- Feb 2023
ditchthattextbook.com ditchthattextbook.comHome1
- Aug 2022
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
Michael Spinella, executive director of the Textbook and Academic Authors Association
- May 2022
interactions.acm.org interactions.acm.org
Microsoft researcher Cathy Marshall found students evaluated textbooks based on how "smart" the side margin notes seemed before purchasing. In an effort to discover methods for using annotations in eBooks, Marshall stumbled upon this physical-world behavior, an approach to gaining a wisdom-of-crowds conclusion tucked away in the margins [3].
- Marshall, C.C. Collection-level analysis tools for books online. Proc. of the 2008 ACM Workshop on Research Advances in Large Digital Book Repositories. (Napa Valley, CA, Oct. 2630) ACM, New York, 2008.
Cathy Marshall has found that students evaluated their textbooks prior to purchasing based on the annotations within them.
- Jan 2022
oer.pressbooks.pub oer.pressbooks.pub
not shifted to individual educators or students
Despite some concessions to access in the early start of the pandemic, publishers have returned to aggressive pricing of textbooks. A group of library, educational organizations in the UK have organized together around the #ebooksos campaign to press for more fair and sustainable pricing. See https://academicebookinvestigation.org/2021/10/06/the-sector-united/
The paper calls for “immediate action by publishers an aggregators to introduce more sustainable and affordable pricing models for e-books and e-textbooks” and pledges the signatory bodies to work towards a “fairer and more transparent marketplace” so that “students and teachers in UK higher and further education can gain equitable and sustainable access to e-books, e-textbooks.”
More info at https://academicebookinvestigation.org/ such as
- Dec 2021
oer.pressbooks.pub oer.pressbooks.pub
In support of teaching, see the University of Capetown's Open Textbook Journeys, itself an open text, that shares the road taken by 11 UCT faculty to develop open textbooks:
The UCT Open Textbook Journeys monograph tells the stories of 11 academics at the University of Cape Town who embarked on open textbook development initiatives in order to provide their students with more accessible and locally relevant learning materials. Produced by the Digital Open Textbooks for Development (DOT4D) initiative, the monograph contributes towards a better understanding of open textbook production by providing details related to authors’ processes and their reflections on their work. The collection aims to provide rich anecdotal evidence about the factors driving open textbook activity and shed light on how to go about conceptualising and producing open textbooks, and to aid the articulation of emerging open textbook production models that advance social justice in higher education.
- Feb 2021
Mills, M. (2021). Online Academic Collaboratives, Part 1: Overview and Possibilities. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/azmu9
- Oct 2020
www.amazon.com www.amazon.com
Concepts in Thermal Physics 2nd Edition by Stephen J. Blundell (Author), Katherine M. Blundell (Author)
www.amazon.com www.amazon.com
Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering: A Comprehensive Guide 3rd Edition by K. F. Riley (Author), M. P. Hobson (Author), S. J. Bence (Author)
- Sep 2020
www.springer.com www.springer.com
Kiss, I. Z., Miller, J., & Simon, P. L. (2017). Mathematics of Epidemics on Networks: From Exact to Approximate Models. Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-50806-1
- Jun 2020
gsuideas.org gsuideas.org
Evaluating a Source
good questions to ask to find sources credible
gsuideas.org gsuideas.org
Research A research project presents a research question and answers that question through sources. It is written from the perspective of someone who seeks answers.
Definition of Research
Report A report relays the results of your research in an organized manner. A report is written from the perspective of someone who already knows the answers.
Definition of a report
gsuideas.org gsuideas.org
Remember that a thesis statement does not summarize an issue but rather dissects it.
Good tip!
all support in an essay must work together to convey a central point
good tip for essay writing
gsuideas.org gsuideas.org
Explication tells the reader how the quote or paraphrase supports the thesis of your paper.
what explication does
Create source bricks, which are essentially chunks of text you place before and after a quotation or a paraphrase. Here is how you do it:
source bricks, good tip in preparing to write.
gsuideas.org gsuideas.org
When you quote, you use the exact wording from the source When you paraphrase, you put a passage or part of a text in your own words, being careful not to copy the sentence structure of the original source When you summarize, you give a very broad overview of a passage or a text--writing your summary in a 10th of the size of the original text
quoting written sources
gsuideas.org gsuideas.org
The content of each paragraph in the essay is shaped by purpose, audience, and tone. The four common academic purposes are to summarize, to analyze, to synthesize, and to evaluate. Identifying the audience's demographics, education, prior knowledge, and expectations will affect how and what you write. Devices such as sentence structure, word choice, punctuation, and formal or informal language communicate tone and create a relationship between the writer and his or her audience. Content may consist of examples, statistics, facts, anecdotes, testimonies, and observations. All content must be appropriate and interesting for the audience, purpose and tone.
good to review when writing essays
gsuideas.org gsuideas.orgPurpose1
to summarize to analyze to synthesize to evaluate
4 main purposes for academic writing!
gsuideas.org gsuideas.org
Purpose: The reason the writer composes the essay. Audience: The individual or group whom the writer intends to address. Tone: The attitude the writer conveys about the essay's subject
The 3 MAIN elements that shape the content of an essay
- Dec 2019
www.edutopia.org www.edutopia.org
They are processed into existence using the pulp of what already exists, rising like swamp things from the compost of the past. The mulch is turned and tended by many layers of editors who scrub it of anything possibly objectionable before it is fed into a government-run "adoption" system that provides mediocre material to students of all ages.
- Sep 2019
courses.lumenlearning.com courses.lumenlearning.com
First, audiences can sense a fake
Audiences usually notice fake speakers.
- Aug 2019
hewlett.org hewlett.org
Research. As zero-textbook-cost degrees are implemented across the country, research could be conducted to analyze the impact of degree establishment on student access and success, as well as on faculty pedagogical practice. Metrics related to access and success might include credit loads, withdrawal rates, persistence rates, pass rates, and actual cost savings.
Zero-textbook cost degrees is still a long way off as far as India goes. Our students are now extremely proficient in the use of the internet and open sources. However, compared to open access resources use of standardised textbooks in traditionnal classrooms is definitely better as teachers has a personal connect with the student. This is particularly necessary as students are becoming victims of PUBG and other such addctive games leading to either suicide or other behavioural problems. We do not need a plethora of zombie students in our schools and colleges!
- May 2019
www.historians.org www.historians.org
general history journals, or in books or digital forums
My beef is more with historians who don't even know they're doing it, and do things like put coded markers to interpretive structures into narratives in textbooks. Undergrads from other majors in surveys, who will never read historiography, miss these markers and don't realize they're reading a story told through a particular lens.
opencontent.org opencontent.org
when you say “textbook” rather than “learning materials”
There are implications, though, from the creative side, when you switch from thinking about textbooks to thinking about "learning materials". Textbooks typically have a single author or team for the entire work. Learning materials are much easier to imagine as promiscuous remixes. There are tradeoffs to these two approaches. I think we can expand idea of textbook to include ebook multimedia and interactive (H5P) functions, so maybe we don't need to dump the term on those grounds.
www.marketwatch.com www.marketwatch.com
- Apr 2019
csupueblo.pressbooks.pub csupueblo.pressbooks.pub
free of charge and free of licensing restrictions
Are there any examples currently where something is not free of charge but is free of licensing restrictions?
- Jan 2019
drive.google.com drive.google.com
Many of the first textbooks on rhetoric showed pages and pages of diagrams like these ^, of ways to position every part of your body during each of the 5 steps. There are even pages that teach the proper way for women to stand (assumedly to watch the delivery).
- Dec 2017
crumplab.github.io crumplab.github.io
cles For journal articles, the generic format for a reference is as follows: Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (year). Title of article. Title of Journal, xx(yy), pp–pp. doi:xx.xxxxxxxxxx
- Feb 2017
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
Practical advice
This paragraph sounds a bit like Whatley's standardized textbook for stylistic advice.
thatpsychprof.com thatpsychprof.com
the goal posts must be placed further than simply cheaper textbooks.
Yes. Because publishers will always be able to beat OER on price as they mine new business models. Not hard to image where the content becomes the loss leader for the publishers in order to get faculty buy-in into tools that have the real gold - data.
This begs a broader question: If open educational practices are a game changer, why are OER advocates playing by the rules of the commercial textbook industry?
This is a wonderful question. In part, I think it is to make it as palatable as possible to bring on board new faculty. If you make it like it old, but slightly different (incremental change) it may be easier for some to come around and on board. The problem with this is then OER no longer become truly innovative - it is reactive to the rules of the textbook industry. And that industry is going away.
- Oct 2016
mfeldstein.com mfeldstein.com
Unbundling of Textbook Publishers
- Sep 2016
www.ascd.org www.ascd.org
The structure of the textbook was a map that Sarah could easily follow.
This is so me, It is easier for me to read in a textbook
- Jun 2016
otterscotter.wordpress.com otterscotter.wordpress.com
ery occasionally
- May 2016
Joyner Library's alternative textbook program benefits faculty and students
- Apr 2016
Asking What Students Spend on Textbooks Is the Wrong Question
Cost of textbooks and what students are able to spend.
- Mar 2016
lisahistory.net lisahistory.net
OpenStax Text
Decided against this - it's too big.
- Nov 2015
mfeldstein.com mfeldstein.com
This article included an estimate from the system that further backs up the $530 – $640 figures. [Hanley’s] rough estimate: As of a few years ago, learners at the 23-campus, 460,200-student university system were spending $300 million a year on course materials — about $651 per student per school year.
This graph is the kicker. It is NOT about textbook costs, it's about how much students can afford to spend. The amount hasn't changed, or has gone down, since '02!
- Jun 2015
secure-media.collegeboard.org secure-media.collegeboard.org
Demographics data with respect to age distributions and fecundity can be used to study human populations.
textbook reading 36.9- The human population continues to increase, but the growth rate is slowing.
textbook reading 36.10- Age structures reveal social and economic trends.
A population can produce a density of individuals that exceeds the system’s resource availability.
36.5- multiple factors may limit population growth
Introduction of species
Textbook section 37.13- Invasive species can devastate communities.
Not Mathematical
The structure of a community is measured and described in terms of species composition and species diversity.
textbook 37.10- Species diversity includes relative abundance and species richness.