which makes all kinds of digital transactions secure, verifiable, and potentially automatic.
      • 传感器和致动器,包括可植入的和可穿戴的,能使我们在更多地方从更多物体上捕获更多数据和印象,并会影响周边环境。
      • 无处不在的计算和超链接,将会指数级地增加人们和设备之间以及设备本身之间的数据流。
      • 纳米技术和纳米材料,会使我们在微观层面建造更多更复杂的设备。
      • 人工智能,基于过去的表现和需求结果,该领域的算法会变得越来越有能力做出决策。
      • 视觉界面,能够参与并控制增强现实和虚拟现实。
      • 区块链技术,能使所有种类的数字交易安全、可验,并有潜力自动化。
    3. Ambient Intelligence: What's Next for The Internet of Things?
    1. “Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information. Robotics gives the company the ability to act on that information on a massive scale. Google already has enormous amounts of information on humans in general (our queries, our locations from Android, our tasks, our likes and dislikes, etc.) and individuals. Put that knowledge together with mobile robots and you’ve got Companion Bots (or Helper Bots).


    2. If you were in charge of Google’s robotics division and you had all those robotics companies at your disposal, what would you do? What kinds of robots would you build and for what markets?


    3. What 17 Prominent Roboticists Think Google Should Do With Its Robots
    1. Scrollytelling transforms a longform story into an interactive experience. Audio and visual content adds a deeper layer of meaning, communicating what can’t be captured with words alone. Scrollytelling rolls out the details of a story in an engaging way to keep people reading. It uses what's great about the web to tell compelling stories.


    1. Consentful technologies are digital applications and spaces that are built with consent at their core, and that support the self-determination of people who use and are affected by these technologies.


  3. aiyprojects.withgoogle.com aiyprojects.withgoogle.com
    1. AIY全称是Artificial Intelligence Yourself,即动手创作你的人工智能。它是一个由Google在2017年启动的项目,目的就是让每个创客(Maker)都可以DIY自己的人工智能产品。


    1. “Machine learning was one of the areas in AI that we thought was kind of most important for everyone to see, which is why that area is required for everyone,” Sahami said. “Through a class like CS 109 that provides an introduction to machine learning, everyone in the CS major will be guaranteed to see at least that level of stuff.” 

      机器学习是 AI 中重要的学习领域。Sahami 表示:「众所周知,机器学习是 AI 中最重要的领域之一,这也是每个人都需要了解机器学习的原因。CS 109 之类的课程提供了机器学习的入门知识,CS 专业的每个人都至少能够学到入门级的知识。」

    2. The rise of AI in Stanford’s CS curricula
    1. 在美国,由于分区控规和土地使用条例的严格管控亦或是开发者故意而为之,很多社区和城市缺乏步行性和宜居性,很多不同种族、背景、信仰的人群在城市中被分隔开。如何才能使社区和城市更加适合步行?如何能让不同种族、背景、信仰的人们共同在充满活力的社区中生活?本手册秉持加强当地经济、促进公平、支持多样性和包容性的原则,为社区在无需彻底修订整个分区控规和土地使用政策的情况下进行改革提供具体实施路径。

      社区营造︱看不见的风景决定了看得见的风景,社区营造极乐净土 之 改善社区手册

    1. 知道事物的顺序是非常重要的。不时的问问自己,这是做事情的正确顺序吗?这真是一种强大的技能。

    1. Media Kraken,一个影评网站,用户可以在上面追踪、评价和分享自己最喜爱的电影和列表。值得注意的是,它的注册登陆界面直接询问用户想要把数据存储在哪里,可选项包括 Solid Pods,或者直接存储在浏览器里,服务提供方不会提取这些数据。

    1. Inrupt 的核心技术,同时也是目前 Solid 项目的核心技术,叫做 Pods,一个中立、第三方的个人数据存储库 (personal online data stores)。

      面向企业的 Pods 服务器 Enterprise Solid Server,能够在确保数据使用合规、用户和企业之间互信的基础上,加强数据的使用,让已经产生的数据能够发挥新的价值。

      Solid 客户端库,包括一系列能够让开发者将 Pods 以及未来其它 Solid 技术整合到自己应用里的开源工具包。

      PodBrowser,一个开源应用,让用户可以直观查看和管理 Pods 里数据。

  4. solid.mit.edu solid.mit.edu
    1. Developers will be able to easily innovate by creating new apps or improving current apps, all while reusing existing data that was created by other apps.


    2. Because applications are decoupled from the data they produce, users will be able to avoid vendor lock-in, seamlessly switching between apps and personal data storage servers, without losing any data or social connections.


    3. Users should have the freedom to choose where their data resides and who is allowed to access it. By decoupling content from the application itself, users are now able to do so.

      真正的数据自主权:让数据和使用数据的应用脱钩 (decouple),确保用户能够自由地选择他们的数据存放的地点,以及谁能够接入这些数据,控制数据授权的时长。

    1. In 2009, there is a photograph where my father is no longer there. He passed away a few days after his 91st birthday. My mother continued to wave good-bye to me. Her face became more forlorn with my departures. In 2017, my mother had to move to assisted living. For a few months, I photographed the good-byes from her apartment door. In October of 2017 she passed away. When I left after her funeral, I took one more photograph, of the empty driveway. For the first time in my life, no one was waving back at me.


    2. Deanna Dikeman 是策展人,她从1985年就开始拍摄生活中的细节场景,她是个艺术家,她的家人和家就是她的拍摄主题。

      《Leaving and Waving》是27年来,Dikeman 一边挥手与父母告别,一边拍照的记录。她的父母住在美国爱荷华州,从1991年开始,每次与父母相聚之后的分别,为了缓解离别的悲伤,她拍下这些照片,这逐渐变成了她的告别仪式。这些作品记录了她父母和其他亲戚的生活。当她发现一系列积累起来的「挥手告别」 的照片时,她发现了一个关于家庭、衰老和告别悲伤的故事。

    1. Plato believed that expertise is the critical attribute of a leader; He criticizes democracy of seldom producing such characters. Rather, it elects popular spinsters who are effective in manipulating popular opinion.To depict this, Plato uses an analogy of ship navigation in Book VI of ‘The Republic’. He contests that in order to select the appropriate captain, a popular vote is ineffective because people can be swayed by characteristics as irrelevant as their appearance. Instead, we should seek out only the most knowledgeable candidate as it is he who holds the required expertise.Plato illustrates the ignorance that democracy yields in producing a captain:… the true navigator must study the seasons of the year, the sky, the stars, the winds, and all the other subjects appropriate to his profession if he is to be really fit to control the ship…[the electorate] think that it’s quite impossible to acquire the professional skill needed for such control and that there’s no such thing as the art of navigation.





    2. Why Plato Hated Democracy
    1. The next $1B consumer startup will be a vertical social network — here’s why
    2. we believe that today’s environment is an ideal launching ground for the next group of billion-dollar consumer companies: vertical social networks. Ten years ago, it seemed impossible for a gaming-only network to be worth a billion dollars — now, we have two! (Twitch and Discord).

      垂类社交网络很有可能成为社交产业中的下一批独角兽。以 Twitch 和 Discord 这两个专攻游戏相关内容的平台为例,人们在 10 年前还认为这类平台难以取得成功,但如今它们的估值都已经达到了几十亿美金。

    1. Everything has changed—the cinema and the importance it holds in our culture. Of course, it’s hardly surprising that artists such as Godard, Bergman, Kubrick, and Fellini, who once reigned over our great art form like gods, would eventually recede into the shadows with the passing of time. But at this point, we can’t take anything for granted. We can’t depend on the movie business, such as it is, to take care of cinema. In the movie business, which is now the mass visual entertainment business, the emphasis is always on the word “business,” and value is always determined by the amount of money to be made from any given property—in that sense, everything from Sunrise to La Strada to 2001 is now pretty much wrung dry and ready for the “Art Film” swim lane on a streaming platform. Those of us who know the cinema and its history have to share our love and our knowledge with as many people as possible. And we have to make it crystal clear to the current legal owners of these films that they amount to much, much more than mere property to be exploited and then locked away. They are among the greatest treasures of our culture, and they must be treated accordingly. I suppose we also have to refine our notions of what cinema is and what it isn’t. Federico Fellini is a good place to start. You can say a lot of things about Fellini’s movies, but here’s one thing that is incontestable: they are cinema. Fellini’s work goes a long way toward defining the art form.







    2. Federico Fellini and the lost magic of cinema
    1. 2013年,建筑师李涵辞去稳定的工作,与妻子胡妍共同创立了绘造社。目的很简单,希望能以更被大众接受的形式去记录城市,将他们对建筑学术上的思考转化为肉眼可见的绘画。





    1. 继《胡同蘑菇》后,李涵与金秋野在2021年初编著了《楼房花朵》,书籍设计由A Black Cover Design工作室主理人广煜操刀。



    1. 这本书从北京内城胡同里由居民自行建设、改造的民居中,挑选出最具有特色的个案,通过精致的建筑模型和水彩建筑图将它们呈现。



    1. 这架无人机由 NASA 喷气推进实验室(JPL)着手设计,重量仅为 1.8 公斤,高 0.5 米,螺旋桨直径 1.2 米,装在探测器的腹部,主要用于拓展火星车的视野。

      虽然火星表面的重力大约只有地球的 1/3 (38%),看起来有利于无人机飞行,但有一点非常致命:火星大气的密度只有地球的 1%。由于几乎没有空气流动,在火星上获得起飞所需的升力是非常困难的。

      据报道,这架无人机螺旋桨旋转角速度可达 2400 转每分钟,水平移动的速度为 10 米每秒,爬升速度为 3 米每秒。相比之下,一架传统直升机每分钟的转速仅为 450 到 500。

      在导航传感器上,无人机使用手机级 IMU、激光测高仪以及向下的 VGA 摄像机进行单眼特征跟踪。导航时,无人机逐帧比较几十个特征,以跟踪相对位置找出方向和速度。这些都是通过位置估计来完成的,而不是记住特征或创建地图。

    2. 如果一切顺利,名为机智号的直升飞机将成为第一架在火星上自主飞行的飞行器。机智号只有 1.8 公斤重,除了拍照它不执行科学任务,主要是验证在火星上自主飞行的能力。它必须在火星严酷的温度下生存下来,它与地球相距 10 光分,因此实时的通信或控制是不可能的,它需要能自主飞行。

      帮助开发直升飞机软件架构的 Tim Canham 称,机智号被列为技术演示,JPL 愿意为此接受更多的风险,大量使用消费级硬件,处理器是高通的 Snapdragon 801,它本质上是手机级处理器,但由于它使用了较现代的技术,讽刺的是它比漫游车使用的处理器更强大。机智号的激光高度计来自 SparkFun,摄像头有 1300 万像素,运行的是 Linux 操作系统,相关软件已经开源。

    1. 「毅力号」是有史以来最大、最为复杂的火星探测系统,这台次世代火星车造价高达 27 亿美元,总重 1025 千克。

      「毅力号」的着陆地点位于火星赤道以北的耶泽罗撞击坑(Jezero crater),其中心座标为(18.41°N, 77.69°E)。在此处着陆的主要目的是识别和收集该地区的沉积岩和土壤样本,并探索可能存在的火星生命迹象。

      「毅力号」火星车长 3 米、宽 2.7 米、高 2.2 米,重量达到 2,260 磅(约 1 吨)。因此,着陆火星并不容易,它没有选择首先进入轨道,而是借助一个直径超 70 英尺的降落伞直接着陆。


    1. Create a video game that lets players explore the Red Planet with a helicopter like the one going to Mars with NASA's Perseverance rover! Use Scratch, a visual programming language and think like NASA space-mission planners to design your game!


    1. 法国一家创业公司 Obilab 开了个脑洞,用硬纸板打造了全套架子鼓,还能折叠起来装进一个小纸箱中,背着就能出门。

      它叫 The cardboard DRUMKIT,传统架子鼓中的低音大鼓、小鼓、嗵鼓、鼓棒、踩镲,甚至是鼓凳,一样不少。

    1. We don’t have a decipherment yet but Rao believes that until we find longer samples or a multilingual text, these statistical strategies are our best bet. And Wells says progress will hinge on cooperation. “I think all of the pieces to decipher the script are there,” he says, “teamwork — interdisciplinary, multigenerational probably — the more we work on it the more progress we make.” Wells and his colleagues have made some progress and plan to present it at the meeting this March. Their findings and other work presented at the meeting should be available to the public in April published as the Proceedings of the Second International Meeting on Indus Epigraphy. In the meantime, anyone working on the script is welcome to contribute to Wells’ collaborative website, which features all of the known symbols and various analytical tools.

      我们还不能破译这些古文,不过 Rao 坚信除非我们找到更长的标本或者一种多语言的文本,否则这些统计学的方法已经是我们最好的尝试。并且 Wells 说进展的程度与合作息息相关。「我认为所有需要破译的文稿都在那,」他说,「团队合作-跨学科、或者可能多辈分-我们做的工作越多我们取得的进展越大。」Wells 和他的同事已经取得了一些进展并且计划这个三月份的会议上发表。他们的发现和其它发表在会议上的工作可以在四月份的 the Proceedings of the Second International Meeting on Indus Epigraphy 上公开查阅。与此同时,任何想要为破译古文做贡献的人可以登陆 Wells 的协作网站(collaborative website),该网站提供了所有目前已知的符号和各种分析工具。

    2. Cipher War
    1. 在2006年拿下“创意博物馆”大奖的失恋博物馆,专门存放那些来自世界各地“令人心碎的情感关系”。除了在“诞生地”克罗地亚和美国洛杉矶分别有一个永久性展馆之外,它还总在全球各大城市举办游击展览。

      “The Stories”里长长短短、娓娓道来、或无奈或治愈的故事集,或是“The Collection”里的钥匙圈、咖啡机、剪下来的脏辫、行星光谱……让电脑前独自“看展”的人,有了寻找共鸣、放心哭泣的机会。

  5. designmuseum.org designmuseum.org
    1. 伦敦设计博物馆,作为世界上第一家以“设计”为主题的博物馆,除了收藏也很爱研究各种现当代的设计作品,还设立了一个大奖Designs of the Year,每年在各个领域的新锐设计中评选出优胜者——David Bowie的神秘专辑、令人羡慕的挪威护照都在其列。



    1. 大师毕加索、极简艺术家Dan Flavin、波普艺术家Roy Lichtenstein、或是平面艺术家Robert Rauschenberg等200多本艺术家书籍,都化身高清PDF,通过古根海姆博物馆的在线档案馆,免费提供给所有人。

      每一件都按照博物馆内的主题分类陈列,比如,纽约古根海姆博物馆印上门票的镇馆之宝之一,蒙德里安(Piet Mondrian)的作品Composition No. 1: Lozenge with Four Lines的在线页面上,除了贴心地附有高清大图、作者和作品的详细信息之外,还提供权威的解析和评论。


    1. It's a Dorian Grayish fable, transposed to the twenty-first century: Steve Jobs has become Steve Jobs by doing what nobody else has done before -- by treating computers not just as tools but as mirrors, by making technology not just the engine but the emblem of transcendence. One day, however, he will have to do what everybody else has done before, and will wind up demonstrating what it's like to be mortal, even in the age of the beautiful machine. And now that he has drawn undeniably closer to the day that has given all his other days their urgency -- now that the face staring back in the mirror has lost its shiny-haired California glamour and has taken on the frank rapacity of an old Arab trader -- it's worth asking what the pressure of continual existential awareness has done to him.


    2. Steve Jobs and the Portal to the Invisible
    1. Engimake 团队通过多个 3D 打印部件让一块 Arduino QuadBoard、伺服电机、蓝牙模块、电缆和一些线组合成了一个 QuadBot 机器人。

      基于 Arduino 的开源套件,QuadBot 的各种电线都集成在电路板上,不必操心电线互相缠绕,电路板上还安装有电机支架、机载电池充电、智能 RGB LED、5V 和 3.3V 的外部调节传感器等,上手组装起来也是分分钟的事。

      QuadBot 跟很多的开源套件一样,能走路、跳舞、照明、跟随着你、避开障碍物和播放歌曲,但 QuadBot 的零部件都由 3D 打印制作,各个部件均能根据你自己的想法对它进行个性化的改装,使其成为一个与众不同的机器人,比如安装上激光头、炮台、照明灯等等。

      QuadBot 完全开源,图形化的编程能轻易上手操作,有编程基础的玩家也可以根据自己的喜好重新设定它的代码,来完成你想要的动作。

    1. Verge 联合创始人、前《彭博商业周刊》数字编辑约书亚·托波斯基(Joshua Topolsky)创办了网站 The Outline,想要为千禧一代的读者做一本「杂志」。

      The Outline 探索的是如何将网页内容杂志化。配色和形式都经过精心的考虑,让浏览网页的感觉就像是在随手翻阅一本杂志。Topolsky 的目标是让这份数字出版物成为「下一个时代的《纽约客》」。

    1. POPEYE(ポパイ)创始主编木滑良久为杂志写下了「Magazine for City Boys」这句 slogan 时坦言,没人知道该如何定义「City Boys」,那就用这本杂志来讨论和定义它。

      POPEYE 从西海岸文化记事本慢慢演变到亚文化观察者,找到了方向也引来了竞争者。在大出版集团的辟护下,逃过了泡沫经济带来的毁灭性打击,但「City Boys」也消失了。杂志的重整旗鼓经历了漫长的十年,经济的缓慢复苏之后,文化才有了生机。2012 年新编辑长木下孝浩上任,「Magazine for City Boys」重新出现在杂志封面上,POPEYE 开始重新讨论和定义以时尚、娱乐、享受为核心的日本年轻一代的价值观和生活方式。

      2016 年是 POPEYE 创刊四十周年。什么是「City Boys」,这个问题没有人给出答案。一本杂志的命运,可能就是变化和探索本身,答案不是它的彼岸。

    1. 「Subculture」(亚文化)是 Spectator 中出现最频繁的词汇。五十岁的编辑长青野利光在年轻时深受美国反主流文化的影响,并把这个基因带入了杂志的核心策划当中。像是流浪之旅、返土归田、野外生存、LSD 体验,都是一副美国西海岸嬉皮士生活做派。在新世纪亚文化井喷的大环境下,Spectator 虽然也融合了日本文化中的独特要素,比如禅、岛国、工匠、地震、极简生活等,但整体上,对年轻一代的日本亚文化保持了距离和冷漠。


    1. 在商业、八卦杂志横行的华文杂志圈,《小日子》以标榜“在我们的城市展开小日子”成为台湾生活家的书架必备杂志。


      “《小日子》堪称台湾现在的文青杂志经典。想当文艺青年必定得拜读,还得拿起 iphone 照一张在咖啡店在看《小日子》的合照。” 这是台湾友人对《小日子》最大的调侃,也是最好的恭维。

    1. “可以 KUOYI”由两个成都女生独立出版,专门关注国内各城市日常生活美学内容的品牌。目前定位于成都,特讲成都的日常生活“生活化”和“发现美”是选题的关键,“I DO IT MY WAY”,这就是“可以 KUOYI。

    1. 几张A4纸组成的独立杂志,记载着香港二楼书店的故事,社区的往事,还有作者周家盈践行慢生活的体会。

      从2013年11月创办至今,Slowdown Town呈现了一个温暖、有人情味的香港。 她记录的城市,与“国际大都市”,“世界金融中心“无关,与土地的山水、人民和文化有关。

    1. 《够用就好》是一本一个人的生活指南。创始人可末先生崇尚简单、精致的生活,以“不持有”的态度抵抗消费浪潮。


    1. ProPublica的这篇报道揭露,美国警方使用有种族歧视的软件算法来预测罪犯再次犯罪的可能性。通过计算罪犯的风险指数,这种算法被用来决定犯罪人的服刑期限,有时甚至被法官作为判刑的考虑依据。这篇报道不仅通过《信息自由法案》要求公开这部分数据,对数据进行统计分析,还让这一议题进入了《白宫人工智能报告》(White House report on AI)。此外,这篇报道还影响了计算机科学的一个分支学科。在我写这段话的时候,arxiv.org网站上和这篇报道相关的论文达到了13篇。事实证明,要求对此类算法进行公开审查并不是一件无足轻重的事。

      —布莱基•米廖齐(Blacki Migliozzi)

    1. ProPublica’s story exposed racism in the algorithms police use to predict repeat offenders. Assigning a prisoner’s credit score, these algorithms are factored into determining how long a person will stay in jail and at times even used by judges when sentencing. Not only did they FOIA a data set and do a statistical analysis, but this work also made it into a White House report on AI. The article has even influenced a subdiscipline of computer science; at the time of this writing, there were 13 papers on arxiv.org about ProPublica’s article. It turns out that auditing a black-box algorithm is nontrivial.

      ProPublica的这篇报道揭露,美国警方使用有种族歧视的软件算法来预测罪犯再次犯罪的可能性。通过计算罪犯的风险指数,这种算法被用来决定犯罪人的服刑期限,有时甚至被法官作为判刑的考虑依据。这篇报道不仅通过《信息自由法案》要求公开这部分数据,对数据进行统计分析,还让这一议题进入了《白宫人工智能报告》(White House report on AI)。此外,这篇报道还影响了计算机科学的一个分支学科。在我写这段话的时候,arxiv.org网站上和这篇报道相关的论文达到了13篇。事实证明,要求对此类算法进行公开审查并不是一件无足轻重的事。

    2. Bloomberg Businessweek’s Josh Green wrote three fantastic cover stories about the upheaval in the Republican Party that led to the election of Donald Trump. Josh doesn't see it this way, but I look at them as a trilogy because they’re interconnected. The first, “This Man Is the Most Dangerous Political Operative in America,” introduced many of us to Steve Bannon, the merry provocateur behind Breibart News. OK, this piece came out last year, but bear with me. The second, “How to Get Trump Elected Without Wrecking Everything You Built,” chronicled the sorrows of Reince Priebus, the seemingly hapless GOP chairman who was struggling with Trump’s rise. It also featured an unforgettable cameo appearance by the candidate himself at Trump Tower. Then there was “Inside the Trump Bunker, With 12 Days to Go,” in which Josh and Bloomberg’s Sasha Issenberg visited the Trump campaign’s data collection headquarters in San Antonio and talked to the foot soldiers who helped pulled off the Election Day upset. The gang’s all here in the piece. Bannon is now Trump’s campaign manager. Priebus seems to have figured out his man has a good shot at the White House. Then there’s that techie who looks like an Amish guy prospecting for votes on the internet, who got the job because he designed a cheap website for Ivanka. They all talked at length to Josh because he doesn’t have an agenda; he just wants to find out what’s going on, and when he does, he knows how to turn it into an irresistible read, which is the only way to describe this trilogy. I told him he should turn it into a book next. I still think so. Josh, are you reading this?

      《彭博商业周刊》的乔什•格林写了三篇非常出色的封面文章,报道了把唐纳德•特朗普送上总统之位的共和党内部乱局。我认为这三篇文章可以组成一个三部曲,因为它们之间互相有联系,但乔什不这么看。第一篇《美国最危险的政治幕后推手》向我们介绍了史蒂夫•班农(Steve Bannon),Breibart新闻网站背后兴高采烈的煽动者。好吧,这篇文章是去年的,但包容一下好吗。第二篇《怎样在不毁掉整个党的情况下让特朗普当选》,叙述了共和党全国委员会主席赖因斯•普里巴斯(Reince Priebus)的懊恼,运气似乎不太好的他因为特朗普的崛起而焦头烂额。文中还有总统候选人本人在特朗普大厦的一段令人难忘的友情客串。第三篇是《距大选12天,走进特朗普的数字战略中心》,乔什和彭博的伊森伯格•萨沙(Sasha Issenberg)采访了那些帮助特朗普在大选日意外获胜的工作人员。特朗普阵营的重要人物都在这篇文章里出现了。班农成了特朗普的竞选经理,而普里巴斯似乎意识到特朗普真的有机会入住白宫。文章还采访了一个长得像阿米什人的技术负责人,他的工作是在网上寻找特朗普的支持者,而他能拿到这份工作是因为他帮特朗普的女儿伊万卡(Ivanka)做了一个廉价网站。这些人都对乔什侃侃而谈,因为乔什没什么目的性,他只想知道事情到底是什么样的。当乔什弄清楚了真相,他知道怎样把这些事实写成让人欲罢不能的文章,也就是上面提及的三部曲。我曾建议乔什下次把这写成一本书。我现在还是这样觉得的。你在读吗,乔什?

    3. Anna Wiener’s fluid first-person essay on life in Silicon Valley is an enviable reminder that business is also culture, and a worthy literary subject, to boot. The author's job at a firm whose clients are other tech firms is the perfect keyhole through which to observe the Valley’s trappings and self-delusions, and her observational skill, wit, and precise, present-tense sentences do the rest of the work, immersing the reader in every scene she describes.

      安娜•维纳(Anna Wiener)在此文中用第一人称流畅地书写了硅谷生活。令人嫉妒的是,这篇文章让我们意识到商业也是文化,也是有价值的文学题材。作者所在的公司以其他科技公司为客户,这为她提供了观察硅谷的绝佳机会,包括硅谷的装修文化和自欺情结。此外,她的观察技巧、妙语连珠和现在时态的精确语句让读者沉醉于她描写的每一个场景。

    4. I’m sneaking in a threefer. On WNYC’s show, as bracing as the pitch must have been deadly (Thirty issues? Come on), the deeply informed Brian Lehrer rose above the campaign’s din to talk about issues, a Presidential Medal of Freedom winner in my book. Like Lehrer, Tom Ashbrook, whose On Point sprinted into the maelstrom daily, treats every caller with respect but abides no bull. Over at the New Yorker Radio Hour is the appallingly versatile David Remnick, whose bright young show this year featured Tony Schwartz, Donald Trump’s co-author on The Art of the Deal, off Jane Mayer’s important and disturbing piece. You know what? Make it a fourfer. Brooke Gladstone and Bob Garfield were indispensable in 2016.

      趁推荐一个作品的机会,我偷偷夹带两个私货。做这样的一个电台节目很带劲,也非常有难度(30个问题?),但见识广博的布赖恩.莱恩(Brian Lehrer)还是克服了竞选中的各种杂音,触及到了很多重要的问题。在我看来,他应该获得一枚总统自由勋章(Presidential Medal of Freedom)。和莱恩一样,汤姆•阿什布鲁克(Tom Ashbrook)的节目《On Point》也深入了竞选乱局,他尊敬每一个给节目打电话的听众,但拒不接受任何胡说八道。此外,在《纽约客电台时间》(New Yorker Radio Hour),才艺爆棚的戴维•雷姆尼克(David Remnick)在他的精彩节目中邀请到了托尼•施瓦茨(Tony Schwartz)。施瓦茨和唐纳德•特朗普曾合著《交易的艺术》(The Art of the Deal)一书,对此简•迈耶(Jane Mayer)写过一篇令人深感不安的文章。你知道吗,干脆买一送三得了,我还要推荐布鲁克•格拉德斯通(Brooke Gladstone)和鲍勃•加菲尔德(Bob Garfield),他们的节目是2016年必听。

    1. 《彭博商业周刊》的乔什•格林写了三篇非常出色的封面文章,报道了把唐纳德•特朗普送上总统之位的共和党内部乱局。我认为这三篇文章可以组成一个三部曲,因为它们之间互相有联系,但乔什不这么看。第一篇《美国最危险的政治幕后推手》向我们介绍了史蒂夫•班农(Steve Bannon),Breibart新闻网站背后兴高采烈的煽动者。好吧,这篇文章是去年的,但包容一下好吗。第二篇《怎样在不毁掉整个党的情况下让特朗普当选》,叙述了共和党全国委员会主席赖因斯•普里巴斯(Reince Priebus)的懊恼,运气似乎不太好的他因为特朗普的崛起而焦头烂额。文中还有总统候选人本人在特朗普大厦的一段令人难忘的友情客串。第三篇是《距大选12天,走进特朗普的数字战略中心》,乔什和彭博的伊森伯格•萨沙(Sasha Issenberg)采访了那些帮助特朗普在大选日意外获胜的工作人员。特朗普阵营的重要人物都在这篇文章里出现了。班农成了特朗普的竞选经理,而普里巴斯似乎意识到特朗普真的有机会入住白宫。文章还采访了一个长得像阿米什人的技术负责人,他的工作是在网上寻找特朗普的支持者,而他能拿到这份工作是因为他帮特朗普的女儿伊万卡(Ivanka)做了一个廉价网站。这些人都对乔什侃侃而谈,因为乔什没什么目的性,他只想知道事情到底是什么样的。当乔什弄清楚了真相,他知道怎样把这些事实写成让人欲罢不能的文章,也就是上面提及的三部曲。我曾建议乔什下次把这写成一本书。我现在还是这样觉得的。你在读吗,乔什?

      —德维内•伦纳德(Devin Leonard)

    1. 安娜•维纳(Anna Wiener)在此文中用第一人称流畅地书写了硅谷生活。令人嫉妒的是,这篇文章让我们意识到商业也是文化,也是有价值的文学题材。作者所在的公司以其他科技公司为客户,这为她提供了观察硅谷的绝佳机会,包括硅谷的装修文化和自欺情结。此外,她的观察技巧、妙语连珠和现在时态的精确语句让读者沉醉于她描写的每一个场景。

      —杰米里•基恩(Jeremy Keehn)

    1. 趁推荐一个作品的机会,我偷偷夹带两个私货。做这样的一个电台节目很带劲,也非常有难度(30个问题?),但见识广博的布赖恩.莱恩(Brian Lehrer)还是克服了竞选中的各种杂音,触及到了很多重要的问题。在我看来,他应该获得一枚总统自由勋章(Presidential Medal of Freedom)。和莱恩一样,汤姆•阿什布鲁克(Tom Ashbrook)的节目《On Point》也深入了竞选乱局,他尊敬每一个给节目打电话的听众,但拒不接受任何胡说八道。此外,在《纽约客电台时间》(New Yorker Radio Hour),才艺爆棚的戴维•雷姆尼克(David Remnick)在他的精彩节目中邀请到了托尼•施瓦茨(Tony Schwartz)。施瓦茨和唐纳德•特朗普曾合著《交易的艺术》(The Art of the Deal)一书,对此简•迈耶(Jane Mayer)写过一篇令人深感不安的文章。你知道吗,干脆买一送三得了,我还要推荐布鲁克•格拉德斯通(Brooke Gladstone)和鲍勃•加菲尔德(Bob Garfield),他们的节目是2016年必听。

      —彼得•杰佛里(Peter Jeffrey)

    1. The show was part of a larger Computer Literacy Project started by the British government and the BBC as a response to fears that the UK was deeply and alarmingly unprepared for the new revolution in personal computing that was happening in America. Unlike most TV shows, the BBC wanted to feature a computer on the show that would be used to explain fundamental computing concepts and teach a bit of BASIC programming. The concepts included graphics and sound, the ability to connect to teletext networks, speech synthesis, and even some rudimentary AI. As a result, the computer needed for the show would have to be pretty good—in fact, the producers' demands were initially so high that nothing on the market really satisfied the BBC's aspirations.

      这档节目是英国政府和 BBC 共同发起的「计算机素养项目(Computer Literacy Project)」的一部分,它们担心英国对当时正在美国发生的个人计算革命毫无警觉和准备。不同于大多数电视节目,BBC 希望在节目中配备一台计算机,该计算机将用于解释基本的计算概念并教授一些 BASIC 编程。这些计算概念包括图形和声音、连接到图文网络的能力、语音合成乃至一些基础的人工智能。也因此,该节目所需的计算机必须相当好才行,以致于市面上根本就没有能实现 BBC 的愿望的产品,无法满足制片人的要求。

    2. But everything truly did sort of get set in motion by a TV show—a 1982 BBC program called The Computer Programme. This was an attempt by the BBC to educate Britons about just what the hell all these new fancy machines that looked like crappy typewriters connected to your telly were all about.

      让这一切变化起来的却是一档电视节目——BBC 在 1982 年播出的《计算机程序(The Computer Programme)》。这是 BBC 的一档科普节目,旨在告知当时的英国人这些花哨的新式机器究竟是什么,那时候的个人电脑看起来就像是连接着电视机的蹩脚打字机。

    3. How an obscure British PC maker invented ARM and changed the world
    1. 45年以来,西本喜美子一直是儿子口中那个“也不是特别有趣”的平凡家庭主妇。但当2001年,72岁的她参加了儿子公司的业余摄影课程后,便开始了自己的另一种快乐人生。






    1. 塔沙奶奶原名Tasha Tudor,于1915年出生于波士顿的一个名流家庭。但她从小不爱上流社会的交际,却向往大自然的美好风光。9岁父母离婚后,塔沙被寄养到他们一个乡间朋友家,因此过上了梦寐以求的田园生活。15岁时,塔沙则选择了辍学独自过日子。





    1. 九十年代时,日本养猪行业已经渐渐机械化,但当时的养猪人Otchan并不认可这一理念,坚持亲力亲为地照料自己猪圈里的每一头猪,他自己的猪圈也俨然成为了一个小小的“猪之共和国”。Otchan似乎从来没有以饲主的身份居高临下地对待自己的猪,他们之间看起来保持着一种更为和谐的关系。



      1997年,Otchan和他的猪之间的亲密关系被政府职员Toshiteru Yamaji观察到了,Yamaji从此开始了对这段关系长达十年的摄影记录。


    1. Artificial intelligence has already changed the world in some pretty dramatic ways and will certainly do even more so in the future. But it’s a component technology. The transistor has changed the world. But saying, “How are transistors going to change the world?” is almost the wrong layer of abstraction—it’s like trying to understand a river by talking about H20. So artificial intelligence will participate meaningfully in causing technologies to become more intelligent and will shift how we try to deliver value to people. Less and less will technologies need to do what we want them to do through straightforward mechanical and structural solutions and more and more they’ll solve the problems through the increment of intelligence.


    2. We do keep track of projects, especially after we’ve killed them. For two reasons: No. 1, we don’t want to reinvent the wheel. We don’t want someone who gets hired two years after we kill a project to come up with the same idea and then spend three months rediscovering it. Reason No. 2 is we want to keep track of the ideas that we’ve had—and we do have a database—because sometimes there are presumptions [that could be revisited]. Say we’re going to not work on this project because one of the necessary constituent ingredients is a battery with 10 times the energy density of lithium-ion; it doesn’t exist, we don’t consider that a safe bet that it will appear in the next five years, so let’s not start this project. But then if that battery appeared, we would want to be able to go back and say, “Hey, wait a second, now we can reconsider this as a potential moonshot because that was the reason we killed it and that technology has now appeared.”


      第二个原因:我们要记下我们已经有的想法 。我们有一个数据库, 因为有时有的假设可能会被再次考虑。假设我们因为一个必要的组成成分是锂离子能量密度的10倍的电池,而废掉了某个项目。因为这种电池根本不存在,并且没有可靠的证据表明在未来五年它会出现。但是如果这个电池问世了,我们还是可以回去说:“嘿,等一下,现在我们可以重新考虑这个项目,因为这是我们当时否定它的原因,现在必要的技术可以实现了。”

    3. So our process is first you have to say what the huge problem is you’re trying to solve. You have to be able to describe it in order for it to have any chance of taking root at X. And there has to be some articulatable, hard but potentially solvable, technology problem at the middle of it. Once that’s true, we go down a path where instead of saying, “What’s most fun to do about this or what’s easiest to do first?” we say, “What is the most likely reason this project won’t make it?”


    4. Astro Teller

      Astro Teller 是 X 的头儿,X 的前身为Google X——Alphabet 的高新技术实验室。X指挥部离加利福尼亚州山景城的 Google 总部不远,Teller 领导一群工程师、发明家和设计师致力于未来的“登月计划”,例如:无人车,无人机送货和互联网传送气球等。

    1. 奥地利设计师Maximilian Kiener制作了一个互动网页来表现基于这一理论的时间加速效果(Why Time Flies)。打开后往下滚动鼠标就行了。当你八岁时,一年就只是你一生的12.5%了。当你18岁时,一年只是你一生的5.56%。你大学的第一个暑假在你的记忆中和你76岁那一年一样长。在30岁以后,这个比例下降的速度慢慢放缓了。每一年都差不多短。当你35岁时,一年只是你一生的2.86%。当你98岁时,一年只是你一生的1%。如果你有幸活到了这一天,再来回顾你的一生,你会发现,其实在你七岁的时候,你的一生已经过去一半了。

    1. 终身学习的进展不能减少不平等,而且更令人沮丧的是,反而可能会加剧不平等。

      文章里提到英美的一个典型的低工资的工作,就是长途货车司机。自驾驶汽车的到来,会让他们中的很多人失去工作,但是对于这些人来说,上面讲的 General Assembly,MOOC 这样的例子离他们十万八千里。因为 Coursera 上的数据显示,在这些地方上课的学生,80% 有大学学位。


      对那些“底层”的人,由于各种原因(没有学习意愿,没有时间,没有文化基础等等)即使有近在指尖的免费课程,他们也不会来用。 所以从这个角度来讲,这些平台实际上事与愿违地加剧了不平等。

      文章里,提到了两个发达国家的 例子:一个是英国利用工人工会,有组织地理解他们的需求,有组织地“学习” ,另一个例子是新加坡政府投入并参与给25岁以上公民真金白银(每年345新币,近500美金)去学习,而且40岁以上给的更多。

    1. 印度公司 Infosys 在硅谷Palo Alto 的办公室。Infosys主业是IT外包,但是他们的硅谷办公室是在设计思维的指导下,做产品开发和员工培训。而且已经有十万员工接受了设计思维的培训。

      这里所谓设计思维的定义是:基于对别人体验完全理解的一种解决问题的方式。他们问的一个大问题是:一个员工胜任一份工作,到底需要在哪些方面做好?(What do people need to be good at to succeed in their work?)

      他们发现“核心技能”是三个:创造力,解决问题的能力,和共情的能力(creativity, problem solving, empathy)。这几个能力,在未来社会特别重要,因为这也是更难被“机器”取代的能力。

      其中共情(empathy)是社交能力(social skills)的基础。这里引用哈佛教授 David Deming 的工作,数据表明社交能力强的人会得到更好的工作。

      强的社交能力,会带来更好的 “关系”和“协作”,而这些,会带来更有效的团队——能够更迅速地把大的工作分解,并形成有效协作关系,从而更有效地完成任务。

      还有一个能力,是“持续学习的能力”,Infosys 用的一个衡量标准是“学习速度(learning velocity)” ,就是“面对一个问题时,多久能得到一个解决它的好主意”。

      这个学习能力的基础,是“发展心态”,就是认为学习能力不是本能的,不变的,而是可以培养的,增强的,这是著名的 Carol Dweck 的工作(发展 vs 定型的心态)。

      而另一个重要基础,是好奇心。除此之外,还有一个,是方法。文中提到一个 MIT 和哈佛的研究显示,在 MOOC 上学习的人,如果他们被要求写下来他们学一个课程的计划,他们完成这个课程的可能性会提高 29% 。

    1. 在发达国家,这个相关性好像一直是成立的,曾经有数据证明,每多一年的正规学校教育,毕业后每小时的收入会提高 8-13% 。但现在这个因果关系似乎没这么明显了。以美国为例,1982-2001年,大学毕业生的平均工资增长了 31% ,但是高中毕业生的收入没有变化。但是在过去的十几年,事情不是这样了。大学毕业生工资的降幅超过了教育水平更低的群体,而且同时大学学费在增长。

      这里描述了一家叫做 General Assembly 的公司。这家公司提供全日制,为期12周的培训,收费八千到一万英镑,在线下空间教人编程,网页开发和数据科学。公司同时提供就业培训和咨询,他们的毕业生 99% 能在180天内找到工作。

      公司的创始人 Jake Schwartz 建立这家公司的原因,是源于两段个人经历:一个是他自己本科耶鲁毕业,但是没有觉得学到什么实际可用的技能(His degree from Yale conferred no practical skills),还有就是2年的MBA,花了“太多的钱和时间”。所以他想做一个投入产出比高很多,又能满足雇主们急切需求的“教育产品”。这家公司现在在世界二十个城市有网点,已经有3万5千名毕业生。

    2. Technological change demands stronger and more continuous connections between education and employment


    1. “10703 Deep Reinforcement Learning & Control (深度增强学习与控制)”

      本课程将覆盖增强学习&控制领域中最新的成果,比如deep Q learning, actor-critic方法,学习和规划,轨迹+策略同步优化,逆增强学习,分层增强学习,前向预测模型,深度模型预测控制,探索策略,自适应控制,以及在机器人控制问题中的应用。在课程结束后,你应当能够:1)在仿真平台或实际机器人系统上针对某一任务实现一种合适的增强学习算法;2)理解对机器人增强学习而言什么样的问题是容易的,什么样的问题是困难的。

    1. 用手去触摸,发出不同的声音,借着不同的按压力度,音乐就会有不同的表现,当你去滑动,声音变得有动感。

      Roli Blocks 的使用方法,通过一小块触摸板+一部手机,它为所有喜欢音乐的人打开了新的舞台。

      Roli Blocks 一共包含三个组件,最主要的部分是眼前这个小小的黑色方块,它是一块音乐触摸板,名叫 Lightpad Block,另外两个分别叫 Live Block 和 Loop Block。三者之间都可以通过磁力接口随意吸附组合,而且,如果你买了很多块,也都可以组合起来,就像乐高积木一样。

      Lightpad Block 的作用就是充当「音乐键盘」,它的大小和手掌差不多,尺寸 94×94×20mm,重量只有 250g。打开开关,连上手机后,你会发现上面有不同颜色的 LED 灯在 5×5 的网格中不规则点亮,每一个色块都代表着一个音阶。

      Live Block 是针对现场演奏而设计的功能性模块,除了可以将 Lightpad 切换成 Loop 触发模式,它还拥有两种和弦模式,方便创作更加丰富的旋律片段。

      Roli Blocks 体验:拿着这个小方块,开始你的表演吧

    1. IronBot 是一款面向 8-14 岁孩子的机器人学习套件。

      这个由中国团队研发出来的机器人套件,在众筹网站 indiegogo 上吸引了超过 25 个国家的卖家支持。

      一套组件,从入门到进阶,IronBot 可以拼出 4 个机器人出来,分别是:机械臂、云台、竞走机器人,还有人形机器人。

      IronBot 有意思的地方还在于,它可以让孩子们在手机上进行指令组合,还有图形化编程。

    1. When you think about the Twitter-driven shake-out of blogging this evolution makes sense: Twitter captured the long-tail of blogs, in the process dramatically expanding the market for publishing text, but that by definition meant that the blogs that remained popular had readers that would jump through hoops — or at least click a link — to consume their content. It makes sense that the most sustainable way for those bloggers to pay the bills was by directly charging their readers, who already had demonstrated an above-average interest in their content. My personal bet is that podcasts will follow a similar path. Podcasts, even more than blogs, require a commitment on the part of the listener, but that commitment is rewarded by a connection to the podcast host that feels even more authentic; host-read podcast advertising leverages this authenticity, but for most medium-sized podcasts charging listeners directly will make more sense in the long run.



    1. 在法国劳塞尔岩洞中发现的浮雕“持牛角的少女”,又被称为“持角杯的维纳斯”。


    1. Ed的足迹从非洲开始。毕竟,埃博拉病毒在那里两次爆发并席卷,公卫条件又极差,完全有条件引爆下一个瘟疫。可是,不管我们如何不愿意,世界会记住2019年新冠失控是在中国武汉。虽然Ed对美国松散、各自为政的公卫系统有担心,但并没有怀疑其迅速拉响警报的能力。他质疑川普轻视科学、缺乏临危不乱的素质,完全说对了。他赞赏有前瞻性的科学家和医生们经年不断的努力,参观了CDC福奇实验室里加速疫苗生产的新技术,也担心过万一医护资源被严重挤兑的后果。

    1. OpenAI的写作机器GPT3有一千七百五十亿个参数,读过的文本加起来有五千亿个词,花了4.6百万美元。它能写出流利的英文,记忆力超强,对事实性问题的回复远超人类。它甚至能带着半哀怨半神经质的语风,和你讨论哲学问题。


      GPT3这类机器可以看作是超级鲁棒的填词机器,但又不是机械的背诵,所以能口吐莲花,一个字接一个字往外蹦。让它模拟采访海明威,等进了小院子,肉汤洒地上了,楼也慢慢歪了,不过多少还存着些海大爷的影子。John比较调皮,把 Steve Pinker 的点评腰斩,喂给GPT3接着续,蒙过了那些工程师,就算我读过许多Pinker,熟悉他的文风,也只能猜个大概。

    1. Tim有个比他年长二十多岁、同父异母的哥哥Conwell。Corwell成长经历有些复杂,不算顺利,天性好自由,是Tim亦兄亦父的大哥,也是邻里间的热心肠,

      一场车祸彻底改变了Conwell的命运。简单的说,不是把脑摔坏了,而是直接把他摔成了臭脾气的 “坏人”。

      脑科学史上有几个著名的病人,其中有一个十九世纪初叫 Phineas Gage 的铁路工头,在一次事故中被铁棍刺穿大脑后侥幸活了下来。但从此性格大变,变得性情急躁,固执任性又反复无常、优柔寡断,缺乏计划,有始无终,生活杂乱无章。

      虽然Gage成了一个人见人厌的讨厌鬼,但对脑科学做出了重大的贡献。人们开始意识到人的行为有专属脑区管理。Gage的脑损伤部位包括前额叶皮层,那一小块地方,也就是Tim所指的 “最后那百分之五”,是一道阀门也是一个开关,负责自我管控。这道防线一旦失守,恶之花将喷涌而出。



      脑科学一步踩进司法、量刑的禁区,带来一连串的问题:有多少犯罪是因为脑异常、脑病变?如何定罪?如果犯罪是一个 “病”,能不能治?能治能不能防?能防能不能预测?能预测是不是可以提前手术…… 每走一步,都越走越远,也越来越危险,史上科学为优生学站队多次,悲剧多多。认知科学在多大程度上能介入社会伦理和司法系统,怎么介入,是个永恒的难题。

    1. 人类一路跌跌撞撞,在动物界占据头牌,其中一个重要指标是自我增寿的能力:在上个世纪,人类平均寿命增加三十年。在今天,如果你活到了六十五岁,那么有一半机会能坚持到八十五。老人部落的出现,带来各种潜在问题,从社会负担到和伦理。

      耳聋是什么感觉?或者更全面的说,一个正常人突然全方位地变老是什么体验?这种突然性带来措手不及的挫折感,以及不得不接受之后的沮丧。要体验这种心理冲击,可以穿上麻省理工学院AgeLab的全套 “老人服”。



    1. “美” 作为一个话题,有用不过在饭桌上。“百兽之美”说的是动物世界的美,和作为旁观者的人类无关。和我们唯一的关联在于我们无用的好奇心,以及我们共享同一个物理空间的事实。

      “美” 对动物们来说,不但无用,还经常是个累赘,就比如孔雀笨重的羽毛。“浓妆艳抹” 会引起天敌的注意,所以甚至有害,不利于生存。动物世界里奇形怪状、千姿百态的美,和进化论适者生存的理论相悖而驰,解释不通。

      对这个问题,达尔文有个小小的想法:美,是被异性选出来的。而且这个“为悦己者容”的行为不对称,雄性花枝招展走T台,雌性打赏灭灯做判官。也许是因为“政治不正确”,这个 “sexual selection” 的理论一出现就饱受同行抨击,被打入冷宫。统治学界和公众思路的是这样一个政治正确的理论:美是健康的附加分——我力气大,所以拖得动更大更漂亮的尾巴。


      这篇是典型的科学写作范文。讲好故事,要把争论的主角推到前台,画像完整,有血有肉。主角之一是150年后替达尔文翻盘的是耶鲁大学的生物学教授 Richard Prum,是普利策非小说类图书奖最终入围图书《美的进化》的作者。和所有的天才反叛者一样,除了勤奋加天分,必须一根筋,即使同行们不停地泼冷水。“异性选美论” 的中心思想就是,美和生存无关,只和雌性的好恶、雄性的取悦相关,只是为一场区区几秒性交的华丽搭台。美之所以至关重要,因为“打扮”得体与否,关系到情场失意还是得手,关系到香火延续。

      这一派理论并没有到此结束,一个重要的修改是环境的微小差异可以导致不同的结果。这个补充引出了文章的第二个主角,德州奥斯丁大学的教授 Molly Cummings,只不过Prum的工作舞台在林间,她的在水底。

      这个理论漂亮的地方,在于完美解释了为什么美有那么丰富的多样性(从进化的时间尺度上来说甚至是随机性),却又能稳定地遗传下去。在丛林、在海底、在天空,“老娘们” 一拍脑袋,怎么美,我说了算!

    1. A Journey Into the Animal Mind


      意识这个东西,到底是什么?为什么有?在人人忙得要昏过去的内卷时代,连门房大爷都懒得问 “你是谁”。鸟是怎么想的?当然是“鸟事“一桩,与我何干?


      一个智能生物(含AI),只要活动环境足够复杂,就必须在事前有一个对结(后)果的估计,对作用和反作用有一个判断。这个操作要对环境有一个模拟,其中包含着主体本身。正在思考中的我,和在想象中行动着的我,乃是一对俄罗斯套娃,这是产生自我意识的的根本。从这个角度说,动物怎么可能没有呢?它们只不过是有口难辨罢了。 把自我意识还原到此,是书房中的想象,沙发上的思想旅行。这篇文章从古老的印度宗教到科学家们的验证和发现,一路走到信仰和科学的边界怎么定义这么严肃的讨论。

      比如,和自我意识相关的基础是自我认知。判断是否有认识自我的能力是镜子检测:如果在身上做一个只能在镜子中发现的标记,动物的下一步动作是在自己身上找,还是去镜子里?这个测试的局限在于要求选手们的生存需要强视觉能力,而且环境中有类似镜子的外在刺激。这也是为什么很多动物通不过,通过的也不值得大惊小怪,比如大象(水泊吸水),鲸鱼(从海底看海面的反射),喜鹊(镜子)。 镜子检测的提出凸显了人类中心说的谬误:看不见自己,不等于没有自我认知能力。


    1. 在乔布斯去世之后,苹果公司的未来一度被认为将是黯淡的。在乔布斯之后担任 CEO 的库克(Tim Cook)却能成功的将苹果转变成一家市值 2.3 万亿美元的巨头。后乔布斯时代的苹果产品更多元化,同时更依赖来自中国的供应链。库克比他的前任更圆通,即使是在鼓吹制造业回归美国的特朗普时代,库克仍然游刃有余,他和特朗普及其家庭保持着亲密的关系,即使他在 2016 年的大选中支持的是希拉里克林顿。他是在 1998 年加盟苹果,被同事认为非常无趣,不是在工作就是在健身房。他是苹果产品外包的推手,打造了一个全球的供应链。他的创新在于推动代工厂如富士康能同时满足乔布斯等人的审美和质量要求。苹果工程师打造出定制的制造设备,频繁飞到中国,不是待在会议室而是在产品生产线上解决问题。苹果产品对中国供应链依赖引发了很多质疑,但除了中国很难在其它地方找到能一天生产一百万而且成本很低质量很高的供应链。如苹果这样的产品规模,转移出中国是几乎不可能的。

    1. Streamr 去中心化 P2P 网络。数据源可以与整个网络中任意节点连接,然后发布数据,网络将立即发送给订阅者。网络结合以太坊区块链,使用智能合约实现节点关键性的操作,通过分片模式实现水平可扩展性,比如盈利模式和接入控制。去中心化意味着每个人都可以接入、控制数据,并实现盈利。

    1. Fireside’s job posting claims “social media has failed us” by creating “antagonistic echo chambers with mediums for communication that only further an outrage culture and business models that incentivize spreading disinformation.” Fireside, the posting says, is looking to foster “civil intelligent discourse, shared connected experiences, and genuine relationship building virtually” through its broadcasting platform, which will “promote driving social impact through meaningful conversations at scale.”

      Fireside的招聘启事称,"社交媒体已经让我们失望了",因为它创造了 "对立的回音壁,其交流媒介只会进一步激励传播虚假信息的愤怒文化和商业模式"。该帖子称,Fireside希望通过其广播平台促进 "文明的智慧话语、共享的连接体验和虚拟的真正关系建立",这将 "促进通过有意义的对话,推动社会影响"。

    2. “Today we say goodbye to current media platform limitations created by one-way conversations, a lack of interactivity, and non-existent analytics,” Fatemi writes in the email to creators. “We level the playing field by empowering creators based on what they have to say (not how loud they yell) and we give their ideas the reach to turn a single conversation into the seed of the next media empire.”


    1. CPS Steps Clarify and identify the problem Research the problem Formulate creative challenges Generate ideas Combine and evaluate the ideas Draw up an action plan Do it! (implement the ideas)








      7、干吧!(实施方案 )

    2. The Basics of Creative Problem Solving – CPS
    1. Complexity can show up in many parts of a company: its product and service offerings, its organizational structure and processes, or the environment it faces.3 We found that product and service complexity and the business process aspect of organizational complexity have the biggest impacts on achieving top performance.


    2. Revisiting Complexity in the Digital Age
    1. 在IndieWIRE的20佳结局片单里,像浏览了人的一生。它们关于最美的对话和邂逅,关于无意义的人生,关于背叛与宽恕的底线,关于不完美的爱情,关于故乡旧人。

    1. 「一页纸地城设计大赛」历年的获奖作品,是叙事的艺术,也是等距视图与解剖的浪漫,为了回答「What is the best way to present a dungeon?」这个问题,十二年来的一代代 DM 都在参与这个 RPG 界的 𝖾𝗅𝖾𝗏𝖺𝗍𝗈𝗋 𝗉𝗂𝗍𝖼𝗁,力求在最短的篇幅里打动人。

    1. The vision of Earth 2 is to create a global digital representation of our earth, a place where people can build, abide, trade, live, experience, interact and so much more. The vision is long term and monumental and we feel the introduction of Earth 2 represents the birth of the world’s virtual timeline.

      Earth 2的愿景是创造一个全球数字代表我们的地球,一个人们可以建设、居住、交易、生活、体验、互动等等的地方。这个愿景是长期的和具有里程碑意义的,我们觉得Earth 2的推出代表了世界虚拟时间线的诞生。

    1. Gather Town是一种视频会议解决方案,它的特点是积极引入虚拟空间和虚拟形象。在Gather Town中,您可以编辑任何虚拟空间,以类似于真实世界的方式解释“连接”的概念,不仅可以轻松访问,而且可以大大改善用户体验。

    1. Birdwatch allows people to identify information in Tweets they believe is misleading and write notes that provide informative context. We believe this approach has the potential to respond quickly when misleading information spreads, adding context that people trust and find valuable. Eventually we aim to make notes visible directly on Tweets for the global Twitter audience, when there is consensus from a broad and diverse set of contributors.


    1. Nassim Nicholas Taleb in his book The Black Swan

      纳西姆•尼古拉斯•塔勒布 (Nassim Nicholas Taleb)的《黑天鹅》

    2. The writer Umberto Eco belongs to that small class of scholars who are encyclopedic, insightful, and nondull. He is the owner of a large personal library (containing thirty thousand books), and separates visitors into two categories: those who react with “Wow! Signore professore dottore Eco, what a library you have! How many of these books have you read?”* and the others—a very small minority—who get the point that a private library is not an ego-boosting appendage but a research tool. Read books are far less valuable than unread ones. The library should contain as much of what you do not know as your financial means, mortgage rates, and the currently tight real-estate market allows you to put there. You will accumulate more knowledge and more books as you grow older, and the growing number of unread books on the shelves will look at you menacingly. Indeed, the more you know, the larger the rows of unread books. Let us call this collection of unread books an antilibrary.

      作家翁贝托·埃克(Umberto Eco)属于博学、深刻并且不乏味的少数学者。他拥有一个很大的私人图书馆(有3万册书),拜访者可以分为两类。一类人的反应是:“哇!埃克教授,你的图书馆多么壮观呀!你读了其中的多少本书?”非常少数的另一类人知道,私人图书馆并不是一个用来自我膨胀的装饰,而是研究工具。读过的书远远不如未读的书有价值。你的财力、抵押贷款率和当前趋紧的房地产市场能让你拥有多少书,这个图书馆就应该包括多少你所不知道的知识。随着年岁的增长,你会积累越来越多的知识和书,而书架上越来越多的你还没读的书会让你产生紧迫感。实际上,你知道得越多,未读的书占据的书架也越多。

    1. 《Lunario, 1968-1999》 by Guido Guidi | MACK(英国)


    1. 《New Monuments》以静态的图片探索人类的激情和灵性,如何随着季节的不同而改变。这本书其实是季度项目“Seasons Series”中的一本,“Seasons Series”希望在完全相同尺寸和页数的规格下,艺术家们可以通过不同的主题,共同展示对于摄影的不同思考。

    1. 红色的牛群在黄绿色的草地上觅食,背后是大片饱和度很高的蓝色,从远处的天空到接近草地的地方层层渐变。单看这张照片,充满田野的趣味。然而这本书里所有的照片都在受到日本福岛第一核电站泄漏影响的两个小镇拍摄,英国摄影师Giles Price使用热成像相机,才有了这样亮丽得有些超现实的色泽。

      Giles Price的照片,一方面想呈现这些在灾难后重新回来的人的日常,一方面他们的日常又注定了不寻常。热成像相机一般用于医疗、海关检查,但在这里的运用却显得恰到好处。它让情绪在视觉上变得更加抽象,人们更关注颜色,以及这种高饱和度颜色下所潜伏和暗涌的不安。

    1. 「Sounds of the Forest」是一个收录全世界森林声音的地图,开启网页、移动地图后找到每个声音点,点选就能线上收听在森林录制的环境音,可能是虫鸣、鸟叫、风声或是远方的浪涛拍打,搭配一张森林特写,立即浮现置身林间的清新畅快感受。

      Sounds of the Forest 来自英国国家森林公园一年一度的「Timber」活动,受到新冠肺炎影响无法如期举行,主办单位决定设计一个森林之声地图,收集来自世界各地林地和森林的声音并呈现在网页上,这些声音构成一个开放资料库,任何人都可以从线上下载、将声音使用于创作音乐或是任何艺术作品。

    1. “In Google Wave you create a wave and add people to it. Everyone on your wave can use richly formatted text, photos, gadgets, and even feeds from other sources on the web. They can insert a reply or edit the wave directly. It’s concurrent rich-text editing, where you see on your screen nearly instantly what your fellow collaborators are typing in your wave. That means Google Wave is just as well suited for quick messages as for persistent content—it allows for both collaboration and communication. You can also use ‘playback’ to rewind the wave and see how it evolved.”

      “在Google Wave中,你可以创建wave,并添加人员。Google Wave中的每个人都可以使用富文本、照片、小工具,以及网络上其他来源的文件。他们可以插入回复或直接编辑wave。这是一款富文本编辑工具,可供多人同时编辑,你可以通过屏幕实时地看到其他协作者在wave中输入的内容。Google Wave既适用于持久性内容,也支持快速消息,可用作协作和交流。你还可以使用回放的功能,重新查看wave的发展经过。”

    2. Wave’s story started in October 2004 when Google bought a mapping startup called Where 2 Tech. That acquisition came bundled with a fledgling technology that would eventually become commuters’ favorite, Google Maps. The responsibility for the new project was given to brothers Lars and Jens Rasmussen who became its lead developers. As they worked toward an initial Maps release, the brothers started to think about what might be next for them at Google.

      Wave的故事始于2004年10月,当时Google收购了一家名为Where 2 Tech的创业公司。这项收购与新兴技术的结合,最终诞生了人们出行时最喜爱的Google地图。

      新项目由主力开发人员的Lars和Jens Rasmussen兄弟负责。当初他们二人合力发布了第一版的Google地图,后来这俩兄弟开始思考下一步在Google干什么。

    3. Google Wave’s Failure is a Great Lesson for Modern Real-Time Collaboration Tools
    1. Blue moon, you saw me standing alone… Self-isolation has had drastic consequences for romance. Illustration: Paul Blow/The Observer

      英国《观察者杂志》(The Observer Magazine)一期的封面,主题 Love under lockdown,插画来自 Paul Blow,在家期间有人孤独,有人相爱,有人冷战。

    1. Uphold是一个比特币钱包初创公司。公司将平台应用程序模型与支付连接相结合,致力于通过打造比特币支付平台,为各类企业提供金融服务。应用程序开发人员和Fintech合作伙伴可以通过与世界各地的银行和金融服务合作伙伴的进行合作。

    1. TechCrunch founder Michael Arrington recently wrote: “I thought Twitter was driving us apart, but I’m slowly starting to think half of you always hated the other half but never knew it until Twitter.” This is a good point that highlights something easy to overlook: 1) everyone belongs to a tribe, 2) those tribes sometimes fundamentally disagree with one another, 3) that’s fine if those tribes keep their distance, 4) the internet increasingly assures that they don’t.

      TechCrunch网站的创始人迈克尔·阿灵顿(Michael Arrington)最近在文章中写道:“我认为推特正在拉开人与人之间的距离,不过我也开始思考是不是人群中的一半人其实一直很讨厌另一半,只不过是推特出现后大家才认识到这一点罢了。”这个想法很好,可以让我们重新注意到几个极易被忽视的事情:





    2. And there’s a lot of them. The most important thing about this topic is that people don’t judge their wellbeing in a vacuum. They measure their worth relative to the people they see around them. If your income stays the same while people around you see their income rise 10%, you will likely feel worse off. This is usually subtle, as the material possessions of those with more money inflate your aspirations, often taunting you to close the gap between you and them by taking on debt.


    3. All that matters here is that it happened, and happened enormously. It’s a Big Thing that impacts all kinds of other topics. Writing in the 1950s, historian Frederick Lewis Allen described the social revolution that took place as the Gilded Age gave way to a more balanced economy: To understand the America of today one must not only realize how vital to its development was the revolt of the American conscience, which implanted in Americans the idea that you could repair the economic and political machinery of the country, so as to make it work better for the majority, without stopping the machine … … through a combination of patchwork revisions of the system–tax laws, minimum wage laws, subsidies and guarantees and regulations of various sorts, plus labor union pressures and new management attitudes–we had repealed the Iron Law of Wages. We had brought about a virtually automatic redistribution of income from the well-to-do to the less well-to-do. And this did not stall the machine but actually stepped up its power. Just as an individual business seemed to run best when it plowed part of its profits into improvements, so the business system as a whole seemed to run better if you plowed some of the national income into improvements in the income and status of the lower income groups, enabling them to buy more goods and thus to expand the market for everybody. We had discovered a new frontier to open up: the purchasing power of the poor. That, it seems to me, is the essence of the Great American Discovery. And it has its corollary: that if you thus bring advantages to a great lot of previously underprivileged people, they will rise to their opportunities and, by and large, will become responsible citizens.


      上世纪50年代,历史学家弗雷德里克·刘易斯·艾伦(Frederick Lewis Allen)认为美国从镀金时代(Gilded Age)过渡到一个更平衡的经济时期的过程,其实是爆发了一场社会革命,他在文中写道:


      ……经过对国家系统的一系列拼拼凑凑的修订——税法、最低工资法,还有各种津贴、保障和相关规定,再加上来自工会的压力以及全新的管理理念——我们已经打破了“工资铁则”(Iron Law of Wages)。事实上,我们几乎实现了将收入从富裕人群到较富裕人群的自动分配。这并没有让国家这部机器停转,反而提高了它的效率。这就好像当一个企业将部分利润投入到自我改善的工作上,该企业往往就可以提高效率。因此,当你把一部分国家收入投入到改善低收入群体的所得与社会地位的工作中,让这一人群也可以购买更多的商品,从而扩大整个市场,从整体来看经济系统就可以运转得更高效。至此,我们就发现了一个新的开放领域:穷人的购买力。


    4. In his book Strategic Effects of Demographic Shocks, James Holmes quotes Aristotle’s view of ancient Sparta: The legislator, wishing there to be as many Spartiates as possible, encourages the citizens to have as many children as possible; for there is a law that one who has fathered three sons is exempt from [military] duty, and one with four is exempted from all taxes.

      在《人口冲击的战略影响》(Strategic Effects of Demographic Shocks)一书中,作者詹姆斯·福尔摩斯(James Holmes)引用了亚里士多德对古希腊城邦斯巴达的记述:


    5. John Maynard Keynes predicted countries wrecked by war would go on to have a “craving for social and personal security,” and indeed they did. Historian Tony Judt writes of post-war Europe: Only the state could offer hope or salvation to the mass of the population. And in the aftermath of depression, occupation and civil war, the state—as an agent of welfare, security and fairness—was a vital source of community and social cohesion.

      约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯(John Maynard Keynes)曾经预测,那些遭受战争摧残的国家会因此“渴望社会和人身安全”,当然,这一预言是相当准确的。托尼·贾特(Tony Judt)是这样描述战后的欧洲的:


    6. Those roots can snake back infinitely. But the deeper you dig, the closer you get to the Big Things: the handful of events that are so powerful they influence a range of seemingly unrelated topics.


    7. Three Big Things: The Most Important Forces Shaping the World
    1. Ben Taub

      本·塔布 (Ben Taub) 于2017年以刊内作者身份加入《纽约客》。他的报道领域涉及圣战、犯罪、气候变化以及人权等。2020年,他报道了一名被关押在关塔那摩湾拘押中心长达十多年男子的悲惨经历,描述了他如何被绑架、遭受酷刑折磨以及被剥夺自由的遭遇。他因此文获得2020普利策特稿写作奖。他还曾获得美国国家杂志奖,连续两届乔治·波尔克奖,利文斯顿奖,罗伯特·肯尼迪奖,海外新闻俱乐部奖等荣誉。

    2. I stood in my cellWondering about my situationAm I the prisoner, or is it that guard standing nearby?Between me and him stood a wallIn the wall, there was a holeThrough which I see light, and he sees darknessJust like me he has a wife, kids, a houseJust like me he came here on orders from above.

      “我站在牢房里 想知道我的处境 我是囚犯,还是站在旁边的守卫? 在我和他之间有一堵墙 墙上有个洞

      我藉着这光看见光, 他藉着这光看见暗 就像我一样, 他有妻子、孩子和房子 就像我一样, 他也是奉命来的。”

    3. Before leaving Guantánamo, he gave Salahi a novel by Steve Martin, “The Pleasure of My Company.”

      在离开关塔那摩监狱之前,他送给萨拉希一本史蒂夫·马丁(Steve Martin)的小说《The Pleasure of My Company》(参考译名:有我陪伴的乐趣)。

    4. 《纽约客》的本·塔布(Ben Taub)报道了被关押在关塔那摩湾拘押中心长达10年之久的一名男性,描述他如何被绑架、遭受酷刑、自由被剥夺等遭遇。还有一位是监狱的警卫。




    1. Mubi最初名为The Auteurs(风格导演),由土耳其籍的企业家 Efe Çakarel 在2007年为电影爱好者创建的社交网络。




    1. One of my core beliefs is that no one gets to tell an artist what kind of art they should make. I don’t feel that I have a responsibility to write about sex, but I do feel a certain urgency about the endeavour, and part of that urgency has to do with being a queer artist. In an infamous review of Alan Hollinghurst’s 1999 novel The Spell, John Updike made an argument about the fundamental unseriousness of queer sex. In contrast to chronicles of “the rites and stations of banded gayness,” Updike wrote, “novels about heterosexual partnering, however frivolous and reducible to increments of selfishness, social accident, foolish overestimations, and inflamed physical detail, do involve the perpetuation of the species and the ancient, sacralised structures of the family.”

      我的核心信仰之一,是没有任何人有权利告诉艺术家他们应该创作何种艺术。我并不认为自己有描写性爱的义务,但却有一种需要尝试的紧迫感,其中一部分紧迫感和我作为酷儿艺术家的身份有关。在一场关于艾伦·霍林赫斯特(Alan Hollinghurst)1999年出版的小说《魔咒》(The Spell)的访谈中,约翰·厄普代克(John Updike)就酷儿性事的“不严肃”发表过言论。他这样说道:


      为何要书写性,在今天已不应成为问题 | 美国作家加思·格林威尔

    1. The political theorist Hannah Arendt once wrote that the most successful totalitarian leaders of the 20th century instilled in their followers “a mixture of gullibility and cynicism.” When they were lied to, they chose to believe it. When a lie was debunked, they claimed they’d known all along—and would then “admire the leaders for their superior tactical cleverness.” Over time, Arendt wrote, the onslaught of propaganda conditioned people to “believe everything and nothing, think that everything was possible and that nothing was true.”

      政治理论家汉娜·阿伦特(Hannah Arendt)曾写道:“20世纪最成功的极权主义领导人向他的支持者者灌输了‘一种轻信和犬儒主义的混合心态’。当他们被欺骗时,他们会选择相信;而当谎言被揭穿时,他们会声称自己早已知晓,然后开始钦佩领导人高超的战术智慧。而随着时间的推移,宣传攻势会使人们习惯于‘相信一切,却又不相信一切;认为万物皆有可能,也怀疑万物皆为虚假’。”

    2. Once you internalize the possibility that you’re being manipulated by some hidden hand, nothing can be trusted. Every dissenting voice on Twitter becomes a Russian bot, every uncomfortable headline a false flag, every political development part of an ever-deepening conspiracy. By the time the information ecosystem collapses under the weight of all this cynicism, you’re too vigilant to notice that the disinformationists have won.


    3. In his book This Is Not Propaganda, Peter Pomerantsev, a researcher at the London School of Economics, writes about a young Filipino political consultant he calls “P.” In college, P had studied the “Little Albert experiment,” in which scientists conditioned a young child to fear furry animals by exposing him to loud noises every time he encountered a white lab rat. The experiment gave P an idea. He created a series of Facebook groups for Filipinos to discuss what was going on in their communities. Once the groups got big enough—about 100,000 members—he began posting local crime stories, and instructed his employees to leave comments falsely tying the grisly headlines to drug cartels. The pages lit up with frightened chatter. Rumors swirled; conspiracy theories metastasized. To many, all crimes became drug crimes.

      伦敦政治经济学院研究员彼得•波梅兰采夫(Peter Pomerantsev)在他的书《这不是宣传》(This Is Not Propaganda)中,描绘了一位年轻的菲律宾政治顾问“P”的故事。上大学时,P曾研究过“小阿尔伯特实验”(Little Albert experiment)。在这个实验中,科学家们为了让一个年幼的孩子养成害怕毛茸动物的习惯,便在他每次遇到实验室里的白老鼠时,用巨大的噪音对其进行干扰。这个实验给了P灵感,于是他创建了一系列的Facebook群组,让菲律宾人讨论他们社区里正在发生的事情。一旦这些群组发展到一定规模(大约有10万名成员),他就开始散播当地的犯罪新闻,并指示他的员工留下虚假的评论,将这些犯罪新闻与贩毒集团联系在一起。在此之后,网站点击率激增,谣言纷飞,阴谋论盛行,而在许多人眼中,所有的犯罪都变成了毒品犯罪。

    1. 《爱的小时刻》这本书,源自一个美国非著名业余插画家Catana,在男朋友的鼓励下,她把记录他们日常恋爱生活的短篇漫画发到网上,没想到大火,后在2018年集结成册出版,2020年引进中国大陆。

    1. Dynamicland is a spatial computing project and new tech organization located in Oakland, California. They are dedicated to understanding how user interfaces will evolve over thousands of years. Dynamicland transforms a building into a computer–the UI can be a wall, or a table. Paper and sticky notes can be found everywhere. The ceilings are covered in cameras and projectors. Each individual section of paper is its own piece of the Lua programming language. Some printouts have their own code printed on them. One use is with paper representing datasets, and moving them together to the graph sheet, bringing the data into the graph. Another page uses a stick as a slider to pick the year of information visualized. Multiple users can interact with a program and the code directly, and together in the same space. Dynamicland as a creative space reflects the vision of SpatialFlow, creating an environment encouraging collaboration and playful experimentation, as well as movement through the space. The concept of using physical objects differs from that of SpatialFlow, where the user currently only manipulates virtual objects in the room. Dynamicland’s displays are rather flat, as they are based on sheets of paper, while SpatialFlow’s visualizations are three-dimensional for the most part. It will be interesting to see how the physical and the virtual can be best combined for ease of use. Dynamicland has inspired the transition of SpatialFlow’s prototype into more of an open-office plan environment, where creators may feel more at home. This allows users to understand the context of the space they are creating in, making it more believable and relatable to real working environments.

      Dynamicland是一个位于加州奥克兰的空间计算项目和新技术组织。他们致力于理解用户界面在几千年后将如何演变。Dynamicland将一栋建筑变成了一台电脑——用户界面可以是一面墙,也可以是一张桌子。纸和便签随处可见。天花板上布满了摄像头和投影仪。每一个独立的部分都是 Lua 编程语言的一部分。一种用途是用纸表示数据集,然后将它们一起移动到图形表中,将数据带入图形中。另一个页面使用一根棍子作为滑动条来选择信息可视化的年份。多个用户可以直接与程序和代码进行交互,也可以在同一个空间中一起交互。Dynamicland作为一个创意空间,反映了SpatialFlow的愿景,创造了一个鼓励合作和游戏性实验的环境,以及在空间中的移动。使用实物的概念与SpatialFlow不同,后者的用户目前只能在房间里操作虚拟对象。Dynamicland的显示是相当平面的,因为它们是基于纸片的,而SpatialFlow的可视化在大多数情况下是三维的。如何将实体和虚拟最好地结合起来,以方便使用,这将是有趣的。Dynamicland 启发了 SpatialFlow 原型向开放式办公环境的转变,让创作者感觉更自在。这使得用户能够理解他们正在创作的空间背景,使其更可信,更贴近真实的工作环境。

    1. Poets and philosophers have warned almost forever against this kind of comfort. Socrates famously claimed that his wisdom came from knowing he knew nothing. John Keats defined “negative capability” — a quality he attributed to men “of Achievement” — as the ability to stay “in uncertainties, Mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact & reason.” Donald Barthelme, in his 1985 essay “Not-Knowing,” argues that it is “what permits art to be made.” Georges Bataille thought “non-knowledge” was inherent to the human condition. The “unknowable immensity” of the universe “infinitely eludes an individual who seeks it,” he writes in Inner Experience (1943). Knowledge is “the means [by] which man attempts to take himself for the whole of the universe.” Designed to reduce the world to the answers it can provide, Google belies (or tries to belie) the universe’s infinite elusiveness.

      诗人和哲学家几乎一直警告人们不要这样安逸。苏格拉底有句名言: 他的智慧来自于知道自己一无所知。约翰·济慈把 "消极能力"——一种他认为“有成就的人”所具有的品质——定义为 "处于不确定、神秘、疑惑之中,而不急于追求事实和理性"的能力。唐纳德·巴特尔姆在1985年的文章《无知》中认为,这是 "允许艺术被创造的原因"。乔治·巴泰尔(Georges Bataille)认为 "不知道"是人类与生俱来的。他在《内心体验》(1943)中写道,宇宙的“不可知的无限”,“无限地逃避着寻找它的个人”。知识是 "人类试图将自己视为整个宇宙的手段"。谷歌的目的是将世界简化为它能提供的答案,它掩盖了(或试图掩盖)宇宙的无限不可捉摸性。

    2. “There will be only answers,” the writer Marguerite Duras said in 1985 when a TV show asked her to make a prediction about the year 2000. “The demand will be such that there will only be answers. All texts will be answers… about [man’s] body, his corporeal future, his health, his family life, his salary, his leisure. It’s not far from a nightmare. There will be nobody reading anymore.” Duras, who proceeded to complain about screens, was probably thinking of TV. But no medium has transformed texts into answers — obliterating certain kinds of ignorance and camouflaging others — more systematically than search engines.

      "只有答案",作家玛格丽特·杜拉斯在1985年说,当时一个电视节目请她对2000年进行预测。"人们的需求将是如此强烈,以至于只有答案。所有的文字都将是答案......关于[人的]身体、物质的未来、健康、家庭生活、工资、休闲。这离噩梦不远了。将没有人再读书了。" 杜拉斯接着抱怨屏幕,她可能想到的是电视。但没有任何媒介比搜索引擎更系统地将文本转化为答案——抹去某些种类的无知,掩盖其他种类的无知。

    1. Koski是英国皇家艺术学院(RCA)毕业生瓦茨拉夫·姆林纳(Václav Mlynář)的毕业作品。


    1. What: Perhaps the single most famous studio-house, Giverny was not just an inspiration for Claude Monet’s famous paintings; it offers the spectacle of the landscape itself made over to look like an Impressionist painting. With a few clicks, you can stroll its pathways, go inside the house, and see vistas like the one at the top of this article, taken from the property’s Japanese-style bridge.


    2. Want to Visit Monet’s Giverny Gardens From Your Desk? Here Are 11 Historic Artists’ Homes You Can See on Google Street View
    1. In the late 1920s, Berenice Abbott closed her portrait studio in Paris and relocated to New York with the goal of documenting the rapidly changing American city. She shot thousands of photographs for her Changing New York series over the next decade, and many of her pictures are still counted among the most iconic images of Gotham ever made. Affordable housing units and hotels have drastically changed the identity of the streets where Abbott took this picture, but the Manhattan Bridge appears unchanged.  

      20世纪20年代末,艺术家贝伦尼斯·阿博特(Berenice Abbott)关了她在巴黎的肖像工作室,搬来纽约,目的是记录这个飞速发展的城市。在接下来的十年里,她为自己“改变的纽约”系列拍摄了数千张照片,她的许多照片至今仍被认为是高谭市最具标志性的照片之一。经济适用房和酒店彻底改变了阿博特拍摄的照片中的场景,但曼哈顿大桥似乎没发生改变。

    2. we picked out a selection of famous photographs from the last 100 years and revisited them through Google. A lot has changed. Formerly gritty New York streets are today lined with chain stores and pharmacies, and the Las Vegas Strip, once covered in neon signage, is today home to marijuana dispensaries and shooting ranges catering to bachelorette parties.


    3. We Revisited the Scenes of 8 Iconic Photographs on Google Street View to Capture What Has—and Hasn’t—Changed
    1. While we stare down at our mapping apps or outsource our navigation to the nearest Uber to speed down city streets, architects, city officials, urban planners and design firms, among others, are paying increasing attention to the ways in which urban design speaks to urban inhabitants. The American urbanist William H Whyte (1917-1999), who wrote the seminal texts The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces (1980) and City: Rediscovering the Center (1988), set the stage for much of the data collecting and spatial observation now being conducted in cities. His groundbreaking work continues to have a huge influence on those, such as the aforementioned Gehl and the American urban planner Allan Jacobs, who are devoted to improving our experience of space and place. The question facing people invested in the life of cities is one of motivation – how, other than through explicit signage, penalties and prohibitions, can they influence the way we move through the city’s public spaces? More specifically, they study how the built environment can be designed so that people are ‘nudged’ to act in ways that are safe, sustainable and socially desirable. Small-scale interventions – chairs that can be moved, water features that add soothing sounds and visuals, the inclusion of ledges and edges on which to perch – have all been found to make spaces more inviting. Good lighting, the exclusion of bushes that might create hidden areas for illegal activity and safe bike paths for those without cars all make an area safer.

      当我们为了尽快去到自己想去的地方,而专心盯着手机里的地图应用程序,或是干脆把找路的任务交给离我们最近的优步司机的同时,建筑师、城市官员、城市规划者和建筑设计公司,正在对城市设计与城市居民之间的对话投注以越来越多的关注。美国城市学家威廉·H·怀特(William H Whyte,1917-1999)著有《小城市空间的社会生活》和《城市:重新发现中心》(City:Rediscovering the Center)两部影响深远的著作,为目前在城市进行的大量数据收集和空间观测工作奠定了基础。他的富有开拓性的研究和著作对那些致力于改善人们对空间和场所的体验的人产生了巨大影响,这些人包括前文提到的格尔和美国城市规划师艾伦·雅各布斯。


    2. Our inattention to our lived environment is not universal, of course. Hunter-gatherer societies still exist in places where survival is dependent on an ability to read nature. But the majority of cultures have seen their disconnection from the environment (natural or built) grow over millennia. In his book The Spell of the Sensuous (1996), the American philosopher David Abram points to the alphabet as the earliest technology to estrange humans from the natural environment. Where once hunter-gatherers were dependent on a sensuous connection with nature – intimately familiar with the scents of the animals they hunted, sensitive to the sounds of predators, able to navigate by sight – writing ensured that the human gaze was deflected from the real world to its representations.

      当然,并非地球上所有地方的人都对自己身处的周遭环境心不在焉、毫不留意。在那些必须具有读懂大自然的能力才能生存下去的地方,仍然存在着采集和狩猎的部族社会。但是几千年以来,人类社会的大多数文化都经历过人与环境(包括自然或建筑)脱离的过程。美国哲学家大卫·亚伯兰(David Abram)在他1996年出版的《感官的魅力》(The Spell of the Sensuous)一书中指出,语言和文字是最早出现的一种致使人类疏远并脱离大自然环境的人为技术手段。狩猎采集部族曾经非常依赖于他们与自然界之间的感官联系,例如他们非常熟悉将要捕猎的动物的气味,他们对一些猛兽的动静非常敏感,而且能够根据自然界的景观来辨别方向。但是语言和文字的出现,使人类的目光从关注现实世界,转向了关注这个世界的表象。

    3. City on mute
    1. In Daily Rituals: How Artists Work (2013), Mason Currey describes the routines of famous writers and artists, many of whom are early risers, and several segmented sleepers. Currey found that many hit on the pattern of segmented sleep by accident. The architect Frank Lloyd Wright, for instance, would wake around 4am, unable to fall back to sleep – so he would work for three or four hours, then take a nap. The Nobel Prize-winning novelist Knut Hamsun would often wake after sleeping for a couple of hours. So he kept a pencil and paper by his bed, and would, he said: ‘start writing immediately in the dark if I feel something is streaming through me.’ The psychologist B F Skinner kept a clipboard, paper and pencil by his bed to work during periods of night wakefulness, and the author Marilynne Robinson regularly woke to read or write during what she called her ‘benevolent insomnia’.

      梅森·柯里(Mason Currey)在《创作者的一天世界》一书里勾勒了一些知名作家和艺术家的作息习惯,其中不乏早起者,也有一些人偏爱分段式睡眠。柯里发现,许多人都是在无意间形成分段式睡眠的习惯的。例如,建筑师弗兰克·劳合·赖特(Frank Lloyd Wright)清晨4点就醒了,而且没法再睡着——他会工作三至四个小时,接着小憩一下。诺奖得主、小说家克努特·汉姆生(Knut Hamsun)一般睡上几个小时之后就会醒来。鉴于此,他的床边放着笔和纸,此外他曾表示:“灵感来了的话我就会在黑暗中当即开始写作。”心理学家B.F.斯金纳(B F Skinner)的床边也备有写字板、纸和笔,以方便起夜期间的工作,而作家玛丽琳·罗宾逊(Marilynne Robinson)在她自称的“仁慈的失眠”期间也经常会起来读书或者写作。

    2. Modern, electrical illumination revolutionised the night and, in turn, sleep. Prior to Edison, says the Virginia Tech historian A Roger Ekirch, author of At Day’s Close: Night in Times Past (2005), sleep had been divided into two distinct segments, separated by a period of night-waking that lasted between one and several hours. The pattern was called segmented sleep.

      现代的电气化照明彻底地改变了夜晚,继而也改变了睡眠。来自弗吉尼亚州科技大学、著有《一日之尾:过去时代的夜晚》(At Day’s Close: Night in Times Past)一书的历史学家A.罗杰·埃克尔奇(A Roger Ekirch)指出,在爱迪生发明电灯之前,睡眠分为两个不同的阶段,中间会有一小时至数小时的起夜时间。这种模式叫做分段式睡眠(segmented sleep)。

    3. Broken sleep
    1. "Documentarists of Japan, No. 12: Koreeda Hirokazu." Interviewed by Tanaka Junko and Aaron Gerow. Documentary Box 13 (1999): 1-10. access

      “纪录片盒子”(Documentary Box)杂志影评人亚伦·杰罗(Aaron Gerow)与田中纯子(Tanaka Junko)对是枝裕和所做的长篇访谈。