4,544 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2023
    1. And so when we have this simplistic view of power, we're missing the story. What you really need is a system that attracts the right kind of people 01:18:20 so that the diplomats who are clean and nice and rule-following end up in power. Then you need a system that gives them all the right incentives to follow the rules once they get there. And then if you do have people who break the rules, there needs to be consequences. So the study from UN diplomats and their parking behavior actually, I think, illuminates a huge amount of very interesting dynamics around power,
      • how to create a system that mitigates abuse, based on the UN diplomat parking example
        • create a system that attracts the right kind of people so that the people who are clean and nice and rule-following end up in power.
        • Give them all the right incentives to follow the rules once they get there.
        • If you do have people who break the rules, there needs to be consequences.
    2. some systems of power have absolutely no barriers,
      • key finding
        • some systems of power have absolutely no barriers
      • comment
        • when there are no barriers, then power seekers will have opportunity to actualize power
    1. In addition, methods such as structural equation modeling (Gonçalves and Hall 2003) and Granger causality (Goebel et al. 2003) may shed light on the direction of causality as well as whether the observed correlations are direct or indirect.
      • [ ] look into [[structural equation modeling]] and [[Granger causality]]
    1. One federal judge in the Northern District of Texas issued a standing order in late May after Schwartz’s situation was in headlines that anyone appearing before the court must either attest that “no portion of any filing will be drafted by generative artificial intelligence” or flag any language that was drafted by AI to be checked for accuracy. He wrote that while these “platforms are incredibly powerful and have many uses in the law,” briefings are not one of them as the platforms are “prone to hallucinations and bias” in their current states.

      Seems like this judge has a strong bias against the use of AI. I think this broad ban is too broad and unfair. Maybe they should ban spell check and every other tool that could make mistakes too? Ultimately, the humans using the tool shoudl be the ones responsible for checking the generaetd draft for accuracy and the ones to hold responsible for any mistakes; they shouldn't simply be forbidden from using the tool.

    2. New York-based startup DoNotPay created an AI-based way for people to contest traffic tickets—a user would wear smart glasses that would feed it information to say in court generated by AI—but before the creator could introduce it in court, he said he got threats from multiple bar associations about “unauthorized practice of law,”
    1. energetic signature
      • [ ] Check if formal term
      • [ ] If so, check if Roy is using it differently
    2. finance capitalism
      • [ ] Check if [[finance capitalism]] is a formal term
      • [ ] If so, check if [[Bonnitta Roy]] is using it differently
    3. collective agency is an emergent outcome of the self-organized actions of many individuals

      Seems like [[collective agency]] (for Roy) is a kind of [[agency]] as an [[epiphenomena]]. This seems inconsistent with the notion that [[agency]] is the capacity for the agent (at whatever scale) is the most causally relevant factor in determining it's behavior (think this is Vervaeke's view).

      • [ ] Need to look up how [[Michael Levin]] and [[John Vervaeke]] use it
    1. In many cases, all or some of an author'sworks included in this set were unavailable.

      One of the primary goals of The Great Books, was to make some of the (especially ancient writers) more accessible to modern audiences with respect to ready availability of their works which were otherwise much more expensive.

      This certainly says something about both publishing and reading practices of the early 20th century.

    1. transcendental need for reason as the vehicle of itself undermining
      • insight
      • there is a transcendental need for reason as the vehicle of itself undermining

        • the only way to understand that
          • reason isn't self-justifying
          • there is knowledge that transcends reason
        • is to use reason to reach a stage where you think reason might need to be abandoned,
          • reason becomes most necessary
        • Understanding the limits of reason requires reason
          • that is the essence of Madhyamaka
      • comment

        • when reason is turned upon itself, when consciousness studies itself, that is where paradoxes emerge - at the limits of thought and the limits of conceptualization
    2. no we don't
      • Answer

        • No.
        • we end up with a non conceptual insight that:
          • we can then communicate
          • that we can discuss
          • that we can articulate
          • that requires that reason be present at:
            • the beginning like the seed
            • in the middle when we're performing the analysis
            • like the rain that nourishes the crops and
            • in the end in the harvest
          • because non conceptuality is really easy to achieve all you need is a very large rock,
            • just bang right on your head and non conceptuality is there
          • but that's a mute inert non-conceptual
          • Non-conceptuality needs to be enriched by the conceptual insight that allows you to actually make something of it
      • The Middle Way

        • using the conceptual to reach a deeper appreciation of the state of non-conceptuality,
        • in other words, using dualistic thought and language to reach insights about the nondual
    1. here's the problem very predictably experts use language in one set of 00:07:42 patterns to do their thinking but those very same experts read with a different pattern
      • fundamental problem of research writing / reading

        • researchers write to think in one way
        • and read and process information in another
        • we interfere with the reading comprehension process of the reader by writing to think
      • there are three reactions to reading text we do not understand

        • we reread - it slows us down
        • we don't understand
        • we feel frustrated
    2. unlike a journalist almost surely you are using your writing process to help yourself think 00:05:20 in other words the thinking that you're doing is at such a level of complexity that you have to use writing to help yourself do your thinking
      • a researcher writes to help the thinking process
  2. Jun 2023
    1. Computational studies that analyzed HGT events among bacterial genomes revealed that HGT frequency positively and strongly correlates with the similarity of tRNA pools between donors and acceptors
    1. Creation, (Samuel Goldwyn Films, 2009) https://www.kanopy.com/en/product/creation-2?vp=lapl

      Torn between faith and science, and suffering hallucinations, English naturalist Charles Darwin struggles to complete 'On the Origin of Species' and maintain his relationship with his wife.

      Director Jon Amiel Featuring: Jennifer Connelly, Benedict Cumberbatch, Toby Jones, Paul Bettany, Ian Kelly

    1. Die FDP vertritt bekannte Positionen der Gegner wirksamen Klimaschutzes. Sie sind inspieriert von libertärer Propaganda, wie sie die Koch-Brüder und andere in den USA sehr wirkungsvoll betrieben haben. Besonders der FDP-Politiker Frank Schäffler, der mitentscheidend für die Blockade des deutschen Heizungsgesetzes war, gehört zu einem Netzwerk, das mit den US-Netzwerken zur Verhinderung von Klimaschutz kooperiert und ähnliche Finanziers hat. Christian Stöcker stellt die Hintergründe in diesem Spiegelartikel dar.


    1. What I have seen is situations where things were made horribly complicated to get around protections for which there was no need, and to try to guard the consistency of data structures that were horribly over-complicated and un-normalized.
    2. Are protected members/fields really that bad? No. They are way, way worse. As soon as a member is more accessible than private, you are making guarantees to other classes about how that member will behave. Since a field is totally uncontrolled, putting it "out in the wild" opens your class and classes that inherit from or interact with your class to higher bug risk. There is no way to know when a field changes, no way to control who or what changes it. If now, or at some point in the future, any of your code ever depends on a field some certain value, you now have to add validity checks and fallback logic in case it's not the expected value - every place you use it. That's a huge amount of wasted effort when you could've just made it a damn property instead ;) The best way to share information with deriving classes is the read-only property: protected object MyProperty { get; } If you absolutely have to make it read/write, don't. If you really, really have to make it read-write, rethink your design. If you still need it to be read-write, apologize to your colleagues and don't do it again :) A lot of developers believe - and will tell you - that this is overly strict. And it's true that you can get by just fine without being this strict. But taking this approach will help you go from just getting by to remarkably robust software. You'll spend far less time fixing bugs.

      In other words, make the member variable itself private, but can be abstracted (and access provided) via public methods/properties

    3. Public and/or protected fields are bad because they can be manipulated from outside the declaring class without validation; thus they can be said to break the encapsulation principle of object oriented programming.
    4. Using a property or a method to access the field enables you to maintain encapsulation, and fulfill the contract of the declaring class.
    5. Exposing properties gives you a way to hide the implementation. It also allows you to change the implementation without changing the code that uses it (e.g. if you decide to change the way data are stored in the class)
    6. They are based on defensive coding carried to extremes.
    7. Another point is that properties are good in that you can place breakpoints in them to capture getting/setting events and find out where they come from.
    8. They sound like "argument by prestige". If MSDN says it, or some famous developer or author whom everybody likes says it, it must be so.
    9. you nailed it! A consumer should only be able to set an object's state at initialization (via the constructor). Once the object has come to life, it should be internally responsible for its own state lifecycle. Allowing consumers to affect the state adds unnecessary complexity and risk.
    10. Making a property writable adds an order of magnitude in complexity. In the real world it's definitely not realistic for every class to be immutable, but if most of your classes are, it's remarkably easier to write bug-free code. I had that revelation once and I hope to help others have it.
    1. The main thing to note here is that in the derived class, we need to be careful to repeat the protected modifier if this exposure isn’t intentional.
    1. I'm not saying never mark methods private. I'm saying the better rule of thumb is to "make methods protected unless there's a good reason not to".
    2. Marking methods protected by default is a mitigation for one of the major issues in modern SW development: failure of imagination.
    3. If it's dangerous, note it in the class/method Javadocs, don't just blindly slam the door shut.
    4. When a developer chooses to extend a class and override a method, they are consciously saying "I know what I'm doing." and for the sake of productivity that should be enough. period.
    5. The old wisdom "mark it private unless you have a good reason not to" made sense in days when it was written, before open source dominated the developer library space and VCS/dependency mgmt. became hyper collaborative thanks to Github, Maven, etc. Back then there was also money to be made by constraining the way(s) in which a library could be utilized. I spent probably the first 8 or 9 years of my career strictly adhering to this "best practice". Today, I believe it to be bad advice. Sometimes there's a reasonable argument to mark a method private, or a class final but it's exceedingly rare, and even then it's probably not improving anything.
    1. There are now about 22,000 contributorsto the site, which charges between $1 and $5 per basic image

      This reminds me of the article "Wikipedia and the Death of an Expert" how there are also so many volunteers running the wikipedia page. I inserted an article that mentions how many active editors there are on wikipedia so we can really compare the similarities in contributors.

    1. Don’t confuse Consent Mode with Additional Consent Mode, a feature that allows you to gather consent for Google ad partners that are not yet part of the Transparency and Consent Framework but are on Google’s Ad Tech Providers (ATP) list.
    1. This analysis will result in the form of a new knowledge-based multilingual terminological resource which is designed in order to meet the FAIR principles for Open Science and will serve, in the future, as a prototype for the development of a new software for the simplified rewriting of international legal texts relating to human rights.

      software to rewrite international legal texts relating to human rights, a well written prompt and a few examples, including the FAIR principles will let openAI's chatGPT do it effectively.

  3. May 2023
    1. “Why do we need to learn [this]?” where [this] is whatever I happened to be struggling with at the time.  Unfortunately for everyone, this question – which should always elicit a homerun response from the teacher

      The eternal student question, "Why do we need to learn this?" should always have a fantastic answer from their teachers.

    1. https://pressbooks.pub/illuminated/

      A booklet prepared for teachers that introduces key concepts from the Science of Learning (i.e. cognitive neuroscience). The digital booklet is the result of a European project. Its content have been compiled from continuing professional development workshops for teachers and features evidence-based teaching practices that align with our knowledge of the Science of Learning.

    1. At the 'Library of Things' in Sachsenhausen Library Centre, people can borrow objects they might otherwise need to buy
      • Comment
        • Question
          • How much material would be freed up if it was SHARED instead of hoarded by one person?
          • related questions
            • what kind of behavioral change is required to reach an impactful level of sharing?
            • in a sense, public-instead-of-private
              • transportation
              • etc
            • is the ultimate expression of private converted to public
    1. I would recommend ruling a line under the 6th point and having the rest as ‘if you get time’ tasks. Nothing else is allowed to get done until those first 6 tasks are complete: This is known as the Ivy Lee method.

      The "Ivy Lee method" for productivity involves making a to do list with a line underneath the first six most important tasks and doing nothing else until the top six items are finished.

      Jason Chatfield credits http://katiefarnan.com/blogs/the-form/lauren-layne for the idea.

    2. Use David Allen’s GTD method and put your MIT (Most Important Task) at the top, and don’t attempt anything below it until that one task is done.

      sometimes known as eating the frog first...

    1. Throughout the day, mark each task as completed, in-progress, or delegated. Feel free to create your own symbols.

      Similar to the sorts of to do list task key in many bullet journals, the Analog system has "task signals" : - black filled circle means "complete task" - half filled circle means task is in progress - a right arrow in the circle means the task was delegated - a cross in the circle means that the task is an appointment, potentially with the appointment time added to the to do item

      The system suggests that you can "create your own" task signals, though in true minimalist fashion, it doesn't give other suggestions. Presumably one could do other pattern fills of the circle or symbols within it to mean other things (example: bullet journal key symbols).

      Interestingly, the to do circles start out not blank, but with a single thin line splitting the circle in half vertically. This is apparently a design choice, perhaps to make it easier to fill in half of the circle?

    2. The Analog system utilizes a simplified version of an Eisenhower matrix which we'll call "today / next / someday" as a means of prioritizing to do list items on a temporal basis.

    1. You have come for your Mistress Darling, but that beautiful bird is no longer sitting in her nest, nor is she singing any more. The cat got her, and will scratch your eyes out as well.

      4 -- Rhetorical Strategies

      Frequently, tales of Rapunzel include typical characters or archetypes such as the distressed damsel, the wicked captor, and the gallant savior striving for freedom. These familiar archetypes add to the genre's essence and lay a basis for investigating dynamics between characters.

    2. Rapunzel recognized him, and crying

      4 -- Rhetorical Strategies

      Rapunzel as a type of literature often incorporates opposing elements to generate a sense of unease and emphasize important messages. This is shown through the juxtaposition of the cramped tower and the vastness of the world outside, the purity of Rapunzel in contrast with the wickedness of her captor, or even in how her vulnerability transforms into resilience. Vulnerability becoming resilience is perfectly portrayed in this portion here and in many other retellings where Rapunzel's tears are used to heal the prince.

    3. Once upon a time

      4 -- Rhetorical Structure

      The storytelling framework for Rapunzel narratives is often predictable, with a standard narrative structure comprising of an initial period of imprisonment followed by the appearance of either a prince or another character seeking liberation. The climax comes with overcoming obstacles to achieve ultimate victory. This model offers an overarching design for the genre and its characteristic rhetorical effects.

    4. locked her in a tower

      4 -- Analyze Rhetoric

      An indispensable aspect of fairy tale storytelling is the conspicuous tower in which Rapunzel is held captive. Its iconography and allegorical significance- evoking separation, desire, and an unwavering aspiration towards autonomy-remains specific to the story and genre of Rapunzel.

    1. Musicpsychologydefinesgrooveashumans’pleasureableurgeto movetheirbodyin syn-chronywithmusic.Pastresearchhasfoundthatrhythmicsyncopation,eventdensity,beatsalience,andrhythmicvariabilityarepositivelyassociatedwithgroove
    2. The ABAC Song Form
    4. Bebop Blues
    9. The AABA Song Form
    10. Phrase Models
    12. Pentatonics and Hexatonics
    14. DROP 2
    15. Chord–Scale Theory
    16. Post-Tonal Jazz
    17. Jazz Reharmonization
    18. Bebop
    19. Idiomatic Jazz Progressions
    20. Keyboard Textures
    21. Jazz Lead Sheets
    22. Improvisation
    23. The Blues
    24. Chord–Scale Theory
    25. Diatonic Modes
    26. Swing
    27. Syncopation
    28. Jazz Rhythm
    29. Modes
    30. The II–V–I Progression
    1. As Schuller points out: “There is no question in my mind that the classical world can learn much about timing. rhythmic accuracy and subtlety from jazz musicians, as jazz musicians can in dynamics. structure and contrast from the classical musicians.”
    1. Dynamics are yet another aspect of composition over which McNeely exercises deliberate and organized control. Writing for a high level ensemble such as the Vanguard Jazz Orchestra, he is able to demand and receive a great deal of nuance, shape and color. McNeely uses an extraordinarily high number of dynamic markings throughout all his arrangements and in particular here. Undulating hairpin (crescendo followed by immediate decrescendo) shapes are prevalent with each dynamic level marked 14specifically. As a rule, the ensemble exaggerates the dynamic shapes, often in ways that give prominence to the dynamics over and above elements of harmony and melody. In this respect, the dynamics may sometimes be considered a compositional device of equal importance. This general approach to dynamics as shapes is characteristic of all three of the compositions studied herein.
    1. patterns are often called‘formulas’, ‘licks’, ‘stock-phrases’, and ‘riffs’. The maindifferences between these terms lie in their supposed ori-gin, their function, and their musical characteristics .
    1. Stop to think about "normal app" as like desktop app. Android isn't a desktop platform, there is no such this. A "normal" mobile app let the system control the lifecycle, not the dev. The system expect that, the users expect that. All you need to do is change your mindset and learn how to build on it. Don't try to clone a desktop app on mobile. Everything is completely different including UI/UX.

      depends on how you look at it: "normal"

    1. low degree of immediacy and spontaneity

      Online synchronous tutoring is not as urgent and spontaneous as in-person. Some writers might struggle with communication, or find the platform difficult to use.

  4. Apr 2023
    1. those who got the updated booster had one-tenth the risk of being hospitalized compared with those who are unvaccinated

      Basically 65-79 higher seniors are in high risk of being sent to the hospital rather than other people who aren't even vaccines The booster is much more stronger to seniors.

    1. Want to read: How Romantics and Victorians Organized Information by Jillian M. Hess 📚


      👀 How did I not see this?!?? 😍 Looks like a good follow up to Ann Blair's Too Much to Know (Yale, 2010) and the aperitif of Simon Winchester's Knowing What We Know (Harper) which just came out on Tuesday. 📚 Thanks for the recommendation Kimberly!

    1. Zhao briefly describes Cal Newport's Questions, Evidence, Conclusions (QEC) framework which she uses as a framework for quickly annotating books and then making notes from those annotations later.

      How does QEC differ from strategies in Adler/Van Doren?

    1. If Parvana lost track of hermother, she was afraid she'd never find her again

      This is sad, a child has a fear to lose her mother because all women on the street are wearing the same cloth

    1. From this striving, otherwise than in the case of the intellectuals, there results also another statement of the problem, and new perspectives are opened. In this way conceptions are formed regarding the regulation of the mutual relations of human beings in social production, conceptions which to the intellectual elements appear incomprehensible and which they declare to be utopian and unrealizable. But these conceptions have already unfolded a powerful force in the revolutionary uprisings of the wage-workers, of the modern proletarians. This force was shown first on a major scale in the Paris Commune, which sought to overcome the centralized authority of the State through the self-administration of the communes. It was the cause also of Marx’s giving up his idea (expressed in the Communist Manifesto) that state economy would lead to the disappearance of class society. In the workers’ and soldiers’ councils of the Russian and German revolutions of 1917-23, it arose once more to a mighty and at times all-mastering power. And in future no proletarian-revolutionary movement is conceivable in which it will not play a more and more prominent and finally all-mastering role. It is the self-activity of the broad working masses which manifests itself in the workers’ councils. Here is nothing utopian any longer; it is actual reality. In the workers’ councils the proletariat has shaped the organizational form in which it conducts its struggle for liberation.
    1. Nonetheless, there remains still an unbalanced contradiction between on one hand Marx's characterization of the Paris Commune as the finally discovered "political form" for accomplishing the economic and social self-liberation of the working class and, on the other hand, his emphasis at the same time that the suitability of the commune for this purpose rests mainly on its formlessness; that is, on its indeterminateness and openness to multiple interpretations. It appears there is only one point at which Marx's position is perfectly clear and to which he professed at this time under the influence of certain political theories he had in the meantime come up against and which were incorporated in this original political concept-and not least under the practical impression of the enormous experience of the Paris Commune itself. While in the Communist Manifesto of 1847-48 and likewise in the Inaugural Address to the International Workers' Association in 1864, he still had only spoken of the necessity “for the proletariat to conquer political power” now the experiences of the Paris Commune provided him with the proof that "the working class can not simply appropriate the ready-made state machinery and put it into motion for its own purposes, but it must smash the existing bourgeois state machinery in a revolutionary way." This sentence has since been regarded as an essential main proposition and core of the whole political theory of Marxism, especially since in 1917 Lenin at once theoretically restored the unadulterated Marxian theory of the state in his work "State and Revolution" and practically realized it through carrying through the October Revolution as its executor. But obviously nothing positive is at all yet said about the formal character of the new revolutionary supreme state power of the proletariat with the merely negative determination that the state power cannot simply "appropriate the state machinery" of the previous bourgeois state "for the working class and set it in motion for their own purposes." So we must ask: for which reasons does the "Commune" in its particular, determinate form represent the finally discovered political form of government for the working class, as Marx puts it in his Civil War, and as Engels characterizes it once more at great length in his introduction to the third edition of the Civil War twenty years later? Whatever gave Marx and Engels, those fiery admirers of the centralized system of revolutionary bourgeois dictatorship realized by the great French Revolution, the idea to regard precisely the "Commune" as the "political form" of the revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat, when it appeared to be the complete opposite to that system?
    1. Holding Negligent Doctors AccountableWhen a doctor fails to diagnose your medical condition, it can have serious consequences. We put our trust in medical workers to identify a disease to increase our chances of recovery. A doctor’s failure to diagnose is a form of medical malpractice because such negligence can cause significant injury

      I want: - monetary and punitive damages - I want to put it in the spot light that most "psychotherapists" are not qualified, but people, themselves, think they are, and law language makes them think they are - that law, nor anything, meaningfully restrictions anyone from making a "diagnosis" - that not only are psychotherapists not qualified, they are not qualified to know when they are not qualified and refer out - that there is gross insufficiency in not only oversight, but no meaningful sufficient method/tools by which to measure and enforce oversight - that there is gross insufficiency in sound method to match mental needs to mental services - to provide parents and children and welfare the tools and ammo to select, apply, enforce, and measure performance of services - further to do the same for every other person in this world who is in need of, receiving ineffective, receiving damage because of wrong, mental care.

    1. He began a process that would move past merely separating mind and matter, and toward a worldview that saw only matter as real. A contemporary of Descartes, Thomas Hobbes, went further and suggested that thinking arose from small mechanical processes happening in the brain. In doing so, Vervaeke points out, he was laying the ground for artificial intelligence:…what Hobbes is doing is killing the human soul! And of course that’s going to exacerbate the cultural narcissism, because if we no longer have souls, then finding our uniqueness and our true self, the self that we’re going to be true to, becomes extremely paradoxical and problematic. If you don’t have a soul, what is it to be true to your true self? And what is it that makes you utterly unique and special from the rest of the purposeless, meaningless cosmos?

      Quote - Descartes created the mind / body dualism - Thomas Hobbes reduced consciousness to physicalism - by claiming that thinking was an epi-phenomena of atomic interactions

    1. will fail to give them credit for brilliant talents and excellent dispositions.

      I am confused on who Frederick Douglas referred to as the people who will fail to give these women credit for brilliant talents and excelent dispositons. Was he talking about the audience at the convention or was he talking about people in the general population?