- Dec 2021
www.thehindu.com www.thehindu.com
Modern courts insist that a case being discussed must be seen in isolation, and not contaminated by other pending cases. For the crime of murder, it does not matter if the killer is a king or a beggar, if he is kind or cruel. But in the dharma discourse, all contexts have to be considered. The focus must be balanced with perspective. The king is reminded constantly that he has no role in natural conflicts, only in cultural ones. Arjuna is asked to behave with greater grace than an entitled brat.
difference between justice and dharma
In a crime, the victim accuses the villain. But when the villain counter-accuses the victim, and insists the victim is villain too, we call it ‘whataboutery.’
whataboutery dharma-sankat தர்மசங்கடம்
- moral ambiguity to who is right and who is wrong
shows that victims in one context can be villains in another.
- neologism word used in #20thcentury/later 1900s/1970s
- context of violence in Northern Ireland.
- விக்ரம் வேதா
- system சரி இல்லை
- moral ambiguity to who is right and who is wrong
Justice and equality are hegemonic ideas today. Secularism is conditioned to see them as good and decent and right. This is why it feels rational when we challenge oppressors. We accuse the privileged and the elite of injustice and unfairness. When they push back, with counter accusations, we see it as whataboutery.
www.thehindu.com www.thehindu.com
Good history comes from a combination of sources: in this case, private papers ranging from Lord Curzon’s letters to the diary of a royal tutor; from archival records in Delhi and London, not to speak of parliamentary papers; art, and not just paintings by Ravi Varma, to understand how princes projected themselves; newspaper records, which contain debates and ‘live’ commentary; scholarly material on connected themes; and, of course, anecdotal information from biographies and memoirs, which add texture.
sources for Anecdotal writing to history fiction
www.jeyamohan.in www.jeyamohan.in
இன்று ஒருவர் என் பதிப்பை அடியொற்றிக் ‘கு.ப.ரா. கதைகள்’ என்னும் மின்னூலை உருவாக்கி இணையத்தில் இலவசமாக வழங்குகிறார். ஓரிரு நாளுக்குப் பிறகு விலை வைத்து விற்கக்கூடும். என் பதிப்புரை, முன்னுரைகளை நீக்கிவிட்டுக் க.நா.சு., ந.பிச்சமூர்த்தி ஆகியோர் கட்டுரைகளைச் சேர்த்திருக்கிறார். நூலின் அட்டையைப் போலி செய்திருக்கிறார். கதைகளின் மூலபாடமும் காலவரிசையும் என் பதிப்பில் உள்ளவையே. இரண்டு ஆண்டுகளுக்கு முன்னால் நண்பர் கல்யாணராமன் வழியாகக் கண்டடைந்த கு.ப.ரா.வின் ‘வேறு நினைப்பு’ என்னும் புதிய கதை ஒன்றைக் காலச்சுவடு இதழில் வெளியிட்டேன். அக்கதையையும் எடுத்துச் சேர்த்துக் கொண்டார். என் பதிப்புக்கும் காலச்சுவடுக்கும் நன்றி தெரிவித்துள்ளார். இதை ‘அறிவுத் திருட்டு’ என்று நான் கருதுகிறேன்
plagiarism in Tamil literature
Theories of reference for the words that sentences contain need to make sense of this fact. The upshot is that the philosophy of belief is inextricably intertwined with the philosophy of language.
Meta-ethics - believing words in writing sentences
- Nov 2021
www.jeyamohan.in www.jeyamohan.in
தத்துவ அறிஞன் கலைஞன் என்றால் வரும் காலம் அவனை கண்டுகொள்ளும் என்ற நிச்சயம் ஏது, இவ்வாறான கேள்விகள் மூலம் அனைத்தையும் விலக்கி ஏதுமில்லா வெளியில் இருந்துகொண்டிருந்தேன். பின்பு ஓரிடத்தில் ரமண மஹரிஷியின் ஒரு மேற்கோள் படித்தேன்- “How do you treat others?” “There are no others” அனைத்துமாதல் என்பது எவ்வளவு மகத்தானது. முன்பு நீங்கள் சொன்ன ஒரு கதை நினைவுக்கு வந்தது. தன் வயலின் மேல் ஒரு கொக்கு அமர்ந்த போது உடல் விதிர்த்த விவசாயி அந்த வயலாகவும் கொக்காகவும் கூட இருக்கிறான். அனைத்தையும் தானாக்கி தன்னை அனைத்துமாக்கி என்றுமிருத்தலே விடை. வெண்முரசு என்றும் இருக்கும். அதை இயற்றியதால் நீங்களும்வாசிப்பதால் நானும் கூட.நன்றி.
learning philosophy purpose
www.jeyamohan.in www.jeyamohan.in
தண்ணீர் பெறாஅத் தடுமாற் றருந்துயரம் கண்ணீர் நனைக்கும் கடுமைய காடு (கலித்தொகை– 6 : 5-6)
=! biologist hate to shed tears to avoid thirst
- தண்ணீர் வேட்கைக்கான துயரை கண்ணீர் விட்டு ஆற்றியபடி மனிதர்கள் பயணிக்கும் பாலை வெளி போலும் ஓர் வாழ்வு.
daily.jstor.org daily.jstor.org
Ivan—the intellectual Karamazov—stages a “rebellion” in which he renounces the world of God.
Even i am renouncing till now with extrospective arguments
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Nothing motivates us more thanthe experience of becoming better at what we do
- sweater to become better
hcommons.org hcommons.org
Students are also going through trauma. That will go under the mental health issues. The three deaths of students. We are still in a pandemic. Not to mention Tabor walking on campus and scolding us and telling us what we are doing wrong that could also be traumatic or very entertaining. Not only should we do the pass fail thing. But we should have better security. We should have better police. We should also have therapy sessions that deal with traumatic things that have been happening to us. Not only would just make us better students. This would make a better safe campus. And a lot of things have been going on in this fall semester. You know I’m still working on myself. It should not only be pass fail it should be we should work on campus as a whole.
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
I can't blame you. This problem seems anything but a newbie question! I was surprised when I noticed that this post (which was the only post I could find about trying to use chromedriver with flatpak chromium) in the linux4noobs forum. I've been using Linux as my primary desktop for ~15 years and this problem has stumped me too.
I'm having this problem too. Trying to use chromedriver with com.github.Eloston.UngoogledChromium (also tried org.chromium.Chromium) on Pop!_OS and selenium/webdriver (I'm using it with Ruby/capybara).This was the only post I could find (so far) about using chromedriver with a flatpak chrome/chromium... I wish someone would answer how or if this is possible.I created a chrome wrapper script that launches the flatpak, so that I could point to the script as my binary location. Did you do the same?It manages to open a window but the window is empty, and it just hangs for a hwile, and then eventually fails with:unknown error: DevToolsActivePort file doesn't exist (Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnknownError) Any ideas how to get it working? I'd rather not install the "official" (proprietary software) Chrome binary on my system.Like you said, I never had any problems back in the good old days when we had deb packages for chromium. But now that we have to use a flatpak, I wonder if that's what the problem is — maybe chromedriver can't communicate directly with the chrome process because it is isolated/containerized??
As soon as I installed a Chrome deb everything worked.sudo dpkg -i \~/Downloads/google-chrome-stable\_current\_amd64.deb It's unfortunate that that's the only way I could get it to work.
svelte.dev svelte.dev
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
I've tried using my caveman logic
- Oct 2021
github.com github.com
In addition, Google designed Chromium to be easy and intuitive for users, which means they compromise on transparency and control of internal operations.
www.jeyamohan.in www.jeyamohan.in
சமணர்கள் இப்பிரபஞ்சம், இந்த பூமி, தேவர்கள், தெய்வங்கள், உயிர்க்குலங்கள், மனிதர்கள் ஆகியவற்றை பல்வேறு வளையங்களாக உருவகிக்கிறார்கள். அதன் மையம் மேரு என்னும் பொன்மலை. அங்கே ஆதிநாதர் அமர்ந்திருக்கிறார்.
- info about jainism philosophy on universe
- my fiction work Meru notes
www.jeyamohan.in www.jeyamohan.in
இஸ்லாமியர் உட்ப இவர்கள் அனைவருமே காளியை வழிபட்டு பலிகொடுத்தபின் கொள்ளைக்குச் செல்பவர்கள். காளிவழிபாடு இவர்களின் குற்றவுணர்ச்சியை இல்லாமலாக்கியது. ஆகவே ஈவிரக்கமில்லாத கொலைகாரர்களாக ஆனார்கள்.
இவர்கள் கொள்ளை அடிக்க வரும்போது நாம் வீட்டில் காளியை வழிபட்டால் ஒரே வழிபாட்டின் பக்தன் என்ற முறையில் கொள்ளாமல் விட்டுவிடலாம்
gschemistry.pressbooks.com gschemistry.pressbooks.com
The breakdown of water involves a rearrangement of the atoms in water molecules into different molecules,
Why would hydrogen and oxygen need to be separated for?
archive.nytimes.com archive.nytimes.com
Employees were ‘free’ to negotiate a work contract to their liking within the context of accepting the ‘prerogatives’ of managers to organised and remunerate their efforts as they saw fit (Fox, 1974).
DIRECTORY (in progress): This post is my directory. This post will be tagged with all tags I ever use (in chronological order). It allows people to see all my tags, not just the top 50. Additionally, this allows me to keep track. I plan on sorting tags in categories in reply to this comment.
External links:
Tags categories will be posted in comments of this post.
- Sep 2021
www.johnbridge.com www.johnbridge.com
Best demonstration: glue PVC inside an ABS hub or vice-versa. Cut through the two with a mitre saw and make a nice, clean cut. Look at all the voids where the plastics didn't glue together.
hypothes.is hypothes.is
The only trace left of Anna, a freshman at the University of Berkeley California, is an open internet connection in her neatly furnished dorm room. Join the four generations of a Japanese-American family as they search for Anna and discover credit card conspiracies, ancient family truths, waterfalls that pour out of televisions, and the terrifying power of the internet.
schedule.mutschler.eu schedule.mutschler.eu
duckduckgo.com duckduckgo.com
- Jul 2021
github.com github.com
Sure, the slow way is always "good enough" — until you learn a better way of doing things. By your logic, then, we shouldn't have the option of including "Move to" in our context menus either — because any move operation could be performed using the cut and paste operations instead? The method you proposed is 6-7 steps long, with step 4 being the most onerous when you're in a hurry: Select files "Cut" "Create New Folder" Think of a name for the new folder. Manually type in that name, without any help from the tool. (We can't even use copy and paste to copy some part of one of the file names, for example, because the clipboard buffer is already being used for the file selection.) Press Enter Press Enter again to enter the new folder (or use "Paste Into Folder") "Paste" The method that Nautilus (and apparently Mac's Finder) provides (which I and others love) is much more efficient, especially because it makes step 4 above optional by providing a default name based on the selection, coming in at 4-5 steps (would be 3 steps if we could assign a keyboard shortcut to this command like Mac apparently has ): Select files Bring up context menu (a direct shortcut key would make this even sweeter) Choose "New Folder With Selection" Either accept the default name or choose a different name (optional) Press Enter Assuming "Sort folders before files" option is unchecked, you can continue working/sorting in this outer folder, right where you left off: Can you see how this method might be preferable when you have a folder with 100s or 1000s of files you want to organize it into subfolders? Especially when there is already a common filename prefix (such as a date) that you can use to group related files together. And since Nemo kindly allows us to choose which commands to include in our context menu, those who don't use/like this workflow are free to exclude it from their menus... Having more than one way to accomplish something isn't necessarily a bad thing.
- Jun 2021
gist.github.com gist.github.com
git diff-index --name-status --relative --cached @ might be a bit easier to parse (and only includes staged files so you don't have to do an extra step to filter them). Also, I couldn't use git status --porcelain because my Rails app is in a sub-folder so I needed the list of files to be relative to the Rails root instead of relative to the git repo root (although git status in general seems to respect the --relative option, git status --porcelain seems to not).
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
https://github.com/rycus86/githooks is a really option for managing hooks It is... safe (it uses an opt-in model, where it will ask for confirmation whether new or changed scripts should be run or not (or disabled)) configurable handles a lot of the details for you lets you keep your hooks nicely organized. For example:
hypothes.is hypothes.is
"In Colormute, Pollock(2004) makes specific suggestions for addressing the fear of talking about race: “In all conversations about race, I think, educators should be prepared to do three things:ask provocative questions, navigate predictable debates,and talkmore about talking”(p. 221, italics in original)"
github.com github.com
Whether you agree or not, to me there's nothing in this world that is entirely apolitical - when there are people there is politics. You don't have to agree with my views, nor do I expect you to. Diversity and disagreement is what drives mankind forward.
bugs.ruby-lang.org bugs.ruby-lang.org
bugs.ruby-lang.org bugs.ruby-lang.org
Same feature in TypeScript¶ It's worth mentioning that other languages have a shortcut for assignment var assignment directly from constructor parameters. So it seems especially painful that Ruby, despite being so beautifully elegant and succinct in other areas, still has no such shortcut for this. One of those other languages (CoffeeScript) is dead now, but TypeScript remains very much alive and allows you to write this (REPL): class Foo { constructor(public a:number, public b:number, private c:number) { } } instead of this boilerplate: class Foo { constructor(a, b, c) { this.a = a; this.b = b; this.c = c; } } (The public/private access modifiers actually disappear in the transpiled JavaScript code because it's only the TypeScript compiler that enforces those access modifiers, and it does so at compile time rather than at run time.) Further reading: https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/2/classes.html#parameter-properties https://basarat.gitbook.io/typescript/future-javascript/classes#define-using-constructor https://kendaleiv.com/typescript-constructor-assignment-public-and-private-keywords/ I actually wouldn't mind being able to use public/private modifiers on instance var parameters in Ruby, too, but if we did, I would suggest making that be an additional optional shortcut (for defining accessor methods for those instance vars) that builds on top of the instance var assignment parameter syntax described here. (See more detailed proposal in #__.) Accessors are more of a secondary concern to me: we can already define accessors pretty succinctly with attr_accessor and friends. The bigger pain point that I'm much more interested in having a succinct shortcut for is instance var assignment in constructors. initialize(@a, @b, @c) syntax¶ jsc (Justin Collins) wrote in #note-12: jjyr (Jinyang Jiang) wrote: I am surprised this syntax has been repeatedly requested and rejected since 7 years ago. ... As someone who has been writing Ruby for over 10 years, this syntax is exactly that I would like. I grow really tired of writing def initialize(a, b, c) @a = a @b = b @c = c end This would be perfect: def initialize(@a, @b, @c) end I'm a little bit sad Matz is against this syntax, as it seems so natural to me. Me too!! I've been writing Ruby for over 15 years, and this syntax seems like the most obvious, simple, natural, clear, unsurprising, and Ruby-like. I believe it would be readily understood by any Rubyist without any explanation required. Even if you saw it for the first time, I can't think of any way you could miss or misinterpret its meaning: since @a is in the same position as a local variable a would normally be, it seems abundantly clear that instead of assigning to a local variable, we're just assigning to the variable @a instead and of course you can reference the @a variable in the constructor body, too, exactly the same as you could with a local variable a passed as an argument. A workaround pattern¶ In the meantime, I've taken to defining my constructor and list of public accessors (if any) like this: attr_reader \ :a, :b def new( a, b) @a, @b = a, b end ... which is still horrendously boilerplatey and ugly, and probably most of you will hate — but by lining up the duplicated symbols into a table of columns, I like that I can at least more easily see the ugly duplication and cross-check that I've spelled them all correctly and handled them all consistently. :shrug: Please??¶ Almost every time I write a new class in Ruby, I wish for this feature and wonder if we'll ever get it. Can we please?
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Thanks, this was just what I was looking for! This is a perfect appropriate use of instance_eval. I do not understand the nay-sayers. If you already have your array in a variable, then sure, a.reduce(:+) / a.size.to_f is pretty reasonable. But if you want to "in line" find the mean of an array literal or an array that is returned from a function/expression — without duplicating the entire expression ([0,4,8].reduce(:+) / [0,4,8].length.to_f, for example, is abhorrent) or being required to assign to a local, then instance_eval option is a beautiful, elegant, idiomatic solution!!
instance_eval is analogous to using tap, yield_self, … when you are dealing with a chain of method calls: do use it whenever it's appropriate and helpful! And in this case, I absolutely believe that it is.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
- Apr 2021
reallifemag.com reallifemag.com
What a convenient little elision for the Valley, the seat of real power. They’re not the repressive force; opposing them is. All they want is to let us be as free as when we were kids.
- Mar 2021
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
Essentially we're trying to figure out when it's appropriate for "my" code to become "everyones" code, and if there are steps in between. ("Standard library", for example.)
github.com github.com
Yeah, can we pay money to make this go faster? Serious question.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
// A general key transform method. Pass it a function that accepts the old key and returns // the new key. // // @example // obj = transformKeys(obj, (key) => ( // key.replace(/\b(big)\b/g, 'little') // )) export function transformKeys(source, f) { return Object.entries(source).reduce((o, [key, value]) => { o[f(key) || key] = value return o }, {}) } // Provide an object that maps from old key to new key export function rekeyObject(source, keyMap) { transformKeys(source, key => keyMap[key]) }
jangawolof.org jangawolof.orgPhrases2
Maa ngiy waxtaan ak sama xarit.
Je parle avec mon ami.
(Note: it says "walking with" but should say "talking with" -- might've been fixed by the time you read this!)
maa -- me.
ngiy -- I am.
waxtaan v. -- conversation, chat, interview. 💬
ak -- and, with.
sama -- my.
xarit bi -- part of a split set; friend. 👯
Sama nijaay aj na ñaari yoon.
Mon oncle a effectué deux fois le pèlerinage à La Mecque.
sama -- my.
nijaay ji n. -- maternal uncle; term of reference and address to designate the husband, in conservative circles.
aj (Arabic) v. -- make the pilgrimage to Mecca. 🕋; deceased ☠️ (for a religious personality).
na -- he (?).
ñaar+i (ñaar) -- twice; two. 2️⃣
yoon wi n. -- lane, path, track 🛤; law, regulation, legislation; times.
- Feb 2021
- Jan 2021
www.americanpressinstitute.org www.americanpressinstitute.org
The purpose of news is to inform, educate, and give us understanding and knowledge of what is going on in the world. It helps us to keep up to date with issues so we are in the know and fully aware of events taking place.
github.com github.com
github.com github.com
- Dec 2020
- Nov 2020
www.verisign.com www.verisign.com
Why let other websites and social platforms tell your story? Share the real, authentic you the way you want to, and when you want to.
github.com github.com
About auto-close bots... I can appreciate the need for issue grooming, but surely there must a better way about it than letting an issue or PR's fate be semi-permanently decided and auto-closed by an unknowing bot. Should I be periodically pushing up no-op commits or adding useless "bump" comments in order to keep that from happening? I know the maintainers are busy people, and that it can take a long time to work through and review 100s of open issues and PRs, so out of respect to them, I was just taking a "be patient; they'll get to it when they get to it" approach. Sometimes an issue is not so much "stale" as it is unnoticed, forgotten about, or consciously deferred for later. So if anything, after a certain length of time, if a maintainer still hasn't reviewed/merged/accepted/rejected a pull request, then perhaps it should instead be auto-bumped, put on top of the queue, to remind them that they (preferably a human) still need to review it and make a decision about its fate... :)
github.com github.com
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
css-tricks.com css-tricks.com
Internal Sass features have also moved into the module system, so we have complete control over the global namespace.
svelte.dev svelte.dev
svelte.dev svelte.dev
svelte.dev svelte.dev
svelte.dev svelte.dev
- Oct 2020
svelte.dev svelte.dev
svelte.dev svelte.dev
medium.com medium.com
The reason that this solves our problem is: we now have full control over the module loading order. Whatever the import order in internal.js is, will be our module loading order.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Also, it looks like the sandbox, as posted, is not actually doing any debouncing.
gist.github.com gist.github.com
TylerRick commented
svelte.dev svelte.dev
you expect some hyperbole during these presentations and you should of course question and verify the claims being made.
- Sep 2020
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
svelte.dev svelte.dev
medium.com medium.com
The benefit of this approach is that rather than having these defaults and fighting against them, it’s fully up to you to decide how to handle everything.
svelte.dev svelte.dev
svelte.dev svelte.dev
codesandbox.io codesandbox.io
github.com github.com
The dynamic routes are a great way to keep the routing.rb DRY and avoid unneeded dependencies between the routing and the controller files That is exactly the problem: I've already defined the (white)list of actions in the controller; I just want to make them all available via routes. I shouldn't have to repeat myself in the routes file.
- Aug 2020
Tyler Rick
- Jul 2020
bugs.ruby-lang.org bugs.ruby-lang.org
github.com github.com
TylerRick commented
- Jun 2020
gist.github.com gist.github.com
gist.github.com gist.github.com
discuss.rubyonrails.org discuss.rubyonrails.org
discuss.rubyonrails.org discuss.rubyonrails.org
- May 2020
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
est it using bash -c 'echo ${!#}' arg1 arg2 arg3.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
To anyone running across this in the modern era, as I did:
wordpress.org wordpress.org
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Updated to add .join. Also looked like the 2nd example was missing result.save so added that too. Haven't tested the code, so hopefully it is correct...
- Apr 2020
makandracards.com makandracards.com
Why do they mean by "Repeats"?
TylerRick commented
github.com github.com
github.com github.com
TylerRick commented
Our hope is that once a formal specification for these extensions is settled, this patchset can be used as a base to upstream the changes in the original project.
What does "can be used as a base to upstream the changes in the original project" mean here?
github.com github.com
Links to https://github.com/amirrajan/rubymotion-applied, but that is only for documentation so doesn't seem like an exact replacement for (to supersede) this project.
github.com github.com
github.com github.com
support.1password.com support.1password.com
Secure input fields. 1Password uses secure input fields to prevent other tools from knowing what you type in the 1Password apps. This means that your personal information, including your Master Password, is protected against keyloggers.
How can this prevent keyloggers from intercepting the passwords? If keylogger is running at low enough level....
github.com github.com
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
I came up with a Delegator-like implementation of this that I called DelegatorToAll
time.com time.com
“By using a mask, even if it doesn’t do a lot, it moves the locus of control to you, away from the virus. It gives the individual a greater sense of control in this otherwise not-controlled situation.”
- Mar 2020
www.cmswire.com www.cmswire.com
just a shift from companies focused on second-party data to those focused on first-party data
What does this mean? What is second-party data and first-party data? Is second-party just a more accurate name for what others call third-party? Who are the three parties?
Such a corporate structure helps contain the otherwise massive potential fines which are derived from the company's worldwide revenue. However, the worldwide part would in practice be limited to the EU as that is the only market such a subsidiary would operate in.
How does this structure helps contain the fines which are derived from the company's worldwide revenue?
If fines are based on worldwide revenue anyway, then what good does having a EU subsidiary even do in that respect? None, it seems.
This seems to even confirm that, but it is unclear/confusing how this is worded:
However, the worldwide part would in practice be limited to the EU as that is the only market such a subsidiary would operate in.
matomo.org matomo.org
Matomo continues to champion the right for people to be in control of their own information.
matomo.org matomo.org
Take the challenge: Compare your Google Analytics data (sampled data) against your Matomo data.
People believe in us for that reason, and we will continue to champion the right for people to be in control of their data.
www.iubenda.com www.iubenda.com
it is possible to verify this yourself by noting that we don’t have any analytics tool installed in the code of that page
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
www.adrianjock.com www.adrianjock.com
Here’s how to check it:
www.quora.com www.quora.com
It may not sound that impressive today, now that file sharing is built into most modern operating systems, but it was cutting edge stuff 25 years ago.
file sharing is built into most modern operating systems
Which file sharing are you referring to specifically? scp? Probably not. FTP support built into file explorer? Probably not.
The only things I'm thinking of are for manual copying, not for automatic "availability" in multiple places like NFS seems to be for.
developers.google.com developers.google.com
select an origin
It's interesting that under my site's origin it lists cookies for other domains. Are these considered 3rd-party cookies or 1st-party cookies written by a 3rd-party script? How is it allowed to set them on my site? Presumably because I loaded a script from their origin.
Loading scripts from other origins allows them to set cookies on which domains? Only their origin? And which cookies can they read?
- Feb 2020
gist.github.com gist.github.com
- Jan 2020
jpospisil.com jpospisil.com
To execute Arel queries, we first need to get the SQL out of Arel and then feed it into find_by_sql.
Surely there's a more elegant way nowadays???
write.as write.as
small coins of possibility
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
This illustrates a pretty common challenge with joins: you want them to be used for some of the query but not for other of it.
web.archive.org web.archive.org
- Dec 2019
swiftodoapp.com swiftodoapp.com
Your task list is a plain text file, not some proprietary format owned by a company or locked to a specific application.
zapier.com zapier.com
Best to-do list app for taking control of your to-do list
www.howtogeek.com www.howtogeek.com
For example: I wanted a way to add recurring tasks to my list, so I wrote a simple bash script called goodmorning.sh. It uses the command prompt client to quickly add a bunch of tasks to my todo list of choice. I run this script first thing in the morning every workday, and I like it better than any built-in system I’ve found for recurring tasks, because it’s fully under my control.
github.com github.com
github.com github.com
TylerRick commented
www.npmjs.com www.npmjs.com
- Nov 2019
codesandbox.io codesandbox.io
github.com github.com
github.com github.com
- Oct 2019
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
meta.stackoverflow.com meta.stackoverflow.com
The comment length is limited to 600. But sometimes I want to post a link to some code on typescriptlang.org/play whose URL is ~ 650 chars long.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
github.com github.com
- Aug 2019
github.com github.com
Forward refs to input component
- Apr 2019
tritoned.ucsd.edu tritoned.ucsd.edu
It is more to the point that Kalakaua’s reign was, in a material sense, the golden age of Hawaiian histor
This is an important economic context to note, because it establishes a certain legitimacy to Kalakaua in economic terms, but it is also important to consider what other consequences were such as sustainable polices. What specific changes exactly made things shift?
www.bivocational.church www.bivocational.church
In the end
Within my parish it went like that: I, a studied theology - once roman catholic - had joined the old catholic church a couple of years ago... after the early death of my brother I decided to use my studied talents within this church. The priest in my church was pleased to have a educted help and nugged me to get credits also within old catholic church for my finished studied - though i work within the IT Business. in the End I was sent to a small parish in vienna to help as Lector - not ordained but integrated within our hierarchy... So I got to know the people in this parish. I noticed i will have to spent nearly every sunday to get to know the people.. and to give them the chance to get acquainted ... When the Priest in this parish decided not to bury the burden of beeing responsible the parish stood empty... The bishop asked me to take over - beeing there and doing workships as good as gets - only once every couple of months the bishop could service us... so I did and prepared to get ordained as Deacon and then Priest. So it started 2010, Deacon 2011, Priest 2012 and elected Reverend 2014. But I was still working within the IT-Business - until today.. I reduced working time there... but now I have do do more work there again... the Parish will notice my lack of time and energy. I tried to get a valuable substitute for all the ministry lays can do in a parish, but the new bishop denied me help - this could detoriate the established order of the ordained priest - fear in their hearts that they could loose their full time jobs when lays get payed for their work - instead of the ordained priest. ... (sic!) I am a bit confused - am I in the rights church? is old-catholic not liberal and open minded? ... So I am searching for a compas to get my parish further on the way to beiing able to serve themselve... even without help from the bishop.
conceptnet.io conceptnet.io
ConceptNet is a freely-available semantic network, designed to help computers understand the meanings of words that people use.
this is super cool
- Mar 2019
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
YouTube playlist of my classes' Student Production Award winning projects from the Ohio Valley chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (the organization behind the Emmy awards).
www.instagram.com www.instagram.com
My Instagram account from my time as a teacher showing classroom activities and behind the scenes photos.
sites.google.com sites.google.com
My teaching portfolio and demo reel
sites.google.com sites.google.com
My Northern Arizona University Educational Technology Portfolio
localhost localhost
test my pdf
- Feb 2019
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
Who of all these has established the right signification of the word, gold? Or who shall be the judge lo determine
These still feel like very important questions.
- Jan 2019
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
same old anthropocentric bedtime stories
Is Aliens in Underpants Save the World anthropocentric?
here are representations on the one hand and ontologicallyseparate entities awaiting representation on the other
Ok, I think this is it. This is her whole thing; her thesis. And it is one hell of a thesis.
healthy skepticismtoward Cartesian doubt
lol, but for real, what Barad is suggesting really is difficult to do, or at least I'm finding it difficult to do.
We believe words are more understandable and apprehensible than the physical world. We believe words are more understandable and apprehensible than the physical world. We believe words are more understandable and apprehensible than the physical world. . .
It seems crazy because our society is so science and tech driven, but she's right. We believe words to be prior (ontologically) to the world around us because they are a part of "us," our own minds.
Distorting Descartes's famous thought experiment here seems to help me understand this. While I suspect the average person could be pushed into admitting the possibility of an evil demon spinning an elaborate hoax for you, deceiving your physical senses and tricking your brain, I can't imagine finding anyone who would admit the opposite. The opposite would be that the external world exists largely as you perceive it. The demon is not manipulating your experience of the natural world at all. Instead, he is tricking you into believing you exist.
We're so Cartesian we can't even conceive of it being otherwise. Perhaps Spinoza would help here, as well as other monist ontologies?
Someone please redeem this annotation I don't even know what is happening anymore.
“appearance” makes its first appearanc
"What is" instead of "which one?"
- Oct 2018
digitalpedagogy.mla.hcommons.org digitalpedagogy.mla.hcommons.org
useful for automating tweets?
- Sep 2018
www.poetryfoundation.org www.poetryfoundation.org
O my soul
Assonance: "O my soul"
- Aug 2018
www.danah.org www.danah.org
the kids are all right
Given danah's age, I would suspect that with a copyright date of 2014, she's likely referencing the 2010 feature film The Kids are Alright.
However that film's title is a cultural reference to a prior generation's anthem in an eponymous song) by The Who which appeared on the album My Generation. Interestingly the lyrics of the song of the same name on that album is one of their best known and is applicable to the ideas behind this piece as well.
- Jul 2018
www.enculturation.net www.enculturation.net
"Aristotle is Not Our Father."
What does she mean by this?
- Apr 2018
Local file Local file
Trying new approaches is a strategy in which some womenbegan to understand and interact within their worlds insomewhat different ways, taking advantage of new optionsthat became apparent.
I argue that the entire play is in this stage, the last stage. her way of trying new apporaches is making up different realities and people who each see this situation as something much different and far more dramatic/tramautic
Getting on with it had much todo with the women accepting some of life’s realities.
something that sarah doesnt do. instead of accepting she continues to fabricate these different realities in order to almost worsen her actual trauma.
FindingGod’s strength within was the emotional and spiritualfoundation and the necessary antecedent of “regaining mycomposure.”
this is good and all but I dont think she found strength in God. it might've been the opposite. closer reading needed
Sarah's relationship with God has been completely skewed. Her mother urged herfather to be "jesus" a savior to the black race. he was supposed to heal the misery of the black man, but instead he ended up wanting to escape his blackness.
Her foundation of christ is just as broken as her foundation in her father. by her line "I always belived my father to be God" it means that she used to have faith in him. used to have faith in him as a black man like her mother did. but when he went off and married a white woman she lost her ability to have faith in anything.
to her, her father marrying a white woman would be like jesus endorsing the anti-christ. it is absolutely blasphemous in chrisitan belief and would challenge the entire lifestyle and existance of a christians religious identity.
- Feb 2018
archive.org archive.org
All that I have given up to this let them serve as examples of the way in which the Connaught peasant puts his love-thoughts into song and verse, whether it be hope or despair, grief or joy, that affect him. (147)
In these final lines of the book, the reader is offered Hyde’s selection of songs as a faithful and complete insight into vernacular Connacht song about the theme of love. Moreover, Hyde suggests that in reading this anthology one achieves a good degree of familiarity with an idealized, essentially native ‘Connaught peasant’.
Although speakers in the songs are variously male and female, and the reasons for separation from absent lovers differ, the experience of love is fairly uniform throughout. It is a sore experience of unrealized desire. That scenario produces a pronouncedly virtuous image of the ‘Connaught peasant’ for a number of reasons.
The reader encounters deep loyalty where admiration is unstinted by forbiddance of love because of emigration, lack of requital, or death. ‘Úna Bhán,’ for example, is preceded by a long passage explaining how deeply a bereaved lover missed the fair Úna after, until he himself passed away. Also, Hyde’s anthology is particularly rich in its examples of similes drawn from the natural world. See ‘my love is of the colour of the blackberries’ (5) in ‘If I Were to Go West’, ‘I would not think the voice of a thrush more sweet’ (27) in ‘Long I Am Going,’ and ‘My love is like the blossom of the sloe on the brown blackthorn’ (31) in ‘An Droighneán Donn’. In the vivid rendering of these images, the beauty of the desired lover is stressed, and the delicate sensibility of the speaker is inherently implied. The Connaught peasant is thoroughly valorized as a result.
Accounting for consistencies among what anthologies include, and among what they exclude, can highlight their organizing agenda. One obvious example in the area of Irish Studies is the Field Day Anthology controversy, detailed in depth by Caitríona Crowe in The Dublin Review: https://thedublinreview.com/article/testimony-to-a-flowering/
In the case of Hyde’s Love Songs, consistencies among excluded material strengthen our perception of how actively he sought to contrive an estimable image of the Connaught peasant. Though Hyde claims his selection is emblematic of the love-thought of that idealized personage, he does not provide any examples of la chanson de la malmariée. This variety of song is so widespread that Seán Ó Tuama, who was the principal authority on the theme of love in Irish folksong, included it as one of five major genres in his article ‘Love in Irish Folksong’ (in the book Repossessions: Selected Essays on the Irish Literary Heritage. Such songs are an expression of grief by a young woman unhappily married to an elderly man.
If we are to view the songs anthologized by Hyde in a broader context of Connacht songs about love, an awareness of the chanson de la malmariéé is required. Faoi Rothaí na Gréine (1999) is a relatively recently published collection of Connacht songs. The collecting work was done in Galway between 1927 and 1932 by Máirtín Ó Cadhain, and latterly edited by Professor Ríonach Uí Ógáin. ‘An Droigheán Donn’, ‘Úna Bhán’, and ‘Mal Dubh an Ghleanna’ are common to Faoi Rothaí na Gréine and Love Songs of Connacht. The inclusion in the former of two famous songs of the malmariée genre, ‘Dar Mo Mhóide Ní Phósfainn Thú’ (I Swear I Wouldn’t Marry You), and ‘Amhrán an Tae’ (The Tea Song) demonstrate the strong presence of that genre in the ‘love-thought’ of vernacular Connacht song.
This way of framing discussion of Love Songs of Connacht invites close interrogation of Hyde’s biases. The choice of material for inclusion and exclusion is ideologically cohesive, to the specific end of creating a valorous image of the idealized native peasant. In my M.A. thesis, I might further refine the line of argument pursued in this annotation, and use it as the basis on which to build a discussion of Hyde’s particular ideological motivations.
'I have compiled this selection out of many hundreds of songs of the same kind which I have either heard or read, for, indeed, the productiveness of the Irish Muse, as long as we spoke Irish, was unbounded.' (vi) This point in Hyde’s preface to Love Songs of Connacht is relevant to two questions that my M.A. thesis preparation is concerned with.
● What are the ways that works of the Irish Revival period express the idea that a natural cultural inheritance might be recuperated through art?
● What are the reasons for such works to treat of rural folkways as a repository of essentially native identity?
Hyde illustrates that an awareness of the significance of the Irish language within a revivalist milieu will be required for informed discussion of the questions stated above.
Proper-noun naming of an ‘Irish Muse’ suggest that there is such a thing as some essential indigenous genius, which lies in wait of stimulation. An idea of the Irish language emerges whereby it is connected intimately with a native genius, and holds inherent power to spark creativity.
Of course, this line of argument proffers Hyde’s translations – through their close linkage with the Irish language – as stimuli for new artistic production. It works well as a way of turning Hyde’s skill as a linguist into a selling point for his book.
In so doing, it highlights that a perceived inter-connection between language and an essentially native worldview was a major part of the book’s appeal. The representation of that connection in this and other works becomes important to my first research question as a result. An implication for my second research question is that I should consider the Irish language as a key part of the symbolic importance which attached to rural populations.
The formatting of e-books on Internet Archive does not allow hypothesis.is users to annotate the books’ text. In annotating Hyde’s Love Songs of Connacht for the EN6009 Annotate-A-Thon, I have attached annotations to the text beneath the scanned images. Extracts and corresponding page numbers are placed at the beginning of each annotation, in order to properly contextualize my responses.
old.tg4.ie old.tg4.ie
Máire Ní Mhongáin
As Ciarán Ó Con Cheanainn writes in Leabhar Mór na nAmhrán, the oldest written version of this song dates to 1814, and is found in MS Egerton 117 in the British Library. Oral lore in Conneamara has it that Máire Ní Mhongáin’s three sons joined the British Army, and that Peadar deserted soon after joining, and emigrated to America. It seems probable that their involvement was in the French Revolutionary Wars or the Napoleonic Wars, the major conflicts fought by the British Army in the final decade of the eighteenth century and the first decade of the nineteenth respectively.
Máire Ní Mhongáin seems to have resonated among Irish emigrant communities in the United States. My evidence for this is that Micheál Ó Gallchobhair of Erris, County Mayo, collected songs from Erris emigrants living in Chicago in the 1930s, over a century after the occasion of ‘Amhrán Mháire Ní Mhongáin’s’ composition. It features in his collection, which you access via the following link: http://www.jstor.org.ucc.idm.oclc.org/stable/20642542?seq=2#page_scan_tab_contents
The virulent cursing of departed sons by the mother, named Máre, produces the effect of striking g contrasts with John Millington Synge’s bereaves mother, Old Maurya, in Riders to the Sea.
My Irish Studies blog features an in-depth account of typical features of the caoineadh genre to which Amhrán Mháire Ní Mhongáin belongs. You can access it via the following link: johnwoodssirishstudies.wordpress.com/2018/01/03/carraig-aonair-an-eighteenth-century-west-cork-poem/
Search alphabetically by song title
This website provides important context for the exploration of a research question I am addressing in my M.A. thesis preparation.
The portrayal of female personages in revivalist literature sets them in signally passive roles. This is most clearly at issue in the work of that period’s two foremost dramatists. In W.B. Yeats’ Cathleen Ni Houlihane, the female protagonist does not pursue her own course of action, but rather serves to inspire male heroism (P.J. Mathews discusses the play’s portrayal of female passivity at length in a piece, see http://www.rte.ie/centuryireland/index.php/articles/literature-and-1916). In The Only Jealously of Emer and The Countess Cathleen the value of women to society is achieved through acts of self-sacrifice for the benefit of significant male others (Christina Wilson has argued similar points in great detail: http://chrestomathy.cofc.edu/documents/vol5/wilson.pdf).
In John Millington Synge’s Riders to the Sea, we encounter a blending of the taste for passive female characters with a revival fascination with the rural west. Old Maurya’s reticence and stern faith in God, following the drowning of her five sons, established her as the moral centre of her native Aran community. Her monologue in the play’s ending concentrates our attention on the community’s willingness to surrender to tragic fate, which is always threatened by the danger of the sea (the play is available to read online at this link: http://www.one-act-plays.com/dramas/riders_to_the_sea.html).
What is interesting to me is that images of a massive female subject, favoured by Abbey playwrights who sought to stress the cultural specificity of Ireland, differ strongly with some prominent portrayals of the female subject in vernacular literature in Irish. In my annotation of this archive, I will provide examples of some genres of folk song – composed by females, and traditionally sung by female singers – that contradict ideas of a female subject as passive sufferer of fate. Annotations will include translations to English.
After highlighting these features of oral literature in Irish, I will have laid down substantial grounding for a discussion of the ideological motivations of revivalist authors’ depiction of female subjects. It is interesting that certain tropes of a national identity, which these authors consciously sought to create, can be seen as divergent with realities of the social group which was most fundamental to that identity. This observation encourages consideration of European intellectual currents which might have influenced revivalist writers, romantic nationalism in particular.
Hypothesis.is allows for annotation of various pages of a website. On this homepage, I have highlighted all text links to the other pages I have annotated.
- Nov 2017
instructure-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com instructure-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com
flounder in ignorance
I don't like the notion of floundering in ignorance or sharing "our" self-evident truth. The understanding of the child is their self-evident truth. They are only ignorant to what is viewed as correct, their understandings are true and logical to them and should not be dismissed. This creates the deficit mindset and stalls learning
- Sep 2017
drive.google.com drive.google.com
fifth grade as a year of remediation.
This is terrifying to think that 5th grade is considered almost a gateway grade for future success and thus requires remediation...
moodle.kzoo.edu moodle.kzoo.edu
This quote resonates with me because it reminds me with a discussion I had with my mother. I said I was worried about climate change and expressed concerns that humans aren't doing enough to work against it. My mother responded by saying "It took me a while to realize that the world is going to come to an end whether we like it or not. It could be in twenty years, it could be in twenty thousand, but it's going to happen eventually. And it took me awhile, but I know I must accept this fact."
How can we draw many different bootstrap samples from the original sample if each bootstrap sample must contain the same number of cases as the original sample? If we allow every case in the original sample to be sampled only once, each bootstrap sample contains all cases of the original sample, so it is an exact copy of the original sample. Thus, we cannot create different bootstrap samples.
So, bootstrapping without replacement doesn't allow for ANY bootstrapping regardless of sample size?
- Aug 2017
alpha-consultations.nice.org.uk alpha-consultations.nice.org.uk
health, including environmental
just including?
- Apr 2017
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
Who is to say that robbing a people of its language is Jess violent than war? -RAY GWYN SMITH'
This is particularly evident when examining American policies aimed at "civilizing" native peoples and remaking tribal worlds in the image of America (and by extension, England and Western civilization). A central piece of the violence the American government perpetrated against Native peoples of North America was forcing them to abandon their own languages in favor of English. In other words, "taming" the native populations of North America inherently involved the "taming" of a "wild tongue."
- Oct 2016
While My Guitar Gently Weeps (оригинал The Beatles*) Под грустный плач моих струн** (перевод Александр Гаканов) I look at you all see the love there that's sleeping Смотрю, как во всех вас любовь засыпает, While my guitar gently weeps Под грустный плач моих струн. I look at the floor and I see it need sweeping Смотрю, как с полов грязь давно не сметают, Still my guitar gently weeps Под грустный плач моих струн. I don't know why nobody told you Не знаю, как - никто не скажет, How to unfold you love Вдохнуть любовь мою в вас. I don't know how someone controlled you Не знаю, кто, но вдруг однажды They bought and sold you Вас купит и продаст. I look at the world and I notice it's turning Смотрю я на мир - не устал он крутиться, While my guitar gently weeps Под грустный плач моих струн. With every mistake we must surely be learning На каждой ошибке должны мы учиться, Still my guitar gently weeps Под грустный плач моих струн. I don't know how you were diverted Не знаю, кто вас в мрак вгоняет, You were perverted too Кто замутняет вас? I don't know how you were inverted Не знаю, кто вас изменяет, No one alerted you И знать никто не даст. I look at you all see the love there that's sleeping Смотрю, как во всех вас любовь засыпает, While my guitar gently weeps Под грустный плач моих струн. I look at you all Смотрю на всех вас... Still my guitar gently weeps Под грустный плач моих струн... ** поэтический (эквиритмический) перевод с элементами творческой интерпретации * - существует кавер композиции While My Guitar Gently Weeps в исполнении Santana feat. India.Arie & Yo-Yo Ma