- Sep 2024
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Seit 2023 herrscht im Amazonasgebiet eine extreme Dürre, deren Ursachen die Erhitzung der Ozeane und ein durch die globale Erhitzung verstärkter El Niño sind. Sie begünstigt die extrem zahlreichen Waldbrände, deren Rauch gerade die Luft über 60% des brasilianischen Territoriums verschmutzt. 97% der Brände werden aber von Menschen entzündet, vor allem im Interesse der Agrarindustrie. Auch aufgrund der Entwaldung ist der Kipppunkt, von dem an der Wald Kohlenstoff emittiert statt absorbiert, näher als bisher angenommen. Ausführlicher Bericht anlässlich einer neuen Studie und des Aufrufs zum Boykott von.Agrarprodukten aus dem Gebiet. https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/ravagee-par-les-feux-lamazonie-au-bord-du-basculement-le-climat-est-devenu-un-allie-de-la-destruction-de-la-foret-20240911_HEMGMQI7WZCYHAWC6E24ZJCTIU/
- by: Nina Guérineau de Lamérie
- Carlos Nobre
- Luciana Gatti
- Jhan-Carlo Espinoza
- Institut de recherche environnementale d’Amazonie
- Amazonia
- Ane Alencar
- Institut national brésilien de recherche spatiale (Inpe)
- Institut des géosciences de l’environnement (IGE) à Grenoble
- Entwaldung
- Critical transitions in the Amazon forest system
- Aug 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
we've learned the hard way, actually, over the past 50 years, that we don't solve sustainability problems by only raising awareness. It's not enough. Yeah. You also need some some, some top down influence on what I call keystone actors to get key players in the economy or, key decision makers to move.
for - climate crisis - raising awareness alone - is not enough - need to also influence top down keystone actors
climate crisis - raising awareness alone - is not enough - need to also influence top down keystone actors - This is only part of the story, the other part is developing a coherent, unified, bottom up movement - While statistics show a majority of people of must countries now take climate change seriously, it's not translating into TIMELY and APPROPRIATE ACTION and BEHAVIOUR CHANGE - The common person is still captured by the pathological economic system - (S)he still prioritised increasingly more precarious survival over all other concerns, including environmental - Ths is because most survival activity is still intimately tied to ecological degradation - The common person is not sufficiently educated about the threat level. - And even if they were, there does not yet exist any process to unify these collective concerns to trigger the appropriate leverage point of bottom up collective action
if I was President Lula da Silva, I would say, Dear humanity, I'm willing to provide this service to humanity of keeping the Amazon rainforest intact. That is a service, is a global commons, it's a service to humanity and therefore you should compensate me for this.
for - global commons - example - compensating for - Amazon rain forest
- Jun 2024
www.repubblica.it www.repubblica.it
Die globale Erhitzung zwingt Baumarten in den nördlichen Wäldern dazu, neue Habitate aufzusuchen, deren Böden oft weniger nährstoffreich sind. Ein Hauptgrund dafür, den eine neue Studie untersucht, sind die Bedürfnisse von Pilzen, mit denen diese Bäume in Symbiose leben.
- Apr 2024
Der Amazonas-Regenwald kommt dem Kipppunkt, an dem er mehr CO2 abgibt als aufnimmt, immer näher. Eine neue Studie sagt vorraus, dass bis 2050 47% des Gebietes geschädigt sein könnten. Von Juni bis Dezember 2023 herrschte dort eine externe Dürre, die einer Attributionsstudie zufolge durch die globale Erhitzung 30mal wahrscheinlicher wurde. https://taz.de/Klimawandel/!5990314/
Studie: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06970-0
Attributionsstudie: https://www.worldweatherattribution.org/climate-change-not-el-nino-main-driver-of-exceptional-drought-in-highly-vulnerable-amazon-river-basin/
- Amazon rainforest
- Potsdam Institute for climate impact research
- World Weather Attribution
- by: Susanne Schwarz
- process: increasing risk of droughts
- region: Amazonia
- 2024-02-18
- Boris Sakschewski
- Critical transitions in the Amazon forest system
- Climate change, not El Niño, main driver of exceptional drought in highly vulnerable Amazon River Basin
- Mar 2024
www.derstandard.de www.derstandard.de
Durch die globale Erhitzung wird in Europa das Gebiet, in dem Fichten angebaut werden können, um 50% abnehmen abnehmen. Ein neuer Bericht der internationalen Union der Organisationen zur Erforschung der Wälder zeigt, dass auch andere Baumarten, die als mögliche Alternativen galten, unter den veränderten klimatischen Bedingungen nur schwer überleben. https://www.derstandard.de/story/3000000211551/was-tun-wenn-uns-die-fichte-als-superbaum-wegstirbt
- Feb 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Ausführlicher Bericht über die neue Studie zum Zustand des Amazonas-Regenwalds. Bis 2050 drohen 10-47% einen Kipppunkt zu erreichen, jenseits dessen sie ihre jetzigen Funktionen für Kohlenstoff- und Wasser Zyklen verloren. Die Studie beschäftigt sich mit 5 Treibern für Wasser-Stress. Um den Regenwald sicher zu erhalten, ist der Verzicht auf jede weitere Entwaldung und das Einhalten der 1,5°-Grenze nötig. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/feb/14/amazon-rainforest-could-reach-tipping-point-by-2050-scientists-warn
Parks, S.A.; Dillon, G.K.; Miller, C. A New Metric for Quantifying Burn Severity: The Relativized Burn Ratio. Remote Sens. 2014, 6, 1827-1844. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs6031827
Widely used model for #fire-severity prediction for forest wildfires in Canada and USA.
esajournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com esajournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com
Paper using fire risk prediction model.
www.derstandard.de www.derstandard.de
- Jan 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
when you actually have chronic anything usually it's not a good result
for - chronic disease - usually chronic is not a good sign - too much of a good thing turns out to be bad - it means too much of something, like inflammation will cause harm - when inflammation knob is stuck on high, it becomes a problem
metaphor - inflammation and forest fire - If you are camping in the forest, a small fire keeps you warm and you can cook - Inflammation is like that small fire going out of control and burning the whole forest down
Die Firma Blue Carbon, die im Besitz eines Mitglieds des Herrscherhauses von Dubai ist, will in mehreren afrikanischen Ländern CO<sub>2</sub>-Zertifikate zum (behaupteten) Ausgleich der Emissionen von Öl und Gas kaufen. Damit erwirbt die Firma – ohne Information der Bewohner:innen – die Kontrolle über große Waldgebiete. NGOs kampagnisieren intensiv gegen diese Deals. https://taz.de/Umstrittener-Klimaschutzdeal-in-Liberia/!5975181/
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Die nördlichen Wälder Kanadas wurden seit 1976 durch Holzfällen erheblich geschädigt, wie eine neue Studie über zwei Provinzen zeigt. Nicht nur ging der Waldbestand erheblich zurück, die übrig gebliebenen Gebiete sind durch Fragmentierung für den Klimaschutz weniger relevant als die ursprünglichen Wälder. Der Nachhaltigkeitsbegriff der kanadischen Regierung sei vor allem an den Bedürfnissen der Holzindustrie orientiert, stellt der Hauptautor der Studie fest. Experten bezeichnen die Ergebnisse der auch als methodisch wichtig angesehenen Studie als schockierend. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/04/world/canada/canada-boreal-forest-logging.html
- Dec 2023
earthobservatory.nasa.gov earthobservatory.nasa.gov
The maps above show forest cover in Nepal in 1992 (top) and 2016 (bottom).
How Nepal regenerated their forests with community forest management
Imperial apparently made card dividers in addition to card catalogs.
- Nov 2023
climatetippingpoints.info climatetippingpoints.info
- West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Labrodor Sea/Subpolar Gyre
- Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
- East Antarctic Subglacial Basins
- Amazon Rainforest
- Sahel/West African Monsoon
- Boreal Forest
- Low-Laitude Coral Reefs
- Boreal Permafrost
- Arctic Winter Sea Ice
- Barents Sea Ice
- East Antarctic Ice Sheet
- process: coral bleaching
- Triggering Climate Tipping Points
- topic: tipping points
- expert: David Armstrong McKay
- Greenland Ice Sheet
- Extra-Polar Mountain Glaciers
ucmp.berkeley.edu ucmp.berkeley.edu
- Page
Forests. University of California Museum of Paleontology. https://ucmp.berkeley.edu/exhibits/biomes/forests.php Consultado: 11 nov. 2023
Outline: - The forest biome - Tropical forest - Temperature forest - Boreal forest (taiga)
- Oct 2023
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Die Entwaldung hat weltweit im letzten Jahr um 4% zugenommen, obwohl sich über 100 Staaten in einem Abkommen verpflichtet hatten, sie zu stoppen. Im letzten Jahr gingen 6,6 Millionen Hektar verloren. Den neuen Bericht zum Status der Wälder verantworten 20 Forschungsinstitutionen und Umweltorganisationen. https://www.liberation.fr/environnement/climat/la-deforestation-mondiale-progresse-avertit-un-rapport-20231024_JX6VOXAC6BEV5CEBJ2DIQOMDVA/
Bericht: https://forestdeclaration.org/resources/forest-declaration-assessment-2023
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Neural operators are guaranteed to be discretization invariant, meaning that they can work on any discretization of inputs and converge to a limit upon mesh refinement. Once neural operators are trained, they can be evaluated at any resolution without the need for re-training. In contrast, the performance of standard neural networks can degrade when data resolution during deployment changes from model training.
Look this up: anyone familiar with this? sounds complicated but very promising for domains with a large range of resolutions (medical-imaging, wildfire-management)
- Sep 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
people generally don't recognize is that forest across the planet has responded in a tremendously helpful way 00:16:29 by absorbing roughly 25% of carbon dioxide from our fossil fuel burning. And we generally talk about this as a positive. "Isn't that fantastic!" But, in reality, it's a stress response.
- for: carbon sinks, carbon sinks - oceans, carbon sinks - forests, stats, stats, forest carbon sink, stats - ocean carbon sink, question, question - when do carbon sinks turn into carbon sources?
- forests are absorbing 25% of carbon dioxide emissions
- oceans are absorbing 50% of carbon dioxide emissions
- these are stressing these carbon sinks
- how much longer can they absorb without unintended consequences playing out?
docdrop.org docdrop.org
the conjunction of those two claims the properties exist even when they're not perceived even when they're not measured and they have influences that propagate no faster 00:06:57 than the speed of light that's local realism and local realism is false
- for: objectivism, materialism, question, question - materialism, question - objectivism, if a tree falls in the forest
- question
- How would Donald respond to the question:
- If a tree falls in the forest, does anyone hear?
- Does he hold the same view as modern consensus of quantum physics?
- How would Donald respond to the question:
macleans.ca macleans.ca
lifelong toll it takes on the youngest
- for: forest fire - health impacts
- comment
- health impacts include
- changes in gene expressions vital for immune system functionality
- women giving birth with blackened, diseased placentas
- children born
- smaller
- pre-term
- sicker
- developing croup
- laryngitis
- bronchitis
- health impacts include
Hotter, harder-to-contain fires will burn indefinitely
- for: Canadian forest fires, stats - Canadian forest fires
- stats: 2017
- pyrocumulonimbus cloud rose 13 km into the stratosphere, a world record
- 12,000 square kilometers burned
- stats: 2023
- to the date of this article (Sept 1, 2023), 100,000 square kilometers burned
- Aug 2023
macleans.ca macleans.ca
Across the region, roads buckled, car windows cracked and power cables melted. The emerald fringes of conifers browned overnight, as if singed by flame. Entire cherry orchards were destroyed, the fruit stewed on the trees. More than 650,000 farm animals died of heat stress. Hundreds of thousands of honeybees perished, their organs exploding outside their bodies. Billions of shoreline creatures, especially shellfish, simply baked to death, strewing beaches with empty shells and a fetid stench that lingered for weeks. Birds and insects went unnervingly silent. All the while the skies were hazy but clear, the air preternaturally still, not a cloud in sight. The air pressure was so high they’d all dissipated.
- for: climate communication, polycrisis communication, Canadian fires, Canadian wildfires, Canadian forest fires
- Across the region,
- roads buckled,
- car windows cracked and
- power cables melted.
- The emerald fringes of conifers browned overnight,
- as if singed by flame.
- Entire cherry orchards were destroyed, the fruit stewed on the trees.
- More than 650,000 farm animals died of heat stress.
- Hundreds of thousands of honeybees perished,
- their organs exploding outside their bodies.
- Billions of shoreline creatures,
- especially shellfish,
- simply baked to death,
- strewing beaches with empty shells and a fetid stench that lingered for weeks.
- Birds and insects went unnervingly silent.
- All the while the skies were hazy but clear, the air preternaturally still, not a cloud in sight.
- The air pressure was so high they’d all dissipated.
- Across the region,
author: Anne Shibata Casselman
- date: Aug, 2023
- this description is so visceral that it should be made into a short movie,
- a new communication format more powerful than mainstream media presently uses is to record the actual substantial and visceral impacts with video and show to the public
What follows is a portrait of Canada in a world warmed by two degrees. This is not what our country will look like if the world fails to reduce emissions—this is our future even if we do.
- for: Canada's future, climate future - Canada, climate communication, polycrisis communication
- quote
- What follows is a portrait of Canada in a world warmed by two degrees. This is not what our country will look like if the world fails to reduce emissions—this is our future even if we do.
- author: Anne Shibata Casselman
- date: Aug, 2023
- source
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
- for: Canadian forest fires, tipping point, forest fire graph, graph - forest fires - Canada,
- comment
- graph that shows the unprecedented forest fires turning forests from carbon sink to carbon source
- Jun 2023
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Es gibt bisher keine zufriedenstellenden Lösungen für das Problem der Anpassung der französischen Wälder an die Folgen der globalen Erhitzung. Die von der Regierung geplanten massiven Aufforstungen konnten in den letzten Jahren nicht erfolgreich durchgeführt werden, weil zu viele Bäume durch Schädlinge, Trockenheit und andere Folgen der Erhitzung starben.
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Die französischen Wälder verliere die Fähigkeit CO2 zuabsorbieren, viermal schneller, als in den Planungen der Regierung angenommen. Diese Veränderungen sind folgende globalen Erhitzung. Sie gefährden die bisherigen Zielsetzungen Frankreichs zur CO2-Neutralität, weil der Wald bei weitem nicht in dem Ausmaß als Senke zur Verfügung steht, wie dort vorgesehen.
- May 2023
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Das Chaco in Paraguay ist seit 2000 eine der Regionen mit der intensivsten Entwaldung für die Rindfleischproduktion durch die globalisierte Agroindustrie. Die Leidtragenden in dem von der globalen Erhitzung besondere betroffenen Gebiet sind die indigenen Gruppen. Der Grundbesitz ist extrem konzentriert. https://www.liberation.fr/international/amerique/deforestation-au-paraguay-une-politique-de-boeufs-20230430_25EUIC7BRNCB3C62DYIJVD2H7E/
- Apr 2023
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
650 Wissenschaftler fordern vor der COP15, auf Bioenergie aus Wäldern zu verzichten und Bioenergie nicht länger als erneuerbare Energie anzuerkennen.
- Mar 2023
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
- Nov 2022
agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com
"Burn Severity in Canada's Mountain National Parks: Patterns, Drivers, and Predictions" Weiwei Wang, Xianli Wang, et al Geophysical Research Letters
- Jul 2022
docdrop.org docdrop.org
let me comment on your quantum physics i have only one objection please i think it's uh uh it's 01:01:21 what you said about the two uh sort of prototypical uh quantum puzzles which is schrodinger the double slit experiment uh it's uh it's perfect um my only objection is that in my book 01:01:34 i described of course i had a chapter about schrodinger cat but i don't use a situation in which the cat is dead or alive 01:01:46 i prefer a situation in which the cat is asleep or awake just because i don't like killing cats even in in in in mental experiments so after that 01:01:58 uh uh replacing a sleep cut with a dead cat i think uh i i i i completely agree and let me come to the the serious part of the answer um 01:02:10 what you mentioned as the passage from uh the third and the fourth um between among the the sort of the versions of 01:02:25 wooden philosophy it's it's exactly what i what i think is relevant for quantum mechanics for this for the following reason we read in quantum mechanics books 01:02:37 that um we should not think about the mechanical description of reality but the description reality with respect to the observer and there is always this notion in in books that there's observer or there are 01:02:50 paratus that measure so it's a uh but i am a scientist which view the world from the perspective of 01:03:02 modern science where one way of viewing the world is that uh there are uh you know uh billions and billions of galaxies each one with billions and billions of 01:03:14 of of of stars probably with planets all around and uh um from that perspective the observer in any quantum mechanical experiment is just one piece in the big story 01:03:28 so i have found the uh berkeley subjective idealism um uh profoundly unconvincing from the point 01:03:39 of view of a scientist uh because it there is an aspect of naturalism which uh it's a in which i i i grew up as a scientist 01:03:52 which refuses to say that to understand quantum mechanics we have to bring in our mind quantum mechanics is not something that has directly to do with our mind has not 01:04:05 something directly to do about any observer any apparatus because we use quantum mechanics for describing uh what happened inside the sun the the the reaction the nuclear reaction there or 01:04:18 galaxy formations so i think quantum mechanics in a way i think quantum mechanics is experiments about not about psychology not about our mind not about consciousness not 01:04:32 about anything like that it has to do about the world my question what we mean by real world that's fine because science repeatedly was forced to change its own ideas about the 01:04:46 real world so if uh if to make sense of quantum mechanics i have to think that the cat is awake or asleep only when a conscious observer our mind 01:05:00 interacts with this uh i say no that's not there are interpretations of quantum mechanics that go in that direction they require either am i correct to say the copenhagen 01:05:14 school does copenhagen school uh talk about the observer without saying who is what is observed but the compelling school which is the way most 01:05:27 textbooks are written uh describe any quantum mechanical situation in terms okay there is an observer making a measurement and we're talking about the outcome of the measurements 01:05:39 so yes it's uh it assumes an observer but it's very vague about what what an observer is some more sharp interpretation like cubism uh take this notion observer to be real 01:05:54 fundamental it's an agent somebody who makes who thinks about and can compute the future so it's a it's a that's that's a starting point for for doing uh for doing the rest i was 01:06:07 i've always been unhappy with that because things happen on the sun when there is nobody that is an observer in anything and i want to think to have a way of thinking in the world that things happen there 01:06:20 independently of me so to say is they might depend on one another but why should they depend on me and who am i or you know what observers should be a you know a white western scientist with 01:06:32 a phd i mean should we include women should we include people without phd should we include cats is the cat an observer should we fly i mean it's just not something i understand
Carlo goes on to address the fundamental question which lay at the intersection of quantum mechanics and Buddhist philosophy: If a tree falls in the forest, does anybody hear? Carlo rejects Berkeley's idealism and states that even quantum mechanical laws are about the behavior of a system, independent of whether an observer is present. He begins to invoke his version of the Schrödinger cat paraodox to explain.
- Jun 2022
Local file Local file
Forest Tribals and Forest Policy
admrayner.medium.com admrayner.medium.com
When I was around eight years old, having recently made the trip with my family back ‘home’ to London from where I was born and lived my earliest years in Nairobi, Kenya, I contracted measles, the first of many childhood illnesses that confined me to bed and disrupted my schooling. My father sat by my bedside and read stories to me about the planets and outer space, infecting me with his love of scientific exploration. I was given books to read about natural history and I learned to identify the garden birds in the tree that grew outside my bedroom window. I made watercolour paintings of these and others that I had never seen from illustrations on the pages of ‘Collins Pocket Guide to British Birds’. Then, whenever I was well enough, I was taken out into the countryside and spent many happy days bird-spotting for myself. I was taken on my first ‘fungus foray’ to a place called Burnham Beeches, west of London. It was led by the redoubtable figure of a man called Bayard Hora and I was awestruck by what I many years later described as ‘The Fountains of the Forest’ as they erupted from ground and trees in manifold shapes and colours, not least the legendary ‘fly agaric’ (Amanita muscaria), the ‘parasol’ (Macrolepiota procera) and numerous ‘brittle gills’ (Russula spp). I found that their Latin names came easily to me and I delighted in showing off my recall to peers and teachers.
When we are young and provided with such opportunity to marvel and immerse ourselves in the patterns of nature, we keep the creative flow alive.
- Feb 2022
www.thehindu.com www.thehindu.com
In 15 years, the Borajan rainforest patch has lost over two-thirds of its gibbons
- Nov 2021
colab.research.google.com colab.research.google.com
- Oct 2021
uthaiforest.org uthaiforest.org
On Tuesday, 7 September 2021, during the Ecosystem Restoration Camps fireside chat, Hui Ran Too presented the work in Thailand in the Uthai Forest.
- Jun 2021
- Mar 2021
blog.izs.me blog.izs.me
All too often, people get hung up on the wrong aspects of the Unix Philosophy, and miss the forest for the trees
www.merriam-webster.com www.merriam-webster.com
- Feb 2021
ps --forest -o pid,tty,stat,time,cmd -g $(ps -o sid= -p 2795)
- Sep 2020
snarp.github.io snarp.github.io
Big talk. But Agnes is dead. And I don’t know if you heard, but your little woodland circle’s been broken. So I don’t really see, anything getting in my way, if I wanted to burn the flesh, off your snarky bones.
github.com github.com
Viechtbauer, W. (2020). Wviechtb/forest_emojis [R]. https://github.com/wviechtb/forest_emojis (Original work published 2020)
- Aug 2020
www.propublica.org www.propublica.org
Burn bosses in California can more easily be held liable than their peers in some other states if the wind comes up and their burn goes awry. At the same time, California burn bosses typically suffer no consequences for deciding not to light.
Much of the fire-suppression apparatus — the crews themselves, the infrastructure that supports them — is contracted out to private firms. “The Halliburton model from the Middle East is kind of in effect for all the infrastructure that comes into fire camps,” Beasley said, referencing the Iraq war. “The catering, the trucks that you can sleep in that are air-conditioned…”
“The median compensation package — including base pay, special pay, overtime and benefits — for full time Cal Fire firefighters of all categories is more than $148,000 a year.”
A six-word California fire ecology primer: The state is in the hole. A seventy-word primer: We dug ourselves into a deep, dangerous fuel imbalance due to one simple fact. We live in a Mediterranean climate that’s designed to burn, and we’ve prevented it from burning anywhere close to enough for well over a hundred years. Now climate change has made it hotter and drier than ever before, and the fire we’ve been forestalling is going to happen, fast, whether we plan for it or not.
In such a manner, then, the three universal institutions instantiate the three temporal ecstasies which, properly speaking, define humanity’s abode on the earth. Religion, matrimony, and burial of the dead embody the linear openness of time. Religion is born of the idea of providence. It implies an awareness of the future. Burial of the dead is grounded in reverence for the past, for the ancestral, in short for what we call tradition. Tradition comes to us from the domain of the dead. Both religion and burial, in turn, serve to consolidate the contract of matrimony, which mantains the genealogical line in the present.
Contextualize: This passage is about the beginnings of Humanism and the forest as a subject or element that caused the appearance of what we know as civilization. The scene takes place in the West, in a landscape abundant with forests in all directions, in which the people who inhabited it were lonely, without parents, or responsibilities, nothing. They lived a life without rules or restrictions, what the author describes as "bestial freedom." They visualized the space in a horizontal sense, because the density of the forests did not let them see more. The forest respresented the unknown.
As everything in nature is part of a cycle, forests dry up and between darkness, light passes through and creating the idea that there is something else than the forest, that's when the giants become aware of the sky and visualize the space vertically. Thus was born the first act of human enlightenment: forest clearing and the appropiation of it for the creation of the three human institutions: religion, matrimony and buried of the dead. The forest becomes the obstacle and threat to the progress of the human being.
- Jun 2020
www.newscientist.com www.newscientist.com
Taylor, L. (2020, June 18). Coronavirus poses grave threat to Amazon’s indigenous communities. New Scientist. https://www.newscientist.com/article/2246572-coronavirus-poses-grave-threat-to-amazons-indigenous-communities/
- Jul 2019
pedroconcejero.wordpress.com pedroconcejero.wordpress.com
RF is now a standard to effectively analyze a large number of variables, of many different types, with no previous variable selection process. It is not parametric, and in particular for survival target it does not assume the proportional risks assumption.
- Feb 2018
www.atlasobscura.com www.atlasobscura.com
An elegant black forest cake.
Does this make you hungry!
- Apr 2017
bangordailynews.com bangordailynews.com
The annual drop in Maine wood demand since 2014 would fill that imaginary 1,770-mile caravan. The loss equals about 350 fewer truckloads of wood a day, every day of the year.
- Sep 2016
online.salempress.com online.salempress.com
Of Colombia's total area of 282 million acres, 148 million are forested. The Colombian government has established the goal of expanding that area by reclaiming 2.7 million acres. The country's timber needs have largely been filled by imports.
148 million acres are forested.
- Feb 2016
bangordailynews.com bangordailynews.com
He expects that the logging project near Quimby’s land will likely generate about $755,250 at the state’s average sale price, $50.35 per cord of wood. The land has about 1,500 harvestable acres that contain about 30 cords of wood per acre, or 45,000 cords, but only about a third of that will be cut because the land is environmentally sensitive, Denico said. The Bureau of Parks and Lands expects to generate about $6.6 million in revenue this year selling about 130,000 cords of wood from its lots, Denico said. Last year, the bureau generated about $7 million harvesting about 139,000 cords of wood. The Legislature allows the cutting of about 160,000 cords of wood on state land annually, although the LePage administration has sought to increase that amount.
- Dec 2015
longnow.org longnow.org
from plantations. If that were to increase to 75 percent, the logged area of natural forests could drop in half.” Meanwhile the consumption of all wood has leveled off---for fuel, buildings, and, finally, paper. We are at peak timber.