2,221 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2014
    1. How we meet this challenge depends on how we address the following fundamental question about teaching our digital-age children: Should we teach our children as though they have two lives, or one?

      two lives or one? Also, what about two names? A public name and a private name, as some cultures already have where only your friends call you by a certain name that others might not know.

  2. Dec 2013
    1. Pétrolia a d’une part mis de l’avant des travaux de suivi hydrogéologique avec l’Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS) en vue de caractériser le système hydrogéologique régional et d’assurer le suivi des travaux d’exploration

      Où peut-on avoir plus d'informations au sujet de ces travaux? Je ne trouve rien sur le site de l'INRS: http://www.inrs.ca/search/node/p%C3%A9trolia%20anticosti

  3. Nov 2013
    1. Nous continuons de solliciter la participation du public à des discussions significatives au sujet de l'inversion proposée de la canalisation 9.

      Cette citation a-t-elle une valeur légale?

  4. Oct 2013
    1. Knight Foundation’s $250,000 grant will enable us to spend six to nine months trying out the model established by the London-based Open Data Institute to determine how to best work with the many actors in this space. In collaboration with the Aspen Institute, Knight held an event in Aspen, Colo., this summer to bring together leaders in the open data community to discuss if there was a need for a new organization and whether the Open Data Institute’s model was a good one to replicate. That event led to the plan that we’re now executing.

      How does one get invited/apply to get invited to the very intriguing event in Aspen, CO?

    1. 電子出版のビューアソフト


    1. the key chemical evidence needed to confirm its distance

      What is this key chemical evidence?

    1. MONCTON, NB - Mounties say Native protesters at a shale gas exploration site in New Brunswick were armed to the teeth.

      Is there documentary evidence?

  5. Sep 2013
    1. What means does civilization employ in order to inhibit theaggressiveness which opposes it, to make it harmless, to get rid of it, perhaps?

      history of the development of the individual--

    2. animals, not exhibit any such cultural struggle?

      what is "struggle"? "culture"? is filiocide and the like, as performed to maintain social infrastructure, something with which animals are confronted, not a struggle?

    3. civilization is a process in the service of Eros, whose purpose is to combine single human individuals, andafter that families, then races, peoples and nations, into one great unity, the unity of mankind. Why this hasto happen, we do not know

      agree? what of cultures?

    4. aggression is an original, self-subsisting instinctual disposition in man

      selfish gene?

    5. Since the assumption of the existence of the instinct is mainly based on theoretical grounds,we must also admit that it is not entirely proof against theoretical objections. But this is how things appearto us now, in the present state of our knowledge

      research on instinct?

    6. self-evident

      Is it "self-evident"? Once something surfaces from the unconscious into consciousness, it seems intuitively "self-evident"

    1. Some of the popular orators say that offices should be assigned by lot

      Question of clarification: to "be assigned by lot" is a kind of pulling-names-out-of-a-hat method of assigning? I'm fairly certain this is what is meant, I just wanted some outside confirmation.

    1. A new pride taught me mine ego, and that teach I unto men: no longer to thrust one’s head into the sand of celestial things, but to carry it freely, a terrestrial head, which giveth meaning to the earth!

      is nietzsche (or zarathustra) teaching to overcome pedagogical limitations (i.e. other teachers?)

    2. the lion is needed for this capture

      cannot be camel/child?

  6. Aug 2013
    1. According to McLuhan, the “sheer inclusiveness” of information as a medium and as a concept expands both the field of battle and the semantic field of war. “Real, total war has become information war,” notes McLuhan in The Medium is the Massage, “it is being fought by subtle electric informational media—under cold conditions, and constantly” (138). Building on The Mechanical Bride and its critique of advertising as a declaration of war on human subjectivity, McLuhan traces the emergence of a new species of war that makes civil society itself the target of a covert, unceasing “guerilla information war with no division between military and civilian participation” (Culture is Our Business 66).

      Another question.

    2. Info War, however, makes civil society itself the center of gravity. Info War targets not only the physical infrastructure of information (nodes, cables, links, servers, towers, routers, electricity grids) but also the decision makers, “human or automated,” plugged into the grid.

      I missed the last couple of classes! What is info war again?