4,544 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2019
    1. An ssh public key in a ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file can have a command="" option which forces a particular command to be executed when the key is used to authenticate an ssh connection. This is a security control that mitigates against private key compromise. This is great when you only need to execute a single command. But if you need to perform multiple tasks, you would normally need to create and install a separate key pair for each command, or just not bother making use of forced commands and allow the key to be used to execute any command.
    1. Both /proc and /sys are virtual filesystems which reflect the state of the system, and allow you to change several runtime parameters (and sometimes do more dangerous things, like directly writing to the memory or to a device). You should never backup or restore them.
    1. You might think that a one-line configuration file is not worth backing up. However, if it took you three hours to figure out how to set that configuration, it will probably take you three hours again in six months time.
    1. Timeshift for Linux is an application that provides functionality similar to the System Restore feature in Windows and the Time Machine tool in Mac OS.
    1. CloneZilla works perfectly. It produces small image files, has integrity check and works fast. If you want to use third device as image repository you should choose device-image when creating image of the first disk and then image-device when you restore it to second disk. If you want to use only two disks - you should use device-device mode. Optionally you may want generate new UUIDs, SSH-key (if SSH server installed), and change hostname.
    1. This problem can also come up when you use npm link or an equivalent. In that case, your bundler might “see” two Reacts — one in application folder and one in your library folder. Assuming myapp and mylib are sibling folders, one possible fix is to run npm link ../myapp/node_modules/react from mylib. This should make the library use the application’s React copy.
    1. Arguably, the rails-team's choice of raising ArgumentError instead of validation error is correct in the sense that we have full control over what options a user can select from a radio buttons group, or can select over a select field, so if a programmer happens to add a new radio button that has a typo for its value, then it is good to raise an error as it is an application error, and not a user error. However, for APIs, this will not work because we do not have any control anymore on what values get sent to the server.
    2. liberal_enum :kind
    1. When the controller creates the user, instead of adding a validation error to the record, it raises an exception. How to avoid this?
    2. I really dislike the reasoning as stated in the issue listed above. Since the value is coming over the wire, it should be treated the same as a freetext input where the expectation is to validate in the model and not the controller. This is especially true in APIs where the developers have even less of a say as far as expected input coming from form data (for example).
    3. In case anyone wants a hack, here is what I came up with.
    1. TC39 urges caution when using Stage 2-or below proposals, as it might result in inadvertent pressure from the community to keep the implementation as-is instead of improving it for fear of breaking existing code or ecosystem fragmentation (e.g. using a different symbol like # instead of @ for decorators).
    2. It's completely understandable that this happens without realizing it, but continuing to do so sets different expectations for how the language progresses. It's nothing to feel guilty about — we learn as a community and remind one another of how JavaScript works.
    3. Therefore, it's easy to search around for tweets/blog posts/talks that say "ES7 Decorators" and find that it's become the accustomed name for it.
    1. is more detailed than the discussion in #1269, so I wanted to create a separate discussion for it. If the maintainers disagree with this split please feel free to mark as a duplicate of 1269.
  2. Nov 2019
    1. Seeking more fuel from art, Proust started reading John Ruskin, whose influential The Seven Lamps of Architecture (1849) and The Stones of Venice (1851-53) revived popular interest in medieval art.

      want to read

    1. Super flexible & extensible SilverStripe fits the outcomes you want, and doesn't force your business outcomes into an out-of-the-box solution. Customise to your needs!
    1. I started this project mainly to explore using a React Native app to build React Native apps. There is a lot missing... I had to abandon while it was in progress since I don't have as much free time any more.
    1. Reason compiles to JavaScript thanks to our partner project, BuckleScript, which compiles OCaml/Reason into readable JavaScript with smooth interop. Reason also compiles to fast, barebone assembly, thanks to OCaml itself.
    1. I'm considering this, although I'm still leaning towards not including it and I'd love to just get rid of first if it wouldn't break so many peoples tests. Newcomers to Capybara don't understand (or aren't willing to learn) the issues that all/first (and last if added) have and massively overuse them. Yes the fact that all and first now wait by default will prevent some of the new user issues/confusion, but it won't fix the non-reloadability issue.
    1. It makes sense that the incoherent render would not be committed to browser and that it would not have any consequences most of the time. But that means that you render logic must be ready to manage incoherency between props and states without crashing. E.g. a list of resource ids in props that doesn't match a list of http requests from a previous id list in the state could lead to weird situations. This is a worry that didn't exist in class components.
    1. Since an uncontrolled component keeps the source of truth in the DOM, it is sometimes easier to integrate React and non-React code when using uncontrolled components.

      A good example for when to use uncontrolled components

    1. the main reason we built a new multiprocess architecture is that Chromium's multiprocess support was never contributed to the WebKit project. It has always lived in the separate Chromium tree, making it pretty hard to use for non-Chrome purposes.Before we wrote a single line of what would become WebKit2 we directly asked Google folks if they would be willing to contribute their multiprocess support back to WebKit, so that we could build on it. They said no.
    1. Can I ask people to upvote my submission? No. Users should vote for a story because they personally find it intellectually interesting, not because someone has content to promote.
    1. The thing is that each UI decision depends on countless other UI decisions. A simple example is keybindings. On UNIX/Linux, it’s nearly impossible to pick reasonable default bindings for global desktop navigation because they all conflict with bindings that some app is using. On Windows, the desktop navigation bindings are hardcoded, and no app uses them, because apps know for sure which bindings to avoid.
    1. REST and GraphQL are wonderful tools to create an API that is meant to be consumed by third parties. Facebook's API, for example, is consumed by ~200k third parties. It is no surprise that Facebook is using (and invented) GraphQL; a GraphQL API enables third parties to extensively access Facebook's social graph enabling them to build all kinds of applications. For an API with that many consumers, GraphQL is the fitting tool. But, to create an internal API (an API developed and consumed by code written by the same organization), RPC offers a simpler and more powerful alternative. Large companies, such as Netflix, Google and Facebook, are starting to replace REST/GraphQL with RPC for their internal APIs. Most notably with gRPC which is getting popular in the industry.
    1. Some time ago I asked on Reddit: “What’s the consensus among the React community for testing React components?” Shawn Wang replied: “testing is an enormously complicated and nuanced topic on which there isn’t a consensus anywhere in JS, much less in React.” I was not trying to find the best library for testing React. Mainly because there isn’t one.
    1. "While we hope that Google will lift these unwarranted sanctions for AdNauseam, it highlights a much more serious problem for Chrome users," the AdNauseam team adds. "It is frightening to think that at any moment Google can quietly make your extensions and data disappear, without so much as a warning."
    1. Risk assessment◕Risk management strategy○Supply chain risk management◑

      okay, answer to previous question above.

    2. Risk assessment

      Note the differences between risk assessment and risk management. The project would look towards risk assessment and then migrate its focus to risk management potentially, but what then? and how will this transition be smooth/original?

    3. none of them analyzed the threat of, and vulnerabilities to, a cyberattack spanning all three interconnections.


    4. Problem definition and risk assessment

      nice nice

    5. Problem definition and risk assessment.Addresses the particular national problems, assesses the risks to critical assets and operations—including the threats to, and vulnerabilities of, critical operations—and discusses the quality of data available regarding the risk assessment.

      This is the crux of what I should be looking at I guess This is in regards to national strategies. Is this what I need to do?

    6. Further, federal agencies have performed three assessments of the potential impacts of cyberattacks on the industrial control systems supporting the grid.

      Risk assessment or assessment of impact?

    7. The electric grid is becoming more vulnerable to cyberattacks via (1) industrial control systems, (2) consumer Internet of Things (IoT)45devices connected to the grid’s distribution network, and (3) the global positioning system (GPS).

      1) ICS 2) IOT 3) GPS

      worthwhile to assess one or all? Followed up question later

  3. Oct 2019
    1. 7-Eleven moves to support animal welfare By Nick Hall | 17 Feb 2019 View comments Global convenience chain, 7-Eleven has made major changes to its supplier sourcing agreement, eliminating caged eggs for the first time. The move follows ongoing criticism of the Australian cage egg farming industry, with several brands and chains making the early decision to move to wholly sustainable sourcing in-line with welfare standards. Working closely with suppliers across all states, 7-Eleven has now ensured that only free range eggs would be available for order by all stores. Clayton Ford, General Manager Corporate Affairs, 7-Eleven said the decision to phase out cage eggs was developed in accordance with franchisee wishes, with the convenience giant announcing it will increase support to assist in the transition. “Whilst our franchisees are free to engage with alternative suppliers due to our franchise agreement, we will continue to work alongside them to encourage their involvement in this initiative by sourcing free range eggs via our centralised supply chain,” Ford said. “We recognise that this is just one step, and we will continue to review animal welfare commitments in our supply chain and 7-Eleven branded products as opportunities arise.” Want to launch a convenience store of your own? Take a look at all available franchising opportunities here.
    1. Let's make the example even easier. function convertDate<T extends string | undefined>(isoDate?: string): T { return undefined } 'undefined' is assignable to the constraint of type 'T' Means: What you return in the function (undefined), matches the constraints of your generic type parameter T (extends string | undefined). , but 'T' could be instantiated with a different subtype of constraint 'string | undefined'. Means: TypeScript does not consider that as safe. What if you defined your function like this at compile time: // expects string return type according to generics // but you return undefined in function body const res = convertDate<string>("2019-08-16T16:48:33Z") Then according to your signature, you expect the return type to be string. But at runtime that is not the case! This discrepancy that T can be instantiated with a different subtype (here string) than you return in the function (undefined) is expressed with the TypeScript error.
    2. There are many strings which I need to convert if not undefined. I could do as follows: { date1: date1 ? formatISODate(date1) : undefined, date2: date2 ? formatISODate(date2) : undefined ...
    1. In the body of the function you have no control over the instantiation by the calling context, so we have to treat things of type T as opaque boxes and say you can't assign to it. A common mistake or misunderstanding was to constraint a type parameter and then assign to its constraint, for example: function f<T extends boolean>(x: T) { x = true; } f<false>(false); This is still incorrect because the constraint only restricts the upper bound, it does not tell you how precise T may really be.
    1. For the uninitiated, Granny Smith was Maria Ann Smith, a resident of the area who in 1868 "accidentally" grew the first batch of green apples that now bear her name.

      Yes, good thinking. Throw in a truthful fact or two. Impressive!

    2. Each year the winner is crowned with great fanfare at Eastwood Shopping Centre, which is owned by Yuhu Group, the company founded by billionaire property developer and political donor Huang Xiangmo.

      A suggestive paragraph that may have had currency at the time you put together the story - but really, pretty much irrelevant.

      With all this unnecessary detail - it's no wonder you never got round to the teeny weeny task of counterbalancing the grand crusade of George Simon to put an end to to the event, with the fact that it failed. Spectacularly!

      And if you had just a bit more time, you probably would have been able to also include there was another similar attempt prior to his, from one of his factional colleagues, that was also punted by council.

    1. BrainHQ, is an online brain-training software also developed by Posit Science. It is the only software available in Greek being used to any portable computing device (tablet, smartphone, etc.) as an application either on Android or on IOS provided in different languages. Undoubtedly, improvement of brain performance can bring multiple benefits to everyday life. Both research studies and the testimonials of users themselves show that BrainHQ offers benefits in improving thinking, memory and hearing, attention and vision, improving reaction speed, safer driving, self-confidence, quality discussion and good mood. BrainHQ includes 29 exercises divided into 6 categories: Attention, Speed, Memory, Skills, Intelligence and Navigation.

      In this conference paper the author is discussing about the different methods to interactively help learn people with disability, how their concentration and enthusiasm/motivation increases, if the right tool is used to teach them

    1. Unfortunately, numerous widely-used tagless-final interfaces (like Sync, Async, LiftIO, Concurrent, Effect, and ConcurrentEffect) encourage you to code to an implementation.


    1. Try to avoid mucking with native prototypes, including Array.prototype, if you don't know who will be consuming your code (3rd parties, coworkers, yourself at a later date, etc.). There are ways to safely extend prototypes (but not in all browsers) and there are ways to safely consume objects created from extended prototypes, but a better rule of thumb is to follow the Principle of Least Surprise and avoid these practices altogether.
    2. He's not messing with them he's extending them for Arrays.
    1. Their hope by announcing so loudly what they have accomplished, is that others in the Android modder/hacker scene will step up and help them turn this root exploit into something useful for users by deploying features that are not currently available through the Google controlled Chromecast experience.
    1. This issue is already known to us since yesterday. Our engineers are now working diligently to fix this behavior. I'd recommend you contact our Customer Care team and let them know that you're one of the affected users of INV36818. That way, they will link your company to the case. You will then receive a notification via email for its updates. 
    1. Robert Sedlack, my professor for Visual Communication Design I (who also happened to be my advisor and the driving reason why I decided to join the design program) banned two phrases during critiques in his class: “I like” and “I don’t like.”
    1. In Chrome browser, open Developer Tools and select Elements tab, then open the contextual menu of the parent node of the element you want to inspect, in the contextual menu click on Break on > Subtree modifications. Afterwards you just need to click on the page and you'll get on the inspector without losing focus or losing the element you want to inspect.
    2. (() => { debugger; }, 5000)
    1. However, if more control is needed, you can pass any of these pieces of state as a prop (as indicated above) and that state becomes controlled. As soon as this.props[statePropKey] !== undefined, internally, downshift will determine its state based on your prop's value rather than its own internal state.
    2. refKey: if you're rendering a composite component, that component will need to accept a prop which it forwards to the root DOM element. Commonly, folks call this innerRef. So you'd call: getRootProps({refKey: 'innerRef'}) and your composite component would forward like: <div ref={props.innerRef} />
    1. Inner RefSome components are passed an innerRef property to facilitate for internally managed behaviour within the base select. This should be assigned to the ref property of the relevant dom element. i.e.const CustomOptionComponent = ({ innerProps, innerRef }) => (<div ref={innerRef} {...innerProps} />) Inner PropsAll functional properties that the component needs are provided in innerProps which you must spread.
  4. Sep 2019
    1. The equivalent ways in functional components using Hooks:In a state variable: useState or useReducer. Updates in state variables will cause a re-render of the component.In a ref: Equivalent to instance variables in class components. Mutating the .current property won’t cause a re-render.
    1. What is the average cost to build a website?

      Being a leading web development company, we have the expertise of working on a diverse kind of projects for our global clientele. So, we can assist you to figure out the average cost to build and maintain a website. Well, once again, keep in mind that such cost estimations are not accurate figures.

    1. move away from identifying correlative relationships between characteristics of the microbiome and system-level processes, and towards identifying more causative and mechanistic relationships
  5. Aug 2019
    1. For every question you might have, please create a discussion thread, not a single comment. This makes it a bit easier to see and reply to the question, instead of questions and answers getting mixed together:
    1. Which brings me back to 1984.  Also in that year, Michael Piore and Charles Sabel published The Second Industrial Divide: Possibilities for Prosperity (Basic). They found their new highly flexible manufacturing firms in northwestern and central Italy instead of Silicon Valley.  Their entrepreneurs had ties to communist parties and the Catholic Church instead of liberation sympathies. But the idea was much the same: computers would be the key to flexible specialization. For all the talk since about economic complexity, that is the book about the changing division of labor worth re-reading.

      want to read this

    1. But what about useState? it used whenever we have some variable that whenever it changes, we want to re-render our component and show some new contents.
    1. I'm working full time on Material-UI since 2019. I was working on it during my free time before that. I hope that I can leverage my full-time involvement in the library to make it really awesome. You are right, the project is well-funded. We hope we can fund the time of more than 1 person full time in the future, with the current growth rate, it should soon be possible. We have 3 people working part-time on the project (Matt, Sebastian and Josh), plus the community behind us (+1,000 code contributors).
    1. Although such encapsulation is desirable for application-level components like FeedStory or Comment, it can be inconvenient for highly reusable “leaf” components like FancyButton or MyTextInput. These components tend to be used throughout the application in a similar manner as a regular DOM button and input, and accessing their DOM nodes may be unavoidable for managing focus, selection, or animations.
    1. I am an avid reader, but I’m always struggling to memorize my learnings. I guess, that's why I started to write down my notes of books I enjoyed to read.
    1. relationships between characteristics of microbiomes and the system-level processes that they influence are often evaluated in the absence of a robust conceptual framework and reported without elucidating the underlying causal mechanisms. The reliance on correlative approaches limits the potential to expand the inference of a single relationship to additional systems and advance the field
    1. That is approximately $10,739 per person.

      That is expensiveness for a middle class family

    2. ObamaCare, is the product of a Conservative Think-Tank. 60% of citizens get private insurance from their employers, 15% receive Medicare (65 and older), and the federal gov’t funds Medicaid for low-income families (the allocation to this fund has been declining).

      Lucky, Trump removed that

    3. Switzerland has mandatory health insurance that covers all residents.

      Almost like the U.S.

    4. France has a mandatory health insurance system that covers 75% of health care spending.

      Even France covers there people health insurance but more than Canada

    5. Canada pays for services provided by a private delivery system. The gov’t pays for 70% of the care.

      Canada pay for the most of there peoples insurance

    6. Countries that Provide Universal Healthcare 32 out of 33 developed countries in the world have universal health care.

      As far as health care the united state is the worse at it.

    1. Case in point: take this css selector: h1.header > a[rel~="author"] Its shortest functional XPath equivalent would be //h1[contains(" "+normalize-space(@class)+" "," header ")]/a[contains(" "+normalize-space(@rel)+" "," author ")] …which is both much harder to read and write. If you wrote this XPath instead: //h1[@class="header"]/a[@rel="author"] …you would incorrectly have missed markup like <h1 class="article header"><a rel="author external" href="/mike">...</a></h1>
    1. This has a scientific basis: Robert Cialdini’s principle of consistency stipulates that when someone takes a small action or step towards something, they feel more compelled to finish.
    2. If your comment is about a typo, problem with the website or anything else, please use our contact form.

      First time I've seen users directed to use a separate channel than the main comments area for notifying about typos. Good idea.

  6. Jul 2019
    1. I wondered if he was an ethnic white rather than a white Anglo-Saxon Protestant. The historian Matthew Frye Jacobson, in “Whiteness of a Different Color,” describes “the 20th century’s reconsolidating of the 19th century’s ‘Celts, Slavs, Hebrews and Mediterraneans.’ ” By the 1940s, according to David Roediger, “given patterns of intermarriage across ethnicity and Cold War imperatives,” whites stopped dividing hierarchically within whiteness and begin identifying as socially constructed Caucasians.

      I wonder if it's possible to continue this trend to everyone else? Did the effect stop somewhere? What caused it to? What might help it continue?

    2. I wanted my students to gain an awareness of a growing body of work by sociologists, theorists, historians and literary scholars in a field known as “whiteness studies,” the cornerstones of which include Toni Morrison’s “Playing in the Dark: Whiteness and the Literary Imagination,” David Roediger’s “The Wages of Whiteness,” Matthew Frye Jacobson’s “Whiteness of a Different Color: European Immigrants and the Alchemy of Race,” Richard Dyer’s “White” and more recently Nell Irvin Painter’s “The History of White People.”

      Want to read

    1. Orientation Handbook

      Dear all, Please provide us with some feedback on the Orientation Session and this resource by leaving a few annotations for:

      • 1-2 things that you found interesting
      • 1-2 general remarks on any items discussed today
      • 1 question that you still need answered
      • any suggestions relating to the workshop and/ or the Handbook resource

      Thank you very much for your time! We look forward to working with you in the future! Joerdis (and the TC team)

    1. How and why did ethnic and national identities acquire their particular meanings? They were forged, I argue, through the struggles between contending social groups over who had access to the land and to the rights of citizenship.

      Here is a thesis for the book, the argument of the author. That the social construction of race in America is best understood in the competition between marginalized groups, especially in the context of the united states 'Western Frontier' and settler colonialism, especially with the nascent white nationalists using legal structures and extra-legal violence to oppress and suppress non-whites.

    2. Introduction "This Land Belongs to Me"

      A simple title, but there is a lot to unpackage here! Just from skimming, I can tell this is a very dense read, and it will take a lot of work and time to analyse this from a feminist, militarist, economic, ethnic, racial, religious, linguistic, and legal perspective.

  7. May 2019
    1. import java.util.Scanner;


      • A simple class to run the Magpie class.
      • @author Laurie White
      • @version 6 March 2012 */ public class MagpieRunner2 {


        • Create a Magpie, give it user input, and print its replies. */ public static void main(String[] args) { Magpie2 maggie = new Magpie2();

          System.out.println (maggie.getGreeting()); Scanner in = new Scanner (System.in); String statement = in.nextLine();

          while (!statement.equals("Bye")) {

           System.out.println (maggie.getResponse(statement));
           statement = in.nextLine();

          } }


  8. Apr 2019
    1. ​Technology is in constant motion. If we try to ignore the advances being made the world will move forward without us. Instead of trying to escape change, there needs to be an effort to incorporate technology into every aspect of our lives in the most beneficial way possible. If we look at the ways technology can improve our lives, we can see that technology specifically smartphones, have brought more benefits than harm to the academic and social aspects of teenagers lives, which is important because there is a constant pressure to move away from smart devices from older generations. The first aspect people tend to focus on is the effect that technology has on the academic life of a teen. Smartphones and other smart devices are a crucial part of interactive learning in a classroom and can be used as a tool in increasing student interest in a topic. For example, a popular interactive website, Kahoot, is used in many classrooms because it forces students to participate in the online quiz, while teachers can gauge how their students are doing in the class. Furthermore, these interactive tools are crucial for students that thrive under visual learning, since they can directly interact with the material. This can be extended to students with learning disabilities, such as Down Syndrome and Autism,​ research has shown that using specialized and interactive apps on a smart device aids learning more effectively than technology free learning. Picture Picture Another fear regarding technology is the impact it has on the social lives of young adults, but the benefits technology has brought to socializing outweighs any possible consequences. The obvious advantage smartphones have brought to social lives is the ability to easily communicate with people; with social media, texting, and calling all in one portable box there is no longer a struggle to be in contact with family and friends even if they are not in your area. Social media can also be used for much more In recent years, social media has been a key platform in spreading platforms and movements for social change. Because social media websites lower the barrier for communicating to large groups of people, it has been much easier to spread ideas of change across states, countries, or the world. For example, after Hurricane Sandy tore apart the northeastern United States, a movement called "Occupy Sandy" in which people gathered to provide relief for the areas affected was promoted and organized through social media. Other movements that have been possible because of social media include #MeToo, March for Our Lives, #BlackLivesMatter, and the 2017 Women's March. ​

    2. The music we listen to highly impacts our decision making, especially as adolescents. Adolescents are extremely impressionable, and the music they listen to has a great impact on how they decide to live their day to day lives. Popular musicians are seen as role models by the people who idolize them, and adolescents may try to represents the songs in which they favor through their actions every day.

      Recent studies have found that adolescents who listen to music that supports substance abuse and violence have a greater chance to act upon what they listen to. What young adults and teenagers listen to through music and popular media will affect their decision making process. Specifically with substance abuse, and there is a direct uptake in use of illegal substances by adolescents who listen to music that promotes such activities. This can cause a whole societal problem considering most of todays popular music among adolescents touches upon substance abuse and violence. Adolescents are extremely impressionable and the music they listen can shape how a person tries to act, or represent themselves.

    3. Our culture is defined by the music we listen to, and the way it is portrayed in the media. Every culture around the world has a different style of song or dance that represents their traditions. Culture can not only be changed through popular songs, but is best represented through music. One of the best ways to understand a foreign culture is by listening to the music that is favorable among the people whose culture you are trying to understand. Music is one of the most powerful forms of art between cultures.

      Music has the power to redefine cultures. We can see this through generational differences between song preferences. For example, American country music back in the late 1900s has a much different feel and style compared to country music now in 2019. While keeping within the same genre, this style of music touches upon different subjects, and uses different instruments, sounds and lyrics. Even early hip-hop has evolved from its beginnings. Hip-hop music is considered the most popular music as of right now, but it has not always been that way. Each generation favors different types of genres of music, and it is clear which backgrounds over the years have favored certain genres of music. As much as music can differentiate cultures, and generations, music can bring people of completely different background together by its artistic flavor and general popularity throughout the mainstream media.

    1. Worldwide gaming industry is worth billions and with such high figures at stake gamers never compromise on the hardware used for their professional gaming matches. The world is also recognizing gaming as a full-time employment and earning opportunity rather than the just a free time hobby. Now let’s come to facts. Things might look simple but it’s easier said than done. Professional gamers invest a lot on their hardware and equipment to reach at the top. If you are one of those who is inspired to be follow their steps or stepping into this industry, then this is a must-read article for you. In this article we will be covering How to Choose the right Gaming Monitor for your PC, undoubtedly the most important investment a gamer needs to make. Selecting a Gaming Monitor– Physical Design, Shape & Size: While finalizing the design first take into account the space available at your desk for the same. You would never want a misfit, specially when it comes to a gaming monitor. Idle size would be 24”. After the size comes the shape of the design and shape. Flat screen monitors are slowly giving way to curved screen ones with better view and immersive experience. Remember your size shape and design of your monitor would have a great impact on your gaming experience. Huntkey a leading online electrical and electronics store based in USA has a collection of gaming monitors for all level of gamers depending upon the requirement, budget, size etc. Selecting a Gaming Monitor- Specifications: 3 specifications should always be taken care of while buying any sort of visual monitor for an immersive experience, native resolutions, response rate & viewing angle. Higher resolutions ensure more information is packed into your monitor. Here the recommended resolutions size is of 1920X1080. A gamer always requires detailed information for successfully completing the missions. This where higher pixels or resolution play a key role. Let’s take an example for a real war mission. You blink and you die. The same also goes for a gamer involved in this genre of gaming where even a delay of certain milliseconds can end the entire mission for you. Professional gamers probably would end up losing millions of dollars where the response rate of the monitor is not optimal. Even though there is no well-defined response rate but anything that ensures you take the headshot every time, probably a response rate between 2-5 milliseconds would be helpful. This feature is most importantly relevant for television viewing or for motion graphics/movie viewing. Viewing angle is the angle from which if viewed, the quality of graphics appearing in te video doesn’t degrade. In most cases unless the display is curved or of high specs, moving away from the center of the display downgrades the viewing experience. For online purchase of gaming monitors visit HuntKey.com.

      Worldwide gaming industry is worth billions and with such high figures at stake gamers never compromise on the hardware used for their professional gaming matches. The world is also recognizing gaming as a full-time employment and earning opportunity rather than the just a free time hobby.