- Last 7 days
substack.com substack.com
“[Weimar]… Yes, we all know how it ends. But its participants… could have no idea what was in store for them. Will we be any the wiser? I ask because Weimar now beckons us. But, not at all in the way we think. We think about Weimar only in terms of the weakening of American democracy. While we should really think about it in terms of the world."
for - Charlie Angus - quoting Robert D. Kaplan - Weimar moment - SOURCE - Substack article - Weimar and the Super Bowl - Trump 2.0 - Weimar republic - rise of Hitler - Charlie Angus - 2025, Feb 7
Comment - This is a very appropriate quote as it is not just a national threat, but a global one - Steve Bannon and others have been criss-crossing the globe priming other far-right movements - It is also the case that most people are underestimating the slippery slope we are sliding down, - just as the people supporting Hitler at the time of Hitler's ascendency were not aware that he was going to cause a genocide - Would these people have gone along with Hitler if they knew in the early days what we now know?
- Jan 2025
www.meaningcrisis.co www.meaningcrisis.co
how central Relevance Realisation is. We did arguments around the nature of problem solving.
for - adjacency - relevance realisation - problem solving - source - Meaning Crisis - episode 29 - Getting to the Depths of Relevance Realization John Vervaeke
adjacency - between - problem solving - relevance realisation - adjacency relationship - Relevance Realisation is very central to the meaning crisis - It plays an important role in the nature of problem solving - in the Search Space, as proposed by Newell and Simon, they are two important issues: - Combinatorial Explosion - Problem Formulation or Problem Framing is required to avoid combinatorial explosion by zeroing in on relevant information - problem of Ill-Definedness - very often a problem formulation is needed in order to determine what the relevant information is and what the relevant structure of that information
- Dec 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
for - polycrisis - crime - drug problem - source: Free Documentary - Youtube - World's Most Feared Cartel | Mexico: Inside the Sinaloa Dec 2024
// - Summary - This documentary shows the complexity of the drug problem by showing the supply side - It shows the many feedback loops that keep people trapped in this illicit industry
medium.com medium.com
which leads to another framing insight, which is that the framing of climate change is a problem with a solution instead of framing it as a systemic interdependent web or what’s called a predicament.
for - climate crisis - climate communications - 3rd framing element - oversimplification of complexity to reductionist linear thinking - " the polluters are the problem, let's find a solution" - Joe Brewer
- Oct 2024
www.carnegie.org www.carnegie.org
Thus is the problem of Rich and Poor to be solved. The laws of accumulation will be left free; the laws of distribution free. Individualism will continue, but the millionaire will be but a trustee for the poor; intrusted for a season with a great part of the increased wealth of the community, but administering it for the community far better than it could or would have done for itself.
for - quote / critique / question - Thus is the problem of Rich and Poor to be solved. The laws of accumulation will be left free; the laws of distribution free. Individualism will continue, but the millionaire will be but a trustee for the poor; intrusted for a season with a great part of the increased wealth of the community, but administering it for the community far better than it could or would have done for itself. - The Gospel of Wealth - Andrew Carnegie
quote / critique / question - Thus is the problem of Rich and Poor to be solved. The laws of accumulation will be left free; the laws of distribution free. Individualism will continue, but the millionaire will be but a trustee for the poor; intrusted for a season with a great part of the increased wealth of the community, but administering it for the community far better than it could or would have done for itself. - The Gospel of Wealth - Andrew Carnegie - The problem with this reasoning is that it is circular - By rewarding oneself an extreme and unfettered amount of wealth for one's entrepreneurship skills creates inequality in the first place - Competition that destroys other corporations ends up reducing jobs - At the end of life, the rich entrepreneur desires to give back to society the wealth that (s)he originally stole - If one had reasonable amounts of rewarding innovation instead of unreasonable amounts, the problem of inequality can be largely mitigated in the first place whilst still recognizing and rewarding individual effort and ingenuity
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
11:42 For a currency issuer, funding the money is NEVER the problem
doc-04-6s-prod-03-apps-viewer.googleusercontent.com doc-04-6s-prod-03-apps-viewer.googleusercontent.com
Realism and Desire: Balzac and the Problem of the Subject
@de Balzac, Honoré
- Sep 2024
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
Authoring Tool for Thought, which helps individuals in augmenting their tacit awareness , through developing, sharing and collaborating on
According to David Bohm 1991 paper, 'Thought is the Problem"
github.com github.com
Unfortunately, each of these systems is highly complex and can inflict all kinds of damage on data, much of the damage undetectable to humans.
- Aug 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
So, not only is it on our generation's watch that everything has occurred, it's on our generation's watch that we will determine the future. So, so it's, in our hands. to now determine the future for humanity on earth. So yes, it's an intergenerational justice, fundamentally.
for - quote - our generation caused the problem and must solve it - Johan Rockstrom
quote - Our generation caused the problem and must solve it - Johan Rockstrom - (see below) - So, not only is it on our generation's watch that everything has occurred, - it's on our generation's watch that we will determine the future. - So it's in our hands to now determine the future for humanity on earth. So yes, it's intergenerational justice, fundamentally.
- Jul 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
having a high blood glucose is a manifestation of the problem not the problem itself because if you 00:02:34 didn't have the mitochondrial dysfunction you wouldn't have the high blood glucose so the high blood glucose is Downstream of the actual problem 00:02:45 and insulin is a way to shall we say cover up the problem
for - key insight - insulin covers up the real problem of mitochondria dysfunction
www.epi.org www.epi.org
reducing racial inequality means also addressing class inequality
for - key insight - Wage stagnation is a universal problem of the working class and reducing racial and gender inequality goes hand-in-hand with reducing class inequality.
- Jun 2024
the alignment problem
for - definition - AI - The Alignment Problem
definition - The Alignment Problem - When AI intelligence so far exceeds human intelligence that - we won't be able to predict their behavior - we won't know if we can trust that the AI is aligned to our intent
the real issues are Insidious they're 00:22:00 underground they're down in our our Baseline premises of understanding what life is and what it means
for - key insight - the unconscious - fundamental assumptions are the root problem - Nora Bateson
key insight, quote - the unconscious - fundamental assumptions are the root problem - Nora Bateson - (see below) - Even though we can point with - language and - statistics and - all sorts of measurements - to all the aspects of what we might call - the meta crisis or - the poly crisis - the real issues are: - insidious - they're underground - they're down in our our baseline premises of understanding - what life is and - what it means - To ask - what's in it for me - what's the point of this - where is this going - what am I going to get out of this - These type of questions that have to do with in some way embellishing our individual takeback - are deeply and totally unecological responses - so they're disrupting our possibility for perception
www.etymonline.com www.etymonline.com
from Latin solutionem (nominative solutio) "a loosening or unfastening,"
from - Nora Bateson interview on the inadequate problem/solution framework for addressing wicked problems - https://hyp.is/xeeZyCFlEe-ywQvdYbMieg/docdrop.org/video/kb-hsIv9zoE/
www.etymonline.com www.etymonline.com
literally "thing put forward
from - Nora Bateson interview discussing - the inadequacy of the problem / solution framework in addressing wicked problems - https://hyp.is/xeeZyCFlEe-ywQvdYbMieg/docdrop.org/video/kb-hsIv9zoE/
- Apr 2024
www.vox.com www.vox.com
The city council president said Grants Pass’s goal was to “make it uncomfortable enough for them in our city so they will want to move on down the road.”
Why is it that so many of Americans' gut reactions is to "kick the can down the road" rather than to solve the underlying problems?
- Jan 2024
greattransition.org greattransition.org
the various social movements that are driving and advocating for change have a variety of definitions of the problem
for - aspectualization
- Dec 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
we need to build this this again this bridge and it's obviously not going to be written in the 00:50:41 same style or standard as your kind of deep academic papers if you think this is uh U unnecessary or irrelevant then you end up with is a scientific 00:50:56 Community which talks only to itself in language that nobody else understands and you live the general Republic uh uh prey to a lot of very 00:51:09 unscientific conspiracy theories and mythologies and theories about the world
for: academic communication to the public - importance, elites - two types, key insight - elites, key insight - science communication
key insight
- Elites are necessary in every society
- Historically, people who strongly believe that the current elites aren't necessary or are harmful often become the revolutionaries who become the new elites
- elites need to speak in their own specialist language to each other but there are two kinds of elites
- those who serve society
- those who serve themselves
- often, we have fox in sheep's clothing - elites who serve themselves but disguise themselves in the language of elites who serve others in order to gain access to power ,
- we normally think of wealthy people as elites, but Harari classifies scientists as also a kind of elite
- elites may be necessary but
- We are caught in a double bind, a wicked problem as elites are also the world's greatest per capita energy consumers and their outsized ecological, consumption and energy footprint is now a existential threat to the survival of our species
- Kevin Anderson: A Habitable Earth Can No Longer Afford The Rich – And That Could Mean Me And You
- The role of high-socioeconomic-status people in locking in or rapidly reducing energy-driven greenhouse gas emissions
- Millionaire spending incompatible with 1.5 °C ambitions
- Nov 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
as I fight the system in which I live and think of all the people out marching for black lives matter and good on them for doing it but am i ignoring the system that lives 01:03:54 in me that is am i pretending that that system is out there and is evil and I'm pure or am i recognizing even as I proclaimed that black lives matter and 01:04:07 the system must change that I and those who march with me are part of that system and participate in it far more than we are there acknowledge
for: internal and external change, whole system change - internal and external, wicked problem, meme - the system that lives in me
- Am I ignoring the system that lives in me?
www.gawker.com www.gawker.com
- Oct 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
on the traditional empiricist account we do not have direct access to the facts of the external world 00:11:03 that is we do not experience externality directly but only immediately not immediately but immediately because between us and the external world are those what do you call them oh yes 00:11:18 sense organs and so the question is how faithfully they report what is going on out there well to raise the question how faithful is the sensory report 00:11:30 of the external world is to assume that you have some reliable non-sensory way of answering that question that's the box you can't get out of and so there is always this gap 00:11:42 between reality as it might possibly be known by some non-human creature and reality as empirically sampled by the senses whose limitations and distortions are very well 00:11:56 known but not perfectly classified or categorized or or measured
for: good explanation: empiricism, empiricism - knowledge gap, quote, quote - Dan Robinson, quote - philosophy, quote - empiricism - knowledge gap, Critique of Pure Reason - goal 1 - address empiricism and knowledge gap
good explanation : empiricism - knowledge gap
- on the traditional empiricist account
- we do not have direct access to the facts of the external world
- that is we do not experience externality directly but only MEDIATELY, not immediately but MEDIATELY
- because between us and the external world are those what do you call them oh yes, sense organs
- and so the question is how faithfully they report what is going on out there
- To raise the question how faithful is the sensory report of the external world
- is to assume that you have some reliable non-sensory way of answering that question
- That's the box you can't get out of and so there is always this gap between
- reality as it might possibly be known by some non-human creature and
- reality as empirically sampled by the senses
- whose limitations and distortions are very well
- but not perfectly classified or categorized or or measured
- whose limitations and distortions are very well
- on the traditional empiricist account
- Robinson contextualizes the empiricist project and gap thereof, as one of the 4 goals of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason.
- Robinson informally calls this the "Locke" problem, after one of the founders of the Empiricist school, John Locke.
- Robinson also alludes to a Thomas Reed approach to realism that contends that we don't experience reality MEDIATELY, but IMMEDIATELY, thereby eliminating the gap problem altogether.
- It's interesting to see how modern biology views the empericist's knowledge gap, especially form the perspective of the Umwelt and Sensory Ecology
- Thomas Reed
- The Locke problem
- good explanation
- good explanation - empiricism
- John Locke - empiricism
- Critique of Pure Reason - empiricism knowledge gap
- quote - Ben Robinson
- quote - empiricism - knowledge gap
- Critique of Pure Reason - goal - resolve empiricism and its knowledge gap
- quote
- Jun 2023
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Instead, Rivers is donating the extensive collection to the National Comedy Center, the high-tech museum in Jamestown, N.Y., joining the archives of A-list comics like George Carlin and Carl Reiner. The fact that the jokes will be accessible is only one of the reasons for Melissa Rivers’s decision.
To avoid the Raiders of the Lost Ark problem, Melissa Rivers donated her mother's joke collection to the National Comedy Center so it would be on display and accessible. The New York-based museum is also home to the archives of George Carlin and Carl Reiner.
- Dec 2022
www.tp-link.com www.tp-link.com
Simplify network topology by connecting only one end-device to the TP-Link device. DO NOT connect any other devices like modem or server because those may have an impact on the running of web-based management server of the TP-Link or your end-device.
www.rfc-editor.org www.rfc-editor.org
Email addresses sometimes get reassigned to a different person. For example, employment changes at a company can cause an address used for an ex-employee to be assigned to a new employee, or a mail service provider (MSP) might expire an account and then let someone else register for the local-part that was previously used. Those who sent mail to the previous owner of an address might not know that it has been reassigned. This can lead to the sending of email to the correct address but the wrong recipient. This situation is of particular concern with transactional mail related to purchases, online accounts, and the like.
- Nov 2022
blog.chain.link blog.chain.link
What Is a Blockchain Oracle? A blockchain oracle is a secure piece of middleware that facilitates communication between blockchains and any off-chain system, including data providers, web APIs, enterprise backends, cloud providers, IoT devices, e-signatures, payment systems, other blockchains, and more. Oracles take on several key functions: Listen – monitor the blockchain network to check for any incoming user or smart contract requests for off-chain data. Extract – fetch data from one or multiple external systems such as off-chain APIs hosted on third-party web servers. Format – format data retrieved from external APIs into a blockchain readable format (input) and/or making blockchain data compatible with an external API (output). Validate – generate a cryptographic proof attesting to the performance of an oracle service using any combination of data signing, blockchain transaction signing, TLS signatures, Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) attestations, or zero-knowledge proofs. Compute – perform some type of secure off-chain computation for the smart contract, such as calculating a median from multiple oracle submissions or generating a verifiable random number for a gaming application. Broadcast – sign and broadcast a transaction on the blockchain in order to send data and any corresponding proof on-chain for consumption by the smart contract. Output (optional) – send data to an external system upon the execution of a smart contract, such as relaying payment instructions to a traditional payment network or triggering actions from a cyber-physical system.
Seems related to the paradox of information systems. Add to Anki deck
- Sep 2022
github.com github.com
unevaluatedProperties is like additionalProperties, except that it can "see through" $ref and "see inside" allOf, anyOf, oneOf, if, then, else
- Aug 2022
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
I think we can define an "archival virtual machine" specification that is efficient enough to be usable but simple enough that it never needs to be updated and is easy to implement on any platform; then we can compile our explorable explanations into binaries for that machine. Thenceforth we only need to write new implementations of the archival virtual machine platform as new platforms come along
We have that. It's the Web platform. The hard part is getting people to admit this, and then getting them to actually stop acting counter to these interests. Sometimes that involves getting them to admit that their preferred software stack (and their devotion to it) is the problem, and it's not going to just fix itself.
See also: Lorie and the UVC
While open textbooks are a great start to decreasing the cost of education for students, we understand they are just one part of the equation.
- May 2022
wordpress.com wordpress.com
"The need to engage with people in terms of evaluating them for the aim of acquiring a different point of view was one occasion this semester where the knowledge I received in class positively changed the way I approached an issue. I was patient enough to explore other perspectives, some of which disagreed with mine, so that I might learn about their opinions without bias or prejudice."
- In my annotation, I addressed the problem of not stating how and why this circumstance benefits me in the future. In the annotation, I continued to describe how hearing other people's ideas and responding to their comments and insights during class discussions will aid me in my career aspirations.
- (Major Essay) Ending/Conclusion paragraph. 5
- Apr 2022
three steps required to solve the all-importantcorrespondence problem. Step one, according to Shenkar: specify one’s ownproblem and identify an analogous problem that has been solved successfully.Step two: rigorously analyze why the solution is successful. Jobs and hisengineers at Apple’s headquarters in Cupertino, California, immediately got towork deconstructing the marvels they’d seen at the Xerox facility. Soon theywere on to the third and most challenging step: identify how one’s owncircumstances differ, then figure out how to adapt the original solution to thenew setting.
Oded Shenkar's three step process for effective problem solving using imitation: - Step 1. Specify your problem and identify an analogous problem that has been successfully solved. - Step 2. Analyze why the solution was successful. - Step 3. Identify how your problem and circumstances differ from the example problem and figure out how to best and most appropriately adapt the original solution to the new context.
The last step may be the most difficult.
The IndieWeb broadly uses the idea of imitation to work on and solve a variety of different web design problems. By focusing on imitation they dramatically decrease the work and effort involved in building a website. The work involved in creating new innovative solutions even in their space has been much harder, but there, they imitate others in breaking the problems down into the smallest constituent parts and getting things working there.
Link this to the idea of "leading by example".
Link to "reinventing the wheel" -- the difficulty of innovation can be more clearly seen in the process of people reinventing the wheel for themselves when they might have simply imitated a more refined idea. Searching the state space of potential solutions can be an arduous task.
Link to "paving cow paths", which is a part of formalizing or crystalizing pre-tested solutions.
- Mar 2022
hackeducation.com hackeducation.com
I mean there’s no single answer that will solve all of our future problems. There’s no magic bullet. Instead there are thousands of answers — at least. You can be one of them if you choose to be.'
- Jan 2022
thecodebarbarian.com thecodebarbarian.com
The power of await is that it lets you write asynchronous code using synchronous language constructs.
- Oct 2021
networkcultures.org networkcultures.org
Victor Papanek’s Design Problem, 1975.
The Design Problem
Three diagrams will explain the lack of social engagement in design. If (in Figure 1) we equate the triangle with a design problem, we readily see that industry and its designers are concerned only with the tiny top portion, without addressing themselves to real needs.
(Design for the Real World, 2019. Page 57.)
The other two figures merely change the caption for the figure.
- Figure 1: The Design Problem
- Figure 2: A Country
- Figure 3: The World
- Sep 2021
sakai.duke.edu sakai.duke.edu
clocks from the fourteenth century onwards, how far this was itself a symptom of a new Puritan discipline and bourgeois exac
I do not wish to argue how far the change was due to the spread of clocks from the fourteenth century onwards, how far this was itself a symptom of a new Puritan discipline and bourgeois exactitude.
For some history of the importance of time with relation to naval navigation and trade, see: Sobel, Dava (1995). Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time. New York: Walker and Company.
- Jun 2021
www.mutuallyhuman.com www.mutuallyhuman.com
I’m going to add the API Server as an actor to my first test sequence to give some granularity as to what I’m actually testing.
- Apr 2021
github.com github.com
Mentioned here:
but I can't find it on my system
unix.stackexchange.com unix.stackexchange.com
This seems definitely better than checking for a specific return code and overriding it to 0.
I think is referring to https://github.com/WayneD/rsync/blob/master/support/rsync-no-vanished which sets
boardgamegeek.com boardgamegeek.com
There is a tendency in short luck-heavy games to require you to play multiple rounds in one sitting, to balance the scores. This is one such game. This multiple-rounds "mechanic" feels like an artificial fix for the problem of luck. Saboteur 1 and 2 advise the same thing because the different roles in the game are not balanced. ("Oh, well. I had the bad luck to draw the Profiteer character this time. Maybe I'll I'll draw a more useful character in round 2.") This doesn't change the fact that you are really playing a series of short unbalanced games. Scores will probably even out... statistically speaking. The Lost Cities card game tries to deal with the luck-problem in the same way.
possibly rename: games: luck: managing/mitigating the luck to games: luck: dealing with/mitigating the luck problem
www.vteducation.org www.vteducation.org
The Problem with Textbooks
- Mar 2021
github.com github.com
I'm kinda stuck at the moment, going around in circles. Everything is really heavily coupled. I would like to get to the point where no load is called from within processors, but i'm not sure if that's possible. Currently the API and the caching strategies are fighting me at every step of the way. I have a branch where i'm hacking through some refactoring, no light at the end of the tunnel yet though :(
it's super hard to test master because i have no idea which gems need to be updated. is there a guide on how to take a rails 4.2 project to master sprockets without everything mysteriously exploding? ill try to make a repro case but its hard to tell where to even start
github.com github.com
I don't myself understand what's going on, it clearly has something to do with source maps, but may also have to do with other sprockets changes.
I don't really understand what's going on. Clearly source maps have something to do with it -- a source map feature that doesn't handle SCSS very well, apparently.
Is there a PR to... something? sassc-rails? That would make the patch not necessary? (I don't know if there's any good way to monkey-patch that in, I think you have to fork? So some change seems required...) Should the defaults be different somehow? This is very difficult to figure out.
I'm not sure about all consequences of my change and this is very complex.
- difficult/hard problem
- hard to figure out where the problem lies / how to solve the problem / where to even begin
- where (which project) do I even report this problem/bug? (whose responsibility is it?)
- don't understand even what's going on, let alone how to go about finding/identifying/fixing the problem
- admit the limitations/shortcomings of your argument/benefits
trailblazer.to trailblazer.to
the Activity component is the heart of TRB
- Feb 2021
hilton.org.uk hilton.org.uk
Unlike naming children, coding involves naming things on a daily basis. When you write code, naming things isn’t just hard, it’s a relentless demand for creativity. Fortunately, programmers are creative people.
- Jan 2021
css-tricks.com css-tricks.com
I think you’re missing the spirit behind the classic “centering is hard” complaint in a couple of places, which, at least for me, always comes back to not knowing the height of the elements.
trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov
There was not yet, formally speaking, an American people. There were, instead, living in the thirteen British colonies in North America some two-and-a-half million subjects of a distant king. Those subjects became a people by declaring themselves such and then by winning the independence they had asserted as their right.
- There were many American peoples. None of them were White.
- "those subjects became a people by declaring themselves such and then by winning the independence they had asserted as their right" - OK no. Quite a lot of people did not have the autonomy to "declare themselves" part of a people, and indeed were not recognized as such. There were also loyalists. And this idea of "a people" is...really complicated.
- While it's true that the first citizens of the United States were former British subjects, it is worth noting that a lot of other people lived in the current United States at the time who were tribal citizens, French colonists, Spanish colonists, and enslaved people who weren't considered citizens of anywhere.
discourse.ubuntu.com discourse.ubuntu.com
« Half solved » because, hey, still it’s proprietary so who knows ? You have to trust the software editor then, it’s just moving the trust cursor.
- Nov 2020
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
that's the only really accurate answer to the question: all the others propositions run an "almost same" container, but they forget the volumes, env, UIDs,
- Oct 2020
ponyfoo.com ponyfoo.comPony Foo1
Sometimes we can’t implement a solution that’s fully spec-compliant, and in those cases using a polyfill might be the wrong answer. A polyfill would translate into telling the rest of the codebase that it’s okay to use the feature, that it’ll work just like in modern browsers, but it might not in edge cases.
One of the primary tasks of engineers is to minimize complexity. JSX changes such a fundamental part (syntax and semantics of the language) that the complexity bubbles up to everything it touches. Pretty much every pipeline tool I've had to work with has become far more complex than necessary because of JSX. It affects AST parsers, it affects linters, it affects code coverage, it affects build systems. That tons and tons of additional code that I now need to wade through and mentally parse and ignore whenever I need to debug or want to contribute to a library that adds JSX support.
- mentally filter/ignore
- engineering (general)
- can't keep entire system in your mind at once (software development) (scope too large)
- complexity
- semantics (of programming language)
- the cost of changing something
- for-reaching consequences
- avoid complexity
- fundamental
- implementation complexity
- mental bandwidth
- unintended consequence
- high-cost changes
- infectious problem
- primary task/job/responsibility
- engineers
- syntax
- too complicated
- Sep 2020
github.com github.com
Please focus on explaining the motivation so that if this RFC is not accepted, the motivation could be used to develop alternative solutions. In other words, enumerate the constraints you are trying to solve without coupling them too closely to the solution you have in mind.
A huge part of the value on an RFC is defining the problem clearly, collecting use cases, showing how others have solved a problem, etc.
An RFC can provide tremendous value without the design described in it being accepted.
- okay for proposal to not be accepted
- iterative process: building on previous attempts/work
- defining the problem clearly
- value
- answer the "why?"
- iterative process
- defining the problem clearly is as valuable coming up with specific implementation/solution
- contribution guidelines: should explain motivation for change
langserver.org langserver.org
LSP creates the opportunity to reduce the m-times-n complexity problem of providing a high level of support for any programming language in any editor, IDE, or client endpoint to a simpler m-plus-n problem.
- Aug 2020
julian.digital julian.digital
With more and more productivity apps creating their own messaging systems, users suddenly face a new problem: Multiple inboxes. You now have to check notifications in Github, Trello, Google Docs and half a dozen (if not more) other tools in your productivity stack.
The multiple inbox problem.
- Jul 2020
news.sky.com news.sky.com
Coronavirus: The inside story of how UK’s “chaotic” testing regime “broke all the rules.” (n.d.). Sky News. Retrieved July 17, 2020, from https://news.sky.com/story/coronavirus-the-inside-story-of-how-uks-chaotic-testing-regime-broke-all-the-rules-12022566
- Apr 2020
github.com github.com
Part of why most code -- and most software -- sucks so much is that making sweeping changes is hard.
- Apr 2019
cran.r-project.org cran.r-project.org
Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) with nodes representingrandom variables
- Nov 2017
- Jan 2017
www.tryscribble.com www.tryscribble.com
The approach you're probably using to train with could be improved by nearly 70%!
go.gale.ca.orc.scoolaid.net go.gale.ca.orc.scoolaid.net
If I were to return to university in pursuit of an education degree, for example, I would invariably be required to begin this slackly sojourn with such courses as Introduction to Education 101.
He's saying that it isn't always necessary to sit through classes. Some classes don't matter.
- Dec 2016
www.tryscribble.com www.tryscribble.com
- ET (Emotional Trigger)
- OL (Open Loop)
- AO (Addressing Objections)
- H (The Hook)
- PP (Problem or Pain)
- PAP (Painting a Picture)
- ITO (If > Then Opener)
- WTC (What’s the Catch Addressed)
- S (Scarcity)
- SP (Social Proof)
- KD (Key Desire/Hot Button)
- CE (The Common Enemy)
- B (Benefit)
- IG (Instant Gratification)
- P (Promise)
- MBG (Money Back Guarantee)
- CG (Curiosity Gap)
- F (Feature)
- CTA (Call to Action)
- RR (Risk Reversal)
- Jan 2014
www.yale.edu www.yale.edu
common appropriation regimes do not give a complete answer to the sustainability of motivation and organization for the truly open, large-scale nonproprietary peer production projects we see on the Internet.
Towards the end of our last conversation the text following "common appropriation" seemed an interesting place to dive into further for our future discussions.
I have tagged this annotation with "meta" because it is a comment about our discussion and where to continue it rather than an annotation focused on the content itself.
In the future I would be interested in exploring the idea of "annotation types" that can be selectively turned on and off, but for now will handle that with ad hoc tags like "meta".