- Nov 2022
www.tandfonline.com www.tandfonline.com
Applying the self-determination theory (SDT) to explain student engagement in online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic
-I will download the full article in EBSCO
-This article will give me insight into how the self-determination theory helped with student engagement during the online learning they received during covid pandemic.
-rating 7/10
Chiu, T. K. (2022). Applying the self-determination theory (SDT) to explain student engagement in online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 54(sup1), S14-S30.
- Jan 2022
prospect.org prospect.org
DrPH, M. D. H., M. D. (2022, January 11). The Folly of School Openings as a Zero-Sum Game. The American Prospect. https://prospect.org/api/content/4a1fc36e-7263-11ec-9e7d-12f1225286c6/
- low-income
- children
- race
- disparity
- COVID-19
- ventilation
- online learning
- transmission
- white supremacy
- virtual learning
- risk
- lang:en
- work from home
- remote learning
- safety
- paediatric hospitalization
- school
- exposure
- multigenerational family structure
- homeschooling
- education
- in-person schooling
- perception
- systemic racism
- Omicron
- mortality
- vaccine
- is:webpage
- economy
- school closure
- priviledge
- economic oppression
- people of colour
- Oct 2021
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Weale, S., & Davis, N. (2021, October 22). English schools struggle to cope as Covid wreaks havoc. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/oct/22/english-schools-struggling-to-cope-as-covid-wreaks-havoc
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Schreiber, M. (2021, September 10). ‘I’m nervous’: US colleges wrestle with Covid safety as fall semester begins. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/sep/10/covid-coronavirus-us-colleges-fall-semester
- school
- requirement
- college
- sensitive
- vaccination
- campus
- COVID-19
- health information
- vaccine
- spread
- online
- lang:en
- mask
- contact tracing
- is:news
- safety
- Mar 2021
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Second, an activity may threaten a student who has not disclosed something relevant to you. Before you ask students to share a story of their name, for example, remember that some students will have changed their name for reasons of personal safety, family breakdown, or gender identity.
It's important to recognize that not everyone has come from the same backgrounds or situations. Whether it's a name or sharing a personal story, or even turning on the camera, some students use school as an escape from their home lives, and I think it's important not to pressure students into feeling like their grade is at risk because of their home situations.
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