290 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2019
    1. that they are often technology-driven without the involvement of the end user

      O desafio é envolver o usuário. Usar o design centrado no usuário (human centered design.

    2. starts with understanding and influencing the experience of patients for the best possible outcome.

      Papel inicial do design é entender a experiência do paciente.

  2. Jul 2019
    1. Hint:

      • refrain from using the floating Table of contents

      – it leads to addresses that have separate sets of annotations.

  3. Jun 2019
    1. подобно классической и релятивистской механике, четкое разделение на фильтр и сортировку актуально на относительно небольших наборах данных. Например, сортировка по релевантности в поисковой выдаче Гугла для человека фактически работает как фильтр — просмотреть сотни тысяч ссылок физически невозможно.
    2. Фильтрация предполагает, что количество записей, после её применения, изменится. Формулировка кнопок фильтрации должна отвечать на вопрос «Что я получу после применения фильтрации?»: новое, мои записи, рестораны, непрочитанные письма и т. д. Применение сортировки не изменяет количество записей. Записи лишь меняют свой порядок. Формулировка должна отвечать на вопрос «По какому принципу упорядочены записи?»: по дате публикации, по рейтингу, в случайном порядке.
  4. May 2019
    1. Moreover, digital collections can reorder themselves on the fly with interfaces that accommodate diverse audiences. The research interface for a fifth grader should not be the same as that for a professional historian. By starting off as virtual, the Obama library has the potential to rethink how we present, in multiple ways, the vast record of the presidency, to grade schoolers, amateur enthusiasts, casual browsers, and many others. Presidential libraries have always had those different audiences, but going digital-first can make this much more of a reality than a fixed physical space or the often fairly basic websites of existing libraries—all of which were designed for an age of laptops and desktop computers, now a poor baseline when most online visitors access these sites through their smartphone.

      This is an interesting point, but it also presupposes that some staff is going to be building these various interfaces. Who will that be? How will they be supported? It's a whole new level of administration that a library needs to face.

  5. Apr 2019
  6. Feb 2019
  7. Jan 2019
    1. Els Aerts, co-founder and managing partner of AGConsult found that only about 5% of her users were using search. And while some studies find higher numbers, everyone seems to agree that searchers are in the minority.

      Wonder if they will mention later one can be both searchers and browsers; browsing most of the time when you don't exactly know what you're looking for; searching when you have a specific goal you're trying to achieve on a website.

      Searching usually less successful (many websites have shit search functions) so people are less likely to use it as well. Might account for the 5% figure.

    2. ‘Browsers’ want to see every possible link on one big giant JavaScript menu. Browsers HATE this because it gives them too many choices. They would rather make several simple choices than one big honking one.”

      I agree, but possibly a Western-centric pov?

    3. users clicking is a good thing, so long as those clicks reward the user.

      chatbot "pick-your-adventures" are NOT rewarding because it's not meaningful...why?

    4. To understand the difference between browsers and searchers, consider the professors we all had in college. Most of us have had a professor who got straight to the point, clearly and systematically lectured in a way that was easy to outline. Most of us have also had a professor who wandered out on tangents, would pause the entire lesson to focus on a new idea, or preferred storytelling over summarizing. Perhaps the first professor was dry and boring, perhaps she was refreshingly efficient and articulate. Perhaps the second professor was inspiring and spellbinding, perhaps he was exhausting and impossible to follow.

      analogy to explain how browsing and searching can be both good and bad experiences, just depends on how you implement it

    1. Data-driven design (design that is determined by the most clicks, interactions, conversions) isn't very good

      why does this happen?

  8. Nov 2018
  9. Jul 2018
  10. Jun 2018
    1. In website design, it was important to combine the interests of different stakeholders: marketing, branding, visual design, and usability. Marketing and branding people needed to enter the interactive world where usability was important. Usability people needed to take marketing, branding, and aesthetic needs into account when designing websites. User experience provided a platform to cover the interests of all stakeholders: making web sites easy to use, valuable, and effective for visitors. This is why several early user experience publications focus on website user experience
    1. Resetting expectations. As corporate leaders become aware of the power of design, many view design thinking as a solution to all their woes. Designers, enjoying their new level of strategic influence, often reinforce that impression. When I worked with the entertainment company, I was part of that problem, primarily because my livelihood depended on selling design consulting. But design doesn’t solve all problems. It helps people and organizations cut through complexity. It’s great for innovation. It works extremely well for imagining the future. But it’s not the right set of tools for optimizing, streamlining, or otherwise operating a stable business. Additionally, even if expectations are set appropriately, they must be aligned around a realistic timeline—culture changes slowly in large organizations. An organizational focus on design offers unique opportunities for humanizing technology and for developing emotionally resonant products and services. Adopting this perspective isn’t easy. But doing so helps create a workplace where people want to be, one that responds quickly to changing business dynamics and empowers individual contributors. And because design is empathetic, it implicitly drives a more thoughtful, human approach to business.
    2. Embracing risk. Transformative innovation is inherently risky. It involves inferences and leaps of faith; if something hasn’t been done before, there’s no way to guarantee its outcome. The philosopher Charles Peirce said that insights come to us “like a flash”—in an epiphany—making them difficult to rationalize or defend. Leaders need to create a culture that allows people to take chances and move forward without a complete, logical understanding of a problem. Our partners at the entertainment company were empowered to hire a design consultancy, and the organization recognized that the undertaking was no sure thing.
    3. Several years ago, I consulted for a large entertainment company that had tucked design away in a select group of “creatives.” The company was excited about introducing technology into its theme parks and recognized that a successful visitor experience would hinge on good design. And so it became apparent that the entire organization needed to embrace design as a core competence. This shift is never an easy one. Like many organizations with entrenched cultures that have been successful for many years, the company faced several hurdles.
    4. IBM and GE are hardly alone. Every established company that has moved from products to services, from hardware to software, or from physical to digital products needs to focus anew on user experience. Every established company that intends to globalize its business must invent processes that can adjust to different cultural contexts. And every established company that chooses to compete on innovation rather than efficiency must be able to define problems artfully and experiment its way to solutions.
    5. Design thinking is an essential tool for simplifying and humanizing.
    6. “There’s no longer any real distinction between business strategy and the design of the user experience,” said Bridget van Kralingen, the senior vice president of IBM Global Business Services, in a statement to the press. In November 2013 IBM opened a design studio in Austin, Texas—part of the company’s $100 million investment in building a massive design organization
    7. the iterative process works at GE: “GE is moving away from a model of exhaustive product requirements. Teams learn what to do in the process of doing it, iterating, and pivoting.” Employees in every aspect of the business must realize that they can take social risks—putting forth half-baked ideas, for instance—without losing face or experiencing punitive repercussions.
    8. Tolerate failure. A design culture is nurturing. It doesn’t encourage failure, but the iterative nature of the design process recognizes that it’s rare to get things right the first time. Apple is celebrated for its successes, but a little digging uncovers the Newton tablet, the Pippin gaming system, and the Copland operating system—products that didn’t fare so well. (Pippin and Copland were discontinued after only two years.) The company leverages failure as learning, viewing it as part of the cost of innovation.
    9. In design-centric organizations, you’ll typically see prototypes of new ideas, new products, and new services scattered throughout offices and meeting rooms. Whereas diagrams such as customer journey maps explore the problem space, prototypes explore the solution space. They may be digital, physical, or diagrammatic, but in all cases they are a way to communicate ideas. The habit of publicly displaying rough prototypes hints at an open-minded culture, one that values exploration and experimentation over rule following.
  11. May 2018
    1. Lastly, as a designer, the UX / UI world is not your only avenue to designer career path fulfillment. I've seen career paths for designers go in a thousand creative directions. And in a career that may last 30+ years, be open to changing industries or career focus to ensure long-term relevance. Art Director in an Ad Agency? Make that switch to UX. Copywriter still writing direct mail? Go take a content strategy course. Alan Ball, the screenwriter of the film American Beauty was working as a graphic designer at Adweek when the idea for the film hit him.  A classmate of mine from design school later went on to become an iron chef. The point is to keep an open mind, be open to where life takes you and don't get tunnel vision on what you *think* you should be doing. Designer Career paths are long, and can take you in a lot of surprising, interesting directions, if you're open to it. One of my favorite quotes is "if you want to hear god laugh, tell him your plans."
    1. This corporate scale-up is not purely a US phenomenon. Rumor has it that Barclays is now the biggest employer of design talent in London, and Singtel has built out a massive floor for its design team in Singapore. __But no one has been more aggressive in building design into their core capabilities than IBM, which is on track to grow their design team to 1,000 people, making them by most measures the largest design firm in the world. __According to one friend they had 50 designers start the same week this summer. There are rumors that IBM offered a job to every single CMU grad this year in the interaction design program.
  12. Jan 2018
  13. www.laurenbcollister.com www.laurenbcollister.com
    1. Bythiswemeanthatthereisalwaysadistinctiontobedrawnbetweenwhattechnologiesaresupposed(ordesigned)todoandwhatpeopleactuallydowiththem.Inotherwords,whatevertheintentionsandgoalsofthedesignersandinventorsofdifferentcommunicationtechnologies,‘ordinary’peopleinevitablymaketheirowndecisionsaboutwhethertheywanttousethetechnology,and,moreimportantly,howtheywanttouseitbasedontheirownneedsandvalues.

      The gap between designers and 'ordinary' people (users) has lessened a lot since 2004, with jobs such as UX designers specifically designated for surveying users to make the application more user-friendly when it gets to market.

    1. Investigating the Connection between Usability and Learning Outcomes inOnline Learning Environments 
  14. Dec 2017
    1. “Motion should above all else help guide users, providing them with the right information at the right time.” — Google
    1. When users interact with your product, they might ask following questions:“What’s most important here?”“How do I know what to do next?”“How do I know I have completed my task?”
  15. Nov 2017
    1. Here at Yoast, we are worried about the use of new technology combined with the introduction of big new concepts.
    1. If you can create an image that sticks with someone and they inject meaning into it, you’ve done something amazing.
    1. Building navigation based on tasks and content means breaking down what tasks people will be performing, and what they’ll see along the way, and mapping out relationships between the two. Determine how tasks relate to one another — which tasks are more or less important, which tasks are siblings, which ones nest inside one another, and which tasks will be performed more or less often.

      Check this article for navigation based UX design. Very important!

    1. crucial difference between telling a story and clicking through screens.
    2. Good UX motion design isn’t simply animating assets. Whether we’re injecting delight and playfulness, defining scalable new patterns, or conceptualizing a crazy new product, motion tells a story.
    1. One of the most notable behavioral distinctions between digital adopters and natives is the latter’s preference for interaction over passive consumption.
    1. After all we call it human centered design for a reason. If you want to create something memorable, inspiring, and meaningful tapping into emotion provokes a powerful response, and can lift even the simplest of experiences into something people love to use.
  16. Oct 2017
    1. I've accidentally closed the dialog by clicking on the backdrop and lost all of my form information.

    2. Does this request include any customer information? 

      There is only one option, "No". Not sure if this is because this is a demo.

    3. Julia.Sa@capitalone.com

      This email address should be a link.

  17. Sep 2017
    1. Google’s Matias Duarte observed that “it’s much more positive, engaging, delightful, and stimulating” to directly manipulate something instead of clicking and waiting for a response.
    2. By truly understanding the behavioral shifts and evolving language in our digital spaces, we can begin to design appropriately for the problems we see now and anticipate the potential of what is to come.
    1. Ask yourself: Is this experience a pleasure to use, does it offer meaning, does it provoke an emotion?
    1. Good user experience design is often invisible because it’s not just about how something looks, but instead about how it works. My friend and colleague Drew Shimomura helps distinguish between visual design and UX this way: “Visual design says ‘make it clear and simple’ while UX says ‘don’t make me think.’”
    1. A text document packed with information feels daunting, but a lesson broken down into cards feels manageable.
    2. The swiping gestures give users a sense of completion with each card and stack
    1. it was important to keep the essence of what the motions were trying to accomplish, i.e focusing the attention of the user on what is happening and giving him a sense of spatial order within the app.
    2. Motion here provides spatial location
    3. The icons being aligned with the security chip, guiding the users’ eyes straight down.
    4. Up to a certain threshold, we snap the bar in place so the user doesn’t have to do too much finger travel to get to this state.
  18. Aug 2017
    1. To really validate these findings we’d need to flip the exercise on it’s head, and see if people know where to find things when presented with just our group names. For this we’d use what’s known as a ‘Tree test’. In this test, all the collections would be subdivided into our groups. These groups would then be presented with only their names visible to the test participants. Participants would then be asked where they would look for a specific collection. The groups we went with for the test are shown below.
  19. Jul 2017
    1. Bringing User Experience to Education: UDL and Inclusion for the 21st Century" and my keynote address, which I refer to at the conclusion of the post, is about "Universal Learning Experiences: How UDL and UX Structure Inclusion & Transfer in Education for All." 

      @kgoin Conference

  20. Jun 2017
    1. For instance, a set of stairs does not just afford climbing, but based on the angle of construction, may facilitate an easy climb, pose challenges to climbing, or be unclimbable entirely

      Ah so an object may have a property that gives clues to people to do something, but do it so poorly that it may appear that the object doesn't have the affordance

    1. Last full screen image within project narrative should not animate. Currently they slide in. Please update across all projects.

  21. May 2017
  22. www.sblm.com www.sblm.com
    1. SBLM People Ideas Work Contact

      On Hover animation should fade in, not swipe from top

    2. Implement Radio Button's

      • Stop slideshow when clicked, resume after 5 seconds
      • Simulatenously, change Studio H2 opacity to 1.0 and reveal H3 as inline element stacked right, maintaining height dimension of H3 ( background:white, color:black)
      • H3 A element is project name and allows user to jump directly to project
  23. Apr 2017
    1. . The changes we now see in products like the iPhone are minor and incremental: they make the existing solution marginally better, but don’t take the product to a whole new place


  24. Mar 2017
  25. Feb 2017
    1. When dealing with technology, there are two dominant discourses that permeate research and practice: determinism and non-determinism. For the former discourse, ethics is only an issue for the designers of technology, because they determine what users should do; for the latter, ethics is only an issue for users, because they ultimately define what to do with technology. Both

      So determinism makes the designer responsible/hold accountable assuming they "determine" what users "should" do,

      while non-determinism absolves the designer leaving the burden of responsibility of the consequence of interactions, on the user. So non determinism assums that the embedded characteristics don't work on the user, or that he is able to resist their encouragement or discouragement. That he can shape the aspects of those certain characteristics than the other way around, thereby ultimately defining what to do with the technology.

    2. nteraction designers try to impose structures upon human action by shaping coercive environments where people are punished if they do things the “wrong way” and by hiding or not providing options for changing artifact adaptations. Interaction design mediates human agency and power, but if it does not provide choices for action, there is no room for ethics: people act based on conditions, not on considerations of what should be done.

      Point on reward & punishment feedback is a really good point, darkpatterns comes to mind.

      If IxD does not provide choices for action, there is no room for ethics: People act based on conditions, not on considerations of what should be done

      This reactive behaviour is what UX practioners of gamification feel proud to do. It's disgusting to see them feel proud doing it, how come they feel no remorse doing it?. I too will have to do it in the near future, but I won't fucking have a glitter in my eye and a wide smile across my face doing it.

    1. According to the weather service, areas expected to be affected include campgrounds next to the river as well as ranches, farms and roadways.

      Probably not a good time to camp.

  26. Jan 2017
    1. I’ve learned throughout my career that the most significant UX performance gains often come down to microcopy.
  27. Dec 2016
    1. evidence about obtaining higher productivity by using Agile methods

      If higher productivity came from including stakeholders in the frequent development releases, running a complementary scrum team on UX analysis should lead to improvement in quality.

  28. Nov 2016
    1. Summary: Displaying faceted-search controls on mobile devices in a ‘tray’ overlay is a new effective solution to the challenge of showing both results and filters on small screens.
    1. During mobile e-commerce usability study Baymard Institute observed that more than 50% of users tried to “search within” their currently navigated category path, in an attempt to “filter the product list on my screen with a search query”. However, 94% of mobile e-commerce sites and apps do not support such behavior.
  29. Aug 2016
    1. image’s tendency to win dramatically dropped when it contained more than 3 people.
    2. two images of villainous characters seen below significantly outperformed all others:
    3. this diversity was reflected in the winning images and how much they varied between different countries and cultures:
    4. but regional nuances can be powerful
  30. Jun 2016
    1. the only real problem remaining is the user experience that entices teachers to contribute content

      Sounds a bit restrictive. Though there are hairy UX problems making it even more difficult for teachers to contribute content, many other issues are likely to remain, preventing contributions, even if the User Experience were optimal for every single potential contributor. In other words, it’s one thing to set “the problem to be solved” in a manageable way. It’s another to grasp the complexity of the situation.

    1. What should a user journey contain?

      In short:

      • Context
      • Progression (getting from one step to the next)
      • Devices
      • Emotion (as in 'emotional state')
  31. Nov 2015
    1. There is a lot of evidence that quite subtle changes to user interfaces can have dramatic effects on how the interfaces are used. For example, the size of a search box or the text that accompanies it can considerably influence the queries that people submit.

      -- David Elsweller

    2. The whole gendered usage of hearts seems to have escaped Twitter. So does the fact that people fave (with stars) in complex ways - they are bookmarks, they are likes, they are nods of the head. But they are not indicators of love. I feel very weird loving tweets by random men I've only just started a conversation with. Not that there's anything wrong with feminine. But women - and men, in their own ways - are well-aware of how feminized visual signals get read by others, and in an identity space like Twitter, I suspect that will really minimize usage. Or at least until we all get used to it.

      -- Bonnie Stewart

  32. Oct 2015
  33. Sep 2015
    1. Summary: Role-based IAs increase cognitive effort and user anxiety. Clear language and mutually exclusive categories reduce the chance of harming the user experience.

      Great article

  34. static.googleusercontent.com static.googleusercontent.com
    1. We discuss two examples where, byprioritizing user satisfaction as measured by ads blindnessor sightedness, we have changed the auction ranking func-tion [10] and drastically reduced the ad load on the mobileinterface. Reducing the mobile ad load strongly improvedthe user experience but was a substantially short-term rev-enue negative chang
  35. Jun 2015
    1. When you hear people talk about Slack they often say it’s “fun”. Using it doesn’t feel like work.

      I'm commenting on my friends (Medium comment) here in Hypothesis because I wanted to see how Hypothesis handles that!

    1. In the below example from LinkedIn, combining a wizard form with a progress bar is a great tactic for improving the pace of the experience. The long process of creating a professional profile is divided into 4 manageable steps

      I don't think it's a good idea to take #linkedin as an example of any good #ux

  36. May 2015
    1. Most of these difficulties would be addressed by the fundamental characteristics of a digital annotation system. The digital annotation system would automatically store and link annotations and sources with machine tidiness. As noted above, it is more than likely in a distributed system that annotations will be stored separately from the sources to which they refer. However, unlike the real-world equivalents, they would automatically hold information that links them effectively to the associated source. However, it is incumbent upon that system to display a clear association between annotation and source. But the potentially limitless capacity of an electronic writing space, indeed one that expands its viewing size to the later reader commensurate with the size of text inserted, would easily resolve the analogue annotator's problem of insufficient writing space. Moreover, it is worth taking into consideration the change that such expanded capacity may have upon the behaviour of annotators; an uncramped writing space may equally 'uncramp' their style and encourage them to be more expansive and, possibly, more informative. Equally important, there is no limit upon subsequent annotations relating to the original source or, for that matter, to the initial annotation. Clearly an example where the distributed nature of digital annotation presents a clear advantage. Even a clearer annotation generally still lacks all or some of the following: an author, or author status, a date or time, and where the annotation relies on other text or supporting evidence, (e.g. "This contradicts his view in Chapter 3"), it may have no clear direct reference either. A further complication might be the annotations, (or even counter-annotations) of another anonymous party. It is worth remarking that a digital system would be able to record the date and time of the annotation action, the source, and give some indication of the person who initiated the marking. If it were deemed unacceptable in certain systems, the annotation could be rejected as giving inadequate content. Once again the advantage of virtually unlimited writing space would allow the annotator to quote, if desired, the text to which (s)he refers elsewhere; alternatively the functionality that permits the annotator to highlight a source could also be adapted to permit the highlighting of a reference item for inclusion in the annotation body as a hypertext link. Some, but not necessarily all of the analogue difficulties may have been encountered; but they all serve to illustrate the difficulties that arise the moment annotations cease only to be read by their original author. It is outside that limited context that we largely need to consider annotations in the distributed digital environment. Picking up on this aspect, we might therefore consider the challenge posed by any system of annotation that intends to have an audience of greater than one, and, conceivably of scores or hundreds of annotators and annotation readers. Irrespective of their number, what makes such multiple annotations unreliable is one's ignorance of the kind of person who made the annotation: expert? amateur? joker? authority? Who wrote the annotation probably ranks as more important than any other undisclosed information about it. In this regard an annotator is no different from an author or writer of papers. Understanding the authority with which an annotation is made can be a key determinant in users' behaviour when accessing annotations across a distributed system.

      refs to role of UX in enabling digital annot to best "handwritten annots"

  37. Mar 2015
  38. May 2014
    1. THe mouseover to display the eye, pencil, and plus symbols is not obvious. THese icons should just be displayed at all times IMO.

    2. A nice feature would be mousing over the highlighted areas and having a popup show the annotation and the reply stream.