1. Jun 2024
    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Reply to the reviewers

      The authors do not wish to provide a response at this time

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      This study by Mordier and colleagues represents an in depth analysis to clarify the evolutionary history and processes of the rapidly evolving Schlafen gene family with a strong focus on primates and rodents.

      The study is of high quality in my opinion, though I do have some minor comments:

      1. Fig 2 and Fig 4B present inferred phylogenetic trees of schalfens in primates and rodents - these trees appear to be unrooted or rooted on a single species rather than an outgroup/gene. I suggest that the authors consider whether an outgroup gene could be included or if an outgroup free approach could be used to estimate the position of the root. This is important because the use of an unrooted tree to make inferences on gene family evolution has important implications - for example, there are no clades in an unrooted tree (Wilkinson et al 2007, Trends Ecol Evol).
      2. Schlafen proteins beyond mammals are referred to as SLFN11, it is not clear why this is the case because they seem to be co-orthologous to all mammal schalfen groups (except SLFNL1) based on supplementary figure S2. In this context, perhaps this image should form part of the main text?
      3. For blast searches parameters should be included - what cutoffs were implied for similarity searches etc. Related to this on line 120-121 homology is described as 'significant'. Homology refers to an evolutionary relationship, sequence similarity may be significant or not based on the search performed but homology is qualitative and simply detectable or not.
      4. The first results section describes the results of phylogenetic analyses, however this section relies heavily on what might better be considered interpretation of these analyses, this is great and should be included but I suggest that the branching patterns in the trees and bootstrap values supporting relationships between genes are also reported in the text to link interpretations to actual results.
      5. Bustos 2009 included viral genes belonging to the family in their analyses and I think it may be pertinent to do so here also to determine if the results are consistent or not.
      6. Was a rate heterogeneity (e.g. gamma rates / +G) parameter considered in phylogenetic analyses or model testing, it is not reported here and very rare for this not to improve model fit and phylogenetic accuracy.
      7. The authors state that all data are available in public databases, but this is not the case for the results they generated. Making various file types produced in this study would be good - e.g. alignments, phylogenetic tree files, structures, etc.


      This study is an important step forward in clarifying our understanding of schalfen evolution. I think the manuscript will be of interest to a number of research areas, including gene family evolution because of its focus on an unusually rapidly evolving gene cluster and to those working on the schalfen gene families functional importance in development and immunity. The results may also draw interest from those interested in the confluence of protein structure, function, and evolution. My expertise In the context of this study is in the phylogenetics and evolution of rapidly evolving gene families.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In the current manuscript, Mordier et al. combine bioinformatic searches, synteny, and phylogenetic analysis to reconstruct the duplicative history of the Schlafen Genes in rodents and primates and then use molecular evolution analyses in combination with structural modeling to make inferences regarding the role of natural selection in the evolution of this gene family. The study represents an update on Bustos et al. (2009), who had already presented evidence that Positive Darwinian selection was likely a factor in the diversification of these genes in mammals. In this context, the contribution of this paper is the identification of sites that are candidates to be evolving under natural selection, and the structural exploration of the location of these sites in the proteins. CODEML strength lies in the detection of signatures of positive selection at the codon level, but it is not that accurate when it comes to pinpointing the actual sites that might be under selection. Hence, without experimental data, these inferences remain speculative. The manuscript is well-written and represents an update on the evolution of this gene family.

      Major Issues

      The rationale for the choice of species included in the analyses is never presented, and some of it is hard to understand. Why do authors exclude the platypus but include non-mammalian lobe-finned vertebrates is not clear. If they are going to discuss the evolution of these genes outside mammals, the authors need to survey a much wider array of genomes. Even within mammals, there is little discussion on why some species were included and others not. I think that focusing the study on rodents and primates is OK, but I also think that providing a strong justification of the selection of species to include in the study and a tree that justifies splitting the focus on rodents and primates would also be important.

      In the trees in Figures 2 and 4, several genes considered as orthologs are not in monophyletic groups. These pattern aligns well with the birth-and-death model of gene family evolution, and has implications for their molecular evolution analyses. The authors need to address this issue explicitly. I would use topology tests to evaluate whether these deviations from the expected topology are significant. In addition, the relevant tests to report here are M8 vs M7 and M8 vs M8a. The M0 vs M1a comparison does not provide evidence for positive Darwinian selection. If the M8 vs M7 and M8 vs M8a tests are not significant, the inferences about sites evolving with dN/dS>1 are not really valid.

      CODEML can implements models that are designed to test patterns of gene family evolution, contrasting pre and post duplication branches, which I think would be of value in this family.

      Some analyses are described very succinctly, which would make replication challenging.

      Minor Issues

      Could 2R be responsible for the emergence of SLFN and SLFNL1?

      There are several minor issues authors should fix in a revised manuscript. In general, because results are presented before the materials and methods, I think it is easier for readers to have some of the information in the results section.

      They need to be consistent in using italics for species names as well as for capitalization.

      In the Alignment and maximum-likelihood phylogenies section the authors indicate that they used either Muscle or Mafft for the alignments. What was the rationale for picking one alignment over the other for a given gene? In this section, they also indicate the selected a best-fitting model of substitution using SMS, but then indicate that they used JTT for protein alignments and HKY for nucleotide alignments.

      How did the authors ensure that nucleotide alignments remained in frame?


      I think this is a significant contribution to our understanding of the evolution of the Schlafen gene family. There are two key contributions here: the demonstration that gene conversion is a factor obscuring relationships among genes in this gene family, and the mapping of amino acids inferred be evolving under positive selection to structurally important residues of the proteins. These residues should be of interest for functional assays that evaluate the functional role of these proteins.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Mordier et al. used in-depth phylogenomic methods to analyze the evolution of the mammalian Schlafen gene family. They identified a novel orphan Schlafen-related gene that arose in jawed vertebrates, and they assigned orthology between Schlafen cluster paralogs. This will allow for further accurate selection studies. Throughout the entire manuscript, the authors use nomenclature predating structural and biochemical studies. The nomenclature is purely based on sequence similarities, which are sometimes very weak and not convincing, and not based on the known function of the protein. In my opinion, this causes confusion and does not help scientists in the field. Especially in Figure 3, I wouldn't call it RNAse E (AlbA); instead, tRNA recognition site,endoribonuclease domain, SLFN core domain are the correct domain designations. Since SLFN11 is not a GTPase, why do the authors name the domain GTPase domain? Actually, the SWADL domain comprises a SWAVDL instead of a SWADL sequence motif. Hence, I would name the domain SWAVDL domain instead of SWADL domain, which is, in my opinion, misleading and was wrongly chosen in initial publications.

      In e.g. Figure 3 SLFN11 structure it would be better if the authors illustrated the important residues concerning the known RNase active site and ssDNA binding site. Further, a close-up of the SLFN11 interface with labeled amino acids involved in the interaction and highlighting the residues undergoing positive selection would help understand the evolutionary adaptation.

      Although, according to Metzner et al., the SLFN11 dimer is built up by two interfaces (I and II), where Interface I is situated in the C-terminal helicase domain and Interface II in the N-terminal SLFN11 core domain. It would be helpful for the reader if the authors stuck to this already introduced and widely accepted nomenclature in the field.

      In addition to the antiviral function, SLFN11 expression levels have been reported to show a strong positive correlation with the sensitivity of tumor cells to DNA damaging agents (DDAs). Hence, SLFN11 can serve as a biomarker to predict the response to, e.g., platinum-based drugs. It was revealed that SLFN11 exerts its function by direct recruitment to sites of DNA damage and stalled replication forks in response to replication stress induced by DDAs. Could the authors include this different molecular function of SLFN11 in their discussion of SLFN11s evolution and positive selection?

      Even though it seems unclear from the genetic and evolutionary aspect (Figure 4), mouse Slfn8 and Slfn9 complement human cells lacking SLFN11 during the replication stress response and seem to resemble the function of SLFN11 (Alvi et al. 2023). The authors of this study claim that Slfn8/9 genes may share an orthologous function with SLFN11. Could the authors comment on that discrepancy?


      In general, the work is well conducted and provides valuable new insights in an important and growing field of research. However, there are some limitations to the study including the disregard of known protein function (e.g. SLFN11) and the usage of a purely sequence similarity based nomenclature.

    1. eLife assessment

      This important study addresses the idea that defective lysosomal clearance might be causal to renal dysfunction in cystinosis. They observe that restoring expression of vATPase subunits and treatment with Astaxanthin ameliorate mitochondrial function in a model of renal epithelial cells, opening opportunities for translational application to humans. The data are convincing, but the description of methodologies is incomplete.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Cystinosis is a rare hereditary disease caused by biallelic loss of the CTNS gene, encoding two cystinosin protein isoforms; the main isoform is expressed in lysosomal membranes where it mediates cystine efflux whereas the minor isoform is expressed at the plasma membrane and in other subcellular organelles. Sur et al proceed from the assumption that the pathways driving the cystinosis phenotype in the kidney might be identified by comparing the transcriptome profiles of normal vs CTNS-mutant proximal tubular cell lines. They argue that key transcriptional disturbances in mutant kidney cells might not be present in non-renal cells such as CTNS-mutant fibroblasts.

      Using cluster analysis of the transcriptomes, the authors selected a single vacuolar H+ATPase (ATP6VOA1) for further study, asserting that it was the "most significantly downregulated" vacuolar H+ATPase (about 58% of control) among a group of similarly downregulated H+ATPases. They then showed that exogenous ATP6VOA1 improved CTNS(-/-) RPTEC mitochondrial respiratory chain function and decreased autophagosome LC3-II accumulation, characteristic of cystinosis. The authors then treated mutant RPTECs with 3 "antioxidant" drugs, cysteamine, vitamin E, and astaxanthin (ATX). ATX (but not the other two antioxidant drugs) appeared to improve ATP6VOA1 expression, LC3-II accumulation, and mitochondrial membrane potential. Respiratory chain function was not studied. RTPC cystine accumulation was not studied.

      The major strengths of this manuscript reside in its two primary findings.<br /> (1) Plasmid expression of exogenous ATP6VOA1 improves mitochondrial integrity and reduces aberrant autophagosome accumulation.<br /> (2) Astaxanthin partially restores suboptimal endogenous ATP6VOA1 expression.

      Taken together, these observations suggest that astaxanthin might constitute a novel therapeutic strategy to ameliorate defective mitochondrial function and lysosomal clearance of autophagosomes in the cystinotic kidney. This might act synergistically with the current therapy (oral cysteamine) which facilitates defective cystine efflux from the lysosome.

      There are, however, several weaknesses in the manuscript.<br /> (1) The reductive approach that led from transcriptional profiling to focus on ATP6VOA1 is not transparent and weakens the argument that potential therapies should focus on correction of this one molecule vs the other H+ ATPase transcripts that were equally reduced - or transcripts among the 1925 belonging to at least 11 pathways disturbed in mutant RPTECs.<br /> (2) A precise description of primary results is missing -- the Results section is preceded by or mixed with extensive speculation. This makes it difficult to dissect valid conclusions from those derived from less informative experiments (eg data on CDME loading, data on whole-cell pH instead of lysosomal pH, etc).<br /> (3) Data on experimental approaches that turned out to be uninformative (eg CDME loading, or data on whole=cell pH assessment with BCECF).<br /> (4) The rationale for the study of ATX is unclear and the mechanism by which it improves mitochondrial integrity and autophagosome accumulation is not explored (but does not appear to depend on its anti-oxidant properties).<br /> (5) Thoughtful discussion on the lack of effect of ATP6VOA1 correction on cystine efflux from the lysosome is warranted, since this is presumably sensitive to intralysosomal pH.<br /> (6) Comparisons between RPTECs and fibroblasts cannot take into account the effects of immortalization on cell phenotype (not performed in fibroblasts).

      This work will be of interest to the research community but is self-described as a pilot study. It remains to be clarified whether transient transfection of RPTECs with other H+ATPases could achieve results comparable to ATP6VOA1. Some insight into the mechanism by which ATX exerts its effects on RPTECs is needed to understand its potential for the treatment of cystinosis.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Sur and colleagues investigate the role of ATP6V0A1 in mitochondrial function in cystinotic proximal tubule cells. They propose that loss of cystinosin downregulates ATP6V0A1 resulting in acidic lysosomal pH loss, and adversely modulates mitochondrial function and lifespan in cystinotic RPTECs. They further investigate the use of a novel therapeutic Astaxanthin (ATX) to upregulate ATP6V0A1 that may improve mitochondrial function in cystinotic proximal tubules.

      The new information regarding the specific proximal tubular injuries in cystinosis identifies potential molecular targets for treatment. As such, the authors are advancing the field in an experimental model for potential translational application to humans.

    4. Author response:

      eLife assessment

      This important study addresses the idea that defective lysosomal clearance might be causal to renal dysfunction in cystinosis. They observe that restoring expression of vATPase subunits and treatment with Astaxanthin ameliorate mitochondrial function in a model of renal epithelial cells, opening opportunities for translational application to humans. The data are convincing, but the description of methodologies is incomplete.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Cystinosis is a rare hereditary disease caused by biallelic loss of the CTNS gene, encoding two cystinosin protein isoforms; the main isoform is expressed in lysosomal membranes where it mediates cystine efflux whereas the minor isoform is expressed at the plasma membrane and in other subcellular organelles. Sur et al proceed from the assumption that the pathways driving the cystinosis phenotype in the kidney might be identified by comparing the transcriptome profiles of normal vs CTNS-mutant proximal tubular cell lines. They argue that key transcriptional disturbances in mutant kidney cells might not be present in non-renal cells such as CTNS-mutant fibroblasts.

      Using cluster analysis of the transcriptomes, the authors selected a single vacuolar H+ATPase (ATP6VOA1) for further study, asserting that it was the "most significantly downregulated" vacuolar H+ATPase (about 58% of control) among a group of similarly downregulated H+ATPases. They then showed that exogenous ATP6VOA1 improved CTNS(-/-) RPTEC mitochondrial respiratory chain function and decreased autophagosome LC3-II accumulation, characteristic of cystinosis. The authors then treated mutant RPTECs with 3 "antioxidant" drugs, cysteamine, vitamin E, and astaxanthin (ATX). ATX (but not the other two antioxidant drugs) appeared to improve ATP6VOA1 expression, LC3-II accumulation, and mitochondrial membrane potential. Respiratory chain function was not studied. RTPC cystine accumulation was not studied.

      In this manuscript, as an initial step, we have studied the first step in respiratory chain function by performing the Seahorse Mito Stress Test to demonstrate that the genetic manipulation (knocking out the CTNS gene and plasmid-mediated expression correction of ATP6V0A1) impacts mitochondrial energetics. We did not investigate the respirometry-based assays that can identify locations of electron transport deficiency, which we plan to address in a follow-up paper.

      We would like to draw attention to Figure 3D, where cystine accumulation has been studied. This figure demonstrates an increased intracellular accumulation of cystine.

      The major strengths of this manuscript reside in its two primary findings.

      (1) Plasmid expression of exogenous ATP6VOA1 improves mitochondrial integrity and reduces aberrant autophagosome accumulation.

      (2) Astaxanthin partially restores suboptimal endogenous ATP6VOA1 expression.

      Taken together, these observations suggest that astaxanthin might constitute a novel therapeutic strategy to ameliorate defective mitochondrial function and lysosomal clearance of autophagosomes in the cystinotic kidney. This might act synergistically with the current therapy (oral cysteamine) which facilitates defective cystine efflux from the lysosome.

      There are, however, several weaknesses in the manuscript.

      (1) The reductive approach that led from transcriptional profiling to focus on ATP6VOA1 is not transparent and weakens the argument that potential therapies should focus on correction of this one molecule vs the other H+ ATPase transcripts that were equally reduced - or transcripts among the 1925 belonging to at least 11 pathways disturbed in mutant RPTECs.

      The transcriptional profiling studies on ATP6V0A1 have been fully discussed and publicly shared. Table 2 lists the v-ATPase transcripts that are significantly downregulated in cystinosis RPTECs. We have also clarified and justified the choice of further studies on ATP6V0A1, where we state the following: "The most significantly perturbed member of the V-ATPase gene family found to be downregulated in cystinosis RPTECs is ATP6V0A1 (Table 2). Therefore, further attention was focused on characterizing the role of this particular gene in a human in vitro model of cystinosis."

      (2) A precise description of primary results is missing -- the Results section is preceded by or mixed with extensive speculation. This makes it difficult to dissect valid conclusions from those derived from less informative experiments (eg data on CDME loading, data on whole-cell pH instead of lysosomal pH, etc).

      We appreciate the reviewer highlighting areas for further improving the manuscript's readership. In our resubmission, we have revised the results section to provide a more precise description of the primary findings and restrict the inferences to the discussion section only.

      (3) Data on experimental approaches that turned out to be uninformative (eg CDME loading, or data on whole=cell pH assessment with BCECF).

      We have provided data whether it was informative or uninformative. Though lysosome-specific pH measurement would be important to measure, it was not possible to do it in our cells as they were very sick and the assay did not work. Hence we provide data on pH assessment with BCECF, which measures overall cytoplasmic and organelle pH, which is also informative for whole cell pH that is an overall pH of organelle pH and cytoplasmic pH.

      (4) The rationale for the study of ATX is unclear and the mechanism by which it improves mitochondrial integrity and autophagosome accumulation is not explored (but does not appear to depend on its anti-oxidant properties).

      We have provided rationale for the study of ATX; provided in the introduction and result section, where we mentioned the following: “correction of ATP6V0A1 in CTNS-/- RPTECs and treatment with antioxidants specifically, astaxanthin (ATX) increased the production of cellular ATP6V0A1, identified from a custom FDA-drug database generated by our group, partially rescued the nephropathic RPTEC phenotype. ATX is a xanthophyll carotenoid occurring in a wide variety of organisms. ATX is reported to have the highest known antioxidant activity and has proven to have various anti-inflammatory, anti-tumoral, immunomodulatory, anti-cancer, and cytoprotective activities both in vivo and in vitro”.

      We are still investigating the mechanism by which ATX improves mitochondrial integrity and this will be the focus of a follow-on manuscript.

      (5) Thoughtful discussion on the lack of effect of ATP6VOA1 correction on cystine efflux from the lysosome is warranted, since this is presumably sensitive to intralysosomal pH.

      We have provided a thoughtful discussion in the revised manuscript on some possible mechanisms that may result in an effect of ATP6V0A1 correction on cysteine efflux from the lysosome.

      (6) Comparisons between RPTECs and fibroblasts cannot take into account the effects of immortalization on cell phenotype (not performed in fibroblasts).

      The purpose of examining different tissue sources of primary cells in nephropathic cystinosis was to assess if any of the changes in these cells were tissue source specific. We used primary cells isolated from patients with nephropathic cystinosis—RPTECs from patients' urine and fibroblasts from patients' skin—these cells are not immortalized and can therefore be compared. This is noted in the results section - “Specific transcriptional signatures are observed in cystinotic skin-fibroblasts and RPTECs obtained from the same individual with cystinosis versus their healthy counterparts”.

      We next utilized the immortalized RPTEC cell line to create CRISPR-mediated CTNS knockout RPTECs as a resource for studying the pathophysiology of cystinosis. These cells were not compared to the primary fibroblasts.

      (7) This work will be of interest to the research community but is self-described as a pilot study. It remains to be clarified whether transient transfection of RPTECs with other H+ATPases could achieve results comparable to ATP6VOA1. Some insight into the mechanism by which ATX exerts its effects on RPTECs is needed to understand its potential for the treatment of cystinosis.

      In future studies we will further investigate the effect of ATX on RPTECs for treatment of cystinosis- this will require the conduct of Phase 1 and Phase 2 clinical studies which are beyond the scope of this current manuscript.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Sur and colleagues investigate the role of ATP6V0A1 in mitochondrial function in cystinotic proximal tubule cells. They propose that loss of cystinosin downregulates ATP6V0A1 resulting in acidic lysosomal pH loss, and adversely modulates mitochondrial function and lifespan in cystinotic RPTECs. They further investigate the use of a novel therapeutic Astaxanthin (ATX) to upregulate ATP6V0A1 that may improve mitochondrial function in cystinotic proximal tubules.

      The new information regarding the specific proximal tubular injuries in cystinosis identifies potential molecular targets for treatment. As such, the authors are advancing the field in an experimental model for potential translational application to humans.

    1. n importante la elección del color en Espuma EV

      Siento que todo este contenido no me aportó nada. De dónde y para qué surge? Cuál es la referencia?

    2. sea más atractivo y memorable.

      O sea llama más la atención del ojo pro no sé si va a ser más memorable...

    3. no solo mejora la estética,

      Se repite con todo lo anterior

    4. En resumen, los colores neutros son fundamentales para construir, resaltar y complementar cualquier proyecto creativo, ofreciendo una base sólida y elegante.

      Todo lo anterior hasta acá no me ha aportado nada como lector.

    1. eLife assessment

      This study provides valuable findings that improve our understanding of the evolutionary conservation of the role of DDX6 in mRNA decay. The evidence supporting the authors' conclusions is convincing. This work will be of interest to molecular, cell biologists and biochemists, especially those studying RNA.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Weber et al. investigated the role of human DDX6 in messenger RNA decay using CRISPR/Cas9 mediated knockout (KO) HEK293T cells. The authors showed that stretches of rare codons or codons known to cause ribosome stalling in reporter mRNAs leads to a DDX6 specific loss of mRNA decay. The authors moved on to show that there is a physical interaction between DDX6 and the ribosome. Using co-immunoprecipitation (co-IP) experiments, the authors determined that the FDF-binding surface of DDX6 is necessary for binding to the ribosome, the same domain which is necessary for binding several decapping factors such as EDC3, LSM14A, and PatL. However, they determine the interaction between DDX6, and the ribosome is independent of the DDX6 interaction with the NOT1 subunit of the CCR4-NOT complex. Interestingly, the authors were able to determine that all known functional domains, including the ATPase activity of DDX6, are required for its effect on mRNA decay. Using ribosome profiling and RNA-sequencing, the authors were able to identify a group of 260 mRNAs that exhibit increased translational efficiency (TE) in DDX6 Knockout cells, suggesting that DDX6 translationally represses certain mRNAs. The authors determined this group of mRNAs has decreased GC content, which has been previously noted to coincide with low codon optimality, the authors thus conclude DDX6 may translationally repress transcripts of low codon optimality. Furthermore, the authors identify 35 transcripts that are both upregulated in DDX6 KO cells and exhibit locally increased ribosome footprints (RBFs), suggestive of a ribosome stalling sequence. Lastly, the authors showed that both endogenous and tethering of DDX6 to reporter mRNAs with and without these translational stalling sequences leads to a relative increase in ribosome association to a transcript. Overall, this work confirms that the role of DDX6 in mRNA decay shares several conserved features with the yeast homolog Dhh1. Dhh1 is known to bind slow-moving ribosomes and lead to the differential decay of non-optimal mRNA transcripts (Radhakrishnan et al. 2016). The novelty of this work lies primarily in the identification of the physical interaction between DDX6 and the ribosome and the breakdown of which domains of DDX6 are necessary for this interaction. This work provides major insight into the role of the human DDX6 in the process of mRNA decay and emphasizes the evolutionary conservation of this process across Eukaryotes.

      Overall, the work done by Weber et al. is sound, with the proper controls. The authors expand significantly on the knowledge of what we know about DDX6 in the process of mRNA decay in humans, confirming the evolutionary conservation of the role of this factor across eukaryotes. The analysis of the RNA-seq and Ribo-seq data could be more in-depth, however, the authors were able to show with certainty that some transcripts containing known repetitive sequences or polybasic sequences exhibited a DDX6-mRNA decay effect.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In the manuscript by Weber and colleagues, the authors investigated the role of a DEAD-box helicase DDX6 in regulating mRNA stability upon ribosome slowdown in human cells. The authors knocked out DDX6 KO in HEK293T cells and showed that the half-life of a reporter containing a rare codon repeat is elongated in the absence of DDX6. By analogy to the proposed function of fission yeast Dhh1p (DDX6 homolog) as a sensor for slow ribosomes, the authors demonstrated that recombinant DDX6 interacted with human ribosomes. The interaction with the ribosome was mediated by the FDF motif of DDX6 located in its RecA2 domain, and rescue experiments showed that DDX6 requires the FDF motif as well as its interaction with the CCR4-NOT deadenylase complex and ATPase activity for degrading a reporter mRNA with rare codons. To identify endogenous mRNAs regulated by DDX6, they performed RNA-Seq and ribosome footprint profiling. The authors focused on mRNAs whose stability is increased in DDX6 KO cells with high local ribosome density and validated that such mRNA sequences induced mRNA degradation in a DDX6-dependent manner.

      The experiments were well-performed, and the results clearly demonstrated the requirement of DDX6 in mRNA degradation induced by slowed ribosomes.

      [Editors' note: The authors have addressed the key points from the previous public reviews in their revised manuscript.]

    4. Author response:

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The authors fail to truly define codon optimality, rare codons, and stalling sequences in their work, all of which are distinct terminologies. They use reporters with rare codon usage but do not mention what metrics they use to determine this, such as cAI, codon usage bias, or tAI. The distinction between the type of codon sequences that DDX6 affects is very important to differentiate and should be done here as certain stretches of codons are known to lead to different quality control RNA decay pathways that are not reliant on canonical mRNA decay factors.

      Thank you for the reviewer’s feedback on our work. Clearly defining codon optimality, rare codons, and stalling sequences is indeed crucial. We will emphasize this distinction more in our revisions to help readers better understand our analysis and findings.

      Likewise, the authors sort their Ribo-seq data to determine genes that might exhibit a DDX6 specific mRNA decay effect but fail to go into great depth about common features shared among these genes other than GO term analysis, GC content, and coding sequence (CDS) length. The authors then sort out 35 genes that are both upregulated at the mRNA level and have increased local ribosome footprint along the ORF. They are then able to show that 6 out of 9 of those genes had a DDX6-dependent mRNA decay effect. There was no comment or effort as to why 2 out of those 6 genes tested did not show as strong of a DDX6-dependent decay effect relative to the other targets tested. Thus, the efforts to identify mRNA features at a global level that exhibited DDX6-dependent mRNA decay effects are lacking in this analysis.

      We appreciate the reviewer's insightful comments regarding the need to further characterize the genes influenced by DDX6-mediated mRNA decay. To address this, we carried out additional analyses to identify potential traits of these genes. Our findings revealed that DDX6-regulated coding sequences tend to be longer and exhibit lower predicted mRNA stability scores compared to the average across the transcriptome. This observation indicates a possible connection to codon optimality. It suggests that DDX6 could play a role in regulating a specific subset of mRNAs with inherently lower stability, potentially shedding light on why some genes may exhibit varied decay patterns when DDX6 is depleted.

      Overall, the work done by Weber et al. is sound, with the proper controls. The authors expand significantly on the knowledge of what we know about DDX6 in the process of mRNA decay in humans, confirming the evolutionary conservation of the role of this factor across eukaryotes. The analysis of the RNA-seq and Ribo-seq data could be more in-depth, however, the authors were able to show with certainty that some transcripts containing known repetitive sequences or polybasic sequences exhibited a DDX6-mRNA decay effect.

      We appreciate the reviewer’s acknowledgment of the soundness of our work and the inclusion of proper controls. We are committed to refining our manuscript to meet your expectations and ensure the accuracy and depth of our findings.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The experiments were well-performed, and the results clearly demonstrated the requirement of DDX6 in mRNA degradation induced by slowed ribosomes. However, in some cases, the authors interpreted their data in a biased way, possibly influenced by the yeast study, and drew too strong conclusions. In addition, the authors should have cited important studies about codon optimality in mammalian cells. This lack of information hinders placing their important discoveries in a correct context.

      (1) Although the authors concluded that DDX6 acts as a sensor of the slowed ribosome, it is not clear if DDX6 indeed senses the ribosome speed. What the authors showed is a requirement of DDX6 for mRNA decay induced by rare codons, and DDX6 binds to the ribosome to exert this role. For example, DDX6 may bridge the sensor and decay machinery on the ribosome. Without structural or biochemical data on the recognition of the slowed ribosome by DDX6, the role of DDX6 as a sensor remains one of the possible models. It should be described in the discussion section.

      We greatly appreciate the reviewer’s comments and suggestions. We agree that our study does not directly establish that DDX6 senses ribosome speed. We also agree that without structural or biochemical data demonstrating recognition of the slowed ribosome by DDX6, the role of DDX6 as a sensor remains one of the possible models. We will incorporate this point into the discussion section and acknowledge it as an important direction for future research.

      (2) It is not clear if DDX6 directly binds the ribosome. The authors used ribosomes purified by sucrose cushion, but ribosome-associating and FDF motif-interacting factors might remain on ribosomes, even after RNaseI treatment. Without structural or biochemical data of the direct interaction between the ribosome and DDX6, the authors should avoid description as if DDX6 directly binds to the ribosome.

      We agree with the reviewer’s perspective that, even after RNase I treatment, factors associated with the ribosome and interacting with the FDF motif might still remain on the ribosomes that were purified via a sucrose cushion. In the revised manuscript, we will describe the relationship between DDX6 and the ribosome more cautiously, avoiding the depiction of DDX6 directly binding to the ribosome.

      (3) Although the authors performed rigorous reporter assays recapitulating the effect of ribosome-retardation sequences on mRNA stability, this is not the first report showing that codon optimality determines mRNA stability in human cells. The authors did not cite important previous studies, such as Wu et al., 2019 (PMID: 31012849), Hia et al., 2019 (PMID: 31482640), Narula et al., 2019 (PMID: 31527111), and Forrest et al., 2020 (PMID: 32053646). These milestone papers should be cited in the Introduction, Results, and Discussion.

      Thank you for the reviewer’s correction. We apologize for the oversight in our references. In the revised manuscript, we will ensure these key studies are appropriately cited.

      (4) While both DDX6 and deadenylation by the CCR4-NOT were required for mRNA decay by the slowed ribosome, whether DDX6 is required for deadenylation was not investigated. Given that the CCR4-NOT deadenylate complex directly interacts with the empty ribosome E-site in yeast and humans (Buschauer et al., 2020 PMID: 32299921 and Absmeier et al., 2023 PMID: 37653243), whether the loss of DDX6 also affected the action of the CCR4-NOT complex is an important point to investigate, or at least should be discussed in this paper.

      We sincerely appreciate the reviewer's valuable suggestions. This point is indeed crucial, and we have addressed it in the revised version of our manuscript. We have included experimental results confirming that the knockout of DDX6 does not impact the CCR4-NOT complex’s deadenylation function. This addition will contribute to a more comprehensive discussion of the relevant issues and refine our manuscript.

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The authors should explain what they use to determine rare codons in their system and distinguish this feature from codon optimality. Codon optimality is a distinct feature from rare codon usage, and both should be defined better in the context of the paper. The authors interchange between the use of codon optimality, rare codon usage, and translation stalling sequences frequently and should explain and clarify these terms or consider only referring to translation stalling sequences for their discussion.

      We appreciate the reviewer's valuable feedback, we have been able to improve the clarity and rigor of the relevant statements in the manuscript. In the revised manuscript, we have provided more explicit and detailed explanations regarding the definition and use of rare codons, and differentiated this from codon optimality, in order to help readers better understand the basis of our analysis and research findings. Furthermore, in the revised manuscript, we are now referring exclusively to 'translation stalling sequences' in our discussion, in order to provide greater clarity.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Interestingly, the translation efficiency of zinc-finger domain mRNAs was increased in DDX6 KO cells. This finding is consistent with the previous study reporting that mRNAs encoding zinc-finger domains are enriched with non-optimal codons and unstable. (Diez et al., 2022 PMID: 35840631). The authors might want to cite this paper and mention the consistency of the two studies.

      Thank you for noting the relevance of the increased translation efficiency of zinc-finger domain mRNAs in DDX6 KO cells. We will reference the study by Diez et al. (2022) and emphasize the consistency between their findings and ours, which supports the idea that DDX6 is involved in regulating the translation of mRNAs with these characteristics.

      A mutagenesis analysis of the poly-basic residues of BMP2 would further strengthen the authors' claim that this sequence is a primal cause of ribosome slowdown and mRNA decay.

      We greatly appreciate the reviewer’s suggestion to conduct a mutagenesis analysis of the poly-basic residues of BMP2. We agree that such an analysis could potentially strengthen our claim. However, considering the constraints we are currently encountering, and our study has already provided substantial evidence to support our findings, we believe that at this stage of our research, conducting this analysis may not be the most immediate priority. We will consider undertaking a mutagenesis analysis in future studies to further validate our conclusions.

      In the Introduction, RQC is not commonly referred to as "ribosome-based quality control." Please consider the use of "ribosome-associated quality control."

      We appreciate the reviewer providing this suggestion. During the revision process, we corrected the relevant terminology to ensure more precise and appropriate usage.

      In the Introduction, the authors should avoid introducing NMD as a part of RQC. NMD was discovered and defined independently of RQC.

      Thank you for pointing out this important distinction. We recognize that NMD was discovered and defined independently from RQC, and should not be presented as an integral part of the RQC process. In the revised manuscript, we have made sure to avoid introducing nonsense-mediated decay (NMD) as a component of ribosome-associated quality control (RQC).

    1. Note that this doesn't mean that it has to be fun. It will likely be the opposite.

      welllll....I think it can and should feel fun

    1. eLife assessment

      This study presents a useful description of RNA in extracellular vesicles (EV-RNAs) and highlights the potential to develop biomarkers for the early detection of colorectal cancer (CRC) and precancerous adenoma (AA). The data were analysed using overall solid methodology and would benefit from further validation of predicted lncRNAs and biomarker validation at each stage of CRC/AA to evaluate the potential application to early detection of CRC and AA.

    2. Joint Public Review:

      Detection of early-stage colorectal cancer is of great importance. Laboratory scientists and clinicians have reported different exosomal biomarkers to identify colorectal cancer patients. This is a proof-of-principle study of whether exosomal RNAs, and particularly predicted lncRNAs, are potential biomarkers of early-stage colorectal cancer and its precancerous lesions.


      The study provides a valuable dataset of the whole-transcriptomic profile of circulating sEVs, including miRNA, mRNA, and lncRNA. This approach adds to the understanding of sEV-RNAs' role in CRC carcinogenesis and facilitates the discovery of potential biomarkers.

      The developed 60-gene t-SNE model successfully differentiated T1a stage CRC/AA from normal controls with high specificity and sensitivity, indicating the potential of sEV-RNAs as diagnostic markers for early-stage colorectal lesions.

      The study combines RNA-seq, RT-qPCR, and modelling algorithms to select and validate candidate sEV-RNAs, maximising the performance of the developed RNA signature. The comparison of different algorithms and consideration of other factors enhance the robustness of the findings.


      Validation in larger cohorts would be required to establish as biomarkers and to demonstrate whether the predicted lncRNAs implicated in these biomarkers are indeed present and whether they are robustly predictive/prognostic.

      The following points were noted during preprint review:

      (1) Lack of analysis on T1-only patients in the validation cohort: While the study identifies key sEV-RNAs associated with T1a stage CRC and AA, the validation cohort is only half of the patients in T1(25 out of 49). It would be better to do an analysis using only the T1 patients in the validation cohort, so the conclusion is not affected by the T2-T3 patients.

      (2) Lack of performance analysis across different demographic and tumor pathology factors listed in Supplementary Table 12. It's important to know if the sEV-RNAs identified in the study work better/worse in different age/sex/tumor size/Yamada subtypes etc.

      (3) The authors tested their models in a medium size population of 124 individuals, which is not enough to obtain an accurate evaluation of the specificity and sensitivity of the biomarkers proposed here. External validation would be required.

      (4) Depicting the full RNA landscape of circulating exosomes is still quite challenging. The authors annotated 58,333 RNA species in exosomes, most of which were lncRNAs, with annotation methods briefly described in Suppl Methods.

    3. Author response:

      The following is the authors’ response to the previous reviews.

      Reviewer #1:

      Detection of early-stage colorectal cancer is of great importance. Laboratory scientists and clinicians have reported different exosomal biomarkers to identify colorectal cancer patients. This is a proof-of-principle study of whether exosomal RNAs, and particularly predicted lncRNAs, potential biomarkers of early-stage colorectal cancer and its precancerous lesions.


      The study provides a valuable dataset of the whole-transcriptomic profile of circulating sEVs, including miRNA, mRNA, and lncRNA. This approach adds to the understanding of sEV-RNAs' role in CRC carcinogenesis and facilitates the discovery of potential biomarkers.

      The developed 60-gene t-SNE model successfully differentiated T1a stage CRC/AA from normal controls with high specificity and sensitivity, indicating the potential of sEV-RNAs as diagnostic markers for early-stage colorectal lesions.

      The study combines RNA-seq, RT-qPCR, and modelling algorithms to select and validate candidate sEV-RNAs, maximising the performance of the developed RNA signature. The comparison of different algorithms and consideration of other factors enhance the robustness of the findings.


      Validation in larger cohorts would be required to establish as biomarkers, and to demonstrate whether the predicted lncRNAs implicated in these biomarkers are indeed present, and whether they are robustly predictive/prognostic.

      Thank you for your careful evaluation and valuable suggestions, which have provided valuable guidance for the improvement of our paper. In response to your feedback, we have implemented the following improvements.

      (1) More detail about how lncRNA and miRNA candidates were defined, and how this compares to previously published miRNA and lncRNA predictions. The Suppl Methods section for lncRNAs does not describe in detail how the "CPC/CNCI/Pfam" "methods" were combined to define lncRNAs here.

      Author response and action taken: Thanks for your comments. In the Supplementary Methods section titled " Selection of Predictive Biomarkers", we have provided a more detailed illustration regarding the screening process for candidate RNA biomarkers. The revised section is as follows: To ensure the predictive performance of the sEV-RNA signature, candidate sEV-RNAs were ultimately selected based on their fold change in colorectal cancer/ precancerous advanced adenoma, absolute abundance, and module attribution. In detail, we initially selected the top 10 RNAs from each category (mRNA, miRNA, and lncRNA) with a fold change greater than 4. In cases where fewer than 10 RNAs were meeting this criterion, all RNAs with a fold change greater than 4 were included. Subsequently, we filtered out RNAs with low abundance, and we selected the top-ranked RNAs from each module based on the fold change ranking for inclusion in the final model.

      Compared to most previous studies on EV biomarkers, the overall discriminative performance of the biomarker model we constructed is considerable, holding clinical value for practical application. In contrast, the supplementary merit of this study lies in uncovering the heterogeneity at the whole transcriptome level among samples of different categories, providing a more comprehensive insight into the dynamic changes of biological states. For instance, we inferred the cell subtypes of EV origins through ssGSEA and correlated them with the tumor microenvironment status. The regulatory relationships among different RNA categories were delineated, and their impacts on biological signaling pathways were analyzed, a feat challenging to accomplish solely through sequencing of a single RNA category.

      In the Supplementary Methods section titled " Identification of mRNAs and lncRNAs", we have provided a more detailed explanation regarding how the "CPC/CNCI/Pfam" methods were combined to define lncRNAs. The revised section is as follows: Three computational approaches including CPC (Coding Potential Calculator)/CNCI (Coding-Non-Coding Index)/Pfam were combined to sort non-protein coding RNA candidates from putative protein-coding RNAs in the unknown transcripts. CPC is a sequence alignment-based tool used to assess protein-coding capacity. By aligning transcripts with known protein databases, CPC evaluates the biological sequence characteristics of each coding frame of the transcript to determine its coding potential and identify non-coding RNAs.1 CNCI analysis is a method used to distinguish between coding and non-coding transcripts based on adjacent nucleotide triplets. This tool does not rely on known annotation files and can effectively predict incomplete transcripts and antisense transcript pairs.2 Pfam divides protein domains into different protein families and establishes statistical models for the amino acid sequences of each family through protein sequence alignment.3 Transcripts that can be aligned are considered to have a certain protein domain, indicating coding potential, while transcripts without alignment results are potential lncRNAs. Putative protein-coding RNAs were filtered out using a minimum length and exon number threshold. Transcripts above 200 nt with more than two exons were selected as lncRNA candidates and further screened by CPC/CNCI/Pfam. We distinguished lncRNAs from protein-coding genes by intersecting the results of the three determination methods mentioned above.

      (2) The role and function of many lncRNAs are unknown, and some lncRNA species may simply be the product of pervasive transcription. Although this is an exploratory and descriptive study of potential biomarkers, it would benefit from some discussion of potential mechanisms because the proposed prediction models include lncRNAs. Do the authors have a hypothesis as to why lncRNAs were informative and predictive in this study? Are these lncRNAs well-studied and/or known to be functional? Or are they markers for pervasive transcription, for example?

      Author response and action taken: Thanks for your comments. Whole transcriptome sequencing results facilitate the discussion of regulatory mechanisms between different biomarkers, supplying evidence for future investigations. Among the three lncRNAs involved in this study, lnc-MKRN2-42:1 is involved in the occurrence and development of Parkinson's disease4. The other two lncRNAs, however, lack relevant reports. Therefore, we cannot confirm that these lncRNAs have specific biological functions. In the Supplementary Methods section titled " Identification of mRNAs and lncRNAs", we acknowledge the limited understanding of sEV-lncRNAs in current research. In contrast, many miRNAs in the model have been proven to participate in the occurrence and development of colorectal cancer, such as miR-36155, miR-425-5p6, and miR-106b-3p7. These data provide biological support for the performance of the model, which is particularly valuable for model prediction.

      (3) In the Results section "Cell-specific features of the sEV-RNA profile indicated the different proportion of cells of sEV origin among different groups", the sEV-RNA profiles were correlated with existing transcriptome profiles from specific cell types (ssGSEA) and used to estimate "tumour microenvironment-associated scores". This transcriptomic correlation is a valuable observation, but there is no further evidence provided that the sEV-RNAs profiles truly reflect differential cell types of sEV origin between the sample subgroups.

      Could the authors clarify the strength of evidence for the cells-of-origin estimates, which are based only on sEV-RNA transcriptome profiles? Would sEV-RNA-derived cells-of-origin be expected to correlate with histopath-derived scores (tumour microenvironment; immune infiltrate) for example? Or is this section intended as an exploratory description of sEV-RNAs, perhaps a check on the plausibility of the sEV-RNA profiles, rather than an accurate estimation of cells-of-origin in each subgroup?

      Author response: Thanks for your comments. This section explores the proportional distribution of EVs from different cellular subgroups solely based on transcriptome profiles and algorithms, rather than providing precise estimates of cellular origins within each subgroup.

      (4) Software and R package version numbers should be provided.

      Author response and action taken: Thanks for your comments. We have added version information for relevant R packages at the first mention in the original text (e.g., WGCNA (version 1.61), Rtsne (version 0.15), GSVA (version 1.42.0), ESTIMATE (version 1.0.13), DOSE (version 3.8.0)).


      (1) Kong L, et al. CPC: assess the protein-coding potential of transcripts using sequence features and support vector machine. Nucleic Acids Res. 35, W345-349 (2007).

      (2) Sun L, et al. Utilizing sequence intrinsic composition to classify protein-coding and long non-coding transcripts. Nucleic Acids Res. 41, e166 (2013).

      (3) Finn RD, et al. Pfam: the protein families database. Nucleic Acids Res. 42, D222-230 (2014).

      (4) Wang Q, et al. Integrated analysis of exosomal lncRNA and mRNA expression profiles reveals the involvement of lnc-MKRN2-42:1 in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease. CNS Neurosci Ther. 26, 527-537 (2020).

      (5) Zheng G, et al. Identification and validation of reference genes for qPCR detection of serum microRNAs in colorectal adenocarcinoma patients. PLoS One. 8, e83025 (2013).

      (6) Liu D, Zhang H, Cui M, Chen C, Feng Y. Hsa-miR-425-5p promotes tumor growth and metastasis by activating the CTNND1-mediated β-catenin pathway and EMT in colorectal cancer. Cell Cycle. 19, 1917-1927 (2020).

      (7) Liu H, et al. Colorectal cancer-derived exosomal miR-106b-3p promotes metastasis by down-regulating DLC-1 expression. Clin Sci (Lond). 134, 419-434 (2020).

    1. primary variable for cluster was popinc

      The merging criteria was for "area with most similar ratio of X to Y", where X is the primary variable and numerator and Y is the secondary variable and denominator. So we have popinc/pop, which is just income - we want MCDs with similar income to be grouped together.

    2. pop >= 30000, "30k_50k"

      Just a heads-up that 30k isn't really a meaningful number in the grand scheme of things. We just used it here to sort of classify "small-medium" to "medium-large" MCDs

    3. roughly 30k (to confirm)

      ...that are generally between 10k-50k population

    4. HAL to clarify (these are shown in red)

      ...because they make up a tract, and our mortality/temperature data is at the tract level. (Let me know if you need more details)

    1. who want to bring that vision into the world

      Or who share the same set of values/ideals which can be even more foundational.

    2. Idea machines are different from movements, which are focused on achieving a specific outcome and are therefore self-limiting (if they succeed, the movement winds down). For example, YIMBYism and climate change are movements that attract operators with shared values, but on the basis of wanting to address a specific problem, rather than a philosophy that transcends the problem itself. Movements can be fed into an idea machine, however, to accelerate their impact.

      Said differently: "Idea Machines" are open-ended and conceivably infinite whereas "movements" are closed-ended and finite.

    3. One can imagine a robust “menu” of action items for a prospective EA, from tithing their salary (low-touch) to working for, or starting, an organization that tackles one of its cause areas (high-touch).

      A spectrum of onboarding points

    4. the values and best practices of the idea machine.

      "Idea Machines" need values and best practices, not just an ideologies

    5. it will never become the dominant narrative because it’s so morally opinionated

      Said differently: If a thing is to grow, it must be adequately flexible to different implementations.

    6. high retention of existing members, but limited acquisition of new members, like a hobbyist club

      The culture of "Web3" is a great example of this

    7. then there is no single school of thought that can “solve” complex social questions, because everyone has a different vision for the world

      And a different understand of the world, different goals, different ideals, different incentives.

      The culture we live in is very steeped in a kind of colonialist savior complex.

    8. Tech as a system of values, and not just an industry, is heavily driven by its subcultures and their ideologies. Where do these ideologies come from, and how do they influence what’s accomplished?

      Tech always has values imbued within it that were (consciously or unconsciously) put there by its creators and informed by the context in which they live.

      I often wonder about how different blockchain tech would be if it were conceptualized and created in a different cultural substrate than the hyper-capitalist one we are entrenched in.

    1. The classic account of industrialisation was David Landes’s The Unbound Prometheus (1969), which argued that economic transformation was rooted in three crucial substitutions: of ‘machines ... for human skill and effort’, of ‘inanimate for animate sources of power’, and of ‘mineral for vegetable or animal substances’ as raw materials.
    2. The ‘industrial revolution’ is often understood imprecisely and expansively, encompassing anything and everything from mechanisation and the development of the factory system to the division of labour and the shift of employment from agriculture to manufacturing, as well as commercial and financial innovations, the take-off of economic growth and the development of capitalism itself.

      some variations of the definition of "Industrial Revolution"

      one must naturally be more careful in how one defines, treats, and uses the phrase which can bind together a great many things, particularly in non-technical contexts.

    3. In​ 1880 Britain could with some justification be called the ‘workshop of the world’: it produced more than 20 per cent of global industrial output and about 40 per cent of the world’s manufactured exports. In the nearly half-century since Samuel published his essay of that name, historians have done much to undermine the narrative of an ‘industrial revolution’ bookended by the invention of the spinning jenny in 1764 and the New Poor Law of 1834.

      There's an interesting linkage going on here between the industrial revolution (and thus possibly Capitalism) with the creation and even litigation of "the poor" classes in Britain.

      Did "the poor" exist in the same way they do today prior to the Industrial Revolution? What are the subtle differences? (Compare with Thompson, E. P. “Time, Work-Discipline, and Industrial Capitalism.” Past & Present, no. 38 (1967): 56–97.)

    4. As a ‘form of inquiry’, Samuel wrote in the LRB of 14 June 1990, history is a ‘journey into the unknown’.
    5. Oral tradition, too, entangled national identity and religion.

      I can't help but wonder how this is currently working in the deep South with respect to political identity (far right, Trump, MAGA) and religious identity (born again, ultra-nationalist Christians, etc.)

    6. The social investigator Charles Booth thought they were ‘lenient judges of the frailties that are not sins, and of the disorder that is not crime’.
    7. Samuel observes that it was in studying the social and economic history of poaching that oral sources proved most revelatory. His interviews showed that the relatively small number of poachers who appeared in court records in the late 19th century were not the most prolific but the worst at getting away with it. In the years before the Great War, poaching was organised and knitted into the local economy and seasonal patterns of labour. Gangs of poachers took orders, traded door to door, and sold on to fences who supplied butchers in Oxford’s covered market. A retired practitioner, a longtime antagonist of the local gamekeepers, trained lurchers for the gangs. Amateurs, in it perhaps partly for the thrill, were not considered ‘real’ poachers by the pros.
    8. Samuel joined the party as soon as he was old enough, but left as part of the mass exodus prompted by Khrushchev’s secret speech and the Soviet crushing of the Hungarian uprising in 1956.
    9. Despite – or perhaps because of – all this activity, Samuel only published one sole-authored book in his lifetime, Theatres of Memory (1994), an account of the popular historical imagination in late 20th-century Britain told via case studies, from Laura Ashley fabrics to the touristification of Ironbridge. Since his death from cancer in 1996, however, Samuel has been prolific. A second volume of Theatres of Memory, titled Island Stories: Unravelling Britain, came out in 1998, followed in 2006 by The Lost World of British Communism, a volume of essays combining research and recollections.

      Theatres of Memory (1994) sounds like it's taking lots of examples from a zettelkasten and tying them together.

      It's also interesting to note that he published several books posthumously. Was this accomplished in part due to his zettelkasten notes the way others like Ludwig Wittgenstein?

    10. In 1967, Samuel founded the History Workshop movement

      "History Workshop movement" here (https://hypothes.is/a/pzSbkDSWEe-GVmsfDdhvrg) is another good example of the serendipity of autocomplete functionality in Hypothes.is helping to link together disparate examples of ideas which I'd long since forgotten. In this case to a tangential idea I'd read about a year prior (https://hypothes.is/a/bxMX5MKJEe2Wkq_zinG3iw) and been interested in, but completely forgotten about.

      Now I've got a link from that to the founder of the movement in 1967.

    11. In 1967, Samuel founded the History Workshop movement to democratise ‘the act of historical production, enlarging the constituency of historical writers, and bringing the experience of the present to bear upon the interpretation of the past’; it held huge, radical and ecumenical events, published pamphlets and books, and in 1976 founded its own journal, still running today.
    12. Each thought or reference to a source was written or pasted onto a single side of a loose sheet of paper. It might be the source itself – an advertisement, a jam-jar label or an extract from a Xerox – it mattered only that it was attributed and subheaded under a theme. Then the notes were filed in groups. Scholarly prestidigitation allowed the pages to be constantly reshuffled so that new combinations of ideas appeared, presuppositions might be overturned and surprising connections thereby generated ... All that was needed was reams of rough paper, scissors and a pot of glue, phalanxes of lever-arch files, and a hole-puncher.

      brief outline of Raphael Samuel's note taking tools and some scant description of the method.

      I love the phrase "scholarly prestiditation" to describe the "magic of note taking" along with the idea of combinatorial creativity.

      Presumably the quote comes from the Samuel piece quoted in the article.

    13. Raphael Samuel​ adopted his notetaking method from Beatrice and Sidney Webb

      Historian Raphael Samuel used a zettelkasten-like note taking method which he adopted from Beatrice and Sidney Webb.

    1. From on high, Loras Tyrell seemedalmost as young as Robb.


    2. And that may be precisely what Lord Tywin wants, Ned thought tohimself, to bleed o strength from Riverrun, goad the boy into scatteringhis swords. His wife’s brother was young, and more gallant thanwise. He would try to hold every inch of his soil, to defend everyman, woman, and child who named him lord, and Tywin Lannisterwas shrewd enough to know that.

      nooo but i wanna meet edmure

    3. Those as say the giants are alldead never saw this one, I swear. Big as an ox he was, and a voicelike stone breaking.”“The Mountain!” Ser Marq said loudly. “Can any man doubt it?This was Gregor Clegane’s work.”

      oh! nvm its him, i forgot about him

    4. “What proof do you have that these were Lannisters?” heasked, trying to keep his fury under control. “Did they wear crimsoncloaks or y a lion banner?”

      tyrion's men then...

    5. A king should never sit easy,Aegon the Conqueror had said, when he commanded his armorers toforge a great seat from the swords laid down by his enemies. DamnAegon for his arrogance, Ned thought sullenly, and damn Robert andhis hunting as well.


    6. “I will give you the Vale of Arryn.”

      yo jaime can you give up your position for my new buddies

    7. not theprisoner, big, with a strap in his hand, and he was hitting his father,driving him back, toward the abyss ...

      so he wasnt lying when he said that to jon

    8. paid her fair enough. A silver for each man, how many whorescommand that high a price? He sat me down in the corner of thebarracks and bade me watch, and at the end she had so many silversthe coins were slipping through her ngers and rolling on the oor,she ...” The smoke was stinging his eyes. Tyrion cleared his throatand turned away from the re, to gaze out into darkness. “LordTywin had me go last,” he said in a quiet voice. “And he gave me agold coin to pay her, because I was a Lannister, and worth more.”

      tywin is so cruel omfg

    9. First he made my brothertell me the truth. The girl was a whore, you see. Jaime arranged thewhole aair, the road, the outlaws, all of it. He thought it was time Ihad a woman. He paid double for a maiden, knowing it would bemy rst time.


    10. me ... and he was no friend, only a man I rode with. Make nomistake, dwarf. I fought for you, but I do not love you.”“It was your blade I needed,” Tyrion said, “not your love.” Hedumped his armful of wood on the ground.

      enemies to lovers

    11. The Night’s Watch needs every man. Why kill one, to noend? Make use of him instead.”

      i love seeing jon lookout for him, he's so sweet

    12. know Chett can’t read,

      the call out is crazy

    13. “I nd I needless sleep as I grow older, and I am grown very old. I often spendhalf the night with ghosts, remembering times fty years past as ifthey were yesterday.


    14. but the rangers were the true ghting heart of theNight’s Watch. It was they who dared ride beyond the Wall,sweeping through the haunted forest and the icy mountain heightswest of the Shadow Tower, ghting wildlings and giants andmonstrous snow bears

      this is so AoT coded

    15. . Tyrion Lannister must know that as well. Yet the dwarffavored Lady Arryn with a mocking bow.

      the way hes gonna get his own clan instead

    16. The weathered likeness of AlyssaArryn tottered and fell with a great crash, and Ser Vardis Egen wentdown beneath her

      no because why is there a statue here like yall dumb

    17. “Fight!” the boy screamed, his arms trembling as they clutched athis chair.

      nahh what

    18. nodoubt meant to be Alyssa

      omg let her resttt

    19. It’s said poison is awoman’s weapon, begging your pardons, my lady.

      yeah and lysa's a women

    20. was whispered, notoriously uninterested in the intimate charms ofwomen.


    21. lone? You know as wellas I that you will never survive the high road. Ser Rodrik and I arereturning to Winterfell. Come with us, Uncle. I will give you yourthousand men. Riverrun will not ght alone.”Brynden thought a moment, then nodded a brusque agreement.“As you say. It’s the long way home, but I’m more like to get there.



    1. Messages That Promote a Growth Mind-Set* We believe in your potential and are committed to helping everyone get smarter.* We value (and praise) taking on challenges, exerting effort, and surmounting obstaclesmore than we value (and praise) "natural" talent and easy success.* Working hard to learn new things makes you smarter - it makes your brain grow newconnections.* School is not a place that judges you. It is a place where people help your brain grownew connections

      I really value these! This seems like a good poster for a school

    2. they can quickly and accurately judge those traits. This means that oncethey have decided that someone is or is not capable, they are not very open to newinformation to the contrary. And they may not mentor people who they have decided arenot capable

      Sadly, I've seen this. What is worse is when they voice these ideas to the students. Then, the students feel unmotivated to learn.

    1. eLife assessment

      In this study, Ger and colleagues present a valuable new technique that uses recurrent neural networks to distinguish between model misspecification and behavioral stochasticity when interpreting cognitive-behavioral model fits. Simulations provide solid evidence for the validity of this technique and broadly support the claims of the paper, although more work is needed to understand its applicability to real behavioral experiments. This technique addresses a long-standing problem that is likely to be of interest to researchers pushing the limits of cognitive computational modeling.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      Ger and colleagues address an issue that often impedes computational modeling: the inherent ambiguity between stochasticity in behavior and structural mismatch between the assumed and true model. They propose a solution to use RNNs to estimate the ceiling on explainable variation within a behavioral dataset. With this information in hand, it is possible to determine the extent to which "worse fits" result from behavioral stochasticity versus failures of the cognitive model to capture nuances in behavior (model misspecification). The authors demonstrate the efficacy of the approach in a synthetic toy problem and then use the method to show that poorer model fits to 2-step data in participants with low IQ are actually due to an increase in inherent stochasticity, rather than systemic mismatch between model and behavior.


      Overall I found the ideas conveyed in the paper interesting and the paper to be extremely clear. The method itself is clever and intuitive and I believe it could potentially be useful in certain circumstances, particularly ones where the sources of structure in behavioral data are unknown. Support for the method from synthetic data is clear and compelling. The flexibility of the method means that it could potentially be applied to different types of behavioral data - without any hypotheses about the exact behavioral features that might be present in a given task.


      That said, I have some concerns with the manuscript in its current form, largely related to the applicability of the proposed methods for problems of importance in computational cognitive neuroscience. This concern stems from the fact that the toy problem explored in the manuscript is somewhat simple, and the theoretical problem addressed in it could have been identified through other means (for example through use of posterior predictive checking for model validation), and the actual behavioral data analyzed were interpreted as a null result (failure to reject that the behavioral stochasticity hypothesis), rather than actual identification of model misspecification. Thus, in my opinion, the jury is still out on whether this method could be used to identify a case of model misspecification that actually affects how individual differences are interpreted in a real cognitive task. Furthermore, the method requires considerable data for pretraining, well beyond what would be collected in a typical behavioral study, raising further questions about its applicability in problems of practical relevance. I expand on these primary concerns and raise several smaller points below.

      A primary concern I have about this work is that it is unclear whether the method described could provide any advantage for real cognitive modeling problems beyond what is typically done to minimize the chance of model misspecification (in particular, posterior predictive checking). The toy problem examined in the manuscript is pretty extreme (two of the three synthetic agents are very far from what a human would do on the task, and the models deviate from one another to a degree that detecting the difference should not be difficult for any method). The issue posed in the toy data would easily be identified by following good modeling practices, which include using posterior predictive checking over summary measures to identify model insufficiencies, which in turn would call for the need for a broader set of models (See Wilson & Collins 2019). In this manuscript descriptive analyses are not performed ( which, to me, feels a bit problematic for a paper that aims to improve cognitive modeling practices), however I think it is almost certain that the differences between the toy models would be evident by eye in standard summary measures of two-step task data. The primary question posed in the analysis of the empirical data is as to whether fit differences related IQ might reflect systematic differences in the model across individuals, but in this case application of the newly developed method provides little evidence for structural (model) differences. Thus, it remains unclear whether the method could identify model misspecification in real world data, and even more so whether it could reveal misspecification in situations where standard posterior predictive checking techniques would fall short. The rebuttal highlighted the better fit of the RNN on the empirical data as providing positive evidence for the ability of the method to identify model insufficiency, but I see this result as having limited epistemological value, given that there is no follow up to explore what the insufficiency actually was, or why accounting for it might be important. The authors list many of the points above as limitations in their discussion section, but in my opinion, they are relatively major ones.

      The manuscript now mentions in the discussion that the newly developed methods should be seen as being just one tool in the larger toolkit of the computational cognitive modeler. However, one practical consideration here is that, since other existing tools such as simulation and descriptive analyses can be combined to 1) identify model insufficiency, 2) motivate specific model changes that can fix the problem, it is not exactly clear what the value added from the proposed method is.

      One final practical limitation of the method is that it requires extensive pretraining (on >500 participants) in existing study, limiting its applicability for most use cases.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      In this manuscript, Ger and colleagues propose two complementary analytical methods aimed at quantifying the model misspecification and irreducible stochasticity in human choice behavior. The first method involves fitting recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and theoretical models to human choices and interpreting the better performance of RNNs as providing evidence of the misspecifications of theoretical models. The second method involves estimating the number of training iterations for which the fitted RNN achieves the best prediction of human choice behavior in a separate, validation data set, following an approach known as "early stopping". This number is then interpreted as a proxy for the amount of explainable variability in behavior, such that fewer iterations (earlier stopping) correspond to a higher amount of irreducible stochasticity in the data. The authors validate the two methods using simulations of choice behavior in a two-stage task, where the simulated behavior is generated by different known models. Finally, the authors use their approach in a real data set of human choices in the two-stage task, concluding that low-IQ subjects exhibit greater levels of stochasticity than high-IQ subjects.


      The manuscript explores an extremely important topic to scientists interested in characterizing human decision-making. While it is generally acknowledged that any computational model of behavior will be limited in its ability to describe a particular data set, one should hope to understand whether these limitations arise due to model misspecification or due to irreducible stochasticity in the data. Evidence for the former suggests that better models ought to exist; evidence for the latter suggests they might not.

      To address this important topic, the authors elaborate carefully on the rationale of their proposed approach. They describe a variety of simulations -- for which the ground truth models and the amount of behavioral stochasticity are known -- to validate their approaches. This enables the reader to understand the benefits (and limitations) of these approaches when applied to the two-stage task, a task paradigm commonly used in the field. Through a set of convincing analyses, the authors demonstrate that their approach is capable of identifying situations where an alternative, untested computational model can outperform the set of tested models, before applying these techniques to a realistic data set.


      The most significant weakness is that the paper rests on the implicit assumption that the fitted RNNs explain as much variance as possible, an assumption that is likely incorrect and which can result in incorrect conclusions. While in low-dimensional tasks RNNs can predict behavior as well as the data-generating models, this is not always the case, and the paper itself illustrates (in Figure 3) several cases where the fitted RNNs fall short of the ground-truth model. In such cases, we cannot conclude that a subject exhibiting a relatively poor RNN fit necessarily has a relatively high degree of behavioral stochasticity. Instead, it is at least conceivable that this subject's behavior is generated precisely (i.e., with low noise) by an alternative model that is pooly fit by an RNN -- e.g., a model with long-term sequential dependencies, which RNNs are known to have difficulties in capturing.

      These situations could lead to incorrect conclusions for both of the proposed methods. First, the model mis-specification analysis might show equal predictive performance for a particular theoretical model and for the RNN. While a scientist might be inclined to conclude that the theoretical model explains the maximum amount of explainable variance and therefore that no better model should exist, the scenario in the previous paragraph suggests that a superior model might nonetheless exist. Second, in the early-stopping analysis, a particular subject may achieve optimal validation performance with fewer epochs than another, leading the scientist to conclude that this subject exhibits higher behavioral noise. However, as before, this could again result from the fact that this subject's behavior is produced with little noise by a different model. The possibility of such scenarios does not mean that such scenarios are common, and the conclusions drawn in the paper are likely appropriate for the particular examples analyzed. However, it is much less obvious that the RNNs will provide optimal fits in other types of tasks, particularly those with more complex rules and long-term sequential dependencies, and in such scenarios, an ill-advised scientist might end up drawing incorrect conclusions from the application of the proposed approaches. The authors acknowledge this limitation in their discussion, but it remains a significant caveat that readers should be aware of when using the technique proposed.

      In addition to this general limitation, the relationship between the number of optimal epochs and behavioral stochasticity may not hold for every task and every subject. For example, Figure 4 highlights the relationship between the optimal epochs and agent noise. Yet, it is nonetheless possible that the optimal epoch is influenced by model parameters other than inverse temperature (e.g., hyperparameters such as learning rate, etc). This could again lead to invalid conclusions, such as concluding that low-IQ is associated with optimal epoch when an alternative account might be that low-IQ is associated with low learning rate, which in turn is associated with optimal epoch. Additional factors such as the deep double-descent (Nakkiran et al., ICLR 2020) can also influence the optimal epoch value as computed by the authors. These concerns are partially addressed by the authors in the revised manuscript, where they show that the number of optimal epochs is primarily sensitive to the amount of true underlying noise, assuming the number of trials and network size are constant. The authors also acknowledge, in the discussion section, that many factors can affect the number of optimal epochs, and that inferring behavioral stochasticity from this number should be done with caution.


      Overall, the authors propose a novel method that aims to solve an important problem, but since the evidence provided refers to a single task and to a single dataset, it is not clear that the method would be appropriate in general settings. In the future, it would be beneficial to test the proposed approach in a broader setting, including simulations of different tasks, different model classes, and different model parameters. Nonetheless, even without such additional work, the proposed methods are likely to be used by cognitive scientists and neuroscientists interested in assessing the quality and limits of their behavioral models.

    4. Author response:

      The following is the authors’ response to the previous reviews.

      eLife assessment

      In this study, Ger and colleagues present a valuable new technique that uses recurrent neural networks to distinguish between model misspecification and behavioral stochasticity when interpreting cognitivebehavioral model fits. Evidence for the usefulness of this technique, which is currently based primarily on a relatively simple toy problem, is considered incomplete but could be improved via comparisons to existing approaches and/or applications to other problems. This technique addresses a long-standing problem that is likely to be of interest to researchers pushing the limits of cognitive computational modeling.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      Ger and colleagues address an issue that often impedes computational modeling: the inherent ambiguity between stochasticity in behavior and structural mismatch between the assumed and true model. They propose a solution to use RNNs to estimate the ceiling on explainable variation within a behavioral dataset. With this information in hand, it is possible to determine the extent to which "worse fits" result from behavioral stochasticity versus failures of the cognitive model to capture nuances in behavior (model misspecification). The authors demonstrate the efficacy of the approach in a synthetic toy problem and then use the method to show that poorer model fits to 2-step data in participants with low IQ are actually due to an increase in inherent stochasticity, rather than systemic mismatch between model and behavior.


      Overall I found the ideas conveyed in the paper interesting and the paper to be extremely clear and wellwritten. The method itself is clever and intuitive and I believe it could be useful in certain circumstances, particularly ones where the sources of structure in behavioral data are unknown. In general, the support for the method is clear and compelling. The flexibility of the method also means that it can be applied to different types of behavioral data - without any hypotheses about the exact behavioral features that might be present in a given task.

      Thank you for taking the time to review our work and for the positive remarks regarding the manuscript. Below is a point-by-point response to the concerns raised.


      That said, I have some concerns with the manuscript in its current form, largely related to the applicability of the proposed methods for problems of importance in computational cognitive neuroscience. This concern stems from the fact that the toy problem explored in the manuscript is somewhat simple, and the theoretical problem addressed in it could have been identified through other means (for example through the use of posterior predictive checking for model validation), and the actual behavioral data analyzed were interpreted as a null result (failure to reject that the behavioral stochasticity hypothesis), rather than actual identification of model-misspecification. I expand on these primary concerns and raise several smaller points below.

      A primary question I have about this work is whether the method described would actually provide any advantage for real cognitive modeling problems beyond what is typically done to minimize the chance of model misspecification (in particular, post-predictive checking). The toy problem examined in the manuscript is pretty extreme (two of the three synthetic agents are very far from what a human would do on the task, and the models deviate from one another to a degree that detecting the difference should not be difficult for any method). The issue posed in the toy data would easily be identified by following good modeling practices, which include using posterior predictive checking over summary measures to identify model insufficiencies, which in turn would call for the need for a broader set of models (See Wilson & Collins 2019). Thus, I am left wondering whether this method could actually identify model misspecification in real world data, particularly in situations where standard posterior predictive checking would fall short. The conclusions from the main empirical data set rest largely on a null result, and the utility of a method for detecting model misspecification seems like it should depend on its ability to detect its presence, not just its absence, in real data.

      Beyond the question of its advantage above and beyond data- and hypothesis-informed methods for identifying model misspecification, I am also concerned that if the method does identify a modelinsufficiency, then you still would need to use these other methods in order to understand what aspect of behavior deviated from model predictions in order to design a better model. In general, it seems that the authors should be clear that this is a tool that might be helpful in some situations, but that it will need to be used in combination with other well-described modeling techniques (posterior predictive checking for model validation and guiding cognitive model extensions to capture unexplained features of the data). A general stylistic concern I have with this manuscript is that it presents and characterizes a new tool to help with cognitive computational modeling, but it does not really adhere to best modeling practices (see Collins & Wilson, eLife), which involve looking at data to identify core behavioral features and simulating data from best-fitting models to confirm that these features are reproduced. One could take away from this paper that you would be better off fitting a neural network to your behavioral data rather than carefully comparing the predictions of your cognitive model to your actual data, but I think that would be a highly misleading takeaway since summary measures of behavior would just as easily have diagnosed the model misspecification in the toy problem, and have the added advantage that they provide information about which cognitive processes are missing in such cases.

      As a more minor point, it is also worth noting that this method could not distinguish behavioral stochasticity from the deterministic structure that is not repeated across training/test sets (for example, because a specific sequence is present in the training set but not the test set). This should be included in the discussion of method limitations. It was also not entirely clear to me whether the method could be applied to real behavioral data without extensive pretraining (on >500 participants) which would certainly limit its applicability for standard cases.

      The authors focus on model misspecification, but in reality, all of our models are misspecified to some degree since the true process-generating behavior almost certainly deviates from our simple models (ie. as George Box is frequently quoted, "all models are wrong, but some of them are useful"). It would be useful to have some more nuanced discussion of situations in which misspecification is and is not problematic.

      We thank the reviewer for these comments and have made changes to the manuscript to better describe these limitations. We agree with the reviewer and accept that fitting a neural network is by no means a substitute for careful and dedicated cognitive modeling. Cognitive modeling is aimed at describing the latent processes that are assumed to generate the observed data, and we agree that careful description of the data-generating mechanisms, including posterior predictive checks, is always required. However, even a well-defined cognitive model might still have little predictive accuracy, and it is difficult to know how much resources should be put into trying to test and develop new cognitive models to describe the data. We argue that RNN can lead to some insights regarding this question, and highlight the following limitations that were mentioned by the review: 

      First, we accept that it is important to provide positive evidence for the existence of model misspecification. In that sense, a result where the network shows dramatic improvement over the best-fitting theoretical model is easier to interpret compared to when the network shows no (or very little) improvement in predictive accuracy. This is because there is always an option that the network, for some reason, was not flexible enough to learn the data-generating model, or because the data-generating mechanism has changed from training to test. We have now added this more clearly in the limitation section. However, when it comes to our empirical results, we would like to emphasize that the network did in fact improve the predictive accuracy for all participants. The result shows support in favor of a "null" hypothesis in the sense that we seem to find evidence that the change in predictive accuracy between the theoretical model and RNN is not systematic across levels of IQ. This allows us to quantify evidence (use Bayesian statistics) for no systematic model misspecification as a function of IQ. While it is always possible that a different model might systematically improve the predictive accuracy of low vs high IQ individuals' data, this seems less likely given the flexibility of the current results.  

      Second, we agree that our current study only applies to the RL models that we tested. In the context of RL, we have used a well-established and frequently applied paradigm and models. We emphasize in the discussion that simulations are required to further validate other uses for this method with other paradigms.  

      Third, we also accept that posterior predictive checks should always be capitalized when possible, which is now emphasized in the discussion. However, we note that these are not always easy to interpret in a meaningful way and may not always provide details regarding model insufficiencies as described by the reviewer. It is very hard to determine what should be considered as a good prediction and since the generative model is always unknown, sometimes very low predictive accuracy can still be at the peak of possible model performance. This is because the data might be generated from a very noisy process, capping the possible predictive accuracy at a very low point. However, when strictly using theoretical modeling, it is very hard to determine what predictive accuracy to expect. Also, predictive checks are not always easy to interpret visually or otherwise. For example, in two-armed bandit tasks where there are only two actions, the prediction of choices is easier to understand in our opinion when described using a confusion matrix that summarizes the model's ability to predict the empirical behavior (which becomes similar to the predictive estimation we describe in eq 22).  

      Finally, this approach indeed requires a large dataset, with at least three sessions for each participant (training, validation, and test). Further studies might shed more light on the use of optimal epochs as a proxy for noise/complexity that can be used with less data (i.e., training and validation, without a test set).

      Please see our changes at the end of this document.  

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      In this manuscript, Ger and colleagues propose two complementary analytical methods aimed at quantifying the model misspecification and irreducible stochasticity in human choice behavior. The first method involves fitting recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and theoretical models to human choices and interpreting the better performance of RNNs as providing evidence of the misspecifications of theoretical models. The second method involves estimating the number of training iterations for which the fitted RNN achieves the best prediction of human choice behavior in a separate, validation data set, following an approach known as "early stopping". This number is then interpreted as a proxy for the amount of explainable variability in behavior, such that fewer iterations (earlier stopping) correspond to a higher amount of irreducible stochasticity in the data. The authors validate the two methods using simulations of choice behavior in a two-stage task, where the simulated behavior is generated by different known models. Finally, the authors use their approach in a real data set of human choices in the two-stage task, concluding that low-IQ subjects exhibit greater levels of stochasticity than high-IQ subjects.


      The manuscript explores an extremely important topic to scientists interested in characterizing human decision-making. While it is generally acknowledged that any computational model of behavior will be limited in its ability to describe a particular data set, one should hope to understand whether these limitations arise due to model misspecification or due to irreducible stochasticity in the data. Evidence for the former suggests that better models ought to exist; evidence for the latter suggests they might not.

      To address this important topic, the authors elaborate carefully on the rationale of their proposed approach. They describe a variety of simulations - for which the ground truth models and the amount of behavioral stochasticity are known - to validate their approaches. This enables the reader to understand the benefits (and limitations) of these approaches when applied to the two-stage task, a task paradigm commonly used in the field. Through a set of convincing analyses, the authors demonstrate that their approach is capable of identifying situations where an alternative, untested computational model can outperform the set of tested models, before applying these techniques to a realistic data set.

      Thank you for reviewing our work and for the positive tone. Please find below a point-by-point response to the concerns you have raised.


      The most significant weakness is that the paper rests on the implicit assumption that the fitted RNNs explain as much variance as possible, an assumption that is likely incorrect and which can result in incorrect conclusions. While in low-dimensional tasks RNNs can predict behavior as well as the data-generating models, this is not *always* the case, and the paper itself illustrates (in Figure 3) several cases where the fitted RNNs fall short of the ground-truth model. In such cases, we cannot conclude that a subject exhibiting a relatively poor RNN fit necessarily has a relatively high degree of behavioral stochasticity. Instead, it is at least conceivable that this subject's behavior is generated precisely (i.e., with low noise) by an alternative model that is poorly fit by an RNN - e.g., a model with long-term sequential dependencies, which RNNs are known to have difficulties in capturing.

      These situations could lead to incorrect conclusions for both of the proposed methods. First, the model misspecification analysis might show equal predictive performance for a particular theoretical model and for the RNN. While a scientist might be inclined to conclude that the theoretical model explains the maximum amount of explainable variance and therefore that no better model should exist, the scenario in the previous paragraph suggests that a superior model might nonetheless exist. Second, in the earlystopping analysis, a particular subject may achieve optimal validation performance with fewer epochs than another, leading the scientist to conclude that this subject exhibits higher behavioral noise. However, as before, this could again result from the fact that this subject's behavior is produced with little noise by a different model. Admittedly, the existence of such scenarios *in principle* does not mean that such scenarios are common, and the conclusions drawn in the paper are likely appropriate for the particular examples analyzed. However, it is much less obvious that the RNNs will provide optimal fits in other types of tasks, particularly those with more complex rules and long-term sequential dependencies, and in such scenarios, an ill-advised scientist might end up drawing incorrect conclusions from the application of the proposed approaches.

      Yes, we understand and agree. A negative result where RNN is unable to overcome the best fitting theoretical model would always leave room for doubt regarding the fact that a different approach might yield better results. In contrast, a dramatic improvement in predictive accuracy for RNN is easier to interpret since it implies that the theoretical model can be improved. We have made an effort to make this issue clear and more articulated in the discussion. We specifically and directly mention in the discussion that “Equating RNN performance with the generative model should be avoided”.   

      However, we would like to note that our empirical results provided a somewhat more nuanced scenario where we found that the RNN generally improved the predictive accuracy of most participants. Importantly, this improvement was found to be equal across participants with no systematic benefits for low vs high IQ participants. We understand that there is always the possibility that another model would show a systematic benefit for low vs. high IQ participants, however, we suggest that this is less likely given the current evidence. We have made an effort to clearly note these issues in the discussion.  

      In addition to this general limitation, the paper also makes a few additional claims that are not fully supported by the provided evidence. For example, Figure 4 highlights the relationship between the optimal epochs and agent noise. Yet, it is nonetheless possible that the optimal epoch is influenced by model parameters other than inverse temperature (e.g., learning rate). This could again lead to invalid conclusions, such as concluding that low-IQ is associated with optimal epoch when an alternative account might be that low-IQ is associated with low learning rate, which in turn is associated with optimal epoch. Yet additional factors such as the deep double-descent (Nakkiran et al., ICLR 2020) can also influence the optimal epoch value as computed by the authors.

      An additional issue is that Figure 4 reports an association between optimal epoch and noise, but noise is normalized by the true minimal/maximal inverse-temperature of hybrid agents (Eq. 23). It is thus possible that the relationship does not hold for more extreme values of inverse-temperature such as beta=0 (extremely noisy behavior) or beta=inf (deterministic behavior), two important special cases that should be incorporated in the current study. Finally, even taking the association in Figure 4 at face value, there are potential issues with inferring noise from the optimal epoch when their correlation is only r~=0.7. As shown in the figures, upon finding a very low optimal epoch for a particular subject, one might be compelled to infer high amounts of noise, even though several agents may exhibit a low optimal epoch despite having very little noise.

      Thank you for these comments. Indeed, there is much we do not yet fully understand about the factors that influence optimal epochs. Currently, it is clear to us that the number of optimal epochs is influenced by a variety of factors, including network size, the data size, and other cognitive parameters, such as the learning rate. We hope that our work serves as a proof-of-concept, suggesting that, in certain scenarios, the number of epochs can be utilized as an empirical estimate. Moreover, we maintain that, at least within the context of the current paradigm, the number of optimal epochs is primarily sensitive to the amount of true underlying noise, assuming the number of trials and network size are constant. We are therefore hopeful that this proofof-concept will encourage research that will further examine the factors that influence the optimal epochs in different behavioral paradigms.  

      To address the reviewer's justified concerns, we have made several amendments to the manuscript. First, we added an additional version of Figure 4 in the Supplementary Information material, where the noise parameter values are not scaled. We hope this adjustment clarifies that the parameters were tested across a broad spectrum of values (e.g., 0 to 10 for the hybrid model), spanning the two extremes of complete randomness and high determinism. Second, we included a linear regression analysis showing the association of all model parameters (including noise) with the optimal number of epochs. As anticipated by the reviewer, the learning rate was also found to be associated with the number of optimal epochs. Nonetheless, the noise parameter appears to maintain the most substantial association with the number of optimal epochs. We have also added a specific mentioning of these associations in the discussion, to inform readers that the association between the number of optimal epochs and model parameters should be examined using simulation for other paradigms/models. Lastly, we acknowledge in the discussion that the findings regarding the association between the number of optimal epochs and noise warrant further investigation, considering other factors that might influence the determination of the optimal epoch point and the fact that the correlation with noise is strong, but not perfect (in the range of 0.7).

      The discussion now includes the following:

      “Several limitations should be considered in our proposed approach. First, fitting a data-driven neural network is evidently not enough to produce a comprehensive theoretical description of the data generation mechanisms. Currently, best practices for cognitive modeling \citep{wilson2019ten} require identifying under what conditions the model struggles to predict the data (e.g., using posterior predictive checks), and describing a different theoretical model that could account for these disadvantages in prediction. However, identifying conditions where the model shortcomings in predictive accuracy are due to model misspecifications rather than noisier behavior is a challenging task. We propose leveraging data-driven RNNs as a supplementary tool, particularly when they significantly outperform existing theoretical models, followed by refined theoretical modeling to provide insights into what processes were mis-specified in the initial modeling effort.

      Second, although we observed a robust association between the optimal number of epochs and true noise across varying network sizes and dataset sizes (see Fig.~\ref{figS2}), additional factors such as network architecture and other model parameters (e.g., learning rate, see .~\ref{figS7}) might influence this estimation. Further research is required to allow us to better understand how and why different factors change the number of optimal epochs for a given dataset before it can be applied with confidence to empirical investigations. 

      Third, the empirical dataset used in our study consisted of data collected from human participants at a single time point, serving as the training set for our RNN. The test set data, collected with a time interval of approximately $\sim6$ and $\sim18$ months, introduced the possibility of changes in participants' decision-making strategies over time. In our analysis, we neglected any possible changes in participants' decision-making strategies during that time, changes that may lead to poorer generalization performance of our approach. Thus, further studies are needed to eliminate such possible explanations.

      Fourth, our simulations, albeit illustrative, were confined to known models, necessitating in-silico validation before extrapolating the efficacy of our approach to other model classes and tasks. Our aim was to showcase the potential benefits of using a data-driven approach, particularly when faced with unknown models. However, whether RNNs will provide optimal fits for tasks with more complex rules and long-term sequential dependencies remains uncertain.

      Finally, while positive outcomes where RNNs surpass theoretical models can prompt insightful model refinement, caution is warranted in directly equating RNN performance with that of the generative model, as seen in our simulations (e.g., Figure 3). We highlight that our empirical findings depict a more complex scenario, wherein the RNN enhanced the predictive accuracy for all participants uniformly. Notably, we also provide evidence supporting a null effect among individuals, with no consistent difference in RNN improvement over the theoretical model based on IQ. Although it remains conceivable that a different datadriven model could systematically heighten the predictive accuracy for individuals with lower IQs in this task, such a possibility seems less probable in light of the current findings.”

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Minor comments:

      Is the t that gets fed as input to RNN just timestep?

      t = last transition type (rare/common). not timestep

      Line 378: what does "optimal epochs" mean here?

      The number of optimal training epochs that minimize both underfitting and overfitting (define in the line ~300)

      Line 443: I don't think "identical" is the right word here - surely the authors just mean that there is not an obvious systematic difference in the distributions.


      I was expecting to see ~500 points in Figure 7a, but there seem to be only 50... why weren't all datasets with at least 2 sessions used for this analysis?

      We used the ~500 subjects (only 2 datasets) to pre-train the RNN, and then fine-tuned the pre-trained RNN on the other 54 subjects that have 3 datasets. The correlation of IQ and optimal epoch also hold for the 500 subjects as shown below. 

      Author response image 1.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Figure 3b: despite spending a long time trying to understand the meaning of each cell of the confusion matrix, I'm still unsure what they represent. Would be great if you could spell out the meaning of each cell individually, at least for the first matrix in the paper.

      We added a clarification to the Figure caption. 

      Figure 5: Why didn't the authors show this exact scenario using simulated data? It would be much easier to understand the predictions of this figure if they had been demonstrated in simulated data, such as individuals with different amounts of behavioral noise or different levels of model misspecifications.

      In Figure 5 the x-axis represents IQ. Replacing the x-axis with true noise would make what we present now as Figure 4. We have made an effort to emphasize the meaning of the axes in the caption. 

      Line 195 ("...in the action selection. Where"). Typo? No period is needed before "where".


      Line 213 ("K dominated-hand model"). I was intrigued by this model, but wasn't sure whether it has been used previously in the literature, or whether this is the first time it has been proposed.

      This is the first time that we know of that this model is used.  

      Line 345 ("This suggests that RNN is flexible enough to approximate a wide range of different behavioral models"): Worth explaining why (i.e., because the GRUs are able to capture dependencies across longer delays than a k-order Logistic Regression model).

      Line 356 ("We were interested to test"): Suggestion: "We were interested in testing".


      Line 389 ("However, as long as the number of observations and the size of the network is the same between two datasets, the number of optimal epochs can be used to estimate whether the dataset of one participant is noisier compared with a second dataset."): This is an important claim that should ideally be demonstrated directly. The paper only illustrates this effect through a correlation and a scatter plot, where higher noise tends to predict a lower optimal epoch. However, is the claim here that, in some circumstances, optimal epoch can be used to *deterministically* estimate noise? If so, this would be a strong result and should ideally be included in the paper.

      We have now omitted this sentenced and toned down our claims, suggesting that while we did find a strong association between noise and optimal epochs, future research is required to established to what extent this could be differentiated from other factors (i.e., network size, amount of observations).

    1. “I cannot change because the system won’t let me change.”  Sometimes educators are creating some obstacles for themselves that in reality don’t exist.

      I hear this a lot and unfortunately, I see this mindset as contagious. When someone is negative about the workplace environment and complain about all the restraints they have, it is difficult to see progress or see the positive opportunities.

    1. 1.在税务信息调查中,页面第一项就是“个人”与“业务”两个选项。卖家需根据将要获得收入的个人或者企业来完成税收资料。如果你是个人或者独资经营者;或者所有者是个人的单位有限公司,则你的税种可以是“个人”,一般我们都是有限公司直接填“业务”。2.在回答是否美国人,相信非美国人的中国卖家是绝大多数,这块就不详细阐述了。3.选择完上面两个选项后就到了选择“受益所有人的类型”。直接选公司即可4.填写“纳税身份信息”组织名称为公司全面,拼音填写。5.填写“邮件地址”:或输入你首选用与亚马逊进行进一步通信的地址。即你的营业执照地址6.填写“签名”这里填写法人姓名的拼音“名+姓”(如张三,填写 San Zhan)7.保存预览最后点击提交表格即可,完成上述流程,税务调查就结束了.


    1. Joe Van Cleave makes the interesting observation that while a hobbyist will only take a typewriter apart as much as is necessary to fix the issue at hand, the professional repair person will strip it all down and clean everything out for the coming 50 years to prevent it from coming back to them for something else in the near future thus costing more time, effort, and potential damage to their reputation.

    2. Typewriter Line Lock Repair by [[Joe Van Cleave]]

    1. 30 years ago, Paula Jones and O.J. Simpson changed America’s culture. We’re still living in the aftermath.

      Wrong - Jerry Springer and the fake American Rupert Murdoch's Fox News fed the freak show - fear-tainment axis.

    1. Человек не только скользит мыслью по листьям в каплях после дождя, но и вглядывается в эти листья, что-то вспоминает в связи с ними… Он не скользит по ним предположениями или стремлениями к тому или иному воображению, помышлению, а около себя сохраняет их присутствие — это может звучать как описание какой-нибудь эзотерической практики, но на самом деле это самое обыденное различие между состояниями сознания, какое только может бывать; его достаточно только обнаружить и приметить, а как-то нарочно стремиться к подобным "состояниям" ни к чему. Они и так есть, они и так бывают; при сильной выраженности сосредоточенный полюс этого различия могут называть "завороженностью", "задумчивостью", но и при слабой выраженности он сохраняет своё качество, становясь основой для всякого действительного понимания и проникновения. И человек оказывается в состоянии, так сказать, продлить своё мгновение, усмотреть в настоящем и совершающемся действительные следы от иных минут, сделать и эти иные, соседние времена, минуты тоже восприимчивыми к осознанию таких же проникающих, влияющих, воздействующих впечатлений.
    2. в действительности мгновения настолько же разнообразны, насколько многообразна и сама жизнь: они зависят от всего того, что мы видим, от всего того, о чём мы думаем или что вспомнили, и от всего того, с какими мыслями мы к чему-то подошли. В нежданности опыта они выявляют человеку его самого; однако они стягивают собою всё наше существование целиком — даже и тогда, когда всё важное было бы ожидаемо. Иногда они бывают утверждёнными, ясными, как будто удержанными, а иногда — как будто разрубленными, рассеянными.
    1. describing, and explaining a vast group of clever experiments in which man manipulated man to his detriment, with all of this made possible byman’s intrinsic thinking flaws.


    1. Sociologists havedocumentedtheenvironmentaldemandsposedbymakingthousandsofdecisionsdaily,byconstant psychological pressure,andby expecta-tions thattheteachermustdothejobalone—unwatchedand unaided.

      I love those videos of teachers with a clicker documenting the number of questions they get asked a day. It is emotionally exhausting!

    2. asamongthefirst tosuggestf‘emonstrationofadultintelligencethrhenoughattentionhasfocusedofreal-worldproblems.oughtheidentificationandsolutionprocessofaduthatadultlearningdidnotpeakinyouthanddiminishsteadilythereafter

      Creating lifelong learners! That's why we are all here, right!?

    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:02][^1^][1] - [00:27:01][^2^][2] : La vidéo présente une discussion sur les résultats du Volume III de PISA, avec des experts partageant leurs perspectives sur l'évaluation de la pensée créative. Mario Pantini, responsable de la recherche et du développement pour PISA, introduit le sujet et les intervenants, soulignant l'importance de la collaboration internationale et des défis rencontrés lors de la conception de l'évaluation.

      Points forts : + [00:00:02][^3^][3] Introduction et contexte de PISA * Mario Pantini présente son rôle dans PISA et la complexité du projet * Discussion sur la collaboration et les défis de l'évaluation internationale * Importance de la fiabilité et de la comparabilité des résultats + [00:02:30][^4^][4] Contribution des partenaires et de la recherche * Reconnaissance des contributions de partenaires comme la Fondation Lego * Rôle des chercheurs dans le développement et les conseils stratégiques * Approche multidisciplinaire et défis culturels de l'évaluation à grande échelle + [00:04:39][^5^][5] Impact des mentalités sur les résultats de créativité * Yi Kim de la Fondation Lego discute de l'importance de l'agence de l'enfant * Lien entre les mentalités et les résultats des tests de créativité * Rôle des adultes dans la création d'un environnement propice à l'agence + [00:06:48][^6^][6] Différences de genre et importance de l'auto-efficacité créative * Bill Lucas aborde les différences de genre et les moyens d'améliorer l'enseignement * Discussion sur l'importance de l'enseignement de la génération d'idées et de la curiosité * Remise en question de la position binaire entre compétences académiques et pensée créative + [00:09:40][^7^][7] Analyse des résultats et variabilité dans la pensée créative * Todd Lubart examine la variabilité des résultats et l'importance de l'enseignement * Discussion sur l'impact des enseignants et des élèves sur la pensée créative * Importance de l'évaluation et de la technologie dans l'apprentissage créatif

    1. disorders such as psoriasis, atopic eczema, epidermolytic hy-perkeratosis etc. In this thesis, I deal with substances that influ-ence the expression of these biomarkers and can be used in thetreatment of the skin disorders where the differentiation is alte-red. One of these substances is kinetin, a phytohormone fromthe cytokinine family. I tested whether some other cytokinines

      to look at later

    2. Epidermální keratinocyty jsou vysoce specializované epiteliální buˇnky oddˇelující organismusod vnˇejšího prostˇredí. Diferenciace keratinocyt ̊u je proces, pˇri kterém kmenové buˇnky ba-zální vrstvy pokožky postupují nahoru a získávají funkˇcní schopnosti. Tím se tvoˇrí jednotlivévrstvy pokožky, v nichž keratinocyty syntetizují proteiny typické pro tyto vrstvy – tzv. mar-kery diferenciace keratinocyt ̊u. Mezi tyto markery patˇrí napˇr. keratiny 1, 10 a 14, involukrin,lorikrin nebo filaggrin. Mutace gen ̊u hrajících roli v diferenciaci bývají jednou z pˇríˇcinkožních onemocnˇení, jakými jsou psoriáza, atopická dermatitida, epidermolytická hyperke-ratóza, ichtyosis vulgaris, Hailey-Hailey choroba a další.

      to look at

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this paper the authors provide a characterisation of auditory responses (tones, noise, and amplitude modulated sounds) and bimodal (somatosensory-auditory) responses and interactions in the higher order lateral cortex (LC) of the inferior colliculus (IC) and compare these characteristic with the higher order dorsal cortex (DC) of the IC - in awake and anaesthetised mice. Dan Llano's group have previously identified gaba'ergic patches (modules) in the LC distinctly receiving inputs from somatosensory structures, surrounded by matrix regions receiving inputs from auditory cortex. They here use 2P calcium imaging combined with an implanted prism to - for the first time - get functional optical access to these subregions (modules and matrix) in the lateral cortex of IC in vivo, in order to also characterise the functional difference in these subparts of LC. They find that both DC and LC of both awake and anaesthetised appears to be more responsive to more complex sounds (amplitude modulated noise) compared to pure tones and that under anesthesia the matrix of LC is more modulated by specific frequency and temporal content compared to the gaba'ergic modules in LC. However, while both LC and DC appears to have low frequency preferences, this preference for low frequencies is more pronounced in DC. Furthermore, in both awake and anesthetized mice somatosensory inputs are capable of driving responses on its own in the modules of LC, but very little in the matrix. The authors now compare bimodal interactions under anaesthesia and awake states and find that effects are different in some cases under awake and anesthesia - particularly related to bimodal suppression and enhancement in the modules.

      The paper provides new information about how subregions with different inputs and neurochemical profiles in the higher order auditory midbrain process auditory and multisensory information, and is useful for the auditory and multisensory circuits neuroscience community.

      The manuscript is improved by the response to reviewers. The authors have addressed my comments by adding new figures and panels, streamlining the analysis between awake and anaesthetised data (which has led to a more nuanced, and better supported conclusion), and adding more examples to better understand the underlying data. In streamlining the analyses between anaesthetised and awake data I would probably have opted for bringing these results into merged figures to avoid repetitiveness and aid comparison, but I acknowledge that that may be a matter of style. The added discussions of differences between awake and anaesthesia in the findings and the discussion of possible reasons why these differences are present help broaden the understanding of what the data looks like and how anaesthesia can affect these circuits.

      As mentioned in my previous review, the strength of this study is in its demonstration of using prism 2p imaging to image the lateral shell of IC to gain access to its neurochemically defined subdivisions, and they use this method to provide a basic description of the auditory and multisensory properties of lateral cortex IC subdivisions (and compare it to dorsal cortex of IC). The added analysis, information and figures provide a more convincing foundation for the descriptions and conclusions stated in the paper. The description of the basic functionality of the lateral cortex of the IC are useful for researchers interested in basic multisensory interactions and auditory processing and circuits. The paper provides a technical foundation for future studies (as the authors also mention), exploring how these neurochemically defined subdivisions receiving distinct descending projections from cortex contribute to auditory and multisensory based behaviour.

      Minor comment:<br /> - The authors have now added statistics and figures to support their claims about tonotopy in DC and LC. I asked for and I think allows readers to better understand the tonotopical organisation in these areas. One of the conclusions by the authors is that the quadratic fit is a better fit that a linear fit in DCIC. Given the new plots shown and previous studies this is likely true, though it is worth highlighting that adding parameters to a fitting procedure (as in the case when moving from linear to quadratic fit) will likely lead to a better fit due to the increased flexibility of the fitting procedure.

    2. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The study describes differences in responses to sounds and whisker deflections as well as combinations of these stimuli in different neurochemically defined subsections of the lateral and dorsal cortex of the inferior colliculus in anesthetised and awake mice.


      A major achievement of the work lies in obtaining the data in the first place as this required establishing and refining a challenging surgical procedure to insert a prism that enabled the authors to visualise the lateral surface of the inferior colliculus. Using this approach, the authors were then able to provide the first functional comparison of neural responses inside and outside of the GABA-rich modules of the lateral cortex. The strongest and most interesting aspects of the results, in my opinion, concern the interactions of auditory and somatosensory stimulation. For instance, the authors find that a) somatosensory-responses are strongest inside the modules and b) somatosensory-auditory suppression is stronger in the matrix than in the modules. This suggests that, while somatosensory inputs preferentially target the GABA-rich modules, they do not exclusively target GABAergic neurons within the modules (given that the authors record exclusively from excitatory neurons we wouldn't expect to see somatosensory responses if they targeted exclusively GABAergic neurons) and that the GABAergic neurons of the modules (consistent with previous work) preferentially impact neurons outside the modules, i.e. via long-range connections.


      While the findings are of interest to the subfield they have only rather limited implications beyond it and the writing is not quite as precise as it could be.

    3. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The lateral cortex of the inferior colliculus (LC) is a region of the auditory midbrain noted for receiving both auditory and somatosensory input. Anatomical studies have established that somatosensory input primarily impinges on "modular" regions of the LC, which are characterized by high densities of GABAergic neurons, while auditory input is more prominent in the "matrix" regions that surround the modules. However, how auditory and somatosensory stimuli shape activity, both individually and when combined, in the modular and matrix regions of the LC has remained unknown.

      The major obstacle to progress has been the location of the LC on the lateral edge of the inferior colliculus where it cannot be accessed in vivo using conventional imaging approaches. The authors overcame this obstacle by developing methods to implant a microprism adjacent to the LC. By redirecting light from the lateral surface of the LC to the dorsal surface of the microprism, the microprism enabled two-photon imaging of the LC via a dorsal approach in anesthetized and awake mice. Then, by crossing GAD-67-GFP mice with Thy1-jRGECO1a mice, the authors showed that they could identify LC modules in vivo using GFP fluorescence while assessing neural responses to auditory, somatosensory, and multimodal stimuli using Ca2+ imaging. Critically, the authors also validated the accuracy of the microprism technique by directly comparing results obtained with a microprism to data collected using conventional imaging of the dorsal-most LC modules, which are directly visible on the dorsal IC surface, finding good correlations between the approaches.

      Through this innovative combination of techniques, the authors found that matrix neurons were more sensitive to auditory stimuli than modular neurons, modular neurons were more sensitive to somatosensory stimuli than matrix neurons, and bimodal, auditory-somatosensory stimuli were more likely to suppress activity in matrix neurons and enhance activity in modular neurons. Interestingly, despite their higher sensitivity to somatosensory stimuli than matrix neurons, modular neurons in the anesthetized prep were overall more responsive to auditory stimuli than somatosensory stimuli (albeit with a tendency to have offset responses to sounds). This suggests that modular neurons should not be thought of as primarily representing somatosensory input, but rather as being more prone to having their auditory responses modified by somatosensory input. However, this trend was different in the awake prep, where modular neurons became more responsive to somatosensory stimuli. Thus, to this reviewer, one of the most intriguing results of the present study is the extent to which neural responses in the LC changed in the awake preparation. While this is not entirely unexpected, the magnitude and stimulus specificity of the changes caused by anesthesia highlight the extent to which higher-level sensory processing is affected by anesthesia and strongly suggests that future studies of LC function should be conducted in awake animals.

      Together, the results of this study expand our understanding of the functional roles of matrix and module neurons by showing that responses in LC subregions are more complicated than might have been expected based on anatomy alone. The development of the microprism technique for imaging the LC will be a boon to the field, finally enabling much-needed studies of LC function in vivo. The experiments were well-designed and well-controlled, the limitations of two-photon imaging for tracking neural activity are acknowledged, and appropriate statistical tests were used.

    4. Author response:

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      eLife assessment

      This study provides important new insights into how multisensory information is processed in the lateral cortex of the inferior colliculus, a poorly understood part of the auditory midbrain. By developing new imaging techniques that provide the first optical access to the lateral cortex in a living animal, the authors provide convincing in vivo evidence that this region contains separate subregions that can be distinguished by their sensory inputs and neurochemical profiles, as suggested by previous anatomical and in vitro studies. Additional information and analyses are needed, however, to allow readers to fully appreciate what was done, and the comparison of multisensory interactions between awake and anesthetized mice would benefit from being explored in more detail.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      In this paper, the authors provide a characterisation of auditory responses (tones, noise, and amplitude-modulated sounds) and bimodal (somatosensory-auditory) responses and interactions in the higher-order lateral cortex (LC) of the inferior colliculus (IC) and compare these characteristics with the higher order dorsal cortex (DC) of the IC - in awake and anaesthetised mice. Dan Llano's group has previously identified gaba'ergic patches (modules) in the LC distinctly receiving inputs from somatosensory structures, surrounded by matrix regions receiving inputs from the auditory cortex. They here use 2P calcium imaging combined with an implanted prism to - for the first time - get functional optical access to these subregions (modules and matrix) in the lateral cortex of IC in vivo, in order to also characterise the functional difference in these subparts of LC. They find that both DC and LC of both awake and anaesthetised mice appear to be more responsive to more complex sounds (amplitude-modulated noise) compared to pure tones and that under anesthesia the matrix of LC is more modulated by specific frequency and temporal content compared to the gabaergic modules in LC. However, while both LC and DC appear to have low-frequency preferences, this preference for low frequencies is more pronounced in DC. Furthermore, in both awake and anesthetized mice, somatosensory inputs are capable of driving responses on their own in the modules of LC, but very little (possibly not at all) in the matrix. However, bimodal interactions may be different under awake and anesthesia in LC, which warrants deeper investigation by the authors: They find, under anesthesia, more bimodal enhancement in modules of LC compared to the matrix of LC and bimodal suppression dominating the matrix of LC. In contrast, under awake conditions bimodal enhancement is almost exclusively found in the matrix of LC, and bimodal suppression dominates both matrix and modules of LC.

      The paper provides new information about how subregions with different inputs and neurochemical profiles in the higher-order auditory midbrain process auditory and multisensory information, and is useful for the auditory and multisensory circuits neuroscience community.


      The major strength of this study is undoubtedly the fact that the authors for the first time provide optical access to a subcortical region (the lateral cortex of the inferior colliculus (i.e. higher order auditory midbrain)) which we know (from previous work by the same group) have optically identifiable subdivisions with unique inputs and neurotransmitter release, and plays a central role in auditory and multisensory processing. A description of basic auditory and multisensory properties of this structure is therefore very useful for understanding auditory processing and multisensory interactions in subcortical circuits.


      I have divided my comments about weaknesses and improvements into major and minor comments. All of which I believe are addressable by the reviewers to provide a more clear picture of their characterisation of the higher-order auditory midbrain.

      Major comment:

      (1) The differences between multisensory interactions in LC in anaesthetised and awake preparations appear to be qualitatively different, though the authors claim they are similar (see also minor comment related to figure 10H for further explanation of what I mean). However, the findings in awake and anaesthetised conditions are summarised differently, and plotting of similar findings in the awake figures and anaesthetised figures are different - and different statistics are used for the same comparisons. This makes it very difficult to assess how multisensory integration in LC is different under awake and anaesthetised conditions. I suggest that the authors plot (and test with similar statistics) the summary plots in Figure 8 (i.e. Figure 8H-K) for awake data in Figure 10, and also make similar plots to Figures 10G-H for anaesthetised data. This will help the readers understand the differences between bimodal stimulation effects on awake and anaesthetised preparations - which in its current form, looks very distinct. In general, it is unclear to me why the awake data related to Figures 9 and 10 is presented in a different way for similar comparisons. Please streamline the presentation of results for anaesthetised and awake results to aid the comparison of results in different states, and explicitly state and discuss differences under awake and anaesthetised conditions.

      We thank the reviewer for the valuable suggestion. We only highlighted the similarities between the data obtained from anesthetized and awake preparations to indicate the ability to reproduce the technique in awake animals for future assessment. Identifying those similarities between the two experimental setups was based on the comparison between modules vs matrix or LC vs DC within each experimental setup (awake vs anesthetized). Therefore, the statistics were chosen differently for each setup based on the size of the subjects (n) within each experimental preparation. However, we agree with the reviewer’s comment that there are differences between the anesthetized and awake data. To examine these differences, we ran the same statistics for Figure 5 (tonotopy of LC vs. DC-anesthetic animals) and Figure 9 (tonotopy of LC vs DC-awake animals). In addition, we added a new figure after Figure 9 to separate the statistical analysis from the maps. Accordingly, Figures 4 and 5 (maps and analysis, respectively -anesthetized animals) now match Figures 9 and 10 (maps and analysis, respectively – awake animals). We also did the same thing for Figures 7 (microprism imaging of the LC - anesthetized animals), 8 (imaging of the LC from the dorsal surface - anesthetized animals) as well as Figure 11 or old Figure 10 (microprism imaging of the LC - awake animals) to address the similarities and differences of the multisensory data between awake and anesthetized animals. We edited the text accordingly in the result and discussion sections.

      (2) The claim about the degree of tonotopy in LC and DC should be aided by summary statistics to understand the degree to which tonotopy is actually present. For example, the authors could demonstrate that it is not possible/or is possible to predict above chance a cell's BF based on the group of other cells in the area. This will help understand to what degree the tonotopy is topographic vs salt and pepper. Also, it would be good to know if the gaba'ergic modules have a higher propensity of particular BFs or tonotopic structure compared to matrix regions in LC, and also if general tuning properties (e.g. tuning width) are different from the matrix cells and the ones in DC.

      Thank you for the reviewer’s suggestion. We have examined the tonotopy of LC and DC using two regression models (linear and quadratic polynomial) between the BFs of the cells and their location on the anatomical axis. Therefore, the tonotopy is indicated by a significant regression fit with a high R2 between the BFs the cells, and their location within each structure. For the DC, there was a significant regression fit between the BFs of the cells and their locations over the rostromedial to the caudolateral axis. Additionally, the R2 of the quadratic polynomial fit was higher than that of the linear fit, which indicates a nonlinear distribution of cells based on their BFs, which is consistent with the presence of high-low-high tuning over the DC surface. Given that the microprism cannot image the whole area of the LC, and it images a slightly different area in each animal, it was very difficult to get a consistent map for the LC as well as a solid conclusion about the LC tonotopy. However, we have examined the regression fit between the BFs of cells and their location along the main four anatomical axes of the field of view obtained from each animal (dorsal to ventral), (rostral to caudal), (dorsocaudal to ventrorostral) (dorsorostral to ventrocoudal). Unlike the DC, the LC imaged via microprism showed a lower R2 for both linear and quadratic regression mostly in the dorsoventral axis. We show the fitting curves of these regressions in Figure 4-figure supplement 1 (anesthetized data) and Figure 9-figure supplement 1 (awake data). Despite the inconsistent tonotopy of the LC imaged via microprism, the modules were found to have a higher BFs median at 10 kHz compared to matrix that had a lower BFs median at 7.1 kHz, which was consistent across the anesthetized and awake animals. We have added these results in the corresponding spot in the results section (lines 193-197 and 361-364). We have examined the tuning width using the binarized receptive field sum (RFS) method in which each neuron was given a value of 1 if it responds to a single frequency (Narrow RF), but this value increases if the neuron responds to more neighbor frequencies (wide RF). We did this calculation across all the sound levels. Both DC and LC of the anesthetized animals had higher RFS mean and median than those of awake animals given that ketamine was known to broaden the RF. However, in both preparations (anesthetized and awake), the DC had a higher RFS mean than that of the LC, which could be consistent with the finding that the DC had a relatively lower SMI than the LC. To show these new data, we made a new Figure 10-figure supplement 1, and we edited the text accordingly [lines 372-379 & 527-531].

      (3) Throughout the paper more information needs to be given about the number of cells, sessions, and animals used in each panel, and what level was used as n in the statistical tests. For example, in Figure 4 I can not tell if the 4 mice shown for LC imaging are the only 4 mice imaged, and used in the Figure 4E summary or if these are just examples. In general, throughout the paper, it is currently not possible to assess how many cells, sessions, and animals the data shown comes from.

      Thank you for the reviewer’s comment. We do apologize for not adding this information. We added all the information regarding the size of the statistical subjects (number of cells or number of animals used) for every test outcome. To keep the flow of the text, we added the details of the statistical tests in the legends of the figures.

      (4) Throughout the paper, to better understand the summary maps and plots, it would be helpful to see example responses of the different components investigated. For example, given that module cells appear to have more auditory offset responses, it would be helpful to see what the bimodal, sound-only, and somatosensory responses look like in example cells in LC modules. This also goes for just general examples of what the responses to auditory and somatosensory inputs look like in DC vs LC. In general example plots of what the responses actually look like are needed to better understand what is being summarised.

      Thank you for the reviewer’s comment and suggestion. We modified Figure 6 and the text accordingly to include all the significant examples of cells discussed throughout the work.

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The study describes differences in responses to sounds and whisker deflections as well as combinations of these stimuli in different neurochemically defined subsections of the lateral and dorsal cortex of the inferior colliculus in anesthetised and awake mice.


      The main achievement of the work lies in obtaining the data in the first place as this required establishing and refining a challenging surgical procedure to insert a prism that enabled the authors to visualise the lateral surface of the inferior colliculus. Using this approach, the authors were then able to provide the first functional comparison of neural responses inside and outside of the GABA-rich modules of the lateral cortex. The strongest and most interesting aspects of the results, in my opinion, concern the interactions of auditory and somatosensory stimulation. For instance, the authors find that a) somatosensory-responses are strongest inside the modules and b) somatosensory-auditory suppression is stronger in the matrix than in the modules. This suggests that, while somatosensory inputs preferentially target the GABA-rich modules, they do not exclusively target GABAergic neurons within the modules (given that the authors record exclusively from excitatory neurons we wouldn't expect to see somatosensory responses if they targeted exclusively GABAergic neurons), and that the GABAergic neurons of the modules (consistent with previous work) preferentially impact neurons outside the modules, i.e. via long-range connections.


      While the findings are of interest to the subfield they have only rather limited implications beyond it. The writing is not as precise as it could be. Consequently, the manuscript is unclear in some places. For instance, the text is somewhat confusing as to whether there is a difference in the pattern (modules vs matrix) of somatosensory-auditory suppression between anesthetized and awake animals. Furthermore, there are aspects of the results which are potentially very interesting but have not been explored. For example, there is a remarkable degree of clustering of response properties evident in many of the maps included in the paper. Taking Figure 7 for instance, rather than a salt and pepper organization we can see auditory responsive neurons clumped together and non-responsive neurons clumped together and in the panels below we can see off-responsive neurons forming clusters (although it is not easy to make out the magenta dots against the black background). This degree of clustering seems much stronger than expected and deserves further attention.

      Thank you for the reviewer’s comment. We do apologize if some areas in the manuscript were imprecisely written. For anesthetized and awake data, we have only emphasized the similarities between the two setups to show the ability to use microprism in awake animals for future assessment. To highlight the differences between anesthetized and awake animals, we have now run uniform statistics for all the data collected from both setups. Accordingly, we have edited Figures 4 and 5 (tonotopy-anesthetized) to match Figures 9 and new Figure 10 (tonotopy-awake). Also, we edited Figures 7 and 8 (multisensory- anesthetized) to match Figure 11 or old Figure 10 (multisensory- awake). We edited the text accordingly in the results section and discussed the possible differences between anesthetized and awake data in the discussion section [lines 521-553].

      We agree with the reviewer’s comment that the cells were topographically clustered based on their responses. Some of these clusters include the somatosensory responsive cells, which were located mostly in the modules (Figures 7D and 8E). Also, the auditory responsive cells with offset responses were clustered mostly in the modules (Figures 7C and 8F). Accordingly, we have edited the text to emphasize this finding.

      We noticed also that some responsive cells to the tested stimulations were surrounded by nonresponsive cells. By comparing the response of the cells to different stimuli we found that while Figures 7 and 11 (old Figure 10) showed only the response of the cells to auditory stimulation (unmodulated broadband noise at 80 dB) and somatosensory stimulation (whisker deflection), some nonresponsive cells to these specific stimulations were found to be responsive to pure tones of different frequencies and amplitudes. As an indicator of the cells' viability, we additionally examined the spontaneous activity of the nonresponsive cells across different data sets. We note that spontaneous activity was rare for all cells even among the responsive cells to sound or somatosensory stimulations. This finding could be related to the possibility that the 2P imaging of calcium signals may not be sensitive enough to track spontaneous activity that may originate from single spikes. However, in some data sets, we have found that the cells that did not respond to any tested stimuli showed spontaneous activity when no stimulation was given indicating the viability of those cells. We have addressed the activity of the non-responsive cells in the text along with a new Figure 11-figure supplement 1.

      We changed the magenta into a green color to be suitable for the dark background. Also, we have completely changed the color palette of all of our images to be suitable for color-blind readers as suggested by reviewer 1.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):

      The lateral cortex of the inferior colliculus (LC) is a region of the auditory midbrain noted for receiving both auditory and somatosensory input. Anatomical studies have established that somatosensory input primarily impinges on "modular" regions of the LC, which are characterized by high densities of GABAergic neurons, while auditory input is more prominent in the "matrix" regions that surround the modules. However, how auditory and somatosensory stimuli shape activity, both individually and when combined, in the modular and matrix regions of the LC has remained unknown.

      The major obstacle to progress has been the location of the LC on the lateral edge of the inferior colliculus where it cannot be accessed in vivo using conventional imaging approaches. The authors overcame this obstacle by developing methods to implant a microprism adjacent to the LC. By redirecting light from the lateral surface of the LC to the dorsal surface of the microprism, the microprism enabled two-photon imaging of the LC via a dorsal approach in anesthetized and awake mice. Then, by crossing GAD-67-GFP mice with Thy1-jRGECO1a mice, the authors showed that they could identify LC modules in vivo using GFP fluorescence while assessing neural responses to auditory, somatosensory, and multimodal stimuli using Ca2+ imaging. Critically, the authors also validated the accuracy of the microprism technique by directly comparing results obtained with a microprism to data collected using conventional imaging of the dorsal-most LC modules, which are directly visible on the dorsal IC surface, finding good correlations between the approaches.

      Through this innovative combination of techniques, the authors found that matrix neurons were more sensitive to auditory stimuli than modular neurons, modular neurons were more sensitive to somatosensory stimuli than matrix neurons, and bimodal, auditory-somatosensory stimuli were more likely to suppress activity in matrix neurons and enhance activity in modular neurons. Interestingly, despite their higher sensitivity to somatosensory stimuli than matrix neurons, modular neurons in the anesthetized prep were far more responsive to auditory stimuli than somatosensory stimuli (albeit with a tendency to have offset responses to sounds). This suggests that modular neurons should not be thought of as primarily representing somatosensory input, but rather as being more prone to having their auditory responses modified by somatosensory input. However, this trend was reversed in the awake prep, where modular neurons became more responsive to somatosensory stimuli than auditory stimuli. Thus, to this reviewer, the most intriguing result of the present study is the dramatic extent to which neural responses in the LC changed in the awake preparation. While this is not entirely unexpected, the magnitude and stimulus specificity of the changes caused by anesthesia highlight the extent to which higher-level sensory processing is affected by anesthesia and strongly suggest that future studies of LC function should be conducted in awake animals.

      Together, the results of this study expand our understanding of the functional roles of matrix and module neurons by showing that responses in LC subregions are more complicated than might have been expected based on anatomy alone. The development of the microprism technique for imaging the LC will be a boon to the field, finally enabling much-needed studies of LC function in vivo. The experiments were well-designed and well-controlled, and the limitations of two-photon imaging for tracking neural activity are acknowledged. Appropriate statistical tests were used. There are three main issues the authors should address, but otherwise, this study represents an important advance in the field.

      (1) Please address whether the Thy1 mouse evenly expresses jRGECO1a in all LC neurons. It is known that these mice express jRGECO1a in subsets of neurons in the cerebral cortex, and similar biases in the LC could have biased the results here.

      Thank you for the reviewer’s comment. In the work published by Dana, et al, the expression of jRGECO1a in all Thy1 mouse lines was determined by the brightness of the jRGECO1a in the soma. Given that some cells do not show a detected level of jRGECO1a fluorescence until activated, the difference in expression shown in different brain regions could be related to the level of neuronal activity at the time of sample processing and not the expression levels of the indicator itself. To the best of our knowledge, there is no antibody for jRGECO1a, which can be used for detecting the expression levels of the indicator regardless of the neuronal activity. To test the hypothesis that DC and LC have different levels of jRGECO1a, we examined the expression levels of jRGECO1a after we perfused the mice with high potassium saline to elicit a general neuronal depolarization in the whole brain. Then we immunostained against NeuN (the neuronal marker) to quantify the percentage of the neurons expressing jRGECO1a to the total number of neurons (indicated by NeuN). To have a fair comparison, we restricted our analysis to include the areas imaged only by 2P as some regions were not accessible by microprism such as the deep ventral regions of the LC. There is a similar % of cells expressing jRGECO1a in DC and LC. As expected, the neurons expressing jRGECO1a were only nonGABAergic cells. We addressed these findings in the new Figure 3-figure Supplement 1 as well as the corresponding text in the results [lines 178-184] and methods sections [lines 878-892].

      (2) I suggest adding a paragraph or two to the discussion to address the large differences observed between the anesthetized and awake preparations. For example, somatosensory responses in the modules increased dramatically from 14.4% in the anesthetized prep to 63.6% in the awake prep. At the same time, auditory responses decreased from 52.1% to 22%. (Numbers for anesthetized prep include auditory responses and somatosensory + auditory responses.). In addition, the tonotopy of the DC shifted in the awake condition. These are intriguing changes that are not entirely expected from the switch to an awake prep and therefore warrant discussion.

      Thank you for the reviewer’s comment. To determine if differences exist between anesthetized and awake data, we have now used the same statistics and edited Figures 4,5,7,8,9, and 10 as well as added a new Figure 11. Accordingly, we have edited the result section and added a paragraph addressing the possible differences between the two preparations in the Discussion section [lines 521-553]..

      (3) For somatosensory stimuli, the authors used whisker deflection, but based on the anatomy, this is presumably not the only somatosensory stimulus that affects LC. The authors could help readers place the present results in a broader context by discussing how other somatosensory stimuli might come into play. For example, might a larger percentage of modular neurons be activated by somatosensory stimuli if more diverse stimuli were used?

      We agree with the reviewer’s point. Indeed, the modules are receiving different inputs from different somatosensory sources such as somatosensory cortex and dorsal column nuclei, which could indicate that the activity of the cells in the modular areas could be evoked by different types of somatosensory stimulations, which is an open area for future studies. We have discussed this point in the revised Discussion section [lines 516-520].

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Minor comments:

      (1) Figure 3H: The lateral surface seems quite damaged by the prism. An example slice of the imaging area of each mouse would help the reader better understand the extent of damage the prism leaves in the area of interest.

      Thank you for the reviewer’s comment. We already have included such images in Figures 4A, 7A, and 9A to present the field of view of all prism experiments. However, we need to clarify the point of tissue damage. The insertion of microprism may be associated with some tissue damage as a result of making the pocket for the microprism to be inserted, but it is not possible to get neuronal signals from a damaged field of view. Therefore, we do not believe that there is tissue damage to the parts of the LC imaged by microprism. However, there may be some areas where the microprism is not in direct contact with the LC surface. These areas are located mostly in the periphery of the field of view, and they are completely black as they are out of focus (i.e., the left side of Figure 3B). The right side of Figure 3b as well as Figure 3A have some black areas, which present the vasculatures, where there are no red signals because of the lack of jRGECO1a expression in those areas.

      (2) In relation to the data shown in Figure 4E it is claimed that LC is tuned to higher frequencies (lines 195-196). However, the majority of cells appear to be tuned to frequencies below 14kHz (with a median of 7.5 kHz), which is quite low for the mouse. I assume that the authors mean frequencies that are relatively higher than the DC, but it is worth mentioning in the text that the BFs found in the LC are quite low-frequency responses for the mouse.

      Thank you for the reviewer’s comment, which we agree with. We edited this part by acknowledging that around 50% of the LC cells had a low-frequency bias to 5 and 7.1 kHz. Then we mentioned that most of the LC cells are tuned to relatively higher frequencies than those of the DC [lines 215-218].

      (3) Figure 5A-C: Is it the tone-responsive cells plus an additional ~22% of cells that respond to AM, or are there also cells that respond to tones that do not respond to AM. Please break down to which degree the tone and AM responsive cells are overlapping.

      Thank you for the reviewer’s comment and suggestion. We broke down the responsive cells into cells responsive only to pure tone (tone selective cells or Tone-sel) or to only AM-noise (noise selective cells or Noise-sel) as well as cells responding to both sounds (nonselective cells or Non-sel). We examined the fractions of these categories of cells in both LC and DC within all responsive neurons. Accordingly, we have edited Figure 5A-C as well as the text [lines 229-243].

      (4) Figure 5D. It is unclear to me how a cell is classified as SMI or TMI responsive after computing the SMI or TMI for each cell. What statistic was used to determine if the cell was responsive or not?

      Thank you for the reviewer’s comment. We do apologize for the confusion caused by Figures 5D and E. These figures do not show the values of SMI or TMI, respectively. Rather, the figures show the percentage of the spectrally or temporally modulated cells, respectively. At each sound level, the cells were categorized into two main types. The spectrally modulated cells are those responsive to pure tones or unmodulated noise, so they can detect the spectral features of the sound (old Figure 5D or new Figure 5E). The temporally modulated cells are those responsive to AM-noise, so they can detect the temporal features of the sound of complex spectra like the broadband noise (old Figure 5E or new Figure 5F). To clear this confusion, we removed the words SMI and TMI from the figures, and then we renamed the x-axis label into “% of spectrally modulated cells” and “% of temporally modulated cells” for Figures 5D (new 5E) and E (new 5F), respectively.

      (5) Figure 5 D, E: Is the decrease in SMI and TMI modulated cells in the modules a result of simply lower sensitivity to sounds (i.e. higher response thresholds)? If a cell responds to neither tone, AM, or noise it will have a low SMI and TMI index. If this is the case that affects the interpretation, as it is then not a decrease in sensitivity to spectral or temporal modulation, but instead a difference in overall sound sensitivity.

      Thank you for the reviewer’s comment. We apologize for the confusion about Figures 5E and D, which did not show the SMI and TMI values. Rather, they show the percentage of spectrally or temporally modulated cells, respectively, as explained in our previous response. Therefore, Figure 5D shows the percentage of cells that can detect the spectral features of sound, while Figure 5E shows the percentage of cells that can detect the temporal features of sounds of complex spectra like broadband noise. Accordingly, Figures 5D and E show the sensitivity to different features of sound and not the overall sound sensitivity.

      (6) Figure 7 and 8: What is the false positive rate expected of the responsive cells using the correlation cell flagging criteria? Especially given that the fraction of cells responsive to somatosensory stimulation in LC (matrix) is 0.88% and 1.3% in DC, it is important to know what the expected false positive rate is in order to be able to state that there are actually somatosensory responses there or if this is what you would expect from false positives given the inclusion test used. Please provide an estimate of the false positive rate given your inclusion test and show that the rate found is statistically significantly above that level - and show this rate with a line in Figure 7 H, I.

      Thank you for the reviewer’s comment. To test the efficiency of the correlation method to determine the responsive cells, we initially ran an ROC curve comparing the automated method to a blinded human interpretation. The AUC of the ROC curve was 0.88. This high AUC value indicates that the correlation method can rank the random responsive cells than the random nonresponsive cells. At the correlation coefficient (0.4), which was the cutoff value to determine the responsive cells for somatosensory stimulation, the specificity was 87% and the sensitivity 72%, the positive predictive value was 73%, and the negative predictive value was 86%. Although the above percentages indicate the efficiency of the correlation method, we excluded all the false responsive cells from the analysis. Therefore, the fractions of cells in the graphs are the true responsive cells with no contamination of the non-responsive cells. We also modified Figures 7H and I to match the other data sets obtained from awake animals. Therefore, Figures 7H and I no longer show the average of the responsive cells. Instead, they show the % of different fractions of responsive cells within each cellular motif (modules and matrix). Accordingly, we believe that there is no need to include a rate line on the graph. We added the section describing the validation part to the methods section [lines 808-815].

      (7) Figure 7: Please clarify what is meant by a cell responding to 'both responding to somatosensory and auditory stimulation'. Does it mean that the cell has responses to both auditory and somatosensory stimulation when presented individually or if it responds to both presented together? If it is the former, I don't understand how the number to both can be higher than the number of somatosensory alone (as both requires it also to respond to somatosensory alone). If it is the latter (combined auditory and somatosensory) then it seems that somatosensory inputs remove the responsiveness of most cells that were otherwise responsive to auditory alone (e.g. in the module while 42% respond to sound alone, combined stimulation would leave only 10% of cells responsive). Please clarify what exactly the authors are plotting and stating here.

      Thank you for the reviewer’s comment. The responsive cells in Figure 7 are divided into three categories. Each category has a completely different group of cells. The first category is for the cells responding only to auditory stimulation (auditory-selective cells or Aud-sel). The second category is for the cells that respond only to somatosensory stimulation (somatosensory selective cells or Som-sel). The third category is for the cells that respond to both auditory and somatosensory stimulations when both stimulations are presented individually (auditory/somatosensory nonselective cells or Aud/Som-nonsel). Accordingly, the number of cells may be different across all these categories. We have clarified this part in the text [lines 299-303]. We have modified Figures 7, 8, and 11 (old Figure 10) to match the data from anesthetized and awake animals, so Figures 7H and I now show the collective % of the cells from all animals within modules vs matrix.

      (8) Why are the inferential statistics used in Figure 9F (chi-square test) and Figure 5A-C (t-test) when it tests the same thing (the only difference is one is anaesthetised data and the other awake)? Indeed, all Figure 9 and 10 (awake data figures) plots use chi-square tests to test differences in percentages instead of t-tests used in earlier (anaesthetised data figures) plots to test differences in percentages between groups. Please clarify the reason for this change in statistics used for similar comparisons.

      Thank you for the reviewer’s comment. Imaging the LC via microprism from awake animals confirmed the ability to run this technique with no interference to the ambulatory functions of the animals. Therefore, the main goal was to highlight the similarities between the data obtained from awake and anesthetized setups by highlighting the comparison between the LC and DC or between modules and matrix within each preparation (anesthetized vs awake). Accordingly, the statistics used to run these comparisons were chosen based on the number of the tested animals at each setup (7 anesthetized animals and 3 awake animals for prism insertion). The low number of animals used for awake data made us use the number of cells collectively from all animals instead of the number of animals, so we used the Chi-square test to examine the differences in percentages.

      (9) Figure 10H: The main text describes the results shown here as similar to what was seen in anaesthetised animals. But it looks to me like the results in awake animals are qualitatively different from the multisensory interaction seen in anaesthetised animals. In anaesthetised animals the authors find that there is a higher chance of auditory responses being enhanced by somatosensory inputs when cells are in the modules compared to in the matrix. However, in awake data, this relationship is flipped, with more bimodal enhancement found in the matrix compared to the modules. Furthermore, almost all cells in the modules are suppressed by combined somatosensory input which looks like it is different from what is found in anaesthestised mice and what is described in the discussion: 'we observed that combined auditory-somatosensory stimulation generally suppressed neural responses to auditory stimuli and that this suppression was most prominent in the LC matrix'.

      Thank you for the reviewer’s comment. Our statement was meant to show how the data obtained from awake and anesthetized animals were generally similar. However, we agree that the statement may not be suitable due to the possible differences between awake and anesthetized animals. To address a fair comparison between the anesthetized and awake preparations, we ran similar statistics and graphs for Figures 7, 8, and 11 (old Figure 10). Given that the areas occupied by modules and matrix are different across animals due to the irregular shape of the modules, we chose to run a chi-square test for all the data to quantify the collective % of responding cells within modules vs matrix from all tested animals for each experimental setup (anesthetized vs awake). The anesthetized and awake animals similarly showed that modules and matrix had higher fractions of auditory responsive cells. However, matrix had more cells responding to auditory stimulations than modules, while modules had more cells responding to somatosensory stimulation than matrix. In contrast, while the anesthetized animals showed higher fractions of offset auditory-responsive cells, which were mostly clustered in the modules, the offset auditory-responsive cells were very rare in awake animals (6 cells/one animal).

      Based on the fractions of cells with suppressed or enhanced auditory response induced by bimodal stimulation, the data obtained from anesthetized and awake animals showed that the auditory response in the matrix was suppressed more than enhanced by bimodal stimulation. In contrast, modules had different profiles across the experimental setups and locations. For instance, the modules imaged via microprism in the anesthetized and awake animals showed suppressed more than enhanced auditory responses, but modules imaged from the dorsal surface in anesthetized animals showed enhanced more than suppressed auditory responses. Additionally, modules had less suppressed and more enhanced auditory responses compared to matrix in the anesthetized animals regardless of the location of the modules (microprism or dorsal surface). Yet, modules from awake animals had more suppressed and less enhanced auditory responses compared to matrix. We have addressed these differences in the results and discussion section.

      Additional minor comments that I think the authors could use to aid their manuscript clarity:

      (1) The figure colour selection - especially in Figures 7 and 8 - is really hard to tell apart. Please choose more distinct colours, and a colour scheme that is appropriate for colour blind readers.

      Thank you for the reviewer’s suggestion. We have noticed that the magenta color assigned for the cells with offset responses was very difficult to distinguish from the black background. We have changed the magenta color to green to be different from the color of other cells. Using Photoshop, we chose a color scheme that is suitable for color-blind readers in all our maps.

      (2) The sentence in lines 331-334 should be rephrased for clarity.

      Thank you for the reviewer’s suggestion. We have rephrased the statement for clarity [lines 364-371].

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      As mentioned in the public review the strong clustering evident in some of the maps (some of which may be related to module/matrix differences but certainly not all of it) seems worth scrutinizing further. Would we expect such a strong spatial segregation of auditory responsive and non-responsive neurons? Would we expect response properties (e.g. off-responsiveness) other than frequency tuning to show evidence of a topographic arrangement in the IC? In addressing this it would, of course, be important to rule out that this clustering is not down to some trivial experimental variables and truly reflects functional organization. For instance, are the patches of non-responsive neurons found in parts of the field of view with poor visibility, poor labelling, etc which may explain why it is difficult to pick up responses there? Are the neurons in non-responsive areas otherwise active (i.e. do they show spontaneous activity) or could they be 'dead'? Could the way neuropil signals are dealt with play a role here (it is weighted by 0.4 which strikes me as quite low)? In relation to this, I am also wondering to what extent the extreme overrepresentation (Figure 4) of neurons with a BF of 5kHz (some of this is, of course, down to the fact that the lower end of the frequency range was 5kHz and that the step size was 0.5 octaves), especially in the DC, is to be interpreted.

      Thank you for the reviewer’s comment. Before analysis, the ROIs of all cells were set around the cell bodies using the jRGECO1a signals as a reference, so all cells (responsive and nonresponsive) were collected from areas of good visibility of jRGECO1a signals. In other words, no cells were collected from regions having poor jRGECO1a signals. In Figures 7, 8, and 11 (old Figure 10), the cells showed response either only to unmodulated broadband noise at 80 dB as an auditory stimulus or to whisker deflection with specific speed and power as a somatosensory stimulus. Given that the two stimuli above had specific parameters, the remaining non-responsive cells may respond to auditory or somatosensory stimulations with other features. For instance, some nonresponsive cells to the unmodulated broadband noise were responding to pure tones with different amplitudes and frequencies or to different AM-noise with different amplitudes and modulation frequencies.  Also, these nonresponsive cells may not respond to any of our tested stimuli and may respond to other sensory stimulations. Some of the non-responsive cells showed spontaneous activity when no stimulations were presented. However, we can not rule out the possibility that some of these nonresponsive cells may not be viable. We have addressed the clustering properties in the revised version of the manuscript in the corresponding spots of the results and discussion sections. We have added a new supplementary figure (Figure 11- Figure Supplement 1) to show how the nonresponsive cells to the unmodulated noise may respond to other types of sound and to show the spontaneous activity of some non-responsive cells.

      For the neuropil, previous reports used the contamination factor (r) in a range of 0.3-0.7 (we referenced these studies in the method section [line 776) based on the tissue or cells imaged, vasculatures, and the objective used for imaging. Therefore, we optimized the contamination factor (r) to be 0.4 through a preliminary analysis based on the tissue we image (LC), and the objective used (16x with NA = 0.8 and 3 mm as a working distance).

      We agree that there is an overrepresentation of 5 kHz as the best tuning frequency for DC cells. The previous report (A. B. Wong & Borst, 2019) showed a large zone of the DC where cells were tuned to (2-8 kHz). Given that 5kHz was the lowest tested frequency in our experiment, we think that the low-frequency bias of the DC surface is consistent between studies. This finding also could be supported by the electrophysiology data obtained by spanning the recording electrodes through the IC tissue along the dorsoventral axis. In those experiments, the cells were tuned to lower frequencies at the dorsal surface of the IC.

      We have changed the magenta-colored cells to green ones, so it will be easier to identify the cells. As required by another reviewer, we changed the color pallets of some images and cellular maps to be suitable for color-blind readers. 

      The manuscript would benefit from more precise language in a number of places, especially in the results section.

      Line 220/221, for instance: "... a significant fraction of cells that did not respond to pure tones did respond to AM-noise" Strictly speaking, this sentence suggests that you considered here only the subset of neurons that did not respond to pure tones and then ran a test on that subset. The test that was done seems to suggest though that the authors tested whether the percentage of responsive cells was greater for pure tones or for AM noise.

      Thank you for the reviewer’s comment. We do apologize for the confusion. In the revised manuscript, we categorized the cells according to their response into cells responding to pure tone only (tone-selective cells or Tone-sel), Am-noise only (noise-selective cells or Nose-sel), and to both pure tone and am-noise (nonselective cells or Non-sel). We have modified Figure 5 accordingly. We did the same thing for the data obtained from awake animals and showed that in a new figure to easily match the analysis done for the anesthetized animals.

      Please refer to the figure panels in the text in consecutive order. 2B, for instance, is mentioned after 2H.

      Thank you for the reviewer’s comment. Throughout the paper, we kept the consecutive order of the figure panels within each figure to be in a smooth flow with the text. Yet, figure 2 was just the only exception for a good reason. Figure 2 is a complex one that includes many panels to show a parallel comparison between LC imaged via microprism and DC through single photon images, two-photon images, validating laser lesioning, and histology. Accordingly, we navigated many panels of the figure to efficiently highlight the aspects of this comparison. We prefer to keep Figure 2 as one figure with its current format to show this parallel comparison between LC and DC.

      The legend for Figure 2 could be clearer. For instance, there are two descriptions for panel D. Line 1009: "(C-E)" [i.e. C, D, E] and line 1010: "(D and F)".

      Thank you for the reviewer’s comment. It should be C and E, not C-E. We have fixed the mistake [line 1224]

      Line 275: What does 'with no preference' mean?

      Thank you for the reviewer’s comment. We do apologize for the confusion. There are three categories of cells. Some cells respond only to auditory stimulation, while others respond to only somatosensory stimulation. However, there is another group of cells that respond nonselectively to auditory and somatosensory stimulations or Aud/Som-nonsel cells. We edited the sentence to be clearer [lines 303-304].

      Line 281 (and other places): What does 'normalized against modules' mean?

      Thank you for the reviewer’s comment. This normalization was done by dividing the number of responsive cells of the same response type in the matrix by that in the modules. Therefore, the value taken by modules was always 1 and the value taken by the matrix is something around 1. Accordingly, the value for matrix could be > 1 if matrix had more cells than modules. In contrast, the value of matrix would be < 1 if matrix had fewer cells than modules. In the revised version, we used this normalization method to make the revised Figures 5C and 10C to describe the cell fractions responding to pure tone only, AM-noise only, or to both stimuli in the matrix vs modules. 

      Sentence starting on line 288. I don't find that point to be as obvious from the figures as the sentences seem to suggest. Are we to compare magenta points (auditory off cells) from 7C with green points in 7F?

      Thank you for the reviewer’s comment. We came to this conclusion based on our visual comparison of magenta points (now green in the revised version to increase the visibility) representing the auditory offset cells in Figure 7C and the green points in Figure 7F representing the cells responding to both somatosensory and auditory stimulations. In the revised manuscript, we statistically examined if the percentage of onset auditory response and offset auditory responses are different within the responsive cells to both somatosensory and auditory stimulations in the modules vs matrix. We have found that most of the cells responding to both somatosensory and auditory stimulations inside the modules had offset auditory responses, which could indicate a level of multisensory integration between somatosensory input and the offset auditory responses in these cells. We have added the statistical results to the revised manuscript to address this effect [lines 312-317]

      Lines 300-302: "These data suggest that the module/matrix system permits preservation of distinct multimodal response properties in the face of massive integration of inputs in the LC". First, I'm not quite sure what that sentence means. Second, it would be more appropriate for the discussion. Third, the fact that we are more likely to find response enhancement in the modules than in the matrix is nicely consistent with the idea (supported by work from the senior author's lab and others) that excitatory somatosensory input predominantly targets neurons in the modules (which is why we see mostly response enhancement in the modules) and that this input targets GABAergic neurons which then project to and inhibit neurons both outside and inside of their module. Therefore, I would recommend that the authors replace the aforementioned sentence with one that interprets these results in light of what we know about this somatosensory-auditory circuitry.

      Thank you for the reviewer’s comment. Despite the massive multimodal inputs, the LC receives from auditory vs nonauditory regions, the module/matrix system is a platform for distinct multimodal responses indicated by more somatosensory responsive cells in modules versus more auditory responsive cells in matrix, which matches the anatomical differences that were reported before. We edited the sentence in the light of the comparison between the data obtained from awake and anesthetized animals and moved it to the discussion section [lines 503-506].

      The term 'LC imaged via microprism' is used dozens of times throughout the manuscript. Replacing it with a suitable acronym or initialism could improve the flow of the text and would make some of the sentences less cumbersome.

      Thank you for the reviewer’s suggestion. We changed the term “LC imaged via microprism” into LC (microprism) throughout the revised manuscript.

      5A-C: It is unclear what is being compared here. What are the Ns? Different animals?

      Thank you for the reviewer’s comment. We do apologize for this missing information. We have added the number of subjects used in every statistical test in each corresponding figure legend.

      5G: minus symbol missing on the y-axis.

      Thank you for the reviewer’s comment. We gladly have fixed that.

      Figure 6: Are these examples or population averages?

      Thank you for the reviewer’s question. Every figure panel of the old Figure 6 represents a single trace of an example cell. However, we modified Figure 6 to include more examples of cells showing different responses complying with another reviewer’s suggestion. Each panel of the new Figure 6 represents the average response of 5 stimulations of the corresponding stimulus type. We preferred to show the average signal because it was the one used for the subsequent analysis.

      How are module borders defined?

      Thank you for the reviewer’s question. The modules were defined based on the intensity of the green channel that shows the expression of the GFP signals. The boundaries of modules were determined according to the distinction between high and low GFP signal boundaries of the modules. This step was done before data analysis to avoid any bias.

      7JKL: How are these to be interpreted? Does panel 7K, for instance, indicate that the fraction of neurons showing 'on' responses was roughly twice as large in the matrix than in the modules and that the fraction of neurons showing 'off' responses was roughly 10 times larger in the modules than in the matrix (the mean seems to be at about 1/10).

      Thank you for the reviewer’s comment. The data represented by Figures 7J-L defined the normalization of the number of cells of the same response type in the matrix against the modules. This normalization was done per animal, and then the data of the matrix were plotted against the normalization line at 1 representing the modules. The matrix will be claimed to have more cells than modules if the median of the matrix values > 1. In contrast, the matrix will be claimed to have fewer cells than the modules if the median of the matrix values < 1. Finally, if the median of matrix values = 1, this means there is no difference between matrix and modules. However, to match the data obtained from anesthetized animals (Figures 7 and 8) with those obtained from awake animals (Figure 11 or old Figure 10), we ran all data through the Chi-square test in the revised manuscript. Therefore, the format of Figures 7K-L was changed in the revised manuscript, so they became new Figures 7I-K.

      10A suggests that significantly more than half the neurons shown here are not auditory responsive. Perhaps I am misinterpreting something here but isn't that in contrast to what is shown in panel 9F?

      Thank you for the reviewer’s comment. The data shown in Figure 10A (or revised Figure 11A) represents the cellular response to only one stimulus (broadband noise at 80 dB with no modulation frequency), while Figure 9F (revised 10B) represents the cells responding to varieties of auditory stimulations of different combinations of frequencies and amplitudes (pure tones) as well as to AM-noise of different amplitudes and modulation frequencies. Accordingly, the old Figure 9F or revised Figure 10B shows different cell types based on their responses. For instance, some cells respond only to pure tone. Others respond only to AM-noise or to both pure tones and AM-noise. This may also support that the nonresponsive cells in Figure 10A (revised 11A) can respond to other types of sound features.

      The way I understood panels 7L and 8K there were more suppressed neurons in the matrix than in the modules (line 296: "cells in the modules had a higher odds of having an enhancement response to bimodal stimulation than matrix, while cells in the matrix had a higher odds of having a suppressive response to bimodal stimulation"). Now, panel 10F indicates that in awake mice there is a greater proportion of suppressed neurons in the modules than in the matrix. I may very well have overlooked or misread something but I may not be the only reader confused by this so please clarify.

      Thank you for the reviewer’s comment. We do apologize for this confusion. The ambiguity between Figures 7 and 8 (anesthetized animals) as well as Figure 10 (awake animals) comes from the fact that different statistics have been used for each preparation. In the revised version, we have fixed that by running the same statistics for all the data, and we accordingly revised Figures 7, 8, and 10 (new Figure 11). In brief, the matrix preserves a higher percentage of cells with suppressed auditory responses than those with enhanced auditory responses induced by bimodal stimulation in all conditions (anesthetized vs awake). In contrast, modules act differently across all tested conditions. While modules had more cells with enhanced auditory responses induced by bimodal interaction in anesthetized animals, they had more cells with suppressed response in awake animals indicating that modules could be sensitive to the effect of anesthesia compared to matrix. We addressed this effect in the discussion of the revised manuscript [lines 521-553].

      Line 438: ...as early AS...

      Thank you for the reviewer’s comment. We gladly fixed that [line 512].  

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      My minor recommendations for the authors are as follows:

      (1) The text can be a bit difficult to follow in places. This is partly due to the convoluted nature of the results, but I suggest a careful read-through to look for opportunities to improve the prose. In particular, there is a tendency to use long sentences and long paragraphs. For example, the third paragraph of the introduction runs for almost fifty lines.

      Thank you for the reviewer’s comment and suggestion. We have fixed that.

      (2) This might be due to journal compression, but some of the bar graphs in the figures are difficult to read. For example, the individual data points, especially when filled with striped background colors get lost. Axes can become invisible, like the y-axis in 7L, and portions of bars, like in 7F, are not always rendered correctly. Error bars are sometimes hidden behind data points, as in 5C. Increasing line thickness and shifting individual data points away from error bars might help with this.

      Thank you for the reviewer’s comment and suggestion. We made all the data points with black color and filled circles to make the data points visible. We put all the data points behind the main columns, so they don’t block the error bars. We have fixed figures 7 and 5.

      (3) Throughout the manuscript, the authors use a higher SMI to indicate a preference of cells for auditory stimuli with "greater spectral... complexity" (e.g., lines 219 and 372). I find this interpretation a bit challenging since SMI compares a neuron's preference for tones over noise, and to me, tones seem like the least spectrally complex of all auditory stimuli. Perhaps some clarification of what the authors mean by this would help. For example, is the assumption that a neuron that prefers tones over noise is, either directly or indirectly, receiving input sculpted by inhibitory processes?

      Thank you for the reviewer’s comment. In general, higher SMI values indicate an increase in the preference of the cells to respond to pure tones than noise with no modulation (less spectral complexity). We will clarify this statement throughout the manuscript. However, the SMI value was not mentioned in lines 219 and 372. The statement mentioned in line 219 describes the revised figure 5C (old 5B), where more cells in matrix specifically respond to AM-noise compared to modules, which indicates the preference of the matrix to respond to sounds of greater spectral and temporal complexity. The statement in 372 in the discussion section refers to the finding in revised figures 5E and F (old 5D and E). In the revised figure 5E or old 5D, the data show that matrix has more cells responding to pure tones or noise with no modulation than modules, so matrix has a lower threshold to detect the spectral features of sound (revised figure 5E or old 5D). In the revised figure 5F or old 5E, the data show that matrix has more cells responding to AM-noise than modules, which indicates that matrix functions more to process the temporal features of sound. As explained above, all findings were related to the percentage of cells responding to specific sound stimuli and not the exact SMI values. We have revised the figures accordingly by removing the terms SMI and TMI from the figures, and we have clarified that in the text.

      (4) Lines 250-253: How does a decrease in SMI correspond to "an increase in pure tone responsiveness?" Doesn't a decrease suggest the opposite?

      Thank you for the reviewer’s comment, which we agree with. We do apologize for that. We have fixed this statement [lines 275-277] and any related findings accordingly.

      (5) Line 304: Add "imaged via microprism" or similar after "response profiles with the LC.".

      Thank you for the reviewer’s suggestion. We have fixed that. However, we changed the term “LC imaged via microprism” into “LC(microprism)” for simplicity as suggested by another reviewer [line 330].

      (6) Figure 5A and C: Both plots show that more neurons responded to AM-noise than tones, but it would be interesting to know how much the tone-responsive and AM-noise responsive populations overlapped. Were all tone-responsive neurons also responsive to AM-noise?

      Thank you for the reviewer’s comment. We have categorized the cells based on their response to pure tone only, AM-only, and both pure tone and AM-noise when each stimulus is presented individually. We have modified Figures 5A and C, and they are now Figures 5B and D.

      (7) Figure 5G: Missing negative sign before "0.5.".

      Thank you for the reviewer’s suggestion. We gladly have fixed that. However, old Figure 5G became a revised Figure 5H.  

      (8) Figure 7 legend, Line 1102: Missing period after "(C and E)".

      Thank you for the reviewer’s suggestion. We think that the period should be placed before (C and E) at the end of “respectively”. The parentheses refer to the statements after them. We gladly fixed that. [line 1394]

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    1. If they learn anduse a few Spanish phrases in a schoolwith a large Spanish-speaking popula-tion or make the effort to providematerials in multiple languages, it sig-nals to those who are watching thatthis is important

      When I first started teaching, I was embarrassed to speak Spanish in front of my Spanish speaking students. I am not good by any means at Spanish. However, I had a conversation with one of my students once that will always stick with me. He reminded me that they are learning English and that is hard for them. So he encouraged me to try - and that effort goes a long way. Today, I use a lot of little phrases with students. It helps breaks the ice with students and they often laugh at my pronunciation, but I think that helps build our relationship.

    2. I find that whenyou create a space in which peoplecan share those experiences, theyacknowledge how much they are car-rying around. When they can talkabout it, they say they feel lighter andenergize

      So often I want to talk about these experiences, but I agree that it can be difficult to start those conversations because for so many years, I didn't talk about it. I really relate to this.

    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [00:45:22][^2^][2]:

      Cette vidéo présente une conférence de Stephan Valentin sur l'importance du bien-être et des compétences psychosociales dans le système éducatif. Il aborde les défis actuels, les initiatives prises par l'éducation nationale française, et l'impact positif du développement de ces compétences sur les élèves et les enseignants.

      Points forts: + [00:00:06][^3^][3] Introduction à la conférence * Accueil des professionnels de l'éducation * Importance du bien-être et des compétences psychosociales + [00:02:05][^4^][4] Initiatives pour le bien-être à l'école * Création d'un groupe de travail et d'un observatoire * Objectif d'accompagner les académies et établissements + [00:03:24][^5^][5] Les compétences psychosociales et leur importance * Définition par l'OMS et catégorisation en compétences cognitives, émotionnelles et sociales * Présentation du référentiel de compétences psychosociales + [00:07:01][^6^][6] Développement des compétences dans les écoles maternelles * Utilisation de programmes validés et intégration dans le quotidien de la classe * Importance de la pédagogie active et expérientielle + [00:19:12][^7^][7] Impact sur les élèves à besoins éducatifs particuliers * Amélioration de la qualité des interactions et des apprentissages * Exemple de travail avec les enfants autistes + [00:31:01][^8^][8] Formation des enseignants et intégration des compétences * Expérimentation de formations en place dans l'académie de Versailles * Importance de la formation approfondie et expérientielle pour les professionnels

    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [01:12:49][^2^][2]:

      La vidéo présente une conférence de Stephan Valentin sur l'importance de la culture et des stéréotypes dans l'éducation. Il partage ses expériences personnelles et professionnelles pour souligner comment la culture influence l'éducation des enfants et la gestion des différences culturelles en classe.

      Points forts: + [00:00:07][^3^][3] Introduction de la conférence * Présentation de Stephan Valentin * Importance de l'équipe éducative incluant les parents * Communication avec les parents pour éviter les malentendus + [00:01:29][^4^][4] Parcours personnel de Stephan Valentin * Origine allemande et études à Paris * Transition de la carrière d'acteur à psychologue * Recherche sur le sommeil des bébés et l'influence culturelle + [00:11:01][^5^][5] Diversité culturelle en classe * Défis posés par la mixité culturelle et linguistique * Importance de comprendre et respecter les différences culturelles * Influence de la culture sur les comportements et l'éducation + [00:32:09][^6^][6] Impact de la culture sur la psychologie * Expériences de travail avec des populations diverses * Différences dans les symptômes psychiques selon les cultures * Conseils pour soutenir les enseignants et les parents dans leur rôle + [00:44:19][^7^][7] Pression culturelle sur les enfants * Attentes sociétales et familiales envers les enfants * Importance de l'acceptation de soi et du respect des différences * Utilisation de la littérature pour prévenir le harcèlement + [00:56:07][^8^][8] Rôle des parents et de l'éducation * Limites et liberté dans l'éducation des enfants * Exemples de situations familiales et leur impact sur les enfants * Encouragement à l'empathie et à la compréhension mutuelle

    1. eLife assessment

      This useful study aimed to examine the relationship of spatial frequency selectivity of single macaque inferotemporal (IT) neurons to category selectivity. There are some interesting findings in this report but some of these findings were difficult to evaluate because several critical details of the analysis are incomplete. The conclusion that single-unit spatial frequency selectivity can predict object coding needs further evidence to confirm.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This study reports that spatial frequency representation can predict category coding in the inferior temporal cortex. The original conclusion was based on likely problematic stimulus timing (33 ms which was too brief). Now the authors claim that they also have a different set of data on the basis of longer stimulus duration (200 ms).

      One big issue in the original report was that the experiments used a stimulus duration that was too brief and could have weakened the effects of high spatial frequencies and confounded the conclusions. Now the authors provided a new set of data on the basis of a longer stimulus duration and made the claim that the conclusions are unchanged. These new data and the data in the original report were collected at the same time as the authors report.

      The authors may provide an explanation why they performed the same experiments using two stimulus durations and only reported one data set with the brief duration. They may also explain why they opted not to mention in the original report the existence of another data set with a different stimulus duration, which would otherwise have certainly strengthened their main conclusions.

      I suggest the authors upload both data sets and analyzing codes, so that the claim could be easily examined by interested readers.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      This paper aimed to examine the spatial frequency selectivity of macaque inferotemporal (IT) neurons and its relation to category selectivity. The authors suggest in the present study that some IT neurons show a sensitivity for the spatial frequency of scrambled images. Their report suggests a shift in preferred spatial frequency during the response, from low to high spatial frequencies. This agrees with a coarse-to-fine processing strategy, which is in line with multiple studies in the early visual cortex. In addition, they report that the selectivity for faces and objects, relative to scrambled stimuli, depends on the spatial frequency tuning of the neurons.


      Previous studies using human fMRI and psychophysics studied the contribution of different spatial frequency bands to object recognition, but as pointed out by the authors little is known about the spatial frequency selectivity of single IT neurons. This study addresses this gap and shows spatial frequency selectivity in IT for scrambled stimuli that drive the neurons poorly. They related this weak spatial frequency selectivity to category selectivity, but these findings are premature given the low number of stimuli they employed to assess category selectivity.

      The authors revised their manuscript and provided some clarifications regarding their experimental design and data analysis. They responded to most of my comments but I find that some issues were not fully or poorly addressed. The new data they provided confirmed my concern about low responses to their scrambled stimuli. Thus, this paper shows spatial frequency selectivity in IT for scrambled stimuli that drive the neurons poorly (see main comments below). They related this (weak) spatial frequency selectivity to category selectivity, but these findings are premature given the low number of stimuli to assess category selectivity.

      Main points.

      (1) They have provided now the responses of their neurons in spikes/s and present a distribution of the raw responses in a new Figure. These data suggest that their scrambled stimuli were driving the neurons rather poorly and thus it is unclear how well their findings will generalize to more effective stimuli. Indeed, the mean net firing rate to their scrambled stimuli was very low: about 3 spikes/s. How much can one conclude when the stimuli are driving the recorded neurons that poorly? Also, the new Figure 2- Appendix 1 shows that the mean modulation by spatial frequency is about 2 spikes/s, which is a rather small modulation. Thus, the spatial frequency selectivity the authors describe in this paper is rather small compared to the stimulus selectivity one typically observes in IT (stimulus-driven modulations can be at least 20 spikes/s).<br /> (2) Their new Figure 2-Appendix 1 does not show net firing rates (baseline-subtracted; as I requested) and thus is not very informative. Please provide distributions of net responses so that the readers can evaluate the responses to the stimuli of the recorded neurons.<br /> (3) The poor responses might be due to the short stimulus duration. The authors report now new data using a 200 ms duration which supported their classification and latency data obtained with their brief duration. It would be very informative if the authors could also provide the mean net responses for the 200 ms durations to their stimuli. Were these responses as low as those for the brief duration? If so, the concern of generalization to effective stimuli that drive IT neurons well remains.<br /> (4) I still do not understand why the analyses of Figures 3 and 4 provide different outcomes on the relationship between spatial frequency and category selectivity. I believe they refer to this finding in the Discussion: "Our results show a direct relationship between the population's category coding capability and the SF coding capability of individual neurons. While we observed a relation between SF and category coding, we have found uncorrelated representations. Unlike category coding, SF relies more on sparse, individual neuron representations.". I believe more clarification is necessary regarding the analyses of Figures 3 and 4, and why they can show different outcomes.<br /> (5) The authors found a higher separability for faces (versus scrambled patterns) for neurons preferring high spatial frequencies. This is consistent for the two monkeys but we are dealing here with a small amount of neurons. Only 6% of their neurons (16 neurons) belonged to this high spatial frequency group when pooling the two monkeys. Thus, although both monkeys show this effect I wonder how robust it is given the small number of neurons per monkey that belong to this spatial frequency profile. Furthermore, the higher separability for faces for the low-frequency profiles is not consistent across monkeys which should be pointed out.<br /> (6) I agree that CNNs are useful models for ventral stream processing but that is not relevant to the point I was making before regarding the comparison of the classification scores between neurons and the model. Because the number of features and trial-to-trial variability differs between neural nets and neurons, the classification scores are difficult to compare. One can compare the trends but not the raw classification scores between CNN and neurons without equating these variables.

    4. Author response:

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      This study reports that IT neurons have biased representations toward low spatial frequency

      (SF) and faster decoding of low SFs than high SFs. High SF-preferred neurons, and low SF-preferred neurons to a lesser degree, perform better category decoding than neurons with other profiles (U and inverted U shaped). SF coding also shows more sparseness than category coding in the earlier phase of the response and less sparseness in the later phase. The results are also contrasted with predictions of various DNN models.


      The study addressed an important issue on the representations of SF information in a high-level visual area. Data are analyzed with LDA which can effectively reduce the dimensionality of neuronal responses and retain category information.

      We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your insightful and constructive comments which greatly contributed to the refinement of the manuscript. We appreciate the time and effort you dedicated to reviewing our work and providing suggestions. We have carefully considered each of your comments and addressed the suggested revisions accordingly.


      The results are likely compromised by improper stimulus timing and unmatched spatial frequency spectrums of stimuli in different categories.

      The authors used a very brief stimulus duration (35ms), which would degrade the visual system's contrast sensitivity to medium and high SF information disproportionately (see Nachmias, JOSAA, 1967). Therefore, IT neurons in the study could have received more degraded medium and high SF inputs compared to low SF inputs, which may be at least partially responsible for higher firing rates to low SF R1 stimuli (Figure 1c) and poorer recall performance with median and high SF R3-R5 stimuli in LDA decoding. The issue may also to some degree explain the delayed onset of recall to higher SF stimuli (Figure 2a), preferred low SF with an earlier T1 onset (Figure 2b), lower firing rate to high SF during T1 (Figure 2c), somewhat increased firing rate to high SF during T2 (because weaker high SF inputs would lead to later onset, Figure 2d).

      We appreciate your concern regarding the course-to-fine nature of SF processing in the vision hierarchy and the short exposure time of our paradigm. According to your comment, we repeated the analysis of SF representation with 200ms exposure time as illustrated in Appendix 1 - Figure 4. Our recorded data contains the 200ms version of exposure time for all neurons in the main phase. As can be seen, the results are similar to what we found with 33 ms experiments.

      Next, we bring your attention to the following observations:

      (1) According to Figure 2d, the average firing rate of IT neurons for HSF could be higher than LSF in the late response phase. Therefore, the amount of HSF input received by the IT neurons is as much as LSF, however, its impact on the IT response is observable in the later phase of the response. Thus, the LSF preference is because of the temporal advantage of the LSF processing rather than contrast sensitivity.

      (2) According to Figure 3a, 6% of the neurons are HSF-preferred and their firing rate in HSF is comparable to the LSF firing rate in the LSF-preferred group. This analysis is carried out in the early phase of the response (70-170 ms). While most of the neurons prefer LSF, this observation shows that there is an HSF input that excites a small group of neurons. Furthermore, the highest separability index also belongs to the HSF-preferred profile in the early phase of the response which supports the impact of the HSF part of the input.

      (3) Similar LSF-preferred responses are also reported by Chen et al. (2018) (50ms for SC) and Zhang et al. (2023) (3.5 - 4 secs for V2 and V4) for longer duration times.

      Our results suggest that the LSF-preferred nature of the IT responses in terms of firing rate and recall, is not due to the weakness or lack of input source (or information) for HSF but rather to the processing nature of the SF in the vision hierarchy.

      To address this issue in the manuscript:

      Figure Appendix 1 - Figure 4 is added to the manuscript and shows the recall value and onset for R1-R5 with 200ms of exposure time.

      We added the following description to the discussion:

      “To rule out the degraded contrast sensitivity of the visual system to medium and high SF information because of the brief exposure time, we repeated the analysis with 200ms exposure time as illustrated in Appendix 1 - Figure 4 which indicates the same LSF-preferred results. Furthermore, according to Figure 2, the average firing rate of IT neurons for HSF could be higher than LSF in the late response phase. It indicates that the amount of HSF input received by the IT neurons in the later phase is as much as LSF, however, its impact on the IT response is observable in the later phase of the response. Thus, the LSF preference is because of the temporal advantage of the LSF processing rather than contrast sensitivity. Next, according to Figure 3(a), 6\% of the neurons are HSF-preferred and their firing rate in HSF is comparable to the LSF firing rate in the LSF-preferred group. This analysis is carried out in the early phase of the response (70-170ms). While most of the neurons prefer LSF, this observation shows that there is an HSF input that excites a small group of neurons. Additionally, the highest SI belongs to the HSF-preferred profile in the early phase of the response which supports the impact of the HSF part of the input. Similar LSF-preferred responses are also reported by Chen et. al. (2018) (50ms for SC) and Zhang et. al. (2023) (3.5 - 4 secs for V2 and V4). Therefore, our results show that the LSF-preferred nature of the IT responses in terms of firing rate and recall, is not due to the weakness or lack of input source (or information) for HSF but rather to the processing nature of the SF in the IT cortex.”

      Figure 3b shows greater face coding than object coding by high SF and to a lesser degree by low SF neurons. Only the inverted-U-shaped neurons displayed slightly better object coding than face coding. Overall the results give an impression that IT neurons are significantly more capable of coding faces than coding objects, which is inconsistent with the general understanding of the functions of IT neurons. The problem may lie with the selection of stimulus images (Figure 1b). To study SF-related category coding, the images in two categories need to have similar SF spectrums in the Fourier domain. Such efforts are not mentioned in the manuscript, and a look at the images in Figure 1b suggests that such efforts are likely not properly made. The ResNet18 decoding results in Figure 6C, in that IT neurons of different profiles show similar face and object coding, might be closer to reality.

      Because of the limited number of stimuli in our experiments, it is hard to discuss the category selectivity, which needs a higher number of stimuli. To overcome the limited number of stimuli in our experiment, we fixed 60% (nine out of 15 stimuli) while varying the remaining stimuli to reduce the selective bias. To check the coding capability of the IT neurons for face and non-face objects, we evaluated the recall of face vs. non-face classification in intact stimuli (similar to classifiers stated in the manuscript). Results show that at the population level, the recall value for objects is 90.45%, and for faces is 92.45%. However, the difference is not significant (p-value=0.44). On the other hand, we note that a large difference in the SI value does not translate directly to the classification accuracy, rather it illustrates the strength of representation.

      Regarding the SF spectrums, after matching the luminance and contrast of the images we matched the power of the images concerning SF and category. Powers are calculated using the sum of the absolute value of the Fourier transform of the image. Considering all stimuli, the ANOVA analysis shows that various SF bands have similar power (one-way ANOVA, p-value=0.24). Furthermore, comparing the power of faces and images in all SF bands (including intact) and both unscrambled and scrambled images indicates no significant difference between face and object (p-vale > 0.1). Therefore, the result of Figure 3b suggests that IT employs various SF bands for the recognition of various objects.

      Comparing the results of CNNs and IT shows that the CNNs do not capture the complexities of the IT cortex in terms of SF. One of the sources of this difference is because of the behavioral saliency of the face stimulus in the training of the primate visual system.

      To address this issue in the manuscript:

      The following description is added to the discussion:

      “… the decoding performance of category classification (face vs. non-face) in intact stimuli is 94.2%. The recall value for objects vs. scrambled is 90.45%, and for faces vs. scrambled is 92.45% (p-value=0.44), which indicates the high level of generalizability and validity characterizing our results.”

      The following description is added to the method section, SF filtering.

      “Finally, we equalized the stimulus power in all SF bands (intact, R-R5). The SF power among all conditions (all SF bands, face vs. non-face and unscrambled vs. scrambled) does not vary significantly (p-value > 0.1). SF power is calculated as the sum of the square value of the image coefficients in the Fourier domain.”

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      This paper aimed to examine the spatial frequency selectivity of macaque inferotemporal (IT) neurons and its relation to category selectivity. The authors suggest in the present study that some IT neurons show a sensitivity for the spatial frequency of scrambled images. Their report suggests a shift in preferred spatial frequency during the response, from low to high spatial frequencies. This agrees with a coarse-to-fine processing strategy, which is in line with multiple studies in the early visual cortex. In addition, they report that the selectivity for faces and objects, relative to scrambled stimuli, depends on the spatial frequency tuning of the neurons.


      Previous studies using human fMRI and psychophysics studied the contribution of different spatial frequency bands to object recognition, but as pointed out by the authors little is known about the spatial frequency selectivity of single IT neurons. This study addresses this gap and they show that at least some IT neurons show a sensitivity for spatial frequency and

      interestingly show a tendency for coarse-to-fine processing.

      We extend our sincere appreciation for your thoughtful and constructive feedback on our paper. We are grateful for the time and expertise you invested in reviewing our work. Your detailed suggestions have been instrumental in addressing several key aspects of the paper, contributing to its clarity and scholarly merit. We have carefully considered each of your comments and have made revisions accordingly.

      Weaknesses and requested clarifications:

      (1) It is unclear whether the effects described in this paper reflect a sensitivity to spatial frequency, i.e. in cycles/ deg (depends on the distance from the observer and changes when rescaling the image), or is a sensitivity to cycles /image, largely independent of image scale. How is it related to the well-documented size tolerance of IT neuron selectivity?

      Our stimuli are filtered using cycles/images and knowing the distance of the subject to the monitor, we can calculate the cycles/degrees. To the best of our knowledge, this is also the case for all other SF-related studies. To find the relation of observations to the cycles/image and degree/image, one should keep one of them fixed while changing the other, for example changing the subject's distance to the monitor will change the SF content in terms of cycle/degree. With our current data, we cannot discriminate this effect. To address this issue, we added the following description to the discussion. To address this issue, we added the following description to the discussion:

      “Finally, since our experiment maintains a fixed SF content in terms of both cycles per degree and cycles per image, further experiments are needed to discern whether our observations reflect sensitivity to cycles per degree or cycles per image.”

      (2) The authors' band-pass filtered phase scrambled images of faces and objects. The original images likely differed in their spatial frequency amplitude spectrum and thus it is unclear whether the differing bands contained the same power for the different scrambled images. If not, this could have contributed to the frequency sensitivity of the neurons.

      After equalizing the luminance and contrast of the images, we equilized their power concerning SF and category. The powers were calculated using the sum of the absolute values of the Fourier transform of the images. The results of the ANOVA analysis across all stimuli indicate that various SF bands exhibit similar power (one-way ANOVA, p-value = 0.24). Additionally, a comparison of power between faces and objects in all SF bands (including intact), for both unscrambled and scrambled images, reveals no significant differences (p-value > 0.1). To clarify this point, we have incorporated the following information into the Methods section.

      “Finally, we equalized the stimulus power in all SF bands (intact, R-R5). The SF power among all conditions (all SF bands, face vs. non-face and unscrambled vs. scrambled) does not vary significantly (ANOVA, p-value > 0.1).”

      (3) How strong were the responses to the phase-scrambled images? Phase-scrambled images are expected to be rather ineffective stimuli for IT neurons. How can one extrapolate the effect of the spatial frequency band observed for ineffective stimuli to that for more effective stimuli, like objects or (for some neurons) faces? A distribution should be provided, of the net responses (in spikes/s) to the scrambled stimuli, and this for the early and late windows.

      The sample neuron in Figure 1c is chosen to be a good indicator of the recorded neurons. In the early response phase, the average firing rate to scrambled stimuli is 26.3 spikes/s which is significantly higher than the response in -50 to 50ms which is 23.4. In comparison, the mean response to intact face stimuli is 30.5 spikes/s, while object stimuli elicit an average response of 28.8 spikes/s. Moving to the late phase, T2, the responses to scrambled, face, and object stimuli are 19.5, 19.4, and 22.4 spikes/s, respectively. Moreover, when the classification accuracy for SF exceeds chance levels, it indicates a significant impact of SF bands on the IT response. This raises a direct question about the explicit coding for SF bands in the IT cortex observed for ineffective stimuli and how it relates to complex and effective stimuli, such as faces. To show the strength of neuron responses to the SF bands in scrambled images, We added Appendix 1 - Figure 2 and also added Appendix 1 - Figure 1, according to comment 4, which shows the average and std of the responses to all SF bands. The following description is added to the results section.

      “Considering the strength of responses to scrambled stimuli, the average firing rate in response to scrambled stimuli is 26.3 Hz, which is significantly higher than the response observed between -50 and 50 ms, where it is 23.4 Hz (p-value=3x10-5). In comparison, the mean response to intact face stimuli is 30.5 Hz, while non-face stimuli elicit an average response of 28.8 Hz. The distribution of neuron responses for scrambled, face, and non-face in T1 is illustrated in Appendix 1 - Figure 2.


      Moreover, the average firing rates of scrambled, face, and non-face stimuli are 19.5 Hz, 19.4 Hz, and 22.4 Hz, respectively. The distribution of neuron responses is illustrated in Appendix 1 Figure 2.”

      (4) The strength of the spatial frequency selectivity is unclear from the presented data. The authors provide the result of a classification analysis, but this is in normalized units so that the reader does not know the classification score in percent correct. Unnormalized data should be provided. Also, it would be informative to provide a summary plot of the spatial frequency selectivity in spikes/s, e.g. by ranking the spatial frequency bands for each neuron based on half of the trials and then plotting the average responses for the obtained ranks for the other half of the trials. Thus, the reader can appreciate the strength of the spatial frequency selectivity, considering trial-to-trial variability. Also, a plot should be provided of the mean response to the stimuli for the two analysis windows of Figure 2c and 2d in spikes/s so one can appreciate the mean response strengths and effect size (see above).

      The normalization of the classification result is just obtained by subtracting the chance level, which is 0.2, from the whole values. Therefore the values could still be interpreted in percent as we did in the results section. To make this clear, we removed the “a.u.” from the figure and we added the following description to the results section.

      “The accuracy value is normalized by subtracting the chance level (0.2).”

      Regarding the selectivity of the neuron, as suggested by your comment, we added a new figure in the appendix section, Appendix 1 - figure 2. This figure shows the strength of SF selectivity, considering trial-to-trial variability. The following description is added to the results section:

      “The strength of SF selectivity, considering the trial-to-trial variability is provided in Appendix 1 Figure 2, by ranking the SF bands for each neuron based on half of the trials and then plotting the average responses for the obtained ranks for the other half of the trials.”

      The firing rates of Figures 2c and 2d are normalized for better illustration since the variation in firing rates is high across neurons, as can be observed in Figure Appendix 1 - Figure 1. Since we seek trends in the response, the absolute values are not important (since the baseline firing rates of neurons are different), but the values relative to the baseline firing rate determine the trend. To address the mean response and the strength of the SF response, the following description is added to the results section.

      “Considering the strength of responses to scrambled stimuli, the average firing rate in response to scrambled stimuli is 26.3 Hz, which is significantly higher than the response observed between -50 and 50 ms, where it is 23.4 Hz (p-value=3x10-5). In comparison, the mean response to intact face stimuli is 30.5 Hz, while non-face stimuli elicit an average response of 28.8 Hz. The distribution of neuron responses for scrambled, face, and non-face in T1 is illustrated in Appendix 1 - Figure 2.


      Moreover, the average firing rates of scrambled, face, and non-face stimuli are 19.5 Hz, 19.4

      Hz, and 22.4 Hz, respectively. The distribution of neuron responses is illustrated in Appendix 1 Figure 2.”

      Furthermore, we added a figure, Appendix 1 - Figure 3, to illustrate the strength of SF selectivity in our profiles. The following is added to the results section:

      “To check the robustness of the profiles, considering the trial-to-trial variability, the strength of SF selectivity in each profile is provided in Appendix 1 - Figure 3, by forming the profile of each neuron based on half of the trials and then plotting the average SF responses with the other

      half of the trials.”

      (5) It is unclear why such brief stimulus durations were employed. Will the results be similar, in particular the preference for low spatial frequencies, for longer stimulus durations that are more similar to those encountered during natural vision?

      Please refer to the first comment of Reviewer 1.

      (6) The authors report that the spatial frequency band classification accuracy for the population of neurons is not much higher than that of the best neuron (line 151). How does this relate to the SNC analysis, which appears to suggest that many neurons contribute to the spatial frequency selectivity of the population in a non-redundant fashion? Also, the outcome of the analyses should be provided (such as SNC and decoding (e.g. Figure 1D)) in the original units instead of undefined arbitrary units.

      The population accuracy is approximately 5% higher than the best neuron. However, we have no reference to compare the effect size (the value is roughly similar for face vs object while the chance levels are different). However, as stated in Methods, SNC is calculated for two label modes (LSF and HSF) and it can not be directly compared to the best neuron accuracy. Regarding the unit of SNC, it can be interpreted directly to percent by multiplying by a factor of 100. We removed the “a.u.” to prevent misunderstanding and modified the results section for clearance.

      “… SNC score for SF (two labels, LSF (R1 and R2) vs. HSF (R4 and R5)) and category … (average SNC for SF=0.51\%±0.02 and category=0.1\%±0.04 …”

      (7) To me, the results of the analyses of Figure 3c,d, and Figure 4 appear to disagree. The latter figure shows no correlation between category and spatial frequency classification accuracies while Figure 3c,d shows the opposite.

      In Figure 3c,d, following what we observed in Figure 3a,b about the category coding capabilities in the population of neurons based on the profile of the single neurons, we tested a similar idea if the coding capability of single neurons in SF/category could predict the coding capability of population neurons in terms of category/SF. Therefore, both analyses investigate a relation between a characteristic of single neurons and the coding capability of a population of similar neurons. On the other hand, in Figure 4, the idea is to check the characteristics of the coding mechanisms behind SF and category coding. In Figure 4a, we check if there exists any relation between category and SF coding capability within a single neuron activity without the impact of other neurons, to investigate the idea that SF coding may be a byproduct of an object recognition mechanism. In Figure 4b, we investigated the contribution of all neurons in population decision, again to check whether the mechanisms behind the SF and category coding are the same or not. This analysis shows how individual neurons contribute to SF or category coding at the population level. Therefore, the experiments in Figures 3 and 4 are different in the analysis method and what they were designed to investigate and we cannot directly compare the results.

      (8) If I understand correctly, the "main" test included scrambled versions of each of the "responsive" images selected based on the preceding test. Each stimulus was presented 15 times (once in each of the 15 blocks). The LDA classifier was trained to predict the 5 spatial frequency band labels and they used 70% of the trials to train the classifier. Were the trained and tested trials stratified with respect to the different scrambled images? Also, LDA assumes a normal distribution. Was this the case, especially because of the mixture of repetitions of the same scrambled stimulus and different scrambled stimuli?

      In response to your inquiry regarding the stratification of trials, both the training and testing data were representative of the entire spectrum of scrambled images used in our experiment. To address your concern about the assumption of a normal distribution, especially given the mixture of repetitions of the same scrambled stimulus and different stimuli, our analysis of firing rates reveals a slightly left-skewed normal distribution. While there is a deviation from a perfectly normal distribution, we are confident that this skewness does not compromise the robustness of the LDA classifier.

      (9) The LDA classifiers for spatial frequency band (5 labels) and category (2 labels) have different chance and performance levels. Was this taken into account when comparing the SNC between these two classifiers? Details and SNC values should be provided in the original (percent difference) instead of arbitrary units in Figure 5a. Without such details, the results are impossible to evaluate.

      For both SNC and CMI calculations in SF, we considered two labels of HSF (R4 and R5) and LSF (R1 and R2). This was mentioned in the Methods section, after equation (5). According to your comment, to make it clear in the results section, we also added this description to the results section.

      “… illustrates the SNC score for SF (two labels, LSF (R1 and R2) vs. HSF (R4 and R5)) and category (face vs. non-face) … conditioned on the label, SF (LSF (R1 and R2) vs. HSF (R4 and R5)) or category, to assess the information.”

      The value of SNC can also be directly converted to the percent by a factor of 100. To make it clear, we removed “a.u.” from the y-axis.

      (10) Recording locations should be described in IT, since the latter is a large region. Did their recordings include the STS? A/P and M/L coordinate ranges of recorded neurons?

      We appreciate your suggestion for the recording location. Nevertheless, given the complexities associated with neurophysiological recordings and the limitations imposed by our methodologies, we face challenges in precisely localizing every unit if they are located in STS or not. To address your comment, We added Appendix 1 - Figure 5 which shows the SF and category coding capability of neurons along their recorded locations.

      (11) The authors should show in Supplementary Figures the main data for each of the two animals, to ensure the reader that both monkeys showed similar trends.

      We added Appendix 2 which shows the consistency of the main results in the two monkeys.

      (12) The authors found that the deep nets encoded better the spatial frequency bands than the IT units. However, IT units have trial-to-trial response variability and CNN units do not. Did they consider this when comparing IT and CNN classification performance? Also, the number of features differs between IT and CNN units. To me, comparing IT and CNN classification performances is like comparing apples and oranges.

      Deep convolutional neural networks are currently considered the state-of-the-art models of the primate visual pathway. However, as you mentioned and based on our results, they do not yet capture various complexities of the visual ventral stream. Yet studying the similarities and differences between CNN and brain regions, such as the IT cortex, is an active area of research, such as:

      a. Kubilius, Jonas, et al. "Brain-like object recognition with high-performing shallow recurrent ANNs." Advances in neural information processing systems 32 (2019).

      b. Xu, Yaoda, and Maryam Vaziri-Pashkam. "Limits to visual representational correspondence between convolutional neural networks and the human brain." Nature Communications, 12.1 (2021).

      c. Jacob, Georgin, et al. "Qualitative similarities and differences in visual object representations between brains and deep networks." Nature Communications, 12.1 (2021).

      Therefore, we believe comparing IT and CNN, despite all of the differences in terms of their characteristics, can help both fields grow faster, especially in introducing brain-inspired networks.

      (13) The authors should define the separability index in their paper. Since it is the main index to show a relationship between category and spatial frequency tuning, it should be described in detail. Also, results should be provided in the original units instead of undefined arbitrary units. The tuning profiles in Figure 3A should be in spikes/s. Also, it was unclear to me whether the classification of the neurons into the different tuning profiles was based on an ANOVA assessing per neuron whether the effect of the spatial frequency band was significant (as should be done).

      Based on your comment, we added the description of the separability index to the methods section. However, since the separability index is defined as the division of two dispersion matrices, it has no units by nature. The tuning profiles in Figure 3a are normalized for better illustration since the variation in firing rates is high. Since we seek trends in the response, the absolute values are not important. Regarding the SF profile formation, to better present the SF profile assignment, we updated the method section. Furthermore, The strength of responses for scrambled stimuli can be observed in Appendix 1 - Figures 1 and 2.

      (14) As mentioned above, the separability analysis is the main one suggesting an association between category and spatial frequency tuning. However, they compute the separability of each category with respect to the scrambled images. Since faces are a rather homogeneous category I expect that IT neurons have on average a higher separability index for faces than for the more heterogeneous category of objects, at least for neurons responsive to faces and/or objects. The higher separability for faces of the two low- and high-pass spatial frequency neurons could reflect stronger overall responses for these two classes of neurons. Was this the case? This is a critical analysis since it is essential to assess whether it is category versus responsiveness that is associated with the spatial frequency tuning. Also, I do not believe that one can make a strong claim about category selectivity when only 6 faces and 3 objects (and 6 other, variable stimuli; 15 stimuli in total) are employed to assess the responses for these categories (see next main comment). This and the above control analysis can affect the main conclusion and title of the paper.

      We appreciate your concern regarding category selectivity or responsiveness of the SF profiles. First, we note that we used SI since it overcomes the limitations of the accuracy and recall metrics as they are discrete and can be saturated. Using SI, we cannot directly calculate face vs object with SI, since this index only reports one value for the whole discrimination task. Therefore, we have to calculate the SI for face/object vs scrambled to obtain a value per category. However, as you suggested, it raises the question of whether we assess how well the neural responses distinguish between actual images (faces or objects) and their scrambled versions or if we just assess the responsiveness. Based on Figure 3b, since we have face-selective (LSF and HSF preferred profiles), object-selective (inverse U), and the U profile, where SI is the same for both face and object, we believe the SF profile is associated with the category selectivity, otherwise we would have the same face/object recall in all profiles, as we have in the U shape profile.

      To analyze this issue further, we calculated the number of face/object selective neurons in 70-170ms. We found 43 face-selective neurons and 36 object-selective neurons (FDR corrected p-value < 0.05). Therefore, the number of face-selective and object-selective neurons is similar. Next, we check the selectivity of the neurons within each profile. Number of face/object selective neurons is LP=13/3, HP=6/2, IU=3/9, U=14/13, and the remaining belong to the NP group. Results show higher face-selective neurons in LP and HP and a higher number of object-selective neurons in the IU class. The U class contains roughly the same number of face and object-selective neurons. This observation supports the relationship between category selectivity and profiles.

      Next, we examined the average neuron response to the face and object in each profile. The difference between the firing rate of the face and object in none of the profiles was significant (Ranksum with a significance level of 0.05). However, the rates are as follows. The average firing rate (spikes/s) of face/object is LP=36.72/28.77, HP=28.55/25.52, IU=21.55/27.25, U=38.48/36.28. While the differences are not significant, they support the relationship between profiles and categories instead of responsiveness.

      The following description is added to the results section to cover this point of view.

      “To assess whether the SF profiles distinguish category selectivity or merely evaluate the neuron's responsiveness, we quantified the number of face/non-face selective neurons in the 70-170ms time window. Our analysis shows a total of 43 face-selective neurons and 36 non-face-selective neurons (FDR-corrected p-value < 0.05). The results indicate a higher proportion of face-selective neurons in LP and HP, while a greater number of non-face-selective neurons is observed in the IU category (number of face/non-face selective neurons: LP=13/3, HP=6/2, IU=3/9). The U category exhibits a roughly equal distribution of face and non-face-selective neurons (U=14/13). This finding reinforces the connection between category selectivity and the identified profiles. We then analyzed the average neuron response to faces and non-faces within each profile. The difference between the firing rates for faces and non-faces in none of the profiles is significant (face/non-face average firing rate (Hz): LP=36.72/28.77, HP=28.55/25.52, IU=21.55/27.25, U=38.48/36.28, Ranksum with significance level of 0.05). Although the observed differences are not statistically significant, they provide support for the association between profiles and categories rather than mere responsiveness.”

      About the low number of stimuli, please check the next comment.

      (15) For the category decoding, the authors employed intact, unscrambled stimuli. Were these from the main test? If yes, then I am concerned that this represents a too small number of stimuli to assess category selectivity. Only 9 fixed + 6 variable stimuli = 15 were in the main test. How many faces/ objects on average? Was the number of stimuli per category equated for the classification? When possible use the data of the preceding selectivity test which has many more stimuli to compute the category selectivity.

      We used only the main phase recorded data, which contains 15 images in each session. Each image results in 12 stimuli (intact, R1-R5, and phase-scrambled version). Thus, there exists a total of 180 unique stimuli in each session. Increasing the number of images would have increased the recording time. We compensated for this limitation by increasing the diversity of images in each session by picking the most responsive ones from the selectivity phase. On average, 7.54 of the stimuli were face in each session. We added this information to the Methods section. Furthermore, as mentioned in the discussion, for each classification run, the number of samples per category is equalized. We note that we cannot use the selectivity data for analysis, since the SF-related stimuli are filtered in different bands.

      Recommendations For The Authors:

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      I suggest that the authors double-check their results by performing control experiments with longer stimulus duration and SF-spectrum-matched face and object stimuli.

      Thanks for your suggestion, according to your comment, we added Appendix 1 - Figure 3.

      In addition, I had a very difficult time understanding the differences between Figure 3c and Figure 4a. Please rewrite the descriptions to clarify.

      Thanks for your suggestion, we tried to revise the description of these two figures. The following description is added to the results section for Figure 3c.

      “Next, to examine the relation between the SF (category) coding capacity of the single neurons and the category (SF) coding capability of the population level, we calculated the correlation between coding performance at the population level and the coding performance of single neurons within that population (Figure 3 c and d). In other words, we investigated the relation between single and population levels of coding capabilities between SF and category. The SF (or category) coding performance of a sub-population of 20 neurons that have roughly the same single-level coding capability of the category (or SF) is examined.”

      Lines 147-148: The text states that 'The maximum accuracy of a single neuron was 19.08% higher than the chance level'. However, in Figure 4, the decoding accuracies of individual neurons for category and SF range were between 49%-90% and 20%-40%, respectively.

      Please explain the discrepancies.

      The first number is reported according to chance level which is 20%, thus the unnormalized number is 39% which is consistent with the SF accuracy in Figure 4. We added the following description to prevent any misunderstanding.

      “… was 19.08\% higher than the chance level (unnormalized accuracy is 49.08\%, neuron \#193, M2).”

      Lines 264-265: Should 'the alternative for R3 and R4' be 'the alternative for R4 and R5'?

      Thanks for your attention, it's “R4 and R5”. We corrected that mistake.

      Lines 551-562: The labels for SF classification are R1-R5. Is it a binary or a multi-classification task?

      It’s a multi-label classification. We made it clear in the text.

      “… labels were SF bands (R1, R2, ..., R5, multi-label classifier).”

      Figure 4b: Neurons in SF/category decoding exhibit both positive and negative weights. However, in the analysis of sparse neuron weights in Equation 6, only the magnitude of the weights is considered. Is the sign of weight considered too?

      We used the absolute value of the neuron weight to calculate sparseness. We also corrected Equation 6.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      (1) Line 52: what do the authors mean by coordinate processing in object recognition?

      To avoid any potential misunderstanding, we used the exact phrase in Saneyoshi and Michimata (2015). It is in fact, coordinate relations processing. Coordinate relations specify the metric information of the relative locations of objects.

      (2) About half of the Introduction is a summary of the Results. This can be shortened.

      Thanks for your suggestion.

      (3) Line 134: Peristimulus time histogram instead of Prestimulus time histogram.

      Thanks for your attention. We corrected that.

      (4) Line 162: the authors state that R1 is decoded faster than R5, but the reported statistic is only for R1 versus R2.

      It was a typo, the p-value is only reported for R1 and R5.

      (5) Line 576: which test was used for the asses the statistical significance?

      The test is Wilcoxon signed-rank. We added it to the text.

      (6) How can one present a 35 ms long stimulus with a 60 Hz frame rate (the stimuli were presented on a 60Hz monitor (line 470))? Please correct.

      Thanks for your attention. We corrected that. The time of stimulus presentation is 33ms and the monitor rate is 120Hz.

    1. When had it started? Andhow was it that I hadn’t been there when it started? And why wasn’t I told?Why wasn’t I able to reconstruct the moment when they progressed from xto y? Surely the signs were all around me. Why didn’t I see them?

      The need to define, to put x and y together, to make sense of, to conflate. And oliver hates it. To bear witness, to keep, to possess, all signs of immaturity. childlike tone



    1. DEI programs toppled amid a surge of conservative lawsuits

      In systems change, one indicator of success is when the system fights back.

    1. Author response:

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      These are valuable findings that support a link between low-dimensional brain network organization, patterns of ongoing thought, and trait-level personality factors, making it relevant for researchers in the field of spontaneous cognition, personality, and neuropsychiatry. While this link is not entirely new, the paper brings to bear a rich dataset and a well-conducted study, to approach this question in a novel way. The evidence in support of the findings is convincing.

      We thank the reviewers and editors for their time, feedback, and recommendations for improvement. We have revised the manuscript with those recommendations in mind and provide a point-by-point description of the revisions below.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The authors ran an explorative analysis in order to describe how a "tri-partite" brain network model could describe the combination of resting fMRI data and individual characteristics. They utilized previously obtained fMRI data across four scanning runs in 144 individuals. At the end of each run, participants rated their patterns of thinking on 12 statements (short multi-dimensional experience sampling-MDES) using a 0-100% visual analog scale. Also, 71 personality traits were obtained on 21 questionnaires. The authors ran two separate principal component analyses (PCA) to obtain low dimensional summaries of the two individual characteristics (personality traits from questionnaires, and thought patterns from MDES). The dimensionality reduction of the fMRI data was done by means of gradient analysis, which was combined with Neurosynth decoding to visualize the functional axis of the gradients. To test the reliability of thought components across scanning time, intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC) were calculated for the thought patterns, and discriminability indices were calculated for whole gradients. The relationship between individual differences in traits, thoughts, and macro-scale gradients was tested with multivariate regression.

      The authors found: a) reliability of thought components across the one hour of scanning, b) Gradient 1 differentiated between visual regions and DMN, Gradient 2 dissociated somatomotor from visual cortices, Gradient 3 differentiated the DMN from the fronto-parietal system, c) the associations between traits/thought patterns and brain gradients revealed significant effects of "introversion" and "specific internal" thought: "Introversion" was associated with variant parcels on the three gradients, with most of parcels belonging to the VAN and then to the DMN; and "Specific internal thought" was associated with variant parcels on the three gradients with most of parcels belonging to the DAN and then the visual. The authors conclude that interactions between attention systems and the DMN are important influences on ongoing thought at rest.


      The study's strength lies in its attempt to combine brain activity with individual characteristics using state-of-the-art methodologies.


      The study protocol in its current form restricts replicability. This is largely due to missing information on the MRI protocol and data preprocessing. The article refers the reader to the work of Mendes et al 2019 which is said to provide this information, but the paper should rather stand alone with all this crucial material mentioned here, as well. Also, effect sizes are provided only for the multiple multivariate regression of the inter-class correlations, which makes it difficult to appreciate the power of the other obtained results. 

      Thank you for these comments. We have addressed both issues by adding effect sizes for reported trait and thought related effects within the results table (Table 3, Line 427) and providing more information about the fMRI protocol and preprocessing steps.  (Lines 162- 188)

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors set out to draw further links between neural patterns observed at "rest" during fMRI, with their related thought content and personality traits. More specifically, they approached this with a "tri-partite network" view in mind, whereby the ventral attention network (VAN), the dorsal attention network (DAN), and the default mode network (DMN) are proposed to play a special role in ongoing conscious thought. They used a gradients approach to determine the low dimensional organisation of these networks. In concert, using PCA they reduced thought patterns captured at four time points during the scan, as well as traits captured from a large battery of questionnaires.

      The main findings were that specific thought and trait components were related to variations in the organisation of the tri-partite networks, with respect to cortical gradients.

      Strengths of the methods/results: Having a long (1 hr) resting state MRI session, which could be broken down into four separate scanning/sampling components is a strength. Importantly, the authors could show (via intra-class correlation coefficients) the similarity of thoughts and connectivity gradients across the entire session. Not only did this approach increase the richness of the data available to them, it speaks in an interesting way to the stability of these measures. The inclusion of both thought patterns during scanning along with trait-level dispositional factors is most certainly a strength, as many studies will often include either/or of these, rather than trying to reconcile across. Of the two main findings, the finding that detailed self-generated thought was associated with a decoupling of regions of DAN from regions in DMN was particularly compelling, in light of mounting literature from several fields that support this.

      Weaknesses of the methods/results: Considering the richness of the thought and personality data, I was a little surprised that only two main findings emerged (i.e., a relationship with trait introversion, and a relationship with the "specific internal" thought pattern). I wondered whether, at least in part and in relation to traits, this might stem from the large and varied set of questionnaires used to discern the traits. These questionnaires mostly comprised personality/mood, but some sampled things that do not fall into that category (e.g., musicality, internet addition, sleep), and some related directly to spontaneous thought properties (e.g., mind wandering, musical imagery). It would be interesting to see what relationships would emerge by being more selective in the traits measured, and in the tools to measure them.

      We agree that being more selective in trait measures and measuring tools could lead to more insights into trait – brain relationships. In part the emergence of only two main findings could also be a trade-off of multiple comparison corrections inherent in our current approach (i.e. 400 separate models for all parcels). Furthermore, we have adjusted the text in the discussion in this revision to highlight that more targeted measures of personality (e.g. self-consciousness) could provide a more nuanced view of the relationship between traits and patterns of thought at rest. (Line 532):

      “In the future it may also be important to consider measures of traits that could have relationships to both neural activity and or experience at rest (e.g. self-consciousness de Caso et al., 2017, or autistic tendencies, Turnbull et al., 2020a).”  

      Taken together, the main findings are interesting enough. However, the real significance of this work, and its impact, lie in the richness of the approach: combing across fMRI, spontaneous thought, and trait-level factors. Triangulating these data has important potential for furthering our understanding of brain-behaviour relationship across different levels of organisation.

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Recommendations for improving the writing and presentation.

      - Frame the study objectives more clearly. If it's about which theoretical framework best supports the data, you might need to advocate on why the tri-partite approach is a more efficient framework than others. If not, the argument will beg the question: you will find an effect on this model, so you will claim that this is an informative model. For example, if the focus is on these three RSNs and thought reporting, the authors might want to contextualize it historically, like how from two networks (DMN-antagonistic; Vanhaudenhuyse JCognNeurosci 2012; Demertzi et al, NetwNeuroci 2022) we end up to three and why this is a more suitable approach. What about whole-brain connectomic approaches, such as the work by Amico et al? 

      We have expanded on the objectives and rationale of the study by editing/ expanding the introduction as follows (Lines 84-87): 

      “Traditionally, it was argued that the DMN was thought to have an antagonistic relationship with systems linked to external processing (Fox et al., 2005). However, according to the ‘tri-partite’ network accounts the relationship between the DMN and other brain systems is more nuanced. From this perspective key hubs of the ventral attention network, such as the anterior insula and dorso-lateral prefrontal cortex, help gate access to conscious experience, influencing regardless of the focus of attention. This is hypothesised to occur because the VAN influences interactions between the DAN, which is more important for external mental content (Corbetta and Shulman, 2002), and the DMN which is important when states (including tasks) rely more on internal representations (Smallwood et al., 2021a)..”  (… and Lines 112:125):

      “Our current study explored whether this “tri-partite network” view of ongoing conscious thought derived from studies focused on understanding conscious experience, provides a useful organizing framework for understanding the relation between observed brain activity at rest and patterns of cognition/ personality traits. Such analysis is important because at rest there are multiple features of brain activity that can be identified via complex analyses that include regions that show patterns of coactivation (which are traditionally viewed as forming a cohesive network, (Biswal et al., 1995) as well as patterns of anti-correlation with other regions (e.g. Fox et al., 2005). However, it is unclear which of these relationships reflect aspects of cognition or behaviour or are in fact aspects of the functional organization of the cortex (Fox and Raichle, 2007). Consequently, our study builds on foundational work (e.g. Vanhaudenhuyse et al., 2011) in order to better understand which aspects of neural function observed at rest are mostly likely linked to cognition and behaviour. With this aim in mind, we examined links between macro-scale neural activation and both (i) trait descriptions of individuals and (ii) patterns of ongoing thought.”

      - As there was no explicit description of the adopted design and the fMRI procedure, I deduced that it was about a within-subject design, 1-hour scanning session, comprised of four runs, each lasting 15 min, can that be correct? In any case, an explicit description of the design and the fMRI procedure eases the reading and replicability. 

      Thank you for pointing this out. We have now restructured and edited the text relating to write those details clearly and explain the MDES part of the procedure in the same section. It now reads (Lines 162:167): 

      “Resting state fMRI with Multidimensional Experience Sampling (MDES)

      The current sample includes one hour of fully pre-processed rs-fMRI data from 144 participants (four scans from 135 participants, and three scans from nine participants whose data were missing or incomplete). The rs-fMRI was performed in four adjacent 15-minute sessions each immediately followed by MDES which retrospectively measured various dimensions of spontaneous thought during the scan.”

      - Was there a control to the analysis, such as a gradient which also associated with these characteristics? Anything else?

      In our analyses we explore multiple gradients and how they link to traits and thoughts at rest. While there is no explicit control, each analyses provides a constraint on the interpretation of the other analyses. We have added the following text to expand on this point (Line 372): 

      “To this end, we performed a multiple multivariate regression with thoughts, traits, and nuisance variables (motion, age and gender) as independent variables, with whole brain functional organisation, as captured by the first three gradients, as dependent variables. In this analytic approach relationships between cognition along one gradient but not along another help identify which relationships between brain systems are mostly likely to relate to the feature of cognition in question (i.e. each gradient acts as a control for the other).”  

      - I feel that Table 1 (list of tests) carries less information compared to Supplementary Table 1 (how spontaneous thought was reported and scored). I would suggest swapping them, unless Table 1 further contains which outcome measures per test were used for the analysis.  

      Thank you for this suggestion. Table showing the MDES questions has now been moved to the main text (Table 1, Line 194). However, as there is no other description of the questionnaires included in the main text, we have also retained the table listing personality/ trait questionnaires (Table 2, Line 200).

      - Ten group-level gradients were calculated out of which three were shown on the basis of previous work. Please, visualize all 10 gradients as complementary material to inform potential future works on how these look.  

      Thank you for this suggestion. Supplementary figure 3 now shows all 10 gradients.

      - Please provide more information on preprocessing, especially with motion artifacts and how the global signal was processed.  

      Thank you for pointing this out. We have now included the following text, summarized from Mendes et al., 2019, to describe the preprocessing in brief (Line 171:188): 

      “Motion correction parameters were derived by rigid-body realignment of the timeseries to the first (after discarding the first five volumes) volume with FSL MCFLIRT (Jenkinson et al., 2002). Parameters for distortion correction were calculated by rigidly registering a temporal mean image of this time series to the fieldmap magnitude image using FSL FLIRT (Jenkinson and Smith, 2001) which was then unwarped using FSL FUGUE (Jenkinson et al., 2012). Transformation parameters were derived by coregistering the unwarped temporal mean to the subject’s structural scan using FreeSurfer’s boundary-based registration algorithm (Greve and Fischl, 2009). All three spatial transformations were then combined and applied to each volume of the original time series in a single interpolation step. The time series was residualised against the six motion parameters, their first derivatives, “outliers” identified by Nipype’s rapidart algorithm (https://nipype.readthedocs.io/en/latest/interfaces/ A CompCor (Behzadi et al., 2007) approach was implemented to remove physiological noise from the residual time-series- which included first six principal components from all the voxels identified as white-matter cerebrospinal fluid. The denoised time series were temporally filtered to a frequency range between 0.01 and 0.1 Hz using FSL, mean centered and variance normalized using Nitime (Rokem et al., 2009). Imaging and pre-processing protocols are described in detail in Mendes et al (Mendes et al., 2019).”

      - Please, describe the duration of the whole process, and when the questionnaire data were collected.

      We apologize for the lack of clarity. “Data” section of the Methods has now been edited to explain this more clearly, it now reads (Line 146:154):

      “The dataset used here is part of the MPI-Leipzig Mind-Brain-Body (MPILMBB) database (Mendes et al., 2019). The complete dataset consists of a battery of selfreported personality measures, measures of spontaneous thought, task data, and structural and resting-state functional MRI (one hour, divided into four adjacent 15-min sessions) from participants between 20 and 75 years of age. Data were collected over a period of five days, with the MRI sessions always falling on day 3. The questionnaires were completed by participants before and after this day, using Limesurvey (https://www.limesurvey.org: version 2.00+) at their own convenience and using penand-paper on-site. A detailed description of the participants, measures, and data acquisition protocol has been previously published along with the dataset (Mendes et al., 2019).”

      - In light of the discussion about sample sizes and the power of the correlations, can you indicate the effect sizes of the reported results?  

      Thank you for pointing this out. Effect sizes have been added to the results table (Table 3, Line 427)

      Minor corrections to the text and figures

      - Introduction: "Our sample was a cohort....states were explanatory variables": Better move this part to Methods. Ideally, provide the hypotheses here, the ways you wanted to test them, and how you would negate them. What would it mean that you got the hypotheses confirmed? What would the opposite outcome mean? 

      We have added the following text before this part to clarify expand on the objective of the study (Lines 112:125): 

      “Our current study explored whether this “tri-partite network” view of ongoing conscious thought derived from studies focused on understanding conscious experience, provides a useful organising framework for understanding the relation between observed brain activity at rest and patterns of cognition/ personality traits. Such analysis is important because at rest there are multiple features of brain activity that can be identified via complex analyses that include regions that show patterns of coactivation (which are traditionally viewed as forming a cohesive network, (Biswal et al., 1995) as well as patterns of anti-correlation with other regions (e.g. Fox et al., 2005). However, it is unclear which of these relationships reflect aspects of cognition or behaviour or are in fact aspects of the functional organisation of the cortex (Fox and Raichle, 2007). Consequently, our study builds on foundational work (e.g. Vanhaudenhuyse et al., 2011) in order to better understand which aspects of neural function observed at rest are mostly likely linked to cognition and behaviour. With this aim in mind, we examined links between macro-scale neural activation and both (i) trait descriptions of individuals and (ii) patterns of ongoing thought.”   

      We have refrained from listing hypothesis, as the analyses we performed were data driven rather than hypothesis driven to include all possible associations between largescale connectivity patterns and individual state and trail level differences in personality and thought/ experience. We hope that the added text provides more context to understand this rationale.  

      - Please, clarify whether "conscious thought" means "reportable. 

      Thank you for this suggestion. We have now edited the first reference to thought patterns in the discussions to read “self-reports of ongoing thought”, instead of just “ongoing thought” (Line 432)

      - Please, clarify whether "experience" and "thought" are used interchangeably. This is because experience can also be ineffable, beyond thought reporting. 

      To clarify this in the context of the current study, we have edited first reference to “ongoing experience” in the introduction to “self-reports of ongoing experience”. (Line 75)

      - To ease reading comprehension for each Figure, communicate the main findings first, before describing the figures. 

      We believe this lack of clarity is caused by including the figure reference in the heading of the results subsections. We hope this issue is fixed by editing the text in the following manner (Line 381):

      “Trait Introversion 

      Along the first gradient, a parcel within the right orbitofrontal cortex (within the executive control network, shown in orange) showed more similarity with transmodal regions for individuals high on introversion. Six parcels within the ventral attention network, including anterior insula, operculum and cingulate cortex were closer to the somatomotor end along gradient two (shown in purple). The same regions showed lower scores along the third gradient in participants with higher introversion scores, indicating stronger integration with the default mode network. A parcel within posterior cingulate cortex (control) was also more segregated from the visual end of gradient two in participants with higher introversion scores. Associations between trait “introversion” and brain-wide activity are shown in Figure 4.”

    2. eLife assessment

      These are important findings that support a link between low-dimensional brain network organisation, patterns of ongoing thought, and trait-level personality factors, making it relevant for researchers in the field of spontaneous cognition, personality, and neuropsychiatry. While this link is not entirely new, the paper brings to bear a rich dataset and a well-conducted study, to approach this question in a novel way. The evidence in support of the findings is convincing.

    3. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The authors ran an explorative analysis in order to describe how a "tri-partite" brain network model could describe the combination between resting fMRI data and individual characteristics. They utilized previously obtained fMRI data across four scanning runs in 144 individuals. At the end of each run, participants rated their patterns of thinking on 12 statements (short multi-dimensional experience sampling-MDES) using a 0-100% visual analog scale. Also, 71 personality traits were obtained on 21 questionnaires. The authors ran two separate principal component analyses (PCAs) to obtain low dimensional summaries of the two individual characteristics (personality traits from questionnaires, and thought patterns from MDES). The dimensionality reduction of the fMRI data was done by means of gradient analysis, which was combined with Neurosynth decoding to visualize the functional axis of the gradients. To test the reliability of thought components across scanning time, intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC) were calculated for the thought patterns, and discriminability indices were calculated for whole gradients. The relationship between individual differences in traits, thoughts, and macro-scale gradients was tested with multivariate regression. The authors found: a) reliability of thought components across the one hour of scanning, b) Gradient 1 differentiated between visual regions and DMN, Gradient 2 dissociated somatomotor from visual cortices, Gradient 3 differentiated the DMN from the fronto-parietal system), c) the associations between traits/thought patterns and brain gradients revealed significant associations with "introversion" and "specific internal" thought: "Introversion" was associated with variant parcels on the three gradients, with most of parcels belonging to the VAN and then to the DMN; and "Specific internal thought" was associated with variant parcels on the three gradients with most of parcels belonging to the DAN and then the visual. The authors conclude that interactions between attention systems and the DMN are important influences on ongoing thought at rest.


      The study's strength lies in its attempt to combine brain activity with individual characteristics using state-of-the-art methodologies.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The study protocol in its current form restricts replicability. This is largely due to missing information on the MRI protocol and data preprocessing. The article refers the reader to the work of Mendes et al 2019 which is said to provide this information, but the paper should rather stand alone with all this crucial material mentioned here, as well. Also, effect sizes are provided only for the multiple multivariate regression of the inter-class correlations, which makes it difficult to appreciate the power of the other obtained results.

    4. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors set out to draw further links between neural patterns observed at "rest" during fMRI, with their related thought content and personality traits. More specifically, they approached this with a "tri-partite network" view in mind, whereby the ventral attention network (VAN), the dorsal attention network (DAN) and the default mode network (DMN) are proposed to play a special role in ongoing conscious thought. They used a gradient approach to determine the low dimensional organisation of these networks. In concert, using PCA they reduced thought patterns captured at four time points during the scan, as well as traits captured from a large battery of questionnaires.

      The main findings were that specific thought and trait components were related to variations in the organisation of the tri-partite networks, with respect to cortical gradients.

      Strengths of the methods/results: Having a long (1 hour) resting state MRI session, which could be broken down into four separate scanning/sampling components is a strength. Importantly, the authors could show (via intra-class correlation coefficients) similarity of thoughts and connectivity gradients across the entire session. Not only did this approach increase the richness of the data available to them, it speaks in an interesting way to the stability of these measures. The inclusion of both thought patterns during scanning along with trait-level dispositional factors is most certainly a strength, as many studies will often include either/or of these, rather than trying to reconcile across. Of the two main findings, the finding that detailed self-generated thought was associated with a decoupling of regions of DAN from regions in DMN was particularly compelling, in light of mounting literature from several fields that support this.

      Weaknesses of the methods/results: Considering the richness of the thought and personality data, I was a little surprised that only two main findings emerged (i.e., a relationship with trait introversion, and a relationship with the "specific internal" thought pattern). I wondered whether, at least in part and in relation to traits, this might stem from the large and varied set of questionnaires used to discern the traits. These questionnaires mostly comprised personality/mood, but some sampled things that do not fall into that category (e.g., musicality, internet addition, sleep) and some related directly to spontaneous thought properties (e.g., mind wandering, musical imagery). It would be interesting to see what relationships would emerge by being more selective in the traits measured, and in the tools to measure them.

      Taken together, the main findings are interesting enough. However, the real significance of this work and its impact, lie in the richness of the approach: combing across fMRI, spontaneous thought, and trait-level factors. Triangulating across these data has important potential for furthering our understanding of brain-behaviour relationship across different levels of organisation.

    1. en mettant à leur disposition des outils adaptés, et en s’appuyant sur lesdispositifs existants : au sein de l’Éducation nationale (espaces parents, mallette desparents, Eduscol...), dans les Caisses d’Allocations familiales (CAF), les mairies, via lesmédiateurs de santé associatifs, etc.
    2. Adopter une stratégie de vaccination anti-HPV universelle des jeunes filles et jeunesgarçons de 11 à 13 ans, assortie d’un rattrapage vaccinal des adolescent.e.s etjeunes adultes non vacciné.e.s
    1. immortal time bias

      A distortion that modifies an association between an exposure and an outcome, caused when a cohort study is designed so that follow-up includes a period of time where participants in the exposed group cannot experience the outcome and are essentially ‘immortal’.


    1. If you have multiple backup appliances in Microsoft Azure, you can add the appliances to Veeam Backup & Replication

      minor: Seems I cannot integrate if I have only one?

    1. Restore Cosmos DB accounts.

      Here the same - VBR integration required

    2. Create backups of Cosmos DB accounts.

      Same as network configuration, this workload requires VBR integration

    1. eLife assessment

      This is a fundamental study examining the role of prediction error in state allocation of memories. The data provided are convincing and largely support the conclusion that a gradual change between acquisition and extinction maintains the memory state of acquisition and thus results in extinction that is resistant to restoration. This paper is of interest to behavioural and neuroscience researchers studying learning, memory, and the neural mechanisms of those processes as well as to clinicians using extinction-based therapies in treating anxiety-based disorders

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      In this study, Kennedy et al examine how new information is organized in memory. They tested an idea based on latent theory that suggests that large prediction error leads to the formation of a new memory, whereas small prediction error leads to memory updating. They directly tested the prediction by extinguishing fear conditioned rats with gradual extinction. For their experiment, gradual extinction was carried out by progressively reducing the intensity of shocks that were co-terminated with the CS, until the CS was presented alone. Doing so resulted in diminished spontaneous recovery and reinstatement compared to Standard Extinction. The results are compelling and have important implications for the field of fear learning and memory as well as translation to anxiety-related disorders.

      The authors carried out the Spontaneous Recovery experiment in 2 separate experiments. In one, they found differences between the Gradual and Standard Extinction groups, but in the second, they did not. It seems that their reinstatement test was more robust, and showed significant differences between the Gradual and Standard Extinction groups.

      The authors carried out important controls which enable proper contextualization of the findings. They included a "Home" group, in which rats received fear conditioning, but not an extinction manipulation. Relative to this group, the Gradual and Standard extinction groups showed a reduction in freezing.

      In Experiments 3 and 4, the authors essentially carried out clever controls which served to examine whether shock devaluation (Experiment 4) and reduction in shock intensity (rather than a gradual decrease in shock intensity) (Experiment 3) would also yield a decrease in the return of fear. In-line with a latent-cause updating explanation for accounting for the Gradual Extinction, they did not.

      In Experiment 5, the authors examined whether a prediction error produced by a change of context might contribute interference to the latent cause updating afforded by the Gradual Extinction. Such a prediction would align with a more flexible interpretation of a latent-cause model, such as those proposed by Redish (2007) and Gershman et al (2017), but not the latent-cause interpretation put forth by the Cochran-Cisler model (2019). Their findings showed that whereas Gradual Extinction carried out in the same context as acquisition resulted in less return of fear than Standard Extinction, it actually yielded a greater degree of return of fear when carried out in a different context, in support of the Redish and Gershman accounts, but not Cochran-Cisler.

      Experiment 6 extended the findings from Experiment 5 in a different state-splitting modality: timing. In this experiment, the authors tested whether a shift in temporal context also influenced the gradual extinction effect. They thus carried out the extinction sessions 21 days after conditioning. They found that while Gradual Extinction was indeed effective when carried out one day after fear conditioning, it did not when conducted 21 days later.

      The authors next carried out an omnibus analysis which included all the data from their 6 experiments, and found that overall, Gradual Extinction resulted in diminished return of fear relative to Standard Extinction. I thought the omnibus analysis was a great idea, and an appropriate way to do their data justice.

      Strengths: Compelling findings. The data support the conclusions. 6 rigorous experiments were conducted which included clever controls. Data include male and female rats. I really liked the omnibus analysis.

      Weaknesses: None noted

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The present article describes a series of experiments examining how a gradual reduction in unconditional stimulus intensity facilitates fear reduction and reduces relapse (spontaneous recovery and reinstatement) relative to a standard extinction procedure. The experiments provide compelling, if somewhat inconsistent, evidence of this effect and couch the results in a scholarly discussion surrounding how mechanisms of prediction error contribute to this effect.


      The experiments are theoretically motivated and hypothesis-driven, well-designed, and appropriately conducted and analyzed. The results are clear and appropriately contextualized into the broader relevant literature. Further, the results are compelling and ask fundamental questions regarding how to persistently weaken fear behavior, which has both strong theoretical and real-world implications. I found the 'scrambled' experiment especially important in determining the mechanism through which this reduction in shock intensity persistently weakens fear behavior.


      Overall, I found very few weaknesses with this paper. I think some might view the somewhat inconsistent effects on relapse between experiments to be a substantial weakness, I appreciate the authors directly confronting this and using it as an opportunity to aggregate data to look at general trends. Further, while Experiment 1 only used males, this was corrected in the rest of the experiments and therefore is not a substantial concern.

    4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The manuscript examined the role or large versus small prediction errors (PEs) in creating a state-based memory distinction between acquisition and extinction. The premise of the paper is based on theoretical claims and empirical findings that gradual changes between acquisition and extinction would lead to the potential overwriting of the acquisition memory with extinction, resulting in a more durable reduction in conditioned responding (i.e. more durable extinction effect). The paper tests the hypotheses in a series of elegant experiments in which the shock intensity is decreased across extinction sessions before non-reinforced CS presentations are given. Additional manipulations include context change, shock devaluation, controlling for lower shock intensity exposure. The critical comparison was standard non-reinforced extinction training. The critical tests were done in spontaneous recovery and reinstatement.


      The findings are of tremendous importance in understanding how memories can be updated and reveal a well-defined role of PE in this process. It is well-established that PE is critical for learning, so delineating how PE is critical for generating memory states and the role it serves in keeping memories dissociable (or not) is exciting and clever. As such the paper addresses a fundamental question in the field.

      The studies test clear and defined predictions derived from simulations of the state-belief model of Cochran & Cisler (2019). The designs are excellent: well-controlled and address the question.

      The authors have done an excellent job at explaining the value of the latent state models.

      The authors have studied both sexes in the studied presented, providing generality across the sexes in their findings. The figures depict the individual data points for males and females allowing the reader to see the responses for each sex.

      The authors have addressed the previously raised weaknesses. They noted that procedurally it would be difficult to provide independent evidence that delivering a lower intensity shock will generate a smaller PE than say no shock. The differences in the data obtained based on error vs shock devaluation are convincing, although direct evidence for shock devaluation would have strengthened the argument.

    5. Author response:

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      Public Reviews:

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      In "Prediction error determines how memories are organized in the brain: a study of Pavlovian fear 2 extinction in rats", Kennedy et al examine how new information is organized in memory. They tested an idea based on latent theory that suggests that a large prediction error leads to the formation of a new memory, whereas a small prediction error leads to memory updating. They directly tested the prediction by extinguishing fear-conditioned rats with gradual extinction. For their experiment, gradual extinction was carried out by progressively reducing the intensity of shocks that were co-terminated with the CS, until the CS was presented alone. Doing so resulted in diminished spontaneous recovery and reinstatement compared to Standard Extinction. The results are compelling, and have important implications for the field of fear learning and memory as well as translation to anxiety-related disorders.

      The authors carried out the Spontaneous Recovery experiment in 2 separate experiments. In one, they found differences between the Gradual and Standard Extinction groups, but in the second, they did not. It seems that their reinstatement test was more robust, and showed significant differences between the Gradual and Standard Extinction groups.

      The authors carried out important controls that enable proper contextualization of the findings. They included a "Home" group, in which rats received fear conditioning, but not extinction manipulation. Relative to this group, the Gradual and Standard extinction groups showed a reduction in freezing.

      In Experiments 3 and 4, the authors essentially carried out clever controls that served to examine whether shock devaluation (Experiment 4) and reduction in shock intensity (rather than a gradual decrease in shock intensity) (Experiment 3) would also yield a decrease in the return of fear. In line with a latent-cause updating explanation for accounting for the Gradual Extinction, they did not.

      In Experiment 5, the authors examined whether a prediction error produced by a change of context might contribute interference to the latent cause updating afforded by the Gradual Extinction. Such a prediction would align with a more flexible interpretation of a latent-cause model, such as those proposed by Redish (2007) and Gershman et al (2017), but not the latent-cause interpretation put forth by the Cochran-Cisler model (2019). Their findings showed that whereas Gradual Extinction carried out in the same context as acquisition resulted in less return of fear than Standard Extinction, it actually yielded a greater degree of return of fear when carried out in a different context, in support of the Redish and Gershman accounts, but not Cochran-Cisler.

      Experiment 6 extended the findings from Experiment 5 in a different state-splitting modality: timing. In this experiment, the authors tested whether a shift in temporal context also influenced the gradual extinction effect. They thus carried out the extinction sessions 21 days after conditioning. They found that while Gradual Extinction was indeed effective when carried out one day after fear conditioning, it did not when conducted 21 days later.

      The authors next carried out an omnibus analysis which included all the data from their 6 experiments, and found that overall, Gradual Extinction resulted in diminished return of fear relative to Standard Extinction. I thought the omnibus analysis was a great idea and an appropriate way to do their data justice.


      Compelling findings. The data support the conclusions. 6 rigorous experiments were conducted which included clever controls. Data include male and female rats. I really liked the omnibus analysis.

      We thank the reviewer for their positive comments – they are appreciated.


      None noted

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The present article describes a series of experiments examining how a gradual reduction in unconditional stimulus intensity facilitates fear reduction and reduces relapse (spontaneous recovery and reinstatement) relative to a standard extinction procedure. The experiments provide compelling, if somewhat inconsistent, evidence of this effect and couch the results in a scholarly discussion surrounding how mechanisms of prediction error contribute to this effect.


      The experiments are theoretically motivated and hypothesis-driven, well-designed, and appropriately conducted and analyzed. The results are clear and appropriately contextualized into the broader relevant literature. Further, the results are compelling and ask fundamental questions regarding how to persistently weaken fear behavior, which has both strong theoretical and real-world implications. I found the 'scrambled' experiment especially important in determining the mechanism through which this reduction in shock intensity persistently weakens fear behavior.

      We thank the reviewer for their positive comments – they are appreciated.


      Overall, I found very few weaknesses in this paper. I think some might view the somewhat inconsistent effects on relapse between experiments to be a substantial weakness, I appreciate the authors directly confronting this and using it as an opportunity to aggregate data to look at general trends. Further, while Experiment 1 only used males, this was corrected in the rest of the experiments and therefore is not a substantial concern.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The manuscript examined the role of large versus small prediction errors (PEs) in creating a state-based memory distinction between acquisition and extinction. The premise of the paper is based on theoretical claims and empirical findings that gradual changes between acquisition and extinction would lead to the potential overwriting of the acquisition memory with extinction, resulting in a more durable reduction in conditioned responding (i.e. more durable extinction effect). The paper tests the hypotheses in a series of elegant experiments in which the shock intensity is decreased across extinction sessions before non-reinforced CS presentations are given. Additional manipulations include context change, shock devaluation, and controlling for lower shock intensity exposure. The critical comparison was standard non-reinforced extinction training. The critical tests were done in spontaneous recovery and reinstatement.


      The findings are of tremendous importance in understanding how memories can be updated and reveal a well-defined role of PE in this process. It is well-established that PE is critical for learning, so delineating how PE is critical for generating memory states and the role it serves in keeping memories dissociable (or not) is exciting and clever. As such the paper addresses a fundamental question in the field.

      The studies test clear and defined predictions derived from simulations of the state-belief model of Cochran & Cisler (2019). The designs are excellent: well-controlled and address the question.

      The authors have done an excellent job of explaining the value of the latent state models.

      The authors have studied both sexes in the study presented, providing generality across the sexes in their findings. However, depicting the individual data points in the bar graphs and noting which data represent males and which represent females would be of great value.

      We thank the reviewer for their positive comments. We have included individual data points in the bar graphs and indicated which represent males and females.


      (1) While it seems obvious that delivering a lower intensity shock will generate a smaller PE than say no shock, it would have been nice to see data from say a compound testing procedure that confirms this.

      It would be great if we could provide independent evidence that shifting from a 0.8 mA shock to a 0.4 mA shock (first session of gradual extinction) produces a smaller prediction error than shifting from a 0.8 mA shock to no shock at all (first session of standard extinction). In theory, this could be assessed using Rescorla’s (2000) compound test procedure. However, application of this procedure requires the use of a within-subject design and latent state theories would not predict the gradual extinction effect in such a design (as all prediction errors generated in such a design would affect the state-splitting process). That is, the between-subject design used to generate the gradual extinction effect is not amenable to application of the compound test procedure; and the within-subject design in which the compound test procedure could be applied is unlikely to generate the gradual extinction effect. Thus, we instead rely on the high degree of similarity between our results and those predicted by Cochran & Cisler (2019) to argue that the gradual extinction protocol produces a series of smaller prediction errors than does the standard extinction protocol: hence the present pattern of results.

      (2) The devaluation experiment is quite clever, but it also would be strengthened if there was evidence in the paper that this procedure does indeed lead to shock devaluation.

      The aim of Experiment 3 was to determine whether the gradual extinction effect is due to prediction error-based memory updating or shock devaluation. If the effect was due to shock devaluation, the group that received the gradual extinction treatment should have displayed the same low level of spontaneous recovery as the group that only experienced the shock at its lowest (0.1 mA) intensity (i.e., the shock devaluation group). Contrary to this prediction, the results showed that the gradually extinguished group displayed less spontaneous recovery than the shock devaluation group. That is, in this experiment, the slow and progressive reduction in shock intensity was processed differently to the repeated 0.1 mA shock exposures but the results were inconsistent with any shock devaluation effect. Hence, we conclude that the gradual extinction effect does not involve shock devaluation but instead is due to prediction error-based memory updating.

      (3) It would have been very exciting to see even more parametric examinations of this idea, like maintaining shock intensity but gradually reducing shock duration, which would have increased the impact of the paper.

      We appreciate the reviewer’s point. As each shock was presented for just 0.5 s, we are not confident that rats would detect gradual and progressive changes in its duration in the same way as they can obviously detect gradual and progressive changes in its intensity. We are, however, investigating the effects of gradual extinction in a second order conditioning protocol, which will allow us to examine the full range of parameters that are important for its regulation, including manipulations of stimulus duration. In our second-order conditioning protocol, rats are first exposed to pairings of a 10 s S1 and a 0.5 s foot shock US; and then exposed to pairings of a 30 s S2 and the 10 s S1. Across the latter pairings, rats acquire second-order conditioned fear responses to S2. Importantly, these responses can be extinguished through repeated presentations of the S2 in the absence of its S1-associate; and the duration of the S1 can be progressively and gradually reduced from 10 s to 0 s across the shift to this extinction. These experiments are currently in progress and will eventually represent an extension of the present findings.

      (4) Individual data points should be represented in the test figures (see above also).

      We have updated the figures to show these data points.

      Rescorla, R. A. (2000). Associative changes in excitors and inhibitors differ when they are conditioned in compound. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes26(4), 428.

      Reviewing Editor (Recommendations For The Authors):

      The eLife assessment relates to the present form of the paper. However, following a discussion with the reviewers, the significance of the findings could be bolstered to fundamental if you decided to revise the current manuscript by scaling up the investigation to examine a wider set of parameters and conditions under which error can influence state allocation of memories. One way of doing this, but not limited to this, is suggested in the reviews (e.g. maintaining shock intensity, reducing its duration). Relatedly, a more extensive discussion of the Gershamn et al. (2013) paper would be relevant.

      As noted in our response to Reviewer 3, we are currently investigating the effects of gradual extinction in a second order conditioning protocol, which will allow us to examine the full range of parameters that are important for its regulation, including manipulations of stimulus duration. These experiments are in-progress and will eventually represent an extension of the present findings. They are not, however, ready to be included as part of the present study.

      We have further referenced the Gershman et al., (2013) paper as well as the related Bouton et al., (2004) paper on the effects of gradually reducing the frequency of the US across extinction. This appears in the fifth paragraph of the Discussion: “The present study adds to a growing body of evidence that manipulations applied across the shift from CS-US pairings to presentations of the CS alone can influence the effectiveness of extinction. For example, Gershman et al., (2013) and Bouton et al., (2004) showed that gradually reducing the proportion of reinforced CS presentations results in less spontaneous recovery and slower reacquisition, respectively; though both studies left open fundamental questions about the basis of their findings (see also Woods & Bouton, 2007).”

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      I don't have any strong recommendations. I think the paper is really great as is.

      One minor suggestion to consider:

      The authors carried out the Spontaneous Recovery experiment in 2 separate experiments. In one, they found differences between the Gradual and Standard Extinction groups, but in the second, they did not. This is perhaps not entirely surprising, since their extinction test was conducted 2 weeks post-extinction, and not all rats show spontaneous recovery within that timeframe. The authors mention that the lack of SR might be due to the low level of freezing reported in their test, but since they are showing group mean data, they might consider showing the individual data points to showcase the range of SR freezing as an additional way to make sense of the variability (ie, maybe a few rats that showed very low freezing carried the mean down in the Standard Extinction group, while others showed return of fear).

      We agree and have included individual data points for test results in Figures 2D, 2F, 3D, 3H, 4D and 4H. Hence, these figures now reflect both group and individual freezing levels.

      Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):

      Overall, I thought this was an exceptional paper. Aside from the comments listed above which I'm not sure are inherently addressable, the only real changes I would like to see are that individual data points should be depicted in the main testing figures, as is becoming more conventional in the field.

      We thank the reviewer for their positive comments. As indicated in our response to the other reviewers, we have added individual data points to the histograms showing test results.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):


      (1) The test data are presented as bars, but I did wonder if there were differences between the groups from the start of testing or if those emerged across testing (SR vs extinction savings).

      We have added two new figures to the supplementary section, Figures 8 and 9. These display the trial-by-trial data from spontaneous recovery and reinstatements tests in each experiment. The data clearly show that the between-group differences in freezing were very stable across the test sessions.

      (2) While I understand the importance of presenting the last extinction session, I felt depicting the entire CS session would be more informative. Alternatively, removing this altogether and leaving the information from the extinction session in the supplemental would focus the reader on the key test data.

      We appreciate the reviewer’s point. It is important to show that the groups displayed equivalent freezing in the final extinction session prior to testing. Given that the test data are conveniently and best presented in a histogram, we have chosen to present the data from the final extinction session in the same way. The full, trial-by-trial trajectory of freezing across conditioning and extinction, as well as the analyses of these data, are presented in the supplementary A.

      (3) I did not find the figures to be very aesthetically pleasing (in part because some panels were unnecessarily large). For example, I found it rather odd that the simulation panels were split in Figure 1. One suggestion of how this figure could look better is to keep the size of panels B, C, and D the same and align them on the same row with the design figure above them. The other option is to have the design figure above the test figure and the two simulation figures above each other and next to the design and test. Also, there are grey lines that appear around the simulation figures on my PDF.

      We have updated the figures so that they are consistent across experiments and more aesthetically pleasing. Specifically, we have consistently: 1) inserted the simulations of Cochran & Cisler (2019) next to the design schematic; 2) inserted the extinction and test data beneath the design schematic; and 3) Made the sizing of figures more uniform across Experiments 1-6.

    1. მოკლედ: დღეს, 8 მარტს, მთავრობის ადმინისტრაციის წინ რკინის ჯებირების დემონტაჟი დაიწყო. დეტალები: 2023 წლის 7 აპრილს საქართველოს ყოფილი პრემიერ-მინისტრის ირაკლი ღარიბაშვილის ბრძანებით, ადმინისტრაციასთან სკვერის მოსაწყობად სამუშაოები დაიწყო. ღარიბაშვილს მთავრობის ადმინისტრაციასთან პარკის მოწყობა უნდოდა, სადაც ხეები უნდა დარგულიყო და შექმნილიყო ხელოვნური კუნძული, ეს ტერიტორია კი რკინის ჯებირებით იყო გამოყოფილი. ბოლო ხაზი: მთავრობის ადმინისტრაციის წინ რკინის ჯებირები ჯერ კიდევ ედუარდ შევარდნაძის დროს გაჩნდა, ხოლო მიხეილ სააკაშვილის პრეზიდენტობის დროს ჯებირები მოიხსნა. ირაკლი ღარიბაშვილის პრემიერ-მინისტრობის დროს, მათი აღმართვა ისევ დაიწყო, ახლა კი ირაკლი კობახიძემ გადაწყვეტილება შეცვალა.

      მთავრობის ადმინისტრაციის წინ რკინის კაშხლების დემონტაჟი სიმბოლურ ცვლილებას აღნიშნავს საქართველოში ქალაქგეგმარებითა და მმართველობით. თავდაპირველად დაყენებული ათწლეულების წინ, ამ კაშხლებმა დაინახა მათი დანიშნულება დროთა განმავლობაში, რაც ასახავს თითოეული ადმინისტრაციის სხვადასხვა პრიორიტეტს. ირაკლი ღარიბაშვილის გადაწყვეტილება, დაიწყოს მათი მშენებლობა პარკის პროექტისთვის, ხაზს უსვამს ურბანული განვითარების დინამიურ ხასიათს. ახლა, ირაკლი კობახიძის ხელმძღვანელობით, ამ გადაწყვეტილების გაუქმება ნიშნავს განახლებულ ყურადღებას საჯარო სივრცესა და საზოგადოების საჭიროებებზე. ამ ნაბიჯს შეუძლია პოტენციურად გააძლიეროს ტერიტორიის ესთეტიკური და ფუნქციური ასპექტები, რაც შეესაბამება ურბანული განახლების უფრო ფართო ძალისხმევას.

    1. 図17-1


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    3. 第4章と第5章と


    4. これはPlotly Expressの哲学で、見た目を洗練させる前の可視化はできるだけ素早く確認できます。



      This is consistent with Plotly Express’s philosophy that you should be able to see your visualization as quickly as possible before refining its appearance.


      見た目を洗練させる前にできるだけ素早く可視化できるようにする、というのはPlotly Expressの一貫した哲学です。

    5. 可視化を作成


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      (2) "limit": 10,


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    10. 約9百万件



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    1. Author response:

      The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.

      eLife assessment 

      This study presents valuable findings as it shows that sleep rhythm formation and memory capabilities depend on a balanced and rich diet in fly larvae. The evidence supporting the claims of the authors is convincing with rigorous behavioral assays and state-of-the-art genetic manipulations. The work will be of interest to researchers working on sleep and memory. 

      Public Reviews: 


      This manuscript investigates how energetic demands affect the sleep-wake cycle in Drosophila larvae. L2 stage larvae do not show sleep rhythm and long-term memory (LTM), however, L3 larvae do. The authors manipulate food content to provide insufficient nutrition, which leads to more feeding, no LTM, and no sleep even in older larvae. Similarly, activation of NPF neurons suppresses sleep rhythm. Furthermore, they try to induce a sleep-like state using pharmacology or genetic manipulations in L2 larvae, which can mimic some of the L3 behaviours. A key experimental finding is that activation of DN1a neurons activate the downstream DH44 neurons, as assayed by GCaMP calcium imaging. This occurs only in third instar and not in second instar, in keeping with the development of sleep-wake and feeding separation. The authors also show that glucose metabolic genes are required in Dh44 neurons to develop sleep rhythm and that DH44 neurons respond differently in malnutrition or younger larvae. 


      Previous studies from the same lab have shown the sleep is required for LTM formation in the larvae, and that this requires DN1a and DH44 neurons. The current work builds upon this observation and addresses in more detail when and how this might develop. The authors can show that low quality food exposure and enhanced feeding during larval stage of Drosophila affects the formation of sleep rhythm and long-term memory. This suggests that the development of sleep and LTM are only possible under well fed and balanced nutrition in fly larvae. Non-sleep larvae were fed in low sugar conditions and indeed, the authors also find glucose metabolic genes to be required for a proper sleep rhythm. The paper presents precise genetic manipulations of individual classes of neurons in fly larvae followed by careful behavioural analysis. The authors also combine thermogenetic or peptide bath application experiments with direct calcium imaging of specific neurons. 


      The authors tried to induce sleep in younger L2 larvae, however the behavioral results suggest that they were not able to induce proper sleep behaviour as in normal L3 larvae. Thus, they cannot show that sleep during L2 stage would be sufficient to form LTM. 

      We agree that the experiments with Gaboxadol feeding in L2 did not perfectly mimic L3 sleep behaviors. However, genetic induction of sleep in L2 was effective in increasing sleep duration and depth similar to that observed in normal L3. As noted below in response to specific reviewer comments, because gaboxadol feeding is standard in the field for adult sleep induction, we prefer to still include this data in the manuscript for transparency. Moreover, the gaboxadol manipulation did cause a significant decrease in arousal threshold compared to control larvae. Together these approaches support the hypothesis that sleeping more/more deeply is not sufficient to promote LTM in L2.

      The authors suggest that larval Dh44 neurons may integrate "information about the nutritional environment through the direct sensing of glucose levels to modulate sleep-wake rhythm development". They identify glucose metabolism genes (e.g., Glut1) in the downstream DH44 neurons as being required for the organization of the sleep-wake-feeding rhythm, and that CCHa signaling in DN1a signaling to the DH44 cells via the receptor. However, how this is connected is not well explained. Do the authors think that the nutrient sensing is only occurring in the DH44 neurons and not in DN1a or other neurons? Would not knocking down glucose metabolism in any neuron lead to a functional defect? What is the evidence that Dh44 neurons are specific sensors of nutritional state? For example, do the authors think that e.g. the overexpression of Glut1 in Dh44 neurons, a manipulation that can increase transport of glucose into cells, would rescue the effects of low-sugar food? 

      We thank the reviewer for these suggestions and have added the experiment proposed. We found that knockdown of Hex-C in DN1a neurons did not disrupt sleep-wake rhythms (Fig. S4G-I) suggesting that Dh44 neurons are specialized in requiring glucose metabolism to drive sleep-wake rhythms. We have also added further clarification in the text regarding the existing evidence that Dh44 neurons act has nutrient sensors.

      Some of the genetic controls seem to be inconsistent suggesting some genetic background effects. In Figure 2B, npf-gal4 flies without the UAS show no significant circadian change in sleep duration, whereas UAS-TrpA flies do. The genetic control data in Figure 2D are also inconsistent. Npf-Gal4 seems to have some effect by itself without the UAS. The same is not seen with R76G11-Gal4. Suppl Fig 2: Naïve OCT and AM preference in L3 expressing various combinations of the transgenes show significant differences. npf-Gal4 alone seems to influence preference. 

      The sleep duration and bout number/length data are highly variable. 

      All experiments are performed in isogenized background so variability seen in genetic controls likely reflects stochastic nature of behavioral experiments. Indeed, adult sleep data also shows a great deal of variability within the same genetic background (PMID: 29228366). We agree it is an important point, and we attempt to minimize variability as much as possible with backcrossing of flies and tight control of environmental conditions.

      Recommendations for the authors:

      Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors): 

      Low sugar exposure and activation of NPF neurons might not induce the same behavioral changes. LS exposure does not enhance mouth hook movements, but overall food intake. NPF activation seems to enhance mouth hook movements, but the data for food intake is not shown. This information would be necessary to compare the two different manipulations. 

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. However, we elected not to perform food intake experiments with the NPF activation experiments. Since we are not directly comparing the low sugar and NPF manipulations to each other, we think that both experiments together support the conclusion that immature food acquisition strategies (whether food intake or feeding rate) limit LTM performance. 

      The authors write that the larval feeding assays run for 4 hours, can they explain why that long? Larvae should already have processed food within 4 hours, so that the measurement would not include all eaten food.

      We clarified the rationale for doing 4 hour feeding assays in the results section. We did 4 hours on blue dyed food because initial experiments of 1 hour with control L3 at CT1-4 were difficult to interpret. The measurement does not include all of the eaten food in the 4 hours but does reflect more long-term changes in food intake.

      Sleep induction with Gaboxadol seems to not really work - sleep duration, bout number and length are not enhanced, and arousal threshold is only slightly lower. Thus, the authors should not use this data as an example for inducing sleep behaviour. 

      We agree this approach did not have a large effect in larvae. However, because gaboxadol feeding is standard in the field for adult sleep induction, we prefer to still include this data in the manuscript for transparency. Moreover, the Gaboxadol manipulation did cause a mild (but significant) decrease in arousal threshold compared to control larvae. Gaboxadol feeding also caused a significant decrease in total body weight compared to control larvae indicating that even slightly deeper sleep could be detrimental to younger animals.

      Activation of R76G11 with TrpA1 seems to work better for inducing sleep like behaviour. However, the authors describe that they permanently activated neurons. To induce a "normal" sleep pattern, the authors might try to only activate these neurons during the normal enhanced sleep time in L3 (CT13?) and not during the whole day. This might also allow larvae to eat during day time and gain more weight. 

      We apologize that this point was not clearer, but we did do acute activation of R76G11(+) neurons, as proposed by the reviewer. We have clarified the text to make this point.

      It would be interesting to see how larvae fed with high sucrose and low protein diet would behave in this assay. Do the authors suggest that sugar is most important for the development of sleep behaviour or that it is a combination of sugar and protein that might be required? 

      We agree that feeding larvae a high sucrose and low protein diet would be interesting. However, we initially tried a low protein diet and observed significant developmental delays. Therefore, we are concerned that developmental defects on a high sucrose and low protein diet would confound behavioral results. Additionally, the Dh44 manipulations (glucose & GCN2 signaling) suggest that sugar is the most important for the development of sleep behaviors.

      Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors): 

      The authors could discuss if the interaction between DN1a clock neurons and Dh44 neurons is mediated synaptic or by volume transmission following the extracellular release of the CCHa1 neuropeptide. They write that "the development of Dh44 neuronal competency to receive clock-driven cues" and that "DN1a clock neurons anatomically and functionally connect to Dh44" but a discussion about volume vs. synaptic signalling would be of interest. 

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We revised the discussion to address this point.

      line 223 " demonstrating that post-synaptic processes likely". It would be interesting to read a discussion on whether it is known if these are postsynaptic or peptide-mediated volume effects? 

      We added additional text to the discussion to address these points.

      - The authors may want to include a schematic of the circuit and how its position in the general anatomy of the fly larva. 

      We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We have added a model figure to Fig. S6.

      "Dh44 neurons act through glucose metabolic genes" - consider rewording e.g. require glucose metabolic genes 

      We revised the text.

      - line 45 "Early in development, young animals must obtain enough nutrients to ensure proper growth" - this is too general, many animals do not feed in early life-cycle stages (e.g. lecitotrophic development), consider rewording 

      We revised the text to be more specific.

      - line 90 "however, L3 at CT1 consume more than L3 at CT12 (Figure S1A)" - typo CT13, also consider rewording to match the structure of the sentence before 'however, L3 consumed more at CT1 than at CT13' 

      We revised the text to fix this error.

      - Line 111 "and loss of deep sleep" - how is deep sleep defined and measured in the larvae? It is not clear from the data or the text. 

      We revised the text to define deep sleep in the results section. We also have a description of how arousal threshold is calculated in the methods.

      - In Figure 3B and G the individual data points are not shown 

      We did not show individual data points for those graphs because we are plotting the average percentage of 4 biological replicates.


      Figure 1 legend "F, n= n=100-172 " 

      We revised the text to fix this typo.

    2. eLife assessment

      This study presents valuable findings as it shows that sleep rhythm formation and memory capabilities depend on a balanced and rich diet in fly larvae. The evidence supporting the claims of the authors is convincing with rigorous behavioral assays and state-of-the-art genetic manipulations. The work will be of interest to researchers working on sleep and memory.

    3. Joint Public Review:


      This manuscript investigates how energetic demands affect the sleep-wake cycle in Drosophila larvae. L2 stage larvae do not show sleep rhythm and long-term memory (LTM), however, L3 larvae do. The authors manipulate food content to provide insufficient nutrition, which leads to more feeding, no LTM, and no sleep even in older larvae. Similarly, activation of NPF neurons suppresses sleep rhythm. Furthermore, they try to induce a sleep-like state using pharmacology or genetic manipulations in L2 larvae, which can mimic some of the L3 behaviours. A key experimental finding is that activation of DN1a neurons activates the downstream DH44 neurons, as assayed by GCaMP calcium imaging. This occurs only in the third instar and not in the second instar, in keeping with the development of sleep-wake and feeding separation. The authors also show that glucose metabolic genes are required in Dh44 neurons to develop sleep rhythm and that DH44 neurons respond differently in malnutrition or younger larvae.


      Previous studies from the same lab have shown that sleep is required for LTM formation in the larvae, and that this requires DN1a and DH44 neurons. The current work builds upon this observation and addresses in more detail when and how this might develop. The authors can show that low quality food exposure and enhanced feeding during larval stage of Drosophila affects the formation of sleep rhythm and long-term memory. This suggests that the development of sleep and LTM are only possible under well fed and balanced nutrition in fly larvae. Non-sleep larvae were fed in low sugar conditions and indeed, the authors also find glucose metabolic genes to be required for a proper sleep rhythm. The paper presents precise genetic manipulations of individual classes of neurons in fly larvae followed by careful behavioural analysis. The authors also combine thermogenetic or peptide bath application experiments with direct calcium imaging of specific neurons.


      The authors tried to induce sleep in younger L2 larvae with Gaboxadol feeding, however, the behavioral results suggest that they were not able to induce proper sleep behaviour as in normal L3 larvae.

      Some of the genetic controls seem to be inconsistent. Given that the experiments were carried out in isogenized background, this is likely due to the high variability of some of the behaviours.

    1. Filter out some ethers.js utils

      2.5.6#2 Some functions in ethers.js changing prototype. Is this the problem? Anyway: If VM would reset the Javascript between BOS components, the problem would stay isolated in the component..

    2. Restrict native object prototypes from being accessed.

      VM should reset the Javascript between BOS components. It is unclear why this is ever needed.

    1. eLife assessment

      This important study provides new insights into the maturation of ribbon synapses in zebrafish neuromast hair cells. Convincing evidence, based on live-cell imaging and pharmacological and genetic manipulations, is provided to show that the formation of this synaptic organelle is a dynamic process involving the fusion of presynaptic elements and microtubule transport. These findings will be of interest to neuroscientists studying synapse formation and function and should inspire further research into the molecular basis for synaptic ribbon maturation.

    2. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The manuscript by Hussain and collaborators aims at deciphering the microtubule-dependent ribbon formation in zebrafish hair cells. By using confocal imaging, pharmacology tools, and zebrafish mutants, the group of Katie Kindt convincingly demonstrated that ribbon, the organelle that concentrates glutamate-filled vesicles at the hair cell synapse, originates from the fusion of precursors that move along the microtubule network. This study goes hand in hand with a complementary paper (Voorn et al.) showing similar results in mouse hair cells.


      This study clearly tracked the dynamics of the microtubules, and those of the microtubule-associated ribbons and demonstrated fusion ribbon events. In addition, the authors have identified the critical role of kinesin Kif1aa in the fusion events. The results are compelling and the images and movies are magnificent.


      The lack of functional data regarding the role of Kif1aa. Although it is difficult to probe and interpret the behavior of zebrafish after nocodazole treatment, I wonder whether deletion of kif1aa in hair cells may result in a functional deficit that could be easily tested in zebrafish?


      The synaptogenesis in the auditory sensory cell remains still elusive. Here, this study indicates that the formation of the synaptic organelle is a dynamic process involving the fusion of presynaptic elements. This study will undoubtedly boost a new line of research aimed at identifying the specific molecular determinants that target ribbon precursors to the synapse and govern the fusion process.

    3. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      In this manuscript, the authors set out to resolve a long-standing mystery in the field of sensory biology - how large, presynaptic bodies called "ribbon synapses" migrate to the basolateral end of hair cells. The ribbon synapse is found in sensory hair cells and photoreceptors, and is a critical structural feature of a readily-releasable pool of glutamate that excites postsynaptic afferent neurons. For decades, we have known these structures exist, but the mechanisms that control how ribbon synapses coalesce at the bottom of hair cells are not well understood. The authors addressed this question by leveraging the highly-tractable zebrafish lateral line neuromast, which exhibits a small number of visible hair cells, easily observed in time-lapse imaging. The approach combined genetics, pharmacological manipulations, high-resolution imaging, and careful quantifications. The manuscript commences with a developmental time course of ribbon synapse development, characterizing both immature and mature ribbon bodies (defined by position in the hair cell, apical vs. basal). Next, the authors show convincing (and frankly mesmerizing) imaging data of plus end-directed microtubule trafficking toward the basal end of the hair cells, and data highlighting the directed motion of ribbon bodies. The authors then use a series of pharmacological and genetic manipulations showing the role of microtubule stability and one particular kinesin (Kif1aa) in the transport and fusion of ribbon bodies, which is presumably a prerequisite for hair cell synaptic transmission. The data suggest that microtubules and their stability are necessary for normal numbers of mature ribbons and that Kif1aa is likely required for fusion events associated with ribbon maturation. Overall, the data provide a new and interesting story on ribbon synapse dynamics.


      (1) The manuscript offers a comprehensive Introduction and Discussion sections that will inform generalists and specialists.

      (2) The use of Airyscan imaging in living samples to view and measure microtubule and ribbon dynamics in vivo represents a strength. With rigorous quantification and thoughtful analyses, the authors generate datasets often only obtained in cultured cells or more diminutive animal models (e.g., C. elegans).

      (3) The number of biological replicates and the statistical analyses are strong. The combination of pharmacology and genetic manipulations also represents strong rigor.

      (4) One of the most important strengths is that the manuscript and data spur on other questions - namely, do (or how do) ribbon bodies attach to Kinesin proteins? Also, and as noted in the Discussion, do hair cell activity and subsequent intracellular calcium rises facilitate ribbon transport/fusion?


      (1) Neither the data or the Discussion address a direct or indirect link between Kinesins and ribbon bodies. Showing Kif1aa protein in proximity to the ribbon bodies would add strength.

      (2) Neither the data or Discussion address the functional consequences of loss of Kif1aa or ribbon transport. Presumably, both manipulations would reduce afferent excitation.

      (3) It is unknown whether the drug treatments or genetic manipulations are specific to hair cells, so we can't know for certain whether any phenotypic defects are secondary.

    4. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      The manuscript uses live imaging to study the role of microtubules in the movement of ribeye aggregates in neuromast hair cells in zebrafish. The main findings are that<br /> (1) Ribeye aggregates, assumed to be ribbon precursors, move in a directed motion toward the active zone;<br /> (2) Disruption of microtubules and kif1aa increases the number of ribeye aggregates and decreases the number of mature synapses.

      The evidence for point 2 is compelling, while the evidence for point 1 is less convincing. In particular, the directed motion conclusion is dependent upon fitting of mean squared displacement that can be prone to error and variance to do stochasticity, which is not accounted for in the analysis. Only a small subset of the aggregates meet this criteria and one wonders whether the focus on this subset misses the bigger picture of what is happening with the majority of spots.


      (1) The effects of Kif1aa removal and nocodozole on ribbon precursor number and size are convincing and novel.

      (2) The live imaging of Ribeye aggregate dynamics provides interesting insight into ribbon formation. The movies showing the fusion of ribeye spots are convincing and the demonstrated effects of nocodozole and kif1aa removal on the frequency of these events is novel.

      (3) The effect of nocodozole and kif1aa removal on precursor fusion is novel and interesting.

      (4) The quality of the data is extremely high and the results are interesting.


      (1) To image ribeye aggregates, the investigators overexpressed Ribeye-a TAGRFP under the control of a MyoVI promoter. While it is understandable why they chose to do the experiments this way, expression is not under the same transcriptional regulation as the native protein, and some caution is warranted in drawing some conclusions. For example, the reduction in the number of puncta with maturity may partially reflect the regulation of the MyoVI promoter with hair cell maturity. Similarly, it is unknown whether overexpression has the potential to saturate binding sites (for example motors), which could influence mobility.

      (2) The examples of punctae colocalizing with microtubules look clear (Figures 1 F-G), but the presentation is anecdotal. It would be better and more informative, if quantified.

      (3) It appears that any directed transport may be rare. Simply having an alpha >1 is not sufficient to declare movement to be directed (motor-driven transport typically has an alpha approaching 2). Due to the randomness of a random walk and errors in fits in imperfect data will yield some spread in movement driven by Brownian motion. Many of the tracks in Figure 3H look as though they might be reasonably fit by a straight line (i.e. alpha = 1).

      (4) The "directed motion" shown here does not really resemble motor-driven transport observed in other systems (axonal transport, for example) even in the subset that has been picked out as examples here. While the role of microtubules and kif1aa in synapse maturation is strong, it seems likely that this role may be something non-canonical (which would be interesting).

      (5) The effect of acute treatment with nocodozole on microtubules in movie 7 and Figure 6 is not obvious to me and it is clear that whatever effect it has on microtubules is incomplete.

    5. Author response:

      Public Reviews: 

      Reviewer #1 (Public Review): 


      The manuscript by Hussain and collaborators aims at deciphering the microtubule-dependent ribbon formation in zebrafish hair cells. By using confocal imaging, pharmacology tools, and zebrafish mutants, the group of Katie Kindt convincingly demonstrated that ribbon, the organelle that concentrates glutamate-filled vesicles at the hair cell synapse, originates from the fusion of precursors that move along the microtubule network. This study goes hand in hand with a complementary paper (Voorn et al.) showing similar results in mouse hair cells. 


      This study clearly tracked the dynamics of the microtubules, and those of the microtubule-associated ribbons and demonstrated fusion ribbon events. In addition, the authors have identified the critical role of kinesin Kif1aa in the fusion events. The results are compelling and the images and movies are magnificent. 


      The lack of functional data regarding the role of Kif1aa. Although it is difficult to probe and interpret the behavior of zebrafish after nocodazole treatment, I wonder whether deletion of kif1aa in hair cells may result in a functional deficit that could be easily tested in zebrafish? 

      We have examined functional deficits in kif1aa mutants in another paper David et al. 2024. In Submission, preprint available:  


      In addition to playing a role in ribbon fusions, Kif1aa is also responsible for enriching glutamate-filled secretory vesicles at the presynaptic active zone. In kif1aa mutants (and crispants), vesicles are no longer localized to the hair cell base, and there is a reduction in the number of vesicles associated with presynaptic ribbons. Kif1aa mutants also have functional defects including reductions in spontaneous vesicle release and evoked postsynaptic calcium responses. Behaviorally, kif1aa mutants exhibit impaired rheotaxis, indicating defects in the lateral-line system and an inability to accurately detect water flow.  Since our paper focuses on microtubule-associated ribbon movement and dynamics early in hair cell development, we have only discussed the effects of Kif1aa directly related to ribbon dynamics during this time window in this paper. In our revision, we will reference this recently submitted work.


      The synaptogenesis in the auditory sensory cell remains still elusive. Here, this study indicates that the formation of the synaptic organelle is a dynamic process involving the fusion of presynaptic elements. This study will undoubtedly boost a new line of research aimed at identifying the specific molecular determinants that target ribbon precursors to the synapse and govern the fusion process. 

      Reviewer #2 (Public Review): 


      In this manuscript, the authors set out to resolve a long-standing mystery in the field of sensory biology - how large, presynaptic bodies called "ribbon synapses" migrate to the basolateral end of hair cells. The ribbon synapse is found in sensory hair cells and photoreceptors, and is a critical structural feature of a readily-releasable pool of glutamate that excites postsynaptic afferent neurons. For decades, we have known these structures exist, but the mechanisms that control how ribbon synapses coalesce at the bottom of hair cells are not well understood. The authors addressed this question by leveraging the highly-tractable zebrafish lateral line neuromast, which exhibits a small number of visible hair cells, easily observed in time-lapse imaging. The approach combined genetics, pharmacological manipulations, high-resolution imaging, and careful quantifications. The manuscript commences with a developmental time course of ribbon synapse development, characterizing both immature and mature ribbon bodies (defined by position in the hair cell, apical vs. basal). Next, the authors show convincing (and frankly mesmerizing) imaging data of plus end-directed microtubule trafficking toward the basal end of the hair cells, and data highlighting the directed motion of ribbon bodies. The authors then use a series of pharmacological and genetic manipulations showing the role of microtubule stability and one particular kinesin (Kif1aa) in the transport and fusion of ribbon bodies, which is presumably a prerequisite for hair cell synaptic transmission. The data suggest that microtubules and their stability are necessary for normal numbers of mature ribbons and that Kif1aa is likely required for fusion events associated with ribbon maturation. Overall, the data provide a new and interesting story on ribbon synapse dynamics. 


      (1) The manuscript offers a comprehensive Introduction and Discussion sections that will inform generalists and specialists. 

      (2) The use of Airyscan imaging in living samples to view and measure microtubule and ribbon dynamics in vivo represents a strength. With rigorous quantification and thoughtful analyses, the authors generate datasets often only obtained in cultured cells or more diminutive animal models (e.g., C. elegans). 

      (3) The number of biological replicates and the statistical analyses are strong. The combination of pharmacology and genetic manipulations also represents strong rigor. 

      (4) One of the most important strengths is that the manuscript and data spur on other questions - namely, do (or how do) ribbon bodies attach to Kinesin proteins? Also, and as noted in the Discussion, do hair cell activity and subsequent intracellular calcium rises facilitate ribbon transport/fusion? 

      These are important strengths and we do plan to investigate adaptors and how hair cell activity impacts ribbon fusion and transport in the future!


      (1) Neither the data or the Discussion address a direct or indirect link between Kinesins and ribbon bodies. Showing Kif1aa protein in proximity to the ribbon bodies would add strength.

      This is a great point, and we are working to create a transgenic line with fluorescently labelled Kif1aa to directly visualize its association with ribbons. At present, we have not obtained a transgenic line, and localization of Kif1aa and ribbons in live hair cells it is beyond the scope of this paper. In our revision we will discuss this caveat.

      (2) Neither the data or Discussion address the functional consequences of loss of Kif1aa or ribbon transport. Presumably, both manipulations would reduce afferent excitation.

      Excellent point. Please see the response above to Reviewer #1 weaknesses.  

      (3) It is unknown whether the drug treatments or genetic manipulations are specific to hair cells, so we can't know for certain whether any phenotypic defects are secondary. 

      This is correct and is a caveat of our Kif1aa and drug experiments. However, to mitigate this in the pharmacological experiments, we have done the drug treatments at 3 different timescales: long-term (overnight), short-term (4 hr) and fast (30 min) treatments. The faster experiment done after 30 min drug treatment is where we observe reduced directional motion and fusions. This later experiment should not be affected by any long-term changes or developmental defects that could be caused by the drugs as hair cell development occurs over 8-12 hrs. However, we acknowledge that these treatments and genetic experiments could have secondary phenotypic defects that are not hair-cell specific. In our revision, we will discuss these issues.

      Reviewer #3 (Public Review): 


      The manuscript uses live imaging to study the role of microtubules in the movement of ribeye aggregates in neuromast hair cells in zebrafish. The main findings are that 

      (1) Ribeye aggregates, assumed to be ribbon precursors, move in a directed motion toward the active zone; 

      (2) Disruption of microtubules and kif1aa increases the number of ribeye aggregates and decreases the number of mature synapses. 

      The evidence for point 2 is compelling, while the evidence for point 1 is less convincing. In particular, the directed motion conclusion is dependent upon fitting of mean squared displacement that can be prone to error and variance to do stochasticity, which is not accounted for in the analysis. Only a small subset of the aggregates meet this criteria and one wonders whether the focus on this subset misses the bigger picture of what is happening with the majority of spots. 


      (1) The effects of Kif1aa removal and nocodozole on ribbon precursor number and size are convincing and novel. 

      (2) The live imaging of Ribeye aggregate dynamics provides interesting insight into ribbon formation. The movies showing the fusion of ribeye spots are convincing and the demonstrated effects of nocodozole and kif1aa removal on the frequency of these events is novel. 

      (3) The effect of nocodozole and kif1aa removal on precursor fusion is novel and interesting. 

      (4) The quality of the data is extremely high and the results are interesting. 


      (1) To image ribeye aggregates, the investigators overexpressed Ribeye-a TAGRFP under the control of a MyoVI promoter. While it is understandable why they chose to do the experiments this way, expression is not under the same transcriptional regulation as the native protein, and some caution is warranted in drawing some conclusions. For example, the reduction in the number of puncta with maturity may partially reflect the regulation of the MyoVI promoter with hair cell maturity. Similarly, it is unknown whether overexpression has the potential to saturate binding sites (for example motors), which could influence mobility. 

      We agree that overexpression in transgenic lines is a common issue and would have loved to do these experiments with endogenously expressed fluorescent proteins under a native promoter. However, this was not technically possible for us. We originally characterized several transgenic Ribeye lines in the past to ensure they have normal ribbon numbers and size (myo6b:ribb-mcherry, myo6b:riba-tagRFP and myo6b:riba-GFP) - in 2014. Unfortunately, we no longer have the raw data from this analysis. In our revision, we will repeat our immunolabel on myo6b:riba-tagRFP transgenic fish and examine ribbon numbers and size and show what impact (or not) exogenous Ribeye expression has on ribbon formation.

      (2) The examples of punctae colocalizing with microtubules look clear (Figures 1 F-G), but the presentation is anecdotal. It would be better and more informative, if quantified. 

      We attempted a co-localization study between microtubules and ribbons but decided not to move forward with it due to several issues:

      (1)  Hair cells have an extremely crowded environment, especially since the nucleus occupies the majority of the cell. All proteins are pushed together in the small space surrounding the nucleus and hence co-localization is not meaningful because the distances are so small.

      (2) We also attempted to segment microtubules in these images and quantify how many ribbons were associated with microtubules, but 3D microtubule segmentation was not accurate in these hair cells due to highly varying filament intensities, and diffuse cytoplasmic tubulin signal.

      Therefore, we decided that a better measure of ribbon-microtubule association would be a demonstration that individual ribbons keep their association with microtubules over time (in our time lapses), rather than a co-localization study. We see that ribbons localize to microtubules in all our timelapses, including the examples shown. We observed that if a ribbon dissociates, it is just to switch from one filament to another. We have not observed free-floating ribbons in our study.

      (3) It appears that any directed transport may be rare. Simply having an alpha >1 is not sufficient to declare movement to be directed (motor-driven transport typically has an alpha approaching 2). Due to the randomness of a random walk and errors in fits in imperfect data will yield some spread in movement driven by Brownian motion. Many of the tracks in Figure 3H look as though they might be reasonably fit by a straight line (i.e. alpha = 1). 

      As we have stated in the paper, we only see a small subset of the ribbon precursors moving directionally. The majority of the ribbons are stationary. We cannot say for sure what is happening with the stationary ribbons, but our hypothesis is that these ribbons eventually exhibit directed motion. This idea is supported by the fact that we have seen ribbons that are stationary begin movement, and ribbons that are moving come to a stop during the acquisition of our timelapses. The ribbons that are stationary may not have enough motors attached, or they may be in a sort of ‘seeding’ phase where the ribeye protein could be condensing on the ribbon. We have discussed the possibility of ribbons being biomolecular condensates in our Discussion.

      In our revision we will discuss why ribbon transport does not resemble typical motor-driven transport (also see response to point 4 below). We will also reexamine our MSD data in more detail as suggested by Reviewer 3 and provide distributions of alpha values in our revision.

      (4) The "directed motion" shown here does not really resemble motor-driven transport observed in other systems (axonal transport, for example) even in the subset that has been picked out as examples here. While the role of microtubules and kif1aa in synapse maturation is strong, it seems likely that this role may be something non-canonical (which would be interesting). 

      One major difference between axonal and ribbon transport is that microtubules are very stable and linear in axonal transport. Therefore, the directed motion observed is ‘canonical’. In hair cells, the microtubules are extremely dynamic, especially towards the hair cell base. Within a single time frame (60-100 s), we see the network changing (moving and branching). This dynamic network adds another layer of complexity onto the motion of the ribbon, as the filament track itself is changing. Therefore, we see a lot of stalling, filament switching, and reversals of ribbon movement in our movies. However, we have demonstrated in our movies as well as using MSD analysis, that a subset of ribbons exhibit directional motion. In our revision we will discuss why directed motion in hair cells does not resemble canonical motor-driven transport in axons.

      (5) The effect of acute treatment with nocodozole on microtubules in movie 7 and Figure 6 is not obvious to me and it is clear that whatever effect it has on microtubules is incomplete. 

      When using Nocodazole, it is important to optimize the concentration of the drug such that there is minimal cytotoxicity, while still being effective. Microtubules in the apical region of hair cells are very stable and do not respond well to Nocodazole treatment at concentrations that are tolerable to hair cells. While a few stable filaments remain largely at the cell apex, there are almost no filaments at the hair cell base, which is different from the wild-type hair cells. In addition, Nocodazole-treated hair cells have more cytoplasmic YFP-tubulin signal compared to wild type. We will add additional images and quantification in our revision to illustrate these points.

    1. Comment by chrisaldrich: This was eventually published at https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14682753.2017.1362168 which also has additional links/references.

    2. Comment by onewheeljoe:

      For example, we might simply ask that each participant refrain from using hashtags as a final thought because that is a form of sarcasm or punchline that can be misconstrued or shut down honest debate or agreeable disagreement.

      We could ask respondents to reply to any comment that they read twice because of tone to use "ouch" as a tag or a textual response. The offending respondent could respond with "oops" in order to preserve good will in an exchange of ideas.

      Finally, the first part of a flash mob might occur here, in the page notes, where norms could be quickly negotiated and agreed upon with a form of protocol.

    3. hopeless

      Comment by actualham: suggest edit: change to "hopeful."

    4. people will be trained to engage more rigorously and respectfully with each other.

      Comment by ndsteinmetz: YES!!! This should be the goal in its entirety. I'm so glad to hear you say "promote a more civil discussion". Too often civil discussions are avoided and, many times in education, not even offered. How are we to sustain a successful democracy without civil discussions being present and offered regularly? How are we to train up successful, contributing citizens without offering civil discussion opportunities with regularity? It can't happen and won't happen, my hope is Hypothes.is can help achieve this!

    5. a culture of civility and inquiry, but of course that’s no bulwark against trolls.

      Comment by ndsteinmetz: You're right, however, a culture of civility and inquiry can very easily overpower trolls if it's built correctly. A strong community can withstand many attacks if it's genuineness and civility remain strong!

    6. Perhaps a way for a site owner to opt out of web annotation, though I worry such a feature would undo the ability to speak truth to power.

      Comment by ndsteinmetz: I share this worry with you! I believe this infringes on the realm of censorship. How can one post something on the web and opt out of web annotation? Seems to be a double standard...I want the public to hear this but I don't want to hear their thoughts. Certainly limits the ability to speak truth to power.

    7. Under what conditions does web annotation create the social and technical structures to enhance such civil, and trustworthy, online discourse?

      Comment by BMBOD: Wow what a question. I can't wait to see what other people have to say. It seems like it would be easy to come up with ways that are not civil, or trustworthy, online discourse - but to frame this as which conditions are created is far more powerful.

      As I mentioned in an earlier annotation, I think much of this has to do with shifting personal epistemology through the process of discourse with "authorities" and authors, the societal weighting of evidence and supportive information, and the interaction among participants and text at various levels. But there is a whole lot there that can go wrong. I love all of the occasions I've had to interact with others via hypothes.is thus far, but it does strike me that they have been primarily among peers with similar perspectives, epistemology, ideals, and academic background as myself. And perhaps that is a good place to start- modeling constructive and supportive behaviors in certain communities of practice?

      Edit to add: I think the social expectation that comes with using hypothes.is the way I have (through annotation flash mobs and annotatathons) is important. Having annotated this article as separate from a flash mob type event I find myself constantly checking back for new annotations, commentary, and responses. Web annotation for me has become inherently a cooperative and collaborative practice.

    8. what of the social value

      Comment by BMBOD: something we should always ask ourselves, and ask ourselves repeatedly

    9. implicit social contract

      Comment by danallosso: To what extent does the fact that Hypothesis annotations show up in our feeds (and are thus useful for us tracking our movement through texts) while mere highlights do not, determine usage patterns ?

    10. The same technology that can spew hate speech on an individual’s blog post can also be used by community organizers to publicly critique proposed legislation.

      Comment by actualham: Yes, this is part of the paradoxical way that open works, as Martin Weller has argued. This is the crux of all of the challenge for me right now.

    11. listening to authors, first of all, but also to other readers, and then sharing where we stand? I certainly like to think so.

      Comment by ndsteinmetz: Completely agree here! It is in listening to each other that we progress. Without listening to their readers, authors are simply writing what it is they want, think, need, and feel. Without listening to authors, the readers are necessarily even reading for understanding. It seems cyclical but important to note, I wonder what would happen if we listened to each other more often, especially in the case of web text truly bringing about the "net-working" RK described.

    12. text as an unfinished thing

      Comment by danallosso: In another sense, though, it makes the reader's process more visible so that the reader no longer needs to trespass into the author's territory. I've always been dissatisfied with the lit-crit position that the author must be completely decentered and her contribution minimized to make room for the reader. THIS seems to create a real space for the reader, and in so doing maybe it also allows the author to reclaim some of her space.

    13. Much of what makes Hypothes.is special – its non-profitness, its open sourceness, its advocating for open standards-ness – is specifically structured to counteract the politics of the siloed version of the web we have now, which is not conducive or structured for enhancing civic engagement. The fundamentally open structure of the web allows information to flow freely. An open structure for web annotation will allow critique and conversation to similarly flow freely. There I go again on standards, but it’s an important difference between Twitter and Hypothes.is (or any open annotation client): your annotations are yours in a way that your Tweets simply are not.

      Comment by actualham: YES, I agree with this.

    14. Because “open” may face a similar fate as befell “design” and “innovation,” terms that are alternatively inspiring and incomprehensible, both motivation and muddled jargon.

      Comment by chrisaldrich: "Information" is another word that might fit into this group of over-saddled words.

    15. Hypothes.is as bettering Twitter

      Comment by jeremydean: There’s also a growing culture of people on Twitter hacking the microblogging platform as an annotation tool. They call them Screenshorts, Tweets that use screenshots of highlighted text to ground commentary. To me it’s just web annotation 1.0. But they’re just trying to be good English students, right?

      From a pedagogical and rhetorical perspective, at least, an annotated Trump speech is more effective than a random comment out there in the ether of the net. Similarly, a close read of the Clinton emails I believe would reveal there’s not much of a story there. But as a culture, we are not engaging with politics in that way, and we would be better off if we did.

    16. Comments sections have served this purpose in the past to an extent, but we might think of web annotation as an evolution of (rather than proxy for) page-bottom commentary.

      Comment by SenorG: This strikes me as a key factor in web annotation reaching the mainstream, especially in education. When an educator asks, "How is this significantly different from leaving comments at the end of an article?" it will be helpful to have a concise, comprehensible and convincing response. When I speak about this, I focus on the "contexting" that web annotation facilitates and the potentiality for authentic audience and dialogue. The problem with both of these points is that a critic can (rightly) respond that existing page-bottom commentary can already allow a degree of both of these.

    17. power a crowd-sourced system of fact- and bias-checking

      Comment by BMBOD: in the same line of thought as with choral explanations?

    18. speak back to the authority of the web

      Comment by silvertwin: Does this undersell your contribution? By which I mean, this looks like it's restating an opposition - between authority and 'the people' that takes us back to Gilmoor and others, Clay Shirky even, but what's happening here is disrupting such binaries? Or - and this may be another tangent you don't need - it's like Ranciere's stuff on the pedagogic relation - something like 'flipped' only inverts the relation, it doesn't disrupt it necessarily?

    19. verifying information

      Comment by actualham: Honestly, I am flummoxed about how to respond to the fake news/propaganda thing. Notions of "truth" and "credibility" and "verifiability" are so complicated, and I don't want to be forced by the terms of a fucked up debate to rally around reductive ideas that some things are true and some are false. And then again, I don't want to advocate for an anything-goes approach that makes room for climate- and holocaust-deniers. I am an active user of Snopes. But how do we allow for the richness and complexity of diverse perspectives and non-dominant narratives, while resisting the emerging leftist role of "truth police?" I think H might allow us to do the kind of discursive work-- dialogic work-- that helps here. I don't like to think about that work as fact-checking as much as the critical exposure of epistemologies. We are all biased. Anyone else uncomfortable with the idea that if we just science enough (or whatever) we can get to some kind of pure, irrefutable truth? How could that end up hurting the causes we are trying to advance?

    20. whatever client they choose just as they can use their browser of choice

      Comment by danallosso: Interesting -- what would it look like to have a shared annotation layer that could be accessed by a variety of tools?

    1. Comment by postoccupant: Vote for UniverCity!

      I've proposed a workshop to the Future Architecture platform, organised by the Museum of Architecture and Design, Ljubljana. The idea is that the ideas arising from the UniverCity forum can be worked through in discussion about the possibility of a future form of architectural visualisation not tied down to images of completed buildings. Renderings of unpredictability, of occupation, of diverse public knowledges. Vote online: and browse the other projects too.

    2. Comment by postoccupant: Just been invited by Clare Melhuish from UCL Urban Laboratory to participate in a symposium this November. Title: 'Co-curating the city: universities and urban heritage past and future.' We'll be looking at UCL East and the University of Gothenburg in the context of University developments in urban contexts. The forum will feed into this.

    3. Comment by k_wimpenny: Hi, this is my first entry, I have uploaded our ideas for our paper 'Remembering, Reflecting, Returning', we (Peter, Karen and I) want to explore creative ways of sharing our poetry through our images and accompanying music alongside scholarly critique. Annual leave is approaching but we look forward to engaging in conversation with this exciting community!

    4. Comment by postoccupant: UniverCity on Twitter #univercity @postoccupant

    5. Comment by postoccupant: Just posting here to share this content about academia and Twitter... some good links to further discussion of digital academia...

      'Digital platforms, from Twitter and personal blogs to e-journals and iterative monographs, are creating new ways to publish and new publishing opportunities. In this new model of academic publishing, Twitter interactions exist on the same spectrum of activity as peer-review and scholarly editing. But more importantly, new models for scholarly publication are creating new ways to engage in public scholarship beyond traditional publication, fundamentally blurring the boundaries between publication, conversation, and community.'


    6. Comment by drneilfox: Hello. This is my first entry. Dario and I plan to create a podcast that has three elements:

      1) A formal exploration of the podcast form using our own podcast as a case study. 2) A discussion around academic research and the podcast. 3) A discussion around the 'disruptive journal' featuring input from JMP contributors.

      The aim is to construct a text that operates as a viable and valid piece of research and also is reflexive regarding the changing nature of academic research.

      We will be talking in person late July following some leave and will be emailing disruptive JMP participants shortly to invite them to participate.

      For now I listening to podcasts to prepare, and recommend the latest NPR Invisibilia episode on problem solving, and any episode of the brilliant Longford Podcast.

    1. Comment by hedgesprite: It is so refreshing to read a researcher - outside of dance academe - acknowledging the critical (in both sense) importance of gut instincts in guiding research enquiry. Somatic practice teaches that the gut - being the first organ to form in utero and thus a primitive 'nervous’ system - remains our first and more responsive ‘sense’, before conscious, prefrontal neural processing (e.g. see Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen's Sensing Feeling Action (1993) or Linda Hartley's Wisdom of the Body Moving (1995)).

      While academe is becoming more aware of or preoccupied with dissolving mind-body binary, and the validity of embodied and practice-based enquiry, having the bravery to pursue research that is guided by these things FIRST, with logocentric critical discourse only following subsequently is really important, but seems to be practised less than it is proposed.

    1. It is with that notion that we invite the reader to consider the broader conceptual, heartful dimensions of our work

      Comment by Jessifer: This closing section has a lot of wonderful bits in it. I think the artfulness of this piece earns you the ability to make a stronger claim in the closing section. Even if it is an impressionistic one. It could even be in the parenthetical describing this last bit of music. I kind of love the parentheticals that offer a bit more substantive commentary on the choice. They feel like productive tangents that brush against the text in a useful way.

    2. So it was easy to leave.  It has been much harder to return.

      Comment by Jessifer: So lovely.

    3. And you – contact, inspiration, support? Part of my road back to OT? How about coffee? Inspiration, a part time job at the university?! I hope, I joke, I look forward. Remembering, Reflecting, Returning.

      Comment by Alan_Hook: There are different mixes between the way the streams are produced, is this intentional? The first has both music and poetry through both ears, the second has one in each, is this intentional?

    4. .

      Comment by Alan_Hook: I think that there needs to be a base coat of Narrative Research methods to help to understand the approach to the generation of knowledge and how the particular extrudes out into a wider contribution to new knowledge

    5. In arts-based research practices, a series of abstractions and dealing with the abstract is equally as important in learning about the experience.

      Comment by Jessifer: I like that this sentence theoretically explains the movement from the "I" to the "we." I wonder if you could call that out more directly with a line like. "We (Peter, Karen, and Katherine) draw our stories together here in order to..."

    6. I make due

      Comment by Alan_Hook: would it make more sense here for this to shift from make do to make due

    7. sat a

      Comment by Alan_Hook: sat at a

    8. ***** ***** ***** ***** *****

      Comment by Alan_Hook: There needs to be a meta-communicative channel that helps to orientate the reader between the different research personas

    9. my

      Comment by Alan_Hook: me

    10. Bricolage

      Comment by Alan_Hook: This needs to be introduced earlier to help frame the research process as it is a recurring theme. I would argue that the authorship is also a bricolage rather than a co-authorship, and framed in this way can help guide the readers interpretation.

    11. John-Steiner (2000) observed, “Collaboration thrives on diversity of perspectives and on constructive dialogues between individuals negotiating their differences while creating their shared voice and vision” (p. 6). That’s interesting, politically-influenced language and while I agree with most of it, I’d reframe and redirect that definition to “collaboration includes a diversity of ideas that spring forth from exciting, invigorating, creative dialogues between colleagues to form a bricolage of actions, voices, and visions.” Diversity is inevitable, particularly when working with diverse groups of people. I like the notion of ‘spring’ as both a metaphor for birth (and the season, Spring) and the actions of a spring, both the coiled wire and the water source. Whenever I’m engaged in an Arts Based, Arts Infused, or Arts Informed research project, particularly one that enables the opportunities that emerge from engaging with rich digital media, it’s “exciting, invigorating, and creative.”

      Comment by Alan_Hook: I think that there always needs to be a positioning of the 'I'. The authors have separated and created distinct authorial personas and positions which should be highlighted throughout the work, especially given the connectedness of some of the relationships

    1. The Author as Producer

      Comment by Gary_Hall: Is this the JMP style. Aren't articles in journals and books usually indicated using quote marks?

    2. endless insecurity.

      Comment by postoccupant: It seems, at the end, I chickened out and produced a pat conclusion. I need to keep the writing 'boiling,' not to bring it down to any kind of conclusion about 'how to think x.' If I am trying to write against causality, the paper needs to remain open - and this means seeing it as an open structure, a mechanism, not an ornament. I have to go through this again. My ideas right now are about bringing this all back to the metaphor of construction - that this is at one and the same time a 'brick' or a piece of a 'ruin.' I'm grateful to my reviewers who have provided useful points for refining the argument - but what is really valid is the fact of their contribution.

      Now, do I rewrite, perfect, refine and produce a 'complete' textual artefact, relegating all comments to my 'research file' - something secondary, annotations in the margin? Or, in the spirit of the Disrupted Journal, keep the paper in its annotated form and put it forward for publication as-is? Thoughts on a post-card please! (with acknowledgements to Derrida!)

    3. For-profit schools are multiplying at an incredible rate and being funded by money machines … to sell dreams to people, young and old. The problem is those dreams don’t exist. These schools are churning out thousands of graduates to an industry without jobs. The only selection process at these types of schools is can you pay or can you sign this student loan from the government.  Your aptitude and your potential talent is never evaluated. Guidance counselors (sic) never reveal the reality of the industry you’re getting into or your odds. In most cases these diploma mill types of schools teach very little of value and even those that do now have cranked out so many others it doesn’t matter. (Squires, 2013)

      Comment by bali: should this be an indented quote? it seems like the entire paragraph is a quote...

    4. Taking a cue from the Occupy movement, as does Giroux, the project occupies the space of the existing University – and in this sense is unrepresentable. Such a project can have no architecture, no totalising vision.

      Comment by bali: very interesting idea - the project, and how it is unrepresentable because it occupies the space of the traditional institution even while challenging it

    1. pedagogy of forgetting, a pedagogy of remembering – emerged as a future education initiative. Is it possible that we have forgotten how to forget? Is it possible that we have forgotten how to remember? If so, what would we need to learn to forget and remember?

      Comment by silvertwin: I am fascinated by a pedagogy of forgetting, need to read more.

    1. Kittler notes that media “are (at) the end of theory because in practice they were already there to begin with,” (ibid) insisting that the subject’s “intellectual operations” have already been configured, even before these considerations of economics or productivity come into play. In essence, “information wants to be free” because the medium that holds information (in the whatever-form of writing) architecturally demands its basic operations of dissemination, distribution, ingestion, and re-configuration.

      Comment by samoore_: I think this is a really interesting take on OA as necessarily embedded in the medium itself. However, I think it would be helpful for you to add one more paragraph or sentence here to make fully explicit the link between open access and the architectural features of the scholarly medium. It took me a couple of reads to fully understand this paragraph.

    2. Academia.edu,

      Comment by samoore_: Does academia.edu not want to also emulate the profit margins of the large commercial publishers? Only here, it wants to exploit transactional data among its users and charge for 'add-on' services, thus creating new forms of enclosure. See: http://liquidbooks.pbworks.com/w/page/106236504/The%20Academia_edu%20Files

    3. Others have come afterwards and updated this distinction, referring to OA journals with Article processing charges (APCs) and other fees as “gold” and those without fees as “platinum,” pointing to the fact that numerous corporate publishers have begun to offer OA alternatives for their journals (although fees can be as high as $5000 or more). Even Taylor and Francis has an extensive OA publishing policy. These fees aren’t new, of course, as many publishers passed costs on to authors. It was all accepted practice in the publish-or-perish world. The American Journal of Science, for example, charges not only to view the article online, but also charges the authors editorial fees as well as a “$100 per printed page” fee (although institutions paying these charges “will be entitled to 100 free reprints without covers”). 

      Comment by samoore_: I think you need another paragraph here to show just how much the large commercial publishers have hoovered up public funding for APCs (in the UK at least). See: https://olh.openlibhums.org/articles/10.16995/olh.72/ (Table 2).