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  1. Feb 2021
    1. AGI, like an animal in the wild, is supposed to be able to deal, at runtime, with unforeseen circumstances. An ability to adapt quickly and reliably will not only push forward the next generation of robotic explorers and personal assistants, but can also be seen as a key aspect of intelligence. Intelligence is a term with many meanings.

      与荒野生存的动物一样,通用人工智能(Artificial general intelligence,AGI)能够在运行时应对无法预见的情况。快速和可靠的适应力不仅能够推动新一代机器人及个人助手的实践发展,也理应被视为智能理论的那块“核心拼图”。

    2. However, learning at runtime is an ability which gives intelligent animals a key survival advantage. What has made machine learning so successful is a narrower idea of learning.


    1. In a social media landscape that typically compels you to spend hours staring at a screen—often distractedly flitting between multiple screens—Clubhouse lets you multitask while you listen. Like podcasts, you can listen while you take a walk, fold laundry, or work out.

      在一个典型的迫使你花几个小时盯着屏幕的社交媒体环境中,Clubhouse 让你在听的时候可以处理其他事,比如散步、叠衣服甚至健身。

    1. Inventing Y2K: Why Gen-Z Love the 2000s So Much

      独立杂志BRICKS Magazine曾发表过一篇名为《发明Y2K:为什么Z世代沉迷千禧风潮?》的文章。作者写道,“现如今,当我们在谷歌上搜索 ‘Y2K服装’,出现在你眼前的是ASOS、Topshop这些快时尚品牌。在Depop等电商购物平台,打着Y2K标签的商品更是高达上万件。Y2K似乎成了时尚产品的最好代言。”

    1. 项目邀请了伊东丰雄、隈研吾、妹岛和世、内藤广、坂茂、马岩松、MVRDV等16组世界级建筑师和产品设计师,为不同类型、个性和体格的狗狗设计适合他们的生活空间。通过构想与狗狗体积大小一致的空间结构,设计师们从独特的角度探索了建筑的可能性。


    1. NewsBreak 团队认为,高质量的、与读者衣食住行相关的本地新闻,才是对读者来说更具价值的新闻资讯。比如说,小区公告、本地公共政策、学校信息等。

      因此,NewsBreak 会鼓励本地的创作者加入,写更贴近本地生活的文章、专注于内容,而不是广告类的文章,同时 NewsBreak 会为他们提供写作报酬,来丰富与本地相关的内容。


    1. “当我看到树上开满了鲜花时,我便会猜想那天是否发生了什么好事情;而当树上挂满了黑色的叶子时,我也会担心他是否遭遇了什么……”

      可视化博主Shirly Wu根据旧金山现代艺术博物馆(SFMOMA)策划的活动(参与者通过短信发送“send me xxx”,博物馆就会回复对应的艺术作品图片),挑选了其中五位参与者,将他们与博物馆在一周内的短信互动情况绘制成了一棵树,花朵代表积极的内容,叶子代表中立,枝干代表消极,各部分的颜色来源于艺术作品图片的颜色。


    1. When an item is collected by hand, the picker scans it with a handheld device to ensure that the correct object has been taken. And every item’s progress throughout the warehouse is constantly monitored thanks to a series of points at which it is scanned again – for example at the moment of being labelled with the customer’s name and address. “We are able to track where the item is at any one time at the fulfilment centre,” says Low, who is both confident and clearly proud of the attention to detail.


    1. The purpose of this essay is to present a grander vision of an educational system in which technology is used not in the form of machines for processing children but as something the child himself will earn to manipulate, to extend, to apply to projects, thereby gaining a greater and more articulate mastery of the world, a sense of the power of applied knowledge and a self-confidently realistic image of himself as an intellectual agent. Stated more simply, I believe with Dewey, Montessori, and Piaget that children learn by doing and by thinking about what they do. And so the fundamental ingredients of educational innovation must be better things to do and better ways to think about oneself doing these things.


    1. 彭博社报道了即将上市的短视频应用快手,称该公司将虚拟礼物做成了数百亿美元的生意。粉丝可以使用虚拟礼物打赏自己喜欢的主播,从 5 元的玫瑰到 500 元的火箭。礼物只是一种符号,但钱是真实的。这家字节跳动的竞争对手已经成为了最大的虚拟礼物直播平台,月付费用户超过其它任何平台。该公司会从粉丝给主播的礼物中获得一部分分成。在香港的 IPO 将创造四位亿万富翁,公司联合创始人宿华和程一笑每人的资产都将超过 55 亿美元。宿华是湖南人,在清华学编程,2006 年加盟 Google,他在金融危机期间离开 Google 后短暂创办了自己的公司。2011 年他认识了程一笑,两人在 2013 年合作将快手从一个 GIF 动画制作商转变成为社交视频平台。

    1. ¹比如,34岁的荷兰女性Vanessa van Ewijk想生孩子,为了省钱,她绕过了精子库,通过一个名为“Desire for a Child”的网站自行寻找理想捐精者。越来越多的在线精子市场帮助用户做匹配和推荐。然后,她挑中了一位30多岁、蓝眼睛、金色卷发的音乐家,外表英俊,通电话“感觉他很温柔,友善,像一个隔壁大男孩”。她在海牙的中央车站约见“音乐家”,他给了她精液,她付给他165欧元,并报销了他的往返交通费用。然后她怀孕了,生了一个女儿。“音乐家”告诉她,这是他的第8个女儿。两年后,她又想怀孕要孩子,就又找到了“音乐家”,她想让自己的孩子拥有同一对父母。两人再次约在海牙中央车站,“音乐家”给了她一个盛满精液的小容器,她照旧付给了他一小笔费用,并报销往返费用。这一次,她生了一个男孩。很高兴。

      ²但问题很快来了:像挑餐馆,80%的人可能都喜欢在20%的地方吃饭。Vanessa van Ewijk很快在脸书上发现,同时挑中“音乐家”的精液的女性非常多。另一个单亲妈妈告诉他,她查过荷兰卫生福利部的一项调查,发现这位“音乐家”早在2017年就至少通过多家生育诊所“生”了102个孩子。这个统计并不包括她俩使用的私下约见渠道。van Ewijk一下有点慌,她本只想自己的两个孩子有同一个父亲,但没想到他们的兄弟姐妹有上百甚至更多。重点是:荷兰总人口也就1700多万,相当于成都市、广州市、天津市的常住人口,那么将来同父异母的兄弟姐妹结婚怎么办?后代遗传病风险很大。

      ³van Ewijk很生气,她联系上“音乐家”,他很坦诚,表示抱歉,并告诉她自己至少有175个孩子,并且说鉴于自己还年轻,以后还会更多。他说:我只是在帮助女性实现最大的愿望。van Ewijk回答说:请您不要再帮助了!我如何告诉我的两个孩子,他们在外面其实还有300多个兄弟姐妹呢!

      ⁴数据:精子捐献行业目前普遍监管不严。理论上,德国一家精子诊所的捐献者最多只能“生”15个孩子;英国的上限是10个。在荷兰,法律实际上是禁止匿名捐赠的,上限为25个,且禁止一个男性在多家诊所捐献。美国没有这方面的限制,只是建议上限为25个。但问题是,国内监管不严,国际监管也付之阙如,没有任何可靠的措施可以阻止捐献者跨国捐献或出售自己的精子。比如,全球最大的精子诊所、丹麦的Cryos International,它们的“产品”卖到全球100多个国家。2019年,Dutch Donor Child Foundation发起一个寻找亲属的项目,通过DNA测试发现,生育专家Jan Karbaa在2017年去世前已经有了至少68个孩子。划重点:这些孩子全部由在他鹿特丹市诊所的女顾客生的。

      ⁵继续:荷兰还有一个精子捐献者名为Louis,可能是化名。他至少有个200多个后代。今年36岁的男子Ivo van Halen,一名IT从业者发现他至少有几十个兄弟姐妹,于是就建立了群组,把这些人都加进来,然后一起寻找更多的兄弟姐妹,目前他们的群组已经发展到70多个人。再划重点:等加进来才发现,他至少跟几个同父异母的姐妹(half siblings)在约会app Tinder上配对过。另外一个兄弟,居住在海牙的Jordy Willekens也说,他跟4个同父异母的姐妹在网上配对过其中有一个互相“选中”过。然后,他们的群组决定建一份兄弟姐妹花名册,以免恋爱时不小心互相选中。

      ⁶进一步研究发现,这种现象并不罕见。大多数的疯狂捐赠者都热衷私下匿名捐赠,绕过诊所,直接跟受捐者联系,并接受她们的小额报酬。一位居住在纽约市的数学教授Ari Nagel告诉NYT,他一般在商场跟女方约见面,交出他的精子。他自己记录,大约有76个孩子了。英国的捐助者Simon Watson最疯狂,他2016年时就已经有了800多个孩子!!800多!

      ⁷故事的最后,Vanessa van Ewijk女士连同其他女士一起(有意思的是,她意外发现自己幼儿园的同事,也用了“音乐家”的精子,因为她俩的孩子长得很像),把“音乐家”的事情曝光。目前荷兰的11家诊所都禁止再用“音乐家”的精子。她们想起诉“音乐家”,但律师告诉12位使用了“音乐家”精子的单亲妈妈说,目前没有法律支持她们。NYT给“音乐家”写邮件,得到的回复是:他还以别名的形式,在至少一家国际精子银行注册了。他至少在澳大利亚、意大利、塞尔维亚、乌克兰、德国、波兰、匈牙利、瑞士、罗马尼亚、丹麦、瑞典、墨西哥、美国都有孩子。Dutch Donor Child Foundation的工作人员告诉NYT,这位先生的后代很可能已经达到几百甚至超过1000。但“音乐家”在邮件里否认了,他写道:“可能也就250多个。我这样做的原因无他,只是想帮助更多的人。为什么要那么关注数字呢!”

      “I have approximately 250 children,” he said. “Assumptions of 1,000 are ridiculous. I am disappointed by the obsession of the numbers. I became a donor not for any numbers but out of love to help parents with realizing their dream. I cannot understand how anyone can only focus on numbers and see my donor children as a number.”

      ⁸最后一次划重点:根据Cryos的资料,这位“音乐家”、Jonathan Jacob Meijer也到过中国。是不是像其他捐助者那样专门飞来做人工授精,就不知道了。Cryos的一位母亲,在全球找到了50多位用过他精子的单亲妈妈也建立了一个群组,并尝试阻止“音乐家”再到处捐精。他说,“我喜欢生孩子”。“I love having kids”。

    1. Three principal conclusions may be drawn concerning the significance and implications of the ideas that have been presented.6a First any possibility for improving the effective utilization of the intellectual power of society's problem solvers warrants the most serious consideration. This is because man's problem-solving capability represents possibly the most important resource possessed by a society. The other contenders for first importance are all critically dependent for their development and use upon this resource. Any possibility for evolving an art or science that can couple directly and significantly to the continued development of that resource should warrant doubly serious consideration.6b Second, the ideas presented are to be considered in both of the above senses: the direct-development sense and the 'art of development' sense. To be sure, the possibilities have long-term implications, but their pursuit and initial rewards await us now. By our view, we do not have to wait until we learn how the human mental processes work, we do not have to wait until we learn how to make computers more intelligent or bigger or faster, we can begin developing powerful and economically feasible augmentation systems on the basis of what we now know and have. Pursuit of further basic knowledge and improved machines will continue into the unlimited future, and will want to be integrated into the "art" and its improved augmentation systems—but getting started now will provide not only orientation and stimulation for these pursuits, but will give us improved problem-solving effectiveness with which to carry out the pursuits.6c Third, it becomes increasingly clear that there should be action now—the sooner the better—action in a number of research communities and on an aggressive scale. We offer a conceptual framework and a plan for action, and we recommend that these be considered carefully as a basis for action If they be considered but found unacceptable, then at least serious and continued effort should be made toward developing a more acceptable conceptual framework within which to view the over-all approach, toward developing a more acceptable plan of action, or both.6d This is an open plea to researchers and to those who ultimately motivate, finance, or direct them, to turn serious attention toward the possibility of evolving a dynamic discipline that can-treat the problem of improving intellectual effectiveness in a total sense. This discipline should aim at producing a continuous cycle of improvements—increased understanding of the problem, improved means for developing new augmentation systems, and improved augmentation systems that can serve the world's problem solvers in general and this discipline's workers in particular. After all, we spend great sums for disciplines aimed at understanding and harnessing nuclear power. Why not consider developing a discipline aimed at understanding and harnessing "neural power?" In the long run, the power of the human intellect is really much the more important of the two.




      第三,越来越清楚的是,现在就应该采取行动ーー越快越好ーー在一些研究机构采取行动,而且是大规模的行动。我们提出了一个概念框架和一项行动计划,我们建议将这些框架和计划作为行动的基础加以认真考虑。 如果考虑到这些框架和计划但发现它们不可接受,那么至少应继续认真努力,制定一个更可接受的概念框架,在此框架内看待总体方法,制定一个更可接受的行动计划,或两者兼而有之。

      这是对研究人员以及那些最终激励他们、资助他们或指导他们的人来说,是一个公开的呼吁:把严肃的注意力转向发展一门能够在总体意义上解决提高智力效率问题的动态学科的可能性。这一学科的目标应该是产生一个持续的改进循环——对问题认识的提高,改进开发新的增强系统的手段,以及改进的增强系统,可以服务于世界上的问题解决者,特别是本学科的工作者。毕竟,我们为旨在理解和利用核电的学科花费了大量的资金。为什么不考虑发展一门旨在理解和驾驭 "神经力量 "的学科呢?从长远来看,人类智力的力量确实是两者中更重要的。

    1. A large part of a DARPA program manager’s job is focused network building and the Internet is one of the greatest network building tools of all time. However, DARPA doesn’t have a strong web presence and the idea that DARPA’s aversion to people with a web presence may be how they avoid asymmetric career risk suggests that there are good reasons for the low Internet utilization. However, the Polyplexus project, a DARPA effort to foster an idea-generating online community, suggests that DARPA may realize that it’s no longer at the pareto front of this tradeoff and that it might be able to more effectively use the Internet to execute on its model. The Internet could conceivably help PMs find people working on the edge of a space, foster communication between performers, and find gaps in the state of the art. What would a riff on the ARPA Model built to take advantage of the Internet look like?


    1. Bret Victor is trying to: Share the magic of computers and dynamic media with everyone Help people; do engineering for a cause, for a higher purpose Build creative tools for human expression Empower people; help everyone see and understand through insightful representations and humane interfaces Provide direct manipulation tools and immediate feedback Liberate us from the constraints imposed by poor tools and stale ways of thinking Encourage active reading and informed discourse Reinvent the way we represent thought Build a career around a guiding principle

      布雷特·维克多(Bret Victor)试图:

      • 与每个人分享计算机和动态媒体的魔力
      • 帮助人们;为事业、为更高的目标做工程
      • 为人类的表达创造创造性的工具
      • 赋能于人;通过深刻的表示和人性化的界面帮助每个人看到和理解
      • 提供直接的操作工具和即时反馈
      • 把我们从落后的工具和陈旧的思维方式中解放出来
      • 鼓励积极的阅读和有见地的讨论
      • 重塑我们表达思想的方式
      • 围绕指导原则建立职业生涯
    2. Victor points out that the Internet age was built on a non-commercial research culture that incubated the underlying technologies for decades. The personal computing and Internet industry exploited this culture, generating massive global wealth, but then failed to meaningfully contribute back. The dominant players today are "not planting seeds for a humane future". And so, we find ourselves at crossroads: now is the time do decide what the future of computing will look like. Will Victor have more success than Engelbart in winning funding to fully realise his vision? Will we curl ever deeper inward into our shiny rectangles, or are we witnessing the dawn of a new era in social, humane computing?

      维克多指出,互联网时代是建立在一种非商业性的研究文化之上的,这种文化孕育了数十年的基础技术。个人计算和互联网产业利用了这种文化,创造了巨大的全球财富,但随后却没有做出有意义的贡献。今天的主导者 "没有为人道的未来播种"。


    3. In Dynamicland, the computational media is not "hidden away in isolated virtual worlds", but rather exists in the common meatspace for all to see and get their hands on. This enables powerful ways of collaboration and sharing, working together with many hands and in eye contact with others around you. Dynamicland is "as multiplayer as the real world". Another Dynamicland principle is that everyone, not just specialist technicians, can make apps, these dynamic documents of the new medium. And everyone can modify existing artefacts to make them do what they want, just as anyone can craft artful or useful things from paper and clay and office supplies. In Dynamicland one walks the path from playing to crafting to remixing all the way to building useful things. This is programming liberated from the confines of the iridescent rectangle.

      在Dynamicland,计算媒体并不是 "隐藏在孤立的虚拟世界中",而是存在于普通的实体空间,供所有人观看和接触。这为协作和共享提供了强大的方式,用许多只手一起工作,与周围的人进行眼神交流。Dynamicland是 "像现实世界一样的多人游戏"。


    4. Operationally Dynamicland, Victor's research lab, follows the spirit of Douglas Engelbart and Xerox PARC, who decades ago invented the technologies and principles that became the foundation of the computer revolution and the information age. This first DL instance in Oakland is being realised by a small non-profit research group with a long-term orientation, something Victor is highly passionate about.

      在操作上,Victor的研究实验室Dynamicland遵循Douglas Engelbart和Xerox PARC的精神,他们在几十年前发明的技术和原理成为了计算机革命和信息时代的基础。这个在奥克兰的第一个DL实例是由一个小型的非营利性研究小组实现的,他们的研究方向是长期的,这也是Victor非常热衷的事情。

    5. "I just have this feeling that instead of making toys for rich kids, or devising ways to make computers go 5% faster, I could somehow somehow somehow be using my skills to save lives. Or significantly improve the global quality of life. Or something big and noble and hopelessly idealistic like that."


    6. In my view, Victor is part of a transitional tech generation, who were both a little late to experience both sides of the personal computing revolution, and a little too early to truly belong in the saturated social media culture we live in today. Victor certainly thinks about the future of technology by drawing on the thinkers of past generations for insight and inspiration. Victor is early Web, but more Xanadu at heart.


    1. Development of a method and tools to support collaborative intelligence This challenge requires: ways to share, filter, process, and integrate diverse interpretations, since future reality is dependent, not only on data, but on our interpretation of what the data means, patterns recognised, through which we interpret data to enhance collaborative intelligence; an effective collaborative problem-solving system with capacity to visualise not only objects but also processes — problem-mapping to visualise the status of problem-solving in process, to track convergent threads, and to position incoming contributions where they fit; ways to support collaborative autonomy,while retainingindividual uniqueness and ownership in collaborative knowledge-building, avoiding consensus and maximising the richness and diversity of input (as in living systems “genetic diversity” plays a key role in evolutionary creativity).


      • 分享、过滤、处理和整合不同解释的方法,因为未来的现实不仅依赖于数据,而且依赖于我们对数据意义的解释,即所识别的模式,我们通过这些模式来解释数据以增强协同智能;

      • 一个有效的协作解决问题系统,不仅可以看到对象,还可以看到处理过程ーー问题映射,以便可视化解决过程中问题的状态,跟踪汇聚的线程,以及在适当的地方定位输入的贡献;

      • 如何支持协作自主,同时在协作知识建设中保留个人独特性和所有权,避免共识,最大限度地提高输入的丰富性和多样性(如在生命系统中,“遗传多样性”在进化创造力中起着关键作用)。

    1. Future media and technologies – including what happens when virtual reality and augmented reality, for example, are combined with accelerated computational power – could amplify this angelic tendency, says Miroshnichenko, and bring about a new kind of “augmented humanity”. “Now we are about to totally live inside our latest medium. Almost all our activities are already there. Humankind is resettling from biological bodies into the digital body.”How, ultimately, media and technology affect us all – and the degree to which human nature is remoulded and redefined by our ‘tools’ – is open to debate. And that’s McLuhan’s point: “The central purpose of all my work is to convey this message,” he told Playboy magazine. “That by understanding media as they extend man, we gain a measure of control over them.”

      米罗什尼琴科说,未来的媒体和技术——包括虚拟现实和增强现实等与加速的计算能力相结合时发生的事情——可能会放大这种天使般的趋势,并带来一种新的 "增强人类"。"现在,我们将完全生活在我们最新的媒介中。我们几乎所有的活动都已经在那里了。人类正在从生物体重新安置到数字体。"

      最终,媒体和技术如何影响我们所有人——以及人性在多大程度上被我们的 "工具 "重塑和重新定义——有待商榷。而这也是麦克卢汉的观点:"我所有工作的核心目的是传达这个信息,"他告诉《花花公子》杂志。"通过理解媒介对人类的延伸,我们获得了对它们的一定程度的控制权。"

    2. “Electronic media cancelled the physical time and space limitation for humans to be present at events. Digital media advanced this new quality of human beings even more, they make time elastic, which is impossible in physical reality. In video games, a player can slow down, stop, reverse, repeat time. Resurrection becomes everyday routine for video game players, who save and restart their digital selves, and for social media users, who can delete and restore their profiles.”


    1. Future reading
    2. Bret’s magic bookshelf reminded me of a quote by Alan Kay. Explaining his Dynabook concept to a group of children in 1968, he said: ‘I want to be able to do all the things you can do with a book, but be dynamic.’ There was something about the playful quality of the magic bookshelf that felt like it had achieved spiritual lockstep with Kay’s goals. The bridging of the digital and physical seemed oddly and unexpectedly fresh, prescient, like a rich vein worthy of continued mining.


    3. The next step, Bret said, was to get all of the books properly scanned and indexed. Soon enough, you’d be able to type in any search term, and the related physical volumes would glow, their collected relevant pages appearing above. But this was possible only by performing your own scans, owning your own data, placing it in an open, malleable format. A supple data source, it seemed, was the only way to hold forth these investigations.


    4. From behind me, Bret said: ‘Watch this,’ and pointed a small green laser at one of the books. The spine – the physical spine – lit up and above the bookshelf the book itself exploded onto an empty swath of wall. The entirety of its contents, laid out page by page by some hidden projector. The laser tracked by some hidden constellation of cameras. In his hand, Bret held an iPad, and as he pointed the laser at various projected pages they appeared on his device. As he slid from page to page on the iPad, the corresponding pages on the wall enlarged. It was a way to view both the macro and micro of a book – the overarching structure of the whole and the minutiae of the paragraph. The margins, it must be said, were gorgeous.


    5. In early August I visited Bret Victor’s Communications Design Group research laboratory in San Francisco. Against the far wall of the lab’s library stood a 10-foot wooden bookshelf. It was stuffed with manuals on the history of computers and programming and interfaces, novels and countless non-fiction books.

      去年8月初,我参观了布雷特·维克多(Bret Victor)位于旧金山的通信设计集团研究实验室。实验室图书馆远处的一面墙边立着一排10英尺高的木制书架,书架上塞满了各种关于计算机历史、编程和界面的手册,还有为数众多的小说以及各种非小说类书籍。

    6. Previous attempts to make devices such as Kay’s Dynabook real – eg, Sony’s LIBRIé, released in 2004 – had been hampered by small libraries. Amazon’s library had no bounds, it had one-click purchasing. And, more generally, technology had improved: batteries were smaller, processors faster, e-ink displays higher-resolution. In the year of our lord, 2007, under the auspices of one company, all of the pieces came together making real those techno-prophecies of yore. Those of us of a certain codex geekery – myself included – were enthralled by its eccentricities and potential.


    1. Beyond its substance, though, Future Shock resonated just as much for its style. Taking a cue from the Canadian media theorist Marshall McLuhan, whose ability to deliver big concepts in snappy sound bites was obviously an inspiration, Toffler made the medium the message. His tone is equal parts alarmed and energized, professorial and breathless. He speaks of a “fire storm of change,” the “electric impact” of new concepts, populations “rocketing”; his language emulates the propulsive speed he’s describing. He shares catchy terms like ad-hocracy; he makes the future the most spectacular show on Earth, and you’d be foolish to look away. Even when Toffler depicts the potential dangers of accelerated change—offshore drilling accidents, for example, or decision-making algorithms—and proclaims the necessity of regulation, he believes that solutions must come from a thorough orientation toward future transformations. “The power of the technological drive is too great to be stopped by Luddite paroxysms,” he writes, and the book, despite its occasional cautionary tone, intoxicatingly sets the terms of its own worldview. “Is all this exaggerated?” he famously asks, before answering his own question. “I think not.”

      除了内容之外,《未来冲击》的风格也同样引起了人们的共鸣。受到加拿大媒体理论家马歇尔·麦克卢汉(Marshall McLuhan)的启发——麦克卢汉善于用简短的声音传达大的概念,托夫勒使媒体成为了信息。他的语气既紧张又充满活力,既有教授的口吻,也有令人窒息的语调。他谈到了“变革的风暴”,新概念的“电子冲击”,人口“飞速增长”;他的语言模仿了他所描述的推进速度。他分享了一些引人注目的术语,比如“ad-hocracy”;他让未来成为地球上最引人注目的表演,如果你对此视而不见,那就太愚蠢了。即使托夫勒描述了加速变革的潜在危险(比如,海上钻井事故,或者决策算法),并宣称监管的必要性,他也认为解决方案必须彻底面向未来的变革。他写道:"技术驱动的力量太大了,勒德分子的突发性无法阻止。"尽管书中偶尔会有谨慎的语气,但却令人陶醉地为自己的世界观设定了条件。“这一切都太夸张了吗?”在回答自己的问题之前,他问了这样一个著名的问题。“我认为没有。”

    2. The chief strategy for combatting future shock, according to Toffler, was to double down on the future itself. He called for government committees to fund large-scale future studies, for science-fiction writers to bring more methodical forecasting to their stories, for American schools to teach future-oriented courses (as a counterpoint to history classes). “To create such images and thereby soften the impact of future shock,” he wrote, “we must begin by making speculation about the future respectable.” This was not a new challenge; even H. G. Wells had taken pains to emphasize that the systematic attempt to project potential futures based on contemporary data could be a science, not mere fortune-telling. But Toffler’s book pushed futurism into the mainstream, not just in the realm of militarism (i.e., the type of nuclear-scenario planning pioneered at the RAND Corporation) but also in the “soft” spaces of everyday life, from “politics and playgrounds to skydiving and sex.”

      托夫勒认为,对抗未来冲击的主要策略是加倍押注于未来本身。他呼吁政府委员会为大规模的未来研究提供资金,呼吁科幻小说作家对自己的故事进行更有条理的预测,呼吁美国学校教授面向未来的课程(作为历史课的对比)。"为了创造这样的形象,从而减轻未来冲击的影响,"他写道,"我们首先必须对未来做出靠谱的推测。" 这并不是一个新的挑战,就连H.G.威尔斯也曾不厌其烦地强调,基于当代数据的系统性预测潜在未来的尝试可能是一门科学,而不仅仅是算命。但托夫勒的书将未来主义推向了主流,不仅在军事主义领域(即兰德公司开创的核武器计划),还包括日常生活的“软”空间,从“政治和游乐场到跳伞和性”。

    1. Spotify and Bandcamp could not be more opposite. Where Spotify highlights playlists, most often of its own creation, Bandcamp sticks to the album (or any other format, as determined by the artist). Where Spotify pays royalties according to little-understood formulas that can only be analyzed by reverse calculation, Bandcamp lets artists and labels choose their own prices. Where Spotify requires working through a limited number of distributors to access their services, Bandcamp is open to anyone. Where Spotify has revenue streams dependent on ads and data, Bandcamp operates on a simple revenue share with artists and collects no information on its users.

      Spotify和Bandcamp完全相反。Spotify会突出播放列表(通常是它自己创建的),而Bandcamp则坚持使用专辑(或任何其他格式,由艺术家决定)。Spotify根据一些鲜为人知的公式来支付版税,只能通过逆向计算来分析,而Bandcamp则让艺术家和唱片公司选择自己的价格。Spotify 需要通过数量有限的经销商才能获得服务,而Bandcamp则对任何人开放。Spotify的收入来源依赖于广告和数据,而Bandcamp的运营方式是与艺术家进行简单的收入分成,并且不收集用户信息。

    1. Under a White Sky is one of several major books on warming being published this winter, presumably timed to the inauguration of a new climate-conscious president. But unlike Michael Mann’s The New Climate War or Bill Gates’s How to Avoid a Climate Disaster, it marks a notable turn in perspective for its author. Kolbert is, by temperament and intellectual inclination, a preservationist and a conservationist. Her first two climate books, The Sixth Extinction and Field Notes From a Catastrophe, were works of explicit lamentation and implicit exhortation. The new book begins from the premise that the world is already past a point of no return: “Humans are producing no-analogue climates, no-analog ecosystems, a whole no-analog future,” she writes. The book’s key question is: What innovations will we jerry-rig, and what risky interventions will we conscience, as we slide down the precipice? Her ambivalent response is “If there is to be an answer to the problem of control, it’s going to be more control.”

      《白色天空下》是今年冬天出版的几本关于气候变暖的主要书籍之一,大概是为了配合具有气候意识的新总统的就职典礼。但与迈克尔·曼的《新气候战争》(The New Climate War)或比尔·盖茨的《如何避免气候灾难》(How to Avoid a Climate Disaster)不同的是,这本书标志着作者的观点发生了显著转变。从气质和知识倾向来看,科尔伯特是一个保护主义者和自然资源保护主义者。她的前两本气候书《第六次大灭绝》和《灾难中的田野笔记》,都是明确悲叹和含蓄劝诫的作品。新书的出发点是,世界已经过了一个无法回头的时刻:"人类正在创造一个无法模拟的气候,无法模拟的生态系统,一个完全无法模拟的未来,"她写道。这本书的关键问题是:当我们滑下悬崖的时候,我们会偷工减料地进行什么样的创新,我们的良心会受到什么样的危险干预?她矛盾的回答是:“如果要解决控制的问题,那就是更多的控制。”

    1. Yevgeny Zamyatin


    1. OpenAI and other researchers have released a few tools capable of identifying AI-generated text. These use similar AI algorithms to spot telltale signs in the text. It’s not clear if anyone is using these to protect online commenting platforms. Facebook declined to say if it is using such tools; Google and Twitter did not respond to requests for comment.


    2. OpenAI released a more capable version of its text-generation program, called GPT-3, last June. So far, it has only been made available to a few AI researchers and companies, with some people building useful applications such as programs that generate email messages from bullet points. When GPT-3 was released, OpenAI said in a research paper that it had not seen signs of GPT-2 being used maliciously, even though it had been aware of Weiss’s research.

      去年6月,OpenAI 发布了一个更强大的文本生成程序,称为 GPT-3。到目前为止,它只向少数人工智能研究人员和公司开放,一些人开发了有用的应用程序,比如从要点生成电子邮件信息的程序。当GPT-3发布时,OpenAI在一份研究报告中表示,尽管它已经意识到Weiss的研究,但没有看到GPT-2被恶意使用的迹象。

    3. Weiss discovered GPT-2, a program released earlier that year by OpenAI, an AI company in San Francisco, and realized he could generate fake comments to simulate a groundswell of public opinion. “I was also shocked at how easy it was to fine tune GPT-2 to actually spit out the comments,” Weiss says. “It's relatively concerning on a number of fronts.”Besides the comment-generating tool, Weiss built software for automatically submitting comments. He also conducted an experiment in which volunteers were asked to distinguish between the AI-generated comments and ones written by humans. The volunteers did no better than random guessing.


      除了评论生成工具,Weiss 还开发了自动提交评论的软件。他还进行了一项实验,要求志愿者区分人工智能生成的评论和人类撰写的评论。志愿者的表现并不比随机猜测好多少。

    1. Live Voice Conversations Embedded EverywhereIn this mature phase, we will see live conversations embedded on every single webpage, article, and beyond. Using APIs, these social audio conversations will be available as users read articles, watch shows, play games, and traverse the physical world. Imagine reading an article, then choosing to listen to experts discuss the content in real time or hear opinions recorded from your trusted circle. Users could leave voice messages or recorded conversations in physical locations, like the geocaching community leaves physical items.



    1. To build this weapon – the ‘automatic simulations’ that gave the company its portmanteau name – Simulmatics assembled top scientists from MIT, Johns Hopkins and the Ivy League. According to Lepore, many of the academics ‘had been trained in the science of psychological warfare’. The result was the creation of a ‘voting-behaviour machine, a computer simulation of the 1960 election’, which was ‘one of the largest political-science research projects ever conducted’. The simulation was meant to provide granular predictions about how segments of the population might vote, given their backgrounds and the circumstances of the political campaigns. The company claimed responsibility for JFK’s win, but the president-elect’s representatives denied any relationship to the ‘electronic brain’, as newspapers dubbed it. Simulmatics went on to predict much else: it simulated the economy of Venezuela in 1963 with an aim of short-circuiting a Communist revolution, and became involved in psychological research in Vietnam and efforts to forecast race riots. Soon after, the company was the target of antiwar protests, and filed for bankruptcy by the end of the decade.

      为了打造这种武器——该公司名称是合成词,意思就是“自动模拟”,Simulmatics聚集了来自麻省理工学院、约翰·霍普金斯大学和常春藤联盟的顶尖科学家。据Lepore说,许多学者 "都接受过心理战的训练"。其结果是创造了一个 "投票行为机器,即1960年选举的计算机模拟",这是 "有史以来最大的政治科学研究项目之一"。该模拟项目旨在根据不同阶层的人口背景和政治竞选环境,他们可能会如何投票。该公司声称对肯尼迪的当选负责,但这位当选总统的代表否认与报纸上所称的“电子大脑”(electronic brain)有任何关系。Simulmatics继续预测其他许多事情:它模拟了1963年委内瑞拉的经济,目的是阻止共产主义革命,并参与了越南的心理学研究和预测种族骚乱的努力。不久之后,该公司成为反战抗议的目标,并在十年末申请破产。

    1. Danny Hillis is an inventor, scientist, author and engineer, and is chairman and co-founder of Applied Minds.  Previously, he was Vice President and Disney Fellow at Walt Disney Imagineering and was a co-founder of Thinking Machines Corp. Danny pioneered the concept of parallel computers that is now the basis for most supercomputers, and RAID disk array technology used to store large databases while completing his PhD at MIT. He holds over 150 U.S. patents, and is the designer of a 10,000-year mechanical clock.  Danny is also the Judge Widney professor of engineering and research medicine at the University of Southern California, and serves as co-chairman of The Long Now Foundation, and is on the board of the Hertz Foundation. He is a Fellow of the Association of Computing Machinery, of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the International Leadership Forum, and a member of the National Academy of Engineering.

      丹尼 · 希利斯(Danny Hillis)是一位发明家、科学家、作家和工程师,是Applied Minds的董事长和联合创始人。此前,他是Walt Disney Imagineering的副总裁和研究员,也是Thinking Machines Corp.的联合创始人。Danny在麻省理工学院完成博士学位时,率先提出了并行计算机的概念(这现在是大多数超级计算机的基础),以及用于存储大型数据库的RAID磁盘阵列技术。他拥有150多项美国专利,是万年机械钟的设计者。 Danny也是南加州大学工程和研究医学的Judge Widney教授,并担任Long Now基金会的联合主席,是赫兹基金会的董事会成员。他是计算机协会、美国艺术与科学院、国际领导力论坛的院士,也是美国国家工程院的成员。

    1. Gerald Jay Sussman is the Panasonic Professor of EE at MIT. Sussman is a coauthor (with Hal Abelson and Julie Sussman) of the MIT computer science textbook “Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs”. Sussman has had a number of important contributions to Artificial Intelligence, and with his former student, Guy L. Steele Jr., invented the Scheme programming language in 1975.

      杰拉德·杰伊·萨斯曼(Gerald Jay Sussman)是麻省理工学院电子工程系的教授。萨斯曼是麻省理工学院计算机科学教材《计算机程序的结构和解释》(Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs)的合著者。萨斯曼对人工智能有许多重要的贡献,1975年与他以前的学生小盖伊·L·斯蒂尔(Guy L. Steele Jr.)一起发明了Scheme编程语言。

    2. Gerald Jay Sussman compares our computational skills with the genome, concluding that we are way behind in creating complex systems such as living organisms, and proposing a few areas of improvement.

      杰拉德·杰伊·萨斯曼(Gerald Jay Sussman)将我们的计算能力与基因组进行了比较,得出的结论是,我们在创造复杂系统(如生物体)方面落后了很多,并提出了一些需要改进的地方。

    1. Google Maps 新版地图引入了更多细节,包括了人行横道、人行道、行人安全岛。目前这些细节只在部分地区提供。这些细节是 Google 通过分析和处理卫星图像和街景记录自动引入到地图中的。首批加入这些细节的城市包括了伦敦、纽约、旧金山和东京。这么做可能带有测试目的,Google 需要将错误率降到足够低才会将该功能加入到更多地方。

    1. Smalltalk was a revolutionary system developed by the Learning Research Group (LRG) at Xerox PARC in the 1970s, led by Alan Kay. Smalltalk was comprised of a programming language, a development environment, and a graphical user interface (GUI), running on PARC’s groundbreaking Alto computer. In fact, it is most famous for being the GUI that inspired Steve Jobs when he and a group of Apple engineers visited PARC in 1979. Smalltalk pioneered overlapping windows, popup menus, and paned browsers, all controlled by a mouse. All of these UI elements have come down to us today through systems like the Macintosh and Microsoft Windows. Smalltalk was also one of the earliest, and most influential, object-oriented programming languages, which make up the most dominant type of programming languages today. Object-oriented languages are designed to make it easy to reuse existing pieces of code, but in a flexible way. Python, Java, Ruby, and Objective-C, among others, all owe debts to ideas originally developed in Smalltalk.

      Smalltalk是70年代由Alan Kay领导的施乐公司PARC学习研究小组(LRG)开发的一个革命性系统。Smalltalk由一门编程语言、一个开发环境和一个图形用户界面(GUI)组成,运行在PARC开创性的Alto计算机上。事实上,它最出名的地方是它的图形用户界面,当史蒂夫 · 乔布斯和一群苹果工程师在1979年访问帕洛阿尔托研究中心时,这个图形界面给了他灵感。Smalltalk开创了重叠窗口、弹出式菜单和窗格浏览器,所有这些都由鼠标控制。今天,所有这些UI元素都通过Macintosh和微软Windows等系统传递给我们。Smalltalk也是最早、最有影响力的面向对象编程语言之一,它构成了今天最主要的编程语言类型。面向对象语言的设计是为了使现有的代码易于重用,但方式灵活。Python、Java、Ruby和Objective-C等,都要归功于 Smalltalk 中最初开发的思想。

    2. The Smalltalk Zoo is a collection of historical versions of the revolutionary graphical programming and user environment Smalltalk, originally developed at Xerox PARC, ranging from the 1972 version all the way to the modern “Squeak” version whose development began in 1995. These emulated Smalltalk environments run in your web browser and are hosted by CHM at smalltalkzoo.thechm.org.

      Smalltalk Zoo 是一个历史版本的集合,这个革命性的图形化编程和用户环境 Smalltalk 最初是在施乐帕洛阿尔托研究中心开发的,从1972年版本一直到1995年开发的现代版本“ Squeak”。这些模拟的 Smalltalk 环境运行在你的网页浏览器上,由 CHM 托管在 smalltalkzoo.thechm.org

    1. Second, advances in materials and manufacturing were probably necessary for a commercially successful bicycle. It’s a bit hard, from where I stand, to untangle which advances in design were made possible by new materials and techniques, and which were simply sparks of inventive imagination that hadn’t been conceived or developed before. But the fact that people were willing to put up with the precarious high-wheeled design indicates to me that pneumatic tires were crucial. And it’s plausible to me that advanced metalworking was needed to make small, lightweight chains and gears of high and consistent quality, at an acceptable price—and that no other design, such as a belt or lever, would have worked instead. It’s also plausible to me that wooden frames just weren’t light and strong enough to be practical (I certainly wouldn’t be eager to ride a wooden bicycle today).


    2. First, the correct design was not obvious. For centuries, progress was stalled because inventors were all trying to create multi-person four-wheeled carriages, rather than single-person two-wheeled vehicles. It’s unclear why this was; certainly inventors were copying an existing mode of transportation, but why would they draw inspiration only from the horse-and-carriage, and not from the horse-and-rider? (Some commenters have suggested that it was not obvious that a two-wheeled vehicle would balance, but I find this unconvincing given how many other things people have learned to balance on, from dugout canoes to horses themselves.) It’s possible (I’m purely speculating here) that early mechanical inventors had a harder time realizing the fundamental impractiability of the carriage design because they didn’t have much in the way of mathematical engineering principles to go on, but then again it’s unclear what led to Drais’s breakthrough.


    1. To understand the process of discovery—not so much what was discovered, but how it was discovered. Primary sources are best: the words of somebody who discovered something, as they were discovering it. The more examples I see, the more likely I'll be able to discover something tomorrow. To understand the process of failure. We learn a good deal from historical errors, not only from our own. It also helps to know that even the greatest minds are unable to grasp things that seem obvious to us. Leibniz spent much time working on combinatorics, and most of what he did was underwhelming and totally wrong. To celebrate the contributions of many cultures. There are many ways of thinking, many points of view, and many independent researchers. Fibonacci numbers were discovered in India long before Fibonacci. Catalan numbers were discovered in China, a hundred years before Catalan. Many uneducated people have discovered wonderful patterns in numbers, and I can share their joy of discovery. Telling historical stories is the best way to teach. It's much easier to understand something if you know the threads it is connected to. Give credit to Fibonacci, but also to Narayana in India. The complete story is of many separate individuals building a magnificent edifice with a series of small steps. To learn how to cope with life. How did other scientists grow up, make friends or enemies, manage their time, find mentors, mentor others, and serve their communities? Balance is important. To become more familiar with the world, and to know how science fits into the overall history of mankind. What was life like on different continents and in different epochs? The main difference between human beings and animals is that people learn from history.







    1. The plan for NDN is one approach to what's known as information centric networking (ICN), an idea with roots in Ted Nelson's 1980s experiments with hypertext. It wasn't until 2006, however, when projects at Stanford, the University of Texas at Austin, and at the legendary Xerox PARC launched the idea into the networking mainstream. Internet pioneer and PARC researcher Van Jacobson, whose talk at Google in 2006 has been widely cited as the start of the ICN movement, is now a leader of the NDN project alongside Zhang.

      NDN计划是所谓的以信息中心网络(ICN)的一种方法,这种想法源于20世纪80年代Ted Nelson的超文本实验。然而,直到2006年,斯坦福大学、德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校以及传奇的施乐PARC的项目才将这一理念推向网络主流。互联网先驱和PARC研究员范·雅各布森(Van Jacobson)2006年在谷歌的演讲被广泛认为是ICN运动的开端,他现在和张先生一起成为NDN项目的领导者。

    1. Anyone who is serious about mitigating the damage done to humankind by the social web should, of course, consider quitting Facebook and Instagram and Twitter and any other algorithmically distorted informational environments that manipulate people. But we need to adopt a broader view of what it will take to fix the brokenness of the social web. That will require challenging the logic of today’s platforms—and first and foremost challenging the very concept of megascale as a way that humans gather. If megascale is what gives Facebook its power, and what makes it dangerous, collective action against the web as it is today is necessary for change. The web’s existing logic tells us that social platforms are free in exchange for a feast of user data; that major networks are necessarily global and centralized; that moderators make the rules. None of that need be the case. We need people who dismantle these notions by building alternatives. And we need enough people to care about these other alternatives to break the spell of venture capital and mass attention that fuels megascale and creates fatalism about the web as it is now.


    1. The site will explore three broad investigative categories: how profiling software discriminates against the poor and other vulnerable groups; internet health and infections like bots, scams and misinformation; and the awesome power of the tech companies. The Markup will release all its stories under a creative commons license so other organizations can republish them, as ProPublica does.

      该网站将探索三大调查类别:分析软件是如何歧视穷人和其他弱势群体的;互联网健康和疾病,如机器人、诈骗和错误信息;以及科技公司的威力。The Markup将以知识共享许可下发布所有内容,这样其他组织就可以重新发布它们,就像 ProPublica 那样。

    2. Now, with a $20 million gift from the Craigslist founder Craig Newmark, she and her partner at ProPublica, the data journalist Jeff Larson, are starting The Markup, a news site dedicated to investigating technology and its effect on society. Sue Gardner, former head of the Wikimedia Foundation, which hosts Wikipedia, will be The Markup’s executive director. Ms. Angwin and Mr. Larson said that they would hire two dozen journalists for its New York office and that stories would start going up on the website in early 2019. The group has also raised $2 million from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, and $1 million collectively from the Ford Foundation, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, and the Ethics and Governance of Artificial Intelligence Initiative.

      现在,在Craigslist创始人克雷格·纽马克(Craig Newmark)2000万美元的捐赠下,Angwin和她在ProPublica的合作伙伴、数据记者杰夫·拉森(Jeff Larson)正在创办一个致力于调查技术及其对社会影响的新闻网站The Markup。维基百科的所有者维基媒体基金会的前负责人苏·加德纳(Sue Gardner)将担任The Markup的执行董事。Angwin和Larson表示,他们将为其纽约办事处雇佣20多名记者,2019年初网站上将开始刊登新闻报道。该组织还从John s. and James l. Knight Foundation筹集了200万美元,并从福特基金会、麦克阿瑟基金会以及人工智能伦理与治理倡议组织募集了100万美元。

    1. For a “book” is just the endpoint of a latticework of complex infrastructure, made increasingly accessible. Even if the endpoint stays stubbornly the same—either as an unchanging Kindle edition or simple paperback—the universe that produces, breathes life into, and supports books is changing in positive, inclusive ways, year by year. The Future Book is here and continues to evolve. You’re holding it. It’s exciting. It’s boring. It’s more important than it has ever been.


    2. In response to this email explosion, the startup Substack launched in 2017 as a newsletter publishing and monetization platform. Most newsletter platforms and payment systems aren’t integrated in any smooth or meaningful way. Charging for access can be an onerous task. Through the Substack system, though, a publisher can easily set up metered access to a newsletter for a subscription fee. As of October, Substack boasts over 25,000 subscribers across various newsletters, paying on average $80 a year. Rolling Stone reporter Matt Taibbi recently launched his novel, The Business Secrets of Drug Dealing, in serial on Substack. Judd Legum’s Popular Information is also published via Substack.

      为了应对这种电子邮件爆炸式增长,创业公司 Substack 在2017年推出了一个新闻发布和盈利平台。大多数通讯平台和支付系统并没有以流畅或有意义的方式集成。收费访问可能是一项繁重的任务。不过通过Substack系统,发布者可以很容易地设置对新闻稿的计量访问,并收取订阅费。截至10月,Substack拥有超过2.5万名订阅者,涵盖各种通讯,平均每年支付80美元。《滚石》杂志的记者马特·泰比(Matt Taibbi)最近在Substack上连载了他的小说《毒品交易的商业秘密》。贾德·莱古姆的《大众资讯》也通过Substack发布。

    1. It’s this thing that we were warned about. It’s this thing that we knew could happen. Norbert Wiener, who coined the term cybernetics, warned about it as a possibility. And despite all the warnings, and despite all of the cautions, we just walked right into it, and we created mass behavior-modification regimes out of our digital networks. We did it out of this desire to be both cool socialists and cool libertarians at the same time.

      有人警告过我们。这是我们知道可能会发生的事情。控制论一词的创造者诺伯特 · 维纳(Norbert Wiener)对这种可能性发出了警告。尽管有这么多的警告,我们还是一头扎进去了, 我们用我们的数字网络,创造了大规模的行为矫正系统。我们这样做是出于同时成为酷的社会主义者和酷的自由主义者的愿望。

    1. In particular, try to go deep on multiple things. (To varying degrees, I tried to go deep on languages, programming, writing, physics, math. Some of those stuck more than others.) One of the main things you should try to achieve by age 20 is some sense for which kinds of things you enjoy doing. This probably won't change a lot throughout your life and so you should try to discover the shape of that space as quickly as you can.


    1. For now, the Solid technology is still new and not ready for the masses. But the vision, if it works, could radically change the existing power dynamics of the Web. The system aims to give users a platform by which they can control access to the data and content they generate on the Web. This way, users can choose how that data gets used rather than, say, Facebook and Google doing with it as they please. Solid’s code and technology is open to all—anyone with access to the Internet can come into its chat room and start coding. “One person turns up every few days. Some of them have heard about the promise of Solid, and they are driven to turn the world upside down,” he says. Part of the draw is working with an icon. For a computer scientist, coding with Berners-Lee is like playing guitar with Keith Richards. But more than just working with the inventor of the Web, these coders come because they want to join the cause. These are digital idealists, subversives, revolutionaries, and anyone else who wants to fight the centralization of the Web. For his part, working on Solid brings Berners-Lee back to the Web’s early days: “It’s under the radar, but working on it in a way puts back some of the optimism and excitement that the ‘fake news’ takes out.”

      目前,Solid技术还是新技术,还没有为大众做好准备。但是,如果这一设想可行的话,它将从根本上改变现有的网络力量动态。该系统旨在为用户提供一个平台,用户可以通过该平台控制对他们在网上生成的数据和内容的访问。这样一来,用户可以选择如何使用这些数据,而不是像 Facebook 和谷歌那样随心所欲地使用这些数据。Solid的代码和技术是对所有人开放的——任何能够上网的人都可以进入它的聊天室并开始编码。"每隔几天就会有一个人出现。他们中的一些人听说过Solid的前景,他们被驱使着要颠覆这个世界。"他说。对于一个计算机科学家来说,与Berners-Lee一起编码就像与Keith Richards一起弹吉他一样。但这些编码员不仅仅是与万维网的发明者一起工作,他们来这里是因为他们想加入这个事业。这些人是数字理想主义者、颠覆者、革命者,以及其他任何想要对抗网络中心化的人。对Berners-Lee来说,在Solid上的工作让他回到了互联网的早期。"虽然还没有引起人们的注意,但在某种程度上,做这件事会让‘假新闻’带来的乐观和兴奋有所减退。"

    2. The idea is simple: re-decentralize the Web. Working with a small team of developers, he spends most of his time now on Solid, a platform designed to give individuals, rather than corporations, control of their own data. “There are people working in the lab trying to imagine how the Web could be different. How society on the Web could look different. What could happen if we give people privacy and we give people control of their data,” Berners-Lee told me. “We are building a whole eco-system.”


    1. And Apple has a wonderful product called Swift Playgrounds. It’s an app for your iPad but it’s really an environment where kids can learn to program. Apple is of course invested in getting as many people to use their technology products as they can, and in fact they promote their Swift programming language with this page on their site, with the headline “Everyone Can Code.”

      而苹果公司有一个很棒的产品叫Swift Playgrounds。这是一个iPad的应用程序,但它实际上是一个孩子们可以学习编程的环境。苹果公司当然会投入资金让尽可能多的人使用他们的科技产品,事实上,他们在自己的网站上用“人人都能编程”的页面来推广Swift的编程语言。

    1. I think often and fondly of Bret Victor’s lab in Oakland. He’s been exploring – with admirable determination – new modes of physical computing. And he’s doing so by using really boring technologies: a constellation of networked cameras and projectors smartly deployed. That’s interesting. Bret and his crew made a magic bookshelf. They are concerned with the real world. They are concerned with accessibility and connection. I think many of the philosophies of quietude and disconnection and silence not only can be applied to technology, but should be. Must be. Technology and quietude are powerful partners.

      我经常深情地想起Bret Victor在奥克兰的实验室,他一直在以令人钦佩的决心探索物理计算的新模式。而他是通过使用非常无聊的技术来实现的:一系列联网摄像机和投影仪被巧妙地部署起来。这很有趣。Bret和他的团队制作了一个神奇的书架。他们关注的是真实的世界。他们关心的是可访问性和连接性。我认为许多关于静默、断开和沉默的哲学不仅可以应用于技术,而且应该应用于技术。必须是的。技术和静默是强大的伙伴。

    2. I’ve been reading about John McPhee’s process of writing his giant New Yorker essays thirty or forty years ago, and wow, it sounds like an alien world. The process is so slow and deliberate. At the end, he would hand in an eighty-thousand-word piece. That’s a book! Whatever structure allowed McPhee to write this way back then, it barely exists today. Unless you cobble it together yourself, or hunt it down through non-profit institutions.

      我一直在读三十年前约翰·麦克菲(John McPhee)在《纽约客》上发表的大量文章,哇,这听起来像是一个陌生的世界。这个过程是如此缓慢和慎重。最后,他会交上一篇八万字的文章。这可是一本书啊! 不管当时麦克菲能用这种方式写作的结构是什么,今天几乎不存在了。除非你自己拼凑起来,或者通过非盈利机构寻找。

    1. A 1971 issue of the radical feminist journal off our backs includes an announcement for a May meeting in Atlantic City “against the misuse of technology.” An announcement for that meeting also appears in a 1971 issue of alternative publication The Realist. There, CPP placed a call for activists to appear at that year’s Spring Joint Computer Conference, an event that the ad points out is “overwhelmingly dominated by white males,” so as to call attention to issues that are critical today — namely, “the use of computer information systems as a means of social control,” “corporate racism,” and “the role of automation on rising unemployment.”

      1971年出版的激进女权主义杂志《远离我们》(off our backs)中有一则公告,宣布5月在大西洋城举行一次 "反对滥用技术"(against the misuse of technology)的会议。那次会议的公告也出现在1971年的另类出版物《现实主义者》(The Realist)中。在那里,CPP号召积极分子出席当年的春季联合计算机会议,公告指出,这一活动 "绝大多数由白人男性主导",以此呼吁人们关注当今至关重要的问题——即 "利用计算机信息系统作为社会控制的手段"、"公司种族主义 "和 "自动化对失业率上升的作用"。

    1. According to Frederick Hayek’s book Law, Legislation and Liberty (1973), “civilization rests on the fact that we all benefit from knowledge which we do not possess.” A civilized cyber-world will be one where people know how to assess critically the reputation of information sources, and can empower their knowledge by learning how to gauge appropriately the social “rank” of each bit of information that enters their cognitive field.

      根据弗雷德里克·哈耶克的《法律、立法和自由》(Legislation and Liberty, 1973年)一书,"文明建立在这样一个事实之上:我们都能从我们并不拥有的知识中获益。"一个文明的网络世界将是这样一个世界:人们知道如何批判性地评估信息来源的声誉,并能够通过学习如何恰当地衡量进入他们认知领的每一点信息的社会“等级”,增强他们的知识。

    1. 记者Yaffa首先采访了资助疫苗研发的俄罗斯国有企业,俄罗斯国家投资集团(RDIF)的主席Kirill Dmitriev,谈了这个疫苗的命名。V表明Vaccine,即疫苗;Sputnik是1957年苏联投放的第一个人类卫星的名称。而俄罗斯卫生部长Mikhail Murashko表示,之所以命名为Sputnik V,是希望全世界看到这个疫苗就想到第一个人造卫星—俄罗斯为整个世界迈出了第一步。

      Sputnik V由莫斯科Gamaleya研究所研发。在COVID-19大流行之前,该研究所研制了埃博拉和MERS疫苗,但这两个都没有在俄罗斯以外广泛使用或授权使用。Gamaleya流行病学和微生物研究所创始于于19世纪,最初是一家私立研究机构,在十月革命后由布尔什维克接管。它以尼古拉·加马利亚(Nikolay Gamaleya)命名。Gamaleya是现代微生物学与免疫学鼻祖路易斯·巴斯德(Louis Pasteur)的学生。他领导了新组建的苏维埃政府的天花疫苗接种运动。

      记者Yaffa采访了Gamaleya研究所Sputnik V疫苗项目负责人,42岁的病毒学家Denis Logunov。2014年,在西非埃博拉疫情爆发后,Logunov和其他Gamaleya研究所的科学家开始着手使用腺病毒载体疫苗构建疫苗。Global Virus Network(全球病毒学网络)的病毒学家Chumakov访问了Logunov及其团队,对他的实验室印象良好,Chumakov同时对Logunov团队的专业素质和能力十分欣赏。


      在对已经担任Gamaleya研究所所长23年的Alexander Gintsburg采访中,Gintsburg表示在中国科学家将新型冠状病毒序列上传之后,他们研究所和他自己的研究团队就开始分析病毒序列;但真正对疫苗工作全面铺开是在3月17日后莫斯科近郊Kommunarka医院被指定收入了COVID-19病人;Gintsburg从该医院COVID-19病人的样本中分离的病毒序列是Sputnik V插入疫苗抗原的来源。Gintsburg还带记者Yaffa参观了他的实验室和测序仪。Gintsburg指出对于Ad5腺病毒最大的问题是人体的预存免疫。如果人体已经感染过相同血清型的腺病毒,那么在接种疫苗后,免疫系统会清除这一载体,从而造成疫苗无效。Sputnik V和中国的康熙诺都采用了Ad5腺病毒载体,而强生采用了Ad26腺病毒载体,阿斯利康采用了黑猩猩腺病毒载体ChAdOx1。

      基于这一理论风险性,Gamaleya研究所的研究人员决定同时用Ad26和Ad5两种腺病毒载体,分别进行初次免疫和加强免疫。为此,记者Yaffa特别采访了International Vaccine Institute(国家疫苗研究所)所长Jerome Kim,Kim支持这一设计,他认为异源初免—免疫的双载体方法是可行的尝试。而前文提到的全球病毒学网络的Chumakov认为这一尝试基于理论,具有风险。

      Gamaleya研究所的疫苗在莫斯科封城之前2周构建而成,在3月免疫了小鼠。之后免疫了仓鼠、豚鼠、恒河猴和狨。疫苗在这些动物体内都诱导出了高滴度抗体,并保护病毒在免于攻毒病毒的感染。看到数据后,所长Gintsburg不仅给自己和许多员工接种了疫苗,他还给了妻子女儿和孙女接种了疫苗。4月20日Gintsburg在俄罗斯总统普京召开的内阁会议上介绍了该疫苗,普京十分感兴趣,而后他的女儿也接种了该疫苗。在此之后,前文中提到的RDIF主席Kirill Dmitriev对Sputnik V进行了很多政治包装,他认为这个疫苗的名字应该起个耳熟能详的俄罗斯名字。

      9月初,Logunov和他的同事在《柳叶刀》杂志上发表了I/II期试验的结果。参加者只有76名。该疫苗诱导的中和滴度与康复者血清中和滴度无统计学差异。研究发现所有受试者出现了T细胞应答。但是俄罗斯政府却加速了这一疫苗的审批。主持研发的科学家Logunov认为在目前的特殊情况下,这无可厚非。但许多国际组织对俄罗斯缺乏III期试验和透明审批过程的行政干预十分不满。在《柳叶刀》文章发表3天后,全世界40名顶尖科学家致信柳叶刀杂志,认为这个疫苗数据有出入,最重要的是中和抗体滴度很低,因此保护力十分存疑。其中一名来自芝加哥西北大学的俄罗斯裔教授Konstantin Andreev指出这个疫苗的数据很潦草,让人不安,因此要求Gamaleya研究所提供原始数据。Logunov断然拒绝这一要求,他在回答记者Yaffa的提问时说如果不管谁向你提要求你都满足,那么这明显有违国际药物开发规范。

      这些国际科学界和俄罗斯学者的争论迅速被高度政治化。之前关于疫苗诱导中和抗体滴度不足的争论迅速变成了对于俄罗斯行政透明性的争论,两方都各执一词。到8月下旬,Sputnik V的III期试验已经开始,3万名志愿者开始接种疫苗;为此,记者Yaffa走访了临床试验医院,采访了临床试验中的医护人员。11月9日,辉瑞/BioNTech疫苗90%以上保护力的数据出炉。2天后,Gamaleya研究所发表新闻稿说,Sputnik V的有效率为92%。在11月16日,Moderna宣布其疫苗的有效率接近95%。又过了1周,Gamaleya研究所更新了其数据,指出Sputnik V的有效性也为95%。莫斯科大学著名的流行病学专家Vasily Vlasov颇有深意地说,看来我们不允许别人先达到外太空。在此之后,记者Yaffa又采访了该疫苗首席科学家Logunov,Logunov很委屈,认为全世界主流科学界对俄罗斯科学家并不友好。

      在12月中旬,根据从大约23000名参与其III期试验的收集的数据,Gamaleya研究所发布了对该疫苗的最终保护力数据:91.4%。Logunov表示他不强求任何人相信这一数据。但因为Sputnik V可能成为国际产品,俄罗斯为此成立了独立的临床试验检测机构“人民试验”项目,让500名III期试验受试者在一个网站上分享自己接种后的感受,并聘请了第三方检测机构检测了这些人的免疫应答。

      俄罗斯认为Sputnik V最大的意义是填补发展中国家疫苗短缺的空白,这一疫苗比在国际市场上其他疫苗便宜。Sputnik V接种两剂费用不到20美元,而且储存和运输简易。迄今为止,包括阿尔及利亚和墨西哥在内的50多个中低收入国家已经订购了Sputnik V。12月2日,英国向辉瑞/BioNTech疫苗发放了紧急使用授权,成为了人类第一个正式授权的COVID-19疫苗。俄罗斯不甘示弱,在几小时后宣布授权Sputnik V的紧急使用。在这一操作在俄罗斯国内引起了很大不满,由于审批过程很匆忙,多达一半的俄罗斯医务人员不愿接种该疫苗。另一项来自莫斯科Levada Center的独立民调显示近60%的俄罗斯人不愿接种该疫苗。

      12月下旬,俄罗斯冠状病毒特别工作组负责人承认,该国COVID-19可能有多达18万例死亡,是官方统计的3倍,这将使俄罗斯成为死亡第三高的国家。作者采访了医生Andrey Tyazhelnikov,他表示,他想带那些拒绝接种疫苗的人参观他的ICU,看看那些人会不会改变主意。文章作者,记者Yaffa最终决定接种Sputnik V。他在新年前夕的一个下午,在积雪中跋涉到诊所接种了Sputnik V,并获得了接种证名。虽然他有些不良反应但不严重。文章发表之前的1月,他接种了第二针疫苗。抗体滴度显示他的抗体水平可以预防COVID-19发病。他最后用全球病毒学网络的Chumakov的评论作为总结:俄罗斯的疫苗可能在审批过程中抄了近道,但这个疫苗不一定无效。

    2. 详细地介绍了俄罗斯的COVID-19疫苗Sputnik V研发过程,这篇文章由该杂志常驻俄罗斯记者Joshua Yaffa撰写。

    1. Patrick’s desk is covered in books. There’s a copy of The Dream Machine, about J.C.R. Licklider, the technologist who conceptualized and funded the early internet. The volume was out of print, but Patrick loves it so much he bought the rights and paid to publish hundreds of copies for employees and guests. The wallpaper on his computer displays a countdown clock for his life: He has 52 years and a few days left. “This is a very coarse estimate, but it’s a reminder that you get old quickly,” he says, a touch of gray now in his red hair. “When you talk to people who are old, some wish they had enjoyed themselves more, but not many wish they had wasted more time.”

      帕特里克的桌子上摆满了书。有一本《梦想机器》(The Dream Machine),是关于J.C.R.Licklider的,他是构思和资助早期互联网的技术专家。这本书已经绝版,但帕特里克非常喜欢它,他买下了版权,并花钱为员工和顾客出版了数百本。他电脑上的壁纸上显示着他生命的倒计时钟:他还有52年零几天。他说:"这是一个很粗略的估计,但它提醒你,你很快就会变老。"他说,现在他的红发中已经有了一丝白发。"当你和老年人聊天时,有些人希望他们能更享受生活,但没有多少人希望自己浪费了更多时间。"

    2. Seven years in, however, Stripe’s mission is less to send more books, vacuums, and grooming kits into the world than to “increase the GDP of the internet,” Patrick says. To do this, the company is beginning to move beyond payments by writing software that helps companies retool the way they incorporate, pay workers, and detect fraud. It’s part of an ambitious bid to revamp how online business has been conducted for 20 years and to give anyone with a bright idea a chance to compete. “We think giving two people in a garage the same infrastructure as a 100,000-person ­corporation—the aggregate effects of that will be really good,” Patrick says.


    1. And it’s not just that these early Silicon Valley wunderkinds didn’t have children themselves–there were no women or minorities or older people around either, as sociologist Judy Wacjman points out. “Silicon Valley is notorious in particular for not being family-friendly,” she says. “It’s notorious for being full of young male designers. It’s great that they’re thinking about this now that they’re having kids, but I wonder if one could envision a different design community full of people of different sexes, full of people of different ages. Some of the design that you get is the reflection of the limited cultural understanding of the young guys who are doing the designing.”

      正如社会学家朱迪·瓦茨曼(Judy Wacjman)指出的那样,这不仅仅是因为这些早期的硅谷天才自己没有孩子——周围也没有女性或少数族裔或老年人。"硅谷以不适合家庭生活而臭名昭著,"她说。"因为到处都是年轻的男性设计师。他们现在有了孩子,能想到这一点真是太好了,但我想知道是否可以设想一个不同的设计社区,里面充满了不同性别的人,充满了不同年龄的人。你所得到的一些设计是反映了那些做设计的年轻人对文化理解的有限性。"

    2. At its root, this is a design problem. Fadell believes that products like the iPhone, as much as they are communication devices, are more attuned to the needs of the individual rather than what’s best for the family and the larger community.Some of Silicon Valley’s history is rooted in the communal idealism of 1960s California, where technologists believed that a democratizing force called the internet was going to empower everyone through shared information. But Fadell says this philosophy has been perverted. The emphasis on community has been lost; instead, companies like Apple market their products by selling the notion of freedom, that technology is a liberating force for the individual. Fadell believes that’s partly because of who designed the seminal products and services of the digital age.


      硅谷的一些历史植根于20世纪60年代加州的社区理想主义(communal idealism),技术专家们相信,一种名为互联网的民主化力量将通过共享信息赋予每个人权力。但Fadell说,这种理念已经被扭曲了。对社区的重视已经消失,相反,像苹果这样的公司通过销售自由的概念来推销他们的产品,技术是一种解放个人的力量。Fadell认为,部分原因在于设计了数字时代开创性产品和服务的是谁。

    1. As its name suggests, Patreon is loosely modeled on the arts patronage system of the Renaissance, which produced masterworks like Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel. It’s the latest turn in the never-ending cycle of ways people have funded “free” art, from federal grants to corporate sponsorships to, most recently, impression-based advertising. While Kickstarter revolutionized how people raise money for games, gadgets, and other products, Patreon is aiming for something far more ambitious: “We want to fund the creative class,” CEO and co-founder Jack Conte tells me. “Ten years from now, we want kids growing up and graduating college and high school to know that being a professional creator is possible. We’re shooting for this cultural sea change.”

      正如它的名字所暗示的那样,Patreon大体上模仿了文艺复兴时期的艺术赞助体系,这个体系产生了米开朗基罗的西斯廷教堂等杰作。人们资助“免费”艺术的方式永无止境,从联邦拨款到企业赞助,再到最近的基于印象的广告,这是最新的一次转折。虽然Kickstarter彻底改变了人们为游戏、小工具和其他产品筹集资金的方式,但Patreon的目标要远大于此:"我们想为创意阶层提供资金,"首席执行官兼联合创始人Jack Conte告诉我。"十年后,我们希望孩子们在大学和高中毕业时知道,成为一名专业的创造者是可能的。我们正在努力实现这种文化巨变。"

    1. I keep in touch with the PullString crew afterward as they move on to creating other characters (for instance, a Call of Duty bot that, on its first day in the wild, has 6 million conversations). At one point the company’s CEO, Oren Jacob, a former chief technology officer at Pixar, tells me that PullString’s ambitions are not limited to entertainment. “I want to create technology that allows people to have conversations with characters who don’t exist in the physical world—because they’re fictional, like Buzz Lightyear,” he says, “or because they’re dead, like Martin Luther King.”

      之后,我与PullString团队保持联系,因为他们继续创造其他角色。有一次,公司的CEO,皮克斯前首席技术官Oren Jacob告诉我,PullString的野心并不限于娱乐。"我想创造一种技术,让人们可以与现实世界中不存在的角色对话——因为他们是虚构的,比如巴斯光年,"他说,"或者因为他们已经死了,就像马丁·路德·金。"

    2. It’s 1982, and I’m 11 years old, sitting at a Commodore PET computer terminal in the atrium of a science museum near my house. Whenever I come here, I beeline for this machine. The computer is set up to run a program called Eliza—an early chatbot created by MIT computer scientist Joseph Weizenbaum in the mid-1960s. Designed to mimic a psycho­therapist, the bot is surprisingly mesmerizing.

      那是1982年,我11岁,坐在我家附近一个科学博物馆的中庭里的一台Commodore PET 电脑终端前。我一到这里就直奔这台机器。这台电脑是用来运行一个名为Eliza的程序——这是麻省理工学院计算机科学家Joseph Weizenbaum在20世纪60年代中期创建的早期聊天机器人。这台机器被设计成模仿心理治疗师,具有惊人的催眠效果。

    1. So he stopped his car, pulled out his medium-format camera, and took a few photos using color Fujifilm. Those brilliant greens and pure blues were totally unedited when O’Rear uploaded them to Corbis, a stock photo and image licensing site founded by Bill Gates. A few years later, he got a call from Microsoft asking to use his shot of Sonoma County as the default background for its newest operating system.

      于是他停下车,拿出中画幅相机,用彩色富士胶片拍了几张照片。当O'Rear将这些照片上传到比尔·盖茨创办的图片库和图像授权网站Corbis时,那些明亮的绿色和纯净的蓝色完全没有经过编辑。几年后,他接到微软的电话,要求用他拍摄的索诺玛县(Sonoma County)作为微软最新操作系统的默认背景。

    1. 这个小小的Chrome插件可以帮助你在网页中通过标题或单词匹配来查找标签页,并且通过 "Tab Nap"暂停未使用的标签页来提高性能。一切都可以通过键盘快捷键来控制。

    1. 关于 Kinopio 有一些非常可爱的东西——一种“用于新想法和难题的视觉思考工具”。你可以通过简单的标记语言将媒体和其他链接放入任何卡片中。通过左下角的‘ Explore’按钮探索一些公共示例空间。

    1. These noncommercial alternatives would not have to be funded by the government (which is fortunate, given that government funding for public media such as PBS is in doubt these days). Ralph Engelman, a media historian at Long Island University who wrote Public Radio and Television in America: A Political History, points out that the creation of public broadcasting was led by—and partially funded by—prominent nonprofit groups such as the Ford and Carnegie Foundations. In the past few years, several nonprofit journalism outlets such as ProPublica have sprung up; perhaps now their backers and other foundations could do more to ensure the existence of more avenues for such work to be read and shared.

      这些非商业性的替代方案不必由政府资助(这是幸运的,考虑到政府对公共媒体如公共广播公司PBS的资助最近受到质疑)。长岛大学的媒体历史学家拉尔夫-恩格尔曼(Ralph Engelman)撰写了《美国公共广播和电视:一部政治史》(Public Radio and Television in America: a Political History)一书指出,公共广播的创立是由福特基金会和卡内基基金会等著名非营利组织领导的,并在一定程度上得到了它们的资助。在过去几年中,一些非营利性新闻机构如ProPublica如雨后春笋般涌现;也许现在它们的支持者和其他基金会可以做更多的工作,以确保这些工作有更多的途径被阅读和分享。

    2. Facebook is fundamentally not a network of ideas. It’s a network of people. And though it has two billion active users every month, you can’t just start trading insights with all of them. As Facebook advises, your Facebook friends are generally people you already know in real life. That makes it more likely, not less, to stimulate homogeneity of thought. You can encounter strangers if you join groups that interest you, but those people’s posts are not necessarily going to get much airtime in your News Feed. The News Feed is engineered to show you things you probably will want to click on. It exists to keep you happy to be on Facebook and coming back many times a day, which by its nature means it is going to favor emotional and sensational stories.

      Facebook从根本上来说不是一个思想的网络。它是一个人际网络。虽然它每个月有20亿活跃用户,但你不能就这样开始和他们所有人交换见解。正如Facebook建议的那样,你的Facebook好友一般都是你在现实生活中已经认识的人。这使它更有可能,而不是更少,刺激思想的同质性。如果你加入你感兴趣的群组,你可能会遇到陌生人,但这些人的帖子不一定会在你的新闻动态(News Feed)中占据太多时间。新闻动态(News Feed)的设计是为了让你看到你可能会想点击的东西。它的存在是为了让你在Facebook上开心,并每天查看多次,这意味着它会是情感和耸人听闻的故事。

    1. unlike Whole Foods Amazon has no particular desire to be a grocer, and contrary to conventional wisdom the company is not even a retailer. At its core Amazon is a services provider enabled — and protected — by scale.

      与Whole Foods不同的是,亚马逊并不特别希望成为一家杂货店,而且与传统观念相反,该公司甚至不是一家零售商。亚马逊的核心是一个服务提供商,它通过规模来提供服务并受到保护。

    2. E-commerce distribution has massive fixed costs but benefits tremendously from economies of scale The cost to build-out Amazon’s fulfillment centers was justified because the first and best customer is Amazon’s e-commerce business That last bullet point may seem odd, but in fact 40% of Amazon’s sales (on a unit basis) are sold by 3rd-party merchants; most of these merchants leverage Fulfilled-by-Amazon, which means their goods are stored in Amazon’s fulfillment centers and covered by Prime. This increases the return to scale for Amazon’s fulfillment centers, increases the value of Prime, and deepens Amazon’s moat
      • 电子商务分销有巨大的固定成本,但却能从规模经济中获得巨大的利益。
      • 建立亚马逊物流中心的成本是合理的,因为第一个也是最好的客户是亚马逊的电子商务业务。
      • 最后一点可能看起来很奇怪,但事实上亚马逊40%的销售额(按单位计算)是由第三方商家销售的;这些商家大多利用Fulfilled-by-Amazon,这意味着他们的商品存储在亚马逊的物流中心,并由 Prime 覆盖。这增加了亚马逊物流中心的规模回报,提高了Prime的价值,加深了亚马逊的护城河。
    3. Apple’s goal was not to build a phone but to build an even more personal computer; their strategy was not to add on functionality to a phone but to reduce the phone to an app; and their tactics were not to duplicate the carriers but to leverage their connection with customers to gain concessions from them.


    1. All of the major tech players, companies from other industries and startups whose names we don’t know yet are working away on some or all of the new major building blocks of the future. They are: Artificial intelligence / machine learning, augmented reality, virtual reality, robotics and drones, smart homes, self-driving cars, and digital health / wearables. All of these things have dependencies in common. They include greater and more distributed computing power, new sensors, better networks, smarter voice and visual recognition, and software that’s simultaneously more intelligent and more secure.



    1. While Olver worked at the county library by day, by night she was creating an online resource for anyone who wanted to know more about Johnny Appleseed or chuck wagon stew or the origins of Sauce Robert. By the website’s first anniversary, Olver was already spending upwards of 30 hours a week on the Food Timeline, compiling and posting all the information she was digging up and answering readers’ questions about the origins of their grandmothers’ crumble recipes. “If you came in the house and you wanted to know where she was, and she wasn’t cooking, she was in the office on the computer,” Gordon recalled.

      当奥尔弗白天在县图书馆工作时,晚上她为任何想了解更多关于Johnny Appleseed或chuck wagon stew或Sauce Robert的起源的人创建一个在线资源。在网站成立一周年时,奥尔弗已经每周在 "食物时间线 "(Food Timeline)上花费30多个小时,整理并发布她所挖掘的所有信息,并回答读者关于祖母们的面包屑食谱起源的问题。"如果你来到家里,想知道她在哪里,而她又不在做饭,她就在办公室里对着电脑。"戈登回忆说。

    1. “Retail is fickle, especially when you are shipping to individual customers like you and me (rather than, say, stores),” says John Bartholdi, a professor of industrial and systems engineering at Georgia Tech. “Both Amazon and Walmart have huge populations of product and move lots of it, a few pieces at a time. There is huge product churn as they reconfigure their offerings constantly. It is impossible to plan and manage space in such a dynamic environment.” With products offered in stores changing quickly, it makes even less sense to save dedicated space for one product or another.

      "零售业是变化无常的,特别是当你向你我这样的个人客户(而不是商店)发货时,,"佐治亚理工学院工业和系统工程教授John Bartholdi说。"亚马逊(Amazon)和沃尔玛(Walmart)都拥有庞大的产品数量,并且每次都要运送大量的产品。随着他们不断地重新配置他们的产品,会有大量的产品流失。在这样一个动态的环境中规划和管理空间是不可能的。" 商店里提供的产品变化很快,为一种产品或另一种产品保留专门的空间就更没有意义了。

    1. 克里斯托弗·亚历山大(Christopher Alexander)的《模式语言》(A Pattern Language)。这本书出版于1977年,概述了一系列形成宜人环境的建筑模式(其中253种)。从城市、郊区和农村土地的规模开始,《模式语言》的范围一直延伸到房间里的座位安排。亚历山大成功地做到了这一切,同时又不落入易读性的陷阱。

      《模式语言》(A Pattern Language)的写作理念是,住宅和城镇应该主要由居住在其中的人来设计。与其说是一个明确的规定,不如说是一个指南,旨在结合当地的情况来应用。每个模式都有编号以供参考,可以单独使用,也可以与其他模式一起使用。结合起来,它们创造了美丽的——更重要的是——宜居的空间。

    1. One of the best books on the subject is A Pattern Language by Christopher Alexander. Published in 1977, the book outlines a series of architectural patterns (253 of them) that form pleasant environments. Starting on the scale of cities, suburbs, and rural land, A Pattern Language scopes all the way down to the arrangement of seating in a room. Alexander manages to do all this without falling to legibility traps. A Pattern Language is written with the idea that homes and towns should be largely designed by the people who live in them. Rather than a definite prescription, the patterns are more like guidelines, meant to be applied with the local context in mind. Each pattern is numbered for reference and can be used individually or in conjunction with others. Combined, they create beautiful–and more importantly–livable spaces.

      这方面最好的书之一是克里斯托弗·亚历山大(Christopher Alexander)的《模式语言》(A Pattern Language)。这本书出版于1977年,概述了一系列形成宜人环境的建筑模式(其中253种)。从城市、郊区和农村土地的规模开始,《模式语言》的范围一直延伸到房间里的座位安排。亚历山大成功地做到了这一切,同时又不落入易读性的陷阱。

      《模式语言》(A Pattern Language)的写作理念是,住宅和城镇应该主要由居住在其中的人来设计。与其说是一个明确的规定,不如说是一个指南,旨在结合当地的情况来应用。每个模式都有编号以供参考,可以单独使用,也可以与其他模式一起使用。结合起来,它们创造了美丽的——更重要的是——宜居的空间。

    1. Keeping Wikipedia’s culture healthy means moving with the times. “Wikipedia is a child of the desktop internet,” says Mr Negrin. But “increasingly, when people talk about internet users, they’re talking about smartphones.” So the foundation is improving the site’s mobile-editing tools. Typing long articles on a smartphone is inescapably awkward, so attention has focused on helping users to make “micro-edits”, such as fixing spelling mistakes or correcting dates. The hope is that this will also act as a gateway drug for young editors and for those in poorer countries for whom smartphones are the standard or only way of getting online.

      保持维基百科的文化健康,意味着与时俱进。"维基百科是桌面互联网的产物,"尼格林先生说。但 "越来越多的人在谈论互联网用户时,他们在说智能手机"。所以基金会正在改进网站的移动编辑工具。在智能手机上输入长文章无疑是一件尴尬的事情,所以人们把注意力集中在帮助用户进行 "微编辑"(micro-edits)上,比如修正拼写错误或更正日期。人们希望,这也将成为年轻编辑和那些在较贫穷国家使用智能手机上网的标准或唯一方式的捷径。

    1. In 1985, Aldus, a small startup in Seattle, began working on a software program called PageMaker, to design and organize newspaper layouts. (Paul Brainerd, an Aldus co-founder, who coined the term “desktop publishing,” had previously worked as a journalist.) The company caught the attention of Steve Jobs, who encouraged the founders to adapt the software for a broader business environment. That year, Apple released its first mass-market laser printer, the LaserWriter—a seven-thousand-dollar beige machine that produced professional-grade text and images—and promoted it alongside PageMaker, an early desktop-publishing program for Macintosh. A corporate office or a carpeted den could now become a bespoke printshop. PageMaker’s layout elements mimicked those of a newspaper.

      1985年,西雅图的一家小型创业公司Aldus开始研发一款名为PageMaker的软件程序,用于设计和组织报纸版面。Aldus的联合创始人保罗·布莱内德(Paul Brainerd)是 "桌面出版"(desktop publishing)一词的发明者,他之前曾是一名记者)。该公司引起了史蒂夫·乔布斯的注意,他鼓励创始人对软件进行调整,以适应更广泛的商业环境。那一年,苹果公司发布了第一台大众市场的激光打印机LaserWriter,一台价值七千美元的米黄色机器,可以打印出专业级的文本和图像,并与PageMaker(Macintosh的早期桌面出版程序)一起推广。公司的办公室或铺着地毯的书房现在可以成为一个定制的印刷厂。PageMaker的布局元素模仿了报纸的布局元素。

    1. The field of public health had long been haunted by the prospect of a widespread respiratory-illness outbreak like the 1918 influenza pandemic, so Redfield was concerned. Gao, when pressed, assured him that there was no evidence of human-to-human transmission. At the time, the theory was that each case had arisen from animals in a “wet” market where exotic game was sold. When Redfield learned that, among twenty-seven reported cases, there were several family clusters, he observed that it was unlikely that each person had been infected, simultaneously, by a caged civet cat or a raccoon dog. He offered to send a C.D.C. team to Wuhan to investigate, but Gao said that he wasn’t authorized to accept such assistance. Redfield made a formal request to the Chinese government and assembled two dozen specialists, but no invitation arrived. A few days later, in another conversation with Redfield, Gao started to cry and said, “I think we’re too late.”

      长期以来,公共卫生领域一直受到呼吸道疾病大范围爆发可能性的困扰,就像1918年的流感大流行疫情一样,所以雷德菲尔德对此表示担忧。高福在被追问时,向他保证,没有证据表明存在人际传播。当时的理论是,每一个病例都是由出售野味的 "湿"市场中的动物引起的。当雷德菲尔德了解到,在27个报告的病例中,有几个家庭集聚,他观察到,每个人不可能同时被一只笼子里的果子狸或浣熊狗感染。他提出要派疾控中心小组到武汉调查,但高福说,他无权接受这种协助。雷德菲尔德向中国政府提出正式请求,并召集了二十几位专家,但没有收到邀请。几天后,在与雷德菲尔德的另一次谈话中,高福开始哭泣,并说:"我认为我们太晚了。"

    2. The first occurred on January 3, 2020, when Robert Redfield, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, spoke with George Fu Gao, the head of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, which was modelled on the American institution. Redfield had just received a report about an unexplained respiratory virus emerging in the city of Wuhan.

      第一次发生在2020年1月3日,当时美国疾病控制与预防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)主任罗伯特 · 雷德菲尔德(Robert Redfield)与中国疾病控制与预防中心(Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention)主任高福(George Fu Gao)进行了交谈,该中心以美国的研究机构为蓝本。雷德菲尔德刚刚接到报告,武汉市出现了一种不明原因的呼吸道病毒。

    1. “The thing about human ingenuity is that when there’s a sharp need for something, it tends to crystallize in discovery,”


  2. Jan 2021
    1. By studying history, even in different disciplines to your own, you may come across ideas that could transpose into your own field of expertise and take you in directions that you would never have dreamed of. They even have a name for the process, they call it the cross fertilisation of ideas.

      通过研究历史,即使是不同学科中的历史,也可能让你遇到一些想法,这些想法可以迁移到你目前的专业领域,并带着你前往梦寐以求的地方。这个过程甚至被赋予了名字 – 思想的交叉施肥。

    2. As computers became more advanced, their associated software programmes also became much longer and quite cumbersome. Quite often, a computer would need to run the same bit of code again and again. So, rather than rewrite this bit of code every time it was required, functions or procedures were written as semi-isolated pieces of code that could be called upon whenever they were required. This helped software develop in a modular fashion, with individual modules being responsible for certain computational procedures.


    1. We are interested in helping children learn to think better and deeper than most adults can. We have made the Squeak medium to serve as a new kind of electronic paper that can hold new ways to represent powerful ideas. We have written examples of this new literature and they are published over the Internet for children and adults to "read" and play with. Readers can also become writers, because "authoring is always on". In fact, much of the learning of this new way to represent and think is best done by "authoring along with the author" in what we call "active essays".

      我们的兴趣在于帮助孩子学习思考,甚至比绝大多数成年人都思考地更深、更好。我们将Squeak作为一种媒介,以电子纸的形式,容纳更新颖多样的表征理念的方式。我们创作了一些范例并已网上发布,供孩子和大人“阅读”与把玩。读者也可以转为创作者,因为“创作永远在线”。其实,“与作者共同创作” 我们称之为的“动态论文”,是学习这种新的表征与思考方式的最好途径。

    2. Background On How Children Learn
    1. One way to understand Dynamicland is as a reaction to the wild success of, and the subsequent regrets about, Xerox PARC. The original inventors of computers didn’t mean to be taken so literally. This was just one possible vision for computing--not the only one and certainly not the best one. Today Bret is showing us a better way forward. A more humane computer. And that computer is not a device. It’s a normal-seeming room.

      理解Dynamicland的一种方法是 将其视为对Xerox PARC取得巨大成功之后的后悔反应。今天的计算机只是计算的一种可能图景 – 不是唯一的,也不是最好的。Bret向我们展示了更好的前进方向。一台更人性化的电脑。那台电脑不是一台设备。而是一个看似正常的房间。

    2. Why do you want this future? Why would this be a good thing?


    3. It won't be long before almost every one of our daily activities is mediated by a "computer" of some sort. If these computers are not part of the physical environment, if they bypass the body, then we've just created a future where people can and will spend their lives completely immobile.

      不久我们的日常活动几乎都是由某种“计算机”来调节。 如果这些计算机不属于物理环境,如果它们绕过身体,那么我们就创造了一个人们将会完全不动的未来生活方式。

    4. We've almost given up on the body already. We sit at a desk while working, and sit on a couch while playing, and even sit while transporting ourselves between the two. We've had to invent this peculiar concept of artificial "exercise" to keep our bodies from atrophying altogether.


    5. The "Next Big Thing" is a Room
    1. “Our current conception of what a computer program is,” he said, is “derived straight from Fortran and ALGOL in the late ’50s. Those languages were designed for punch cards.” That code now takes the form of letters on a screen in a language like C or Java (derivatives of Fortran and ALGOL), instead of a stack of cards with holes in it, doesn’t make it any less dead, any less indirect.

      "我们目前对计算机程序的概念,"他说,"是直接从50年代末的Fortran和ALGOL衍生出来的。这些语言是为穿孔卡片设计的。" 这些代码现在以C或Java(Fortran和ALGOL的派生语言)等语言的字母形式出现在屏幕上,而不是一叠带孔的卡片,但这并不意味着它不那么死板,也丝毫没有减少它的间接性。

    2. By the time he gave the talk that made his name, the one that Resig and Granger saw in early 2012, Victor had finally landed upon the principle that seemed to thread through all of his work. (He actually called the talk “Inventing on Principle.”) The principle was this: “Creators need an immediate connection to what they’re creating.” The problem with programming was that it violated the principle. That’s why software systems were so hard to think about, and so rife with bugs: The programmer, staring at a page of text, was abstracted from whatever it was they were actually making.

      到2012年初瑞格和格兰杰看到的那场让他声名鹊起的演讲时,维克多终于找到了一条似乎贯穿他所有工作的原则。(他实际上把这次演讲称为 "Inventing on Principle"。)其原则是:“创造者需要与他们所创造的内容建立即时联系。”编程的问题在于它违反了原则。"创造者需要与他们正在创造的东西建立起直接的联系"编程的问题在于它违反了原则。这就是为什么软件系统是如此难以思考,并且充满了漏洞:程序员盯着一页文本,从他们实际制作的东西中抽象出来的。

    3. Though he runs a lab that studies the future of computing, he seems less interested in technology per se than in the minds of the people who use it. Like any good toolmaker, he has a way of looking at the world that is equal parts technical and humane. He graduated top of his class at the California Institute of Technology for electrical engineering, and then went on, after grad school at the University of California, Berkeley, to work at a company that develops music synthesizers. It was a problem perfectly matched to his dual personality: He could spend as much time thinking about the way a performer makes music with a keyboard—the way it becomes an extension of their hands—as he could thinking about the mathematics of digital signal processing.

      虽然他经营着一个研究未来计算的实验室,但他似乎对技术本身不感兴趣,而是对使用技术的人的思想感兴趣。就像任何优秀的工具制造者一样,他看待世界的方式兼具技术和人文。他以全班第一名的成绩毕业于加州理工学院(California Institute of Technology)的电气工程专业,然后从加州大学伯克利分校(University of California, Berkeley)的研究生院毕业后,在一家开发音乐合成器的公司工作。这个问题完全符合他的双重人格:他可以花同样多的时间思考演奏者如何用键盘演奏音乐——键盘是他们手的延伸——就像他可以花同样多的时间思考数字信号处理的数学一样。

    4. Victor has the mien of David Foster Wallace, with a lightning intelligence that lingers beneath a patina of aw-shucks shyness. He is 40 years old, with traces of gray and a thin, undeliberate beard. His voice is gentle, mournful almost, but he wants to share what’s in his head, and when he gets on a roll he’ll seem to skip syllables, as though outrunning his own vocal machinery.

      维克多有着大卫·福斯特·华莱士(David Foster Wallace)的风度,在羞涩的外表下隐藏着闪电般的智慧。他今年40岁,头发有些灰白,留着稀疏的胡须。他的声音是温柔的,几乎是悲伤的,但当他想分享他脑子里的想法,当他滔滔不绝的时候,他似乎会跳过音节,就好像在超越他自己的发声机器。

    5. Bret Victor does not like to write code. “It sounds weird,” he says. “When I want to make a thing, especially when I want to create something in software, there’s this initial layer of disgust that I have to push through, where I’m not manipulating the thing that I want to make, I’m writing a bunch of text into a text editor.”

      Bret Victor不喜欢写代码。他说:“这听起来很怪异。当我想要做东西,尤其是想用软件做东西时,我得排除这种天生的厌恶感,因为我操纵的不是我想做的东西,我只是在文字编辑器写一堆的文字。”

    6. The programmer, the renowned Dutch computer scientist Edsger Dijkstra wrote in 1988, “has to be able to think in terms of conceptual hierarchies that are much deeper than a single mind ever needed to face before.”

      著名的荷兰计算机科学家Edsger Dijkstra在1988年曾经写到:“必须思考一个头脑此前从未面临过的概念层级。”

    7. “The problem,” Leveson wrote in a book, “is that we are attempting to build systems that are beyond our ability to intellectually manage.”


    8. The Coming Software Apocalypse
    9. But seeing the impact that his talk ended up having, Bret Victor was disillusioned. “A lot of those things seemed like misinterpretations of what I was saying,” he said later. He knew something was wrong when people began to invite him to conferences to talk about programming tools. “Everyone thought I was interested in programming environments,” he said. Really he was interested in how people see and understand systems—as he puts it, in the “visual representation of dynamic behavior.”

      但看到他的谈话最终产生的效果,Bret Victor 大失所望。他后来说道“很多人似乎误解了我所说的话”。当人们开始邀请他参加会议讨论编程工具时,他就知道人们误会了他的意思。他说道“每个人都认为我对编程环境感兴趣”。事实上他真正感兴趣的事让人们如何看见和理解系统,正如他提到“动态行为的视觉表示”。

    1. Good Design: A system should be built with a minimum set of unchangeable parts; those parts should be as general as possible; and all parts of the system should be held in a uniform framework.


    2. We have chosen to concentrate on two principle areas of research: a language of description (programming language) that serves as an interface between the models in the human mind and those in computing hardware, and a language of interaction (user interface) that matches the human communication system to that of the computer.


    1. "Ready or not, computers are coming to the people. That’s good news, maybe the best since psychedelics. It’s way off the track of the 'Computers - Threat or menace?' school of liberal criticism but surprisingly in line with the romantic fantasies of the forefathers of the science such as Norbert Wiener, Warren McCulloch, J.C.R. Licklider, John von Neumann and Vannevar Bush. The trend owes its health to an odd array of influences: The youthful fervor and firm dis-Establishmentarianism of the freaks who design computer science; an astonishingly enlightened research program from the very top of the Defense Department; an unexpected market-Banking movement by the manufacturers of small calculating machines, and an irrepressible midnight phenomenon known as Spacewar."


    1. The trend owes its health to an odd array of influences: The youthful fervor and firm dis-Establishmentarianism of the freaks who design computer science; an astonishingly enlightened research program from the very top of the Defense Department; an unexpected market-Banking movement by the manufacturers of small calculating machines, and an irrepressible midnight phenomenon known as Spacewar.


    2. That’s good news, maybe the best since psychedelics. It’s way off the track of the “Computers - Threat or menace?” school of liberal criticism but surprisingly in line with the romantic fantasies of the forefathers of the science such as Norbert Wiener, Warren McCulloch, J.C.R. Licklider, John von Neumann and Vannevar Bush.


    3. Ready or not, computers are coming to the people.


    1. Capstone’s vision comes in three three main pillars: A digital-information collection tool. Pros need a place to collect many types of digital media: the raw material for their thinking process. Our focus for this project is collection done on a desktop computer’s web browser. A place to sift, sort, find patterns and insights. Once the raw material is collected, the user should be able to sift and sort through it in a freeform way. All media needs to be represented in the same spatially-organized environment. Use a tablet and stylus to its full potential. Pen-and-paper solutions, especially the A4 notebook, seem to be more conducive to thinking and having better ideas. Our hypothesis is that the thinking step should happen on a tablet with freeform inking via the stylus.


      1. 一个数字信息收集工具。专业人士需要一个地方来收集多种类型的数字媒体:他们思考过程的原始材料。我们这个项目的重点是在台式电脑的网络浏览器上完成的收集。
      2. 一个可以筛选、分类、寻找模式和见解的地方。一旦收集到原材料,用户应该能够以自由的方式对其进行筛选和分类。所有的媒体都需要在同一个空间组织的环境中表现出来。
      3. 充分利用平板电脑和手写笔。笔和纸的解决方案,尤其是A4笔记本,似乎更有利于思考和有更好的想法。我们的假设是,这一思考步骤应该发生在平板电脑上,通过触控笔进行自由形式的书写。
    1. 游戏业的知名记者 Jason Schreier 在彭博社发表文章,披露了为什么电商巨头亚马逊旗下的游戏工作室连续两款游戏失败。Mike Frazzini 在帮助创办亚马逊游戏工作室时没有任何游戏制作经验,过去八年他发布了两款游戏,但因为差评游戏随后就下架了,并推迟和取消了更多项目。作为游戏业务的负责人,Frazzini 收购了现有的工作室,并推动公司花了约 10 亿美元收购了直播平台 Twitch,招募了游戏行业的顶尖人才如《EverQuest》和《Portal》的创作者和 EA 等公司的高管。然而根据前雇员和现雇员的说法,他无视这些人的建议,只是反复强调亚马逊需要一个 10 亿美元的作品,但又让项目人手不足。Frazzini 没有使用行业标准的开发工具,而是使用亚马逊自己的工具( Cryengine 分支 Lumberyard),如果使用得当的话有可能省钱(但根据内部人士的消息 Lumberyard 引擎的问题很多 )。

    1. Transclusion is including one part of a document into another, and maintaing a link between the two. This is different to copying. A copy isn't inherently linked to it's original, and can be changed in the duplicate version.A transclusion is directly linked to the original, and contains the exact same contents. Someone viewing the transclusion can easily open and view the original document. By doing this, transclusions create a single source of truth for that element, and a Bi-Directional Link so you can navigate between the original source and its instances across the web.

      嵌入 (Transclusion)是将一个文件的一部分纳入到另一个文件中,并在两者之间保持联系。这与复制不同。复制与原始文件没有内在的联系,可以在复制版本中进行修改。

      嵌入 (Transclusion)是直接链接到原版,并包含完全相同的内容。查看嵌入 (Transclusion)的人可以很容易地打开并查看原始文档。通过这样做,嵌入 (Transclusion)创建了一个单一的真实来源的元素,以及一个双向链接,这样你就可以在整个网络上浏览原始来源和它的实例。

    1. They're not following the same conventions as what we've come to know as the "personal blog". Rather than presenting a set of polished articles, displayed in reverse chronological order, these sites act more like freeform, work-in-progress wikis.They're collections of evolving ideas that aren't strictly organised by their publication date. They're inherently exploratory – notes are linked through contextual associations. They aren't refined or complete - notes are published as half-finished thoughts that will grow and evolve over time.They're less rigid, less performative, and less perfect than the personal websites we're used to seeing. It harkens back to the early days of the web when people had fewer notions of how websites "should be." It's an ethos that is both classically old and newly imagined.

      它们并没有遵循我们所熟知的 "个人博客 "的惯例。这些网站并没有呈现出一套按时间倒序展示的精良文章,而是更像是自由形式的、正在进行中的维基。


      它们不像我们习惯看到的个人网站那么死板,没有那么多表演性,也没有那么完美。这让人回想起网络早期的时候,人们对网站 "应该如何 "的概念较少。这是一种既古老又新颖的精神气质。

    1. “The stream has dominated our lives since the mid-2000s,” Caulfield says. But it means people are either posting content or consuming it. And, Caulfield says, the internet as it stands rewards shock value and dumbing things down. “By engaging in digital gardening, you are constantly finding new connections, more depth and nuance,” he says. “What you write about is not a fossilized bit of commentary for a blog post. When you learn more, you add to it. It’s less about shock and rage; it’s more connective.” In an age of doom-scrolling and Zoom fatigue, some digital-garden enthusiasts say the internet they live in is, as Caulfield puts it, “optimistically hopeful.”

      "自2000年代中期以来,信息流一直主宰着我们的生活,"考菲尔德说。但这意味着人们要么在发布内容,要么在消费内容。而且,考菲尔德说,目前的互联网奖励吸引眼球和愚蠢的东西。"通过参与数字园艺(digital gardening),你会不断发现新的联系,更多的深度和细微差别,"他说。"你写的东西并不是一篇博客文章的过时评论。当你了解更多的时候,你就会有所补充。它不是关于震惊和愤怒,而是更多的连接性。" 在一个不停滚动和Zoom疲劳的时代,一些数字花园(digital-garden)爱好者说,他们所处的互联网,正如考菲尔德所说,"乐观地充满希望"。

    1. INTERVIEWER Could you say something of your work habits? Do you write to a preplanned chart? Do you jump from one section to another, or do you move from the beginning through to the end? NABOKOV The pattern of the thing precedes the thing. I fill in the gaps of the crossword at any spot I happen to choose. These bits I write on index cards until the novel is done. My schedule is flexible, but I am rather particular about my instruments: lined Bristol cards and well sharpened, not too hard, pencils capped with erasers.



    1. Playboy: Can you tell us something more about the actual creative process involved in the germination of a book—perhaps by reading a few random notes for or excerpts from a work in progress? Nabokov: Certainly not. No foetus should undergo an exploratory operation. But I can do something else. This box contains index cards with some notes I made at various times more or less recently and discarded when writing Pale Fire.


      纳博科夫:不说也罢。没必要对胎儿做探究性的手术。但我可以说点别的。这个盒子装着卡片,上面有我近来在不同时间写的笔记,而我在写《微暗的火》(Pale Fire)时又搁在一旁。这是一小叠弃之不用的卡片。

    1. How do you write? What are your methods? I find now that index cards are really the best kind of paper that I can use for the purpose. I don't write consecutively from the beginning to the next chapter and so on to the end. I just fill in the gaps of the picture, of this jigsaw puzzle which is quite clear in my mind, picking out a piece here and a piece there and filling out part of the sky and part of the landscape and part of the-- 1 don't know, the carousing hunters.


      纳博科夫:我现在发现索引卡片真的是进行写作的绝佳纸张,我并不从开头写起,一章接一章地写到结尾。我只是对画面上的空白进行填充,完成我脑海中相当清晰的拼图玩具,这儿取出一块,那儿取出一块,拼出一角天空,再拼出山水景物,再拼出 —— 我不知道,也许是喝得醉醺醺的猎手。

    1. You start out deciding to tidy your room and you realize that in order to do that you'll need some more trash bags, so you need to go to the shops, which will involve you getting out the car, but the car needs gas, so you'll need to go to the gas station first, which means you should probably find your gas discount card, which involves finding your keys, which are in the room somewhere...

      ‎你开始决定整理你的房间,你意识到,为了做到这一点,你需要更多的垃圾袋,所以你需要去商店,这将涉及你走出车,但汽车需要汽油,所以你需要先去加油站,这意味着你也许应该找到你的汽油折扣卡, 这涉及到找到你的钥匙, 在房间里的某个地方...‎

    1. SoftBank buys far more call options than the market is used to handling. The market-makers have now sold far more call options than they're used to and need to hedge, meaning they're going to be buying that underlying stock. That pushes the price up, meaning they will need to buy even more of that stock to hedge. And let's not forget the COVID + software will eat the world stories, which are very true. Does anyone want to bet against Apple or Tesla or Amazon or Zoom or Shopify? What other stock are you going to buy?


    1. Even the "retail" is plenty of well-off people. While most of the media coverage focuses on laid-off college-aged kids and uses the term "mom and pop" investors (is that even okay in 2021?), I can promise you plenty of friends in tech (who often make a lot more than friends in finance nowadays [Haha, sorry -Can]) and doctors are sending me $GME or $AMC gain porn. The already wealthy are having a laugh, catalyzed by r/WSB. I mean, the world's richest man joined in oh the fun. Can we please stop making this about the "little guy" vs. "Wall Street"?

      即使是 "散户 "也有大量的富人。虽然大部分媒体的报道都集中在失业大学生身上,并使用了 "mom and pop"投资者这个词,但我可以向你保证,有很多科技界的朋友和医生都在给我发$GME或$AMC的收益截图。在r/WSB的催化下,已经富得流油的人都笑了。我的意思是,世界上最富有的人也加入了这场游戏。我们能不能不要再说什么“小人物”和“华尔街”了?

    2. Professional Money is on both sides of the trade. There are very openly 'hedge funds and professional money managers' on both sides of all these trades, not just on the short side. They’re openly talking about it. A famous Silicon Valley billionaire who runs a hedge fund went on CNBC to openly talk about profiting from a $GME long position and donating the proceeds to the Barstool fund (naturally, the only logical result from this timeline). It's one example, but it's some pros are long, some are short.


    1. For larger asset managers who are only able/willing to access Bitcoin through traditional venues (i.e., derivatives, equity markets), the market size is even smaller.

      下面这张表是假设黄金的持有者把自己的一部分资产转为 Bitcoin 会带来多大 Bitcoin 升值。可以看到,现在的价格已经预先反映了 20% 比例的资产被转移到 Bitcoin 上的假设情况。

    2. And while the gold market trumps Bitcoin in size, the same is true for gold, which is a fraction of the size of US equities.

      把 Bitcoin 和黄金做对比的时候,无论是整体规模还是交易量,Bitcoin 都还是黄金的很小一部分,尽管前者看起来已经非常疯狂,但市场参与者的数量规模要小非常多。

    3. That is why to me Bitcoin looks like a long-duration option on a highly unknown future that I could put an amount of money in that I wouldn’t mind losing about 80% of.

      这就是为什么对我来说,比特币看起来像是在一个高度未知的未来的一个长期选择,我可以投入一定数量的钱,我不介意损失约80% 。

    4. In fact I assume that better ones will come along and displace this one because that is the way the evolution of everything works—i.e., new ways of doing things and new things always have and always will replace old ways of doing things and old things. Since the way Bitcoin works is fixed, it won’t be able to evolve and I presume that a better alternative will be invented and pass it by. I see that as a risk.


    5. It seems to me that Bitcoin has succeeded in crossing the line from being a highly speculative idea that could well not be around in short order to probably being around and probably having some value in the future. The big questions to me are what can it realistically be used for and what amount of demand will it have. Since the supply is known, one has to estimate the demand to estimate its price.


    1. Your only other option is to retreat to a shadowy network of private spaces defended by blocks, restricted feeds, secret-group gatekeeping boundaries, and subscribers-only paywalls.


    2. A beef-only thinker is someone you cannot simply talk to. Anything that is not an expression of pure, unqualified support for whatever they are doing or saying is received as a mark of disrespect, and a provocation to conflict.

      Beef-only thinkers 是你不能简单地与之交谈的人。无论他们在做什么,说什么,如果不是表示纯粹的、无条件的支持,都会被当成不尊重的标志,也是对冲突的挑衅。

    1. Jin 在本文中提出了 10 点对平台的建议,希望他们能够在规则和算法的设定上更多的推动创作者的多样性。

    1. Thompson 认为,2.0 的社交网络,不仅仅是对现实社交关系的映射,更是通过算法来帮助人们结成基于兴趣的信任小组。

    1. Moore divided tech markets into five parts


      • 狂热者:最先热爱科技,他们总是希望走在最前沿,他们是第一个尝试新产品的人。
      • 远见者:也喜欢新产品,但他们也会关注这些新产品或技术如何应用。他们是市场中对价格最敏感的部分。
      • 实用者:是市场上更大的一部分;他们对新产品持开放态度,但他们需要证明这些产品是有效的,是值得的,而且他们更注重价格。
      • 保守者:在接受变化方面要犹豫得多,他们对任何新技术都有天生的怀疑,往往只有在采用新产品是跟上时代的唯一途径时才会采用。因为他们不高度重视技术,所以他们不愿意支付很多钱。
      • 怀疑者:对技术不仅犹豫不决,而且积极敌视技术。
    2. Ben Thompson 本文最重要的贡献在于,基于创新扩散曲线,提出了支付意愿曲线。

    1. Drucker’s emphasis on the autonomy of knowledge workers made sense, as there was no obvious way to deconstruct the efforts required by newly important mid-century jobs—like corporate research and development or advertisement copywriting—into assembly-line-style sequences of optimized steps. But Drucker was also influenced by the politics of the Cold War. He viewed creativity and innovation as key to staying ahead of the Soviets. Citing the invention of the atomic bomb, he argued that scientific work of such complexity and ambiguity could not have been managed using the heavy-handed techniques of the industrial age, which he likened to the centralized planning of the Soviet economy. Future industries, he suggested, would need to operate in “local” and “decentralized” ways.


    1. Age is another factor which the physicists particularly worry about. They always are saying that you have got to do it when you are young or you will never do it. Einstein did things very early, and all the quantum mechanic fellows were disgustingly young when they did their best work. Most mathematicians, theoretical physicists, and astrophysicists do what we consider their best work when they are young. It is not that they don't do good work in their old age but what we value most is often what they did early. On the other hand, in music, politics and literature, often what we consider their best work was done late. I don't know how whatever field you are in fits this scale, but age has some effect.


    2. 这是 Richard W. Hamming 教授在 1986 年的著名演讲,被认为是科学研究方法的重要文献。文中讲到了很多如何做好研究工作的建议。

  3. genomebiology.biomedcentral.com genomebiology.biomedcentral.com
    1. By focusing on the structured, rational testing of hypotheses through experiments—day science—this description leaves out night science, as François Jacob called it. Night science is where we explore the unstructured realm of possible hypotheses, of ideas not yet fully fleshed out. In day science, we falsify hypotheses and observe which are left standing; in night science, we create them.


    1. Jobs shook his head. ''But then you meet the girl, and she says, 'Let me see what's on your iPod.' You pull out a tape player, and she walks away.'' This was an unanticipated, and surprisingly persuasive, response. That's thinking long-term, I said. ''No,'' said Steve Jobs. ''That's being an optimist.''

      乔布斯摇了摇头。“但是当你遇到一个女孩,她说,‘让我看看你的 iPod 里有什么。你拿出一个录音机,她就走开了。”这是一个出乎意料的、令人惊讶的有说服力的回答。我说,这就是长远的考虑。“不,”史蒂夫·乔布斯说。“这是乐观主义者。”

    2. ''We don't underestimate people,'' Jobs said later in the interview. ''We really did believe that people would want something this good, that they'd see the value in it. And that rather than making a far inferior product for a hundred dollars less, giving people the product that they want and that will serve them for years, even though it's a little pricier. People are smart; they figure these things out.''


    3. Rob Walker 为纽约时报杂志撰写的关于 Apple 的长文,正是 iPod 面世 2 年后风头正劲之时。Walker 得以和 Jonathan Ive 和 Steve Jobs 本人交谈,获得了珍贵的一手资料。

      文章采用了由表及里的叙事逻辑,从 Aura 光环、Surface 表面讲到 Guts 胆识,Walker 分别从营销、设计和产品哲学的不同深度叙述。

    1. 讲述从爱迪生的电灯泡起家的 GE 如何在金融危机后走向衰落。其中,最不可思议的,就是这家公司曾经引以为豪的,连续几十年都能完成业绩承诺,向股东慷慨的派发股息。

    1. CNBC 有一系列视频讲一些新兴品牌的故事,叫 Suddenly Obsessed,每集 5-10 分钟。

    1. What these shows all have in common is their placidity—there’s little in the way of conflict or tension—and their reliance on B-roll, the footage that filmmakers intersperse with their main shots to smooth transitions between cuts. There often seems to be more B-roll than A, however. Viewers can select from footage of beef getting sliced, shelves being filled, or walks through foreign cities.

      这些节目都有一个共同点,那就是平和——几乎没有什么冲突或紧张的气氛,而且他们都依赖 B-roll,即电影制作者在主要镜头中穿插的镜头,以平滑剪辑之间的过渡。然而,B-roll 似乎经常比 A-roll 多。观众可以选择牛肉被切片、货架被填充的镜头,或者在外国城市散步的镜头。

    2. 「艾米丽在巴黎」是 Netflix 的一部「爽剧」。它大概讲述了一个美国女生在巴黎工作和生活中遭遇的各种文化冲突和罗曼蒂克。可以说,它的表现形式有些过于夸张了,甚至于让人物显得过于刻板和脸谱化,但这样做的结果是观众更容易理解和预期。

    1. The in-group is the tribe you want to join and signal your affiliation to. The out-group is everyone else – people you want to distance yourself from.


    2. In every signaling scenario there are two possible target audiences: An in-group and an out-group.


    1. 未来玩游戏将不再需要性能强劲的本地硬件,而只需要一台具有基本运算能力和联网的电视,复杂的图形计算都在云端完成,再传输回本地。目前,Google、Microsoft 甚至 Amazon 都已经推出了自己的云游戏服务,都采用了订阅模式,其中 Microsoft 的订阅服务就是 Game Pass。

    2. 本文是对微软 Xbox 主管 Phil Spencer 的采访,这个人从 1988 年以实习生身份加入微软,一路做到现在的高管位置,也是一种归属感的体现。

    1. The military strategist John Boyd once said that we can either “be somebody” or “do something.” Subscription products nudge their customers to embrace the former: Rather than doing something — making purchases and moving on — customers “become somebody” specific, like loyal Amazon Prime customers.

      军事战略家约翰-博伊德曾经说过,我们要么「成为某个人」,要么「做了一件事」。订阅产品促使顾客接受前者:顾客更像是「成为某个人」,比如成为 Amazon Prime 的忠实客户,而不是「做了一件事」,比如购买了一件商品。

    2. Subscription products take this a step further: They try to establish a relationship whose seriality means it is no longer transactional but emotional, a part of customers’ lives.


    3. 本文提出了一个重要的观点:订阅(subscription)服务让消费者和品牌之间的关系从主动购买变成了被动接受。这种转变主要是因为订阅服务的自动续订功能,在消费者做了第一次订阅交易后,就无需再次操作了。文章进一步认为,订阅让这种关系从交易转向了情感归属,从特定场景的购买转向了生活中无处不在的体验。

    1. Any normal person would have given up already. They’d been funding the company with credit cards. They had a binder full of credit cards they’d maxed out. Investors didn’t think much of the idea. One investor they met in a cafe walked out in the middle of meeting with them. They thought he was going to the bathroom, but he never came back. “He didn’t even finish his smoothie,” Brian said.


    1. “People think focus means saying yes to the thing you’ve got to focus on. But that’s not what it means at all. It means saying no to the hundred other good ideas that there are. You have to pick carefully. I’m actually as proud of the things we haven’t done as the things I have done. Innovation is saying no to 1,000 things.”

      人们认为聚焦就是对你要聚焦的事情说「是」,但这根本不是聚焦的本质。它意味着对其它一百个好主意说「不」。你必须仔细挑选。对没有做过的事情和做过的事情,我感到同样自豪。创新就是对 1000 件事情说不。

    1. overview effect


    2. Craig Mod 在 2019 年于 Wired 发表一篇文章,记录了他在日本长达 6 个月、1000 公里的奥德赛。他同期在自己的个人博客上发布了本文,主要记录自己在这场跋涉后,从 6 个月的「离线」到重新「连线」的感受。

    1. We want to make it so that for $29, for our basic plan, you get most of the things that Amazon built for itself, right off the bat. It's a democracy natively. A business can take the value it saves on not having to build out their own technology platform and invest it to strengthen other parts of their business, whether that’s product, marketing, et cetera.


    2. If people agree that's potentially an issue, the best way to counteract it is to build business models that actually reinforce the opposite, and give people the ability to do their own things online or participate in production. Shopify is that to me.


    3. I really, really want as many people as possible to have the ability to engage in entrepreneurship, because there's a certain group of people who cannot work for other people, and they should have options, even in the digital world. And frankly, the internet has significantly pushed everything towards centralization and we know who owns most of it.


    4. Interestingly, people commonly design companies that are in significant conflict with their customer base. And you play these games to win them over, like taking them out to golf to get them to sign an enterprise contract. That's weird. I mean, I get that it works, but that's a different game than I'm playing.


    1. Business people vote with their dollars, and are mostly trying to create near-term financial returns. Engineers vote with their time, and are mostly trying to invent interesting new things. Hobbies are what the smartest people spend their time on when they aren’t constrained by near-term financial goals.


    2. What the smartest people do on the weekend is what everyone else will do during the week in ten years


    1. Our problem today is not that we don’t or can’t pay attention, but that the systems and structures of society oblige us to pay attention so frequently and fleetingly that we cannot in fact concentrate. Lacking an ability to concentrate, it’s a struggle to construct and maintain a coherent and autonomous sense of self, which leaves us at the mercy of digital, commercial and political puppeteers. Without concentration, we are not free.


    2. Chess thinking provides a rich metacognitive context that leads me to believe that we should tease apart three notions that are related but often conflated – attention, flow and concentration. Attention is fundamentally grounded in perception (how we attend), flow is fundamentally grounded in experience (how we feel), and concentration is grounded in praxis (how we purposively coalesce).


    3. Jonathan Rowson 是国际象棋大师。他在这篇文章中用极其生动的文字描述了自己沉浸于对弈时专注的感受。一般而言,专注难在忘掉自己,这样才能摆脱动物与生俱来的,对周遭环境的警惕感。而对弈特别难在,你需要专注于不断变化的局面,并且摆脱对面坐着的对手的各种动作和反应。

    1. In an ideal world, curricula would include strategies & mental models around:


      1. 预测未来





    1. 讨论我们每天都会看到的广告和 IP 到底激励了什么。广告所推销的商品,往往是由于缺乏真正的创新而陷入无谓竞争中的产品;IP 则创造了对知识的人为产权划定,而导致其无法为更多人免费所有。

    1. 讨论凯恩斯主义以总需求来带动宏观经济增长的政策建议,这是数十年来以来消费主义兴盛的思想推手,也是今天我们所面对的越来越泛滥的流动性的根源。

    1. 讲到了大规模生产和消费主义丝毫不会在乎产品在售出之后所隐含的维护成本,这个成本并不仅仅是消费者可能需要付出的显性的维修成本,更可能是因为产品快速更新而带来的报废成本,后者是隐性的,如同慢性病一般折磨。

    1. Deng declared that socialism means the capacity to concentrate resources to accomplish great tasks; under that definition, the Apollo and Manhattan projects were socialism.


    2. Francis Fukuyama states that high-trust societies have “spontaneous sociability,” in which people are able to organize more quickly, initiate action, and sacrifice for the common good. On each of these metrics, I submit that China should receive high marks.


    1. Shane Parrish访谈了 Automattic 的 CEO Matt Mullenweg(也是 Wordpress 的联合创始人),特别讲到了很多令人钦羡的分布式工作的话题。

    1. The company doesn't seem to collect more data than credit card companies or its competitors.

      该公司似乎没有比信用卡公司或其竞争对手收集更多的数据。这就意味着,不管 Affirm 的商业模式和信用卡公司有多么不同,但其核心的风控模型很可能并没有更多的生产资料(数据)。

    2. Affirm S-1

      Affirm 作为一家金融科技公司的一面是以下面这张图来表示的。我们可以看到,Affirm 在业务流程中仍然扮演了一定的借贷角色(第 3、4 和 5 步),但它主要的收入来源是收取商家端的服务费(merchant fee)。

    3. flywheel

      Affirm 并不把自己视为是一个消费借贷公司。这个飞轮明确的表现了这个认知:它更认为自己是一个帮助商户带来更多购买的支付网络,特别是对那些客单价相对较高的购买而言,分期付款的选项能够让消费者更痛快的决定,也就有可能早日进入重复购买的循环中去。让 Affirm 和一般的互联网借贷平台不同的地方在于,Affirm 有 46% 的交易额都是 0 利率的,主要是为了提高支付转化率,这更凸显了 Affirm 作为支付网络的价值。

    1. The “freedom” these companies promise isn’t the freedom to opt out of the cycle of endless consumption. What they really offer is mimicry, an aspirational pantomime of the habits of people who can afford to change their wardrobe every season or redesign their living room on a whim. But cultivating a sense of virtuousness remains intrinsic to the rental economy’s branding strategy. Rent the Runway was initially invitation-only, and while it’s now available to the well-heeled masses, the company still refers to its customers as members of a “community” of women who “have joined the movement to get dressed smarter.”

      这些公司所承诺的「自由」并不是选择脱离无休止的消费循环的自由,它们真正提供的是模仿,是那些有能力每季更换衣橱或重新设计居室的人的生活习惯的理想默剧。他们真正提供的是模仿,是对那些有能力每季更换衣柜或一时兴起重新设计客厅的人的生活习惯的理想默剧。但培养良性意识仍是租赁经济品牌战略的内在要求。Rent the Runway 最初只接受邀请,虽然现在它已经向富裕的大众开放,但该公司仍将其客户称为「社区」的成员,这些女性「加入了让自己穿得更聪明的运动」。

    2. Over the past decade or so, an array of venture-backed companies have emerged from the ooze of Silicon Valley armed with a single goal: to give people like me—relatively young, relatively (but not too) affluent, in possession of some degree of “taste”—temporary access to nice things they wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford.


    1. “Assembling the stock crap that my generation is drawn to doesn’t require a marketing genius. You get a potted plant, a neon sign, and a nice bold sans-serif font, and boom, you’ve got a subway ad for the latest disruptive millennial brand.”


    1. The Long Tail thesis was that growth in the future would come from serving small, niche audiences. This holds. But what Anderson missed was how technology would enable platforms to exploit the Long Tail within pieces of content, as well as across it. Bridgerton is emblematic of this Infinite Content, uniting a diverse range of audiences to create a new global mainstream.

      长尾理论的论点是,未来的增长将来自为小型利基受众服务。这是成立的。但 Chris Anderson 错过了技术如何让平台在内容片段中以及跨内容中利用长尾。Bridgerton 是无限内容的象征,它团结了各种各样的受众,创造了一个新的全球主流。

    2. The truth is a singular “mainstream audience” doesn’t really exist. Rather, hits successfully unite a range of different tastes which encompass a range of different people. And that’s how a huge viewership is built.


    1. Like China and India with card networks, perhaps the U.S. will “leapfrog” the centralized mobile payment revolution and have a head start in the coming decentralized future. 

      无论是在旧有机制上改造出新界面(Stripe),还是试图建立新的系统(蚂蚁金服、PayTM 和 DeFI),从直觉和现状进行一系列推理往往难以引致最佳结果。现有的金融体系一定存在大量的改进空间,但或许修修补补的工作并不能达到目的。

    2. Financial systems today


      1. 私人科技巨头对移动革命的利用,和对闪电扩张的闭环支付垄断(主要是传统金融体系外)开展的轻度监管审查
      2. 由政府领导的联盟所生产的新一代银行间转账基础设施,以升级现有受监管系统内的传统技术
      3. 传统基础设施及法规与私营公司中间件相互碰撞,使 20 世纪 60 年代的技术(几乎)可用于 21 世纪的商业
    3. Governments in the 1990s:

      1990 年代各国政府:

      1. 处于创新和互联网商业化前沿的民主超级大国——在全球倡导私有化和自由价值观
      2. 共产主义政府努力在市场改革和一党专政的技术官僚政治控制之间达成微妙的平衡
      3. 混乱、官僚主义的民主——以基础设施投资差、政治功能失调和具有挑战性的商业环境而闻名