281 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2018
    1. In other words, a student may have decided that they want to remain a peripheral member.

      Interesting shift in perspective here. From a non-choice, the student is given some space to make an active choice. (A choice which may disappoint and impoverish others who do choose to fully engage the community, but their choice to make nonetheless.)

    1. This ideaof deploying dominant culture against the dominant classes is a familiar aspect of South African history. African Nationalist leaders such as Mandela and Tambo were in no way deceived by their missionary education but usedit as a sort of “common school,” arming them for the struggle against apartheid.

      I find this article to be neglectful of our own agency -- that we learn and bring back to our own family and community that which helps us live and work together. And this paragraph holds most meaning to me-- and it reminded me of Sitting Bull who said, "When you find something good on the whiteman’s road, pick it up; but when you find something bad, or it turns out bad, drop it and leave it alone." https://flic.kr/p/NMPuKG

      There are many truths within all of these [I found page 7 of the most interest]. I think about the propaganda that is permeating our online discourse-- and I think we all are getting smarter in our engagement or refusal to do so. And I see more polite disagreement recently. Because, with time, we strive for truth, even when we must revise our own thinking. We choose, no matter what is forced or imposed. Education matters. Schools matter. And learners take that which best benefits them. We see in schools kids not learning that which they deem not relevant-- so the transformation will come from the students expectations, I think. Consider the whole of our world, and what people have done with what they have learned. I don't think the hidden agenda, if there is one, works quite like these academics think -- when we consider the progress -- and how we are overcoming any back steps -- that exists in the world.

      Education is not just school: it's wherever we are and how we connect with others to understand it.

  2. Aug 2018
    1. Action in the form of capacity can affect crisis management through perception, distribution of competence and control within a hierarchy, and number and diversity of actors.

      Capacity seems to have an actor/agency quality to it.

  3. Jul 2018
  4. Apr 2018
    1. One source speculated that Australia is the test market for wider consolidation across the WPP portfolio, but questioned: “Will it only end when there are no brands left?” “What will WPP look like in two years? No one in senior leadership can answer that.” WPP as a holding company is facing serious challenges and boss Martin Sorrell has been upfront about the financial pressures it’s under from clients who are decreasing their marketing budget. As a result, WPP seems to be working hard to claw its way back to the top of the advertising food chain.
    2. It comprises teams specialising in seven key production disciplines including: design, photography, TV and post, web design and build, dynamic digital campaigns, social content, digital and print production and management.
    1. As production increasingly becomes a more important and profitable component in the creative advertising equation, WPP wants to come as close as possible to providing everything for its clients—with Hogarth serving as the proverbial kitchen sink for both Ogilvy and Grey.
  5. Mar 2018
    1. Having found my voice in the academic community and a means to engage in the meaningful deployment of my abilities across institutional and national boundaries thanks to the open internet, I have made yet another career "modification" - one where I can pass on a new perspective to students considering teaching languages.

      agency, voice research community

    2. The Clavier experience had ignited a spark which fed an intellectual curiosity. Central to this was a realisation of my own agency in progressing educational opportunity for all. I decided to be an open educational practitioner and again my network - an international collection of educators in many different contexts - were reliable in getting involved

      Agency and leadership

    1. the effect of the color caste system on the North American Negro has been both good and bad, its effect on white America has been disastrous.

      This is an interesting inversion of the usual narrative about segregation (which would say that segregation hurt black Americans, and would rarely discuss its impacts on white Americans). It feels both like it grants agency-- in that black Americans are not being presented as a continually downtrodden group-- and that it is an attempt to legitimize the struggle against segregation, because if segregation is disastrous for white America then it is truly bad for America.

  6. Feb 2018
    1. ATTACHMENT 12This will set forth the understanding of the Parties regarding ArticleXX(A), of the Basic Agreement:With respect to a Minor League Player with no existing Major LeagueContract, whose Minor League contract has been assigned to a MajorLeague Club, it is understood that the placing of such a Player on theMajor League Club’s Active Reserve List (40-man Roster) and the ten-dering to such a Player of a Major League Contract without the neces-sity of renewing the Minor League contract will provide the MajorLeague Club with reservation rights to such a Player. Thus, such aPlayer will not become a free agent under Article XX(A)(2)(d), whichprovides that a Player will become a free agent if his Club fails to exer-cise its contract renewal rights, there being no prior Major LeagueContract to renew

      Although relatively minor, this attachment lays out an exception to an earlier portion of the CBA, and in effect further restricts minor league players' access to free agency. If a minor league player who is not currently under any contract is signed by a Major League club, free agency rules would not apply should the club choose not to renew his contract.

    2. E. Individual Nature of Rights

      After multiple consecutive seasons in the 1980s when no free agents received bids from competing clubs, the MLBPA responded by negotiating for this language to be added to the CBA to prevent or at least penalize future collusion against free agents.

      No equivalent or similar protections exist for minor league players, since they are not able to achieve free agent status until achieving a minimum amount of required service time.

    3. (b) There shall be no restriction or interference with the right ofa free agent to negotiate or contract with any baseball club outsidethe structure of organized baseball, nor shall there be any compen-sation paid for the loss of a free agent except as provided for in thisArticle XX(B)

      With foreign professional leagues and independent leagues in the United States growing in financial stability and level of play, the MLBPA made it possible for professional players to negotiate with teams outside the monopoly of Major League Baseball.

    1. With respect to a Minor League Player with no existing Major LeagueContract, whose Minor League contract has been assigned to a MajorLeague Club, it is understood that the placing of such a Player on theMajor League Club’s Active Reserve List (40-man Roster) and the ten-dering to such a Player of a Major League Contract without the neces-sity of renewing the Minor League contract will provide the MajorLeague Club with reservation rights to such a Player. Thus, such aPlayer will not become a free agent under Article XX(A)(2)(d), whichprovides that a Player will become a free agent if his Club fails to exer-cise its contract renewal rights, there being no prior Major LeagueContract to renew.

      Although relatively minor, this attachment lays out an exception to an earlier portion of the CBA, and in effect further restricts minor league players' access to free agency. If a minor league player who is not currently under any contract is signed by a Major League club, free agency rules would not apply should the club choose not to renew his contract.

    2. E. Individual Nature of Rights

      After multiple consecutive seasons in the 1980s when no free agents received bids from competing clubs, the MLBPA responded by negotiating for this language to be added to the CBA to prevent or at least penalize future collusion against free agents.

      No equivalent or similar protections exist for minor league players, since they are not able to achieve free agent status until achieving a minimum amount of required service time.

    3. (b) There shall be no restriction or interference with the right ofa free agent to negotiate or contract with any baseball club outsidethe structure of organized baseball, nor shall there be any compen-sation paid for the loss of a free agent except as provided for in thisSection B

      With foreign professional leagues and independent leagues in the United States growing in financial stability and level of play, the MLBPA made it possible for professional players to negotiate with teams outside the monopoly of Major League Baseball.

    1. E. Individual Nature of Rights

      After multiple consecutive seasons in the 1980s when no free agents received bids from competing clubs, the MLBPA responded by negotiating for this language to be added to the CBA to prevent or at least penalize future collusion against free agents.

      No equivalent or similar protections exist for minor league players, since they are not able to achieve free agent status until achieving a minimum amount of required service time.

    2. b) There shall be no restriction or interference with the right ofa free agent to negotiate or contract with any baseball club outsidethe structure of organized baseball, nor shall there be any compen-sation paid for the loss of a free agent except as provided for in thisSection B

      With foreign professional leagues and independent leagues in the United States growing in financial stability and level of play, the MLBPA made it possible for professional players to negotiate with teams outside the monopoly of Major League Baseball.

    1. E. Individual Nature of Rights

      After multiple consecutive seasons in the 1980s when no free agents received bids from competing clubs, the MLBPA responded by negotiating for this language to be added to the CBA to prevent or at least penalize future collusion against free agents.

    2. (b) There shall be no restriction or interference with the right of a free agent to negotiate or contract with any baseball club outside the structure of organized baseball, nor shall there be any compensation paid for the loss of a free agent except as provided for in this Section B

      With foreign professional leagues and independent leagues in the United States growing in financial stability and level of play, the MLBPA made it possible for professional players to negotiate with teams outside the monopoly of Major League Baseball.

    1. ATTACHMENT 15 This will set forth the understanding of the parties regarding Article XX(A), of the Basic Agreement: With respect to a National Association Player with no existing Ma-jor League Contract, whose National Association Contract has been assigned to a Major League Club, it is understood that the placing of such a Player on the Major League Club's Active Reserve List (40-man Roster) and the tendering to such a Player of a Major League Contract without the necessity of renewing the National Association Contract will provide the Major League Club with reservation rights to such a Player. Thus, such a Player will not become a free agent under Article XX(A)(2)(d), which provides that a Player will become a free agent if his Club fails to exercise its contract renewal rights, there being no prior Major League Contract to renew.

      Although relatively minor, this attachment lays out an exception to an earlier portion of the CBA, and in effect further restricts minor league players' access to free agency. If a minor league player who is not currently under any contract is signed by a Major League club, free agency rules would not apply should the club choose not to renew his contract.

    2. F. Individual Nature of Rights

      After multiple consecutive seasons in the 1980s when no free agents received bids from competing clubs, the MLBPA responded by negotiating for this language to be added to the CBA to prevent or at least penalize future collusion against free agents.

    1. G. Outright Assignment to National Association Club ( 1) Election of Free Agency. (a) Any Player who has at least 3 years of Major League service and whose contract is assigned outright to a National Association Club may elect, in lieu of accept-ing such assignment, to become a free agent. ( b) In the event that such Player does not elect free agency in lieu of accepting such assignment, he may eleot free agency between the end of the then current Major League season and the next following October 15, unless such Player is returned to a Major League roster prior to making such election. ( 2) A Player who becomes a free agent under this Section G shall immediately be eligible to negotiate and contract with any Club without any restrictions or qualifications. Such Player shall not be entitled to receive termination pay. Such a free agent shall receive transportation and travel expenses in the same manner as he would if he had been unconditionally released except he shall be limited to receiving travel expenses to his new club if he reports to it directly, provided such expenses are less than to his home city. ( 3) Procedure. Not earlier than 4 days0 prior to the contem-plated date of an outright assignment, the Club shall give written notice to the Player, with a copy to the Players Association, which shall advise the Player that he may either (a) accept the assign-ment or ( b) elect to become a free agent, and that in the event he accepts the assignment, he may elect free ,agency between the end of the then current Major League season iand the next following October 15, unless he is returned to a Major League roster prior to making such election. The Player shall also be informed in the notice that, within 3 days0 after the date of the notice, he must advise the Club in writing as to his decision whether to accept the assignment. If the Club fails to give written notice, as set forth herein, to the Player prior to the date of such assignment, the Player may, at any time, elect to become a free agent pursuant to this Section G, provided, however, that if the Club subsequently gives such written notice to the Player, he shall, within 3 days0 thereafter, advise the Club in writing as to his decision

      However, the salary protections and playing time incentives included in free agency procedures did not include any immediate substantive changes for minor league players who had not achieved the minimum service time to be eligible as free agents. In this sub-article, only Major League players with the required minimum service time who are assigned to a minor league team are eligible to declare as free agents.

    1. F. Outright Assignment to National Association Club (I) Election of Free Agency. Any Player who has at least 3 years of Major League service and whose contract is assigned out-right to a National Association Club may elect, in lieu of accepting such assignment, to become a free agent. A Player who becomes a free agent under this Section F shall immediately be eligible to negotiate and contract with any Club without any restrictions or qualifications. Such Player shall not be entitled to receive termina-tion pay. Such a free agent shall receive transportation and travel expenses in the same manner as he would if he had been uncondi-tionally released except he shall he limited to receiving travel ex-penses to his new club if he reports to it directly, provided such expenses are less than to his home city. ( 2) Procedure. Not earlier than 4 days0 prior to the contem-plated date of an outright assignment, the Club shall give written notice to the Player, with a copy to the Players Association, which shall advise the Player that he may either (a) accept the assign-ment or (b) elect to become a free agent. The Player shall also be informed in the notice that, within 3 days0 after the date of the notice, he must advise the Club in writing as to his decision. If the Club fails to give written notice, as set forth herein, to the Player prior to the date of such assignment, the Player may, at any time, elect to become a free agent pursuant to this Section F, provided, however, that if the Club subsequently gives such written notice to the Player, he shall, within 3 days°' thereafter, advise the Club in writing as to his decision.

      However, the salary protections and playing time incentives included in free agency procedures did not include any immediate substantive changes for minor league players who had not achieved the minimum service time to be eligible as free agents. In this sub-article, only Major League players with the required minimum service time who are assigned to a minor league team are eligible to declare as free agents.

    1. Regardless of any provision herein to the contrary, this Agreement does not deal with the reserve system. The parties have differing views as to the legality and as to the merits of such system as presently constituted. This Agreement shall in no way prejudice the position or legal rights of the Parties or of any Player regarding the reserve system. It is agreed that until the final and unappealable adjudication ( or voluntary discontin-uance) of Flood v. Kuhn et al., now pending in the federal district court of the Southern District of New York, neither of the Parties will resort to any form of concerted action with respect to the issue of the reserve system, and there shall be no obligation to nego-tiate with respect to the reserve system. Upon the final and unappealable adjudication (or voluntary discontinuance) of Flood v. Kuhn et al., either Party shall have the right to reopen negotiations on the issue of the reserve system as follows:

      While this CBA was being negotiated, the result of Curt Flood's legal battle for free agency rights was yet undetermined. The ultimate success of the MLBPA in securing free agency for players would radically transform the conditions of labor in Major League Baseball, while also further complicating the legal status and financial stakes of minor league baseball labor.

  7. Nov 2017
    1. Although we're currently nowhere near this idea, how can businesses, educational institutions, and governments alike not consider the importance of giving individuals control over their digital archives? Or their learning analytics data?17
    2. mandate the use of "learning management systems."

      Therein lies the rub. Mandated systems are a radically different thing from “systems which are available for use”. This quote from the aforelinked IHE piece is quite telling:

      “I want somebody to fight!” Crouch said. “These things are not cheap -- 300 grand or something like that? ... I want people to want it! When you’re trying to buy something, you want them to work at it!”

      In the end, it’s about “procurement”, which is quite different from “adoption” which is itself quite different from “appropriation”.

    1. On this model, students are responsible for their own education, often forming communities or societies to collaborate. Professors typically worked one-on-one with students, but from time to time would be enlisted to offer a series - or 'course' - of lectures on a given topic. The lectures could be (and often were) public, and were frequently attended by other professors in the same field.

      Reminds me of @KevinCarey1 describe the original university of Bologna, in his End of College. Don’t have the quote handy (one of many cases where #OpenAccess would allow for more thoughtful discussion), but the gist of that paragraph sounds similar to what @Downes is describing here

    1. If we want Domain of One’s Own to flourish as a space for student agency than we need to balance structured guidance with playfulness and empowerment.
    2. how to balance supporting a system as complex as Domain of One’s Own without dictating how people use it
    3. realize that the web was not something that happened to them but they were happening to
    4. An overarching value we try to embrace when we talk about the domain choice is one of agency: participants should be able determine for themselves how they wish to be known and found on the Web.
    5. give a student an individually-controlled space for reflection and growth
    6. Oh, and some people also thought that perhaps it would benefit a student to have an online presence that they could create, develop, and take with them when they graduated from UMW.
    7. The other reason I worry about our dependence on WordPress is that we run the risk of recreating the very dynamic that Domain of One’s Own seeks to challenge
    1. At the very least, the tool should allow for robust formative assessment, and should be capable of giving timely, helpful feedback to learners.

      The “at the very least” part makes it sound as though this were the easy part.

    1. created by people working together on their own.
    2. And I see no good reason why we should require the production of educators and students to be fair game for resellers who want to pluck it for free out of the commons and charge money for it to those not lucky enough to be a part of our community.

      To many a student, the notion that somebody else could profit from their “free labour” is particularly offputting. Including (or especially) those who prepare to become the heads of commercial entities.

  8. Sep 2017
    1. Digital literacy has also been positioned as an enabler of rights. Unless people have choice and agency, they cannot act in their own interests.

      literacy as a foundation for agency

    1. feminist critics tended to work within a liberal framework for evaluating individual agency as the pursuit of freedom

      Interesting point. Is Charlotte's decision considered "individual agency," or a casualty of the patriarchy?

    2. Austen’s work might instead be interpreted as the scene of agonistic coexistence in which the discus-sions between Elizabeth and Charlotte and the deterioration of their friendship animate competing conceptions of self, moral agency, and modes of affective living

      THESIS part 4: differences based on modernities animate "competing conceptions of self, moral agency, and modes of affective living." This ties Moe's earlier points about agency into the discussion of narrative and modernity.

    3. The agency of the critic is exemplified in discovering and naming the overlooked agency of Austen’s female subjects, who in themselves demonstrate Austen’s attentiveness to the limits of patriarchal norms and her willingness to transgress.

      Again, Moe is using secondary sources to accentuate that Austen writes about women constrained by patriarchy. Here, however, she includes the concept of "Agency" (for both critic and character), which connects to her argument about Charlotte's actions.

  9. Jul 2017
  10. Apr 2017
    1. Further, not only does writing offer the false appearance of life, but it is also surprisingly promiscuous.

      So the problem with writing is that the author has less agency than the speaker, because the writer isn't in the room to explain himself/herself to the reader, and all sorts of things can be said/written about a piece after the writer dies.

    1. Rhetoric in this vein ultimately reinforces a humanist orientation as it focuses on developing one’s ability to articulate decisions through increasing an individual’s agency

      And there's also an almost paradoxical underlying humanist assumption that agency is "purest" or "strongest" if it articulates itself well. That is, students are taught to articulate their choices through repetitive excercise, and when they manage to imitate the way they have been taught to write, they are praised for doing well, as though their writing was a result of their "individual agency."

    1. that technology itself worlds us

      Excellent phrase. I think it is particularly useful for making "worlds" a verb, which--like "emplace"--ascribes agency to the thing over the human.

    1. Rhetoricaldiscourseiscalledintoinstancesofrhetoricalspeakingand'writingarestronglyinvited

      Hypothesis was not cooperating with me, but I was trying to highlight "perceives" because I think this word complicates his idea of rhetorical situations. The criticism from Vatz is that he denies the rhetor's agency and gives the situation too much power over rhetoric, but this instance does seem to suggest some sort of agency on the part of the rhetor.

    1. hen we ascribe little responsibilityto the rhetor with respect to what he has chosen to give salience

      This did seem like an odd consequence of Blitzer's argument. For example, it seemed irrelevant that Lincoln was the person who delivered the Gettysburg Address, and that he chose to address the situation in the particular way he did, emphasizing unity over further antagonism. Blitzer's explanation is that some of the situation (needing unity over antagonism, I suppose) still exists, but there are a lot of ways to respond to the urgency of war, and historically a call to unity and peace is not necessarily the natural and dominant narrative. We need to grant Lincoln some agency for making those rhetorical choices which impacted the way the war eventually ended (with the Southerners becoming countrymen again rather then citizens of a deposed state).

  11. Mar 2017
  12. Feb 2017
    1. Moreover, man permits himself to be deceived in f I his dreams every night of his life. His moral sen-timent docs not even make an attempt to prcvenl this, whereas there arc supposed lo be men who have stopped snoring through sheer will power.

      What is Nietzsche suggesting about the agency of human beings here and the extent of our mental faculties? He says that man "permits" himself to be deceived by dreams every night, but I mean, has anyone ever tried to resist dreaming, using nothing but sheer will and while unconscious? Is there no difference in resisting some physical habit like snoring and some "internal" habit like dreaming? Or would Nietzsche consider both habits (snoring and dreaming) to be controlled by the same faculty and therefore both able to be resisted? This is just wacky to me.

  13. Jan 2017
    1. Rhetoric selects,

      There is an interesting construction of agency here: rhetoric is treated as the subject of the sentence. Rhetoric does the selecting. This suggests, perhaps unwittingly, the kinds of claims Rickert makes about rhetoric as less a tool than a capacity or even a force. We participate in rhetoric, but we don't necessarily control it.

  14. Nov 2016
  15. Sep 2016
    1. Imagine if our university system was structured around helping people accomplish the things that they're trying to do, Downes said — "that would be a real transformation."
  16. Jul 2016
    1. shift agency for learning to the learner

      We share this goal. Maybe we focus too much on it. Maybe it’s just a new spin on an old idea. But it’s nice to have a group of pedagogues who want the same thing in this world.

  17. Jun 2016
    1. giving our kids agency

      I think there's a distinction to be made between "giving kids agency" (as in, we bestow agency upon thou) and "sustaining an environment wherein kids can exercise their own agency". In the former case we lay out the choices and the kids pick, in the latter case the kids construct the choices and then choose. It's a subtle distinction and there are likely ways to see it as a non-distinction but I think even as a linguistic distinction it can help frame what we're actually trying to do in a way that leads us towards a slightly better world.

      That comment aside (and I slip all the time on making this distinction), I love this point.

    1. A recent organization of the experimental literature (Deci 8z Ryan, in press) revealed that events which are experienced as supporting autonomy and promoting or signifying competence-thus facilitating an internal perceived locus of causality and perceived competence-tend to increase intrinsic motivation as reflected, for example, by behavior that persists with a minimum of external support. We refer to these initiating or regulatory events as informational. Events that are experienced as pressure toward particular outcomes-thus co-opting choice and facilitating an external perceived locus of causality-tend to undermine intrinsic mo- tivation, restrict creativity (Amabile, 1983), and impair cognitive flexibility (McGraw & McCullers, 1979). We refer to these events as controlling. Finally, events which are experienced as conveying that the person cannot master an activity-thus promoting perceived incompetence-undermine intrinsic motivation and tend to leave one feeling helpless (e.g., Boggiano & Barrett, 1984). We refer to these events as amotivating.

      Wow. A pretty straightforward summary! I wonder what the "at press" article is?

      Autonomy focusses internal motivation; controlling events reduces it.

  18. Apr 2016
  19. Mar 2016
    1. What occurs when we decide that agency and not expertise is the core principle of learning is that we must, as teachers, learn to see the very best in students.
  20. Feb 2016
    1. This is a program of lessons that gives kids the freedom of action to take their own Sonic Pi project in any direction they want to, moving away from the sort of lesson where everybody works on the same piece of software, and giving students the agency to develop their work in an individual way, while almost accidentally becoming familiar with an important set of fundamentals.
  21. Jan 2016
    1. annotating explicitly to make connections between what they’re reading and the rest of the world can help them see why particular texts matter and are still relevant today

      I think this is a great point. Readers/annotators can add modern relevance to classic texts.

    2. We are living increasingly in a culture of response.

      This is also from Henry Jenkins' ideas on Participatory culture and produsage right?

    1. Some may engage and others may not, but those who do will be at a definite advantage in a world where more moments and objects within our lives will depend upon programming and be enhanced by it too. 
  22. Dec 2015
    1. But hyperlinks aren’t just the skeleton of the web: they are its eyes, a path to its soul.

      I don't know why, but this sentence almost made me cry. It is so effectual and concise. The web is a living thing and we are limiting its potential. Same as we do to people through oppression.

  23. Oct 2015
    1. One of the first decisions about processhad to do with group ground rules about behavior. Youth defined unexcusedabsences, spelled out how many warnings students should receive for absences,specified the consequences of disrespecting others, and differentiated acceptablecurses (directed toward oneself) from unacceptable curses (directed toward oth-ers).

      These "rules" were probably informed by their own prior experiences in classrooms, but I don't expect that they were exactly the same or just a reflection - I've done this exercise in community agreements with classes and usually students create really radical responses to traditional rules that they have had issues with in the past. It also seems to create a sense of community, accountability, and ownership of the classroom space - all play into agency and identity formation