43 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
  2. Apr 2023
    1. Recommended Resource

      I recommend adding the webpage "Open Access in Australia" on Wikiwand that documents Australia's history for accepting and promoting open access and open publication in its country.

      The site contains a timeline that documents key years in which the open movement, open access, open government, and open data concepts were introduced. The year that CC Australia was established is included in the timeline.

  3. Jan 2023
    1. the status updates were not united into a stream by virtue of their creation by the same individual, but they were rather created as a collective timeline formed for the all-too-practical shared task of supporting protests: collective techno-individuation by design.

      techno individuation

  4. Mar 2022
    1. the actual crisis started since the end of 2019 but then if you see sri lanka's foreign debts started rising since 2010. you can see in this graph after 2010 there was a sharp rise in sri lanka's 00:08:42 external debt and if you go further deep you will notice that sri lanka owes most of their debt money to countries like china japan even india but comparatively lesser other than countries sri lanka also owes a lot of money to world bank 00:08:55 asian development bank

      How did Sri Lanka ended up in this worst economic crisis ?

      • SriLanka's foreign Debt sharply rose in 2010 when they empowered to kill LTTE Prabakharan and demonically devastated with tamilian genocide in northern srilanka
  5. Feb 2022
    1. Relations between the Centre and the States ruled by Opposition parties are strained due to various factors, ranging from questions related to GST, the partisan behaviour of central agencies, the Centre’s move to give itself absolute powers in the transfer of IAS, IPS and IFS officers and the overbearing attitude of several Governors.

      what are the issues faced by ruling opposition parties - Centre-state relations 2022 issues

      1. related to GST
      2. partisan behaviour of central agencies
      3. Centre's absolute power - transfer of IPS and IFS officers
      4. overbearing attitude of several Governors
    1. Harsha must have watched with growing surprise and interest as his audacious rival survived every challenge thrown at him, but the invasion of Lata must have been the last straw. It was of 618 CE, little more than eight since Pulakeshin II had come to the throne. There would be no for Harsha, who had been emperor for twelve , to put him in his place.

      Rival of Harsha and Pulakeshin II

  6. Jan 2022
  7. Dec 2021
    1. Eric Topol. (2020, November 28). This will go down in history as one of science and medical research’s greatest achievements. Perhaps the most impressive. I put together a preliminary timeline of some key milestones to show how several years of work were compressed into months. Https://t.co/BPcaZwDFkl [Tweet]. @EricTopol. https://twitter.com/EricTopol/status/1332771238771630080

  8. Oct 2021
  9. predoc.dlc.ntu.edu.tw predoc.dlc.ntu.edu.tw
    1. in the last two decades of the twentieth century and in the first decade of the twenty-first
    2. in the last third of the twentieth century,
    3. At the mid-century mark
  10. Sep 2021
  11. Mar 2021
  12. Jan 2021
    1. 能永久使用么,License key也是只有一年的,域名就那几个能用


  13. Nov 2020
  14. Aug 2020
  15. Jul 2020
  16. May 2020
  17. Dec 2019
    1. It was in the latter end of September

      In earlier editions, Victor leaves Switzerland in late August. The 1831 edition changes the timeline to late September.

  18. Nov 2019
    1. ranging—anything that can be quantified, given a numerical value, can be turned into a graph, chart, diagram, or other visualization through computational means.

      this is ignoring context of the situation and is making the claim that regardless if it is given numerical value it can be made into a bar graph. For our purposes this is true

  19. Oct 2019
    1. But none of this made Priestley’s chart any less striking in its day. In fact, the idea of a timeline was still strange enough in the mid-eighteenth century that it required a certain amount of explanation.

      the chart is very striking and revolutionary idea of the time

    2. Over the course of the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries, the convention of the timeline was progressively naturalized.

      background concerning when the timeline was becoming natural.

  20. Aug 2019
  21. Mar 2019
    1. The more recent the research is, the better—or at least, more relevant—it’s assumed to be.

      The more recent the better

    2. Society does not change overnight, but thinking it does lends a sense of drama to our everyday lives.

      Drama is more important that reality?

  22. Jan 2019
    1. Yet, as Alexander (1982) cautions, good theory must have components of both deterministic and voluntary behavior at all levels of analysis. We do not live in a strictly deterministic world. Thus, as family cycle researchers have learned, we must move with theoretical caution when embracing phases as part of a theoretical model.

      This section feels a bit less complete, but if I understand correctly, Neal argues that the assumption that disaster phases exist as some predictable linear or cyclical model is overly deterministic in an unsatisfying way for disasters as complex social activity. Examining the trajectory of disaster phases at various levels of analysis is crucial.

    2. Finally, the notation of the disaster phases affected emergency-respond­ers' decisions. The lexicon of the four phases appeared to force disaster managers and responders to think and respond in a linear, separate-category fashion. Thus, this paradigm in the end can hurt effective response

      Need to research whether these issues have been resolved or workarounds put in place since this 1997 publication. I kind of suspect not.

    3. Other empirical studies show that the recovery process is not a simple, linear, or cyclical process. Different units or groups may experience, or perceive that they experience, the different stages of recovery I) at different times and 2) at different rates of time.

      Neal cites several studies that contend the recovery process is temporally complex.

    4. The edited work by Haas, Kates, and Bowden ( 1977) illustrates the complexity of the recovery process. Unlike most other overall codification efforts, the above authors explicitly recog­nize that recovery reflects a complex process. They note that people use several subcategories (e.g., restoration, recovery, rehabilitation, redevelop­ment, reconstruction) to describe aspects of the recovery period.

      This classification of the recovery phase by Haas, Kates, and Bowden inclues more description of the phases but still cast it as a linear timeline.

    5. By the 1960s, researchers had studied many disasters to allow codifica­tion efforts (Quarantelli and Dynes 1977). For some (e.g., Dynes 1970) disaster periods refer to a temporal category (e.g., before a disaster strikes, while a disaster strikes, after a disaster strikes). In other cases, the use of the phases may refer to functional activities that may or may not also be embedded with temporal considerations (stocking supplies, search and rescue, responding while the disaster strikes, attempting to recovery from the impact). For example, Barton (1970) combines both functional and temporal considerations of disaster. Yet, these and other writers never fully explored the theoretical implications of using the phases in their research

      Early work to codify natural disasters relied in different degrees on the temporality of the event as a timeline of before/during/after.

      Neal critiques this work as lacking in theoretical implications.

    6. Disasters, Dynes argues, follow a general temporal sequence despite the agent. Dynes em­ploys these phases to argue successfully for an "all hazards" approach to disaster

      Dyne's definition evokes Powell's timeline approach to all disaster phases.

  23. Aug 2018
    1. Events have a time span; actions have a time frame that highlights the urgency of (continuously) deepening our knowledge of time as a key component of organizations (Bleijenbergh, Gremmen, & Peters, 2016). In

      Interesting way to temporally frame events as a span vs activity as a time frame/tempo.

    1. User studies and intuition both suggest that the activities that a knowledge worker engages in change—sometimes dramatically—over time. Projects and milestones come and go, and the tools and information resources used within an activity often change over time as well. Furthermore, activities completed in the past and their outcomes often impact activities in the present, and ongoing activities will, in turn, affect activities that will be undertaken in the future. Capturing activity over the course of time has long been a problem for desktop computing.

      "Activities are dynamic"

      This challenge features temporal relationships between work and worker, in the past/present sense, and work and goals, in the present/future sense.

      Evokes Reddy's T/R/H temporal organization of work and Bluedorn's work on polychronicity.

    1. Recognising ourselves as having evolved, and thus being the times of nature, allows for the humanly constituted aspects of time to become one expression among the others. Biologists have dispelled the idea that only humans experience time or organise their lives by it. Waiting and timing in nature presuppose knowledge of time and temporality, irrespective of their being symbolised, conceptualised, reckoned, or measured. Yet, once time is constituted symbolically, it is no longer reducible to the communication of organisms or physical signals; it is no longer a mere sensory datum. For a person to have a past and to recognise and know it entails a representational, symbolically based imagination. Endowed with it, people do not merely undergo their presents and pasts but they shape and reshape them. Symbolic meaning thus makes the past infinitely flexible. With objectified meaning we can not only look back, reflect, and contemplate but we can reinterpret, restructure, alter, and modify the past irrespective of whether this is done in the light of new knowledge in the present, to suit the present, or for purposes of legitimation.

      Still struggling a bit with this section but I think Adam is proposing that if we break down the barriers between understanding social time as symbolic and natural time as objective, that we can borrow methods of sensemaking from natural time and apply them to social time, it broadens our ways of knowing/understanding human temporal experience.

  24. Jun 2017
  25. Sep 2015
  26. Mar 2015
    1. Beltran has spent most of his career with Pumas UNAM. He debuted on 24 November 1996 for Pumas UNAM against Morelia, where Pumas team won 3–2.

      I believe 21st!