- Oct 2024
littlewishingstar.wordpress.com littlewishingstar.wordpress.com
I've generally found that Olympia machines with a dedicated 1 key and a 4/$ key will usually have a script font. Additionally they don't have ribbon selectors (which are most often on the right hand side of the keyboard when they are present) or only have black and stencil settings.
The lack of bichrome settings on these machines is due to the taller/lower extenders on many script glyphs.
In later units, the absence of a ribbon selector is a good clue, though later units (late ‘60s onwards) offered script with units that had ribbon selectors.
In earlier units, typewriters that have the letter 1 key is a good clue that it is a script font typewriter.
- Sep 2024
typewriterdatabase.com typewriterdatabase.com
Sears Citations seem to have an above regular frequency for script typefaces. They shipped with red stickers next to the bichrome setting and on the right ribbon cup warning against the use of bichrome ribbon for the tallest script letters on machines which had script typefaces.
- Jul 2024
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
- Jun 2024
munk.org munk.org
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
You should not have much trouble finding a cubist (aka techno, square, robotic, futuristic, etc.) font or even Vogue; but good luck finding an italic. Of course, if you want to use them instead of collecting typewriters, get an IBM Selectric and a collection of balls.
colloquial advice
littlewishingstar.wordpress.com littlewishingstar.wordpress.com
Swiss-made Hermes (3000, Media 3) seems to top the list of the most sought after vintage manuals with script fontAnother popular choice among collectors is the script typewriter debuted by Olivetti Lettera in 1963.Other typewriter manufacturers that offered the script font were Olympia (SM3, SM7, SM8), Adler (Tippa, J4, J5), Royal (Safari, Sahara), Remington (Deluxe 5, Personal Riter), Smith-Corona (Classic 12, Sterling 5A, Galaxie Deluxe 10, Galaxie 11, Galaxie 12, Silent Super), Torpedo 18, Blickensderfer (with cylinder) and IBM (Selectric with typeball)
unreferenced here, so treat as colloquial
A field guide to hunting down script typewriters. by [[May Tobias-Papa]]
- Apr 2024
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
A few Safaitic inscriptions were even found in Pompeii, on the walls outside a small theatre, probably scribbled by Arabian members of the Roman army.
Inscriptions, Al-Jallad explained, tend to cluster on higher ground, where nomadic herders could keep an easier watch for predators. In a landscape with no other traces of human civilization, the rocks preserved the nomads’ names and genealogies, along with descriptions of their animals, their wars, their journeys, and their rituals. There were prayers to deities, worries about the lack of rain, and complaints about the cruelty of Romans.
Al-Jallad began pulling up every inscription that mentioned migrating in search of rain, and soon he had a long list of terms that had resisted translation. Comparing them with the Greek, Aramaic, and Babylonian zodiacs, he started making connections. Dhakar matched up nicely with dikra, the Aramaic word for Aries, and Amet was derived from an Arabic verb meaning “to measure or compute quantity”—a good bet for the scales of Libra. Hunting for Capricorn, the goat-fish constellation, Al-Jallad found the word ya’mur in Edward Lane’s “Arabic-English Lexicon,” whose translation read, “A certain beast of the sea, or . . . a kind of mountain-goat.” He stayed up all night, sifting the database and checking words against dictionaries of ancient Semitic languages. By morning, he had deciphered a complete, previously unknown Arabian zodiac. “We’d thought that they were place names, and, in a way, they were,” he told me. “They were places in the sky.”
There's got to be a great journal article on this!
Michael Macdonald amassed a vast collection of photographs of these texts and launched a digital Safaitic database, with the help of Laïla Nehmé, a French archeologist and one of the world’s leading experts on early Arabic inscriptions. “When we started working, Michael’s corpus was all on index cards,” Nehmé recalled. “With the database, you could search for sequences of words across the whole collection, and you could study them statistically. It worked beautifully.”
Researcher Michael Macdonald created a card index database of safaitic inscriptions which he and French archaeologist Laïla Nehmé eventually morphed into a digital database which included a collection of photographs of the extant texts.
Enno Littmann, an Orientalist who visited Syria in 1899, with a contingent from Princeton University, and completed the decipherment, labored over what he found on the rocks.
In 1877, an Orientalist from Ottoman Edirne deciphered most of the alphabet, bringing the language of the inscriptions into blurry focus.
he effort to decode the Safaitic texts began in the spring of 1857, when a young Scotsman named Cyril Graham set off from Jerusalem on a tour of Syria.
The history of Arabia just before the birth of Islam is a profound mystery, with few written sources describing the milieu in which Muhammad lived. Historians had long believed that the Bedouin nomads who lived in the area composed exquisite poetry to record the feats of their tribes but had no system for writing it down. In recent years, though, scholars have made profound advances in explaining how ancient speakers of early Arabic used the letters of other alphabets to transcribe their speech. These alphabets included Greek and Aramaic, and also Safaitic; Macdonald’s rock was one of more than fifty thousand such texts found in the deserts of the southern Levant. Safaitic glyphs look nothing like the cursive, legato flow of Arabic script. But when read aloud they are recognizable as a form of Arabic—archaic but largely intelligible to the modern speaker.
Safaitic is an example of the beginning of writing in Arabia at the rise of Islam and may have interesting things to reveal about orality on the border of literacy.
Compare this with ancient Welsh (and related Celtic languages and stone inscriptions) at about the same time period.
It was Safaitic, an alphabet that flourished in northern Arabia two millennia ago, and Al-Jallad and Macdonald are among a very small number of people who can read it.
- Babylonian
- corpus linguistics
- archaeology of orality
- place names
- Laïla Nehmé
- Babylonian zodiac
- 1899
- nomadic life
- 1857
- biblical archaeology
- card index for philology
- orality on the border of literacy
- safaitic script
- Ahmad Al-Jallad
- Greek
- translation
- 1877
- Michael Macdonald
- Arabian zodiac
- Aramaic zodiac
- Enno Littman
- Greek zodiac
- Cyril Graham
- Pompeii
- card index for dictionaries
- historical linguistics
- Edward Lane
- genealogy databases
- alphabets
- inscriptions
- Aramaic
- history of Islam
- stone inscriptions
- Mar 2024
Local file Local file
Katherine Sarafian,a producer who’s been at Pixar since Toy Story, tells me she prefers to envision triggering theprocess over trusting it—observing it to see where it’s faltering, then slapping it around a bitto make sure it’s awake. Again, the individual plays the active role, not the process itself. Or,to put it another way, it is up to the individual to remember that it’s okay to use the handle,just as long as you don’t forget the suitcase.
www.rust-lang.org www.rust-lang.org
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
- Dec 2023
www.scriptslug.com www.scriptslug.com
itouch.cycu.edu.tw itouch.cycu.edu.tw
宏偉的 -> 宏 (中國版的電腦術語macro的翻譯) -> 不管三七二十一,被一概替換成「巨集」(macro 的台灣版翻譯) -> 巨集偉的
上網搜索 "巨集偉的",看到此詞大量出現在文章中,笑到面癱。也許不久後,年輕一代的中文人會開始嘴上說起「巨集偉的」什麼什麼,還自以爲這是跟「巨好吃」的「巨」一樣潮的說法。
- Nov 2023
imetatech.io imetatech.io
iMeta Crypto Exchange Script
This is the whitelabel crypto exchange solutions developed by iMeta Technologies. The software comes with a perpetual license and is provided with source code. The backend logic, front end UI and trading engine API all come under the package. You can easily build the crypto/digital asset exchange with little customization as you want. You can operate the scalable digital asset exchange platforms like Crypto trading, marketplaces, OTC desk and brokerages.
- Oct 2023
medium.com medium.com
Google Apps Script Utility
clasp-env available on NPM https://www.npmjs.com/package/clasp-env. clasp-env is a command-line utility that allows you to switch between various Google Apps Script environments.
- Sep 2023
www.digitalocean.com www.digitalocean.com
Modules do not add anything to the global (window) scope. Modules always are in strict mode. Loading the same module twice in the same file will have no effect, as modules are only executed once. Modules require a server environment.
- May 2023
- Nov 2022
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Louis Burki 6 months ago (edited) I have make some changes to make it work, because I had a similar error. First, I have add a ":" before the "=" in the Text variable at the beginning of the script. Now it looks like that: "Text:=". Then I have put double quotes around (**your snippets**) so now it looks like this "(***your snippets***)". Then, I also changed the sort line to make it look that: Text:= sort(Text). And now it works as intended. Also, be careful not to remove the pipe symbol in your snippets.
Someone giving a troubleshooting solution to using Joe Glines' Auto Hotkey script that inserts text from a list of the user's choosing. The problem another user had was including it in their main script file, but this was resolved with Louis Burki's answer
- Oct 2022
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
idk how to use this hypothesis thing but here we are
- Sep 2022
codono.com codono.com
Binance Clone is an Asset trading platform developed by Codono integrated with multi coins and tokens wallet using Coin nodes or even 3rd party wallets Like CryptoApis, and Coinpayments. Also, Our Product enables the fastest Liquidity with multiple Liquidity Providers.
A cryptocurrency exchange script for trading assets, such as cryptocurrencies, tokens, fiats other assets. Script has market-making or liquidity options provided. Codono supports All fiat currencies. You can create a market Between Fiat-Crypto, Fiat-Fiat, and Crypto-Crypto. Moreover it supports almost any Coin/Token, ie Bitcoin[BTC,LTC,Doge] , Tron [Trc10+TRC20]*, Ethereum Based[ ETH -ERC20, BNB-BEP20, FTM, SOL, Private Networks], XRP, XMR, Waves ,Coinpayments, and many more.
- Aug 2022
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Local file Local file
Während es schon im ersten Jahrzehnt des 20. Jahrhunderts Pläne für eine weitereRationalisierung der Katalogisierung durch die Einführung des Zetteldruck derpreußischen (wissenschaftlichen) Bibliotheken gab, entstand ab 1919 auf der Seiteder öffentlichen Bibliotheken die „deutsche Büchereihandschrift“.Die von Erwin Ackerknecht entworfene Schreibanleitung diente primär dazu,noch handschriftlich geführten Katalogen ein einheitliches, leserliches Schriftbildzu geben. Als Ausgangsschrift wählte er von daher die „Latein-Schreibschrift“,die im Gegensatz zur damals gebräuchlichen Sütterlin-Kurrentschrift leichter zulesen war.
Machine translation (Google):
While there were already plans in the first decade of the 20th century for a further rationalization of cataloging by introducing label printing in the Prussian (academic) libraries, from 1919 the “German library handwriting” was created on the part of the public libraries. The writing instructions designed by Erwin Ackerknecht primarily served to give handwritten catalogs a uniform, legible typeface. He therefore chose the “Latin cursive” as his starting script, which was easier to read than the Sütterlin cursive script that was common at the time.
- Jul 2022
- Oct 2021
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
I wonder if these still exist in the new spaces of productivity porn in within journaling? Perhaps the application of stickers in peoples' planners sort of serves some of this functionality, though I'd consider them to be more in the drollery family.
- Sep 2021
fs.blog fs.blog
Before beginning this piece I'm reminded to note some advice given to me by Rick Kurtzman at Creative Artists Agency (CAA) on reading scripts: If you're not going to act on having read (a script), then why bother having read it in the first place?
He meant to make notes, write coverage, create writer lists for rewriting, producer lists for selling, director list for directing, casting lists. One should tell people about the (good) things one read. Make your reading produce something.
- Aug 2021
Rarible Clone Script
Rarible clone script is a decentralized, ready-made nft marketplace script built on ethereum blockchain which helps you to build your nft marketplace like rarible. It is one of the easy ways to kickstart your nft marketplace business. Rarible clone script is the exact replica of popular nft marketplace rarible that has its features and functionalities. With the customizable option in rarible clone script, you can optimize it based on your business needs.
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It is a 100% customizable script that you can modify as per your business requirements and launch your P2P nft marketplace in the crypto space. Not only this option, you can build your unique nft marketplace by developing it from scratch. For that, you need to be a professional developer or hire a highly specialized team to build it. And one more thing, it requires a lot of time and money, manpower resources to get a better nft marketplace. But the outcome will help to stand out in the crypto space.
If you wanna launch your NFT Marketplace business instantly, the opensea clone scriptis the best option.
- Jul 2021
hypothes.is hypothes.is
Buyers and sellers can trade valuable Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) on a radiant Rarible clone script made by AppDupe.
Our modern NFT marketplace shares real-time updates about hot bids, the list of top buyers and sellers (daily, weekly, and monthly), live auctions, and trending collections. Entrepreneurs ensure the safe storage of investor's crypto holdings on wallets like Coinbase, Fortmatic, MetaMask, MyEtherWallet (MEW), Portis, Torus, Trust Wallet, and WalletConnect. Hence, monetize artwork, memes, music, photos, and videos effectively by obtaining our Rarible clone script.
- Jun 2021
github.com github.com
If you want, you can try out what the script would do first, without changing anything. $ sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://r.viktoradam.net/githooks)" -- --dry-run
docs.digitalocean.com docs.digitalocean.com
curl -sSL https://repos.insights.digitalocean.com/install.sh -o /tmp/install.sh
- May 2021
interpersonal.stackexchange.com interpersonal.stackexchange.com
Companies do tend to use scripts but the good ones will allow their staff to stray off the script once they are experienced enough to do so as long as it benefits the customer and the company, usually this involves fixing the problem more quickly.
I find most tech support is filled with inexperienced and frustrated staff who just run off a script. They're not paid well. They are Tier One support to filter out most of the incoming calls. Tech support is designed in tiers.
Tech support works with scripts. Just get to know these scripts by heart and answer all questions from the script you can in one long sentence, before they ask it. Like in "Hi I have a problem with this and that...I have restarted the router, I have checked the cables, the red light is on, the green light is off, not other lights are blinking......etc.etc.etc. That way the person at the other end of the line can just go click-click-click and you'll be 10 steps further in their script in 5 seconds.
So, +1 for play ball. Level 1 is supposed to filter out all simple issues (and once upon a time, you'll have forgotten something, happens to all of us), and they are not supposed to be creative. They get a script that has been refined over and over. Learn the scripts, prepare the answers, and you'll get to Level 2 more quickly than with any other method.
Very often the first people you get through to on tech support lines are reading from a script.
They have to ask you the dumb questions, either because their employer demands they do, or sometimes because their computer system doesn't let them get to the next part of the script unless they play ball.
github.com github.com
Are you also tired and fed up with the bulkiness of jQuery, but also don't want to have to type document.querySelector("div").appendChild(document.createTextNode("hello")); just to add some text to an element?
happy middle/medium?
- Apr 2021
Yes, autoexpect is a good tool, but it is used just to automatically create TCL-expect scripts, by watching for user. So it’s can be equal to writing expect-scripts by hand.
- Mar 2021
- Feb 2021
twitter.com twitter.com
Brian Nosek. (2020, December 5). We need a #2020goodnews trend. Here’s one: Science keeps getting more open. One indicator from @OSFramework: OSF users posted 9,349 files of data or other research content PER DAY OSF users made 5,633 files public PER DAY EVERY DAY in 2020 #openscience is accelerating [Tweet]. @BrianNosek. https://twitter.com/BrianNosek/status/1335210552252125184
We would like to extend a very warm welcome and thank you for being a part of the Direct Express program. We are excited that you have received your new card which can be used anywhere Mastercard is accepted, including for purchases, ATM withdrawals, cash back, and setting up automatic bill payments. Some features we'd like to highlight include: Our new mobile application (now available in Apple and Google Play Stores) will help you 'manage your account on the go', allowing you access anytime, anywhere. This application features balance information, transaction history, account summary, and allows you to request a new card (if lost/stolen), temporarily block your card, request a dispute filing form and set up account monitoring alerts for your added protection. Our Direct Express Cash Access feature allows convenient access to your funds at WalMart locations for a $0.85 fee and no purchase necessary. And, our website, www.usdirectexpress.com, which also has a new look, contains all the great features found on the mobile app. Please ensure you select the card starting with numbers 51. Finally, are you currently receiving any other benefits to a Direct Express card?
Mr./Mrs. Cardholder, please note that we’ll not be able to assist you if you have not entered your card information using the right prompts in our Automated Telephone System/IVR. Therefore, I am going to have to transfer you to the Automated Telephone System so you can enter your card information using the relevant prompts and, if needed, press the right option to talk to one of our customer service representatives.
I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you; however, your PIN must be verified in the automated system before I am able to share account specific information for your security.
We are located in the Midwest.
- Jan 2021
www.shopify.com www.shopify.com
Alternatively, you can build a custom icon system from existing icon libraries. To save on load times and improve performance, I would recommend always creating icon systems that include only the icons that you will use. If you’re only using 10 of them throughout your site, there is no good reason to link to the entire Fontawesome library of icons.
- Nov 2020
github.com github.com
Microbundle also outputs a modern bundle specially designed to work in all modern browsers. This bundle preserves most modern JS features when compiling your code, but ensures the result runs in 90% of web browsers without needing to be transpiled. Specifically, it uses preset-modules to target the set of browsers that support <script type="module"> - that allows syntax like async/await, tagged templates, arrow functions, destructured and rest parameters, etc. The result is generally smaller and faster to execute than the esm bundle
- Oct 2020
github.com github.com
Replaced nested `require` statements with `import` declarations for the sake of a leaner bundle. This entails adding empty imports to three files to guarantee correct ordering – see https://github.com/styled-components/styled-components/pull/100
github.com github.com
Perhaps we should detect URLSearchParams objects differently (using duck typing detection instead of instanceof window.URLSearchParams, for example) but the solution isn't adding a specific polyfill to Axios (as it'd increase the bundle size and still won't work with other polyfills).
hackeducation.com hackeducation.com
I have added a script to my websites today that will block annotations
I’ve spent some time thinking about this type of blocking in the past and written about a potential solution. Kevin Marks had created a script to help prevent this type of abuse as well; his solution and some additional variants are freely available. — {cja}
svelte.dev svelte.dev
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
This Boolean attribute is set to indicate to a browser that the script is meant to be executed after the document has been parsed, but before firing DOMContentLoaded.
The defer attribute has no effect on module scripts — they defer by default.
- Sep 2020
sapper.svelte.dev sapper.svelte.dev
It lives in a context="module" script — see the tutorial — because it's not part of the component instance itself; instead, it runs before the component is created, allowing you to avoid flashes while data is fetched.
medium.com medium.com
Many people recently are complaining about bundler performance. But I don’t think any tool is going to solve performance problems. Bundlers can try innovative ideas such as multi-threading and improved caching, but you’re always going to hit a limit. If you’re having performance problems, it’s more likely because you’re not keeping tabs of what you’re importing, and haven’t considered splitting your project into multiple projects.
engineering.mixmax.com engineering.mixmax.com
There'll be no more warnings. But if you open bundle.js, you'll see something shocking: it contains the entirety of React and React DOM. That's 7000 LoC!
bl.ocks.org bl.ocks.org
This is a demonstration of building a custom D3 4.0 bundle using ES2015 modules and Rollup. Custom bundles can be optimized to contain only the code you need. This example exposes just three fields on the d3 object: d3.event, d3.select and d3.selectAll. The minified and gzipped bundle is only 3,691 bytes, a savings of 93% over the default build!
twitter.com twitter.com
Why I’m excited about ES6 modules: a custom build of D3 4.0 in 3,610 gzipped bytes. (93% smaller!)
www.codingwithjesse.com www.codingwithjesse.com
If we compile our empty component and bundle it with Svelte internals, it ends up being 2,080 bytes uncompressed, and 1,043 bytes gzipped. So the overhead for using Svelte ends up being only a kilobyte. Compare that to other frameworks that require 10x or 100x that many bytes just to mount an empty component!
- May 2020
docs.gimp.org docs.gimp.org
A procedural database for calling internal GIMP functions from external programs, such as Script-Fu
- Oct 2019
hypothes.is hypothes.is
Programas efectivos de prevención e intervención en Bullying
Múltiples y diversas intervenciones se han desarrollado para afrontar esta problemática (por ejemplo, Minton & O'Moore, 2008; Olweus, 1993; Smith, Ananiadou, & Cowie, 2003; Varela & Tijmes, 2008 entre otros). Sin embargo, a pesar de los numerosos programas existentes, solo unos pocos han demostrado ser efectivos. De hecho, los programas exitosos se caracterizan por abordar esta problemática en sus diversos niveles y no con actividades puntuales ni aisladas.
Con respecto a la experiencia internacional, "Olweus Bullying Prevention Program", es uno de los programas pioneros en la intervención del Bullying (Olweus, 1993). Este programa se basa en un modelo comprensivo que opera en distintos niveles: escolar, sala de clases e individual. Tiene como objetivo reducir y eliminar tanto el Bullying directo como el indirecto, mejorar las relaciones de pares en el establecimiento educacional y crear las condiciones que permitan que tanto víctima como victimario logren funcionar mejor dentro y fuera de éste. Las estrategias del programa incluyen la promoción y creación de un ambiente positivo en todo el establecimiento educacional, donde la participación de los adultos (docentes y familias) es fundamental; y la creación de límites claros frente a la conductas que no son aceptadas dentro del contexto escolar, requiriendo que las sanciones que se aplican a los victimarios sean consistentes, no castigadoras e involucren un proceso de reflexión y reparación (Olweus, 2004). La evaluación de este programa indica que fue exitoso, disminuyendo en un 50% el autoreporte de Bullying (tanto de víctima como victimario), la incursión en otro tipo de conductas antisociales, y mejorando el clima escolar (Olweus, 2004).
En Inglaterra se llevó a cabo el programa "Sheffield Anti-Bullying Project", inspirado en el programa de Olweus. Este programa busca desarrollar políticas institucionales en el establecimiento educacional que permitan detener la victimización por Bullying a nivel de toda la comunidad escolar, utilizando estrategias como el desarrollo de políticas integrales para detener la victimización, el desarrollo curricular para crear conciencia del problema, el trabajo individual, seguimiento y monitoreo tanto de la víctima como del agresor, modificación de los espacios físicos de riesgo, y el monitoreo permanente de los niveles de victimización dentro de la escuela. La evaluación del programa, llevado a cabo en cuatro establecimientos educacionales durante 18 meses, demostró que disminuyó el porcentaje de victimización (14% en primaria y 7% en secundaria), la tasa de agresión (12% en primaria y secundaria), y aumentaron las denuncias por agresión a los profesores (Smith, et al., 2003).
El "Programa educativo de prevención de maltrato entre compañeros y compañeras" (SAVE) desarrollado en España, es otro ejemplo de programas con resultados exitosos. Este programa toma un modelo integral, preventivo, ecológico y comunitario e involucra a los alumnos, profesores, familia y comunidad. El programa no solo disminuyó las conductas de Bullying, sino que logró promover las relaciones interpersonales como un factor protector frente a la violencia escolar (Ortega, Del Rey, & Mora-Merchán, 2004).
Por otra parte, Finlandia cuenta con el "Programa Anti-bullying Kiva" desarrollado en la Universidad de Turku y financiado por el Ministerio de Educación de este país, el cual presenta estrategias universales para prevenir situaciones de intimidación y, a su vez, detener la intimidación en curso. El programa contiene una serie de herramientas concretas para los educadores, lecciones para estudiantes, material de aprendizaje virtual, e indicaciones claras para los integrantes de la comunidad escolar para detener las situaciones de intimidación de manera efectiva (Salmivalli, Kärnä & Poskiparta, 2011; Kärnä, Voeten, Little, Poskiparta, Kaljonen & Salmivalli, 2011).
Otros programas internacionales que han demostrado efectividad son el "Programa Apoyo Positivo al Estudiante" (Positive Behavior Support-PBS, Sprague & Golly, 2005) y los Programas Anti-bullying en Irlanda: "Programa ABC" (Minton & O'Moore, 2008). Todos se basan en una aproximación multinivel del fenómeno, la implementación de estrategias de prevención e intervención de manera sistemática, organizadas y planificadas a largo plazo. Así como también, la implementación de estrategias orientadas al desarrollo de un clima social escolar positivo y al fomento de habilidades socio-emocionales.
En Chile, uno de los primeros programas en evaluar su efectividad fue el programa piloto "Aprendiendo Juntos", basado en el modelo de intervención del "Positive Behavior Support-PBS". Se implementó en un establecimiento educacional de la cuidad de Santiago, donde se logró disminuir en un 34,7%, los incidentes violentos entre los alumnos, medido a través de la disminución del promedio diario de alumnos derivados a inspectora1 en los años 2006 y 2007 (Varela, Tijmes & Sprague 2009). Otra experiencia chilena evaluada fue el Programa Recoleta en Buena implementado en 4 establecimientos educacionales donde se evaluó a 677 estudiantes el año 2006 y 553 el año 2008, de 5º básico a IVº medio. El programa logró disminuir el promedio de los reportes de violencia (víctimas, victimarios y testigos), salvo los reportes de violencia de tipo delictual (violencia más grave). Sin embargo, sus resultados reportaron efectividad a nivel primario permitiendo impactar en toda la comunidad escolar (Varela, 2011).
Tanto la experiencia internacional como en Chile en la implementación de programas de prevención e intervención de violencia en las escuelas ha demostrado la importancia de abordar esta problemática desde un modelo ecológico (Orpinas, 2009). Es decir, que los programas presenten un abordaje integral, los cuales apunten a los distintos niveles del sistema escolar: políticas públicas, red educativa, familias, y personas, así como la interrelación entre estos niveles. Asimismo, las estrategias de intervención y de prevención deben ser organizadas, sistemáticas y planificadas a largo plazo. Estas estrategias deben estar orientadas a prevenir, intervenir y promover un clima social escolar positivo, incrementar la empatía, el desarrollo de las competencias sociales, la promoción de conductas prosociales, la resolución de conflictos y la mediación.
A pesar de lo anterior, la experiencia ha demostrado que existe una escasez de estudios de efectividad sobre programas integrales de prevención del Bullying, a nivel de los países de Sudamérica. Es por esto que el presente artículo evalúa la efectividad de un programa de prevención e intervención de Bullying y Ciberbulling, basado en los lineamientos de los programas que han demostrado ser exitosos, en alumnas que cursan de 4º año básico a IVº año medio de un establecimiento educacional femenino de Santiago de Chile.
- Sep 2019
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