- Feb 2022
twitter.com twitter.com
PaedsHaemDoc. (2022, January 9). Had the misfortune (via @fatemperor) to come across Dr Paul Alexander -apparently credentialed yet in single blog post demonstrates perfectly either a disconnect from rational thought or deliberate misinformation spreading of the #masspsychosis of the anti-Vax crew let’s examine https://t.co/Ctd49cb1qK [Tweet]. @dr_barrett. https://twitter.com/dr_barrett/status/1479986071832248322
- Dec 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Tentori, K., Pighin, S., Giovanazzi, G., Grignolio, A., Timberlake, B., & Ferro, A. (2021). Default change nudges Covid-19 vaccine uptake: A randomized controlled trial. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/9bsjg
- Sep 2021
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
An excellent video. Going to have to watch it a few more times to absorb more.
- Aug 2021
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
The Attack on "Critical Race Theory": What's Going on?
Lately, a lot of people have been very upset about “critical race theory.” Back in September 2020, the former president directed federal agencies to cut funding for training programs that refer to “white privilege” or “critical race theory, declaring such programs “un-American propaganda” and “a sickness that cannot be allowed to continue.” In the last few months, at least eight states have passed legislation banning the teaching of CRT in schools and some 20 more have similar bills in the pipeline or plans to introduce them. What’s going on?
Join us for a conversation that situates the current battle about “critical race theory” in the context of a much longer war over the relationship between our racial present and racial past, and the role of culture, institutions, laws, policies and “systems” in shaping both. As members of families and communities, as adults in the lives of the children who will have to live with the consequences of these struggles, how do we understand what's at stake and how we can usefully weigh in?
Hosts: Melissa Giraud & Andrew Grant-Thomas
Guests: Shee Covarrubias, Kerry-Ann Escayg,
Some core ideas of critical race theory:
- racial realism
- racism is normal
- interest convergence
- racial equity only occurs when white self interest is being considered (Brown v. Board of Education as an example to portray US in a better light with respect to the Cold War)
- Whiteness as property
- Cheryl Harris' work
- White people have privilege in the law
- myth of meritocracy
- Intersectionality
People would rather be spoon fed rather than do the work themselves. Sadly this is being encouraged in the media.
Short summary of CRT: How laws have been written to institutionalize racism.
Culturally Responsive Teaching (also has the initials CRT).
KAE tries to use an anti-racist critical pedagogy in her teaching.
SC: Story about a book Something Happened in Our Town (book).
- Law enforcement got upset and the school district
- Response video of threat, intimidation, emotional blackmail by local sheriff's department.
- Intent versus impact - the superintendent may not have had a bad intent when providing an apology, but the impact was painful
It's not really a battle about or against CRT, it's an attempt to further whitewash American history. (synopsis of SC)
What are you afraid of?
- racial realism
- May 2021
towardsdatascience.com towardsdatascience.com
- Mar 2021
link.springer.com link.springer.com
Giubilini, A., Caviola, L., Maslen, H., Douglas, T., Nussberger, A.-M., Faber, N., Vanderslott, S., Loving, S., Harrison, M., & Savulescu, J. (2019). Nudging Immunity: The Case for Vaccinating Children in School and Day Care by Default. HEC Forum, 31(4), 325–344. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10730-019-09383-7
- Jan 2021
[[Verna Myers]]: [[How to overcome our biases? Walk boldly toward them]] [[Ted Talk]]
Our biases can be dangerous, even deadly — as we've seen in the cases of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, and Eric Garner, in Staten Island, New York. Diversity advocate Verna Myers looks closely at some of the subconscious attitudes we hold toward out-groups. She makes a plea to all people: Acknowledge your biases. Then move toward, not away from, the groups that make you uncomfortable. In a funny, impassioned, important talk, she shows us how.
"Stare at awesome black people."
Look for discomfirming data
"Walk toward your discomfort."
When you see something, have the courage to say something. ie "We don't say those things anymore."
- Jul 2020
Pensando a Pandemia: Tópicos em Filosofia da Mente e Psicologia. (2020, July 2). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CiVz0q5oRK8
- Jun 2020
www.scientificamerican.com www.scientificamerican.com
US, A. B., The Conversation. (n.d.). Coronavirus Responses Highlight How Humans Have Evolved to Dismiss Facts That Don’t Fit Their Worldview. Scientific American. Retrieved June 30, 2020, from https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/coronavirus-responses-highlight-how-humans-have-evolved-to-dismiss-facts-that-dont-fit-their-worldview/
CNN, J. H. and V. S. (n.d.). Fauci warns of “anti-science bias” being a problem in US. CNN. Retrieved June 28, 2020, from https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/18/politics/anthony-fauci-coronavirus-anti-science-bias/index.html