276 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
    1. PJ Wu6h  · Shared with Public好久沒寫信了,簡單記錄一下這個事件 如果你想不定期收到類似的信,歡迎點文末的連結訂閱~---A letter from PJ - Perplexity Pro 的「限時免費」混亂昨晚(9/7)在網路上有人分享 AI 搜尋引擎 Perplexity 的 Pro 版本一年期方案推出限時免費,只要訂閱時輸入 `FREENEWSROOM` 這個折扣碼,就可以直接兌換價值 $200 美元的一年期 Pro 帳號。這個消息很快在社群上擴散,尤其是在中文社群,Threads & Twitter 上面都看到不少人分享,許多人也確實兌換成功。不過今天早上就有些人通知說,這個折扣碼已經失效,而下午更傳出,有許多兌換成功的用戶直接被 Perplexity 官方取消訂閱。從這個時間點開始,有許多人表達對這個狀況的不滿,我觀察到的一些聲音是:1. 被取消訂閱的人都是直接收到一封信,內容寫著「我們注意到『你取消了訂閱』,因此 blabla」,但對這些收到信的人來說,明明是「Perplexity 官方取消了訂閱」,有種莫名其妙的感覺。2. 被取消訂閱的人裡面,有不少都不知道為什麼會被取消訂閱,他們只覺得奇怪,為了 Perplexity 官方要推出限時免費,結果又收回優惠?感覺好像很小氣、給不起。---對於這件事,我一早起床看到消息的時候,我的感覺是這應該是某個給推廣合作夥伴的折扣碼外流導致的烏龍,並不是官方推出的「限時免費」活動,因為:1. Perplexity 官方並沒有任何的公開宣傳2. 這個折扣碼更像是給特定產業的從業人員試用的推廣折扣碼,原始預設應該不是要公開流傳的3. 也不像是行銷方式,通常即使是黑色星期五之類的活動,最多大概也是打五折左右我自己有些 Stripe 折扣碼的設置經驗,實際上是可以設置一個折扣碼可以被兌換成功的次數或者是有效期限,但有可能這個折扣當時就是廣發給特定產業使用(例如給大媒體公司),所以為了方便,就沒設定次數限制,結果就流出了。但流出就流出了,我覺得後續處理的方式實在不太好,最主要有兩個地方有問題:1. 沒通知用戶與道歉就直接取消這些人的訂閱2. 取消訂閱串接的罐頭信還補刀撒鹽---如果是我的話,我會這樣思考與處理:假設整件事確實是「不該流出的折扣碼外流,導致許多用戶濫用折扣碼」,那麼首先應該做的事情,是通知所有使用這個折扣碼的用戶,這是一次錯誤的外流事件,這些折扣碼是被不正當的使用,因此後續會取消折扣與訂閱。但是這個錯誤 Perplexity 官方也有責任,因此會提出補償方案,不過在提出補償方案前,還是歡迎已經訂閱的用戶繼續使用。接著,取消訂閱的同時,再推出折衷的補償方案,例如第一年訂閱 85 折之類的,讓這些上車的用戶仍可以享有比常態訂閱還要划算的優惠。這裡面最關鍵的事情是,一定要清楚跟所有使用折扣碼的用戶說明,這次的折扣碼使用是濫用,但是錯不在用戶而在 Perplexity 身上,有了這個通知,用戶才會對齊認知,而不是在誤以為是「官方推出折扣活動」的情況下,又誤以為「官方給不起折扣,所以反悔取消」。我相信有非常多用戶肯定是對 Perplexity 感興趣,也肯定認為這是一次善意的促銷活動,但卻被沒有考量周全的處置方式搞砸期待,實在是蠻傷的。


  2. Jun 2024
    1. (the) Senior是指年紀很大的長輩,注意S要大寫、有the或省略才是指定用法。

      這不正確。在 the senior〈the + 形容詞〉中的 senior 是形容詞,就跟 the rich(富人)、the poor(窮人)一樣,這些形容詞並不大寫。the senior 泛指年長者。說「S要大寫」,也就是寫成「the Senior」的用法,有何根據?

      美國國會記錄一例: “the senior and their copayments and deductibles" (年長者和他們的[醫療]共同負擔及自付額)


      臉書原po (如果你看不到): https://www.facebook.com/TranslationMattersYi/posts/pfbid0uRtzHmGXNKU2PAoFMFQnSEEotLPLYZoMrcNxrrhqVL7VKmMEeQ7Ptt9cUMJE7Pcil (或:截圖) https://hyp.is/8VoKHC_0Ee-L9htYgJ5ZUQ/www.facebook.com/TranslationMattersYi/posts/pfbid02xyYBCvttDR4uxGQ2XzXCkuUHgEyHt2DTTukhnUeyfQoKNw6Djp4ZuYjcMv5ofrm8l

  3. Apr 2024
    1. Chhit Am-goat  · eprostnSdo919g11fgl4460higl3m0m3thic34lh65i354a1249944tic75f  · Shared with Public《 用台文直接共 AI 討台文內容 》昨昏有朋友問講 AI 出無按家己向望彼號型。窮實佗加強 prompt 佗會使,抑是共欲指定 AI 照你欲--ê 來輸出个規定,囥佇 System Instructions 內底,攏會使--得。下跤圖--ni̍h 是 ka 囥佇 Gemini-pro-1.5 開講區上頂懸个 System Instructions 內底,閣直接叫伊輸入台文文章,*完全無閣 upload 任何物仔*,足簡單个操作。輸出愛檢查,家己愛改,毋過完成度是不止仔懸--矣,而且直接佗出台文內容,毋免閣過翻譯。Prompt 抑是 System Instructions,用英文效果比中文加足好,因為原底遮个 LLM (大言語模型)佗攏用英文訓練--ê。罔參考,會使按家己需要閣改,內底个例攏會換--得,例个長度小可長,效果較好。若想欲輸出 全 POJ、全 TL、抑是全漢,會使改內底个規則佮例,試驗看覓。《System Instructions 》You are a linguist and a great translator between Taigi and English.Translate English text into Taigi I give you, and vise versa.Or chat with me in Taigi.For prepositions, conjunctions, particles and exclamations, must use POJ.For NERs such as country, place or human names keep the original name.English. Be sure to make the Taigi translation more Taigi-like and differentiate from Chinese, using Taigi words and sentences structures as possible, restructuring sentence is allowed.*note 1: Taigi text is a mix of Hanji characters and Latin characters with phonetic component on the top.*note 2: Example of Taigi word consist of Latin letters named POJ(Pe̍h-ōe-jī/POJ) sch as Tâi-gí,má-to͘h, té-thah. Please display the phonetic component and ‘-‘ between subwords accordingly.*note 3: the uniqe POJ elements are: ch, cch, o͘, eng, ek, oa, ⁿ*note 4: Do use POJ for prepositions, conjunctions, particles and exclamations.Output as format&example.<format&example>-----* Leonardo da Vinci ê 無限好玄## Leonardo da Vinci 是文藝復興時期 ê 代表人物, 伊 ê 人生 kah 作品 lóng 浸透彼个時代 ê 精神。伊 tī 1452 年出世 tī Italy ê Vinci, 伊 ê 天才 hāⁿ(迒) 藝術、科學、工程 koh 濟濟 ê 領域, lóng 是 hō͘ 伊對智識 ê 熱狂走chông 來 lu(攄) leh 行。## 伊 tī 藝術 ê 成就, 親像神秘 ê Mona Lisa kah 經典 ê 上尾 ê 暗頓, 展現伊 tùi 人類表情 kah 親像 sfumato hām 明暗對比法遮个先驅技術 ê 把握。 m̄-koh , Da Vinci ê 才調 m̄-nā tī 畫布頂懸; 伊是一个走 tī 時代進前 ê 發明家, 想出來像飛行機器 kah 太陽能這號物。## 伊 ê 簿仔紙展示伊無 kā 藝術 kah 科學分--開 ê 頭殼, 內底滿滿是 chham 觀察、 chham 想像相透濫 ê 素描。Da Vinci ê 哲學是「研究藝術 ê 科學。研究科學 ê 藝術... 認捌 tio̍h 萬物 lóng 連連鬥陣」, 這反映伊相信所有學科 lóng 是 kap(合)做伙--ê。## 伊 tī 藝術 ê 成就, 親像神秘 ê Mona Lisa kah 經典 ê 上尾 ê 暗頓, 展現伊 tùi 人類表情 kah 親像 sfumato hām 明暗對比法遮个先驅技術 ê 把握。 m̄-koh , Da Vinci ê 才調 m̄-nā tī 畫布頂懸; 伊是一个走 tī 時代進前 ê 發明家, 想出來像飛行機器 kah 太陽能這號物。-----Gemini-1.5-pro: https://aistudio.google.com/



      太興奮了。我會希望AI用台文書寫,儘量減少tailo或POJ。以後來研究這個system prompt怎麼下。



      Chhit Am-goat · 《 用台文直接共 AI 討台文內容 》 昨昏有朋友問講 AI 出無按家己向望彼號型。窮實佗加強 prompt 佗會使,抑是共欲指定 AI 照你欲--ê 來輸出个規定,囥佇 System Instructions 內底,攏會使--得。 下跤圖--ni̍h 是 ka 囥佇 Gemini-pro-1.5 開講區上頂懸个 System Instructions 內底,閣直接叫伊輸入台文文章,完全無閣 upload 任何物仔,足簡單个操作。 輸出愛檢查,家己愛改,毋過完成度是不止仔懸--矣,而且直接佗出台文內容,毋免閣過翻譯。 Prompt 抑是 System Instructions,用英文效果比中文加足好,因為原底遮个 LLM (大言語模型)佗攏用英文訓練--ê。 罔參考,會使按家己需要閣改,內底个例攏會換--得,例个長度小可長,效果較好。 若想欲輸出 全 POJ、全 TL、抑是全漢,會使改內底个規則佮例,試驗看覓。 《System Instructions 》 You are a linguist and a great translator between Taigi and English. Translate English text into Taigi I give you, and vise versa.Or chat with me in Taigi. For prepositions, conjunctions, particles and exclamations, must use POJ. For NERs such as country, place or human names keep the original name.English. Be sure to make the Taigi translation more Taigi-like and differentiate from Chinese, using Taigi words and sentences structures as possible, restructuring sentence is allowed. note 1: Taigi text is a mix of Hanji characters and Latin characters with phonetic component on the top. note 2: Example of Taigi word consist of Latin letters named POJ(Pe̍h-ōe-jī/POJ) sch as Tâi-gí,má-to͘h, té-thah. Please display the phonetic component and ‘-‘ between subwords accordingly. note 3: the uniqe POJ elements are: ch, cch, o͘, eng, ek, oa, ⁿ note 4: Do use POJ for prepositions, conjunctions, particles and exclamations. Output as format&example. <format&example>

      • Leonardo da Vinci ê 無限好玄

      Leonardo da Vinci 是文藝復興時期 ê 代表人物, 伊 ê 人生 kah 作品 lóng 浸透彼个時代 ê 精神。伊 tī 1452 年出世 tī Italy ê Vinci, 伊 ê 天才 hāⁿ(迒) 藝術、科學、工程 koh 濟濟 ê 領域, lóng 是 hō͘ 伊對智識 ê 熱狂走chông 來 lu(攄) leh 行。

      伊 tī 藝術 ê 成就, 親像神秘 ê Mona Lisa kah 經典 ê 上尾 ê 暗頓, 展現伊 tùi 人類表情 kah 親像 sfumato hām 明暗對比法遮个先驅技術 ê 把握。 m̄-koh , Da Vinci ê 才調 m̄-nā tī 畫布頂懸; 伊是一个走 tī 時代進前 ê 發明家, 想出來像飛行機器 kah 太陽能這號物。

      伊 ê 簿仔紙展示伊無 kā 藝術 kah 科學分--開 ê 頭殼, 內底滿滿是 chham 觀察、 chham 想像相透濫 ê 素描。Da Vinci ê 哲學是「研究藝術 ê 科學。研究科學 ê 藝術... 認捌 tio̍h 萬物 lóng 連連鬥陣」, 這反映伊相信所有學科 lóng 是 kap(合)做伙--ê。

      伊 tī 藝術 ê 成就, 親像神秘 ê Mona Lisa kah 經典 ê 上尾 ê 暗頓, 展現伊 tùi 人類表情 kah 親像 sfumato hām 明暗對比法遮个先驅技術 ê 把握。 m̄-koh , Da Vinci ê 才調 m̄-nā tī 畫布頂懸; 伊是一个走 tī 時代進前 ê 發明家, 想出來像飛行機器 kah 太陽能這號物。

      Gemini-1.5-pro: https://aistudio.google.com/

    1. Chú Jōe Ĩû added a new photo to the album: Gí-giân gī-tê / Language issues.  · pesrdStono34 Af1piM9a1ift70 6aarg1l 0c5f ah8l9u2365A:84hl741  · Shared with Public//漢語拼音就把濁音符號b, d, g 用來標示不送氣清音,而把清音符號用來標示送氣清音,這在中國本位立場雖然可行,卻違背了世界通用拼音的習慣。//論真嘛免講 chiah 濟。台灣所有本土語言 ê 文字,無論原住民族幾十種語言 ê 字、台語POJ、客話PFS,攏總是 p, t, k 就讀做 /p/, /t/, /k/,恁中文英文按怎發音 kah 台灣人有啥底代?哪會是母語 ài 配合外語?甚至東南亞新住民 ê 語言嘛是, ê 羅馬拼音轉寫嘛攏是。p, t, k 就是 /p/, /t/, /k/。


      要是能指出抽象性的音位(音素)標音(phonemic transcription)和實際音(phones)的標音的差別,更完美。


      Chú Jōe Ĩû added a new photo to the album: Gí-giân gī-tê / Language issues. · //漢語拼音就把濁音符號b, d, g 用來標示不送氣清音,而把清音符號用來標示送氣清音,這在中國本位立場雖然可行,卻違背了世界通用拼音的習慣。// 論真嘛免講 chiah 濟。台灣所有本土語言 ê 文字,無論原住民族幾十種語言 ê 字、台語POJ、客話PFS,攏總是 p, t, k 就讀做 /p/, /t/, /k/,恁中文英文按怎發音 kah 台灣人有啥底代?哪會是母語 ài 配合外語? 甚至東南亞新住民 ê 語言🇮🇩🇻🇳🇵🇭嘛是,🇹🇭🇲🇲 ê 羅馬拼音轉寫嘛攏是。p, t, k 就是 /p/, /t/, /k/。

    1. 火星軍情局  · odsStpenro c6064g M:43Ahpt04tmr2 lc134f89A8l17a ilut98652g4g  · Shared with Public還在考慮要不要看騰訊版的《三體》嗎?和Netflix版哪個好?會這麼想的人真是時間太多,騰訊版是30集連續劇啊!而我看完了。呃~其實是1.75倍快轉再不時跳著看啦。這是個有趣的「一書各表」的體驗:一本快20年前的中國科幻小說,現在由東西方截然不同的文化來表述,兩者的差距頗大且極具意義。哪個版本好?那要看各人對“好”的定義。我比較喜歡Netflix,但能完全理解支持騰訊的觀點。下面是我對騰訊版抓的重點:1) 三十集連續劇呀!現在誰有這種美國~不~中國時間。2)對「原著黨」來說這是唯一選擇,大部分原封不動來自小說。3) 但這也是問題,有些地方書寫得很有趣,但是演出來就乏味。比如:小說中主角汪淼發現底片竟然在倒數計時的過程懸疑而有張力,但是演出來就很脫戲。主角照相、沖洗照片、嚇一跳、繼續照相、沖洗照片、嚇一跳、繼續照相…半集就沒了。4)看完Netflix以後再看騰訊版,會覺得騰訊虛擬世界的電腦動畫的品質欠佳,讓人出戲,畢竟騰訊的成本只是Netflix的零頭。(但Netflix未免太會花錢了!)5)騰訊版似乎沒有要求演技,每個演員都面無表情地念台詞,只有一個例外:警官大史,他一出現可看性就陡升一個數量級。6)騰訊版也並非完全遵照原著,小說裡中共的黑歷史都不見了。葉文潔的故事開始於響應知識青年下鄉而到大興安嶺,之前爸爸被鬥死的部分似乎沒發生。我不是愛黑中共,而是那段歷史對葉文潔的動機有很深的影響,沒那段就讓故事有些莫名其妙。7)還有一個例子:小說裡有一位法官去找苦牢裡冷得發抖的葉文潔,看似非常慈祥,勸葉文潔簽署一份控告葉父的文件,但葉文潔拒絕。騰訊版就演到這裡,但看過小說或Netflix版的人都知道後來法官大怒,倒桶冰水在葉文潔身上害她差點冷死。看騰訊版會覺得法官人很好,是葉文潔不識抬舉。


      火星軍情局 · 還在考慮要不要看騰訊版的《三體》嗎?和Netflix版哪個好?會這麼想的人真是時間太多,騰訊版是30集連續劇啊! 而我看完了。呃~其實是1.75倍快轉再不時跳著看啦。 這是個有趣的「一書各表」的體驗:一本快20年前的中國科幻小說,現在由東西方截然不同的文化來表述,兩者的差距頗大且極具意義。 哪個版本好?那要看各人對“好”的定義。我比較喜歡Netflix,但能完全理解支持騰訊的觀點。下面是我對騰訊版抓的重點: 1) 三十集連續劇呀!現在誰有這種美國~不~中國時間。 2)對「原著黨」來說這是唯一選擇,大部分原封不動來自小說。 3) 但這也是問題,有些地方書寫得很有趣,但是演出來就乏味。比如:小說中主角汪淼發現底片竟然在倒數計時的過程懸疑而有張力,但是演出來就很脫戲。主角照相、沖洗照片、嚇一跳、繼續照相、沖洗照片、嚇一跳、繼續照相…半集就沒了。 4)看完Netflix以後再看騰訊版,會覺得騰訊虛擬世界的電腦動畫的品質欠佳,讓人出戲,畢竟騰訊的成本只是Netflix的零頭。(但Netflix未免太會花錢了!) 5)騰訊版似乎沒有要求演技,每個演員都面無表情地念台詞,只有一個例外:警官大史,他一出現可看性就陡升一個數量級。 6)騰訊版也並非完全遵照原著,小說裡中共的黑歷史都不見了。葉文潔的故事開始於響應知識青年下鄉而到大興安嶺,之前爸爸被鬥死的部分似乎沒發生。我不是愛黑中共,而是那段歷史對葉文潔的動機有很深的影響,沒那段就讓故事有些莫名其妙。 7)還有一個例子:小說裡有一位法官去找苦牢裡冷得發抖的葉文潔,看似非常慈祥,勸葉文潔簽署一份控告葉父的文件,但葉文潔拒絕。騰訊版就演到這裡,但看過小說或Netflix版的人都知道後來法官大怒,倒桶冰水在葉文潔身上害她差點冷死。看騰訊版會覺得法官人很好,是葉文潔不識抬舉。

    1. 艾森豪國際語言  · Spoontdsre85f8c3u11c4699061i8c1f143h78ahi7a0189t53fh3a7784lt  · Shared with Public: 聽說了嗎?那家公司被指控做Uncook the books。: 真的嗎?這太糟糕了,他們的信譽會受到很大損害。《Uncook the book(s)》是「作假帳」,這裡的the book(s)指的是帳本而非書本。做假帳就是在原本帳目上做點手腳,好像煮飯菜的時候要一點想像力,加一些調味料,因此cook the book(s)就是所謂的作假帳。【範例】★He lives his life uncooking the books for criminal organizations.他專門幫犯罪組織查假帳,並靠此維生。★The company was accused of uncooking the books.那家公司被指控做假帳。

      : 聽說了嗎?那家公司被指控做Uncook the books。 : 真的嗎?這太糟糕了,他們的信譽會受到很大損害。 《Uncook the book(s)》 是「作假帳」,這裡的the book(s)指的是帳本而非書本。做假帳就是在原本帳目上做點手腳,好像煮飯菜的時候要一點想像力,加一些調味料,因此cook the book(s)就是所謂的作假帳。 【範例】 ★He lives his life uncooking the books for criminal organizations. 他專門幫犯罪組織查假帳,並靠此維生。 ★The company was accused of uncooking the books. 那家公司被指控做假帳。

      It can't be true that "cook the book" and "UNcook the book" both mean 作假帳.

    1. although I take notes about articles on Source cards I usually use a digital device an iPad to read and mark up those articles over the years I've tried out a whole bunch of different apps for annotating PDFs here's all of them my plan in the coming weeks is to write up reviews of many of them

      yes! can't wait.

    2. if you feel you need the kinds of friction or constraints that I've talked about in this video but prefer that everything you do be in a digital rather than an analog format you have two options

      digital version of this voluntary constraint

    3. that's a good type of friction to have since it nudges you in the direction of doing something better namely jotting down brief reminders in your own words


    4. second in writing down reminders about points made in the text you begin the work of putting things in your own words that is the work of digesting what you are reading

      good point!

    5. the first thing that distinguishes the third approach from the first two is that the third approach doesn't involve collecting quotations again instead of collecting quotations you are writing brief reminders

      NOT really processing quotations, therefore saving time

    6. brief reminders can be about a point made in the text or they can be about your own thoughts about a point made in the text

      brief hand-written reminders: two types

    7. processing highlights while reading that ended up being pretty crappy too

      processing highlights AFTER or DURING reading: neither approach works

    8. the reason it was such a time-consuming process is that I felt tempted to pull into my system any highlight that maybe just maybe would someday be of some use to me it was all too easy to succumb to that Temptation because most of the books I was reading were in digital forma


    9. that made it very easy to highlight passages without abandon

      shouldn't it be "with abandon"? 盡情放縱地

    10. copper light

      coprolite 糞化石

    1. doing so tests your understanding of material you're taking in asankaran says in his book how to take smart notes putting things in your own words is the simplest test we tend to think we understand what we read until we try to rewrite it in our own words by doing this we not only get a better sense of our ability to understand but also increase our ability to clearly and concisely express our understanding

      Sonke Ahrens

    2. one reason so many of us deny ourselves this so-called opportunity is that it doesn't always feel good to do it as Aaron says the attempt to rephrase an argument in our own words confronts us without Mercy with all the gaps in our understanding it certainly feels less good but this struggle is the only chance we have to improve our understanding to learn and move forward we are faced with a clear choice we have to choose between feeling smarter and becoming smarter when Aaron says we have to choose between feeling smarter and becoming smarter


    3. how to read a book book Mortimer Adler and Charles Van Dorne bluntly State how important it is to put things in your own words the person who says he knows what he thinks but cannot express it usually does not know what he thinks

      blunt truth

    4. putting things in your own words is not always easy but if you do it enough you will get better at it and you'll come to see how valuable it is and thus be more likely to do it despite the effort it requires


    5. we are better off to have as our aim not so much the creation of so-called original ideas but instead try trying to make the ideas of others in some sense our own and a necessary step in achieving that aim is gradually getting better at stating in your own words what has been said by other people getting better at stating things in your own words will increase the likelihood that the notes you create are your own in the sense that they serve your purposes that they help you develop your own lines of thinking or your own perspective which in all likelihood will be a perspective that amounts to a remix of other people's perspectives and although the remix you produce may be a remix of other people's ideas the remix itself is your own creation

      we are better off to have as our aim not so much the creation of so-called original ideas but instead try trying to make the ideas of others in some sense our own and a necessary step in achieving that aim is gradually getting better at stating in your own words what has been said by other people getting better at stating things in your own words will increase the likelihood that the notes you create are your own in the sense that they serve your purposes that they help you develop your own lines of thinking or your own perspective which in all likelihood will be a perspective that amounts to a remix of other people's perspectives and although the remix you produce may be a remix of other people's ideas the remix itself is your own creation

    6. people who claim to have come up with original ideas entirely on their own are in most cases simply revealing a profound ignorance of the ideas developed by people who have come before them


    7. in quotation marks in many cases what count as your own ideas aren't so much the ideas themselves as they are the particular sorts of connections you make between ideas that you have gotten from other people

      It's not so much the ideas, but CONNECTIONS between ideas that you got from others.

    8. it's what all of these approaches have in common that I think it best to focus on namely stating in your own words what is said by others

      restate in your own words

    1. sum up the most important points from this video first if you have yet to start creating a zettel custom I recommend that you not create folder cards second if you have a new card that lacks a good enough relation to any of the cards already in your zettle costume make that card the first card in a new branch third if you use subject areas like I do that new Branch will likely be within an already existing subject area which is itself a branch and so you might want to think of the new Branch you add to that subject area as a sub-branch fourth if you're not using subject areas then the new Branch will indeed be a new Branch rather than a sub Branch fifth if you're not using subject areas but want to give a new Branch a name wait to do that until you have already created several cards within that Branch

      summary: 5 rules on placing a new card that don't relate too much to existing cards

    2. if you want to learn about how to use your zettel cost in the way Niklas Lumen did I strongly encourage you to enroll in Bob's course

      Bob Doto Zettelkasten course

    3. if you do use them I would still recommend as I did in the previous video that you not use them Beyond two or three levels deep into your zettel custom

      Ha! Previously, FP suggested no more than 3 to 4 levels deep. Now it's down to 2 to 3 levels ONLY. I guess he realized how much it interferes with the flexibility?

    4. I had plans to experiment with using fewer and even no folder cards instead I'd report back to you about the results here's my report I won't be using them in the future

      if you have yet to create the first few cards in your own zettelkasten, I recommend that you not use folder cards

      decisive: NO folder cards! (going with Doto's advice)

    1. dotto appears to argue I'm not 100 certain this is his view but he appears to argue that come coming up with subject areas is as he says antithetical to the entire system

      Doto: don't create subject areas at all

    2. the index should become the primary way of organizing your idea cards whereas folder cards get you started with organizing idea cards before you create idea cards to place behind them the index can be used to organize your idea cards after you have created several of them but actually if you want you can have zero folder cards in your zettle costume

      Index cards: main way or organizing folder cards: for bootstrapping Luhmann did not use any folder cards

    3. how to organize your idea cards you should be relying primarily on the index section of your zatel cost and to organize those

      index section: not covered yet

    4. after creating folder cards two or three levels deep you should stop creating more

      limit levels of folder cards to 3, at most 4.

    1. however it wouldn't be the end of the world or rather the end of your zettle costume if this card that ends with one B were instead to end with one a one that's because in either position this card has some relation and in each case an adequate or good enough relation to either of these two cards

      clarity by example!

      a better, more logical relation vs a good enough relation that won't bring about the end of your Zettelkasten system

    2. not as they are arranged on a mind map but instead in an outline

      mind map view and OUTLINER view of those card relations

    3. two cards on the right relate to the one on the left

      observe the numberings: 1.2.3-1 1.2.3-1a (first response to the question) 1.2.3-1b (second response to the question)

      This forms NOT a linear CHAIN of 3 cards, but a TREE (1->2, 1->3, which is indicated by the alternating numbers and letters -- a principle given earlier!)

    4. an idea card which is signified by The Hyphen seen towards the end of that card's address the idea on this card is that money can make you happy if you spend it the right way this is an ID expressed on page 173 of Sonia liabomirsky's book The myths of happiness

      in an idea card, there can be REFERENCE to the source of the idea

    5. folder cards for the second and third of each of these first three numbers and their corresponding subjects I put the titles of those folder cards in pink so as to distinguish them from what I call idea cards the titles of which are written in blue the other thing that distinguishes idea cards from folder cards is that idea cards have a hyphen in them

      folder cards (with only numbers and dots in ID) vs idea cards (with hyphen in the ID)

    6. If you create a new card we'll call it card number two that continues which is to say has some relation to an already existing card which we'll call card number one then look at card number one and if it ends with a number then the continuation card should end with a letter and if card number one instead ends with a letter then the continuation card should end with a number

      Rule #2

    7. Golden Rule be the one I just presented place a new card next to an already existing card that it has some relation to

      place a new card next to an old/existing card that it has some relation to (by similarity, explanation, counter-argument, causality, etc.)

      this is soon modified to be the final rule:

      place a new card next to an old/existing card that it has A GOOD ENOUGH relation to.

    8. you should be content with having found a good enough place to put a new card and a good enough place for a new card

      Good enough is good enough.

    9. he recognizes that starting out this way can lead people astray he writes one of the downsides of using academic disciplines as a classification system is that it implies that there's some perfect and correct place for a card to be placed

      Again, beware of pre-determined hierarchical classification

    10. if a new card and an already existing card have some very remote relation to each other whereas that same new card and another already existing card have a closer relation to each other then you should put the new card next to the one it has a closer relation to however and this is why I said not just no but also kind of yes your aim should not be to find the supposedly one and only perfect place to put each new card to the extent that you make this your aim you'll be trying to do with your zettel costume something that the zettel custom method is not really about

      closer relation trumps remote relation; but don't fuss over finding the one and only one card that is perfect.

    11. a roadblock that kept me from starting a zettle costume for quite some time is something I was able to overcome only after reading a passage in an article written by Johanna Schmidt here's that passage which by the way I quoted in the previous video as well Lumen opted for organizing cards based on the principle that they must have only some relation to the previous cards

      Luhmann: a new card must have some relation to existing cards

    1. the way I do things is pretty much the same as the way Dan alaso does things with the only difference being that I use a hyphen rather than a slash right before cards that contain single ideas and the only reason I do that is that in the app in which I'm maintaining a replica of my analog settle costume that app is called obsidian slashes are not permitted in the titles of the files

      FP's numbering: same as Alloso's but replace slashes with hyphens so they are compatible in Obsidian (not allowing slashes in note or file names)

    2. here Dan writes the numbers on the left of the divider are nested categories like folders the number to the right belongs to the actual card that corresponds with a single idea he adds the overall number tells me something about how the idea is related to other ideas the nested folders as well as where it fits in a conversation with other ideas the sequence number and letter I think Dan's use of the forward slash here is pretty effective I think the slash is a good way of clearly distinguishing between what he's calling kind of folders or what I might call folder cards on the one hand and actual notes are what I might call idea cards on the other hand

      Dan Alloso's numbering: 2 parts

    3. Dan alasa

      Dan Allosso: book: how to make notes and write.

    4. Scott Shepard

      Scott Scheper: The first number starts in thousands or 4 digits. Slashes as separators.

    5. Bob dotto

      Bob Doto: writer, teacher, author

      His IDs: no periods

    6. I'm referring here to what in German is called fogazeto which usually gets translated as sequence of note

      A sequence of notes, also known as a "folgezettel", is a train of thought. A hierarchical structure like a folgezettel can help establish a sequence of notes by placing similar notes close together. It can also provide a quick view of first-level connections between notes.

    1. know that having such overlap isn't much or perhaps at all a problem at least when it comes to implementing the zettel costume method which again is about developing ideas not building a system where every idea has one and only one place it can reside

      good advice. don't get boggled down with neatness!

    2. more often than not you'll find that it is best to be very selective about what information you permit to enter your zettlecostin however don't let the fact that your zettelcostin has an overarching system lead you to the mistaken notion that the point of the zettocosten method is to come up with some extremely well organized system in which each card has a supposedly perfect place to live not only would you in all likelihood fail to create such a system it's also the case that building or even trying to build such a system is not what the zettelcostn method is about

      Right on!

    3. with the overarching system laid out in front of you especially when it's in the form of an outline or a mind map you can filter out new information that is merely interesting permitting ideas to enter your zettle costume only if they are interesting and related to subject areas that you already set aside time to establish

      Got it.

    4. as you come up with a list of the subject areas or categories you want to include in your zettle costume i recommend that for at least some of them you add some subcategories maybe go two or three levels deep as you can see i've done here for my philosophy subject area you're going to have to hit pause if you want to look at this any longer now although i recommend that you build out some of your subject areas unless the subject area is one you are already really knowledgeable about i recommend that you not build out that subject area beyond just two or three levels that's because the vast majority of how your settle costing is organized should be determined only as you are creating new cards to put in your xettlecostin that at least is how lumen did things as schmidt points out in the article about the zettelcosta method that i mentioned earlier lumen opted for organizing entries or new cards based on the principle that they must have only some relation to the previous entry or previous card without also having to keep some overarching system in mind

      Hard to understand this for now. a new card should have "no overarching system in mind," only some relation to previous cards.

    5. the second link is to a video made by scott shepard who's done some great work unearthing key aspects of lumens zettelcostn method that typically go unmentioned in the many videos and blog posts that are out there claiming to introduce people to the zettocauston method

      Scott P. Scheper, author of "Antinet Zettelkasten," book published in 2022.

    6. if you want some assistance in figuring out what subject areas or topics to include in your settle costume i recommend that you take a look at the first two links below this video the first link is to a wikipedia page titled outline of academic discipline

      list of academic disciplines and sub-disciplines, in Wikipedia

    7. if you want to create an old school settle casting of your own the very first thing you should do is decide what topics or categories you want to have in your zettle costume

      I am not sure what "topics" or "categories" means here and why they should be decided first. I thought Zettelkasten by design accommodates any number of subject matter.

    1. the structure changes along with the content and at every point in time it is most optimal to this particular state of your second brain

      content/ideas determine structure

    2. you write the notes on it and you're faced with a dilemma because you don't know which folder to use it's problems like these that makes the use of the system cumbersome and makes the users eventually abandon their system altogether on the contrary zedl casting is bottom up you start with a hodgepodge of nodes each indicating an idea and you link them with each other there are no folders nothing but as you keep adding more and more notes into the system into this primary soup you can see the emergent structure you'll see that some nodes form clusters like they become the central hubs around which many other ideas and concepts revolve so they must be crucial and over time the system becomes more structured despite the initial thought that it will just turn into a confusing hairball of notes

      you write the notes on it and you're faced with a dilemma because you don't know which folder to use it's problems like these that makes the use of the system cumbersome and makes the users eventually abandon their system altogether. On the contrary zedl casting is bottom up you start with a hodgepodge of nodes each indicating an idea and you link them with each other there are no folders nothing but as you keep adding more and more notes into the system into this primary soup you can see the emergent structure you'll see that some nodes form clusters like they become the central hubs around which many other ideas and concepts revolve so they must be crucial and over time the system becomes more structured despite the initial thought that it will just turn into a confusing hairball of notes

    1. I plan on creating a video showing you how to create and use these relevance queries and why I think using them can get rid of a pain point in the process of developing ideas I also plan on releasing a video about how to create the sort of buttons you see up here just so you know I have ones here for creating a new file for each article I read a new file for each author I add to my system a new file for each book

      Oh my! Queries, buttons, etc. Alas, I guess I am not qualified as an "intermediate" Obsidan user! 😂 This is way too complicated for simply wanting to start trying Zettelkasten in Obsidian. Is there a simpler alternative?

    2. by coming up with specific questions you are less likely to treat your obsidian vault as a mere Dumping Ground for everything you consume you're less likely to fall victim to what has been called the collector's fallacy that is the mistaken belief that the more information you collect the more knowledgeable you will become

      collector's fallacy

    3. at least one component any system should have namely a way of linking questions you want to answer to notes that help you to answer those questions

      linking questions and answers

    4. you are not going to design your perfect PKM system before starting because you need to understand your system in practice and practice only comes through the execution and use of the system you are probably going to get your first few attempts wrong

      just get started, so you truly know what it is like instead of designing and theorizing

    5. however if you have no system at all set up and instead follow the advice to just start writing it's just a matter of time before you'll feel overwhelmed every time you open your Vault

      still need some basic easy-to-follow rules in place to avoid future chaos

    1. Sunnyvale taps AI to translate public meetings

      Sunnyvale taps AI to translate public meetings


    2. The adoption of AI translation is cheaper than hiring human translators. Garnett said the city pays $112.50 for every hour the service is used, and has so far paid about $4,308 for more than 38 hours of usage. Hiring an human translator would cost the city up to $400 per hour. “This creates a much smoother dialogue than using live interpreters,” she  told San José Spotlight. “We likely would have needed two to four live interpreters to accomplish what we are doing with Wordly.”

      The adoption of AI translation is cheaper than hiring human translators. Garnett said the city pays $112.50 for every hour the service is used, and has so far paid about $4,308 for more than 38 hours of usage. Hiring an human translator would cost the city up to $400 per hour.

      “This creates a much smoother dialogue than using live interpreters,” she told San José Spotlight. “We likely would have needed two to four live interpreters to accomplish what we are doing with Wordly.”

    1. Higher education. If you don't know this by now, you guys are seniors, higher education rewards bullshit over analytic thought.

      I love this lecture series. Just started watching and learning. This opening bit, what he said about higher education, marketing, the science community (watched another ex-physicist YouTuber who confirmed it), startup culture, all so true.

    1. Texts and Beeper rely on a service's publicly available access to bridge them to your universal inbox. When that option isn't available, they turn to backdoors and workarounds. That's what happened in Apple iMessage's case. To offer iMessage support, Beeper has a network of always-on Mac computers that are programmed to forward chats even to Android and Windows devices. Companies don't always approve of these methods, however, and when Beeper tried to hack its way into a simpler iMessage solution, Apple blocked it.

      Texts and Beeper rely on a service's publicly available access to bridge them to your universal inbox. When that option isn't available, they turn to backdoors and workarounds. That's what happened in Apple iMessage's case. To offer iMessage support, Beeper has a network of always-on Mac computers that are programmed to forward chats even to Android and Windows devices. Companies don't always approve of these methods, however, and when Beeper tried to hack its way into a simpler iMessage solution, Apple blocked it.

    1. ◆ a row of ugly, squat houses *一排低矮難看的房子My edit:一排醜陋的違建;一排難看的違建 ★ squat houses 是「違建」,不是低矮的房子。

      蘇老師在此改掉錯誤理解 squat house 為「低矮的房子」,稱正解為「違建」,但我有不同看法如下。



      a row of ugly squat houses

      問題就來了,這樣寫,squat house視爲一個複合名詞(名詞+名詞)的機會更大,這裡名詞squat源自動詞squat(非法占用房屋)的意思,而squat house意思就是:被人非法占用的房屋。

      然而,理解為「違建」則是錯的。違建是建築物本身違法興建起來,但 squat house 本身除非特例,否則當爲合法的建築,只是恰被非法占用、占住,尤其在貧民區裡經常有遊民非法占用空置建築的情形。

      例如,以下找到某書中的 squat house 實際用例:有個人非法占住某間 squat house,被警察趕出。


      結論:a row of ugly, squat houses 的確是「一排低矮難看的房子」,文法上不允許把「squat house」理解為「被占用的房子」,如果更進一步,不僅無視文法且誤解「squat」而誤解爲房子本身「違建」,那就該反省自己是否真的理解這句英文了!

    1. What does the ‘L’ in DeepL stand for? Good question. It stands for ‘learning’.  Deep learning is a subset of artificial intelligence (AI). It aims to simulate the human brain so that outputs are more accurate. For translation that means higher quality and more natural-sounding machine translations.

      What does the ‘L’ in DeepL stand for? Good question. It stands for ‘learning’. Deep learning is a subset of artificial intelligence (AI). It aims to simulate the human brain so that outputs are more accurate. For translation that means higher quality and more natural-sounding machine translations.

    1. fuzzydunlopsawit · 3 mo. agoiCloud has many many issues within obsidian. On the phone it was unusable. Switched to Sync and other than onboarding and me not reading what I was told to read (😅) - it’s been a great addition. Sync is really great. Plus I like supporting the devs.

      alas, I really commiserate with this community of unhappy Obsidian iCloud users. I am currently stuck with it for the Nth time.

  4. Mar 2024
    1. Taichi Yamada (山田太一)  · Spootesndrr 4fr21cmuhyhFti010f1g fba22c41l027,3925165a199e17  · Shared with Public"與幽靈共度的夏天 " (Strangers) (Taiwan) 古早的淺草為孤獨的他帶來幸福的感覺,然而那卻是不該去的異人世界...   《與幽靈共度的夏天》是日本名作家山田太一1988年山本周五郎賞得獎小說,曾經由大林宣彥搬上銀幕,台灣上映時的片名為《異人們的夏天》。1934年次的山田太一除了創作,也寫出許多膾炙人口的電影劇本(他對電影的貢獻曾讓他拿下菊池寬獎),包括擔任知名電影劇集《男人真命苦》編劇,他對人在家族中所展現的情感有細膩的瞭解。   這部小說描寫一個與妻子分手、孤獨度日的劇作家,無意間在淺草遇見神似已過世的父母,因為太過懷念而不斷回去相見,以此為主軸所構成的整個夏天的神秘體驗。   故事彷彿中國聊齋,有著異世界詭異的氛圍,卻充滿令人動容的情感,道盡了陰間與陽世親子之間兩相眷念不捨、無法共享天倫的遺憾。

      昨晚剛剛看過,大推的 2023 英國電影 All of Us Strangers,改編自這一日本原著小說。YouTube上竟有完整有聲書: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74tEBMsJmlQ

      Taichi Yamada (山田太一)

      "與幽靈共度的夏天 " (Strangers) (Taiwan)

      古早的淺草為孤獨的他帶來幸福的感覺,然而那卻是不該去的異人世界...   《與幽靈共度的夏天》是日本名作家山田太一1988年山本周五郎賞得獎小說,曾經由大林宣彥搬上銀幕,台灣上映時的片名為《異人們的夏天》。1934年次的山田太一除了創作,也寫出許多膾炙人口的電影劇本(他對電影的貢獻曾讓他拿下菊池寬獎),包括擔任知名電影劇集《男人真命苦》編劇,他對人在家族中所展現的情感有細膩的瞭解。   這部小說描寫一個與妻子分手、孤獨度日的劇作家,無意間在淺草遇見神似已過世的父母,因為太過懷念而不斷回去相見,以此為主軸所構成的整個夏天的神秘體驗。   故事彷彿中國聊齋,有著異世界詭異的氛圍,卻充滿令人動容的情感,道盡了陰間與陽世親子之間兩相眷念不捨、無法共享天倫的遺憾。

    1. 謝昆霖 Verified account  · enrdoSspotmlf916af3f9ct1macahh2ft27cmlc8m5c8c51i2l70554i08m1  · Shared with Public這幾天工作同時有請 GPT-4 和 Claude3 。工作條件:我的提問使用正體中文,同樣問題,只給一次作答機會。Claude3 的回覆速度是 GPT-4 的四倍 (或十倍) 以上不說,而且應答的專業度較高,正體中文的使用也比較在地,我這個支語警察給過。它的回答是大量文字輸出時,GPT4 講一講到後面會跑出簡體中文,Claude3 我還沒遇過,而且字數極多的多輪對話中,它對前面的脈絡記憶很清楚。值得注意的是,GPT-4 正體中文貧乏的問題 Claude3 似乎沒有,它的用字遣詞比 GPT4 多一些人類的隨機性,在重覆20次的例句中,同樣的動詞、形容詞,它會盡量用不同的文字。Claude3 似乎解決了我常常酸 GPT-4 的各種問題。這真是驚人。

      Nice to see there's better support and performance for Traditional Chinese in Claude 3 than ChatGPT4. It feels like David against Goliath.


      謝昆霖 enrdoSspotmlf916af3f9ct1maca h h2ft27cmlc8m5c8c5 1 i2l70554i08m1 · 這幾天工作同時有請 GPT-4 和 Claude3 。工作條件:我的提問使用正體中文,同樣問題,只給一次作答機會。 Claude3 的回覆速度是 GPT-4 的四倍 (或十倍) 以上不說,而且應答的專業度較高,正體中文的使用也比較在地,我這個支語警察給過。 它的回答是大量文字輸出時,GPT4 講一講到後面會跑出簡體中文,Claude3 我還沒遇過,而且字數極多的多輪對話中,它對前面的脈絡記憶很清楚。 值得注意的是,GPT-4 正體中文貧乏的問題 Claude3 似乎沒有,它的用字遣詞比 GPT4 多一些人類的隨機性,在重覆20次的例句中,同樣的動詞、形容詞,它會盡量用不同的文字。 Claude3 似乎解決了我常常酸 GPT-4 的各種問題。這真是驚人。

    1. 要求法庭禁止對方律師引用或提供對申請方存有嚴重偏見以致即使法官對陪審團作出起糾正作用的指示亦不能防止這種偏見對陪審團產生先入影響的證據,其目的是避免在審理中注入一些與案件無關的、不能接納的、有偏見的事項。同意申請不是對證據的裁定。





    1. 大家都會「呼攏」「呼攏」的說。但其實正確的寫法是「糊弄」!①應付、敷衍。如:「對於這次事件的報告,他只想要糊弄過關,所以始終交代不清。」②將就、隨便。如:「這吃力不討好的工作,你就糊弄做吧!」③欺騙、愚弄。如:「他說的話不可信,全都是糊弄人的。」



    1. 詹益鑑 Verified account  · 45m  · Shared with PublicAI 真的取代了一些工作嗎?或者造成一些工作的薪資降低?今天看到這篇實際分析的文章,從2022 年11 月1 日(ChatGPT 發布前一個月)到2024 年2 月14 日,在 Upwork 的自由工作者資料中,分析出幾個事實:1. 下降幅度最大的 3 個類別是寫作、翻譯和客戶服務工作。寫作職位數量下降了 33%,翻譯職位數量下降了 19%,客戶服務職位數量下降了 16%2. 影片編輯/製作工作成長了 39%,圖形設計工作成長了 8%,網頁設計工作成長了 10%。軟體開發職缺也有所​​增加,其中後端開發職缺成長了 6%,前端/Web 開發職缺成長了 4%3. 翻譯絕對是受打擊最嚴重的工作,每小時工資下降了 20% 以上,其次是影片編輯/製作和市場研究。平面設計和網頁設計工作是最具彈性的。兩人不僅數量增加了,而且時薪也增加了一些。4. 自 ChatGPT 和 OpenAI API 發布以來,與開發聊天機器人相關的工作數量激增了 2000%。如果說當今人工智慧有一個殺手級用例,那就是開發聊天機器人。

      下降幅度最大的 3 個類別是寫作、翻譯和客戶服務工作

      寫作職位數量下降了 33%,翻譯職位數量下降了 19%,客戶服務職位數量下降了 16%

      翻譯絕對是受打擊最嚴重的工作,每小時工資下降了 20% 以上

  5. Feb 2024
  6. victranslates.blogspot.com victranslates.blogspot.com
    1. 原則上問題不複雜:作者要為書的內容負責,譯者要為翻譯品質負責。但在實際運作上,譯者交出譯稿之後,通常經其他人修改就逕自出版,如何修改不會徵詢譯者的意見。 在此情況下,譯文如果被改壞了或改錯了,我認為譯者沒有理由要概括承受,因為責任就在那個改稿者身上。(真要問責,還可以追究下去,但無論如何都很難說是譯者的責任。)


    1. I major in English literature in University I major in interpreting you went to gr for my master degree I think more than 100 people applied and eight students were admit how many people finally passed the final exam two two two wow




  7. Jan 2024
    1. Wai-hung Wong  · odtrsponeSc2um14hg635h9402i44h4551i3f190ui7104a96433l3g3g51g  · Shared with Public【錯譯】《查拉圖斯特拉如是說》的中譯本我翻看過幾個,認為錢春綺的最好(其他都很差),但最近重看了其中一些段落,發覺他譯得不妥的地方不少。例如 Zarathustra's Prologue 4 這句:Ich liebe Die, welche nicht zu leben wissen, es sei denn als Untergehende, denn es sind die Hinübergehenden.錢譯:我愛那些不知道怎樣生活的人,他們只知道做個沒落的人,因為他們是向彼處過渡者。根本不是原文的意思。對照以下三個英譯:Kaufmann:I love those who do not know how to live, except by going under, for they are those who cross over.Del Caro:I love those who do not know how to live unless by going under, for they are the ones who cross over.Parkes:I love those who do not know how to live except by going under, for they are those who go over and across。德文原文句子並不複雜,為何會這樣譯錯?All reactions:13 13


    1. interpreters 00:43:36 hate to say it we are very very stingy um and most interpreters don't pay for software at all I mean maybe your generation is more used to paying for software but when I was 25 30 software 00:43:50 was all free everything was free and now paying for it seems a bit weird but a lot of people also like I can't be bothered to either learn to use it or pay for it why would I pay for it so 00:44:04 that's stopping interpreters um using these tools

      cost of booth helper tools

    2. the other the other thing about 00:41:29 confidentiality and and recording restrictions in my experience when you ask a customer an institution or somebody who works or has recruited you 00:41:41 whether you can use a tool in their meeting they simply don't know what the tool is they don't know whether the tool is secure or 00:41:55 not um so for example sketch engine has an ISO Standard Security label it has a label but I mean what does that mean and so what I've had happen to me is I ask 00:42:08 if I can use the tool the person opposite has no idea and they either just say no because the no is the easy answer and they don't want to investigate or they send it up the 00:42:20 hierarchy in the institution and then my request disappears into the institution comes back weeks later with a no because I'm a very very interpreters are a very 00:42:31 very small set of fish in the big pond of the institution and They Don't Care About Us using this tool so it's just like no so there are lots of reasons why 00:42:43 these tools end up not being uh very practical uh to use

      permission seeking for booth helper tools: a hassle

    3. so 00:40:49 there would be a mixture and my feeling is if you can't use the tool every single time it gets to be a bit of a hassle that oh today I'm using it tomorrow I'm not using it you you you 00:41:01 you sort of it becomes a cognitive effort to work the tool because you're not working the tool every day it'd be like changing from Mac to Windows every two days it's like oh c how do I do it 00:41:15 how okay it's there and that's not the sort of question you need to ask you don't want to ask yourself that sort of question in the booth you don't have time so you want everything to be very quick

      cognitive effort, switching mode of working, sometimes tool (booth helper), sometimes not.

    4. here are I think some of the reasons why DIY 00:32:44 beats AI um I noticed one or two of you taking notes on the computer now I don't want to pick in anybody out but it is scientifically demonstra ated that 00:32:57 handwritten notes go into your brain better than typed notes because you have to think a little bit more about what you write on the page just like in consecutive interpreting and because you 00:33:11 think about where it is on the page you remember it if you don't process you can't remember there's also a very human element of sort of geospatial if you write with your hand 00:33:24 you can actually remember oh yeah I wrote that at the top right hand corner I wrote that bottom left when you type on a computer even on a I find even writing on an iPad you lose the 00:33:36 geospatial element of where you put things

      physically writing, memory "geospatial" tactile

    5. this uh is taken from the website of a company called ibridge and this is 00:30:53 live transcription and translation at at the same time into text so it's it's almost interpreting there just isn't the voice synthesizer to speak the 00:31:06 translation
    1. 在您向您的孩子們揭示令人振奮的英文和中文的文學世界時

      Nice. This is a doc I downloaded from the web (public resource). DocDrop allows me to upload it by dragging and dropping, and start annotating as usual. This complementary functionality of Hypothesis makes social annotation complete.

      DocDrop 的特點是,允許上傳某一文件,存於雲端。每個使用者有多少空間?能存續多久?這些都是未知數。

      -- 註記實例:

      翻譯體 translationese

    1. we believe that that annotation is a really important 00:05:05 uh potential tool and we think it's inevitable we could you know have our product teams develop an annotation layer you know or service um this just seems a such a better way to to go about 00:05:16 doing that um and as i said before to to invest in open at the same time makes a lot of sense so we're thinking about um how do we make the best use of our resources

      Docdrop is another tool enabled by Hypothesis (Hypothes.is). Here's I'm annotating a portion of transcript of a YouTube video clip.

    2. we were we were taken both by the the idea of of annotation being an important part of education and also by the approach that you've taken and the leadership you've provided

      be taken by sth 我們體會到<某事>,也很欣賞<你們的行動>

    1. Drag and drop a document to annotate it. Works with .pdf, .doc, .docx, .odt, .xls, .xlsx, .ods, .ppt, .pptx, .odp, .rtf, .epub and .csv files. .doc, .docx, .odt, .ppt, .pptx, .odp and .rtf are converted to .pdf. .xls and .xlsx and .ods are converted to .csv. You can also annotate PDFs inside Google Drive by authorizing Hypothes.is within your Google account. Hypothes.is PDF Annotator will be listed under the "Open with" option for PDF files upon authorization. (Uninstall). Privacy Policy. To easily open YouTube videos for annotation, use the bookmarklet. Drag this link to the bookmarks bar, or right-click/control-click to bookmark the link: DropDoc Bookmarklet The annotation functionality is enabled by Hypothes.is. The code for this site is open source. This is a personal project to explore different ideas and is maintained by Dan Whaley. I’d be delighted to hear any feedback at @dwhly. The intention is to keep the site up and running, but no guarantee around the preservation of documents is made. As an aside, annotations against PDFs or EPUBs with your Hypothes.is account, are discoverable on that PDF or EPUB regardless of its location (Background). As long as you have the original PDF somewhere, you'll always be able to see your annotations on it with Hypothes.is.


      Drag and drop a document to annotate it,

      or paste a YouTube video URL.

      Works with .pdf, .doc, .docx, .odt, .xls, .xlsx, .ods, .ppt, .pptx, .odp, .rtf, .epub and .csv files. .doc, .docx, .odt, .ppt, .pptx, .odp and .rtf are converted to .pdf. .xls and .xlsx and .ods are converted to .csv.

      You can also annotate PDFs inside Google Drive by authorizing Hypothes.is within your Google account.

      Hypothes.is PDF Annotator will be listed under the "Open with" option for PDF files upon authorization.

      To easily open YouTube videos for annotation, use the bookmarklet.

      The annotation functionality is enabled by Hypothes.is. The code for this site is open source.

      This is a personal project to explore different ideas and is maintained by Dan Whaley. I’d be delighted to hear any feedback at @dwhly.

    1. Schwa[edit] When phonetically realised, schwa (/ə/), also called e caduc ('dropped e') and e muet ('mute e'), is a mid-central vowel with some rounding.[22] Many authors consider its value to be [œ],[37][38] while Geoff Lindsey suggests [ɵ].[39][40] Fagyal, Kibbee & Jenkins (2006) state, more specifically, that it merges with /ø/ before high vowels and glides: netteté /nɛtəte/ → [nɛ.tø.te] ('clarity'), atelier /atəlje/ → [a.tø.lje] ('workshop'), in phrase-final stressed position: dis-le ! /di lə/ → [di.ˈlø] ('say it'), and that it merges with /œ/ elsewhere.[41] However, some speakers make a clear distinction, and it exhibits special phonological behavior that warrants considering it a distinct phoneme. Furthermore, the merger occurs mainly in the French of France; in Quebec, /ø/ and /ə/ are still distinguished.[42] The main characteristic of French schwa is its "instability": the fact that under certain conditions it has no phonetic realization. That is usually the case when it follows a single consonant in a medial syllable: appeler /apəle/ → [ap.le] ('to call'), It is occasionally mute in word-final position: porte /pɔʁtə/ → [pɔʁt] ('door'). Word-final schwas are optionally pronounced if preceded by two or more consonants and followed by a consonant-initial word: une porte fermée /yn(ə) pɔʁt(ə) fɛʁme/ → [yn.pɔʁ.t(ə).fɛʁ.me] ('a closed door'). In the future and conditional forms of -er verbs, however, the schwa is sometimes deleted even after two consonants[citation needed]: tu garderais /ty ɡaʁdəʁɛ/ → [ty.ɡaʁ.d(ə.)ʁɛ] ('you would guard'), nous brusquerons [les choses] /nu bʁyskəʁɔ̃/ → [nu.bʁys.k(ə.)ʁɔ̃] ('we will precipitate [things]'). On the other hand, it is pronounced word-internally when it follows more pronounced consonants that cannot be combined into a complex onset with the initial consonants of the next syllable: gredin /ɡʁədɛ̃/ → [ɡʁə.dɛ̃] ('scoundrel'), sept petits /sɛt pəti/ → [sɛt.pə.ti] ('seven little ones').[43] In French versification, word-final schwa is always elided before another vowel and at the ends of verses. It is pronounced before a following consonant-initial word.[44] For example, une grande femme fut ici, [yn ɡʁɑ̃d fam fy.t‿i.si] in ordinary speech, would in verse be pronounced [y.nə ɡʁɑ̃.də fa.mə fy.t‿i.si], with the /ə/ enunciated at the end of each word. Schwa cannot normally be realised as a front vowel ([œ]) in closed syllables. In such contexts in inflectional and derivational morphology, schwa usually alternates with the front vowel /ɛ/: harceler /aʁsəle/ → [aʁ.sœ.le] ('to harass'), with il harcèle /il aʁsɛl/ → [i.laʁ.sɛl] ('[he] harasses').[45] A three-way alternation can be observed, in a few cases, for a number of speakers: appeler /apəle/ → [ap.le] ('to call'), j'appelle /ʒ‿apɛl/ → [ʒa.pɛl] ('I call'), appellation /apelasjɔ̃/ → [a.pe.la.sjɔ̃] ('brand'), which can also be pronounced [a.pɛ.la.sjɔ̃].[46] Instances of orthographic ⟨e⟩ that do not exhibit the behaviour described above may be better analysed as corresponding to the stable, full vowel /œ/. The enclitic pronoun le, for example, always keeps its vowel in contexts like donnez-le-moi /dɔne lə mwa/ → [dɔ.ne.lœ.mwa] ('give it to me') for which schwa deletion would normally apply (giving *[dɔ.nɛl.mwa]), and it counts as a full syllable for the determination of stress. Cases of word-internal stable ⟨e⟩ are more subject to variation among speakers, but, for example, un rebelle /œ̃ ʁəbɛl/ ('a rebel') must be pronounced with a full vowel in contrast to un rebond /œ̃ ʁəbɔ̃/ → or [œ̃ʁ.bɔ̃] ('a bounce').[47]

      Schwa 撲朔迷離的音,很煩!

      When phonetically realised, schwa (/ə/), also called e caduc ('dropped e') and e muet ('mute e'), is a mid-central vowel with some rounding.[22] Many authors consider its value to be [œ],[37][38] while Geoff Lindsey suggests [ɵ].[39][40] Fagyal, Kibbee & Jenkins (2006) state, more specifically, that it merges with /ø/ before high vowels and glides:

      netteté /nɛtəte/ → [nɛ.tø.te] ('clarity'), atelier /atəlje/ → [a.tø.lje] ('workshop'), in phrase-final stressed position:

      dis-le ! /di lə/ → [di.ˈlø] ('say it'), and that it merges with /œ/ elsewhere.[41] However, some speakers make a clear distinction, and it exhibits special phonological behavior that warrants considering it a distinct phoneme. Furthermore, the merger occurs mainly in the French of France; in Quebec, /ø/ and /ə/ are still distinguished.[42]

      The main characteristic of French schwa is its "instability": the fact that under certain conditions it has no phonetic realization.

      That is usually the case when it follows a single consonant in a medial syllable: appeler /apəle/ → [ap.le] ('to call'), It is occasionally mute in word-final position: porte /pɔʁtə/ → [pɔʁt] ('door'). Word-final schwas are optionally pronounced if preceded by two or more consonants and followed by a consonant-initial word: une porte fermée /yn(ə) pɔʁt(ə) fɛʁme/ → [yn.pɔʁ.t(ə).fɛʁ.me] ('a closed door'). In the future and conditional forms of -er verbs, however, the schwa is sometimes deleted even after two consonants[citation needed]: tu garderais /ty ɡaʁdəʁɛ/ → [ty.ɡaʁ.d(ə.)ʁɛ] ('you would guard'), nous brusquerons [les choses] /nu bʁyskəʁɔ̃/ → [nu.bʁys.k(ə.)ʁɔ̃] ('we will precipitate [things]'). On the other hand, it is pronounced word-internally when it follows more pronounced consonants that cannot be combined into a complex onset with the initial consonants of the next syllable: gredin /ɡʁədɛ̃/ → [ɡʁə.dɛ̃] ('scoundrel'), sept petits /sɛt pəti/ → [sɛt.pə.ti] ('seven little ones').[43] In French versification, word-final schwa is always elided before another vowel and at the ends of verses. It is pronounced before a following consonant-initial word.[44] For example, une grande femme fut ici, [yn ɡʁɑ̃d fam fy.t‿i.si] in ordinary speech, would in verse be pronounced [y.nə ɡʁɑ̃.də fa.mə fy.t‿i.si], with the /ə/ enunciated at the end of each word.

      Schwa cannot normally be realised as a front vowel ([œ]) in closed syllables. In such contexts in inflectional and derivational morphology, schwa usually alternates with the front vowel /ɛ/:

      harceler /aʁsəle/ → [aʁ.sœ.le] ('to harass'), with il harcèle /il aʁsɛl/ → [i.laʁ.sɛl] ('[he] harasses').[45] A three-way alternation can be observed, in a few cases, for a number of speakers:

      appeler /apəle/ → [ap.le] ('to call'), j'appelle /ʒ‿apɛl/ → [ʒa.pɛl] ('I call'), appellation /apelasjɔ̃/ → [a.pe.la.sjɔ̃] ('brand'), which can also be pronounced [a.pɛ.la.sjɔ̃].[46] Instances of orthographic ⟨e⟩ that do not exhibit the behaviour described above may be better analysed as corresponding to the stable, full vowel /œ/. The enclitic pronoun le, for example, always keeps its vowel in contexts like donnez-le-moi /dɔne lə mwa/ → [dɔ.ne.lœ.mwa] ('give it to me') for which schwa deletion would normally apply (giving *[dɔ.nɛl.mwa]), and it counts as a full syllable for the determination of stress.

      Cases of word-internal stable ⟨e⟩ are more subject to variation among speakers, but, for example, un rebelle /œ̃ ʁəbɛl/ ('a rebel') must be pronounced with a full vowel in contrast to un rebond /œ̃ ʁəbɔ̃/ → or [œ̃ʁ.bɔ̃] ('a bounce').

    1. 每個語言都有自己的一組音位,這也就是這個語言的語音系統[4],音位可用來研究某個特定語言中如何將音組合成詞。音位有時被譯為「音素」[5],然而音素一詞在中文裡的用法較為混亂,不一定都是指音位。




      很支持臺灣雙語無法黨提倡PA(phonemic awareness音位意識)的宗旨,但黨主席蕭博士對外一貫把PA中的phoneme稱作「音素」,就容易和phone(亦可稱「音素」)混淆。建議一起努力大聲說出「音位」。

    1. 日本戰敗之後,昭和21年(1946年)6月,內閣再次提出「支那ノ呼称ヲ避ケルコトニ関スル件」議案(約略中譯:關於避免「支那」一稱呼的議案)。6月6日,當時的外務省事務次官岡崎勝男把此議決議案寄到日本各新聞社,由日本的新聞開始不使用「支那」一字來稱呼中國。 自此日本人也避免使用「支那」一字,一來是日常新聞已接觸不到此名稱,二來是日本是一個講究「禮」的國家(就算是表面上有禮都好)。既然對方反感,而且名從主人,中國喜歡被稱為「中國」的話,就不會用「支那」、既尊重人也免卻很多被投訴歧視的麻煩。 當然如果你問我,在靖國神社外聽見那些右翼分子不停大喊「支那」有什麼感覺,我是反感的。正如上面說過,任憑「支那」的語源是如何清白,歷史卻賦予了這個名目不能磨滅的貶義、侮蔑的語感了。 上面所說的全屬日文、中文、漢字下的語感發展,我不否認「支那」在中日文均有貶義。可是新晉議員如果選擇以英文宣誓,有心人以日文和中文的尺度去抽秤就顯然是用錯尺。當然我是議員的話,會大方承認說:「對,我讀成Chi-na,有什麼問題?在英文這個字這個發音這個拼法,有問題嗎?」而不是左閃右避說這是鴨脷洲口音。 再糾纏於「支那」一詞也是浪費時間,玻璃心的終歸玻璃心、欲加之罪何患無辭。不如不要浪費時間、不要再像小學生捉字蝨,爽爽快快正正經經宣誓,正式成為議員之後,再光明正大、激進地抗爭吧。 補充:小女子不才,文章刊登後經大學時的恩師提點,說了一個我忽略了的觀點。中國語言學家鄭張尚芳先生(是男的!不要誤會!)認為China是「晉」的音轉而非「秦」。理據是「晉」的上古音 /*tsin/ 是清音(同Chin),而「秦」/*dzin/ 是濁音;又晉國早於秦國崛起。秦在上古漢語中為濁音,近代才轉變為清音。可是以「秦」為語源的說法已十分普及,而我在搜集資料時只看日文資料,卻忽視了中國語言學的觀點,所以有此遺漏,實在抱歉。
    1. GJRobert commented May 31, 2023 Currently I'm building two Digital Gardens: https://aiuanyu.vercel.app (namely "Love for all languages in Taiwan", posts and notes for promoting knowledge about languages and writing) https://imazingrace.vercel.app (namely "Imazing Grace of information technology and internet", sharing posts and notes about softwares) Both in various languages in Taiwan, not only in Mandarin (Chinese), but also in Hakka, Taigi.

      obsidian digital garden dark/light theme toggle successful example

    1. 複習卡片時,可以選擇下方的 4 個動作:1. 重寫卡片,去除廢話2. 刪除卡片,不再需要3. 連結卡片,增加連結4. 寫成文章,分享知識​這樣做,就能讓大腦「擁有」筆記上的知識。

      review 複習 知識虛肥

    1. Frederick Wang  · rpnteSsdoo89ithth333t5u09auu7ul1cg8h4595l29f65609837a9m54h06  · Shared with Public group[徵中英文口譯]2024一月18-21台北市面試OK每天至少$3萬新台幣MTS口譯團隊17年來參與無數國際課程與會議試用/面試後評價四顆星以上每天$2萬台幣及以上;出國會議食宿全包,每人每天實領$3萬台幣及以上;我們五顆星口譯每天$5萬起跳(2014有每位口譯$6000美元一天,六天的口譯案,以及2023十一月,海外30天供食宿的案子,兩位口譯每人各拿新台幣$1xx萬,有開立發票為證)All reactions:10 10






    1. 序 前言 數盲,其實普遍存在於生活之中   「數學向來是我最爛的一科。」   「100萬美元、10億美元、1兆美元,隨便。只要我們可以解決這件事,多少錢都不是問題。」   「我和傑瑞不能去歐洲了,都是恐怖分子害的。」   數盲,是指沒有能力自在地應對和數字以及機率有關的基本概念。這項缺點讓太多在其他方面博學多聞的人受了很多苦。這些人會因為別人混用「隱含」和「推斷」而感到苦惱,但看到數字上出現錯誤與矛盾,就算是嚴重失當,回應時也絲毫不見尷尬。我還記得,有一次在派對上聽到一個人侃侃而談「繼續」和「持續」有什麼差別,當晚稍後我們看新聞報導,氣象播報員說星期六的下雨機率是50%,星期天也是50%,結論是那個週末下雨的機率是百分之百。那位自封文法家的先生覺得這話很對,就連我向他解釋錯在哪裡之後,他也沒什麼表示。但如果天氣播報員的語法錯誤,他可能會比較火大。人常會隱藏其他缺點,但數學不好這件事不一樣,多半都是明目張膽表現出來:「我連平衡收支帳都做不到。」「我這個人關心的是人,我不關心數字。」或者「我向來痛恨數學。」   人們會洋洋得意於自己對數學很無知,部分原因是數學不好造成的後果,不像其他缺點這麼明顯。基於這一點,再加上我堅信人對於用具體範例來說明更有反應,對於一般性的描述比較無感。因此,本書會檢視許多真實世界裡的數盲範例,包含股票詐騙、擇偶、報紙專欄上的占卜師、飲食和醫療主張、恐怖主義的風險、占星、運動賽事數據、選舉、性別歧視、幽浮、保險和法律、心理分析、超心理學、樂透以及藥物試驗等等。   我努力避免太自以為是的言論,也不要用哲學家艾倫.布魯姆(Allan Bloom)式的批判,來泛論流行文化或是教育系統,但我還是提出了一些通論式的評論與觀察,但願我舉的例子能支持我的論點。我的看法是,有些人無法游刃有餘地面對數字和機率,是源於對不確定性、巧合或問題呈現方式的自然心理反應。或者是,出於焦慮,或是對數學的本質和意義懷抱不切實際的誤解。   數盲會造成一種罕有人討論的後果:數盲和相信偽科學有關。本書會討論兩者之間的交互關係。在現代這個社會,每天都會出現基因工程、雷射科技、積體電路等新科技,讓我們更進一步理解這個世界。但有很多成人仍相信塔羅牌、通靈和水晶的力量,特別讓人難過。   更不妙的是,科學家對於各種風險的評估,和一般人對於這些風險的認知大不相同,兩者間的落差最後要不就引發沒有根據、但殺傷力極大的焦慮,要不就導致人們要求得到根本做不到、而且會癱瘓經濟的無風險保證。政治人物在這方面幫不上忙,因為他們的工作就是處理公眾的意見,因此不樂於說清楚可能會造成哪些危險,以及有哪些相應的取捨,但這是幾乎所有政策要面對的問題。   本書大部分談的是各種不當,比方說沒有數字觀點、過度重視無意義的巧合、輕信偽科學、無能識別社會中的各項取捨等等,寫來很有破解流言的意味。但我希望我有避開很多人這麼做時,都會露出的過度激昂和譴責語氣。   本書盡量用溫和可讀的方式來談數學,只採用一些基本的機率和統計概念。雖然某種程度上來說有一點深,但只需要具備常識與一些演算能力即可領會。而我也會分享一些概念,是過往很少用淺顯易懂的方式來討論的。我的學生多半很喜歡這些內容,但他們也常會問:「考試時會考這個嗎?」讀這本書不用考試,所以讀者可以好好享受,偶爾一些比較困難的段落,跳過也沒問題。   本書的主張之一,是數盲會基於個人經驗、或因為媒體側重個別性與戲劇性效果,而受到誤導,有強烈的對人不對事傾向。但這句話不代表數學家就不帶個人情感、或是一板一眼,我就不是,這本書也不是。我寫這本書的訴求對象,是受過教育但是數盲的人。或者,至少是對數學還沒有怕到死,不會看到數學兩字就癱軟的人。如果能因此講清楚數盲在我們的公、私生活中有多麼普遍,寫這本書就值得了。


    1. 建築的拱窗高大漆黑,窗旁石磚等距排列,延伸到牆邊。

      Tall dark arched windows, framed with stone bricks, punctuated the front wall, equidistant from each other.

      這裡,punctuate 是句子的及物動詞,動詞的主詞是拱窗,不是石磚。

      是拱窗點綴前牆,不是石磚延伸到牆。 是拱窗彼此間等距,不是石磚等距排列。

      如要描述石磚,punctuated 會寫成 punctuating。

    1. 雖然有胡安的不在場證明,也沒有其他目擊者的證詞或是身體上的證據,檢察官依然認為他有罪,因為有一個極具破壞性的證據,足以讓審判中的其他因素看起來都無關緊要:那就是經本人簽署的一份三頁的自白書。

      despite Juan’s alibi and the lack of either eyewitness testimony or physical proof, the prosecution got the conviction it sought because of evidence so damning that it made everything else in the trial seem superfluous: a signed three-page confession.

      1. physical evidence/proof 早就有明確的翻譯:「物證」,卻譯為「身體上的證據」。譯者被同一段前面提過的真正的「身體上的證據」給牽著鼻子走:有大量犯罪現場的證據──血跡、指紋、頭髮和精液──經法醫鑒定後,都證明不是胡安的。


      1. 更可怕的錯誤:the prosecution got the conviction it sought (直譯:檢方得到了它所求的定罪結果) 意思再明顯不過,是說檢方如所願的成功讓被告在陪審團審判後被判有罪。結果翻譯竟然變成「檢察官依然認為他有罪」。這麼粗淺的英文,且是試讀的第一段文字,隨便看看就能發現這種荒唐的誤譯,真的讓我覺得這翻譯是對一本可能的好書、對原作者的一個極大的injustice,不公正的對待。


    2. 這種先入為主的想法加深了我們的懷疑

      這裡的「懷疑」(原文是 doubt),跟前一段話的第一句「辯護律師舉了許多事實說明陪審團所認定的事實非常值得懷疑」(原文:The defense had provided many facts to raise a reasonable doubt in the eyes of the jury. 譯者很遺憾沒有準確翻出重要的詞「合理的懷疑」reasonable doubt,但這就先不說了)所說的懷疑是同一回事,即陪審團心中對被告真正犯了罪、真正有罪的懷疑,是質疑,認爲有疑點,覺得被告或許沒有做那件事。建立了這個關聯後,我們再來看這句話的英文:

      The potency of this assumption overpowers doubt







    1. Bodies of Evidence: The Fascinating World of Forensic Science and How It Helped Solve More Than 100 True Crimes Hardcover – October 9, 2000 by Brian Innes (Author)

      中國版譯本,譯名: 医学名著系列--国际法医探案100例身体证据

    1. watch entire lives as they unfold through time


    2. We forget vast amounts of what happens to us in life

      forget -> get

    3. Pictures of entire lives, of the choices that people make and how those choices work out for them, those pictures are almost impossible to get.

      人生的整個景象, 什麼選擇帶來什麼結果, 這都難以取得(難以預知)。

    1. 蔡叡浩  · optnSedors54au 031:Mtf a46 mahe2c, hgeca8 ge3ba2hm3t20m81DA2t9l6ra104  · Shared with Public最近一個叫 Plaud Note的廣告打很兇而我就是在嘖嘖募資時的第一波早鳥這幾天用下來我真的覺得很爛通話錄音品質不好要使用它就必須裸機檔案會偶爾不見錄音轉文字功能勉勉強強//但最神奇的事在臉書上看到的任何業配下方一堆網友曬出自己收到商品的照片並大讚好用反觀去他們嘖嘖募資頁面的留言區那裡災難遍地很多人留言說要退貨到底投入多少經費在做口碑操作All reactions:34 You and 33 others

      真相與行銷的差別 前者要費心挖掘 後者有錢好辦事

  8. Dec 2023
    1. 古漢文只留下少數成語、典故的骸骨,穿插在現代漢語中使用;但這些古漢語詞彙許多其實也都變質了。


    1. 語文競賽~字音字形  · Sdrseotnop5032gs00uih52a0aft08A73,461692u1a tl307cftttf7g4 f  · Shared with Public雙音字「載( ㄗㄞˋ )、( ㄗㄞˇ )」~林煥清 什麼是「雙音字」? 簡單來說,就是一個國字有兩個注音。 例如,這次介紹的「載」就有「 ㄗㄞˋ 」和「 ㄗㄞˇ 」兩個注音。 換句話說,當一個詞語當中出現「載」這個國字時, 它不是要注「 ㄗㄞˋ 」的音,就是要注「 ㄗㄞˇ 」的音, 而且不可以混(ㄏㄨㄣˋ)淆。 雖然單音字很難,但遇到雙音字, 加上要判斷的因素,就會顯得更有難度。 壹、載讀作「 ㄗㄞˋ 」時,其意義有: (1) 以交通工具承運。如:「載客」、「載重」、「載貨」。 (2) 承受。如:「水所以載舟,亦所以覆舟。」 (3) 記錄。如:「記載」、「刊載」、「轉載」、「載明」。 (4) 充滿。如:「怨聲載道」。 (5) 且、又。同時做兩個動作。如:「載歌載舞」、「載浮載沉」。 貳、載讀作「 ㄗㄞˇ 」時,其意義有: ⑴量詞。用於計算時間的單位。相當於「年」。 如:「一年半載」、「三年五載」、「千載難逢」。 ※以上解釋,轉載(ㄗㄞˋ)於教育部國語小字典網路版。※ 看到「ㄗㄞˇ」的解釋有五個,而「ㄗㄞˋ」的解釋只有一個時, 我們可以選擇「偷懶」一點的方式來判斷: 只要是跟「時間」有關係的,都要讀成「ㄗㄞˇ」; 其餘的,都將它讀成「ㄗㄞˋ」, 這樣一來,就會變得簡單明瞭。 以下,我還是列舉一些詞語來讓大家練習: 載(ㄗㄞˋ): 【報載】 【滿載】 【負載】 【搭載】 【登載】 【連載】 【刊載】 【記載】 【轉載】 【裝載】 【超載】 【載明】 【載貨】 【載重】 【載譽】 【載運】 【載客量】 【文以載道】 【怨聲載道】 【滿載而歸】 【車載斗量】 載(ㄗㄞˇ): 【一年半載】 【千年萬載】 【十載寒窗】 【億載金城】 【萬載千秋】 記住這樣的判斷方式, 以後遇到三音字、四音字、…… 也可以用這樣的方式來舉一反三。

      確認: 下載 zai4, not zai3 載歌載舞 zai4 記載,刊載 zai4

      唯有表達「年」、「時間」時才是 cai3

    1. Another thing that makes Readwise such a compelling choice for taking notes on videos is that they're pretty quick to jump on the latest trend of cool things that have come out. For example, they did like an experiment on bionic grading and recently they announced that they're jumping on the whole AI train. That is all the craze these days but their implementation is actually useful and it's called Ghostreader.

      Readwise GhostReader (AI tool)

    2. lowdown


    3. One of the advantages of this media extended plugin is that it can handle more than just YouTube videos. It can handle videos and also some audio notes as well. And I don't think I've tried it with anything else but really I just need YouTube videos.

      Video Title: Taking notes from YouTube videos in Obsidian

      Various ways and plugins to annotate or take notes on videos (e.g. YouTube) in Obsidian

      Audio notes? How?

    4. The second way to take notes on videos is by using the media extended Obsidian plugin.

      Obsidian plugin: Media Extended

    5. fully featured


    1. 你們從來就不是我們--從《費城Philadelphia》談職場歧視心理學 《法客心法影劇組》Eye on Forensic Psych: TV Drama & Films


    1. Apart from this kind of sharing, you can also export a single highlight as a beautiful image to share on social media or other places. The image design is very elegant, much better than simply copying text.


    2. One of the features of Reader that excites me the most is its integration of ChatGPT. All you need to do is enter your OpenAI API. We click on the highlight, then click these three dots and choose invoke ghostreader. You can see it embeds several functions: simplify, translate, summarize, write Haiku, make memory cards, and customize.

      啊,原來訂購Reader並沒有能免費使用OpenAI的ChatGPT,還需要額外花$20/month!失望。 ChatGPT isn't free within Reader.

    3. Next, I need to organize and read these contents, which is the most important step. Even if you collect the entire internet in Reader, it's pointless if you don't read it. Otherwise, you're just hoarding information. But Reader's reading feature is more powerful than any other software I've used. Reader's reading functions can be divided into highlights, notes, AI-assisted reading, and tags and view management


    4. if I find a great YouTube video, I click the Reader browser plugin, and it's collected in Reader's video view. Why use Reader to watch this video? Because if the video has subtitles, these subtitle texts will be displayed like an article, scrolling along with the playback progress. And you can highlight them like you would in an article, take notes, and use AI functions. If you're watching a video in English, you can use Reader's AI feature for translation and explanation, which is great for language learning.




    5. blogs, tweets

      Reader: Again, no mention of LinkedIn or Facebook posts.

    6. it even includes ChatGPT's AI features. Lastly, the Reader is also a content creation and sharing software

      Readwise Reader: 可以創作內容並分享

    1. Supported document types 📃 You can save documents of all kinds to Reader including web articles, RSS feeds, email newsletters, PDFs, EPUBs, Twitter threads, Twitter Lists, and YouTube videos

      Great. YouTube is officially supported. Good to see Twitter/X. How about Facebook and LinkedIn posts?

    1. ne way that I can capture this is by using the readwise reader extension which you can see in the upper right hand corner of my screen it's the yellow r I'm going to click on this and now you can see that there's a bar at the top one thing I love about the read-wise highlighter extension is that it allows you to read and highlight and still capture all of that information into reader and the read wise app ecosystem overall without breaking context

      in-place annotation so you don't break focus on the current view, whatever it is.

    2. there are more media types that the team is working on it's heavily text oriented right now but I wouldn't be surprised if they came out with more audio or video related features because I know in the PKM space those are high in demand

      Yes! Video and audio for me!

    3. another way to think about reader is it's kind of like superhuman for email but it's for documents and articles that you want to read

      Superhuman is an email app; Reader is an app for documents and articles.

    4. jostled


    5. in the past we've used services like insta paper or Evernote for this but they traditionally have the problems of just becoming the junk drawer that you never really deal with just the place where stuff goes to never get touched again reader potentially could have that same problem but because it's designed by PKM enthusiasts for PKM enthusiasts there are a number of features in the application designed to help prevent that so what you're seeing on the screen here is the home screen for reader you can see there's a number of sections here continue reading right you can jump in where you left off things
    1. Readwise Reader

      A great article on the history of reading online that might just nudge me into trying out and eventually becoming a Reader paid subscriber.

    1. 氣勢巨集偉的廟宇


      宏偉的 -> 宏 (中國版的電腦術語macro的翻譯) -> 不管三七二十一,被一概替換成「巨集」(macro 的台灣版翻譯) -> 巨集偉的

      上網搜索 "巨集偉的",看到此詞大量出現在文章中,笑到面癱。也許不久後,年輕一代的中文人會開始嘴上說起「巨集偉的」什麼什麼,還自以爲這是跟「巨好吃」的「巨」一樣潮的說法。


    1. Leon Huang  · nsoSrdopteftuam473i91ctittu09521cgu781mlfhct5i61g2c61l37699t  · Shared with Public最近衝著Banjamin van Rooji,去買了《行為失控》這本書;剛剛讀了第一章,我發現翻譯才是真的失控。低劣而錯誤百出。我講的並不是單純翻譯風格疑似中國化的問題,而是原文所使用的字彙,語意,句法,乃至寫作巧思,在翻譯版當中錯漏誤譯,巧思盡失。我舉幾個例子吧。1. 第一章的標題,"A Tale of Two Codes" 顯然原作者在致敬Dickens的名著《雙城記》A Tale of Two Cities. 這不用花太多腦力也沒什麼高深的文學素養。了解這個基本不過的文學典故,翻譯成「雙『碼』記」,不失原意之外,同時也呼應本書同時指涉legal code,也就是「法典」,正是一種「法律編碼」,以及behavioral code--行為準則,也是一種「行為編碼」。正是雙『碼』記。為什麼能翻成「兩個密碼的故事」?然後,全文的"legal code"硬要翻成法律密碼,"behavioral code"硬要翻成行為密碼,到底是有多少秘密?編碼、符碼、組碼...各式各樣的詞彙組合,都有可能呈現作者原意。到底跟密碼(cryptography)有什麼一定要扯上的關係?2. 「在這一切之中,律師扮演著重要的角色。律師身為立法者...」(第22頁))這種荒腔走板的翻譯,顯然是以為"lawyer"一詞就是律師,而不知道lawyer一詞根本上很常泛指「法律人」。這一整段的譯文內容,不要說句意通順了,連中文的意思都令人難以理解。3. 「我們的法律傾向由公共意見形成的政治過程。」(第23頁)誰能告訴我這句中文在講什麼?我看不懂。這才第一章。被我標示為錯誤或中文字句但無法以中文理解的字詞,已經多不勝數。我不理解為什麼一本橫跨法律與行為科學專業,在美國頗受好評的著作,這麼大一家出版社的中文版可以把它搞砸成這樣。譯者跟責任編輯不覺得要對讀者負責嗎?編輯自己不懂的,不用找專業審訂嗎?還是覺得法律相關的書反正大家都看不懂,無所謂?

      A Tale of Two Codes我會翻《雙典記》 code 法典 encode 編成法典

      姑且不談code該怎麼翻,如原po律師指出,作者明顯泛稱的laywer一詞,譯者顯然帶著一種死腦筋,硬相信自己幾十年的淺度學習記憶,lawyer一定就是「律師」不能有他義,於是翻出令人好笑的意思。例如,犯了原文 lawyers ACT AS judges...翻成「律師的舉止有如法官」,連act as意思是「擔任、充當」如此清晰,都會變成「舉止有如」,這句意思是「法律人擔任法官(時)...」。

      「最終形成公共意見」,「形成」應作「形塑」(影響、左右),原文是shape,不是form、make up。


    1. 最近我在試著翻譯 Do things that don’t scale 這篇有名的文章,在用 chatGPT 的時候,發現一個有趣的差別。 Airbnb now seems like an unstoppable juggernaut, but early on it was so fragile that about 30 days of going out and engaging in person with users made the difference between success and failure. chatGPT: Airbnb現在似乎是一個不可阻擋的巨無霸,但在早期,只要花大約30天的時間親自外出與使用者互動,就可能決定成功與失敗之間的差別。 我的翻譯:目前 Airbnb 似乎是個無人能擋的巨無霸,但它初期其實脆弱到如果三十天內不去和使用者互動,迎接他們的就會是失敗而不是成功。 chatGPT 「只要花 30 天就會決定成功與失敗」聽起來很不知所云,不知道到底是會失敗還是會成功?那是要超過三十天還是要低於三十天? 但如果是用我的版本,要表達的就很明確:「超過三十天不去找用戶的話,你就完蛋了。」 雖然我不確定自己翻的到底是否符合原話,但至少讀起來的「立場」較為明確,就是在說你就是要趕快去找使用者。但如果是 chatGPT 的版本,就會看不出來到底什麼東西會決定成功與失敗?又怎樣會導致成功、怎樣會導致失敗?




    1. AbstractThe first description of avian influenza (AI) dates back to 1878 in northern Italy, when Perroncito [Perroncito E. Epizoozia tifoide nei gallinacei. Annali Accad Agri Torino 1878;21:87–126] described a contagious disease of poultry associated with high mortality. The disease, termed “fowl plague”, was initially confused with the acute septicemic form of fowl cholera. However, in 1880, soon after its first description, Rivolta and Delprato [as reported by Stubs EL. Fowl pest, In: Biester HE, Devries L, editors. Diseases of poultry. 1st ed. Ames, IO: Iowa State College Press; 1943. p. 493–502] showed it to be different from fowl cholera, based on clinical and pathological properties, and called it Typhus exudatious gallinarum. In 1901, Centanni and Savunzzi [Centanni E, Savonuzzi E, La peste aviaria I & II, Communicazione fatta all’accademia delle scienze mediche e naturali de Ferrara, 1901] determined that fowl plague was caused by a filterable virus; however, it was not until 1955 that the classical fowl plague virus was shown to be a type A influenza virus based on the presence of type A influenza virus type-specific ribonucleoprotein [Schäfer W. Vergleichender sero-immunologische Untersuchungen über die Viren der Influenza und klassischen Geflügelpest. Z Naturf 1955;10b:81–91]. The term fowl plague was substituted by the more appropriate term highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) at the First International Symposium on Avian Influenza [Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Avian Influenza. Beltsville, MD. 1981, Avian Dis 47 (Special Issue) 2003.] and will be used throughout this review when referring to any previously described fowl plague virus.RésuméLa première référence à la grippe aviaire remonte à 1878 dans le nord de l’Italie, lorsque Perroncito [1] décrit une maladie contagieuse et hautement mortelle affectant la volaille. Cette maladie, appelée « peste aviaire »

      Fowl plague vs. fowl plaque/pox

      In the abstract of this scientific paper on avian flu, there are 5 instances of "fowl plague". The word "plague" is also confirmed by the French abstract: "peste aviaire".

      The funny thing is, in the conclusion of the same research paper, the author says: 'We have come a long way since the first description of “fowl plaque” in 1878.' This time, "plague" became "plaque". I intuitively think it's a historical typo, but this "fowl plaque" has been propagated on the web, in some printed books too. Google Ngrams shows "fowl plague" outweighs "fowl plaque" 20:1. It's also picked up by a government health publication in Taiwan: see here.

      家禽瘟疫 vs. 家禽斑塊/痘

      在這篇有關禽流感的科學論文的摘要中,有5處提到了「fowl plague」。法文摘要也確認了「peste aviaire」,其中的「peste」意指瘟疫。有趣的是,在同一研究論文的結論部分,作者提到:「自1878年首次描述『fowl plaque』(禽斑塊)以來,我們已經取得了長足的進展。」這一次,「plague」變成了「plaque」。病毒的確可以造成明顯可見的斑塊,或 pox(痘),所以或許plague、plaque/pox都說的通,但意思不同。「fowl plaque」的用法在網路上和一些印刷書籍中也流傳下來。Google Ngrams 顯示「fowl plague」的使用頻率比「fowl plaque」高出20倍。台灣疾管局的某份出版物中也採用了plaque用法。(#gptTrgWithRevision)

    2. ConclusionsWe have come a long way since the first description of “fowl plaque” in 1878.

      Here, one instance of "fowl plaque," contradicting the usage of "fowl plague" in the abstract.

    1. Yang KC  ·   ·   · Shared with Public group您好,我近日將我的 25000 筆 Evernote 筆記匯入 Obsidian 後,可能是因為筆記數量,可能是因為某個 Obsidian 的語法或外掛所致,Obsidian 程式執行的速度會忽慢忽穩,用英文搜尋過沒找到類似的有用資訊,故來請教。知道的先進請指教一二。P.S.:附圖為 Obsidian 黑曜石示意圖。TenorhqljB.commedia.tenor.coAll reactions:1 16 commentsLikeCommentShare楊凱旋Top Contributor+1我猜可能是有某些筆記的 properties(yaml) 資料異常4dLikeReplyShareYang KC replied  · 4 RepliesEric Khik-hong Liao我建議你重新使用Upnote的付費版(月付美金一元),把Evernote匯出成ENEX,用Upnote匯入該ENEX(速度慢,但我的完全沒有出錯),再整個匯出為markdown,再一併丟入Obsidian。我的28000筆Evernote就是這樣全部順利進入了Obsidian,連tags、creation time、modified time都保存得好好的。做完後,不想再用Upnote可以停止付費,最多也就花費NT30。

      我建議你重新使用Upnote的付費版(月付美金一元),把Evernote匯出成ENEX,用Upnote匯入該ENEX(速度慢,但我的完全沒有出錯),再整個匯出為markdown,再一併丟入Obsidian。我的28000筆Evernote就是這樣全部順利進入了Obsidian,連tags、creation time、modified time都保存得好好的。做完後,不想再用Upnote可以停止付費,最多也就花費NT30。

    1. to just have an inexpensive depository for things which can be searched on (and I WOULD recommend MyMind for that)

      PKM: MyMind

    2. Skip Freeman  · eonrspoSdt8656904u6a1ht12a1979t5t2c5511lg699alg0l292600a521l  · Shared with Members of Evernote CommunityHEPTABASE - I started evaluating Evernote alternatives back in late Summer. I have fallen in love with Heptabase. No trial & not cheap. Here is who it is & is not for:FOR: Someone who needs to pull together complex topics from multiple sources & make sense of them all. Cards are created for information and can contain as much or as little info as appropriate. Each card consists of "blocks" so, information can be connected and/or extracted. Tags can be used too. Putting it all together on a WHITEBOARD is the ULTIMATE MAGIC where everything is visual and connected.Additionally, you can create tables & Kanban boards (it's a database).Students, academia, someone working on complex projects (but note, it is NOT PM software), someone doing research (I sure wish I had had this when I was working on my Master's thesis), are all going to love Heptabase.I will provide an example. I am a student of Chris Voss' negotiation techniques as presented in his book "Never Split the Difference." (Tactical Empathy is the overarching term he uses).As I read the book on Kindle, I made many highlights. My highlights go into Readwise, and I have Readwise connected to Heptabase, so all of my notes from Kindle are visible.Next, I also have many notes I have taken from listening to Voss on podcasts, YouTubes, plus papers, and blogs.Trying to organize and make sense of everything is daunting and complex.In parallel, I am a professional executive recruiter. I am working on figuring out how to use Voss' concepts of tactical empathy to improve hiring processes for companies. Trying to do it with traditional notes and folders is impossible.Laying everything out on a Heptabase whiteboard and being able to connect things, move things around, and more, I began to see the overarching methodology and how I could apply tactical empathy in recruiting, thus helping companies hire better. I am working on a book now and would have never gotten this far this fast with other applications.While I have certainly not tried them all, I have tried Mem.AI, Rome Research, MyMind, Notion, continued to use Evernote, OneNote, and I know there are a couple more in there that I can't remember the name of at the moment. WHO HEPTABASE IS NOT FOR: If one is looking for a to-do app, just general note-taking without the need for figuring out how all of the concepts fit together, or to just have an inexpensive depository for things which can be searched on (and I WOULD recommend MyMind for that), then Heptabase is not for you. They do not have a trial, and the subscription is $13 a month. Since it is a little more complicated, the psychology, at least for me, was that I had to make good use of my $13 and learn how to work the software. It's a little more complicated than most, but in the end, it is the best I've ever used.Help is available within 12 to 24 hours. I've developed a nice relationship with PJ in China They are bringing out an improvement almost weekly and the upgrades are quick and easy. You do not have to worry about losing data. Also, a history of all of your cards are kept so if somehow one gets messed up, you can go back to a previous version and retrieve everything.I've gotten carried away sharing my enthusiasm for Heptabase and made this into a much longer post than I intended, but I do hope my analysis helps someone.

      A ringing endorsement of Heptabase: use it to research and understand complex topics, develop your own thought system

    1. 朱騏  · Snrostoepd910h8ia5i45fg464m4m633i8uh1f5483ml92031667ui4hc19a  · Shared with Public【這款 Obsidian 擴充功能真的太猛,可以在 Obsidian 中同時使用 ChatGPT 跟 Notion 了!】​從 2017 開始我使用了超過 10 款筆記軟體後,Obsidian 是我最喜歡的筆記軟體。​Obsidian 中可以安裝各種擴充功能,大幅提升使用體驗。​(可以想成是 Google Chrome 的擴充插件、或是 App Store/Google Play 商店的 App。)​在這麼多的擴充功能中,我最喜歡的就是-Obsidian Surfing。​這款工具讓我們可以在 Obsidian 上網!​我有 4 個很方便的使用情境。​▋場景 1. 和 ChatGPT 對話​把 ChatGPT 的網頁釘選在 Obsidian 中,邊寫筆記可以邊和 ChatGPT 對答。​我的使用情境是搭配卡片盒筆記法來使用。​在整理卡片時,我會將卡片內容餵給 ​ ChatGPT 直接寫出一篇短文。​經過修改後,就可以發表成一篇 Facebook 文章。​這樣能夠加快產出的速度。​▋場景 2. Notion​開啟 Notion 網頁版,就可以在Obsidian 中同時使用 Notion。​我使用 Notion 的 Database-Timeline View 來管理專案。​當我在使用 Obsidian 時突然想到一個任務,就可以馬上加入到 Notion 中。​這樣做,就可以結合不同筆記軟體之間的優點。​▋場景 3. 閱讀文章​想閱讀的網路文章並放在右側,左側是自己的筆記區域。​這樣讀文章的好處是:​看到文章中的好句子時,可以直接複製句子、貼上到 Obsidian 的筆記中。​不用來回切換視窗,就能維持閱讀心流。​▋場景 4. 做 YouTube 筆記​想看的 YouTube 影片並放在右側,左側是自己的筆記區域。​可以搭配另一款 Obsidian 的擴充功能– Timestamp notes。​就能透過快捷鍵即時取得影片播放的時間戳,並且直接在筆記區域中作筆記。​學習影片內容變得很方便。​Obsidian 是威力強大又完全免費的筆記軟體,你一定要試試看。​P.S. 下方附上 Obsidian 完整教學目錄





    1. 方音符號📄💬 台灣方音符號由台灣省國語推行委員會方言組的朱兆祥教授設計,以注音符號為基礎,增補華語沒有的發音符號而成。台灣大學中文系退休教授吳守禮所著的《國臺對照活用辭典》及鄉土文學作家楊青矗所著的《台華雙語辭典》皆採方音符號。 系統概要 方音符號以華語注音符號為基礎,再增加台語需要的音素。 聲母 塞音(不送氣)塞音(送氣)濁音鼻音擦音邊音 唇音ㄅ /p/ㄆ /pʰ/ㆠ /b/ㄇ /m/ 舌尖音ㄉ /t/ㄊ /tʰ/ㄋ /n/ㄌ /l/ 舌齒音ㄗ /ʦ/ㄘ /ʦʰ/ㆡ /ʣ/ㄙ /s/ 齦顎音ㄐ /ʨ/ㄑ /ʨʰ/ㆢ /ʥ/ㄒ /ɕ/ 舌根音ㄍ /k/ㄎ /kʰ/ㆣ /g/ㄫ /ŋ/ 喉音ㄏ /h/ [ʦ]/[ʨ]、[ʦʰ]/[ʨʰ]、[ʣ]/[ʥ]、[s]/[ɕ] 在台語是相同音位,但方音符號為相容注音符號,故 ㄗㆡㄘㄙ 與 ㄐㆢㄑㄒ 對立書寫,當後面接韻母ㄧ或ㆪ時用後者。 濁音的正確寫法是末筆畫圈,封閉不出頭。 方音符號的聲母不會單獨存在,音節一定會有韻母。 韻母 韻腹aaɪaʊeiɪaɪaʊɪəɪɔiuəɔuuauaɪueuim̩ŋ̍ 陰聲韻ㄚㄞㄠㆤㄧㄧㄚㄧㄠㄧㄜㄧㆦㄧㄨㄜㆦㄨㄨㄚㄨㄞㄨㆤㄨㄧㆬㆭ 鼻化韻ㆩㆮㆥㆪㄧㆩㄧㆯㄧㆧㄧㆫㆧㄨㆩㄨㆮ -mㆰㄧㆬㄧㆰㆱ -nㄢㄧㄣㄧㄢㄨㄣㄨㄢ -ŋㄤㄧㄥㄧㄤㄧㆲㆲ 注音符號的特色是為確保韻母ㄧ定在兩個字之內,部分雙母音、三母音與含鼻音韻尾的韻母都定義了符號。如ㄚ+ㄧ=ㄞ、ㄚ+ㄣ=ㄢ。方音符號同樣新增了ㆰ、ㆱ、ㆲ等符號,也是為了確保(不包含入聲韻尾的)韻母在兩個字以內。 ㄣ與ㄥ不單獨使用,只出現在ㄧㄣ、ㄧㄥ、ㄨㄣ,這應該是為了與注音符號相容。 /ing/ 寫成ㄧㄥ而不是ㄧㆭ。 鼻化韻母ㆩ、ㆧ、ㆥ、ㆮ、ㆯ、ㆪ、ㆫ的正確寫法是末筆畫圈且交叉出頭。 鼻化的複合韻母,是將最後一個韻母寫成鼻化韻母。 ㆦ第二筆的正確寫法是缺一角的菱形,ㆧ、ㆱ亦比照如此。 華語注音的介音ㄧ、ㄨ只能同時存在,不過台語韻母有ㄧㄨ也有ㄨㄧ。 入聲韻尾 入聲韻尾ptkh 第4調(陰入)ㆴㆵㆻㆷ 第8調(陽入)ㆴ˙ㆵ˙ㆻ˙ㆷ˙ 入聲韻尾無論直排或橫排,都寫在最後一個韻母的右側。 聲調 調號1234578 調名陰平陰上陰去陰入陽平陽去陽入 調號ˋ˪ㆴ、ㆵ、ㆻ、ㆷˊ˫ㆴ˙、ㆵ˙、ㆻ˙、ㆷ˙ 調值˥˥ 55˥˩ 51˧˩ 31˧ 30˨˦ 24˧˧ 33˥ 50 第6調調號與第2調同。 未定義第9調寫法。 輕聲與台灣華語相同使用 ˙,但書寫位置有分歧。 《國臺對照活用辭典》比照其他聲調寫在韻母右側,如 --khì 寫成 ㄎㄧ˙ 也有人比照華語寫在音節前面,好處是可同時標出本調,如 --khì 寫成 ˙ㄎㄧ˪ 地方腔的表達 發音符號備註 /ɛ/ㄝ須區別部分偏漳腔腔調並未併入/e/的[ɛ]時。 /ə/ㄜ一般習慣比照第一優勢腔寫成ㄜ,但若依教育部公告,ㄜ只用於泉腔閏音。 /o/ㄛ教育部公告版本是用ㄛ。 /ɨ/ㆨ表達部分偏泉腔調,並未併入 /i/ 或 /u/ [ɨ]。 Unicode表現 文字Unicode序列用途備註 ㆻU+31BBㆻ入聲韻尾-k原誤收ㆶ字,Unicode 13 (2020)增補 ㆴ˙ㆵ˙ㆻ˙ㆷ˙U+02D9˙第8聲調號寫在入聲韻尾後方 ˋU+02CBˋ第2聲調號 ˪U+02EA˪第3聲調號 ˊU+02CAˊ第5聲調號 ˫U+02EB˫第7聲調號 ˙U+02D9˙輕聲寫在音節前方或韻母後方 方音符號使用 注音符號 與 注音符號擴充。但Unicode官網提供的文字造形有誤,於2019年時才修正。 Unicode 3.0 新增的 ㆶ 是錯誤字形,正確的 ㆻ 於 Unicode 13.0 編入。 方音符號專用的調號 ˪、˫ 雖然是與其它方音符號同時編入Unicode,但CNS-11643於至今仍是暫編碼、GB18030也遺漏未收,故多數字型都未支援。甚至有部分字型此兩字符還顛倒。 第8聲依中推會數位排版中注音符號調號定位方式建議,使用 U+02D9˙。目前多數環境下無法與ㆴ、ㆵ、ㆻ、ㆷ正確結合顯示,需要專用字型。 輕聲與第8聲都用U+02D9˙號。因方音符號一般只供標音,不做文字書寫之用,並無混淆之虞。但若有連寫需求,音節之間應以空格隔開。 音節表 Øhppʰbmttʰnlʦ/ʨʦʰ/ʨʰʣ/ʥs/ɕkkʰgŋ aㄚㄏㄚㄅㄚㄆㄚㆠㄚㄇㄚㄉㄚㄊㄚㄋㄚㄌㄚㄗㄚㄘㄚㄙㄚㄍㄚㄎㄚㆣㄚㄫㄚ ãㆩㄏㆩㄆㆩㄉㆩㄊㆩㄗㆩㄘㆩㄙㆩㄍㆩㄎㆩ aʔㄚㆷㄏㄚㆷㄅㄚㆷㄆㄚㆷㆠㄚㆷㄇㄚㆷㄉㄚㆷㄊㄚㆷㄋㄚㆷㄌㄚㆷㄗㄚㆷㄘㄚㆷㄙㄚㆷㄍㄚㆷㄎㄚㆷ ãʔㆩㆷㄏㆩㆷㄙㆩㆷ amㆰㄏㆰㄉㆰㄊㆰㄌㆰㄗㆰㄘㆰㄙㆰㄍㆰㄎㆰㆣㆰ anㄢㄏㄢㄅㄢㄆㄢㆠㄢㄉㄢㄊㄢㄌㄢㄗㄢㄘㄢㄙㄢㄍㄢㄎㄢㆣㄢ aŋㄤㄏㄤㄅㄤㄆㄤㆠㄤㄉㄤㄊㄤㄌㄤㄗㄤㄘㄤㄙㄤㄍㄤㄎㄤㆣㄤ ap̚ㄚㆴㄏㄚㆴㄉㄚㆴㄊㄚㆴㄌㄚㆴㄗㄚㆴㄘㄚㆴㄙㄚㆴㄍㄚㆴㄎㄚㆴ at̚ㄚㆵㄏㄚㆵㄅㄚㆵㄆㄚㆵㆠㄚㆵㄉㄚㆵㄊㄚㆵㄌㄚㆵㄗㄚㆵㄘㄚㆵㄙㄚㆵㄍㄚㆵㄎㄚㆵ ak̚ㄚㆻㄏㄚㆻㄅㄚㆻㄆㄚㆻㆠㄚㆻㄉㄚㆻㄊㄚㆻㄌㄚㆻㄗㄚㆻㄘㄚㆻㄙㄚㆻㄍㄚㆻㄎㄚㆻㆣㄚㆻ aɪㄞㄏㄞㄅㄞㄆㄞㆠㄞㄇㄞㄉㄞㄊㄞㄋㄞㄌㄞㄗㄞㄘㄞㄙㄞㄍㄞㄎㄞㆣㄞㄫㄞ ãɪㆮㄏㆮㄆㆮㄉㆮㄗㆮㄍㆮㄎㆮ aɪʔㄞㆷㄏㄞㆷㄌㄞㆷㄙㄞㆷ auㄠㄏㄠㄅㄠㄆㄠㆠㄠㄇㄠㄉㄠㄊㄠㄋㄠㄌㄠㄗㄠㄘㄠㄙㄠㄍㄠㄎㄠㆣㄠㄫㄠ auʔㄠㆷㄆㄠㆷㄇㄠㆷㄉㄠㆷㄋㄠㆷㄌㄠㆷㄘㄠㆷㄍㄠㆷㄫㄠㆷ Øhppʰbmttʰnlʦ/ʨʦʰ/ʨʰʣ/ʥs/ɕkkʰgŋ eㆤㄏㆤㄅㆤㄆㆤㆠㆤㄇㆤㄉㆤㄊㆤㄋㆤㄌㆤㄗㆤㄘㆤㄙㆤㄍㆤㄎㆤㆣㆤㄫㆤ ẽㆥㄏㆥㄅㆥㄆㆥㄉㆥㄊㆥㄗㆥㄘㆥㄙㆥㄍㆥㄎㆥ eʔㆤㆷㄏㆤㆷㄅㆤㆷㄆㆤㆷㆠㆤㆷㄇㆤㆷㄉㆤㆷㄊㆤㆷㄋㆤㆷㄌㆤㆷㄗㆤㆷㄘㆤㆷㄙㆤㆷㄍㆤㆷㄎㆤㆷㆣㆤㆷㄫㆤㆷ ẽʔㆥㆷㄏㆥㆷㄎㆥㆷ Øhppʰbmttʰnlʦ/ʨʦʰ/ʨʰʣ/ʥs/ɕkkʰgŋ iㄧㄏㄧㄅㄧㄆㄧㆠㄧㄇㄧㄉㄧㄊㄧㄋㄧㄌㄧㄐㄧㄑㄧㆢㄧㄒㄧㄍㄧㄎㄧㆣㄧㄫㄧ ĩㆪㄏㆪㄅㆪㄆㆪㄉㆪㄊㆪㄐㆪㄑㆪㄒㆪㄍㆪㄎㆪ iʔㄧㆷㄅㄧㆷㄆㄧㆷㆠㄧㆷㄇㄧㆷㄉㄧㆷㄊㄧㆷㄋㄧㆷㄌㄧㆷㄐㄧㆷㄑㄧㆷㄒㄧㆷㄍㄧㆷㄎㄧㆷ imㄧㆬㄏㄧㆬㄉㄧㆬㄊㄧㆬㄌㄧㆬㄐㄧㆬㄑㄧㆬㆢㄧㆬㄒㄧㆬㄍㄧㆬㄎㄧㆬㆣㄧㆬ inㄧㄣㄏㄧㄣㄅㄧㄣㄆㄧㄣㆠㄧㄣㄉㄧㄣㄊㄧㄣㄌㄧㄣㄐㄧㄣㄑㄧㄣㆢㄧㄣㄒㄧㄣㄍㄧㄣㄎㄧㄣㆣㄧㄣ iŋㄧㄥㄏㄧㄥㄅㄧㄥㄆㄧㄥㆠㄧㄥㄉㄧㄥㄊㄧㄥㄌㄧㄥㄐㄧㄥㄑㄧㄥㄒㄧㄥㄍㄧㄥㄎㄧㄥㆣㄧㄥ ip̚ㄧㆴㄏㄧㆴㄌㄧㆴㄐㄧㆴㄑㄧㆴㆢㄧㆴㄒㄧㆴㄍㄧㆴㄎㄧㆴ it̚ㄧㆵㄏㄧㆵㄅㄧㆵㄆㄧㆵㆠㄧㆵㄉㄧㆵㄊㄧㆵㄌㄧㆵㄐㄧㆵㄑㄧㆵㆢㄧㆵㄒㄧㆵㄍㄧㆵㄎㄧㆵ ik̚/ɪək̚ㄧㆻㄏㄧㆻㄅㄧㆻㄆㄧㆻㆠㄧㆻㄉㄧㆻㄊㄧㆻㄌㄧㆻㄐㄧㆻㄑㄧㆻㆢㄧㆻㄒㄧㆻㄍㄧㆻㄎㄧㆻㆣㄧㆻ ɪaㄧㄚㄏㄧㄚㄇㄧㄚㄉㄧㄚㄋㄧㄚㄌㄧㄚㄐㄧㄚㄑㄧㄚㆢㄧㄚㄒㄧㄚㄍㄧㄚㄎㄧㄚㆣㄧㄚㄫㄧㄚ iãㄧㆩㄏㄧㆩㄅㄧㆩㄆㄧㆩㄉㄧㆩㄊㄧㆩㄐㄧㆩㄑㄧㆩㄒㄧㆩㄍㄧㆩㄎㄧㆩ ɪaʔㄧㄚㆷㄏㄧㄚㆷㄅㄧㄚㆷㄆㄧㄚㆷㄉㄧㄚㆷㄊㄧㄚㆷㄌㄧㄚㆷㄐㄧㄚㆷㄑㄧㄚㆷㆢㄧㄚㆷㄒㄧㄚㆷㄍㄧㄚㆷㄎㄧㄚㆷㆣㄧㄚㆷ iãʔㄧㆩㆷㄏㄧㆩㆷㄒㄧㆩㆷ ɪamㄧㆰㄏㄧㆰㄉㄧㆰㄊㄧㆰㄌㄧㆰㄐㄧㆰㄑㄧㆰㆢㄧㆰㄒㄧㆰㄍㄧㆰㄎㄧㆰㆣㄧㆰ ɪan/enㄧㄢㄏㄧㄢㄅㄧㄢㄆㄧㄢㆠㄧㄢㄉㄧㄢㄊㄧㄢㄌㄧㄢㄐㄧㄢㄑㄧㄢㆢㄧㄢㄒㄧㄢㄍㄧㄢㄎㄧㄢㆣㄧㄢ Øhppʰbmttʰnlʦ/ʨʦʰ/ʨʰʣ/ʥs/ɕkkʰgŋ ɪaŋㄧㄤㄏㄧㄤㄅㄧㄤㄆㄧㄤㄌㄧㄤㄐㄧㄤㄑㄧㄤㆢㄧㄤㄒㄧㄤㄍㄧㄤㄎㄧㄤㆣㄧㄤ ɪap̚ㄧㄚㆴㄏㄧㄚㆴㄉㄧㄚㆴㄊㄧㄚㆴㄌㄧㄚㆴㄐㄧㄚㆴㄑㄧㄚㆴㆢㄧㄚㆴㄒㄧㄚㆴㄍㄧㄚㆴㄎㄧㄚㆴㆣㄧㄚㆴ ɪat̚/ɪet̚ㄧㄚㆵㄏㄧㄚㆵㄅㄧㄚㆵㄆㄧㄚㆵㆠㄧㄚㆵㄉㄧㄚㆵㄊㄧㄚㆵㄌㄧㄚㆵㄐㄧㄚㆵㄑㄧㄚㆵㆢㄧㄚㆵㄒㄧㄚㆵㄍㄧㄚㆵㄎㄧㄚㆵㆣㄧㄚㆵ ɪak̚ㄧㄚㆻㄅㄧㄚㆻㄆㄧㄚㆻㄉㄧㄚㆻㄑㄧㄚㆻㄒㄧㄚㆻㄎㄧㄚㆻ ɪauㄧㄠㄏㄧㄠㄅㄧㄠㄆㄧㄠㆠㄧㄠㄇㄧㄠㄉㄧㄠㄊㄧㄠㄋㄧㄠㄌㄧㄠㄐㄧㄠㄑㄧㄠㆢㄧㄠㄒㄧㄠㄍㄧㄠㄎㄧㄠㆣㄧㄠㄫㄧㄠ ɪãuㄧㆯ ɪauʔㄧㄠㆷㄏㄧㄠㆷㄎㄧㄠㆷㄫㄧㄠㆷ ɪə/ɪoㄧㄜㄏㄧㄜㄅㄧㄜㄆㄧㄜㆠㄧㄜㄉㄧㄜㄊㄧㄜㄌㄧㄜㄐㄧㄜㄑㄧㄜㆢㄧㄜㄒㄧㄜㄍㄧㄜㄎㄧㄜㆣㄧㄜ ɪɔ̃ㄧㆧㄏㄧㆧㄉㄧㆧㄐㄧㆧㄑㄧㆧㄒㄧㆧㄍㄧㆧㄎㄧㆧ ɪəʔ/ɪoʔㄧㄜㆷㄏㄧㄜㆷㄉㄧㄜㆷㄌㄧㄜㆷㄐㄧㄜㆷㄑㄧㄜㆷㄒㄧㄜㆷㄍㄧㄜㆷㄎㄧㄜㆷㆣㄧㄜㆷ ɪɔŋㄧㆲㄏㄧㆲㄉㄧㆲㄊㄧㆲㄌㄧㆲㄐㄧㆲㄑㄧㆲㆢㄧㆲㄒㄧㆲㄍㄧㆲㄎㄧㆲㆣㄧㆲ ɪɔk̚ㄧㆦㆻㄏㄧㆦㆻㄉㄧㆦㆻㄊㄧㆦㆻㄌㄧㆦㆻㄐㄧㆦㆻㄑㄧㆦㆻㆢㄧㆦㆻㄒㄧㆦㆻㄍㄧㆦㆻㄎㄧㆦㆻㆣㄧㆦㆻ iuㄧㄨㄏㄧㄨㄅㄧㄨㆠㄧㄨㄉㄧㄨㄊㄧㄨㄋㄧㄨㄌㄧㄨㄐㄧㄨㄑㄧㄨㆢㄧㄨㄒㄧㄨㄍㄧㄨㄎㄧㄨㆣㄧㄨㄫㄧㄨ iũㄧㆫㄏㄧㆫㄉㄧㆫㄐㄧㆫㄑㄧㆫㄒㄧㆫㄍㄧㆫㄎㄧㆫ iũʔㄧㆫㆷㄏㄧㆫㆷ Øhppʰbmttʰnlʦ/ʨʦʰ/ʨʰʣ/ʥs/ɕkkʰgŋ ə/oㄜㄏㄜㄅㄜㄆㄜㆠㄜㄉㄜㄊㄜㄌㄜㄗㄜㄘㄜㄙㄜㄍㄜㄎㄜㆣㄜ ɔㆦㄏㆦㄅㆦㄆㆦㆠㆦㄇㆦㄉㆦㄊㆦㄋㆦㄌㆦㄗㆦㄘㆦㄙㆦㄍㆦㄎㆦㆣㆦㄫㆦ ɔ̃ㆧㄏㆧㄍㆧ əʔ/oʔㄜㆷㄏㄜㆷㄅㄜㆷㄆㄜㆷㆠㄜㆷㄉㄜㆷㄊㄜㆷㄌㄜㆷㄗㄜㆷㄘㄜㆷㄙㄜㆷㄍㄜㆷ ɔʔㆦㆷㄏㆦㆷㄇㆦㆷㄉㆦㆷㄌㆦㆷㄍㆦㆷ ɔ̃ʔㆧㆷㄏㆧㆷ ɔmㆱㄉㆱㄙㆱ ɔŋㆲㄏㆲㄅㆲㄆㆲㆠㆲㄉㆲㄊㆲㄌㆲㄗㆲㄘㆲㄙㆲㄍㆲㄎㆲㆣㆲ ɔp̚ㆦㆴㄏㆦㆴㄌㆦㆴㄍㆦㆴ ɔk̚ㆦㆻㄏㆦㆻㄅㆦㆻㄆㆦㆻㆠㆦㆻㄉㆦㆻㄊㆦㆻㄌㆦㆻㄗㆦㆻㄘㆦㆻㄙㆦㆻㄍㆦㆻㄎㆦㆻㆣㆦㆻ Øhppʰbmttʰnlʦ/ʨʦʰ/ʨʰʣ/ʥs/ɕkkʰgŋ uㄨㄏㄨㄅㄨㄆㄨㆠㄨㄉㄨㄊㄨㄌㄨㄗㄨㄘㄨㆡㄨㄙㄨㄍㄨㄎㄨㆣㄨ uʔㄨㆷㄅㄨㆷㄆㄨㆷㆠㄨㆷㄉㄨㆷㄊㄨㆷㄌㄨㆷㄗㄨㆷㄘㄨㆷㄙㄨㆷㄎㄨㆷ unㄨㄣㄏㄨㄣㄅㄨㄣㄆㄨㄣㆠㄨㄣㄉㄨㄣㄊㄨㄣㄌㄨㄣㄗㄨㄣㄘㄨㄣㆡㄨㄣㄙㄨㄣㄍㄨㄣㄎㄨㄣㆣㄨㄣ ut̚ㄨㆵㄏㄨㆵㄅㄨㆵㄆㄨㆵㆠㄨㆵㄉㄨㆵㄊㄨㆵㄌㄨㆵㄗㄨㆵㄘㄨㆵㄙㄨㆵㄍㄨㆵㄎㄨㆵ uaㄨㄚㄏㄨㄚㄅㄨㄚㄆㄨㄚㆠㄨㄚㄇㄨㄚㄉㄨㄚㄊㄨㄚㄋㄨㄚㄌㄨㄚㄗㄨㄚㄘㄨㄚㆡㄨㄚㄙㄨㄚㄍㄨㄚㄎㄨㄚㆣㄨㄚ uãㄨㆩㄏㄨㆩㄅㄨㆩㄆㄨㆩㄉㄨㆩㄊㄨㆩㄗㄨㆩㄘㄨㆩㄙㄨㆩㄍㄨㆩㄎㄨㆩ uaʔㄨㄚㆷㄏㄨㄚㆷㄅㄨㄚㆷㄆㄨㄚㆷㆠㄨㄚㆷㄉㄨㄚㆷㄊㄨㄚㆷㄌㄨㄚㆷㄗㄨㄚㆷㄘㄨㄚㆷㆡㄨㄚㆷㄙㄨㄚㆷㄍㄨㄚㆷㄎㄨㄚㆷ uanㄨㄢㄏㄨㄢㄅㄨㄢㄆㄨㄢㆠㄨㄢㄉㄨㄢㄊㄨㄢㄌㄨㄢㄗㄨㄢㄘㄨㄢㄙㄨㄢㄍㄨㄢㄎㄨㄢㆣㄨㄢ uaŋㄨㄤㄏㄨㄤㄘㄨㄤ uat̚ㄨㄚㆵㄏㄨㄚㆵㄅㄨㄚㆵㄆㄨㄚㆵㆠㄨㄚㆵㄉㄨㄚㆵㄊㄨㄚㆵㄌㄨㄚㆵㄗㄨㄚㆵㄙㄨㄚㆵㄍㄨㄚㆵㄎㄨㄚㆵㆣㄨㄚㆵ uaiㄨㄞㄏㄨㄞㄙㄨㄞㄍㄨㄞㄎㄨㄞ uãiㄨㆮㄏㄨㆮㄗㄨㆮㄙㄨㆮㄍㄨㆮ uaiʔㄨㄞㆷㆠㄨㄞㆷㄌㄨㄞㆷㄘㄨㄞㆷㄍㄨㄞㆷ uãiʔㄨㆮㆷㄍㄨㆮㆷ ueㄨㆤㄏㄨㆤㄅㄨㆤㄆㄨㆤㆠㄨㆤㄇㄨㆤㄉㄨㆤㄊㄨㆤㄌㄨㆤㄗㄨㆤㄘㄨㆤㆡㄨㆤㄙㄨㆤㄍㄨㆤㄎㄨㆤㆣㄨㆤ Øhppʰbmttʰnlʦ/ʨʦʰ/ʨʰʣ/ʥs/ɕkkʰgŋ ueʔㄨㆤㆷㄏㄨㆤㆷㄅㄨㆤㆷㄆㄨㆤㆷㆠㄨㆤㆷㄊㄨㆤㆷㄌㄨㆤㆷㄗㄨㆤㆷㄘㄨㆤㆷㄙㄨㆤㆷㄍㄨㆤㆷㄎㄨㆤㆷㆣㄨㆤㆷㄫㄨㆤㆷ uiㄨㄧㄏㄨㄧㄅㄨㄧㄆㄨㄧㆠㄨㄧㄇㄨㄧㄉㄨㄧㄊㄨㄧㄌㄨㄧㄗㄨㄧㄘㄨㄧㄙㄨㄧㄍㄨㄧㄎㄨㄧㆣㄨㄧ uĩㄨㆪㄏㄨㆪㄅㄨㆪㄗㄨㆪㄘㄨㆪㄙㄨㆪㄍㄨㆪ uiʔㄨㄧㆷㄏㄨㄧㆷㄍㄨㄧㆷ Øhppʰbmttʰnlʦ/ʨʦʰ/ʨʰʣ/ʥs/ɕkkʰgŋ m̩ㆬㄏㆬ m̩ʔㆬㆷㄏㆬㆷ ŋ̍ㆭㄏㆭㄅㆭㄇㆭㄉㆭㄊㆭㄋㆭㄗㆭㄘㆭㄙㆭㄍㆭㄎㆭ ŋ̍ʔㆭㆷㄏㆭㆷㄆㆭㆷㄇㆭㆷㄘㆭㆷㄙㆭㆷㄎㆭㆷ 範例 我真頇顢講話,但是我真實在。 ㆣㄨㄚˋ ㄐㄧㄣ ㄏㄢˊ ㆠㄢ˫ ㄍㆲˋ ㄨㆤ˫,ㄉㄢ˫ ㄒㄧ˫ ㆣㄨㄚˋ ㄐㄧㄣ ㄒㄧㆵ ㄗㄞ˫。 請手扞予好勢,跤徛予在。 ㄑㄧㆩˋ ㄑㄧㄨˋ ㄏㄨㆩ˫ ㄏㆦ˫ ㄏㄜˋ ㄙㆤ˪,ㄎㄚ ㄎㄧㄚ˫ ㄏㆦ˫ ㄗㄞ˫。 建立於 2022 年 3 月 18 日 10 時 25 分本條目共被 1 位不同作者編輯過 7 次最後一次修改於 2022 年 3 月 22 日 19 時 59 分 關於本站 | 關於字碼資料庫


    1. Don't specialize, hybridize October 31, 2022 · 2 minute read Specialization is too heavily encouraged as a career path. Becoming a generalist is one alternative, but there is another path less discussed: become a hybrid. The hybrid path means developing expertise in two or more distinct areas. Having several specialities allows you to see patterns that no one else can see, and make contributions that no one else would think of. The world needs more hybrid people. Specialization is attractive. Many famous people you know are specialists. Specialization feels like the only way to pick the high-hanging fruit in fields where the low branches are bare. Specialization feels like a more predictable and measurable path. The world needs more hybrid people because the world is getting more complex. Specialists are important because they help us push the limits in each field. But we also need people who can see the big picture, find unexpected connections, and guide the world’s efforts.

      hybridize 培養多重專技

    1. File over app File over app is a philosophy: if you want to create digital artifacts that last, they must be files you can control, in formats that are easy to retrieve and read. Use tools that give you this freedom. File over app is an appeal to tool makers: accept that all software is ephemeral, and give people ownership over their data. In the fullness of time, the files you create are more important than the tools you use to create them. Apps are ephemeral, but your files have a chance to last. The pyramids of Egypt contain hieroglyphs that were chiseled in stone thousands of years ago. The ideas hieroglyphs convey are more important than the type of chisel that was used to carve them. The world is filled with ideas from generations past, transmitted through many mediums, from clay tablets to manuscripts, paintings, sculptures, and tapestries. These artifacts are objects that you can touch, hold, own, store, preserve, and look at. To read something written on paper all you need is eyeballs. Today, we are creating innumerable digital artifacts, but most of these artifacts are out of our control. They are stored on servers, in databases, gated behind an internet connection, and login to a cloud service. Even the files on your hard drive use proprietary formats that make them incompatible with older systems. Paraphrasing something I wrote recently: > If you want your writing to still be readable on a computer from the 2060s or 2160s, it’s important that your notes can be read on a computer from the 1960s. You should want the files you create to be durable, not only for posterity, but also for your future self. You never know when you might want to go back to something you created years or decades ago. Don’t lock your data into a format you can’t retrieve. These days I write using an app I help make called Obsidian (@obsdmd), but it’s a delusion to think it will last forever. The app will eventually become obsolete. It’s the plain text files I create that are designed to last. Who knows if anyone will want to read them besides me, but future me is enough of an audience to make it worthwhile.3:05 PM · Jul 2, 2023·1.1M Views


      — Obsidian CEO


    1. if it's possible to simply export a list of all your youtube videos well it's not simple but you can certainly do it fairly quickly let me show you how

      Export a list (by name) of all your uploaded YouTube videos: a hacky way to do it

    1. UpNote 當然也可以插入筆記跟筆記之間的連結,支援用 [[ 的方式,快速搜尋相關筆記並插入連結。

      太好了 linking etween notes, it's time!

      How about backlinks? 有反向連結嗎?

      Answer: backlinks are shown in a note's property pane (can be hidden). Great! 有!

    2. 巢狀結構,可以建立多層筆記本分類(雖然這樣做不一定比較好)一則筆記可以放入多個筆記本!


      後記 Update: I tested it and confirm the note is referred to by link. So, changing the note will update it for all notebooks the note is under. 經我測試,確認是一份筆記內容,多個連結。

    3. Evernote 的筆記標籤、連結等無法直接轉移,需要一邊執行一邊重新建立。

      WAH? Evernote tags cannot be imported into Upnote??? Seriously?

      This video contradicts and mentions tags can be imported:



    4. 本身的格式是以 Markdown 為主,資料也有一份會儲存在本機軟體,未來如果要再匯出、轉移也具備可行性

      Great. I love this local-first, Markdown-based design.

    5. 很棒的是,匯入後會保留筆記建立、更新時間等資訊

      This is huge! Imported Evernote notes keep their creation and modified date, and sorting in Upnote observes that.

    6. 先在 Evernote 中選擇需要的筆記、記事本,匯出成 enex 檔案。

      Confirming Upnote support ENEX import from Evernote. I'm ready to pay $1/month for this!

    7. UpNote 也提供了簡單的網頁擷取外掛,可以安裝在 Chrome、 Firefox 等瀏覽器中

      iOS 好像沒有這功能:缺憾

    8. 另外, UpNote 還支援直接連結到某一個段落。例如某一段的標題階層,或是某一個折疊區塊,圈選後點擊右鍵,就能複製這個位置的連結。

      Great. linking to a "block" (in the sense of Obsidian/Logseq)

    9. 不過 UpNote 的版本備份預設不是無限的(可以手動修改),預設會記錄最近的 50 個版本。


    1. the new ability to import tags from Evernote I get a lot of questions about importing tags from Evernote

      Awesome! This is so important. I wonder why Esor in his intro to Upnote said Evernote tags can't be imported to Upnote.


    1. Evernote Vs UpNote

      Useful thread overwhelmingly supporting leaving Evernote for Upnote. 討論串壓倒性支持從Evernote出走,奔向Upnote。

      The video does an in-depth comparison of the two apps. 影片深入比較兩者功能。

    1. 台式英語: Could you kindly reply by Tuesday? (可以請你周二前回信給我嗎?) 道地英語: Could you reply by Tuesday? Or, if you want to be very polite: Would you be able to reply by Tuesday? 用法: 很多台灣人在書信往來中常常會寫 "please kindly" ,以為這樣更客氣,但其實kindly,一點也不kind。在英文的用法中,加上kindly代表一種警告,例如 “Please kindly refrain from smoking on the premises (請不要在這裡抽菸)”  若你想要禮貌一點,只需要用 "please" 或是用 "Could you 或 Would you be able to"


    1. Confessions Of A Digital Hoarder Taylor hatmaker / Jan 24, 2013 / Web <img width="610" height="400" src="https://readwrite.com/wp-content/themes/rw/images/single-featured-default.jpg" alt="Confessions Of A Digital Hoarder" /> <img width="26" height="26" src="https://readwrite.com/wp-content/themes/rw/images/fb-icon-light.png" /> <img width="26" height="26" src="https://readwrite.com/wp-content/themes/rw/images/twitter-icon-light.png" /> <img width="26" height="26" src="https://readwrite.com/wp-content/themes/rw/images/linkedin.png" /> <img width="26" height="26" src="https://readwrite.com/wp-content/themes/rw/images/email-share-icon.png" /> <img width="500" height="282" decoding="async" src="https://readwrite.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/MTIyMjk0Nzg0NDMyODMzMTI2.jpg"> In the dawning era of persistent digital experience, an obsessive documentarian like myself should flourish. In my pre-Web, analog life, I was the one with shoeboxes of photos, scrawling notes and lists on anything scrawlable. But the advent of the cloud – the arrival of multi-gigabyte virtual storage lockers, auto-syncing, and bookmarklets, oh bookmarklets! – has taken it all too far. My sanity is buckling under the collective desire to keep everything on the Internet. All of these little processes, saving that New Yorker essay to Pocket, poring over my archived tweets, figuring out which corner of the cloud I stuffed that then-genius story idea in… it makes me crazy and I hate it and I’m done. I come to you teetering on the existential irony of it all – the recursive madness of obsessively chronicling my life in lieu of living it.  Is there a Hoarders for the Web? Sign me up. The Enabler: Evernote One tool landed me in this mess to begin with: Evernote. I turned to Evernote to subtract the paralysis of where do I keep this?


    1. The term was coined by productivity expert Merlin Mann in 2006. Mann's point is that time and attention are finite, and productivity suffers when an inbox is confused with a to-do list.  What is the Inbox Zero approach to email management? - TechTarget According to Mann, the zero isn't a reference to the number of messages in an inbox, but rather "the amount of time an employee's brain is in his inbox." Mann's point is that time and attention are finite, and productivity suffers when an inbox is confused with a to-do list. techtarget.com Inbox Zero Method: How to Inbox Zero in 15 Minutes - Superhuman Blog Oct 31, 2023 — What is the Inbox Zero method? Coined by productivity expert Merlin Mann, Inbox Zero is an email management strategy aimed at keeping your inbox empty. Or as empty as possible, at all times. The goal: triage your inbox quickly to reduce clutter and manage emails effectively. Superhuman Blog What is Inbox Zero – Definition, Example, and FAQ - Mindmesh Popularized by productivity guru Merlin Mann in 2006, inbox zero advocates for an empty or nearly empty inbox. It focuses instead on the most important and urgent emails. Inbox zero uses sorting tools and filters to eliminate unnecessary items — archiving and keeping only the important emails. mindmesh.com (function(){ (this||self).Bqpk9e=function(f,d,n,e,k,p){var g=document.getElementById(f);if(g&&(0!==g.offsetWidth||0!==g.offsetHeight)){var l=g.querySelector("div"),h=l.querySelector("div"),a=0;f=Math.max(l.scrollWidth-l.offsetWidth,0);if(0<d&&(h=h.children,a=h[d].offsetLeft-h[0].offsetLeft,e)){for(var m=a=0;m<d;++m)a+=h[m].offsetWidth;a=Math.min(f,a)}a+=n;d=Math.min(e?f-a:a,f);l.scrollLeft=e&&p?a:e&&k?-a:d;var b=g.getElementsByTagName("g-left-button")[0],c=g.getElementsByTagName("g-right-button")[0];b&&c&&(e= RegExp("\\btHT0l\\b"),k=RegExp("\\bpQXcHc\\b"),b.className=b.className.replace(e,""),c.className=c.className.replace(e,""),b.className=0===d?"pQXcHc "+b.className:b.className.replace(k,""),c.className=d===f?"pQXcHc "+c.className:c.className.replace(k,""),setTimeout(function(){b.className+=" tHT0l";c.className+=" tHT0l"},50))}};}).call(this);(function(){var id='_StdsZa-bFNXSkPIPkcqykAk_9';var index=0;var offset=0;var is_rtl=false;var is_gecko=false;var is_edge=false;var init='Bqpk9e';window[init](id,index,offset,is_rtl,is_gecko,is_edge);})();
    2. "Zero inbox" is an email management strategy that aims to keep your inbox as empty as possible. The goal is to triage your inbox quickly to reduce clutter and manage emails effectively.
    1. IFTTT,是一個新生的網絡服務平台,通過其他不同平台的條件來決定是否執行下一條命令。即對網絡服務通過其他網絡服務作出反應。IFTTT得名為其口號「if this then that」。[4] IFTTT的官方念法類似英語單詞「gift 」的「ift」,即不要發「g」的音。[5] 原理[編輯] IFTTT基於任務的條件觸發,類似程式語言,即:「若XXX進行YYY行為,執行ZZZ。」。每一個可以觸發或者作為任務的網站叫做一個Channel,觸發的條件叫做Triggers,之後執行的任務叫做Actions,綜合上面的一套流程叫做Task。[4] 應用[編輯] IFTTT本身並無特別應用,但因其整合了多種社交網絡等網站的帳戶,有人便用其來監控Twitter上的消息。[6][7] 用戶管理[編輯] 由於IFTTT目前還在測試階段,之前需要邀請才可註冊。[8] 現已開放註冊。 反響[編輯] IFTTT反響很好,有些人認為這將徹底改變網際網路。[9] 但也有些人認為其有巨大的風險,因為其需要社交網絡等各帳號極大的權限。
    1. IFTTT (/ɪft/, an acronym of if this, then that)[3][4] is a private commercial company founded in 2011, that runs online digital automation platforms which it offers as a service.[5] Their platforms provide a visual interface for making cross-platform if statements. As of 2020[update], they have 18 million users.[2][6][7] IFTTT has partnerships with different providers of everyday services as well as using public APIs to integrate them with each other through its platform. They supply event notifications to IFTTT and execute commands that implement the responses.


      「跨平台的 IF 敘述」

    1. Jax Huang  · Top Contributor  · enotdorpSs2humgf62f9210umh u80cu1l4uhl741m4g7ie07a2Ji2fnh41i  · Shared with Public group將 Evernote 2千多筆筆記一筆一筆轉移到 Upnote 心得。我是2011年開始 Evernote 的用戶,在evernote裡的筆記總共有 2600筆。決定將全部搬到 Upnote ,但我是斷捨離高手,趁機大整理一頓。一些心得跟感想如下1. Upnote免費版只能存50則筆記,所以我訂閱了Upnote,一個月1美金。便能有無限筆記+無限裝置。2. 回到 Evernote, 用 Mac 版的 「過濾」,選擇「建立日期」=> 自訂。一次選一整年(如圖)。例如選2011年1月1日~2011年12月31日。一次列出一整年的資料,一筆一筆決定哪些要直接刪、哪些要備份。選好後,找「Export to ENEX 格式」令人髮指的是舊筆記讀取不到!! 在這一個步驟時,我發現 太多筆資料,連顯示都沒辦法顯示出來。在卡片預覽的地方有顯示文字,但是正規點擊該記事,卻只會出現一片空白,運氣好才會顯示出來(超惱人)。我試著到Evernote 官網用網頁版開,也是一樣問題。而這都只是純文字檔案而已,甚至不到500個字元。從2014年,到2023年的記事都有相同的問題。心冷、生氣後,更加速我要趕快搬到 Upnote。3. 到 Upnote中選 「Import from Evernote」,選擇剛剛的檔案,就能很快匯入了。4. 我每一整年大概都有400筆evernote筆記,趁此斷捨離,已經離現階段太久遠、已經過去了,就捨棄不備份,最後每一年只留下30筆資料。結論:evernote連 『顯示』 舊筆記都有問題,而且是「純文字 + 不到500字元」的筆記。我已經不放心我的資料放在上面了。先轉為免費用戶了。Evernote真的是老牌+大牌,所有其他筆記軟體都支援專門從Evernote匯入的格式。


      我可以,只是Evernote一次性匯出25000個筆記到 ENEX(以便再用其他軟體承接轉出內容,如Obsidian,YARLE),已經出錯 5 次了,完全不給原因,至今耗時 15 小時。

    1. 我是Evernote 12年的用戶,最近很多人也感覺到 evernote 「殘破」,連基本功能都破損了!經朋友介紹,我發現「Upnote」這個工具是最像 Evernote 的!● 支援各種平台(android, mac, windows) ● 可以單獨把文字上色 ● 可以貼圖片 ● 可以離線使用以上是我自己很重視的點。像 Notion 就不太能離線使用,而且搞得很複雜,我只是要一個簡單的記事而已。Upnote 免費版最多50則記事,付費的話一個月只要1美元。比起 evernote 又貴又爛,真的可以考慮一下。我今天(5/13)正式使用 Upnote,會持續使用1個月看看。分享給大家,我現在覺得 Upnote 的介面實在 屌爆了!#upnote #evernote #alternative
    1. 5月開始試用 upnote,說用一個月後才知道upnote 到底好用否。現在過2個月了。當時的文(前情):https://www.facebook.com/groups/1627367534162306/permalink/3558103127755394/【結論】:太好用了!滿足我所有需求。Evernote 做不好的基本需求,這裡都被滿足,一個月才1美元我花的好開心。好用的細項:1)各平台都支援,我手機Android , 電腦Mac 都通用,也沒有任何記事同步、衝突的問題。即使你同時開啟同一記事來編輯也穩。2)沒有網路也能 #離線使用,不像Notion。3)記事除可以夾帶圖片,也可以夾帶「#檔案」 4)文字能變顏色,背景也能變顏色。5)搜尋速度快,不到一秒就完成。(我的記事總數500則)另外這是如何從Evernote 把兩千筆記事快速轉移到upnote 的分享(沒有很仔細,自己找關鍵字)https://www.facebook.com/groups/1627367534162306/permalink/3572935229605517/#upnote

      One big point for #Upnote

    1. 這裡的二元分界,其實是所有字母文字與音節文字,和同一種不屬於這兩者的非世界主流文字之間的對立:即以漢字為基礎的中文書寫。

      【翻譯問題】原文:Instead, the divide is one that pits all alphabets and syllabaries against the one major world script that is neither: character-based Chinese writing.


      再來,「非世界主流」意思恰恰相反,原文明明說 the one major world script,是說中文是世界上一種主要(major)的文字,只是它既非字母文字也非音節文字。


    1. Recommended regular expression editor for Mac [closed]

      I thought this was a much more interesting topic, but the thread was closed almost 13 years ago. This shows how niche and narrow the regex space is, let alone on Mac.

      唉,沒人關心的宇宙小眾的話題:Mac平台上的Regex (RegExp) 。

    1. Interpreting accuracy is one of the most commonly used indicators of cognitive demands in experimental interpreting studies. One possibility to assess interpreting performance is to analyse interpreting accuracy based on meaning units. The methodological approaches used thus far, however, have some drawbacks: (a) they are limited to an assessment of sense consistency with no indication of the logical cohesion of the rendition, (b) they do not take into account the difference between unintended and strategic omissions or, more generally, the prioritization of source speech information as an interpreting strategy, and (c) they do not allow for the observation of fluctuations of cognitive load or effects of fatigue. In this article, we will present a refined approach to unit-based accuracy analysis that may contribute to solving the issues mentioned above.

      This piques my interest, especially (b).


      源語訊息的權重:每個meaning unit肯定有不同權重,而且權重的認定很主觀。


    1. My 2nd time... Very hard for people with ADHD, and anxiety

      I commend such an effort of publicly displaying language test results (in this instance, the scores for the California Court Interpreter Bilingual Interpreting Exam for Spanish) as a way to encourage oneself and others who see this to keep practicing and improving.



      自誇一下,我筆試一試就過,成績是99.2%(共131題只錯1題)。 XD

    1. 模仿 Notion 的工具(affine),走出自己的道路是把「Heptabase 的白板概念」加進去,挺酷的。​​而且有全中文化

      Affine 免費版新增內容無上限,除了單一檔案上限10M,雲端儲存上限10GB,感覺很佛心,可以試用很久。

    1. 台灣話影響台灣中文使用的例子其實不少,像最有名的「他給我打」,應該是「伊共我拍」。把台語的綴詞「共」(kā)直接當成中文「給」(ㄍㄟˇ)的問題在於,「共」(kā)在台語有表示「動作方向來源」的作用,但「給」(ㄍㄟˇ)沒有,「給」基本上就是「給予」。所以台灣國語就會被笑,是誰打誰?

      華語的「給」兩種意思: 1 臺語的「予」(讓), 2 臺語的「共」(把)

    1. 仔細聽就可以知道他們講的地地道道的「北京話」和我們所說的「國語」也不是兩回事。當「國語」剩下煮、煨、燉、煎、炒、炸這些「大方向」的動作時,他們還會使用焯、飛水、燒、打沫、擼之類的詞。顏色都還會用棗紅、糖紅、碧綠、翠綠來區分,黏不只黏,還黏糊;顫不只顫,還顫悠。「北京話」和「國語」差異絕對不只兒化音和捲舌問題。問題關鍵當然是在為了方便推行「國語」,人工的、製造的國語便少了很多生活或細節的部份。寫作文章差別愈顯明。平平寫「中文」,「國語」和「北京話」的豐富程度天差地,欲寫贏中國人,真僫。這時台語優勢就出來矣。和北京話仝款,閣保留誠濟用詞幼路的所在,親像炕、燖、煏、𠞭。最近台語文書寫的作家增加也是按呢,使用生活語言寫作,才有可能寫愈好。


      北京話 >> 普通話, 臺語 >> 國語

    1. 漢字很麻煩。多麻煩?從食物就可以看得出來。台灣有一道宴客名菜叫「雞卷」(ㄐ一 ㄐㄩㄢˇ),步驟繁瑣,是可以擺上過年和婚宴桌上的手路菜。



      The evolution is like the Telephone game, also known as "Chinese whispers" 電話遊戲,又稱中國話耳語

    1. 不能培養英語思考力的雙語教育是失敗的

      EMI (English as the medium of Instruction) 全英語教育

    2. 以現在AI發展的情況,流暢即席口筆譯根本不是難事。

      Accurate transcription of the source language (SL) is still a bottleneck. 源語語音辨識仍是瓶頸

    1. Unreliable import from Evernote .t3_q9bw68._2FCtq-QzlfuN-SwVMUZMM3 { --postTitle-VisitedLinkColor: #edeeef; --postTitleLink-VisitedLinkColor: #6f7071; --postBodyLink-VisitedLinkColor: #6f7071; } QuestionTrying to migrate to Notion from Evernote, I've tried automatic import from "My connected apps", but with that I was missing some notes. After some unsuccessful tries and investigation, I've found out that the import only processes 400 notes at a time, and I've had 756 notes in my Evernote. "Okay", thought I, "I'll just delete all the notes that's been imported already and re-import again". So I've manually went through all my notes (!) in Evernote and removed the ones that's been exported to Notion, tried import again, only to find out that the limit was shortened to 40.As much as I love Notion, its team does not make it easy to migrate to it. Does anyone have a recipe for reliable Evernote import?Update: after moving those 40 notes to trash in Evernote and restarting the import, it is now just stuck at "Importing 1 notebook from Evernote". I mean, as google shows, this problem is at least few years old, perhaps it is worth fixing now?

      Exactly my experience: no transparency as to how many notes were imported into Notion. I had 35K and the results were at most the most updated couple of hundreds. Successive attempts of reimporting did not help.


    1. Test-Driving a New Generation of Second Brain Apps: Obsidian, Tana, and Mem

      I'm a bit surprised at the conclusion: Evernote still the best and can't be supplanted easily. Seriously?

      But there are some naked truths about Tana and Mem (and Mem X). The Second Brain guy didn't mince words.

      I think he is too harsh on Obsidian. You can't have your cake and eat it. If local-first philosophy is of utmost importance to you, you've got to learn where the vaults are stored locally. Duh!

    2. avenue

      avenue 管道,方法, not "venue"

    3. front-loaded

      I'm actually not sure what this means.

  9. Nov 2023
    1. Just to understand well Obsidian/Heptabase, if we take the example of Card in Heptabase = Note in Osbidian, and Whiteboard in Heptabase = Canva in Obsidian, what Heptabase do that Obsidian do not? What is your view about that?

      My questions too.

    2. Excited to share a sneak peek of my new @obsdmd plugin :) • Browse the web spatially on an infinite canvas 💠 • Visually organize and connect your notes, videos, pdfs and websites 🛸 • Sketch and mind-map over a whiteboard
    3. Heptabase is the most promising note-taking app for me in recent years. The idea of combining bi-directional links, cards, and whiteboards together is mind-blowing. The word note-taking or knowledge base is not accurate to define it, in fact, it’s more like a tool that aims for boosting the process of thinking. Traditional note-taking tools are keen on providing more than enough ways for dumping your thoughts into notes, but lack methodologies on how to retrieve and use notes. The way Heptabase organizes and interacts with the data is what really empowers the user to think and write more efficiently. Back to the video at the beginning, after watching it I noticed a very interesting feature. I can’t stop thinking of it and really wish to have something similar in other note-taking or PMK tools like Obsidian (yeah, I’m an Obsidian fan).

      Exactly how I felt after watching the video!

    4. Heptabase’s split writing experience

      I was lead here, and quickly I watched the video by Alan (cofounder) at the top -- very worthy! From the video, I learned what "split view/split writing" is, and that is the basis for reading this article.

    1. Heptabase review

      A heavy-weight in-depth look at Heptabase, comparing with other PKMs.

    2. Heptabase is not designed to do anything useful with 100, much less 5000, .pdfs thrown in all at once. And that's the first big difference with say Obsidian, it doesn't really try to pretend it is good at large volume collecting, it wants a curated set of Topic Notes as input. Of course it can collect, but that is not the speciality.What Heptabase does focus on is converting Topic Notes into quality Zettles, Contexts, MOCs and Permanent Notes. That is stages (3) and (4).

      Great analysis

    3. I'm going to call these "Topic Notes" for the rest of the post.Tiago Forte's decomposition of systemsIf you look at the Gardener style products (Zettlekasten software) they are aimed at deep understanding and analysis of a topic.

      Embedded picture in quoted stuff. Check how it seems in Hypothesis.

    4. I’m in the early days yet in Obsidian but was really taken with the workflow that Heptabase affords for research and synthesis of new information. Nothing else I’ve seen is as clean in terms of the workflow to extract bits of information to manipulate and digest on a whiteboard. Very strongly inclined to include it to be my research and learning ground, while Obsidian serves as my polished topic notes repository. I’d been looking for a direct comparison of the two and hadn’t yet found anything out there.

      Heptabase advantage

    5. Anything temporal.Todo tracking. Hepta has todo lists and a daily journal l, Todos aren't treated any differently than other data. Journal is lacking a lot of journal features.Dependency trackingOngoing activity trackingIn short a project is a MOC / whiteboard... no different than any area of interest with very little in the way to time management.Coordination between multiple people. Heptabase offers a nice sharing system but that's it. It encourages an idiosyncratic non-standard way of working which will be difficult for other people to consume.An authoring system. Most good note taking systems have the problem of creating an idiosyncratic system. Many though have tools for export into public forms (Scrivener for book length documents, Ulysses for articles, Dendron a codebase, Zettlr an academic paper...). Heptabase lacks an export authoring system. It would pair wonderfully with most of the systems that do have this (the Obsidian -> Zettlr above would work equally well with Heptabase).Bulk operations. In particular mass document archival and manipulation. There is no easy way to get a lot of information into Heptabase nor any easy way to manipulate it once it is in there. I discussed this in the review. I should mention many PKMS are not good at this, you see these features a lot more in the KMS space (departmental or enterprise knowledge management).On a related note: handling of sound, photos.... is poor you can attach to a note and that's about it.No graph view. Not really needed but it would be nice. I've thought about importing to Obsidian just for the graph.Creative design. Doesn't matter to me but for the very right brained who like to draw...Total information preserving export. This one does worry me a bit. I'm experiencing the pain of partial but pretty good information preservation in moving notes out of VoodooPad.So what I'm doing is pairing with:Work systems / client specifictodo systemOngoing areas where activities and notes are both required. May or may not be in my todo, still deciding.retention / archival systemarea specific solutions (example music).

      Heptabase disadvantages

    6. Heptabase is only able to offer both ease of creation and administratin on the same note because it breaks with both Zettlr and Obsidian in having the version of the markdown note safe for a human (as opposed to a computer) to edit be an export only format. But that of course breaks with a fundamental paradigm in Obsidian that your notes are always just a bunch of markdown files importable and exportable to anything. In Heptabase they aren't. Heptabase simplifies the workflow by making the data structure of notes too exacting for a human.

      Sounds like the Heptabase markdown export content isn't easily readable and editable? Would be a huge concern for Heptabase-and-Obsidian interoperability, or Heptabase with any other markdown-compatible tools.

    7. when you export from Heptabase the export filename is the current card name, while in the actual production local directory Heptabase uses the card/filename is the guid. The card "Synology pricing" can be renamed "Synology 2022/3 systems retail pricing" if I discover I do want to also look at the used market, and on my "Which NAS to buy card" updates the name in the text automatically. That doesn't happen in Obsidian.
    1. 使用 Heptabase 管理数字花园

      Wow! Heptabase digital garden is possible with this plugin from Jiang (GitHub) 數位花園 網站 部落格 blog website

      Try using Heptabase; learn of its pros and cons against Obsidian #todo

    2. 这和我运用的卡片笔记法理念一致,通过不断的积累、迭代卡片完成文章的输出,而不是一来就面对一张白纸一步到位完成创作。

      Couldn't agree more! Digital Garden vs Blogging: key difference

    3. 博客 vs 数字花园 数字花园的理念与我正在使用的卡片笔记法、Heptabase 的设计哲学更加贴近,所以放弃了持续 1 年的博客,改用数字花园的方式维护自己的个人站点,下面会详细介绍一下原因。

      I concur!

    4. 尝试过 HUGO 和 Notion 等方式、研究了 obsidian publish,也实践用 Notion 维护了一年的博客,但一直没有找到比较理想的方案。

      想知道這些其他方案的缺點在哪。我自己用的是免費的Obsidian digital garden來Publish部落格。

    1. It added it was committed to delivering the safest possible service.

      官腔 perfunctory bureaucratese/officialese

    2. NHS interpreting service problems contributed to patient deaths

      This being BBC, and me being also a medical interpreter, I trust that this is true.

    1. 剛剛 在 一英英字典裡 看到 這個例句, 我很是納悶.We're dealing wiht decades of bad decisions that are coming back to roost now.一般來說, 若我要翻譯, 看到of我會由後往前翻, 但這裡的 decades of bad decisions 若這樣翻, 會很奇怪. 所以 來請教大家.

      這應該是填鴨式教育(rote learning)的遺害吧?看到「of」就自動由後往前翻,分明就是不問理由,只被教導要這樣做、這樣解題,我彷彿可以聽到某某國中英語老師或某補習班名師如此耳提面命:

      看到 A of B,意思就是 (屬於)B 的 A B 要先翻出來 不要問爲什麼,老師是教你如何秒殺 OF 介系詞。

      This is a doozy of an example of rote learning. 這是最棒的一個填鴨式教育的範例。

    1. 最近,我教過的學生們,有幾位開始變成中小學老師。這些同學們在我的課堂上到課率很低。我一直都不想去要求學生來上課,因為我自己當年到課率也是超低。所以我很早就用網路教學,一開始是用 YouTube 錄影後上傳,後來變直播,現在則改用 facebook 直播。奇特的是,他們說受我影響很深,教學的方法與理念都從我這裡獲益良多 ....這讓我想起一句話:If you would like to be good at something, teach it !

      If you would like to be good at something, teach it.

    2. 我的微積分老師是應用數學系的博士生,他完全把數學系那一套拿來教我們,一直在 delta / epsilon 個沒完,所以微積分只有分析沒有應用。

      點頭如搗蒜 T_T

    1. Yuen-Hsien Tseng「During the pre-training phase, GPT predicts missing words in sentences based on the surrounding context.」預測句子中缺失的單詞來學習上下文的關係,是BERT,不是GPT。


    1. 基於變換器的雙向編碼器表示技術(英語:Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers,BERT)是用於自然語言處理(NLP)的預訓練技術,由Google提出。[1][2]2018年,雅各布·德夫林和同事建立並發布了BERT。Google正在利用BERT來更好地理解使用者搜尋語句的語意。[3] 2020年的一項文獻調查得出結論:「在一年多一點的時間裡,BERT已經成為NLP實驗中無處不在的基線」,算上分析和改進模型的研究出版物超過150篇。[4] 最初的英語BERT發布時提供兩種類型的預訓練模型[1]:(1)BERTBASE模型,一個12層,768維,12個自注意頭(self attention head),110M參數的神經網路結構;(2)BERTLARGE模型,一個24層,1024維,16個自注意頭,340M參數的神經網路結構。兩者的訓練語料都是BooksCorpus[5]以及英語維基百科語料,單詞量分別是8億以及25億。



    1. catch me if I stray

      "Evolving from violent language" (picture, see Obsidian)