- Jul 2020
www.differencebetween.com www.differencebetween.com
Take a look at the slogans of some of the popular companies.
Hmm, are these taglines or slogans? According to https://yourbusiness.azcentral.com/slogan-vs-tagline-12643.html:
A tagline should represent your business, while a slogan represents a single product or is part of an advertising campaign
it seems that these are more taglines than slogans.
In the Set class we already called this - and difference, which it is ok but not really accurate because of the previous explanation, but probably not worthwhile to change it.
Is this saying that the name difference is inaccurate?
Why is it inaccurate? You even called it the "theoretic difference" above.
Is that because "relative complement" would be better? Or because the full phrase "theoretic difference" [https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/set-theoretic_difference] is required in order for it to be accurate rather than just "difference"?
How is the use of - for sets inaccurate?
github.com github.com
I'll freely admit I was surprised by this behavior myself since I needed to obtain an Array with only one instance of each item in the argument array removed.
- Jun 2020
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
What would be nice is if JavaScript had a built-in way to do what I can do in Ruby with:
> I18n.interpolate('Hi, %{name}', name: 'Fred') => "Hi, Fred"
But to be fair, I18n comes from i18n library, so JS could just as easily (and I'm sure does) have a library that does the same thing.
Update: Actually, you can do this in plain Ruby (so why do we even need
?):main > "Hi, %{name}" % {name: 'Fred'} => "Hi, Fred"
main > ? String#% From: string.c (C Method): Owner: String Visibility: public Signature: %(arg1) Number of lines: 9 Format---Uses str as a format specification, and returns the result of applying it to arg. If the format specification contains more than one substitution, then arg must be an Array or Hash containing the values to be substituted. See Kernel::sprintf for details of the format string. "%05d" % 123 #=> "00123" "%-5s: %016x" % [ "ID", self.object_id ] #=> "ID : 00002b054ec93168" "foo = %{foo}" % { :foo => 'bar' } #=> "foo = bar"
I guess that built-in version is fine for simple cases. You only need to use
if you need its more advanced features likeI18n.config.missing_interpolation_argument_handler
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
If anyone else wonders How to just get data type of a varible (not column) you can use the pg_typeof(any) function.
www.fastcompany.com www.fastcompany.com
Kahneman’s Thinking Fast and Slow
Neil Postman
Human Universals
Donald Brown
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
www.engadget.com www.engadget.com
The developers are ending support for Tor Messenger due primarily to a lack of support.
What does a "lock of support" really mean?
- May 2020
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
I have used this bash one-liner before set -- "${@:1:$(($#-1))}" It sets the argument list to the current argument list, less the last argument.
Analogue of
built-in. Too bad there isn't just apop
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Related concepts in other fields are: In natural language, the coordinating conjunction "and". In programming languages, the short-circuit and control structure. In set theory, intersection. In predicate logic, universal quantification.
Strictly speaking, are these examples of dualities (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duality_(mathematics))? Or can I only, at strongest, say they are analogous (a looser coonection)?
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
ssh-add <(echo "$PRIVATE_KEY")
Does this have any advantage over simply saving that key to a key file under ~/.ssh?
Like they do on https://stackoverflow.com/a/61944004/47185:
mv "$DEPLOY_KEY_PRIVATE" ~/.ssh/id_rsa
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Where does
come from? Is this a placeholder or a well-known hard-coded value specific to __ (GitLab? my.company.com?)? Where is it documented? -
echo "${BASH_REMATCH[1]/:\/\//://gitlab-ci-token:${GL_TOKEN:-$GITLAB_TOKEN}@}" > $HOME/.config/git/credentials
git config --global credential.helper store
What does this do?
about.gitlab.com about.gitlab.com
In some contexts, "ops" refers to operators. Operators were the counterparts to Developers represented in the original coining of the term DevOps.
I have always believed the Ops was short for Operations, not Operators.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DevOps even confirms that belief.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
1. Disabling concrete extension update. That's what I wanted! You can do this by editing the extensions manifest json-file on Windows: C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\<EXTENSION-ID>\<VERSION>\manifest.json (find out the extensions ID by enabling developer mode in the extension settings page) on Ubuntu for Chromium: ${HOME}/.config/chromium/Default/Preferences In this file set "update_url" property to something invalid like "https://localhost" for example. For now according to given url updating of that extension is simply impossible.
www.merriam-webster.com www.merriam-webster.com
of, relating to, or being a grammatical case or form expressing means or agency
I really need an example of this!
It seems unusual that they specifically mention "a grammatical case or form". I've never seen a definition before that is anything like this one.
How is this different from definition 1?
www.darpa.mil www.darpa.mil
ignore shared content across pages
medium.com medium.com
github.com github.com
Introducing React-Static! How it works and why we built it!
about.gitlab.com about.gitlab.com
We don't have an internationalization group. That responsibility is shared across many groups. We might instead have an internationalization tooling group.
We don't have a performance group. Ensuring GitLab is performant is the responsibility of all groups.
gitlab.com gitlab.com
It seems weird to me that we are trying to enforce commit messages when they are not really visible or used in the GitLab workflow at all. This is what you see most of the time when interacting with the commit list. I've taken time to compose a nice descriptive body and it is hidden by default:
forum.gitlab.com forum.gitlab.com
forum.gitlab.com forum.gitlab.com
www.osano.com www.osano.com
quantum blockchain
Do they really use a quantum blockchain? What exactly do they mean by that? Probably just a buzzword they're using to attract interest but aren't actually meaning literally.
Did the marketing team create a new landing page that isn't searchable? Osano is aware of hidden pages and keeps you in the loop about what is loaded where – everywhere on your site.
How would it "know" about hidden pages unless the site owner told them about their existence? (And if that is the case, how is this anything that Osano can claim as a feature or something that they do?) If it is truly hidden, then a conventional bot/spider wouldn't find it by following links.
Most web browsers are set by default to protect your privacy unless you opt for tracking yourself. For example, Internet Explorer automatically enables its “Do Not Track” option and Google Chrome blocks any 3rd-party cookies by default.
app.termly.io app.termly.ioTermly1
Disclaimer: Termly LLC is not a lawyer or a law firm and does not engage in the practice of law or provide legal advice or legal representation. All information, software, services, and comments provided on the site are for informational and self-help purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional legal advice.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
If you update your pages and push to github, people revisiting the pages who have already got cached copies will not get the new pages without actually cleaning their browser cache. How can a script running in a page determine that it is stale and force an update?
www.chromestatus.com www.chromestatus.com
Mojofication, Onion Souping, and the Network Service.
What is Mojofication?
What is Onion Souping?
www.iubenda.com www.iubenda.com
So you can store consent for a specific category. But how do you check if they've given consent to a specific category??
From https://www.iubenda.com/en/help/18678-cookie-solution-consents-migration:
Per-category consent
allows to set purposes too and accepts an optional argument which can be{consent: true}
,{consent: false}
or{purposes: {1: true, 2: false, …}}
. If no argument is specified it acts as if{consent: true}
was passed.So you can store consent for a specific category. But how do you check if they've given consent to a specific category??
The consent provided by the user is saved in some cookies within the host page’s domain. By verifying the presence or the absence of these cookies you can determine whether the user has given their consent or not.
But how do you check if they've given consent to a specific category??
Here are the purposes included in each category:
www.britannica.com www.britannica.com
Taxonomy, in a broad sense the science of classification, but more strictly the classification of living and extinct organisms—i.e., biological classification.
I don't think the "but more strictly" part is strictly accurate.
Wikipedia authors confirm what I already believed to be true: that the general sense of the word is just as valid/extant/used/common as the sense that is specific to biology:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taxonomy_(general) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taxonomy_(biology)
www.civicuk.com www.civicuk.com
after nearly 10 years of continuous improvement
Not necessarily a good or favorable thing. It might actually be preferable to pick a younger software product that doesn't have the baggage of previous architectural decisions to slow them down. Newer projects can benefit from both (1) the mistakes of previously-originated projects and (2) the knowledge of what technologies/paradigms are popular today; they may therefore be more agile and better able to create something that fits with the current state of the art, as opposite to the state of the art from 10 years ago (which, as we all know, was much different: before the popularity of GraphQL, React, headless CMS, for example).
Older projects may have more technical debt and have more legacy technologies/paradigms/integrations/decisions that they now have the burden of supporting.
open source
So open-source that there is no link to the source code and a web search for this product did not reveal where the source code is hosted.
They're obviously using this term merely as a marketing term without respect for the actual meaning/principles of open source.
complianz.io complianz.io
A complete snapshot of the user’s browser window at that moment in time will be captured, pixel by pixel (!)
The mix of a fingerprint and first-party cookies is pervasive as Google can give a very high level of entropy when it comes to distinguishing an individual person.
www.fastcompany.com www.fastcompany.com
Google encouraging site admins to put reCaptcha all over their sites, and then sharing the resulting risk scores with those admins is great for security, Perona thinks, because he says it “gives site owners more control and visibility over what’s going on” with potential scammer and bot attacks, and the system will give admins more accurate scores than if reCaptcha is only using data from a single webpage to analyze user behavior. But there’s the trade-off. “It makes sense and makes it more user-friendly, but it also gives Google more data,”
For instance, Google’s reCaptcha cookie follows the same logic of the Facebook “like” button when it’s embedded in other websites—it gives that site some social media functionality, but it also lets Facebook know that you’re there.
www.iubenda.com www.iubenda.com
Make it clear that signing up is optional. Consent must be “freely given”; you may not coerce users into joining your mailing list or make it appear as if joining the list is mandatory. For this reason, you must make it clear that signing up is optional. This is especially relevant in cases where you offer free white-papers (or e-books) for download. While the user’s email address is required for the delivery of the service, signing up for your newsletter is not. In such a case, you must not make it appear as if signing-up to the newsletter list mandatory and must make it clear that it is optional.
Question (answer below)
Are they saying that it's not allowed to make signing up for a mailing list a precondition/requirement for anything? This was surprising to me.
So if you have a newsletter sign-up page that sends a digital bonus gift (like an e-book) to new subscribers, are required to completely change/repurpose your "newsletter sign-up page" into a "download e-book page" (that has an optional checkbox to also sign up for the newsletter, if you want)? That seems dumb to me, since it requires completely reversing the purpose of the page — which was, in my mind, primarily about signing up for the newsletter, with a bonus (an essentially optional one) thrown in for those who do so. Are you required to either repurpose it like that or remove the free bonus offer that would be sent to new subscribers?
The irony of this is that it requires websites that have a newsletter sign-up page like that to change it into a "newsletter sign-up page" where the newsletter sign-up part is optional. Which make you look kind of stupid, making a page that claims to be one thing but doesn't necessarily do what it says it's for.
Does this mean, in effect, that you may not lawfully provide any sort of incentive or reward for signing up for something (like a mailing list)? As long as it's very clear that some action is required before delivery of some thing, I don't see why this sort of thing should not be permitted? Would this fall under contract law? And as such, wouldn't such a contract be allowed and valid? Are mailing lists a special class of [service] that has special requirements like this? Or is it part of a broader category to which this requirement applies more generally?
Why is requiring the user to provide an email address before they can download a digital reward allowed but not requiring signing up to a mailing list? Why isn't it required that even the email address be optional to provide? (To answer my own question, probably because it's allowed to allow a user to request a specific thing to be sent via email, and an email address is required in order to fulfill that request. But...) It seems that the website could just provide a direct link to download it via HTTP/FTP/etc. as an option for users that chose not to provide an email address. (But should they be required to provide that option anytime they / just because they provide the option to have the same thing delivered via email?)
Looks like my question was answered below:
Explicit Form (where the purpose of the sign-up mechanism is unequivocal). So for example, in a scenario where your site has a pop-up window that invites users to sign up to your newsletter using a clear phrase such as: “Subscribe to our newsletter for access to discount vouchers and product updates!“, the affirmative action that the user performs by typing in their email address would be considered valid consent.
So the case I described, where it is made very clear that the incentive that is offered is conditional on subscribing, is listed as an exception to the general rule. That's good; it should be allowed.
Generally, these laws apply to any service targeting residents of the region, which effectively means that they may apply to your business whether it’s located in the region or not.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
P ⇒ Q
It may be confusing for a newcomer (or on first read-through) that the variable/predicate/condition that represents the "necessary condition" in this statement P ⇒ Q is the Q.
One might be forgiven for incorrectly assuming that the P represents the necessary condition. That is because most of the time when one states a statement/relation/implication/etc. about a subject, the sentence/statement begins with the subject. For example, if we're explaining about a "less than" relationship, and we give x < y as an example, one would correctly assume that x is the subject here and x is the thing that is less than.
So it may be a bit surprising to a newcomer (on first read-through) that the subject of this section — the necessary condition — is represented by the Q and not be the P.
(Made even more confusing by the fact that the very same implication P ⇒ Q is also used to express the opposite sufficiency relationship in the very next section. I would argue that Q ⇒ P should have been used instead in exactly one of these sections to make it clearer that the subject is different and/or the relation is different, depending how you look at it.)
Is there any reason we couldn't rewrite this to express the logical relation between P and Q with the subject first? If we let P be the subject (that is, "necessary condition" that we're illustrating/explaining), could we not rewrite this as P ⇐ Q?
In fact, that is exactly how this relation was expressed below, in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Necessity_and_sufficiency#Simultaneous_necessity_and_sufficiency !:
that P is necessary for Q, P ⇐ Q, and that P is sufficient for Q, P ⇒ Q
www.itgovernance.co.uk www.itgovernance.co.uk
Neither encryption nor pseudonymisation require technical knowledge to implement.
github.com github.com
I wish you would have contributed back to this project instead of forking or at picked a different name
unix.stackexchange.com unix.stackexchange.com
- Apr 2020
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
www.iubenda.comhttps www.iubenda.comhttps
The activity carried out by iubenda does not constitute legal advice in any way and no attorney-client relationship shall be established.
www.iubenda.com www.iubenda.com
Any explanatory texts provided in correspondence of the available services by no means substitute a legal opinion nor replace the assistance or advice of a professional. Such texts are merely intended to facilitate use and understanding of the Service, and are not exhaustive nor may they fit any specific case.
www.brucebnews.com www.brucebnews.com
Before we get to passwords, surely you already have in mind that Google knows everything about you. It knows what websites you’ve visited, it knows where you’ve been in the real world thanks to Android and Google Maps, it knows who your friends are thanks to Google Photos. All of that information is readily available if you log in to your Google account. You already have good reason to treat the password for your Google account as if it’s a state secret.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
[link](url){:target="_blank"} Works for jekyll or more specifically kramdown, which is a superset of markdown, as part of Jekyll's (default) configuration. But not for plain markdown. ^_^
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Chrome first sends an encrypted, 3-byte hash of your username to Google, where it is compared to Google's list of compromised usernames. If there's a match, your local computer is sent a database of every potentially matching username and password in the bad credentials list
Why do they only send password matches if username also matches?? A password should be deemed compromised and never used again if the password is found in a breach/paste anywhere, even if in connection with a different username/email.
github.com github.com
def self.broadcast(logger) # :nodoc:
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
For some unknown and unfortunate reason, this method is undocumented but you can refer to the source code or blog posts to learn how it works or see examples.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
It is not the browser's responsibility to auto-login to websites. This is the responsibility of the website you are accessing. The browser can remember form data and auto-fill for you, as can various extensions like LastPass.
www.freshworks.com www.freshworks.com
Finally, a collaboration tool that gives you full context
We prefer Freshconnect for ticket related discussions because it maintains the context and always remains part of the ticket. In Slack, these discussions get lost in threads within channels.
Collaborate where your work happens, not the other way around
- Mar 2020
www.iubenda.com www.iubenda.com
Using our privacy policy software implies having a third party integrate into your site. This post explains what kind of data is and is not tracked by iubenda.
www.iubenda.com www.iubenda.com
This difference is due to the fact that the Cookie Solution automatically excludes from the counting, the pageviews generated by bots.
It seems that Google Analytics could/would exclude those as well.
rubyworks.github.io rubyworks.github.io
Ruby's current handling of Dates and Times is all over the map. We have Date, Time, DateTime, ParseDate, and more, not to mention all the other common extensions running around out there. Ruby needs an improved class that incorporates them all.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
I want to raise errors with more context
www.adrianjock.com www.adrianjock.com
So if they choose to play the video, do they get some other prompt to accept cookies from YouTube BEFORE the video will play?
Advertisements are often injected with malware.
www.termsfeed.com www.termsfeed.com
a complete snapshot of the user's browser window at that moment in time will be captured, pixel by pixel.
Is this even technically possible?
If it were:
- how are they not disclosing this better, since it seems like a privacy concern since there could be any amount of private data in that form, that would what, get sent to Google??
- wouldn't that be a lot of pixels (a lot of data to upload), which would take a lot of time to upload, especially at high screen resolutions?
www.frontiersin.org www.frontiersin.org
has a surprising connection to the world of aging today.
- Feb 2020
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
How do I get the log written in the correct Time.zone ? The 9 hours difference, heroku (us west) - norway, is distracting to work with
- Jan 2020
a private library is not an ego-boosting appendages but a research tool. The library should contain as much of what you do not know as your financial means … allow you to put there. You will accumulate more knowledge and more books as you grow older, and the growing number of unread books on the shelves will look at you menacingly. Indeed, the more you know, the larger the rows of unread books. Let us call this collection of unread books an antilibrary.
- Dec 2019
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Since the time of Henry I, it has been used by the reigning monarch and is the longest-occupied palace in Europe
Make an note.
github.com github.com
Note You are viewing the README for the development version of Capybara. If you are using the current release version you can find the README at
www.npmjs.com www.npmjs.com
Doesn't this already exist? Probably Then why did you do it? Why does anyone do anything?
- Nov 2019
github.com github.com
this is not intended to become a big, public thing. You're welcome to use anything and steal any code. Please do not count on us adressing feature requests or issues though.
github.com github.com
I often wish for this. I don't understand why this hasn't been added.
Ugly workaround for now:
# Note, even though we don't need or use arguments passed to this selector, you *must* pass in an # argument to prevent it from matching the :id selector and giving a "Unable to find id :parent (Capybara::ElementNotFound)" error. # Example: el.first(:parent, 1) # You may also need match: first if el matches multiple elements to avoid Capybara::Ambiguous Capybara.add_selector(:parent) do xpath { ".//.." } end
ebookcentral-proquest-com.libproxy.nau.edu ebookcentral-proquest-com.libproxy.nau.edu
This book is current from 2015 and is one stop shopping for technology integration in schools. Integrations and Blooms taxonomy theory, ISTE standards, pathways (yes, it is still a slow process), understanding about classroom set up when using technology and learning theories, online, web 2.0, teacher resources, multilingual tools, different screens, digital cameras, and COPPA, Privacy, and Copyright laws. If you are looking for a job in technology integration in schools this is a must read and resource manual. rating 10/10
files.eric.ed.gov files.eric.ed.gov
This is one of my favorite articles about creating a faculty boot-camp for the adoption of technology in higher education. The article brings out the barriers and anxiety for educators in using techonology in the classroom. In addition, you learn how to incorporate learning theories in adult learner engagement. The boot-camp is three day's, follows "Knowles principles of adult learning," and included research, using online tools, and putting it all together. What is it? At the end they educators create an online course that they will use the following year! 9/10
journals-sagepub-com.libproxy.nau.edu journals-sagepub-com.libproxy.nau.edu
This article presents how to build a technology learning community in support of three rural schools.It incorporates teacher development, and uses many important strategies in understanding success. I would use this article as reference for conducting a study to understand outcomes. The used processes include: Stages of Adoption Inventory classroom observations, the Questionnaire for Technology Integration, interviews, STAR evaluations surveys, teacher survey perceptions study on the impact of the project on student achievement, and force field analysis. Using professional learning communities is imperative in professional development, culture, and productivity. This article unfolds in detail a plan and the results, which could be adopted as a success for creating professional learning communities. Ratings 10/10
- Oct 2019
www.thinktocode.com www.thinktocode.com
This can become messy when you have a lot of configurations in your Entity. Another issue is that your annotations are coupled to your source code. Your database implementations details, or any other configurations are coupled to your domain object. This goes against the guidelines of clean code. Your domain object (Entity) should only have one reason to change.
Thank you for saying that loud.
courses.lumenlearning.com courses.lumenlearning.com
“To measure the head, the height, etc., does not indeed mean that we are establishing a system of pedagogy, but it indicates the road which we may follow to arrive at such a system, since if we are to educate an individual, we must have a definite and direct knowledge of him.”
This is obviously done incorrectly in schools nowadays, referring to the large class sizes and common core putting restrictions on mostly everything. This raises the question, though, does homeschooling produce a better pedagogy? Or is it dependent on the specific educator?
But in spite of all these tendencies, Scientific Pedagogy has never yet been definitely constructed nor defined. It is something vague of which we speak, but which does not,[Pg 2] in reality, exist. We might say that it has been, up to the present time, the mere intuition or suggestion of a science which, by the aid of the positive and experimental sciences that have renewed the thought of the nineteenth century, must emerge from the mist and clouds that have surrounded it.
It is interesting to think about the hugely varying ideas that restrict the existence of a Scientific Pedagogy. Not even those that oppose each other through a research standpoint, but also those that are constrained by religious beliefs.
- Aug 2019
medium.com medium.com
I was so fed up of the mega amounts of boilerplate with Redux and the recommendation of keeping your data loading at view level. It seems to me that things like this, with components being responsible for their own data, is the way to go in the future.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
I am confused by the fact that people do not seem to be discussing which one to use according to these criteria. Most article I find are talking about arguments like speed or compatibility. But is this not the most relevant point?
- Jul 2019
tritoned.ucsd.edu tritoned.ucsd.edu
How and why did ethnic and national identities acquire their particular meanings? They were forged, I argue, through the struggles between contending social groups over who had access to the land and to the rights of citizenship.
Here is a thesis for the book, the argument of the author. That the social construction of race in America is best understood in the competition between marginalized groups, especially in the context of the united states 'Western Frontier' and settler colonialism, especially with the nascent white nationalists using legal structures and extra-legal violence to oppress and suppress non-whites.
Introduction "This Land Belongs to Me"
A simple title, but there is a lot to unpackage here! Just from skimming, I can tell this is a very dense read, and it will take a lot of work and time to analyse this from a feminist, militarist, economic, ethnic, racial, religious, linguistic, and legal perspective.
- Apr 2019
www.bivocational.church www.bivocational.church
In the end
Within my parish it went like that: I, a studied theology - once roman catholic - had joined the old catholic church a couple of years ago... after the early death of my brother I decided to use my studied talents within this church. The priest in my church was pleased to have a educted help and nugged me to get credits also within old catholic church for my finished studied - though i work within the IT Business. in the End I was sent to a small parish in vienna to help as Lector - not ordained but integrated within our hierarchy... So I got to know the people in this parish. I noticed i will have to spent nearly every sunday to get to know the people.. and to give them the chance to get acquainted ... When the Priest in this parish decided not to bury the burden of beeing responsible the parish stood empty... The bishop asked me to take over - beeing there and doing workships as good as gets - only once every couple of months the bishop could service us... so I did and prepared to get ordained as Deacon and then Priest. So it started 2010, Deacon 2011, Priest 2012 and elected Reverend 2014. But I was still working within the IT-Business - until today.. I reduced working time there... but now I have do do more work there again... the Parish will notice my lack of time and energy. I tried to get a valuable substitute for all the ministry lays can do in a parish, but the new bishop denied me help - this could detoriate the established order of the ordained priest - fear in their hearts that they could loose their full time jobs when lays get payed for their work - instead of the ordained priest. ... (sic!) I am a bit confused - am I in the rights church? is old-catholic not liberal and open minded? ... So I am searching for a compas to get my parish further on the way to beiing able to serve themselve... even without help from the bishop.
hypothes.is hypothes.is
Technology is in constant motion. If we try to ignore the advances being made the world will move forward without us. Instead of trying to escape change, there needs to be an effort to incorporate technology into every aspect of our lives in the most beneficial way possible. If we look at the ways technology can improve our lives, we can see that technology specifically smartphones, have brought more benefits than harm to the academic and social aspects of teenagers lives, which is important because there is a constant pressure to move away from smart devices from older generations. The first aspect people tend to focus on is the effect that technology has on the academic life of a teen. Smartphones and other smart devices are a crucial part of interactive learning in a classroom and can be used as a tool in increasing student interest in a topic. For example, a popular interactive website, Kahoot, is used in many classrooms because it forces students to participate in the online quiz, while teachers can gauge how their students are doing in the class. Furthermore, these interactive tools are crucial for students that thrive under visual learning, since they can directly interact with the material. This can be extended to students with learning disabilities, such as Down Syndrome and Autism, research has shown that using specialized and interactive apps on a smart device aids learning more effectively than technology free learning. Picture Picture Another fear regarding technology is the impact it has on the social lives of young adults, but the benefits technology has brought to socializing outweighs any possible consequences. The obvious advantage smartphones have brought to social lives is the ability to easily communicate with people; with social media, texting, and calling all in one portable box there is no longer a struggle to be in contact with family and friends even if they are not in your area. Social media can also be used for much more In recent years, social media has been a key platform in spreading platforms and movements for social change. Because social media websites lower the barrier for communicating to large groups of people, it has been much easier to spread ideas of change across states, countries, or the world. For example, after Hurricane Sandy tore apart the northeastern United States, a movement called "Occupy Sandy" in which people gathered to provide relief for the areas affected was promoted and organized through social media. Other movements that have been possible because of social media include #MeToo, March for Our Lives, #BlackLivesMatter, and the 2017 Women's March.
There is no question that technology is becoming a part of our lives more every day. What we have to take a closer look at is the increasing dependency that children have on smart devices, which is taking over all other normal childhood activities, an important occurrence because it is interfering with normal childhood development and negatively impacting relationships between parents and children. Smartphones give young adults access to almost unlimited information and almost unlimited content that they may not yet be equipped to navigate. Every parent wants to know what is going on in their child's life, but with smartphones, this is highly suggested just to make sure the internet has not led them down a dark path. For example, an astonishing study found that 19% of young adults ages 13-19 sent sexually suggestive content online, and 31% had received this type of content. Smartphones make exposure to these things at an early age much easier, and preventing the exposure much harder. There are many restrictions and blocks that can be put in place to help guide children in the right parts of the internet, but there is still the issue of time management on devices. Smartphones and other smart devides have taken the place of activities that should be prioitized for a healthy lifestyle, such as homework and exercise. One aspect that has drawn many children into overuse of technology is online gaming. Online games often have interactions with other online players, which allows children to feel as if they are socializing without actually interacting with friends, especially for children who struggle with in person interaction.
While this may be beneficial for short term socializing or motor skills, in the long-run, the children are choosing to sit and stare at a screen instead of interacting with people around them, or doing productive things such as homework, so the short-term benefits are outweighed by long-term consequences.
The music we listen to highly impacts our decision making, especially as adolescents. Adolescents are extremely impressionable, and the music they listen to has a great impact on how they decide to live their day to day lives. Popular musicians are seen as role models by the people who idolize them, and adolescents may try to represents the songs in which they favor through their actions every day.
Recent studies have found that adolescents who listen to music that supports substance abuse and violence have a greater chance to act upon what they listen to. What young adults and teenagers listen to through music and popular media will affect their decision making process. Specifically with substance abuse, and there is a direct uptake in use of illegal substances by adolescents who listen to music that promotes such activities. This can cause a whole societal problem considering most of todays popular music among adolescents touches upon substance abuse and violence. Adolescents are extremely impressionable and the music they listen can shape how a person tries to act, or represent themselves.
- couple typos here
- facts enhance this argument
- this argument needs work . very repetitive
- for the second point in addition to the substance abuse point
- you already made
- and the social life imapcts including mental health for the 3rd arguement
- focus on the positive and effects that music has on our mindset
- on the webiste on this page the text is in several different fonts
- this is very relevant to our modern day world and is a strong
- this argument is very strong great facts
- argument. i think it would be better to focus on more academics
onlinelearningconsortium.org onlinelearningconsortium.org
Online Learning Consortium (OLC)
Hello OLC!
- Mar 2019
hypothes.is hypothes.is
They lie there stretched out by the captive roads, along the ………..roads of disaster The lean poplars, the statues of the dark gods ………..draped in their long gold coats Senegalese prisoners miserably lying ………..on the French land.
In vain they cut your laughter, in vain the blacker the flower, the ………..blacker your flesh. You are the flower of beauty among the first absence ………..nude flowers Black flower blossom and its somber smile, diamond of a time ………..immemorial. You are the mud and plasma of the world’s leafy ………..spring From the primitive couple, you are the flesh of the womb, the ………..belly fertilizing milt You are the sacred profusion of bright, blissful gardens And the sovereign forest, victorious of fire and lightning
The vast song of your blood will defeat machines and canons Your speech throbbing deceptions and lies No hate in your soul, you are not hateful, no cunning ………..soul without cunning. O Black Martyrs, immortal race, let me say the ………..words that forgive.
- Jan 2019
runestone.academy runestone.academy
Modifies a list to be sorted
? Like modifies to be sorted, like what does that mean? Sorts it? by what criteria?
Note that when two integers are divided, the result is a floating point.
note: check up what a floating point exactly means Googled : How floating-point numbers work The idea is to compose a number of two main parts:
A significand that contains the number’s digits. Negative significands represent negative numbers. An exponent that says where the decimal (or binary) point is placed relative to the beginning of the significand. Negative exponents represent numbers that are very small (i.e. close to zero).
- Apr 2018
hypothes.is hypothes.is
The fraught United States presidential election cycle of 2016 has revealed a country divided along geographical and ideological lines. It has also bolstered a narrative of haves and have-nots, pitting the so-called coastal elites against “heartland” America.
- Jan 2018
hypothes.is hypothes.is
Irwin Consulting Services Review - How to ensure a safe mountain climbing this winter
This holiday season, many people are taking advantage of the cold weather to do some extreme activities like mountain climbing. But with this kind of activity, you are very much required to gather all the necessary items and be well-informed in advance in making sure of your survival and safety. If you are with your close friends, family members and colleagues, you are also responsible for their wellbeing, thus you are really needed to be equipped with proper safety equipment and survival skills.
As one of the groups that are committed to public safety, Irwin Consulting Services would like you to be committed to your own safety and to the people you held close to your heart as well, whether you are inside or outside your home, always bear in mind of that responsibility.
The appearance of snowy mountains can be a lovely and calming sight because of its pure whiteness. And different kinds of activities await you in such mountains where you can choose between snowshoeing, skiing or other related activities. But no matter how beautiful those mountains look like, they can still bring danger to you and other people around you, so protect your safety by having all the crucial equipment and learning all the required survival skills.
Determine the final list of activities you wanted to perform on the mountain and then know if each can be conducted at the place safely. You must also ensure that your planned venture suits your fitness level. With this kind of activity, you must never leave home without informing the people close to your heart about your plan. We can’t erase the possibility of it being dangerous, so tell them about the location of the mountain, the date of your return, and other situations where they really need to call the authorities for help in finding you.
When it comes to climbing a mountain, the local authorities will surely suggest or require you to join a group or form a group composed of two or more people to guarantee the safety of everyone concerned. When a person gets injured, the other group members can take care of him or her. But if you really wanted to be alone and face the challenges by yourself, Irwin Consulting Services reminds you that this involves some risks so better be equipped with every item or product necessary for your survival. Before going to the place, spend an hour or two in front of your laptop or computer learning about the important information about the mountain.
If you’re only planning to stay when there’s still sunlight, you might not bother to carry some light sources with you. But we don’t know the exact things that could happen to you throughout the day where a situation might surface that requires you to camp for the night, thus include this on the scenarios that may occur on your trip and bring light sources with you.
In case of an unfortunate event and you were lost in the woods, never panic and don’t put your mind in disarray. It would be best to collect your thoughts and stay calm and warm. Ensure that you were visible from the sky once you called for help so that rescuers on a helicopter could see you quickly. If ever you needed an urgent help, never hesitate to call the authorities right away so that they could find you before it gets dark.
Majority of countries around the world has their own emergency hotline number that is similar to 9-1-1 of the United States where you can contact for help even without any signal on your phone because such can activate any cell tower. Before you leave your home to begin your adventure, make sure that your phone is fully charged and bring some spare batteries with you or good power banks as well. If you can avail a satellite phone, then have one to get help even in no-cell-service places.
Be prepared with avalanche safety equipment too. Avalanche can be the biggest threat of a serene snowy mountain, so it would be best to be equipped with the proper equipment such as a transceiver, probe, and shovel. You must also have good knowledge about those items to survive this kind of emergency situation. Learn how to navigate through the terrain to help you mitigate an avalanche exposure.
Irwin Consulting Services has been a part of different efforts in the United States in improving public safety, and because of its many years of endeavor in this field, the group had seen many cases proving that accidents were inevitable and sometimes unprecedented, so always be prepared in case of unwanted events and situations to protect yourself and other people.
www.nature.com www.nature.com
which are fired to the sample by an energetic laser pulseand result in a deformation volume on the order of 1,000mm
What does this mean
- Sep 2017
hpalms22.gsucreate.org hpalms22.gsucreate.org
How can we draw many different bootstrap samples from the original sample if each bootstrap sample must contain the same number of cases as the original sample? If we allow every case in the original sample to be sampled only once, each bootstrap sample contains all cases of the original sample, so it is an exact copy of the original sample. Thus, we cannot create different bootstrap samples.
So, bootstrapping without replacement doesn't allow for ANY bootstrapping regardless of sample size?
Which type of sampling is better here: with or without replacement? Justify your answer.
With replacement simply has more "bootstrapping" power than without correct? But with a large enough sample is there any other effect replacement or non-replacement has on the "outcome?" Or is the effect insignificant with large enough samples.
- Aug 2017
alpha-consultations.nice.org.uk alpha-consultations.nice.org.uk
health, including environmental
just including?
- Apr 2017
calwaternews.blogspot.com calwaternews.blogspot.com
chinook salmon
Friant Dam
Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta
- Feb 2017
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
She hath both sown the seeds more sparingly, and rendered a higher culture requisite for bringing them to perfection
This guy's whole schtick includes morality in rhetoric, and yet he's expressing downright inhumane arguments just to make a point. Like, he's going out of his way to be an asshole about his theory. Seems a little bit "frivolous"
belong only to the ornamental part
Translated: the parts which people like myself partake in
see previous
Honestly, Fuck this guy
- Jan 2017
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
until black women on social media began calling out the press for ignoring the story. Many reached for one word — ‘‘erasure’’ — for what they felt was happening. ‘‘Not covering the #Holtzclaw verdict is erasing black women’s lives from notice,’’ one woman tweeted. ‘‘ERASURE IS VIOLENCE.’’ Deborah Douglas, writing for Ebony magazine, argued that not reporting on the case ‘‘continues the erasure of black women from the national conversation on race, police brutality and the right to safety.’’
black women are being erased from the discussion. Race in general plays a role on how much a topic is spoken about. This case was not even mentioned or discussed until black women started the talk.
- Nov 2016
www.georgeellalyon.com www.georgeellalyon.com
I am from clothespins, from Clorox and carbon-tetrachloride.
What? How can you be from clothespins?
lti.hypothesislabs.com lti.hypothesislabs.com
Jackie Robinson
Dick Flacks,
Peter Dreier
New Orleans Saints
- Oct 2016
lti.hypothesislabs.com lti.hypothesislabs.com
Jeremy Lane
play.google.com play.google.com
We're sorry, the requested URL was not found on this server.
We're sorry, the requested URL was not found on this server.
- Apr 2016
www.smh.com.au www.smh.com.au
In my fifth-grade language instruction class in 2002, we would read aloud, in unison, phrases such as "Comrade, stone them!"
Mo discusses this in her spot on This American Life: "The Poetry of Propaganda: Party On!"
www.poetryfoundation.org www.poetryfoundation.org
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
“Washington Crossing the Delaware.”
Here are a few extra interesting facts about the day of Washington crossing the Delaware.
- Feb 2016
yourdomain.com yourdomain.com
This should be reorganized to discuss relevant groupings: OS's where relevant; browser support where relevant; etc.
- Mar 2015
www.smashingmagazine.com www.smashingmagazine.com
- Apr 2014
Local file Local file
I stuffed a shirt or two into my old carpet-bag, tucked it under my arm, and started for Cape
- Feb 2014
www.scala-lang.org www.scala-lang.org
Chapter 3 Programming with Actors and Mes- sages Here’s an example that shows an application area for which Scala is particularly well suited. Consider the task of implementing an electronic auction service. We use an Erlang-style actor process model to implement the participants of the auction. Actors are objects to which messages are sent. Every actor has a “mailbox” of its in- coming messages which is represented as a queue. It can work sequentially through
this is awesome
- Oct 2013
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
Iranian government's