211 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
    1. Sean

      I think is article was very intriguing but also it felt like some things were common sense, I always would wonder why AI new everything and their method of making things correct and wording them perfect is used by the LLM methods. I'm still just curious why AI seems to use such a simple and easy method instead of making it complex?

    1. Al and GenAl are applied in a wide range of places.

      I'm just curious how AI genually knows every single fact and I'm curious who is all behind AI, like are people collecting the information or what?

    2. 1

      Why are people still so against AI after learning all the history and benefits from it?

    1. testPage documentTree children select: [:item | item class = PPCMParagraph and: [ |avisos palabra| palabra := item children first text. avisos := #(':::info' ':::success' ':::warning' ':::danger'). avisos includes: palabra ] ]

      Revisar los espacios verticales y horizontales del código, de manera que correspondan a las convenciones, en particular los que indican que código pertenece o está anidado dentro de otro conjunto de intrucciones.

    2. Se crea un bloque para que podamos agrupar información, entonces el codigo nos dice que tenemos una variable llamada testPage donde se seleccionara o envia a documentTree children que son los nodos o hijos, item class verifica el formato que en este caso es PPCMParagraph, donde los filtra y selecciona segun condición y el and lo usamos para dar una segunda condicion que evalua a las variables avisos y palabra, luego las definimos y en palabras queremos que tome al primer hijo o nodo y se obtenga el texto del mismo. y en avisos estamos definiendo una coleccion de variedad de tipo de avisos y por ultimo tenemos una variable que es avisos que incluye a la coleccion de palabra

      Esta explicación valdría la pena agregar capturas de pantalla que muestren el resultado.

    3. |avisos palabra|

      Es muy recomendable que las variables también esten nombradas en inglés. Si te das cuenta, es el único código que no está en inglés, así que no puedes ignorar el inglés en el resto del código ni en la programación en general y por el contrario, colocar los nombres de las palabras dificulta compartir el código en contextos no hispano parlantes

  2. Aug 2024
    1. This seems to be more than just a thin wrapper like https://github.com/rainerschuster/final-form-material-ui was. I kind of prefer the simplicity of focus of final-form-material-ui.

      This appears to be attempting to do too much. Though if it gives you exactly what you want, great.

  3. Jul 2024
    1. 50:00 ... 51:00 "we are witnessing the biblical final chapter of an empire" -- yeah, no. we are witnessing peak overpopulation. see the calhoun mouse experiments, aka behavioral sink. mice on overpopulation show the exact same forms of degeneracy in the center (city) of their habitat: violence, pansexualism, mothers neglecting their children, broken families, ... and on the periphery of the habitat, there are "the beautiful ones", the hermits, men going their own way, lone wolves, who stay alone and only clean their body and wait until they find some escape route, because these are the pioneers who find ways to new habitats = collapse-rebuild cycles = boom-bust cycles. old cultures must collapse, there is no way to fix them. old trees must be killed, not changed.

  4. Nov 2023
    1. generando un indíce por cada día con la expresión “daysIndexes”

      La expresión daysIndexes no genera precisamente un índice para cada día, sino que lo almacena. Lo que lo genera es la expresión posterior (ver siguiente anotación).

    2. En este espacio, visualizaremos el paso a paso de cómo guardar las memorias de cada clase del seminario taller Unidades Semánticas, desarrolladas durante el semestre 2023-3 en la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana dirigida por el docente Offray Luna Cárdenas.

      Muy bueno que haya una introducción al texto, como se espera de una narrativa o texto explicativo tradicional.

    1. hedgeDoc file: wikiSubfolder / ('usPUJ23-', i asString, '.md'

      Seleccionamos un subfolder o subcarpeta con el nombre como queremos que quede en nuestro repositorio, en forma de cadena. Quedaría de esta manera:

      usPUJ23-1 usPUJ23-2 usPUJ23-3

    2. hedgeDocs doWithIndex: [:hedgeDoc :i |

      Colocamos hedgeDoc como un indexador para las sesiones

  5. Oct 2023
    1. But it wasn’t always that way. When I made Dune, I didn’t havefinal cut. It was a huge, huge sadness, because I felt I had sold out,and on top of that, the film was a failure at the box office. If you dowhat you believe in and have a failure, that’s one thing: you can stilllive with yourself. But if you don’t, it’s like dying twice. It’s very, verypainful.

      Being an author is having the final cut on a string of ideas placed in a particular order.

  6. Jul 2023
  7. Jun 2023
    1. How has your life been blessed by living the Gospel and how has it sanctified you?

      Hey Naomi! I must say your insights and reminders here are powerful!

      To address your question, I really do believe that the gospel of Jesus Christ is a message of good news. While we learn from the scriptures that the gospel is the gospel of repentance ("teach nothing but repentance" - Doctrine and Covenants 6:9, 11:9) , it essentially just means that we focus on preaching the gospel "which is the gospel of repentance and salvation through the mercy, grace and merits of the Lord Jesus Christ." That is good news: that there is salvation, mercy and grace for all mankind!

      • Lately, I feel that I've been surrounded by numerous deaths and illnesses in past two years. Grief has really taught me the impermanence of everything in our fallen world. But the more prominent feeling I've been getting is how lovely it is that I possess the knowledge of the plan of salvation. It brings me great comfort our parting in this life is not the end. This mortality is only a fleeting moment in our eternal lives.

      This is Elder Hugo Montoya in his talk, The Eternal Principle of Love:

      On the third day He was resurrected. The tomb is empty; He stands at the right hand of His Father. They hope we will choose to keep our covenants and return to Their presence. This second estate is not our final estate; we do not belong to this earthly home, but rather we are eternal beings living temporary experiences.

      • Another thing the gospel of Jesus Christ has taught me is that our time here on Earth is to become the person who we will become for eternity. When we meet Jesus Christ in His second coming and face the final judgment, the essence of who we are in that moment will shape our eternal existence. This understanding holds immense power in that each day the Lord gives me another chance to live and be with my family, I choose to improve upon myself, to surpass the person I was yesterday, so that one day, I may reach a state of self-acceptance, forgiveness for my flaws, love for all my cherished ones in the manner that Jesus loves them, and a deep sense of peace and comfort in the presence of my Heavenly Father.
  8. Dec 2022
  9. Aug 2022
  10. Jul 2022
    1. Yet not all of the sciences use (or require) mathematics to the same extent, for example, the lifesciences. There, the descriptive, analytical methods of Aristotle remain important, as does the(somewhat casual) recourse to final causes.

      Is the disappearance of the Aristotelian final cause in modern science part of the reason for the rise of an anti-science perspective for the religious right in 21st century America?

      People would seem to want or need a purpose to underlie their lives or they otherwise seem to be left adrift.

      Why are things the way they are? What are they for?

      Is the question: "why?" really so strong?

  11. May 2022
    1. "I didn't fully understand it at the time, but throughout my time as a freshman at Boston College I've realized that I have the power to alter myself for the better and broaden my perspective on life. For most of my high school experience, I was holding to antiquated thoughts that had an impact on the majority of my daily interactions. Throughout my life, growing up as a single child has affected the way am in social interactions. This was evident in high school class discussions, as I did not yet have the confidence to be talkative and participate even up until the spring term of my senior year."

  12. May 2021
  13. Feb 2021
  14. Nov 2020
    1. In Rust, we use the "No New Rationale" rule, which says that the decision to merge (or not merge) an RFC is based only on rationale that was presented and debated in public. This avoids accidents where the community feels blindsided by a decision.
    2. I'd like to go with an RFC-based governance model (similar to Rust, Ember or Swift) that looks something like this: new features go through a public RFC that describes the motivation for the change, a detailed implementation description, a description on how to document or teach the change (for kpm, that would roughly be focused around how it affected the usual workflows), any drawbacks or alternatives, and any open questions that should be addressed before merging. the change is discussed until all of the relevant arguments have been debated and the arguments are starting to become repetitive (they "reach a steady state") the RFC goes into "final comment period", allowing people who weren't paying close attention to every proposal to have a chance to weigh in with new arguments. assuming no new arguments are presented, the RFC is merged by consensus of the core team and the feature is implemented. All changes, regardless of their source, go through this process, giving active community members who aren't on the core team an opportunity to participate directly in the future direction of the project. (both because of proposals they submit and ones from the core team that they contribute to)
  15. Oct 2020
    1. I use a mutator and use it's changeValue function to 'change' the value of the relevant field (I supply the same value). This in turn notifies all relevant parties of the change to the form's state, and a validation is triggered.

      Nearly duplicate annotation here: https://hyp.is/I2t56hjLEeuPXIsZG-jYog/xtzmf.csb.app/

    2. Some user experience issue with the proposed solution: This won't show up the inline field error message if you just hit on submit and other fields already contained errors since the code on the onSubmit won't be hit
    3. This is for a time picker. If you're picking times for today, you may pick a time that is 15 minutes from now. It's valid now because it's currently in the future. If you don't touch the form for the next 20 minutes then click submit, the submission should be prevented because your selected time is now 5 minutes in the past.
  16. Sep 2020
    1. I love how they have this example with plain JS to show how slim and simple it can be even when not using react and react-final-form. It demystifies things so you can see how it works and how it would be if not using React (which in turn helps you appreciate what react/react-final-form do for you).

  17. Aug 2020
    1. Allows batch updates by silencing notifications while the fn is running. Example: form.batch(() => { form.change('firstName', 'Erik') // listeners not notified form.change('lastName', 'Rasmussen') // listeners not notified }) // NOW all listeners notified
  18. Dec 2019
    1. The payoff from staying Silent (cooperating) in each period is: −2×(1+g+g2+g3+...)−2×(1+g+g2+g3+...)-2 \times (1 + g + g^2 + g^3 + ... ) Here I get -2 in each period, starting today. Discounting this, we add up -2 (today), −2g−2g-2g (next period), −2g2−2g2-2g^2 (the period after next), etc, as represented above. The payoff from Confessing right away (after which both players Confess always) is: −1−3×(g+g2+g3+...)−1−3×(g+g2+g3+...) -1 -3 \times (g + g^2 + g^3 + ... ) Formula for a geometric series (where 0<g<10<g<10<g<1): g+g2+g3+g4...=g/(1−g)g+g2+g3+g4...=g/(1−g)g + g^2 + g^3 + g^4 ... = g/(1-g) Note on Maths: The standard derivation of this, which is pretty neat, is in the text. This formula is an important one in economics (and beyond), particularly for discounting a constant stream of payoffs, e.g., stock dividends Thus cooperation in a single period is ‘weakly preferred’ (at least as good) if (−2)×(1+g+g2+g3+...)≥(−1)+−3×(g+g2+g3+...)(−2)×(1+g+g2+g3+...)≥(−1)+−3×(g+g2+g3+...)(-2) \times (1 + g + g^2 + g^3 + ... ) \geq (-1) + -3 \times (g + g^2 + g^3 + ...) g+g2+g3+...≥1g+g2+g3+...≥1g + g^2 + g^3 + ... \geq 1 Note on the intuition for the second formula: the left side is loss of future payoffs (-3 vs -2 forever from next period, so a loss of 1 per period starting tomorrow). The right side is gain in ‘the present’ period (getting -1 rather than -2), so it is un-discounted. g/(1−g)≥1g/(1−g)≥1g/(1-g) \geq 1 g≥12

      2019-20: you will not be asked to do this computation on the final exam, but you should understand the general idea

  19. Oct 2019
    1. Unfortunately, numerous widely-used tagless-final interfaces (like Sync, Async, LiftIO, Concurrent, Effect, and ConcurrentEffect) encourage you to code to an implementation.


  20. Sep 2019
    1. types.refinement might be what you're looking for, you could combine that with for example react-final-form. it is not depending on redux anymore. a form component of react-final-form wrapped by an @observer and using an action within onSubmit callback of it to actually persist the state has worked out well for me recently.
  21. Aug 2019
  22. Oct 2018
  23. Jul 2018
    1. ÄÉ=íÜçëÉ=íÜ~í=ÅçãÄáåÉ=íÜÉçêóI=ãçÇÉäáåÖI=éê~ÅíáÅÉI=ÑÉÉÇÄ~ÅâI=~åÇ=Åç~ÅÜáåÖ=íç=~ééäáÅ~íáçåK

      Most effective programs include each of these components.

    2. låÅÉ=~=êÉä~íáîÉäó=ÜáÖÜ=äÉîÉä=çÑ=ëâáää=Ü~ë=ÄÉÉå=~ÅÜáÉîÉÇI=~= ëáòÉ~ÄäÉ=éÉêÅÉåí~ÖÉ=çÑ=íÉ~ÅÜÉêë=ïáää=ÄÉÖáå=íç=íê~åëÑÉê=íÜÉ=ëâáää=áåíç=íÜÉáê=áåëíêìÅíáçå~ä=ëáíì~íáçåëI=Äìí=íÜáë=ïáää=åçí=ÄÉ=íêìÉ=çÑ=~ää=éÉêëçåë=Äó=~åó=ãÉ~åëI=~åÇ=áí=áë=éêçÄ~ÄäÉ=íÜ~í=íÜÉ=ãçêÉ=ÅçãéäÉñ=~åÇ=ìåÑ~ãáäá~ê=íÜÉ=ëâáää=çê=ëíê~íÉÖóI=íÜÉ=äçïÉê=ïáää=ÄÉ=íÜÉ=äÉîÉä=çÑ=íê~åëÑÉêK

      Teaching in small chunks and then partnering with a coach to synthesize a new methods may be more beneficial when you cannot me daily.

    3. É~ÅÜÉêë=äÉ~êå=íÜÉ=âåçïäÉÇÖÉ=~åÇ=ÅçåÅÉéíë=íÜÉó=~êÉ=í~ìÖÜí=~åÇ=Å~å=ÖÉåÉê~ääó=ÇÉãçåëíê~íÉ=åÉï=ëâáääë=~åÇ=ëíê~íÉÖáÉë=áÑ=éêçîáÇÉÇ=çééçêíìåáíáÉë=Ñçê=~åó=ÅçãÄáå~íáçå=çÑ=ãçÇÉä=áåÖI=éê~ÅíáÅÉI=çê=ÑÉÉÇÄ~ÅâK

      Learning the skill is simple. Feedback and followup translate the skill into inclusion in practice.

    4. çåÇáíáçåë=íÜ~í=~êÉ=åçí=Åçããçå=áå=ãçëí=áåëÉêîáÅÉ=ëÉííáåÖë=ÉîÉå=ïÜÉå=íÉ~ÅÜÉêë=é~êíáÅáé~íÉ=áå=íÜÉ=ÖçîÉêå~åÅÉ=çÑ=íÜçëÉ=ëÉííáåÖëK

      PD is often done to teachers rather than for teachers. Consider how this is done by the technical trainer described by Hargreaves & Dawe.

    1. Col-laborativeculturesmayneedadministrativesupportandleadershipto helpthemgrowandto facilitatetheirdevelopment,buttheirevolu-tion~dependingasit doesonvulnerablehumanqualitiesliketrustandsharing-willinevitablybeslow

      See Taylor chapter.

    2. Smyth& Garman(1989)desoribeevariouswaysin whicha veneerof voluntarismoftendisguiseswhatamountstoclandestinecompulsionthroughcareerbribery,impliedsupervisorypressure,threatsofevaluation,andthelike.

      How do we effectively communicate the rationale for coaching programs so that people can freely volunteer without thinking about "the man" watching?

    3. "Eyenpeercoaching.. ." -theveryphrasesuggestsa qualityof innoCiUOU1;nC:l15andbenevo-lencein peercoachingwhichis so self-evidentthatresistanceto it couldnotpossiblybeinter-pretedasanythingotherthanevidenceofper-sonalweaknessandvulnerabilityamongindi-vidualteachers.

      There are often deeper issues to resistance than what appears on the surface. We have to be introspective about our practice with teachers to get to the root of some of these problems.

    4. In thisview,technicalcoachingandsimilarpro-fessionaldevelopmentstrategiesreducedques-tionsaboutends,goals,andvaluesin teachingtoquestionsof means,techniques,andproced-ures

      Teachers end up copying what they see rather than reflecting on the practice at a deeper level as applied in their classroom. This is on the coaches to communicate.

    5. Evenso,it seemsto us thatthetimeimplicationsof implementingpeercoachingarebeingtreateda littledisrnis-sivelyhere.

      Communicating the time commitment realistically helps remove the facade of "just work harder to improve" that can come from admins pushing a new program.

    6. Itschiefpurposeisto helpteacherstransferspecifickindsof train-ingto theirclassroompractice,whilealsode-velopingmechanismsforprofessionaldialogueandcollegialrelationshipsin theirschools.

      I wonder if keeping the old PD model as a part of coaching helps the transition through seeing the same people in multiple contexts.

    7. Coachingis,therefore,a viralpartof inser-vicetrainingthatenablesteachersto makesub-stantialchangesintheirpractice

      Initial instruction isn't enough. There has to be long term, longitudinal support. See Taylor.

    8. Garmston(1987)hashelpfullyidentifiedanddefinedthreedifferentforms:technicalcoaching,collegialcoaching,andchal-lengecoaching.

      Coaching models

    9. It hasassociatedcollaborativeprofessionalde-velopmentnotwiththeuncriticaladoptionof"proven"technicalproceduresofeffectiveteachingintroducedfromelsewhere,butwithapracticallyguidedyetthoughtfulprocessof im-provementamongcommunitiesof professionalcolleagues

      Suggestions on improvement are based on experience with evidence, not on theory alone.

    10. Theylendsupportfora shiftawayfromuniversity-orcollege-basedcoursestargettedattheindividualteacher,andintendedto raisehisor herlevelofintellectualawarenessandabilityto reflect,tomoreschool-centredformsofprofessionaldevelopmentwhichrecognize,bringtogether,andbuildupontheskills,experience,andin-sightsthatteachersalreadyhave.

      Stop putting professors in front of teachers. Get teachers together, in a room, to talk about practice as a form of development. Build a culture of collegiality within the school as a way to shift practice.

    11. esearchershavefounda consistencyandcoherencein teachers'knowledgewhichis wellsuitedtoprovidinggroundsforwiseactioninthebusy,rapidlychangingenvironmentof theclassroom

      Instructional knowledge cannot be defined only by theory. It is the task of school leaders to identify teacher leaders in context.

    12. It helpsexplainwhymostadministrativelysup-portedinitiativesincollaborativeteacherde-velopmenttaketheformnQ.t of extendedcriti-calreflectionor of actionresearch,forinstance,butof collectiveexposureto ant:;(Cternallyde-signedprocessof instructionaltrainingin pur-portedlynewteachingstrategies

      Rather than collaborating to define and solve problems, it's collaborating on how to implement the program they're being told to implement.

    13. It helpsexplainthepecu-liarparadoxthatteachersareapparentlybeingurgedto collaboratemore,justat themomentwhenthereis lessforthemto collaborateabout.

      Kicking back against top down reform.

    14. Class-roomisdlationhasbeenheldresponsibleforteachers'anxietyabouttheireffectiveness,theirfearfulnessof externalevaluationandtheirirn-mersionintheimmediacyoftheirownclass-rooms.

      Not talking to other people can make us inflate perceived problems through our own lenses without checks.

    1. In fact, Bourdieu argues that the school reenforces the dominant culture in society, that is, the culture of the dominant—economic—class. This puts students from the dominant class in an advantageous position. By virtue of the acquired cultural capital in the family, the embodied cultural capital, these students possess the capital that makes them more likely to succeed in their academic career

      Well off students are supported at the family and academic level while students who are not supported are hit double with schools reinforcing the home situation inadvertantly.

    1. Table 2. Statements per cluster at the level of seven core clusters.

      Coded statements for collaborative learning online.

    2. In other words, we need to bridge the gap between networked learning and the recognition, valuation and rewarding of it by managers of learners, for instance teachers (in the case of students) or line managers (in the case of organizational learning).

      Making the connection with meaning is the bigger challenge. We can recognize learning, but how to formalize it remains elusive.

    3. Four main types of activities are distinguished to describe how we learn at the workplace (Eraut, 2004): (1) participation in group activities, (2) working alongside others, (3) tackling challenging tasks, and (4) working with clients.

      Learning is social! The internet can help us formalize informal work without taking over the process.

    4. Nevertheless, unlike formal learning, informal learning is not rewarded nor recognised, mainly due to lacking information about how individuals learn through their network (networked learning)

      Giving credit for informal learning will add value to that time for those who struggle to make the time.

    1. Further, conditions are created (in consultation with the principal) to support professional development (for example, teachers are given enough time to participate in the training activities). Support for this point is also found by Borman et al. (2000). They stated that ‘successful schools are provided sufficient resources to implement reforms and to provide quality learning environments’ (p. 67).

      Time to make it work.

    2. Both cyclic processes can influence and even steer each other. For example, after the facilitator has observed all the teachers, he or she can plan an evaluation and monitoring conference in which the results of the observations are discussed with the team.

      Provides flexibility in the system to respond to needs.

    3. presentation of theory, demonstration of skills, practice in a secure environment, pre-conference, observation and post-conference

      New model, combining approaches.

    4. Glickman (1990) distinguishes three coaching strategies: directive, collaborative and non-directive.

      Coaching strategies.

    5. The facilitators have to ask a lot of questions during the conferences in order to stimulate reflective teaching.

      Listening is critical. Allow the teachers to talk their learning out.

    6. These models are strongly focused on the individual teacher, and neither teaching teams nor the school context are taken into account.

      How do programs abstract to the bigger picture?

    7. Secondly, a stronger emphasis is needed on monitoring the results of the staff development process.

      How is learning implemented?

    8. two distinct classes: those that focus on teaching techniques and those that take a developmental-reflective approach.

      teacher centered vs student centered

    9. Despite this success, no results were found on student level, due to the fact that the goals of the professional development of the teacher’s were open to individual choice and mostly not explicitly linked to goals on student level.

      Show the connections, unified goals

    10. The teacher is the key figure when it comes to influencing student performance and therefore teacher professional development programmes should focus on improving teaching quality.

      If this isn't the goal, PD is missing the point,

    1. A clear link between self-regulated learning behaviours and learning success in online environments is established focusing on self-efficacy, interactions with others, and strategies for regulation

      Encouraging teachers to work effectively, but also to interact in legitimate and candid ways with other people. As designers, we have to encourage those interactions and promote that culture in asynchronous arenas.

    2. Professional expertise has four basic components (Tynjälä & Gijbels, 2012): factual knowledge which is based around conceptual or theoretical knowledge often codified in books, reports and other media sources; experiential knowledge which is difficult to codify and is often acquired through professional practice; self-regulative knowledge, focused on metacognition and ‘knowing oneself’; and sociocultural knowledge, which is embedded in the social practices of groups and communities, providing a framework for interactions

      How can PD capture each of these components? How can we develop them concurrently and encourage teachers to link each with the other for holistic growth?

    3. Learning for work often blends deliberate, formalised learning with reactive, non-formal learning

      Teaching is constantly changing via policy, technology, or curriculum. Teachers need to stay on top of changes in the workplace.

    4. Conventional forms of professional training are losing currency, particularly where they do not address critical dimensions of professional learning important for the contemporary workplace

      PD outside the scope of context of teaching is useless. See also Hawley & Valli

    5. allowing each individual to tailor specific learning needs to their work demands.

      If courses are generalized, teachers can self-select what they want to learn when they want to learn it.

      Builds a case for modular learning opportunities.

    1. Analysis of the data found that teachers rely toa greater degree on interactive rather than independent informal learning activities.

      Working with people is preferable to working alone. Perhaps because it includes feedback in the moment?

    2. a lack of time(M¼3:2, SD¼0:67) and a lack of proximity to colleagues’ work areas

      How do we expand time available and decrease the physical separation barrier without a complete redesign? Can online spaces help accomplish this task?

    3. These enhancedunderstandings can be used to reconsider the design of work environments so that theyare more conducive to informal learning as well as to rethink the design of professionaldevelopment programs so that they further develop the ability of professionals to solveproblems and learn independently

      PD has to change in response to environmental stimuli.

    4. Empirical studies have been conducted to examine some aspects of these models.For example, Kwakman (2003) investigated factors affecting engagement in informallearning activities in a survey of 542 secondary teachers in The Netherlands. Surveyfindings revealed that four personal characteristics (professional attitudes, appraisalsof feasibility of learning activities, appraisals of the meaningfulness of learningactivities, loss of personal accomplishment), two task factors (work pressure and jobvariety) and two work environment factors (collegial support and intentional learningsupport) influenced participation in workplace learning activities, with the personalcharacteristics appearing to influence participation more substantially than either thetask or work environment factors.

      It's a combination of factors, personal, cultural, and external, that influence participation in growth activities.

    5. Informal learning refers to activities initiated by people in work settings that result inthe development of their professional knowledge and skills (

      The program can be formalized, but access is personal, so it counts as informal?

    1. Further, teachers with high work engagement—but not teachers with service or management responsibilities—used more informal learning opportunities.

      High engagement means they want to improve, but because of life situations, informal work meets their schedules better.

    2. The finding that teachers collaborate more at the beginning of their career than in the middle or at the end may be attributable to younger teachers still being more eager to learn from and draw on the professional expertise of more experienced teachers

      Is there a perception that older teachers don't have anything else to learn about teaching? It would help explain the increase in content development people do.

    3. In other words, teacher collaboration follows a linear pattern, with older teachers collaborating less frequently than younger teachers

      Can flattening this trend increase retention and build collegiality in schools with wide ranges of age?

    4. More specifically, teachers aged 27 participated on average in 2.89 in-service courses in the 2-year period surveyed. The average participation rate increased to 3.72 courses at age 42 before decreasing again to 1.58 courses at age 65

      Seems to match our 1/year course structure.

    5. In terms of content, this group of teachers participated most intensively in activities relating to their teaching subject, content and performance standards and teaching methods.

      Bringing in other areas of interest to engage all levels of instructor is critical for developing a strong program.

    6. The fourth phase covers years 19 and 30 of the career and again has two possible orientations: (1) “serenity” or (2) “conservatism”. Serene teachers experience a loss of engagement, a decline in career ambitions, but also greater sense of self-acceptance, whereas conservative teachers are sceptical towards educational innovations and critical of educational policy

      This is Elkhart.

    7. (1) “experimentation and activism” or (2) “reassessment and self-doubts”.

      How do schools support both aspects of phase 3? Is PD out of touch with the majority of the district staff?

    8. In other words, many beginning teachers participated in informal activities while continuing their formal training. In terms of the content of the activities pursued, beginning teachers attended more activities targeting classroom management and student discipline than did experienced teachers (more than 3 years of experience). Beginning teachers thus chose to attend activities dealing with topics that are particularly challenging for those new to the profession

      Focus on what you need to do now, survival skills.

      School response is cohort based.

    9. Rather, they organise the learning process and determine their learning goals and strategies independently

      Can we formalize this process into a hybrid?

    10. They include individual activities such as reading books and classroom observations as well as collaborative activities such as conversations with colleagues and parents, mentoring activities, teacher networks and study groups

      Compare these activities to the PLC leadership roles coaches and teacher leaders can have.

    11. The training model assumes that teachers update their knowledge and skills by means of workshops and courses.

      Limiting these trainings leaves a big gap in implementation and followup. Hopefully, the results show the need for sustained, middle-initiated and supported PD.

    12. We define professional development as uptake of formal and informal learning opportunities that deepen and extend teachers’ professional competence, including knowledge, beliefs, motivation and self-regulatory skills

      This is a good definition of PD. Active, related to practice, observable somewhere.

    13. Although the empirical basis is rather weak, findings indicate that beginning teachers tend to use observations and informal discussions with colleagues to improve their practice, whereas more experienced teachers are more inclined to use formal meetings for their professional learning

      Why the difference?

      I suppose that's why I'm reading this article. Jeez.

    14. “strong professional development opportunities must be embedded in the very fabric of public education” (p. 129)

      Broad charter for PD within NCLB.

    1. In this leading from the middle approach, districts don't just mediate and manage other people's reforms individually; they become the collective drivers of change and improvement together.

      Take the best ideas, learn from others, build a program that suits your locality.

    2. In an age of innovation and diversity, top-down strategies are inappropriate, while bottom-up strategies seem unable to achieve improvement on any significant scale.

      Need middlemen (coaches) to make sure implementation is sound but that results are tangible.

    3. Their focus on micromanaging two or three measurable priorities only works for systems pursuing traditional and comparatively narrow achievement goals. A digital age of complex skills, cultural diversity, and high-speed change calls for more challenging educational goals and more sophisticated and flexible change strategies.

      Designed-for-all PD has its place, but in the scheme of changing practice, is not effective.

  24. Apr 2017
    1. He assured the company that it was a fact, handed down from his ancestor, the historian, that the Kaatskill mountains had always been haunted by strange beings. That it was affirmed that the great Hendrick Hudson, the first discoverer of the river and country, kept a kind of vigil there every twenty years, with his crew of the Half-moon; being permitted in this way to revisit the scenes of his enterprise, and keep a guardian eye upon the river and the great city called by his name. That his father had once seen them in their old Dutch dresses playing at ninepins in the hollow of the mountain; and that he himself had heard, one summer afternoon, the sound of their balls, like distant peals of thunder.

      This solidifies the fact that these ghosts are “real” (at least in the world of the narrative) since they have been noted by other people then just Rip, and have similar stories of interactions/observations between the Dutch ghosts and members of the town.

    2. He doubted his own identity, and whether he was himself or another man.

      This moment provides an example of an existentialist dilemma in the form of dissociative dread toward his understanding of self. Rip’s confusion is so strong that it causes him to doubt the nature of his own being.

    3. stared at him with such a fixed statue-like gaze, and such strange uncouth, lack-lustre countenances, that his heart turned within him, and his knees smote together.

      This is a moment defining real fear towards his current predicament.

    4. On nearer approach, he was still more surprised at the singularity of the stranger’s appearance. He was a short, square-built old fellow, with thick bushy hair, and a grizzled beard. His dress was of the antique Dutch fashion—a cloth jerkin strapped round the waist—several pairs of breeches, the outer one of ample volume, decorated with rows of buttons down the sides, and bunches at the knees. He bore on his shoulders a stout keg, that seemed full of liquor, and made signs for Rip to approach and assist him with the load. Though rather shy and distrustful of this new acquaintance, Rip complied with his usual alacrity;

      These Dutch ghosts are part of the history of the area but are also tangible forces that drive the plot. Rip can physically interact with these ghosts as if they were normal people, the only thing that proves odd is that they do not speak. Regardless, they are ghosts that are more like echoes of a time past that can be encountered, rather than being antagonistic like the ambiguous forces that Poe presents in his works.

    5. As he was about to descend, he heard a voice from a distance hallooing: “Rip Van Winkle! Rip Van Winkle!” He looked around, but could see nothing but a crow winging its solitary flight across the mountain. He thought his fancy must have deceived him, and turned again to descend, when he heard the same cry ring through the still evening air, “Rip Van Winkle! Rip Van Winkle!”—at the same time Wolf bristled up his back, and giving a low growl, skulked to his master’s side, looking fearfully down into the glen. Rip now felt a vague apprehension stealing over him; he looked anxiously in the same direction, and perceived a strange figure slowly toiling up the rocks, and bending under the weight of something he carried on his back. He was surprised to see any human being in this lonely and unfrequented place, but supposing it to be some one of the neighborhood in need of his assistance, he hastened down to yield it.

      This build up provides a sense of apprehension, with Wolf detecting some sort of danger and the odd way that Rip’s name was being called through echo. This does not stop him from proceeding onward to make his chance meeting with the company of Dutch ghosts. 

    6. “Oh! that flagon! that wicked flagon!”

      A loose connection to Poe within the realm of alcahol playing a part in altered mind states.

    7. His mind now misgave him; he began to doubt whether both he and the world around him were not bewitched.

      The assumption that one has come under a spell or some other form of witchcraft would be a real fear for people of the time. Many believed the early superstitions, and while they acted as explanations for things they could not explain, they acted as warnings and preventive measures for certain behavior. Stories of ghosts and witches could be used to keep people away from dangerous territories, or provide lessons about needing to be more attentive to the possible dangers found outside of the safety of civilization. Irvings other works (like Legend of Sleepy Hallow) highlight the impact that fear can has on the mind.

    8. The moment Wolf entered the house, his crest fell, his tail drooped to the ground, or curled between his legs, he sneaked about with a gallows air, casting many a sidelong glance at Dame Van Winkle, and at the least flourish of a broomstick or ladle, he would fly to the door with yelping precipitation.

      This is a light bit of foreshadowing, noting that the dog has a sense for danger. It comes up again when Rip is about to encounter the Dutch ghosts.

    9. The great error in Rip’s composition was an insuperable aversion to all kinds of profitable labor. It could not be for want of assiduity or perseverance

      Rip as a character is surprisingly similar to Irving in his mannerisms. Though it is not as widely known, Irving had a similar aversion to labor due to a massive amount of anxiety brought on by the failure of his brother’s businesses after the Revolution. The fear of the state of the new nation was noticeable in how drastically the economy was shifting, which was one of the deciding factors that pushed Irving into writing and publishing. It was a way to secure some financial stability and support for his family’s livelihood while also avoiding ventures that could, at any moment due to the young nation’s “growing pains”, could fail and lead to ruin (Kopec).

    10. ghosts, witches, and Indians.

      Most of the early American folklore has been lost to time, since many of these stories were told mainly by word of mouth alone. Irving was one of the first to solidify local folklore in his works, practically starting the genre of “campfire narratives” in literature. His short piece of horror fiction, Legend of Sleepy Hallow, is what pioneered the American Gothic form of literature, which would be later built upon by writers like Poe.


      The annotations below are focused on the themes and language of American gothic horror and the connection to another text located here.

      Associated Sources in MLA Style:

      Badenhausen, Richard. "Fear and Trembling in Literature of the Fantastic: Edgar Allan Poe's 'The Black Cat'." Studies in Short Fiction, vol. 29, no. 4, 1992, pp. 487-498. EBSCOhost.

      Bann, Jennifer. "Ghostly Hands and Ghostly Agency: The Changing Figure of the Nineteenth-Century Specter." Victorian Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Social, Political, and Cultural Studies, vol. 51, no. 4, 2009, pp. 663-686. EBSCOhost.

      Kopec, Andrew. "Irving, Ruin, and Risk." Early American Literature, vol. 48, no. 3, Nov. 2013, pp. 709-735. EBSCOhost.

      Norton, Mary Berth. "Witchcraft in the Anglo-American Colonies." OAH Magazine of History, vol. 17, no. 4, July 2003, pp. 5-9. EBSCOhost.

    1. It was now the representation of an object that I shudder to name—and for this, above all, I loathed, and dreaded, and would have rid myself of the monster had I dared—it was now, I say, the image of a hideous—of a ghastly thing—of the GALLOWS!—oh, mournful and terrible engine of Horror and of Crime—of Agony and of Death!

      Here is a distinct fear of the gallows, something the narrator has told us he is condemned to for his crime at the beginning of his tale. The fear outlined in this sentence represents the narrator’s true fear, the fear of facing what he has done. The gallows are an object for delivering punishment through the death of the criminal. The narrator constantly faced fear, guilt, and anger but fails to address their effects throughout the story. He instead chooses to run away from these emotions by burying them in alcohol or just remove them from his life with violence. This is the only moment that causes the narrator to seize up and deliver short hyphenated statements, which to a reader would sound quick and manic. This fear is an existential fear of closure and finality, now that the narrator has own death it shows through the text a moment of vulnerability (Badenhausen 492-493).

    2. But may God shield and deliver me from the fangs of the Arch-Fiend! No sooner had the reverberation of my blows sunk into silence, than I was answered by a voice from within the tomb!—by a cry, at first muffled and broken, like the sobbing of a child, and then quickly swelling into one long, loud, and continuous scream, utterly anomalous and inhuman—a howl—a wailing shriek, half of horror and half of triumph, such as might have arisen only out of hell, conjointly from the throats of the dammed in their agony and of the demons that exult in the damnation.

      Here the replacement cat (and possible paranormal force) acts upon the plot by revealing the narrators misdeeds. Like Irving’s Dutch ghosts, this mysterious cat is integral to the story for without their influence the main characters would be unaffected. Again, this cat provides another confusing instance of possible paranormal power by somehow ending up inside the wall. The narrator hated the creature so much, how could he have missed it as he bricked up his wife’s corpse? It either had managed to avoid detection to hide itself within the wall, or had some greater power that allowed it to appear there as it had in the tavern. 

    3. I withdrew my arm from her grasp and buried the axe in her brain. She fell dead upon the spot, without a groan.

      This is the point of no return, where the narrator goes from mere killer of beast to full villain with manslaughter. He is unmoved by killing the thing that prevented him from taking out his anger again, she had interrupted his control and for that she died.

    4. Pluto had not a white hair upon any portion of his body; but this cat had a large, although indefinite splotch of white, covering nearly the whole region of the breast. Upon my touching him, he immediately arose, purred loudly, rubbed against my hand, and appeared delighted with my notice. This, then, was the very creature of which I was in search. I at once offered to purchase it of the landlord; but this person made no claim to it—knew nothing of it—had never seen it before.

      Just like the mark on the wall, this is another stange occuance that could be related to the paranormal. This cat appears out of nowhere and specifically targets the narrator. It could be seen as an antagonistic force, a manifestation meant to spell the narrator’s downfall. Again, Pluto’s name is referenced, calling back to the idea of death and relating it to this new cat. Its lack of an eye is an intentional narrative decision by Poe, but in the world inside the text is strangely coincidental to be near identical to Pluto, almost unsettling so. What is interesting about this cat is that the white tuft of fur it sports “develops” the image of the stockade. Either an outside force is at work on the cat’s fur, or the cat itself is a doppelganger (a supernatural creature that morphs its own body to match another’s appearance) of sorts.

    5. I approached and saw, as if graven in bas relief upon the white surface, the figure of a gigantic cat. The impression was given with an accuracy truly marvellous. There was a rope about the animal’s neck.

      This odd occurrence might be attributed to something paranormal. As the narrator later explains, it is physically possible for flesh remains to leave burn impressions on surfaces. However, the corpse of the cat would have to have been resting against the wall for that impression to develop, and the chances of that happening to produce such a haunting representation is highly improbable. Perhaps there was some sort of other force at work and it made possible the author’s explanation or something else entirely. Whatever the case, it remains unknown, but a reader can confirm that within the world of the narrative because it is a tangible remnant viewed by multiple people and not just the narrator.

    6. One night as I sat, half stupified, in a den of more than infamy

      The narrator never seeks to remedy his situation, only to run from it or drink it away.

    7. I experienced a sentiment half of horror, half of remorse, for the crime of which I had been guilty

      These are the common themes Poe tends to play on throughout his body of work, which are tied to very personal and emotional moments. A healthy human mind is capable of a vast array of different feelings, each meant to inform thought via bodily sensations and responses. If the narrator can comprehend the emotions, but does not associate them to his crime, is it an effect of alcohol? Could it be something darker, something stemming from a broken mind? 

    8. spirit of PERVERSENESS

      This is not a "physical" sprit like those in Irving's works. In this case, "spirit" embodies the “feeling” or the “quality of” what it is referencing. The spirit of perverseness would be something of a compulsion, something internal that forces negative action and/or thought.

    9. Pluto

      This is a bit of plain faced foreshadowing. Pluto is the Roman equivalent of Hades, the god of death and overseer for the underworld. The name calls upon the imagery of darkness and death, which no doubt plays into the narrative throughout.

    10. In speaking of his intelligence, my wife, who at heart was not a little tinctured with superstition, made frequent allusion to the ancient popular notion, which regarded all black cats as witches in disguise.

      The concept of the witch played a large role in the development of colonial America, and the superstitions surrounding witchcraft are usually connected to larger outside forces that were difficult to explain or comprehend. Disease, injury, misfortune, and other tragic events that would occur were often blamed on fellow townsfolk that had preexisting issues or disagreements with others (Norton 5-6). Due to the empiricist model of thought, perception defined reality, so all that was required to prove someone was capable of witchcraft was to “experience” the effects. If someone said they saw a person turn into a cat, it was taken as proper testimony to the event.

      It is interesting that the wife holds this belief, yet the narrator downplays it. Perhaps that is a veiled critique of these old superstitions.

    11. But my disease grew upon me—for what disease is like Alcohol!

      Poe was a known alcholic, so it is interesting how he comments on it a being a "disease" with this narrator character. Perhaps there is more self-inserted introspection involved then his usual themes of guilt, sadness, and loss noteable in his other works.

    12. THE BLACK CAT.

      The annotations below are focused on the themes and language of American gothic horror and the connection to another text located here.

      Associated Sources in MLA Style:

      Badenhausen, Richard. "Fear and Trembling in Literature of the Fantastic: Edgar Allan Poe's 'The Black Cat'." Studies in Short Fiction, vol. 29, no. 4, 1992, pp. 487-498. EBSCOhost.

      Bann, Jennifer. "Ghostly Hands and Ghostly Agency: The Changing Figure of the Nineteenth-Century Specter." Victorian Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Social, Political, and Cultural Studies, vol. 51, no. 4, 2009, pp. 663-686. EBSCOhost.

      Kopec, Andrew. "Irving, Ruin, and Risk." Early American Literature, vol. 48, no. 3, Nov. 2013, pp. 709-735. EBSCOhost.

      Norton, Mary Berth. "Witchcraft in the Anglo-American Colonies." OAH Magazine of History, vol. 17, no. 4, July 2003, pp. 5-9. EBSCOhost.

  25. May 2016
    1. Authors seldom create links and lexias, nor do they in-sert visual images or sound effects into the narrative proper.

      Not true anymore.