- Nov 2019
citeseerx.ist.psu.edu citeseerx.ist.psu.edu
Drawing from constructivist principles, the authors address how emotions affect motivation and learning for adults. They then provide practical application for instructors to implement to create productive learning environments where adult learners feel safe to explore new knowledge and learn from their experiences.
9/10: while most of the application is to learning in general, the strategies are still applicable to technology in the classroom
theelearningcoach.com theelearningcoach.com
Transformative learning theory and methods to support it are discussed in this text. Andragogy is initially reviewed in order for the reader to become acclimated to basic principles of adult learning. Transformative learning segments emphasize the methods and environments needed to achieve such deep and challenging learning. Due to the intensive personal nature of transformative learning, one must understand the readiness of the learner. The text notes that learners in transition are more apt to engage in transformative learning if given an opportunity to develop self-awareness, and a willingness to be in discomfort in open, non-hierarchical environments.
www.shiftelearning.com www.shiftelearning.com
In this text, instructional designers are given brief synopses of three adult learning theories including andragogy, transformational learning, and experiential learning in order to understand how adults best learn and apply learning. The structure of the text is brief paragraphs with numerated descriptors and/or bullet points for reader convenience. Suggestions for learning activities are also provided for the instructional designer to consider in their course design. In the segment for transformative learning, a link is provided to provide the instructional designer more specific methods to incorporate. At the end of the text, diagrams are provided to visual core aspects and flow of each learning theories process. Rating: 7/10
digitalpromise.org digitalpromise.org
The Digital Promise article presents four major factors to consider when implementing technology for adult learning purposes. The factors include flexibility and benefits of blended learning, data use to support development of instruction, environments with diverse technology available support various learners, and allow the instructor's role to change to meet learner needs. Issues related to each factor are shared and suggestions for resolutions are provided. Rating: 7/10-a good resource for introduction to factors and issues in adult learning via technology.
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
An understanding of adult learning theories (ie, andragogy) in healthcare professional education programs is important for several reasons.
The author of this article articulates the instrumental learning theories in the healthcare industry. The information provided is more like a speedy way for students and healthcare providers to understand the learning theories. Rating: 4/5
evolllution.com evolllution.com
Twitter offers two distinct benefits to engaging learners. First of all, it allows learners to respond to classroom discussions in a way that feels right for them, offering shy or introverted students a chance to participate in the class discussion without having to speak in a public forum. Secondly, it allows students to continue the conversation after class is completed, posting relevant links to course material, and reaching out to you (the educator) with additional thoughts or questions.
The article explains how social media, student learning through digital experience, and Learning Management Systems can be beneficial to the learner/student. Article Rating: 3/5
www.gettingsmart.com www.gettingsmart.com
Some of our adult-ed students take their courses virtually, with students checking in with teachers via Skype or by email, but a majority spend at least some time in a classroom.
This article expresses how learning can be taught using the internet and one does not have to be in class to learn.
- Apr 2019
There are many different theories of adult learning, including: andragogy, neuroscience, experiential learning, self-directed learning, and transformational learning. All these theories have one goal: they help you create effective learning experiences for the adult corporate learner.
adult learning theories including andragogy, experiential learning
learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com04Huang2
Articulate what they know; 2. reflect on what they have learned; 3. support the internal negotiation of meaning making; 4. construct personal representations of meaning; and 5. support intentional, mindful thinking
what technology should do in an online course to reach adults
Since online learning has a different setting from the conventional classroom,online educators need to use some special techniques and perceptions to leadto success. Moreover, adults have special needs and requirements as learnerscompared with children and adolescents, thus online educators should knowhow adults can learn best because of their special characteristics. Philosophicaland methodological shifts also affect instruction. Many researchers havesuggested that constructivism should be applied in distance education. Thus,this paper attempts to examine the impact of constructivism in online learningenvironments when focusing on adult learners. The author develops the con-nection between constructivism and adult learning theory. In addition, thepaper proposes instructional guidelines using the constructivist approach inonline learning for adults.
learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com35871511
The tips center on five concepts: building relationships, positive focus, communication, partnership, and support. Working to improve these elementshelps create an emotionallyintelligent work environment where all employees feel they are valued and their opinions are respected. When leaders identify strengths-based strategies to build relationships, approach interactions with a positive perspective, develop positive communication strategies to support teachers, and identify additional ways to support them, they empower the teachers they work with tothrive, not just survive,in the earlychildhood setting.
learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com109874913
Workplace-relatedlearningis learning that is related to the firm in which the learner is employed and that is supported at least to some extent by their employer, but that is notfoundationalor higher education. Individuals may engage in this type of learning for the purposeof learning a new job, improving their job performance, for professional development, as an employee benefit or because it is required by legislation.
Key dimensions of adult learning activities
form, provider, payer, purpose, duration, design, delivery, instructor quality, credential
Fivebroad types of adult learning
Adult learning types including Foundational, higher education, workplace, personal, social. Includes a list of examples of the types of learning this includes in each category.
www.citejournal.org www.citejournal.org
The ITL department at The Ohio State University at Mansfield has six primary themes: (a) developmentally appropriate practice, (b) integrated curriculum, (c) literature-based instruction, (d) classroom-based inquiry, (e) diversity and equity issues, and (f) technology integration. The goal for technology integration, like the other themes in the program, is to integrate the theme into each course of the program, when appropriate. For example, instructors find ways to integrate children’s literature into each of the methods courses, whether it is a mathematics, science, or social studies methods course. The goal is to integrate the common themes of the program throughout the methods courses and the other graduate courses leading up to student teaching.
blogs.edweek.org blogs.edweek.org
Author Tom Vander Ark, also author of Getting Smart: How Digital Learning is Changing the World, brings a reflection of what ends up being 10 trends and 10 suggestions on how to develop impact in relation to the trends. The article is straight forward in the trends, but also does offer platform and educational examples to enhance the content.
Rating: 8/10
nhsectorpartners.org nhsectorpartners.org
This article discusses adult learners who connected with industry professionals in a career exploration course that focused around technology and coding. The program is hoping to show other places that focus on adult learning a model that would work for adult learners to gain access to industry.
Rating: 6/10. Interesting article, but not really a focus on how they effectively engaged the adult learns in the program or their approach to actually developing the course and curriculum.
- Mar 2019
Designing Technology for Adult Learners: Applying Adult Learning Theory
Discusses how adult learning theory can be applied for digital learning for adults. It suggests making sure interactions are built on real world and relevant situations, that learners and go at their own pace, they are allowed to reflect on their learning, and interact with each other and different points of view. Rating 10/10
link.springer.com link.springer.com
This article discusses that technology rich classroom research is lacking in the research world. This paper created a scale in which it could evaluate classroom environments. The authors tested this scale and determined it was a good starting framework for how to improve classroom environments. This scale could be useful later in class when evaluating technologies.Rating 9/10 for help assessment techniques
This paper addresses the question about how today’s modern schools can prepare learners for the future in the age of technology. The response to this question is discussion around innovative learning environments that involve the use of technology. Technology has been a concern for the rapid change in the educational landscape and this paper aims to highlight transformation and innovation in relation to technology for teaching and learning. 9/10 for helpful diagrams and tables.
files.eric.ed.gov files.eric.ed.gov
The eZoomBook Tool: A Blended and Eclectic Approach to Digital Pedagogy
Discusses the use of the eZoomBook Tool which has the ability to allow learners to navigate back through subject matter they need to refresh on as they learn new material. It allows peer to peer teaching and working which is it's most successful feature for adult learners. the eZB template is open-format and can be adapted to a variety of learning situations. Results from their initial experiments show high use of intrinsic motivation for adult learners once they got a handle on the platform.
www.idunn.no www.idunn.no
This paper discusses the idea that design is responsible for developing learning and teaching in technology rich environments. This paper argues Cultural Historical Activity Theory. This paper uses this perspective to discuss their ideas of design in connection with the digital age. This paper is written from the perspective German, Nordic, Russian and Vygotskyan concepts that seek to define the relationship between learning and teaching in relation to design. Rating 9/10 for mixing design with digital learning
eds.a.ebscohost.com.libproxy.nau.edu eds.a.ebscohost.com.libproxy.nau.edu
The purpose of this book is to help learners plan ,develop and deliver online training programs for adults in the workplace. This book can be understood as a guide for training managers, instructional designers, course developers and educators who are looking to transition from classroom material to self-paced instructional programs.The main purpose of this book is for people who deliver training programs to be able to design programs for online. Most importantly, the learners needs are addressed in development. Rating 7/10 material is interesting and relevant but slightly outdated.
files.eric.ed.gov files.eric.ed.gov
Beyond the Click: Rethinking Assessment of an Adult Professional Development MOOC
Examines the design and implementation of a MOOC about flipped teaching. It used digital surveys and the LMS system to gauge participant experiences and expectations. A unique aspect of this MOOC is that it asked participants to set what level of activity they expected to have in the program: active, passive, drop-in, observer. And it found that 60% of people engaged directly at that level. This is useful for designing online education experience and connecting participants with each other and in the classroom based upon their learning goals.
link.springer.com link.springer.com
Can an Evidence-Based Blended Learning Model Serve Healthcare Patients and Adult Education Students?
Discusses the use of blended-learning incorporating technology especially for adult education programs that reduce education gaps and help the under-employed with career readiness. This also focuses in on adults with chronic disease and how online education might better support their needs. It uses constructivist leanings placing education in the context of activity and environment and recreating the correct environments online.
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
The Career Curriculum Continuum
Discusses the place of universities in lifelong learning, especially with the advancement of technology in education in the workforce. The career curriculum continuum, includes free and self-paced options such as MOOCs, educational video on Youtube, and Wikis, but also suggests more structured learning placed in context. Universities can offer this as short courses that are cheaper and offer more options for pathways to a full degree program. It also suggests professional certificates for expanding the skills of those already working. Digital institutions will be the most widely used methods for consuming knew knowledge and advancing skills. Rating 10/10
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
Using Web 2.0 to teach Web 2.0: A case study in aligningteaching, learning and assessment with professionalpractice
Research article. Discussed the use of web 2.0 including blogs, wikis, and social media as a method of information sharing that is impacting education through teaching and learning management. The work suggests that learning outcomes, activities, and assessment have to be in alignment to create effective learning experiences and uses a case study within an information management program in which students use various web 2.0 tools and document their use .
www.edutopia.org www.edutopia.org
This article is for teachers and contains multiple resources about how to integrate technology into the classroom and the different types of technology integration. This article is full of examples and ideas teachers can use to facilitate technology in the classroom. Rating: 9/10 for use of examples and practical application.
eds.b.ebscohost.com.libproxy.nau.edu eds.b.ebscohost.com.libproxy.nau.edu
The use of digital technologies across the adult life span in distance education.
Research article. This article explores how older and younger student approach studying through the use of technology and reveals that those in older age groups were more likely to use technology in deep in focused ways to study once they got the hang of it and younger groups were more likely to remain on the surface level of a variety of technologies.
union.wisc.edu union.wisc.edu
What Makes for Effective Adult Learning
This article provides a short overview or strategies and techniques to make adult learning effective. This article quotes adult learning researches like Knowles to provide information about meaningful learning experiences. This article provides idea for activities that fit in the category of affective adult learning.
www.kmel-journal.org www.kmel-journal.org
Effect of a metacognitive scaffolding on self-efficacy, metacognition, and achievement in e-learning environments
Research paper. This work highlights how scaffolding, meaning students work through their learning in stages with support from digital technology, making adjustments to their learning environment as needed as they progress through material. Self-evaluations are a critical component of this to help reflect on the content learned. Scaffolding helps students determine not only what to do but how to do it until they are ready to learn more fully on their own. Rating 6/10
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
Educational technology professional development as transformative learning opportunities
Educational technology professional development can transform learning opportunities. This article focuses on adult learning theory as technology can be "intimidating and frustrating." All of this spiked my interest and I was excited to read more. However, to read more you must purchase the content of the entire article. So, in all this left me disappointed. Rating 2/10
As one understands professional development in educational technology as potential transformational learning experiences, one can begin to reconceptualize its outcomes.
This article provides an in-depth view from the teachers perspective about how to prepare for technology in their learning environments. Through professional development training, teachers and instructors can gain new knowledge about how to incorporate new technologies into their practice. This article focuses on one study and concludes that new technology needs to be introduced slowly for best practices.
digitalcommons.macalester.edu digitalcommons.macalester.edu
1Engaging Adults Learners with TechnologyThrough hands-on experience and reviewing the literature, two instruction librarians explore and model best practice
This article comes from the Twin Cities Campus Library and discusses how to engage adult learners with technology. First, it looks at Kolb's learning model of instructional design which includes that adults must have applying, awakening, practicing and observing. It is also imperative to have hands on learning when it comes to technology. Rating 7/10
cms.azed.gov cms.azed.gov
4Vision: Preparing Learning Communities to succeed in College and Careers in a global society through technology.Vision and Goals
This proposal outlines a draft for a technology plan for Arizona regarding adult education. This plan outlines the goals of the plan and how Arizona can address them moving forward. This plan outlines trends for the future in technology and acknowledges challenges that might come up later down the line. This plan also reviews teaching standards and instruction, as well as operations for the future. Rating 6/10 for being a draft, but with good ideas!
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
Online is clearly where the growth is, especially when it comes to enrolling adults.
This article is based around the idea that online education increases access for learners but lacks in completion data. This article provides data around the United States from a study conducted over a few years. Generally speaking this article encourages blended learning rather than all online to obtain better outcomes for adult learners. Rating 7/10 for use of graphs and evidence from data.
unbound.upcea.edu unbound.upcea.edu
Adult students have a higher incidence of disability and are less likely to seek accommodations than the general student population, so it is critical that institutions of higher education anticipate their needs, especially in online classes.
This article provides statistics about the number of adult learners who learn online with a disability and how these numbers need to be addressed. The author observes that adult learning are least likely to ask for help and it's the designers job to assess their work to make it more accessible. This article provides recommendations on how to become more familiar with technology and what guidelines people should be following. Rating: 10/10 for addressing accessibility among adult learners and providing recommendations.
www.nhi.fhwa.dot.gov www.nhi.fhwa.dot.gov
This article reviews three learning styles and gives examples of how they fit into the three learning domains. Additionally this article reviews assumptions about adult learning and what it might actually mean. Lastly, this article reviews the instructional system design model and breaks down it's components. Rating 7/10 for lack of discussion but helpful tables
online.pointpark.edu online.pointpark.edu
Adult enrollment in higher education grew by more than 50 percent between 1991 and 2011, according to U.S. News & World Report. This trend shows that today’s educators and corporate trainers must adapt to the different needs, learning styles and challenges presented by teaching adult students. By understanding adult students, you can become a better educator or trainer. Here are six key teaching strategies for making lessons more applicable for adult learners. Keep It Relevant Adult students truly latch onto lessons they feel are relevant. They have to understand how the skills they learn will improve their daily lives. If they believe a lesson will have a measurable impact, they will be far more likely to be engaged and internalize the lesson. How can this be achieved? Education resource eLearning Industry recommends considering the “real value in the educational experience you’re providing.” While teaching adults, educators and trainers should consider the real-world impact on how a person works or interacts with family. Remind adult students that a math lesson can help them better understand what they do every day or that the course will give them the experience they need to advance in their careers. Real-world outcomes will inspire an adult student to put forth more effort in a course. Remember Student Backgrounds One of the many differences between adult learners and their younger counterparts is experience. Adult education has to draw on the fact that stu
Adults going back to further their education has grown by 50 percent between 1991 and 2011! With these staggering numbers, educators must remember 6 effective strategies for teaching adults. The 6 strategies are:
- Keep it Relevant
- Remember Student Background - adult learners have far more experience and more background.
- Integrate Emotion into Lessons - helps students to connect.
- Encourage Exploration - didactic teaching - allowing activities and assignments to stay static but topic to be explored.
- Make Assignments Convenient - With more people working, assignments need to be broken into smaller more manageable parts.
- Always Offer Feedback- The quicker feedback the better! Rating 8/10
6 Effective Strategies for Teaching Adults
This article from Point Park University provides several methods one can use to help educate adults. Ideas presented include ensuring content is relevant, knowing the audience, igniting emotion in the audience, ensuring assignments are attainable, and providing constructive feedback. I find these especially helpful because of my work, which often involves teaching adults who are busy and sometimes uninterested in my content. The section that will help me most is "Encourage Exploration." Because I'm training on a software tool, I want learners to go into the software and make mistakes and learn from them. I want them to poke around! It can be difficult to convince a class of disgruntled 60-year-old men who are mad that things are changing to go play with a complex software tool like children. 7/10
lincs.ed.gov lincs.ed.gov
This fact sheet provides an overview of adult learning theories in a digestible format with citations throughout the sheet. The citations are from various experts on adult learning theory and examples are provided as well. Rating: 8/10 Clear and concise overview of adult learning theories.
www.catesoljournal.org www.catesoljournal.org
This article focuses on the adult learning environment from the teachers perspective. This article explains that there are many types of environments an adult learner experiences and why each of them are important. After reviewing the environments, the author provides recommendations from a professional perspective. Rating: 8/10 for providing an in-depth overview of different learning environments and how they apply to adult learners.
nap.nationalacademies.org nap.nationalacademies.org
This page is free resource to download a book about how people learn. This selected chapter provides recommendations for assessments and feedback in learning environments in general which also applies to adult learning. In addition to these examples, this chapter provides a section on theory and framework to better understand the overall topics. Rating: 10/10 Great free, open source resource with reputable information about learning.
ec.europa.eu ec.europa.eu
Active learning approaches
This website is a blog hosted on an official EU platform that discusses what quality learning environments look like for adults. This webpage reviews traditional learning approaches versus active learning approaches how they contribute to a quality learning environment. Rating: 6/10 for including an easy to read comparison table but lacking in discussion.
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
The “silver surfer” discourse reinforces the notion that older adults stand to benefit from ICTs in various ways, and that the ability to make use of new technology is a ready means through which to “bridge the generation gap”
This article refers to an older generation of adults and how the intend to adopt technologies or why they choose not too. The author discusses how researchers know very little about the outcomes of older adults using technology and how it impacts their lives. Additionally, this article provides recommendations for how to accommodate older generations through the use of information and communications technologies. Rating: 8/10 for focus on a different class of adults
online-educator.pbworks.com online-educator.pbworks.com
The purpose of this paper is to propose an in-structional-design theory that supports a sense of community.
This article addresses the fact that new instructional design theories and methods are needed to keep up with new technologies and ways of learning. This article reviews instructional design tools for creating a sense of community online for learners. Additionally, this article discusses the differences between design theory and descriptive theory as it pertains to instructional design. 6/10 This article is very specific and might only be relevant for a specific study or topic
onlinelibrary.wiley.com onlinelibrary.wiley.com
The project reported here aimed to highlight the advantages and weaknesses of web‐based learning for adults with learning disability, and to suggest improvements.
This article reviews challenges faced by adult learners with learning disabilities as it related to online learning. This article discusses how adults with learning disabilities might not adopt new technologies in a productive way and highlights positive and negative aspects of this scenario. Additionally the author provides solutions to identify advantages and disadvantages of online learning for adults. Rating: 9/10 for addressing accessibility and disability concerns among adult learners.
www.pacer.org www.pacer.org
Teaching Adults:What Every Trainer Needs to Know About Adult Learning Styles
This paper, a project o the PACER Center, discusses learning styles specifically as they pertain to adult learners. From the nitty-gritty podagogy vs. andragogy to the best ways to train for adults, this is a good tool for those who don't know much or need a refresher on adult learning theory and training adults. I love that it is set up in a textbook style, so it's friendly but has a considerable amount of information in a variety of formats. The section, "Tips for Teaching Adults" is helpful to me as it's a series of quick reminders about how to present my information best. 8/10
collegeforamerica.org collegeforamerica.org
How to Design Education for Adults
This wonderful how-to by Southern New Hampshire University provided several well explained tips about what adults need in their learning environments, including their own learning theory, goals, relevant instruction, treatment by the teacher, and participation. These are important things to keep in mind when training working adults because it may have an impact on what information is offered and how it is presented. I will use the information in this article later to help me present content in a meaningful way for my working adult learners. I want the content to be as relevant and inviting to them as possible. 9/10
digitalmarketinginstitute.com digitalmarketinginstitute.com
Adults & Learning: How to Provide for Working Professionals
The Digital Marketing Institute published this article to help those who provide training for professional adults. It echoes a lot of what I've read in other articles about teaching adults: The goals are different, and they have different needs from the instructor than children do. I liked that this article mentioned that many professional adults find technology to be a barrier, but I wish there were more information about it. The article discussed several of the biggest challenges for adult learners, which was a nice change from the quintessential adult learner article that focuses on what learners need. I also want to know what they don't need. Some of the barriers to learning include a lack of time, responsibilities, financial stressors, fear of technology, and trouble identifying the ideal learning path. 8/10
academic.oup.com academic.oup.com
Training Older Adults To Use New Technology
This article, published in the Journals of Gerontology, discusses a study that focused on teaching older adults to use technology. This is often discussed in a practical sense, with many how-to's. This article, however, discusses the theory behind gerontological learning. Older adults don't generally learn the same way younger adults do. Therefore, it is important to provide them with practice that shows tasks have continuity, to ensure the important task components are focused on strongly, and to consider whether the learning goals are appropriate for the learner. Representative design is addressed here. This is the first time I've heard of representative design. I teach many people over the age of 60 to use technology, so it is important for me to know the theory that will help them learn best. Interestingly,this article mentioned that performance should be assessed based on a comparison of the older adult's environment. I wish I could use that more in my work, but it's a young person's world now. 9/10
www.ryerson.ca www.ryerson.ca
Engaging Adult Learners
This article discusses some attributes that are unique to adult learners, such as that their learning is selective, self-directed, and often focused on solving problems. Therefore, it is important that instructors enable students to be autonomous and show them why it is important. Often in my instructional design, I start with the WIIFM (What's In It For Me?). This article supports my idea that my adult learners will choose to learn when it can solve a problem for them. This article also discusses active learning from an adult perspective, such as Socratic teaching. 9/10
www.ccconline.org www.ccconline.org
What the Research Says About Teaching Adults
Colorado Community Colleges published this article to discuss research about teaching adults, focusing strongly on Knowles's six principles of andragogy. The main idea behind Knowles's principles is that adults learn because they decided to--because the information is relevant to them and they can benefit from attaining that knowledge. Therefore, the article states, activities that ask adult learners to discuss problems with each other will help them learn. This can be useful as I design instruction. 7/10
utah.instructure.com utah.instructure.com
Adult Learning Theory
This article by the University of Utah discusses Lindeman's and Knowles's theories on adult learning. Andragogy uses the teacher differently from pedagogy: the teacher in an adult learning environment becomes a facilitator instead of the knower. I think this is an important distinction to make for people who go from teaching children to teaching adults. There are two of these people on my team at work. One taught third grade and one taught sixth grade, and both of them tend to try to put the instructor in the knower's position instead of the facilitator's position. They have to catch themselves often and rework some instruction to be more student-focused instead of content-focused. 8/10
www.shiftelearning.com www.shiftelearning.com
one main goal: they help you create effective learning experiences for the adult corporate learner.
This article takes on Adult Learning from an Instructional Design perspective. This article reviews 3 adult learning theories and why it's important for Instructional Designers to keep these theories in mind the facilitate the learning process. Rating: 9/10 for easy reading, overview of learning theories and emphasis on instructional design
evolllution.com evolllution.com
The Wired Classroom: Leveraging Technology to Engage Adult Learners
This article discusses how even though instructors may be hesitant to include new technologies in their learning environments, doing so can enhance the student experience. It specifically explore the use of twitter for classroom discussions, simulation tools, and the LMS systems universities use currently to support online work. Soliciting feedback from students to ask how tools are working for them is important for evolving the classroom to fit student needs.
digitalpromise.org digitalpromise.org
U.S. Through these stories from and discussions with our Beacons and partners, we offer educators and developers specific examples of how to incorporate technology into adult learning in highly effective yet affordable ways
Digital promise is an organization that connects adult learners with methods to implement technology in useful ways to improve education. The website hosts a network of educators and the programs they offer to improve basic math and literacy skills in U.S. adults to help with job training and career advancement. There is also a mico-credentialing program they extend to training programs that endorse those that have learned or gained specific skills. Rating 5/10
campustechnology.com campustechnology.com
Report: Why Tech for Adult Learning So Often Misses the Mark
Popular article. This article overviews the U.S. Department of Education LINCS system report which shows that there is a disconnect between those that design adult learning technology and the stakeholders (learners and employers) that plan to use it. Often technology is retrofitted, as it was originally intended for K-12 and won't work in the ways adult learners and educators need for them. One of the main ways to circumvent this is to design technology for a specific problem that needs to be solved, instead of starting with the solution. Rating 4/10
bera-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com bera-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com
Toward constructivism for adult learners in online learning environments
Research article. This paper explores how constructivism is specifically useful for adult education in the online environment. It is especially important for adult learners to interact with each other in order to creating meaningful collaborative experiences. It is also important for online educators to create and environment where students can share and discuss ideas in a safe space. It should also require high-order thinking skills and problem solving that relates to their real lives. Rating 10/10
newprairiepress.org newprairiepress.org
Application of Virtual and Augmented Reality tothe Field of Adult Education
Research Article from the Adult Education Research Conference. This article examines the history of VR as a tool to train military personnel, and medical professionals and how future directions of VR could be used for other adult education situations especially due to their low risk learning environment. The authors examine how VR could also be used in gaming, arts, entertainment, marketing and business fields. This is important because VR environments also allow students to exploring changing technology and practice self-learning. Rating 6/10
thejournal.com thejournal.com
Report: It's Time for Ed Tech to Tackle the Adult Learner
This article recommends the way in which education technology should adapt to be aimed at adult learners. Specifically that education should all students to assess themselves as they go and fill in any missing gaps in knowledge. It should also be relevant to their life needs, and connect their own experiences back into the learning environment. I feel most of this is known in adult learning theory in general, however this article is really aimed at those outside the industry and is a very helpful summary in this way. Rating 7/10
elearningindustry.com elearningindustry.com
Top 10 Tools For The Digital Classroom
Article overviews tools in technology that are useful for bringing learners together in the classroom, especially in ways that enhance their interaction with digital media and each other. Although many of them seem to be aimed at younger learners I feel like some of the tools, like Quizlet, and Prezi are especially useful for adult learners. Rating 10/10
www.kmel-journal.org www.kmel-journal.org
An investigation into the attraction and completion rates of MOOCs Sergey Kruchinin
Research Paper. Discusses the use of MOOCs and their completion rates as tools for education. MOOCs are often touted as the best way to get education to the popular masses. The study shows that MOOCs coming from universities with major names on just a few platforms like Coursera tend to be the most successful in terms of completion rate. Courses that have auto grading features are more attractive to students, probably because they get feedback immediately. Rating 4/10
www-sciencedirect-com.libproxy.nau.edu www-sciencedirect-com.libproxy.nau.edu
Adult Learning in the Context of Comparative Higher Education
Research Paper. Although education is determined by "engagement, empowerment, experience, and evidence" the way adults learned, and what they have learned across societies differs greatly and impacts the effectiveness of higher education and problem solving. Adults as significant instigators of global change need opportunities for literacy development, dialogue, acquisition of self-reliance skills, and the ability to adapt to change. Rating 5/10
online.rutgers.edu online.rutgers.edu
This webpage discusses different learning styles for adults, the principles of adult learning theory and different instructional design models for the the present and future. This webpage reviews andragogy and adult learning theory from the works of Malcolm Knowles. This article comes from Rutgers University and provides additional resources for adult learners. Ratings: 7/10 for helpful, short overview
criticaldigitalpedagogy.pressbooks.com criticaldigitalpedagogy.pressbooks.com
“Bartleby, the Scrivener,” Herman Melville
Ms. Massicot assigned this novella in her English class my junior year in high school. Fifty years later, Bartleby still informs my decision making everyday. Especially when responding to academics and educational institutions.
macro to micro learning: how to transform your course library This short article has limited utility because of its lack of breadth and reading is a bit difficult because of the small gray typeface. Nonetheless it is a current article that provides a few tips for those who seek to have a greater number of micro learning opportunities among their professional development offerings. rating 2/5
elearningindustry.com elearningindustry.com
This is a reasonable list of Knowles' assumptions about adult learners -- not as complete or nuanced as one might find in a textbook, but worth having a look at when starting a new project. rating: 3/5
While there are many pages that somehow 'address' adult learning, I found few insightful as I reviewed them. This page is a bit different though as it does integrate transformational learning into adult learning theory and also has a different presentation of Knowles' work that is found on many other web pages. Rating 5/5
www.aaace.org www.aaace.org
Welcome to AAACE The mission of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE) is to provide leadership for the field of adult and continuing education by expanding opportunities for adult growth and development; unifying adult educators; fostering the development and dissemination of theory, research, information, and best practices; promoting identity and standards for the profession; and advocating relevant public policy and social change initiatives.
This is the website of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education. This website offers information on the annual conference, as well as online journals and scholarly publications. There is information about membership. Rating 3/5 The site does not contain a great deal of information but it seems important to include a professional association in this set of links.
- Dec 2018
www.fastcompany.com www.fastcompany.com
“We will leave it to them and focus our efforts on creating the most welcoming environment possible for our community.”
Isn't a lot of their community people who share and interact with just this sort of content?
- Nov 2018
learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
A number of authors argue that professional development requires adual focus on both knowledge of subject matter content and an understand-ing of how children learn specific content.
This article addresses what makes professional development effective and why. It reviews study results to show what works in a national sample of teachers. This article has good information on professional development.
files.eric.ed.gov files.eric.ed.gov
Key take-away from this research is that a positive outlook from the trainees on the training helps students learn new technology.
www.thetechedvocate.org www.thetechedvocate.org
This article takes a different perspective on technological integration, showing that sometimes technology, when used improperly, can set a class backwards.Examples in the article clearly show that effective use of technology is extremely important, otherwise the technology may cause more problems than it offers solutions.
Rating: 9/10
www.axiomhighered.com www.axiomhighered.com
This article takes the perspective that education should not necessarily be solely focused on educational experiences, as we tend to do. Rather, technology should also have a focus in supporting non-academic areas and using data to drive instruction.
Rating: 7/10
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
This research takes an interesting look into the role gender plays in self-efficacy in technology. The research finds that self-efficacy in technology was primarily effected by gender and gender roles, not specifically by biological sex.
Rating: 10/10
This article goes into detail about MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) and compares the effectiveness and delivery styles of several different categories of MOOC course formats.
Rating: 8/10
www.huffingtonpost.com www.huffingtonpost.com
Several problems and barriers to technological integration are often included in the discussion about using technology in higher education, however it is less common that solutions are presented. This article proposes solutions for transforming educational technology through personalized experiences and collaboration.
Rating: 8/10
www.avisystems.com www.avisystems.com
This article details several ways in which technology can impact higher education, such as being able to quickly calculate grades, collaborate with staff and students, and collect and analyze data.
Rating: 7/10
www.educationdive.com www.educationdive.com
This article suggests that perhaps keeping updated and informed on technology can prevent the shut-down and closure of specific degrees and the departments they come from. Technology is constantly changing, and it is expected that institutions will change with it. Rating: 7/10
wcetfrontiers.org wcetfrontiers.org
This page describes several theories for supporting students in academic advising with technology. There are interesting statistics on the tools most commonly used to promote online advising, with desktop computers ranking in number one and video-conferencing and social media falling near the bottom.
Rating: 9/10
www.ijede.ca www.ijede.ca
Facilitating Adult Learning Through Computer-Mediated Distance Education
This is an interesting article to discover the history of adult learning technology in a hybrid setting. The study included both face-to-face and online meetings/assignments.
www.c3schools.org www.c3schools.org
English Teachers' Barriers to the Use of Computer-assisted Language Learning
This article discusses the use of Computer-assisted Language Learning (CALL) technologies to teach English. Each stage of learning aligns with a level of computer technology. There are also many barriers that impede the process of integrating the CALL into the classroom, which include financial, access to hardware and software, teacher training, technical knowledge, and acceptance of technology.
RATING: 8/10
files.eric.ed.gov files.eric.ed.gov
This article explores how learning styles and computer skills impact student online learning. Further consideration is also given to course format and participants who were first time online learners. This is a complex study that investigates possible skills and abilities of first time online students. It would be interesting to conduct the same study, ten years latter to see if the changes in technology has improved the learners' computer skills and therefore the results of the study.
RATING: 7/10
jolt.merlot.org jolt.merlot.org
Early Attrition among First Time eLearners: A Review of Factors that Contribute to Drop-out, Withdrawal and Non-completion Rates of Adult Learners undertaking eLearning Programmes
NEW - This study researches dropout rates in eLearning. There are many reasons for attrition with adult eLearners which can be complex and entwined. The researched provide different models to test and also a list of barriers to eLearning - where technology issues ranked first. In conclusion, the authors determined that further research was necessary to continue to identify the factors that contribute to adult learner attrition.
RATING: 7/10
aornjournal-onlinelibrary-wiley-com.libproxy.nau.edu aornjournal-onlinelibrary-wiley-com.libproxy.nau.edu
Preceptors must create an environment that is friendly to novice nurses and conducive to perioperative nurse education, particularly in light of the current nursing shortage. Effective teachers use principles of adult learning to facilitate the education of new employees. This results in increased satisfaction for preceptors, preceptees, other staff members, and ultimately, patients.
The article focuses on adult learning in the medical profession. It is a different perspective than a traditional subject and shows how much education effects all the student comes in contact with in their career.
Creating an environment conducive to adult learning
Creating a conducive adult learning environment is an article directed to training nurses in a clinical setting, but it can also be applied to any other learning environment. It identifies the responsibilities of the preceptor (instructor) and the preceptee (learner) and the best means for parceling out duties to the learners.<br> The recommended process of assigning tasks to start with a single task and have the learner participate in parts of the medical procedure until the complete task has been practiced. The concept of repetition is also identified as an important tool for learning a given task. The task of correcting or counseling a student is also discussed. These principles are applicable to all learning situations and can be adapted to fit the specific area of training.
RATING: 10/10
www.learntechlib.org www.learntechlib.org
Adult learners face numerous challenges that include changing definitions, overcoming circumstances, relearning, and motivation. Addressing these challenges in a timely and personal way is especially important in distance learning environments. This roundtable will discuss how WGU addresses these challenges and prepares educators in a manner independent of place and time.
This article discusses ways to help adults in distance learning environments. The panelists are university workers sharing how they address the issues.
files.eric.ed.gov files.eric.ed.gov
The paper argues that the adult learning environment can in some instances be a ‘double-edged sword’, in that it can both enhance and limit student engagement.
This article is about a study performed on both students and teachers about the adult learning environment and the pro and cons. They call it a "double edge sword" because there are different positives and drawbacks.
edtechmagazine.com edtechmagazine.com
This site includes five highly effective technological resources that instructors can use in their higher ed classrooms. What is especially useful about this site is that it includes a rationale for all the proposed technologies, ensuring that the technology is not just including in lesson planning for technology's sake.
Rating: 10/10
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
This article was a long, but interesting read in taking a constructivist approach to technological integration. This theory is often applied in K-12 classrooms but is equally as important and useful to adult learners.
www.edutopia.org www.edutopia.org
We often talk about avoiding the use of technology for technology's sake and ensuring here is relevance in the integration. This site lays out specific characteristics of effective technologies in the classroom.
Rating: 9/10
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
This article brings up the important issue of accessibility as a barrier to technology integration. It is suggested that accessibility should be a much more pressing concern than technological relevance to a lesson plan. First it is important to know whether or not all students will still have equal access and ability to reach mastery with the deliver method provided.
Rating: 7/10
www.academia.edu www.academia.edu
This article focuses on the importance of using technological integration in the classroom correctly and effectively. Barriers to effectiveness, as the article states, are often linked to lack of rational, vision, or necessity for including technology in instruction.
Rating: 8/10
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
This is scholarly article that shares research findings in questions such as, to what extent is there a relationship between faculty's comfortableness with technology and perception of technology integration and student success? The data is very interesting, including the fact that students in the sample reported being most proficient with a printer and least proficient with a smarboard. This definitely indicates a shift in what technological knowledge a professor will need verses their students.
Rating: 9/10
iris.peabody.vanderbilt.edu iris.peabody.vanderbilt.edu
Our Sample Professional Development (PD) Activity Collection is designed to serve as a resource to PD providers creating training events both for practicing educators and beginning teachers engaged in induction experiences. In this collection, users will find examples of the ways in which information about evidence-based practices,
The page has a template, activities, and resources instructors can use to help create professional development courses. Rating: 4/5
hrcouncil.ca hrcouncil.ca
This web page gives trainers and trainees an outline of what make a good learning experience. It also has a template for individual development and examples of self assessment. Rating: 4/5
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
Teachers often attend professional development that does not pertain to them and what they do. This article looks into various adult learning theories that can be implemented to make professional development more meaningful for the teachers. These learning theories are action learning, experiential learning, project based learning, and self-directed learning. The article recommends blending the different adult learning theories to create a professional development teachers will find relevant to them. The article also states leadership helps direct the relevance of the professional development. Different leadership styles are highlighted and how it helps improve professional development. Rating: 5/5
teacherlink.ed.usu.edu teacherlink.ed.usu.eduUntitled1
This article looks at several adult learning theories. The theories are: age and stage, cognitive development, and functional, Age and stage theory sates that a learner's age and stage of development plays a part in they way they learn. Cognitive development is when learning goes from concrete to more abstract and learning is intrinsic. Functional theory is when learning problem centered and self directed. Rating: 5/5
www.shiftelearning.com www.shiftelearning.com
In addition to discussing Knowles Andragogy learning theory this article also looks into two other adult learning theories: experiential and transformational. For learning to be successful in adults instructional designers need to "tap into prior experiences," "create a-ha moments," and "create meaning" by connecting to reality. Rating: 5/5
newprairiepress.org newprairiepress.org
In this case study the instructional designers used a contextualized model of active learning to provide professional learning to teachers in urban alternative high schools. The teachers were given reading assignments, activities that were relevant and engaging to them, and time to reflect at the end of the session. The participants enjoyed the "learner-centered" model of professional development and found it effective and worth to their learning. Rating: 4/5
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
This article looks into the different ways technology can be incorporated into adult learning. These methods include technology as curriculum, technology as delivery mechanism, technology as complement to instruction, and technology as an instructional tool. The benefits and limitations of each method is also discussed. Rating: 4/5
This site gives a thorough overview into the integration of technology in the classroom. The most helpful element it includes is a list of limitations to consider within this integration. The downside is you will have to "dig" a little through the article to find the solutions to these problems, as they are not immediately obvious. Rating: 8/10
www.ijbhtnet.com www.ijbhtnet.com7.pdf1
This article highlights how the constructive teaching model can be used to incorporate technology in learning. To do this learning has to be meaningful to the students and should allow for student discourse to compare ideas and modify if necessary. Rating: 4/5
elearningindustry.com elearningindustry.com
This article gives us seven tips on how to create a successful learning environment for adults. The takeaway from this article is that adults understand who they are. They are intrinsically motivated and want their learning to be purposeful. Ratings: 4/5
online.rutgers.edu online.rutgers.edu
This article discusses the main points of Malcolm Knowles main ideas of adult learning. It also mentions the different styles of learning. Additionally. the ADDIE instructional model is described. I properly constructed the ADDIE model helps merge and implement the different learning styles and needs of the adult learner. Ratings: 3/5
er.educause.edu er.educause.edu
This website details a case study that was performed in order to determine the effectiveness of online advising (a position I am currently involved in myself). There were several studies conducted and student responses are detailed in charts-- overwhelmingly, students felt the online advising format was a success.
Rating: 10/10
www.nacada.ksu.edu www.nacada.ksu.edu
This article gives a few quick insights into how technology is useful in academic advising. This article makes the distinction between technology "complementing" advising and actually impacting student success. In other words, technology should never be a sole substitute for success. I would like to see more numerical-based data supporting the claims listed, but there are some great resources cited.
Rating: 7/10
This site is interesting in that it is actually a collection of resources meant to assist in a state program called TEAL (Teaching Excellence in Adult Literacy). This resource in particular lists the theories of adult learning in a concise, easy-to-understand method.
Rating: 9/10
eric.ed.gov eric.ed.gov
Instructional Design Strategies for Intensive Online Courses: An Objectivist-Constructivist Blended Approach
This was an excellent article Chen (2007) in defining and laying out how a blended learning approach of objectivist and constructivist instructional strategies work well in online instruction and the use of an actual online course as a study example.
RATING: 4/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)
- distance education
- instructional methods
- Instructional systems design; Distance education; Online courses; Adult education; Learning ability; Social integration
- instructional design systems
- instructiveness effectiveness
- online education growth
- instructional technology
- etcnau
- constructivism
- etc556
- Performance Factors, Influences, Technology Integration, Teaching Methods, Instructional Innovation, Case Studies, Barriers, Grounded Theory, Interviews, Teacher Attitudes, Teacher Characteristics, Technological Literacy, Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Usability, Institutional Characteristics, Higher Education, Foreign Countries, Qualitative Research
www.ncolr.org www.ncolr.org
The Importance of Interaction in Web-Based Education: A Program-level Case Study of Online MBA Courses
This case study explores perceptions of instructors vs. end-users with web-based training. It examines various technologies and techniques.
RATING: 4/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)
content.ebscohost.com content.ebscohost.com
Transformation for adults in an Internet-based learningenvironment—is it necessary to be self-directed?
REDIRECT to this URL Tranformation for adults
This study explores transformative learning theory (TLT) for adults in the Internet-base learning environment and questions the need for students to be self-directed. The study also includes the Constructivist Internet-based Learning Environment Scale (CILES). The Self-directed Learning Readiness Scale(SDLRS) as modified by Chang (2006) was used to meet the cultural needs of the participants. In conclusion, the results have a high reliability factor and add quantitative research to previous qualitative studies.<br> Further discussion is suggested regarding the technical and emancipatory learning interests on adult online learners.
RATING: 8/10
www.hindawi.com www.hindawi.com
Mobile Based User-Centered Learning Environment for Adult Absolute Illiterates
This study reviewed the education of absolute illiterates globally. It was based on the creation of game-based learning (GBL) which provides a user-friendly learning platform with little cost and little intimidation for the learner. The research also identified 60% of the world's illiterate population residing in rural areas with little access to computers and educational centers. The GBL environments created real world environments that allow learners to practice real-life scenarios in familiar surroundings using 3-D technology. The study also adapted a English language program to meet the needs of various languages. The context of the game is a farmer and a wife then acquire items and count them in their native language. The numbers used in counting are spoken and the game produces the correlating number so the learner becomes familiar with the written form of the letter. In conclusion, the participants identified that the mobile learning was more beneficial than PC applications due to unreliable electrical service at home. The mobile system was also available on demand.and applied to participants real-life usage.
RATING: 10/10
journals.sagepub.com.libproxy.nau.edu journals.sagepub.com.libproxy.nau.edu
Increasing Access to Learning for the Adult Basic Education Learner With Learning Disabilities: Evidence-Based Accommodation Research
Adult learning disabilities
search.proquest.com search.proquest.com
Older adult learning environment preferences
Older adult preferences.is a dissertation preview that introduces the dissertation on preference of older adults to attend in person classes weekly for four to six hours.
The information gleaned from this study is significant for learning designers and course structure. The study also investigated the time and location of the study, and the class make up. This information also warrants further investigation when designing courses for these adults and the success of the program. The dissertation is of value to those who are specifically involved in designing programs for older adults.
RATING: 8/10
journals.sagepub.com.libproxy.nau.edu journals.sagepub.com.libproxy.nau.edu
Spacing effect. of training explores the retention of learning over short and long intervals of learning, particularly in hybrid and distance learning.<br> The study was based on prior studies regarding training and retention and integrated data from the learning management system used by the participants. The study resulted in finding that smaller , more frequent learning over time appears to be more effective than the traditional presentation of mass learning. The study also concluded that much of the time participants spent in learning pertained to language acquisition of foreign language learners and/or new vocabulary.<br> It is also noted that the participants were engaged in learning to support workplace goals, which leads to highly motivated participants.
RATING 10/10
search.proquest.com search.proquest.com
Dialogue and Difference: Facilitating Difficult Dialogues in the Adult Learning Environment
Difficult dialogues. Although this is only the preview of the dissertation, the discussion of the role of educators in preparing students to participate in the global marketplace requires understanding of how all individuals interact with divers cultural and social environments. Often discussing important topics and differing perspectives can alleviate fear and misunderstanding. It also serves as a springboard for further investigation.
The author identified the definitions used to conduct the research and the questions and methods employed in the study.
The comments that society is becoming increasingly complex and that good communication is necessary to interact with understanding truly impacts educators and students alike.
content.ebscohost.com content.ebscohost.com
Andragogy—A Mantra for US/Iraqi Cross-Cultural Dialogue
Andragogy US/Iraqi Dialog
digitalpromise.org digitalpromise.org
Digital Promise
Digital promise website serves millions of underserved adults in the United States by offering educational resources via technology. With personalized learning and individual pathways, they stand a chance to advance in their careers and lives.
The site has a network of educators and developers who contribute to the "Beacon Project". As part of this project, the site includes resources across the country that help with support and access to education.
RATING: 4/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)
create-center.ahs.illinois.edu create-center.ahs.illinois.eduCREATE1
CREATE Overview
Create is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing resources for the development and creation of educational technology to enhance the independence and productivity of older adult learners.
The sight includes publications, resources, research, news, social media and information all relevant to aging and technology. It is the consortium of five universities including: Weill Cornell Medicine,University of Miami, Florida State University,Georgia Institute of Technology, and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
RATING: 4/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)
www.ryerson.ca www.ryerson.ca
Self-directed learning is independent—it provides the learner with the ability to make choices, to take responsibility for their own learning, and “the capacity to articulate the norms and limits of learned society, and personal values and beliefs” (Goddu, 2012).In self-directed learning, the instructor shifts from the leader of the learning experience to the “facilitator of learning,” becoming“a source to be tapped, as required by the learner” (Robotham 1995, as cited in Goddu 2012). Self-directed learning provides students with the “opportunity and freedom to choose the means of acquiring knowledge that is best suited” to them based on their own self-knowledge (Alex et al., 2007). In online or blended environments, self-directed learning canbe offered through the creation of “dynamic learning environments where students may go beyond content presented by the instructor to explore, interact with, comment on, modify, and apply the set content and additional content they discover or create through the learning process” (LeNoue, 2011).
This article reviews effective teaching characteristics and effective teaching methods and strategies to engage adult learners. The piece goes further in exploring five specific teaching methods to support adult learning: self-directed, active, experiential, collaborative, and narrative.
www.mojet.net www.mojet.net
Using WikitoTeach Part-Time Adult Learners in aBlended learningEnvironment
Using Wiki
content.ebscohost.com content.ebscohost.com
Adult Graduate Student VoicesGood and Bad Learning Experiences
This article reviews a longitudinal study of graduate students in a Master's degree program that collected both good and bad learning experiences. The comments collect from the participants resulted in themes that were repeated throughout all three years of comments. The comments were compiled to and reviewed to determine adult student perspectives on the learning process. The authors noted that their is a need to balance suppor of students with challenging students. This is a ground work of student perspective and requires further investigation to implement appropriate changes and then review student perspective after the changes.
Rating: 7/10
edtech.worlded.org edtech.worlded.org
Teaching Tech Skills to Older Adults
Ed Tech Center for world education's article on teaching older adults technology is a primer for understanding considerations of introducing technology as the prime delivery mode for education.
The article includes simple tips such as providing individual attention, offering reinforcement and affirmation and how to problem solve. The tips are aimed at an older adult group age 70+.
RATING: 2/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)
digitalcommons.macalester.edu digitalcommons.macalester.edu
1Engaging Adults Learners with Technology
The pdf provides information from The Twin Cities Campus Library with instruction incorporating technology into teaching adult students.
It includes a review of instructional technology, assessment for learning, framework for teaching adult learners and a workshop. This 14 page pdf provides the essentials necessary in understanding basic learning needs of adult learners.
RATING: 3/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)
Engaging Adults Learners with Technology
This presentation features a broad overview of adult learning and defines an adult learner. Additionally, the presentation provides multiple technology resources that can be used in an adult learning environment. Rating: 4/5
content.ebscohost.com content.ebscohost.com
Learning a Map of Environment: The Role of Visuo-Spatial Abilities inYoung and Older Adults
This study focused on the difference in visuo-spatial relations between younger adults and older adults. The purpose was tol determine the effect of aging on visuo-spatial relations.<br> Both groups performed the same tasks using a simplified map for orientation, pointing out locations, and recreating the map. The results indicated that older adults successfully completed the tasks at a lower rate and that males successfully completed tasks more that women. The researches highly recommended other duplicate the study to determine if the results can be generalized and consistent. This study is a valuable indication of the changing needs of adult learners due to aging. Rating: 8/10
content.ebscohost.com content.ebscohost.com
The New Learning Environment and AdultDevelopmental Needs
Identifies adult developmental learning needs. For many years, since 1911, Training at a machining company had been directed to specific tasks. After the company was sold to a new company, the education of employees changed from siloed task training to a atmosphere of learning and integrated team work. This shift in training also changed the culture of the company and built an atmosphere of one team, even across shifts and departments. This article points out how the change from task training to education that included theory of the task improved the decision making process of the employees that resulted in company improvements. Rating: 9/10
content.ebscohost.com content.ebscohost.com04Huang1
Toward constructivism for adult learners in online learning environments
This is an article from 2002 that identified the emerging need of online, adult learners. One concept is the use of cognitive learning theory as tools for the online learning environment.<br> Several descriptors identified who the adult online student is, primarily adult working women with full time jobs and a family (often single head of household) who are trying to return to school to improve personal circumstances.
This article is a invitation to review the learning environment that was devised and determine if it met the needs of students then and what changes need to be implemented for today's students.
Rating 9/10
www.nrcs.usda.gov www.nrcs.usda.gov
Adults have a deep need to be self-directing. The psychological definition of "adult" is one who has achieved a self-concept of being in charge of his or her own life, of being responsible for making his or her own decisionsand living with the consequences. Adults develop a deep need to be seen by others as being capable of taking responsibility for themselves. Too often as trainers we design training situations that place adultsback in their childhood where they are told what where and when and how to learn. Self-directed is not the same as self-paced. Self-paced means that the learner is only in charge of when to experience what the trainer has produced. Self-directed learning puts the learner in charge of much more. Incorporate as much "search and discovery" into the training as possible for experienced learners. Present training with as many options for learning as possible.
This article is a quick guide to adult learning with additional information on how to apply the principles to professional training.
www.instructionaldesign.org www.instructionaldesign.org
This article was found on InstructionalDesign.org. This article is about the Characteristics of Adults as Learners model. This model is designed as a guide in adult learning. The website also has sections on concepts, theories, and models.
www.tandfonline.com www.tandfonline.com
This article is from the journal Professional Development in Education, it is a credible and relevant source. This authors analyze cases in principle professional development in four schools to find common practice. They determine if and how adult learning theory is or can be used to improve practices.
lincs.ed.gov lincs.ed.gov
LINCS is a national leadership initiative of the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE) to expand evidence-based practice in the field of adult education. LINCS demonstrates OCTAE’s commitment to delivering high-quality, on-demand educational opportunities to practitioners of adult education, so those practitioners can help adult learners successfully transition to postsecondary education and 21st century jobs.
The LINCS website has an abundance of information that can prove useful in the designing of adult educational materials which are technology based. The site includes courses, articles and links 743 research studies, materials and products. In addition there are State Resources for Adult Education and Literacy Professional Development. Overall I found the site to be a wonderful source of relevant information to tap into.
RATING: 5/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)
www.emeraldinsight.com www.emeraldinsight.com
This article focuses on creating online tutorials for adult learners. Andragogy theory is used to build online programs for adult learners that are learner centered and engaging.
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Adult Learning Principles and Presentation Pearls
This article presents options for applying a variety of adult learning principles to make a course more effective. The author focuses on instrumental learning theories, humanistic learning theories, motivational models and more. Rating: 5/5
www.armyupress.army.mil www.armyupress.army.mil
Reengineering Army Education for Adult Learners
David Pierson offers a quick overview of how the US Army would train their members. He then goes into an explanation of how the Army is modifying their education curriculum to offer more than just "training" and truly educate the student. Rating: 5/5
onlinelibrary.wiley.com onlinelibrary.wiley.com
This article is from a education journal and is credible and relevant. It covers andragogy and transformitive learning as they can be utilized with adult learners. The focus on transformational learning theory is of particular interest.
edtechmagazine.com edtechmagazine.com
Why More Law Schools Are Prioritizing Technology Integration
The article explores how law schools are beginning to focus more on integrating technology into the learning environment in order to help students understand that the new technology makes it easier for lawyers to work with clients. Rating: 5/5
eds.a.ebscohost.com.libproxy.nau.edu eds.a.ebscohost.com.libproxy.nau.edu
Learning Needs Analysis of Collaborative E-Classes in Semi-Formal Settings: The REVIT Example.
This article explores the importance of analysis of instructional design which seems to be often downplayed particularly in distance learning. ADDIE, REVIT have been considered when evaluating whether the training was meaningful or not and from that a central report was extracted and may prove useful in the development of similar e-learning situations for adult learning.
RATING: 4/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)
www.catesoljournal.org www.catesoljournal.org
This article outlines the different aspects of a learning environment that is effective for teaching adults. The author provides suggestions for creating effective adult learning environments.
journals.sagepub.com journals.sagepub.com
Humans participate in social learning for a variety of adaptive reasons, such as reducing uncertainty (Kameda and Nakanishi, 2002), learning complex skills and knowledge that could not have been invented by a single individual alone (Richerson and Boyd, 2000; Tomasello, Kruger, and Ratner, 1993), and passing on beneficial cultural traits to offspring (Palmer, 2010). One proposed social-learning mechanism is prestige bias (Henrich and Gil-White, 2001), defined as the selective copying of certain “prestigious” individuals to whom others freely show deference or respect in orderto increase the amount and accuracy of information available to the learner.Prestige bias allows a learner in a novel environment to quickly and inexpensively choose from whom to learn, thus maximizing his or her chances of acquiring adaptive behavioral so lutions toa specific task or enterprisewit hout having to assess directly the adaptiveness of every potential model’s behavior.Learners provide deference to teachers in order to ingratiate themselves with a chosen model, thus gaining extended exposure to that model(Henrich and Gil-White, 2001).New learners can then use that information—who is paying attention to whom—to increase their likelihood of choosing a good teacher.
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This research study presents the idea that the social environment is a self-selected learning environment for adults. The idea of social prestige-bias learning is intriguing because it is derived from the student, not an institution nor instructor. The further idea of selecting whom to learn from based on prestige-bias also creates further questions that warrant a deeper understanding of the learner and the environment which s/he creates to gain knowledge.
Using a previously conducted experiment on success-based learning and learning due to environmental change, this research further included the ideal of social prestige-biased learning.self-selected by the learner.
In a study of 167 participants, three hypotheses were tested to see if learners would select individual learning, social learning, prestige-biased learning (also a social setting), or success-based learning. The experiment tested both an initial learning environment and a learning environment which experienced a change in the environment.
Surprisingly, some participants selected social prestige-biased learning and some success learning and the percentages in each category did not change after the environmental change occurred.
Questions that arise from the study:
- Does social prestige, or someone who is deemed prestigious, equate to a knowledgeable teacher?
- Does the social prestige-biased environment reflect wise choices?
- If the student does not know what s/he does not know, will the social prestige-bias result in selecting the better teacher, or just in selecting a more highly recognized teacher?
- Why did the environmental change have little impact on the selected learning environment?
REFERENCE: Atkinson, C., O’Brien, M.J., & Mesoudi, A. (2012). Adult learners in a novel environment use prestige-biased social learning. Evolutionary Psychology, 10(3), 519-537. Retrieved from (Prestige-biased Learning )
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