664 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2016
    1. Thus, the story of DNA, like a Charles Dickens novel, came out in installments. F
    1. “If you change the way you look at things, the things that you look at change.” Max Planck

      Feels like a clicking into place this quote does.

    1. As science itself becomes a body of data that we can analyze and study, thereare staggeringly large opportunities for improving the accuracy and validity of science, through thescienti c study of data analysis
  2. Jan 2016
    1. I know. The ego suggests that that is a nice escape from dealing with what needs to be dealt with. It says, “Come back. You have a few loose ends to take care of.” But, as I have said before, your income, your abundance, comes from being Centered. I did not say it comes from taking care of loose ends which are perceived from uncenteredness. Now, we are talking about being Centered with a fuller meaning of Centeredness. Centeredness really means at-Homeness. It really means the conscious comprehension of the experience of being at Home, which now our communications are substantiating.

      "Now, we are talking about being Centered with a fuller meaning of Centeredness. Centeredness really means at-Homeness. It really means the conscious comprehension of the experience of being at Home, which now our communications are substantiating."

    1. was a platinum fob chain simple and chaste in design, properly proclaiming its value by substance alone and not by meretricious ornamentation--as all good things should do.
    1. It’s easier to be cynical;

      “There are two ways to slide easily through life: to believe everything or to doubt everything; both ways save us from thinking.” - Alfred Korzybski

    1. Here’s what the Finns, who don’t begin formal reading instruction until around age 7, have to say about preparing preschoolers to read: “The basis for the beginnings of literacy is that children have heard and listened … They have spoken and been spoken to, people have discussed [things] with them … They have asked questions and received answers.”
  3. Dec 2015
    1. RAJ: Whenever you are faced with a demand to give specific attention to some part of your infinitude and it presents itself as being “problematic,” it is simply the time and place for this aspect of You to be consciously incorporated into and as your conscious experience of being as Yours! You say you don’t want to be bothered, that this is not a good time because of other more pressing demands. But, Paul, your Being unfolds Itself as You according to divine Intelligence, Universal order and priorities. Every problem is your opportunity to be the Christ—that accurate perception of Reality (Your Being) that is not deluded in any way—and for that perception to become irrevocably “incorporated” into and as your Self-awareness. There is no more pressing need than that, because when seen, it becomes apparent that pressing needs are illusions of the partial view. They never existed as anything for you to sweat over and tense yourself up about.

      Quote: Every problem is your opportunity to be the Christ - that accurate perception of Reality (Your Being) that is not deluded in any way - and for that perception to become irrevocably "incorporated" into and as your Self-awareness.

      There is no more pressing need than that.

      Pressing needs are illusions of the partial view (3dRef).

    2. RAJ: I think you can see that unfoldment is really a matter of how quickly or slowly we are willing to let go of limitations, rather than the presence or availability of something to expand into, since Infinity is the Actuality of every moment of conscious experience. This is important to understand, because we often feel that we are held back by the limitation as though it had the ability to influence or deprive us of our Good. Not true! There is never anything holding us!

      Quote: Infinity is the Actuality of every moment of conscious experience.

      We are never limited by anything.

    1. It is quite accurate that it is not possible for those who believe that they have been born to communicate with those who believe that they have died. These are two different states of the three-dimensional-only frame of reference. It is part of the distortion of that finite view which makes it seem as though some part of one’s infinitude (those who have “passed on”) is not available to him as his conscious experience. There are infinitely more individualizations of Being who are Awake than there are those who are “asleep.” it is ridiculous to believe that communication with them is impossible.

      Quote: There are infinitely more individualizations of Being who are Awake than there are those who are "asleep."

      Birth and Death are two different states in the 3d frame of reference. They are part of the same distortion. It is not possible for one who believes in death to communicate with one who had died because of the belief that they are gone.

    1. And instead of a nice dish of minnows—they had a roasted grasshopper with lady-bird sauce; which frogs consider a beautiful treat; but I think it must have been nasty!
    1. RAJ: I know you feel like you need help, but no one can help you at this point. There is no other One but You, and you had better be sure that you have no other “ones” before You, You Self, God. Your entire Being, in all Its infinitude, is harmonizing with You, loving You, and supporting You because of the Integrity of your Being. No one but You can relinquish consciously your hold on the false sense of self—the misidentification which feels it can’t do it.

      Quote: No one but You can relinquish consciously your hold on the false sense of self - the misidentification which feels it can't do it.

      It is up to me to take the journey of Awakening. No one can do it for me. Being, All of ME, is loving and supporting me (the mis-identified self) on the journey.

    2. RAJ: Don’t add that “but.” Stay with the simple Fact you have just stated. The “but” is the hooker! “All is infinite Mind and Its infinite manifestation.“1 There aren’t any “buts” about it! Being is “neither behind the point of perfection nor advancing towards it. It is at that point and must be understand therefrom.“2 It will never be understood from the standpoint of the three-dimensional frame of awareness (ego). You must stop looking for clues, helpful hints, or reassurances objectively. Being doesn’t need them, and “ego” only needs them in order to hook you. Remember, as you “do battle,” that there is no battle going on at all. It is a process by which you are becoming less slipshod in your self-identification. It seems as though it is an attempt to influence you in the direction of misidentification, but you are at a point where the thrust truly cannot reach you because you are hidden in the Secret Place of the Most High. You have experienced It.

      The expression - "But" is to express the belief that there is an exception to what was previously stated. This is like saying The Truth is not True always, which, of course, cannot be True.

      Here is where the fight is - to NOT ALLOW suggestions of ego to have any credibility whatsoever!!

      Or, from a positive perspective, to lean on your experience of Being and identify with nothing less than that.

      This is an inside job.

      The Battle is one of self-identification. A diagram of this would be a good method of illustration.

      Quote: There aren't any "buts" about it!

    1. You see, Paul, whether you have misidentified your Self as “ego,” or whether you have correctly identified yourSelf as Fourth-dimensional Man, your Being has effortlessly been being Itself totally, perfectly, and successfully by being rather than “doing.” Anything ego has thought it has done was pure nonsense.

      Quote - Anything ego has thought it has done was pure nonsense.

      Being is being Itself perfectly regardless of how I have identified myself, by being not doing.

      .t:EIP - everything is perfect.

    1. Your focal point must remain at that within Point wherein you are constantly aware of being as Conscious Being, not as the operator of a business, or the promoter of a service. You must let the business and the service be what they will, as the ever-fluid manifestation of that living Being which You Are. Do not let what “occurs” become the repository of yourself. This is because Your Self, being infinite, cannot be confined to any manifestation or visibility which It evolves for Its identification. Yes, in your terms, it would mean a dispassionate, uninvolved experience of what is appearing. You must learn to get your satisfaction from being What You Are as Conscious Being, rather than what you appear to be by virtue of what is done three-dimensionally.

      You are not what you do - you are Conscious Being. Do not identify who you are by what you do.

      This Links directly to WOM "Who are you?".

      Quote: Do not let what "occurs" become the repository of yourself.

      Let what you do be as it is, the ever-fluid manifestation of that Living Being which You Are.

      Learn to get your satisfaction from being what you are a Conscious Being rather than what you appear to be by virtue of what you do.

  4. Nov 2015
    1. It is always us that is holding onto some comfortable sense of limitation with which we feel some sense of familiarity. The active agent which holds us back is actually our own refusal to let go of the known for the Unknown. This reluctance is entirely due to an adopted belief that we are what we appear to be—finite, separate, an independent “intelligence” that exists “inside” this finite object called a body, a potential victim of an unpredictable environment. Yet, the finiteness, separateness, independence, and unpredictability are entirely inherent in the partial view of the Actual conscious experience of Being which is going on. If it weren’t going on, there couldn’t be a misinterpretation or misidentification!

      Quote: The active agent which holds us back is actually our own refusal to let go of the known for the Unknown.

      I have misplaced my identity and believe that I am separate, existing inside a body, vulnerable, etc. This misidentification comes from a partial view of what is actually going on (the conscious experience of Being).

    1. RAJ: It is because the time has come to stop manipulating the finite view to improve it according to finite concepts. This does not constitute waking up out of the dream or waking up out of the distortions of the partial view. If you succeed in improving the partial view—in “healing it”—you will find no necessity to involve yourself in the labors necessary to Awaken

      Read Paul's question above:

      Quote: Manipulating the finite view to improve it according to finite concepts does not constitute waking up out of the dream.

    1. I can say, “Be patient, everything will be alright,” but that will not help you unless you believe it. No one can truly convince you of the Reality of Your Being. It’s already the Fact of You, and you are having to live this “time” out from that Fact.

      Quote: No one can truly convince you of the Reality of Your Being.

    1. PAUL: Raj, I am failing miserably at demonstrating or seeing the omnipresence of my Being in terms of supply. It’s true that from day to day we have what we need, but it’s far from a comfortable way to live. All we’re getting are basics. The larger debts we owe are not being met. RAJ: Paul, I want you to be aware that you are beginning to give up your faith, trust, and belief in the validity of our conversations. This is indicated by the flip-flopping back and forth between knowing they are real and doubting they are real. I point out also that the doubting comes into play when you are challenged by opinions or circumstances. This certainly is a natural response, but it is not the consistent vantage point which you will find necessary if you’re going to be free from being dangled like a yo-yo or blown to and fro on the breeze of chance. PAUL: Well, if you are wanting me to develop some inner strength which will not yield, no matter what I’m confronted with—and if I’m supposed to do this while it’s my family’s lack that I’m faced with—then I don’t think you should be surprised! Theoretically, intellectually, I can grasp its value. But when it comes down to the nitty-gritty of life, it often seems like nonsense. RAJ: I understand, Paul. I want to refer you to what your Supply told you about how to set the Law in motion. I want you to begin doing this on a regular basis. A word to the wise: Be sure of what you are asking for, because you shall surely get it. PAUL: Alright, Raj. I shall forge forward. I will tell you this: It would be much easier if my family’s needs were being better met.

      Paul's Trust in his conversations with Raj is challenged by his inability to meet his financial needs. He's doubting Raj because he is not seeing evidence (in terms of money) that what Raj is saying is true.

      A consistent practice of Trust and Faith of what is known to be true, even if it has not yet been experienced, is necessary to be free of uncertainty.

      Link to the section where Paul talks with his Supply.

      Quote: Be sure of what you are asking for, because you shall surely get it.

      This quote links to

      • I and I alone am responsible for my experience
      • Your life is your prayer.
      • Common knowledge "be careful what you wish for..." (see brainy quotes)
    1. You are afraid that if you let go and stop “doing,” everything will fall apart. This is because you are still caught in the belief that what you have “done” in the past has succeeded in getting you where you are. This is foolishness, and you are beginning to see this. You haven’t gotten anywhere, because Infinity has no place to go. Nevertheless, Infinity—your Being—has unfolded Itself in spite of what you thought you were “doing,” and where you thought you were getting to.

      Here, Being appears to be equated with Infinity.

      Quote: To believe what you have done in the past has succeeded in getting you where you are is foolishness. You haven't gotten anywhere because Infinity has no place to go.

    2. You have been concerned in the last few days that you are not making the connection between what I have been discussing with you and your daily experience. The simple fact is that you have been trying to relate infinite ideas to finite beliefs. There is no connection. There is no connection between Mind and Its manifestation. They are one. It is only from the standpoint of ego—of finite, three-dimensional misperception—that there can seem to be a “connection.” Since ego separates itself from what it sees, it divides things into subject and object, “in here” and “out there,” me and thee, and all the rest of the dualism. This prompts the attempt to manipulate all of these disconnected aspects, so that they will harmonize in such a way as to not destroy the basic illusion of the existence of “ego.” Thus, from the three-dimensional standpoint, it seems obvious that the misidentification of Identity called “ego” must become, do, initiate, manipulate, and achieve. One cannot bring these endeavors into that Place where Self is properly identified and experienced as Conscious Being or Fourth-dimensional Man, since the basic illusion of separateness has no existence there.

      Quote: Only from the standpoint of ego can there seem to be a "connection".

      Quote: There is no connection between Mind and its manifestation. They are one.

      The ego must become, do, initiate, manipulate, and achieve in order to find a connection between disconnected parts. These endeavors are not aspects of Conscious Being because the illusion of separation does not exist there.

  5. Oct 2015
    1. If you try to deal with the way things appear, if you pay attention to what the five physical senses are telling you, you will scare yourself shitless.
    1. And better understanding them means we can skillfully stimulate the neural substrates of those states—which, in turn, means we can strengthen them. Because as the famous saying by the Canadian scientist Donald Hebb goes, “Neurons that fire together, wire together.”
    1. But itis not theproper role ofthe University to attempt to shield individuals from ideasand opinionsthey find unwelcome, disagreeable, or even deeply offensive. Although theUniversity greatly values civility, and althoughall members of the University community share in the responsibilityformaintaininga climate of mutual respect, concerns about civility and mutual respect can never be used as a justification for closing off discussion of ideas, however offensive or disagreeable those ideas may be to some members of ourcommunity.

      I find this very refreshing and inspiring.

    2. t “education should not be intended to make people comfortable, it is meant to make them thin
    1. omething strange is happening at America’s colleges and universities.
    2. But students should also be taught how to live in a world full of potential offenses.
    3. “The presumption that students need to be protected rather than challenged in a classroom is at once infantilizing and anti-intellectual.”
    4. vindictive protectiveness
  6. Sep 2015
    1. Even compassion, the concern we feel for another being’s welfare, has been treated with downright derision. Kant saw it as a weak and misguided sentiment: “Such benevolence is called soft-heartedness and should not occur at all among human beings,” he said of compassion. Many question whether true compassion exists at all—or whether it is inherently motivated by self-interest.
    2. a simpletraining exercise where you practice loving kindness, where you’re just thinking compassionatethoughts towards others and towards yourself over time, actually pretty dramatically increasesyour own personal happiness, suggesting that the Dalai Lama was on to something when hesaidthat compassion is the pathway to happiness.
    3. Darwin made the case that sympathy, or compassion, is our strongest instinct. And I’ll quote,because “sympathy will have been increased through natural selection for those communitieswhich included the greatest number of the most sympathetic members would flourish thebest and raise the greatest number of offspring.”
    1. The act of perspective-taking is summed up by one of the most enduring definitions of empathy that we have, formulated by Adam Smith as “changing places in fancy with the sufferer.”

      Even Smith, the father of economics, best known for emphasizing self-interest as the lifeblood of human economy, understood that the concepts of self-interest and empathy don’t conflict.

    2. Percy Shelley says is“the great secret of morals is love; or a going out of your own nature and anidentification of ourselves with the beautiful which exists in thought, action,or person, not our own. A man, to be greatly good, must imagine intensely andcomprehensively; he must put himself in the place of another and of many others;the pains and pleasures of his species must become his own. The great instrument ofmoral good is the imagination.”
    1. Despite data heterogeneity, the large size and detailed nature of the dataset enabled data-driven detection of recovery as a graded, emergent pattern defined within the full multivariate syndromic space

      Good quote

    1. Two centuries ago Leibnitz invented a calculating machine which embodied most of the essential features of recent keyboard devices, but it could not then come into use. The economics of the situation were against it: the labor involved in constructing it, before the days of mass production, exceeded the labor to be saved by its use, since all it could accomplish could be duplicated by sufficient use of pencil and paper. Moreover, it would have been subject to frequent breakdown, so that it could not have been depended upon; for at that time and long after, complexity and unreliability were synonymous.

      This is something we have to keep in mind when developing technology, particularly in academia. It's not just the technology, but whether it can be put into production in a cost effective and useful manner. And just because the time is not right now, doesn't mean that as capacities change, it can't be done eventually.

    2. For the biologists, and particularly for the medical scientists, there can be little indecision, for their war has hardly required them to leave the old paths

      But perhaps the current "war" on disease does require them to leave the old paths.

  7. Aug 2015
    1. “The cat is out of the bag. The content people have no clue. I mean, no clue.” - Bram Cohen



    1. As I did 20 years ago, I still fervently believe that the only way to make software secure, reliable, and fast is to make it small. Fight Features.

      Fight Features.

  8. Jul 2015
    1. Civic education cannot be just a matter of teaching and persuading young people to participate in the existing system; it must acknowledge deep-seated and understandable critiques of politics.
    1. Much like a Unix power user will compose multiple single-purpose tools into a complex piped command, a functional programmer will combine single-purpose function invocations into chains of operations (think Map/Reduce).
  9. Jun 2015
    1. But this is the one that I want to get you: If you can bear to hear the truth you ’ve spoken Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, What it’s saying is: you say something that you think it’s true, and somebody out there takes what you’ve said and then twists it to trap somebody else who either admires you or doesn’t like you. What is said in the poem I didn’t understand, but being in the software free community I’ve really seen that. We work really hard to find the truth: what’s important, what will work, how can we move forward.

      Some inspiring words from Mark Shuttleworth about creating new things with software.

    1. As Park says, "We need both kinds: people who can hack the technology, as well as people who can hack the bureaucracy."
    1. The men of Normandy had faith that what they were doing was right, faith that they fought for all humanity, faith that a just God would grant them mercy on this beachhead or on the next. It was the deep knowledge -- and pray God we have not lost it -- that there is a profound, moral difference between the use of force for liberation and the use of force for conquest. You were here to liberate, not to conquer, and so you and those others did not doubt your cause. And you were right not to doubt.

      Reagan's speech on the 40th anniversary of D-day. Today is the 71st anniversary. Easy to forget now, but still one of the most profound acts of bravery in history.

  10. May 2015
    1. Research publication can both communicate and miscommunicate

      Great quote; of course, this statement is true of all communications. We have entire industries devoted to spin.

    1. Consequently, we are reaching out broadly to the research community, scientific publishers, universities, industry, professional organizations, patient-advocacy groups and other stakeholders to take the steps necessary to reset the self-corrective process of scientific inquiry. Journals should be encouraged to devote more space to research conducted in an exemplary manner that reports negative findings, and should make room for papers that correct earlier work.
    2. Science has long been regarded as 'self-correcting', given that it is founded on the replication of earlier work. Over the long term, that principle remains true. In the shorter term, however, the checks and balances that once ensured scientific fidelity have been hobbled. This has compromised the ability of today's researchers to reproduce others' findings.
    1. “Getting the data is much easier than making it useful,” said Deborah Estrin, a professor of computer science and public health at Cornell University.

      I should make this my signature line

  11. Apr 2015
    1. Good people are leaving academic science, forced out by a lack of money, inequity in decision making, and hypocrisy in career recognition and advancement. Many are tired of playing a game whose rules change before you even know what the rules are.

      I certainly feel this way. Maybe I just couldn't cut it, but I felt I had a role to play. It was just that I could no longer stand trying to keep that role supported.

    2. by a seriously flawed reviewing system

      Here, here.

    1. "The margins of manuscripts often contain medieval and early modern reactions to the text, and these can cast light on what our ancestors thought about what they were reading," Williams explained. "The 'Black Book' was particularly heavily annotated before the end of the 16th century."

      Great quote about annotation; as far back as the 13th century.

    1. Today it’s a famous course, but in those days it was a laughable idea, alarmingly American.

      Great quote, although I'm not sure why this idea is "alarmingly American"

  12. Mar 2015
  13. Feb 2014
    1. some researchers feel that a dangerous precedent is being set. They argue that publishers wrongly characterize text-mining as an activity that requires extra rights to be granted by licence from a copyright holder, and they feel that computational reading should require no more permission than human reading. “The right to read is the right to mine,” says Ross Mounce of the University of Bath, UK, who is using content-mining to construct maps of species’ evolutionary relationships.

      "The right to read is the right to mine."

  14. Sep 2013
    1. Uses a quote so he doesn't have to say these things about himself, gives him more credibility, less prideful, more easily accepted from outside source