19,785 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2021
    1. Actually, I think your wife's point is quite astute. Once you become very familiar with this game, there is almost too much deep planning in the moves.
    2. My wife's first description of playing Fjords was that it felt a bit like playing Othello, in that you had to think too far ahead. I don't see it that way. I think that the luck of the draw & the fact that a tile must be played if it can, means that you can't always plan too far ahead. Often you have to try to work out how to make use of what you've got.
    1. IMPORTANT NOTE: Rude, dismissive or diminishing comments are NOT ALLOWED and will be removed. If you cannot treat everyone with kindness and respect, this is not the place for you. Please see http://conduct.rahdo.com​ for more. Thank you!
    1. I opened a new thread to discuss that aspect.
    2. It is one of the better games to stuff in (y)our luggage when on holidays. (We tried Hive a couple of times, but that is too heavy stuff for the holidays.)
    1. If you'll sell it in the U.S. for less than 3948098 dollars, I'll pre-order. I've been wanting this game for quite a long time.I've got a copy of Fjords, I guess I should list it on the marketplace for 3948097 dollars.Only if you want to get rid of it for such a ridiculously low price!
    1. providing a bespoke game to every backer


      Ah, I see what they mean below:

      Some of the materials for this game are trinkets and knick-knacks recycled from wherever it is many of these trinkets come from, usually thrift stores and junk stores.

    2. As the project goes along, I’ll be posting some blogs about my design process and thinking around the game, and if you’re interested in my writing about games, I have written for both Meeple Mountain and Dicebreaker.
    1. A modified timestamp signifies the last time the contents of a file were modified. A program or process either edited or manipulated the file. “Modified” means something inside the file was amended or deleted, or new data was added. Changed timestamps aren’t referring to changes made to the contents of a file. Rather, it’s the time at which the metadata related to the file was changed. File permission changes, for example, will update the changed timestamp.

      They shouldn't use synonyms for this (modified = changed).

      It would be clearer if the word that differed between the terms indicated what changed:

      • "content modified" time (cctime)?
      • "meta modified" time (cmtime)?
    2. The standard ext4 Linux file system also allocates space for a file-creation timestamp in its internal file system structures, but this hasn’t been implemented yet. Sometimes, this timestamp is populated, but you can’t depend on the values in it.
    3. When does “changed” not mean “modified”?
    1. steer clear
    2. This is a new version of the game and it's actually worse than the one I used to play as a child. Puzzles have been removed, pathfinding is buggier than I remember it to be and you can't aqcuire a specific item at the beginning of the game. It's definitely not worth buying, even for nostalgia's sake.
    1. Could you please elaborate what you mean by this "the libraries used by the game are outdated and incompatible with any visual basic language code post-2007~2010"? Navalia is written in C++ and uses OpenGL for rendering so it has nothing to do with Visual Basic. It needs Visual Studio 2012 Redistribution Package to work, but I have tested the game with Windows 7, 8 and 10 and it works just fine. This package is also automatically installed by Steam. Maybe somehow you don’t have this package? You can install it from Microsofts website.Could you give me the specs of your computer and what windows version are you using?


    1. Unleash your creativity with the innovative Navalia ship editor and bring your creations into battle!
    1. Micromachines always focused on local multiplayer, and the fun their eccentric races of small toy vehicles competing on tracks made with everyday objects; and all that is present.
    2. game that uses the Micro Machines license to try and sucker people in that remember the old games.

      using attractive/familiar brand/name to lure customers

    3. I was almost immediately deflated. This is a cut-down reskin of a 3 year old game from the same company.
    4. It's as good as online-only, however with noone actually playing you'll find yourself queueing for bot matches (even having to wait for the "other players" to select their vehicles). You want to just race your mate in a local game- nope! Local races are single-player only (apparently the devs couldn't be bothered with coding a split-screen or zooming camera to enable local multiplayer races). Want to play online but specify the map? Nope! Play a game online with a good lobby and want to stick with that group? Nope! Every game forces you to exit after each event.
    1. Secondly, the difficulty ramps up very quickly - once I'd got a handle on things and started getting in to it, it threw me off that the Novice level 7 is just WAY TOO HARD - it's not a game centered on difficulty so it's not like that's an excuse, nor is this a later on level where you'd except difficulty, but having just 15 seconds to do that lap, that needs to be changed to 20 at least!
    2. Firstly, I don't like being thrown back into the menu every single time I fail a challenge, I prefer to be thrown right back in to it, maybe a "retry" option should be there to throw you right back in once you fail a challenge.
    1. It is, however, priced at a measly two dollars, less on sale or in a bundle, so only the whiniest of whiners should find reason to complain here. Suffice it to say, self-professed haters of short games and "walking simulators" should abandon this Store page at once, and spend that spare couple of bucks on yet another "skin" for that first-person multiplayer frag-fest you've already wasted three thousand hours of your life on. (Whoops, is my cynicism showing? Sorry about that. I've got nearly two thousand hours up on Left 4 Dead 2 myself, so I'm hardly one to judge. That said, I would never spend money on "skinning" a character I don't even get to see, haha.)
    1. Nidhogg 2 is a prime example of how simplicity isn’t always a bad thing


    1. There's probably a thousand different directions you can go, but there just needs to be some kind of deeper hook to make this a full-fledged game.
    2. I like the concept, and I don't want to discourage the developer, but this game is not an alpha. This is a prototype. The game has one functioning game loop right now: gather / farm materials, create potions and either sell them or use them to complete missions (which is basically the same thing). There isn't a goal other than to buy a larger house and a shop. I see he has a roadmap, and it doesn't make any sense to me. It talks about updating the map, adding quests, some kind of helper golem, seasons, other things that seem more like finishing touches. In reality, the developer should be figuring out what kind of game this is supposed to be, testing out new mechanics, and once that's figured out, start over.
    1. Seven minutes into this game and I've already figured out that I'm also one of the monkeys. How meta.
    1. We are a small development studio and we work on our projects in our spare time, we love what we do and we are working hard on our games to give the best experience possible for our players, but we have to work in other jobs to earn money which decreases working time in the studio.

      Not really needful to explain, but one can relate...

    1. If you want to know how your Parents/Grandparents raced before you are born or if you just want to make a travel back to good old Times before you got Children then this is absolutly for you.
    1. Basically every review complains that saves don't work and the dev still hasn't fixed it after four years, gj.
    2. it WILL NOT SAVE the progress!!!!!!!So, no, forget it!!!!
    3. With absolutely no means of saving progression in this game I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would give this game a positive review. It could have been a decent enough game for the genre, however unless you have all day to dedicate to completing the game in one sitting, avoid.
    4. I was going to give this a good review, then I went and read the other reviews about the game not saving. I thought to myself, surely not! This must some sort of smear campaign against the fine developers at jemchicomac?!? Alas, it is my duty to report that there is indeed no save functionality in this game. Tis a pity.
    5. Alright, let me get this straight: the developer decided to create a game that's 60 levels long, which is 5 worlds each with 12 levels, and didn't implement a save feature? We are in a time where save features are a high need for a game. If anything, for a long game, they'd have passcodes, but we're past those times now, so a save feature is what one would expect in a game. Why does the developer ignore the players who want a save feature? I saw in the discussions that what looked like a parent/guardian bought this game specifically for their kids to play. Do you think the kids will be able to play a game like this and complete it in one sitting? No, I don't think so. Those poor kids are now stuck with a game where they won't feel any accomplishment with because they have to restart every time.
    6. The game save doesnt work, what is the point in playing something with so many levels if you cant and never will reach the end of it, unless you dont turn of your pc/game for days till you pass all the levels.
    7. Despite being a nice game... no saving progress kills it.
    1. You'll need to have paid more sales tax than state and local tax to take this deduction.
    2. You'll usually only take this sales tax deduction if you live in a state that doesn't have state income tax, but it's available to everyone.
    3. Already Signed InThis session has ended because the account has been signed into from another browser window on 04/11/2021 04:30:09 PM. This happens when you sign in to your account on more than one browser screen. You can't be signed into your account on two or more browser windows at the same time. Just close your browser and sign back into your account.
    1. What I dislike from the achievements is the "Dialogue Skipper". I really don't like it because you are encouraging people just to skim or even skip it at all and not get interested with the story. I earned this achievement on a 2nd run but I had a friend who just skipped it all on her 1st try.What devs should encourage is for the gamers to have a lot of playing time on their game so they would recommend it to others and not just do it for the cards and uninstalling it afterwards.
    2. Even with knowing that the series would not be going anywhere, I still bought the game and completed it. (Honestly, because I feel like I need to play everything in the genre ...)


    1. that can be played by up to 10 local players - turnwise.

      Description just said:

      Party mode brings Versus mode and Marathon mode where up to 10 players can play together and compete locally.

      Didn't mention whether it was at same time or in sequence. Hmm. Which is it? Video shows at least 2 can play at same time, so...

    1. Q: can I use this speeder for peat Mose A: .noScriptDisplayLongText { display : none; } <style> .noScriptNotDisplayExpander { display : none; } .noScriptDisplayLongText { display : block; } </style> No, it will not do peat moss. There is no weight to that material. By David K. on September 4, 2018 See other answers Q: Can this drop spreader be used to spread peat moss? A: .noScriptDisplayLongText { display : none; } <style> .noScriptNotDisplayExpander { display : none; } .noScriptDisplayLongText { display : block; } </style> I think the opening is too small for peat. By Anita on February 15, 2016 See other answers Q: can this spread peat moss? A: .noScriptDisplayLongText { display : none; } <style> .noScriptNotDisplayExpander { display : none; } .noScriptDisplayLongText { display : block; } </style> I could not get it to.

      Strange. https://10bestranked.com/peat-moss-spreaders/ actually recommends this product for peat moss. Who is right?

    1. Once established, however, it spreads slowly. Unlike aggressive Kentucky bluegrass, which spreads by underground stems called rhizomes, perennial ryegrass is a bunch-forming grass. Like tall fescue, it naturally grows in clumps and spreads through vertical shoots known as tillers, rather than spreading by rhizomes or horizontal above-ground stems, known as stolons.
      1. aerate/scarify/dethatch
      2. prepare soil
      3. overseed
    1. 2 main types of aeration

      1. hollow tine aeration: pulling plugs out of the soil.

      2. solid tine aeration (a spading fork): you're just poking holes in the ground

      Do it after the last frost is past, because if water gets in holes and freezes, the freeze can damage

    2. Plug tool for transplanting plugs of grass

    3. Remove leaves from lawn or they will create bare spot

    4. Motion sensor sprinklers are the best remedy I’ve found against cats. And it’s quite hilarious to see them run for their lives on cctv after they’ve turned up in front of one
    1. good info and humor. Your exits off camera had me laughing.
    2. I never thought I’d enjoy a how-to plant yard video but I did...bravo sir! And thank you!
    3. Keep it simple.
    4. General comments:

    5. A lot of people think that when it comes to seed, more is better. But it's not. If you put too much seed in a spot, it competes with each other, killing the area.

      Instead focus on an even distribution. You can always fill in thin areas later.

    6. "" A lot of people think they need to have 4" of black dirt.

      Nothing could be further from the truth. Ideally should be:

      • 1/3 black dirt
      • 1/3 sand
      • 1/3 compost
    7. He says: Did you know that all sod is grown on 100% sunny sod farms? Have you ever seen a tree on a sod farm? So if you take that sunny seed sod and transplant to shady area, it will slowly die off.

      So you should overseed your sod after transplanting.

    1. Is a lawn roller necessary? It is spring, and I imagine the soil in your yard is lumpy because of the frost that occurred in the previous months. This is why you think a lawn roller is necessary. Well, unless you’re maintaining a golf course, I wouldn’t recommend a lawn roller. It just isn’t necessary.
    2. Alternative ways to flatten a bumpy lawn
    3. Dig out some soil under the high spots Simply wait till late spring and mark out the high spots in your lawn. Dig up some of the soil underneath these areas, and remove the excess soil causing the high spots. Return the grass as you would sod, and you’ll notice the lawn is flat again.
    4. If the grass does not fill up the spots properly, remember to add some sprigs or grass seed in order to fill-up the bare spots.
    5. Most would argue a cardboard drum is better than options like grease drums. The reason for this is that a cardboard drum does not have ridges on it, so it can level the yard properly. Another advantage of this homemade lawn-roller equipment is that it is lightweight and as such won’t lead to soil compaction.
    6. If you’re installing new sod, you may use a light roller to make sure the pieces come into close contact with soil for the roots to grow and take hold.
    7. There are times when you may need to flatten a bumpy lawn. For example, a golf course or a cricket pitch may be rolled to attain a smooth, level surface for playing. This is when a lawn roller may be needed.
    8. In short, here’s why a lawn roller may not be necessary for your lawn: Using heavy rollers on the ground leads to soil compaction.Compacted soil causes slow root development and slower turfgrass growth.
    1. Use a leveling drag instead of a grass seed roller If you’re smoothing the lawn to cultivate it, a leveling drag may suffice.
    2. Use a Bobcat to smooth a lawn that mirrors a minefield Though a bit pricey to hire, a Bobcat is perhaps the best weapon to deploy on a large, groove-ridden yard (the type resembling a battlefield).
    3. 1. Use Plywood (alternative when laying sod) One of the most inexpensive alternatives to lawn rollers is that sheet of plywood lying around your home. Plus, it’s amazingly simple to use. Follow these steps to help your sod bond with the soil…. Step 1: Place a 4 ft. by 8 ft. piece of plywood on your new lawn. Step 2: Walk over it to press your sod solidly into the soil. We suggest that you invite a friend, if possible, to walk alongside you. The plywood distributes the applied weight evenly and will have an impact similar to a commercial lawn roller.
    1. Our advice is to let the neighborhood borrow the tool (you can also rent it out) since there is no value in having it lying idle for the larger part of the year.
    2. In contrast, power raking is a more violent way of eliminating debris, dead material, and crust which often builds up between the top surface of grass and its root system.
    1. What can I use in place of a lawn roller?I raked in some bags of top soil and reseeded a very large section of my lawn (a walkway was moved) but the area is very soft and you sink in about 4 inches if you step there.Is there something I can use instead of a lawn roller? I don't have one...
    2. Water it regularly and stamp it down gently. To avoid footprint shaped holes, try putting a plank of wood on the ground and stamping on it, then move it over a few inches and repeat.You should not plant grass seed on a soft bed -- it needs firm soil to do well. If the area is soft, it will settle over the next few months and leave you with a dip in the ground.
    3. On seeded lawns its unnecessary. Sod is tamped good for good root / soil contact.
    4. You could just tramp it down with your feet. Or use a board to walk on to compress the area. You may have to add more dirt to the area and re-re-seed.
    5. Yahoo Answers is shutting down on May 4th, 2021 (Eastern Time) and beginning April 20th, 2021 (Eastern Time) the Yahoo Answers website will be in read-only mode.
    1. Nice man👍 You have to get is as level as you can, since you reel mow.
    2. Ryan Knorr Lawn Care is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and other affiliate programs below. An affiliate advertising program is designed to provide a means for sites and creators to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com or other product sites. I receive a small commission through these links.
    1. In a world where everyone sticks to the status quo of saying “YES”, create your own custom character and take on the role of an intern on a mission to change the world with the positive power of “NO!“. With this new power nothing will get in your way as you shout “NO!” at any absurd requests fired your way.
    1. Also if I replace the shared_context with shared_examples and accordingly include it in test case. Passes

      Shouldn't make a difference if it's an alias. So why did it?

    2. It's a matter of readability I guess.
    3. On the other hand, you state that a certain thing behaves_like a shared example group.
    4. If you look at the source code you'll see that they're exactly the same thing.
    5. Very trivial and cosmetic, but include_context doesn't output "behaves like" in --format documentation.
    6. It's simple really ... put tests into a shared example that you want multiple things to conform to. Put code into a shared context that you need to include in multiple tests.
    7. shared_contexts is any setup code that you can use to prepare a test case . This allows you to include test helper methods or prepare for the tests to run.
    1. Most of the projects here are the kind that might be fun to make but shortly end up in the trash (like: animals made out of toilet paper tubes, a Paper plate ring toss game, A necklace made of colored plastic straws...)
    1. THIS is the type of propaganda that is brainwashing our children to take part in a political agenda, instilling the fear of the Earth cooking us like an oven (their description of Venus) in their lifetime, telling them they must take action now at any cost!
    2. I'm a real person and did NOT receive this item at a discount in lieu of a positive review. By clicking "helpful" at the bottom of this review, it will help move "real" reviews to the top. Thanks in advance.
    3. I'm a real person and did NOT receive this item at a discount in lieu of a positive review.

      in lieu of => in exchange for

    1. This is an abandoned early access low poly car driving stunt/arena brawler where you drive a low poly car and fight various other low poly AI cars.
    2. This looks and feels like an Unreal Engine asset flip, where they slapped together a bunch of assets from the Unreal store and tried to call it their own game. Many of the game assets are very low quality. It's buggy and incomplete. That didn't stop the shady devs or their publishers from selling this in game bundles as a complete product. Extremely dodgy behavior there! Regardless, the (terrible) quality of this "game" speaks for itself. Impossible to recommend.
    1. Everything about this game is as simple as possible, down to the three main leads, their conversations, and even the plot—it may sound super exciting to go on an expedition under the ruins of a temple to find some ancient advanced machinery; but in reality, the whole thing is like a longer Saturday morning cartoon episode.
    2. Not really sure who the audience is... the puzzles are a bit too difficult for kids but won't tax adults very much at all--some bare bones hidden object, match-3 and peg hopping.
    3. It's fine... if there was a 'meh' category for reviews, this would be an exemplar.
    1. Unstoppable CrapsterThis is crap shovelwareRe-skinned exact same other 10 games this sad excuse for a developer been farting out.No sound, no gameplay, no nothing.Can't press two buttons at the same time like jump and move.Plays like sonic the hedgehog just had sex with painbrushWhile having a stroke, heart attack and anal prolapse at the same time.Don't support this developer.Steam get your sh!t together, start filtering out this crap.
    1. I would love to ask devs what the ****. It used to be a not bad puzzler with crappy movement, but it had to be at least a bit interesting if my Steam counter shows 5 hours. Now it is a crap.There is nothing left from the previous version - except the fact that the main character is a robot. Earlier the game looked like a bad retro, and now it looks like sweet flood. The robot moves extremely slowly now and, what's worse, it seems that it has the same levels as a game that used to be called "Abrix for kids".Achievements were reset and the new ones are broken, so it is enough to make a step to achieve 1000 steps, move a block one to get a 1000 moved blocks achievement and same with destroying blocks. I think it is even better this way. No one has to play it more than few minutes.It is sad what happened with Abrix. Avoid it.
    2. There is a bare-bones attempt at a game, and they've really tried milking this cash cow as there are multiple variations from the basic game engine they've established. I don't find the game to be interesting, fun, engaging, or enjoyable. I suppose it did generate one solid puzzle for me though. How does it have anything other than negative as its overall review score?
    3. Rather than rewarding the player for discovering a well-thought-out or ideal solution (by picking up coins), the developer tacked on a timer to a game with non-fluid controls. The player feels rushed to discover an elaborate solution.
    4. P.S. We deleted your old achievements & gave you new ones to obtain!It's nice to see a developer wanting to improve, unfortunately i took it as a slap in the face since the hours spent obtaining the previous achievements were thrown in the trash and replaced with new ones. Which isn't the most horrible thing in the world but feels like a hidden agenda to push you towards buying Lollipops with the new limited lives and waiting for them to regenerate.
    5. These lazy and/or idiotic hacks uploaded the exact same game to Steam THREE TIMES, charging separately for each, and including microtransactions in each. This appears to be a botched attempt at content tiers, but they all have the same number of levels, which makes this the premium version for true Abrix fans! They even threw in some one time use powerups AND six achievements instead of one, so you really get your moneys worth.
    1. It's really kind of sad that I want to play the game and form a better opinion of it and I can't because I have to wait for lives to regenerate.
    1. Due to player actions not landing on the beat or being relevant to the background music, this 'rhythm' game falls short of it's goals. No feedback for early or late actions also diminishes the game.
    2. Piano Cat is a challenging rhythm-based platformer game where you [...] jump to the beat [...].No, no, no, just no. This game has nothing to do with rhythm or doing something in sync to the music. If you try to do that, you will fail, a lot. In order to beat the stages you have to mute or ignore the music, ignore the obstacles and only look out for the buttons you have to press. When they light up green, you press the button. This means that you have to press them always too early to the action, ahead of time. If you try to time it to the music, it will be too late and not count. If you are good in these kind of games, this will totally throw you off here.The graphic are nice, the music is ok, but it does a terrible job in having rhythm based gameplay.
    1. incredible art style and intriguing combat. While I was not wrong about the aesthetic
    2. I can’t say Incredible Mandy is a bad game per se, but it is underwhelming and less than the sum of its parts
    3. nothing about the game is really offensive, but there’s just no hook that managed to keep me invested up to the end.
    4. list of achievements does give you more incentive to replay the adventure if you're interested in that sort of thing.
    5. These memories are the main collectible, along with Zelda-esque health upgrades that afford you extra "heart containers."
    6. Incredible Mandy is not bad, it’s just also not good. It just kind of is.
    7. Incredible Mandy is a great example of design by subtraction, focusing on puzzle-solving and atmosphere and eschewing mechanics which do not contribute to the developer’s singular vision.
    1. Taken as a whole it disappoints, which is a shame as, beneath the adorable exterior, the concept has far more potential than what has been achieved.
    2. Ultimately, Shelter Generations relies on your capacity to dig into its subtleties. On that overt level it's an obtuse and obviously indie game, and it's really quite demanding of the player; it asks them to figure their own way through the game, and it asks them to really commit to an emotional connection to these hopeless little cubs.
    1. Sometimes it requires more luck than strategy to complete the levels because of the building queue system.
    2. Good game with some place for improvements. It has potential.
    3. This is a good game, but it has potential to become an even greater game.
    1. A small set of levels with obtuse goals and scoring leaves the player uncertain of what exactly they are playing.
    1. messy

      what does this actually mean in this context?

      ah, I see elaboration further down...

      Visually it's a mess, though thankfully there are no surprise traps. However, sometimes lasers would camouflage into the dungeon irritatingly.

      Yes, it does look pretty ugly.

    2. The game consist of many unique elements like a switchable fireball gun / laser switcher, time turning platforms, rotating / sequential lasers, floating ball shooting enemies, wall of death.
    3. All of the beautiful handdrawn backgrounds contribute to a dark atmosphere and mystery.
    1. There are geographical guessing games based on Google Streetview that are much better.
    2. This might be exciting if the photography was better, but as it is, it's a simple concept cheaply implemented.
    3. Oh, and it focuses on Russia and Eastern Europe, with cities like Olonets, Torun, Solovski, Kobuleti, Skopje etc in the Easy difficulty setting.
    4. Maybe use more cities from South/West Europe, too?
    1. Playing the game reminds me of when Han Solo has to maneuver in an asteroid field and C3PO says "Sir, the possibility of successfully navigating an asteroid field is approximately 3,720 to 1!"
    1. We haven’t imported this board game before. Typically there are customs hurdles the first time cargo clear customs officers. While we have extensively planned around these delays and have budgeted for them extensively in our milestones tracker, the fact remains that customs remains unpredictable.
    2. Enter 2020: Matt and Jordan managed to scrape together some illustrations for playtesting, but they weren’t up to the bar of a production game. Fortunately, we connected through friends with Jaehee, and she cautiously listened to the pitch for the game. Once she decided to join the team, the artwork and designs quality improved by orders of magnitude, to the point where we had an experience we felt was worthwhile sharing publicly.
    3. The good news: everyone had a genuine blast. We knew we had experimented our way into something fun, even if the rules and designs still needed a lot of work.
    1. We will dispatch rewards from our factory to our FOUR 3rd party fulfillment centers, to keep things as friendly* as possible worldwide in accordance with all worldwide laws. *"Friendly" to us means: We will collect and pay VAT/Taxes upon importing to our  fulfilment centers on everyone's behalf so we can send your rewards DDP vs DAP.  If we were not "Friendly" - we would send games direct (DAP) and you would have to pay VAT and admin fees as well as a postal fee to "pick up" your reward locally - vs DDP where that is all done for you and the reward is delivered to your doorstep, "friendly".  It costs lots of money to ship 4 containers to 4 different fulfilment centers - but we do that in an effort to help our backers and to be *friendly.
    2. As of Jan 1, 2021 many countries now require KS creators to show Shipping AND VAT/Fees/Taxes on Kickstarter Rewards - not just 1 price for "shipping". So we will do that in our Pledge Manager, after the campaign. Yea, we know...this sucks and is against everything Kickstarter used to be about (the world now views KS as a store, not as a creative platform sending rewards to backers for helping bring the vision to life)
    1. While there are certain things most users will anticipate with any interface, there may be expected affordances that are unique to your users and the cohort they represent
    2. Negative affordances are used when conveying a lack of function or interactivity.
    3. An example of this would be a button that looks clickable but isn’t, underlined text that doesn’t contain a link, or a TV remote that turns on your lights but not the TV. False affordances are often present by mistake or occur due to lack of effective design techniques.
    4. False affordances occur when a feature of an item suggests a use that the item can’t actually perform.
    5. Explicit affordances are obvious, perceptual features of an item that clue you in on how it is to be used. With explicit affordances, physical appearance and any accompanying language or text inform the user of how an object is to be used.
    6. Hidden affordances are implicit features of an object. The clues that indicate an items function are not obvious and may not even be displayed until the action is being taken.
    7. “when affordances are taken advantage of, the user knows what to do just by looking: no picture, label, or instruction needed.”
    8. For instance, when you see a door handle, you assume its function is to open a door. When you see a light switch, you assume it can be flicked to turn on a light. When looking at a chair, you know it can be sat in. All of these are affordances. Don Norman refers to affordances as relationships in his book The Design of Everyday Things. He goes on to say that, “when affordances are taken advantage of, the user knows what to do just by looking: no picture, label, or instruction needed.”
    9. What is an affordance? An affordance is a compelling indicator as to how an item operates and includes both its perceived and actual functions.
    10. Many designers strive to create products that are so easy to navigate, their users can flow through them at first glance. To design something with this level of intuitiveness, it’s imperative designers understand affordances—what they are and how to use them.