247 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
  2. Jul 2024
    1. Remember that typewriter-typing (typewritering?) is different from keyboarding on a computer, even if the key layouts are similar between the two.

      typewritering as a retcon neologism with respect to keyboarding

  3. Feb 2024
    1. “Library hand” was a special kind ofbackward-slanting penmanship meant specically for card catalogs,and taught in library school through the 1920s.
    2. Even OCLC, one ofthe very best retrospective-conversion contractors in the business, isbound to make thousands of typos in the course of a huge projectlike the Harvard “recon.”

      "Recon" from RETROCON, a division of OCLC, which retroactively digitized and converted the data on library card catalog cards into digital format from roughly the late 1980s into the 90s.

  4. Sep 2023
  5. Aug 2023
    1. He believed in his own conception ofliberal education for all and looked upon any kind of trainingdirected to learning a trade, solely to make a living at it, asnarrowing and illiberal.

      definitions: illiberal



  6. Jul 2023
    1. Ahmed allegedly created two fake accounts that masqueraded as "tick accounts"; accounts owned and controlled by the exchange that contained data about the liquidity provided by all liquidity providers for a particular price range.
  7. Jun 2023
    1. the positive ones is we become good parents we spoke about this last time we we met uh and and it's the only outcome it's the only way I believe we can 01:14:34 create a better future
      • comment
        • the best possible outcome for AI
        • is that we human better
        • othering is significantly reduced
        • the sacred is rediscovered
  8. Apr 2023
    1. I decided to translate the German “Zettelkasten” as “Zettelkasten” since I consider this an established term.

      An example of a bi-lingual German-English speaker/writer specifically translating and using Zettelkasten as an established word in English.

  9. Mar 2023
    1. “When I hear gaggles of people who come into the store, someone has read the book and they’re like, ‘Oh my God. You have to read this. The hero is so cute. He’s such a cinnamon roll’” — a term borrowed from fan fiction that means the male love interest is “really sweet, but he’s not a pushover.”
    1. Content management system (CMS) vendors have been rushing to either rebrand as “Digital Experience Platforms” (DXP for short) or position themselves as part of a “composable DXP” — a suite of marketing tools working together to handle the digital experience.
    1. Oppressed groups aren’t always infantilised – in a process known as ‘adultification’, children from racialised minorities are typically viewed as having more agency, which makes them more likely to be criminalised– but the right is happy to deploy a diversity of tactics.
    1. Even if I have not yet convinced you to abandon “criminal justice system” in favor of “carceral system,” I hope I have you thinking about the fact that some of our legal system’s common terms are viewed and experienced by others in non-neutral and harmful ways.
  10. Feb 2023
    1. Think of it like “heteronormativity,” the idea that heterosexual couples “automatically, but inappropriately, assume all other people fit their own categories,” but for cars.
    2. That’s because a lot of us suffer from a malady called “car brain” — though Ian Walker, a professor of environmental psychology at Swansea University in Wales, prefers to call it “motonormativity.”
  11. Jan 2023
    1. In particular Erwin Schrödinger is said (Wigner (1981)) to have spoken of the Gruppenpest (German for “plague of group theory”) which ought to be abandoned. In his autobiography John Slater, an MIT physicist, claimed: It was at this point that Wigner, Hund, Heitler, and Weyl entered the picture with their “Gruppenpest”: the pest of the group theory… The authors of the “Gruppenpest” wrote papers which were incomprehensible to those like me who had not studied group theory, in which they applied these theoretical results to the study of the many electron problem. The practical consequences appeared to be negligible, but everyone felt that to be in the mainstream one had to learn about it. Yet there were no good texts from which one could learn group theory. It was a frustrating experience, worthy of the name of a pest. I had what I can only describe as a feeling of outrage at the turn which the subject had taken… As soon as this [Slaters] paper became known, it was obvious that a great many other physicists were as disgusted as I had been with the group-theoretical approach to the problem. As I heard later, there were remarks made such as “Slater has slain the ‘Gruppenpest’”. I believe that no other piece of work I have done was so universally popular.

      Gruppenpest, a word of German origin, which has also entered into English to mean "the plague of group theory" and group theorists (mathematicians) who were applying abstract algebra to physics and quantum mechanics in the mid-twentieth century.

      via https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/Gruppenpest

    1. Complaints about information overload and ‘infobesity’ are age-old phenomena, as book historian Rindert Jagersma observes. Until the invention of printing, monks and officials used to copy texts by hand, which was a slow and expensive process. But with the advent of printing presses, books and other texts became cheaper to produce and consume.
  12. Dec 2022
    1. Splooting, or more technically heat dumping, is a process through which animals stretch their hind legs back and lie on cooler surfaces to reduce their body heat. It’s commonly done by squirrels and sometimes, by dogs, and it’s no reason for concern, it’s just a sign that the animal is hot and trying to cool off.
    1. In the liner notes of “Ambient 1: Music for Airports” (1978), Eno wrote, “Ambient Music must be able to accommodate many levels of listening attention without enforcing one in particular; it must be as ignorable as it is interesting.”
    1. The enshittification of Amazon – where you search for a specific product and get six screens of ads for different, worse ones – is the natural end-state of chokepoint capitalism: https://pluralistic.net/2022/11/28/enshittification/#relentless-payola
    1. I also know that I have um effectively eclectomania in terms of I can click and capture stuff or clip it clip out stuff 01:26:48 faster than I can really as a minimum process it's such that oh that's an interesting link right I've read the abstract or I've read this 01:27:00 intro paragraph Yes I want that so I capture it with its URL as a minimum and I know I captured it today kleptomania that is great yeah

      Quote timestamp 01:26:36 from Obsidian Book Club checkin on 2022-12-04

      Context: talking about note taking methods; note that the autogenerated transcription actually misses the word as eclectoamania which is interesting in itself as a potential word.

      cliptomania<br /> definition: an excessive enthusiasm or desire to clip interesting material into one's notes. It often manifests itself in online settings where digital tools allow one to easily highlight and keep information including a URL or permalink to revisit that information in the future; a portmanteau of "clip" and "mania"

      Examples of tools that allow or encourage this collection of material include Evernote and Hypothes.is.

      a phenomenon which is related to the so-called "collector's fallacy"

    1. “Goblin mode” has been chosen by the public as the 2022 Oxford word of the year. The term, which refers to “a type of behaviour which is unapologetically self-indulgent, lazy, slovenly, or greedy, typically in a way that rejects social norms or expectations”, has become the first word of the year to have been decided by public vote.
  13. Nov 2022
    1. And that, perhaps, is what we might get to via prebunking. Not so much attempts to counter or fact-check misinfo on the internet, but defanging the tropes that underpin the most recurringly manipulative claims so that the public sees, recognizes, & thinks:

      And that, perhaps, is what we might get to via prebunking. Not so much attempts to counter or fact-check misinfo on the internet, but defanging the tropes that underpin the most recurringly manipulative claims so that the public sees, recognizes, & thinks:😬

      — Renee DiResta (@noUpside) June 19, 2021
      <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
  14. learn-ap-southeast-2-prod-fleet01-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com learn-ap-southeast-2-prod-fleet01-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com
    1. Samuel Taylor Coleridge, who’scredited with the first use of the term marginalia, in 1819, coined the term as literarycriticism and to spark public dialogue.6

      6 Coleridge, S. T. (1819). Character of Sir Thomas Brown as a writer.Blackwood’s Magazine 6(32), 197.

    1. Scenius is like genius, only embedded in a scene rather than in genes. Brian Eno suggested the word to convey the extreme creativity that groups, places or “scenes”  can occasionally generate. His actual definition is:  “Scenius stands for the intelligence and the intuition of a whole cultural scene. It is the communal form of the concept of the genius.”
    1. The final thing I will say is, we have the 2016 model in our mind that, if there's a normie Republican, they get crushed by Donald Trump. Why should a Mike DeWine, not that he's going to run, but why — normie Republicans did way better than the performative Republicans.


      video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8Km_Vyhvww

      David Brooks here (coins?) uses the phrase "normie Republican" to describe Republicans who tend to center rather than to the far right, Christian right, or who are Trump Republicans. Some of those people might describe these normie Republicans as Rhinos (Republicans in name only.)

      Typically I've only seen "normie" used by those who identify as ADHD, Aspergers, or otherwise on the (neurodiverse) spectrum to describe average people who don't display those behaviors.

      Judy Woodruff: So, I just want to be clear. We're using the word normie, as in — this is a David Brooks word, right? (LAUGHTER)

      David Brooks: No, this — I did not invent this. I think two generations below me invented that word. (LAUGHTER)

      Brooks admits he learned the word from others, but he's also using it with a different meaning and context than the original "normie" unadorned.

  15. Oct 2022
    1. A polycrisis is not just a situation where you face multiple crises. It is a situation like that mapped in the risk matrix, where the whole is even more dangerous than the sum of the parts.
    1. It also saw a surge in “flipping,” or customers buying an item, then selling it again a few months or weeks later.
    2. Next is “remade,” where rolls of deadstock fabric are used to produce popular Reformation designs or vintage-inspired silhouettes.
    1. A negroni sbagliato (which translates to wrong negroni) replaces the gin with a sparkling wine.
    2. A negroni is traditionally made with one part gin, one part Campari, and one part sweet vermouth.
    1. An azide is a type of molecule that contains three nitrogen atoms bound in a straight line; an alkyne contains a triple bond between carbons.
    2. Bertozzi coined the term bioorthogonal to refer to reactions that occur without interfering with the chemistry of a living cell.
    3. Orthogonal, which in geometry means perpendicular, refers in chemistry to reactions that can proceed independently in the same medium without affecting each other.
  16. Sep 2022
    1. People from Connecticut are called “nutmeggers” because the unofficial nickname for CT is “the nutmeg state.”
    1. “Beezer”, of course, is Joseph-speak for “Bimmer-owning geezers”, those who bought their first new BMWs for less than the current sales tax on a new BMW back when many Americans thought “BMW” meant “British Motor Works”.
    1. An antipersona is a representation of a user group that could misuse a product in ways that negatively impact target users and the business.
  17. Aug 2022
    1. A ‘shadowland’ can be defined as ‘an indeterminate borderland between places or states, typically represented as an abode of ghosts and spirits’; the word captures the haunting quality of these zones.
  18. Jul 2022
    1. In this work, an inanimate spider is repurposed as a ready-to-use actuator requiring only a single facile fabrication step, initiating the area of “necrobotics” in which biotic materials are used as robotic components.
    1. This is opposed by a hydraulic system: a chamber in the center of the spider’s body (known as a prosoma) pushes out fluid to open the leg, with separate valves allowing the animal to control each limb independently.
    1. Google, for instance, refers to its directly employed workers as “Googlers,” and its contractors as “TVCs” (temporary, vendor or contractor).
    1. The chosen point ofdeparture for exploring these questions is the concept of xenohospitality;a term I borrow from Helen Hester – one of the authors of theXenofeminist Manifesto – who defines it as openness to the alien, adefinition I link closely to ‘comradeliness’.
    2. Concurrently,the jokey portmanteau ‘momrade’, i.e. mom + comrade, has circulated persistentlyin the twenty-first century on online forums maintained by communities ofmothers and/or leftists.
  19. Apr 2022
  20. Feb 2022
    1. Model C: Connected CO2 sensor with integrated battery and storage New 2022 enclosure design with modular wallmount and deskstand options Starting at 199.00$ CAD (+tx)

      Health sensors better be FOSS.

  21. Jan 2022
    1. Despite lively discussion on the role that UV-based technologies can play in reducing SARS-CoV-2 transmission [[27], [28], [29], [30]], available data on its use and impact are still scant, setting-specific and heterogeneous in terms of study design and assessed outcomes

      Scientific data on UV & airborn diseases still lagging behind other precautionary methods.

  22. Dec 2021
    1. The local tyrannosaur in the Prince Creek Formation was not a familiar species seen elsewhere, but a unique and smaller predator—roughly the size of a polar bear— that Fiorillo and colleagues dubbed Nanuqsaurus.
  23. Sep 2021
  24. Aug 2021
  25. Jul 2021
    1. Downsizing and shrinkflation mean the same thing Dworsky is a former Massachusetts assistant attorney general and longtime consumer advocate. He has spent decades tracking instances of companies shrinking products on his website Mouseprint. He refers to it by its original name, downsizing, but economist Pippa Malmgren rechristened it "shrinkflation" about a decade ago, and the term stuck. Downsizing and shrinkflation both refer to the same thing: companies reducing the size or quantity of their products while charging the same price or even more.
  26. Jun 2021
    1. Reentering the workplace felt at once familiar and foreign, imparting a sense of day-job vu. My colleague and I crept past empty cubicles and offices, feeling a bit like scavengers or archaeologists touring a post-apocalyptic civilization that was largely unchanged except for the hand-sanitizer stations and politely worded safety signs posted everywhere.
    1. About 50% of patients with Parkinson disease (PD) experience the sensation that someone is nearby when no one is present. Minor hallucinations including these so-called presence hallucinations often appear early in the disease course, manifesting before motor symptoms in as many as a third of patients. What’s more, PD hallucinations are associated with psychosis, cognitive decline, and death, making them a potential marker for poor clinical outcomes. Yet because many patients are reluctant to report these hallucinations and physicians may not ask about them, they often go undiagnosed. Now, a team of researchers in Europe has developed a technique to induce presence hallucinations among patients with PD in a controlled setting.
    1. A librarian in Bologna, Italy, is invitedby a colleague in Michiganto tour her library. She is not planning any immediate travel. She plans instead to visit while sitting at her desk in her office. She downloads software on her computer and awakens a telepresence robot (TR) in Kalamazoo, MI, which becomes her eyes, ears, andlegs, allowing her to drive around the librarytaking in the sights and services and conversing with her colleague, library staff, and patrons she encounters along the way. Telepresence robottechnology offers people the opportunity to visit someone across a building or across the world without having to leave their chair.
  27. May 2021
    1. The term dark pattern originated with design practitioners, but has attracted growing interest from HCI researchers in recent years.In 2010, the user experience designer Harry Brignull coined the expression“dark patterns”and began curating them on darkpatterns.org website [2]. As the term gained traction in the public domain, Gray et al. derived five umbrella strategies from a corpus of practitioner-identified dark patterns [7] (see Figure 4). Further research has identified patterns that prompt impulsive buying [13] and crawled a sample of∼11,000 shopping sites finding that such patterns are in common use [12]. Dark patterns have also been implicated in designs that maximize attention capture and lead to compulsive smartphone use [18]

      Kai Lukoff, Alexis Hiniker, Colin M. Gray, Arunesh Mathur & Shruthi Chivukula, What Can CHI Do About Dark Patterns? (workshop proposal), https://darkpatternsindesign.com/proposal/

    1. Imagine buying flowers for a loved one. After selecting a bouquet, at checkout you discover that the site has sneaked a paid greeting card into your shopping cart. This is an example of a dark pattern, an interface designed to manipulate a user into behavior that goes against their best interests.
  28. Apr 2021
    1. The book introduces Zemiology as a discipline that lies beyond the 'toxic language' of conventional criminology and makes the study of social harm a concern of all scholar-activists. Zemiolgy alerts scholar-activists to the fact that lots of harms around the world are legally imposed. The authors conclude that the pursuit of corporate profits at the expense of human needs is the main driver of social harms. They call for the abolition of capitalism as part of efforts towards harm-reduction. Biko Agozino, Professor of Sociology and Africana Studies, Virginia Tech This book is timely and provides an easily accessible, theoretical and empirical introduction to zemiology, the discipline that seeks to unearth harmful structures, policies, decisions and practice to generate changes to confront them. After a pedagogical introduction covering the arguments in favour of zemiology as a discipline of its own, the book unpacks theoretical and empirical demonstrations that clearly underline the field’s justification. As the authors state; zemiology requires a rethink about the lens through which we view the world in which we live. This is an important book for students and others who want to look beyond criminology to understand, analyse and act against harms. Ragnhild Sollund, Professor at the University of Oslo

      Aha: "the discipline that seeks to unearth harmful structures, policies, decisions and practice to generate changes to confront them."

    2. This book outlines key developments in understanding social harm by setting out its historical foundations and the discussions which have proliferated since. It examines various attempts to conceptualise social harm and highlights key sites of contestation in its relationship to criminology to argue that these act as the basis for an activist zemiology, one directed towards social change for social justice. The past two decades have seen a proliferation of debate related to social harm in and around criminology. From climate catastrophe and a focus on environmental harms, unprecedented deaths generating focus on border harms and the coronavirus pandemic revealing the horror of mass and arguably avoidable deaths across the globe, critical studies in social harm appear ever more pressing. Drawing on a range of international case studies of cultural, emotional, physical and economic harms, From Social Harm to Zemiology locates the study of social harm in an accessible fashion. In doing so it sets out how a zemiological lens can moves us beyond many of the problematic legacies of criminology. This book rejects criminologies which have disproportionately served to regulate intersectional groups, and which have arguably inflicted as much or more harm by bolstering the very ideologies of control in offering minor reforms that inadvertently expand and strengthen states and corporations. It does this by sketching out the contours, objects, methods and ontologies of a disciplinary framework which rejects commonplace assumptions of ‘value freedom’. From Social Harm to Zemiology advocates social change in accordance with groups who are most disenfranchised, and thus often most socially harmed.

      I still don't know what "zemiology" is.

    1. But this wasn’t a typical set of twins, Roberts learned. Her pregnancy was diagnosed as superfetation, a rare condition in which a woman who is already pregnant conceives another baby.Doctors found a second baby during the 12-week ultrasound appointment, and after several scans, they diagnosed the pregnancy as superfetation. In this image, the larger baby is 13 weeks, while the smaller one is 10. (Courtesy of Rebecca Roberts) Roberts’s pregnancy is one of very few superfetation cases recorded in medical literature, her obstetrician, David Walker, said.
  29. Mar 2021
    1. The GIF Ms. Jin sold, created by her childhood friend, an artist named Annie Zhao, is an example of something called a nonfungible token. NFTs are essentially digital collectible items (GIFs, images, memes, games, code, videos, artwork, music, games, even text) that people can buy, sell and trade. Almost any piece of digital content can be made into an NFT and have its public documentation of ownership recorded on the blockchain. Some of the ideas behind NFTs — documentation of ownership and chain of custody, scarcity, trading, valuations and speculation — are as old as markets. The innovation is the decentralization, which in turn means you can take NFTs anywhere. No one platform or middleman controls them.
    1. Many of these laws relate specifically to hunting, says Ciara Farrell, the Club’s library and collections manager. To own a dog used for hunting, people had to have special hunting licenses, issued by the king. “All other dogs must be expeditated or hambled,” she says, “which was a pretty nasty practice whereby dogs had some claws removed or had the pad of one foot damaged.” Simply muzzling them, the book decreed, was not sufficient. Generally, only mastiffs required hambling—though, Manwood acknowledged, “there is more Danger in [greyhounds] than in Mastiffs.”
    1. A radiograph of the pelvis showed a widening of the pubic symphysis of more than 5 cm. Also known as an open-book fracture, this injury typically occurs after high-energy blunt trauma, such as that caused in a motorcycle accident or by a fall from height.
  30. Feb 2021
    1. Deep phenotyping in psychiatric research and practice is a term used to describe the collection and analysis of multiple streams of behavioral and biological data, some of this data collected around the clock, to identify and intervene in critical health events.
  31. journals.librarypublishing.arizona.edu journals.librarypublishing.arizona.edu
    1. Silencing such a prominent activist is, in our view, part of a pattern of global violent repression againstdefenders in ecological distribution conflicts (henceforth EDCs) (Scheidelet al., 2020). EDCs refer to disputesarising from the unequal distribution of environmental benefits and costs of projects such as extractiveindustries, transport facilities, or waste dumping (Martinez-Alier and O'Connor, 1996). The origin of suchconflicts is often unequal ecological exchange (UEE) (Hornborg, 1998).
    1. Harker’s team at the Philadelphia Fed has developed a new online tool, the Occupational Mobility Explorer, to help workers without bachelor’s degrees (whose jobs are most vulnerable to automation) identify “opportunity occupations”: new jobs they could do with only modest training or upskilling that pay significantly more than their old job. People around the country can use the tool to find opportunity occupations in their area. Across 33 metro areas, Harker found that about half of jobs can upskill into a similar job with an average annual salary increase of $15,000. “This is a tool not just for employees looking to upskill, but also for public officials looking at developing programs, community colleges, job training programs to really focus in on: Where are the jobs of the future? Where are the jobs that are growing that can move people into the middle class?” Harker said.
  32. Jan 2021
    1. We all cyberloaf – and the science says that it can make us more productive at work. But when does a useful break become plain old slacking off?WWhen Stephanie Andel can feel her eyes glaze over scrolling through academic papers, institutional emails or student marking, she’ll open a new tab in her web browser and explore. “I take a few minutes every hour or two to surf the web, look at news or scan my Facebook feed to catch up with friends,” Andel, assistant professor of psychology at Indiana University Purdue University of Indianapolis, admits. She’s not alone. Research shows that workers drift from their contracted tasks to personal email, social networks and the far corners of the internet for anything between a few hours a week to a few hours a day. Six out of 10 people admit they can’t get through the workday without checking their social media, according to online learning firm Udemy, while two-thirds of us say Facebook is the biggest time-sink. This phenomenon – known as cyberloafing – is an issue that costs businesses $85bn a year through lost time, according to researchers at the University of Nevada. Cyberloafing is often presented as a negative. “Some of the early research into it was framing it as procrastination,” explains Dr Fuschia Sirois of the University of Sheffield’s Department of Psychology. “People were cyberloafing to escape.” Yet more recent research suggests that a degree of cyberloafing may be beneficial to employees; that small breaks help them refocus between tasks and even deal with workplace stress. Briefly stepping back – also known as “psychological detachment” – helps them muster energy to continue through the workday.
  33. www.pbs.org www.pbs.org
    1. CECE MOORE (Genetic Genealogist): We inherit our DNA from both of our parents: 50 percent from mom, 50 percent from dad. And they inherited it from their parents; and their parents, of course, inherited it from their parents.NARRATOR: Our parents each contribute about 50 percent to our DNA. And the same is true for them and their parents. So, the amount of DNA we inherit from any ancestor drops by half with each preceding generation.We also share DNA with anyone who shares a common ancestor with us: siblings, half-siblings, first cousins, second cousins and so on. The way that the D.T.C.s determine those relationships is by comparing people’s DNA. The amount that is shared is measured in a unit called centimorgans.CECE MOORE: The more centimorgans two people share, the closer they are related. And the fewer centimorgans they share, the more distantly related they are.NARRATOR: But with the D.T.C.s, a relationship to someone can’t always be determined just by counting centimorgans, because the numbers fall within ranges. You might share the same number with a cousin and a great-uncle, for example.ELLEN GREYTAK (Parabon NanoLabs): Just because you have an amount of shared DNA doesn’t mean you actually know, for sure, what that person’s relationship is. It’s just a probability, a spectrum of possible relationships.
  34. Dec 2020
    1. Bhang is the cheapest, most prevalent, and lowest-quality marijuana; it consists of crushed leaves, seeds, and/or flowers, and produces the least potent high. On the other end of the spectrum, Charas is the highest-quality and most expensive marijuana in India. It is sold as a highly potent hashish produced from plants grown in the most desirable cannabis-producing farmlands of the Hindu Kush and Himalaya mountain ranges between 4,000 to 7,000 feet. It remains one of the most revered marijuana products in the world today. Somewhere in between Bhang and Charas is Ganga. A mid-grade crop in both price and potency, Ganga is cultivated from well-cared-for female plants, and consists of a mixture of resin and cannabis flower.
    1. This might seem self-evident when you take a second to think about it, but then why would you be thinking about this at all unless you work in the relatively booming beard care industry or you’re a pogonophile—a lover of beards and the bearded.
    1. Taniya Bethke, who coordinates recruitment and retention efforts for the South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks Department, said she has experience with the cultural challenges.  “There’s this dichotomy between the hippies with tie-dye T-shirts and these stereotypical rednecks wearing doe urine and camouflage,” she said. “I didn’t fit into either one of those communities.” Bethke, who took up hunting as an adult, said it wasn’t until she found a group of “hipnecks” — rural young adults who shared a commitment to sustainable food — that she felt comfortable trying it. 
    1. Teddy came from Turks and Caicos, as did his sister, Scout. My buddy Bonnie and I were there in 2005 and had read about a dog whisperer named Jane Parker-Rauw, who since the late 1990s has been guiding tourists through the rescue process of street puppies known as potcakes. Dogs that had originally arrived by ship as far back as the early 1800s got that name after the pots with dregs of burned peas and rice put out on the stoops for them at week’s end.
    1. One trick is to do a joint “premortem” exercise. Get together in a room, and imagine that you’re six months into the future. The feature has been built and launched and isn’t doing well. What went wrong?
    1. In September, Gilman, who is currently a faculty fellow at the Data and Society research institute, released a report documenting all the various algorithms that poverty lawyers might encounter. Called Poverty Lawgorithms, it’s meant to be a guide for her colleagues in the field. Divided into specific practice areas like consumer law, family law, housing, and public benefits, it explains how to deal with issues raised by algorithms and other data-driven technologies within the scope of existing laws.
    2. Miriam is a survivor of what’s known as “coerced debt,” a form of abuse usually perpetrated by an intimate partner or family member. While economic abuse is a long-standing problem, digital banking has made it easier to open accounts and take out loans in a victim’s name, says Carla Sanchez-Adams, an attorney at Texas RioGrande Legal Aid. In the era of automated credit-scoring algorithms, the repercussions can also be far more devastating.
    1. Destitution among workers can be traced in large part to the subminimum wage for tipped workers, still $2.13 an hour at the Federal level. A legacy of slavery,3 the subminimum wage for tipped workers persists in 43 states, and has subjected a largely female workforce of servers, bartenders, bussers, and others to economic instability and the highest rates of sexual harassment of any industry for decades.4
    1. In what Jayaraman terms "maskual harassment," the phenomenon's underlying power imbalance is no different than sexual harassment, she said, when workers are reliant on the customer's tips. Demanding a service worker to take their mask off, she argued, is asking them to "subject herself to the virus and the possibility of death — for the sexual pleasure of customers, all because she doesn't get paid a minimum wage."
  35. Nov 2020
    1. The fresco for a wall, for example, would be worked out first in a series of smaller sketches before the final design was drawn to full scale on huge sheets of paper (the “cartoon,” from the Italian cartone, meaning “big paper”). Cartoons came in for especially rough handling: to transfer their designs to the plaster, artists might score them with a sharp instrument, or outline the main figures with a series of pinpricks (“pouncing”), and then blow charcoal dust through the holes.
    1. Ellis’s raw racism and Atwater’s life-threatening clapbacks (she once had to be restrained from knifing Ellis) were as much a product of their time as the careful tiptoeing we were doing in our committee.
    1. Now an English professor at the University of South Carolina, Shields is part of an agricultural revolution with a future that lies in the past—one focused on preserving plant landraces, old cultivars that adapted to local conditions over generations.
    2. Many landraces grown before the 1850s are hardy, able to weather both drought and flooding. Some are nutritious and packed with flavors prized by high-end restaurants and specialty retailers. For example, Carolina Gold rice, milled and sold by Anson Mills in Columbia, makes other white rice taste like paste. “Landraces are genetically diverse, so they’re not bottlenecked,” Shields says. “They were bred for taste, not for mass production.”
    1. In cryologist-speak, the flaw lead is an opening that runs between ice attached to the coast (shore-fast ice) and the ice on the sea (drift ice). The flaw leads are unpredictable: during the autumn they can form anywhere in the frozen ocean where wind or currents place stress on the ice, and they often freeze over again. To find them, look up in the sky: a flaw may be indicated by steam rising from the water, or the dark reflection of the water on a cloud. Hunters often head out over the fast ice to the flaw lead in search of the mammals—seals, whales and narwhals—that gather there to breathe. With the same object in mind, polar bears will arrive over the drift ice. The flaw is an aberration, but also a rich resource; its fault line, a meeting point. —Nancy Campbell, The Library of Ice, 2018
    1. Until now, President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s Covid-19 task force has had to prepare its battle plan without the keys to the government agencies leading the pandemic response.That changes this week, when Mr. Biden can finally dispatch what are known as landing teams to the Department of Health and Human Services, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration.
    1. He knew from other viruses that fomite spread—the technical term for passing on a virus via objects—was possible, and at that time the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had little guidance on SARS-CoV-2.
    1. Oyster eggs, having become larvae, attach themselves to rocks, or to whatever ‘culch’ or artificial surface human beings lay down for them – old roof-tiles were used as a traditional oyster-base in Arcachon.
    1. Those who spread misinformation—false content shared by a person who does not realize it is false or misleading—are driven by sociopsychological factors. People are performing their identities on social platforms to feel connected to others, whether the “others” are a political party, parents who do not vaccinate their children, activists who are concerned about climate change, or those who belong to a certain religion, race or ethnic group. Crucially, disinformation can turn into misinformation when people share disinformation without realizing it is false. Read Our Latest Issue
    1. SEC. 747. ANTIDISRUPTIVE PRACTICES AUTHORITY. Section 4c(a) of the Commodity Exchange Act (7 U.S.C. 6c(a)) (as amended by section 746) is amended by adding at the end the following: ‘‘(5) DISRUPTIVE PRACTICES.—It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in any trading, practice, or conduct on or subject to the rules of a registered entity that— ‘‘(A) violates bids or offers; ‘‘(B) demonstrates intentional or reckless disregard for the orderly execution of transactions during the closing period; or ‘‘(C) is, is of the character of, or is commonly known to the trade as, ‘spoofing’ (bidding or offering with the intent to cancel the bid or offer before execution).
    1. Spoofing is an illegal form of market manipulation in which a trader places a large order to buy or sell a financial asset, such as a stock, bond or futures contract, with no intention of executing. By doing so, the trader—or "the spoofer"—creates an artificial impression of high demand for the asset. Simultaneously, the trader places hundreds or even thousands of smaller orders for the same asset, profiting on the increase in price brought about by the large fake order, which is then cancelled. Spoofing is also known as bluffing, and has been around for decades as traders attempt to take advantage of other market players by artificially inflating—or deflating, as the case may be—the price of an asset. The technique has perhaps become more common, or at least gained more notoriety, in the 2010s because of the advent of speedy, high-volume and computer-driven trading systems. During this time, it also attracted the notice of securities regulators and law enforcement officials.[1] Spoofing is considered manipulative because the trader would not have achieved the price on the actual orders without first obtaining that price by virtue of the large bogus order.
    1. According to the Plaintiffs' allegations, in or around 2003, two of MIVA's top revenue-generating distribution partners (“Saveli” and “Dmitri”)—who together generated almost one-third of MIVA's revenue during 2003, 2004, and 2005, and represented about 36 percent of MIVA's click revenue (id. ¶¶ 40–41)—began using click fraud to generate revenue.   Saveli and Dmitri's click fraud included the use of spyware, browser hijacking software, and other non-human traffic.  (Id. ¶ 43).   According to a former Business Development Manager at MIVA, Saveli and Dmitri were “turn and burn guys” who focused primarily on driving in a lot of traffic, regardless of its quality.
    2. A “fraud on the market” occurs when a material misrepresentation is knowingly disseminated to an informationally efficient market.  Basic, 485 U.S. at 247.   Just as an efficient market translates all available truthful information into the stock price, the market processes the publicly disseminated falsehood and prices it into the stock as well.   See id. at 241–42, 243–44, 246–47.   The market price of the stock will then include an artificial “inflationary” value—the amount that the market mistakenly attributes to the stock based on the fraudulent misinformation.   So long as the falsehood remains uncorrected, it will continue to taint the total mix of available public information, and the market will continue to attribute the artificial inflation to the stock, day after day.   If and when the misinformation is finally corrected by the release of truthful information (often called a “corrective disclosure”), the market will recalibrate the stock price to account for this change in information, eliminating whatever artificial value it had attributed to the price.   That is, the inflation within the stock price will “dissipate.”
    3. “Click fraud” generally refers to the practice of clicking on an Internet advertisement for the sole purpose of forcing the advertiser to pay for the click.  (Id. ¶ 43).   Because advertisers only pay when someone clicks through to their website, artificial clicks can be very costly to advertisers.  (Id.) Click fraud includes the use of illicit practices such as spyware, browser hijacking software, and other “bots” or “non-human traffic.” 3  (Id. ¶¶ 43–44).   Such practices result in lower sales conversion rates for advertisers because the leads are false—they do not come from actual buyers interested in purchasing the advertised products.  (Id. ¶ 26).   Because lower conversion rates lead to lower advertiser bids and thus to decreased revenue, ensuring the quality of its distribution partners and eliminating improper Internet traffic are extremely important for a pay-per-click company such as MIVA.
    1. ON THE OPENING NIGHT OF every Broadway musical, a constant flow of flowers, balloons and gifts swirls past the stage door and into the theater. As the presents begin to spill into the corridors outside the dressing rooms, the oldest and most beloved gift arrives: the Gypsy Robe.The robe is Broadway history made visible. It travels from musical to musical in a tradition stretching back more than 45 years. Every Broadway show with a chorus of dancers and singers, known in the business as gypsies, takes part when its opening night arrives.
  36. Oct 2020
    1. Henrich is a cultural anthropologist but he wants to do it right, with controls, experiments, statistics and factual claims that can be shown to be right or wrong. In 1960 the field of cliometrics was born, history done with large data sets and statistics, and Henrich wants to show just how far this approach can be pushed. Traditional historians and the more informal cultural anthropologists will see themselves being confronted with a methodology few of them use and challenged to defend their impressionistic hypotheses against his lab-based results.
    2. Experts who don’t have the technical tools — historians and anthropologists especially — have an important role to play as well; they should scour the book for any instances of Occam’s broom (with which one sweeps inconvenient facts under the rug). This can be an innocent move, since Henrich himself, in spite of the astonishing breadth of his scholarship, is not expert in all of these areas and may simply be ignorant of important but little-known exceptions to his generalizations. His highly detailed and confident relaying of historical and anthropological facts impresses me, but what do I know? You can’t notice what isn’t mentioned unless you’re an expert.
    1. Once upon a time there was a German psychologist whose name I am forgetting—which will, itself, become relevant in just a moment—who argued that when you don’t name a thing it stays more active in your mind. Specifically, he found that you have better recall for the details of an unsolved task, an unfinished puzzle, an unnamed psychological phenomenon, than a solved or labeled thing. “Loose ends prevail” could have been the name of his law, but it was—I’m checking my notes—the Zeigarnik effect. The man’s name was Zeigarnik and she was a woman not a man and she was Russian, not German. But still. It has stayed with me, this idea with a hard-to-remember name about how unnamed ideas are easier to remember. This rabid little law that suggests that unlabeled things gnaw and tug at you with more vigor, their parts and powers somehow more alive when they are left to roam wild, outside of the confines of our words.
    1. For philanthropists of the past, charity was often a matter of simply giving money away. For the philanthrocapitalists - the new generation of billionaires who are reshaping the way they give - it's like business. Largely trained in the corporate world, these "social investors" are using big-business-style strategies and expecting results and accountability to match. Bill Gates, the world's richest man, is leading the way: he has promised his entire fortune to finding a cure for the diseases that kill millions of children in the poorest countries in the world. In Philanthrocapitalism, Matthew Bishop and Michael Green examine this new movement and its implications. Proceeding from interviews with some of the most powerful people on the planet-including Gates, Bill Clinton, George Soros, Angelina Jolie, and Bono, among others-they show how a web of wealthy, motivated donors has set out to change the world. Their results will have huge implications: In a climate resistant to government spending on social causes, their focused donations may be the greatest force for societal change in our world, and a source of political controversy.
    1. To get the best performance for my dollar, I restricted my search to used CPUs, released four to eight years ago.

      🙇 boom

      didn't realize that the modern era had expanded as such. this is way more modern than i knew was accessible.

    1. Patients with altered mental function — the medical term is encephalopathy — were also nearly seven times as likely to die as those who did not have that type of problem.“Encephalopathy is a generic term meaning something’s wrong with the brain,” Dr. Koralnik said. The description can include problems with attention and concentration, loss of short-term memory, disorientation, stupor and “profound unresponsiveness” or a coma-like level of consciousness.Refer someone to The Times.They’ll enjoy our special rate of $1 a week.
  37. Sep 2020
    1. repetition of yes all leads up to the final yes to marriage. the lack of punctuation also makes the whole thing read as if it's being said very quickly, as if a lot of thoughts are happening all at once.

    1. master

      the duality of master and disaster

    2. losing

      the repetition of the many forms of the verb "to lose" highlights the theme of loss throughout the poem without the poet having to explicitly tell the reader what it is about

    1. We 

      The repetition of the word "we" (as well as the placement in the poem) create a rhythm that stands out. Especially since the lines are very short, the words that are repeated stands out even more.

    1. TikTok concedes that its ability to nail users' preferences so effectively means that its algorithm can produce "filter bubbles," reinforcing users' existing preferences rather than showing them more varied content, widening their horizons, or offering them opposing viewpoints. The company says that it's studying filter bubbles, including how long they last and how a user encounters them, to get better at breaking them when necessary.Since filter bubbles can reinforce conspiracy theories, hoaxes and other misinformation, TikTok's product and policy teams study which accounts and video information — themes, hashtags, captions, and so on — might be linked to misinformation.
  38. Aug 2020
    1. ‘It’s not supposed to be about him’: Harris scorches Trump in prebuttal of acceptance speech The Democratic vice presidential nominee accused the president of deadly incompetence and “a reckless disregard for the well-being of the American people.”
    1. It’s also still difficult to say how much “fomite” transmission is actually happening—that’s the term for when a bug is left on an object, which is then picked up by others.
    1. Understanding extant stress levels within a community can help inform how it responds to acute or traumatic events. This report presents a concept of community allostatic load based on that of individual allostatic load — how stress, trauma, and adverse experiences can significantly affect individual health. The framework outlined in this report could be used to develop a concept for determining the allostatic load level of a community.
    1. Active learning exercises engage students during lectures, but often fail to take account of the individual learning position of each student. The ‘quecture’ is a partially flipped lecture that incorporates students posing their own questions (quecture questions), discussing them during lectures and revisiting them later. These interactive learning events are designed to personalise students’ construction of learning during lectures. Quectures were trialled in direct comparison with both fully flipped and traditional lectures, providing information on student attitudes, experiences and engagement with the learning strategy. Quectures were favoured by participants over the two other lecture formats and were found to be helpful both in increasing learning and in improving study habits, although some students had difficulty adjusting to, or disliked, the new mode of learning. The student-posed questions were also perceived by students to improve enquiry skills and to personalise learning. Although many chose not to engage with the strategy, those who did felt more engaged with, and more responsible for their own learning during quectures than in traditional lectures. Future work will be required to generalise the effectiveness of this strategy as well as to fine tune for optimum benefit. It will also be important to investigate which subpopulations of students preferentially engage or disengage with the strategy, and to unpick any relationship between this engagement and academic performance.
    1. But the real question, the one everyone wants to know, is how do Ouija boards work? Ouija boards are not, scientists say, powered by spirits or even demons. Disappointing but also potentially useful—because they’re powered by us, even when we protest that we’re not doing it, we swear. Ouija boards work on a principle known to those studying the mind for more than 160 years: the ideometer effect. In 1852, physician and physiologist William Benjamin Carpenter published a report for the Royal Institution of Great Britain, examining these automatic muscular movements that take place without the conscious will or volition of the individual (think crying in reaction to a sad film, for example). Almost immediately, other researchers saw applications of the ideometer effect in the popular spiritualist pastimes. In 1853, chemist and physicist Michael Faraday, intrigued by table-turning, conducted a series of experiments that proved to him (though not to most spiritualists) that the table’s motion was due to the ideomotor actions of the participants.

      I think the two occurrences of "ideometer" are a typo for "ideomotor."

    1. Body dysmorphia is a medical condition that deals with hating your body or a specific aspect of it. In my case, it manifests as chronic dissociation from my body. That means I sometimes don’t recognize myself, and that I perceive my body as belonging to someone else entirely.
    1. in many parts of the world, people don't look like cashews when they bend over. Instead, you see something very different. I first noticed this mysterious bending style in 2014 while covering the Ebola outbreak. We were driving on a back road in the rain forest of Liberia and every now and then, we would pass women working in their gardens. The women had striking silhouettes: They were bent over with their backs nearly straight. But they weren't squatting with a vertical back. Instead, their backs were parallel to the ground. They looked like tables. After returning home, I started seeing this "table" bending in photos all around the world — an older woman planting rice in Madagascar, a Mayan woman bending over at a market in Guatemala and women farming grass in northern India. This bending seemed to be common in many places, except in Western societies. "The anthropologists have noted exactly what you're saying for years," says Stuart McGill, at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada, who has been studying the biomechanics of the spine for more than three decades. "It's called hip hinging," McGill says. "And I've spent my career trying to prove it's a better way of bending than what we do."
    2. when you hip hinge, your spine stays in a neutral position. The bending occurs at the hip joint — which is the king of motion. "Hips are a ball and socket joints," McGill says. "They are designed to have maximum movement lots of muscle force."
    1. One suggestive study, by Francesca Gino and colleagues, looked at the emergency room of a hospital. As the department became busier, the doctors tended to favour the easier tasks — healthier patients with simpler problems — presumably because as they felt overwhelmed, they started looking for the quick wins. The researchers dubbed this behaviour “completion bias”, and it seems closely related to precrastination. The busier and more stressed we get, the more desperately we look for opportunities to tick something off the to-do list.
    2. The psychological study that coined the word “precrastination” was conducted by a team of psychologists led by David Rosenbaum. The experimenters showed people an alley, along which were distributed two heavy buckets. The experimental subjects were asked to walk down the alley, pick up a bucket and carry it to the far end. The total distance walked is the same either way, so the easiest way to do this task is to pick up the furthest bucket, minimising the distance over which one has to carry the load. However, the majority of people choose the nearest bucket, instinctively believing “soonest started, soonest finished”.
    1. I could have saved myself considerable pain by letting nature take its course. But I’m a serial “precrastinator”: I flip pancakes before bubbles have formed on the surface; I get to the grocery store before it opens; I turn in work before it’s due. The urge to complete a task is so strong I forge ahead even when I know waiting would lead to a better outcome.Yes, this might sound a little nonsensical. But it’s not uncommon.David Rosenbaum, a professor of psychology at the University of California, Riverside, published a study in 2014 in which he coined the term “precrastination,” which he defines as the tendency to tackle subgoals at the earliest opportunity — even at the expense of extra effort.“It’s like going to the grocery store, loading up your basket with a bunch of apples, then schlepping them with you as you shop even though you know you’ll pass them again on the way to the checkout counter,” Dr. Rosenbaum said.
    1. Do you park in the first spot you see, even if it means a longer, grocery-laden walk back from the store later? When unloading the dishwasher, do you quickly shove all the Tupperware into a random cabinet, thereby getting the dishes-doing process over with faster—but also setting yourself up for a mini-avalanche of containers and lids?In a recent study published in Psychological Science, Pennsylvania State psychologists coined a new term for this phenomenon: Precrastination, or "the tendency to complete, or at least begin, tasks as soon as possible, even at the expense of extra physical effort."
  39. Jul 2020
    1. Beverly Jordan is a partner at a family-medicine clinic in Enterprise, Alabama. Enterprise is situated in “wiregrass country”—a largely rural region, encompassing southeastern Alabama and parts of Georgia and Florida, named for the ubiquitous vegetation that takes root in its sandy soil.
    2. Labor economists have long studied a phenomenon called hysteresis: in economics, it refers to a situation in which high unemployment caused by a particular event develops an inertia of its own, remaining elevated even after the initial cause has abated. Nobody is quite sure what causes hysteresis. Do workers’ skills erode? Or do firms find that they can get along with fewer workers? In any case, now that the pandemic has caused extended mass unemployment, hysteresis could play a major role in our society—and our health care.
    1. Culture-specific lexis refers to those items in a text which are deemed to be unique to a particular culture, and may pose problems for translation from the source text (ST) into target text (TT). These items are a challenging area for translation as the way these are dealt with directly affects the finished product; potential problems could be, for example, what Venuti (1998Venuti, L. (1998). Strategies of translation. In M. Baker (Ed.), Routledge encyclopaedia of translation studies (pp. 240–244). London, UK: Routledge. [Google Scholar]) calls the foreignization, when the characteristics of a text unique to the source text culture are preserved as much as possible at the sake of readability, or on the opposite side, domestication of a text. A problem translators face is the question of how to deal with cultural aspects which are contained in a source text, and finding the most appropriate way to successfully convey these in the target text. Culture-specific lexis can include those culture references which may be part of a culture’s daily life, within the society of which that culture’s members share a set of values, beliefs, ideas and knowledge, and which they have direct access to. Examples would be places or shop names, such as Waitrose or Kensington in the UK, Kangnam in South Korea, or Ginza in Japan. These place names carry connotations or feelings which members of society share.
    1. 12See Goff, supra note 1. Note that the term “adultification” is sometimes used to refer to a distinct phenomenon in which children who are assigned adult responsibilities behave in ways that are more adult-like than their peers. For purposes of this report, adultification refers to adults’ generalized perception of Black girls as more adult, without reference to their individual behaviors.
    2. Adultification Can Take Two Essential Forms: 1.A process of socialization, in which chil dren function at a more mature devel opmental stage because of situational context and necessity, especially in low-resource community environments;23 and 2.A social or cultural stereotype that is based on how adults perceive children “in the absence of knowledge of chil dren’s behavior and verbalizations.24 This latter form of adultification, which is based in part on race,25 is the subject of this report. Scholars ha
    3. Research has shown that Black boys, in particular, are often perceived as less innocent and more adult than their white male peers and, as a result, they are more likely to be assigned greater culpability for their actions, which increases their risk of contact with the juvenile justice system.11 This report refers to this phenomenon, which effectively reduces or removes the consideration of childhood as a mediating factor in Black youths’ behavior, as “adultification”.
    4. This report represents a key step in addressing the disparate treatment of Black girls in public systems. We challenge researchers to develop new studies to investigate the degree and prevalence of the adultification of Black girls—a term used in this report to refer to the perception of Black girls as less innocent and more adult-like than white girls of the same age—as well as its possible causal connection with negative outcomes across a diverse range of public systems, including education, juvenile justice, and child welfare.
  40. Jun 2020
    1. By Gage’s estimate, between 20 and 30 percent of Washington’s 16,700 inmates are mentally ill. When I asked why, Gage, who spent two decades at Western State Hospital before switching to the DOC, went broad. “It used to be called deinstitutionalization,” said Gage. “Now it’s called trans-institutionalization. We took everyone out of the state hospitals, and they pretty much, the same population, ended up in prisons and jails.” The jailing of the mentally ill cannot honestly be called an accidental byproduct of the nation’s fractured mental-health system. The disinvestment in mental health care has gone on too long — generations now — to be considered anything but deliberate neglect. In 1955, before deinstitutionalization, there was one psychiatric bed for every 300 U.S. residents. A half-century later, that ratio is now 1 in 3,000. That has led to another telling ratio: For every one person in a public or private psychiatric bed in Washington, there are 3.1 people with serious mental illness in the state’s jails and prisons, according to the Treatment Advocacy Center. Nationally, the ratio is 3.2 to 1.
    1. After Castile’s death, I wrote a piece for MIT Technology Review about “sousveillance,” the idea posited by the inventor Steve Mann, the “father of wearable computing,” that connected cameras controlled by citizens could be used to hold power accountable. Even though bystander video of Eric Garner being choked to death by New York police officer Daniel Pantaleo in 2014 had led not to Pantaleo’s indictment but to the arrest of Ramsey Orta, the man who filmed the murder, I offered my hope that “the ubiquity of cell-phone cameras combined with video streaming services like Periscope, YouTube, and Facebook Live has set the stage for citizens to hold the police responsible for excessive use of force.” I was wrong.
  41. May 2020
    1. Heteromation is a new logic of value creation based on digitechnology. The authors divide the economic history of computerisation in three eras: the automation that intensified after the Second World War aimed to replace the machines with people. In addition to this, from the 1970 onwards, the idea of increasing human intelligence, “symbiosis of a human and computer”, was developed. The focus of technological increase shifted from organisations to individuals and people’s daily work and life, and later through the Internet to large crowds. Heteromation is a concept that people are involved in the value creation activities, but they themselves benefit from creating monetary value only little or not at all. Heteramation is always associated with the creation of a value for an outsider who is mostly invisible. It is not the same as crowdsourcing. Crowdsourcing can be made for internal benefit of a community and it does not change into a monetary value.
    1. t least twice a year, Dr Parmanand Sharma embarks on a multi-hour, potentially treacherous commute to work—by car, foot, and zip line. To reach his version of the office, he takes the Manali-Leh Highway; an expanse of road that winds through the Indian Himalayas, ascending from 6,000 feet to 17,000 feet. At that height, Sharma’s closing in on the Himalayan Cryosphere or “the Third Pole,” an epithet for the largest mass of ice outside the polar region. It’s this frozen terrain that Sharma is here for; specifically, its glaciers.
    1. There are some words out there that are brilliantly evocative and at the same time impossible to fully translate. Yiddish has the word shlimazl, which basically means a perpetually unlucky person. German has the word Backpfeifengesicht, which roughly means a face that is badly in need of a fist. And then there’s the Japanese word tsundoku, which perfectly describes the state of my apartment. It means buying books and letting them pile up unread. The word dates back to the very beginning of modern Japan, the Meiji era (1868-1912) and has its origins in a pun. Tsundoku, which literally means reading pile, is written in Japanese as 積ん読. Tsunde oku means to let something pile up and is written 積んでおく. Some wag around the turn of the century swapped out that oku (おく) in tsunde oku for doku (読) – meaning to read. Then since tsunde doku is hard to say, the word got mushed together to form tsundoku
  42. Apr 2020
    1. For anyone who grows anxious at the sound of a sneeze or a cough these days, Lydia Bourouiba’s research offers little comfort. Bourouiba, a fluid dynamics scientist at MIT, has spent the last few years using high-speed cameras and light to reveal how expulsions from the human body can spread pathogens, such as the novel coronavirus. Slowed to 2,000 frames per second, video and images from her lab show that a fine mist of mucus and saliva can burst from a person’s mouth at nearly a hundred miles an hour and travel as far as 27 feet. When the sternutation is over, a turbulent cloud of droplet-containing gas can remain suspended for several minutes, depending on the size of the droplet.
    1. Some women also experience hypernatremia, a dehydration condition in which breast milk may be lacking to the point that malnutrition and dehydration are experienced by the infant, potentially leading to seizures, hemorrhages, and death.2
    1. This article reviews the recent literature in economics on small-scale entrepreneurship ("microentrepreneurship") in low-income countries. Major themes in the literature include the determinants and consequences of joining the formal sector; the impacts of access to credit and other financial services; the impacts of business training; barriers to hiring; and the distinction between self-employment by necessity and self-employment as a calling. The article devotes special attention to unique issues that arise with female entrepreneurship.
    1. Swuggling is juggling while swimming and can be a fun addition to any swimming session. It is also one of the disciplines in a juggling triathlon (joggling, swuggling and unijuggling) To start swuggling, first you need to be able to juggle while lying down on your back. Second, you need to be able to swim on your back using only your legs for propulsion, as your arms and hands are occupied with juggling, Third, you need some juggling balls that can handle getting wet. Regular bean bags and other balls that are filled with something are generally not waterproof and therefore not recommended, nor are balls made from leather as they will get soaked.
    1. What is Joggling?The combination of Juggling while Jogging. People who Joggle are called Jogglers. It became a recognised Sport (in America at least) in the early 1980’s when the first races were held at the International Jugglers’ Association’s Annual Festivals.
    1. The Wealth Decumulation Behavior of the Retired Elderly in Italy: The Importance of Bequest Motives and Precautionary Saving Luigi Ventura, Charles Yuji Horioka NBER Working Paper No. 26986 Issued in April 2020 NBER Program(s):Economics of Aging, Public Economics In this paper, we analyze the wealth accumulation and saving behavior of the retired elderly in Italy using micro data from the “Survey of Italian Households’ Income and Wealth,” a panel survey of households conducted every two years by the Bank of Italy. We find that, on average, the retired elderly in Italy are decumulating their wealth (dissaving) but that their wealth decumulation rates are much slower than expected. Moreover, we also find that more than 40 percent of the retired elderly in Italy are continuing to accumulate wealth and that more than 80 percent are doing positive amounts of saving. Thus, the Wealth Decumulation Puzzle (the tendency of the retired elderly to decumulate their wealth more slowly than expected) appears to apply in the case of Italy, as it does in most other countries, before as well as after the Global Financial Crisis. Moreover, our regression analysis of the determinants of the wealth accumulation and saving behavior of the retired elderly in Italy suggests that the lower than expected wealth decumulation rates and dissaving of the retired elderly in Italy is due largely to intergenerational transfers (bequests and inter vivos transfers) and saving for precautionary purposes, especially the former.
    1. A lenticular cloud is a lens-shaped cloud that normally develops on the downwind side of a mountain or mountain range. This occurs when stable, moist air flows over a mountain, creating a series of oscillating waves. If the temperature at the crest of the wave equals the dew point temperature, condensation occurs in a lens formation. As the air falls down the trough of the wave, where the temperature and dew point temperature are not equal, evaporation occurs. Thus, a wave cloud, or a series of lenticular clouds, is capable of forming. These are often mistaken for UFOs because of the saucer-like shape. They can separate into altocumulus standing lenticular, stratocumulus standing lenticular, and cirrocumulus standing lenticular clouds.
    1. Parallel litigation--a dispute generating multiple lawsuits--is not a new phenomenon and is not limited to celebrities or sensational controversies. Besides the publicity-generating lawsuits noted above, divorce actions have a long history of parallel lawsuits and conflicting judgments. Recent years have seen an expansion both in the incidence and the subject matter of parallel lawsuits, perhaps fueled by the traditional motivations of home-court advantage and differing laws, along with the expansion of personal jurisdiction rules in the past fifty years. In spite of this increase, the vocabulary remains imprecise and ambiguous. Parallel litigation would seem to mean identical or mirror image lawsuits between identical parties, but is often used when the lawsuits are not identical. Duplicative litigation has been defined as the "simultaneous prosecution of two or more suits in which some of the parties or issues are so closely related that the judgment in one will necessarily have a res judicata effect on the other." Earlier discussion have noted three categories of parallel litigation: (1) repetitive actions: multiple suits on the same claim by the same plaintiff against the same defendant; (2) reactive suits: a separate suit filed by a defendant in the first action against the plaintiff in the first action, seeking a declaratory judgment that he is not liable under the conditions of the first action or asserting an affirmative claim that arises out of the same transaction or occurrence as the first suit; and (3) separate actions by class members on the same cause of action raised in the class action, seeking to represent the same or a similar class. These categories are perfectly parallel and clearly subject to claim and issue preclusion, along with arguments that simultaneous prosecution is inefficient and wasteful. A distinct fourth category is "related litigation": separate suits involving similar parties or issues to which claim preclusion may not apply, but eligible for issue preclusion and to a lesser extent, subject to the same arguments as to wasteful litigation. Treatment here includes all four categories, with distinctions drawn as to their differing treatment in varying jurisdictions. In discussing these cases and their remedies, this Article will use the terms "parallel" and "duplicative" interchangeably, in reference both to identical and mirror image lawsuits, as well as substantially similar lawsuits with common questions of law or fact between substantially--but not always perfectly--identical parties. This Article discusses (1) repetitive suits by the same plaintiff against the same or similar defendants, (2) reactive suits filed by the defendant in the first action against the plaintiff in the first action, (3) declaratory judgment suits filed by a current or potential defendant lacking any real affirmative claim, and (4) separate actions by class members on the same cause of action raised in the class action.
  43. Mar 2020
    1. Instead, the scientific research suggests that you should adopt an ancient rhetorical method favoured by the likes of Julius Caesar and known as ‘illeism’ – or speaking about yourself in the third person (the term was coined in 1809 by the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge from the Latin ille meaning ‘he, that’). If I was considering an argument that I’d had with a friend, for instance, I might start by silently thinking to myself: ‘David felt frustrated that…’ The idea is that this small change in perspective can clear your emotional fog, allowing you to see past your biases.
    1. 3. The “Amicus Whisperer”135The coordination of amici does not stop with recruitment, however. If the “amicus wrangler” finds willing amici, it is the job of the “amicus whisperer” to keep those amici in line. Mindful of the important strate-gic benefits amici can provide and fearful of duplicating efforts, or—worse—missing a chance to make a valuable point to the Justices, many Supreme Court advocates do not just recruit amici participation, but ef-fectively handle the ones that they’ve got.
    2. 2. The “Amicus Wrangler” These familiar faces are doing more than just appearing before the Court at oral argument. Behind the scenes, their handiwork can be felt even more keenly—and particularly so in their role as “friends of the Court.” To borrow Kathleen Sullivan’s terrific phrase, every Supreme Court team needs an “amicus wrangler”—someone who has the job of recruiting the “right” amici.103
    1. Urgent Call for Papers: COVID-19 & ​MisinfodemicsSubmission guidelinesWeinviteconcise,empiricalpapers(peer-reviewed,3000words)oropinionpieces(edited,1500words)fromalldisciplinesandmethodologies,includingcasestudies,experimentalresearch,qualitativeandethnographicresearch,dataandnetworksciences.Weestimatethatempiricalpaperswillbepublishedone month after submission, and commentaries will be published one week after submission.All papers and commentaries will be widely distributed to a variety of stakeholders, including politicians,journalists, and researchers. For more information: ​misinforeview@hks.harvard.eduTopics of particular interest include, but are not limited to, the intersections between misinformation and:●Epidemic and risk communications●Public health surveillance●Community responses to outbreaks●Participatory design in pandemic interventions●Fact-checking and debunking efforts●Politics of information, censorship and surveillance●Open science and open source approaches to misinfodemics●Analyses or comparative analyses of past outbreaks and pandemics●Content analyses related to COVID19, worldwide
    1. While medical and public health personnel are working at full speed to anticipate and deal with clinical cases, the work of researchers in bioinformatics (the interdisciplinary research that collects and analyzes genomic data) is just as critically important in responses to COVID-19. It has been possible to extend those techniques to biological materials gathered from archeological sites dating back at least as far in time as the Black Death, and to construct phylogenetic trees for historical plague and syphilis. As a result, we’ve learned more about those long-ago diseases in the last twenty years from bioinformatics than, probably, we did from the entire preceding study of the historical record. COVID-19 will take longer to understand, but our new tools will make this pandemic easier to decipher.
    2. Right now, in mid-March of 2020, Americans are getting a full taste of communicable disease mitigation—measures aimed at slowing the exponential rise of new infections, once a disease is already established within a population—and are becoming familiar with two related terms. One is “social distancing”: for instance, closing schools and universities, cancelling sports events and religious services, encouraging work from home and self-isolation, to make each person-to-person jump of the pathogen more difficult. The other is “flattening the curve”, in other words preventing new cases from piling up too quickly (preventing the curve of new cases over time from rising too sharply) and thereby swamping the capacity of hospitals and medical personnel to deal with them.
    3. Global connectedness is not a new thing. For one example, the best currently available bioarcheological data indicate that the second plague pandemic—the spread of bubonic and pneumonic plague caused by the bacillus Yersinia pestis, the first phase of which was the “Black Death”—entered Europe via what is now southwestern Russia and the Crimea and spread in seven years (1346-1353) through virtually all of Western Europe, along well-established overland and seaborne trade and communication routes.
    1. BA Reader Rick Kopp suggested “portmantwo”, which I love, but is slightly edged out by Theodore Hunter suggesting “portmandeux”.
    2. I came up with metaportmanteau, which isn’t quite right, and even progénituremanteau — literally a portmanteau of portmanteau and progéniture.
    3. And here we are now with blazar, which is a combination of blazing and quasar.
    4. I even came up with my own coinage for a kind of word I called a contaphonym, for two words that sound similar.
    5. Needing a new name for this class of quasar, astronomers cheekily called them blazars.
    6. Quasar was coined in the 1960s, and is a combination of the words quasi and stellar; when first discovered these objects were seen to be powerful sources of radio waves but look like stars, so they were called quasi-stellar radio sources.

      We still have the upcoming course design template and syllabus draft.

      No reading check this week. Probably next week as we wait for feedback on all these things.

    1. Blocking In the Still Life Drawing with Christine Frerichs

      I want to be clear is still a great video. I learned quite a few new things.

      That said:

      They should chunk the video. If they are going to list materials, you should provide a "table of content" for video sections. The instructor lists all the materials. And how to make a viewfinder. Things that could have their own videos.

      She does not make use of the the video description.

      She uses word cues very well. At 1:20 she says "Create thumbnail drawings" and it appears in the video "white space".

      They edit video really well.

      They have interesting graphics that help represent certain concepts.

      There is a background music.

      I think there is a lot of CONTENT in this video that could have been split into small videos. Like tinting a bristol paper for the still life.

      They are using slightly different approaches to the measuring but all of it is fairly solid.

      On the whole, it does not ask any questions to prompt the student to reflect.

      She doesn't get into the point about lights, midtone and dark shapes, but I feel like if you have time to discuss how to do a proper sight technique, then you can briefly discuss that concept. It definitely had a bigger production value with multiple camera angles, a longer length, narration by the same artist. special effects, etc.

    1. Beginning Drawing Atelier #7: Blocking in Still Life

      Very brief intro

      no word cues

      no extraneous music

      it is chunked, very quick video 2mins 47 seconds total.

      Conversational tone, but quick and to the point.

      Credits at the end of the video.

    1. Chess is a game that has evolved over centuries to pose a tough but not utterly discouraging challenge to humans, with regard to specifically human strengths and weaknesses. One human capacity it challenges is the ability to concentrate; another is memory; a third is what chess players call sitzfleisch—the ability to resist the fatigue of sitting still for hours. The computer knows nothing of any of these. Finally, chess prowess depends on players’ ability to recognize general situations that are in some sense “like” ones they’ve seen before, either over the board or in books.

      The course website design plan is due on March 15th, but the Syllabus is probably more difficult.

    2. 2. Select one production or creation tool that allows you to create the material. Introduce briefly about the tool.  Is it easy to create an instructional or learning material? How does this tool contribute to designing your material? How could this tool be used in your specific context other than creating this material? What would you add or omit to enhance this tool?

      1.Select one material that you may create for your A&E project and describe what that may be (e.g., type of material, how it is going to be used, why choose that material?). I expect each of you to create at least one material by yourself even if you are working as a team.

      2.Select one production or creation tool that allows you to create the material.

      • Introduce briefly about the tool.
      • Is it easy to create an instructional or learning material?
      • How does this tool contribute to designing your material?
      • How could this tool be used in your specific context other than creating this material?
      • What would you add or omit to enhance this tool?
    3. lease do read Chapter 8 from the textbook to gain more ideas on  material design and visualization.

      homework: read chapter 8

  44. Feb 2020
    1. After reviewing the synchronous communication tools, you will engage in Discussion 2-1 - which asks you to explore a new technology. Here is what I expect from you: 1. Select ONE async or sync tool from Module 4 to test and report on its use. Do pick the one that is new to you. If you already know all of them, then find a completely new one!

      Discussion 2-1 pick one async or sync tool from module 4 to test and report on its use.

      1. Think about the following questions to post about the tool:
      • Introduce briefly about the tool.
      • Is it easy to setup and use?
      • What are some advantages/disadvantages in terms of its use in online environments?
      • How does this tool contribute to building interaction or allowing discussion of content in an education or training setting?
      • How does this tool permit the sharing and/or creation of content?
      • How could this tool be used in your specific context?
      • What would you add or omit to enhance this tool?
    2. Album of Images

      Write an analysis when you get some time tomorrow.


      Review textbook chapter 4.

      model of communication

    1. New allegations of doctors using their own sperm keep coming to light — thanks to genetic testing like Ancestry revealing networks of half-siblings — in states like Idaho, Ohio, Colorado, and Arkansas. But those doctors performed artificial inseminations decades ago. Could what happened to Woock's mom happen in a modern fertility clinic? Dr. Bob Colver, a fertility specialist in Carmel, Ind., says it's a question many of his patients have asked. But he says it's unlikely. These days, there are more people involved in the process, and in vitro fertilization happens in a lab, not an exam room. "Unless you're in a small clinic where there's absolutely no checks and balances, I can't even imagine that today," Colver says. It's now illegal in Indiana, Texas and California for a doctor to use his own sperm to impregnate his patients. But there's no national law criminalizing what's called "fertility fraud."
    2. If you live in a place where it snows, you probably know the drill. Forecasters will predict a massive snowstorm. Grocery stores are emptied. And then there's just a light dusting. It happens every winter, in part because we don't really understand how these storms work. But a new study from NASA hopes to change that. The IMPACTS mission wants to improve our understanding of snowstorms and, in particular, of what are known as snow bands. Here to talk about the program is Lynn McMurdie, principal investigator on IMPACTS. Welcome. LYNN MCMURDIE: Thank you. Happy to be here. CHANG: So what exactly are snow bands? I have never heard this phrase before. MCMURDIE: OK. Well, within a snowstorm, which you have heard about, the clouds associated with them span a large area. They can be, you know, as far as Florida up to Maine. But within those clouds, you have narrow regions where the snowfall is far more intense, and they often are organized in kind of a narrow band. And we could just call those snow bands.
    3. Brain organoids are clusters of lab-grown brain cells that assemble themselves into structures that look a lot like human brain tissue. The process by which these cells become specialized and begin to communicate resembles the development of a human brain in the months before birth.
    4. Brain organoids, often called "minibrains," have changed the way scientists study human brain development and disorders like autism. But the cells in these organoids differ from those in an actual brain in some important ways, scientists reported Wednesday in the journal Nature. The finding suggests that scientists need to be cautious about extrapolating results found in organoids to people, says Dr. Arnold Kriegstein, a professor of neurology at the University of California, San Francisco.
    1. Most forms of ambient intelligence capture data from patients and health care workers that might encroach on privacy. The concern is easiest to see with video capture.
    2. Ambient intelligence in hospitals is an emerging form of technology characterized by a constant awareness of activity in designated physical spaces and of the use of that awareness to assist health care workers such as physicians and nurses in delivering quality care. Recently, advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and, in particular, computer vision, the domain of AI focused on machine interpretation of visual data, have propelled broad classes of ambient intelligence applications based on continuous video capture. One important goal is for computer vision-driven ambient intelligence to serve as a constant and fatigue-free observer at the patient bedside, monitoring for deviations from intended bedside practices, such as reliable hand hygiene and central line insertions.1 While early studies took place in single patient rooms,2 more recent work has demonstrated ambient intelligence systems that can detect patient mobilization activities across 7 rooms in an ICU ward3 and detect hand hygiene activity across 2 wards in 2 hospitals.4 As computer vision–driven ambient intelligence accelerates toward a future when its capabilities will most likely be widely adopted in hospitals, it also raises new ethical and legal questions.
    1. Spelling Bee was the brainchild of crossword god Will Shortz, who then asked Frank Longo—whom Ezersky describes as an “unsung hero of the ‘crossworld’ ”—to create the weekly version that began appearing in the magazine in February 2015.
    1. The concept of biolegality, a term proposed by Lynch and McNally (2009) to refer to the coproduction of biotechnology and legislation within the context of criminal justice, entails two main elements: on the one hand it refers to interactions between law and science, resulting in attempts to make genetics conform to the needs and constraints of the judicial legal system; on the other hand, it broadens the debate on forms of biocitizenship by extending the discussion on new configurations of identity and citizenship to the application of genetics in criminal investigation work – in other words, to suspect identities associated with individuals or groups identified as having a high risk of committing crime, who should be watched and investigated.
    1. A member of the Jurisdynamics Network Friday, January 09, 2009 A Definition Of Biolaw In an attempt to have "Biolaw" officially recognized as a "Section" by the American Association of Law Schools ("AALS"), June Carbone, Chris Holman, and I circulated a petition yesterday at the AALS Annual Meetings, in San Diego, to collect signatures in support of a Biolaw Section. AALS rules for Section-creation require a definition of the Section. Here is what we proposed: Biolaw encompasses both the law of biology and the biology of law. Advances in the biological sciences, such as genetics, biochemistry, cell biology, reproductive biology, evolutionary biology, ecology, neuroscience, and the behavioral sciences, continually challenge both society and the laws that attempt to order, regulate, and protect it. Biolaw combines the use of biological science to describe, analyze, and improve the law with legal analysis of biological science, its institutions, and its implications. Biolaw integrates insights from such biologically-informed research areas as law and genetics, law and neuroscience, reproductive law, behavioral economics, cognitive psychology, law and biotechnology, biotechnology patent law, bioethics, neuroethics, food and drug law, and biodiversity law.
    1. During the Great Inflation of the 1970s, when living expenses became unstable, factory jobs disappeared and C.E.O. pay began its exorbitant rise, home prices also spiked and, for the first time, outpaced stock performance. According to Dougherty, two things happened to homes: They became not just dwellings but strategic investments — ones that represented the bulk of American household wealth. As a result, cities, driven by “homevoters” — essentially single-issue voters who wanted to protect their property values — began passing zoning ordinances to limit growth and “protect neighborhoods.” Because stunting growth leads to higher property taxes, a vast number of suburbs and neighborhoods incorporated in order to control local land use and zone out poor people (whose social services raise property taxes).
    1. One 15-year-old from Albuquerque said she missed her mother, who was intermittently homeless and mentally unstable, when she stayed in short-term foster homes. But she also felt better taken care of in foster care, and believed she would have more success in school and more opportunities in life if she stayed. Generally, being a short-stayer was like “being luggage, kind of—just tossing me around,” she said.
    2. But this analysis shows that thousands of children taken from their homes without court approval are quickly returned to their families after child-services officials review the evidence. The data was analyzed with assistance from the nonprofit organization Fostering Court Improvement, which maintains a database of federal child-welfare records. “Short stays,” as they are called by child-welfare experts, appear to happen most often in high-poverty areas where law enforcement officials are the only group authorized by state law to remove children without a court order. In 2018, the most recent year for which data is available, Bernalillo County, which includes Albuquerque, recorded a higher rate of short-term removals than any other major area in the country, followed by counties that include Santa Fe, Akron and New Orleans.
    1. Researchers seeking to develop self-healing hydrogels have long sought to mimic the natural ability of mussels to generate strong, flexible threads underwater that allow the mussels to stick to rocks. The natural process that gives these mussel threads, which are called byssal, the ability to break apart and re-form is a purely chemical process, not a biological one, MIT graduate student Seth Cazzell noted in a presentation to the Materials Research Society fall meeting in Boston on Dec. 5.
    1. Criminologists have increasingly become involved and interested in environmental issues to the extent that the term Green Criminology is now recognised as a distinct subgenre of criminology. Within this unique area of scholarly activity, researchers consider not just harms to the environment, but also the links between green crimes and other forms of crime, including organised crime's movement into the illegal trade in wildlife or the links between domestic animal abuse and spousal abuse and more serious forms of offending such as serial killing. This series will provide a forum for new works and new ideas in green criminology for both academics and practitioners working in the field, with two primary aims: to provide contemporary theoretical and practice-based analysis of green criminology and environmental issues relating to the development of and enforcement of environmental laws, environmental criminality, policy relating to environmental harms and harms committed against non-human animals and situating environmental harms within the context of wider social harms; and to explore and debate new contemporary issues in green criminology including ecological, environmental and species justice concerns and the better integration of a green criminological approach within mainstream criminal justice. The series will reflect the range and depth of high-quality research and scholarship in this burgeoning area, combining contributions from established scholars wishing to explore new topics and recent entrants who are breaking new ground.
    1. Murdering Animals confronts the speciesism underlying the disparate social censures of homicide and “theriocide” (the killing of animals by humans), and as such, is a plea to take animal rights seriously. Its substantive topics include the criminal prosecution and execution of justiciable animals in early modern Europe; images of hunters put on trial by their prey in the upside-down world of the Dutch Golden Age; the artist William Hogarth’s patriotic depictions of animals in 18th Century London; and the playwright J.M. Synge’s representation of parricide in fin de siècle Ireland. Combining insights from intellectual history, the history of the fine and performing arts, and what is known about today’s invisibilised sites of animal killing, Murdering Animals inevitably asks: should theriocide be considered murder? With its strong multi- and interdisciplinary approach, this work of collaboration will appeal to scholars of social and species justice in animal studies, criminology, sociology and law.
    1. The WHO on Sunday warned that the coronavirus is spreading not only disease, but also rumors, myths and misinformation.“The 2019-nCoV outbreak and response has been accompanied by a massive ‘infodemic’ — an over-abundance of information — some accurate and some not — that makes it hard for people to find trustworthy sources and reliable guidance when they need it,” the WHO wrote.
    1. bad enough on their own. Now imagine them combined. That's kind of what a stormquake is, a phenomenon just discovered by a team of researchers led by Wenyuan Fan, a professor and seismologist at Florida State University. The findings were published Monday in the scientific journal Geophysical Research Letters.It's not as scary as it sounds, though. Fan broke it down like this. When hurricanes, (or Nor'easters, or winter storms) are in the atmosphere, they produce really large waves on the surface of the sea, which then swell and form other types of waves further down -- that can reach deeper toward the seafloor. The interaction between these secondary waves and the sea floor produces a specific type of pressure force, which then creates a hammer-like effect on the seafloor. That hammering is what is picked up by seismometers. Though previously dismissed as "seismic noise," Fan and his team discovered that the hammering effect is actually small quakes -- which they call "stormquakes" -- that occur around magnitude 3.5. Read MoreThe motions are minor and humans can't really feel them, Fan said. For us, it's not really that significant."I always like to reemphasize that stormquakes happen because of storms, so when extreme storms happen, I think that's our first concern," he told CNN.
  45. Jan 2020
    1. Remember in 2004 when Amazon accidentally listed the identity of anonymous posters? It turned out that many reviews were generated by people using fake identities to boost or depress the ratings of books, something called “sockpuppeting.”