552 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2020
    1. Hannah Stepanek annotated the hell out of this reference. I would do well to read what she had to say.

    1. A “solution” to GR is more like a model in logic: it may satisfy a theory’s axioms but have other properties that are contingent (unless the theory is categorical, meaning that all of its models are isomorphic).
    1. Confidence to express ignorance is a super power. One good way I hone this skill is by saying “Nothing to add” when I have nothing to add, instead of repeating what other people said.
    1. r self-r

      This paragraph discuses the use of the word "bullshit" as it is used in every day life. Decide whether this is arguement, structure or both.

    2. A Kind Word for Bullshit: The Problem of Academic Writin

      Add MLA citation

  2. leanprover.github.io leanprover.github.io
  3. Sep 2020
    1. Luckily, there is absolutely no good reason not to use strict mode for everything — so the solution to this problem is to lobby the authors of those modules to update them.
    1. DX: start sapper project; configure eslint; eslint say that svelt should be dep; update package.json; build fails with crypt error; try to figure what the hell; google it; come here (if you have luck); revert package.json; add ignore error to eslint; Maybe we should offer better solution for this.
    2. When the message say function was called outside component initialization first will look at my code and last at my configuration.
    1. If you want this control then wrap them in a DOM node that the parent controls. If you want to pass in values then use props and if you want to pass in values from higher up the tree, the new style RFC may be able to help.
    1. I think Svelte's approach where it replaces component instances with the component markup is vastly superior to Angular and the other frameworks. It gives the developer more control over what the DOM structure looks like at runtime—which means better performance and fewer CSS headaches, and also allows the developer to create very powerful recursive components.
    1. There are tools in Svelte that break this expectation to a degree, but they are a bit annoying to use, which makes it an active decision on the part of the developer. The API hints at the way we want you to do things because we feel that this will give the better experience.
    2. Most of the linked issues, as well as this RFC, attempt to solve this problem by relaxing Svelte's CSS scoping rules, providing a better API with which to use global, or by manually passing down classes. We have never found this to be an acceptable solution which is why those issues have been closed. That position has not changed.
  4. Aug 2020
  5. Jul 2020
    1. "that text has been removed from the official version on the Apache site." This itself is also not good. If you post "official" records but then quietly edit them over time, I have no choice but to assume bad faith in all the records I'm shown by you. Why should I believe anything Apache board members claim was "minuted" but which in fact it turns out they might have just edited into their records days, weeks or years later? One of the things I particularly watch for in modern news media (where no physical artefact captures whatever "mistakes" are published as once happened with newspapers) is whether when they inevitably correct a mistake they _acknowledge_ that or they instead just silently change things.
    1. Matz, alas, I cannot offer one. You see, Ruby--coding generally--is just a hobby for me. I spend a fair bit of time answering Ruby questions on SO and would have reached for this method on many occasions had it been available. Perhaps readers with development experience (everybody but me?) could reflect on whether this method would have been useful in projects they've worked on.
  6. Jun 2020
    1. OK, so what about regular messages? Turns out they are not encrypted after all. Where Signal implements the security and privacy protocols right from the start, Telegram separates the two and offers an additional option. The problem is that not everyone is aware of the Secret Chat option and first-time users may send sensitive information in the regular chat window unknowingly.
  7. May 2020
    1. The "'strict-dynamic'" source expression aims to make Content Security Policy simpler to deploy for existing applications who have a high degree of confidence in the scripts they load directly, but low confidence in their ability to provide a reasonable list of resources to load up front.
  8. Apr 2020
    1. What we actually want to do is to escape content if it is unsafe, but leave it unescaped if it is safe. To achieve this we can simply use SafeBuffer's concatenation behavior:
    2. Our helper still returns a safe string, but correctly escapes content if it is unsafe. Note how much more flexible our group helper has become because it now works as expected with both safe and unsafe arguments. We can now leave it up to the caller whether to mark input as safe or not, and we no longer need to make any assumptions about the safeness of content.
    1. The handler can be a method or a Proc object passed to the :with option. You can also use a block directly instead of an explicit Proc object.

      Example of: letting you either pass a proc (as a keyword arg in this case) or as a block.

  9. Mar 2020
    1. Earlier this year it began asking Europeans for consent to processing their selfies for facial recognition purposes — a highly controversial technology that regulatory intervention in the region had previously blocked. Yet now, as a consequence of Facebook’s confidence in crafting manipulative consent flows, it’s essentially figured out a way to circumvent EU citizens’ fundamental rights — by socially engineering Europeans to override their own best interests.
    1. The business had a policy that you should report safety incidents when you see them. The process around that was you fill out a form and fax it to a number and someone will take action on it. The safety manager in this company saw that and decided to digitize this workflow and optimize it. Once this process was put into place, the number of safety incidents reported increased 5 times. The speed at which safety incidents were addressed increased by 60%.
  10. Dec 2019
    1. Best to-do list app for taking control of your to-do list
    2. Games are fantastic at motivating mundane activity—how else can you explain all that time you've spent on mindless fetch quests? Habitica, formerly known as HabitRPG, tries to use principles from game design to motivate you to get things done, and it's remarkably effective
    3. The best to-do list apps
    4. Because keeping track of your tasks is an intensely personal thing, and people will reject anything that doesn't feel right pretty much instantly.
    1. For example: I wanted a way to add recurring tasks to my list, so I wrote a simple bash script called goodmorning.sh. It uses the command prompt client to quickly add a bunch of tasks to my todo list of choice. I run this script first thing in the morning every workday, and I like it better than any built-in system I’ve found for recurring tasks, because it’s fully under my control.
  11. Nov 2019
  12. Oct 2019
  13. Sep 2019
  14. Aug 2019
  15. Mar 2019
    1. therefore at least to some extent a failure

      this is strange; I suppose you can 'succeed' in carrying out the utterance, but it does not consecrate anything, which... is the entire point? So, strange to say that it fails only in part when in another sense it fails completely. It's like I succeeded in taking a shot but missed the basket?

    2. One thing we might go on to do, of course, is to take it all back

      How can you take back an action? (though you could retract a claim about an action, of course)

    3. So far then we have merely felt the firm ground of prejudice slide away beneath our feet.

      Not absolute; not bedrock (though we thought it was). And merely? This is "merely" the dissolution of what you thought reality was?

    4. That this is SO can perhaps hardly be proved, but it is, I should claim, a fact.

      Haha - claiming "truth" for something that he acknowledges might not be provable - 'take my word for it, it's a fact'. Use of the performative again in "claim," e.g. "I claim" cannot be responded to with "that's not true!"

    5. outward and audible sign

      Proverbial tip of the iceberg; the "seen" part.

    6. Here we should say that in saying-these words we are doing some- thing-namely, marrying, rat her than reporting some- thing, namely that we are marrying

      Important distinction between doing and reporting; the former obviously an action, and the latter a verifiable statement. But can the lines blur? Is "I do" ever reporting the fact that you are getting married, which is verifiable?

    7. Yet to be 'true' or 'false' is traditionally the characteristic mark of a statement.

      All statements are boolean: T/F

    8. all cases considered

      Not sure that all cases considered are worth considering...?

    9. the only merit I should like to claim for it is that of being true, at least in parts

      You would think the goal of an essay would be to find or argue a truth, but here he is marginalizing it; truth is not the goal.

      Arguing that truth and falsehood are not what matters; that the performative exists outside such claims (as we learn later).

      Using the performative in his opening through the use of "I claim"; and here he claims truth. He performs his own argument.

    10. we shall next consider what we actually do say about the utterance concerned when one or another of its normal concomitants is absent

      So the utterance is surrounded by other ceremonial trappings, and without which there is a presumption that the utterance is hollow, that the accompaniments make it "complete"; suggests that the ceremony becomes greater than the sum of its parts by being able to bring about this binding force which the parts cannot do individually; or can they - is just the utterance enough to describe and seal the inward act? The other question is, does the utterance imply (and describe) the other trappings?

    11. our word is our bond

      And yet these are just words; as believable or unbelievable as the uttering of an oath?

    12. Thus 'I promise to . . . 9 obliges me-puts on record my spiritual assumption of a spiritual shackle.

      The consecration of the oath; but when is the uttering just a garnishment? For some, the internal / spiritual bond is the key thing, binding regardless of whether the one to whom the words are uttered believes them or not; the words are just words, but the intent is everything. The intent can exist without the words, and so the words can exist without the intent. It is the words though that offer a public record of commitment, and against which one's character is judged and assessed in accordance with their ability to live up to them.

    13. fictitious

      Interesting choice of words; many swear that they are real and binding, but, yes, they are imaginary (in our culture); we require signed contracts, and verbal oaths are nice, but have a romantic tinge to them and we expect them maybe to not be kept as frequently.

    14. the outward utterance is a description, true or false, of the occurrence of the inward performance

      The process by which we arm feelings of guilt / responsibility / etc to trigger when we have second thoughts about the vow we've made

    15. Surely the words must be spoken 'seriously' and so as to be taken 'seriously' ?

      Requires a certain solemnity, yes, but how many vows or promises are made with no intention of ever keeping them? Or only that they were meant in the moment, but that future circumstances resulted in the changing of one's heart/mind?

    16. tircumstantes

      Drilling down to the even-more-particular; not just anyone can marry somebody, at any time, at any place, with a word (and have it mean anything); requires person w/ particular qualifications / authority / occasion / etc.

      Also requires a society/set of institutions that considers such acts normal and reasonable. In this way, the particulars affected by the occasion are part of a much large general sphere in which they are legitimized and sanctioned; and outside of that may exist a larger sphere which is baffled by them.

    17. very commonly necessary that either the speaker himself or other persons should also perform certain other actions

      While the naming or the uttering of "I do" symbolically 'seals' or makes the transaction official, the naming or the uttering is part of a longer ceremony. Not sure about betting though; it would be strange somehow if a complete stranger bet another with no prior interaction (i.e. no mechanism to build trust, etc), but it could happen

    18. dangerous


    19. convert the propositions above

      Make them more particular; less general

    20. but in some other way

      Aren't the words more ceremonial? i.e. in marriage, they bind symbolically, but what really matters is the legal stamp of the JOP? But that's not what everybody stands, applauds or weeps for; maybe on some level that's what we're doing with words here?

    21. current

      Good qualifier; reminds us that language is always shifting.

    22. it indicates that the issuing of the utterance is the performing of an action

      Is it true that the function of the utterance is to assign metadata in some way?

    23. perfornative sentence

      Performs an action affecting particulars in a way that cannot be measured or perceived outside of the moment in which the utterance takes place.

    24. I assert this as obvious and do not argue it

      Is this phrase also an exercitive, neither true nor false?

    25. Examples :

      Involve the:

      • creation of relationships
      • creation of dividing lines which, prior to the uttering of the sentence, did not 'exist'; i.e. prior to "I do" they were not married, but afterwards they are; prior to "I name this ship...", it had no name, but afterwards it does; they are historical mile markers of sorts.
      • involves particulars; not all women are my wife; this one is. Not all ships are named; but this one is.
      • must be said aloud or in print, and often needs to be backed by some legal authority to "legitimate" the action; of course, anybody can name something, but the 'officially recognized' name can only come from a certain privileged source / I can marry a random woman just by saying "I do" to her, but the 'marriage' is not recognized, etc'; privileges some constructs over others by a vested authority
      • also denote things that cannot be done for me; I must utter them in order for them to take effect (be true); they require agency (or the appearance of agency)
      • the statements themselves are neither true or false, they just are; ex-post we can decide that a subsequent statement identifying the brother as the legal heir to the watch is 'true' or 'false'; but the original declaration is neither(?)
      • involve the combination of words with some ceremony or ritual that somehow enshrines it (in the case of the bet maybe the ritual is the exchange of money, but not sure if that fits the bill). Almost like incantations of sorts.
    26. exercit ives

      "A speech act in which a decision is made regarding action; examples include orders and grants of permission."

    27. the uttering of the sentence is, or is a part of, the doing of an action, which again would not normally be described as saying something

      The action is performed with the uttering of the sentence.

    28. Yet they will succumb to their own timorous fiction, that a statement of 'the law' is a statemknt of fact.

      When in doubt, defer to authority.

    29. disguise'

      Is the disguise applied moreso by the reader's bias than the author's intent?

    30. parti pris

      pre-conceived view or bias

    31. Whatever we may think of any particular one of these views and suggestions, and however much we may deplore the initial confusion into which philosophical doctrine and method have been plunged, it cannot be doubted that they are producing a revolution in philosophy.

      Makes me think of a generation set in its ways butting up against a younger "less respectful" generation that is "doing it all wrong"; i.e. generational divide between viewpoints; some may think a revolution hardly necessary, that it is fine the way it is and that they are simply being disruptive.

    32. Constative'

      "denoting a speech act or sentence that is a statement declaring something to be the case"

    33. It has come to be seen that many specially perplexing words embedded in apparently descriptive statements do not serve to indi- cate some specially odd additional feature in the reality reported, but to indicate (not to report) the circumstances in which the statement is made or reservations to which it is subject or the way in which it is to be taken and the like.

      Qualifying / conditional factors?

    34. We very often also use utterances in ways beyond the scope at least of traditional grammar.

      And how does the reader know exactly, and to what extent, the boundaries of a definition are being pushed by the use of a word which they think they are familiar with?

    35. For how do we decide which is which? What are the limits and definitions of each ?

      There is an unaddressed problem which hinders clear communication; there is no standard criteria for the establishment of intent in communication. (Doubt that's what the ultimate argument is, but seems to be the set-up)

    36. It is, of course, not reaw correct that a sentence ever is a statement: rather, it is used in making a smmt, and the statement itself' is a 'logical construction' out of the dings of satements.

      A sentence remains a sentence; it is just a tool or vehicle for the delivery of something which depends entirely on its configuration.

    37. It was for too long the assumption of philosophers that the business of a 'statement' can only be to 'describe' some state of affairs, or to 'state some fact', which it must do either truly or falsely.

      The utility of the vehicle used to distinguish truth from falsehood itself rests on an assumption; purports that there is or maybe ought to be a 'purpose' to a statement.

    38. discussed

      Makes it feel inclusive; a conversation.

  16. Sep 2018
  17. Jul 2018
    1. For instance, one of my clients was headstrong but so was my fieldwork educator.  There were times where he didn’t feel like anyone was listening to him and that often resulted in additional resistance when we tried working with him.  At one point, my fieldwork educator was exasperated to work with him

      Be careful - this sounds pretty judgmental, especially about your FWE. How do you know the person you're talking about felt like no one was listening? (Do you mean the client or FWE here?) How do you know the person was exasperated? It is necessary to discuss the emotions of others, or can you primarily focus on what you did to demonstrate this competency?

    1. I took it upon myself to make sure I completed my daily responsibilities because my fieldwork educator was relying on me for this information, plus I was role modeling for the members at the facility. They were learning what it meant to take care of personal responsibilities per day.  By establishing my own personal responsibilities, working on them in front of the clients (within HIPAA), and encouraging them to complete their own personal responsibilities, my clients demonstrated that they were learning these productive habits in their own way. 

      Here I'd like for you to discuss how you are demonstrating this competency on your current rotation. Focus on your own learning, not your clients'. Add a paragraph or more here please.

    1. potentially be a breach in AOTA's code of ethics.

      How so? Please explain.

    2. they gave her the impression that she owed it to them and should keep bringing them free stuff. 

      How do you know what impression she got from them?

    1. which applies this model in addition to the biomechanical and rehabilitation frames of reference

      A practitioner applies a model of practice - a setting does not. Revise/reword

    1. of these individuals

      omit - this habit does not only apply to the group with which you were working.

    2. you -- let's say, you're trying to go the gym four or five times a week -- and you both agree to be accountability partners for each other. 

      Avoid the use of second-person pronouns ("you") in professional writing. This sounds too casual/informal. I recommend ending your sentence after the words "the same goals" and then omitting the rest of this paragraph. The "been there, done that" part is too casual, and the focus needs to be on how you collaborated rather than served as an instructor or role model for clients.

    3. Another example of a healthy habit is through the social component of working out at the local community center.

      Awkward/unclear - sounds like the social component is a habit (??). Please reword.

    1. Welcome!!!!!




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  18. Apr 2018
  19. marykatehenderson.weebly.com marykatehenderson.weebly.com
    1. An entry-level practitioner should possess this quality so that they are prepared to create and implement the occupational therapy process with all of their patients, while also forming that therapeutic relationship by creating interventions and ideas that the patient enjoys and can benefit from.

      What theory or theories would you say you used here?

    1. This lack of interest in making friends was either a result or cause of the client's inability to read social cues and appropriately engage with others.

      How do you know this is the cause of her lack of friendships?

    2. th, "nothing occurs in isolation" and it is "multifaceted,"

      Use APA

    1. clavicles

      This does not sound like proper seizure protocol. It may just be in the way you are describing things, but it sounds like the client was put at risk by this type of handling.

    2. because she knew I was right and it wasn't helping her get out of the facility faster

      Reword - you don't know for sure why she remained silent. Only state what you know for sure - or be sure to identify your assumptions and thoughts as such.

    3. vague and unsatisfactory

      sounds judgmental - reword

    1. once they get the hang of it

      Unclear how this passage serves as evidence that you are competent in the skill area identified in the heading

    1. Each competency area will need to be accompanied by a narrative passage in which the competency skill is linked to occupational therapy in terms of significance or relevance.  Your writing should clearly answer the question "Why is it important for an entry-level OT to possess this quality/ability/knowledge?"  An artifact or other specific evidence such as a written anecdote demonstrating your competence must be included with the passage you write about each competency skill.

      Delete the instructions.

    1. concluded after two more weeks of practicing transfers, balance techniques, and endurance training, he would be ready to go home safely

      On what did you base this recommendation?

  20. Sep 2017
    1. Please read this Arbitration Agreement carefully. It is part of your contract with Instructure and affects your rights. It contains procedures for MANDATORY BINDING ARBITRATION AND A CLASS ACTION WAIVER. (a) Applicability of Arbitration Agreement. All claims and disputes (excluding claims for injunctive or other equitable relief as set forth below) in connection with the Terms or the use of any product or service provided by Instructure that cannot be resolved informally or in small claims court shall be resolved by binding arbitration on an individual basis under the terms of this Arbitration Agreement. This Arbitration Agreement applies to you and Instructure, and to any subsidiaries, affiliates, agents, employees, predecessors in interest, successors, and assigns, as well as all authorized or unauthorized users or beneficiaries of services or goods provided under the Terms. (b) Notice Requirement and Informal Dispute Resolution. Before either party may seek arbitration, the party must first send to the other party a written Notice of Dispute (“Notice”) describing the nature and basis of the claim or dispute, and the requested relief. A Notice to Instructure should be sent to: Attn: Legal Department, 6330 South 3000 East, Suite 700, Salt Lake City, UT 84121. After the Notice is received, you and Instructure may attempt to resolve the claim or dispute informally. If you and Instructure do not resolve the claim or dispute within 30 days after the Notice is received, either party may begin an arbitration proceeding. The amount of any settlement offer made by any party may not be disclosed to the arbitrator until after the arbitrator has determined the amount of the award, if any, to which either party is entitled. (c) Arbitration Rules. Arbitration shall be initiated through the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”), an established alternative dispute resolution provider (“ADR Provider”) that offers arbitration as set forth in this section. If AAA is not available to arbitrate, the parties shall agree to select an alternative ADR Provider. The rules of the ADR Provider shall govern all aspects of this arbitration, including but not limited to the method of initiating and/or demanding arbitration, except to the extent such rules are in conflict with the Terms. The AAA Consumer Arbitration Rules governing the arbitration are available online at www.adr.org or by calling the AAA at 1-800-778-7879. The arbitration shall be conducted by a single, neutral arbitrator. Any claims or disputes where the total amount of the award sought is less than Ten Thousand U.S. Dollars (US $10,000.00) may be resolved through binding non-appearance-based arbitration, at the option of the party seeking relief. For claims or disputes where the total amount of the award sought is Ten Thousand U.S. Dollars (US $10,000.00) or more, the right to a hearing will be determined by the Arbitration Rules. Any hearing will be held in a location within 100 miles of your residence, unless you reside outside of the United States, and unless the parties agree otherwise. Any judgment on the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction. Each party shall bear its own costs (including attorney’s fees) and disbursements arising out of the arbitration, and shall pay an equal share of the fees and costs of the ADR Provider. (d) Additional Rules for Non-appearance Based Arbitration: If non-appearance arbitration is elected, the arbitration shall be conducted by telephone, online and/or based solely on written submissions; the specific manner shall be chosen by the party initiating the arbitration. The arbitration shall not involve any personal appearance by the parties or witnesses unless otherwise mutually agreed by the parties. (e) Time Limits. If you or Instructure pursue arbitration, the arbitration action must be initiated and/or demanded within the statute of limitations (i.e., the legal deadline for filing a claim) and within any deadline imposed under the AAA Rules for the pertinent claim. (f) Authority of Arbitrator. If arbitration is initiated, the arbitrator will decide the rights and liabilities, if any, of you and Instructure, and the dispute will not be consolidated with any other matters or joined with any other cases or parties. The arbitrator shall have the authority to grant motions dispositive of all or part of any claim. The arbitrator shall have the authority to award monetary damages and to grant any non-monetary remedy or relief available to an individual under applicable law, the AAA Rules, and the Terms. The arbitrator shall issue a written award and statement of decision describing the essential findings and conclusions on which the award is based, including the calculation of any damages awarded. The arbitrator has the same authority to award relief on an individual basis that a judge in a court of law would have. The award of the arbitrator is final and binding upon you and Instructure. (g) Waiver of Jury Trial. THE PARTIES HEREBY WAIVE THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL AND STATUTORY RIGHTS TO GO TO COURT AND HAVE A TRIAL IN FRONT OF A JUDGE OR A JURY, instead electing that all claims and disputes shall be resolved by arbitration under this Arbitration Agreement. Arbitration procedures are typically more limited, more efficient and less costly than rules applicable in court and are subject to very limited review by a court. In the event any litigation should arise between you and Instructure in any state or federal court in a suit to vacate or enforce an arbitration award or otherwise, YOU AND INSTRUCTURE WAIVE ALL RIGHTS TO A JURY TRIAL, instead electing that the dispute be resolved by a judge. (h) Waiver of Class or Consolidated Actions. ALL CLAIMS AND DISPUTES WITHIN THE SCOPE OF THIS ARBITRATION AGREEMENT MUST BE ARBITRATED OR LITIGATED ON AN INDIVIDUAL BASIS AND NOT ON A CLASS BASIS, AND CLAIMS OF MORE THAN ONE CUSTOMER OR USER CANNOT BE ARBITRATED OR LITIGATED JOINTLY OR CONSOLIDATED WITH THOSE OF ANY OTHER CUSTOMER OR USER. (i) Confidentiality. All aspects of the arbitration proceeding, including but not limited to the award of the arbitrator and compliance therewith, shall be strictly confidential. The parties agree to maintain confidentiality unless otherwise required by law. This Paragraph shall not prevent a party from submitting to a court of law any information necessary to enforce this Agreement, to enforce an arbitration award, or to seek injunctive or equitable relief. (j) Severability. If any part or parts of this Arbitration Agreement are found under the law to be invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, then such specific part or parts shall be of no force and effect and shall be severed and the remainder of the Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. (k) Right to Waive. Any or all of the rights and limitations set forth in this Agreement may be waived by the party against whom the claim is asserted. Such waiver shall not waive or effect any other portion of this Agreement. (l) Survival of Agreement. This Arbitration Agreement will survive the termination of your relationship with Instructure. (m) Small Claims Court. Notwithstanding the foregoing, either you or Instructure may bring an individual action in small claims court. (n) Emergency Equitable Relief. Notwithstanding the foregoing, either party may seek emergency equitable relief before a state or federal court in order to maintain the status quo pending arbitration. A request for interim measures shall not be deemed a waiver of any other rights or obligations under this Arbitration Agreement. (o) Claims Not Subject To Arbitration. Notwithstanding the foregoing, claims of defamation, violation of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, and infringement or misappropriation of the other party’s patent, copyright, trademark, or trade secret shall not be subject to this arbitration agreement. (p) Courts. In any circumstances where the foregoing Agreement permits the parties to litigate in court, the parties hereby agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of the courts located within Salt Lake County, Utah, for such purpose. 14.7 Governing Law. The Terms and any action related thereto will be governed and interpreted by and under the laws of the State of Utah, consistent with the Federal Arbitration Act, without giving effect to any conflicts of law principles that provide for the application of the law of another jurisdiction. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods does not apply to this Agreement. 14.8 Notice. Where Instructure requires that you provide an e-mail address to access certain features of the Instructure Properties, you are responsible for providing Instructure with your most current e-mail address. In the event that the last e-mail address you provided to Instructure is not valid, or for any reason is not capable of delivering to you any notices required/ permitted by the Terms, Instructure’s dispatch of the e-mail containing such notice will nonetheless constitute effective notice. You may give notice to Instructure at the following address: Attn: Legal Department, 6330 South 3000 East, Suite 700, Salt Lake City, UT 84121. Such notice shall be deemed given when received by Instructure by letter delivered by nationally recognized overnight delivery service or first class postage prepaid mail at the above address.

      Okay, your probably wondering why I highlighted this WHOLE chunk of article but I think I have a good reason. I highlighted all of this because it is what I feel like a lot of people do. People will most of the times JUMP whole sections in the terms of use barely anyone reads them now adays. People skip them all together or read the first lines in most cases since people would rather get to their new game / account / then to ' waste ' their time reading a whole terms of use.

  21. May 2016
  22. Feb 2016
    1. Connections betweenvariables are specified to form a network, and inferencing aboutthe value of a variable in the network is accomplished by Bayesiancalculations on other variables connected to it (Millán, Loboda, &Pérez-de-la-Cruz, 2010).

      Does technology dictate pedagogy? If so - do certain ITS' lock in a specific pedagogy - if so which one?

    2. Under both the fixed- and random-effects models,overlap in confidence intervals indicates that effect sizes werenot moderated by whether or not the ITS provided feedback.

      Contrary to VanLehn.

    3. Post hoc analysesfound that studies which used ITS for separate, in-class activ-ities and homework had significantly higher weighted meaneffect sizes than those which used ITS for other purposes suchas principal instruction.

      Why don't we see larger gains when using ITS to replace instruction?



    1. For example, ITSstudies often citedSleeman and Brown (1982)as the originalsource of ITS terminology, and many ITS studies mentionedartificial intelligence as the precursor of the ITS field.

      Important historical document to ITS



    1. measure cognitive learning outcomes such as retention, transfer, orfree recall;

      Retention, transfer & free recall - Looking at this I'm thinking I should read up on how learning is measured.



    1. no-tutoring (reading)

      I bet students have wildy different reading styles - meaning some use better metacog. strategies. I wonder if there's greater variability within scores on no-tutoring versus the tutored treatments.

    2. Nonetheless, it is likely thatnearly all the relevant studies have been located and correctlyclassified, in part because the author has worked for more thanthree decades in the tutoring research community.

      What's VanLehn's opinion on ITS & the future of edtech, as well as research required?



  23. Jun 2015
    1. Sec. 22a-41. Factors for consideration of commissioner. Finding of no feasible and prudent alternative. Wetlands or watercourses. Habitats. Jurisdiction of municipal inland wetlands agencies. (a) In carrying out the purposes and policies of sections 22a-36 to 22a-45a, inclusive, including matters relating to regulating, licensing and enforcing of the provisions thereof, the commissioner shall take into consideration all relevant facts and circumstances, including but not limited to:

      What to consider when an application/action is considered.