24 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2024
    1. Smith et al. summarize four categories of characteristics contributing to RTL: cognitive, attitudinal, behavioral, and personality/dispositional: Readiness to learn is a mix of cognitive (e.g., prior knowledge), attitudinal (e.g., enthusiasm), behavioral (e.g., effort; strategy use), and personality or dispositional (e.g., determination or drive) characteristics. As such, the literature indicates that readiness to learn is an elastic construct wherein an individual’s motivation, use of basic cognitive skills, and the use of “soft skills” that enable learning (e.g., communication, teamwork; U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy, n.d.) come into play. (177)
  2. Oct 2023
    1. They then spent a couple of pages on the history of elementary education, followed by a discussion of the stages of instruction, beginning with "reading readiness" and continuing through "sight words" and "context clues", to mature skills that allow the reader to compare the views of different writers.

      The broad idea of "reading readiness" stemmed from Jean Piaget's work, much of which was debunked by Peter Bryant during the 1970s. Yet we're still apparently discussing it and attempting to figure out how to do all this better: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/22/us/reading-teaching-curriculum-phonics.html

      They didn't tackle the lowest level very thoroughly, but I was a bit surprised that with their discussion of speed reading they didn't give at least a passing mention to phonics which had a big rise in the 1960s before declining in the 70s and 80s only to see another big uptick in the 90s.

  3. Oct 2022
    1. Intellectual readiness involves a minimumlevel of visual perception such that the child can take in andremember an entire word and the letters that combine to formit. Language readiness involves the ability to speak clearly andto use several sentences in correct order.

      Just as predictive means may be used on the level of letters, words, and even whole sentences within information theory at the level of specific languages, does early orality sophistication in children help them to become predictive readers at earlier ages?

      How could one go about testing this, particularly in a broad, neurodiverse group?

  4. Apr 2022
    1. Students who are assigned a group project without an adequate level of readiness and/or guidance may be set up for failure. An interesting factor discussed by Sanders (2008) is that students are often ill-equipped through their previous educational experiences to collaborate (in general) or peer-review and often see colleagues as rivals.

  5. Nov 2021
  6. May 2021
  7. Feb 2021
  8. Oct 2020
  9. Aug 2020
    1. Test Your Readiness: Data Practices

      This seems to be the same overall Readiness test available in all Chapters. Consider segmenting the Readiness test into portions that align with the particular chapter that the learner is in.

  10. Jul 2020
  11. Jun 2020
  12. Apr 2020
  13. Jun 2019
    1. The State of California's Online Education Initiative (OEI) has developed an innovative set of interactive tutorials and tools, which may increase your chances of success in any online course. These tutorials are interactive, helpful, and easily accessible.
  14. Mar 2019
    1. Edward Thorndike's three laws of learning. The page does not explain this, but his theories came out in about 1900. His three laws of learning appear to be relevant to our course work. This simple page features black text on a white page. It is brief and it simply describes the three laws of learning. rating 5/5

  15. Jan 2019
  16. May 2018
  17. Aug 2017
  18. Sep 2016