325 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2025
    1. Heavy rainfall in East Africa caused severe flooding that killed hundreds and affected more than 700,000 people
    2. Many regions of Asia experienced devastating heatwaves, with approximately 1,500 heat stroke fatalities in Myanmar alone (Pearce and Ware 2024). As part of the longest heat wave ever recorded in India
    3. Extensive flooding in southern Brazil devastated 478 cities, killed 173 people, and left 38 people missing, 806 injured, and 423,486 displaced
    4. A wind storm in Texas, United States killed 5 people and left more than 600,000 people without power.
    5. Severe Cyclonic Storm Remal killed at least 84 people in India and Bangladesh.
    6. 2024Mexico and nearby areas faced extreme heat; at least 125 people have died in Mexico
    1. As we consider the complexity of people, the layered, living contexts of problems faced and the entangled factors that contribute — the monster metaphor seems appropriate

      for - multiple reinforcing feedback loops between many different levels - source - article - Medium - Dancing with "Monsters" - Donna Nelham - 2022, May 2

    2. We are not separate from the systems and structures that affect us.

      for - wicked problems - source - article - Medium - Dancing with "Monsters" - Donna Nelham - 2022, May 2

    3. for - article - Medium - Dancing with "Monsters" - Donna Nelham - 2022, May 2

  2. Dec 2024
    1. Perhaps the end as we know and experience it, can become the ‘and’ as we might know it — opening space for what might follow endings…sometimes with the intense labour of new life…sometimes with what is (more) ready to flow naturally.

      for - ending may lead to anding - article - Medium - Happy andings! - In praise of "and" - Donna Nelham - 2022, May 2022

    2. ‘Happy Anding’

      .> for - phrase - Happy anding - article - Medium - Happy andings! - In praise of "and" - Donna Nelham - 2022, May 2022

    3. We often discover that ANDs can easily take the place of BUTs.

      for - language awareness - And-Or-But - article - Medium - Happy andings! - In praise of "and" - Donna Nelham - 2022, May 2022

      // - comment - AND - expanding possibilities - OR - limiting possibilities - BUT - pointing out the shadow side / unintended consequences of an intention


    4. We’re dancing with complexity

      for - complexity - dancing with - article - Medium - Happy andings! - In praise of "and" - Donna Nelham - 2022, May 2022

      // - comment - We are complexity itself, - dancing with complexity itself - The consciousness that is aware of reality - is reality aware of reality itself - If reality is the chicken - then we are the egg

    1. I think the Paleolithic ethical framework is simply—I mean, the hunter-gatherers—having no separation between themselves, no radical distinction between human and nonhuman—thought everything else was kindred. Literally, they thought if you went out to hunt and you’re hunting a deer, the deer is your sister or your brother, or maybe your ancestor, or maybe, more precisely, past/future forms of yourself. Because I think the ethic was you hunted with sort of prayers and sacrifice and humility. You’re asking a deer—a brother or a sister or an ancestor—to give its life for you.

      for - food is sacred - why we say prayer for the living being that died so that we may live - samsara - kill others so that we may live - hunting and killing other - from - Emergence Magazine - interview - An Ethics of Wild Mind - David Hinton

  3. Nov 2024
    1. Will gradual typing be supported long term or is it a fad? Will this be an abandoned investment?

      annotation meta: may need new tag: - Is it worth the investment? - Is it just a passing fad?

  4. Oct 2024
    1. The fact that many here are maintainers of Ruby implementations also has a biased effect on new features, as they might represent a burden on them. I'm not saying this is a bad thing, I love the diversity of points of view that this brings! OTOH, it's fair that people that do take time to discuss things here have a bigger influence on the direction that Ruby follows.
  5. Sep 2024
    1. The point of GPL licenses is to protect the user of the software, not the developer. If you want "protection" as a developer, use MIT (disclaimer of warranty). GPL "infects" other parts of a system to combat a work-around which was used to violate the software freedom of the user, by firewalling sections of GPL'ed code from the rest of the system. If you don't care about your users' software freedom in the first place, then (L)GPL is the wrong choice.
      • goal: protect user rights/freedoms
      • non-goal: protect developer rights/freedoms
    1. in China haben die Folgen von Extremwetterereignissen, vor allem Überflutungen, im Juli.zu Schäden von 10 Milliarden USD geführt. Die durch Ernteschäden gestiegenen Lebensmittelpreise erschweren die Politik der Parteiführung, durch Ankurbeln des Konsums das Wachstum zu beschleunigen. Hintergrundbericht über Folgen der Erhitzung für Lebensmittelversorgung, Wasser-Management und Infrastruktur. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/02/world/asia/china-rainfall-crops.html

  6. Jul 2024
    1. If warming reaches or exceeds 2 °C this century, mainly richer humans will be responsible for killing roughly 1 billion mainly poorer humans through anthropogenic global warming, which is comparable with involuntary or negligent manslaughter.

      for - quote - exceeding 2 Deg C may result in a billion deaths - Joshua Pearce

      quote - exceeding 2 Deg C may result in a billion deaths - Joshua Pearce - (see below) - If warming reaches or exceeds 2 °C this century, - mainly richer humans will be responsible for killing roughly 1 billion mainly poorer humans - through anthropogenic global warming, - which is comparable with involuntary or negligent manslaughter.

  7. Jun 2024
    1. if you have the cognitive abilities of something that is you know 10 to 100 times smarter than you trying to to outm smarten it it's just you know it's just not going to happen whatsoever so you've effectively lost at that point which means that 00:36:03 you're going to be able to overthrow the US government

      for - AI evolution - nightmare scenario - US govt may seize Open AI assets if it arrives at superintelligence

      AI evolution - projection - US govt may seize Open AI assets if it arrives at superintelligence - He makes a good point here - If Open AI, or Google achieve superintelligence that is many times more intelligent than any human, - the US government would be fearful that they could be overthrown or that the technology can be stolen and fall into the wrong hands

    1. Trước khi phân loại Pod System, bạn cần xác định dòng sản phẩm này là gì, có phù hợp để sử dụng hay không nhé. Thực chất Pod System là dòng thuốc lá điện tử hiện đại, được trau chuốt hơn hết về thiết kế và mẫu mã.  Pod System sẽ thích hợp với tinh dầu vape có nồng độ nicotine cao (từ 20mg trở lên). Vậy Pod System được chia thành 2 loại chính sau: Pod Kit Pod kit được thiết kế đặc biệt nhỏ gọn nhưng cầm rất chắc tay. Sản phẩm này được lòng rất nhiều dân chơi khói, không chỉ giới trẻ mà còn ở độ tuổi trung niên cũng rất ưa chuộng.

      Pod System là dòng thuốc lá điện tử được thiết kế nhỏ gọn, tích hợp sẵn tinh dầu vào đầu pod. Website: https://vapepod365.net/pod-kit Phone: 0704810810 Địa chỉ: 468/13 Đường Trần Hưng Đạo,P2,Quận 5,Tp Hồ Chí Minh

      podsystem #podkit #podsystemgiare #maypod #podchamtinhdau

    1. correlations can be established to an absolute

      in which one may establish a correlation to

  8. May 2024
    1. "that post is written in a very indirect and unclear way" -- that is intentional, no? The company has been communicating in this style for quite some time now. Lots of grandiose phrases to bamboozle the audience while very little is actually being said. It's infuriating.
    2. On the surface, this is a very nice sentiment - one that we can all get behind.
    1. 39:00 Vanevar Bush misses out on a whole swath of history regarding commonplace books and indexing. In As We May Think he presents these older methods to the computer. "Why not imitate?" Aldrich says, instead of trying to reinvent the wheel (or thinking you are doing so).

  9. Feb 2024
    1. The purported reason seems to be the claim that some people find "master" offensive. (FWIW I'd give that explanation more credence if the people giving it seem to be offended themselves rather than be offended on behalf of someone else. But whatever, it's their repo.)
  10. Jan 2024
    1. ZK II note 9/8b 9/8b On the general structure of memories, see Ashby 1967, p. 103 . It is then important that you do not have to rely on a huge number of point-by-point accesses , but rather that you can rely on relationships between notes, i.e. references , that make more available at once than you would with a search impulse or with one thought - has fixation in mind.

      This underlies the ideas of songlines and oral mnemonic practices and is related to Vannevar Bush's "associative trails" in As We May Think.

      Luhmann, Niklas. “ZK II Zettel 9/8b.” Niklas Luhmann-Archiv, undated. https://niklas-luhmann-archiv.de/bestand/zettelkasten/zettel/ZK_2_NB_9-8b_V.

    1. [With Zeplin] we started to engage both UX and engineering teams in the same conversations and suddenly that opened our eyes to what was going on, and overall streamlined our build process.

      may need new tag: combining/bringing different audiences together in the same conversation/context/tool

    1. The third is the brain of the observer. This is also a strong element in film criticism where the camera is the third eye, the eye of the artificial narrator. The most intelligent film about the third eye spying on the action is `Snake Eyes,' where we last saw Gugino. (You may want to check my comments on that film to see what I mean.)
  11. Dec 2023
    1. next year we we'll know whether your your your numbers are right in your pipeline paper around May of next year 01:46:30 and then it's going to be a very warm year it's going to be a lot of Destruction then we need we need to see how far the temperature Falls with the elino with the linia that follows but I 01:46:42 I expect it's not going to fall as much as you would otherwise have expected because of the large planetary energy balance there's more energy coming in than going out so it's hard for the 01:46:55 linia to cool it off as much as it used to
      • for:May 2024 - James Hansen prediction, extreme weather event - May 2024 - Hansen 2023 paper, prediction - extreme weather 2024
    1. the story of stephanie may
      • for: story of hope - Stephanie May

      • story of hope

        • Stephanie May was a housewife who one day read the story of nuclear test fallout in the atmosphere and was dismayed
        • She started petition, phoned local people, worked with other housewife to get thousands of people to sign peittion
        • In 3 years, she mobilized mothers around the US, met Betrand Russell in UK, mobilized UK housewives.
        • Went on hunger strike in front of Russian embassy and inspired mothers across the US to also perform hunger strikes
        • She created a mobilization of a previously diffuse group
        • She had good understanding of different worldviews
        • Ultimately, she played an important role in securing a treaty to ban nuclear testing in the atmosphere
    2. it was the mothers that made all the difference he said it was mothers mobilizing around the world that stopped the testing of nuclear weapons in the atmosphere
      • for: story of hope - Stephanie May, hope - mothers stopped nuclear testing
    1. I disagree. What is expressed is an attempt to solve X by making something that should maybe be agnostic of time asynchronous. The problem is related to design: time taints code. You have a choice: either you make the surface area of async code grow and grow or you treat it as impure code and you lift pure synchronous logic in an async context. Without more information on the surrounding algorithm, we don't know if the design decision to make SymbolTable async was the best decision and we can't propose an alternative. This question was handled superficially and carelessly by the community.

      superficially and carelessly?

    2. The problem with this pile of questions is that, instead of helping the OP get out of the X Y problem, people stay focussed on Y, mark the question as a duplicate of Y in a matter of minutes and X is never properly addressed.

      sticking too much to policy/habit instead of addressing the specific needs of individuals? too much eagerness to close / mark as duplicate?

  12. Nov 2023
    1. It would have been fantastic to eschew this ridiculousness, because we all make fun of branded vulnerabilities too, but this was not the right time to make that stand.
  13. Aug 2023
    1. Back in 1945, there was this guy, Vannevar Bush. He was working for the US government, and one of the ideas that he put forth was, 00:01:35 "Wow, humans are creating so much information, and we can't keep track of all the books that we've read or the connections between important ideas." And he had this idea called the "memex," where you could put together a personal library of all of the books and articles that you have access to. And that idea of connecting sources captured people's imaginations.
      • for: memex, Vannevar Bush, Indyweb, Ted Nelson
  14. Jul 2023
    1. XMI describes solutions to the above issues by specifying EBNF production rules to create XML documents and Schemas that share objects consistently.
  15. Jun 2023
    1. Have you ever: Been disappointed, surprised or hurt by a library etc. that had a bug that could have been fixed with inheritance and few lines of code, but due to private / final methods and classes were forced to wait for an official patch that might never come? I have. Wanted to use a library for a slightly different use case than was imagined by the authors but were unable to do so because of private / final methods and classes? I have.
    2. Been disappointed, surprised or hurt by a library etc. that was overly permissive in it's extensibility? I have not.
  16. May 2023
  17. Mar 2023
    1. First, dictionaries are not arbiters of highly literate writing; they merely document usage. For example, irregardless has an entry in many dictionaries, even though any self-respecting writer will avoid using it—except, perhaps, in dialogue to signal that a speaker uses nonstandard language, because that is exactly how some dictionaries characterize the word. Yes, it has a place in dictionaries; regardless of that fact, its superfluous prefix renders it an improper term.

      what to call these words? illiterate words?

    1. Durante años, los inventos han ampliado los poderes físicos de las personas en lugar de los poderes de su mente. Argumenta que están a la mano los instrumentos que, si se desarrollan adecuadamente, darán a la sociedad acceso y dominio sobre el conocimiento heredado de las épocas. La perfección de estos instrumentos pacíficos, sugiere, debería ser el primer objetivo de nuestros científicos.

      Esto es buenísimo para la innovación de nuevos inventos que pueden beneficiar la humanidad por medio de la imaginación del ser humano pero creo se debe ser limitado debido a la gran imaginación que contiene el ser humano pero dicha imaginación se puede crear ideas buenas, malas y desechables.

    1. There's some interesting comparison to the ideas here and the long term state-of-the-art in information management, particularly in business and library settings which Bush wholly ignores.

      Most fascinatingly Bush "coins" memex here, but prior art for the Memindex as a similar product in the office/business productivity space easily goes back to 1906 and was popular to and through at least the early 1950s.

      For details on this, see:


  18. Feb 2023
  19. Jan 2023
    1. There's a fundamental error in your question: commits are not diffs; commits are snapshots. This might seem like a distinction without a difference—and for some commits, it is. But for merge commits, it's not.
    1. if sustainability requires a sustainable democracy, then cities may be the places where democracy is most sustainable. Democratic states are seriously compromised and increasingly dysfunctional in addressing climate change. Democratic cities still hold the promise of real change. They kindle optimism in citizens who are pessimistic about political parties and national politics. In sustaining the planet, the world’s cities may be its last best hope.

      !- claim : coordinated action among cities and their citizens may be our best last hope for effective climate and other action at global scale

  20. Dec 2022
    1. While this offers flexibility to address many operator use cases, it makes simple use cases, like the developer use case, more complicated to express than they need to be.

      annotation meta: may need new tag: - developer use case - more complicated to express than they need to be.

    1. I have yet to see a Snapd or Flatpak build of Audacity that I'm happy with. Those builds are beyond our control as they are made by 3rd parties. I do find it mildly annoying that Flatpak direct users that have problems with their builds to us.

      annotation meta: may need new tag: the runaround?

  21. Nov 2022
    1. Testing frameworks often introduce their own abstractions for e.g. evaluation order, data validation, reporting, scope, code reuse, state, and lifecycle. In my experience, these abstractions are always needlessly different from (and inferior to) related abstractions provided by the language itself.
    1. Changing the second line to: foo.txt text !diff would restore the default unset-ness for diff, while: foo.txt text diff will force diff to be set (both will presumably result in a diff, since Git has presumably not previously been detecting foo.txt as binary).

      comments for tag: undefined vs. null: Technically this is undefined (unset, !diff) vs. true (diff), but it's similar enough that don't need a separate tag just for that.

      annotation meta: may need new tag: undefined/unset vs. null/set

  22. Oct 2022
    1. a little flaw (Google translation can not find the translation of the word "瑕疵", so can only use the word "flaw" instead)

      annotation meta: may need new tag: no exact translation in other language

    1. so this means that there are no documentation telling you that this is the way you have to do it anywhere so naturally a lot of devs do not know about this, unless they ask about it by luck or of curiousity.

      annotation meta: may need new tag: how could they know / how would one find out?

    1. First and foremost, we need to acknowledge that even though the funding goal has been met–it does not meet the realistic costs of the project. Bluntly speaking, we did not have the confidence to showcase the real goal of ~1.5 million euros (which would be around 10k backers) in a crowdfunding world where “Funded in XY minutes!” is a regular highlight.

      new tag: pressure to understate the real cost/estimate

    1. In another fashion, Bush described a ‘memory index’ that would work ‘as wemay think’, by which, cryptically, he meant not artificial intelligence but the capabilityto retrace the paths of the reader’s thought process.

      I quite like the wording of this sentence.

    1. Machines understand languages, that are formal and rigid, with unique and unambiguous instructions that are interpreted in precisely one way. Those formal, abstract languages, and programming languages in general, are hard to understand for humans like ourselves. Primarily, they are tailored towards the requirements of the machine. The user is therefore forced to adapt to the complexity of the formal language.


  23. Sep 2022
    1. One of the reasons I initially pushed back on the creation of a JSON Schema for V3 is because I feared that people would try to use it as a document validator. However, I was convinced by other TSC members that there were valid uses of a schema beyond validation.

      annotation meta: may need new tag: fear would be used for ... valid uses for it beyond ...

    2. without a schema, you do not have a spec, you have an aspiration.

      annotation meta: may need new tag: you don't have a _; you have a _

    3. When we do release a final version of JSON Schema, please do not use JSON Schema to guarantee an OpenAPI document is valid. It cannot do that. There are numerous constraints in the written specification that cannot be expressed in JSON Schema.
    1. JSONPath contains verbiage that allows for an empty array to be returned in the case that nothing was found, but the primary return in these cases is false.

      annotation meta: may need new tag:

      distinction between nothing, false, and empty array

      verbiage that allows for ...

    1. We do not want to change or remove additionalProperties. Providing a clear solution for the above use case will dramatically reduce or eliminate the misunderstandings around additionalProperties.

      annotation meta: may need new tag: - don't want to change or remove existing feature [because...] - solving problem B will reduce misunderstandings around feature A

    1. 1.9 Title: ​DFAT Country Information Report: Sri Lanka Source: Australia. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Date of Document: 23 December 2021 URL: https://www.dfat.gov.au/sites/default/files/country-information-report-sri-lanka.pdf Accessed Date: 16 May 2022


    2. 1.8 Title: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, including on detention conditions, access to justice and socio-economic conditions in major cities (2019–May 2021) Code: LKA200596.E Source: Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada Date of Document: 7 May 2021 URL: https://irb-cisr.gc.ca/en/country-information/rir/Pages/index.aspx?doc=458345 Accessed Date: 26 May 2021


    3. 1.7 Title: ​Présentation de Sri Lanka Source: France. Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères. Date of Document: 18 February 2021 URL: https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/dossiers-pays/sri-lanka/presentation-du-sri-lanka/ Accessed Date: 16 May 2022

      NEW FOR 2022

    4. 1.5 Title: ​Sri Lanka Development Update: Economic and Poverty Impact of COVID-19 Source: The World Bank Date of Document: June 2021 URL: https://thedocs.worldbank.org/en/doc/15b8de0edd4f39cc7a82b7aff8430576-0310062021/original/SriLanka-DevUpd-Apr9.pdf Accessed Date: 16 May 2022

      NEW FOR 2022

    5. 1.4 Title: ​Sri Lanka. BTI 2022 Country Report. Source: Bertelsmann Stiftung Date of Document: February 2022 URL: https://bti-project.org/en/reports/country-report/LKA Accessed Date: 16 May 2022


    6. 1.2 Title: ​Sri Lanka. The World Factbook. Source: United States. Central Intelligence Agency Date of Document: 10 May 2022

      UPDATED Not available as this is a constantly-updated page and no archived version of 10 May 2022 seems to exist - 24 May 2022 is closest: https://web.archive.org/web/20220526114553/https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/countries/sri-lanka/

    7. 2.4 Title: ​Sri Lanka. World Report 2022: Events of 2021. Source: Human Rights Watch Date of Document: January 2022 URL: https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2022/country-chapters/sri-lanka Accessed Date: 16 May 2022


    8. 2.3 Title: ​Sri Lanka. Freedom in the World 2022. Source: Freedom House Date of Document: 2022 URL: https://freedomhouse.org/country/sri-lanka/freedom-world/2022 Accessed Date: 16 May 2022

      UPDATED According to ECOI was published 3 March 2022. ECOI link: https://www.ecoi.net/en/document/2046539.html

    1. But do ESG ratings really deliver on the promise? Are highly-ranked ESG businesses really more caring of the environment, more selective of the societies in which they operate, and more focused on countries with good corporate governance? In short, is ESG really good? The answer is no.

      black box

      opaque score

  24. Aug 2022
    1. One cannot hope thus to equal the speed and flexibility with which the mind follows an associative trail, but it should be possible to beat the mind decisively in regard to the permanence and clarity of the items resurrected from storage.
    1. This is a terrific answer! Without something like locks or transactions, we indeed will only ever be able to get an updated-as-of-when-the-repository-just-told-us point of accuracy that gets stale if changed in the time since then
    2. It's a great way to test various limits. When you think about this even more, it's a little mind-bending, as we're trying to impose a global clock ("who is the most up to date") on a system that inherently doesn't have a global clock. When we scale time down to nanoseconds, this affects us in the real world of today: a light-nanosecond is not very far.
    3. Which of these to use depends on the result you want. Note that by the time you get the answer, it may be incorrect (out of date). There is no way to fix this locally. Using some ESP,2 imagine the remote you're contacting is in orbit around Saturn. It takes light about 8 minutes to travel from the sun to Earth, and about 80 to travel from the sun to Saturn, so depending on where we are orbitally, they're 72 to 88 minutes away. Any answer you get back from them will necessarily be over an hour out of date.
    4. When we have our git rev-parse examine our Git repository to view our origin/HEAD, what we see is whatever we have stored in this origin/HEAD. That need not match what is in their HEAD at this time. It might match! It might not.
  25. Jul 2022
    1. Dây chuyền sản xuất cốc giấy hay còn gọi là máy sản xuất ly giấy hoặc máy làm ly giấy tự động khép kín có quy trình sản xuất chạy toàn bộ quy trình nạp giấy, dán miệng cốc, tra dầu, đục lỗ dưới đáy, làm nóng, cán, tráng, làm tròn và gấp mép.
  26. May 2022
    1. You may find this book in the “self-improvement” category, but in adeeper sense it is the opposite of self-improvement. It is aboutoptimizing a system outside yourself, a system not subject to you

      imitations and constraints, leaving you happily unoptimized and free to roam, to wonder, to wander toward whatever makes you feel alive here and now in each moment.

      Some may categorize handbooks on note taking within the productivity space as "self-help" or "self-improvement", but still view it as something that happens outside of ones' self. Doesn't improving one's environment as a means of improving things for oneself count as self-improvement?

      Marie Kondo's minimalism techniques are all external to the body, but are wholly geared towards creating internal happiness.

      Because your external circumstances are important to your internal mental state, external environment and decoration can be considered self-improvement.

      Could note taking be considered exbodied cognition? Vannevar Bush framed the Memex as a means of showing associative trails. (Let's be honest, As We May Think used the word trail far too much.)

      How does this relate to orality vs. literacy?

      Orality requires the immediate mental work for storage while literacy removes some of the work by making the effort external and potentially giving it additional longevity.

    1. When chatting with my father about the proton research he summed it up nicely, that two possible responses to hearing that how we measure something seems to change its nature, throwing the reliability of empirical testing into question, are: “Science has been disproved!” or “Great!  Another thing to figure out using the Scientific Method!” The latter reaction is everyday to those who are versed in and comfortable with the fact that science is not a set of doctrines but a process of discovery, hypothesis, disproof and replacement.  Yet the former reaction, “X is wrong therefore the system which yielded X is wrong!” is, in fact, the historical norm.
  27. Apr 2022
    1. These callbacks are focused on the transactions, instead of specific model actions.

      At least I think this is talking about this as limitation/problem.

      The limitation/problem being that it's not good/useful for performing after-transaction code only for specific actions.

      But the next sentence "This is beneficial..." seems contradictory, so I'm a bit confused/unclear of what the intention is...

      Looking at this project more, it doesn't appear to solve the "after-transaction code only for specific actions" problem like I initially thought it did (and like https://github.com/grosser/ar_after_transaction does), so I believe I was mistaken. Still not sure what is meant by "instead of specific model actions". Are they claiming that "before_commit_on_create" for example is a "specific model action"? (hardly!) That seems almost identical to the (not specific enough) callbacks provided natively by Rails. Oh yeah, I guess they do point out that Rails 3 adds this functionality, so this gem is only needed for Rails 2.

  28. Mar 2022
    1. Its core theme - segregation. It's done in such an ingenious and innocent way - colour.

      new tag: not so much sneaky, but clever way of communicating an idea/message/theme

    1. I believe this is partly due to a militant position on free software. Some advocates believe so strongly that users should be able to recompile their software that they force them to do so. They break libraries seemingly on purpose just to say, “Recompile! Oh you can’t? That’ll teach you to use binary software!” Of course users don’t want to recompile their software, but what users actually want is usually lost on GNOME developers.
    1. In any significant project I worked in the last 15 years, logging text messages resulted in a large amount of strings which was hard to make sense of, thus mostly ignored.

      hard to make sense of, thus mostly ignored

    1. Note that this is a breaking API change in the libraries (more information in the README.md). It does not affect the backwards compatibility of the protocol itself.

      annotation meta: may need new tag: backwards compatibility of the protocol backwards compatibility for [libraries that use [it?]]

  29. Feb 2022
    1. I did a spike to come up with a PoC for introducing this into the codebase of a product that I'm working on (matteeyah/respondo#225) by monkey-patching ActiveRecord with delegated types. It's amazing how can a small code change in ActiveRecord facilitate a big change in the domain model.
    1. You may want to jump straight to the Examples section if formal stuff annoys you.

      formal stuff annoys you

      prefer practical vs. prefer theoretical/academic

  30. Jan 2022
    1. In the spirit of mutual collaboration between the client and the API, the response must include a hint on how to obtain such authorization.

      annotation meta: may need new tag: client/server cooperation?

    2. If the client request does not include any access token, demonstrating that it wasn't aware that the API is protected, the API's response should not include any other information.

      annotation meta: may need new tag: demonstrating....

    1. Bush 1939 Warning: Biblio formatting not applied. BushVannevar. Mechanization and the Record. Vannevar Bush Papers. Box 138, Speech Article Book File. Washington D.C. Library of Congress. 1939.

      Original paper that became The Atlantic article As We May Think (1945).

  31. Nov 2021
    1. It's all too complex for our little brains to handle. And like any situation of excess complexity, we collapse dimensions until we have a structure we can comprehend. The problem, in this case, is that our simplifications create tunnels large enough for the trucks of hacker to drive through—with ease.
    1. They wanna be to Linux what the Play Store is to Android, what the App Store is to iOS.But we don't do that around here. We use Flatpak round 'ere.

      annotation meta: may need new tag: company [aspiring] to be bigger / take over the world

  32. Sep 2021
    1. Disclaimer I really have no desire to maintain this project, as it's not mine to begin with. I was looking for something like Gitso but it didn't quite have what I wanted. After making my changes I thought I might as well put this up on GitHub for others who wanted something similar. So if you have issues, you're better off forking the project and fixing them yourself.


    1. If there is one thing that normally characterizes the entire Linux ecosystem, it is that there are many solutions to one problem.

      many different solutions to a problem

    1. tcpwrappers or, as you’re probably more familiar, the hosts.allow and hosts.deny files

      little-known facts better known as

      Indeed, I'd heard of hosts.allowed but would have never known that they were part of a package/system called tcpwrappers (which I don't think I've ever heard of).

    1. while we figure out how to best include HMR support in the compiler itself (which is tricky to do without unfairly favoring any particular dev tooling)
    1. Gems use a period and packages use a dot

      Probably a false distinction, because "packages" is used in a way that it implies a distinction from "gems", when in actuality

      1. gems are packages, too (Ruby packages)
      2. it's referring specifically to JavaScript/node/npm packages,

      ... so there is only truly a distinctio if you are specific enough to say JavaScript packages.

  33. Aug 2021
    1. Caution: This is NOT the current local time in most locations in that time zone North America: Only some locations are currently on MST because most places in this time zone are currently on summer time / daylight saving time and are observing MDT.
    1. * Now it's correct within the laws of the type system, but makes zero practical sense, * because there exists no runtime representation of the type `Date & string`. * * The type system doesn't care whether a type can be represented in runtime though.

      new tag?: makes zero practical sense

      makes zero practical sense because there exists no runtime representation of the type

  34. Jun 2021
    1. "Many North American music education programs exclude in vast numbers students who do not embody Euroamerican ideals. One way to begin making music education programs more socially just is to make them more inclusive. For that to happen, we need to develop programs that actively take the standpoint of the least advantaged, and work toward a common good that seeks to undermine hierarchies of advantage and disadvantage. And that, inturn, requires the ability to discuss race directly and meaningfully. Such discussions afford valuable opportunities to confront and evaluate the practical consequences of our actions as music educators. It is only through such conversations, Connell argues, that we come to understand “the real relationships and processes that generate advantage and disadvantage”(p. 125). Unfortunately, these are also conversations many white educators find uncomfortable and prefer to avoid."

    1. We should think about the number of simultaneous connections (peak and average) and the message rate/payload size. I think, the threshold to start thinking about AnyCable (instead of just Action Cable) is somewhere between 500 and 1000 connections on average or 5k-10k during peak hours.
      • number of simultaneous connections (peak and average)

      • the message rate/payload size.

    1. One of the consequences (although arguably not the primary motivation) of DRY is that you tend to end up with chunks of complex code expressed once, with simpler code referencing it throughout the codebase. I can't speak for anyone else, but I consider it a win if I can reduce repetition and tuck it away in some framework or initialisation code. Having a single accessor definition for a commonly used accessor makes me happy - and the new Object class code can be tested to hell and back. The upshot is more beautiful, readable code.

      new tag?:

      • extract reusable functions to reduce duplication / allow elegant patterns elsewhere
    1. Critical to the acceptance of the position of the script subtag was the inclusion of information in the registry to make clear the need to avoid script subtags except where they add useful distinguishing information. Thus, the registry entry for the language subtag "en" (English) has a field called "Suppress-Script" indicating that the script subtag "Latn" should be avoided with that language, since virtually all English documents use the Latin script.
      • not worth saying
      • not necessary to say/write
      • useless information


    2. Another problem was the ambiguity of RFC 3066 regarding the generative syntax. The idea of "language-dash-region" language tags was easy enough to grasp; most users didn't read RFC 3066 directly or consider the unstated-but-realized implication that other subtags might sometimes occur in the second position.


  35. May 2021
    1. tweet at them. This has multiple effects: If they don't respond, it's bad PR
    2. The best advice I can give you is: Seek a smaller provider which often are less formal and more approachable. When you found one where you have a good support, request your friends and family to move to this. You are doing something for them, then it can only happen on your terms.
      • supporting those you like by sending business to them
      • less formal and more approachable
    3. So, +1 for play ball. Level 1 is supposed to filter out all simple issues (and once upon a time, you'll have forgotten something, happens to all of us), and they are not supposed to be creative. They get a script that has been refined over and over. Learn the scripts, prepare the answers, and you'll get to Level 2 more quickly than with any other method.
    1. I think so...I actually can't remember. I've used this script quite a bit.

      where did it come from? don't remember

      after a while, something that came from another starts to feel like your own

      you make it your own

    1. Are you also tired and fed up with the bulkiness of jQuery, but also don't want to have to type document.querySelector("div").appendChild(document.createTextNode("hello")); just to add some text to an element?

      happy middle/medium?

    1. However, the novelty wears off quickly and the whole thing soon becomes a slog — the career mode could be cut in half and the experience would be better for it.

      less is more/better

    1. My name is Floyd Lu, I have been designing and publishing games since 2015 under B&B Games studio. In 2020 B&B Games studio dissolved. I took over a part of the business including this account. I am unable to change the name and URL of my Kickstarter account. I delivered and personally worked on each project that I did and I can't transfer all the followers, therefore, I am still launching new projects under this account.
    1. when HTML5 started, the feedback from the HTML5 guys was pretty clear: HTML5 is there to improve web apps (standards-based flash! yay!), and not to improve HTML as a hypermedia format. http://dret.typepad.com/dretblog/2008/05/xhtml-fragment.html was a very early attempt to raise the issue and was shot down promptly. with HTML5 now branching into so many micro-specs (https://github.com/dret/HTML5-overview), maybe there’s a good chance to simply create a “FragIDs in HTML5” spec and see if there’s any community uptake. it would be great to see this getting started, and maybe IETF with its more open process would be a better place than W3C.
    2. The simple problem that I see with fragment identifiers is that their existence and functionality relies completely on the developer rather than the browser. Yes, the browser needs to read and interpret the identifier and identify the matching fragment. But if the developer doesn’t include any id attributes in the HTML of the page, then there will be no identifiable fragments. Do you see why this is a problem? Whether the developer has coded identifiers into the HTML has nothing to do with whether or not the page actually has fragments. Virtually every web page has fragments. In fact, sectioning content as defined in the HTML5 spec implies as much. Every element on the page that can contain content can theoretically be categorized as a “fragment”.

      at the mercy of author

    1. Making effective use of this mechanism requires either control of the targeted document or generous creators of targeted documents who have liberally applied id attributes throughout a document.

      unlikely for anyone/most people to actually do that

    1. Honestly, even without flexbox support, most of the layout problems would be solved with simple-basic CSS3 support that is standard in all clients.

      layout problems don't need ; all we need is simple-basic CSS3 support that is standard in all clients.

    1. Approaching email development this way transitions more of the quality assurance (QA) process to the browser instead of the email client. It gives email designers more power, control, and confidence in developing an email that will render gracefully across all email clients.

      can mostly test with browser and have less need (but still not no need) to test with email client

    1. They don't look like advertisements. The second the recipient interprets your email as an ad, promotion, or sales pitch—and it does take just a second—its chances of being read or acted upon plummet towards zero. A plain email leads people to start reading it before jumping to conclusions.

      forces you to read before deciding

  36. Apr 2021
    1. There's nothing to stop you from doing initializer code in a file that lives in app/models. for example class MyClass def self.run_me_when_the_class_is_loaded end end MyClass.run_me_when_the_class_is_loaded MyClass.run_me... will run when the class is loaded .... which is what we want, right? Not sure if its the Rails way.... but its extremely straightforward, and does not depend on the shifting winds of Rails.

      does not depend on the shifting winds of Rails.

    1. Been seeing this comment copy/pasted everywhere it's pathetic what people will do for thumbs up/awards on reviews, be original and make your own review. If you guys need proof go and look at NVL reviews, I saw it on another game a few weeks ago too.


    1. Like a lot of reviews I write, I hope to come back to add on to this and embellish.

      never done; keeps wanting to continue edit/update

    2. Right now it's a matter of getting brass tacks up front and hopefully helping Feel-A-Maze get noticed.

      helping it gain attention/publicity