1. Jun 2024
    1. her first remark upon embarking would no doubt be "on a scale from one to on a boat, we're on a boat!
    2. snowcloning
    3. It was enclosed in scare quotes, a sort of acknowledgment that the author knew it was non-standard, but was too apt for the purpose to resist. I remember reading it and trying to think of the “real” word that would be employed there, but could not find a satisfactory alternative. Since then, I’ve found myself unable to resist using the word when appropriate, due to its utility!

      "too apt for the purpose to resist" :kiss:

    4. I'm surprised no one has mentioned disambiguate in this context. It sounds horrible and outlandish on first hearing, has a reasonably transparent meaning (which may shed some light on the semantics of dis-), and seems to be used almost exclusively by linguists.
    5. I am disinterested and uninterested in this debate.
    6. If you disprove something, you haven't necessarily proved the opposite. If you disprove something, you have indeed proved its negation. If you disapprove of an action, you do indeed approve of not doing that action (so, disapproving X is approving not-X).
    7. (That is, when you disprefer that George be elected, you prefer the negation, that George not be elected, rather than just you do not prefer that George be elected, which is compatible with indifference.)
    8. Who says it's not a word? Not a word, simply because lexicographers have not recognized it? When a lexicographer recognizes it, it has already been in use! Even Mr. Fiske says it is a word, although he obviously disprefers it.

      by the time a lexicographer recognizes it, it has already been in use

    9. I believe it is possible to disprefer something while either 1. not disliking it, or 2. liking it but not intensely enough to be the preference. As in, "I like tart apples, but I sometimes disprefer them as an ingredient on a green salad." It doesn't and hasn't, meant I would refuse to eat a salad with this ingredient included, but there are times when my preference would have been to have a salad without them.
    10. idiolect
    11. "Disprove" is fairly negative. "Prove" -> establish as true; "disprove" -> establish as false. I'd say "disprove" is like "disagree".
    12. I think you linguists worry too much. It's a simple enough formation using a very common prefix, and while it is not clear whether "I disprefer" means "I do not prefer" or "I prefer something other than" or "I prefer the opposite of" or "I stop preferring", either it'll settle down to one meaning or it'll carry a range. So what? This is the first time I've heard the word but I don't find it particularly puzzling.
    13. Poetry and children both have many interesting warpages and torsionings of language, all legal but serving to make the brain choke slightly, as the lungs do with a sudden whiff of ammonia or other unpleasant gas. 'Disprefer' is another good one!
    14. 'Disprefer' is another good one! It fits well with a wonderful pungent comment about some holiday meal by my nephew when he was about 10: Well, I don't love the parsnips …. Apparently it was a common construction for his classmates in 4th grade, a truth-in-humor bit of sass enjoyed by all. I'll introduce 'disprefer' to him as a high-falutin' possibility for his more grown-up years.

      disprefer = don't love ?

    15. The problem with "object to" as an alternative to "disprefer" is it doesn't mean the same thing. And in the specific example, there's no evidence that people who commonly choose one word/phrase/construction over another object to the word/phrase/construction not chosen, so "object to" doesn't work.
    16. I have become a dyed in the wool descriptionist because of Language Log, and have been known to cite entries here in battle against of the prescriptionistas of the Axis of Evil within the blogosphere.
    17. on reasonable uses of "disprefer" — it's probably true that its meaning is not immediately apparent, and using it when addressing general audiences probably avoided (dispreferred?), but of course, it depends on the context I think. It is a term that has an obvious jargon aspect, but that doesn't seem to me to make it uniformly verboten. Other, DNA would never have entered the popular lexicon, or quantum… I'm sure those parallels are inapt in several ways, but my point, which I think still stands, is that while clarity to the broadest audience possible is often a laudable goal, this also doesn't mean it should be the only or always the chief goal. It seems to me technical words get disseminated and incorporated popularly through their use outside of strictly technical fora, and while several people said they did a double take or didn't immediately understand the word (or misunderstood its meaning), it's also true that this can happen with perfectly reasonable, standard vernacular constructions, especially reasonable standard constructions that are expressing a counter-intuitive (even if true) claim. Just sayin' — "can people understand this without giving it but a moment's thought" is a high (or ultra-low) car to hold all non-technical communication to. (That said, I also have a love for arcane words, shades of meaning, and being able to express certain moods/valences/concepts precisely. THAT said, I'm no linguist, and probably won't be using this word commonly for all my talk.)
    18. To me, dis- negates in words like disagree, and displease. If you disagree with a position, that (generally) implies that you agree with the opposite position. If you displease someone, you make them angry or unhappy, you don't leave them feeling neutral.
    19. On the other hand, I feel that dis- neutralises in words like disprove, disapprove, disenchant, disentangle, disembark, discharge, and so on. If you disprove something, you haven't necessarily proved the opposite. If you disapprove of an action, that doesn't mean you would approve of the opposite action. If you're disenchanted, it doesn't necessarily mean you now hate what you were formerly enchanted with. And clearly once you disentangle something it's back to zero; you haven't "anti-tangled" it.
    20. The main problem with disprefer is that it violates de Buitléir's rule: If *I* use a word you're not familiar with, your education or experience is lacking. If *you* use a word I'm not familiar with, you're being a show-off or making up words.
    21. I also like "infelicitous" for this purpose.


    22. On lackey, more or less following up on Mark Liberman's comment above: except in period references (where it refers to 'a footman, esp. a running footman; a valet' — OED2, citations from 1529), the word now comes with a sneer.
    23. So what's the problem here? The problem is that it's not a word except to small, relatively closed circles of specialists such as linguists (saving your reverences). And, pace those people who think its meaning is clear on first sight, it's not (and it's telling that some people's response to Amy's saying that she hadn't understood it was to chastise her rather than admit that perhaps they were wrong about its transparency). Hell, I have an MPhil in linguistics, and even I dislike it and would try to avoid it if possible. I think it's fine for use in the field, where you can expect that your readers will be familiar with it, but it's solipsistic verging on insulting to use it with the public at large; showing off specialist vocabulary (which this is) is not polite.

      I don't think it's that specialist of a word... :shrug:

    24. Having read this, it appears that there is a reasonable consensus and, given that, I will probably add it to my vocabulary as it does fill a niche – but I'll be careful where and with whom I use it.
    25. I wonder what makes it so ugly — its newspeakiness?
    26. rant against the horrible solecism, duck tape
    27. And the exact meaning of "dis-" varies from word to word, but it always includes reversing the polarity of some semantic component (rather than just neutralizing it). Connect X to Y = position X such that it is joined to Y Disconnect X from Y = position X such that it is separated from Y Approve X = assert that X is good Disapprove X = assert that X is bad Prefer X = when selecting from a set choices, choice X first Disprefer X = when selecting from a set of choices, chose X last
    28. I don't think "disprefer X to Y" is a mistake, but I do think it is almost always more awkward-sounding to me than "prefer Y to X", and the meaning is equivalent.
    29. prescriptivist habits, but "disprefer" seems a straightforward, useful coining to me.
    30. Computer programmer here. 'Disprefer' is a somewhat uncommon, but entirely standard, word at my work. I would guess that it's most common use is in restricting some other preference. E.g. "sort by age, but disprefer objects that need disk access".
    31. The ones which are close to the meaning of 'not X' are so only because the phenomena of often (though not always) viewed as binary. But, as the remain forms clearly indicate, this doesn't come automatically from the meaning of the prefix.
    32. Don't prefer A = not prefer A Disprefer A = prefer not-A
    33. OK apparently meaning isn't immediately clear to some. But I disapprove of your approach, and disagree with your conclusion. I don't need to disinter my dictionary to understand the word. Simple comparison with other words that use the prefix will disgorge the meaning with a minimum of discomfort, all from the comfort of your armchair. I don't mean to discourage dictionary use, but rather, to encourage examining the language you already know. Without such comparison, blind prescriptionist obedience to dicta from the dictionary may lead one astray. For even in the pages of the dictionary, one may find numerous examples of disobedience to its every dictum.
    34. There's a void — a need where a word should fit. There's a construction — a prefix and a root, which fit together to fill the void. Meaning is clear on first encounter. A need is met. What is the problem?
    35. John: But that's exactly what I did! Dis- + prefer should theoretically mean "don't prefer" or "unprefer". So what does that mean? You're neutral? I understand the meaning now from the comments. But I don't think the meaning is clear from the components. Just to check my understanding of dis-, I checked a few online dictionaries, and roughly speaking… dis- = lack of, not, apart, away, undo, remove The reason I was confused was that to me, dis- simply neutralises a word. It multiplies the meaning by zero, yielding zero. It's not like anti-, which multiplies by minus one, changing the sign and changing the meaning to the opposite. If you said anti-prefer, I'd have a better idea of what the word meant.
    36. If you said anti-prefer, I'd have a better idea of what the word meant.
    37. I'm no linguist, and can barely aspire to lackeydom (takers?), but I'm taking quite a shine to "disprefer". Meanwhile… to "object to" something, it seems to me you have to express your objection, where to prefer or disprefer you need only choose, possibly with no one else the wiser. So, he's wrong again.
    38. So what's the problem here? The obvious reasoning is that "dis-" is a common English prefix, and "prefer" is a common English verb. You don't need a dictionary entry to explain or justify combining them. The dictionary entries for "dis-" and "prefer" should be all that's needed, and any reasonably fluent speaker should be able to make or understand the combination. Granted, "disprefer" may not be a common word, but it shouldn't be a mystery to anyone with any familiarity with English.
    39. I've never come across this word before, but I immediately understood it and see its usefulness. I'm likely to use it in the future.
    40. Amy: It's a real word. I use it all the time (of course, I'm a linguist, and I allow the possibility that I picked it up from my linguist chums, though it doesn't seem particularly jargony to me). For me, "disprefer X" means something like "not choose X when other options are available". This is subtly different from "prefer anything over X", quite different from "not prefer X", and totally distinct from "dislike X" or "object to X".
    41. Perfectly useful jargon: if we say that of alternatives ABCD, we disprefer C, we mean "definitely choose something else if possible", almost as strongly as if we said C was the worst alternative.
    42. It baffled me, because I wasn't sure whether it meant simply "don't prefer", or the stronger "dislike". Despite having read the article, the possibility that it meant that "prefer anything over" didn't occur to me until I saw blahedo's comment. "Disprefer" is the most disunconfusing word I've heard in a long time.
    43. *Other things being equal, we should disprefer blogs to journalism. USE prefer journalism to blogs.* I can't say he's clearly wrong about this one, depending on the information structure of discourse or text. If blogs are the topic, there's a lot to be said for making it the direct object rather than an oblique, the object of a preposition.
    44. *It's interesting as a spelling pronunciation, preferred by some speakers, dispreferred by others. USE not* Fiske fails to note that dispreferred expresses a contrary negation, not simply a contradictory one. The writer is excluding the possibility that the dispreferring speakers might be merely indifferent to the pronunciation in question, but the use of not would include that possibility.

      Appropriate word choice in the same way that "liked by some, disliked by others" is appropriate.

    45. The most important nontechnical use of 'disprefer' (for me) is to say that among a sea of choices to which I am largely indifferent, there is some choice that is particularly my least favourite—I may not have any legal, moral, or other objection to it, I just don't like it. I wouldn't say I use this all the time, but I certainly use it regularly when it's appropriate.
    1. The complexity of digital humanities as a “field” comes partly from its disciplinary and institutional diversity, and its multiple modes of engagement with information technology

      I believe now that technology is prominently used more than in the past, it is easier to define what digital humanities is and what is encompasses as far as artifacts.

    1. The linguistic phenomenon of "a multi-use, customizable, instantly recognizable, time-worn, quoted or misquoted phrase or sentence that can be used in an entirely open array of different variants" was originally described by linguist Geoffrey K. Pullum in 2003.[2] Pullum later described snowclones as "some-assembly-required adaptable cliché frames for lazy journalists".[1]
    1. “War?” The fear was plain on Catelyn’s face.“It will not come to that,”

      yes it will

    2. I have found you more than a friend. I have found a brother I’dthought lost.”


    3. “As you say, my lord.” Catelyn lifted her face, and Ned kissed her.Her maimed ngers clutched against his back with a desperatestrength, as if to hold him safe forever in the shelter of her arms


    4. You would be the last man I would willingly include in anyparty, Lord Baelish.”

      and he get you killed..

    5. The accusation is treason either way. Accuse the kingand you will dance with Ilyn Payne before the words are out of yourmouth.

      thats exactly what happens yet he accues the new king

    6. Whatwas it that Jon had said when they found the pups in the snow?Your children were meant to have these pups, my lord. And he hadkilled Sansa’s, and for what? Was it guilt he was feeling? Or fear? Ifthe gods had sent these wolves, what folly had he done?

      :( the way sansa is the most chained up stark after all of this

    7. Inside, Catelyn was waiting. She cried out when she saw him, ranto him, and embraced him ercely.“My lady,” Ned whispered in wonderment.

      theyre sawr cutee

    8. “Your wife is inside,” Littlenger said.It was the nal insult. “Brandon was too kind to you,” Ned said ashe slammed the small man back against a wall and shoved hisdagger up under the little pointed chin beard.

      thats kinda hot LMAO

    9. He had only to look at Sansa’s faceto feel the rage twisting inside him once again. The last fortnight oftheir journey had been a misery. Sansa blamed Arya and told herthat it should have been Nymeria who died. And Arya was lost aftershe heard what had happened to her butcher’s boy. Sansa criedherself to sleep, Arya brooded silently all day long, and EddardStark dreamed of a frozen hell reserved for the Starks of Winterfell.

      see they were not made for the south

    10. Of late I’ve had to turn to the Faith. TheHigh Septon haggles worse than a Dornish shmonger.”

      oh thats insane

    11. Renly Baratheon laughed alou

      ok girl stop laughing it aint that funny

    12. “Here in the south, they say you are all made of ice, and meltwhen you ride below the Neck.”“I do not plan on melting soon, Lord Baelish. You may count onit.” Ned moved to the council table and said, “Maester Pycelle, Itrust you are well.”

      yeah he couldnt survive long

    13. “That was a grievous error, Lord Snow,” he said at last in theacid tones of an enemy.

      girl calm down

    14. “I’ll take that wager, Ser Alliser,” Jon said. “I’d love to see Ghostjuggle.”


    15. Jon smiled at him. “I’m sorry about your wrist. Robb used thesame move on me once, only with a wooden blade. It hurt likeseven hells, but yours must be worse. Look, if you want, I can showyou how to defend that.”

      aw i'm proud of you

    16. Jon ran down the stairs, a smile on his face and Robb’s letter inhis hand. “My brother is going to live,” he told the guards. Theyexchanged a look. He ran back to the common hall, where he foundTyrion Lannister just nishing his meal. He grabbed the little manunder the arms, hoisted him up in the air, and spun him around in acircle. “Bran is going to live!” he whooped. Lannister looked startled.Jon put him down and thrust the paper into his hands. “Here, readit,” he said.


    17. He realized he was crying.And then, through the tears, he found the sense in the words, andraised his head. “He woke up,” he said. “The gods gave him back.”“Crippled,” Mormont said. “I’m sorry, boy. Read the rest of theletter.”He looked at the words, but they didn’t matter. Nothing mattered.Bran was going to live. “My brother is going to live,” he toldMormont. The Lord Commander shook his head, gathered up a


    18. kernels of corn. “I amtold you can read.” He shook the raven o,


    19. Jon scarcely heard him. He brushed o Tyrion’s hand and strodeacross the hall. He was running by the time he hit the doors. Heraced to the Commander’s Keep, dashing through drifts of old snow.When the guards passed him, he took the tower steps two at a time.By the time he burst into the presence of the Lord Commander, hisboots were soaked and Jon was wild-eyed and panting. “Bran,” hesaid. “What does it say about Bran?”

      he loves his siblings so much omg

    20. His name day had come and gone, unremarked, afortnight past.

      :(( happy birthday kid

    21. Once Castle Blackhad housed ve thousand ghting men with all their horses andservants and weapons. Now it was home to a tenth that number,and parts of it were falling into ruin.

      yall better fix it up SOON

    22. nd west and vanishing in the far distance, immense and unbroken.This is the end of the world, it seemed to say

      flat earther theories SORRY

    23. ou leave them nothing. You shame them.Does that make you proud?

      so?? they should just get better

    24. In his dreams,she was beautiful, and highborn, and her eyes were kind.


    25. little Rickon, bright eyes shining ashe begged for a sweet; Robb, his rival and best friend and constantcompanion; Bran, stubborn and curious, always wanting to followand join in whatever Jon and Robb were doing. He missed the girlstoo, even Sansa, who never called him anything but “my halfbrother” since she was old enough to understand what bastardmeant. And Arya ... he missed her even more than Robb, skinnylittle thing that she was, all scraped knees and tangled hair and tornclothes, so erce and willful. Arya never seemed to t, no more thanhe had ... yet she could always make Jon smile. He would giveanything to be with her now, to muss up her hair once more andwatch her make a face, to hear her nish a sentence with him.


    26. As he watched his uncle lead his horse into the tunnel, Jon hadremembered the things that Tyrion Lannister told him on thekingsroad, and in his mind’s eye he saw Ben Stark lying dead, hisblood red on the snow. The thought made him sick. What was hebecoming? Afterward he sought out Ghost in the loneliness of hiscell, and buried his face in his thick white fur.


    27. on wondered if hisfather had known what the Wall would be like. He must have, hethought; that only made it hurt the worse.


    28. “Tyrion Lannister.”

      nu uh

    29. Old sweet friends shouldnever hesitate to rely upon each other.


    30. and he had grown into a small man, an inch ortwo shorter than Catelyn, slender and quick, with the sharp features

      rat boyfriend

    31. Then she thought, Moreo. The Tyroshi knew who they were andwhere they were, damn him.

      never trust anyone

    32. When his brother Robb burst into the room, breathless from hisdash up the tower steps, the direwolf was licking Bran’s face. Branlooked up calmly. “His name is Summer,” he said.


    33. It had three eyes, and the third eye was full of a terribleknowledge.

      norse mythology

    34. Over them both loomed a giant in armor madeof stone, but when he opened his visor, there was nothing inside butdarkness and thick black blood


    35. A storm was gathering ahead of them, a vast dark roaring lashed bylightning, but somehow they could not see it.


    36. When it felt Bran watching, it liftedits eyes from the still waters and stared back at him knowingly.

      oh nahh

    37. The Hound’s eyes seemed to glitter through the steel of thathideous dog’s-head helm. “He ran.” He looked at Ned’s face andlaughed. “But not very fast.”

      oh i hate them all

    38. When it was over, he said, “Choose four men and have them takethe body north. Bury her at Winterfell.”“All that way?” Jory said, astonished.“All that way,” Ned armed. “The Lannister woman shall neverhave this skin.”


    39. He left the room with his eyes burning and his daughter’s wailsechoing in his ears, and found the direwolf pup where they chainedher. Ned sat beside her for a while. “Lady,” he said, tasting thename. He had never paid much attention to the names the childrenhad picked, but looking at her now, he knew that Sansa had chosenwell. She was the smallest of the litter, the prettiest, the most gentleand trusting. She looked at him with bright golden eyes, and herued her thick grey fur.

      making me sad over a WOLF

    40. They were all staring at him, but it was Sansa’s look that cut. “Sheis of the north. She deserves better than a butcher.”


    41. “Do it yourselfthen, Robert,” he said in a voice cold and sharp as steel. “At leasthave the courage to do it yourself.”Robert looked at Ned with at, dead eyes and left without a word,his footsteps heavy as lead. Silence lled the hall.


    42. “Stop them,” Sansa pleaded, “don’t let them do it, please, please,it wasn’t Lady, it was Nymeria, Arya did it, you can’t, it wasn’t Lady,don’t let them hurt Lady, I’ll make her be good, I promise, Ipromise ...” She started to cry.

      poor girls :((

    43. “We have a wolf,” Cersei Lannister said. Her voice was very quiet,but her green eyes shone with triumph.

      nooo lady

    44. Robert started to walk away, but the queen was not done. “Andwhat of the direwolf?” she called after him. “What of the beast thatsavaged your son?”


    45. Perchanc

      you cant just say perchance

    46. “Jo told us what happened,” the queen said. “You and thebutcher boy beat him with clubs while you set your wolf on him.”

      he's so pathetic

    47. Lord Renly worea half smile that might mean anything,

      i like him more here

    48. Ned went to one knee and took her in his arms. She was shaking.“I’m sorry,” she sobbed, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”“I know,” he said. She felt so tiny in his arms, nothing but ascrawny little girl. It was hard to see how she had caused so muchtrouble. “Are you hurt?”


    49. hen she saw him, she cried outand began to sob.



    1. At the entry for irregardless, we provide a paragraph in which we note that the use of the word is still met with considerable objection, and we even go so far as to advise the reader to use regardless instead—which is about as close as we get to offering a usage prescription in our dictionaries.
    1. Lexicography is the practice of creating books, computer programs, or databases that reflect lexicographical work and are intended for public use.
    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:02][^1^][1] - [00:48:41][^2^][2]:

      Cette vidéo présente le framework Observable pour créer des tableaux de bord, des rapports et des applications web de manière efficace et gratuite. Elle explique comment utiliser Observable pour documenter des fonctionnalités, introduit le concept de Data loader pour rafraîchir les données, et montre comment intégrer des réalisations Observable dans un site web statique.

      Points forts: + [00:00:08][^3^][3] Introduction à Observable * Présentation du framework Observable comme générateur de site statique gratuit et open source * Utilisation de Markdown et JavaScript pour la documentation * Hébergement gratuit sur des plateformes comme GitHub Pages + [00:01:36][^4^][4] Spécialisation pour les tableaux de bord * Observable est spécialisé pour les applications nécessitant un rafraîchissement régulier des données * Introduction du concept de Data loader pour une mise à jour périodique des données * Création de sites web statiques capables de rafraîchir leurs données efficacement + [00:03:00][^5^][5] Développement JavaScript avec Observable * Observable comme environnement de développement JavaScript unique avec réactivité entre déclarations * Explication de la réactivité et de la dépendance des variables dans Observable * Utilisation de Markdown, LaTeX et JavaScript pour créer des contenus interactifs + [00:10:13][^6^][6] Utilisation de bibliothèques et gestion de versions * Observable permet d'appeler des bibliothèques externes et contient un gestionnaire de versions simplifié * Partage et publication de classeurs pour la collaboration et la réutilisation * Exemples de tutoriels et de cours disponibles sur Observable + [00:24:26][^7^][7] Démarrage avec le framework * Processus de création, d'édition et de prévisualisation d'un site avec Observable * Utilisation de GitHub Actions pour le rafraîchissement automatique des données * Intégration d'animations et de visualisations dans un site web statique + [00:40:15][^8^][8] Exemples d'applications créées avec Observable * Présentation d'applications variées, telles que l'évolution des joueurs d'échecs et un tableau de bord d'hôtel * Conversion d'une application JavaScript existante en une version améliorée avec Observable

    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [03:28:51][^2^][2]:

      Cette vidéo présente une conférence organisée par l'UNICEF France, axée sur l'adolescence et les défis associés. Elle met en lumière les expériences des adolescents, les perspectives des experts et les initiatives de soutien.

      Points forts: + [00:00:00][^3^][3] Introduction de la conférence * Présentation par l'administrateur de l'IUF, Olivier Houdet * Discussion sur le rôle de l'IUF et son engagement envers l'Europe + [00:50:24][^4^][4] Budget et structure d'Horizon Europe * Explication des différents piliers et de la répartition budgétaire * Importance de l'intégration des pays périphériques dans la recherche européenne + [01:16:41][^5^][5] L'importance de la persévérance dans la recherche * Témoignages sur l'expérience de soumission de projets et l'apprentissage par l'échec * Encouragement à resoumettre les projets pour augmenter les chances de succès + [02:11:06][^6^][6] Financement et soutien des projets * Discussion sur les attentes spécifiques des projets et l'importance du soutien institutionnel * L'impact du financement public sur la compétitivité des appels à projets + [03:12:47][^7^][7] Choisir le bon moment pour soumettre un projet * Partage d'expériences personnelles sur la recherche de la bonne idée et du timing approprié * L'importance de l'innovation et de l'adaptation aux évolutions du domaine de recherche

    1. julgamentos dos mais de 6 mil processos que ainda temos até o final de 2026.

      Clara, pra ser sincera achei a introdução dela meio fraca... Muito bem, ela explica a comissão da Anistia, situando o leitor. Mas acho que falta um pequeno fechamento, dizendo do que se trata o artigo (na 1a frase da introdução isso aparece) e a importância de publicá-lo ou republicá-lo neste momento.

    2. Memorial aos membros da comunidade USP vítimas do regime da Ditadura Militar. Foto: Marcos Santos/USP Imagens

      Acho que esta imagem, tendo em vista a boa imagem que Luiz arrumou para a abertura do artigo, deve ser colocada dentro do caso brasileiro, subindo com a imagem '300 Carlos' para este local.

    3. lei de memória,

      Atenção gente. Há negritos por demais neste texto! Havia começado a marcar de baixo para cima, assinalar 'grifo da autora'. Mas são tantos, que me parece inoperante repetir a cada vez. Uma ou duas vezes ela própria inseriu 'grifo nosso'. Talvez o melhor seja pegar o primeiro deles e fazer uma nota dizendo que todos os grifos neste texto advêm da pluma da autora ou são de autoria de Eneá...

    4. não se traduziu no ordenamento jurídico.

      assinalar se é grifo da autora. Abaixo, em 'punidos', me parece que ela mesma assinalou (grifo nosso)

    5. Foi e é memória

      Assinalar o grifo dela

    6. Uma lei de memória e não esquecimento.

      Assinalar, se grifo da autora

    7. portanto

      Se for grifo dela, é preciso assinalar

    8. Mutações do conceito de anistia na justiça de transição brasileira

      Não vamos usar negrito nas bibliografias, pois grita muito dentro do blog. Luiz usou itálico para alguns títulos de obras. Talvez seja melhor continuar e padronizar todos os textos da mesma forma. Também é preciso ter um padrão entre uma referência e outra. Está faltando a bio dela, com a foto.

    9. Tenho pesquisado e produzido textos acadêmicos e orientado alunas e alunos do mestrado e do doutorado no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Direito (PPGD) da Universidade de Brasília, UnB, onde sou professora Associada desde 2009. Atualmente coordeno o PPGD e leciono na graduação e na pós-graduação. O trabalho na Comissão de Anistia é voluntário, não remunerado. Coordeno também um Grupo de Pesquisa sobre Justiça de Transição no mesmo PPGD.

      Isso aqui faz parte da bio dela e não deve entrar no resumo do texto

    10. Transitional Justice, Political Amnesty, Democracy, Memory

      Não vamos por palavras chave, sobretudo em inglês, pois não colocamos em outros textos do Coletivo

    1. Move, pause, move through the rooms,White birch leaves shiver in breezesWhile guards watch the world,Helicopters making their long humming tripsTrading pollen and nectarIn the airof theSea of Economy,

      observational pov reveals speedy roles and movements endorsed by the economy

    2. Rivers that never give upTrill under the roadbed, over the bedrock

      terrain imagery creates a sense of high economy

    3. trash chair at the curb

      reminds me of people leaving stuff in the streets for the world of nyc to take for itself.

    4. sea anemone

      i look at this as an interpretation of how NYC is full of people from many different backgrounds and cultures and how everyone is very unique from an outside POV but a anemone gives the idea of only certain things fit in

    5. Siren howls echoingThrough the gridlock of structures,Vibrating with helicopters,the bass toneof a high jet.

      large surroundings high freelance creations

    6. New leaves, “new green” on a rock ledgeOf steep little uplift, tucked among trees

      Tropical environment

    7. Hollow honeycomb brain-buildings

      Perhaps it could be referring to New Yorkers as similar to bees almost like there's a hive mind where people share similar ideals, beliefs, or living situations.

    8. Step out to the nightlife, good food, after work—

      this remind me of the phase " nyc is the city that never sleeps" because no matter what time of the night nyc is always full of life

    9. Equitable god, Celanese god, noble line,Old Union Carbide god,Each catching shares of the squared blocked shadow

      this talk about how the city is not owned by the people but by a few.

    10. A murmur of traffic approaching,

      nyc is so busy its not unlikely to hear traffic

    11. Empty eye sockets of buildings just built

      this immediately brought my mind to Hudson yards, one of the biggest tourist attractions in nyc but when you look into these buildings they are sky high and empty. its like they are looking down at us with their eyes closed.

    12. sea anemone

      This can be interpreted as NYC is similar to a sea anemone because only the proper fish can use this as a habitat and achieve symbiosis. Could also compare New Yorkers as symbiotic with the environment. This could also be interpreted as New York is meant for those who belong?

    13. Glass, aluminum, aggregate gravel,Iron. Stainless steel

      this makes me think of how many different buildings there are all around NYC

    14. keen-eyed

      in my opinion this term connects to NYC perfectly, a bunch of people look around and see so many different things and people, and the "keen-eyed" or very perceptive people can see one thing about someone and pick out what makes them unique in this huge city.

    15. Rare people! Seen from a safe distance

      this makes me think how many different cultures are found in New York.

    16. Leap over the park stone wallDressed fast and light,Slip into the migrating flow

      What deeper meanings may this hold?

    17. wake up.

      this makes me think of the "NYC Dream" and how ive woken up from the said dream.

    1. It is common sense that AI would hardly be perfect, especially in knowledge-rich domains, such as usability testing.Thus, it would be inappropriate to have the WoZ AI suggest all the ground-truth problems. To make the WoZ AI morerealistic, we randomly added 5 (18%) false problems (false positives) and removed 4 (14%) true problems (false negatives)in the two selected videos in total.

      Probably important justify the inaccurate nature of AI, that motivates this study of trust and verification

    2. mixed design

      For our study, might also need to use a mixed design approach to mitigate learning effect.

    1. "Less favored" or "less preferred" may be the preferable word choice most of the time (because it's usually about degree of preference, not merely a binary "preferred or not")

      Because it's about degree (on a continuum), it would usually be clearer (and therefore preferred) to specify whether, for instance, you mean "less preferred" or "least preferred". "dispreferred" is ambiguous in that regard: I had assumed it meant (was using it to mean) less preferred ( not the most preferred), but apparently others (https://languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu/nll/?p=2186) read it and see "least preferred".

    2. Why invent ugly new words when there is adequate vocabulary available?

      Because it's neither a new word, nor an ugly word, any more than "distaste", "dislike" is an ugly word.

    3. Not preferring is not the opposite of preferring, but rather the absence of preferring.

      Referring to how "dis-" might imply it's the opposite.

      I can see their point,which I think is that "To favor or prefer (something) less than the alternatives." simply makes it not your maximum preference (so in that sense, it would merely be the absence of the state of being the maximum), not necessarily your minimum (least favorite) rated/preferred choice.

      But I think it can actually mean the opposite of preferring. To me, to disprefer something is nearly the same as if you show a distaste for something.

    1. Accompagner les élèves empêchés d'apprendre avec Emmanuelle Piquet Le contenu de la page que vous consultez aborde le sujet délicat du suicide chez les adolescents et les répercussions sur les familles. Voici un résumé des points clés :

      • Impact sur les familles : Le suicide d'un adolescent entraîne une profonde détresse chez les proches, qui doivent faire face à la perte et à ses conséquences émotionnelles complexes.
      • Rôle des premiers répondants : Les interactions avec les premiers répondants, tels que les policiers et les pompiers, peuvent avoir un impact significatif sur l'expérience des familles lors de telles tragédies.
      • Chercher un sens : Les familles cherchent souvent à comprendre les raisons derrière le suicide, bien qu'il soit difficile d'obtenir des réponses complètes.
      • Soutien et guérison : Le soutien professionnel et familial est crucial pour la guérison. Les familles explorent différentes façons de se souvenir et d'honorer l'adolescent, tout en trouvant un sens à leur propre expérience.

      Ces points soulignent l'importance d'un soutien empathique et d'une communication ouverte pour aider les familles à naviguer dans le processus de deuil.

    1. Note: This response was posted by the corresponding author to Review Commons. The content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Reply to the reviewers

      __Reviewer #1 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):_ _ __ In this manuscript, Jones et al. report on a potential role for fam83fa in zebrafish hatching, radiation response and autophagy. The authors are commended for generating multiple KO lines and maternal-zygotic embryos for analysis. However, important controls are lacking and the data is circumstantial throughout with very little mechanistic insight into the precise roles, if any, of fam83f in these processes.

      We thank the reviewer for recognizing the strengths of our manuscript, and highlighting areas we might improve. Please see the specific comments below addressing the points raised. In respect of mechanistic insight, while we agree that our manuscript does not provide this, it was not intended to. Rather, we aim to communicate our descriptive findings on the role of Fam83fa in vivo, providing data for follow-up studies by other researchers into the mechanistic role of Fam83fa.

      1. Validation of the KO phenotypes (hatching, IR sensitivity) requires rescue with WT fam83fa WT mRNA, but not 1-500 or fam83fb mRNA.

      We thank the reviewer for raising the issue of rescue experiments. Such experiments are frequently used in knock-down experiments, where non-specificity may be a problem, but they are used more rarely in genetic knock-outs, where the gene defect is well defined. In the case of Fam83fa, a particular difficulty is that overexpression of fam83fa itself causes a p53-mediated DNA damage response (DDR) (Salama et al., 2019). Moreover, we have shown by both qRT-PCR and western blotting that injection of fam83fa mRNA into zebrafish embryos (the traditional technique by which rescue experiments are performed) induces a p53-mediated DDR. As a result, it would be very difficult to interpret the results of any rescue experiment, because one would have to be absolutely certain that levels of fam83fa re-expression recapitulate and do not exceed endogenous levels. As a tool for specificity, we therefore used more than one fam83fa-/- mutant line, carrying a different genomic mutation, and validated that the same phenotype was present in both. We are happy to provide the qRT-PCR and western blot data confirming the results of fam83fa mRNA injection, if required. We have included an additional section into the manuscript detailing this issue. 2.

      While the hatching phenotype (Fig 3) is convincing, there is no data on HG development in the null embryos. Does the HG develop normally in the absence of fam83fb? If so, this would support the authors conclusions that the role of fam83fb is functional rather than developmental (indirect effect). In situs as in Fig.1 might be helpful here.

      Thank you to the reviewer for this helpful suggestion. We agree that we did not investigate whether the hatching gland develops normally in the MZ-fam83fa-/- mutant embryos. No gross morphological differences were observed that led us to investigate this, although we agree it is an interesting question for a future project. In terms of functional vs developmental effects, we are confident that MZ-fam83fa-/- mutant embryos develop at a normal temporal rate, as evidenced by the machine learning based classifier used to assess temporal developmental trajectory (Figure S3 and Jones et al., 2022, 2024). This strongly suggests that the effect of fam83fa KO is functional rather than indirect and caused by (for example) developmental delay.

      While the IR sensitivity phenotype (Fig S4) is convincing, IR-induced cell death/apoptosis was not analyzed. There is a large literature describing straightforward assays for cell death/apoptosis detection in zebrafish with assays such as acridine orange or TUNEL labeling, or active casp3 whole-mount IF. Is IR-induced cell death enhanced in fam83fa KOs?

      We thank the reviewer for their positive comments and agree that investigating the nature of the cell death occurring following IR would be very interesting. We did make use of both acridine orange and TUNEL labeling following injection of fam83fa mRNA (see 1 above), and whilst the assays themselves were relatively straightforward, due to technical issues the quantification of fluorescence intensity was not. Similarly, we suspect that a significant degree of necrosis is also occurring, which further complicates the issue of data interpretation from both these approaches. We do, however, think this is an important avenue of questioning, and hope that other researchers will explore the mechanism of IR induced cell death in the MZ-fam83fa-/- mutants in the future,

      Similarly, there are multiple tools to assay autophagy in zebrafish (e.g., Moss et al., Histochem Cell Biol 2020, PMC7609422; Mathai et al., Cells 2017, PMC5617967). Is autophagy affected in the KOs, with or without IR? These experiments might directly implicate fam83fa in autophagy.

      We agree that there are exciting tools with which to assay autophagy in zebrafish, and although we considered some of these, including caudal fin regeneration, we deemed these experiments to be beyond the descriptive scope of this paper, given the time and resources available to us. We hope that other researchers will use our data as a basis for investigating the role of Fam83fa in autophagy further, using assays such as these suggested by the reviewer.

      Figure 4: Isn't there a slight reduction in p53 induction at 10 hours?

      Although the western blot in Figure 4A gives this impression, this is probably due to loading variability (see the anti-β-actin loading control band). Moreover, over three independent experiments (Figure 4B), this apparent difference is not statistically significant. Taken together with other evidence that the p53-mediated DNA damage response is not affected in MZ-fam83fa-/- mutants, we are confident there is no detectable change in the level of stabilized p53 in the MZ-fam83fa-/- mutants compared to WT.

      Given the widely documented, dominant role of p53 in zebrafish IR-sensitivity, the authors should test if the IR sensitivity of fam83fa KO animals is p53-dependent, ideally via a cross into p53 null, but at least via injection of p53 morpholinos.

      We agree that p53 is widely documented as playing an essential role in the IR induced DNA damage response in zebrafish. All our experiments suggest there is no difference between the levels of p53 (protein or mRNA) or any of the p53-induced downstream effectors (that we tested) in MZ-fam83fa-/- mutants compared to WT embryos. This was true whether or not the embryos were subjected to genotoxic stressors, including IR treatment. We therefore conclude that the increased sensitivity phenotype we observe as a result of loss of Fam83fa is not caused by a change in p53 activity, at least not as part of the DNA damage response.

      Do autophagy inhibitors phenocopy the hatching and IR-sensitivity defects of fam83fa embryos? Do the inhibitors exacerbate the mutant phenotypes or synergize with M or Z mutant phenotypes? (I may have missed this but do M and Z fam83fa null embryos have any phenotype? Or do the phenotypes only manifest in MZ embryos?)

      This is an excellent question, and indeed one we attempted to address. We tried to optimize several autophagy inhibitors including bafilomycin A1, chloroquine and wortmannin, as well as the proteasomal inhibitor MG132. In addition, we tried to optimize the autophagy promoters Torin1 and rapamycin. Unfortunately, we regularly saw global effects in zebrafish embryos that were difficult to characterize and control by dosage. At the same time, we were also working to confirm the specific effects of these drugs on autophagy using p62 and LC3-I and LC3-II western blots, which themselves were difficult to optimize. We attempted to optimize these experiments for 6 months before the COVID lockdown occurred, at which point they were abandoned. We would be delighted for future researchers to continue these experiments, as we are now unable to pursue this further due to closure of the Smith lab, but we agree that these are very pertinent questions. We hope the descriptive data provided in our paper will prompt other researchers in the autophagy field to further explore the role of Fam83fa in autophagy. In response to the zygotic phenotype question, this was something we did not investigate. As there was no immediately apparent phenotype in the zygotic generation, for ease of screening larger numbers of embryos we proceeded immediately to the maternal-zygotic (MZ) generation.

      Reviewer #1 (Significance (Required)):

      The role of Fam83f is not known. This study in zebrafish might be the first to clarify the function of this protein in vivo.

      We thank the reviewer for this positive insight, and we agree that our work is the first do so in vivo.

      Reviewer #2 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):

      Fam83f is one of the proteins about which little is known. The authors Jones et al., tried to shed light on Fam83f function by knocking out the gene in zebrafish. Here they found that fam83 is expressed in the hatching gland and that larvae without Fam83f hatch significantly earlier than wild-type animals. The authors furthermore investigated the response of fam83f knock-out animals to DNA damage and found increased sensitivity to ionizing radiation and MMS. In order to find out more about Fam83f function in the DNA damage response, the authors performed RNA-seq after employing DNA damage and here they saw upregulation of several autophagy/lysosome-associated proteins and downregulation of some phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate binding proteins, among others. Finally, the authors found that Fam83f is targeted to the lysosome. The manuscript is overall well written and clear in its general statement.

      We thank the reviewer for their encouraging comments.

      In the manuscript, the authors describe the investigation of several aspects of Fam83f function and particularly the role in hatching seems to be important for Fam83f as the gene is strongly expressed in the hatching gland and its absence leads to a clear and considerable earlier hatching. Unfortunately, all aspects of Fam83f function that are described in the manuscript are investigated very superficially, the conclusions are not supported by data and important controls are lacking. As such, the RNA-seq results are not confirmed by qRT-PCR, the role of the Fam83f LIR domain is not confirmed by co-IPs and it has not been investigated whether the presence of Fam83f in lysosomes is due to its degradation or whether it has a function in this cellular compartment.

      We thank the reviewer for their input and will address each point raised below: -

      • All aspects of Fam83f function are investigated superficially.

      We agree that we have not provided an in-depth analysis of the mechanistic role of Fam83fa. It was because there were so many roles that we decided to make this paper rather descriptive in nature, hoping that the observations will prove useful to other researchers who may wish to define the mechanistic roles of Fam83fa more deeply. Even without in-depth investigation, our findings are previously unreported and the phenotypes we report are clear. We have amended our manuscript to make it apparent that this paper is intended to be descriptive in nature, and we hope this addresses this issue.

      • Important controls are lacking - RNA-seq results are not confirmed by qRT-PCR

      We thank the reviewer for their comment. We did not include qRT-PCR data as a control for the RNA-seq data because 1) each RNA-seq experiment was repeated on three biological replicates across three independent experiments and 2) we conducted RNA-seq on two different MZ-fam83fa-/- mutant lines and only considered genes that were mis-regulated in both mutants. Taken together, we considered this to be sufficient validation for the manuscript. However, we also performed confirmatory qRT-PCR for several of the differentially expressed genes identified, including the three main PI(3)P binding genes. We have now included these data in the supplementary information as an additional control - see Figure S6G which is now also referred to in the main text, and additional primer sequences have been added to Table S1.

      • The role of the Fam83f LIR domain is not confirmed by co-Ips

      We agree with the reviewer that this is an important experiment, and we worked closely with Dr Brian Ludwig and Dr Karen Vousden (The Francis Crick Institute) to test this. We tried to express zebrafish Atg8 and Gabarap (the two main ATG8 proteins that bind to LIR domains) but were unable to express sufficient levels of protein to perform the co-Ips. The text in the manuscript has now been amended to reflect that this experiment is required to confirm the role of the putative LIR domain in Fam83fa.

      • *it has not been investigated whether the presence of Fam83f in lysosomes is due to its degradation or whether it has a function in this cellular compartment *

      Whilst we agree with the reviewer that this is an important question, we did not intend this paper to expand beyond a descriptive role of the observations we made following the loss of Fam83fa in vivo. These are important questions to follow up on to determine the mechanism of action of Fam83fa, and we hope that other researchers will pursue these avenues of investigation following the publication of our observations.

      Also, there is no leading concept in the manuscript. Starting from a role in hatching, the authors go to the DNA damage response and finally to the presence of Fam83f in lysosomes. How are these different aspects linked? Is the presence of Fam83f in lysosomes important for the suppression of hatching and how does Fam83f delays this process? (One would have wished that the authors would not have been that broad and were more focused on a particular aspect which then could have been investigated in depth.)

      We agree with the reviewer that the paper gives a broad overview of our observations and does not examine the underlying mechanisms in detail. However, we believe that descriptive papers such as this, where observations following genetic perturbation are reported, are equally important, providing as they do important foundational data for other researchers to take forward. We do postulate on the links between the hatching, DNA damage and lysosomal phenotypes we observe in the discussion section, and we have expanded on this following the reviewers' comments, to make our hypothesized link between these phenomena clearer.

      Specific comments: - All materials should be described in material and methods including the antibodies that have been used

      The antibodies used together with concentrations and catalog numbers are now in Materials and Methods

      • Abbreviations should be explained

      The manuscript has been revised to ensure all abbreviations are explained. We thank the reviewer for bringing this oversight to our attention.

      • Figure 4A: Levels of p53 should also be shown for untreated fam83f -/-KO1 and KO2 animals

      The authors thank the reviewers for raising this point. Extracts from untreated MZ-fam83fa-/- KO1 and KO2 embryos were not included on this particular blot, as p53 was observed to be undetectable in all embryos, across all our experiments (WT and both mutants) unless genotoxic stress was applied. No quantification could therefore be performed as the expression level was essentially zero. However, we have now included an example p53 western blot in Supplemental Figure 5A, which shows WT, MZ-fam83fa-/- KO1 and MZ-fam83fa-/- KO2 untreated blots for p53 (all undetectable) alongside treated embryos (detected).

      • Some references are missing (e.g. page 17, lane 320/321: As this group of cells arises....)

      This citation and reference have now been added; thank you to the reviewer for highlighting this omission.

      • Lane 369: The authors write about 4 KO lines but only two are shown in the figure.

      We thank the reviewer for this observation. In Figure 2B only KO1 and KO2 schematic diagrams are shown for simplicity (as these are the lines taken forward for further investigation). We have now amended the manuscript text to make this clear.

      • Lane 374/375: The NMD is not proven

      Absolutely - we have now revised the text to change this sentence accordingly and thank the reviewer for noting this.

      • Lane 380: how can RNA levels of fam83fa be upregulated when the gene has been knocked out? Why are these genes only upregulated in KO1? How relevant is this?

      This was a typographical error, and we are very grateful to the reviewer for picking up on this. It should have read 'fam83fb'. As nonsense-mediated decay and associated transcriptional adaptation have been previously reported in zebrafish, this finding may be of considerable interest to the community. It is a side observation, and not necessarily directly related to the role of Fam83fa in vivo, but we felt it important to include. Indeed, as a result of this observation we have recently shared our MZ-fam83fa-/- lines with another group who are planning to investigate precisely this question - why are fam83fb and fam83g only upregulated in KO1?

      • Figure 3C is not mentioned in the text and lacks any labelling

      Figure 3C is now clearly referred to in the text and a label added to the figure.

      • Lane 434/435: all relevant data should be shown (can be done as supplementary figure)

      We have now amended this to include an additional supplemental figure (Figure S5A).

      • Lane 434: The reference to the figure seems to be incorrect (5A4A)

      Amended accordingly - thank you for pointing out this mistake.

      • Figure 4C and 4D: what is the difference?

      Thank you to the reviewer for noticing this omission. These data are from t1 (+2hrs) and t2 (+10hrs) and have now been labelled accordingly.

      • S5C and S5D: why are there 3 clusters?

      We thank the reviewer for raising this as it has provided us with an opportunity to present our data more clearly. There are 3 clusters that represent the combination of the two first principal components, which are time and treatment. Therefore, the clusters represent i) untreated at t1, ii) treated at t1 and iii) treated at t2. However, having two plots with different color schemes made this confusing/misleading. We have now replaced the two PCA plots with one that is colored and labelled accordingly with the 3 aforementioned clusters.

      • Lane 495 to 505: What does this mean that the GO analysis shows upregulation and downregulation of endopeptidases and why "in contrast"?

      We thank the reviewer for this comment, and we agree that this paragraph was misleading/confusing. This has now been rewritten in the main text, clarifying that endopeptidases were consistently upregulated at both timepoints.

      Reviewer #2 (Significance (Required)):

      The strength of the manuscript is certainly that it provides inside into Fam83f function as there is not much known about Fam83f.

      We thank the reviewer for the positive comment, and we agree that very little is known about this highly conserved protein.

      These study is probably most interesting for people in the zebrafish and related fields as the authors convincingly show the expression of Fam83f in the hatching gland and also the earlier hatching in the absence of the protein is very clear.

      Thank you for the positive feedback.

      The weakness of the study is clearly that it does not provide an in-depth analysis. As such, it shows that Fam83f is involved in hatching and can delay the process but it remains elusive how this is achieved. (Likwise, also the investigation into the DNA damage response remains very superficial and does not prove a specific role for Fam83f in the DNA damage response or whether the increased sensitivity is more unspecifically caused by the absence of a gene or eventually even connected to the earlier hatching.

      Please refer to responses above (and changes made to the manuscript) clarifying that this study is intended to be descriptive, and provides important foundational data for further in-depth mechanistic studies by other researchers interested in the role of Fam83fa in vivo.

      __Reviewer #3 (Evidence, reproducibility and clarity (Required)):_ _ __ In their manuscript "Zebrafish reveal new roles for Fam83f in hatching and the DNA damage-mediated autophagic response", Jones et al. provide an interesting exploration for the function of a poorly studied protein, Fam83f in embryonic development. Using the zebrafish as a model organism, the study combines loss-of-function genetics, phenotypic analysis and RNA-sequencing to characterize and explore the result of Fam83f loss. Upon critical review of the manuscript and the results we offer suggestions to improve the manuscript (see 'minor technical issues'). Additionally, we would like to highlight a weakness of the study in making the connection between Fam83f to the observed phenotype (increased sensitivity to DNA damage), see 'major issues'.

      Major issues:

      Most of our concern stems from relatively incomplete connection of the loss of fam83f to increased sensitivity to DNA-damage and lysosome function.

      Please refer to comments above and changes made to the manuscript to clarify this is a descriptive paper that is not intended to provide in-depth mechanistic insight into the role of Fam83fa.

      Is the increased sensitivity in fam83f KO embryos a direct effect to fam83f loss? A rescue experiment (by introduction of Fam83fa mRNA into their KO2 fish line) in the presence of ionizing radiation would help us understand the functional role of this protein in this process. Furthermore, can overexpression of any of the down-regulated genes involved in lysosome function restore the early hatching phenotype or the sensitivity to DNA damage? Fam83fa rescue experiments would be very difficult to interpret - please see comments above and the corresponding changes to our manuscript.

      In terms of over-expressing some of the downregulated genes identified in the RNA-seq and qRT-PCR to see if the phenotype can be rescued, we feel these are excellent suggestions and we hope other researchers in future will attempt such experiments.

      Minor technical issues:

      -Methods line 203, clarify how many embryos were used per sample for RNA-seq (this was only described as 15 embryos in the main body results text).

      Text has been amended to clarify this. We thank the reviewer for noticing this oversight.

      -Comment about the expansion of fam83f orthologs in mammals (8) as opposed to only 2 in zebrafish

      We apologize for any confusion: mammals do not have 8 fam83f orthologs. Mammals and zebrafish have 8 FAM83 genes (FAM83A-FAM83H). Zebrafish, unlike mammals, have genome duplication and although mammals have only one FAM83F gene, zebrafish have two: Fam83fa and Fam83fb. We trust this clarifies this issue and believe this to be clear in our main text. However, we are happy to make any suggested amendments should the reviewer consider our wording confusing.

      -Supplementary figure 1C: please include representative images of secondary axis formation in fam83fa overexpressed Xenopus embryos.

      We have not included any images as these are already published in our related paper on FAM83F (Dunbar et al., 2020) which we refer to in the figure legend text. No additional images were captured specifically for this publication.

      -Provide more information about the mis-regulated genes in the RNA-seq analysis, how many are up or down regulated? Perhaps a better plot than a Venn diagram can be an MA-plot with the Venn diagram moved to a supplementary figure.

      The Venn diagrams in Figure 5A-C are to illustrate the number of differentially expressed genes that are shared between KO1 and KO2 (whether up or down regulated), and only those that are common to both lines are taken forward. Following the reviewer's comments, we have now displayed the behavior of the common genes across all replicates in one heatmap, with the data normalized to the WT untreated samples, and the normalized variance stabilized count indicates whether a gene is up or down regulated across each of the replicates and conditions. We believe this addresses the reviewer's comment as these data are now displayed in a more direct way and the genes that are consistently up or downregulated across all replicates (and indeed those that are not) can be clearly seen. We thank the reviewer for raising this and improving our data representation.

      -A better comparison of mis-regulated genes in the fam83f knockouts would be a comparison of KO2 and perhaps KO3, as the compensatory effects in KO1 can lead to additional indirect effect on the transcriptome. We understand the time and cost involved in this experiment and suggest that the differential gene expression analysis be performed individually on up or down regulated genes from KO2, or a comparison of such analysis will be provided with the differential gene expression analysis that was performed on shared mis-regulated genes between KO1 and KO2.

      The reviewer raises an excellent point. At the time of experimental design, we were concerned that omitting KO1 in favor of another line (e.g. KO3) would bias our results by excluding potentially important data. Similarly, as transcriptional adaptation occurs in a sequence specific manner, and the phenotype was present in KO1 regardless, we didn't want to exclude these data. However, with hindsight, we agree that it may have been prudent to exclude KO1 on this basis, and we may have seen an increased concordance of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between KO2 and KO3. However, this is not possible to repeat now due to the Smith lab closing, and our documented findings are valid and important regardless. We acknowledge however that, with hindsight, what the reviewer suggests may have been better experimental design.

      -Can you confirm with the RNA-seq analysis that fam83g is upregulated in KO1 as opposed to KO2? (i.e. can the compensatory analysis you have observed with qRT-PCR be confirmed with the RNA-seq data?)

      This is an excellent question, and we thank the reviewer for raising this. fam83fb passed our threshold for significance to be deemed as differentially expressed (upregulated) in KO1 only, in accordance with our qRT-PCR data. fam83g did not pass the significance threshold, but perhaps this is not surprising as both fam83fb and fam83g are expressed at particularly low levels to start with and would probably require much greater sequencing depth to be detected.

      Reviewer #3 (Significance (Required)):

      There is fundamental value in clarifying the in vivo function of poorly characterized protein-coding genes. This study fills a gap in the literature, but the broader conceptual impact is limited. The authors do a thorough job at generating and characterizing CRISPR/Cas9 mediated knock-out zebrafish animals. It is further commended that the authors do a meticulous job in a quantitative description of the resulting phenotype. This is a thorough study, with the only major concern being the lack of rescue experiments that would be needed to substantiate the the role of fam83f in sensitivity to DNA damage and lysosome function.

      We thank the reviewer for their comments and trust we have addressed the issues concerned with the changes described above.

    2. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

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      Referee #3

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In their manuscript "Zebrafish reveal new roles for Fam83f in hatching and the DNA damage-mediated autophagic response", Jones et al. provide an interesting exploration for the function of a poorly studied protein, Fam83f in embryonic development. Using the zebrafish as a model organism, the study combines loss-of-function genetics, phenotypic analysis and RNA-sequencing to characterize and explore the result of Fam83f loss. Upon critical review of the manuscript and the results we offer suggestions to improve the manuscript (see 'minor technical issues'). Additionally, we would like to highlight a weakness of the study in making the connection between Fam83f to the observed phenotype (increased sensitivity to DNA damage), see 'major issues'.

      Major issues:

      Most of our concern stems from relatively incomplete connection of the loss of fam83f to increased sensitivity to DNA-damage and lysosome function.

      Is the increased sensitivity in fam83f KO embryos a direct effect to fam83f loss? A rescue experiment (by introduction of Fam83fa mRNA into their KO2 fish line) in the presence of ionizing radiation would help us understand the functional role of this protein in this process. Furthermore, can overexpression of any of the down-regulated genes involved in lysosome function restore the early hatching phenotype or the sensitivity to DNA damage?

      Minor technical issues:

      • Methods line 203, clarify how many embryos were used per sample for RNA-seq (this was only described as 15 embryos in the main body results text).
      • Comment about the expansion of fam83f orthologs in mammals (8) as opposed to only 2 in zebrafish
      • Supplementary figure 1C: please include representative images of secondary axis formation in fam83fa overexpressed Xenopus embryos.
      • Provide more information about the mis-regulated genes in the RNA-seq analysis, how many are up or down regulated? Perhaps a better plot than a Venn diagram can be an MA-plot with the Venn diagram moved to a supplementary figure.
      • A better comparison of mis-regulated genes in the fam83f knockouts would be a comparison of KO2 and perhaps KO3, as the compensatory effects in KO1 can lead to additional indirect effect on the transcriptome. We understand the time and cost involved in this experiment and suggest that the differential gene expression analysis be performed individually on up or down regulated genes from KO2, or a comparison of such analysis will be provided with the differential gene expression analysis that was performed on shared mis-regulated genes between KO1 and KO2.
      • Can you confirm with the RNA-seq analysis that fam83g is upregulated in KO1 as opposed to KO2? (i.e. can the compensatory analysis you have observed with qRT-PCR be confirmed with the RNA-seq data?)


      There is fundamental value in clarifying the in vivo function of poorly characterized protein-coding genes. This study fills a gap in the literature, but the broader conceptual impact is limited. The authors do a thorough job at generating and characterizing CRISPR/Cas9 mediated knock-out zebrafish animals. It is further commended that the authors do a meticulous job in a quantitative description of the resulting phenotype. This is a thorough study, with the only major concern being the lack of rescue experiments that would be needed to substantiate the the role of fam83f in sensitivity to DNA damage and lysosome function.

    3. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #2

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      Fam83f is one of the proteins about which little is known. The authors Jones et al., tried to shed light on Fam83f function by knocking out the gene in zebrafish. Here they found that fam83 is expressed in the hatching gland and that larvae without Fam83f hatch significantly earlier than wild-type animals. The authors furthermore investigated the response of fam83f knock-out animals to DNA damage and found increased sensitivity to ionizing radiation and MMS. In order to find out more about Fam83f function in the DNA damage response, the authors performed RNA-seq after employing DNA damage and here they saw upregulation of several autophagy/lysosome-associated proteins and downregulation of some phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate binding proteins, among others. Finally, the authors found that Fam83f is targeted to the lysosome. The manuscript is overall well written and clear in its general statement. In the manuscript, the authors describe the investigation of several aspects of Fam83f function and particularly the role in hatching seems to be important for Fam83f as the gene is strongly expressed in the hatching gland and its absence leads to a clear and considerable earlier hatching. Unfortunately, all aspects of Fam83f function that are described in the manuscript are investigated very superficially, the conclusions are not supported by data and important controls are lacking. As such, the RNA-seq results are not confirmed by qRT-PCR, the role of the Fam83f LIR domain is not confirmed by co-IPs and it has not been investigated whether the presence of Fam83f in lysosomes is due to its degradation or whether it has a function in this cellular compartment. Also, there is no leading concept in the manuscript. Starting from a role in hatching, the authors go to the DNA damage response and finally to the presence of Fam83f in lysosomes. How are these different aspects linked? Is the presence of Fam83f in lysosomes important for the suppression of hatching and how does Fam83f delays this process? (One would have wished that the authors would not have been that broad and were more focused on a particular aspect which then could have been investigated in depth.)

      Specific comments:

      • All materials should be described in material and methods including the antibodies that have been used
      • Abbreviations should be explained
      • Figure 4A: Levels of p53 should also be shown for untreated fam83f -/-KO1 and KO2 animals
      • Some references are missing (e.g. page 17, lane 320/321: As this group of cells arises....)
      • Lane 369: The authors write about 4 KO lines but only two are shown in the figure.
      • Lane 374/375: The NMD is not proven
      • Lane 380: how can RNA levels of fam83fa be upregulated when the gene has been knocked out? Why are these genes only upregulated in KO1? How relevant is this?
      • Figure 3C is not mentioned in the text and lacks any labelling
      • Lane 434/435: all relevant data should be shown (can be done as supplementary figure)
      • Lane 434: The reference to the figure seems to be incorrect (5A<->4A)
      • Figure 4C and 4D: what is the difference?
      • S5C and S5D: why are there 3 clusters?
      • Lane 495 to 505: What does this mean that the GO analysis shows upregulation and downregulation of endopeptidases and why "in contrast"?


      The strength of the manuscript is certainly that it provides inside into Fam83f function as there is not much known about Fam83f.

      These study is probably most interesting for people in the zebrafish and related fields as the authors convincingly show the expression of Fam83f in the hatching gland and also the earlier hatching in the absence of the protein is very clear.

      The weakness of the study is clearly that it does not provide an in-depth analysis. As such, it shows that Fam83f is involved in hatching and can delay the process but it remains elusive how this is achieved. (Likwise, also the investigation into the DNA damage response remains very superficial and does not prove a specific role for Fam83f in the DNA damage response or whether the increased sensitivity is more unspecifically caused by the absence of a gene or eventually even connected to the earlier hatching.

    4. Note: This preprint has been reviewed by subject experts for Review Commons. Content has not been altered except for formatting.

      Learn more at Review Commons

      Referee #1

      Evidence, reproducibility and clarity

      In this manuscript, Jones et al. report on a potential role for fam83fa in zebrafish hatching, radiation response and autophagy. The authors are commended for generating multiple KO lines and maternal-zygotic embryos for analysis. However, important controls are lacking and the data is circumstantial throughout with very little mechanistic insight into the precise roles, if any, of fam83f in these processes.

      1. Validation of the KO phenotypes (hatching, IR sensitivity) requires rescue with WT fam83fa WT mRNA, but not 1-500 or fam83fb mRNA.
      2. While the hatching phenotype (Fig 3) is convincing, there is no data on HG development in the null embryos. Does the HG develop normally in the absence of fam83fb? If so, this would support the authors conclusions that the role of fam83fb is functional rather than developmental (indirect effect). In situs as in Fig.1 might be helpful here.
      3. While the IR sensitivity phenotype (Fig S4) is convincing, IR-induced cell death/apoptosis was not analyzed. There is a large literature describing straightforward assays for cell death/apoptosis detection in zebrafish with assays such as acridine orange or TUNEL labeling, or active casp3 whole-mount IF. Is IR-induced cell death enhanced in fam83fa KOs?
      4. Similarly, there are multiple tools to assay autophagy in zebrafish (e.g., Moss et al., Histochem Cell Biol 2020, PMC7609422; Mathai et al., Cells 2017, PMC5617967). Is autophagy affected in the KOs, with or without IR? These experiments might directly implicate fam83fa in autophagy.
      5. Figure 4: Isn't there a slight reduction in p53 induction at 10 hours?
      6. Given the widely documented, dominant role of p53 in zebrafish IR-sensitivity, the authors should test if the IR sensitivity of fam83fa KO animals is p53-dependent, ideally via a cross into p53 null, but at least via injection of p53 morpholinos.
      7. Do autophagy inhibitors phenocopy the hatching and IR-sensitivity defects of fam83fa embryos? Do the inhibitors exacerbate the mutant phenotypes or synergize with M or Z mutant phenotypes? (I may have missed this but do M and Z fam83fa null embryos have any phenotype? Or do the phenotypes only manifest in MZ embryos?)


      The role of Fam83f is not known. This study in zebrafish might be the first to clarify the function of this protein in vivo.

    1. (1962) Pale Fire

      Based on the 1962 publication date of Pale Fire, it's a leading contender for the project Nabokov might have been working on during his photo session with Carl Mydans for LIFE Magazine in 1958.

    1. Medicare is our country’s health insurance program for people age 65 or older. You’ll sign up for Medicare Part A and Part B through Social Security, so you can make both retirement and Medicare choices and withhold any premiums from your benefit payments.

      joe is gone

    1. 10.2 You understand that you are responsible for ensuring that you have obtained the appropriate licences and authorities to use the Processed Documents and that any damage the Processed Documents or your Data could cause to Scholarcy, to a third party or to the Service is your responsibility and you will hold us harmless against any claims that may be brought against us by a third party because of your use of the Service and the Processed Documents.

      This is what I was looking for - "you have obtained appropriate licenses...to use the Processed Documents..."

    1. US oil price below zero for first time in history .css-127h5am{margin-bottom:24px;}@media (min-width: 740px){.css-127h5am{margin-bottom:32px;}}@media (min-width: 980px){.css-127h5am{margin-bottom:32px;}}.css-e7tw07{--unlock-article-color:var(--o-colors-white);color:var(--unlock-article-color);text-align:center;font-size:16px;}.css-6drv6j{display:grid;padding:0;grid-template-columns:1fr 20px 1fr;grid-template-rows:1fr 1fr 1fr;row-gap:4px;-webkit-column-gap:20px;column-gap:20px;-webkit-align-items:center;-webkit-box-align:center;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;}.css-6drv6j>:nth-of-type(4){grid-column:span 3;}.css-6drv6j>:nth-of-type(5){grid-column:span 3;}@media (min-width: 740px){.css-6drv6j{grid-template-columns:1fr 20px auto 1fr;grid-template-rows:24px;}.css-6drv6j>:nth-of-type(3){display:none;}.css-6drv6j>:nth-of-type(4){grid-column:3/3;}.css-6drv6j>:nth-of-type(5){grid-column:4/4;}}.css-ti6up5{border-top:1px solid var(--unlock-article-color);}.css-a7vifw{background-image:url(https://www.ft.com/__origami/service/image/v2/images/raw/https%3A%2F%2Ffinancial-times-financial-times.cdn.zephr.com%2Fassets%2Ficons%2Fpadlock_icon.svg?width=20&tint=%23fff&format=svg&source=next-barrier-page);background-repeat:no-repeat;-webkit-background-position:center;background-position:center;width:20px;height:20px;}Subscribe to unlock this article.css-11otno9{position:relative;}.css-11otno9 p{color:#bfc2c5;}Try unlimited accessOnly $1 for 4 weeks

      to believe i sprokened to call dis an AESOP miracle just for a second; as if the Valdeez and Yuan had found Arabian Coffers spilled all over the Carribean Galactica ... or something

      maybe didn't... and Shakespeare ties that same story of some kind of ... betrayal ... to his famous words and those words somehow in my mind directly link to the kiss of Judas. Another table, another era; and one less "mesa" ... but again here we are staring at what is supposed to be an obvious and clear "technical revolution" of the progress of democracy--one that's clearly been stalled and halted by things like "not amending the Constitution properly" (that's according to me, and that's before really seeing you) ... and then here even in a place where we can acknowledge that those laws are archaic and backwards and not "up to speed" with the current needs of a technocratic civilization, we still fail to do anything about "voting for ideas over people" something he once said was a victory--or about the world's software degrading to something less than even remotely "unclear" ... communication itself is clearly being lost, and it's clearly something to do with "censorship" and something to do with "a secret" and something to do with ...

      If I could tell you, I really can't discerne what exactly it is that Dave says in his songs stands between "what we see" and "what we do."

      [a chanukah miracle!]

      To be standing here and having an actual well schooled and intelligent rabbi trying to rewrite the meaning of the word "anarchy" ... in order to promote it; to say it's something other than ... "anarchy" that's the crux of what I see--a world that just wants to skip ahead, to fast forward through all the work and the struggle of actually rebuilding or building something that works; to "assuming" the system that allowed for this place to be ... so poorly managed, that it must be everything it says or shows or makes believe it truly isn't capable of ... "emancipation" of something that doesn't like the word water, and doesn't like the idea of being masses, or massless; and on top of all that doesn't even want to put it's two cents in--other than to say, I'm with Ivan or I'm with Taylor or "long live Bianca" and through it all, words like "now that you're gone, I can finally step up and move along" ...

      Back to the sky; I suppose ... is what it is that the "river" means to Taylor, and I just wonder in our song what's left here--if I was wrong to assume our system wouldn't have allowed the mass slavery of entire civilization and to believe that your "brains" must be simulated ... as in "not actually here" but rather there--or just to assume you wouldn't be so damned hubratically sure that whatever you are ... it's so far above and so far advanced of the "things you pretend to be here" that you can just disregard the mass enslavement of them or yourselves or whatever it truly is; to look around and show you in this place, it's clear we care more for animals than for each other, and it's surely obvious that in the grand scheme---were we not so wrong here--we might have been right about "being so much more advanced." It's that leap to something so much smarter and so much ... more capable; like growing fingers and exiting the womb, that's the kind of experience and the magical leap forward I envision the ascension and the singularity to be--except here we are,

      NEGA-OIL: in a symphonic creschendo straight out of Carnegie's "Old Bailey" ...

      ` "Voilà! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition!

      The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous.

      Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it's my very good honor to meet you and you may call me V." ` https://bookroo.com/quotes/v-for-vendetta

    1. Test typing and adjustments

      • Ring and Cylinder adjustment (distance of platen from typeface; the type shouldn't touch the platen or you'll find you're imprinting on your paper, making holes in the paper and/or ribbon, which isn't good) [Interestingly Dul doesn't mention this particular adjustment]
      • evenness of the letters (on feet)
      • alignment between capital and lower case (motion)
      • margin consistency
      • line scale height
      • adjust escapement "so that it's moving the proper distance both up and down to prevent skipping or missing spaces"
      • adjust the height of the ribbon, this is done to make sure the entire letter is printed (and presumably so the bichrome is properly usable when available)
    2. How A Rusty 1930s Royal Typewriter Is Professionally Restored | Refurbished | Insider

      Done by Lucas Dul. Some particularly interesting portions on adjustments after restoration. He generally touches on the order of adjustments he makes, but in brief rather than completely.

    1. python manage.py runserver

      By default this runs the lawlibrary site.

      To run another site (e.g., open_by_laws, change the os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "lawlibrary.settings") line in manage.py.

    1. ‍No. Multitasking actually does more bad to productivity than good.

    1. The Internet is generally considered as a global technological system of networked computer networks, as the network of networks working with TCP/IP. Such definitions see the Internet as a purely technological system, they forget that knowledgeable human activities make the Internet work, the technological structure can't be separated from its human use and the permanent creation and communication of meaningful information through the Internet. The technical process of data transmission in the Internet known as routing is a mechanistic one. Self-organizing systems involve certain degrees of freedom, chance, irreducibility, unpredictability, and indeterminacy, hence when considering the Internet a purely technological system, it can't be characterized as self-organizing. Social self-organization is a self-referential, mutual process where structural media and human actions produce each other. The Internet is a global socio-technological system that is based on a technological structure consisting of networked computer networks that works with the help of the TCP/IP protocol and stores objectified human knowledge, human actors permanently re-create this global knowledge storage mechanism by producing new informational content, communicating in the system, and consuming existing informational content in the system; the technological infrastructure enables and constrains human communication. The Internet consists of both a technological infrastructure and communicating human actors. Together these two parts form a socio-technological system, the technological structure functions as a structural mass medium that produces and reproduces networked communicative actions and is itself produced and reproduced by communicative actions. The technical structure is medium and outcome of human agency, it enables and constrains human activity and thinking and is the result of productive social communication processes. Important qualities that are connected with the Internet as a sociotechnological system are Open Source, Virtual Reality, globalization, and many-to-many dialogue. Traditional mass media have been based on one-to-many-communication, whereas the Internet is based on many-to-many-communication. Hence the Internet has a large intrinsic democratic potential. In the terminology of Vilem Flusser it can be said that it could support a shift from discursive media society to dialogic media society.

    1. is conducted.

      By whom?

    2. Changes are made by author in response to copy editing and proofreading.

      Author checks and approves proofs.

    3. revision statement.

      And revised manuscript.

    4. prepares that proposal

      What preparation do we anticipate?

    5. team

      maybe mention accessibility here?

    1. stipulating

      demand or specify (a requirement), typically as part of an agreement: he stipulated certain conditions before their marriage

    2. You’ve got to be nimble as a litigator.

      The phrase "have got to do something" is an informal way of saying "must do something" or "need to do something."

    3. litigator

      a lawyer who takes claims or disputes to a law court

    4. nimble

      quick and light in movement or action

    5. admonished

      warn or reprimand someone firmly

    6. squabbled

      quarrel noisily over a trivial matter

    7. apprehensions

      anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen

    8. indictment

      | ɪnˈdʌɪtm(ə)nt |


      mainly North American English a formal charge or accusation of a serious crime: an indictment for conspiracy.

    9. colloquialisms

      a word or phrase that is not formal or literary and is used in ordinary or familiar conversation

    10. misconstrued

      interpret (a person's words or actions) wrongly: my advice was deliberately misconstrued

    11. torpedo

      destroy or ruin (a plan or project)

    12. Colloquial

      | kəˈləʊkwɪəl |


      (of language) used in ordinary or familiar conversation; not formal or literary: colloquial and everyday language | colloquial phrases.

    13. plea

      a formal statement by or on behalf of a defendant or prisoner, stating guilt or innocence in response to a charge, offering an allegation of fact, or claiming that a point of law should apply

    14. seasoned

      accustomed to particular conditions; experienced

    15. tried

      subject (someone) to trial

    16. meandering

      proceeding in a convoluted or undirected fashion

      convolute | ˈkɒnvəluːt |

      verb [with object]

      make (an argument, story, etc.) complex and difficult to follow.

    1. For instructional faculty, the FAS Dean’s Office will typically send a secondary appointment letter. If this is an initial secondary appointment, the candidate will return a countersigned version. The FAS Dean’s Office will circulate the final version of the letter to the secondary department for processing.

      For instructional faculty who are receiving an initial secondary appointment that includes compensation, the FAS Dean's Office will typically send a letter that the candidate will countersign and return. The FAS Dean's Office will circulate the final version of the letter to the secondary department for processing.

      For instructional faculty being reappointed, the FAS Dean's Office will return the Secondary Appointment Form (and, if applicable, the faculty compensation approval form) to the secondary department for processing.

      For all ladder faculty, the FAS Dean’s Office will return the Secondary Appointment Form (and, if applicable, the faculty compensation approval form) to the secondary department for processing.

    2. Documentation of approval from primary department: For ladder secondary appointments, use the Secondary Appointment Form. For non-ladder secondary appointments, include either: a note from the primary chair (if the primary appointment is a teaching rank) or ladder faculty PI (if the primary appointment is a research rank), or an appointment letter from the primary unit (such a professional school or the MacMillan Center) referencing the secondary appointment

      Secondary Appointment Form with approvals from the primary department chair or school dean

    3. Candidate CV

      If an initial appointment: Candidate CV

    1. establishes urban public education as a model

      Not clear what this means.

    2. Shifting

      maybe co-something? collaborating, cooperating, cowriting. Co-writing the classroom? I don't hate shifting the narrative but I worry that it is too value neutral.

    3. disrupts


    1. Policy

      This is okay, and I would be in favor of making it even stronger, Also, I think it is more likely that people would want to use it for synthesis, rather than research. For example, giving it a chapter and asking it to write the learning objectives.

    2. considered

      I love this list and agree with everything in it, but I think it should be a separate document.

    1. This article provides an overview of the issues related to missing data in research in higher education. The authors point out that much of the literature on handling missing data is in the fields of psychology and sociology and the majority of research in higher education does not mention methods for dealing with missing data.

      The authors suggest that traditional methods of listwise deletion, pairwise deletion, imputation, and dummy-variable adjustment are all inadequate as they lead to biased results that underestimate the variance in parameters and standard errors.

      They suggest that maximum likelihood (ML) and multiple imputation (MI) be used whenever possible to provide more accurate estimates of the population. If possible, Full-Information Maximum-Likelihood (FIML) procedures should be used if interaction variables are of interest. The authors recommend that all studies use MI as the default method of dealing with missing data if possible unless the context calls for a different approach.

      They then complete all of these missing data procedures on an actual dataset from higher education, arriving at the conclusion that EM was the most appropriate approach due to their context, but that MI is usually the most appropriate approach, particularly if the data will be subject to regression analysis.

    2. Cox, B. E., McIntosh, K., Reason, R. D., & Terenzini, P. T. (2014). Working with missing data in higher education research: A primer and real-world example. The Review of Higher Education, 37(3), 377–402.