- Jun 2021
www.archion.de www.archion.de
Bild 129
17.02. Philipp Günther, Margaretha Fehrmann
Bild 137
19.11. Jacob Günther, Catharina Porrisch
Bild 142
08.02. Jacob Günther, Maria Müller
www.migrationencounters.org www.migrationencounters.org
Mike: No, that was actually... She was still in high school. She was in senior year I believe. I wasn't in high school anymore, I was working at that time, working for the Solar Spot. I had barely started working for the Solar Spot and she kind of gave me motivation to do better. When you have somebody, you want to take them out and do extra stuff. So you're like, "Yeah man, I got to get this money."Mike: And that was another motivation that helped me kind of get up at a higher level than I was. But it was just a lot of stuff. When you have kids young, you think you want something, but you don't know. It's just like you think you like the person but you don't like them. You just like them for their looks or their body, and that was my mistake. And yes, she actually told me if I wanted to marry her.Mike: I didn't like her and I didn't want to do that to her. But she was just wanting to help me out so I could get my papers, but I couldn't do it to her, man. I just imagine myself like, "Damn, she's going to marry me." And then like, "What if I'm not the right one, and then she's going to have to go. She's taking that sacrifice for me. I don't feel like that's fair."
Time in the US, Relationships, Creating Families
- May 2021
www.archion.de www.archion.de
Bild 122
02.12. Jorge Potzscher, Martha Günther
Bild 135
26.04. Hans Rudolff, Barbara Sohrmann
www.archion.de www.archion.de
Bild 169
19.11. Paul Dietze, Barbara Portzscher
www.archion.de www.archion.de
Bild 106
12.09. Georg Dieze, Barbara Höhrmann
21.11. Paul, Paul Pietzsch, Martha, Hans Kürbiß
Bild 21
22.11. Georg Franz, Hans Franz, Margreth
29.11. Gregor Faust, Christoph
07.12. Georg Winckler, Anna Ehling
Bild 57
25.05. Peter Ehliger, Hans Ehliger, Katharina, George Zscheile
03.11. Martin Valtin, Christina Winckler
Bild 34
13.01. Andreas Reiche, Margreth Pezsch
30.10. Paul Ganßauge, Margreth, Wenzel Tize
Bild 95
20.11. Georg Reiche, Anna Mehlig
Bild 27
21.11. Georg Glatwitz, Margaretha Leuderitz
Bild 53
27.11. Christoph, Wenzel Franz, Martha, Max Leuderitz
Juni Hans Fehrmann, Catharina Faust
Bild 15
01.11. Barthel Scholz, Anna Pazsch
05.11. Christoph Paz, Martha, Valten Udolph
Bild 30
23.11. Hans Czscheile, Barbara Ferman
22.02. Barthel Scholz, Barbara Merwitz
Bild 69
05.02. Georg Sohrmann, Barbara Patz
Bild 75
Feb. Georg, Peter Borisch, Maria, Elias Patz
Bild 28
28.01. Lorenz Seifert, Barbara, Marte Möller
Bild 68
28.10. Georg, Hans Grale, Barbara, Lorenz Seyfrid
Bild 46
15.11. Petrus, Peter Glatewitz, Barbara, Georg Peterman
Bild 31
08.11. Georg Pazsch, Barbara, Gregor Potzscher
31.01. Donat Schulz, Barbara Schröter
Bild 74
06.02. Gregor Faust, Barbara, Hans Winckler
Bild 49
07.06. Gregor, Blaß Faust, Dorothea, Georg Pitsch
www.archion.de www.archion.de
Bild 140
18.06. Blasius Bartzsch, Dorothea Kühn
Bild 268
08.02. Martin Partzsch, Martha Schubart
Bild 435
26.05. Georg Partzsch, Elisabeth Döring
www.archion.de www.archion.de
Bild 12
31.07. Gottfried Jobisch, Regina Günther
www.archion.de www.archion.de
Bild 428
31.01. Greger Patzig, Matha Hennig
15.10. Georg Palitzsch, Maria Patzig
Bild 437
04.02. Georg Pietzsch, Christina
Bild 438
29.11. Georg Palitzsch, Maria Brendel
Bild 445
10.02. Georg Palitzsch, Regina Pietzsch
Bild 94
Georg Palitzsch
17.05.1715 Christina
15.11.1716 Anna Maria
28.01.1719 Rosina
24.01.1725 Regina
Bild 441
26.11. Christoph Hencker, Martha Pfeiffer
Bild 425
19.02. Hans Limbach, Barbara Pitzsch
Bild 432
22.04. Georg Lippich, Maria Kühn
Bild 444
20.02. Hans Limbach, Martha Hencker
Bild 104
Hans Limppach
15.04.1712 Christina
11.04.1714 Hans Georg
19.04.1716 Gottfried
08.02.1725 Regina
Bild 410
30.06. Hans Georg Limbach, Rosina Palitzsch
Bild 109
Hans Georg Limbach
12.06.1741 Gottlob
26.05.1746 Anna Christina
Bild 442
19.10. Martin Irmer, Rosina Standfuß
Bild 405
24.11. Hans Georg Irmer, Christina Dietrich
Bild 435
16.05. Georg Grundmann, Barbara Berner
Bild 431
14.01. Erhard Schuman, Margaretha Limbach
Bild 434
09.11. Christian Preisker, Rosina Limbach
Bild 430
22.01. Martin Mahn, Barbara Frantz
www.archion.de www.archion.de
Bild 214
Peter Irmler, Barbara Merten
Bild 240
19.02. Jacob Brendel, Martha Lehmann
Bild 229
22.02. Christoph Brendel, Barbara
Bild 235
28.07. Christoph Brendel, Barbara
Bild 251
09.03. Georg Brendel, Martha Brendel
Bild 212
27.05. Baltzer Berner, Ursula Döntz
www.archion.de www.archion.de
Bild 45
17.10. Johann Gottlob Irmer, Christina Limbach
www.archion.de www.archion.de
Bild 106
19.09. Jeremias Weber, Rosina Lehmann
www.archion.de www.archion.de
Bild 94
Jacob Peuchel, Brisca
Bild 14
Matthes Schüttig, Sabina Dittrich
Bild 165
Valentin Schüttig, Margaretha Hanke
Bild 217
25.02. Georg Kießling, Walpurgis Fritsche
Bild 36
Valentin Mehlig, Margaretha Tham
Bild 205
23.01.1616 Balthasar Mehlig, Anna Fehrmann
Bild 216
Gregor Hacke, Margaretha Peuchel
Bild 236
25.09. Georg Löbner, Maria Schedrich
www.archion.de www.archion.de
Bild 11
17.11. Martin Beuchel, Anna Fehrmann
Bild 115
Martin Beuchel, Anna
Bild 251
17.06. Johann Riehl, Anna Beuchel
Bild 4
06.01. Georg Große, Anna Potzscher
Bild 164
14.04. Martin Große, Maria Reiche
Bild 354
31.01. Martin Große, Maria Mehlig
Bild 18
05.07. Martin Löwner, Margaretha Bache
www.archion.de www.archion.de
Bild 50
24.11. Michael Hillig, Rosina
Bild 232
18.10. Michael Hillig, Anna Regina Weber
Bild 196
22.11. Christian Große, Anna Rosina Grellmann
Bild 300
19.02. Johann Georg Hamann, Eva Christina Mahn
Bild 316
30.03. Johann Lehmann, Anna Maria Hamann
Bild 359
26.08. Peter Zschoche, Anna Maria Hohmann
www.archion.de www.archion.de
Bild 165
Jan. Georg Grellmann, Sophia Gebhard
Bild 146
09.11. Georg Wustlich, Margaretha Pincker
Bild 153
23.11. Georg Mehlig, Matha Wustlich
Bild 162
31.01. Martin Große, Maria Mehlig
- Apr 2021
www.archion.de www.archion.de
Bild 14
11.01. Blasius Ludwig, Margaretha Scholz
Bild 29
20.10. Donat Schulz, Anna Sorman
Bild 47
28.04. Christoph Ludwig, Martha Fehrmann
05.05. Georg Pitsch, Barbara Schulz
Bild 70
26.11. Georg, Mathes Frantz, Barbara, Donat Schulz
Feb. Peter Ehliger, Margaretha, Blasius Hoyer
Bild 55
23.09. Barthel, Georg Pfirschner, Maria, Georg Ranisch
Bild 43
07.02. Nicol, Martin Müller, Anna, Christoph Pitsch
Bild 87
04.02. Merten, Nickel Müller, Barbara, Michel Fehrmann
Bild 91
06.07. Peter, Christoph Keulig, Barbara Laux Menzel
Bild 53
Nov. Caspar, Lorenz Borisch, Anna, Jacob Scheermeßer
Bild 82
19.04. Hans Tegel, Anna, Georg Leschge
Juni Donat, Jacob Patz, Maria, Jacob Köhler
Bild 84
Feb. Hans Maul, Maria, Georg Landman
Bild 12
28.10. Wenzel Franz, Margaretha, Lorenz Winckler
Bild 67
15.11. Andreß, Paul Winckler, Barbara, Blaß Ludwig
Bild 97
06.03. Georg, Hans Zscheile, Martha, Merten Adam
Bild 24
Nov. Hans Ehlig, Anna, Barthel Franz
Bild 99
Nov. Georg, Peter Glatwitz, Barbara, Christoph Franz
Bild 56
Jan. Valtin Hertel, Widwer, Christina, Georg Palitzsch
Bild 25
19.01. Wenzel Fermann, Catarina, ... Merwitz
Bild 61
August Jacob, Peter Dieze, Maria, Wenzel Fehrmann
Bild 20
20.04. Merten Mahn, Georg Sorman, Maria
Bild 13
19.10. Georg Forman, Margarethe, Brosius Pazsch
Bild 48
20.02. Georg, Georg Landman, Martha, Merten Klügel, Witwe
Bild 38
07.05. Michael Fehrman, Martin Fehrman, Anna, Martin Andrie
Bild 60
06.11. Georg, Gregor Faust, Maria, Hans Fehrmann
Bild 90
10.02. Jacob, Jeremias Fickler, Maria, Michael Fehrmann
Bild 101
25.11. Hans, Georg Faust, Anna, Martin Mahn
www.archion.de www.archion.de
Bild 189
20.11. Jacob, Peter Schützig, Maria, Jacob Hermann
Bild 179
18.06. Jacob Herman, Martha Wustlich
Bild 176
24.01. Andreas Kirsten, Lorentz Kirsten zu Lampersdorf und Jungfrau Dorothea, Peter Weisener
www.archion.de www.archion.de
Bild 126
19.02. Georg Günther, Barbara Tachsel
Bild 134
23.11. Martin Günther, Maria Pförsner
Bild 141
27.11. Georg Günther, Maria Mentzel
Bild 147
28.02. Georg Günther, Georg Günther, Christiane, Jacob Schützig
www.archion.de www.archion.de
Bild 429
23.02. Georg Graupitz, Anna Schimbrig
Bild 433
16.11. Georg Schimbrig, Catharina, Martin Pietzsch
Bild 422
26.02. Martin Wend, Maria Pietzsch
Bild 447
23.11. Christian Wend, Maria Günther
Bild 412
24.01. Georg Dachsel, Elisabeth Pietzsch
06.02. Michael Dachsel, Rosina Wend
www.archion.de www.archion.de
Bild 24
06.04. Johann Gottlob Dachsel, Michael Dachsel, Anna Regina, Johan Richter
www.archion.de www.archion.de
Bild 6
23.11. Christian Hörig, Christian Hörig, Eva Rosina, Georg Groß
Bild 78
23.02. Johann Gottlob Hörig, Christian Hörig, Anna Rosina, Johan Gast
www.archion.de www.archion.de
Bild 63
29.11. Johann Gottlieb Eulitz, Johann Eulitz, Anna Rosina Hörig, Gottlob Hörig
www.archion.de www.archion.de
Bild 326
25.06. Johann Christian Fuhrmann, Johanna Rosina Eulitz
www.archion.de www.archion.de
Bild 220
27.06. Carl Gottlob Hiekel, Carl Friedrich Hiekel, Johanne Christiane Gottleuber
www.archion.de www.archion.de
Bild 153
22.04. Andreas Kirsten, ... Kirsten, Anna, Hans Kuhn
www.archion.de www.archion.de
Bild 8
22.01. Blasius Hoyer, Eufemia, Ambrosi Donat
Bild 85
17.12. Blasius ..., Martha, Bartolomes ...
www.archion.de www.archion.de
Bild 13
21.10. Mahten Adam, Elisabeth, Brosius Vogel
Bild 43
05.03. Nicol Adam, Magdalena, Burkhard Vogel
Bild 50
30.06. Martin, Martin Adam, Magdalena, Nicol Adam, Wittwe
www.archion.de www.archion.de
Bild 35
28.11. Martin Pietzsch, Georg Pietzsch, Elisabeth, Andreas Winckler
Bild 20
08.02. Andreas Gießmann, Andreas Gießmann, Barbara, Johann Schultze, Wittwe
Bild 13
01.06. Johann Schultze, Johann Schultze, Barabara, Johann Faust, Wittwe
Bild 98
04.09. Benjamin Heinrich Klotzsche, Wittwer und Rosina, Georg Fickler
www.archion.de www.archion.de
Bild 101
10.11. Lucas Wiesener, Ursula, Georg Schubart
Bild 109
15.11. Gregor Wustlich zum Sora und Jungfrau Ursula, hinderlaßene Tochter Georg Preisler ... von Sachsendorf
www.archion.de www.archion.de
Bild 248
02.06. Johann Berner, Martin Berner Maria, Andreas Kießling => Die Ehefrau heißt eigentlich Martha
- Mar 2021
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
Cousins, S. (2020). 2·5 million more child marriages due to COVID-19 pandemic. The Lancet, 396(10257), 1059. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(20)32112-7
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
the Guardian. ‘Pandemic Forcing Girls in South-East Asia and Pacific out of School and into Marriage – Study’, 15 March 2021. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/mar/16/pandemic-forcing-girls-in-south-east-asia-and-pacific-out-of-school-and-into-marriage-study.
- Dec 2020
icla2020b.jonreeve.com icla2020b.jonreeve.com
She was sure she would win.
The phrasing of "win" here is super interesting because to me it doesn't seem like a situation where one can "win." Even if she convinces him to marry her daughter, her daughter's innocence is still lost, and now she's trapped in a marriage with a man almost twice her age. Does she mean that she'll do the best with this unfortunate situation she's been given, or is this truly a "win" for her? Notably the she here is slightly ambiguous, does Mrs. Mooney win, her daughter win, both, or neither?
- Oct 2020
icla2020b.jonreeve.com icla2020b.jonreeve.com
The truth is, that women try marriage as a Refuge, far more numerously than they are willing to admit; and, what is more, they find that marriage has justified their confidence in it
Does anyone have a positive view on marriage in this novel? I mean this screams nice guy energy.
- Sep 2020
critter.cloudns.org critter.cloudns.org
All that inflated self importance trying to coddle the bride into a false sense of security, giving her an illusion of power so she’ll willingly undertake a ritual to strip her of power and individuality.
That sense is accurate, not inflated. Having a white knight defending your right to social dominance within a relationship is female privilege. Her husband will be duly, bitterly, reminded of his subhuman status till the end of his days.
- Aug 2020
Gale, W. G., Gelfond, H., Fichtner, J. J., & Harris, B. H. (2020). The Wealth of Generations, With Special Attention to the Millennials (Working Paper No. 27123; Working Paper Series). National Bureau of Economic Research. https://doi.org/10.3386/w27123
- Jun 2020
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Fetters, A. (2020, May 18). The Pandemic’s Long-Lasting Effects on Weddings. The Atlantic. https://www.theatlantic.com/family/archive/2020/05/coronavirus-could-change-weddings-years-come/611716/
- Apr 2020
freakonomics.com freakonomics.com
Hickey, M., Chen, D., & Douglas, R. L. (n.d.). What Does Covid-19 Mean for Cities (and Marriages)? (Ep. 410). Freakonomics. Retrieved April 24, 2020, from https://freakonomics.com/podcast/covid-19-cities/
- Jan 2020
www.perell.com www.perell.com
I've noticed a weird pattern: In most of the best marriages I see, one person is an early-bird, and the other is a night-owl. They have opposite circadian rhythms.I think this is healthy. The two partners get the benefits of time together and time alone, which helps the marriage.
Circadian rhythm as a way to validate a great marriage
- Dec 2019
frankensteinvariorum.github.io frankensteinvariorum.github.io
Among these there was one which attracted my mother far above all the rest. She appeared of a different stock.
In 1831 Shelley makes one of the most controversial revisions of the 1818 edition. In the 1818, Elizabeth is a blood relation--Victor's first cousin--since she is the daughter of his father's brother. In the 1831 edition, Elizabeth is instead "discovered" by Caroline. Caroline notices a comely blonde girl "of a different stock" among the dark-eyed, Italian "vagrants." When Caroline learns that Elizabeth is the daughter of a Milanese nobleman and a German woman she decides that Elizabeth and Victor should someday marry. Thus the potential implication of incest in 1818, when Victor eventually weds his cousin, is erased in 1831.
See, for instance:
Ketterer, David "Thematic Anatomy: Intrinsic Structures" in Frankenstein: Bloom's Major Literary Characters, ed. Harold Bloom (Philadelphia: Chelsea House, 2004), 33-54; Richardson, Alan "Rethinking Romantic Incest: Human Universals, Literary Representation, and the Biology of Mind." New Literary History 31, no.3 (2000): 553-572; Twitchell, James B. Forbidden Partners: The Incest Taboo in Modern Culture (New York: Columbia UP, 1987).
- Oct 2019
s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.comp.pdf4
Hall tells his sister that it is her duty to make her husband pious
Hall assumes his sister is happy because she has family now
Greene leaves it up to Sproat to decide if the womyn from his hometown should be his missionary wife
Hall wants Sproat to get married
Local file Local file
The Sioux say they will kill the first white man's wife they find, and Boutwell seems to be confused as to why his wife is uneasy
"Mixed blood" by Catholic fur traders intermarrying with Natives
So Catholics exert much influence on the Natives, because any children born in these marriages is baptized a Catholic at birth
This is important enough that another womyn noted it, and then decided to write it in her diary (the married womyn is Mrs. Copway
- Sep 2019
ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub ecampusontario.pressbooks.pub
systematic domination of women by men
"systematic domination of women by men" the beside statement is varies according to person to person, that is the right each one but according to my perspective the idea is wrong because after a long period of time each girl will feel some loneliness. This isolation can be avoided if you have some to care you. No women in the could be independent but they can live independently only a certain period after they miss something in their life. Everyone will leave you but the one who love you will stick with your downs and ups. Your parents will pass you but your husband be with you until something has happen. Below you have five important benefits.
- Aug 2019
Local file Local file
Seymour is unaffective among the Ojibwe because he is unmarried (want to get married because of his "sense of duty"), but he feels that marrying an Ojibwe women would ruin his reputation
In order to overcome suspicions of a mistress, Boutwell marries Hester Crooks
Local file Local file
Boutwell's wife is an Ojibwe woman
- Apr 2019
gutenberg.net.au gutenberg.net.auSanditon2
hire of a harp
The harp was considered a particularly graceful and feminine instrument, permitting elible young women to show off their charms and attract potential suitors. Many upper-class women, especially those in boarding schools, learned how to play instruments like the harp to make themselves more appealing in the marriage market.
He had been an elderly man when she married him, her own age about thirty.
This was an odd match for the time. In Regency England, the average age of marriage was between 23 and 27 for women and between 25 and 29 for men.
- Jan 2019
avalon.law.yale.edu avalon.law.yale.edu
If a man violate the wife (betrothed or child-wife) of another man, who has never known a man, and still lives in her father's house, and sleep with her and be surprised, this man shall be put to death, but the wife is blameless.
Mesopotamia is a place of marriages that are upheld to be a closed relationship. It is also a very interesting law, because it is similar to "Thou shalt not commit adultery", from The Ten Commandments.
- Dec 2018
gutenberg.net.au gutenberg.net.auSanditon7
buried two husbands
This is the first remarried woman in Austen's writing. While it was discussed in Persuasion, it was in much more generic terms, and mostly regarding men. This is an interesting dynamic.
Mr. Arthur Parker
Mr. Arthur Parker seems interested in the Miss Beauforts as earlier he thought a short walk to Trafalgar to be a lot of exercise, but he is willing to do a bit more to see the ladies. He is one of several single men in Sanditon and he is likely a contender to be a part of a marriage plot. This is assuming that, like all of Austen's other novels, Sanditon contains a marriage plot.
The question is why Charlotte should view the meeting between Sir Edward and Miss Clara Brereton as bad for the latter. Is it because Charlotte already formed an unfavourable opinion of Sir Edward as being a lover of Miss Clara's while talking "nonsense" to Charlotte in order to annoy Clara and appear an admirer of hers too? Charlotte finds Sir Edward tiring and may think he is, despite his title, beneath Clara. However, Charlotte does note that Clara's poverty makes her acceptance of Sir Edward's attentions more understandable. If so, then Austen is acknowledging the need for women to consider economic benefits to marriage, while also possibly giving her support to the idea of love in marriage.
marry for money
This quote epitomises the marriage market where one must consider financial and class implications when considering marriage, as opposed to love.
devotion to Clara
When considering class distinctions, it will be interesting to see how this relationship will play out.
poor cousin living with her
I predict that this character will be relevant to the marriage plot. The idea of a young person in this kind of circumstance reminds us of the Crawfords or Catherine Moreland. Single individuals living with relatives have, in other Austen novels, been very relevant in the marriage plots.
Links to common words/themes throughout the annotations
- reference
- theme
- social commentary
- vocab
- history
- Persuasion
- predictions
- opinion
- Arthur Parker
- poetry
- health
- northanger abbey
- pride & prejudice
- austen lore
- prose
- Northanger Abbey
- marriage plot
- emma
- marriage market
- women in history
- sense & sensibility
- synopsis
- mansfield park
- lady denham
- tone
- mr parker
- plot
- Opinion
- other austen
- other Austen
- Mansfield Park
- geography
- sir edward
- persuasion
- Sep 2018
www.dartmouth.edu www.dartmouth.edu
Nor gentle purpose, nor endearing smiles Wanted
I find it surprising that, to Milton, "fit conversation" was the purpose of marriage and his ideal of paradise.
- May 2018
annotatingausten.sfsuenglishdh.net annotatingausten.sfsuenglishdh.net
The discussion of Mr. Collins’s offer was now nearly at an end, and Elizabeth had only to suffer from the uncomfortable feelings necessarily attending it, and occasionally from some peevish allusion of her mother
Mrs. Bennet is so upset with Elizabeth not accepting the proposal because in the late 18th century getting married was important for young ladies, for future economic concerns, especially for those women who wouldn't be left anything after their father's death (Maurer, Courtship and Marriage).
- Apr 2018
annotatingausten.sfsuenglishdh.net annotatingausten.sfsuenglishdh.net
Day after day passed away without bringing any other tidings of him than the report which shortly prevailed in Meryton of his coming no more to Netherfield the whole winter
According to and article titled Courting the Victorian Women, "Courtship was considered more a career move than a romantic interlude for young men, as all of a woman's property reverted to him upon marriage". Mr. Bingley traveling is discussed as everyone's business, and "reports" are updated of his whereabouts. It's not that the town where the Bennet's live is gossipy, but rather so many young women are hoping to marry Mr. Bingley and wait for the opportunity to run into him conveniently, or can know how many times he has gone to see Jane Bennet etc.
Sir William Lucas himself appeared, sent by his daughter to announce her engagement to the family.
The tradition of a daughter being married well off, is such an event that Sir Williams came over to the Bennets just to declare the news. This is significant because according to Sparacus Educational, there was "the idea was that upper and middle class women had to stay dependent on a man: first as a daughter and later as a wife". Sir William Lucas is now free from the burden of providing for Charlotte, and has passed on the responsibility of caring for her to Mr. Collins. His excitement of the engagement isn't to boast getting rid of her, however, but his relief that his daughter will be sheltered and taken cared of when he's dead and no longer can (especially since Charlotte was already growing old and not described as pretty, which made people assume her fate was doomed).
- Sep 2017
lti.hypothesislabs.com lti.hypothesislabs.com
Charlotte’s short speech is punctuated with terms of finality—“entirely,” “in the least,” “always”—even as it loosely follows a couple from “beforehand,” through marriage, to the horizon of having “passed your life.”
Austin's use of diction to determine a major factor of Charlotte's decisions on marriage.
One of the most powerful effects of Austen’s novel is to show how attitudes toward marriage provide overriding norms that dictate forms of intimacy outside those cultivated within the conjugal couple.
Yes, and this is where the reconsideration of "modernity" also comes into play. What is a "modern" marital decision? Who is allowed to make such judgements?
Charlotte’s marginalization highlights the limitations that Elizabeth’s views about intimacy place on her emotional and intel-lectual curiosity.43 Austen reminds us of the lack of communication between the two former friends by having Elizabeth hypothesize at the end of her visit that she knows Charlotte’s real feelings, though they go unvoiced: “Poor Charlotte!—it was melancholy to leave her to such society!—But she had chosen it with her eyes open; and though evidently regretting that her visitors were to go, she did not seem to ask for compassion” (P, 233). Though Woloch argues that Elizabeth, by this point in the novel (after visiting Rosings and having read Darcy’s revealing letter) “has become the consciousness around which the novel—as a totality—is oriented,” Elizabeth’s parting interpretation of Charlotte’s inner life offers another example of Elizabeth reading social situations aslant: she is confident Charlotte is “evidently regret-ting” her departure, but perplexed that not only does Charlotte not ask for compassion, but she does not even seem to.
Wow! This is a great excerpt. Here, Moe not only identifies Elizabeth's misjudging of what a "modern" woman chooses, but she again also points out Elizabeth's flaw in putting words/thoughts in other peoples' mouths/minds. Charlotte is (assumedly) content in her role, but it is Elizabeth projecting her own fears onto Charlotte's decision that makes her, in the end, a poor friend to Charlotte. This, again, further the nearly impossible question: who is the more modern woman?
By portraying Charlotte as a superior helpmeet who is more than Mr. Collins deserves, Austen hints that the distinction Elizabeth makes between full, scripted banality and empty, untrammelled elegance is a false one
Something a reader should question, however, is the context of Darcy's comment. Does he say this because it's truly how he feels, or because he wants a wife in Elizabeth, as well? Also interesting how because Darcy makes opinion of Charlotte as a wife, it becomes assumed as "correct"
Time was full for Charlotte, though “not yet” weighing on her, while Elizabeth imagines her own as promisingly empty
One of Elizabeth's flaws, I believe, is that she often feels that everyone should think and react like her. She does not understand why Charlotte would marry Collins, but is not truly willing to try and empathize with her decisions.
But, Charlotte’s cathexis of marriage as an institution stands in striking comparison to Elizabeth’s acute surprise at her own hidden internal depths and her sudden discovery of a change of heart about the object of her affection. Charlotte does not experience a sudden change of heart, nor does she acknowledge that fear of approaching middle age prompted her sudden engagement, since I think we are supposed to believe her (Elizabeth certainly does), when she reveals “marriage has always been [her] object.”
Moe's comparison of Elizabeth and Charlotte strengthens her arguments about the institution of marriage within this time frame. Though both women have different expectations of what mate they will end up with, they are both inherently and consciously seeking marriage. But how does this play into the concept of modernity? Does that make them both un-modern? Or does the method of how they both were marriage make their distinct in their different levels of modernity?
Charlotte seems to inhabit the worst of both worlds; even in the domestic sphere her movements, conversation, and enjoy-ment are all checked.
Moe seems to contradict herself at times. Is Charlotte "modern"? Within the same paragraph, she seems to promote Charlotte choice, while also diminishing it. Or is Moe trying to argue that despite an optimistic, "modern" thought process, women's happiness and success are still in the hands of the men they marry? It is unclear.
From Charlotte’s perspective, personal fulfillment, growth, and happiness progress (or regress) with equal precariousness inside or outside the couple, and a loving marriage appears to her as an external, only occasionally relevant condition of her future internal well-being. Marriage is a tolerable constraint within which her flour-ishing does not have to be seriously curtailed.
I would argue that this is a "modern" determination of marriage for the period.
Defending her future against the claims of the present (her embarrassing family, her disappointing friend), means that the future expands, freed of its current burdens, to accommodate a future self who will have grown with “greater importance” and a future couple whose mutual progress demands a marital space purified of all intrusions.
It's interesting that so many contemporary readers see Elizabeth's marriage as very conventional, when she is striving to fulfill this "future self." I would be interested in seeing Moe identifying the many critiques of Elizabeth's marriage as non-modern, and working through them to defend her argument.
Elizabeth’s process of self-realization through discovering how wrong she was is consistent with her more general practice of negatively inhabiting social expectations. Her course of self-affirmation through negation is opposite to that of Charlotte Lucas, who, despite her age and appearance, surprises and overjoys her family by doing just what young ladies are supposed to do and what everyone supposed she would fail to do: marry.
Moe purposely poses the two characters against each other to express their severe difference in behaving "modernly." Yet, this succinct sentence is a disservice to the full reasoning for Charlotte's choices. It is easy to judge Charlotte as a contemporary reader, but her decision--though not remarkable--it still not something we should completely bash.
An ideal man is an incomplete catalog of qualities waiting to be augmented, and in an ideal couple, each participant accrues from the partner precisely that which their relationship demonstrates each lacks alone. By this logic, falling in love catalyzes recognition of one’s short-comings, even as it promises to compensate for them.
But couldn't this definition of marriage, then, apply to Charlotte and Mr. Collins? Before their marriage, Elizabeth thought quite highly of Charlotte. Couldn't Charlotte's strong qualities improve Mr. Collins'? And though he is not an exceedingly charming character, I am sure he has a few qualities that Charlotte could be improved from.
Understanding social forms as the moral fabric created by so many individual participants helps explain how Elizabeth can imagine herself personally affected by actions not directed at her.29 Actions must be sincerely felt so that social norms, like marriage, can be naturalized as self-expression. She would like Charlotte to feel secretly repulsed by her marriage or to discover that her friend’s equanimity disguised feeling oppressed by the circumstances that cornered her into marrying without love. It is Charlotte’s equanimity in the face of marrying Mr. Collins that most disturbs Elizabeth and helps her clarify her own expectation that a woman’s internal well-being should be either jeop-ardized or affirmed by marriage
At first, this concept seems a bit unrelated to the article, as Moe begins to discuss Elizabeth Bennet's sensitivity and the impact of other characters' choices on her. However, this is Moe's method of bringing up narrative, again, as she describes Austen's methods of using narrative to expose this emotional, affected side to Elizabeth. She also bridges this back to the discussion of marriage and why Charlotte's marriage feels so personally offensive to Elizabeth.
Elizabeth’s discontent stems from the way that she grafts individual choice onto social forms. Marriage, for Elizabeth, should not be defined by its being an omnipresent social form; it should be made meaningful by the intentions behind it.
Moe aptly presents her argument again, as she argues that Elizabeth's frustration with Charlotte, for example, has to do with her own issues managing her frustration with "social forms." Moe allows the reader to "fill in the blank" here, as the reader can use this piece of information to better understand Elizabeth's reaction to Charlotte--her frustration is in Charlotte's refusal to resist the social forms that inherently oppress women and impact the emotional aspect of marriage. By giving her reader room to make this judgement herself, Moe's argument consequently becomes more concrete.
The different theses Moe presents to her reader are all an original take on reading Charlotte and Elizabeth's argument, and Charlotte's individual views, especially considering the extensive description of the typical reading of these characters which Moe provides us with.
This introduction, though at times distracted from the main point through inclusion of so many outside theories and readings of Elizabeth/Charlotte/Austen, definitely engages the reader, provides grounding for Moe's argument, and makes this subject appear significant in understanding the conflict of modern viewpoints in Pride and Prejudice, as well as to better understand Charlotte as a character and her decisions.
By focusing on Charlotte Lucas, I aim to show that heterogeneous ways of thinking and feeling about marriage, about the decisions of other people (and of women, especially) are not only imaginable, but of interest to Austen.
THESIS part 1: diverse methods of thinking/feeling about marriage and why this matters to Austen (through focusing on Charlotte)
Austen develops heroines like Elizabeth Bennet to be ambassadors for novelistic generic acceptance at the same time that they are agents of social reform. The marriage plot is the exemplary union of both, carried forward by Elizabeth Bennet as the upwardly mobile bourgeois female subject who becomes responsible for the modernization of aristocratic culture into which she is accepted.
Moe acknowledges Elizabeth as the "modern" character, though her modernity is still restrained by the necessity of her getting married.
In the tradition of feminist criticism I’ve been discussing, the Austenian heroine and her romantic choices are exemplary not only of the modern individual, but also the novel genre, so that the interaction between genre and indi-vidual agency unfolds through the marriage plot
Now we seem to be back on topic, concerning narrative and modernity, in reference to the marriage plot.
I will argue that the agonistic relationship between Elizabeth and Charlotte exemplifies competing claims about the development of the person through conjugal intimacy. Ultimately, marriage in Pride and Prejudicebecomes a divisive lens for imagining future selves as well as justifying current happiness.
Another point of Moe's argument. She contends that marriage and "conjugal intimacy" develops characters differently, based on their opinions on the subject.
Narratives have limited resources—formal development, narrative attention, and thematic social goods—that are unequally distributed between protagonists and minor characters. In the process of being “minored,” the many clarify the one; in Pride and Prejudice, minor characters “contribut[e] to the development of Elizabeth’s consciousness.”5 As Elizabeth’s close friend and, in many ways, catalyst for her development, Charlotte is both a minor character par excel-lence and a register of the costs of such a system of individuation
It is important to relate the concept of cultural modernity and Charlotte's choices to narrative, as that is the main point of the argument (though Moe's thesis is not clearly stated just yet). Also fascinating to label all the minor characters are developmental aspects to Elizabeth; this is quite dehumanizing, but is quite arguable. Austen, therefore, purposefully has Charlotte marry Collins as part of further promoting Elizabeth's vehement feelings about marriage.
Charlotte’s views seem “not sound” to Elizabeth because they are anachronistic to developing standards of mutual regard that govern modern hetero-sexuality
Moe is methodically challenging Austen readers who nearly worship Elizabeth Bennet and believe she can do no wrong by using quotations here, implying the idea that although Charlotte does not abide by the same ideology of marriage that Elizabeth does not mean that she is "wrong" for making these choices. This is a purposeful, and clever, way for Moe to extend Charlotte's likability.
Yet, Charlotte’s stance is important to think through two hundred years later as a reminder of the multiplicity of attitudes toward intimacy, conjugality, and self-fulfillment in Austen’s fiction. This multiplicity remains unstudied by a tradition of Austen criticism that too often remains bound, even in contemporary feminist forms, to the analytic and prescriptive parameters of liberal personhood as those are under-stood to have emerged at the end of the eighteenth century.
Moe points out that many Austen critics do not view Charlotte's decisions regarding marriage as "modern," yet as a victim of the 18th century patriarchy, Charlotte's actions make a lot of sense.
anxiety about her economic future and a conviction that marriage was a social necessity for young women
Let's not also forget that Charlotte is older than Mr. Collins by two years He is 25 (99) and she is 27, as Moe's later quote states. This makes her "scheme" even more successful, as he would still marry her despite her burgeoning "old maid" status.
- Jun 2017
www.swamirara.com www.swamirara.com
Love Marriage vs Arranged Marriage
- May 2017
annotatingausten.sfsuenglishdh.net annotatingausten.sfsuenglishdh.net
He had not seen me then above twice
In her conduct book, Letters to Young Ladies on their Entrance into the World (1824), Elizabeth Lanfear warns women not to rush into marriage: "love-matches, at least those which are generally so called, do not always prove the happiest ; and, when entered into rashly, or at an early period of life, before either the taste or the judgement are sufficiently matured, mutual disappointment is too frequently the result" (Lanfear, p. 49). Lanfear is stating the possibility that marriage can lead unhappiness and warns women not to rush into marriage. If Colonel Brandon proposed the idea of marriage to Charlotte to Sir John, Charlotte might have needed Lanfear's advice not to jump into marriage so rashly.
- Apr 2017
annotatingausten.sfsuenglishdh.net annotatingausten.sfsuenglishdh.net
but she knew that this kind of blunder was too common for any sensible man to be lastingly hurt by it
Elizabeth Lanfear describes the repercussions of marriage and the commonality of how marriages occur: “marriage, generally speaking, in either sex, is more frequently the result of accident than of selection : propinquity, convenience, interest, or, at best, mere fancy, dignified by the name of love, forms the basis, of most matrimonial engagements” (Lanfear, Young Ladies on their Entrance into the World, p. 47). Lanfear's statement on marriage relates to this moment where Elinor notes her knowledge of this common type of marriage. In relation to Lanfear's statement, Elinor notices the infatuation between Mr. Palmer and his wife being the main attraction that led to their marriage.
The studied indifference
In her conduct book published in 1824, Elizabeth Lanfear explains the etiquette expected from married women: “a sensible woman, to preserve the peace and secure the affections of her husband, will often sacrifice her own inclinations to his” (Lanfear, Young Ladies on their Entrance into the World, p. 67). Lanfear states that married woman are expected to sacrifice their tendencies and desires for those of her husbands. In regard to the relationship between Charlotte Palmer and her husband, this same etiquette is very strongly illustrated. In this particular moment, Charlotte is being selflessly tolerant to her husband's comments whether or not her husband's actions affect her.
annotatingausten.sfsuenglishdh.net annotatingausten.sfsuenglishdh.net
“We have been engaged these four years.”
The typical engagement period in early nineteenth-century England is about 6 months to 2 years.
I was very unwilling to enter into it, as you may imagine, without the knowledge and approbation of his mother; but I was too young and loved him too well to be so prudent as I ought to have been
Approbation means the "action of expressing oneself pleased or satisfied with anything; or the mere feeling of such satisfaction; approval expressed or entertained" (OED).
According to the customs of the time, parents were to be consulted about a marriage and their opinion to be taken in high regard; however, men and women were mostly free to choose their marriage partner. If a young adult did choose someone who their parents disliked, they might be left out of the will or, if they are underaged, they may have permission withheld from them. Parental opinions were often respected by young people. ( Elizabeth Maurer, "Courtship and Marriage in the Eighteenth Century", Web.)
- Jan 2017
www.gutenberg.org www.gutenberg.org
and when his approbation of Rosamond's engagement was asked for, he gave it with astonishing facility, passing at once to general remarks on the desirableness of matrimony for young men and maidens, and apparently deducing from the whole the appropriateness of a little more punch.
Again, making light of marriage. Is George Elliot making fun of how quickly people get married and how expected that is?