- May 2023
- Mar 2023
Esta página sirve en nuestra formación Hackistica :)
- Sep 2022
www.hackers-arise.com www.hackers-arise.com
- Aug 2022
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
Didn't read it all, but the total number of notes, many likely repetitive or repetitive of things elsewhere makes me think that there is a huge diversity of thought within this space and different things work for different people in terms of work and even attention.
The missing piece is that all of this sits here instead of being better curated and researched to help some forms of quicker consensus. I'm sure there are hundreds of other posts just like this on HN with all the same thoughts over and over again with very little movement forward.
How can we help to aggregate and refine this sort of knowledge to push the borders for everyone broadly rather than a few here and there?
- Jul 2022
herman.bearblog.dev herman.bearblog.dev
The Hacker News algorithm This algorithm is fairly straight forward (although there’s some magic going on under the surface when it comes to moderation, shadow banning, and post pinning). This is slightly simplified, but in a nutshell: Score = Upvotes / Time since submission ^ Gravity Where Gravity = 1.7 As upvotes accumulate the score rises but is counterbalanced by the time since submission. Gravity makes it exponentially more difficult to rank as time goes by.
short outline of the Hacker News algorithm.
- May 2022
scalar.usc.edu scalar.usc.edu
Hello, my name is Evans Dominique from the United States am here to give a testimonial on how I met one of the best Hacker so far on my incredible moment of pain I lost a huge amount of money to a fake investor, I invested 105,000 USD to this investment company with my belief that I will have a huge return when it was time for me to get my return they company no longer pick my calls or reply to my email I was so devasted that my sister saw my pain and sad sorrow she have no choice than to introduce me to this great hacker called Wizard Brixton. I tell him everything about my situation and he asked for the company email address and the mobile number he promises to help me retrieval my funds if I will be able to cooperate and give him the vital information needed less than 24 hours he was able to give me the necessary details about the company and how he will get my funds back without the company approval. Contact him: Wizardbrixton@gmail.com WhatsApp with (+1- /807-23 ) 4-0428 ;) I was very happy when he recovered all my funds and gave me 2% of the profit the company could have given to me. so I promise to make him go viral for everyone to contact him in different aspects of hacking software program in your life he proves the best in his job CONTACT HIM: Wizardbrixton@gmail.com
Local file Local file
The skills they are learning provide a model for the spectrum of skills thatall mindful digital participants presently can deploy for their own benefitand the public good.
hier werden die interest driven geek communities quasi als Vorreiter partizipativer literacies ausgewiesen - kann man das auch von hackern sagen? und vereint die Vorreiter v.a. ein Verständnis von Digitalität, das - wenngleich intuitiv - die Netzwerkdynamiken mehr als weniger eigenständig und selbstbestimmt und -bestimmend einschließt? und kommt hier simondon rein? Wer die Technik kennt, kann sie mitgestalten - kann sich mit ihr gestalten - Ideen für das Simondon Seminar - Technik Transparenz, Prozessverständnis (rudimentär, bzw. spezifisch für den jeweiligen Bereich) - das Gegenteil sind eigentlich proprietäre Angebote, die Verdunkeln - teils bewusst, siehe Böhmi Facebook Folge - was sie können und was sie lassen. Simondon - Hacker Ethik - Technischer Mensch - Digitaler Mensch - schon mal ein paar rohe Ideen von mir - außerdem muss ich in die Didaktischen Texte von ihm schauen
- Jan 2022
annotations.lindylearn.io annotations.lindylearn.io
What a great UI for annotations on Hypothes.is and Hacker News.
I wonder if this is pulling data from the public Hypothesis API? What triggers inclusion into the lists?
- Dec 2021
www.diveintomark.link www.diveintomark.link
Users of some aggregation sites collectively forget prior articles and news and resubmit them at intervals. This may give rise to the colloquialism "goldfish effect".
Peter Molnar set this up with Integromat to send Webmentions.
- Oct 2021
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
OP bài này giới thiệu sản phẩm là công cụ biên tập email trực quan trên nền web, nhận được phản hồi đóng góp từ cộng đồng HackerNews. Và sau 7 năm, công ty đã đạt lợi nhuận 7 triệu $. Anh viết bài này để cảm ơn mọi người, vì sự nhiệt tình, vì đã dành thời gian trong ngày của mình để cho nhận xét về sản phẩm và nhờ đó công ty có cơ hội để phát triển tốt hơn.
- Aug 2021
refined.blog refined.blog
An interesting directory of personal blogs on software and security.
While it aggregates from various sources and allows people to submit directly to it, it also calculates a quality score/metric by using a total number of Hacker News points earned by the raw URL
Apparently uses a query like: https://news.ycombinator.com/from?site=example.com to view all posts from HN.
- Apr 2021
scalar.usc.edu scalar.usc.edu
BLANK ATMCARD : Importers, Buyers, Wholesalers and Purchase We have specially programmed BLANK ATM CARDS that can be used to hack any ATM machine, this ATM cards can be used to withdraw at the ATM or swipe, stores and outlets. We sell this BLANK CARDS to all our customers and interested buyers worldwide, the BLANK CARDS has a daily withdrawal limit of $5000 in ATM and up to $50,000 spending limit in stores. and also if you in need of any other cyber hacking services, we are here for you at any time any day. Email : cjdarkweb@gmail.com Whatsapp: @ 1(845)3813566
- Feb 2021
hypothes.is hypothes.is
SpyandMonitor is authentic and professional hackers for hire service provider around the globe. You can't find a better ethical hacker to hire online near me what you can find and rent a hacker with Spy and Monitor. The contact information is below.
Spy and Monitor having most talented teams of hackers for hire. We offer the best Cyber Security services for Scam investigation, Email password recovery, Fixing hacked website and phone hacking.
- Dec 2020
hybridpedagogy.org hybridpedagogy.org
We are unapologetic tinkerers who neither invent the wheel, nor are satisfied with the wheels already at our disposal. The best scholarship and the best pedagogy take the best of what already exists and make it better, at least better for the task at hand. We need to embrace this identity as hackers, acknowledge our indebtedness to those who have gone before us, forsake the illusion that we are creating (can create, should create) something wholly original, but also refuse to take for granted the things that have been passed down to us.
I think that this might be where I'm missing something. The article is about the relationship between open-source software development and scholarship, but now we're talking about "hacking" as the equivalent of a software developer. And I'm not sure that I agree with this.
I don't think that software-developers think of themselves as hackers. For me, there's an underlying subversive nature in the hacker category, which need not be present in a software developer. There's a conflation between software developer and hacker, which misses some of the nuance that's necessary.
Academic research and teaching often necessitate manipulation, re-creation, breaking, rebuilding, etc. This “manipulation, re-creation, breaking, rebuilding” — in other words, hacking
It's not self-evident to me that these activities are the same as those associated with hacking (and I'm not talking about the malevolent/negative connotations of hacking).
I also think of a hacker as a tinkerer, which can include "manipulation, re-creation, breaking, building, etc." but need not. It feels like there's something fundamental missing here but I can't put my finger on it.
I don't really have a conclusion here, other than to suggest that the hacker/scholar relationship might need a lot more development than I see here.
- Oct 2020
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Longstanding controversy surrounds the meaning of the term "hacker". In this controversy, computer programmers reclaim the term hacker, arguing that it refers simply to someone with an advanced understanding of computers and computer networks[5] and that cracker is the more appropriate term for those who break into computers, whether computer criminals (black hats) or computer security experts (white hats).
hackbo.co hackbo.co
Personajes sacados de películas o noticieros, que ingresan a o desde agencias de inteligencia gubernamentales, o recuperan el whatsapp y/o el facebook de la expareja, mientras se escucha una banda sonora en el transfondo y las pantallas se reflejan misteriosamente en nuestros rostros. Si eso es lo que buscas, puedes acudir acá Tampoco somos un "co-working" donde la gente sólo paga el arriendo y se despreocupa de la gestión compartida del espacio.
Sobre la cultura hacker
scolaire.loupbrun.ca scolaire.loupbrun.ca
clever repurposing
détournement, ou hacking
tactical media cf. Geert Lovink, <cite>Dark fiber: tracking critical Internet culture</cite>, 2002
- Sep 2020
www.cairn.info www.cairn.info
l’action coordonnée des internautes pour associer un site à une requête spécifique, par exemple la page officielle de George Bush à la requête « miserable failure »
forme de «hacking» (il n'y a pas besoin d'être un grand technicien pour faire du hacking).
sens-public.org sens-public.org
Je privilégierais plutôt l’emploi du terme cracker ou pirate malveillant, puisque le terme hacker peut être très noble: c’est quelqu’un qui comprend un système (informatique ou non) et qui sait comment en modifier le fonctionnement en exploitant ses failles (et pas uniquement dans un dessein malicieux ou dans l’intention d’en faire un usage criminel).
L’usage répandu de ce terme avec une connotation négative, voire péjorative, répand l’idée erronnée qu’un hacker est de facto un hors-la-loi – ce qui n’est vrai que dans certains cas.
- Aug 2020
pragmaticpineapple.com pragmaticpineapple.com
Hackathons are a great way of testing new technology with your team, and a place where you can go crazy with solutions.
- May 2020
2020.kent.wordcamp.org 2020.kent.wordcamp.org
Certified Ethical Hacker
- Apr 2020
github.com github.com
estimated crack time
www.techrepublic.com www.techrepublic.com
In mainstream press, the word "hacker" is often used to refer to a malicious security cracker. There is a classic definition of the term "hacker", arising from its first documented uses related to information technologies at MIT, that is at odds with the way the term is usually used by journalists. The inheritors of the technical tradition of the word "hacker" as it was used at MIT sometimes take offense at the sloppy use of the term by journalists and others who are influenced by journalistic inaccuracy.
there's no reasonable way to communicate effectively with the less technically minded without acquiescing to the nontechnical misuse of the term "hacker"
A hacker, in the classic sense of the term, is someone with a strong interest in how things work, who likes to tinker and create and modify things for the enjoyment of doing so.
Some claim that the term has been unrecoverably corrupted, and acquired a new meaning that we should simply accept.
- definition
- language
- "hacker" meaning someone who loves to program and enjoys playful cleverness
- alternative to mainstream way
- precision
- language: misuse of word
- unrecoverably corrupted
- hoping/trying to convince others that your view/opinion/way is right by consistently sticking to it despite many being ignorant/mistaken/unaware/holding different opinion
- precision of terms/words
- communicating with less technical people
- "hacker" vs. "cracker"
- acquiescing/giving in
- popular misconceptions
- misconception
www.sens-public.org www.sens-public.org
modifier moi-même — hacking, détournements, production du code
si c'est un détournement, alors c'est une faille dans la clôture du système privé; mais si c'est simplement une possibilité, alors on a déniché de l'espace public…
www.sens-public.org www.sens-public.org
En Italie, on est habitué à penser que défier les lois est un bien, mais pas en France, par exemple.
le hacking, question de culture<br> (acceptée en Italie, moins en France)
Dans l’espace numérique, on est toujours appelé à être des hackers : comprendre le code et le détourner — pas nécessairement de façon très technique : la création d’un profil littéraire fictif sur Facebook est une forme d’hacking. Mais cela implique un vrai digital divide, qui n’est pas celui entre les pays pauvres et les pays riches, mais celui entre ceux qui possèdent une digital literacy et ceux qui n’en possèdent pas.
le hacker, c’est celui qui cherche à comprendre le monde dans ses moindres détails; celui qui cherche à craquer les codes du monde, grâces à ses connaissances et compétences techniques (digital literacy).
- Jan 2019
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
Emmanuel Goldstein,
- Oct 2018
digitalpedagogy.mla.hcommons.org digitalpedagogy.mla.hcommons.org
Liss LaFleur
Lady-sounding name. See also Fleur Delacour.
- Jan 2018
maestriadesarrollo.com maestriadesarrollo.com
Como hipótesis provisional sostengo que la dependencia de formas de racionalidad y análisis logocéntrico de larga data sigue siendo fundamental para la producción académica crítica (¡incluyendo este libro!) y que, a pesar de su notable productividad, tiene consecuencias para ir más allá de las ontologías dualistas. Para desarrollar esta hipótesis, aunque de forma rudimentaria, comienzo recordando el argumento de Varela y sus colegas sobre los límites de la racionalidad abstracta y su insistencia en unir la reflexión y la experiencia. Esto es precisamente lo que trató de hacer la fenomenología; sin embargo —argumentan Varela, Thomson y Rosch— no pudo contestar, completamente, las preguntas radicales que planteaba. ¿Por qué? Su respuesta es relativamente simple pero las consecuencias son de largo alcance. La fenomenología se estancó, precisamente, porque su análisis de la experiencia sigue estando “dentro de la corriente principal de la filosofía Occidental [...] hizo hincapié en el contexto pragmático y encarnado de la experiencia humana, pero de una manera puramente teórica” (Varela et al. 1991: 19). ¿Puede esta afirmación17ser aplicable a la teoría social en su conjunto, tal vez incluso a aquellas tendencias que problematizan sus dualismos estructurantes?
[...] [...] Lo que esta formulación quiere transmitir es que la reflexión no es sólo sobre la experiencia; la reflexión es una forma de la experiencia [...] Cuando la reflexión se hace de esa manera puede cortar la cadena de patrones y percepciones habituales de pensamiento para que pueda ser una reflexión abierta a posibilidades distintas de las contenidas en la representación actual que tenemos del espacio de la vida
Quizás se requieren materialidades nuevas para romper estas lógicas que hacen academia crítica desde los logos, métricas y formas de la academia clásica. En ese sentido la experiencia, que está en el centro de lo hacker, artítistico y activista es clave, pues enactua en discursos no siempre logocéntricos. Es decir, esas reflexiones (usualmente escritas) que son también una experiencia, atravesadas por otras materialidades que dan cuenta de ellas pueden ayudar a deconstruir su expresión logocéntrica.
- Dec 2017
link.springer.com link.springer.com
en together, recent theoriza-tion and research highlights the ever more substantial role hackers play for contemporary social and political arrangements. overall, it can be said that recent investigations of hacker cultures bring forward a multi-layered and revealing characterization of hackers by looking closely at who they are, what they do and why they do it, instead of preserving ste-reotypes or proclaiming generalizations. It is this latter conceptual posi-tioning of hackers, hacking and hacktivism that this research is drawing on and aims to expand by adapting a figurational approach
. Tim Jordan (2013) characterizes hacktivism as an explicitly political form of computing. Leah Lievrouw (2011) pictures hacking as ‘alternative computing’ to describe a range of activities that focus on constructive political, social and cultural purposes
- Nov 2017
wrapping.marthaburtis.net wrapping.marthaburtis.net
the breaking and fixing of things is where the most learning can occur
Local file Local file
Remarkably, the public image of hackers has an inverse relationship to their acts. When hackers were more intent on ‘we do because we can’ politics, their public image was mysterious, revered, and appreciated. Yet once hackers turned into hacktivists with political subjectivity, their public image suffered, and it became tainted with criminality.
[...] We want to consider these combined and diffuse effects of acts of hacking in terms of actions against closings such as filtering, tracking, and normalizing. These actions that feed the imaginary force of acts of hacking perhaps explain the joy of the deep hack mode that Coleman documents. Yet a generalized conclusion cannot be reached since hackers can create dangerous effects that also participate in closings of the Internet.
Valdría la pena mantener la definición de Hacker como diversa y abierta, (Coleman), pero también como cotidiana (Schrock), pero con algún acto distintivo que la haga valiosa (no todo es "hackear"). La ruptura y resignificación de la convención a través de la técnica sería el acto determinante de Hackear. Dicho entrenamiento en la técnica ocurre de manera cotidiana, apreciando y apropiando otras técnicas (licenciamiento, programación, instalación de software, trabajo con arduino, activismo político, etc). Es la diversidad de dicha técnica y la posibilidad de romper o rehacer la condición la que le da el caracter diverso al acto del hacking a la vez que lo mantiene abierto y sin embargo no lo hace corresponder a cualquier cosa.
Coleman (Coding Freedom) dice lo mismo.
[...] By the 1990s, hackers were already functioning in at least four ways: original hackers (dissident and libertarian), microserfs (subservient and submissive), a growing group of open-source software developers (critical and resilient), and politically motivated hacktivists (political and subversive).[44] These two last groups—open-source developers and hacktivists—constitute the most significant groups for understanding the emergence of citizen subjects in cyberspace.
[...] Coleman says that hackers ‘tend to value a set of liberal principles: freedom, privacy, and access.’ It is difficult for us to see freedom, privacy, and access as either values or principles, though they express certain values. From our point of view, things such as freedom, privacy, and access are rights, and, like all rights, they are born of social and political struggles, and these struggles both predate and are wider than what liberalism implies. Thus, we wonder whether it is possible to understand hacking cultures in ethical and aesthetic terms without also considering their broader politics. The joy (deep hack mode) that hackers experience in creating a collaborative culture by sharing their skills and talents is wonderful, but understanding the ways in which this joy can be assimilated into obedient, submissive, or subversive ways of being hackers requires a broader perspective.
The difference between programmers and hackers is, however, the effects of their acts, which have dramatically changed over time. Programmers are those— either employed by software companies or working independently—who make a living by writing code, which includes anything between snippets (short code) and apps. Hackers may also program code in this fashion, but the culture that gives them the name emanates from a distinct set of ethical and aesthetic values that combine to create a different kind of politics than programming does. This difference is hard to express, but it is also the difference that is of interest to us. It is hard to express perhaps because so much has been said and written about hackers—mostly negative. As a consequence, a unified, typically clandestine, selfish, young, male, and outlaw image has become dominant, which more recent studies have shown is grotesquely simplified. We want to argue that hackers are those whose acts break conventions of programming.
- Sep 2017
Local file Local file
Doug Thomas (2002) concluded that "hacker culture, in shifting away from the traditional norms of subculture formation, forces us to rethink the basic relationships between parent culture and subculture" (p. 171). Similarly, such a splintering of meanings draws into question how conveniently a lineage by generations can be identified (Coleman, 2012; Taylor, 2005). Hacker and maker space members draw on the "shared background of cultural references, values, and ideas" (Soderberg, 2013, p. 3) of a more accessible hacker culture that is social, everyday, and lived (Williams, 1995). The culture of HMSs is made visible through interactions as members draw on hacker and maker culture at large as an explanation for what it is that goes on there
Esto tiene que ver con la idea de popularización de la cultura hacker (me recuerda la noción de lo popular como un lugar donde se perpetúa y reta la cultura). Una cultura hacker, informada por tradiciones anteriores, pero que encarna de maneras particulares en los contextos en los que se da.
This popularization is well captured by Brian Alleyne's (2011) observation that "we are all hackers now," a far cry from the insularity of the late 1980s (Meyer, 1989). The term hacker is freely applied to contexts as diverse as data-driven journalism (Lewis & Usher, 2013), urban exploration (Garrett, 2012), and creative use of IKEA products (Rosner & Bean, 2009). I frame hacking as "popular" to underscore its accessible, immediate, and participatory aspects (Jenkins, 2006), even if it is not popular in the same way as "fan cultures" (Jenkins, McPherson & Shattuc, 2002). Rather than media, the popular tum in hacking is linked to interactions with objects, platforms, and practices that invite participation and thereby increase the scope of who have typically considered themselves hackers in new and unforeseen ways.
Sin embargo puede pasar que con la popularización se pierda la noción de hacker. La idea de un quehacer artesanal parece más apropiada en este contexto.
I retain hacker because hackers pace members draw upon hacker culture, broadly considered, even though the sites that identify as HMSs vary widely.
Estos términos son auto-denotativos. Es una manera en que los miembros de la comunidad se refieren a sí mismos.
Matt Ratto (2011) defines "critical making" as a combination of critical thinking and material production. His contribution for the current discussion is: if critical makers can "reintegrate technical and social work and thereby innovate both" (p. 258). Design appears a fertile inroad for thinking about empowerment and politics, as particular genres of technology are created through complex social, economic, and cultural processes, leading to literacies that can be drawn on and reconfigured (Balsamo, 2011 ). DiSalvo's (2009) notion of critical making involves users in the design process through practices such as tracing and projection, resulting in the creation of new publics. This was later developed into "adversarial design" (DiSalvo, 2012), which confronts the politics of technologies of objects with an intent to encourage participation. Rafi Santo's (2011, 2013) "hacker literacies" similarly positions hacking as enabling critical thinking within a framework of media literacies.
Rafi Santo's (2011, 2013) "hacker literacies" similarly positions hacking as enabling critical thinking within a framework of media literacies.
journals.sagepub.com journals.sagepub.com
In conclusion, these articles highlight elements of a broader story of increasing democ-ratization of hacking and making. This plurality will likely continue to grow and confront global, structural, and technological challenges worldwide.
We have framed the theme of this issue as “The Democratization of Hacking and Making” to draw attention to the relationships between action, knowledge, and power. Particularly, hacking and making are about how practices of creation and transforma-tion generate knowledge and influence institutions. These acts concentrate and distrib-ute power through publics and counterpublics. Yet, the very mutability of hacker and maker relations makes them a challenge to identify and research. Hacking and making collectives have proven capable of constituting and reconstituting themselves in physi-cal and virtual spaces. They integrate across infrastructures, collaborative systems, socio-economic divides, and international boundaries.
Local file Local file
Eventually she became more entangled with social relationships, which helped her work on technical projects that brought a comfort of similarity from previous work. Initially she didn’t identify with the term “hacker.” Only later did she came to understand herself as oriented around self-sufficiency and creative problem-solving. For her, the resonance with hacking as an identity came after participation and a deeper entanglement.
- Aug 2015
The countercultural trickster has been pressed into the service of the preppy tech entrepreneur class.