1. Last 7 days
    1. hypertext presents a radically divergent technology, interactive and polyvocal, favoring a plurality of discourses over definitive utterance and freeing the reader from domination by the author. Hypertext reader and writer are said to become co-learners or co-writers, as it were, fellow-travelers in the mapping and remapping of textual (and visual, kinetic and aural) components, not all of which are provided by what used to be called the author.

      Hypertexts provides more interaction between the reader and the text, its main objective is to facilitate information that will expand the knowledge and understanding in relation to the content of the text.

    1. all my knowledge ends up in Obsidian, my favorite Tool for Thought (TfT). It's my Single Source of Truth (SSOT) for knowledge. That's where I Centralize, Distill, Organize, Connect, Develop, and Create (cfr Personal Knowledge Management Process).

      Much as I admire Obsidian, and a lot of people swear by it, I'm wondering how much more I can build Drafts up into being everything I might need for my PKM. I suspect that "success" here might be more to do with my workflow (and really grokking what I want to achieve) than the affordances of any particular app...

    1. And when they have come together to drink, they first sprinkle with liquor thisimage which is over the master's head, then the other images in order. Then anattendant goes out of the dwelling with a cup and liquor, and sprinkles threetimes to the south, each time bending the knee, and that to do reverence to thefire; then to the east, and that to do reverence to the air; then to the west to doreverence to the water; to the north they sprinkle for the dead. When the mastertakes the cup in hand and is about to drink, he first pours a portion on the ground.If he were to drink seated on a horse, he first before he drinks pours a little on theneck or the mane of the horse. Then when the attendant has sprinkled toward thefour quarters of the world he goes back into the house, where two attendants areready with two cups and platters to carry drink to the master and the wife seatednear him upon the couch. And when he has several wives, she with whom he hasslept that night sits beside him in the day, and it becomes all the others to cometo her dwelling that day to drink, and court is held there that day, and the giftswhich are brought that day are placed in the treasury of that lady. A bench with askin of milk, or some other drink, and with cups, stands in the entry.

      The Mongol customs rely heavily on alcohol and the relationship around the master. They would appear more superstitious at first but seem more prayer-like in some ways. specifically, when pouring exactly three sprinkles in the South, East, West, and North to give reverence to the fire, air, water, and the dead. It's fascinating to see how different customs hold high regard in their prayers and respect for their masters.

    1. What does Pinker mean when he says “recursively,” though?

      When Pinker mentions "recursively " hes talking about the idea of going to each step of the writing process times instead of following a linear path. This means revisiting stages, like brainstorming, research, drafting, revising and editing to polish and enhance the text. Unlike a step, by step approach this recursive method highlights that writing is a iterative journey where each stage can influence and shape the others until the writing successfully achieves its objectives.

    1. Social workers may banter about the term “social justice” without actually understanding all that it entails. This lack of connecting concept to practice can cause a myriad of harms to clients and students, who assume that social justice will be practiced in a certain way, but then have different and even discriminatory experiences with social workers

      I could see this being an issue within social work education and practice because social justice is not well defined in the field. I am wondering though if some of the harms that clients experienced by workers referenced here were people who had an educational background in social work. I wonder this, because many organizations allow other degrees of study to provide the same services as a person with a Bachelor's in Social Work, such as Psychology, Human Services, or Sociology. The term "social workers" can become interchangeable within an organization even with all these different educational backgrounds. I also would be curious to know the practitioners' level of education and licensing credentials and what kinds of organizations were providing these services to clients that experienced this discrimination. Maybe these questions could help reduce the issues related to social justice.

    2. It is interesting that, The Social Work Dictionary definition in the most current version (Barker, 2013) is the most comprehensive of definitions found in the extant literature; it states that social justice isan ideal condition in which all members of a society have the same basic rights, protection, opportunities, obligations, and social benefits. Implicit in this concept is the notion that historical inequalities should be acknowledged and remedied through specific measures. A key social work value, social justice entails advocacy to confront discrimination, oppression, and institutional inequities. (pp. 398–399).This definition is the most closely aligned with the Code of Ethics (NASW, 2021) in that it explicitly recognizes that social justice includes advocacy to address the inequalities that are identified in the guiding documents of the discipline.

      I find this part of the text to be the most impactful, because the article reports that even though this definition is the most aligned with the NASW Code of Ethics, only one out of one hundred and two articles that were reviewed in this study used this most updated version. 11% of the reviewed articles quoted The Social Work Dictionary, yet only one out of nine that were printed after this version was written was used. This could indicate that there may be differing views regarding social justice or a lack of understanding of the NASW Code of Ethics. Regardless of the reasons or variables, it signifies to me that this is a systemic issue that could be negatively impacting the social work field.

    3. Due to the definitional inconsistencies and the lack of agreement within the profession about the centrality of social justice, many educational practices, attitudes, and actions of those working within the profession may not align with socially just ideals that are included in the Code of Ethics and the EPAS (Longres & Scanlon, 2001; Reisch, 2010; Specht & Courtney, 1995). As academics debate the professionalism of social work, its commitment to its values and ethics, and the role of social justice, social work educators continue to educate students who may neither understand nor connect social justice to their social work practice, despite the guidance provided via the Code of Ethics and the EPAS (Finn, 2016; NASW, 2021; Longres & Scanlon, 2001).

      This brings clarity for me to read as I reflect on my past educational experience, my work history, and my struggle in understanding my role as a social worker. I studied social work at a state university over a decade ago. My memory may not be a reliable source, yet I do not remember social justice being a term we integrated into the educational courses, assignments, and discussions. There were aspects of social justice reviewed and explained, yet my understanding of it was a theory to understand the complexities of a client's situation and advocate for them. After graduating, I worked for organizations that were very clear about making social change in their communities to end oppression. It helped me apply how social justice can be integrated into my profession with intention. It additionally relayed the struggles with discussing social justice within an institution. Some people felt as though these discussions were “political” and should not be had. They were referencing how social justice can have the connotations of being a liberal political discussion. It makes me wonder if the inconsistencies of the definition is a part of the problem. I worked for different agencies that further perpetuated my views of social justice and practice as “political”. This has led me to openly question some of the organization’s commonly accepted practices, feeling hesitant in my role, and eventually feeling burned out in these positions. Reading this article makes me wish I would have quoted the NASW Code of Ethics in these organizations to help me feel like I had a valid foundation in my perspective, discussions, and concerns.

  2. learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet02-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet02-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com
    1. They likewise killed theKnyaz and Knyaginya [transliteration of Russian word “princess”], and men,women, and children, monks, nuns and priests, some by fire, some by the sword,and violated nuns, priests’ wives, good women and girls in the presence of theirmothers and sisters.

      The overwhelming theme of this document is how God is an executor and a savior. God chooses to save the bishop but sentences the rest to the brutality of violation and death. When hiding in the Church of the Holy Mother of God, the pagans set it on fire with them inside, and yet their souls were given to God. History has shown that religion is deeply rooted in civilizations, but to hear that they believe that God is the reason that the pagans were set upon them perhaps that is why there is a lack of discussion of battle. To a point, they accepted their fate.

    1. public consideration and sympathy

      Talking about

    2. Massachusetts

      Where from

    3. 1843


    4. Massachusetts state legislature

      Written to

    5. Dorothea Dix

      Written by

    6. defends

      This is a report.

    7. chained or caged.

      Again, inhumane conditions. Imagine one suffering from paranoia, now chained.

    8. suffering humanity.

      These places that were created to “help” failed, and created inhumane living conditions.

    9. poor

      In this era, asylums were used more as a dumping ground for those who did not fit societies standards. Many never saw the outside world after being admitted.

    10. herself

      I find it very interesting and actually motivating that she began research into mental illness while dealing with her own mental.

    1. reply to u/virtualellie at https://www.reddit.com/r/typewriters/comments/1ds1aps/typewriter_suggestions_for_newbie/

      aggregated links from prior notes:

      I'd generally endorse most of the advice on models you'll find in these sources which are geared specifically toward writers, all three sources have lots experience and reasonable bona fides to make such recommendations.

      Obviously, you'll want to steer towards the smaller portables in the lists, but most of what's represented should fit your criteria. You'll notice a lot of overlap but with different positioning, so there's obviously some personal preference at play. If there's a nearby shop to you, it may be worth driving over to try out the touch and feel of some machines to see which you like best. Try https://site.xavier.edu/polt/typewriters/tw-repair.html

      There was also some sage advice from u/Thylacine33 about purchasing the other day which may be helpful: https://www.reddit.com/r/typewriters/comments/1drj32h/comment/lawb2h7/

      Beyond this Just My Typewriter has a few short videos that'll give you a crash course on Typewriter 101: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJtHauPh529XYHI5QNj5w9PUdi89pOXsS

    1. “When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east,” said MirriMaz Duur. “When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the windlike leaves. When your womb quickens again, and you bear a livingchild. Then he will return, and not before.”

      day of judgment

    2. A kind of madness took over her then, and she heard herself say,“Maybe my brother will give me your head.”

      i wish


    1. <form action="{% url 'accounts:register' method='post' %}">

      記載ミス?: この記法だとNoReverseMatchエラーになります。正しくは <form action="{% url 'accounts:register' %}" method='post'> のはずです。

    2. <form action="{% url 'users:login' method="post" %}">

      記載ミス?: この記法だとNoReverseMatchエラーになります。正しくは <form action="{% url 'users:login' %}" method="post">のはずです。

    3. エラーメッセー

      Typo: メッセージ

  3. Jun 2024
    1. When the time came to dress, she chose the green silk gown that shehad worn to the tourney.

      cersei like..

    2. He was wearinga padded crimson doublet patterned with lions

      not even stags anymore

    3. Perhaps I will die too, she told herself, and the thought did notseem so terrible to her. If she ung herself from the window, shecould put an end to her suering, and in the years to come thesingers would write songs of her grief. Her body would lie on thestones below, broken and innocent, shaming all those who hadbetrayed her. Sansa went so far as to cross the bedchamber andthrow open the shutters ... but then her courage left her, and sheran back to her bed, sobbing.

      pls don't

    4. Maester Luwin looked up at them numbly, a small grey man withblood on the sleeve of his grey wool robe and tears in his brightgrey eyes. “My lords,” he said to the sons, in a voice gone hoarseand shrunken, “we ... we shall need to nd a stonecarver who knewhis likeness well ...”


    5. Soot stains blackened both legs of his uncle’s likeness

      didn't he burn to death too...or maybe his dad

    6. “You let my father be,” Rickon warned Luwin. “Youlet him be.”“Rickon,” Bran said softly. “Father’s not here.”“Yes he is. I saw him.” Tears glistened on Rickon’s face. “I sawhim last night.”“In your dream ...?”

      bro this poor baby

    7. Oh, there, he’s Cregan Stark. He fought with PrinceAemon once, and the Dragonknight said he’d never faced a nerswordsman.

      too early for dance of ragons ig

    8. The maester tugged at the chain around his neck, as he often didwhen he was uncomfortable. “Bran, sweet child, one day LordEddard will sit below in stone, beside his father and his father’sfather and all the Starks back to the old Kings in the North ... butthat will not be for many years, gods be good. Your father is aprisoner of the queen in King’s Landing. You will not nd him in thecrypts.”


    9. We went downto the crypts. Father was there, and we talked. He was sad.”

      he's dead now :(

    10. Ser Rodrik should teach me to use a poleaxe.If I had a poleaxe with a big long haft, Hodor could be my legs. Wecould be a knight together.”


    11. han any razor. Ice, she thought, he has Ice! Her tears streamed downher face, blinding her.


    12. “My mother bids me let Lord Eddard takethe black, and Lady Sansa has begged mercy for her father.” Helooked straight at Sansa then, and smiled, and for a moment Aryathought that the gods had heard her prayer, until Jorey turnedback to the crowd and said, “But they have the soft hearts ofwomen. So long as I am your king, treason shall never gounpunished. Ser Ilyn, bring me his head!”


    13. A stone came sailing out of the crowd. Arya cried out as she sawher father hit.

      not these idiots hitting him wtf

    14. Let the High Septon and Baelor the Beloved andthe Seven bear witness to the truth of what I say: Jorey Baratheonis the one true heir to the Iron Throne, and by the grace of all thegods, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm.”

      so he lied just so he can see his loved ones again

    15. “The Hand! They’ll be taking his head o, Buu says.”


    16. She knew all of her father’s men. The three in thegrey cloaks were strangers.

      hmm insteretsting, a trap?

    17. another that he’ddied eating a boar, stung himself so full that he’d ruptured at thetable


    18. Sheglimpsed the shadow of a great wolf, and another like a manwreathed in ames.


    19. “No,” Mirri Maz Duur promised. “Not your death, Khaleesi.”Dany trembled with relief. “Do it.”

      the baby :(

    20. Death?” Dany wrapped her arms around herself protectively,rocked back and forth on her heels. “My death?” She told herself shewould die for him, if she must. She was the blood of the dragon, shewould not be afraid. Her brother Rhaegar had died for the womanhe loved

      no you need to reclaim the throne

    21. His son had been a babe as well, yet they hadripped him from his mother’s breast and dashed his head against awall. That was the way of men.


    22. He was a re in humanskin.

      can this mf just die already

    23. Westerling

      not them...

    24. Lannister raised his head. “Lady Stark,” he said from his knees.Blood ran down one cheek from a gash across his scalp, but the palelight of dawn had put the glint of gold back in his hair. “I wouldoer you my sword, but I seem to have mislaid it.”

      thats kinda hot

    25. He was not wearinga helm


    26. One of his companions was even awoman: Dacey Mormont,

      oo ik her

    27. Torrhen


    28. Let him grow taller, she asked the gods. Let him know sixteen, andtwenty, and fty. Let him grow as tall as his father, and hold his ownson in his arms. Please, please, please.

      he won't :(

    29. A green boy, Tyrion remembered, more like to be brave than wise.He would have laughed, if he hadn’t hurt so much.

      yees smartyy

    30. “Eddard!” avoice rang out. “For Eddard and Winterfell!”

      you mean robb???

    31. “Remember, hew to the river.” He wasstill leading when they broke a canter, until Chella gave abloodcurdling shriek and galloped past him, and Shagga howled andfollowed. The clansmen charged after them, leaving Tyrion in theirdust.


    32. TheBurned Men did not shout,

      theyre so boltons

    33. “The Stark boy stole a march on us,” Bronn said. “He crept downthe kingsroad in the night, and now his host is less than a mile northof here, forming up in battle array.”


    34. odrick Payne

      nah he loyal af, also illyn payne?

    35. I went in caravan to Asshai bythe Shadow, to learn from their mages.

      oh no

    36. “As you command.” The knight gave her a curious look. “You areyour brother’s sister, in truth.”“Viserys?” She did not understand.“No,” he answered. “Rhaegar.” He galloped o.

      so he was somewhat honorble

    37. so the brothels arepaying double for healthy young girls, and triple for boys under ten.


    38. Across the road, a girl no older than Dany was sobbing in a highthin voice as a rider shoved her over a pile of corpses, facedown,and thrust himself inside her. Other riders dismounted to take theirturns. That was the sort of deliverance the Dothraki brought theLamb Men.I am the blood of the dragon, Daenerys Targaryen reminded herselfas she turned her face away. She pressed her lips together andhardened her heart and rode on toward the gate.

      oh nahh


    1. Crie cenários hipotéticos para discussões em grupo

      É uma ferramenta que já uso para os fóruns e com excelentes resultados na avaliação individual e, sobretudo, em grupo.

    2. Promover um papel ativo do estudante;

      Concordo plenamente com este ponto. Contudo, tenho algumas dúvidas sobre como este "papel ativo" pode ser garantido/estimulado quando estamos perante e-Atividades destinadas a grupos de alunos. Qual a vossa experiência/opinião sobre este detalhe?

      Saudações académicas, José Martins

    3. As e-atividades podem ser atualizadas e ajustadas commais facilidade em comparação com materiais de ensinotradicionais.

      Considero que este argumento não pode ser visto como uma derivada apenas das e-Atividades, visto que - tal como acontece no dito "ensino tradicional" - está imensamente dependente da postura, proatividade e capacidades do próprio professor/formador.

      Saudações académics, José Martins

    4. Elabore quizzes de revisão que recapitulem o conteúdo docurso.

      A utilização de quizzes como forma de sistematização da aprendizagem é uma forma muito eficaz de, por um lado permitirmos aos alunos/formandos fazerem uma auto-avaliação da sua aprendizagem e, por outro lado, o professor/formador disponibilizar uma espécie de súmula daquilo que são os principais takeaways sobre um determinado tópico.

      Saudações académicas, José Martins

    5. Avaliação: Algumas e-atividades podem ser usadas comoinstrumentos de avaliação para medir o progresso dos alunos e suacompreensão do conteúdo.

      A parte da avaliação no ensino a distância foi algo que sempre me suscitou algumas dúvidas. É verdade que através das e-atividades podes fazer avaliação, mas o que é que nos garante que estamos a avaliar quem queremos avaliar, já que não sabemos quem está efetivamente a fazer a e-atividade? Por exemplo, um teste feito no moodle, como posso saber se quem o fez foi mesmo o formando/aluno que quero avaliar? Parece-me que a única forma seria num ambiente síncrono, com câmara ligada, fazer questões diretamente ao aluno. Ou existe outra forma?

    6. Salmon, G. (2019) E-tivities. Disponível em: https://www.gillysalmon.com/

      O link, no meu caso , não abriu. Só abre em http://www.gillysalmon.com/ (http sem segurança).


      Um dos recursos para a criação de fóruns de discussão síncronos que muito me surpreendeu , pela positiva, foi o kumospace . Criei um forum de discussão no âmbito de uma e-atividade de uma formação anterior e do qual partilho o link. https://www.kumospace.com/invite/AfjVspXSZg06kxCNNjmM

    1. バージョン管理システムによって、プロジェクトの作業中の状態のスナップショットをいつでも撮ることができます。



    2. git

      表記ゆれ?: Git

    3. Check log in default format

      翻訳漏れ: デフォルトフォーマットでログを確認する。

    4. Check log in simpler format

      翻訳漏れ: シンプルなフォーマットでログを確認する。

    5. 追加されたすべてのファイルを追加し



    1. https://web.archive.org/web/20240630131807/https://www.w3.org/TR/ethical-web-principles/

      Dated June 2024 a set of 'ethical' principles for the web. Curiously it never mentions linking, not even in context of the principle of enabling verification of info.

      Some things are handy checklist to run against my own website / web activities though.

    1. https://web.archive.org/web/20240630131123/https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cd114lllyp6o

      37signals on when it does not make sense to run cloud infra. Costs vs what it brings. Great if you need 20mins of high performance, but not needed to in 5mins extend serverpark, if a week and running own hardware is also ok. I think this is true for hosted subscription services too. They add up, and there might well be alternatives. - [ ] #webbeheer maak beter lijstje abo's #tgl met Fenna. Is er iets te vervangen of consolideren? 2024-09-01

      "From cloud-first to cloud-when-it-fits" (Mark Turner of Pulsant colocation data centres)

    1. the

      Keynote Summary: Enhancing Programming Languages with Direct Manipulation Interfaces


      • Motivation: Enhance programming languages and tools to be more interactive, human-friendly, and accessible.
        • "This talk is about research efforts to make programming languages and tools more interactive, more human friendly, and hopefully more accessible and useful to a wide variety of people."

      Current State of Programming Interfaces

      • Limitations: Traditional programming interfaces are text-based and lack the interactivity of other computer applications.

        • "The actual interfaces we use to build and understand our programs essentially look like this: we have a big text box where we punch in our source code."
      • Ideal Scenario: Blend the expressive power of programming languages with tangible, interactive user interfaces.

        • "We also want to need tangible interactive user interfaces for understanding and manipulating the concrete things we are making."

      Programming with Direct Manipulation

      • Concept: Systems that allow seamless transitions between text-based programming and direct manipulation of code and output.
        • "We would like the ability to inspect and interact with and change the output and have the system help suggest changes to the code based on these interactions."

      Historical Context

      • Legacy: The vision for interactive programming has roots in the 1960s with works like Sutherland's Sketchpad and Engelbart's interactive computing.
        • "Similar visions for interactive programming systems to augment human creativity and intelligence can be traced all the way back to the 1960s."

      Techniques and Trends

      • Renewed Interest: Recent conferences and workshops indicate a growing interest in integrating programming languages (PL) with human-computer interaction (HCI).
        • "In the past decade or so there's been renewed interest in these challenges which lie at the intersection of PL and HCI."

      Sketch and Sketch System

      • Prototype: An exploration into combining direct manipulation and programming by demonstration in a lambda calculus environment.

        • "In my group we've been exploring a few ideas in a prototype system called sketch and sketch."
      • Key Features:

        • Programming by Demonstration: Building programs through direct manipulation and demonstration in a pure lambda calculus.
        • "Every direct manipulation interaction in the output pane is codified as a change to the program in the left pane."

        • Structure Editing: Integrating abstract syntax tree (AST) manipulation within a text editor.

        • "The left pane also supports certain program transformations by hovering, selecting, and clicking on the abstract syntax tree."

        • Bi-directional Programming: Allowing changes to program output to propagate back to the source code.

        • "In sketch and sketch, bi-directional programming features are used to reconcile changes to output values."

      Broader Research Themes

      • Programming by Demonstration: Techniques for representing GUI interactions as ordinary text-based programs.

        • "Our goal in sketch and sketch so far has not been to build the ultimate visual graphics editor but rather to explore whether GUI interactions can be represented as ordinary text-based programs."
      • Structure Editing: Enhancing the usability of programming environments by supporting structure-based program transformations.

        • "Structure editing of an abstract syntax tree might be streamlined into an ordinary existing text editor."
      • Bi-directional Programming: Extending traditional lenses to mainstream languages and exploring backward evaluation for program expressions.

        • "Several recent proposals employ some kind of backward evaluation that allows all program expressions to be run in reverse."

      Live Programming and Synthesis

      • Immediate Feedback: Providing users with real-time feedback about the dynamic behavior of their programs.

        • "Live programming interfaces can be useful in educational contexts."
      • Integration with Synthesis: Developing interfaces where program synthesis techniques help fill in code holes based on user interaction.

        • "There have been other promising ideas for integrating program synthesis techniques into a live programming loop."

      Application Domains

      • Spreadsheets: Enhancing spreadsheets with more structured data types and reactive programming features.

        • "The spreadsheet interface is now probably one of the most promising approaches to live programming in a general setting."
      • Graphics Editors: Combining programming and direct manipulation in tools for data visualization and creative expression.

        • "There are a variety of different kinds of programming and GUI systems for making charts."

      Future Directions

      • General Framework: Developing a general framework for programming with traces and demonstration.

        • "Can we design every graphical user interface to be backed by text-based programs in a general programming language?"
      • Improving Usability: Studying programmer behavior to design better hybrid text and structure interactions.

        • "If we study more about how programmers go about their work, we can design better hybrid text plus structure interactions to help."


      • Call to Action: Encouragement for more research and collaboration to achieve the goal of more interactive and user-friendly programming systems.
        • "There are certainly missions out there for you."

      This summary encapsulates the critical aspects and insights of Ravi Chugh's keynote on making programming languages more interactive and user-friendly through the integration of direct manipulation interfaces.

    1. 以为是火箭发射试飞失败,不是的,只是地面试车,涉及的是天兵科技的天龙三号运载火箭,应该是一级液氧煤油发动机并联静态点火时的重大事故。


    1. 牛批啊

    2. 第二类:不选中文本,对整个页面进行备注,称之为 Page Note,Page Note 也支持多条


    1. Rather than imposing rituals on employees, however, Norton suggests managers take the lead from team members and have them create their own ritual. “I wouldn’t announce via PowerPoint that we are going to do six claps followed by three shouts at every meeting,” Norton says. “That tends to elicit eye rolls. But when it’s a bottom-up activity they are creating themselves, that’s a better place to start.”

      Vanuit de onderkant van de organisatie werkt beter. Hoe kunnen managers dit bevorderen?

    2. Some businesses have incorporated rituals to help workers build stronger bonds. IDEO, for example, has asked employees to meet for a weekly tea time as a way to encourage workers to collaborate, connect, and deepen relationships. And Walmart founder Sam Walton started leading workers in morning chants to spell out the name of the retailer after visiting a tennis ball factory in Korea where the workers did a company cheer and calisthenics together every morning.

      Zijn er nog meer voorbeelden?

    3. To find out, Norton and his colleagues surveyed tens of thousands of people, conducted several experiments, and even performed brain scans. Norton makes an important distinction between a habit and a ritual; we may do both routinely, even unconsciously, but we ascribe more meaning to the latter. As a simple test, Norton asks people whether they brush their teeth or take a shower first in the morning—and if it would feel weird to switch the order. If the order doesn’t matter, it’s likely a habit, but if you can’t conceive of doing the activities the opposite way, you’ve probably turned that habit into a ritual.

      Ik zou zeggen dat het juist andersom is. Omdat een gewoonte automatisch uitgevoerd wordt, voelt het vreemd als de volgorde veranderd. Bij een ritueel, waarbij je de stappen bewust volgt, moet het makkelijker zijn om de volgorde te veranderen.

    1. The 'tiny habits' theory works by drastically reducing the amount of effort. It takes a lot of effort to do a whole strength-training routine, so that's a high barrier. Makes sense to reduce it. The problem is that you're often reducing the reward drastically as well. And miniscule-effort for zero-reward is still maths that works out to "not worth it".

      Interesante vraag: een effectieve gewoonte geeft een beloning om de gewoonte in beweging te brengen. Is de beloning van een mini-gewoonte groot genoeg om een impact te hebben?

    1. Keys



      1.1 如果从列表尾增加元素直接插入,如果从列表头增加元素就需要重新构建整个列表元素子树。(从非尾部操作会导致后续一致的部分无法复用,会有一定的性能问题)

      1.2 如果插入两个类型一致,值一致的节点,在删除时,会同时删除两个节点。


      2.1 从非列表尾部操作(增、删、改)会导致渲染错误。

      2.1.1 增:最后一个元素显示两次

      2.1.2 删:最后一个元素不显示

      2.1.3 改:改了没效果

    2. The developer can hint at which child elements may be stable across different renders with a key prop.


    1. 0 ДЕВУШ

      Долго лучше не общатся в соц сетях. если есть симпатия после нескольких смс. приглашай погулять максимум на завтра

    1. の間

      during the rendering process ですが「〜の際に」のほうが意味が伝わりやすいと思います

    2. request オブジェクトという1つの引数



      The topics() function needs one parameter: the request object Django received from the server



    3. 実際の優れたクライマーは、どんなときでも可能な限り両足で体重を支えつづけるための特別な方法を練習している。



      In reality, good climbers have practiced specific ways of keeping their weight over their feet whenever possible.





    4. return f"{self.text[:50]}..." (5)


    5. \\


    6. Django

      確認 ここだけイタリック

    7. Django を使えばひとつのプロジェクトを構築すれば

      〜使えば〜構築すれば が気になりました。



    1. This has a great backyard, but felt the bart is just too close to it. Also maintainnace of the backyard is going to be super hard!! hows the community though?

    1. you mean to say that after all you are really going to be the kind of woman who the baker won't let near the bread?

      To me this poem is about putting on a persona. It is about putting in the effort to be perceived a certain way, as being perceived the wrong way will bring about shame.

    2. be sure to wash every day, even if it is with your own spit;

      The mother is making it known just how important it is for the daughter to wash herself, that even if there is no water available, she must find a way regardless.

    3. always eat your food in such a way that it won't turn someone else's stomach;

      The girl is not allowed to eat the way she wants to, she must eat her food in a way that is socially acceptable.

    1. また


    2. 新しいコードが動作する様に


    3. 既存の動作が壊していないか


    1. f_name


    2. docs.python.org/ja/3/library/exceptions.html


    3. f_name


    4. elxcept



    5. msg


    6. ファイルから内容を読み込みます





    7. 読み込むに


    1. ↓typo

    2. 他の人のコードで見たときに認識する必要があります



    3. Car(


    4. タンクにはその量は入りません


    1. 多く


    2. クエリー

      表記ゆれ クエリ または他をクエリーに統一

    3. 文字列

      下の文ではURLとなっているので表記ゆれ? 「このURLが人間の入力への応答を意図したものでないことがわかります。」の部分

    1. color 引数は、各マーカーがカラースケールのどの色を使うかの決定に使用する値をPlotlyに伝えます

      代案 color 引数は、各マーカーがカラースケールのどの色を使用するかをPlotlyに伝える値です。


    2. の関数呼び出しにあります

      代案 関数を呼び出すことで発生します。 原文:All the significant changes here occur in the A function call.

    1. connect, contrast, and evaluate the predominant theories of motivation.<br /> explain methodologies<br /> Synthesize a variety of theories and empirical studies.

      Discussion, research presentation, empirical research presentation, contemporary trends, research project paper, research project presentation - Post to substack, marguerite, and a few other people.

      Make a 10 minute summary presentation about a research article.

      Contemporary Trends - search and summarize five or more journal articles published in Journal of Educational Psychology. Educational psychologist, Contemporary educational psychology, british journal of educational psychology, and learning and individual differences. Ask Rachel Anth for this.

      Research project paper and presentation - write a scholarly paper with approximately 10 pages to explore an aspect of the course in greater detail.

    1. Such planning beganwith the teachers' emotional connections to students and was sustained by theiremotional engagement in and excitement about the creative, interactive aspects ofthe process itself. Once more, students' emotional needs and teachers' emotionalengagements in a creative, flexible labor process of teaching, were reciprocallyattuned to each other

      Curriculum planning engages emotions. Planning begins with emotional connections with students and is sustained by excitement about the creative, interactive aspects of the process.

    2. How they drew on this repertoire at a w time wasshaped by their relationships with students, their feelings about what would exciteand engage students emotionally, and their feelings about what would excite andengage themselves as teachers. Building and maintaining such excitement andenjoyment was at the heart of the emotional labor of teaching, of what madeteachers want to change and develop pedagogically, and of what made them takepride in that development over time.

      Most teachers love using a lot of teaching strategies, not one strict way to do things. Strategies used are dependent upon student relationships. Heart of the emotional labor of teaching: building a maintaining excitement through developing pedagogically.

    3. In this respect, their desires for structures that would sup-port students, and their own sense of what kinds of structures were comfortablefor themselves as teachers, were closely aligned with each othe

      The structures teachers desire are the same structures that support students. Those structures include more time with students so that relationships can be built and maintained.

    4. Teachers wanted to become better so they could help their students. Theemotional bond teachers had with their students was central to how they taughtthem, how they evaluated them, what kinds of curriculum they planned andselected for them, and what kinds of organizational structures they adopted as acontext for teaching them.

      Emotional connections inspire teachers to become better so they can help their students. Emotional bonds determine how students are taught and evaluated, and impact the planning of curriculum and organizational structures.

    5. Here, I will look closely at how teachers'emotional goals for and connections with their students ~ p a c t on three moreaspects of teaching and teachers' approaches to educational change in particular:planning, pedagogy and structure

      Emotional goals for and connections with students impact at least three aspects: 1. Planning, 2. Pedagogy, 3. Structure.


      Found via https://site.xavier.edu/polt/typewriters/tw-faq.html#q1

      Fine Line Ribbon in Ennis, TX, (972) 878-8683,

      Ruben Flores likes them for his bulk ribbon

    1. RRID:AB_10209426

      DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.108876

      Resource: (MBL International Cat# PM032, RRID:AB_10209426)

      Curator: @Naa003

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_10209426

      What is this?

    2. RRID:AB_10209426

      DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.108876

      Resource: (MBL International Cat# PM032, RRID:AB_10209426)

      Curator: @Naa003

      SciCrunch record: RRID:AB_10209426

      What is this?

    1. 8454

      DOI: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2024.055

      Resource: RRID:Addgene_8454

      Curator: @olekpark

      SciCrunch record: RRID:Addgene_8454

      What is this?

    2. 12260

      DOI: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2024.055

      Resource: RRID:Addgene_12260

      Curator: @olekpark

      SciCrunch record: RRID:Addgene_12260

      What is this?

    3. 24130

      DOI: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2024.055

      Resource: RRID:Addgene_24130

      Curator: @olekpark

      SciCrunch record: RRID:Addgene_24130

      What is this?

    4. 26969

      DOI: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2024.055

      Resource: RRID:Addgene_26969

      Curator: @olekpark

      SciCrunch record: RRID:Addgene_26969

      What is this?

    5. 69047

      DOI: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2024.055

      Resource: RRID:Addgene_69047

      Curator: @olekpark

      SciCrunch record: RRID:Addgene_69047

      What is this?

    6. 85054

      DOI: 10.24272/j.issn.2095-8137.2024.055

      Resource: RRID:Addgene_85054

      Curator: @olekpark

      SciCrunch record: RRID:Addgene_85054

      What is this?

    1. BDSC #32543

      DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.109700

      Resource: BDSC_32543

      Curator: @anisehay

      SciCrunch record: RRID:BDSC_32543

      What is this?

    2. BDSC #4368

      DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.109700

      Resource: RRID:BDSC_4368

      Curator: @anisehay

      SciCrunch record: RRID:BDSC_4368

      What is this?

    3. BDSC #32201

      DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.109700

      Resource: (BDSC Cat# 32201,RRID:BDSC_32201)

      Curator: @anisehay

      SciCrunch record: RRID:BDSC_32201

      What is this?

    4. BDSC #36283

      DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.109700

      Resource: (BDSC Cat# 36283,RRID:BDSC_36283)

      Curator: @anisehay

      SciCrunch record: RRID:BDSC_36283

      What is this?

    5. BDSC #6878

      DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.109700

      Resource: BDSC_6878

      Curator: @anisehay

      SciCrunch record: RRID:BDSC_6878

      What is this?

    6. BDSC #6599

      DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.109700

      Resource: (BDSC Cat# 6599,RRID:BDSC_6599)

      Curator: @anisehay

      SciCrunch record: RRID:BDSC_6599

      What is this?

    1. TUBB5-Halo

      DOI: 10.1101/2024.04.02.587808

      Resource: RRID:Addgene_64691

      Curator: @olekpark

      SciCrunch record: RRID:Addgene_64691

      What is this?

    2. 137802

      DOI: 10.1101/2024.04.02.587808

      Resource: Addgene_137802

      Curator: @olekpark

      SciCrunch record: RRID:Addgene_137802

      What is this?

    3. 158754

      DOI: 10.1101/2024.04.02.587808

      Resource: Addgene_158754

      Curator: @olekpark

      SciCrunch record: RRID:Addgene_158754

      What is this?

    4. 98877

      DOI: 10.1101/2024.04.02.587808

      Resource: RRID:Addgene_98877

      Curator: @olekpark

      SciCrunch record: RRID:Addgene_98877

      What is this?

    5. 102930

      DOI: 10.1101/2024.04.02.587808

      Resource: RRID:Addgene_102930

      Curator: @olekpark

      SciCrunch record: RRID:Addgene_102930

      What is this?

    6. 98882

      DOI: 10.1101/2024.04.02.587808

      Resource: RRID:Addgene_98882

      Curator: @olekpark

      SciCrunch record: RRID:Addgene_98882

      What is this?