- Nov 2024
democracy is under attack. There are two primary forces responsible for undermining the democratic process, particularly in the US
for - democracy - erosion from two forces - dark money and - dark tech - Otto Scharmer
- May 2024
l'enquête que j'ai conduite pendant 5 ans avec annecler de faossé 00:53:00 dans les Hautes Alpes près de la frontière italienne dans une région qui est autour du col de Montgenèvre l'un des principaux points d'entrée en France par le sud-est l'un des deux points d'entrée en 00:53:11 en France par le sud-est montre que le protocole décrit dans les textes n'est généralement pas suivi alors même que depuis 2016 la proportion des jeunes garçons en provenance d'Afrique sub-saharienne se déclarant mineur a 00:53:24 souvent été élevée alors frontière d'abord on a eu pendant plusieurs années un refoulement presque systématique par les policiers chargés de la garder qui contestait l'âge déclaré par le jeune voire déchirer son acte de naissance 00:53:38 jusqu'à ce que plusieurs condamnations de l'État par les tribunaux administratifs ne conduisent ce dernier à se montrer plus respectueux de la loi en adressant ses garçons à l'aide sociale à l'enfance via une association 00:53:50 locale ce qui est désormais fait le plus souvent certains agents récal Citran continuant CEP pendant à les renvoyer en Italie parfois après avoir falsifié leurs documents ainsi que le constatent 00:54:02 les associations qui de l'autre côté de la frontière côté italien conserve les copies des originaux
- Mar 2024
www.defenseurdesdroits.fr www.defenseurdesdroits.fr
prisles dispositions nécessaires pour assurer la continuité dans l’accès à la
scolarité et aux soins
www.defenseurdesdroits.fr www.defenseurdesdroits.fr
Dans une décision publiée le 11 octobre 2023,le Conseil d’État a enjoint au ministre del’intérieur de prendre des mesures pour faireappliquer l’obligation d’identification des forcesde l’ordre.
La Défenseure des droits rappelle que lepremier objectif du maintien de l’ordre est degarantir la liberté de manifester.
à établir des relations positives entreles forces de l'ordre et la population.
- May 2023
www.defenseurdesdroits.fr www.defenseurdesdroits.fr
Augmenter significativement les moyens donnés aux forces de l’ordre pour enquêter sur lesplaintes relatives aux violences sur mineurs.
- Feb 2023
aviationweek.com aviationweek.com
I tried contacting our military and the FBI—and just got the runaround
Of course, they don't work for us they work for the racketeers in Congress and their wealthy financiers. No sense in trying to talk sense into their mercenaries.
- Apr 2022
ottawacitizen.com ottawacitizen.com
Pugliese, D. (2021, September 27). Military leaders saw pandemic as unique opportunity to test propaganda on Canadians: Report. National Post. https://nationalpost.com/news/national/defence-watch/military-leaders-saw-pandemic-as-unique-opportunity-to-test-propaganda-techniques-on-canadians-forces-report-says/wcm/22733c97-39f0-4ba4-8a26-478af5e215f3
- lang:en
- is:news
- Canadian Forces
- military leader
- propaganda
- Afghanistan war
- civil disobedience
- pandemic
- Canada
- technique
- COVID-19
- Sep 2021
chem.libretexts.org chem.libretexts.org
Ion-ion interactions fall off slower than ion-dipole. Tripling the distance between two ions reduces the energy by 1/3, while tripling the distance between the ion and a dipole reduces it by 1/9. That is, one is inversly proportional to the distance between them (1/r) and one is proportional to the inverse square of the distance (1/r2).
The name "Ion dipole forces" describes what they are, which simply speaking, are the result of the Coulombic electrostatic interactions between an ion and the charged ends of a dipole.
- Apr 2021
www.pedagogie.ac-nice.fr www.pedagogie.ac-nice.fr
' " " " ." " - "& ,, + ( ,,- 9
Conditions d'intervention des forces de l'ordre en EPLE
- Apr 2020
accessmedicine.mhmedical.com accessmedicine.mhmedical.com
The final stages of this sequence are caused by blood accumulation that forces the temporal lobe medially, with resultant compression of the third cranial nerve and eventually the brain stem.
- Jan 2018
maestriadesarrollo.com maestriadesarrollo.com
es visto y sentido como espacio vivencial de lo sagrado y lo cotidiano, del conocimiento de las leyes propias, de la relación con otros seres, con los humanos y del manejo o relaciones que se tienen con ellos. Cada parte esta interrelacionada con lo otro [...] El territorio es visto de manera integral donde lo físico y lo espiritual se articulan, y donde todos los actores [humanos y no-humanos] tienen una relación y un lugar. El reconocimiento del territorio se realiza a través de la lectura de las marcas ancestrales inscritas en los sitios sagrados desde los orígenes y que señalan el accionar presente, y los lleva a proponer un manejo integral de todo el territorio, para asegurar su conservación ambiental y cultural (Ull
el espacio vital que asegura la pervivencia como pueblo, como cultura en convivencia con la naturaleza y los espíritus. El territorio es nuestro verdadero libro histórico que mantiene viva la tradición de quienes habitamos en él. Representa y describe los principios y prácticas de nuestra cultura. Implica la posesión, control y dominio del espacio físico y espiritual. Como espacio colectivo de existencia, posibilita la convivencia armónica entre los pueblos. Fundamenta la cosmovisión indígena como razón de nuestra pervivencia”.
De ahí la importancia de los hackerspaces como territorio: lugar de memoria y convivencia.
- Nov 2017
Local file Local file
[...] As we discussed earlier, just as many efforts are being expended on closings as these openings, cajoling and coercing them in various submissive ways and generally blocking possibilities. The digital commons is certainly a new frontier for struggles over commodification.[83] The main challenges to these creative forces emanate from state-security apparatuses and commerciallegal apparatuses. The main challenges to these creative forces emanate from state-security apparatuses and commerciallegal apparatuses. We have covered some of these closings, but here we want to restate the importance of open versus closed conventions of the Internet. Much has been said about Facebook, Flickr, Google, Tumblr, Twitter, and YouTube and their activities for tracking the conduct of people for advertising revenues and collecting big data. Let us emphasize that among one of the most important reasons that both state and corporate apparatuses are able to do this is because these are designed as proprietary and closed conventions. Unlike open conventions such as WordPress or Wikimedia, these conventions require submitting to end-user licences and user contracts that not only severely restrict actions but also appropriate their results as data. There is a massive difference between the digital commons created by open-source code and its increasing zoning, appropriation, sequestration, and enclosure through closed conventions. [...] Let us remember that cyberspace is a fragile if not a precarious space. This makes its protection as an open-source digital commons a political question—a question that those who are making digital rights claims are enacting with increasing effectiveness but also with urgency.
This is what Lyotard highlighted as the commodification of knowledge in what he then called computerized societies. The conversion of intellectual or, more broadly, cultural capital into economic capital is possible under the protection of copyright laws. This is the force of copyright law. Since it introduces a tension between creativity and calculability, it is doubtful that copyright law either protects or encourages creativity. Instead, creativity is commodified by copyright. The performative force of copyright is that both the creator and consumer must—knowingly and unknowingly—repeat and iterate it. The force of copyright law would be nothing if it were not performed. That is the reason why maintaining its imaginary force requires enormous energy: copyright mobilizes massive efforts to maintain its legal, performative, and imaginary force. If creativity were not commodified, copyright would not exist. Commodification transforms the use value of things into exchange value for being sold and bought.
- Oct 2017
Local file Local file
Las infraestructuras de bolsillo y comunitarias serían una forma de lidiar con los desbalances de poder de las plataformas digitales. Está sin embargo el tema de la sostenibilidad cuando no se comercializa la intimidad de los usuarios. Esto debería estar asociado a economías cooperativas y de bienes comunes. El bootstrapping de dicho modelo está aún por verse, pero podría ocurrir a partir de consultorías individuales que alienten y financien dichas plataformas.
The important thing is to separate acts (locutionary, illocutionary, perlocutionary), forces (legal, performative, imaginary), conventions, actions, bodies, and spaces that their relations produce.
- Sep 2017
Local file Local file
rampages.us rampages.us
between them
This space is fundamental to sociological theory. It the place where social forces exert power in the lives of individuals. SNA seeks to capture that influence and power.
- Feb 2014
s3.amazonaws.com s3.amazonaws.com
In addition to broad economic trends affecting domestic politics evenly, Fisher also notes the uneven distribution of effects stemming from intellectual property rights (1999, Sect. II. C.). The positive effects of intellectual property rights accrue strongl y to a small number of rights - holders (the paper assumes that there are no significant negative effects to rights - holders); for this reason, rights - holders have significant motive (and potentially greater means) to overcome the significant barriers to acti ve political lobbying.
Fisher outlines three trends : (1) the increasing number of citizens owning , or employed by owners of , intellectual property; (2) the United States’ economic position as an increasingly net exporter of intellectual property; and (3) the increasing investment companies have made in intellectual property in terms of research, development, brand - establishment, etc. (1999, Sect. II. A.).
increasing number of owners of intellectual property
strong economic position including exports of intellectual property
increase in investments by companies in intellectual property