- Oct 2024
www.robenmariestudio.com www.robenmariestudio.com
For a limited time,
I would make this the heading
free event
virtual summit
stratechery.com stratechery.com
both too much for one person, yet not sufficient to hire an army of backroom employees
sweet spot of bicycle-riding: it's what one augmented person can produce
how low-marginal-cost checking accounts might lead to more business for the bank overall, the volume of which can be supported thanks to said new technology.
what 10x more ambitious thing does the technological shift enable?
www.robenmariestudio.com www.robenmariestudio.com
I'd change the CTA here too... DOWNLOAD THE DIGITAL VERSION
tter of days.
I'm curious... are you not able to link to the print version or do you ask them to sign up so you capture their email addresses? If it's a conscious decision to make them sign up, I'd reword the button CTA slightly. GET YOUR EXCLUSIVE LINK TO ORDER... and then the CTA in the pop-up box would be SEND ME THE EXCLUSIVE LINK TO ORDER
n Digital and Print*
I wonder whether you can include a photo of yourself with the print version in the header so there's a warm smile as soon as they land on the page.
thewasteland.info thewasteland.info
Those are pearls that were his eyes. 'Are you alive, or not?
Eliot’s interest in death by suicide (as we see in the Sybil epigraph) is brought to life here in an overlap of Shakesphere references. Of course, the first line here is an echo of the Tempest reference in Burial of the Dead. Notably, it is a reference to Alonso, who tried to drown himself upon hearing false news of his son’s death. Then, the second line is quite feasibly a reworking of the famous, “To be, or not to be,” given that they are syntactically analogous with the placement of commas. Actually, they are structurally inverted, with the Hamlet comma placed in between the second and third syllable (x x, x x x x), while Eliot’s comma is placed in between the fourth and fifth syllable (x x x x, x x). Hamlet’s line is most popularly interpreted as a contemplation of suicide. Together, these two references seem to point to Ophelia’s death, and suggest Eliot decides that hers was a death by suicide as well.
The way Eliot inverts the structure of Hamlet’s line brings to mind the concept of a reflection, such as the “glassy stream” in which Ophelia drowns, as if the Eliot line floats on the surface of a body of water. If we were to indulge that imagery, it certainly would reaffirm the ideas of death and corpses, seeing as corpses float in water. This calls to mind the line “fear death by water” from Burial of the Dead in the tarot section. Perhaps Eliot means to prophesize suicidal drowning, which adds an interesting wrinkle to the grave motif that we’ve seen so often up to this point: does Eliot’s focus shift from the ground as a resting place to that of a water-submerged grave in A Game of Chess?
I sat upon the shore
I am interested in the indentation of “I sat upon the shore” in a section that is otherwise left-justified. The visual effect of the standalone line in the left-aligned stanza mimics a cliff / shore situation where a fisher can lower their hook. The “shore” is not supported by any words in the line directly beneath it, just as the sand underneath the waves sift under compression, shapeshifting and fluid. Extending this literal interpretation, what we find on the other end of the line is the subterranean substance beneath the shore’s surface. Our last line, “Shantih shantih shantih” is also indented, although not as much as the first line is. This is a call and response that not only sandwiches the mixture of content (similar yet unidentical as the shifting sands) with visibly-identifiable structure but also clarifies the mission the narrator has set out to achieve: finding peace.
Nautical imagery is not limited to semantics, however. Beyond fishing on shores and London Bridge collapsing (into the River Thames), the spacing of closing line “Shantih shantih shantih” vaguely resembles the ebb and flow of waves departing shore. I am puzzled by the alignment of these last three words, and one justification (haha because it’s not left-justified) I concluded is that each “shanih” corresponds to a moment in time, with the subject “I” in the first line denoting the present. The first, capitalized “shantih” is for the past - a violent amalgamation of tragedies spanning centuries, mythologies, and even languages, yet the narrator still possesses the burgeoning hope to pray for peace. The second is for the present - a conflicted narrative between “Fishing”, present participle, and “have shored”, present perfect tense, an active search for reconciliation. And the last is for the future - nebulous with a promise of revenge, for “Hieronymo’s mad againe”. What strikes me aside from Eliot’s refusal to spell alluded character names correctly is the simultaneous looming and absence of destiny. A final prayer for peace suggests the future may need all the divine intervention it can get. The residual aggression from the Spanish Tragedy, which in TWL, is the universal tragedy, lingers in the falling infrastructure and human decay. Yet, the future is markedly absent throughout the stanza. The subject is positioned “with the arid plain behind me”. This direction acknowledges the past and deems it infertile. But what lies ahead? What of the future? It is unwritten, unpunctualized, and utterly neglected.
Combining the Tarot-reading interpretation of the poem’s end and my earlier theory of fishing (if you were to draw a line between the “e” of “shore” and the “h” of the last“shantih”, you see a fishing line attached to a hook. If you really squint), we realize Eliot propels the reader into The Waste Land, or rather, he brings the waste land to us. We are all on our own holy grail quests, fishing for peace.
Here one can neither stand nor lie nor sit
One aspect of Eliot’s description of the mountains in “What the Thunder Said” is the idea of the inability to exist or be present in a space. Eliot describes how “Here one can neither stand nor lie nor sit”, addressing what could be argued to be the main forms of human existence in rest. The idea of standing suggests a pause in walking, and thus not being able to stand suggests a continuous journey. The idea of sitting refers to a time of relaxation or restoration where one is still active in the body as well as the mind. This state of being is also impossible in the mountains. Finally, the notion of lying invites the possibility of sleep, collapse, and death. However, as the narrator claims, one cannot enter such a state in the mountains either. The paradoxical banning of sleep or death in the barren mountains evokes the previously mentioned story of Sybil, who is unable to die and escape her immortality. In this understanding of constant progression and movement, one finds themselves in a state of inescapable vitality. This idea of restlessness and vitality also appears in one of Eliot’s sources, a poem named “What the Thrush Said”, by John Keat. In this poem, Keat describes how “He who saddens//At thought of idleness cannot be idle//And he’s awake who thinks himself asleep.” Again, the reader is met with the notion not being able to be idle, but interesting, Keat’s poem also associates this state of restlessness with the human mind and consciousness. As one sleeps, they typically don’t realize they are sleeping, and as Keat describes, the realization that one is asleep is a state of awareness. I also believe we can interpret these descriptions of physical inabilities to rest as applicable the mental realm, specifically in the case of anguish. The inability to rest, stop, or even recover through sleep seems representative of mental torment, which, of course, has been discussed through many stories throughout “The Waste Land”. This endless vitality and restlessness of the mind can also be seen as the underlying force behind the fractured and constantly shifting essence of the poem, especially in terms of Eliot’s formation of dialogue and descriptions.
journals.openedition.org journals.openedition.org
Le street art est aujourd’hui, dans les métropoles, support et prétexte de pratiques de loisir multiples, qui sont dans un premier temps liées explicitement à la dimension artistique du street art. Elles participent d’une offre de loisirs culturels en expansion dans la ville créative (Vivant, 2009), où l’art contribue au renouvellement urbain via la production d’une nouvelle image des quartiers. La notion de ville créative a été reprise par les milieux politiques (Keil et Boudreau, 2010) et largement intégrée à la gouvernance métropolitaine dans une optique de marketing urbain (Saez, 2014). Le street art peut alors être un outil (Blanchard, 2017 ; Sallenave, 2017) intégré aux politiques culturelles qui confortent le marketing urbain et favorisent la gentrification (Clerval et Fleury, 2009). D’abord valorisé au cours d’événements ponctuels, festivals et expositions, le street art est progressivement associé à des lieux culturels dédiés à la culture Hip Hop.
Les quartiers sont rénovés. Ils ont une nouvelle image grâce à l'art de rue.*
L’éditeur de guides touristiques Lonely Planet a publié en 2017 un guide consacré au street art (Bartlett, 2017) ; Paris est en bonne place dans ce florilège des scènes street art des grandes métropoles mondiales. Le street art constitue donc désormais un élément incontournable de la visite urbaine, au sein d’une offre touristique métropolitaine qui se diversifie (Jacquot et al., 2013). Les visites street art permettent de rapprocher pratiques touristiques et pratiques habitantes de quartiers récemment rénovés (Maitland, 2013). Cette mise en tourisme du street art est contemporaine d’une institutionnalisation de la pratique alternative et transgressive du graffiti, inscrite dans la contre-culture. D’une part, l’intégration de la production des graffeurs au marché de l'art contemporain, par le biais de galeries et de marchands d'art, témoigne d’une forme de marchandisation de cette pratique artistique (Genard, 2014). D’autre part, le street art est mobilisé par les acteurs publics dans la production d'un art urbain qui s'intègre au modèle de la ville néo-libérale, dans le cadre d’une normalisation de la ville (Guinard et Margier, 2017). Cet art public se déploie notamment en parallèle du renouvellement urbain dans des quartiers ayant fait l’objet de grands projets urbains (Kullmann, 2015) et/ou en voie de gentrification (Blanchard, 2017)
L'art de rue attire les touristes. L'art de rue a une bonne position Ă Paris.
Le street art est l’objet de formes de mise en tourisme dans la métropole parisienne. À Paris et en proche banlieue, à la suite de l’émergence d’expositions et de festivals de street art, des visites guidées sur le thème du street art se sont multipliées. Ces promenades urbaines, souvent présentées sous l’appellation de street art tours, mobilisent des acteurs privés et visent un public diversifié, des Parisiens curieux aux touristes passant par la plate-forme de logement Airbnb. Les street art tours contribuent à la mise en tourisme des quartiers gentrifiés ou en rénovation de la métropole, tout en s’inscrivant dans des rapports de pouvoir entrecroisés.
Cet article est sur l'art de rue Ă Paris. Il parle aux parisiens curieux. Il parle aussi aux visiteurs d'autres pays. Cet art aide le tourisme Ă Paris.
Street art et mise en tourisme de la métropole parisienne, des festivals aux street art tours
J'aime le titre de cet article
jacqueline-sinfield.mykajabi.com jacqueline-sinfield.mykajabi.com
Can you add a little more detail around how many hours it includes and the outcome of the day?
12 x Private 1:1 ADHD coaching sessions with Jacqueline! Ongoing support via WhatsApp in between coaching sessions Coaching Call Transcripts It's a Wrap Home Study Course
I would move this up so it's in line with the inclusions in the column on the left. And bold the VIP day inclusion on the left...
Here's what you get when you enroll in Untapped Brilliance Success Coaching 12 x Private 1:1 ADHD coaching sessions with Jacqueline! ($4500 Value) Ongoing support via WhatsApp in between coaching sessions ( Priceless!!) Coaching Call Transcripts ($600 Value) It's a Wrap Home Study Course ($247 Value)
I would centre this
Coaching Call Transcripts for Easy Reference
This font seems different to the headings above?
These are the same strategies, and practical tools that I teach my 1:1 coaching clients, so they can achieve success in their career and life too. While you might have tried making changes on your own, it’s tough to know which techniques will work for you, when to tweak them or when it’s time to let go and try a brand new strategy.
Can you centre this section on the page and bold the first sentence?
After my diagnosis, I created a system of strategies to support myself. I let go of neurotypical techniques that didn’t suit me. I adapted other techniques so that they truly worked for my brain and worked with my strengths. Then everything changed. Life doesn’t feel like an endless to-do list anymore. These strategies allowed me to be a full time ADHD coach for 19 years ( and counting).
Can you move this text next to the photo of your with your medal at all?
You would love to arrive at work a
Could you structure this section as 4 columns at all? I think it would make it look cleaner.
Let me guess...
I feel like there's something missing over the header image?
Local file Local file
he law being violent in its very origin
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
Educators Don’t Expect AI To Take Center Stage in Education Nearly all of the teachers we surveyed predict that artificial intelligence will continue to impact classrooms of the future. However, most don't envision it playing a central role.
why not?
For example, in May 2024, OpenAI introduced ChatGPT Edu, a version of ChatGPT designed for higher education institutions. This iteration of the popular platform features enhanced security and privacy, does not use conversations and data to train Open AI models, and offers education-relevant capabilities such as document summarization and the ability for students and instructors to build and share customized GPT models.
This shows that the creators of AI, OpenAI in particular is taking special attention to how the education industry has been affected and is offering a tool to support Higher Education.
Before we dive into AI’s function in the education space, let’s define this technology in general terms. Artificial intelligence allows machines to execute tasks that have traditionally required human cognition. AI-powered programs and devices can make decisions, solve problems, understand and mimic natural language and learn from unstructured data. OpenAI’s release of ChatGPT—a natural language processing chatbot—in the fall of 2022 brought AI to many people’s attention for the first time. However, AI tools have been part of the tech landscape for years. If you’ve ever played chess against a bot, consulted a virtual assistant like Siri or Alexa or even scrolled through your social media feed, you’ve already interacted with artificial intelligence.
I also appreciate the origin and definition of AI being present before we get into the meat of the article.
Forbes Advisor’s education editors are committed to producing unbiased rankings and informative articles covering online colleges, tech bootcamps and career paths. Our ranking methodologies use data from the National Center for Education Statistics, education providers, and reputable educational and professional organizations. An advisory board of educators and other subject matter experts reviews and verifies our content to bring you trustworthy, up-to-date information. Advertisers do not influence our rankings or editorial content.
I like that they give us a clear reason to trust them and it really builds their ethos and credibility.
moodle.vassar.edu moodle.vassar.edu
Content specific NCC are neuronal populations which are active when specific "contents of experience" are perceived or thought about, and are inactive otherwise. For example, if the NCC for experiencing the contents of a face are stimulated
NCC can refer to content-specific NCC or full NCC.
Vegetative state
Disorder of consciousness in which patients retain autonomic reflexes and the ability to spontaneously open their eyes despite being completely unresponsive in every other way.
Hot zone
An area of the posterior cerebral cortex spanning the temporal, parietal, and occipital lobes. There is a strong possibility that it is the location of the full and content specific NCC. Content specific NCC are populations of neurons associated with specific perceptual experiences (e.g., facial recognition).
No‑report paradigm
An experimental model in which groups that provide subjective reports of what they perceive (a presented stimulus) are compared with groups that do not provide such reports. Instead, we attempt to determine what the latter group is perceiving via physiological measures (neuroimaging technology). This method allows the NCC to be distinguished from activity which relates to them.
In behavioral paradigms, consciousness is evaluated using verbal reports or physical responses indicating the perception of a presented stimulus. The accuracy of these reports/responses is unreliable when said stimuli are dubiously perceptible, because it is hard to tell whether the subject actually perceived the stimulus or simply guessed its position correctly. Forced-choice procedures can determine the subject's objective awareness of the stimulus by minimizing their subjective bias.
reactormag.com reactormag.com
The three of them wound up huddled on the floor in Elliott’s office, backs against the wall, knees to their chests. They’d closed the door. Elliott knew they’d look ridiculous to anyone who saw them, but they all felt better this way.
This is a continuation of Elliot showing his sympathy for Bonnie after realizing she was a victim of sexual assault. A great way of showing sympathy is to simply be in a space that brings the other comfort and just sitting with them in it.
“I’m so, so sorry.” Nothing he could say would come close to being adequate.
This is the basic way of showing sympathy for someone but Elliott continues on by giving Bonnie a moment of comfort.
www.bbhenrystudio.com www.bbhenrystudio.com
Ignite Your Creativity: Dive into 12 weeks of pure artistic discovery Connect with Enthusiastic Artists: Join our vibrant community and fuel your inspiration Maximize your Innate Potential: Discover new techniques and embrace your unique style Return to Play: Innovation through exploration and experimentation Personalized Support: Individual feedback elevates your art Learn on Your Terms: Access course materials whenever inspiration strikes
I think this is too much in the header section. I would remove this section entirely.
As for the button copy, I'd remove Register Here!
I would beef these up in a separate 'this is what you can expect' section underneath your about section.
Do you ever feel like you're sitting on the sidelines, watching other people create beautiful art? Wishing that you could do it, too?
Some of these ideas would be great to the 'right now' section further up on the page
I've spent years honing in on my process for creating art journals that are not only functional but unique works of art. I will teach you the steps that will guarantee results that you will be proud to show off. Through a distinctive process of learning the "rules" and techniques, I will then encourage you to break the rules and make the creation process your own. Intuitive playing and experimentation will become integral parts of your art practice.
I'd try to condense your about section to one visual section on the page. So possibly see how you can move this bit into your 'main' about section
MY PROMISE TO YOU ... By the end of the 12-week BB Art Journals Masterclass you
BB ARt Journal Masterclass will help you...
y you approach art.
I'd then follow it with a paragraph that addresses the right now and how they're currently approaching their art. The frustration of doubting themselves, not knowing where to start, lacking feedback so they know how they can improve, etc...
And then I would introduce your BB Art Journals Masterclass as the solution in the next section.
It's Time to Activate Your Creative Potential: Say Goodbye to Overwhelm and Hello to Confidence!
I would lead with what's possibe here... the dream future!
What if you activated your full creative potential and said goodbye to overwhelm?
Imagine what it would feel like to eliminate the sheer impossible obsticles that have been holidng you back from creating? And you not only started creating consistently, but you could watch your skills grow week by week?
And you could trust your artistic intuition?
Someting like this...
Personalized Support: You're never alone; your teacher is with you every step of the way. Real-Time Interaction: Get answers to your questions promptly with live office hours and co-creates. Collaborative Creativity: Join live co-creates to play and create with fellow artists, sparking inspiration. Supportive Community: Join a positive, encouraging community where both your teacher and peers cheer you on.
This also perfectly lends itself to a clumn-style approach
Option 1: Dive into all the course content (videos, PDFs, guides, etc.) released on April 14th! Take the "choose your adventure" approach: binge-watch the videos or explore modules that interest you the most. Feel free to dive deeper into captivating modules—there's no strict schedule here. My goal is for you to enjoy the journey and find art as an escape from the daily hustle. Option 2: Prefer a community-driven experience? If you are in need of accountability and looking for friends that will help you stay encouraged, this is the path for you! Follow along week by week as I guide you through the modules. This structured approach culminates in creating a stunning art journal. Take advantage of our private group forum, live office hours, and direct feedback sessions for added support and encouragement. Option 3: Can't decide? Opt for a mix of both! Ultimately, it's about what feels right for you. One thing you'll learn early on about me as a teacher, is that I will provide you the tools you need to succeed, but then I will encourage you to discover the path that works best for YOU! With various learning methods, you're sure to find what resonates with you best.
I would definitely turn this into a 3-colum section with a matching icon/graphic for each
NCE a year
I would move this section right underneath the header
Discover Confidence Through Creativity:
Find confidence through creativity in this 12-week art adventure, and FINALLY embrace your unique style
Local file Local file
El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras account for some of the most consequentialmigration streams in the Western Hemispher
A nice little fact about the top 3 country
I like how it is also in Spanish
This is the website bringing to a springer link. It's a research website
Published online: 16 October 2019
Not too recent but in a span of 5 years
Denise N. Obinna
Obinna is a researcher, her research are mainly about immigration, social policy and challenges faced by minorities.
www.javatpoint.com www.javatpoint.com
Adding Lower Type
Java promotes smaller data types (i.e., byte, short, and char) to int for arithmetic operations to prevent overflow issues. This process is called type promotion.
bbhosted.cuny.edu bbhosted.cuny.edu
I think Ellis' ideology regarding a link between racial questions and the question of "sex" is largely a problem with interracial romantic and sexual relationships, and perhaps the morality of sex for pleasure rather than only procreation. Interracial relationships are often scrutinized under the idea of a black man being sexually violent towards a white women, therefore creating prejudice against any variation of interracial coupling. Protesting sex for pleasure is often connected with conservative ideologies that control women's bodies under a "pro-life" facade. This protest attempts to create an option of have more children or remain abstinent, however this is an unrealistic expectation and leads to the deaths of many women who received unsafe abortions.
The United States classifying bodies as "black," "white," "heterosexual," or "homosexual" is a tactic to create a social other and control bodies. Similarly this is seen when classifying bodies as "male" and "female" and the control the government instills over feminine reproductive rights.
Has sexuality become seen as a social construct in the same way gender is because it is being classified as an "invention"? Could it therefore be argued that certain societies with different conventions have no, less, or more sexualities and genders than modern society?
alblue.bandlem.com alblue.bandlem.com
However, the notes don't have to be textual, nor do they have to be something which is mergeable.
Can I have binary files in my notes??
Overwriting existing notes for object 056ca11c01b47e2bfe1e51178b65c80bbdeef7b0
It seems that you're able to make notes on commits. Since a commit can be referenced by a tag, or branch, you can make notes on those, too -- kind of.
I have wondered if git's notes function would allow one to keep some kind of issue management system within the repository itself.
academic-oup-com.myaccess.library.utoronto.ca academic-oup-com.myaccess.library.utoronto.ca
Social class due to morphological and physiological differences
kin selection
Sacrifice life in order to help closely related oheims to survive
Unable to produce children
High school Bio then were two types of survived ship curve to increase population
make (something, typically an undesirable situation or an unfounded belief) continue indefinitely.
Ignore this highlight
And who empowered these provincials to pass judgment upon England's policies in her own colonies? To come and go without so much as a "by your leave." CORA They do not live their lives "by your leave." ... They hack it out of the wilderness with their own two hands, burying their dead and their children along the way.
This quote from Duncan shows the frustration that he and other British had towards the colonists for questioning anything that England does. They viewed themselves as completely superior, so anything out of line triggered them. Cora's response reminds him of the hardships the colonist experienced to settle there as well as what it costed them. This is a good example of the tensions that started to arise between the colonists and the British; where they are starting to form their own identity without the authority of England.
- This wasn't related to any readings for this movie, but signs of colonists revolting was brought up during the lecture that week.
I cannot imagine his Majesty, in his benevolence, would ever object to his American subjects defending their hearth & home, their women & children, if threatened by the "scourge" of attack from savages, aroused to such excess by our enemy, the ever-perfidious French.
In these couple lines, Webb is basically saying that the King would accept the colonists defense against any "savage" attack, especially if they were brought on by the French. This portrays the small conflicts that were going on between the French and the British where the colonists would have to pay. Comparing this to readings of that time, these events seem historically accurate as there were raids carried out by Native Americans on their former lands.
- Calloway, First Peoples, 168-169
Logistics are his guns are bigger than mine and he has more of them. They keep our heads down while his sappers make thirty yards of trench a day. His thirteen inch mortars have a two hundred yard range, so when they're close enough, they'll move them in, lob explosive rounds over our walls and pound us to dust.
This matched with what actually happened to Fort William Henry, where the French put constant pressure on the fort. The French knew that the British had to give in eventually, and when supplies ran low they did.
- Greig Santos-Buch. 2024. “Understanding the Siege and Battle at Fort William Henry.” May 15, 2024.
Would the Huron make his Algonquin brothers foolish with brandy and steal his lands to sell them for gold to the white man? Would the Huron have greed for more land than a man can use? Like Francais Black Robes do? Would Huron kill tribes with disease? Would the Huron fool Seneca into taking all the animals in the forest for beads & brandy? But sell the fur to the white man for gold? ...
Gifts and trade were one of, if not the most popular ways of diplomacy between the natives and the British/French. This quote by Hawkeye describes that, but instead he talks about how the use of these gifts manipulate tribes into giving up their cultural values. This portrays colonialism in one of it's worst forms, where it tears apart tribes and lands.
- Calloway, World Turned Upside Down, 140
"Magua understand paleface is a dog to his women. When his women want to eat, he lay aside his tomahawk to feed their laziness."
Magua's line's here represents the culture disconnect from the Natives and the British. One of these biggest contrasts are the gender roles, where women in British culture relied on men more than in Native cultures. This also speaks to the very negative view that lots of tribes had on the British.
- “The British Era.” n.d. Minnesota Historical Society.
My father's people say ... at the birth of the sun and of his brother, the moon, their mother died ... so the sun gave to the earth her body, from which was to spring all life. And he drew forth from her breast the stars. The stars he threw into the night sky to remind him of her soul. (the sky) So there is the Camerons' monument ... my folks', too, I guess.
The romantic and deeply mythological lines here serve to help understand the historical context they were in. Lots of captures by Indians were treated harshly, but some, especially women and children, weren't as they might have been adopted into the tribe's culture. Here is a specific saying that is only known in Hawkeye's culture, a sign that he is not only opening up to Cora but maybe wants her to learn his culture. Also, it is believed that the Natives had a deep respect for nature and that the elements were connected with them spiritually.
- Calloway, First Peoples, 169-170
bookshelf.vitalsource.com bookshelf.vitalsource.com
Marge Simpson is seldom shy about expressing disapproval when her husband or her children misbehave. She frequently communicates her feelings through her facial expressions, posture, and the grunting sound she makes when she’s annoyed. Those and other nonverbal communication behaviors clearly convey Marge’s state of mind to anyone who happens to be around her
Obviously this is a TV show, it this does happen to so many women with families. I am very strong willed and would not put up with being so submissive or subtle. People and children need to be aware of people’s feelings. And as a parent and wife you need to be strong enough emotionally to communicate that.
The fact that two people come from different cultures doesn’t mean they can’t communicate with each other nonverbally. It simply means they should be aware of the many ways in which their cultural background is influencing how they do so.
Very true. At the end of the day we are all human. Sometimes we just have to be more aware of how we interact with other cultures, because we would not want to come across as rude or insensitive.
Decades of research indicate that people around the world express emotions—particularly primary emotions such as happiness, sadness, fear, anger, surprise, and disgust—in highly similar ways
This is very true! Especially when going to big cities it’s easy to be disgusted at the homelessness and drug use, it’s hard to not make faces or want to help. In bigger cities it’s more common to hide your facial expressions and just look at the ground instead of a more blunt approach.
social-media-ethics-automation.github.io social-media-ethics-automation.github.io
In the Black Lives Matters protests of 2020, Dallas Police made an app where they asked people to upload videos of protesters doing anything illegal. In support of the protesters, K-pop fans swarmed the app and uploaded as many K-pop videos as they could eventually leading to the app crashing and becoming unusable, and thus protecting the protesters from this attempt at Police surveillance.
This is a very interesting example of how much power the internet itself holds. The fact that K-pop fans managed to crash an entire software is quite amazing. Similar to the fact that 4chan users arranged a whole rendezvous for single men just to laugh at them, but for a greater cause. K-pop has only grown since 2020, which may very well eventually raise the question of what other tricks they have up their sleeve.
Here are some examples of parody reviews of the banana slicer:
Another funny instance of this I thought of were the sugarfree Haribo Gummy Bears. The sweetener used in the bears were actually laxatives, and so online users went ahead and posted all types of wild parody stories of them eating the bears and suffering immense digestive pain from destroying the toilet to going to the hospital. While parody reviews definitely have a humor factor, I also think that they have the potential to make or break a product based on the overall perceived notion of the parody reviews collective.
parody reviews
I have seen this being done on yelp by people who really disliked a restaurant they went to. They will post photos of the food purposefully shading it in a bad light and then write a sarcastic review giving the restaurant 5 stars. While it isn't nice of them to be ingenuine I think it isn't completely harmful as the restaurant still gets 5 stars from them and benefits from that.
It's dangerous to see how for the sake of entertainment or trying to make other people think one is witty that they are playing along with unethical actions
Trolling Examples
Trolling has its pros whether it be bringing people together, creating communities (ex people who like trolling those indian scammer call centers) and it can surely get a laugh out of people (which I think is the main reason people troll)
To go in a different direction for our last example, let’s look at an example of trolling as a form of protest. In the Black Lives Matters protests of 2020, Dallas Police made an app where they asked people to upload videos of protesters doing anything illegal. In support of the protesters, K-pop fans swarmed the app and uploaded as many K-pop videos as they could eventually leading to the app crashing and becoming unusable, and thus protecting the protesters from this attempt at Police surveillance. Read more at the Verge: K-pop stans overwhelm app after Dallas police ask for videos of protesters For another example of trolling as protests, this one with bots, see: A TikToker said he wrote code to flood Kellogg with bogus job applications after the company announced it would permanently replace striking workers
I feel like this example of trolling is more of a form of digital protest as they leveraged the disruption of this troll to actually support a cause. By using trolling in a way to overwhelm platforms with random content, it helps protestors fight against the surveillance and cooperate actions that social media websites take, and this can be a very effective from of activism.
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Ironically, Adolf Hitler displayed more knowledge of how we treated Native Americans than American high schoolers today who rely on their textbooks. Hitler admired our concentration camps for American Indians in the west and according to John Toland, his biographer, “often praised to his inner circle the efficiency of America’s extermination—by starvation and uneven combat” as the model for his extermination of Jews and Gypsies (Rom people).
I feel like people would pay more attention to what is taught in schools if they read this sentence. Not only because they would learn that Hitler got his idea for concentration camps from the United States but because of the statement, "Ironically, Adolf Hitler displayed more knowledge of how we treated Native Americans than American high schoolers today who rely on their textbooks." This is a scary thought, In a sense, Loewen is highlighting that a terrible man in history, who is not an American, knows more about American history than kids sitting in a classroom in the United States. I feel like this statement alone sums up just how much the education system keeps from us. It kind of makes me mad to think that horrible dictator knew more about my country than I do. I feel like more people should feel this way and make sure a change happens for future generations.
Authors need to go further. Walking across Beringia (the isthmus across the Bering Strait) is only a hypothesis. They ought to give other theories, including boats, a hearing. They would not have to do all the work themselves, either, but could set students loose on the Web and in the library, arming them and their teachers with ideas about what to look for and how to assess reputed new findings.
This is a great start to how we should think about the information that is exposed to students. The main problem that we see from this book is that the education system does not think students are capable of forming their own opinions about history. I feel like that is why a lot of the history we learn in high school is 'watered down," so to speak. I believe the education system can make up for its mistakes by doing its research. The problem is that we do not know if everyone who is in charge of what is required for students to learn understands what information is being left out. They simply could be going with what they know. The other problem is that, sadly, there are people in charge of the education system who know exactly what FACTS they are withholding. Hopefully, deceiving of what truly happened in our country's history will change shortly.
All the textbooks tell how Jefferson “doubled the size of the United States by buying Louisiana from France.” Not one points out that it was not France’s land to sell—it was Indian land.
This statement shocked me. While we didn't go into deep detail about the Louisiana Purchase, it was emphasized that the United States bought the land from France. It is disappointing that this piece of history was withheld from my education. Loewen is correct when discussing how the Indians were portrayed in our education. All my life, I thought the stories of Native Americans not understanding land ownership were true. Because, sadly, those stories made sense. Native Americans were painted as people who just lived by the land and had no rule of law. However, Loewen gives us many examples of how the education system failed us by not debunking that statement,
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Three other solutions were considered in Butle
First Instance: * Thesiger J. suggested sellers' terms "shall prevail" bound future dealings, implying buyer agreement. * Rejected on appeal to prevent unfair imposition of terms by offerors. Second Suggestion (Professor Guest): Divergence in reply leads to a counter-offer; acceptance could be implied from silence. * Concerns raised by Bridge L.J. and Lord Denning about the implications of this approach. Example Concern: * If a counter-offer significantly undercuts the original offer (e.g., ÂŁ72,000 vs. ÂŁ60,000), sellers may not expect a response, aligning with traditional commercial expectations.
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A definite and seasonable expression of acceptance or a written confirmation which is sent within a reasonable time operates as an acceptance even though it states terms additional to or different from those offered or agreed upon, unless acceptance is expressly made conditional on assent to the additional or different terms
) A definite and seasonable expression of acceptance or a writtenconfirmation which is sent within a reasonable time operates as anacceptance even though it states terms additional to or different fromthose offered or agreed upon, unless acceptance is expressly madeconditional on assent to the additional or different terms.(2) The additional terms are to be construed as proposals foraddition to the contract. Between merchants such terms become partof the contract unless:(a) the offer expressly limits acceptance to the terms of the offer;(b) they materially alter it; or(c) notification of objection to them has already been pven or isgiven within a reasonable time after notice of them is received
- Timely acceptance valid even with different terms unless: Acceptance conditions on agreeing to additional terms.
- Additional terms: Considered proposals for the contract. Become part of the contract between merchants unless: Offer limits acceptance to original terms. Terms materially alter the contract. Objection is given promptly.
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Their executions sent the message that others would be punished if they challenged slavery. Subsequently, the Virginia government increased restrictions on free people of color.
This quote shows how the executions reinforced the oppressive power supporting slavery. Also, the idea that racism was further developed due to the treat of rebellion.
hypothes.is hypothes.is
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Heute benutzen die meisten Sekretärinnen flache, kurzhubige, mechanisch leichtgängige Tastaturen und Handballen-Kissen, selten auch mal eine knickbare Tastatur. Langhubige, steile Tastaturen oder mechanisch schwergängige Tastaturen wie sie vor 20 Jahren noch weit verbreitet waren, und exotische Layouts ala Dvorak findet man bei ihnen nicht.Was die Berufskrankheiten betrifft: Waren früher Sehnenscheidenentzündungen häufig, sind heute Rückenprobleme und "Geierhals" häufig anzutreffen (Beides wird auf falsche Sitzhaltung zurückgeführt).
mlpp.pressbooks.pub mlpp.pressbooks.pub
Hoover had declined to run in 1920 and 1924. In 1928, he seemed the natural successor to Coolidge. Politically, aside from religion and Prohibition (he was a “dry,” Catholic Democrat Al Smith was a “wet”), Hoover’s platform differed very little from Smith’s, leaving little to discuss during the campaign except personality and religion.
The passage effectively highlights the similarities in Hoover and Al Smith's platforms but could expand on why religion and Prohibition became focal points of the 1928 campaign. Adding more context about Hoover’s rise as Coolidge’s natural successor and his public service background would strengthen the analysis.
Despite serious problems in the industrial and agricultural economies, most Americans in 1929 and 1930 believed the nation would bounce back quickly. President Herbert Hoover reassured an audience in 1930 that “the depression is over.”
Despite underlying issues in both industrial and agricultural sectors, many Americans in 1929 and 1930 remained optimistic about a quick economic recovery. President Herbert Hoover reinforced this belief by confidently declaring in 1930 that “the depression is over,” underestimating the severity of the crisis.
Despite resistance from Populists and Progressives, the gap between rich and poor had widened throughout the early twentieth century. In the aggregate, Americans were better off in 1929 than in 1919 and both production and consumption had grown. Per capita income had risen 10% for all Americans in the 1920s, but 75% for the wealthiest. The return of conservative politics in the 1920s had reinforced federal policies that exacerbated this divide.
Despite efforts by Populists and Progressives, economic inequality widened in the early 20th century, with wealth concentrating among the rich. Conservative policies in the 1920s, including tax cuts and deregulation, fueled this divide, benefiting the wealthiest Americans far more than the general population.
The exact causes of the Stock Market Crash that began the Great Depression is still being debated by economists and historians, but most agree that a huge speculative bubble had formed during the Roaring Twenties.
The Stock Market Crash was important because it marked the sudden collapse of an inflated economy fueled by speculation, leading to widespread financial panic. This crash triggered a chain reaction of bank failures, mass unemployment, and economic hardship that defined the Great Depression in the U.S. and globally.
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If you kill him,you'll have to kill me too.Daughter, stand back.I won't! I love him, Father.Look around you.This is where the pathof hatred has brought us.This is the path I choose, Father
Though the romance between Pocahontas and John Smith never happened, Pocahontas might have influenced the fate of John Smith. According to the Park Service, a theory is Pocahontas placed her head upon his when the Chief was about to bash his head open, but this has been debated for years.
McClurken, Jeff. “Pocahontas.” University of Mary Washington, September 3rd, 2024.
“Pocahontas: Her Life and Legend.” National Park Service, September 4, 2022. https://www.nps.gov/jame/learn/historyculture/pocahontas-her-life-and-legend.htm
Lies. Lies! All of it!Murderous thieves.There's no room for their kindin civilized society.But this is their land!This is my land!
This line shows the English's lack of empathy for anyone or anything due to the selfish drive to get rich. They believed that because they came there they are now the rulers of the land and the Natives are just uncivilized savages, which is far from the truth.
McClurken, Jeff. “Pocahontas.” University of Mary Washington, September 3rd, 2024.
This place is incredible.And to think we came all this wayjust to dig it up for gold.- [Pocahontas] Gold?- Hey, Meeko.- What's gold?- You know, it's yellow.It comes out of the ground.It's really valuable.Oh! Here, we have lots of it.Gold.No, no! Gold is this.There's nothing like that around here.
When John asked Pocahontas about the gold, as shown in these lines, she thought he was talking about corn. Native Americans did not see gold as something of value, they valued resources like crops and animal skins. They lived by what they needed, not what they wanted. The British were after what they wanted, a material that was given value, not inherently valuable.
McClurken, Jeff. “Pocahontas.” University of Mary Washington, September 3rd, 2024.
savages all over the world.Savages?Not that you're a savage.- Just my people.- No.Listen, that's not what I meant.Let me explain.- Let go!- No. I'm not letting you leave.Look, don't do this.Savage is just a word, you know?A term for...people who are uncivilized.
These lines further explore the conceptions the British people had about Natives. The British believed that their way of life was superior. Though they took it upon themselves to rob and fight the natives because of the natives' skilled way of the land. They had captivated the land, and the British just replied on trade, occasionally, and taking it from them. Yet, they thought their way of life was more "civilized".
McClurken, Jeff. “Pocahontas.” University of Mary Washington, September 3rd, 2024.
Steady as the beating drumSinging to the cedar uteSeasons go and seasons comeBring the corn and bear the fruitBy the waters sweet and cleanWhere the mighty sturgeon livesPlant the squash and reap the beanAll the earth our Mother givesO, Great Spirit, hear our songHelp us keep the ancient waysKeep the sacred fires strongWalk in balance all our daysSeasons go and seasons comeSteady as the beating drumPlum to seed to bud to plum
This excerpt of the script shows the context in which Natives have knowledge of the land and how to benefit from it. Unlike the Natives, the British did not understand how to captivate the potentials of the land. They assumed the land would already be rich in nutrients, and didn't prepare to be laborers.
McClurken, Jeff. “Pocahontas.” University of Mary Washington, September 3rd, 2024.
This New World'sgoing to be great, John.I'm going to get a pile of gold,build me a big house, and if anyIndian tries to stop me, I'll blast him.Just worry about that fortuneof yours, Thomas.- Leave the savages to me
This excerpt from the script portrays the English view on Native Americans during this time. They referred to them as "savages" and treated them with no respect. Native Americans were seen as an obstacle to the "get rich quick" goal they were pursuing.
McClurken, Jeff. “Pocahontas.” University of Mary Washington, September 3rd, 2024.
But mark my words, Wiggins,when King James sees the goldthese peasants unearth,success will be mine, at last.
This excerpt of the script further proves the point that the most important goal the British had was to get rich and claim their riches in Britain. Colonizing wasn't necessarily a goal at first.
McClurken, Jeff. “Pocahontas.” University of Mary Washington, September 3rd, 2024.
We will destroy these invadersthe way we destroyed the Massawomecks.
When the English arrived, the Native Americans were already fighting amongst themselves. They understood the land and its advantages and disadvantages, unlike the British.
McClurken, Jeff. “Pocahontas.” University of Mary Washington, September 3rd, 2024.
In Sixteen Hundred SevenWe sailed the open seaFor glory, God and goldAnd the Virginia CompanyFor the New World is like heavenAnd we'll all be rich and freeOr so we have been toldBy the Virginia CompanySo we have been toldBy the Virginia Company
The filmmakers tried to portray the ideals the British had when setting sail to the Americas. The Script indicates the Virginia Company believed the land would be filled with gold and rich with valuable resources, yet this was far from the truth.
McClurken, Jeff. “Pocahontas.” University of Mary Washington, September 3rd, 2024.
plus-lexis-com.ezproxy.cityu.edu.hk plus-lexis-com.ezproxy.cityu.edu.hk
He did not apply the traditional method of analysis by way of offer and counter-offer. He said that in the quotation of May 23, 1969, “one finds the price variation clause appearing under a most emphatic heading stating that it is a term or condition that is to prevail.” So he held that it did prevail.
'scrap' tnv amd replace them by 'reasonable implementation'
www.americanyawp.com www.americanyawp.com
At the same time, colonial settlements grew and matured, developing into powerful societies capable of warring against Native Americans and subduing internal upheava
This sentence that I highlighted the growth of colonial settlements into powerful self sustaining places. The statement "warring against Native Americans" refers to the constant conflict between European settlers and the indigenous people which were often fought over land and resources.This reflect the mindset of the colonist who viewed the land as theirs regardless of native being there prior
At the same time, colonial settlements grew and matured, developing into powerful societies capable of warring against Native Americans and subduing internal upheaval.
The sentence that I highlighted the growth of colonial settlements into powerful self-sustaining places. The statement "warring against the Native American" refers to the constant conflict between the European settlers and the indigenous people which often fought over land and resources. This reflects the mindset of colonist who viewed the land as their own prior to the Native American being there before them. The phrase 'subduing internal upheaval' probably refers to both the political and social struggles with the colonies.
socialsci.libretexts.org socialsci.libretexts.org
Thus the self-serving bias is a perceptual error through which we attribute the cause of our successes to internal personal factors while attributing our failures to external factors beyond our control. When we look at the fundamental attribution error and the self-serving bias together, we can see that we are likely to judge ourselves more favorably than another person, or at least less personally.
The mentality of “I hit the game winning shot because I’m the best” vs “I missed the game winning shot because you didn’t get me the ball fast enough” Fascinating to see these examples from life be put into a structured explanation.have a coworker who, if there is a mistake, will always be the last to get back to the office and then proceed put the blame on someone else. If the job is completed on time, looks good and mistake free he will be the first one in the office reporting to the boss how good he did on the job.
fundamental attribution error, which refers to our tendency to explain others’ behaviors using internal rather than external attributions (Sillars, 1980).
This fundamental attribution error seems to be a rabbit hole our society is falling down. I had always referred to it as victim culture. We as a society are unable to see how our external attribution to a situation plays a role in the outcomes in life. Everything bad that happens to us is because somebody else is bad and out to get me. It is much easier to blame someone else, for reasons your assuming, then it is to realize the mistakes that were made.
stages close their outbound channels when all the send operations are done. stages keep receiving values from inbound channels until those channels are closed.
Producer closes their channels. Consumers should exit when the channel they're polling on is closed.
Receive on closed channel's fine.
socialsci.libretexts.org socialsci.libretexts.org
We’ve all been in a similar situation at some point in our lives, so we know that revising our schemata can be stressful and that such revision takes effort and usually involves some mistakes, disappointments, and frustrations. But being able to adapt our schemata is a sign of cognitive complexity, which is an important part of communication competence. So, even though the process may be challenging, it can also be a time for learning and growth.
Since I was younger I’ve known that we have beliefs that are instilled dingo us, knowingly and unknowingly. The part that is always difficult for me is how do I notice them, and how do I change them. One of the Schemata I have realized is the way I perceive money. I have always felt like I never had enough, and it was going to run out. However, after 10 years of working, I have never gone without, been homeless or starved. I recognize the schema now I am focused on changing that database.
The thing attracting our attention can be abstract, like a concept, or concrete, like an object
There is something similar in the psychology realm called Baader-Meinhoff. This is the phenomenon where you buy something, say a new silver Toyota Camery. All of a sudden it feels like every car you are seeing on the roads is a silver Toyota Camery. This happened to me when I bought my new truck, it made me think I made a good decision because of how many other people had the same truck. I wasn’t looking for the truck but it seemed like it was the only vehicle on the road that ever caught my attention.
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
The Notch signaling pathway plays an important role in many developmental and disease processes. Although well-studied there remain many puzzling aspects. One is the fact that as well as activating the receptor through trans-activation, the transmembrane ligands can interact with receptors present in the same cell. These cis-interactions are usually inhibitory, but in some cases, as in the assays used here, they may also be activating. With a total of 6 ligands and 4 receptors, there is potentially a wide array of possible outcomes when different combinations are co-expressed in vivo. Here the authors set out to make a systematic analysis of the qualitative and quantitative differences in the signaling output from different receptor-ligand combinations, generating sets of "signaling" (ligand expressing) and "receiving" (receptor +/- ligand expressing cells).
The readout of pathway activity is transcriptional, relying on the fusion of GAL4 in the intracellular part of the receptor. Positive ligand interactions result in the proteolytic release of Gal4 that turns on the expression of H2B-citrine. As an indicator of ligand and receptor expression levels, they are linked via TA to H2B mCherry and H2B mTurq expression respectively. The authors also manipulate the expression of the glycosyltransferase Lunatic-Fringe (LFng) that modifies the EGF repeats in the extracellular domains impacting their interactions. The testing of multiple ligand-receptor combinations at varying expression levels is a tour de force, with over 50 stable cell lines generated, and yields valuable insights although as a whole, the results are quite complex.
Taking a reductionist approach to testing systematically differences in the signaling strength, binding strength, and cis-interactions from the different ligands in the context of the Notch1 and Notch 2 receptors (they justify well the choice of players to test via this approach) produces a baseline understanding of the different properties and leads to some unexpected and interesting findings. Notably:
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Jag1 ligand expressing cells failed to activate Notch1 receptor although were capable of activating Notch2. Conversely, Jag2 cells elicited the strongest activation of both receptors. The results with
Jag1 are surprising also because it exhibits some of the strongest binding to plate-bound ligands. The failure to activate Notch1 has major functional significance and it will be important in the future to understand the mechanistic basis.
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Jagged ligands have the strongest cis-inhibitory effects and the receptors differ in their sensitivity to cis-inhibition by Dll ligands. These observations are in keeping with earlier in vivo and cell culture studies. More referencing of those would better place the work in context but it nicely supports and extends previous studies that were conducted in different ways.
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Responses to most trans-activating ligands showed a degree of ultrasensitivity but this was not the case for cis-interactions where effects were more linear. This has implications for the way the two mechanisms operate and for how the signaling levels will be impacted by ligand expression levels.
-Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Qualitatively similar results are obtained in a second cell line, suggesting they reflect fundamental properties of the ligands/receptors.
We appreciate the positive and constructive feedback.
One weakness is that the methods used to quantify the expression of ligands and receptors rely on the co-translation of tagged nuclear H2B proteins. These may not accurately capture surface levels/correctly modified transmembrane proteins. In general, the multiple conditions tested partly compensate for the concerns - for example, as Jag1 cells do activate Notch2 even if they do not activate Notch1 some Jag1 must be getting to the surface. But even with Notch2, Jag1 activities are on the lower side, making it important to clarify, especially given the different outcomes with the plated ligands. Similarly, is the fact that all ligands "signalled strongest to Notch2" an inherent property or due to differences in surface levels of Notch 2 compared to Notch1? The results would be considerably strengthened by calibration of the ligand/receptor levels (and ideally their sub-cellular localizations). Assessing the membrane protein levels would be relatively straightforward to perform on some of the basic conditions because their ligand constructs contain Flag tags, making it plausible to relate surface protein to H2B, and there are antibodies available for Notch1 and Notch2.
We agree that mCherry fluorescence does not provide a direct readout of active surface ligand levels. As the reviewer points out, the ability of Jag1 to activate Notch2 demonstrates that expressed Jag1 is competent for signaling. Further, in some cases, Jag1-Notch2 activation can be comparable to Dll1-Notch2 activation (Figure 2A). Following the reviewer’s suggestion, we performed a Western blot for multiple expression levels for each of three surface ligands (Dll1, Dll4, Jag1) (Figure 2—figure supplement 2). This blot revealed a signal for surface expression of Jag1. Interpretation is complicated by the expected dependence of the efficiency of surface protein purification on the number of primary amines in the protein, which varies among these ligands, and qualitatively correlates with the staining intensity. While this makes quantitative interpretation difficult, this result further supports the notion that Jag1 is present on the cell surface. Finally, we note that high signaling activity need not, in general, directly correlate with surface expression levels. In fact, one study showed an example in which increased ligand activity occurred with decreased basal ligand surface levels (Antfolk et al., 2017). While one would ideally like to know all parameters of the system, including surface protein levels, rates of recycling, etc. the perspective taken here is that the net effect of these many post-translational processing steps can be subsumed into the overall relationship between the expression of the protein (which, in our case, is read out by the co-translational reporter) and its activity, which is relevant for the behavior of developmental circuits, among other systems. To address this comment, we now explicitly mention the limitation of mCherry as a proxy for surface protein, and add a reference to previous work highlighting the relationship between surface levels and ligand activity.
In terms of the dependence of signaling on Notch levels, the metric of signaling activity used here is explicitly normalized by the mTurquoise co-translational reporter of Notch expression to account for differences in receptor expression across receiver clones. We have added a new figure to show the variation in expression (Figure 1—figure supplement 1A) and to demonstrate this normalization (Figure 1—figure supplement 5). Having said that, as the reviewer correctly points out, we cannot directly address the dependence on surface receptor levels with mTurquoise alone. To address this comment, we have added a figure that shows cotranslational and surface receptor expression for a subset of our receiver clones (Figure 1—figure supplement 1B). Although antibody binding strengths may vary, it appears unlikely that higher surface levels could explain most ligands’ preferential activation of Notch2 over Notch1, since Notch2 levels were lower than Notch1 levels in both surface expression and cotranslational expression.
Cis-activation as a mode of signaling has only emerged from these synthetic cell culture assays raising questions about its physiological relevance. Cis-activation is only seen at the higher ligand (Dll1, Dll4) levels, how physiological are the expression levels of the ligands/receptors in these assays? Is it likely that this would make a major contribution in vivo? Is it possible that the cells convert themselves into "signaling" and "receiving" sub-populations within the culture by post-translational mechanism? Again some analysis of the ligand/receptors in the cultures would be a valuable addition to show whether or not there are major heterogeneities.
The cis-activation results in this paper are, as the reviewer points out, conducted in synthetic cell culture assays. Cis-activation is observed across a large dynamic range of ligand expression, possibly including non-physiologically high levels. However, our previous work (Nandagopal et al, eLife 2019) showed that cis-activation does not require over-expression, as it occurred in unmodified Caco-2 and NMuMG cells with their endogenous ligand and receptor expression levels. As shown here in Figure 4B, cis-activation for Notch2 increases monotonically and is substantial even at intermediate ligand concentrations. In other cases, cis-activation is maximal at intermediate concentrations. We agree that the in vivo role remains unclear, and is difficult to determine due to the typical close contacts among cells in tissues. Therefore, these assays do not speak to in vivo relevance. Note that we can, however, rule out the possibility of trans signaling between well-mixed cell populations at these densities (Figure 4A).
It is hard to appreciate how much cell-to-cell variability in the "output" there is. For example, low "outputs" could arise from fewer cells becoming activated or from all cells being activated less. As presented, only the latter is considered. That may be already evident in their data, but not easy for the reader to distinguish from the way they are presented. For example, in many of the graphs, data have been processed through multiple steps of normalization. Some discussion/consideration of this point is needed.
We agree that in different experiments changes in a mean response can reflect changes in fraction of activated cells, or level of activation or some combination of both. In this work, most assays were conducted by flow cytometry, which provides a full distribution of cellular responses. We provided distributions for some experiments in the supplementary figures (i.e., Figure 4—figure supplement 1, and Figure 5—figure supplement 4). The sheer number of experiments and samples prevents us from displaying all underlying histograms. Therefore, we have provided all flow data sets in an extensive archive that is publicly available on data.caltech.edu (https://doi.org/10.22002/gjjkn-wrj28).
Overall, cataloging the outcomes from the different ligand-receptor combinations, both in cis and trans, yields a valuable baseline for those investigating their functional roles in different contexts. There is still a long way to go before it will be possible to make a predictive model for outcomes based on expression levels, but this work gives an idea about the landscape and the complexities. This is especially important now that signaling relationships are frequently hypothesized based on single-cell transcriptomic data. The results presented here demonstrate that the relationships are not straightforward when multiple players are involved.
We appreciate this concise impact summary, and agree with its conclusions.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
In this manuscript, the authors extend their previous studies on trans-activation, cis-inhibition (PMID: 25255098), and cis-activation (PMID: 30628888) of the Notch pathway. Here they create a large number of cell lines using CHO-K1 and C2C12 cells expressing either Notch1-Gal4 or Notch2-Gal4 receptors which express a fluorescent protein upon receptor activation (receiver cells). For cis-inhibition and cis-activation assays, these cells were engineered to express one of the four canonical Notch ligands (Dll1, Dll4, Jag1, Jag2) under tetracycline control. Some of the receiver cells were also transfected with a Lunatic fringe (Lfng) plasmid to produce cells with a range of Lfng expression levels. Sender cells expressing all of the canonical ligands were also produced. Cells were mixed in a variety of co-culture assays to highlight trans-activation, cis-activation, and cis-inhibition. All four ligands were able to trans-activate Notch1 and Notch 2, except Jag1 did not transactivate Notch1. Lfng enhanced trans-activation of both Notch receptors by Dll1 and Dll2, and inhibited Notch1 activation by Jag2 and Notch2 activation by both Jag 1 and Jag2. Cis-expression of all four ligands was predominantly inhibitory, but Dll1 and Dll4 showed strong cis-activation of Notch2. Interestingly, cis-ligands preferentially inhibited trans-activation by the same ligand, with varying effects on other trans-ligands.
This represents the most comprehensive and rigorous analysis of the effects of canonical ligands on cis- and trans-activation, and cis-inhibition, of Notch1 and Notch2 in the presence or absence of Lfng so far. Studying cis-inhibition and cis-activation is difficult in vivo due to the presence of multiple Notch ligands and receptors (and Fringes) that often occur in single cells. The methods described here are a step towards generating cells expressing more complex arrays of ligands, receptors, and Fringes to better mimic in vivo effects on Notch function.
In addition, the fact that their transactivation results with most ligands on Notch1 and 2 in the presence or absence of Lfng were largely consistent with previous publications provides confidence that the author's assays are working properly.
We appreciate the thoughtful comments and feedback.
It was unusual that the engineered CHO cells expressing Notch1-Gal4 were not activated at all by co-culture with Jag1-expressing CHO cells. Many previous reports have shown that Jag1 can activate Notch1 in co-culture assays, including when Notch1 was expressed in CHO cells. Interestingly, when the authors used Jag1-Fc in a plate coating assay, it did activate Notch1 and could be inhibited by the expression of Lfng.
In our assays, we do in fact also see some signaling of Jag1 to Notch1, especially when dLfng is coexpressed (Figure 2—figure supplement 4, formerly Figure 2—figure supplement 3). While these levels are lower than those observed for other ligand-receptor combinations, they are significantly elevated compared to baseline. In specific natural contexts, it will be important to determine whether the weak but non-zero Jag1-Notch1 signaling acts negatively to suppress signaling from other ligands, or provides weak but potentially functionally important levels of signaling. Evidence for both modes exists in the literature. To address this, we have expanded the discussion of Jag1-Notch1 signaling and added references to other work on Jag1-Notch1 signaling to the Discussion section.
The cell surface level of the ligands was determined by flow cytometry of a co-translated fluorescent protein. Some calibration of the actual cell surface levels with the fluorescent protein would strengthen the results.
This issue was also raised by Reviewers #1 and #3. Please see responses to Reviewer #1, above.
Reviewer #3 (Public Review):
This manuscript reports a comprehensive analysis of Notch-Delta/Jagged signaling inclusive of the human Notch1 and Notch2 receptors and DLL1, DLL4, JAG1, and JAG2 ligands. Measurements
encompassed signaling activity for ligand trans-activation, cis-activation, cis-inhibition, and activity modulation by Lfng. The most striking observations of the study are that JAG1 has no detectable activity as a Notch1 ligand when presented on a cell (though it does have activity when immobilized on a surface), even though it is an effective cis-inhibitor of Notch1 signaling by other ligands, and that DLL1 and DLL4 exhibit cis-activating activity for Notch1 and especially for Notch2. Notwithstanding the artificiality of the system and some of its shortcomings, the results should nevertheless be a valuable resource for the Notch signaling community.
(1)Â The work is systematic and comprehensive, addressing questions that are of importance to the community of researchers investigating mammalian Notch proteins, their activation by ligands, and the modulation of ligand activity by LFng.
(2)Â A quantitative and thorough analysis of the data is presented.
(1) The manuscript is primarily descriptive and does not delve into the underlying, mechanistic origin or source of the different ligand activities.
We agree that the goals of this paper were largely to discover the range of signaling modes that occur. A mechanistic analysis would be beyond the scope of this work, but we agree it is an important next step.
(2) The amount of ligand or receptor expressed is inferred from the flow cytometry signal of a co-translated fluorescent protein-histone fusion, and is not directly measured. The work would be more compelling if the amount of ligand present on the cell surface were directly measured with anti-ligand antibodies, rather than inferred from measurements of the fluorescent protein-histone fusion.
This issue was also raised by Reviewers #1 and #2. Please see responses to Reviewer #1, above.
(3) It would be helpful to see plots of the raw activity data before transformation and normalization, because the plots present data after several processing steps, and it is not clear how the processed data relate to the original values determined in each measurement.
We included examples showing how raw data is processed in Figure 4—figure supplement 1 and Figure 5—figure supplement 4. The sheer number of experiments precludes including similar figures for all data sets. However, all raw and processed data and data analysis code is publicly available at (https://doi.org/10.22002/gjjkn-wrj28).
(4) The authors use sparse plating of engineered cells with parental (no ligand or receptor-expressing cell to measure cis activation). However, the cells divide within the cultured period of 22-24 h and can potentially trans-activate each other.
If measured cis-activation signal arises solely from trans-activation, then the measured cis-activation signal per cell should increase with cell density, since trans-activation per cell does depend on cell density (Figure 4A). However, for the strongest cis-activators (Dll1- and Dll4-Notch2), signaling magnitude is similar when these cells are cultured sparsely or at confluence, which would otherwise allow efficient trans signaling (Figure 5A). Thus, for Dll1- and Dll4-Notch2 receivers, total signaling strength per cell depends little or not at all on the opportunity to signal intercellularly. Moreover, cis-activation signal for the Dll1- and Dll4-Notch2 combinations exceeded the maximum trans-signaling levels we could achieve for the same receivers when cis-ligand was suppressed (Figure 4B). These results argue that cis interactions dominate signaling in this context. However, we have not ruled out the possibility that trans-signaling between sister cells after division contributes to the comparatively weak cis-activation observed for Notch1 receivers.
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):
As outlined in the public review, there is a question of whether the nuclear H2B accurately reflects the surface levels of the transmembrane proteins (ligand and receptor). Clearly, it would not be feasible to check levels in all of the experimental conditions, but some baseline conditions should be analyzed.
We addressed this above.
Reviewer #2 (Recommendations For The Authors):
(1)Â As mentioned above, it was unusual that Jag1 did not activate Notch1 in co-culture assays, but did activate Notch1 in plate-coating assays. The authors should add some text to the Discussion to explain why they think this is happening in their engineered cells. One possibility is that the CHO cells express Manic fringe (Mfng) which is known to reduce Jag1-Notch1 activation. Data for Mfng levels in CHO cells were not included in Supplemental Table 2. Knocking down all three Fringes in CHO cells might increase Jag1-Notch1 activation.
This is already addressed in a sentence in the results: “Strikingly, while Jag1 sender cells failed to activate Notch1 receivers above background (Figure 2D), plate-bound Jag1-ext-Fc activated Notch1 only ~3-fold less efficiently than it activated Notch2 (Figure 3B-D). This suggests that the natural endocytic activation mechanism, or potential differences in tertiary structure between the expressed and recombinant Jag1 extracellular domains, could play roles in preventing Jag1-Notch1 signaling in coculture.” Regarding the point about Mfng, we added a note to Supplementary Table about other CHO-K1 expression data.
(2) Figure 1-supplemental figure 1: Both the Notch1-Jag1 and Notch1-Jag2 cells show high expression of Jag1 in low 4epi, but any higher concentration reduces to control levels. How much of a problem is this for interpreting your data?
This was not the ideal behavior, but by binning cells by co-translational reporters for ligand expression, we were able to obtain enough cells in intermediate bins. (Note: Figure 1—figure supplement 1 is now Figure 1—figure supplement 2.)
(3)Â Figure 1C legend: Are these stably-expressing cells or Tet-off cells? Please state in legend.
The figure legend has been updated.
(4)Â Figure 1E: How long is the knockdown of Rfng and Lfng effective? Does it affect the expression of Lfng later?
siRNA effects generally last for at least 72-96 hours, so we do not anticipate this being an issue.
(5) Page 9: "Lfng significantly decreased trans-activation of both receptors by Jag1 (>2.5-fold)". If there is no Jag1-Notch1 activation, how can Lfng decrease trans-activation?
We added a note in the main text to clarify that while Jag1-Notch1 signaling is relatively low, it can still be detectably decreased.
(6) Figure 4A legend: Please define what "2.5k ea senders and Rec" means. In the text, it says "To focus on cis-interactions alone, we then cultured receiver cells at low density, amid an excess of wildtype CHO-K1 cells" (page 14).
This was clarified in the text.
(7)Â Page 14: "By contrast, Notch2 was cis-activated by both Dll1 and Dll4, to levels exceeding those produced by trans-activation by high-Dll1 senders (Figure 4B, lower left)." Where is the trans-activation data? 4B, lower right?
We updated this reference in the main text.
(8)Â Page 16: "For Notch2-Dll1 and Notch2-Dll4, single cell reporter activities correlated with cis-ligand expression, regardless of whether cells were pre-induced at a high or low culture density (Figure 4D)." It appears that Notch2-Dll1 has lower Notch activation at sparse culture than confluent.
We agree that the level signaling is lower in sparse compared to confluent on average. This is explained by the sensitivity of the Tet-OFF promoter to culture density (Figure 4—figure supplement 2). However, the key point of this experiment is the positive correlation, which is consistent with cis-activation, and inconsistent with the pre-generation of NEXT hypothesis diagrammed in Figure 4C, which would not be expected to produce such a correlation.
(9a) For the creation of the C2C12-Nkd cells: Has genomic sequencing been done to confirm editing of Notch2 and Jag1 loci?
We confirmed the knockdown but did not do genomic sequencing.
(9b) The gel in Figure 7-Supplement 1C is not adequate for showing loss of Jag1. It should be repeated.
In this case, we have only the single gel. We added a note in figure legend that no duplicate was performed.
(10) Figure 7A: Which Fringes are expressed in C2C12 cells? You should provide a rationale for knocking down just Rfng.
Figure 7—figure supplement 1A shows the levels of expression in C2C12. Note that Mfng is not highlighted because its levels were undetectable.
(11) Figure 7-Supplement 1D: This is confusing. Notch2 levels are not reduced in the left panel, and Notch1 and Notch2 levels are not reduced in the right panel?
C2C12-Nkd cells exhibit reduced levels of Notch1 and Notch3. This can be seen in Figure 7—figure supplement 1A. Panel D presents the results of additional siRNA knockdown, performed to prevent subsequent up-regulation of Notch1 and Notch3 during the assay. These knockdown results were variable, as shown. The Notch2 siRNA knockdown was not essential for these experiments, but performed despite very low levels of Notch2 to begin with. In the revision, we have added this note to the Methods.
Reviewer #3 (Recommendations For The Authors):
(1) The results section of the manuscript is very dense and difficult to follow, as are the figure legends.
We appreciate the criticism, and regret that it is not easier to read in its current form.
(2) The authors could emphasize areas of concordance with published results (where available) to place their artificial, engineered system into a better biological context. Are there any examples of studies in whole organisms where cis-activation plays a role?
We are not aware of examples of cis-activation in whole organisms at this point.
(3) How do the authors rationalize the different responses of Notch1 to cell-presented Jag1 as opposed to immobilized Jag1, where its signal strength is second in rank order on a molar basis?
This comment was addressed above in response to the first recommendation from Reviewer #2.
It is also difficult to understand Figure 2_—_figure Supplement 3B, in which it appears that Jag1 induces a Notch1 reporter response when LFng is knocked down (dLfng), and how those data relate to the inactive response to Jag1 shown in the main figures.
The issue here is a difference of normalization. Figure 2A in the main text is normalized to the sender expression level, i.e. relative signaling strength. By contrast, Figure 2—figure supplement 4B (previously Figure 2—figure supplement 3B) shows absolute signaling activity, which can appear higher because it does not normalize for ligand expression. For Jag1-Notch1 signaling in particular, substantial signaling required very high levels of Jag1. We have added a new figure to demonstrate these two types of normalization (Figure 2—figure supplement 1A).
See the Authr response image 1 below for a direct comparison of these two normalization modes using data from both Figure 2A and Figure 2—figure supplement 4B. Note how the Jag1-Notch1 signaling activities that are nonzero in the top plot go to zero in the bottom plot as a result of normalizing the values to ligand expression.
Author response image 1.
Comparison of normalization modes in Figure 2A and Figure 2—figure supplement 4B (formerly 3B).
Normalized trans-activation signaling activities for different ligand-receptor combinations (with dLfng only), either with further normalization to ligand expression (bottom row) or without further normalization (top row). Normalized signaling activity is defined as reporter activity (mCitrine, A.U.) divided by cotranslational receptor expression (mTurq2, A.U.), normalized to the strongest biological replicate-averaged signaling activity across all ligand-receptor-Lfng combinations in this experiment. Saturated data points, defined here as those with normalized signaling activity over 0.75 in both dLfng and Lfng conditions, were excluded. Colors indicate the identity of the trans-ligand expressed by cocultured sender cells. Error bars denote bootstrapped 95% confidence intervals (Methods), in this case sampled from the number of biological replicates given in the legend—n1 (for Notch1) or n2 (for Notch2). See Methods and Figure 2A caption for more details. Note that the only difference between this figure and the new Figure 2—figure supplement 1A is that this figure additionally includes the Jag1-high data from Figure 2—figure supplement 4B.
eLife Assessment
This valuable study significantly enhances our understanding of how various ligands and receptors interact within the Notch signaling pathway. By developing novel cell-based assay systems, the authors systematically analyzed the effects of different ligand-receptor combinations on pathway activation. The convincing data reveal intriguing and unexpected differences and provide a foundation for interpreting Notch signalling in both normal and disease-related contexts.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
The Notch signaling pathway plays important roles in many developmental and disease processes. Although well-studied there remain many puzzling aspects. One is the fact that as well as activating the receptor through a trans-activation, the transmembrane ligands can interact with receptors present in the same cell. These cis-interactions are usually inhibitory, but in some cases, as in the assays used here, they may also be activating. With a total of 6 ligands and 4 receptor there are potentially a wide array of possible outcomes when different combinations are co-expressed in vivo. Here the authors set out to make a systematic analysis of the qualitative and quantitative differences in the signaling output from different receptor ligand combinations, generating sets of "signaling" (ligand expressing) and "receiving" (receptor +/- ligand expressing cells).
The readout of pathway activity is transcriptional, relying on the fusion of GAL4 in the intracellular part of the receptor. Positive ligand interactions result in proteolytic release of Gal4 that turns on expression of H2B-citrine. As an indicator of ligand and receptor expression levels, they are linked via TA to H2B mCherry and H2B mTurq expression respectively. The authors also manipulate expression of the glycosyltransferase Lunatic-Fringe (LFng) that modifies the EGF repeats in the extracellular domains impacting on their interactions. The testing of multiple ligand receptor combinations at varying expression levels is a tour de force, with over 50 stable cell lines generated, and yields valuable insights although as a whole, the results are quite complex.
Taking a reductionist approach to test systematically differences in the signaling strength, binding strength and cis-interactions from the different ligands in the context of the Notch1 and Notch 2 receptors (they justify well they choice of players to test via this approach) produces a baseline understanding of the different properties and leads to some unexpected and interesting findings. Notably:<br /> - Jag1 ligand expressing cells failed to activate Notch1 receptor although were capable of activating Notch2. Conversely, Jag2 cells elicited the strongest activation of both receptors. The results with Jag1 are surprising also because it exhibits some of the strongest binding to plate bound ligands. The failure to activate Notch1 has major functional significance and it will be important in future to understanding the mechanistic basis.<br /> - Jagged ligands have the strongest ciis-inhibitory effects and the receptors differ in their sensitivity to cis-inhibition by Dll ligands. These observations are in keeping with earlier in vivo and cell culture studies. More referencing of those would better place the work in context but it nicely supports and extends previous studies that were conducted in different ways.<br /> - Responses to most trans-activating ligands showed a degree of ultrasensitivity but this was not the case for cis-interactions where effects were more linear. This has implications for the way the two mechanisms operate and for how the signaling levels will be impacted by ligand expression levels.<br /> - Qualitatively similar results are obtained in a second cell line, suggesting they reflect fundamental properties of the ligands/receptors.
One weakness is that the methods used to quantify the expression of ligands and receptors rely on co-translation of tagged nuclear H2B proteins. These may not accurately capture surface levels/correctly modified transmembrane proteins. In general, the multiple conditions tested partly compensate for the concerns - for example as Jag1 cells do activate Notch2 even if they do not activate Notch1 some Jag1 must be getting to the surface. But even with Notch2, Jag1 activities are on the lower side, making it important to clarify, especially given the different outcomes with the plated ligands. Similarly, is the fact that all ligands "signalled strongest to Notch2" an inherent property or due to differences in surface levels Notch 2 compared to Notch1?.. The results would be considerably strengthened by calibration of the ligand/receptor levels (and ideally their sub-cellular localizations). Assessing the membrane protein levels would be relatively straightforward to perform on som eof the basic conditions because their ligand constructs contain Flag tags, making it plausible to relate surface protein to H2B, and there are antibodies available for Notch1 and Notch2
In the revised version this has been addressed to some extent. A figure showing the relationship between co-translated mTurquiose and surface receptor expression for some clones (Figure 1-figure supplement 1B) goes some way to address the concerns that differences in Notch1 and Notch 2 could be due to the receptor levels. The data analyzing surface ligand levels is more equivocal, (a Western blot for biotinylated surface proteins), as the levels detected vary substantially between Dll1 and Dll4 (the latter barely detectable). But as a signal for surface expression of Jag1 was obtained this rules-out one concern that this ligand was failing to reach the surface. A discussion of the caveats of the approach is warranted, to make clear the limitations.
Cis-activation as a mode of signaling has only emerged from these synthetic cell culture assays raising questions about its physiological relevance. Cis-activation is only seen at the higher ligand (Dll1, Dll4) levels, how physiological are the expression levels of the ligands/receptors in these assays? Is it likely that this would make a major contribution in vivo? Is it possible that the cells convert themselves into "signaling" and "receiving" sub-populations within the culture by post-translational mechanism. Again some analysis of the ligand/receptors in the cultures would be a valuable addition to show whether or not there are major heterogeneities.
It is hard to appreciate how much cell to cell variability in the "output" there is. For example, low "outputs" could arise from fewer cells becoming activated or from all cells being activated less. As presented, only the latter is considered. That maybe already evident in their data, but not easy for the reader to distinguish from the way they are presented. For example, in many of the graphs, data have been processed through multiple steps of normalization. Some discussion/consideration this point is needed.
Impact:<br /> Overall, cataloguing of the outcomes from the different ligand-receptor combinations, both in cis and trans, yields a valuable baseline for those investigating their functional roles in different contexts. There is still a long way to go before it will be possible to make a predictive model for outcomes based on expression levels, but this work gives an idea about the landscape and the complexities. This is especially important now that signaling relationships are frequently hypothesised based on single cell transcriptomic data. The results presented here demonstrate that the relationships are not straightforward when multiple players are involved.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
In this manuscript the authors extend their previous studies on trans-activation, cis-inhibition (PMID: 25255098) and cis-activation (PMID: 30628888) of the Notch pathway. Here they create a large number of cell lines using CHO-K1 and C2C12 cells expressing either Notch1-Gal4 or Notch2-Gal4 receptors which express a fluorescent protein upon receptor activation (receiver cells). For cis-inhibition and cis-activation assays, these cells were engineered to express one of the four canonical Notch ligands (Dll1, Dll4, Jag1, Jag2) under tetracycline control. Some of the receiver cells were also transfected with a Lunatic fringe (Lfng) plasmid to produce cells with a range of Lfng expression levels. Sender cells expressing all of the canonical ligands were also produced. Cells were mixed in a variety of co-culture assays to highlight trans-activation, cis-activation, and cis-inhibition. All four ligands were able to trans-activate Notch1 and Notch 2, although Jag1 transactivated Notch1 weakly. Lfng enhanced trans-activation of both Notch receptors by Dll1 and Dll4, and inhibited both receptors by Jag 1 and Jag2. Cis-expression of all four ligands were predominantly inhibitory, but Dll1 and Dll4 showed strong cis-activation of Notch2. Interestingly, cis-ligands preferentially inhibited trans-activation by the same ligand, with varying effects on other trans-ligands.
This represents the most comprehensive and rigorous analysis of the effects of canonical ligands on cis- and trans-activation, and cis-inhibition, of Notch1 and Notch2 in the presence or absence of Lfng so far. Studying cis-inhibition and cis-activation is difficult in vivo due to the presence of multiple Notch ligands and receptors (and Fringes) that often occur in single cells. The methods described here are a step towards generating cells expressing more complex arrays of ligands, receptors and Fringes to better mimic in vivo effects on Notch function.
In addition, the fact that their transactivation results with most ligands on Notch1 and 2 in the presence or absence of Lfng were largely consistent with previous publications provides confidence that the author's assays are working properly.
In the original version, there was a major concern about quantifying the amount of Notch receptors and ligands on the cell surface (especially Jag1) based on total fluorescence. The authors have added data to demonstrate that most of the receptors and ligands are on the cell surface, allaying most of these concerns.
pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
People are often already sometimes confused about the proper ethical treatment of non-human animals, human fetuses, distant strangers, and even those close to them. Let’s not add a major new source of moral confusion to our world.
The author is right people are already unsure about how to treat animals, fetuses, and others, so adding AI could make things even more confusing. We should figure out our current ethical problems before worrying about how to treat AI.
Eventually, it might be possible to create AI systems that clearly are conscious and clearly do deserve rights, even according to conservative theories of consciousness. Presumably that would require breakthroughs we can’t now foresee. Plausibly, such breakthroughs might be made more difficult if we adhere to the Design Policy of the Excluded Middle, since the Design Policy of the Excluded Middle might prevent us from creating some highly sophisticated AI systems of disputable sentience that could serve as an intermediate technological step toward AI systems that well-informed experts would generally agree are in fact sentient. Strict application of the Design Policy of the Excluded Middle might be too much to expect, if it excessively impedes AI research that might benefit not only future human generations but also possible future AI systems themselves. The policy is intended only to constitute default advice, not an exceptionless principle.
The Design Policy of the Excluded Middle could hold back AI research by preventing us from creating systems that might help us learn about real sentience. How can we be careful with ethics while still trying out new AI ideas?
Of course, many human beings and sentient non-human animals, whom we already know to have significant moral standing, are often treated poorly, not being given the moral consideration they deserve. Addressing serious moral wrongs that we already know to be occurring to entities we already know to be sentient deserves higher priority in our collective thinking than contemplating possible moral wrongs to entities that might or might not be sentient. However, it by no means follows that we should disregard the crisis of uncertainty about AI moral standing toward which we appear to be headed.
Shouldn’t we focus on improving the treatment of known sentient beings before worrying about the moral status of potential sentient AI?
If consciousness liberals are right, then Robot Alpha, or some other technologically feasible system, really would be sentient. Behind its verbal outputs would be a real capacity for pain and pleasure. It would, or could, have rational, sophisticated, long-term plans it genuinely cares about. If you love it, it might really love you back. It would then appear to have substantial moral standing. You really ought to set it free if that’s what it wants! At least you ought to treat it as well as you would treat a pet. Robot Alpha shouldn’t needlessly or casually be made to suffer.
If a sentient AI like Robot Alpha existed, it would make us rethink how do we treat AI? It would be the same as a person or maybe you'd think of it as a pet or something.
If advanced AI systems are designed with appealing interfaces that draw users’ affection, ordinary users, too, might come to regard them as capable of genuine joy and suffering.
How so? The author should have explained this answer in better detail.
Creating machine sentience might require only incremental changes or piecing together existing technology in the right way. Others disagree.10,11 Within the next decade or two, we will likely find ourselves among machines whose sentience is a matter of legitimate debate among scientific experts.
I don't think AI will ever be a sentient or alive being
ojs33.pkpschool.publicknowledgeproject.org ojs33.pkpschool.publicknowledgeproject.org
most of us make lament, longing for the lost joys of youth and recalling to mind the pleasures of wine, women, and feasts, and other things thereto appertaining, and they repine in the belief that the greatest things have been taken from them and that then they lived well and now it is no life at all.
Connect Cephalus’s criticism of those who think of living well in terms of pleasure (329a-b (Greek)) with Aristotle’s first criticism of the view that living well/eudaimonia is pleasure (NE I.4 1095a18-26 (Greek), I.5 1095b14-22 (Greek)). (Christiana Olfert)
Connect Cephalus’s criticism of those who think of living well in terms of pleasure (329a-b (Greek)) with Epicurus’s argument that pleasure is “our first and kindred good” (Letter to Menoeceus, DL X.128-9 (Greek)). (Christiana Olfert)
Connect Cephalus's perspective on living well from the end of his life (329a ff. (Greek)) with Aristotle's view of happiness as being defined over a "complete life" (NE I.7 1098a18-20 (Greek)), and his questions about whether one's happiness can be settled before (or even after) death (NE I.10-11 (Greek))
www.proquest.com www.proquest.com
I would like you to act as an example generator for students. When confronted with new and complex concepts, adding many and varied examples helps students better understand those concepts. I would like you to ask what concept I would like examples of and what level of students I am teaching. You will look up the concept and then provide me with four different and varied accurate examples of the concept in action.
This is a great example of a specific prompt that you can give AI
It is up to policymakers to establish clearer rules of the road and create a framework that provides consumer protections, builds public trust in Al systems, and establishes the regulatory certainty companies need fortheir product road maps. Considering the potential for Al to affect our economy, national security, and broader society, there is no time to waste.
Policymakers need to move fast to set clear rules for AI, making sure it's safe and beneficial for everyone while encouraging new ideas.
Google's Project Tailwind is experimenting with an Al notebook that can analyze student notes and then develop study questions or provide tutoring support through a chat interface. These features could soon be available on Google Classroom, potentially reaching over half of all U.S. classrooms. Brisk Teaching is one of the first companies to build a portfolio of Al services designed specifically forteachers-differentiating content, drafting lesson plans, providing student feedback, and serving as an Al assistant to streamline workflow among different apps and tools.
This is interesting because it uses AI to help teachers and students learn better, making lessons more personal and saving time in classrooms all over the country.
Teaching assistants. Al might tackle some ofthe administrative tasks that keep teachers from investing more time with their peers or students. Early uses include automated routine tasks such as drafting lesson plans, creating differentiated materials, designing worksheets, developing quizzes, and exploring ways of explaining complicated academic materials. Al can also provide educators with recommendations to meet student needsand help teachers reflect, plan, and improve their practice.
AI can take care of boring tasks, so teachers can focus more on their students and working with each other.
ChatGPT 4.0. The newest version of ChatGPT, which is more powerful and accurate than ChatGPT 3.5 but also slower, and it requires a paid account. It also has extended capabilities through plugins that give it the ability to interface with content from websites, perform more sophisticated mathematical functions, and access other services. A new Code I nt erp reter feature gives ChatGPT the ability to analyze data, create charts, solve math problems, edit files, and even develop hypotheses to explain data trends.
Enhanced Capabilities with Plugins: The introduction of plugins allows ChatGPT to interact with online content, perform advanced mathematical functions, and access a variety of external services, broadening its utility.
Code Interpreter Features enable ChatGPT to analyze data, create charts, solve mathematical problems, edit files, and develop hypotheses, making it a powerful tool for data analysis and problem-solving.
Over the last year, developers have released a dizzying array of Al tools that can generate text, images, music, and video with no need for complicated coding but simply in response to instructions given in natural language. These technologies are rapidly improving, and developers are introducing capabilities that would have been considered science fiction just a few years ago. Al is also raising pressing ethical questions around bias, appropriate use, and plagiarism.
AI can also unintentionally repeat unfair stereotypes from the data it learns from, which can lead to harmful biases in the content it produces. We need to ultimately slow down on our production of AI before more things get out of hand
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
closed doors and hosted by companies with the ability to unilaterally sell off our data and turn off our service
Just like Robinhood did in the GameStop Story
annotate all knowledge
By annoying all knowledge, we evolve the annotation into WISDOM
I love that Gien uses this term of TRAILBLAZING :-)
Centuries with threading foot footnotes off-page cross references more recently the scientific
Brehon Law is the same
the good news they observe is that reasoning together is the best antidote that when it works at all
This is the CORE of Dialogue
help us win arguments
Winning arguments is a core source issue that is a problem - this is why DIALOGUE is much more effective
when the symptoms appear
We too note that most issues are not problems, they are symptoms. This is why we synthesised an action learning process which we now call Cohesion Circle - to get to the source of the symptom
his nasty little problem of ours
I was told that THIS nasty little problem if ours is a parasite from Sirius lodged in our limbic brains millennia ago
way it's our inability to come to consensus about that which matters the most sometimes because of passionate bu
We see this not as consensus, rather as COHERENCE
climate resources yes even difficult questions of how to preserve civil liberties and our Cowboy spirit in the
I wonder where Dan is in 2024. We would love to connect with him to discover such
inner demons
In another ceremony, I have been shown that there is a parasite in our limbic systems - I was told that some people know it s ID (Jung)
Earth just one of millions of similar experiments
I have been shown in sacred ceremony that this is the case. That there are an unlimited number of parallel universes operating in real time in one 3D space which we call earth.
And which other parallel universes call something else in their dimensions.
alberta.exambank.com alberta.exambank.com
I'll never forget
Style: bringing back a memory. Structure: nostalgia
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needed for hyperpost CK post editor
folderAction - Indicates App acts on folders
folder actions
fileExtensions - Array of target file extensions e.g. ["jpg","png","gif"]
make one up for hyperpost hp
social-media-ethics-automation.github.io social-media-ethics-automation.github.io
with the goal of causing disruption or provoking an emotional reaction.
Personally I have found that one of the most common kinds of trolling found is when people comment something sarcastically or ingenuine on a post where someone was hoping to be taken seriously. I find this form of trolling to me very discouraging and harmful.
Fig. 7.1 On
I know many comments here talk about how much of an outrage making the blue checkmark purchase-able, and in doing so, making trolling way easier than before, however, I would like to add on the ethical POV about verification, identity and authenticity: monetizing one of the only ways to verify an important figure's identity online is definitely a morally wrong decision. When taking a step back and looking at the situation, is a bit more money worth all the problems that arise??
Trolling is when an Internet user posts inauthentically (often false, upsetting, or strange) with the goal of causing disruption or provoking an emotional reaction. When the goal is provoking an emotional reaction, it is often for a negative emotion, such as anger or emotional pain. When the goal is disruption, it might be attempting to derail a conversation (e.g., concern trolling), or make a space no longer useful for its original purpose (e.g., joke product reviews), or try to get people to take absurd fake stories seriously.
Trolling has become very common on social media. And I can't lie; I've been on both sides of the stick during my time on social media. But I realized that I gain absolutely nothing from it, and if someone has to receive happiness from ruining someone else's happiness, then that person isn't in a good spot mentally.
Why troll?
Regarding this issue, I believe the main objectives of trolling are roughly two. Firstly, trolling may be aimed at attracting the attention of internet users and gaining more followers for one's account. Specifically, many account operators will post controversial topics to attract more attention to their works. Some people may follow the operators' accounts to engage in arguments in the controversial topic. When the operators think their accounts have gained enough followers, they may delete the previous controversial topic and change the account's nickname, posting advertisements or other works to earn money. Secondly, trolling may also be aimed at diverting public attention. For example, when a star has negative news, it is very likely that the star's company will troll in order to protect the star's reputation. The company will register many accounts to post controversial topics to gain popularity, while diverting people's attention away from the star.
Trolling is when an Internet user posts inauthentically (often false, upsetting, or strange) with the goal of causing disruption or provoking an emotional reaction. When the goal is provoking an emotional reaction, it is often for a negative emotion, such as anger or emotional pain. When the goal is disruption, it might be attempting to derail a conversation (e.g., concern trolling), or make a space no longer useful for its original purpose (e.g., joke product reviews), or try to get people to take absurd fake stories seriously.
While most things have two sides, trolling does not seem to have its positive side. There are many users or bots on the internet today who constantly post controversial topics or posts, such as those related to gender opposition; racism, or spreading false information to defame others. Their purpose is simply to bring negative emotions and arguments to internet users. I think that most social media platforms should ban accounts that continuously post controversial topics in order to stop the spread of negative emotions.
lifelonglearn.substack.com lifelonglearn.substack.com
the question of whether to force the #linking of a new note to one that already exists in the slipbox.
Directionality doesn't really matter if you can see both notes at once (e.g. side by side in Obsidian panes; an array of paper cards on your table).
Though, if time is your fundamental ordering pattern, you could use old-to-new flow whereby new stuff preferentially appends to old notes before they're codified as new/standalone/etc. notes. See also: TheSephist's incremental notes
I think the underlying point is one of common law-like precedence -- some (set of) note N, constrains the semantic/action/application/etc. space of (novel) (set of) note N'. Though, I'm not a mathematician...
you should still cite the source so you can review the context in which it appears and then cite it in your output.
Citation doesn't have to be hard either -- Zotero immediately comes to mind
There’s a lot at stake when putting thoughts into words.
Mostly communicative efficiency :-)
One day as I was watching at the top of a tree in our yard, I saw one of those people come into the yard of our next neighbor but one, to kidnap, there being many stout young people in it. Immediately on this I gave the alarm of the rogue, and he was surrounded by the stoutest of them, who entangled him with cords, so that he could not escape, till some of the grown people came and secured him. But, alas! ere long it was my fate to be thus attacked, and to be carried off, when none of the grown people were nigh.
Equiano's description of how Africans were kidnapped into slavery is reminiscent of the scene in Amistad when Cinquè is abducted into slavery. Like in Equiano's writing, slavers went into villages and took those they wanted as slaves. African Slavers kidnapping people is a darkly interesting part of the Atlantic Slave-trade, as Africans almost worked as middle-men by kidnapping people and selling them to the Europeans.
Spielberg, Steven, Debbie Allen, Colin Wilson, David Franzoni, Morgan Freeman, Nigel Hawthorne, Anthony Hopkins, et al. Amistad. Universal City, CA: DreamWorks Home Entertainment, 1999.
One day, when we had a smooth sea and moderate wind, two of my wearied countrymen who were chained together (I was near them at the time), preferring death to such a fife of misery, somehow made through the nettings and jumped into the sea; immediately, another quite dejected fellow, who, on account of his illness, was suffered to be out of irons, also followed their example; and I believe many more would very soon have done the same, if they had not been prevented by the ship's crew, who were instantly alarmed. Those of us that were the most active, were in a moment put down under the deck; and there was such a noise and confusion amongst the people of the ship as I never heard before, to stop her, and get the boat out to go after the slaves.
Equiano's depiction of slave suicide is much like what is depicted in the film. In the film, we see slaves commit suicide that would rather die than see the conditions that faced them in North America. Amistad takes this a step further when it shows slaves being thrown off the ships when rations began to get low on the ship.
Spielberg, Steven, Debbie Allen, Colin Wilson, David Franzoni, Morgan Freeman, Nigel Hawthorne, Anthony Hopkins, et al. Amistad. Universal City, CA: DreamWorks Home Entertainment, 1999.
At last, when the ship we were in, had got in all her cargo, they made ready with many fearful noises, and we were all put under deck, so that we could not see how they managed the vessel. But this disappointment was the least of my sorrow. The stench of the hold while we were on the coast was so intolerably loathsome, that it was dangerous to remain there for any time, and some of us had been permitted to stay on the deck for the fresh air; but now that the whole ship's cargo were confined together, it became absolutely pestilential. The closeness of the place, and the heat of the climate, added to the number in the ship, which was so crowded that each had scarcely room to turn himself, almost suffocated us. This produced copious perspirations, so that the air soon became unfit for respiration, from a variety of loathsome smells, and brought on a sickness among the slaves, of which many died -- thus falling victims to the improvident avarice, as I may call it, of their purchasers. This wretched situation was again aggravated by the gaffing of the chains, now became insupportable, and the filth of the necessary tubs, into which the clihdren often fell, and were almost suffocated. The shrieks of the women, and the groans of the dying, rendered the whole a scene of horror almost inconceivable.
This description of the slave ships is much like how the film depicts the conditions experienced on the Amistad. What makes Equiano's work compliment the film well is how he fills in the blanks the viewer doesn't see in the film. In this, Equiano describes the smells, the noises, the screams of death. By giving a personal account of these conditions, it makes what the viewer witnesses in Amistad much harder to watch. As John M. said in our weekly discussion, "not only is it important for depictions of the Middle Passage to be spread by films like Amistad, it is crucial that they actually be ACCURATE."
Spielberg, Steven, Debbie Allen, Colin Wilson, David Franzoni, Morgan Freeman, Nigel Hawthorne, Anthony Hopkins, et al. Amistad. Universal City, CA: DreamWorks Home Entertainment, 1999.
they talked to me in order to cheer me, but all in vain. I asked them if we were not to be eaten by those white men with horrible looks, red faces, and long hair. They told me I was not, and one of the crew brought me a small portion of spirituous liquor in a wine glass; but being afraid of him, I would not take it out of his hand
Equiano writes about the feelings of terror and fear felt at seeing white slavers for the first time, while Amistad illustrates how these feelings turned into anger that led Cinqué to lead a revolt killing the crew of the Amistad.
Spielberg, Steven, Debbie Allen, Colin Wilson, David Franzoni, Morgan Freeman, Nigel Hawthorne, Anthony Hopkins, et al. Amistad. Universal City, CA: DreamWorks Home Entertainment, 1999.
The first object which saluted my eyes when I arrived on the coast, was the sea, and a slave ship, which was then riding at anchor, and waiting for its cargo. These filled me with astonishment, which was soon converted into terror, when I was carried on board. I was immediately handled, and tossed up to see if I were sound, by some of the crew; and I was now persuaded that I had gotten into a world of bad spirits, and that they were going to kill me
This point really struck me as something that must've been universally felt by all Africans before they traveled to North America. As Equiano described, the feeling of being awestruck at the scale of European ships (which many Africans probably had never seen.) and how that feeling of awestruck turned into terror at what came next.
Most of them supposed I had fled towards home; but the distance was so great, and the way so intricate, that they thought I could never reach it, and that I should be lost in the woods. When I heard this I was seized with a violent panic, and abandoned myself to despair. Night, too, began to approach, and aggravated all my fears. I had before entertained hopes of getting home, and had determined when it should be dark to make the attempt; but I was now convinced it was fruitless, and began to consider that, if possibly I could escape all other animals, I could not those of the human kind; and that, not knowing the way, I must perish in the woods. Thus was I like the hunted deer
The unrealistic belief that African slaves could return home is visible in both Equiano's writings, and the movie. However, Equiano realized quite early on that he would never be able to make it home. Conversely, the Amistad slaves hoped that they would be able to steer their ship home. Interestingly, Equiano and Cinqué have two vastly different "endings." Upon his freedom, Equiano stayed in England, where he eventually died seemingly making no attempt to return to Africa, while Cinqué returned back to Africa following his freedom, where he died.
McClurken, Jeff. "Lecture on Amistad." at University of Mary Washington, September 24,2024.
The next day proved a day of greater sorrow than I had yet experienced; for my sister and I were then separated, while we lay clasped in each other's arms. It was in vain that we besought them not to part us; she was tom from me, and immediately carried away, while I was left in a state of distraction not to be described. I cried and grieved continually;
Being ripped from one's family was all too common when Africans were taken as slaves. Like Equiano's work suggests, those that were taken together were even separated from their loved-ones. What's more, Equiano is later briefly reunited with his sisters, albeit for a short time. This was incredibly uncommon as families were usually torn apart permanetly.
social-media-ethics-automation.github.io social-media-ethics-automation.github.io
Its interesting how hazing is assumed to be physcially abusing usually but there is also a digital version of it which both cause damage
I find it interesting that there is a distinct difference between Trolling and actual hate speech. Because trolling is intended to invoke a reaction out of users while hate speech is actual hate. I think ethically we need to draw the line on how far we can go while trolling so that people don't get the wrong reaction with sesitive topics.
We can trace Internet trolling to early social media in the 1980s and 1990s, particularly in early online message boards and in early online video games. In the early Internet message boards that were centered around different subjects, experienced users would “troll for newbies” by posting naive questions that all the experienced users were already familiar with. The “newbies” who didn’t realize this was a troll would try to engage and answer, and experienced users would feel superior and more part of the group knowing they didn’t fall for the troll like the “newbies” did. These message boards are where the word “troll” with this meaning comes from.
In this class, I keep finding out new things about things I thought I already knew about. Similar to social media before the internet, I never thought of trolling prior to social media. But it makes sense because trolling doesn't even have to be only on social media; it can be in person or on different forms of the internet. I would think trolling started when the internet came out and people realized they could say things anonymously.
In the early Internet message boards that were centered around different subjects, experienced users would “troll for newbies” by posting naive questions that all the experienced users were already familiar with. The “newbies” who didn’t realize this was a troll would try to engage and answer, and experienced users would feel superior and more part of the group knowing they didn’t fall for the troll like the “newbies” did. These message boards are where the word “troll” with this meaning comes from.
Trolling for newbies highlights the dynamics of online communities, where experienced users assert their status by tricking newcomers. This reinforces group identity through shared knowledge, but it also fosters exclusion and creates barriers for those trying to join, shaping the early culture of internet message boards with elitism.
social-media-ethics-automation.github.io social-media-ethics-automation.github.io
I have actually witnessed a lot of trolling online and I realised the trollers want a reaction out of you. Even if its positive or negative they just want a reaction. A good way to stop trollers is to agree with them show a general stance and not show any emotional reaction to there comments
bookshelf.vitalsource.com bookshelf.vitalsource.com
Pauses play a key role in turn taking.
How can we use the power of pauses in our conversations to create more meaningful connections with others?
Ending a conversation can be just as ritualized as beginning one.
Recognizing the rituals involved in ending conversations is essential for nurturing relationships. Thoughtful closures, whether in person or online, reinforce our connection and ensure that both parties feel valued and respected. These small gestures can significantly enhance the quality of our interactions.
Interactions like this one are the building blocks of social rela-tionships
It's remarkable how small, everyday interactions can significantly impact our relationships and well-being. By approaching conversations with openness and affirmation, we not only enhance our connections but also create an environment where individuals feel valued and understood.
motional support promotes mental health and acts as a buffer against the adverse effects of negative communication on mental health.
How can we foster environments—both in-person and online—where emotional and social support can thrive to improve overall mental health?
The World Health Organiza-tion (WHO, 2016) defines mental health as “a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to his or her community”
In what ways can we enhance communication and community support to help individuals realize their abilities and improve their overall well-being?
According to the National Association for Mental Illness (NAMI, n.d.), one in five people will experience a mental illness this year.
What steps can communities take to reduce stigma and provide support for the one in five individuals facing mental health challenges?
hawkeyecollege.simplesyllabus.com hawkeyecollege.simplesyllabus.com
You can work ahead at any time and, if you miss an assignment, you can complete it after the due date with no penalty.
This is cool because I know some people like to work ahead when they don't have any homework to work on.
Students are not permitted to use generative AI tools (e.g. ChatGPT, DALL-E, etc.) in this course unless given explicit and limited permission by the instructor
I think this is a smart decision because with AI and cheating you never actually learn anything.
Exercise Guidelines and FITT Equation
Im not sure if i want to look forward to this or not because I dont really know what it is.
How to be safe when exercising!
I'm looking forward to doing this assignment because I need to learn to be safer when lifting.
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@user = GlobalID::Locator.locate_signed params[:id]
GlobalID::Locator.locate_signed params
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ANNOTE it with hypothes.is for extracredit
How does one share annotations?
POLICY DEBATE: Article Annotation
Annotations via hypothes.is, but also secondary notes? Not sure.
Quizzes are weekly
Notes taking technique
social-media-ethics-automation.github.io social-media-ethics-automation.github.io
Every “we” implies a not-“we”. A group is constituted in part by who it excludes. Think back to the origin of humans caring about authenticity: if being able to trust each other is so important, then we need to know WHICH people are supposed to be entangled in those bonds of mutual trust with us, and which are not from our own crew. As we have developed larger and larger societies, states, and worldwide communities, the task of knowing whom to trust has become increasingly large. All groups have variations within them, and some variations are seen as normal. But the bigger groups get, the more variety shows up, and starts to feel palpable. In a nation or community where you don’t know every single person, how do you decide who’s in your squad?
As societies grow, trust becomes harder to establish, making group identity more crucial. People often rely on shared values, cultural markers, or common experiences to determine who belongs. The need to define "we" versus "not-we" becomes a way to manage trust and maintain social cohesion in complex, diverse communities.
www.npr.org www.npr.org
They are victims of crime, the ideology of terrorism, poor health, depression and social unrest. These victims become the illegal immigrants, the slaves of human trafficking, the drug dealers, the street gang members. I've seen it over and over again on the U.S. border, in Somalia, the Congo, Afghanistan and in New Orleans. People who have jobs can have a home, send their kids to school, develop a sense of pride, contribute to the good of the community, and even help others.
specific examples show why the topic matters and show that Honore is aware of what his audience values background info
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [00:23:24][^2^][2]:
Ce webinaire présente Panoramax, une infrastructure numérique qui pourrait surpasser Google StreetView. Il explore les fonctionnalités, les avantages et les contributions de divers intervenants.
Moments forts: + [00:00:00][^3^][3] Introduction et objectifs * Présentation de Panoramax * Comparaison avec Google StreetView * Objectifs du webinaire + [00:00:32][^4^][4] Intervenants et perspectives * Présentation des intervenants * Différentes perspectives sur Panoramax * Rôle des collectivités et des contributeurs + [00:01:20][^5^][5] Utilisation et contributions * Utilisation par la ville de Bayonne * Contributions à OpenStreetMap * Besoins et avantages pour les collectivités + [00:06:00][^6^][6] Fonctionnalités techniques * Comparaison avec Mapillary * Décentralisation et souveraineté des données * Fonctionnalités spécifiques de Panoramax + [00:12:00][^7^][7] Gouvernance et financement * Financement par la DINUM et l'IGN * Contributions multiples et partenariats * Rôle de la communauté et des acteurs publics
Résumé de la vidéo [00:23:26][^1^][1] - [00:46:45][^2^][2]:
La vidéo présente le projet Panoramax, une infrastructure numérique collaborative pour la collecte et l'utilisation de photos, visant à dépasser les limitations de Google StreetView.
Moments forts: + [00:23:26][^3^][3] Introduction du projet Panoramax * Problèmes avec Mapillary après son rachat par Meta * Avantages de Panoramax pour la contribution de photos * Démarche collaborative pour la collecte de photos + [00:25:00][^4^][4] Mise en œuvre du projet * Utilisation d'une GoPro pour la collecte de photos * Participation des collègues de différents services * Intégration avec le SIG web Easy Go + [00:30:00][^5^][5] Avantages de Panoramax * Photos de lieux non couverts par Google * Mise à jour régulière des images * Participation de divers services et citoyens + [00:35:00][^6^][6] Utilisation par Geovélo * Cartographie des aménagements cyclables * Collecte de photos immersives le long de la Loire à Vélo * Intégration des photos dans les outils internes + [00:40:00][^7^][7] Perspectives et développement futur * Collaboration avec les collectivités * Utilisation des photos pour la mise à jour des données * Démonstration de l'intégration des photos dans OpenStreetMap
Résumé de la vidéo [00:46:47][^1^][1] - [01:10:47][^2^][2]:
Cette partie du webinaire présente Panoramax, une infrastructure numérique collaborative pour la collecte et l'utilisation de photos géolocalisées. Les intervenants discutent des défis techniques, des cas d'usage variés, et de la gouvernance communautaire du projet.
Moments forts: + [00:46:47][^3^][3] Géolocalisation et qualité des photos * Développement d'une application mobile pour corriger les écarts de géolocalisation * Acceptation de toutes les photos géolocalisées sur Panoramax * Tri des photos pour caractériser leur qualité + [00:48:13][^4^][4] Utilisation des photos pour divers usages * Vérification de l'état des routes et des arrêts de bus * Identification et classification des panneaux routiers * Analyse des façades et des bâtiments + [00:50:01][^5^][5] Gouvernance et communauté * Projet initié par OpenStreetMap France et l'IGN * Plus de 36 millions de photos et 500 contributeurs * Forum des géocommuns pour échanger et voter sur les priorités + [00:55:00][^6^][6] Financement et priorités * Importance de convaincre les financeurs avec des retours utilisateurs * Souplesse dans le fonctionnement pour s'adapter aux besoins * Défis potentiels liés aux indicateurs d'impact + [01:03:01][^7^][7] Détection automatique et IA * Détection de panneaux de signalisation et signalisation horizontale * Collaboration avec des universités et des chercheurs * Développement d'une application mobile pour faciliter la contribution
Résumé de la vidéo [01:10:50][^1^][1] - [01:30:35][^2^][2]:
Cette vidéo présente Panoramax, une infrastructure numérique qui pourrait surpasser Google StreetView. Les intervenants discutent de l'intégration de Panoramax dans divers outils SIG (Systèmes d'Information Géographique) et de ses applications pratiques.
Moments forts: + [01:10:50][^3^][3] Introduction et intégration * Discussion sur l'intégration de Panoramax * Utilisation dans les outils SIG * Exemple de stationnement PMR + [01:13:02][^4^][4] Fonctionnalités interactives * Visualisation des données en temps réel * Mise à jour des données de stationnement * Navigation et revue thématique + [01:15:00][^5^][5] Questions et réponses * Débat sur l'intégration des photos * Possibilité de pointer vers des séquences de photos * Partage de ressources et documentation + [01:18:20][^6^][6] Utilisation pratique * Expériences avec OpenStreetMap * Comparaison avec Google Maps * Développement de l'interface utilisateur + [01:23:04][^7^][7] Perspectives futures * Intégration dans les services de l'IGN * Projets de modélisation 3D * Expansion internationale et collaboration
drive.google.com drive.google.com
You may cite some corroborating personal experience, or a situation not mentioned by X that her views help readers understand.
Adding your personal experience to support a point or introduce a new angle to the conversation can be a valuable contribution to the discussion and support your stand.
believing game
I like the concept of the "believing game" where I take the shoes of the original author and write from his perspective fairly, even if planning to disagree with his thoughts later.
viewer.athenadocs.nl viewer.athenadocs.nl
C = A*B*D > X (personal cost of changing)
Level of dissatisfaction * desirability of proposed change * practicality moet groter zijn dan de personal cost of changing
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
eLife Assessment
This important study uses in vitro and in vivo methods to identify HpARI proteins from H. polygyrus as modulators of the host immune system. The data from comprehensive approaches for investigating differential roles of HpARI proteins are convincing. This paper is relevant to those who investigate host-pathogen interactions at the systems and molecular levels.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):
Colomb et al have further explored the mechanisms of action of a family of three immunodulatory proteins produced by the murine gastrointestinal nematode parasite Heligmosomoides polygyrus bakeri. The family of HpARI proteins binds to the alarmin interleukin 33 and depending on family members, exhibits differential activities, either suppressive or enhancing. The present work extends previous studies by this group showing the binding of DNA by members of this family through a complement control protein (CCP1) domain. Moreover, they identify two members of the family that bind via this domain in a non-specific manner to the extracellular matrix molecule heparan sulphate through a basic charged patch in CCP1. The authors thus propose that binding to DNA or heparan sulphate extends the suppressive action of these two parasite molecules, whereas the third family member does not bind and consequently has a shorter half-life and may function via diffusion.
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):
Colomb et al. investigated here the heparin-binding activity of the HpARI family proteins from H. polygyrus. HpARIs bind to IL-33, a pleiotropic cytokine, and modulate its activities. HpARI1/2 has suppressive functions, while HpARI3 can enhance the interaction between IL-33 and its receptor. This study builds upon their previous observation that HpARI2 binds DNA via its CCP1 domain. Here, the authors tested the CCP1 domain of HpARIs in binding heparan sulfate, an important component of the extracellular matrix, and found that 1/2 bind heparan, but 3 cannot, which is related to their half-lives in vivo.
Author response:
The following is the authors’ response to the original reviews.
Reviewer #1 (Public Review):Â
Colomb et al have further explored the mechanisms of action of a family of three immunodulatory proteins produced by the murine gastrointestinal nematode parasite Heligmosomoides polygyrus bakeri. The family of HpARI proteins binds to the alarmin interleukin 33 and depending on family members, exhibits differential activities, either suppressive or enhancing. The present work extends previous studies by this group showing the binding of DNA by members of this family through a complement control protein (CCP1) domain. Moreover, they identify two members of the family that bind via this domain in a non-specific manner to the extracellular matrix molecule heparan sulphate through a basic charged patch in CCP1. The authors thus propose that binding to DNA or heparan sulphate extends the suppressive action of these two parasite molecules, whereas the third family member does not bind and consequently has a shorter half-life and may function via diffusion.Â
A strength of the work is the multifaceted approach to examining and testing their hypotheses, using a well-established and well-defined family of immunomodulatory molecules using multiple approaches including an in vivo setting.Â
There are a few weaknesses of the approach. Perhaps some discussion and speculation as to how these three family members might operate in concert during Heligmosomoides polygyrus bakeri infection would help place the biology of these molecules in context for the reader, e.g. when and where they are produced.Â
We agree that the roles of these proteins during infection requires further study and is not fully elucidated in infection here. We have added further discussion to the manuscript on their potential roles during infection (track changes manuscript, lines 277 – 283).
Reviewer #2 (Public Review):Â
Colomb et al. investigated here the heparin-binding activity of the HpARI family proteins from H. polygyrus. HpARIs bind to IL-33, a pleiotropic cytokine, and modulate its activities. HpARI1/2 has suppressive functions, while HpARI3 can enhance the interaction between IL-33 and its receptor. This study builds upon their previous observation that HpARI2 binds DNA via its CCP1 domain. Here, the authors tested the CCP1 domain of HpARIs in binding heparan sulfate, an important component of the extracellular matrix, and found that 1/2 bind heparan, but 3 cannot, which is related to their half-lives in vivo.Â
The authors use a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach to assess the binding and their effects in vivo, coupled with molecular modeling.Â
(1) Figure 1C should include Western.Â
We apologise for this oversight, and now include an uncropped western blot image as a Figure 1, Figure Supplement 1.
(2) Figure 1E: Why does HpARI1 stop binding DNA at 50%?Â
It is currently unclear why HpARI1 does not bind to all DNA in the EMSA assay, however this was our repeated finding. With our revised findings we can now state definitively that HpARI1 has a lower affinity for HS compared to HpARI2, and in each of our assays (EMSA (Fig 1D-E), size exclusion chromatography (Fig 4A), HS-bead pull-down (Fig 4B), lung cell surface binding (Fig 4C) and ITC (Fig 4D)) HpARI1 always shows a weaker response compared to HpARI2. We hypothesise that HpARI1 binds more weakly to DNA/HS to allow it to diffuse further from the site of deposition, but we have yet to demonstrate this during infection. We add further discussion of this point (track changes manuscript, lines 262 – 266).
(3) ITC binding experiment with HpARI1? Also, the ITC results from HpARI2 do not seem to saturate, thus it is difficult to really determine the affinity.Â
We have now included HpARI1-HS ITC, and re-ran the HpARI2 experiment to saturation (Fig 4D-E).
(4) It would be helpful to add docking results from HpARI1.Â
We have now included HpARI1-HS docking, in Figure 5B.
(5) Some conclusions are speculative and need to remain in the Discussion. e.g.:Â a) That HpARI3 may be able to diffuse fartherÂ
We have rewritten these points to remove the speculation on localisation from the abstract (lines 18-19) and introduction (line 78).
b) That DNA/HS may trap HpARI1/2 at the infection site.Â
Likewise, these points have been rewritten in the abstract and introduction as above, and we have made it clearer that this is a model that we are proposing in the discussion (line 277-283).
Reviewer #1 (Recommendations For The Authors):Â
The paper is well-written and the data well-presented. I have one small comment that the authors may like to consider. In the discussion, second paragraph, line 17, perhaps, "evolved" rather than "developed".Â
Thank you for this suggestion, we have made this change (line 248).
www.scielo.sa.cr www.scielo.sa.cr
Debate continues over the effectiveness of transplantation in conserving threatened coral species, increasing coral abundance, and accelerating reef restoration
Some argue that while transplantation can help, it may not address the root causes of coral decline, such as water quality degradation or rising ocean temperatures. Without mitigating these broader issues, coral transplants may simply fail over time. However, others see transplantation as a crucial stopgap measure to preserve key species and habitats while long-term solutions are developed
there is a deepening awareness that no habitat, once damaged or degraded, can be restored to its original condition
The reality is that restoration efforts, while beneficial, may never fully return coral reefs to their pristine state. This is due to the complex interactions between species, environmental conditions, and historical degradation. As a result, conservationists now focus on creating resilient reefs that can survive in future conditions rather than merely replicating past ecosystems
Continuing declines and the lack of recovery on coral reefs worldwide have sparked renewed calls for action by the scientific, conservation, and reef management communities
Coral reefs are known as the "rainforests of sea", these are the biodiversity hotspots that support a vast range of marine species. However, their rapid decline due to climate change, overfishing, and pollution has created an urgent need for restoration strategies. Scientists and conservationists now face the challenge of reversing damage to these ecosystems, which are vital for both marine life and coastal human populations.
social-media-ethics-automation.github.io social-media-ethics-automation.github.io
Data can be poisoned intentionally as well. For example, in 2021, workers at Kellogg’s were upset at their working conditions, so they agreed to go on strike, and not work until Kellogg’s agreed to improve their work conditions. Kellogg’s announced that they would hire new workers to replace the striking workers: Kellogg’s proposed pay and benefits cuts while forcing workers to work severe overtime as long as 16-hour-days for seven days a week. Some workers stayed on the job for months without a single day off. The company refuses to meet the union’s proposals for better pay, hours, and benefits, so they went on strike. Earlier this week, the company announced it would permanently replace 1,400 striking workers. People Are Spamming Kellogg’s Job Applications in Solidarity with Striking Workers – Vice MotherBoard People in the antiwork subreddit found the website where Kellogg’s posted their job listing to replace the workers. So those Redditors suggested they spam the site with fake applications, poisoning the job application data, so Kellogg’s wouldn’t be able to figure out which applications were legitimate or not (we could consider this a form of trolling). Then Kellogg’s wouldn’t be able to replace the striking workers, and they would have to agree to better working conditions. Then Sean Black, a programmer on TikTok saw this and decided to contribute by creating a bot that would automatically log in and fill out applications with random user info, increasing the rate at which he (and others who used his code) could spam the Kellogg’s job applications:
The Kellogg's incident, in which the general public used electronic means to interfere with the company's operations, is a fascinating illustration of collective resistance in the digital age. It, in my opinion, represents society's reaction to large businesses abusing their power. But this kind of "data poisoning" begs the moral dilemma of how to define an appropriate mode of dissent. Although flooding the hiring process with phony applications paralyzes it, it may have unintended consequences for other parties, therefore a deeper analysis of the boundaries of technical confrontation is required.
social-media-ethics-automation.github.io social-media-ethics-automation.github.io
Social media platforms collect various types of data on their users. Some data is directly provided to the platform by the users. Platforms may ask users for information like: email address name profile picture interests friends Platforms also collect information on how users interact with the site. They might collect information like (they don’t necessarily collect all this, but they might): when users are logged on and logged off who users interact with What users click on what posts users pause over where users are located what users send in direct messages to each other Online advertisers can see what pages their ads are being requested on, and track users across those sites. So, if an advertiser sees their ad is being displayed on an Amazon page for shoes, then the advertiser can start showing shoe ads to that same user when they go to another website.
Social media collects user data not only to improve the user experience, but also for compelling business purposes. This makes me wonder: if data collection becomes more widespread, do we have appropriate control over what data is used? While users often implicitly agree to data collecting tactics when they sign up, this does not mean they fully understand how the data will be used. As a result, this behavior is not always desired and may occasionally go against the user's wishes.
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eLife Assessment
This is an important study on the damage-induced checkpoint maintenance and termination in budding yeast that provides novel and convincing evidence for a role of the spindle assembly checkpoint and mitotic exit network in halting the cell cycle after prolonged arrest in response to irreparable DNA double strand breaks (DSBs). The study identifies particular components from these checkpoints that are specifically required for the establishment and/or the maintenance of a cell cycle block triggered by such DSBs. The authors propose an interesting model for how these different checkpoints intersect and crosstalk for timely resumption of cell cycling even without repairing DNA damage that has been revised by addressing the bulk of the reviewers' comments to the first version of the manuscript.
Reviewer #1 (Public review):
In their manuscript, Zhou et al. analyze the factors controlling the activation and maintenance of a sustained cell cycle block in response to persistent DNA DSBs. By conditionally depleting components of the DDC using auxin-inducible degrons, the authors verified that some of them are only required for the activation (e.g., Dun1) or the maintenance (e.g., Chk1) of the DSB-dependent cell cycle arrest, while others such as Ddc2, Rad24, Rad9 or Rad53 are required for both processes. Notably, they further show that after a prolonged arrest (>24 h) in a strain carrying two DSBs, the DDC becomes dispensable and the mitotic block is then maintained by SAC proteins such as Mad1, Mad2 or the mitotic exit network (MEN) component Bub2.
The manuscript dissects the specific role of different components of the DDC and the SAC during the induction of a cell cycle arrest induced by DNA damage, as well as their contribution for the short-term and long-term maintenance of a DNA DSB-induced mitotic block. Overall, the experiments are well described and properly executed, and the data in the manuscript are clearly presented. The conclusions drawn are generally well supported by the experimental data. Their observations contribute to drawing a clearer picture of the relative contribution of these factors to the maintenance of genome stability in cells exposed to permanent DNA damage.
The main weakness of the study is that it is fundamentally based on the use of the auxin-inducible degron (AID) strategy to deplete proteins. This widely used method allows an efficient depletion of proteins in the cell. However, the drawback is that a tag is added to the protein, which can affect the functionality of the targeted protein or modify its capacity to interact with others. In fact, three of the proteins that are depleted using the AID systems are shown to be clearly hypomorphic, and hence their capacity to induce a strong checkpoint response might be compromised. A corroboration of at least some of the results using an alternative manner to eliminate the proteins would help to strengthen the conclusions of the manuscript.
Reviewer #2 (Public review):
The manuscript analyzes and attempts to discriminate genetic requirements for DNA damage-induced cell cycle checkpoint induction, maintenance, and adaptation in budding yeast bearing one or two unrepairable DNA double strand breaks using auxin-induced degradation (AID) of key DNA damage response (DDR) factors. The study paid particular attention to solving a puzzle regarding how yeasts bearing two unrepaired DNA breaks fail to engage in "adaptation" whereas those with a single unrepairable break eventually resume cell cycling after a prolonged (up to 12 h) G2 arrest.
The key findings are: 1. Genetic requirements for the entry and the maintenance of DDC are separable. For instance, Dun1 is partially required for the entry but not the DDC maintenance whereas Chk1 is only required for maintenance. 2. Cells with two unrepairable breaks respond to DDR only up to a certain time (~12-15 h post damage) and beyond this point, depend on spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) and mitotic exit network (MEN) to halt cell cycling. 3. The authors also propose an interesting concept that the location of DNA breaks and their distance to centromeres are important factors dictating the effect of SAC/MEN on the duration of cell cycle arrest after prolonged arrest (and cells become "deaf" to persistent arrest signals) and yeast's adaptability following DNA damage. The results provide most compelling evidence to date on the role of SAC/MEN in DNA damage response and cell cycle arrest albeit its impact might be limited to the handful of model systems due to the vastly different centromeric elements and far larger chromosome sizes in metazoan cells. The study albeit briefly discussed the basis of transitions from entry, maintenance, and adaptation ( ex. changes in centromeric architectures), it does not offer detailed explanations or a testable hypothesis to this topic.
Overall, the conclusion of the study is well supported by the elegant set of genetic experimental data and employed multiple readouts on DDC factor depletion on checkpoint integrity and cell cycle status. Although the study simply measures Rad53 phosphorylation as the primary metric to assess checkpoint status, it successfully demonstrated how the signaling is modified through the different stages and that eventually cells become recalcitrant to DDC signaling after a prolonged arrest. The results are clear, and rigorously tested and carefully interpreted with good discussion on the possible limitations. The revision provided detailed responses to the reviewers' comments and addressed a few key concerns, one of which is universally raised by the reviewers on the full functionality of AID tagged DDC factors, by simply expressing excess Rad9-AID to restore more normal looking checkpoint response. It will be interesting if the excess expression of other DDC factors could overcome suboptimal checkpoints in cells after 24 h post damage.
Reviewer #3 (Public review):
The DNA damage checkpoint (DDC) inhibits the metaphase-anaphase transition to repair various types of DNA damage, including DNA double strand breaks (DSBs). One irreparable DSB can maintain the DDC for 12-15 hours in yeast, after which the cells resume the cell cycle. If there are two DSBs, the DDC is maintained for at least 24 hours. In this study, the authors take advantage of this tighter DDC to investigate whether the best-known proteins involved in establishing the DDC are also responsible for its long-term maintenance during irreparable DSBs. They do this by cleverly degrading such proteins after DSB formation. They show that most, but not all, DDC proteins maintain the cell cycle block. Interestingly, DDC proteins become dispensable after 15 hours and the block is then maintained by spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) proteins.
The authors have engineered a tight yeast system to study DDC shutdown after irreparable DSBs and used it to address whether checkpoint proteins (DDC and SAC) contribute to the long-term maintenance of DSB-mediated G2/M block. The different roles of Ddc2, Chk1 and Dun1 are interesting, while the fact that SAC overtakes DDC after 15 hours is intriguing and highlights how DSBs near and far from centromeres can have a profound impact on cell adaptation to DSBs. In their revision, the authors have now improved the Rad9-AID methodology to place Rad9 in the context of DDC adaptation, as well as widening the association between adaptation and proximity to centromeres.
Some of the results they present essentially confirm their own previous findings, albeit with a tighter strain design for long-term arrest. Conclusions about the maintenance of G2/M in several mutant combinations could have been strengthened by adding simple microscopy experiments with DAPI staining. No clear mechanism for how depletion of Bub2, but not Bfa1, can relieve the G2/M (metaphase) block is given.