- Nov 2019
wiki2.nomono.co wiki2.nomono.co
This suggests that conflictual games’moving-on does not rely on sustainedconversations (because participants disagree anyway) but relies on convincing the auth-ority.
One with power and others trying to convince him/her and that's it.
Because ofthis inability to change the rules, debates thus centre on two other areas: the interpretationof these rules and the discovery of evidence to satisfy (e.g., notability) criteria.
Lo que se juega en la discusión.
The consultation/enforcement mode suggests the pragmatic side of a game in which theactual manifestation as a site of independent yet transparent lobbying efforts, deviatesfrom its original setup as a site of discussion.
How consultation/enforcement works
Because closing admins are not bound to appeal to the majority, they havethe power to decide regardless of how many deleters or retainers incidentally
Como si fuera mucho poder en unas pocas manos.
In the discussion game, editors par-ticipate in AfD discussions in a way that is similar to other online asynchronous chats(although lonely“discussions”with only one comment are also common)
How discussion works
Thisalso shows a practical side to AfD discussions—the aim is not so much about convincingothers. It is about convincing the authority.
Una de mis hipótesis es que es la comunidad quien debate y el bibliotecario (administrador) quien ejecuta. Esto podría rebatir esa hipótesis.
A keydifference here with casual synchronous chats is that AfD is confrontational:
Like "one side against others"
The problem is that WP:AIRCRASH is an“advice on article content,”52not a guideline.
Claro, aquí lo dicen:This page is an essay on article content. It contains the advice and/or opinions of one or more WikiProjects on how the content policies may be interpreted within their area of interest.
This WikiProject advice page is not a formal Wikipedia policy or guideline, as it has not been thoroughly vetted by the community.
two language games—consultation/enforcement and discussion
Language games
Also, some“dis-cussions”are not interactive—in the case when participants are all talking to the closingadmin rather than to each other
Sounds like there are no discussion
frame discussions
What if the frame is more flexible? That can decide the future of the whole article.
cascading arguments,
Esto me parece muy fuerte.
But manyfirst movers are more aggressive
Aggresive == male?
Based mostly on signals, thisfirst move thus sounds personal rather than analytical.This is in line with Wikipedia’s spirit—consensus—but is also problematic on behalf ofCassidy03’s deletion cause.
"...sounds personal rather than analytical". That's very interesting because it's a subjective argument.
A deleter can start with a short comment
Short comment for a first move
inFigure 1.
En los validadores externos se puede ver lo que julio me sugirió: buscamos referentes en una sociedad que históricamente no ha documentado las obras y vidas de las mujeres, por lo tanto ¿cómo vamos a reflejarlo en la enciclopedia?
Here,“institutionalized rules”refers to the citation of Wikipedia rules to establish legiti-macy.
Explicación de cada uno de las 4 categorías.
Free style operationalization
Me gusta como presenta las premisas a analizar en el párrafo siguiente: 5a es una premisa, 5b es la siguiente y 5c la conclusión.
1a] PerWP:NEO; this
El enlace está roto, aquí el enlace correcto.
Thefirst phase revealed four broad categories of discursive resources that editors oftenuse: institutionalized rules (Wikipedia policies/guidelines), external validators, free styleoperationalization, and signals
Estos podrían ser los motivos a los que se refiere Núria.
Data from the AfD discussion pages was collected from June 1, 2013 to June 21, 2013 (thefirst phase)
Recolecta dicsuciones de artículos de borrado en 20 días.
My analysis will adopt part of this critical orientation by focusingon thepower relationsbetween editors in their choice of utterance during AfD discussions.
Analiza las relaciones de poder. Creo que pronto llegaré a Foucault.
My method of choice is discourse analysis
Methodology: discourse analysis.
For the purpose of differentiation, I shall call thepersons of the actdeletersandretainers
Definición de las corrientes de bibliotecarios en Wikipedia
Previousstudies of Wikipedia’s article deletion processes have shown that the lack of indicationof importance alone is the most important commonly used criterion for speedyCOMMUNICATION AND CRITICAL/CULTURAL STUDIES307
La falta de importancia es el criterio de borrado rápido por excelencia.
Finally, AfD discussions are conflictual.
Las discusiones de los artículos para borrado son conflictivos
Second,none of its participants can be certain as to what the rules of each languagegame are
Reglas del juego del lenguaje
First, thereisnoclearboundaryastowhoisaninsiderandwhoisanoutsiderand,ifthereisaboundary, there is high mobility between the inside and the outside (and vice versa)
Adentro y afuera de Wikipedia
I will conceptualize Wikipedia editors’online exchanges as amovein a“language game,”acentral concept of Wittgenstein’s view on language as social actions
Concepto: Editor (bibliotecario) de Wikipedia. Movimiento en el concepto de lenguaje como acción social de Wittgenstein.
As we shall see, much of the debate centres onthe interpretation of the“notability guideline”(WP:Notability),20which decideswhether topics should be included in this gigantic encyclopedia
Claro, la interpretación e lo que significa "notoriedad" puede ser muy subjetiva.
We have movedaway from mass reception to a supposed age of microinteractions and reinstitutionaliza-tion of civil space.
Microinteracciones y espacio civil.
Editors of newspapers and magazines constantly engage in the selection and silencing ofinformation in terms of choosing what to publish. This, in effect, sets a boundary betweenknowledge and“nonknowledge
Establecimiento de jerarquías.
Negotiating boundaries of knowledge: Discourseanalysis of Wikipedia's Articles for Deletion (AfD)discussion
Sobre la toma de decisiones de borrado en Wikipedia.
fuel.press fuel.press
“Roadside Picnic” by Arkady Strugatsky
Roadside Picnic (Russian: Пикник на обочине, Piknik na obochine, IPA: [pʲɪkˈnʲik nɐ ɐˈbotɕɪnʲe]) is a science fiction novel by Soviet-Russian authors Arkady and Boris Strugatsky, written in 1971 and published in 1972. The story leads among other works of the authors on the number of translations into foreign languages and publications outside the former Soviet Union. As of 2003, Boris Strugatsky has counted 55 publications of "Picnic" in 22 countries.
The story is published in English in a translation by Antonina W. Bouis. A preface to the first American edition (MacMillan Publishing Co., Inc., New York, 1977) was written by Theodore Sturgeon. Stanislaw Lem wrote an afterword to the German edition of 1977.
The term "stalker" became a part of the Russian language and, according to the authors, became the most popular of their neologisms. In the context of the book, a stalker is a person who breaks the prohibitions, enters the Zone and takes out various artifacts from it, which he then usually sells and thereby earns a living. In Russian, after Tarkovsky's film, this term acquired the meaning of a guide who navigates in various forbidden and uncharted territories; later on, fans of industrial tourism, especially those visiting abandoned sites and ghost towns, were also called stalkers.
The 1979 film Stalker, directed by Andrei Tarkovsky, is loosely based on the novel, with a screenplay written by the Strugatsky brothers.
fuel.press fuel.press
Dimethoxybromoamphetamine (DOB), also known as brolamfetamine (INN)[1] and bromo-DMA, is a psychedelic drug and substituted amphetamine of the phenethylamine class of compounds. DOB was first synthesized by Alexander Shulgin in 1967.
Its synthesis and effects are documented in Shulgin's book PiHKAL: A Chemical Love Story.
Admiral Shulgin
Alexander Theodore Shulgin (June 17, 1925 – June 2, 2014) was an American medicinal chemist, biochemist, organic chemist, pharmacologist, psychopharmacologist, and author. He is credited with introducing MDMA ("ecstasy", "mandy" or "molly") to psychologists in the late 1970s for psychopharmaceutical use and the discovery, synthesis and personal bioassay of over 230 psychoactive compounds for their psychedelic and entactogenic potential.
In 1991 and 1997, he and his wife Ann Shulgin compiled the books PIHKAL and TIHKAL (standing for Phenethylamines and Tryptamines I Have Known And Loved), from notebooks which extensively described their work and personal experiences with these two classes of psychoactive drugs. Shulgin performed seminal work into the descriptive synthesis of many of these compounds. Some of Shulgin's noteworthy discoveries include compounds of the 2C* family (such as 2C-B) and compounds of the DOx family (such as DOM).
Due in part to Shulgin's extensive work in the field of psychedelic research and the rational drug design of psychedelic drugs, he has since been dubbed the "godfather of psychedelics".
es.wikipedia.org es.wikipedia.org
Este usuario incluye los artículos de la Enciclopedia Encarta que se propone incluir en Wikipedia. En el listado de paso podría verse el balance de género que pueda tener la Encarta.
En este enlace de Google Scholar se puede ver quien cita el artículo y llegar a más fuentes.
Deletion discussions in Wikipedia: decision factors and outcomes
Artículo del 2012 sobre discusiones de borrado en Wikipedia. El PDF no puede ser comentadio con Hypothesis :-(
es.wikipedia.org es.wikipedia.org
Mercedes del Carmen Guillén Vicente
Este artículo se sometió dos veces a borrado. Al final quedó publicado.
Wikipedia:Consultas de borrado/Mercedes del Carmen Guillén Vicente
Ejemplo de una discusión sobre el borrado de un artículo de una mujer.
es.wikipedia.org es.wikipedia.org
Personas por sexo
Categoría que contiene las categorías de géneros en Wikipedia en castellano.
Mujeres (10 cat, 73348 págs.)
Aquí se pueden revisar cuántos artículos hay en la categoría de acuerdo al género.
es.wikipedia.org es.wikipedia.org
Este es argumento falaz denominado generalización apresurada. La relevancia enciclopédica de cada artículo debe discutirse per se, es decir, por sí mismo. Exceptuando analogías obvias cada hecho, objeto o personaje tiene su propia trascendencia y debe ser analizado por ella, no por la de otro o por la de la del género al que pertenece.
Sobre los argumentos de borrado y el género.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Category:Articles for deletion
Categoría de borrado en Wikipedia en inglés
es.wikipedia.org es.wikipedia.org
Historial de las consultas de borrado de Wikipedia en castellano.
es.wikipedia.org es.wikipedia.org
Categoría:Wikipedia:Consultas de borrado
Listado de las consultas de borrado de Wikipedia
- Oct 2019
Do not use obviously feminine names, such as SuzyQ or Pam I Am. Do not use feminine titles like Miss, Ms, or Mrs. Do not incorporate hobbies, interests, family status, religious affiliation, etc. For example, Knit Nut, Fairly Feminist, and Lovemykids are not the best usernames if you want to avoid Wikipedia gender-based harassment.
Esto podría sugerir que hay que "camuflar" el género en Wikipedia para que sea más fácil ser aceptado en la comunidad y que las ediciones se mantengan. Si bien no es explícito, podría sugerir que la ambigüedad es un factor para no ser eliminado o que hay que aparentar no ser mujer.
Psylocybina (4-PO-DMT) – organiczny związek chemiczny z grupy tryptamin, alkaloid o właściwościach psychodelicznych występujący naturalnie w setkach gatunków grzybów psylocybinowych, m.in. w Psilocybe cubensis i Psilocybe semilanceata. Psylocybina obok LSD jest najbardziej popularnym i najczęściej używanym psychodelikiem. Historia zażywania grzybów psylocybinowych sięga czterech tysięcy lat wstecz, obecnie popularnie znane są one jako halucynogenne lub magiczne grzyby. Psylocybina powoduje głębokie doznania psychodeliczne, transcendentne, mistyczne, medytacyjne, często także religijne.
Obecnie w większości krajów wpisana została na listę nielegalnych środków psychoaktywnych.
Substancja ta została opisana po raz pierwszy w latach 60. XX wieku przez Alberta Hofmanna.
Psylocybina (4-PO-DMT) – organiczny związek chemiczny z grupy tryptamin, alkaloid o właściwościach psychodelicznych występujący naturalnie w setkach gatunków grzybów psylocybinowych, m.in. w Psilocybe cubensis i Psilocybe semilanceata. Psylocybina obok LSD jest najbardziej popularnym i najczęściej używanym psychodelikiem. Historia zażywania grzybów psylocybinowych sięga czterech tysięcy lat wstecz, obecnie popularnie znane są one jako halucynogenne lub magiczne grzyby. Psylocybina powoduje głębokie doznania psychodeliczne, transcendentne, mistyczne, medytacyjne, często także religijne.
Obecnie w większości krajów wpisana została na listę nielegalnych środków psychoaktywnych.
Substancja ta została opisana po raz pierwszy w latach 60. XX wieku przez Alberta Hofmanna.
- Sep 2019
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
In 2007, Wikipedia introduced three templates to reduce the proliferation of templates at the top of article talk pages: {{WikiProjectBannerShell}}, {{WikiProjectBanners}}, and {{ArticleHistory}}. If you come across a talk page where you can't see the table of contents until you scroll down, adding one of these templates might help. If one or more of these templates are already in place, consider putting {{skiptotoctalk}} at the very top of the page, before any other templates. This template provides a quick link for other editors to bypass the templates.
tecniques-metodes-recerca.recursos.uoc.edu tecniques-metodes-recerca.recursos.uoc.edu
Técnicas y métodos de investigación
- Aug 2019
edtechmagazine.com edtechmagazine.com
So, if Wikipedia is good enough for scientists, it should be good enough for students, right? This is where digital literacy best practices come in
Not sure I agree with this statement.
UOC Grants for Doctoral Theses for the Doctoral in Information and Knowledge Society
Doctorado en Wikipedia y género
niklasblog.com niklasblog.com
Howard Zinn
Noam Chomsky
Naomi Klein
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
And producing an annotated block of text that highlights the names of entities:
- Jul 2019
futureofcoding.org futureofcoding.orgAbout1
Apparently 77% of Wikipedia is written by 1% of editors - and that’s not even counting users.
hard to believe
- May 2019
upload.wikimedia.org upload.wikimedia.org
La cuestión de género en el mundo digital. Wikipedia y otras comunidades
Wikipedia y género
openaccess.uoc.edu openaccess.uoc.edu
Are Women Present, Absent or in Disguise?Analyzing Gender Bias in the Spanish WP
Wikipedia y género
upload.wikimedia.org upload.wikimedia.org
Wikipedia y género
via3.hypothes.is via3.hypothes.is
WP:Clubhouse? An Exploration of Wikipedia’s GenderImbalance
Wikipedia y género
oll.libertyfund.org oll.libertyfund.org
Filippo Argenti
Filippo is based on a Black Guelph, Charles of Valoi, Dante’s political enemy. Charles of Valoi entered Florence with the other Black Guelphs and destroyed much of the city within a few days. The harsh treatment that Filippo sufferers in The Inferno is payback for an earlier offense that the real life Charles of Valoi had done. In The Inferno Filippo’s violent temper is highlighted in the story as a man who had crossed Dante.
Phlegyas is the son of Mars (god of war) who became outraged after the god Apollo raped his daughter. Out of rage, he set fire to the temple of Apollo. Phlegyas is in The Inferno because Virgil uses him to represent the sins of wrathful and sullen. In The Inferno, Phlegyas is responsible for Dante and Virgil across the Styx in his boat.
- https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b3/Valois-Charles-Daret.jpg/220px-Valois-Charles-Daret.jpg
- https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/7e/Milano_-_Vetrata_ottocentesca_del_Museo_Poldi_Pezzoli_-_Caronte_-_Foto_Giovanni_Dall%27Orto_-_14-sept-2003.jpg/220px-Milano_-_Vetrata_ottocentesca_del_Museo_Poldi_Pezzoli_-_Caronte_-_Foto_Giovanni_Dall%27Orto_-_14-sept-2003.jpg
mutabit.com mutabit.com
Academic Free License v 3.0
La Academic Free License (AFL) es una licencia de software libre permisiva creada en el año 2002 por Lawrence E. Rosen. Es una licencia libre flexible respecto a la distribución, de modo que la obra pueda ser redistribuida como libre o privativa. Garantiza que el emisor de licencia, o posee los derechos de autor, o distribuye el software bajo una licencia.
niklasblog.com niklasblog.com
Jean-Michel Basquiat
From Wikipedia:
Jean-Michel Basquiat (French: [ʒɑ̃ miʃɛl baskija]; December 22, 1960 – August 12, 1988) was an influential American artist of Haitian and Puerto Rican descent. Basquiat first achieved fame as part of SAMO, an informal graffiti duo who wrote enigmatic epigrams in the cultural hotbed of the Lower East Side of Manhattan during the late 1970s, where hip hop, punk, and street art cultures coalesced. By the 1980s, his neo-expressionist paintings were being exhibited in galleries and museums internationally.
slate.com slate.com
In 2005, the journal Nature published a study suggesting English Wikipedia’s level of accuracy was similar to Encyclopedia Britannica’s, and further research on the website’s accuracy has found similar results across other language editions.
Back in 2007, the former president of the American Library Association said, “Any professor who encourages the use of Wikipedia is the intellectual equivalent of a dietician who recommends a steady diet of Big Macs with everything.”
- Apr 2019
www.societybyte.swiss www.societybyte.swiss
wikistrategies.net wikistrategies.net
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
The Wikimedia Foundation says it is seriously concerned about the idea that cisgender women and transgender editors could be repelled from Wikipedia by online abuse.
This is also, to myself, indicative of the main problem with Wikipedia: most editors are white men in a certain age span.
When abuse is added like this, non-men are more likely to stay away, and watch Wikipedia wither into a reason for staying with professionally edited encyclopedias.
- Mar 2019
niklasblog.com niklasblog.com
Karl Marx
ui.adsabs.harvard.edu ui.adsabs.harvard.edu
Engaging the Public Through Wikipedia: Strategies and Tools Show affiliations
Engaging the Public Through Wikipedia: Strategies and Tools
fuel.press fuel.press
Dimethoxybromoamphetamine (DOB), also known as brolamfetamine (INN)[1] and bromo-DMA, is a psychedelic drug and substituted amphetamine of the phenethylamine class of compounds. DOB was first synthesized by Alexander Shulgin in 1967.
Its synthesis and effects are documented in Shulgin's book PiHKAL: A Chemical Love Story.
- Dec 2018
abgra.org.ar abgra.org.ar
Bibliotecas y Wikipedia en Argentina, Boletín de ABGRA
- Nov 2018
bccampus.ca bccampus.ca
In addition to the literature review, we have collaborated with Dr. David Gaertner, instructor in the First Nations and Indigenous Studies Program at the University of British Columbia, on a Wikipedia gap analysis assignment in FNIS 220: Representation and Indigenous Cultural Politics. The gap analysis assignment focuses on how knowledge systems like Wikipedia support or fail to provide a space for inclusive representation of Indigenous culture and identity. We offered a workshop in the FNIS 220 class that focused on how knowledge is constructed in traditional (e.g. library) and open knowledge (e.g. Wikipedia) systems, how to critically analyze who is creating information, the context of the creation process, and how information is made accessible in these spaces. In a second workshop, students took those analyses and worked in small groups to edit Wikipedia to improve Indigenous articles.
This is a fantastic case study to explore CIL issues with.
- Oct 2018
wikimediafoundation.org wikimediafoundation.org
They pose a great opportunity for Wikimedia projects such as Wikipedia to work efficiently, even as they are flooded with new edits.
Bots contributing to new edits.
phabricator.wikimedia.org phabricator.wikimedia.org
mementoweb.org mementoweb.org
www.mediawiki.org www.mediawiki.org
mementoweb.org mementoweb.org
www.mediawiki.org www.mediawiki.org
- Sep 2018
- Jul 2018
Starting a Wikipedia Article on a Local Newspaper
- Apr 2018
wiki.c2.com wiki.c2.com
In mathematics, the convex hull or convex envelope of a set X of points in the Euclidean plane or in a Euclidean space (or, more generally, in an affine space over the reals) is the smallest convex set that contains X. For instance, when X is a bounded subset of the plane, the convex hull may be visualized as the shape enclosed by a rubber band stretched around X. -Wikipedia
wcetfrontiers.org wcetfrontiers.org
Teaching with Wikipedia: A High Impact Open Educational Practice
- Jan 2018
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Wikipedia's Verifiability policy requires inline citations for any material challenged or likely to be challenged, and for all quotations, anywhere in article space.
For quotations, we can do better than pointing to containing documents. We can use annotations to point directly to quotes.
- Dec 2017
arxiv.org arxiv.org
More intense use of Wikipediapolicies by politically diverse teams
I wonder how their commitment to partisanship compares to their commitment to Wikipedia.
- Nov 2017
www.huffingtonpost.com www.huffingtonpost.com
It is no wonder that a significant number of college professors disallow reference to Wikipedia as a “reliable” source of information.
Actually, this is more because study at this level would expect the students to dig deeper than an overview on a topic. The references section, and discussion page, for an article on Wikipedia are often a very good starting point.
- Sep 2017
www.elsevier.com www.elsevier.com
Elsevier launches ScienceDirect Topics to help researchers quickly build their knowledge and save valuable time searching
Not quite wikipedia.
github.com github.com
- Jul 2017
wayback.archive-it.org wayback.archive-it.org
Wikipedia does not have an article with this exact name. Please search for Oil sands/ in Wikipedia to check for alternative titles or spellings.
Interesting that a Wiki page that did not exist was included in the collection.
- Apr 2017
www.budapestopenaccessinitiative.org www.budapestopenaccessinitiative.org
hat Velterop essentially does is to generalize the Wikipedia implementation of distributed contributions by linking it to the semantic web
Fascinating. Mark this for followup.
- Feb 2017
www.wikidata.org www.wikidata.orgWikidata1
query.wikidata.org query.wikidata.org
blog.wikimedia.org blog.wikimedia.org
Through the Wikipedia Library program, the encyclopedia’s editors have free access to a collection of over 80,000 unique periodicals, like journals, magazines, newspapers, newsletters, pamphlets, and series, in addition to an untallyable number of books.
What a resource!
files.eric.ed.gov files.eric.ed.gov
University of Edinburgh has hired a Wikimedian-in-residenc
should every institution have an "open knowledge officer"?
arstechnica.com arstechnica.com
Although anonymous comments are "six times more likely to be an attack," they represent less than half of all attacks on Wikipedia. "Similarly, less than half of attacks come from users with little prior participation," the researchers write in their paper. "Perhaps surprisingly, approximately 30% of attacks come from registered users with over a 100 contributions." In other words, a third of all personal attacks come from regular Wikipedia editors who contribute several edits per month. Personal attacks seem to be baked into Wikipedia culture.
Personal attacks come from frequent editors.
- Aug 2016
www.simplypsychology.org www.simplypsychology.org
Lev Vygotsky (1934)
If you're curious, here's Vygotsky's Wikipedia entry.
- Jun 2016
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
a collection of Wikipedias
FWIW, PLOS tried this with PLOS Currents. It didn't get much traction, but I think there were some good use cases around rapid communications for disease outbreaks.
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Red Hills Fissure
- Apr 2016
blog.jonudell.net blog.jonudell.net
One thing I held on to during fedwiki was that it wasn’t intended to be wikipedia, and to me that meant it wasn’t intended to produce articles so much as to sustain and connect ideas in formation that might find their way into article-like things on other platforms.
blog.jonudell.net blog.jonudell.net
- Mar 2016
drive.google.com drive.google.com
the disregard for Wikipedia appears to be on the de-cline,
True. Teachers used to "ban" Wikipedia as a source, but really Bizup would argue that no good or bad source exists; only well-used or poorly used sources exist. Wikipedia works well for Background information. And, furthermore, Wikipedia probably is more up-to-date than old encyclopedias for obvious reasons.
- Jan 2016
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
cis-regulatory sequences
@target §wikipediaArticle https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cis-regulatory_module..
ifsacop21.wordpress.com ifsacop21.wordpress.com
international law system
Wikipedia page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_legal_system
Does an International legal informatics database exist yet?
- Dec 2015
cms.whittier.edu cms.whittier.eduuntitled1
‘quality of life’
(QOL)- general well being of individuals and societies. QOL has a wide range of contexts including fields of international development, healthcare, politics, and employment (Google/Wikipedia)
- Oct 2015
oldknihovna.nkp.cz oldknihovna.nkp.cz
its definition varies from author to author
Wikipedia should give an overview but it is also biased toward article authors. The current article https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knowledge_Organization_Systems is very brief and the article on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conceptual_system is mixed with articles about KOS in some languages. See https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q6423319 and https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q3622126 in Wikidata.
- Sep 2015
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
SOTL necessarily builds on many past traditions in higher education, including classroom and program assessment, K-12 action research, the reflective practice movement, peer review of teaching, traditional educational research, and faculty development efforts to enhance teaching and learning. Terms closely related to the scholarship of teaching and learning are good teaching (that which promotes student learning and desired outcomes and is recognized by student satisfaction, peer review, etc.) and scholarly teaching (in which teaching is regarded as an area of study and the teaching and learning knowledge base is regarded as an additional discipline in which to develop expertise).
Potential rewrite:
SOTL builds on many past traditions in higher education, including classroom and program assessment, K-12 action research, the reflective practice movement, peer review of teaching, traditional educational research, and faculty development efforts. While recognizing the value of "good teaching" (teaching as effective practice), it argues for the importance of "scholarly teaching" as well. In scholarly teaching, the teacher not only learns teaching as a practice, but as a scholarly discipline as well, one to which they can become a productive contributor.
Right word? Perhaps "growing practice" in education instead?
- Aug 2015
randomlifedata.com randomlifedata.com
see wikipedia for definition https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle-axe_(woman) (nb, sorry Rob for using your blog to try out this tool with random junk!)
- Jul 2015
Davis, Allison P. "Sheila Heti on Drinking Her Way to a Child's-Eye View" from Department of Corrections in The Cut July 16, 2015 annotation as a correction to existing online resources such as Wikipedia
de.wikipedia.org de.wikipedia.org
Hintergrundinformationen zu den Bildrechten in Wikipedia-Projekten
- Apr 2015
wikipediawarning.com wikipediawarning.com
Do your research elsewhere.
Again, not bad advice, but for the wrong reasons.
Wikipedia is a good starting point and a great place to get a reasonably reliable overview. The real resource that Wikipedia provides is the Citations and References sections. These are the sources for the detail in the article and recommended further reading to get to the guts of what you're researching.
Other sources are always recommended. More reliable references are always a good thing and being able to get them cited in a Wikipedia article is a good way of giving extra validation given the process required to get something added to an article. It makes the Wikipedia article better and will cause the source article to appear higher in search results also.
Never link to Wikipedia from your website.
This is a fair thing to ask of people. The explanation is flawed and the advise is a little too firm but in general it is not bad.
If you are referencing a general topic linking to Wikipedia is fine.
If you are referencing a specific thing you should link to the source material rather than a general article. Chances are reasonably good that if your source material is well researched you could get it added to the sources in the Wikipedia article and maybe even update the general article too.
Wikipedia has rules around editing that ensure factually correct information makes it through. Editing can be challenging but if you adhere to these editing can be quite rewarding.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The first female commanding officer of a helicopter squadron at RAF Shawbury, Becky Frater, started work. The squadron is 705 Naval Air Squadron (NAS), one of the two basic helicopter training squadrons at the Defence Helicopter Flying School (DHFS) at RAF Shawbury.[159]
Becky Frater needs her own page.
- Feb 2014
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
First he runs through an encyclopedia, finds an interesting but sketchy article
The first reference to Wikipedia?! :)
- Dec 2013
www.thedewlab.com www.thedewlab.com
“Stanley Fish wrote…that digital humanities is concerned with ‘matters of statistical frequency and pattern,’ and summarized digital humanities methodology as ‘first you run the numbers, and then you see if they prompt an interpretive hypothesis.’”
Fish is an interesting fellow. Here's the opening line from his Wikipedia entry: Stanley Eugene Fish (born April 19, 1938) is an American literary theorist, legal scholar, author and public intellectual. He is currently the Floerscheimer Distinguished Professor of Law at Cardozo Law School in New York City. "
- Oct 2013
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Vannevar Bush
Who is Vannevar Bush? See [Wikipedia article on V. Bush(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vannevar_Bush)
bible.oremus.org bible.oremus.org