- Nov 2024
www.mollywhite.net www.mollywhite.netBlogroll1
- Sep 2024
- Aug 2024
analogoffice.net analogoffice.net
Index card system to track daily, weekly, and monthly routines by [[Anna Havron]]
Brief outline of a tickler file system for today, daily, weekly, and monthly to do items.
- Jun 2024
the model Waits are just a large files of numbers on a server and these can be easily stolen all it takes is an adversary to match your trillions 00:41:14 of dollars and your smartest minds of Decades of work just to steal this file
for - AI - security risk - model weight files - are a key leverage point
AI - security risk - model weight files - are a key leverage point for bad actors - These files are critical national security data that represent huge amounts of investment in time and research and they are just a file so can be easily stolen.
www.phpclasses.org www.phpclasses.org
This package can convert files between different document formats.
It provides several classes that can take files from one document format to another document format.
Currently, it can convert document files between:
Microsoft Excel to PDF
Image to PDF
Markdown to PDF
PDF to Microsoft Excel
PDF to Image
PDF to Markdown
PDF to Text
PDF Word
Text to PDF
- May 2024
spec.matrix.org spec.matrix.org
file transfers
Better would be to include files as is. Use hash of it in an event. Download from whoever has it, the IPFS way. Only between friends
- Mar 2024
Local file Local file
It requires but a moment's reflection to perceivethat even the vertical files with the correspondence binders arebut an imitation of a set of cards, on a larger scale. The set ofcards can fairly be regarded as the basis of the entire system,hence it is properly called the card system.
He notes the general equivalency of cards and papers in vertical files.
One of the primary affordances that individual atomic cards have is the ability to more easily re-arrange and reuse them for various purposes in comparison with larger sheets with greater amounts of data on them.
- Feb 2024
observablehq.com observablehq.com
Modern development is built on files. Files have myriad strengths, but the strongest is interoperability. When every tool uses files, it’s far easier to incorporate a new tool — and now Observable — into your workflow.This isn’t just about using your preferred text editor. Now you can bring your own source control and code review system, too. You can write unit tests and run linters. You can automate builds with continuous integration or deployment. You can work offline. You can self-host. You can generate or edit content programmatically, say to format code or to find-and-replace across files.
Observable says files are where modern development is focused. Because it aids the agency of the user of their tool, mostly through interoperability. This is [[Technologie kleiner dan ons 20050617122905]] en [[Local First Software 20190531162132]]
www.fdrlibrary.org www.fdrlibrary.org
- Jan 2024
Local file Local file
* Ticklers in U.S.A.
differentiation in terminology here between Britain and the US: future reminders vs. ticklers
- Nov 2023
As our app grows, an increasing amount of random code is landing in the app/services directory. I'm worried it will become impractical to improve on this, as the number of special cases will only increase. Some pain points off the top of my head (definitely not exhaustive):
github.com github.com
github.com github.com
I'm assuming some of the goals are to make it clear where to put new files (and to stay within current Rails conventions). We already have a few non-standard app folders in our project, such as app/services, app/queries, etc. and we put some non-ActiveRecord classes in app/models. If we are going to move files, it might make sense to first define where files should go, and then move each file to the appropriate place. This might be more of a reorganization project, than copying over a folder.
- Sep 2023
lacountylibrary.libnet.info lacountylibrary.libnet.info
Presenter Lawrence Mak broke down types of notes into the following three categories:<br /> - general notes (projects, ideas, journals, recipes, budgeting, homework, etc.)<br /> - lists (groceries, reading, gifts, to dos, assignments) - reminders (birthdays, bills, maintenance, health)
- Aug 2023
www.facebook.com www.facebook.com
00:06:19 segment Laughter in the Vaults from “Famous Donors.” Stories from the Vaults, September 2007. Season 1, Episode 1. The Smithsonian Channel. https://www.smithsonianchannel.com/episodes/1wyzyg/stories-from-the-vaults-famous-donors-season-1-ep-1.
1955 Diller was a suburban housewife with 5 children. Her first stage appearance was at 37 years old at Purple Onion Night Club in San Francisco, CA, and her last show was in 2002 at 84 years old.
Broadway costume from Hello Dolly
Phyllis Diller points to her card index in the video and calls it her "gag file". Curator Dwight Bowers called it her "joke file".
Tom Canavagh, actor/comedian<br /> Dwight Blocker Bowers, curator at Smithsonian
www.latimes.com www.latimes.com
Liebenson, Donald. “Classic Hollywood: Remembering Phyllis Diller (and 52,569 of Her Jokes) at the Smithsonian.” Los Angeles Times, May 12, 2017, sec. Television. https://www.latimes.com/entertainment/tv/la-ca-st-phyllis-diller-smithsonian-20170512-story.html.
- May 2023
medium.com medium.com
In the Pandoc Plugin settings, add — citeproc to the ‘Extra Pandoc arguments’ setting. This will be what takes the markdown citations and converts them to in-text citations in the conversion process. It also inserts a full reference list on the end of your document automatically, all completely formatted. To get this to work, you have to specify the location of the .bib file on your system by adding the path, in quotations, to a ‘bibliography’ YAML property.
- Apr 2023
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
My biggest realization recently is to do whatever the opposite of atomicity is.
Too many go too deep into the idea of "atomic notes" without either questioning or realizing their use case. What is your purpose in having atomic notes? Most writing about them online talk about the theoretical without addressing the underlying "why".
They're great for capturing things on the go and having the ability to re-arrange and reuse them into much larger works. Often once you've used them a few times, they're less useful, specially for the average person. (Of course it's another matter if you're an academic researcher, they're probably your bread and butter.) For the beekeepers of the world who need some quick tidbits which they use frequently, then keeping them in a larger outlined document or file is really more than enough. Of course, if you're creating some longer book-length treatise on beekeeping, then it can be incredibly helpful to have them at atomic length.
There's a spectrum from the small atomic note to the longer length file (or even book). Ask yourself, "what's your goal in having one or the other, or something in between?" They're tools, choose the best one for your needs.
- Feb 2023
blay.se blay.se
Vismann, Cornelia. Files: Law and Media Technology. Stanford University Press, 2008.
This looks intriguing...
autocomplete tells me I've seen her before....
update: it's a Rowan Wilken reference! https://hypothes.is/a/xwRnzr-REeyvvDd7YBbLVA
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
I have worked in paper format, hundreds of reference books, and a massive marketing swipe file. A recovering r/DataHoarder who realized piles were causing stress.
Example of an inveterate note taker who indicates they've got a "massive marketing swipe file".
www.lifewire.com www.lifewire.com
- Jan 2023
forum.zettelkasten.de forum.zettelkasten.de
Around 1956: "My next task was to prepare my course. Since none of the textbooks known to me was satisfactory, I resorted to the maieutic method that Plato had attributed to Socrates. My lectures consisted essentially in questions that I distributed beforehand to the students, and an abstract of the research that they had prompted. I wrote each question on a 6 × 8 card. I had adopted this procedure a few years earlier for my own work, so I did not start from scratch. Eventually I filled several hundreds of such cards, classed them by subject, and placed them in boxes. When a box filled up, it was time to write an article or a book chapter. The boxes complemented my hanging-files cabinet, containing sketches of papers, some of them aborted, as well as some letters." (p. 129)
This sounds somewhat similar to Mark Robertson's method of "live Roaming" (using Roam Research during his history classes) as a teaching tool on top of other prior methods.
link to: Roland Barthes' card collection for teaching: https://hypothes.is/a/wELPGLhaEeywRnsyCfVmXQ
- Dec 2022
techcrunch.com techcrunch.com
Twitter has, like its fellow social media platforms, been working for years to make the process of moderation efficient and systematic enough to function at scale. Not just so the platform isn’t overrun with bots and spam, but in order to comply with legal frameworks like FTC orders and the GDPR.
- Nov 2022
github.com github.com
git_workspace/ ├── .vscode │ └── settings.json # global settings, my preferred ones ├── my-personal-projects/ │ └── project1/ │ └── .git/ └── company-projects/ ├── .vscode │ └── settings.json # local settings, overrides some of my personal ones ├── project2/ │ └── .git/ └── project3/ └── .git/
twitter.com twitter.com
Index card and file folder influenced computer user interfaces.
- Oct 2022
Local file Local file
there might be a miscellaneous division, which wouldserve as a "tickler" and which might even be equipped with a set ofcalendar guides so that the "follow-up" system may be used.
An example of a ticker file in the vein of getting things done (GTD) documented using index cards and a card file from 1917. Sounds very familiar to the Pile of Index Cards (PoIC) from the early 2000s.
Local file Local file
In "On Intellectual Craftsmanship" (1952), C. Wright Mills talks about his methods for note taking, thinking, and analysis in what he calls "sociological imagination". This is a sociologists' framing of their own research and analysis practice and thus bears a sociological related name. While he talks more about the thinking, outlining, and writing process rather than the mechanical portion of how he takes notes or what he uses, he's extending significantly on the ideas and methods that Sönke Ahrens describes in How to Take Smart Notes (2017), though obviously he's doing it 65 years earlier. It would seem obvious that the specific methods (using either files, note cards, notebooks, etc.) were a bit more commonplace for his time and context, so he spent more of his time on the finer and tougher portions of the note making and thinking processes which are often the more difficult parts once one is past the "easy" mechanics.
While Mills doesn't delineate the steps or materials of his method of note taking the way Beatrice Webb, Langlois & Seignobos, Johannes Erich Heyde, Antonin Sertillanges, or many others have done before or Umberto Eco, Robert Greene/Ryan Holiday, Sönke Ahrens, or Dan Allosso since, he does focus more on the softer portions of his thinking methods and their desired outcomes and provides personal examples of how it works and what his expected outcomes are. Much like Niklas Luhmann describes in Kommunikation mit Zettelkästen (VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 1981), Mills is focusing on the thinking processes and outcomes, but in a more accessible way and with some additional depth.
Because the paper is rather short, but specific in its ideas and methods, those who finish the broad strokes of Ahrens' book and methods and find themselves somewhat confused will more than profit from the discussion here in Mills. Those looking for a stronger "crash course" might find that the first seven chapters of Allosso along with this discussion in Mills is a straighter and shorter path.
While Mills doesn't delineate his specific method in terms of physical tools, he does broadly refer to "files" which can be thought of as a zettelkasten (slip box) or card index traditions. Scant evidence in the piece indicates that he's talking about physical file folders and sheets of paper rather than slips or index cards, but this is generally irrelevant to the broader process of thinking or writing. Once can easily replace the instances of the English word "file" with the German concept of zettelkasten and not be confused.
One will note that this paper was written as a manuscript in April 1952 and was later distributed for classroom use in 1955, meaning that some of these methods were being distributed from professor to students. The piece was later revised and included as an appendix to Mill's text The Sociological Imagination which was first published in 1959.
Because there aren't specifics about Mills' note structure indicated here, we can't determine if his system was like that of Niklas Luhmann, but given the historical record one could suppose that it was closer to the commonplace tradition using slips or sheets. One thing becomes more clear however that between the popularity of Webb's work and this (which was reprinted in 2000 with a 40th anniversary edition), these methods were widespread in the mid-twentieth century and specifically in the field of sociology.
Above and beyond most of these sorts of treatises on note taking method, Mills does spend more time on the thinking portions of the practice and delineates eleven different practices that one can focus on as they actively read/think and take notes as well as afterwards for creating content or writing.
My full notes on the article can be found at https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?user=chrisaldrich&max=100&exactTagSearch=true&expanded=true&addQuoteContext=true&url=urn%3Ax-pdf%3A0138200b4bfcde2757a137d61cd65cb8
I am trying, you see, to build aframework containing all the key elements which enterinto the work; then to put each section in separate fbldersand continually readjust the whole framework aroundchanges in them.
Evidence that Mills is talking specifically about papers and individual folders (potentially tagged or categorized) rather than a card index system.
But how is this f i l e - - w h i c h so far must seem to thereader more like a j o u r n a l - - u s e d in intellectual produc-tion?
By asking this question this way, Mills is explicitly indicating that his "file" is not a journal, and by implication probably doesn't take the form of a notebook, though we should be on the lookout for more evidence of this given the long tradition of the commonplace book.
Use of File
It bears pointing out that Mills hasn't specifically described the form of his "file". Is he using note cards, slips, sheets of paper? Ostensibly one might suppose given his context and the word "file" which he uses that he may be referring to either hanging files, folders, and sheets of paper, or a more traditional index card file.
- Sep 2022
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Posted byu/jackbaty4 hours agoCard sizes .t3_xib133._2FCtq-QzlfuN-SwVMUZMM3 { --postTitle-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postTitleLink-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postBodyLink-VisitedLinkColor: #989898; } I've been on-again/off-again with paper for PKM, but one thing remains consistent each time: I don't enjoy using 4x6 index cards. I much prefer 3x5-inch cards. I realize that it's irrational, but there it is.My question is if I dive into building an antinet, will I regret using 3x5 cards? I already have hundreds of them. I have dividers, holders, and storage boxes for them. I just prefer how they _feel_, as weird as that sounds.I'd like to hear if people are using 3x5 cards successfully or if you've come to regret it.
While it may be slightly more difficult to find larger metal/wood cases for the 4x6 or 5x8 cards, it's a minor nuisance and anyone who wants them will eventually find the right thing for them. Beyond this, choose the card size that feels right to you.
If you don't have an idea of what you need or like, try things out for 10-20 cards and see how it works for you, your handwriting size, and general needs. People have been using 3x5, 4x6, and even larger for hundreds of years without complaining about any major issues. If Carl Linnaeus managed to be okay with 3x5, which he hand cut by the way, I suspect you'll manage too.
Of course I won't mention to the Americans the cleverness of the A6, A5, A4 paper standards which allows you to fold the larger sizes in half to get the exact next smaller size down. Then you might get the benefit of the smaller size as well as the larger which could be folded into your collection of smaller cards, you just have to watch out for accidentally wrapping ("taco-ing") a smaller card inside of a larger one and losing it. I suppose you could hand cut your own 5" x 6" larger cards to do this if you found that you occasionally needed them.
For the pocketbook conscious, 3x5 does have the benefit of lower cost as well as many more options and flexibility than larger sizes.
At least commercial card sizes are now largely standardized, so you don't have deal with changing sizes the way Roland Barthes did over his lifetime.
My personal experience and a long history of so many manuals on the topic saying "cards of the same size" indicates that you assuredly won't have fun mixing different sized slips together. I personally use 3x5" cards in a waste book sense, but my main/permanent collection is in 4x6" format. Sometimes I think I should have done 3 x 5, but it's more like jealousy than regret, particularly when it comes to the potential of a restored fine furniture card catalog. But then again...
- Aug 2022
www.amazon.com www.amazon.com
When Vladimir Nabokov died in 1977, he left instructions for his heirs to burn the 138 handwritten index cards that made up the rough draft of his final and unfinished novel, The Original of Laura. But Nabokov’s wife, Vera, could not bear to destroy her husband’s last work, and when she died, the fate of the manuscript fell to her son. Dmitri Nabokov, now seventy-five—the Russian novelist’s only surviving heir, and translator of many of his books—has wrestled for three decades with the decision of whether to honor his father’s wish or preserve for posterity the last piece of writing of one of the greatest writers of the twentieth century.
Nabokov's wishes were that his heirs burn the index cards on which he had handwritten the beginning of his unfinished novel The Original of Laura. His wife Vera, not able to destroy her husband's work, couldn't do it, so the decision fell to their son Dimitri. Having translated many of his father's works previously, Dimitri Nabokov ultimately allowed Penguin the right to publish the unfinished novel.
Alternate index card holding furniture for display?<br /> https://www.reddit.com/r/antinet/comments/wffvs4/alternate_index_card_holding_furniture_for_display/
Separate from boxes for long term card holding storage, does anyone have any suggestions they like for organizing or temporarily displaying cards?
I've got a couple card tray rack organizers (originally intended for playing cards, but great for zettels) which I generally like.
I've also seen Levenger's note card "bleachers" which are similar, but more expensive. - Note Card Bleachers - Portable Note Card Bleachers - Nantucket Bamboo Compact Bleachers
Levenger index card bleacher for compactly displaying index cards in an array on a desk so that portions are visible but that they don't take up space.
Does anyone have anything else they like for compact working/displaying aside from laying cards out on tables/desks?
Do you have other methods for this sort of organization or layout of ideas visually? Corkboards, magnetic whiteboards/walls, other?
- Jul 2022
Local file Local file
An instance may be given of the necessity of the “ separate sheet ” system.Among the many sources of information from which we constructed our bookThe Manor and the Borough were the hundreds of reports on particular boroughsmade by the Municipal Corporation Commissioners in 1835 .These four hugevolumes are well arranged and very fully indexed; they were in our own possession;we had read them through more than once; and we had repeatedly consulted themon particular points. We had, in fact, used them as if they had been our own boundnotebooks, thinking that this would suffice. But, in the end, we found ourselvesquite unable to digest and utilise this material until we had written out every oneof the innumerable facts on a separate sheet of paper, so as to allow of the mechanicalabsorption of these sheets among our other notes; of their complete assortment bysubjects; and of their being shuffled and reshuffled to test hypotheses as to suggestedco-existences and sequences.
Webb's use case here sounds like she's got the mass data, but that what she really desired was a database which she could more easily query to do her work and research. As a result, she took the flat file data and made it into a manually sortable and searchable database.
techviral.net techviral.net
Recover data
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Over the course of his intellectual life, from about 1943 until hissudden death in 1980, Barthes built a card index consisting of morethan 12,250 note cards – the full extent of this collection was notknown until access to it was granted to the manuscript researchers ofthe Institut Mémoires de l’édition contemporaine (IMEC) inFrance (Krapp, 2006: 363).3
Roland Barthes accumulated a card index of more than 12,250 note cards beginning in 1943 which were held after his death in 1980 at the Institut Mémoires de l’édition contemporaine (IMEC) in France.
Barthes' dates 12 November 1915 – 26 March 1980 age 64
He started his card index at roughly age 28 and at around the same time which he began producing written work. (Did he have any significant writing work or publications prior to this?)
His card collection spanned about 37 years and at 12,250 cards means that was producing on average 0.907 cards per day. If we don't include weekends, then he produced 1.27 cards per day on average. Compare this with Ahrens' estimate of 6 cards a day for Niklas Luhmann.
With this note I'm starting the use of a subject heading (in English) of "card index" as a generic collection of notes which are often kept in one or more boxes. This is to distinguish it from the more modern idea of zettelkasten in the Luhmann framing which also connotes a dense set of links between the cards themselves, though this may not have been the case historically. Card index is also specifically separate from 'index card' which is an individual instance of an item that might be found in a card index. At present, I'm unaware of a specific word in English which defines the broader note taking context or portions thereof relating to index cards in the same way that a zettelkasten implies. This may be the result of the broad use of index cards for so many varying uses in the early 20th century. For these other varying uses I'll try to differentiate them henceforth with the generic 'index card files' which might also be used to describe the containers in which cards might be found.
- Jun 2022
Maurice Sendak has a room that’s theequivalent of my boxes, a working studio that contains a huge unit with flat pulloutdrawers in which he keeps sketches, reference materials, notes, articles. He works onseveral projects at a time, and he likes to keep the overlapping materials out of sightwhen he’s tackling any one of them.
In her experience with Maurice Sendak, Twyla Tharp indicates that he has a room that works as the equivalent of her project boxes. His version is a working studio that contains a huge unit with flat pullout drawers where he keeps sketches, reference materials, notes, and articles. His system allows him to keep all the ideas ready at hand, but also easily out of the way so he can focus on a particular idea and project at a time.
- Apr 2022
There are project layouts that put implementation files and test files together.
Local file Local file
It is also the best support for the opera aperta, whose desire was pervasive in the1950s and 1960s
Denis Hollier suggests that the index card file is "the best support for the opera aperta, whose desire was pervasive in the 1950s and 1960s."
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Wilken, Rowan. “The Card Index as Creativity Machine.” Culture Machine 11 (2010): 7–30.
file: https://culturemachine.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/373-604-1-PB.pdf
I am speaking here of what appear to be Barthes’ fichier boîte or indexcard boxes which are visible on the shelf above and behind his head.
First time I've run across the French term fichier boîte (literally 'file box') for index card boxes or files.
As someone looking into note taking practices and aware of the idea of the zettelkasten, the suspense is building for me. I'm hoping this paper will have the payoff I'm looking for: a description of Roland Barthes' note taking methods!
www.openculture.com www.openculture.com
Some basic information about Vladimir Nabokov's card file which he was using to write The Origin of Laura and a tangent on cards relating to Lolita.
newrepublic.com newrepublic.com
An alternate view of Roland Barthes, likely taken in his 1963 session with Henri Cartier-Bresson. Index card boxes can be seen on the shelf behind him.
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
Henri Cartier-Bresson, Roland Barthes, 1963. © PAR79520 Henri CartierBresson/Magnum Photos.
A photo of Roland Barthes from 1963 featured in Picturing Barthes: The Photographic Construction of Authorship (Oxford University Press, 2020) DOI: 10.5871/bacad/9780197266670.003.0007
There appears to be in index card file behind him in the photo, which he may have used for note taking in the mode of a zettelkasten.
link to journal article notes on:
Wilken, Rowan. “The Card Index as Creativity Machine.” Culture Machine 11 (2010): 7–30. https://culturemachine.net/creative-media/
- Mar 2022
If you want to organize said migrations in their purpose you'll probably have a folder for the struture ones and another for the data ones.
not as good/useful as some other gem options/approaches, such as the one that adds a
method per migration, or that lets you tag with:post_deploy
, etc.
github.com github.com
- Oct 2021
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Desktop files are NOT executed. The line inside them that has an executable command line is the one that gets executed. The rest of the file is parsed by the Desktop Environment.
File structure
Collapsing directories Say some directories in a project exist for organizational purposes only, and you prefer not to have them as namespaces. For example, the actions subdirectory in the next example is not meant to represent a namespace, it is there only to group all actions related to bookings: booking.rb -> Booking booking/actions/create.rb -> Booking::Create
- Jul 2021
(This, incidentally, is why the current 'zero-config' marketing fad is such nonsense: it really means 'abdicate the responsibility for config'. Instead of a single place where you can view all the build config in a structured, coherent form, you have the exact same amount of config but scattered around your project in lots of annoying files that are harder to understand.)
- Jun 2021
github.com github.com
git diff --cached --diff-filter=ACMR --name-only
blog.viktoradam.net blog.viktoradam.net
This compatibility simply means that you can have a .githooks folder at the root of your project, where you can organize your individual hooks into folders.
shareup.app shareup.app
We’ve broken our project up into three different types of packages: apps which are preact apps intended to be bundled and deployed somewhere, modules which are plain npm packages for node/browsers and do not bundle their dependencies, and workers which are either Worker or ServiceWorker scripts entirely bundled up with no imports or exports. We don’t have to keep these three types of packages separated, but it helps us navigate around.
www.gnu.org www.gnu.org
After reading that file, it looks for ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login, and ~/.profile, in that order, and reads and executes commands from the first one that exists and is readable.
The key point is "from the first one that exists and is readable". It won't read and execute all of them but only the first one.
prettier.io prettier.io
Prettier intentionally doesn’t support any kind of global configuration. This is to make sure that when a project is copied to another computer, Prettier’s behavior stays the same. Otherwise, Prettier wouldn’t be able to guarantee that everybody in a team gets the same consistent results.
- Apr 2021
serverfault.com serverfault.com
perl -ne 'chomp(); if (-e $_) {print "$_\n"}'
xargs -i sh -c 'test -f {} && echo {}'
- Mar 2021
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github.blog github.blog
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
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superuser.com superuser.com
the beginning of qbittorrent.desktop is:
askubuntu.com askubuntu.com
If still doesn't work. Make desktop file runnable in terminal by changing Terminal=true, and put it inside a bash script. Run the script to catch the error output. Change back when errors are corrected.
Now, if you also want deskopen to pass through any command-line parameters, you can instead use this slightly-modified version: #!/bin/sh desktop_file=$1 shift `grep '^Exec' "${desktop_file}" | sed 's/^Exec=//' | sed 's/%.//'` "$@" &
The "correct" way to install a .desktop file is via desktop-file-install
askubuntu.com askubuntu.com
unix.stackexchange.com unix.stackexchange.com
Is somehow possible to run a "Desktop Entry" from another "Desktop Entry"?
More generally, my question is: How can I programmatically / from command line, launch a .desktop file?
github.com github.com
The reason we've avoided registering "Cinnamon" as a desktop name is that it opens up issues with many upstream apps that currently OnlyShowIn=Gnome or Gnome;Unity or just Unity. The relationship Mint has with Gnome and Ubuntu isn't genial enough that we could get them to add Cinnamon to their desktop files, so we would have to distribute and maintain separate duplicate .desktop files just for Cinnamon for these upstream packages.
unix.stackexchange.com unix.stackexchange.com
After you modify mimeapps.list, run sudo update-desktop-database.
A solution is almost indicated in the question: hinder xdg-open from choosing exo-open. A brute-force approach is to copy /usr/bin/xdg-open to /usr/local/bin (/usr/local/bin is earlier in PATH unless PATH has been modified) and to patch it to use open_generic instead of exo_open (unlike the XFCE4-specific exo-open, open_generic does honor xdg mime types)
forum.garudalinux.org forum.garudalinux.org
Does running nsgcepa by itself not then run the .desktop which in turn runs that command? Probably not. Desktop launchers are used by e.g. application menus. Executables are the binaries or scripts that can be run by desktop launchers. You can also run executables directly from a command line.
Does running nsgcepa by itself not then run the .desktop which in turn runs that command?
- Feb 2021
github.com github.com
Source maps eliminate the need to serve these separate files. Instead, a special source map file can be read by the browser to help it understand how to unpack your assets. It "maps" the current, modified asset to its "source" so you can view the source when debugging. This way you can serve assets in development in the exact same way as in production.
www.schneems.com www.schneems.com
When Sprockets was introduced, one of the opinions that it held strongly, is that assets such as CSS and JS should be bundled together and served in one file.
The alternative was to have multiple scripts or stylesheet links on one page, which would trigger multiple HTTP requests. Multiple requests mean multiple connection handshakes for each link “hey, I want some data”, “okay, I have the data”, “alright I heard that you have the data, give it to me” (SYN, ACK, SYNACK). Even once the connection is created there is a feature of TCP called TCP slow start that will throttle the speed of the data being sent at the beginning of a request to a slower speed than the end of the request. All of this means transferring one large request is faster than transferring the same data split up into several smaller requests.
github.com github.com
Trailblazer offers you a new, more intuitive file layout in applications.
Instead of grouping by technology, classes and views are structured by concept, and then by technology. A concept can relate to a model, or can be a completely abstract concern such as invoicing.
- Dec 2020
jamstack.org jamstack.org
Serving pages and assets as pre-generated files allows read-only hosting reducing attack vectors even further. Meanwhile dynamic tools and services can be provided by vendors with teams dedicated to securing their specific systems and providing high levels of service.
jamstack.org jamstack.org
Because Jamstack projects don’t rely on server-side code, they can be distributed instead of living on a single server. Serving directly from a CDN unlocks speeds and performance that can’t be beat. The more of your app you can push to the edge, the better the user experience.
Because Jamstack markup is prebuilt, content changes won’t go live until you run another build.
jamstack.org jamstack.org
Better PerformanceWhy wait for pages to build on the fly when you can generate them at deploy time? When it comes to minimizing the time to first byte, nothing beats pre-built files served over a CDN.
- Nov 2020
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
The project organization is a bit weird because we have a mono-repository that contains projects and libraries. The projects are grouped by company and by browser / server / universal.
- Sep 2020
github.com github.com
I pushed the build files & tested it in my environment so this should work as is.
github.com github.com
But they also added
"postinstall": "npm run build" in https://github.com/sveltejs/svelte/commit/fbbccf50442e5b7a26b05a0fc575050407523244 so I don't know why both would be needed.
css-tricks.com css-tricks.com
It’s become increasingly common to divide code into components, rather than by file type. React, for example, allows for the collocation of a components markup and JavaScript. In Svelte, this is taken one logical step further: the Javascript, markup and styling for a component can all exist together in a single `.svelte` file
github.com github.com
Can you try to delete node_modules folder and package-lock.json file.
- Jul 2020
guides.rubyonrails.org guides.rubyonrails.org
Organization of Locale Files
In your environment you may want to always configure internationalization, routers, user data etc. If you have many different React roots it can be a pain to set up configuration nodes all over the place. By creating your own wrapper you can unify that configuration into one place.
- May 2020
www.typescriptlang.org www.typescriptlang.org
This file that really does nothing but manage other project files is often called a “solution” in some environments.
- Apr 2020
keepass.info keepass.info
In the case of storing the data in log files, this is the case after seven days at the latest. Further storage is possible; in this case, the IP addresses of the users are erased or anonymized, so that an association of the calling client is no longer possible.
- Mar 2020
codex.wordpress.org codex.wordpress.org
POT files The first stage is to generate a .pot for your plugin or theme. This is done by way of the xgettext utility as part of gettext. You will need to have the gettext package installed if you want to do this generation on-site.
- Dec 2019
swiftodoapp.com swiftodoapp.com
Your task list is a plain text file, not some proprietary format owned by a company or locked to a specific application.
A simple and timeless format Plain text is the simplest file format there is. It will always be accessible, by some kind of application, forever.
plaintext-productivity.net plaintext-productivity.net
Plaintext files are tiny, simple, quick to work with, editable by tons of great programs, searchable by all modern operating systems, easy to back up, perfect for versioning, trivial to sync between devices, and are amazingly flexible in their uses and formats.
In this system, plaintext files are used for most of the backbone of your organizational system.
burnsoftware.wordpress.com burnsoftware.wordpress.com
made to work alongside the various plain-text, Dropbox syncing mobile notes apps such as Denote for Android and Jottings for iPhone from an app for the Ubuntu desktop. Plain text notes anywhere you want. Easily synced between your desktop and phone. Notes, plain and simple.
- Nov 2019
blog.codinghorror.com blog.codinghorror.com
- Aug 2019
prettier.io prettier.io
- Jan 2018
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Cable Tie Craw
- Do-It Wacky Jig Hook. Size 2 or 6
- Cyclops beads 5/32 Black Nicklel (EYC5100)
- .02 Lead Free Wire
- 140 denier light olive
- Pine squiral zonker brown olive
- 4 inch long cable tie -black
- krysal flash -amber
- Fly rattle -micro size
- Whiting farms full soft hackle coq de leon/ Chichaboue speckled golden Olive
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
- Hook: Dai-Riki #270 Size 8, Natural Bend 3x long
- 140 Denier Yellow Thread
- Red chenille
- Yellow, Blue, and Red Craft foam
- Yellow rubber legs
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Dumb Bunny Streamer
- Do- it Wacky Jig Hook Size 6 or 2 (6216)
- 140 Denier ultra thread chartreuse
- Rabbit Zonker -Dark Olive (RH901)
- Rabbit Zonker - FL Chartruese (RH 509)
- X-small 1/60 oz. lead eyes
- Hard as nails -white
- Hard as nails -black
- Hard as nails -clear
- Oct 2016
mixupload.com mixupload.com
Earn money with your music simply selling your tracks on MIXUPLOAD Upload WAV files to participate in wordlwide music catalogue & get more opportunities
Earn money with your music simply selling your tracks on MIXUPLOAD Upload WAV files to participate in wordlwide music catalogue & get more opportunities