1,943 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. Cascade Institute in Canada, Professor Thomas Homer-Dixon

      for - definition - syncrhronomous failure - Cascade Institute - Thomas Homer-Dixon

      definition - syncrhronomous failure - Cascade Institute - Thomas Homer-Dixon - When multiple systems fail simultaneously, the scale may overwhelm institutions to respond effectively since they have evolved to deal with issues in silos

    1. panarchy

      for - definition - panarchy - Crawford Stanley Holling

      definition - panarchy - Crawford Stanley Holling - A nested diversity of living species entwined through their adaptive cycles of growth, decline and renewal

    2. adaptive cycle

      for - definition - adaptive cycle - Crawford Stanley Holling - IIASA

      definition - adaptive cycle - Crawford Stanley Holling - IIASA - Predator-prey dynamics across a large variety of species, follow a recursive 'adaptive cycle' consisting of: - front loop stage - growth and accumulation - back loop stage - rapid reorganization with increased stability due to dependency on a limited number of conditions leading to reduced resiliency and either - renewal or - collapse <br /> - This is a characteristic of an ecosystem of many species coexisting together

    3. Arbib and Seba explain this by categorising human civilisation into two fundamentally intertwined complexes: the production system, encompassing all the foundational systems by which we meet fundamental material needs across energy, transport, food and materials (corresponding to ‘hardware’); and the organising system, encompassing how the former systems are governed, regulated and managed by society through economic, political, military, cultural and ideological structures and values (corresponding to ‘software’)

      for - definition - production system ('hardware') - and organizing system ('software') - Arbib and Seba

      definition Arbib and Seba - human civilization can be broken down into the interaction between two complimentary systems - the production system - by which we meet fundamamental material needs for food, energy, transportation, water, materials - also called 'hardware' - the organizing system - by which how the production system is governed and managed and includes the economy, polity, security, culture, ideology and values - also called 'software'

      comment - A transformation is required in both the hardware and the software to mitigate the worst impacts of our current polycrisis

    4. constructal law

      for - definition - constructal law - Adrian Bejan - to - The constructal law of design in evolution and nature

      to - The constructal law of design in evolution and nature - https://hyp.is/ZRIXfo76Ee-5yZdY2quRaQ/pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC2871904/ - youtube explainer video - constructal theory - flow - Adrian Bejan - https://hyp.is/R7V4Yo79Ee-52gO6UYAaYQ/www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgEBTPee9ZM

    5. To survive, living systems need to process information from their environment so they can predict environmental conditions. They then translate this information into organising their material structures to maximise the efficiency with which they extract and dissipate energy.

      for - question - entropy definition of life - investigate further - entropy definition of life

      question - I'm not fully appreciating his explanation. This requires further investigation - This physical explanation of life appears to be aimed at showing that the hardware and software aspects of life work together to dissipate physical energy - Is he saying that life's purpose is to accelerate the heat death of the universe?

    6. The ‘hardware’ is a configuration of matter which harnesses energy from its environment with surprising efficiency and dissipates it as waste back into the environment.

      for - definition- hardware - software - Paul Davies

      definition - hardware - software - Paul Davies - In the context of life, - hardware - configuration of matter which harnesses energy from its environment - software - complex information sturctures by which configurations of matter and energy are organized and instructed to self-reproduce

  2. Oct 2024
    1. Who were the Physiocrats?

      for - definition - physiocrats - Steve Keen - economy - history - economic flow as biomimicry of body's circulation system

      definition - physiocrat - During the 18th and 19th century, a group of mostly French "economists" led by Francois Quesnay, physician to the King of France at the time, performed some of the first autopsies of the time. - Autopsies were banned for the longest time for religious reasons - When Quesnay performed autopsies, he discovered networks of tubes in the circulation system and this led him to surmise a network of circulation in another field, economics - Quesnay advised the king, hence the name physiocrat - So modern economics has its roots in biology - it was a case of biomimicry!

    1. Feature: A feature is a significant piece of functionality that delivers value to the user. It usually includes several user stories or backlog items. A feature might take one or more sprints to complete.
    2. Epic: An epic is a large body of work that can be broken down into multiple features. It represents a major initiative or goal. An epic might span several sprints or even releases.
    1. In order to survive, every human needs to have some model of the world: how their body functions, how animals behave, how matter moves, etc. Psychologists call these “folk” theories—folk physics, folk biology, folk economics, and so on—the kind of explanations you might come up with if you just kinda bumble around, explanations that are good enough to keep you alive, but often go wrong.

      Folk Theories

    1. Un aperçu historique dela monnaie invite à relativiser tant la nouveauté de la dématérialisation monétaire que celle desmonnaies privées, deux phénomènes auxquels sont souvent associées les monnaies virtuelles.

      Les monnaies "traditionnelles" ne sont pas très éloignées des monnaies virtuelles d'aujourd'hui en ce qui concerne leur définition. La différence entre ces deux types de monnaies réside davantage dans les acteurs impliqués que dans la question de savoir « Existe-t-il dans un sens physique ? »



    1. We therefore emphasize crises that are causally inter-related with one another

      for - definition - polycrisis

      definition - polycrisis - causally interlinked crisis

    2. We define a crisis as a sudden (non-linear) event or series of events that significantly harms, in a relatively short period of time, the wellbeing of a large number of people (Homer-Dixon et al., Reference Homer-Dixon, Walker, Biggs, Crépin, Folke, Lambin, Peterson, Rockström, Scheffer, Steffen and Troell2015).Footnote

      for - critique - definition - crisis - perhaps interpret less anthropocentrically? - extend to non-human organisms as well?

    1. term spectacle refers to

      for - definition - the spectacle - context - the society of the spectacle - cacooning - the spectacle - social media - the spectacle

      definition - the spectacle - context - the society of the spectacle - A society where images presented by mass media / mass entertainment not only dominate - but replaces real experiences with a superficial reality that is - focused on appearances designed primarily to distract people from reality - This ultimately disconnects them from - themselves and - those around them

      comment - How much does our interaction with virtual reality of - written symbols - audio - video - two dimensional images - derived from our screens both large and small affect our direct experience of life? - When people are distracted by such manufactured entertainment, they have less time to devote to important issues and connecting with real people - We can sit for hours in social isolation, ignoring our bodies need for exercise and our emotional need for real social connection - We can ignore the real crisis going on in the world and instead numb ourselves out with contrived entertainment

    1. the spectacle

      for - definition - the spectacle - Situationist International - adjacency - the spectacle - manufacturing consent

      definition - the spectacle - Sittuationist International - A unified critique offered by the Situationist International of advanced capitalism - The critique was concerned with the insidious use of mass media and entertainment to subvert individual expression through lived experience by - substituting it with mass media images as proxies to directly lived experiences - which leads to mass consumption of commodities produced by advanced captalism - creates far-reaching passive second-hand alienation that harms both the individual and society

      adjacency - between - the spectacle - manufacturing consent - adjacency relationship - The spectacle is closely related to Noam Chomsky's work on manufacturing consent

    2. recuperation

      for - book - The Society of the Spectacle - definition - recuperation - from - youtube - The Society of the Spectacle - politics - Marxist group - Situationist International

      definition - recuperation - A technique of the spectacle whereby - Official culture is considered a "rigged game" - Conservative powers forbid subversive ideas to have direct access to public discourse - Subversive ideas must first - get trivialized - get sterilized - before they are safely incorporated back within mainstream society - where they lose their agential power and - they can be exploited to add new flavors and bolster the status quo dominant ideas of the rigged game

      from - youtube - The Society of the Spectacle - https://hyp.is/K2b2OIR5Ee-khSfaPJUKWg/www.youtube.com/watch?v=93jXDJhi6_c

  3. learn-eu-central-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com learn-eu-central-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com
    1. Collini turns to the OxfordEnglish Dictionary, which defines the humanitiesas ‘the branch of learning concerned with humanculture; the academic subjects collectively compris-ing this branch of learning, as history, literature,ancient and modern languages, law, philosophy, artand music’ (Collini 2021: 63

      This part explains the definition of Humanities according to the Oxford English Dictionary.

  4. Sep 2024
    1. Shneiderman’s design principles for creativity support tools

      Ben Shneiderman's work is deeply influential in HCI; his work has assisted in creating strong connections between tech and creativity, especially when applied to fostering innovation.

      his 2007 national science foundation funded report on creativity support tools, led by UMD, provides a seminal overview of the definitions of creativity at that time.

    2. flow

      in this context, flow is a psychological state of being completely absorbed in a activity that feels both effortless and challenging.

      the full manuscript is dense, yet thoughtful and engaging.

    3. Csikszentmihalyi’s characterization of creativity as flow

      Mihaly Csikszentmihaly's work is deeply influential in psychology, education, and HCI because he discusses how one can achieve higher levels of happiness by engaging in activities they find meaningful.

    4. Boden’s conception of creativity as “exploration and play”

      Margaret Boden, research professor at University of Sussex, has provided pivotal work in the exploration of creativity using interdisciplinary research across music, game, story, physics, and artificial intelligence to explore human creativity in arts, science, and life.

      The Creative Mind is available to all on archive.org.

    5. Therefore, similar to Ribes et al. in their study of domain [113], the epistemic positions we propose aim to provide conceptual tools for reasoning about different styles of organizing creativity-oriented research practices in HCI.

      David Ribes' work explores the definition of domain in computing and data science; offers insight into how studying domains helps organize computational systems.

    6. Creativity support has two implied referents: the person (who) and the activity (what).

      the person (who) refers to one involved in the creative process while the activity (what) refers to creative activities being done.

    7. Identifying this vagueness, Remy et al. [112] point out that creativity can simultaneously refer to the “creativity of the outcome”, “the usability of the tool itself”, or “the productivity of the process [as mediated through] CST”.

      creativity can mean different things at the same time.

    8. Simply put, creativity is a noun performing the work of an adjective.

      to further simplify, creativity is used as a noun (a thing) but functions as an adjective (a descriptive word).

    1. a set of policies and mechanisms that allow competent subunits to form together into some kind of a an emergent Collective that's more than the sum of its parts

      for - definition - cognitive glue - Michael Levin

      definition - cognitive glue - Michael Levin - a set of policies and mechanisms that allow competent subunits to form together into some kind of an emergent Collective that's more than the sum of its parts

      Adjacency - between - cognitive glue - multi scale competency architecture - human species - Jordan Hall - cognitive glue destresses goal seeking activities - adjacency relationship - Cognitive glue is a general concept that applies to the entire spectrum of the biosphere - Michael goes on to give examples with rats and other biological contexts like cells - This is an important question for humans at two levels: - first, at the level of the individual human - second, at the level of human groups - Jordan Hall brings the conversation to the cognitive glue at the human social level in which - anyone who has worked in a group context knows that when there is a flow, there is signaling taking place - that is at a higher group level not present at the level of the individual that destresses goal seeking activity

    2. Mike's bow tie stuff

      for - definition - bowtie - Micheal Levin - adjacency - bowtie - indyweb - symmathesetic fingerprint - symmathesetic folding

      definition - bowtie - Micheal Levin - In the conscious experience of a living organism, - All that a living organism they possesses memory has access to are earlier memory engrams - The details of these are not saved, only the general pattern - Further, these engrams are recalled in the present and the general pattern must always be contextualised for is saliency to the present context - The caterpillar-to-butterfly transformation is a radical example of this - The specific details of it's life as a caterpillar is irrelevant to the butterfly - Yet the butterfly still has memories saved during its earlier morphological form as a caterpillar - The butterfly must re-interpret those earlier memories in a radically different new morphological form so that they are relevant - When humans recall memories, we do the same thing - The context has changed - We've learned more things about reality - Concepts are constantly being redefined in realtime - The goalpost is constantly changing - The bowtie is this cone of memory engrams from the past that must constantly be re-interpret in the present

      adjacency - between - bowtie - Indyweb symmathesetic fingerprint - Indyweb symmathesetic folding - adjacency relationship - The bowtie framework is a key design feature of the Indyweb - Symmathesetic fingerprint and symmathesetic fingerprint, - derived from Cortical.io's concepts of - semantic fingerprint - semantic folding

      epiphany - between - adjacency - bowtie - indyweb symmathesetic folding - Indyweb symmathesetic fingerprint - synchronicity - adjacency relationship - After making the above annotation, I was doing something else when this epiphany suddenly sprung up out of nowhere, as they usually do - Could it be that this the lower level (or higher level) system is the source of our epiphanies? Could this be the synchronicity that Michael Levin alludes to in another one of my annotations here? - Indeed, adjacencies - novel connections between already existent ideas in our associative network of ideas may be the human expression of Levin's - Bowtie AND - synchronicity - ideas - When we discover a new relationship between old (existing) ideas (engrams), that is a kind of reinvention or reinterpretation of an existing (old) idea in a new (salient) context. - This is what Levin is alluding to in the Bowtie and the radical caterpillar-to-butterfly example - We only make note of a new relationship because we implicitly recognize its saliency - Hence, the human being is - NOT a human being, - a name that implies a static thing, but rather, according to Deep Humanity terminology, - IS a human INTERbeCOMing, - a verb, a process that is in constant evolution - As we learn new relationships between existing engram ideas, - our symmathesetic fingerprint changes, - our meaningverse changes - and a new "human butterfly" is being born every moment

    1. Broadly speaking, an open license is one which grants permission to access, re-use and redistribute a work with few or no restrictions.
    1. Prefigured

      Prefigured: To be an early indication or version of; to foreshadow; (Theology) to represent beforehand by a figure or type.

    1. In order for the model to remember something, it must be both (a) something the action model has paid attention to, and (b) something the mind cares to remember based on the emotional state.
    2. To explain the ideas of memory in this mind model, I’ll split memory into two broad categories: Story memory is the memory of everything that’s happened to you; and action memory is the modification of how you act based on positive or negative feedback.
    1. cognitive glue

      for - definition - cognitive glue

      definition - cognitive glue - Michael Levin - policies among components that solve the scaling problem of having an emergent cognitive system out of smaller parts - Michael Levin

    1. Philip Agre enumerated five characteristics of data that will help us achieve this repositioning. Agre argued that “living data” must be able to express 1. a sense of ownership, 2. error bars, 3. sensitivity, 4. dependency, and 5. semantics. Although he originally wrote this in the early 1990s,Phil Agre. “Living Data.” Wired, November 1, 1994. it took some time for technology and policy to catch up. I’m going to break down each point using more contemporary context and terminology: Provenance and Agency: what is the origin of the data and what can I do with it (ownership)? Accuracy: has the data been validated? If not, what is the confidence of its correctness (error bars)? Data Flow: how is data discovered, updated, and shared (sensitivity to changes)? Auditability: what data and processes were used to generate this data (dependencies)? Semantics: what does this data represent?
    2. It lead him to propose an abstract concept of ambassadorsAlan Kay was originally thinking about objects interacting on a network. Currently, all network interactions follow explicit protocols. Objects of the future, Kay believes, must be able to negotiate the exchange of data even if they come from completely unknown sources. As Kay noted in the conversation with Hickey, “For important negotiations we don’t send telegrams, we send ambassadors.” in computer science. Ambassadors might like to follow a protocol, but it isn’t required. They act on behalf of a larger autonomous entity. And when two ambassadors meet, both entities they represent retain their autonomy.
    1. nature's contributions to people (NCP)

      for - definition - NCP - nature's contribution to people

    2. analytical and evaluative tool consisting of just ends (targets) and just means (levers)

      for - definition - Earth system justice - just ends (targets) - just means (levers)

    3. Just minimum access

      for - definition - Just minimum access

      definition - Just minimum access - The level of essential resources and services that all people are entitled to. There are two different levels: - Level 1. Dignity - The minimum access needed to lead a basic dignified life beyond mere survival - Level 2. (no name) - A higher level needed to escape poverty

    1. Privacy principle

      for - definition - privacy principle - quantum informational panpsyichism theory of consciousness - Federico Faggin - Giacomo Mauro D'Airiano

      definition - privacy principle - experience isnot shareable, even in principle

    2. Psychoinformational principle

      for - definition - psycho-informational principle - P1 - quantum informational panpsyichism theory of consciousness - Federico Faggin - Giacomo Mauro D'Ariano

      definition - psycho-informational principle - Consciousness is the information system's experience of its own information state and processing

    3. Psycho-purity principle

      for - definition - psycho - purity principle - quantum informational theory of consciousness - Federico Faggin - Giacomo Mauro D'Ariano

      definition - psycho-purity principle - the state of teh conscious system is pure

    4. quantum-information panpsychism

      for - definition - quantum-information panpsychism - Federico Faggin

      definition - quantum-information panpsychism - Federico Faggin - The idea that consciousness is fundamental for information and physics supervening on quantum information

    1. love is something completely different it has nothing to do with whether we like someone or not i would suggest love is the recognition of our shared being or our shared reality

      for - definition - love - as the recognition of our shared being - Rupert Spira - question - reconciling Rupert Spira's interpretation of the Eastern definition of "love" with the inherent suffering designed into nature

      question - reconciling Rupert Spira's interpretation of the Eastern definition of "love" with the inherent suffering designed into nature - Consider that every individual of every species must eat in order to survive and maintain life, - In other words, suffering is unavoidable in life itself, and exists at every scale of multi-scale competency architecture (Levin) - How do we reconcile this definition of "love" with the suffering inherent in all of life itself? - If we accept that the universal consciousness manifests in ALL living beings, then it is indeed a strange situation because: - reality itself evolved biotic out of abiotic reality and - it did so by creating intrinsic suffering as predators must kill, eat and cause suffering to its prey and - mortality is built into all living organism, bringing about constant innate anxiety to defend against death through innate alertness to and defense against predators

  5. Aug 2024
    1. an engram is just a it's a it's a physical embodiment of a memory

      for - definition - engram - Michael Levin

    2. Josh bongard and I have been developing this notion of polyc computing which is this idea that basically every subcomponent is hacking every other subcomponent

      for - definition - poly computing

    1. what we basically do is that we try to find a representation for textual content so we call these representation fingerprints and they are like bitmaps

      for - definition - semantic folding

      definition - semantic folding - geometric (bitmap) representation of textual content

    1. the state predictable from the outside (i.e., the state describing the knowledge of the experience from the point of view of an external observer), which we call epistemic

      for - definition - epistemic

      definition - epistemic - an internal state of another predicted from an other outside observer

    2. the internally experienced quantum state, since it corresponds to a definite experience–not to a random choice–must be pure, and we call it ontic.

      for - definition - ontic

      definition - ontic - an internally experienced quantum state that is primal

    1. for - Federico Faggin - quantum physics - consciousness

      summary - Frederico Faggin is a physicist and microelectronic engineer who was the developer of the world's first microprocessor at Intel, the Intel 4004 CPU. - Now he focuses his attention on developing a robust and testable theory of consciousness based on quantum information theory. - What sets Frederico apart from other scientists who are studying consciousness is a series of profound personal 'awakening'-type experiences in which has led to a psychological dissolution of the sense of self bounded by his physical body - This profound experience led him to claim with unshakable certainty that our individual consciousness is far greater than our normal mundane experience of it - Having a science and engineering background, Faggin has set out to validate his experiences with a new scientific theory of Consciousness, Information and Physicality (CIP) and Operational Probabilistic Theory (OPT)

      to - Frederico Faggin's website - https://hyp.is/JTGs6lr9Ee-K8-uSXD3tsg/www.fagginfoundation.org/what-we-do/j - Federico Faggin and paper: - Hard Problem and Free Will: - an information-theoretical approach - https://hyp.is/styU2lofEe-11hO02KJC8w/link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-85480-5_5

    2. what you call CIP B which is the Consciousness information and physicality and how it links to opt which is operational probabilistic Theory

      for - definition - Consciousness Information and Physicality (CIP) - definition - Operational Probabilistic Theory (OPT)

    1. analytical idealism

      for - definition - analytic idealism

      definition - analytic idealism - reality itself is this field of subjectivity

    1. IPBES (2019) identifies 18 NCPs

      for - definition - Nature's Contribution to People - 18 categories

      definition - Nature's Contribution to People - 18 categories

      • Regulating Contributions -These are the services provided by nature that regulate environmental conditions.

        • Climate regulation
        • Air and water purification
        • Flood and disaster regulation
        • Disease regulation
        • Pollination
        • Pest and disease control
      • Material Contributions - These are the tangible products obtained from nature.

        • Food and fiber
        • Freshwater
        • Genetic resources
        • Wood, fuel, and other materials
        • Medicines
        • Energy
      • Non-material Contributions - These are the intangible benefits derived from nature.

        • Cultural identity and spiritual inspiration
        • Recreation and ecotourism
        • Aesthetic experiences
        • Knowledge and education
        • Sense of place and belonging
        • Mental and physical health
  6. Jul 2024
    1. a seductive trail of successes that leads to a catastrophic end

      for - definition - progress trap - Ronald Wright

      definition - progress trap - A seductive trail of successes that leads to a catastrophic end - Ronald Wright - defined in his book "A Short History of Progress"

    2. until relatively modern times uh until really the beginning of the enlightenment of the industrial revolution people thought of progress in a moral sense 00:02:17 or a spiritual sense

      for - definition - progress

      definition - progress - before enlightenment, progress was defined in a moral and spiritual sense - after the enlightenment and industrial revolution, it was defined in a material sense

    3. the idea took hold that and this was defined by the british economist uh sydney pollard in his book called the idea of progress and i'm just 00:02:54 paraphrasing here but essentially he said the uh the i the assumption is that there's a pattern of change in history and that 00:03:07 these consist of changes in one direction only and that that direction is towards improvement

      for - definition - progress - material - economist Sydney Pollard - improvement

    1. he defines the far-right as expresslynationalistic groups, which focus heavily on homog-enization within the nation.

      for - definition - far right

      definition - far right - The Far-right is defined as individuals and groups that they belong to which are expressly nationalistic, focusing heavily on homogenization within a nation. - defined by Arie Perlinger

  7. Jun 2024
    1. The linguistic phenomenon of "a multi-use, customizable, instantly recognizable, time-worn, quoted or misquoted phrase or sentence that can be used in an entirely open array of different variants" was originally described by linguist Geoffrey K. Pullum in 2003.[2] Pullum later described snowclones as "some-assembly-required adaptable cliché frames for lazy journalists".[1]
    1. Having read this, it appears that there is a reasonable consensus and, given that, I will probably add it to my vocabulary as it does fill a niche – but I'll be careful where and with whom I use it.
    2. Amy: It's a real word. I use it all the time (of course, I'm a linguist, and I allow the possibility that I picked it up from my linguist chums, though it doesn't seem particularly jargony to me). For me, "disprefer X" means something like "not choose X when other options are available". This is subtly different from "prefer anything over X", quite different from "not prefer X", and totally distinct from "dislike X" or "object to X".
    1. the alignment problem

      for - definition - AI - The Alignment Problem

      definition - The Alignment Problem - When AI intelligence so far exceeds human intelligence that - we won't be able to predict their behavior - we won't know if we can trust that the AI is aligned to our intent

    2. this is where we talk about un hobbling this is of course something that we just spoke about before but the reason that this is important is because this is where you can get gains from a model in ways that you couldn't previously see 00:15:31 before

      for - definition - hobbling - AI

    1. In order to speak of something as a system, we must be able to state clearly: (1) the holistic behaviour which we are focusing on; (2) the parts within the thing, and the interactions among these parts, which cause the holistic behaviour we have defined; (3) the way in which this interaction, among these parts, causes the holistic behaviour defined. If we can do these three, it means we have an abstract working model of the holistic behaviour in the thing. In this case, we may properly call the thing a system, If we cannot do these three, we have no model, and it is meaningless to call the thing a system.
    2. emergence is a property of a whole that is not a property in its parts.
    1. Levin defines “intelligence” as the capacity to achieve the same goal via different means
    1. the Maximum Power Principle

      for - definition - Maximum Power Principle

      definition - Maximum Power Principle - Complex systems (like the human economy) tend to evolve in ways that - maximize their power intake or energy throughput. - As long as there is a viable energy source, society will not stop using it: - It has to run out first, or - become unavailable

    1. the flame does not go out as long as there is fuel and oxygen, the chain reaction is necessary. In the last 10 years I have seen synergistic

      for - definition - chain reaction

    1. address the learning content as a fact to be determined bythe teacher

      looks close to a definition

    2. ontological ambiguity

      this term describes the ambiguity of the presence of a fellow learner who is only present digitally. Both there, and not there, present and absent. This ambiguity is a central problem of learning digitally, tentacularly.

    3. affinitive self-organizing processes together with others

      a description of the way the affinitive learning movement is established as a self-organizing process when a learner enters into dialogue with others.

    4. “Correspondence … is the process by which beings or thingsquite literally co-respond or answer to one another over time, asfor example in the exchange of letters or of words in conversation… It is in attending to one another, as they go along together,that beings correspond

      It is useful to know that correspondence in the context of learning can take place over a longer time as in letters, as this supports the view that Hypothes.is is a tool of entering into correspondence with the world in co-creation over a learning matter.

    5. qualitative learning leaps

      This word describes the mechanism by which a learner can overcome being stuck in a learning situation. It is an unfolding of the subject matter in the learners mind to encompass more connections and relations in the explanation and understanding of the subject at hand.

    6. Holzkamp also recognizes this connection. “Affinitive learning,”he writes, “cannot come into its own by withdrawing influence onthe learning content,” rather “I can only have ‘good reasons’ forallowing affinitive self-organizing processes, if my learning actionas a whole is expansively grounded”

      Expansive reasons for learning is connected to the affinitive movement in learning. Affinitive movements in learning are seen as directly dependant on expansive reasoning. Without influence of the content of the learning matter, the learning movement isn't tied to the learners everyday conduct of life. When the context is external to the learner, it can't be relied upon to understand the topic at hand.

    7. The starting point of the learning action areproblems of action in the everyday world of the learning subjects,some kind of not knowing, not understanding, or not being ableto do something, that I would like to know, understand, or beable to do.

      Learning is fundamentally defined to be the result of an intentional, future-oriented understanding of the present as defined by a lack of something. Only by understanding what lacks, can you understand what is to be gained from learning something.

    8. for learning to be trulyproductive and expansive, the goal-oriented learning processmust be supplemented by an affinitive learning movement in thecontrary direction—an explorative movement of de-fixation, ofgaining distance and an overview, withdrawal, reflection, and soon

      Here, the affinitive learning movement is defined as an opposite, yet complementary, supplement to the definitive learning movement.

    1. According to this law, nothing has independent, permanent, or absolute existence. Everything is part of a limitless web of interconnections and undergoes a continual process of transformation.

      for - definition - emptiness - interdependent origination - dependent arising - definition - interdependent origination - Francesca Fremantle

      definition - interdependent origination - According to this law (of interdependent origination), - nothing has - independent, - permanent, or - absolute - existence. - Everything is - part of a limitless web of interconnections and - undergoes a continual process of transformation. - Every appearance arises from - complex causes and - conditions, - and in turn combines with others to produce countless effects. - By interrupting the causal chain at certain key points, - the course of existence can be altered and - effects prevented by eliminating their causes.

      comment - This definition of interdependent origination is very closely related to that of - emptiness (shunyata) and - https://hyp.is/nyBf5CFTEe-wpwveR5kjtg/www.dalailama.com/news/2014/teaching-about-emptiness-and-dependent-arising-at-likir-ladakh - dependent arising - relationship between - dependent arising and - emptiness - from his Holiness, the Dalai Lama - https://hyp.is/nyBf5CFTEe-wpwveR5kjtg/www.dalailama.com/news/2014/teaching-about-emptiness-and-dependent-arising-at-likir-ladakh

      adjacency - between - emptiness - dependent arising - interdependent origination - Indyweb/Indranet - adjacency relationship - The Indyweb/Indranet is epistemologically designed to reflect this trilogy of intertwingled Buddhist ideas: - emptiness - interdependent origination - dependent arising - within the sphere of human thinking - The Indyweb/Indranet is designed as people-centered, - which means that individual human beings are the locus which their entire world of ideation - evolving moment by moment - can be captured to detect the evolutionary flow of ideation - The Deep Humanity praxis employs the term - "human INTERbeCOMing" to shift the frame of a person - from a noun / object - to a verb / evolutionary process - Ideas are intrinsically dependently arising - from other causes and conditions - which are the source ideas that inspired the new ones - The Indyweb/Indranet's people-centered provenance feature assures that - any idea generated by a person is ASSOCIATED to that person - and tracks the exact time of the occurrence of that idea - The other half of the Indyweb/Indranet is that it is INTERPERSONAL - allowing all people, - with their people-centered nexus of evolutionary ideas to - SHARE them with OTHER people - Hence, from looking at a record of our evolutionary history of ideas - we can see that we are psychologically fundamentally following interdependent origination - Ideas are in constant flux, giving rise to new ideas - in a continuous process of transformation

  8. May 2024
    1. (1) the whatof the learning action, that is, the learning content and what thelearner would like to learn; (2) the why of the learning action,that is, the learner’s reasons for wanting to learn something. Thesemore content-related dimensions of learning give direction andthey determin

      Schraube defines two (plural!) learning dimensions: content and reason. Perhaps there it is only one dimension containing those two aspects.

    2. If one takes a closer look at human actions from the perspectiveof action theory, one can see that it is made up of four distinctcomponents

      These four components of a learning action can serve as a framework for analyzing the efficiency of tools for learning digitally like Scholia and Hypothes.is.

    3. Learning is distinguished, then, by its more or less explicitintentional character. For this reason, learning is not simply aprocedure, an operation, or an activity but an action. Learningdoes not only have its origin in everyday action but is itself aparticular form of action—and this is why one can rightly talk ofthe act of learning or a learning action.

      Categorizing learning itself as an action is an important step to understanding the difficulties associated with learning digitally. Perhaps the problem with digital tools for learning is that they make the learning process less dynamic, more formulaic and predetermined?

    4. To give this process a name, I build onthe multiple world-exploring movements of the octopus with itstentacles, as well as on Donna Haraway’s concept of tentacularthinking (2016, pp. 30–57) and call it the tentacular learningmovement of learners

      Ok, so this theory explicitly, as here baptized, belongs to Ernst Schraube.

    5. This process is the content dimension of thelearning action

      Ah, the very definition of "the content-related".

    1. que sont les compétences sociales et comportementales les compétences comportementales ça va référer à tout ce qui est rapport à soi-même donc on va retrouver dans les compétences comportementales dans le 00:02:22 rapport à soi des des l'estime de soi une forme d'optimisme par rapport à à ses chances de réussite un état d'esprit de développement je vais expliquer tout de suite après ce que ça veut dire l'état d'esprit de 00:02:34 développement un locus de contrôle ça aussi j'expliquerait ce que ça veut dire et la capacité en fait tout tout ce que je viens de citer ça réfère à un sentiment qu'on est capable de 00:02:47 progresser qu'on est capable en faisant des efforts d'y arriver et puis il y a également de des des compétences très importantes qui sont le contrôle de son impulsivité et l'autodiscipline 00:03:00 donc cette capacité à reférainer un plaisir immédiat pour un plaisir futur plus important et puis dans les champs des compétences sociales donc là on va parler du rapport aux autres et de la qualité du rapport aux autres donc entre 00:03:13 autres on va avoir la capacité à coopérer à être empathique à respecter à tolérer à contrôler également l'impulsivité l'agressivité par rapport aux autres mais également le sentiment d'appartenance le sentiment de faire 00:03:25 partie d'une équipe que l'on soutient et par laquelle on est soutenu c'est euh également une une ce qu'on dans le champ des compétences sociales
    1. so

      for - definition - food literacy

      definition - food literacy - being informed about our food choices and encourage us to ask questions that help us make healthier decisions for ourselves, family and planet

    1. Community of Inquiry framework (Simunich, 2014) can lead to purposeful choices that can facilitate increased teacher-student interaction, promoting increased instructor presence in online courses. In the CoI framework, Teaching Presence includes instructional management, building understanding, and direct instruction.

      Teaching presence - instructional management Building Understanding Direct instruction

      With a rise of AI graders how to you motivate teachers to stay present.

    1. describe the Community of Inquiry as a “conceptual framework that identifies the elements that are crucial prerequisites for a successful higher education experience” (p. 87).  Shea and Bidjerano elaborate that CoI “focuses on the development of an online learning community with an emphasis on the processes of instructional conversations that are likely to lead to epistemic engagement” (p. 544).

      community of inquiry

    2. The Community of Inquiry (CoI) model (Garrison et al., 2000) is the prevailing model in research involving teaching presence.   At its core, CoI is built on constructivist principles rooted in educational theories of Dewey, Vygotsky, and others.  Constructivism is a process of an individual’s construction of knowledge through his/her own experiences and develops in concert with interactions with others (Shea et al., 2005).

      Community of Inquiry

    3. I enrolled in the four-week course and was introduced to the Community of Inquiry (CoI) model designed by Garrison, Anderson, and Archer (2000), which described the concept of interplay between teaching presence, social presence, and cognitive presence.

      community of inquiry definition

    1. ubiquitous

      present, appearing, or found everywhere.

    2. sustenance

      means of sustaining or supporting life or health; nourishment, especially food and drink:

    3. empirical

      based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic.

    4. circa

      “Circa” (abbreviated as “ca.”), from Latin “circum” meaning “around,” signals an approximate date or time.

    5. amalgamation

      : the action or process of uniting or merging two or more things :

    1. economies of scope

      for - answer - size of a digital nation - definition - economy of scope

      answer - size of a digital nation - In contrast to nation states with the concept of economy of scale, - in Network states, we have the concept of economy of scope

      definition - economy of scope - for small group through strong alignment of interests and values, to foster close kinship - then expand to other similarly aligned groups with synergies between groups

    1. CoordiNations

      for - definition - Coordi-Nation

      definition - Coordi-Nation - virtual, digital, non-territorial groups of Network States with strong degress of interdependency and kinship and that digitally coordinate their mutual sovereignty - author - Primavera de Filippi

      to - Primavera De Filippi Edcon 2023 talk - The Rise of the Network State and Coordi-Nations - https://hyp.is/3etQygi4Ee-17K-Lej3Fzg/docdrop.org/video/F-ckcvpSttA/

  9. Apr 2024
    1. John kavat zin's definition of mindfulness

      for - definition - mindfulness - Jon Kabat-Zinn

      definition - mindfulness - Jon Kabat-Zinn - awareness that arises through - paying attention on purpose in the present moment - non-judgmentally

    2. there are at least two traditional elements that would be subsumed under this term

      for - definition - mindfulness

      definition - mindfulness - This is a 20th century Western, Buddhist psychology term which has two complimentary aspects - remembering / recollecting (smrti) - hold some mental object in mind and prevent it from drifting away - clear comprehension (samprajanya) - clear knowing through alert awareness - mental surveying / monitoring

    3. bavana which literally means bringing into being

      for - definition - Bhavana - meditation - Sanskrit - samatha - vipassana

      definition - Bhavana - meditation - Sanskrit - https://encyclopediaofbuddhism.org/wiki/Bh%C4%81van%C4%81 - cultivation - samatha-bhāvanā, the cultivation of calm-abiding - stabilizing attention leading to refined states of concentration - vipassanā-bhāvanā, the cultivation of insight<br /> - clearly noting what is arising from moment to moment

    1. under the name of the Prometheus complex

      for - definition - Prometheus complex

      definition - Prometheus complex - All those tendencies which impel us to know - as much as our fathers, more than our fathers - as much as our teachers, more than our teachers - author - Gaston Bachelard

    1. The Symbolosphere, Conceptualiztion, Language and Neo-Dualism

      for - symbolosphere - origins - definition - symbolosphere - definition - physiosphere - definition - neo-dualism - Robert K. Logan - John H. Schumann

      origins - symbolosphere - John H. Schumann introduces the complimentary notions of

      definition - symbolopshere - the non-physical world of symbolic relationships that includes all its thoughts and communication processes such as language

      definition - physiosphere - the physical world, including the human brain.

      • This paper introduces these terms in the context of a concept they developed called "neo-dualism",

      definition - neo-dualism - a way pragmatic form of dualism that distinguishes mind and brain in the current understanding of neuroscience that is unable to provide an adequate explanation connecting the two.

    1. It's definition 6 from Merriam-Webster: 6 : strictly limited to a specified thing, place, or idea

      Thanks for pointing to this! There are so many different meaninsg/senses of "proper". That's the one!

    1. A strategy, on the other hand, is a guideline for decisions you make. It defines how an objective will be achieved. For example, if you run a retail store, your goal might be to increase sales. This goal may sound obvious, but how do you achieve it? You can attract new customers, encourage existing customers to buy more, broaden your selection, or advertise more. Each of these options is a different strategy. You could have a promotion strategy, a pricing strategy, a distribution strategy, and more.
    2. Strategic planning is the process you go through to create a vision, a mission, goals, and a plan for your organization for the next three to five years. It includes a review of opportunities and articulation of the elements discussed here, using a structured process that works through them one step at a time.
  10. Mar 2024
    1. temporal conscientization” (becoming conscious of historical

      for - definition - temporal conscientization - adjacency - temporal conscientization - Deep Humanity - poly-meta-perma-crisis - terror management - denial of death - Paolo Freire - denial of death - Ernest Becker - terror management - book - Critical Consciousness

      definition - temporal conscientization - introduced by Paolo Freire n his book, temporal conscientization means becoming conscious of historical change, our - past, -present and - futures - For people to intervene in the movement of history, - people need to understand - how they got to where they are now, - the era that they are coming from, but as well to understand - the movements and potentialities of change that are leading to different futures.

      adjacency - between - temporal conscientization - Deep Humanity - poly-meta-perma-crisis - terror management theory - denial of death - adjacency statement - Deep Humanity has always elevated the idea of knowing the past, present and future in order to frame meaning for navigating our future. - This is precisely the awareness of temporal conscientization. - Deep considerations of death, - and subsequently what meaning we can derive from life - is an integral part of the Deep Humanity exercise - A major theme of religions is the afterlife, or some continuation of consciousness after the process of death - In the context of temporal conscientization, - looking and - imagining - what our - individual and - collective future - looks like - the proposal of an afterlife is a terror management strategy to cope with our denial of death - Perhaps the emergence of the present poly-meta-perma-crisis is - a cultural indication to the collective intelligence of the human social superorganism that - the time has come to develop a mature theory of life and death that is - accessible to every member of our species so that - we can put the fragmenting, isolating existential question to rest once and for all

    2. Richard Slaughter came up with a conceptual model called the transformation cycle

      for - Richard Slaughter - transformation cycle - definition - transformation cycle - social norms - construction and deconstruction - social construction

      definition - transformation cycleL - The transformation cycle shows how the social constructions that come to be seen as real - eventually lose their viability over time, - with new - social constructions and - meaning frameworks -emerging. - This process can be described in three steps: - 1. Analysis of the breakdown of inherited meanings. - 2. Reconceptualisation via new myths, paradigms, images etc. - 3. Negotiation and selective legitimation of new - meanings, - images, - behaviours etc.

    3. Epic Times

      for - Epic times - hypernormalization - definition - epic times - gestalt switch - Deep Humanity articulation - hypernormalization - epic times - Rapid whole system change - emptiness - epic times - adjacency - hypernormalization - epic times - Deep Humanity

      definition - epic times - In contrast to hypernormalization, which is the normalization of a state of affairs which is dysfunctional or absurd, epic times is the opposite. - Employing a deep time and space framing, epic times re-situates each of us as an integral, intertwingled component of the universe a cosmic gestalt, woven into the multi scale competency architecture of reality itself invoking feelings of: - awe, - the sacred, - the remarkable

      • In sharp contrast to hypernormalization,
        • where the absurdity or dysfunction of the present is
          • ignored,
          • obscured or
          • suppressed,
        • we can consider that we actually live in “Epic Times”.
        • The times we’re living in are in fact remarkable,
        • and we can play
          • a meaningful and
          • positive role
        • in this drama.
        • These Epic Times are calling forth
          • new ways of being and -new ways of doing
        • from us as
          • individuals and
          • communities.

      adjacency - between - hypernormalization - rapid whole system change - Deep Humanity - adjacency statement - Hypernormalization characterizes the poly-meta-perma-crisis of the anthropocene. - The GESTALT SWITCH in articulating from a hypernormalization to an epic time worldview is the essential meta reframing required to motivate the unprecedented cultural evolution transition modernity must undergo if our species is to reach the next stage of evolution

      reference - see the above annotation on "hypernormalization" - https://hyp.is/iO-mfuzLEe6SOON2-3dLqA/off-planet.medium.com/discovering-the-narratives-that-matter-to-us-327958a2daec

    4. hypernormalization

      for - definition - hypernormalisation - definition - epic times - paradigm shift - eco-anxiety - Deep Humanity articulation - hypernormalization - epic times - Rapid whole system change - emptiness - epic times - gestalt switch - epic times - adjacency - hypernormalization - epic times - Deep Humanity - Alexi Yurchak - hypernormalization

      definition - hypernormalization - the making normal of a state of affairs which is dysfunctional or absurd. - a term coined by the Russian scholar Alexi Yurchak

      adjacency - between - hypernormalization - rapid whole system change - Deep Humanity - adjacency statement - Hypernormalization characterizes the poly-meta-perma-crisis of the anthropocene. - We can articulate the open source Deep Humanity praxis currently under development in the terminology of hypernormalization and epic times: - One way to understand the open source Deep Humanity praxis currently under development is that - Deep Humanity offers a framework to become aware of the Hypernormalization within modernity - Employing an epic times perspective can help provide the necessary GESTALT SWITCH ( a term introduced by Gyuri Lajos) that shifts the current growing eco-anxiety-laden affective landscape from - fear - hopelessness - inaction - confusion - to a broader context which can inspire awe, wonder and resilient meaning

    1. il y a plusieurs définitions des compétences psychosociale et peut-être celle qui est la plus claire c'est la capacité d'une personne à répondre avec efficacité aux exigences et aux épreuve de la vie quotidienne
    1. A tool addresses human needs by amplifying human capabilities.

      how we should interact with our Tools Of The Future?


      Victor, B. (2011). A brief rant on the future of interaction design. Tomado de https://worrydream.com/ABriefRantOnTheFutureOfInteractionDesign/

    1. without science; in the manner of quacks.

      What on earth? How can this word, which in my experience describes precisely the manner that makes something science, at the same time have a meaning that means "without science" and in the manner of a charlatan? I'd never heard of this meaning before...

    1. All well-behaved persons

      The determination of what constituted "well-behaved" under the 1885 Public Accommodations statute was left to the discretion of the proprietors of the theaters, parks, shows, or other public amusements. This meant that the decision could be highly subjective and influenced by the personal biases and racial prejudices.

    2. miscegenation

      Sexual relationships or reproduction between people of different race and ethnic groups, especially when one of them is white.

    1. Myelin, a coating of fatty tissues around the axon of the neuron (Carlson, 2014).
      • insulates nerve and speeds up the impulses between cells while supporting the neural pathways
      • improves coordination, thought process and movement.
      • present in adolescents but most dramatic first years
    2. Synaptic Pruning, where neural connections are reduced thereby making those that are used much stronger
      • helps master our complex skills. experience will determine which connections are kept in our brains.
      • occurs during childhood and adolescence after blooming period
    3. his period of rapid neural growth is referred to as Synaptic Blooming.

      dendrites develop and synaptogenesis occurs

    1. antinomy

      a contradiction between two beliefs or conclusions that are in themselves reasonable; a paradox.

    2. aporia

      In philosophy, an aporia is a philosophical puzzle or a seemingly irresoluble impasse in an inquiry, often arising as a result of equally plausible yet inconsistent premises, i.e. a paradox. It can also denote the state of being perplexed, or at a loss, at such a puzzle or impasse.



  11. Feb 2024
    1. si on se réfère à la 00:03:17 définition voyez qui est déjà bien ancienne 1946 publié en 48 je crois d'ailleurs de l'OMS qui nous dit que la santé c'est pas simplement une absence de maladie et on a un peu eu tendance à 00:03:30 l'oublier depuis ces années covid ou c'est vraiment protégé pour la maladie mais on s'est aperçu que c'était bien plus large que ça et pourtant vous voyez 46 on était déjà au clair là-dessus la santé c'est du bien-être et le mot 00:03:45 bien-être est dans la définition du bien-être physique effectivement pas avoir de maladies mais c'est aussi du bien-être psychologique et c'est aussi du bien-être social psychologique ou 00:03:56 mental c'est la même chose et du bien-être social ces trois bien-être constituent la santé donc s'occuper du bien-être des élèves c'est aussi s'occuper de leur santé
    1. think of lat space as similar to what humans have with like 00:24:30 abstract ideas or if you ever have some intuition about something that you can't fully put into words

      for - definition - latent space

      definition - latent space

      adjacency - between - latent space - tacit awareness in the indyweb - adjacency statement - Latent space is similar to the concept of tacit awareness in the Indyweb

    1. Qualified education expenses paid on behalf of the student by someone other than the student (such as a relative) are treated as paid by the student.

      Does Tuition paid for graduate students by the professor (from research grants) count as a third party?

    1. partnership-domination scale, here is a quick summary

      for - definition - partnership-domination scale - definition - unified regressive frame

        1. Neuroscience shows that children’s early
        2. observations and
        3. experiences
      • directly affect the structure of our brains, and with this, how we
        • think,
        • feel, and
        • act
      • including how we vote.

        1. These
        2. observations and
        3. experiences
      • are very different depending on the degree that our early environments orient to the
        • partnership or
        • domination
      • end of the partnership-domination social scale.
    1. there's 00:16:20 something that in Psychology is called the fundamental attribution error

      for - definition - fundamental attribution error

      definition - fundamental attribution error - a psychological condition in which an individual attrbutes a human behavior to an internal characteristic instead of environmental circumstances

    2. other cultures do not think this and that suggests that our sense of self is largely culturally constructed

      for - quote - Sarah Stein Lubrano - quote - self as cultural construction in WEIRD culture - sense of self

      quote - (immediately below)

      • It's just a weird fascination of our weird culture that
        • we think the self is there and
        • it's the best and most likely explanation for human behavior
      • Other people in other cultures do not think this
      • and that suggests that our sense of self is largely culturally constructed

      discussion - sense of self is complex. See the work of - Michael Levin and - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=michael+levin - Major Evolutionary Transition in Individuality - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=major+evolutionary+transition+in+individuality

    3. one of the core ways that we're weird is that we think we have a self

      for - definition - Weird - stats - Weird countries - greatest sense of self - inspiration - introduce - Sarah Stein Lubrano - Rachell - Indyweb - Indranet

      definition - Weird - Western Educated Industrialized Rich Democratic

      inspiration - introduce Rachel and Sarah to Indyweb / Indranet - As soon as I heard Rachel and Sarah talk about the prominent and unique WEIRD feature of sense of self, - I immediately thought that we must introduce them to our work on the Indyweb / |ndranet as our system is designed based on the epistemology that - we are not a thing - we are a process - we are evolution in realtime action - the very use of the Indyweb / Indranet reinforces the reality that we are a process and not a fixed entity - so deconstructs the social construct of the self

    1. Second-order thinking is the practice of not just considering the consequences of our decisions but also the consequences of those consequences.


  12. Jan 2024
    1. So organized, initiatives can collectively co-evolve and co-emerge into a purposeful transformation system oriented towards whole system change

      for - quote - whole system change - bottom up whole system change - open function SRG/ Deep Humanity/ Indyweb / Indranet / TPF framework - definition - transformation catalyst

      quote - (see below) - A transformation catalyst is an actor who - brings together numerous initiatives and actors around a shared and co-defined set of interests - with an action agenda in mind. - The TC stewards these actors through a set of three general (dialogue- and action-based) processes that can be adapted - to the unique context, needs, and interests - of each system and its players. - So organized, initiatives can collectively co-evolve and co-emerge - into a purposeful transformation system - oriented towards whole system change in a given context (which could happen - locally, - regionally, - bioregionally, or even more broadly - depending on the actors and orientations involved

    1. in most colonizing countries, powerful elites have exploited and abused their own people as well, and that in all countries, powerful elites still seek to dominate

      for - new SRG definition of global and local North or South respectively could be helpful here - https://medium.com/@gien_SRG/more-nuanced-terminology-for-post-colonialist-inequality-af2f1609635c

    1. The second thing we are missing is our need to grow beyond our predominantly postmodern worldview

      for - key insight - polycrisis - solving - postmodernism alone if insufficient

      definition - postmodernism - worldview that champions decentralization, diversity, leaderless coalitions, horizontal networks, etc., etc. author: John Bunzl

      claim - post modernism alone is no match for the dynamics of hierarchical Destructive Global Capitalism (DGC) - unity of required amongst the fragmented postmodern movements

    1. stymied

      stymied: prevent or hinder the progress of

    2. anthropomorphize

      anthropomorphize: attribute human characteristics or behaviour to (a god, animal, or object)

    3. Ameliorating

      ameliorating: make (something bad or unsatisfactory) better.

    4. consternation

      consternation: amazement or dismay that makes one feel helpless or confused

    5. amalgam

      amalgam: a mixture or blend

    1. each moment in the life history of a flower say 00:49:28 is inheriting god's primordial nature whitehead calls this the initial aim

      for - definition - God - Whitehead - definition - initial aim - Whitehead

      definition - God - Whitehead - The primordial creature is called "God" by Whitehead - by "creature", Whitehead means creativity, not a literal organism

      definition - initial aim - Whitehead - Every moment of the life history of any aspect of reality is inheriting God's primordial nature. - This inheritance gives each finite creature the filtered realm of infinite relevant possibilities

    2. i want to now uh introduce the key concept in in whitehead's mature metaphysics concrescence

      for - key insight - concrescence - definition - concrescence - Whitehead - definition - The many become the one - Whitehead - definition - Res Potentia - Tim Eastman - definition - superject - Whitehead - definition - moment of satisfaction - Whitehead - definition - dipolar - Whitehead - definition - ingression - Whitehead definition - CONCRESCENCE - is the description of the phases of the iterative process by which reality advances from the past into the present then into the future - this definition is metaphysical and applies to all aspects of reality

      • Concrescence is the process by which

          • The "many" here refers to the past
          • the perished objects in the past environment
      • There's another domain that whitehead makes reference to

        • He's a platonist in this sense, though he's a reformed platonist
        • He makes reference to this realm of eternal objects which for him are pure possibilities
        • i was mentioning Tim Eastman earlier
          • He calls this domain "RES POTENTIA", the realm of possibilities which have not yet been actualized
      • And so for Whitehead
        • the realm of possibility is infinite
        • the realm of actuality is finite
      • In the realm of actuality, there's a limited amount of certain types of experience which have been realized
        • but the realm of actuality draws upon this plenum of possibility and
        • it's because there is this plenum of possibility in relationship to the realm of actuality that
        • novelty is possible
        • new things can still happen we're not just constantly repeating the past
      • Whitehead describes the process of concrescence or each drop of experience as DIPOLAR, having two poles:

        • a physical pole and
        • a mental pole
      • Each concrescence or drop of experience begins with the physical pole

        • where the perished objects of the past environment are apprehended or felt and
        • these feelings of the past grow together into this newly emerging drop of experience
        • and then in the process of their growing together
          • the actualized perished objects of the past environment
          • are brought into comparison with eternal objects or pure potentials possibilities and
          • these possibilities INGRESS so there's
            • INGRESSION of eternal objects and
          • PREHENSION of past actualities
          • INGRESSION of potentials PREHENSIONS of past actualities
      • and what the ingression of eternal objects do is provide each occasion of experience, each concrescence with

        • the opportunity to interpret the past differently
      • to say maybe it's not like that maybe it's like this
      • and so these ingressions come into the mental pole
      • If the physical pole is what initiates the experience of each concrescing occasion

        • the mental pole is is a subsequent process that compares
          • what's been felt in the past with
          • what is possible alternatives that could be experienced that are not given yet in the past
      • The subjective form is how the occasion fills the past

      • The subjective aim is what draws the many feelings of the past towards the unification and the mental pole
        • where
          • the ingression of eternal objects and
          • the feelings of past actualities
        • are brought together into what Whitehead calls this MOMENT OF SATISFACTION
      • it's the culmination of the process of concrescence
        • where a new perspective on the universe is achieved - This is the many have become one
      • They are increased by one when the satisfaction is achieved
      • It's a new perspective on the whole
      • As soon as this new perspective is achieved
        • it becomes a SUPERJECT which is not a subject enjoying its own experience anymore
        • it's a perished subject
      • The superject is the achieved perspective that has been experienced
        • but then perishes itself int a superject-hood to become
        • one among the many that will be inherited by the next moment of experience, the next concrescence and
      • This superject has objective immortality in the sense that
        • every subsequent concrescence will inherit the satisfaction achieved by the prior concrescences
      • And so this is the most general account in Whitehead's view that we can offer

        • of the nature of reality
        • the nature of the passage of nature
        • the movement
          • out of the past
          • through the present and
          • into the future
      • Experience is always in the present and the satisfaction that is achieved by each moment of concrescence is enjoyed in the present

        • but as soon as we achieve that
        • it perishes and the next moment of concrescence arises to inherit what was achieved
        • and this is an iterative process
        • it's repeating constantly and it's cumulative
      • It's a process of growth
        • building on what's been achieved in the past
    3. objectively immortal

      for - definition - objectively immortal - Whitehead

      definition - objectively immortal - Whitehead - the effect of large scale events that occurred in deep time are with us today - because the universe is evolutionary in nature, building upon the past

    4. there's a little bit of novelty that each drop of experience adds to the network out of which it emerges from

      for - definition - drop of experience - Whitehead

    5. prehension

      for - definition - prehension - Whitehead

      definition - prehension - defined by Alfred North Whitehead - the feeling that each node of an idea network have for one another

      • Think of it as short for comprehension
      • Comprehension usually implies more of a conscious sort of rational reflective understanding
      • When Whitehead shortens that to prehension

        • he's trying to get at something that is not yet conscious

        • certainly not self-reflective

        • but more of an aesthetic feeling of being permeated by the presence of the other beings
        • in an environment without yet reflecting on the fact

      pre-linguistic - see epoche as well, seems related - like the word-less intuition before a precise word is formed to capture the new permutation of salient defining experiences

      • So apprehension or feeling is a kind of unconscious apprehension
      • So our conscious forms of apprehension or comprehension
        • are a further elaboration upon a much more basic form of apprehension / feeling
        • that Whitehead argued pervades the universe at every scale
    1. Lifeboat country

      for - definition - lifeboat country

      definition - lifeboat country - a country with good climate protection plans but are also geographically isolated and somewhat self-sustaining

    2. researchers call it the human climate Niche

      for - definition - human climate niche

    1. the other uh the other type of pansexism is what Chris and and um and Carl friston are doing which is 00:48:04 to reformulate basic physics as fundamentally first a uh a proto-cognitive process

      for - definition - proto-cognitive panpsychism

      definition - proto-cognitive panpsychism - this holds that physics itself is an edge phenomena of a much deeper underlying reality which has an element of cognition

    2. Kevin Mitchell says in one of his books free agents he talks about I 00:27:10 move therefore I am is that yeah yeah no that's that's that's that's exactly right and all the work on um uh uh active inference

      for - definition - consciousness - active inference

      definition - consciousness - active inference - In Levin's opinion, one important aspect of defining consciousness that seems generally overlooked is outputs - actions - active inference is a field that deals with the actions that result from intelligence - currently, there is a greater focus on the input / perception side of consciousness but not as strong a focus on the output / action side

    3. it's a field of diverse intelligence

      for - definition - diverse intelligence

      definition - diverse intelligence - developing a framework that encompasses the wide field of intelligence of living systems

    1. thus we have a very highly developed system designed to overcome the limitations in ordinary human perception

      for - key insight - adjacency between - dzogchen training - trekcho - cutting through training - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trekch%C3%B6 - togal - https://www.rigpawiki.org/index.php? title=T%C3%B6gal - cognitive science - evolutionary biology - adjacency statement - It is very interesting that we find parallels between - Dzogchen practice and - our consciousness's attempt to overcome the limits of its own perceptions of reality

    2. the dzogchen contemplative system brings about extraordinary results that merit further research

      for - definition - Dzogchen - Great Perfection

      • definition - Dzogchen - The Great Perfection
      • Dzogchen is one of the four major schools of Tibetan Buddhism
        • The Great Perfection claims that everything is pure from the beginning
        • every moment is an emanation of a temporal origin
    1. JasperMcFly 10:38AM Flag I guess we need to collectively decide what the default meaning of "Zettelkasten" is. Given that Luhmann's version, and its digital variants are popular now, I would vote that the use of Zettelkasten therefore means the Luhmann version- as that is what most people are referring to at this point. Which begs the question: What are the sine qua non features of a Luhmannian Zettelkasten and related workflow? What features from his analog workflow and systematic numbering and linking and indexing must be present in hybrid or digital instantiations to qualify as a "Luhmannian Zettelkasten"?

      reply to https://forum.zettelkasten.de/discussion/comment/19278/#Comment_19278

      @JasperMcFly I'll presume that given the time differential, you may have missed my post just before yours which touches on the frivolity of the proposition of creating a single definition?

      Most on this forum are going to presume that zettelkasten is precisely a slipbox in a similar form to that of Luhmann, but in practice some here and many elsewhere aren't going to see the distinction (or care). Some will unpopularly insist that a zettelkasten cannot be digital in form, but they'll also do so while simultaneously (heterodoxically and confusingly?) suggesting that one should use Wikipedia's Academic Outline of Disciplines, an idea which didn't exist during Luhmann's life.

      You can make an attempt to force a definition, but I guarantee that it's a losing proposition as in practice people are going to use the word in almost any way they want—whatever you do, don't trust Humpty Dumpty's definition. It's the difference between prescriptive and proscriptive definitions. It can be seen in your very question if you look closely at your own phrase "beg the question", which in classic rhetoric means something very specific going back centuries, but in common use it has a dramatically different meaning. As ever, context will always be the king on these questions of definition, though some of us are still converging on a happy commonality.

      For a bit more history here, try The Two Definitions of Zettelkasten.

    1. Which is exactly what you do in the book. And what did you find? - So what I do, I take apart the operating system of capitalism, which is, and I look at seven myths, really that drive it.
      • for: book - wealth supremacy - 7 myths, 7 myths of Capitalism, capital bias, definition - capital bias


        • The Myth of Maximization
          • example of absurdity of maximization
            • Bill Gates had $10 billion. Then he invested it and got $300 billion. There's no limit to how much wealth an individual can accumulate. It is absurd.
        • Myth of the Income Statement
          • Gains to capital called profit is always to be increased and
          • Gains of labor is called an expense, is always to be decreased
        • Myth of Materiality (also called capital bias)
        • definition: capital bias
          • If something impacts capital, it matters
          • If something impacts society or ecology, it doesn't matter
        • With the capital bias, only accumulating more capital matters. NOTHING ELSE MATTERS. This is how most accountants and CFO's view the world.
      • quote: Laura Flanders

        • The capital is what matters. We're aiming for more capital and nothing else really matters. That's the operating system of the economy. So the real world is immaterial to this world of wealth as held in stocks and shares and financial instruments.
    2. Are there things that happened that allowed those investors to keep so much of this money just for themselves rather than to reinvest it back in? 00:07:33 - This is where I bring in the concept of wealth supremacy because the whole system is designed to maximize financial income for those who have financial wealth, which is the wealthy, also institutional investors.
      • for: definition - wealth supremacy

      • definition: wealth supremacy

        • is the condition of an economic system that is purposely designed so that those already in possession of a great deal of wealth can at the minimum maintain their share, but more proactively to grow it
        • by definition, wealth supremacy is designed to maintain inequality
        • since carbon inequality tracks wealth inequality, this system is designed to maintain climate injustice
  13. Dec 2023
    1. I-CIRCLE ... find the right people and found the Implementation-CircleWhen funding is granted, you as the initiator together with the SoNeC Facilitator identify potential mem-bers and create an Implementation Circle for the whole city which consists of 10 – 12 people
      • for: definition - I-Circle, city-scale group

      • definition: I-Circle

        • The I-Circle is the Implementation Circle for the whole city and consists of a dozen people
    2. SoNeC Initiators
      • for: definition - SoNeC initiators

      • definition: SoNeC initiators

        • a stakeholder that takes the risk of starting the SoNeC in their community

        • 3 types:

          • NGOs and existing initiatives
          • Local government
          • Citizens
    3. Collective Impact Network
      • for: definition - Collective Impact Network

      • definition: Collective Impact Network

        • a network of well connected organizations and community stakeholders in the same region as the SoNeC who can work synergistically with SoNeCs to achieve common goals
    1. Diagonalists
      • for: definition - diagonalists

      -definition: diagonalist - A person who contests conventional monikers of left and right (while generally arcing toward far-right beliefs), to express ambivalence if not cynicism toward parliamentary politics, and to blend convictions about holism and even spirituality with a dogged discourse of individual liberties. At the extreme end, diagonal movements share a conviction that all power is conspiracy. - author: Callison and Slobodian

    2. strange-bedfellow coalitions
      • for: definition - stranger bedfellows coalition
    1. Kaizen is a compound of two Japanese words that together translate as "good change" or "improvement."
      • for: definition - Kaizen, progress

      • definition: Kaizen:

        • good change or improvement = progress
        • It's still subject to progress traps
    1. The dimension of the configuration space is the smallest number of parameters that have to be given to completely specify a configuration. The dimension of the configuration space is also called the number of degrees of freedom of the system.4

      Definition of degrees of freedom of a system

    2. The parameters used to specify the configuration of the system are called the generalized coordinates.

      Definition, generalised coordinates

    1. Benchmarking is the practice of comparing business processes and performance metrics to industry bests and best practices from other companies. Dimensions typically measured are quality, time and cost.
    2. Benchmarking Python code refers to comparing the performance of one program to variations of the program.
    1. What is parallelism?

      Parallelism is very-much related to concurrency. In fact, parallelism is a subset of concurrency: whereas a concurrent process performs multiple tasks at the same time whether they're being diverted total attention or not, a parallel process is physically performing multiple tasks all at the same time.

    2. What does it mean when something is non-blocking?

      "Non-blocking" means a program will allow other threads to continue running while it's waiting. This is opposed to "blocking" code, which stops execution of your program completely. Normal, synchronous I/O operations suffer from this limitation.

    3. What is a thread?

      A thread is a way of allowing your computer to break up a single process/program into many lightweight pieces that execute in parallel. Somewhat confusingly, Python's standard implementation of threading limits threads to only being able to execute one at a time due to something called the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL). The GIL is necessary because CPython's (Python's default implementation) memory management is not thread-safe. Because of this limitation, threading in Python is concurrent, but not parallel. To get around this, Python has a separate multiprocessing module not limited by the GIL that spins up separate processes, enabling parallel execution of your code. Using the multiprocessing module is nearly identical to using the threading module.

      Asynchronous nature of threading: as one function waits, another one begins, and so on.

    4. What's a callback?

      The idea of performing a function in response to another function is called a "callback."

    5. What is an event loop?

      Event loops are constructs inherent to asynchronous programming that allow performing tasks asynchronously.

      In its purest essence, an event loop is a process that waits around for triggers and then performs specific (programmed) actions once those triggers are met. They often return a "promise" (JavaScript syntax) or "future" (Python syntax) of some sort to denote that a task has been added. Once the task is finished, the promise or future returns a value passed back from the called function (assuming the function does return a value).

    6. What is concurrency?

      An effective definition for concurrency is "being able to perform multiple tasks at once". This is a bit misleading though, as the tasks may or may not actually be performed at exactly the same time. Instead, a process might start, then once it's waiting on a specific instruction to finish, switch to a new task, only to come back once it's no longer waiting. Once one task is finished, it switches again to an unfinished task until they have all been performed. Tasks start asynchronously, get performed asynchronously, and then finish asynchronously.

    1. what is this thing hope because a lot of people dismiss it and say that it's 00:21:01 it's a kind of weak emotion it's distracting it leads us to wishful thinking and so you know what can we what is the thinking about hope and if we apply our scientific lens 00:21:15 to it what can we do perhaps to make it a more powerful and and significant and useful emotion
      • for: definition - hope

      • definition: (robust) hope

        • has three characteristics:
          • honest
          • astute
          • powerful
    1. there's this idea and complexity science called the adjacent possible it's just what the boundary of the beyond the 00:47:26 boundary of the real and the visible
      • for: definition - the adjacent possible

      • definition: the Adjacent possible

        • Inn complexity science, the boundary between between the real and the possible
    2. enough versus feasible dilemma
      • for: definition - enough vs feasible dilemma, double bind, progress trap

      • definition: enough vs feasible dilemma

        • the changes that are actually required are not feasible to do
        • what is feasible to do is not enough
        • this puts us in a double bind
        • we need to have interventions that are BOTH
          • enough to solve these problems and are
          • feasible to execute
    3. what I propose in commanding hope is a uh is a notion of hope that 00:25:30 counter poses to each of those critiques an alternative understanding of Hope hope that's honest instead of false astute instead of naive and Powerful instead of passive
      • for: definition - robust hope, robust hope triplet

      • definition: robust hope

      • honest instead of false
        • astute instead of naive
        • powerful instead of passive
    4. the Cascade Institute we're interested in two kinds of Cascades
      • for: cascades - two types, pernicious cascades, virtuous cascades, definition - pernicious cascade, definition - virtuous cascade

      • definition - pernicious cascade

        • knock on effects between systems that produce a level of significant harm to society
      • definition - virtuous cascade
        • knock on effects between systems that produce beneficial impacts for society
    1. persistent homology

      Persistent homology is a method for computing topological features of a space at different spatial resolutions. It is used to detect more persistent features over a wide range of spatial scales and identify them as more likely to be significant, as opposed to noise or a particular choice of parameters. To find the persistent homology of a space, the space must first be represented as a simplicial complex, and a distance function on the underlying space corresponds to a filtration of the simplicial complex. The essence of persistent homology is to track the birth and death of homological features, providing a robust and informative way to study qualitative features of data that persist across different spatial scales. It is a valuable tool in topological data analysis, as it is robust to perturbations of input data, independent of dimensions and coordinates, and provides a compact representation of the qualitative features of the input.

    1. the term that I'm knocking around at the moment for you know something which isn't a green New Deal de growth is a 00:32:28 green Democratic Revolution
      • for: definition - green democratic revolution

      • definition: green democratic revolution

        • Schneider proposes this strategy is more pragmatic than either green growth or degrowth. The words are chosen carefully:
          • green - obvious
          • democratic - authentic equal power of the people
          • revolution - because we are at the precipice, a fast evolution, a rEVOLUTION is necessary
        • He finds both of these current approaches problematic:
          • green growth employs the same elite debt-based growth logic that contributed to the fossil growth economy
          • degrowth is a terrible term for climate communications which brings the wrong immediate connotations to the masses so creates unnecessary friction at the outset for any strategy that needs to win over the masses.