36 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
    1. we form naturally Collective intelligences as just human groups and we can see this show up in for example the way that a group of of of sports like a team of sports people will come together and they will produce something which clearly has a quality of intelligence that is different than um just you five or 12 people showing up randomly

      for - collective intelligence - properties of the higher level whole - that are missing in the lower level individuals that constitute it - example sports team - Jordan Hall

  2. Aug 2024
  3. Dec 2023
    1. 08:30 High action sports like F1 have a higher innate rate of pregression due to their being flow, naturally, in these sports

  4. Nov 2023
  5. Sep 2023
  6. Jun 2023
    1. Jokic joins Antetokounmpo, Dirk Nowitzki, Tony Parker, Tim Duncan and Hakeem Olajuwon as the only players born overseas to take home the Finals award.

      Tim Duncan was born in the U.S. Virgin Islands, so I am not sure how "overseas" is being defined here.

  7. May 2023
    1. The clinical application of the work of these disciplines is performed to improve and maintain an individual's functional capacities for physical labor, exercise, and sports. Sports medicine also includes the prevention and treatment of diseases and injuries related to exercise and sports.

      Ask a question in class

  8. Jan 2023
    1. DeWine said he has talked directly with the director and several members of the six-member Ohio Casino Control Commission, to which the legislature gave the job of regulating the fledgling industry.

      Since neither you nor I nor anyone else may dictate whether or not people bet on sports in Ohio, we couldn't have justly granted that authority to the legislature to hand off to the made-up "Ohio Casino Control Commission". We also couldn't have justly granted any authority to "Governor" Mike DeWine.

      This is simply corrupt racketeering by the most powerful gang in the state, and their "legions of enforcer" mercenaries to claim a right to impose their opinions on Ohioans when no one else can.

      For those confused, it's right there in the Just Powers clause of The Declaration of Independence.

      All just Gov power must be granted to it by individuals. They can't just wish power for themselves out of thin air, no matter how many legislators or voters "vote" for the wish to come true.

  9. Apr 2022
    1. baseball

      For a long time, Austen's use of the word baseball in Northanger Abbey was cited as its first appearance in the English language. But as this episode from the podcast The Thing About Austen explains, this was a mistake. Co-hosts Zan Cammack (she/her) and Diane Neu (she/her) address past speculation regarding Austen's role in the invention of this word, while providing illuminating historical context about Regency sports (Did Austen's contemporaries play baseball?), gender (Was it socially acceptable for women to play cricket and baseball?), and the supposed "all-American" game (If it was common in Britain, when did baseball makes its way into American national identity?).!

  10. Jan 2022
  11. Nov 2021
  12. Sep 2021
  13. Jul 2021
    1. Anne: So a couple of things to reflect on. When we talked to young men similar to you who went as children and parents were working in the US while they're growing up, a lot of them turned to gangs and criminal behavior. You did not.Juan: No.Anne: What do you think the difference was?Juan: I don't know. I guess some people… I would say my dad, he provided me with the role model. Because I told you, my dad is a hardworking man. Since we were little, we were nine or ten, he would make us go to work with him, even on the weekends, even if we would just go and pick up trash or even just to be there, he would make us go. In the way he taught us, that if you want something you have to go out and do it. No one is going to get it for you.Juan: In my situation, my dad was a role model and he made it so gang affiliation or violence never came to my head. I had cousins. One of my cousins was gang affiliated and he is older than me for two years or three years, so I saw that he was in a gang and he had a lot of friends and, in a way, it did push me to want to be like him because I saw him, he had power, but I always knew that gang affiliation wasn't my thing.Juan: Because, again, through sports, school, my dad, going to work, that helped me not get into that. I guess people who do get in gangs, I don't know if they feel alone or they feel by being in a gang you have a new family who has your back. That could also have them go towards a gang affiliation. You don't know their background as a house, if their parents are not well, or if they had a dad who was abusive or a mom who was abusive.Juan: A lot of things come from home when it comes to gang affiliation, or the people that you hang out with, the people that you surround yourself with. Fortunately, I was surrounding myself with good people who came from good families and showed me different things in life that didn't have to do with gang affiliation. When I was in high school, there was a lot of people who were in gangs. I was friends with them, but to the point where I wanted to be in their gang or affiliated with them that just didn't come to my mind.

      Time in the US, Gangs, Resisting affiliation

    1. Claudia: I see. Did you like school? What did you get up to in the States?Yosell: In the States I finished my high school out there, and I was actually studying a little bit of college, but after the dumb Trump kind of thing came in place, I was just like, "Eh." And my mom had cancer at the time—she was fighting her cancer. So I ended up just saying, "I'm going back out to Mexico to live this time and actually live out here." I ended up just coming back, and just forgetting about college over there, and came back here to Mexico to actually live. And of course I was actually helping my mom with the cancer thing.Claudia: What did you do in the States? What did you like to do for fun?Yosell: Out in the States?Claudia: Yeah.Yosell: I actually had a sponsor for snowboarding and surfing.Claudia: Holy shit, that's awesome.Yosell: That's basically what I did. I just got paid to do that. And when I wasn't working with that, I would travel a lot with my dad. My dad would work with construction. I would just be with my dad or do my thing, and that's it, basically.Claudia: What did you like about snowboarding and surfing?Yosell: Let's see, snowboarding. I would always go back out to Utah, to Salt Lake, cause I loved snowboarding there and plus we'd always get free gear out there from the sponsor. The best part I probably like out there was camping out in the mountains. I really like camping a lot, I don't know why, it's just something I always did like. [Chuckle]. And from surfing, I don't know, it was always really into water.Yosell: I can remember when I was just a little kid, my dad would actually take me out to San Francisco and Venice Beach and all those kinds of beaches to just kick it. And I would see a bunch of my cousins surfing, so I think that's where it came on. I think I like almost any other sport, really, it's just like something that my dad put us into. He would take me, and I have two little brothers, out dirt biking a lot.Claudia: When you say you had a sponsorship, does that mean that you competed?Yosell: Yeah. It usually would take us out, and my dad would actually come with me, since I was still a minor, and it would just get a couple of videos into it, just do my stuff basically. That's all I would do.Claudia: Did you ever see yourself doing that when you were older?Yosell: I actually used to get paid for that out there, but just since I did end up just coming out to Mexico, I talked to my sponsor—which his name was called Jones, he was my manager out there—and I told him, "Hey, you know what? I'm going out to Mexico." And I got to say thanks and that's it. And he actually tried—when I got out to Mexico, I had contact with him a lot—he's telling me, "Hey, I want to see if we can get you a green card or something." I kind of didn't want to go back out to the States. I kind of just wanted to stay here. I really didn't even know Mexico, so that was part of it. I surfed a couple of times here in Mexico, but it's expensive out here to do something. You can't really do much.

      Time in the US, Jobs/employment/work, Careers, Athlete, Family, Friends, Hanging out;

  14. Jun 2021
  15. Mar 2021
  16. Oct 2020
    1. Professional sports (especially those posting record profits such as the NFL and MLB) should bear the responsibility of recruiting and preparing prospective professional athletes.

      Bruh how????

    2. they felt obligated (usually pressured by coaches and teammates) to put all their time into their “real” occupation – sports.
    3. Most-all student athletes will never become professionals, but instead will have to fall back on their college degrees to find employment once they graduate.
  17. Sep 2020
    1. I’ve been thinking about that a lot, about how we can’t cover sports right now, or ever, as an individual and separate thing because sports are the gift we get for making our society as just and fair as possible. Right now, we’re seeing that multiplied a hundred times, because you have athletes who are feeling the urgency and have the power to come out and say what they believe politically. ESPN was saying just a few years ago that they wouldn’t cover politics at all. Now there’s no choice there. It’s been made really clear by the athletes, the people who play the sports, that they don’t want that distinction there themselves. So, who are we to decide that it must be imposed?

      Or cooking, members of the NYT Cooking Club cough or singing, members of Eric Whitacre's Virtual Choirs ...

  18. Jul 2020
    1. La répartition des carences grand public par EPTEPTM² existantM² nécessaireDifférenceEquivalence de la carence en nbr bassins*T6 Plaine Commune4 4848 227-3 74310T7 Paris Terres d’envol3 2597 205-3 94611T8 Est ensemble5 6997 986-2 2876T9 Grand Paris –Grand Est3 8667 356-3 4899*en considérant qu’un bassin moyen fait 375m² (25*15)Les disparités territoriales quant à la carence en m² de bassins pour le public sont importantes aussi bien au niveau des EPT qu’au niveau de l’échelle communale.Pour arriver à une situation de non saturation des piscines de Seine-Saint-Denis il faudrait ainsi doubler le parc de piscines. Certains territoires semblent cependant à prioriser. Au vu de la carte jointe, les communes d’Aulnay-Sous-Bois, Saint-Denis et d’Aubervilliersdans une moindre mesuresont les 3 plus carencées même si Saint-Denis et Aubervilliers disposent chacune d’un grand équipement.
  19. Jan 2020
  20. Apr 2018
    1. His parents had abandoned their property in the Cuban province of Camagüey to become janitors in Los Angeles, to give their three children a new country.

      Dominguez's parents were willing to sacrifice their way of life for their son.

  21. Jul 2017
  22. Jul 2016
    1. Your football coach wants you and your teammates to spend your offseason loading the barbell like powerlifters and filling cafeteria trays like sumo wrestlers. The local AAU coach wants you to play basketball on his team through the spring and summer, making you more accessible to college recruiters. And the hitting instructor your father hired wants you to play baseball year-round: high school in the spring, travel teams in the summer, and showcases in the fall and winter.

      In this paragraph this coach want these kids to be occupied during the off season,the football coach want them to load the barbells, The basketball want them to play so that they can get recruited in college, The baseball coach them to in spring.

      This matter because it depend was gonna improve on your skill during the off season.

      This is different from me because I don't play on teams so much.

    2. In this paragraph they are talking about how kids are better off playing more than one sports because it helps them become better athletically. This relates to me because I was recently working on a post about playing two sports, but I was actually going against it saying that focusing on one sports is an better advantage of making.

    3. You’ve loved sports as long as you can remember, and squeeze in as many as you can: football in the fall, basketball in the winter, baseball in the spring and summer. The problem, at least in the eyes of some of the adults in your life, is that your love is too promiscuous. You feel constant pressure to pick just one

      This quote right here matters to me because it relates to my situation, which is having to playing two sports at the same time. But I don't feel like I'm promiscuous because even though I play other sports than soccer I don't take it serious as much as soccer.

  23. May 2016
  24. annotatingausten.sfsuenglishdh.net annotatingausten.sfsuenglishdh.net
    1. phaetons

      "A type of light four-wheeled open carriage, usually drawn by a pair of horses, and having one or two seats facing forward" (OED).

  25. Sep 2015
  26. Mar 2015
    1. This is one of the best and more reliable Greek websites on tennis. The guys who run it are really dedicated and passionate about tennis and make a great effort to analyse and discuss all of tournaments. I have been following them since 2007. Highly recommended if you are interested in tennis and speak Greek.