- Jan 2025
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
for - Youtube -Right way to eat sugar - No inflammation - health - diet - how to minimize insulin spike when eating sugar - Dr. Anshul Gupta M.D. 2024 Nov
summary - combine with protein or good faats to slow down sugar release - exercise 15 minutes after eating sugar - eat in the morning, not the evening - eat small portions - stevia and monkfruit are the only sugar substitutes
- Aug 2024
www.nationalgeographic.com www.nationalgeographic.com
www.swissre.com www.swissre.com
Degradation ofecosystem services could be significantly slowed down or even reversed if the role ofbiodiversity and its full contribution to economic production were an integrated part ofdecisions made by governmental entities, companies, and other stakeholders (Paul et al2020)20
for - biodiversity - impact of monoculture diet
biodiversity - impact of monoculture diet - FAO study done before 2000 and often cited shows that 75% of the global diet comes from 12 plant and 5 animal food sources
to - stats - progress trap - monoculture - table of 12 plant and 5 animal species that make up 75% of world's diet - https://hyp.is/iznepFWoEe-umbNyOGVqrg/thefuturemarket.com/biodiversity
- progress trap - monoculture - instead of agrobiodiversity - examples of
- Jul 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
for - personal health - metabolic disease - insulin resistance caused by mitochondria dysfunction - interview - Dr. Robert Lustig - health - dangers of sugar in our diet
summary - Robert Lustig is a researcher and major proponent for educating the dangers of sugar as the root cause of the majority of preventable western disease - He explains how sugar and carbs are a major variable and root cause of a majority of these diseases - It is useful to look at these bodily dysfunctions from the perspective of Michael Levin, in which all these diseases of the body are problems with lower levels of the multi-scale competency architecture - https://jonudell.info/h/facet/?max=100&expanded=true&user=stopresetgo&exactTagSearch=true&any=michael+levin%2C+multi-scale+competency+architecture
- Robert Lustig
- personal health - metabolic disease - insulin resistance caused by mitochondria dysfunction - interview - Dr. Robert Lustig
- disease from the perspective of dysfunction of lower levels of multi-scale competency architecture
- heart health
- health - heart - dangers of sugar in our diet
- Apr 2024
for - deep geothermal - Quaise Energy - Paul Woskov - adjacency - deep geothermal - gyrotron - microwave energy - drilling - use oil & gas industry drilling expertise - rehabilitate old mines
summary - see adjacency statement below
adjacency - between - deep geothermal - gyrotron - microwave energy - drilling - use oil & gas industry drilling expertise - rehabilitate old mines - adjacency statement - gyrotrons pulse high energy microwave energy in nuclear fusion experiments - Woskov thought of applying to vaporing rocks - Quaise was incorporated to explore the possiblity of using gyrotrons to drill up to 20 miles down to tap into the earths heat energy to heat water and drive steam turbines in existing coal-fired and gas power plants - oil and gas industry drilling expertise can be repurposed for this job - as well as all the abandoned resource wells around the globe - Such heat can provide a stable 24/7 base load energy for most of humanity's energy needs.
implications for energy transition - This is a viable option for replacing the dirty fossil fuel system - It has the scale and engineering timelines to be feasible - It is a supply side change but can affect our demand side strategy - The strategy that may become the most palatable is one of a "temporary energy diet"
- Jan 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
the reason we say extra virgin olive oil evoo
for - extra virgin olive oil - good ingredients
benefits - extra virgin olive oil - the meat of the olives contain beneficial polyphenols - 3 tbsp a day max
healthiest olives - look for mono varietal olive oil - picual is highest - greek olive oil - coroniki highest - Italian - moriolo from Umbria
www.sciencedaily.com www.sciencedaily.com
for - human diet - early - majority plant-based
- Dec 2023
www.heilpflanzen-welt.de www.heilpflanzen-welt.de
Polyphenole sind ein Grundstoff für die körpereigene Vitamin C Synthese.
Die "offizielle Geschichte" behauptet, Menschen haben einen Gendefekt, der die Vitamin C Synthese verhindert... aber das ist eine Lüge, wie so viele andere "offizielle Geschichten" auch. Siehe auch: Official Stories. by Liam Scheff. Official stories exist to protect officials.
The Restoration of Vitamin C Synthesis in Humans
The full importance of vitamin C remains unappreciated by most health care practitioners today, as it is the most important nutrient in the body, and daily intake must be multigram in amount to even approach the benefits that vitamin C affords the body when optimally present. It has been well-established that the higher the blood levels of vitamin C, the longer and healthier the life.
The inability of most human livers to make vitamin C from glucose appears to be a combination of genetic and epigenetic defects. However, it has been discovered that the intake of hydroxytyrosol (HT) in the form of a quality olive leaf extract allows most of the consumers to substantially increase their blood levels of vitamin C. It would appear that HT effectively overcomes an epigenetic translation defect allowing the formation of GULO which can then complete the synthesis of vitamin C in the liver. And while the underlying genetic details remain to be clarified and completely understood, multiple studies have indicated that many humans do make vitamin C in utero and after birth, clearly indicating that the ability to synthesize vitamin C is a lost ability, rather than one that was never present. This also indicates that epigenetic (acquired) defects likely play the major role in adults not having the ability to make vitamin C.
Limited and small experiments have also indicated that humans supplementing HT not only have the return of the ability to make vitamin C, but also the ability to make much larger amounts of vitamin C when faced with acute toxic and/or infectious oxidative stress in the blood. This ability would be profoundly synergistic with all other beneficial treatments for different medical conditions.
climateuncensored.com climateuncensored.com
Fast international travel will, at least temporarily, have to be for urgent or emergency purposes only. A triage approach is needed to ensure that the reallocation of society’s small carbon budget, its labour and resources, are used wisely to provide for a thriving society.
for: climate crisis - air travel, climate crisis - triage approach, climate communications - SRG suggestion - energy diet
- Kevin's use of the term triage is aligned to a Stop Reset Go strategy of reframing the challenges in the next few years in terms of a potentially temporary energy diet
- That may be more palatable for transition for people accustomed to the existing high carbon lifestyle culture to accept
- The potential of developing alternative energy resources plus a shift to low energy / high efficiency lifestyle could get us to the target and provide incentive for a drastic energy consumption cut
Once decarbonisation is complete, then, if it is considered desirable, rampant inequality can again be pursued, as it clearly is today. But between now and then, inequality is the main obstacle to getting anywhere near our Paris commitments.
for: SRG energy diet, climate communications - suggestion - SRG energy diet
- This statement once again echos the idea of a temporary energy diet as a way to reframe the challenges we face
- There are potential clean high energy density replacements for fossil fuels but they will take time to develop. Meanwhile, an energy diet is recommended
- This means we must adapt to a much lower intensity world, at least temporarily
- We would need to calculate the numbers to see what such a future looks like and what steps must be taken to get there
Ultra deep geothermal power
for:: clean energy source with high energy density -;ultra deep brother power
- a practical, cost-effective, initiator ubiquitous, reliable high energy density substitute for fossil fuels can
- give us authentic hope and
- propose complimentary actions that can now make sense like
- temporary energy diet until the practical solution manifests
- a practical, cost-effective, initiator ubiquitous, reliable high energy density substitute for fossil fuels can
- Aug 2023
climateuncensored.com climateuncensored.com
fertiliser, the challenge is more real, but there is still an important and obvious first step – eat less meat. A large part of the world’s agricultural system is dedicated to growing crops and vegetables to feed animals, which we then eat. Reduce the last part of this equation (i.e. eat less meat), and the huge inefficiencies in the system mean far less fertiliser is required.
- for: energy diet, energy fast, degrowth, agriculture emissions, food system emissions
However, CCS on a powerstation is not going to stop CO2 being released from burning kerosene in an aircraft. The only near-medium term answer for this sector is a rapid, massive and fair cut in aviation use – at least until zero-carbon aircraft have replaced most of the current fleet.
- for: energy diet, energy fast, degrowth, aircraft emissions, travel emissions
- Feb 2023
neurosciencenews.com neurosciencenews.com
When threatened with the possibility of starvation, early humans developed a survival response which sent them foraging for food. Yet foraging is only effective if metabolism is inhibited in various parts of the brain.Foraging requires focus, rapid assessment, impulsivity, exploratory behavior and risk taking. It is enhanced by blocking whatever gets in the way, like recent memories and attention to time. Fructose, a kind of sugar, helps damp down these centers, allowing more focus on food gathering.In fact, the researchers found the entire foraging response was set in motion by the metabolism of fructose whether it was eaten or produced in the body. Metabolizing fructose and its byproduct, intracellular uric acid, was critical to the survival of both humans and animals.The researchers noted that fructose reduces blood flow to the brain’s cerebral cortex involved in self-control, as well as the hippocampus and thalamus. Meanwhile, blood flow increased around the visual cortex associated with food reward. All of this stimulated the foraging response.
Seems like fasting may be beneficial:
The researchers found cerebral fructose levels rose significantly in response to a glucose infusion, with minimal changes in fructose levels in the blood. They surmised that the high concentration of fructose in the brain was due to a metabolic pathway called the polyol pathway that converts glucose to fructose.
And from elsewhere, as seems to be common knowledge:
In prolonged fasting, the brain derives a large portion of its oxidative energy from the ketone bodies, beta-hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetate, thereby reducing whole body glucose consumption.
See also: 1. Fasting-Mimicking Diet Reduces Signs of Dementia
Johnson suspects the survival response, what he calls the “survival switch,” that helped ancient humans get through periods of scarcity, is now stuck in the “on” position in a time of relative abundance. This leads to the overeating of high fat, sugary and salty food prompting excess fructose production.Fructose produced in the brain can lead to inflammation and ultimately Alzheimer’s disease, the study said. Animals given fructose show memory lapses, a loss in the ability to navigate a maze and inflammation of the neurons.“A study found that if you keep laboratory rats on fructose long enough they get tau and amyloid beta proteins in the brain, the same proteins seen in Alzheimer’s disease,” Johnson said. “You can find high fructose levels in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s as well.”Johnson suspects that the tendency of some AD patients to wander off might be a vestige of the ancient foraging response.
- Jan 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
the numbers are 00:14:09 something like that you drop it down to you've got 88 percent less chance or actually it's it's 12 percent chance for most diseases so most diseases are protected by these diets
!- vegan and pescatarian diets : disease impacts - reduce by 88%
eating plants
!- grateful list : plant based or pescatarian diet
- Dec 2022
wakelet.com wakelet.com
Ketogenic Diet for Weight Loss
- Nov 2022
thekeyphrase.com thekeyphrase.com
What is More Important for Weight Loss? Diet or Exercise
- Oct 2022
www.eater.com www.eater.com
HLTH Code Profile on Eater
www.beqbe.com www.beqbe.com
Popular Diet Trends for Weight Loss
- Sep 2022
sitebuilder173602.dynadot.com sitebuilder173602.dynadot.com
flipboard.com flipboard.com
Low Carb Diet - Flipboard
writerstories.mystrikingly.com writerstories.mystrikingly.com
Should You Go On a Low-Carb Diet?
- Jun 2022
Local file Local file
We’ve been conditioned to view information through aconsumerist lens: that more is better, without limit.
- May 2022
report.ipcc.ch report.ipcc.ch
ocio-cultural and lifestyle changes can accelerate climate change mitigation (medium26confidence). Among 60 identified actions that could change individual consumption, individual27mobility choices have the largest potential to reduce carbon footprints. Prioritizing car-free mobility by28walking and cycling and adoption of electric mobility could save 2 tCO2eq cap-1 yr-1. Other options with29high mitigation potential include reducing air travel, cooling setpoint adjustments, reduced appliance30use, shifts to public transit, and shifting consumption towards plant-based diets
The highest potential for demand side reduction among lifestyle change are: mobility, cooling setpoint adjustments, appliance usage, and diet.
- Dec 2021
Muth, A., Vermeer, A. L., Terenzi, D., & Park, S. Q. (2021). The impact of diet and lifestyle on wellbeing during COVID-19-lockdown. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/erta5
- Oct 2021
sanjaykumarro.com sanjaykumarro.com
diet for typhoid patient
Enteric fever is a type of disease but this is not a normal disease because sometime it lead to death.
typhoid diet chart
Enteric fever is a type of disease but this is not a normal disease because sometime it lead to death.
- Sep 2021
www.economist.com www.economist.com
My father has been exploring brain chemistry and neural connections since the 70s in his medical practice as a paediatrician. His children have been his experimental laboratory. A conversation with my father is an adventure down the rabbit hole.
This is what he was sharing with me this past weekend. I must have learned my love of books and magazines from my father.
My father’s interest in Lewis Carroll is related to migraine headaches, which is what my father was treating in adult patients, as he was exploration a correlation between diet and brain chemistry.
- Aug 2021
nutrition.bmj.com nutrition.bmj.com
Kim, H., Rebholz, C. M., Hegde, S., LaFiura, C., Raghavan, M., Lloyd, J. F., Cheng, S., & Seidelmann, S. B. (2021). Plant-based diets, pescatarian diets and COVID-19 severity: A population-based case–control study in six countries. BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health, 4(1), 257–266. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjnph-2021-000272
- Jul 2021
in.pinterest.com in.pinterest.com
typhoid diet chart in hindi(health and disease)
typhoid diet chart in hindi(health and disease):in this pin you can see about typhoid diet chart in hindi and food in typhoid. food should be eat and not in typhoid
- Apr 2021
docs.rangelandsgateway.org docs.rangelandsgateway.org
This idea that plants become desirable or aversive depending on their digestive consequences is simple. But, how do grazing animals figure out exactly which plants made them fee l good or ill? One way herbivores apparently accomplish this task is by regarding unfamiliar plants with caution. Animals associate positive or negative effects of nutrients or toxins with novel foods when offered meals that contain novel and familiar foods. When foraging bouts include several novel plants, plants that dominate the diet are probably 'weighted' more than less-consumed plants, even if the minor foods were primarily responsible for the positive or negative feedback. Furthermore, digestive feedback begins within 10 to 15 minutes of consumption which could help animals attribute digestive benefits or liabilities to specific plants. Finally, livestock grazing on rangelands usually become familiar with the forage resource and may seldom encounter truly novel plants. This allows greater opportunity to 'sort out' feedback from individual or similar groups of plants
When a grazing animal smells and tastes a plant, the flavor is either pleasing or distasteful depending on the animal's previous grazing experiences. When a plant is eaten, it provides feedback during digestion. If consumption of a plant improves the nutrient or energy status of the animal, the plant flavor becomes more desirable or pleasing. If eating of the plant yields illness, the flavor becomes aversive and distasteful (Fig. 2). These flavor-consequence relationships form the basis for dietary likes and dislikes, and the animal then seeks highly palatable foods and avoids aversive foods. The resulting behavior patterns generally lead to increased consump- tion of nutritious foods and limited consumption of toxic or low quality plants.
www.mentalhealth.org.uk www.mentalhealth.org.uk
- Mar 2021
www.econlib.org www.econlib.org
Some generally sound advice all around.
- Feb 2021
simplychurch.com simplychurch.com
The Lord led me to a wonderful Christian ophthalmologist with unconventional methods of arresting the disease through diet alone and that has saved my sight.
www.health.harvard.edu www.health.harvard.edu
Following food author Michael Pollan’s simple advice about choosing a diet may be the best way forward: “Eat food. Not too much. Mainly plants.”
Probably the best general health advice out there.
- Jan 2021
www.healthline.com www.healthline.com
www.healthline.com www.healthline.com
- Oct 2020
richmondmatters.com richmondmatters.com
One thing that using this tool has highlighted for me is that there are a lot of things happening in our community every day, between news, announcements, events and other stuff. If you only rely on what your social media service of choice has decided is worth knowing because it’s generating clicks or discussion, you’re likely to miss something important. Also, do you really want to get your news crammed in between cat videos and political rants from distant acquaintances?
www.projectinfolit.org www.projectinfolit.org
information diet
healthyflax.org healthyflax.org
1/4 cup (60 mL) ground flax3/4 cup (175 mL) warm water1/2 tsp (2 mL) salt2 tsp (10 mL) canola or flax oil1 3/4 cups (425 mL) all-purpose flour (approx)
I calculate that that's a flax content of about 18 baker's percentage.
shiitakejapan.com shiitakejapan.com
The unique Umami characteristic of Dried Shiitake is Guanylate. This Umami component is created during the drying and rehydrating process, and not available in Fresh Shiitake.
Interesting. This makes it likely that shiitake extract is the type of mushroom used in mushroom seasoning or takii. Most products just say "mushroom powder" and "mushroom extract". Some products list "shiitake powder" and "mushroom extract". I can find no product listing the type of extract used.
Edit: The linked table shows dried shiitake has the highest guanylate and glutamate of the listed mushrooms. Given that the website is about umami generally, this dramatically increases the odds that it is shiitake extract used in said products. It implies that dried shiitake may be the most umami mushroom (though no other dried mushroom is listed).
- Apr 2020
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Although it has been proposed that NNS do not affect glycemia (3), data from several recent studies suggest that NNS are not physiologically inert. First, it has been demonstrated that the gastrointestinal tract (4,5) and the pancreas (6,7) can detect sugars through taste receptors and transduction mechanisms that are similar to those indentified in taste cells in the mouth. Second, NNS-induced activation of gut sweet taste receptors in isolated duodenal L cells and pancreatic β-cells triggers the secretion of glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) (4,5) and insulin (6–9), respectively. Third, data from studies conducted in animal models demonstrate that NNS interact with sweet taste receptors expressed in enteroendocrine cells to increase both active and passive intestinal glucose absorption by upregulating the expression of sodium-dependent glucose transporter isoform 1 (5,10,11) and increasing the translocation of GLUT2 to the apical membrane of intestinal epithelia (12).
This supports my previous assertion that the effects of artificial sweeteners on the microbiome are taste-mediated. However, I did not predict the intestinal taste receptors. That means that my previous way to falsify the claim, such as delivery by oral gavage, is no longer adequate. Nonetheless, interesting things could be learned from such tests.
academic.oup.com academic.oup.com
These variations were related to inflammation in the host
In which direction? This statement makes me wonder if inflammation caused the changes in the microbiome.
It seems possible that the sweetness itself is the ultimate cause. To test this, a study using oral gavage. It's easily plausible that the flavor alerts dietary patterns (I believe humans eat more calories in response to sweeteners, will need to check on source). Alternatively, direct effects on the brain, and downstream effects on the body, is also not out of the question.
The reason I suspect taste-mediated effects is that it seems unlikely that so many completely unrelated sweeteners would have such similar effects. However, one might might expect more similar results than those found if it were the case (or the dose is so high that the taste changes for some, e.g. saccharin).
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
In the first of two enzymatic steps that produce high-glucose syrup as an intermediate to high-fructose syrup and other products, bacterial α-amylase is employed at pH 6–7 and about 105°C to hydrolyze starch purified by wet milling to roughly DE (dextrose equivalent) 10, DE being the percent of reducing end-groups in the aqueous sugar mixture relative to those in pure glucose of the same concentration. This indicates that the average maltooligosaccharide produced has a DP (degree of polymerization) of 10, although the mixture has a very wide DP range. DE 30 or more can be attained if the reaction proceeds to completion, but DE 10 is chosen to minimize the probability of pseudo-crystallization at lower DEs and the extent of alkaline-catalyzed isomerization of the reducing-end glucosyl residue at higher DEs.In the second step, at pH 4.3–4.5 and roughly 60°C, fungal glucoamylase and a small amount of pullulanase (pullulan 6-glucanohydrolase, EC, the latter used to rapidly hydrolyze the α-1,6 bonds from the original starch feed, convert the maltooligosaccharide mixture to approximately 96% glucose (dry basis). The remainder is composed of byproducts from α-amylase hydrolysis plus mainly isomaltose [α-glucopyranosyl-(1,6)-glucose] and isomaltotriose from the glucoamylase-catalyzed condensation of glucose.
If I'm understanding this correctly, all I need is alpha amylase (easily obtainable) and beta amylase (AKA glucoamylase, also obtainable). When buying these, I've found that alpha amylase is advertised as simply amylase, whereas beta amylaze is advertised as glucoamylase
This mentions both pH and temperature, but fails to mention time. I'd expect it only takes a matter of hours (or less).
- Mar 2020
www.healthlinetalk.com www.healthlinetalk.com
Extremely easy to follow, the GM Diet Plan for 7 Days offers amazing results. By following this diet plan, one can lose up to 17 pounds of weight within a week.
- Jan 2020
academic.oup.com academic.oup.com
22.3 per cent (−10.7; 95% CI, −15.6 to −5.7) in the diet group
Interesting that the diet group worked better. I'd like to see if it's statistically significantly better than the drug group. It's also worth asking whether sodium was the only important dietary change, or if avoiding sodium caused many other dietary improvements.
Sleepiness and neck circumference were significantly reduced only in the diet group (p = .007 and p < .001 for the time × group interactions, respectively).
Fascinating. Neck circumference suggests that sodium intake may indeed be the significant dietary factor. The recommended diet wasn't even very restricted in sodium.
- Dec 2019
academic.oup.com academic.oup.com
The sodium-restricted diet group received a regimen aiming a maximum intake of 3 g of sodium per day (equivalent to 7.5 g of sodium chloride).
That sounds incredibly high to me. 3000 mg is the absolute maximum intake that could ever be considered 'low' sodium. Under 1500 is usually considered ideal. Would, then, a diet aiming for half the sodium be twice as effective?
- Dec 2018
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is not normally diagnosed until later in life, although evidence suggests that the disease starts at a much earlier age. Risk factors for AD, such as diabetes, hypertension and obesity, are known to have their affects during mid-life, though events very early in life, including maternal over-nutrition, can predispose offspring to develop these conditions. This study tested whether over-nutrition during pregnancy and lactation affected the development of AD in offspring, using a transgenic AD mouse model. Female triple-transgenic AD dam mice (3xTgAD) were exposed to a high-fat (60% energy from fat) or control diet during pregnancy and lactation. After weaning (at 3 weeks of age), female offspring were placed on a control diet and monitored up until 12 months of age during which time behavioural tests were performed. A transient increase in body weight was observed in 4-week-old offspring 3xTgAD mice from dams fed a high-fat diet. However, by 5 weeks of age the body weight of 3xTgAD mice from the maternal high-fat fed group was no different when compared to control-fed mice. A maternal high-fat diet led to a significant impairment in memory in 2- and 12-month-old 3xTgAD offspring mice when compared to offspring from control fed dams. These effects of a maternal high-fat diet on memory were accompanied by a significant increase (50%) in the number of tau positive neurones in the hippocampus. These data demonstrate that a high-fat diet during pregnancy and lactation increases memory impairments in female 3xTgAD mice and suggest that early life events during development might influence the onset and progression of AD later in life.
- Nov 2018
www.bmj.com www.bmj.com
Objective To determine the effects of diets varying in carbohydrate to fat ratio on total energy expenditure.Design Randomized trial.Setting Multicenter collaboration at US two sites, August 2014 to May 2017.Participants 164 adults aged 18-65 years with a body mass index of 25 or more.Interventions After 12% (within 2%) weight loss on a run-in diet, participants were randomly assigned to one of three test diets according to carbohydrate content (high, 60%, n=54; moderate, 40%, n=53; or low, 20%, n=57) for 20 weeks. Test diets were controlled for protein and were energy adjusted to maintain weight loss within 2 kg. To test for effect modification predicted by the carbohydrate-insulin model, the sample was divided into thirds of pre-weight loss insulin secretion (insulin concentration 30 minutes after oral glucose).Main outcome measures The primary outcome was total energy expenditure, measured with doubly labeled water, by intention-to-treat analysis. Per protocol analysis included participants who maintained target weight loss, potentially providing a more precise effect estimate. Secondary outcomes were resting energy expenditure, measures of physical activity, and levels of the metabolic hormones leptin and ghrelin.Results Total energy expenditure differed by diet in the intention-to-treat analysis (n=162, P=0.002), with a linear trend of 52 kcal/d (95% confidence interval 23 to 82) for every 10% decrease in the contribution of carbohydrate to total energy intake (1 kcal=4.18 kJ=0.00418 MJ). Change in total energy expenditure was 91 kcal/d (95% confidence interval −29 to 210) greater in participants assigned to the moderate carbohydrate diet and 209 kcal/d (91 to 326) greater in those assigned to the low carbohydrate diet compared with the high carbohydrate diet. In the per protocol analysis (n=120, P<0.001), the respective differences were 131 kcal/d (−6 to 267) and 278 kcal/d (144 to 411). Among participants in the highest third of pre-weight loss insulin secretion, the difference between the low and high carbohydrate diet was 308 kcal/d in the intention-to-treat analysis and 478 kcal/d in the per protocol analysis (P<0.004). Ghrelin was significantly lower in participants assigned to the low carbohydrate diet compared with those assigned to the high carbohydrate diet (both analyses). Leptin was also significantly lower in participants assigned to the low carbohydrate diet (per protocol).Conclusions Consistent with the carbohydrate-insulin model, lowering dietary carbohydrate increased energy expenditure during weight loss maintenance. This metabolic effect may improve the success of obesity treatment, especially among those with high insulin secretion
- Jun 2018
www.popsci.com www.popsci.com
It was supposed to treat severe epilepsy. And as a medical treatment, it was only intended to be administered under the supervision of trained nutritionists and physicians.
Yes, in the 1920s. But who restricted it to that use?
Doesn't the success of ketogenic diet in this clinical field show that too much carbohydrates cause health problems?
- Apr 2018
daveowhite.com daveowhite.com
Information we receive without consciously asking a question
Information diet & filter bubbles are related concepts. I wonder if there is such a thing as "Information Affective Disorder"?
- Dec 2017
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
A beneficial impact of the fat quality on insulin sensitivity is not seen in individuals with a high fat intake (> 37E%).
This is likely do to the reduced carbohydrate intake rather than increased fat intake. Since carbohydrates generally insulin sensitivity, it's likely that this additional insulin resistance is acting as a confounder (as well as, presumably, a standard deviation widener). Thus, I would expect similar results during hypocaloric carbohydrate restriction.
- diabetes insulin sensitivity resistance blood sugar
- saturated fatty acid fat LCSFAs unsaturated ceramide intramuscular triglycerides intramyocellular lipid
- diabetes / insulin sensitivity/resistance / blood sugar
- diet health lifestyle disease prevention and reversal food nutrients nutrition eat
- research note
- fatty acid / fat / LCSFA(s) /
- May 2017
dresselstyn.com dresselstyn.com
Though current medical and surgical treatments manage coronary artery disease, they do little to prevent or stop it. Nutritional intervention, as shown in our study and others, has halted and even reversed CAD
theskepticalcardiologist.com theskepticalcardiologist.com
The Incredibly Bad Science Behind Dr. Esselstyn’s Plant-based Diet
Part of the enormous diet discourse, this one taking on Dr. Esselstyn's work, with mention of Campbell's book
paleozonenutrition.com paleozonenutrition.com
'The China Study' and 'Forks over Knives', links to critiques
Part of an enormous discourse on diets; this one attempting to discredit Campbell's book The China Study
- Dec 2016
hybridpedagogy.org hybridpedagogy.org
We need to have our crap detectors on high alert, and double-check everything we can, especially if you find it popping back into your mind later.
To be critical, we have to read, think, and process over time. I'm definitely guilty of casual scrolling, but I'm also much more careful about the quick retweet.
That means they make it easy to get the “gist” of a “news” story without going to the actual article, and they attract attention away from the name of the source in their news story previews.
This is huge. Pew's report this year said that 57% of American adults still watch TV for news (which includes cable), but in the 18-50 year old bracket, 50% are online. There is a significant shift toward news skimming over news reading.
Be wary of casual scrolling. This is hard work
That's an understatement. I wonder if information diet is an issue here - i.e. avoid the sites that serve us crap.