- Mar 2022
learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet02-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet02-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.comLayout 122
Others commanded respect fortheir demonstrated skill in physical contests such as climbing poles, wrestling,or knocking and kicking. Through these various forms of display, enslavedAfricans and their descendants exclaimed their individual worth and honor.The desire to seek such communal honor was clearly strong
an enslaved woman could gain honor in the eyes of the communityfor her ability to sing, hypnotize the community with engaging stories, or dancewith grace
honor for all regardless of gender
black drivers who felt compelled by the honor code not to carry out orderedwhipping if the plantation owner was not immediately present.2
how far honor goes
loyalty while enslaved
enslaved showed this respect toone another by hiding and feeding runaways and refusing to betray otherbondsmen
how remained honorable
honor was loyalty to fellowbondsmen.
loyalty to peers, personal displays, vengeance, and resistance to dishonor
honor system of Africansand their descendants in North America was most clearly exhibited through
Europeans and their descendants in North America did not always recog-nize this bonded honor code, but southern elites lived by their own reflexivehonor system that led to violent gouging matches and later duels.2
white ppl are dumb
Enslaved Africans carried strong concepts of honor to North America. As wehave seen, the pastoral Angolans held a tradition of reflexive honor in whichaffronts to honor were settled in stick fights.
oot doctoring and knocking and kicking acted as related sources ofempowerment
However, when fighting from some physical disadvantage or when defendingoneself from a white oppressor, the ideal was to strike a butting-style headblow and finish the fight before it even developed.
style worked from an opening stance in which “each contestant placed onehand on his opponent’s shoulder at or near the collar line, and with the otherhe clutched his opponent’s arm directly above the elbow.”20 This style alsoincluded groundwork and became popular in America because it gave theadvantage to skill rather than size and allowed for contests between individu-als of different sizes
collar-and-elbow, Irish wrestling, advantage
Similarly, the unarmed martial arts were living traditions that could spreadin the Americas even when only a few practitioners were introduced to aregion. As these arts had served as a base of support in difficult times in Africa,under the exceedingly horrific experience of racial slavery in the Americas evenlone martial arts masters may have been called upon to serve their new com-munities as sources of defensive leadership. These arts did not die with suchmasters but were effectively passed on horizontally (to peers rather than exclu-sively to progeny) even to those whose patrimony came from areas of Africaother than Biafra and southern Angola.
could leave their cultural mark on the future generations of thegeneral bonded population.
the enslaved community in a given region of the Americas, these populationscould at times call upon elements of their collective military traditions
the combination of trading patterns and pref-erences of European planters in the Americas for laborers of specific Africanethnicities tended to lump together large numbers of captive Africans from cer-tain areas into particular colonies in the Americas.
how the enslaved kept their honor, history, martial arts
Biafran-derived war dances and closed soci-eties continued to act as vehicles for paramilitary actions in the Americas
remembered the martial traditions that could be calledupon in times of need
fight-ing styles would serve as means of setting various classes and communitiesapart
what ethnic markers mean
When he arrived on the coast some seven months later,Equiano met coastal Biafrans whose culture and language were completelyunfamiliar to him. In expressing this difference Equiano noted the foreignnessof their fighting style along with other traits: “All the nations and people I hadhitherto passed through, resembled our own in their manners, customs, andlanguage; but I came at length to a country, the inhabitants of which differedfrom us in all those particulars. I was very much struck with this difference,especially when I came among a people who did not circumcise . . . and foughtwith their fists among themselves.”5
tell differences btwn what you know and what you dont (familiarity vs foreignness)
notes.ecrituresnumeriques.ca notes.ecrituresnumeriques.ca
texte = synthèse image = gravure édifices = ?
Je ne suis pas sûre du correspondant d'édifice.
l’exposition des images (dont on n’a pas parlé ici)
justement est ce que ces images ont posé problème lors de l'édition numérique, lors de l'annotation ? Est-ce qu'elles ont généré des dynamiques à elles seules dans l'entreprise collaborative ? ou des défis particuliers ?
Ce sera tout le travail de l’équipe resserrée des éditeurs, à partir de la récupération des commentaires collaboratifs depuis Hypothesis.
sous quel format ? encodage en TEI ? et si oui est ce que justement la réflexion sur un balisage spécifique en TEI pour rendre compte du processus d'annotation et de son hétérogénéité est prévu ?
format prototypai
prototypal ?
l’allusion brève, l’association d’idée, le « lien faible » (Mellet 2020)
Est ce que ce type traduit la résonnance du corpus ? le réactualise plutôt ? ou est d'un tout autre ordre ?
un typologie simplifiée:
Est-ce que cette typologie se double d'une diversité de types de contenus ? (images, vidéos, musiques)
une synthèse des annotations mensuelles afin de baliser et orienter efficacement une partie de la discussion orale, à partir des remarques, des questions et des commentaires postés par les collègues.
Est ce que le système de tags d'Hypothesis a été utilisé ?
quoique d’un usage pas toujours intuitif,
Pourquoi ? en quel sens ? (je suis intéressée à avoir des précisions, d'autant plus intéressant d'en parler ici)
ont critiqué une méthode par « saucissonage » du texte, sans comprendre que notre chapitrage ad hoc (nous avons déterminé des sections d’une trentaine de pages) n’avait d’autre but que de permettre, dans la double contrainte du calendrier et du collectif, de tourner l’une après l’autre et ensemble, les 240 pages du livre en un an et demi.
Est-ce que cela veut dire que les chercheurs ont lu d'une traite l'entièreté de l'ouvrage en dépassant la temporalité prévue par l'édition ? Ce serait un phénomène intéressant en effet qui lie enjeux de partage/diffusion avec enjeux du collaboratif/commun.
lecture collective continue, exhaustive, et suivie de cet ouvrage aux allures de monument
En quel sens continue ? Avez-vous une exemple qui illustre cette continuité ?
du même support textuel
Je serai curieuse d'en savoir plus sur ce partage à l'écran : est-ce que c'est la projection du texte sur un écran visible par tous les chercheurs présents, ou le partage entre les différents individus qui l'ouvrent simultanément sur leur différentes machines ? si tel est le cas, le terme support peut être à double tranchant parce que le support physique d'une page en ligne c'est aussi l'interface machine.
le sens ne se révèle justement que par jeux d’échos et de réseaux
Est-ce que l'édition HTML comportait justement des hyperliens pour valoriser ces échos ?
des régimes textuels (littéral et numérique)
Littéral au sens de composé de lettres opposé au numérique comme composé de chiffres (0 et 1) ? ou littéral au sens de papier opposé à numérique comme support ?
choix d’éditorialisation définitifs.
Comme cela n'est pas précisé par la suite, je me permets de demander selon quelle définition l'éditorialisation est ici appréhendée : Merzeau, Vitali-Rosati, Bachimont, Chartron ? Si besoin je peux suggérer des références.
ateliers.sens-public.org ateliers.sens-public.org
« lieux satellitaires »
Est-ce que la multiplicité des lieux satellitaires ici est due à la diversité des dispositifs de téléprésence (robots de téléprésence ou logiciel de visioconférence) ou simplement au fait qu'il y a plusieurs individus connectés séparemment ?
cs3110.github.io cs3110.github.io
module Inner : X = struct
Is it necessary to specify :X here given it is already declared in the signature of T?
cs3110.github.io cs3110.github.io
the inefficiency is not from the pipeline operator itself, but from having to construct all those unnecessary intermediate lists.
Is there a way to generate list lazily and apply all the operations to each element as it is produced? I'm thinking about Haskell, Rust, Java Streams, etc. where the elements are generates on-demand and only the final result is inserted in the final list.
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci on Twitter: ‘@STWorg @ProfColinDavis @rpancost @chrisdc77 @syrpis this is the most in depth treatment of the impact of equalities law on pandemic policy that I’ve been able to find- it would seem to underscore that there is a legal need for impact assessments that ask (some) of these questions https://t.co/auiApVC0TW’ / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved 22 March 2022, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1485927221449613314
ateliers.sens-public.org ateliers.sens-public.org
IMPEC, dans lequel le déroulement du séminaire polyartefacté
Déclinaison de IMPEC ? Le terme "polyartefacté" est-il précédemment défini dans le livre ? Pour un lecteur qui ne le connaitrait pas ne faudrait-il pas le faire figurer dans le glossaire ?
arxiv.org arxiv.org
sensiblesummaries of entire books
How did they measure this ?
www.gnu.org www.gnu.org
If no --include or --exclude options match, a file is included unless the first such option is --include.
What does this mean?
- Feb 2022
github.com github.com
The current behaviour is definitely broken (at least in my mind). I don't think I'd consider it a feature just because it's been around a while.
Given that 5.2 and 6.0 now have this current (broken?) behavior, I wonder if this behavior will now be considered as breaking change.
write.as write.as
play well, have fun
Was this the order he said. What if it was the other way round, have fun, play well.
Or play fun
when I lost it in rock and roll
working through, the obstacle becoming the way?
medium.com medium.com
<img alt="" class="t u v ig aj" src="https://viahtml.hypothes.is/proxy/im_/https://miro.medium.com/max/672/0*QBiGnj5d2TWUYBey.png" width="336" height="253" srcset="https://viahtml.hypothes.is/proxy/https://miro.medium.com/max/552/0*QBiGnj5d2TWUYBey.png 276w, https://viahtml.hypothes.is/proxy/https://miro.medium.com/max/672/0*QBiGnj5d2TWUYBey.png 336w" sizes="336px" role="presentation"/>Scaling the line down to 1 unit.
Where did the 4.12 come from?
- Jan 2022
learning-analytics.info learning-analytics.info
Persico and Pozzi (2015) have extensively documented, toolsand systemsdesigned to help educatorscreatelearningdesigns(that is, representational frameworks of outcomes, activities,and assessment)have by this time proliferated, as have repositories of shareable learning designs(see also Law et al., 2017; Rienties, Nguyen, Holmes, & Reedy, 2017)
What role do you think Coursetune could play here?
Au premier, selon moi, parmi les biens qu'on x doit aimer pour eux-mêmes et pour leurs conséquences, si l'on aspire au bonheur.
Si on aime la justice pour ce qu'elle est et pour sa conséquence, est-ce dire que ses effets représentent ce plaisir qu'elle donne ? Car si on voit cette conséquence comme un autre avantage qu'elle mène à sa suite, que nous ne recherchons pas la justice en elle-même mais aussi pour ses effets (que la justice soit bonne, justement appliquée : car bien que son principe est d'être juste, elle pourrait, paradoxalement, ne pas l'être), ne ferait-elle pas aussi partie de la troisième espèce de biens ?
"The basic principle behind REST status code conventions is that a status code must make the client aware of what is going on and what the server expects the client to do next"
You can fulfill this principle by giving answers to the following questions:Is there a problem or not?If there is a problem, on which side is it? On the client or on the server side?If there is a problem, what should the client do?
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
The difference is what the server expects the client to do next.
arxiv.org arxiv.org
We believe that StylEx is a promising step towardsdetection and mitigation of previously unknown biases inclassifiers.
Question: What kind of biases in classifiers?
AttFind takes as input the trained model and a set of N im-ages whose predicted label by C is different from y. Foreach class y (e.g., y=“cat” or y=“dog”), AttFind then findsa set Sy of M style coordinates (i.e., Sy ⊂ [1, . . . , K] and|Sy|= M ), such that changing these coordinates increasesthe average probability of the class y on these images.
Question: How can you actually define a style coordinate? How should I envision this?
Question: Ablation refers to the removal of an component within the AI system. Does it mean in this context that the loss will be deconstructed or something?
latent vector w
Question: This is a compressed representation of the image, right?
a) A conditionalgenerative model that maps an embedding w into an outputimage. b) An encoder that maps any input image into anembedding w, so that the generator can modify attributesin real images. c) A mechanism for “intervening” with thegeneration process to change visual attributes in the image
Network architecture in detail, generative model: StyleGAN2 -> question, are there possible alternatives to using StyleGAN2?
It should be emphasized that our goal is not to explainthe true label, but rather what classifiers are learning.
Interesting! If we were to use post-hoc explanations (think of SHAP and LIME), would you say that we intend to explain the true label, right?
Deep net classifiers are often described as “black boxes”whose decisions are opaque and hard for humans to under-stand. This significantly holds back their usage, especiallyin areas of high societal impact, such as medical imagingand autonomous driving, where human oversight is critical.
Would you argue that e.g. MLP is also a deep net? I would slightly rephrase the term "deep net" and change it into something like "neural network-based classifiers".
But, related to this, I actually found quite a relevant and interesting additional paper! It happened to be published 3 days ago, and the paper basically argued that you don't neccesarily need deep convnets to solve similar societal problems - any problem that can be solved using a transformer can be solved by a MLP/CNN, and vice versa, provided that you do exhaustive tuning and use the right inductive bias. Idem ditto for RNNs!
Link to CNN paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.03545 Link to RNN paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1611.09913
human.libretexts.org human.libretexts.org
Platforms Editing Applications: FCP, Premiere, DaVinci Resolve, Motion, Compressor, Audition, etc. Bandwidth Frame Rates/sizes
are these notes from the outline still to be addresssed?
emptysinkpublishing.com emptysinkpublishing.com
bad note
An alternate title and fits with the original. What is a bad note if you are automatically hip?
www2.chem.wisc.edu www2.chem.wisc.edu
The on-resonance frequency needs to be optimized for each protein
How to optimize it? How to measure if the frequency is good enough? on-resonance frequency from -3~0 ppm
- Dec 2021
NEET does not test qualities that a doctor must possess such as compassion, empathy and passion to serve humanity. Accordingly hardly any doctor is willing to serve in rural areas. NEET toppers won’t necessarily make good doctors.
- why dont they implement ethics syllabus (like GS4 of UPSC) in NEET entrance, even in PG also ?
- a doctor (who is saving life) more than civil servant (protecting lives) needs moral ethics
www.marugroup.net www.marugroup.net
third party, in which case personal data held by it about its customers will be one of the transferred assets.
I was going to respond to the survey until I saw this. I am offering to provide feedback for free and yet my personal information is collected and becomes part of the sale of the business in the form of an asset. The question is why is my personal information being held for any length of time after I have completed the survey? Isn't that a violation of GDPR?
digital methodo collect
I am unsure what this is and assume it is an error? If this is an error that seems odd that no-one was checking this as it is important information about how our data is used and gathered. If there are errors here, how can we be assured that our data is safe?
Any member of our group, which means our subsidiaries, our ultimate holding company and its subsidiaries
Who are?
chem.libretexts.org chem.libretexts.org
About 1% of all carbon atoms are the C-13 isotope
So 13C NMR do not need to use C-13 for synthesis?
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
No, United Way isn’t sitting still—it recently teamed up with Salesforce.org to roll out a new app called Philanthropy Cloud. For now, however, upstart Benevity rules the online workplace giving space.
Local file Local file
how do multi-organizational alliancesincrease the access of grassroots organizations to the federal policy process?
How grassroots org can influence federal policy through alliances.
www.thehindu.com www.thehindu.com
Justice and equality are hegemonic ideas today. Secularism is conditioned to see them as good and decent and right. This is why it feels rational when we challenge oppressors. We accuse the privileged and the elite of injustice and unfairness. When they push back, with counter accusations, we see it as whataboutery.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
homophile movement began to tackle “subversive elements” and orient itself around respectability.
How did they do to develop its respective
he was forced
By who?
lavender scare”
Why it is called like that
5,000 federal employees and thrusting them out of the closet
That was the large amount. Did it make any loss to the organization ?
classifying it as a “sociopathic personality disturbance”.
Is it really the disorder.
came together to form the Mattachine Society
What is the inspiration to make them form it
What have they experienced before? From where and which events?
ransacked his institute and burned the contents of its archive and library in the streets.
What is the cause of that destruction
weren’t even the first time LGBTQ+ people had fought back against police harassment
Is it remarkable cause it is the biggest gathering at the time?
Pride can still divide
What make it divided
indeed bend towards justice.
How and what make the society get nearer to the justice
Bastille day”
Is Bastille the name of someone or sth remarkable?
their repercussions
What are some of the repercussIons that still continue
unusual headline
What make it unusual?
change his life
How can that newspaper change his life and what is it about
docs.openshift.com docs.openshift.com
IP failover uses Keepalived
if the service that Keepalived is watching does not respond
the service是什么service
IP failover monitors a port on each VIP to determine whether the port is reachable on the node. If the port is not reachable, the VIP is not assigned to the node
The VIPs must be routable from outside the cluster.
vip不是keepalived创出来的?谁来负责让这个vip routable啊?
There is no way to explicitly distribute the VIPs over the nodes, so there can be nodes with no VIPs and other nodes with many VIPs
I’m particularly interested in two questions: First, just how weird is machine learning? Second, what sorts of choices do developers make as they shape a project?
- Nov 2021
doc.rust-lang.org doc.rust-lang.org
call works with any lifetime &self happens to have at that point.
Do not understand this.
notebooksharing.space notebooksharing.spaceNotebook1
ttm_dataset = cc.read_from_ceph(s3_path, "ttm_dataset.parquet")
What is the ttm dataset?
Local file Local file
Long and short call or put options
Can we have a long put and a short call ?? What is the difference between going long and buying a call ?
Equal and opposite positions in the market for a fully hedged position (e.g., hedging one long position with an equally sized short position)
Doesn't it just add up to nothing ? No profit can ba generated from this, it will always be 0 ?
Figure 26.14
Biais == bearish or bullish ??
igure 26.13
Stock vs. Index ??
Generally speaking, with the exclusion of late entries, the higher the price of a long entry, the more aggressive in price and conservative in time of entry it becomes
Can we have a situation that is conservative both in time and price ?
Yes/No :
- cf. Fig.26.9 for Yes
- cf. Fig. 26.10 for No
=> Yes : cf. paragraph D. of page 843
Support levels for longs and resistance levels for shorts
Isn't there a problem if we long at a breached support ? Same for shorting a breached resisitance ? We want the price to go up for a long and down for a short so it seems to me that it's the inverse ???
At extremely high levels of leverage, the concept of aggressiveness and conservativeness with respect to the price on entry or exit di-minishes rapidly
Because with a small capital, one can create a large margin position => sheer capital invested is no longer significant due to leverage
Very late short or long entries with respect to support or resistance ■ Very early or premature long entries above support in a downtrend (both aggressive) ■ Very early or premature short entries below resistance in an uptrend (both
Long entries taken below resistance in an uptrend ■ Short entries taken above support in a downtrend ■ Long entries taken just below a failed support ■ Short entries taken just above a failed resistance
Isn't it the inverse ? short entry taken just below/above a failed support (since we want to see price decline)?
It should also be noted that the longer it takes for a consolidation to unfold, the larger will be the number of potential buy stop orders that lie above the resistance zone and sell stop orders that populate just below the support zone. This explains why larger consolidations tend to produce stronger and more persistent breakouts
buy stop orders place limit orders at the support, soif a lot of stop buy orders are triggered ,this places manylimit orders at support, and allows price to rebound strongly enough to pierce through the resistance
stoplosses are es-sentially stop orders, which are trend promoting in nature
inhibiting in nature
security, index, or commodity
What is the difference between these 3 terms ?
$2 per hour over a 10‐hour period.
Why do we consider the time ?
other third‐measure values over similar durations
- What is a third-measure ?
- Which third-measures are they talking about?
- Is it that of stock B that they're talking about ?
i.e. Compare third-measure of stock A to that of stock B over similar durations to find which one is the more volatile ?
ncrease in Price Fluctuations over Equal Durations Indicating Potential Rise in Volatility
Why is the first measure of volatilty satisfied ?
Maybe because the time period is the "equal duration" ??
over equal durations
How do we pick the durations ?
we could not determine which stock was more volatile since the maximum amount of price change over equal durations were the same for both
- What about comparing over smaller time periods, if we do this, we'll clearly see that there are differences ?
- How do we pick the timeframe ?
exponential or parabolic
Isn't it parabolic in t his example, since y'' = cte ?
This is because the bands are adjusted with respect to actual price action over a certain period of observation
Period of observation which is the band's periodicity ?
confirmation in the near or front month futures contract
Crypto -> expiration des contrats futurs ?
bearish chart patterns within a falling channel and bullish chart patterns with a rising channel.
Strange since it's the opposite for wedges, and wedges resemble channels quite a lot ?!
rising channel meeting its minimum one‐to‐one downside price objective.
Is a rising channel bearish ?
It cannot be projected into the future for potential barrier levels.
Many of the failed buy signals found on the chart in Figure 12.15 would have been successfully avoided or filtered out had the reversal entry breakout tech-nique been employed
WHY ???
Reversal entry breakout -> return to the mean ?
Figure 12.11 is an example of tuning the fixed percentage bands to a domi-nant cycle on the four‐hour chart of GBPUSD. The trough‐to‐trough cycle period was 133 bars. Using the third formula would also yield ((2×133) +3)/4 = 67.25. Rounding to the closest integer would give us 67 periods or bars
Does this mean that the central line is the 67 lookback period and that we obtain the bands by fixed perccentage (here 1.3%, cf. Fig. 12.11) ?
Figure 12.4
The diagonal channel is static and not dynamic ??
Price below the central value is a bearish indication, but price below the lower band is considered much more bearish. Similarly, price above the central value is a bullish indication, but price above the upper band is considered much more bullish.
How can this be when the price is also supposed to reintegrate the bandwidth ?
Notice that un-like double and triple detrending, which tends to remove lag between the oscillator and price, double and triple smoothing increases the price lag.
What is the difference between detrending and smoothing ?
- smoothing = prendre le MA d'un oscillateur. Ex. : %D = 3-period SMA of raw %K
- detrending = faire la différence entre deux MA !
double detrending reduces the lag components between price and the oscillators
WHY ???
igure 11.21
Serious lag issue, no ?
Why 7 and not 3 as indicated page 260 ?
what does a nine-period EMA mean ??
Periods 2/Exponential Weighting Ratio 1
- How do we get this formula ?
- What does the term periods actually mean ?
no lag with respect to price
But we need to know future information since it is located in the middle of N bars => we need to know N/2 bars in the future. That's why there's no lag !!
THE HAnDbook of TEcHnIcAl AnAlySIS436In technical analysis, the average price is usually positioned at the last right-most bar on the chart, that is, at the current bar. This is the non-centered or end-displaced version of a moving average. It is technically incorrect to place the average price at the last bar, but in technical analysis this is done because it is being used as a barrier to price, that is, as potential levels of support and resistance, it is able to interact with price. Although there is no price lag in the centered version, the moving average does not extend to the most recent bars and therefore cannot provide a barrier to price.
WHY ???
Projection ?
serverfault.com serverfault.com
So it actually replaces the file, not update? If that file is hard-linked, the the other link is unaffected?
www.amazon.com www.amazon.com
will track mounts and fin boxes work together? Do they share standards?
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
In 1795, the German philologist Friedrich August Wolf published a book, “Prolegomena to Homer,” arguing that the Iliad and the Odyssey could not have been composed all at once in the form we know them now.
What questions do your kids have about the Covid-19 vaccine? (n.d.). CNN. Retrieved 3 November 2021, from https://www.cnn.com/2021/11/02/us/sesame-street-covid-town-hall-questions/index.html
mothership.disco.coop mothership.disco.coop
Extra what?
begins to be paid down on a monthly basis at a 50% rate, those credits may still be used towards Quarterly Love Credit quotas.
Does this mean people are paid out at a 1/2 rate? What (if anything) incentivizes people to "cash out" here? Or is the purpose to get people to keep their shares in the org?
private entities can sponsor the work needed to design and carry out the DisCOlarship.
With this kind of sponsorship, do you envision that some of the funds will go towards creating infrastructure or being piped into the DisCOs account to pay out other folks that aren't directly involved in the training process?
The three scenarios are:
what if someone walks away from the process and has no desire to continue working with DisCOs?
unlike value tracking for contributors, it's not expected to be either latent or unfulfilled.
I think this sentence helps convince people that are interested in DisCOlarships, but may disuade people interested in contributing. the "expectation" for the credits to be unfulfilled. Question that pops to mind, why track my hours if there is an expectation that nothing will ever come of it?
it is much easier to record contributions according to grade and measure. If you're not familiar with those terms, it basically means "quantity and quality".
why not just say "quantity and quality" here?
Why is the L capitalized and not the rest of the word?
1 DisCOLarships: Where individuals regularly "visit" the DisCO.NP to learn about DisCO culture and structure in the real world, get to know the people, etc. There are minimal responsibilities and the DisCOLar is free to start their own DisCO afterward or join the same DisCO they have trained in. 2 The DisCO Dating Phase: Where potential members make a firm commitment to go through the DisCO.NP's mentoring and training program in order to become committed members or DisCONauts. There are considerable, consented-upon responsibilities on the part of the DisCO Dating Member and the DisCO-NP itself during this process.
The difference between these two options is not immediately clear.
Is it that the DisCOLar path is oriented towards creating new DisCOs and the dating is oriented towards joining the mothership?
The DisCO Applications Program includes DisCO Governance Model templates for:
Do these templates already exist? Do we have orgs that we can pilot these templates with?
Other organizations wanting to become a LAB
Are these organizations that have reached out to DisCO Mothership, or are these orgs that y'all feel would be good DisCOs?
mirror balls
What is a mirror ball?
- Oct 2021
Local file Local file
Figure 10.76
Retracement or Expansion ?? How do we differentiate both of these ??
Fibonacci retracement levels (measured across the range AB)
QUESTION : Is the paper version correct ?
diagonally. As a consequence, Fibonacci channel expansions will yield dif-ferent results depending on the type of scaling used on the charts.
diagonal -> time effect -> depends on scaling of the chart
WHY ??? Peut-être car en cas de double possibilité, on ne considère de préférence la plus petite ?
Isn't it rather an expansion where the up after point B fails and goes lower than the previous trough at B ?
expansion instead ??
signal line
moyenne mobile ?? Oui, cf. page 246
Current and Prior Larger Trends
What are the current and prior larger trends ? Aren't they the same as wave degree ??
violating point 1
How do we determine this horizontal line for point 1 ?
points 1 and 2
Remember that slope and reverse divergence are mutually exclusiv
Why ???
jacent peak to peak and trough to trough analysis.
cf. p. 271 et Fig. 9.22
devoid of any visible peaks and troughs (F
Why aren't there any waves in Fig. 9.8 ?
reverse bearish
So when we look at peaks, the price indicates the trend when there is a disagreement between price and signal, however when it's troughs, the signal expresses the upcoming trend ???
To construct these pivot points, first find the previous day’s typical price. This represents the next day’s pivot level, PP
What is the stochastic ?? Réponse : cf. page 259 ! (c'est le %K et %D)
stochastic action
What is the stochastic ?? Réponse : cf. page 259 ! (c'est le %K et %D)
The difference between the previous close and the current high ■ The difference between the previous close and the current low
Que dans le cas où il y a des gaps non ?
www.statnews.com www.statnews.com
3 takeaways from the emergence of the ‘Delta Plus’ coronavirus variant. (2021, October 27). STAT. https://www.statnews.com/2021/10/27/3-takeaways-from-the-emergence-of-the-delta-plus-coronavirus-variant/
- lang:en
- Delta variant
- evolution
- variant
- takeaway
- question
- emergence
- transmissibility
- virus
- is:article
- COVID-19
- AY.4.2.
- immune system
- transmission
Local file Local file
My mistake was thinking I could be anythingother than hungry.My mistake was thinking I could be anything other
three lines three different way to interpret. to be anything to be anything other than XXX to be anything other (is this the same as to be anything else? )
Lying motionless
Accessing memory but failing just like trying to get a glimpse through a curtained window. Lying motionless here and now? Or when every one was afraid? Is the terrible effort the effort to access memory?
strange strange verb here; Lent to whom from the daughter?
First instance of using third person "Him"?
to liaison
Liaison is not really a verb but still one can connect, one can make phonetic connection between words or social connection, often illicit, between peoples. What does this mean?
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
What does this mean?
mmcr.education mmcr.education
the power to destroy may defeat and render useless the power to create
Is this the foundational argument for the Supremacy Clause? For this example, does this mean if the states had the power to influence federal programs or policies, that the powers delegated to the federal government would be redundantly delegated?
which might disappoint its most important designs
What is meant by "most important designs"? Is it meant that the state governments are supposed to depend on the federal government and not vice versa? If so, that seems to go against the core contractual aspect of federalism.
component parts
What is meant by "component parts" here? Are they the states? Are they the powers given to the federal government by the Constitution?
is not supreme.
When do state laws take effect over federal laws? How do you know when which is supreme? or vice versa?
But if the full application of this argument could be admitted, it might bring into question the right of Congress to tax the State banks, and could not prove the rights of the States to tax the Bank of the United States.
Based on the relationship between State, banks, and General Government, is this suggesting a contradiction or non mutual relationship between the 3 in this line of argument?
every argument which would sustain the right of the General Government to tax banks chartered by the States, will equally sustain the right of the States to tax banks chartered by the General Government.
Is this relationship between State, banks, and General Government rooted in reciprocity or mutual responsiblity?
No political dreamer was ever wild enough to think of breaking down the lines which separate the States, and of compounding the American people into one common mass. Of consequence, when they act, they act in their States.
Why is where the assembly took place relevant to the case and why exactly are they defending it?
Its means are adequate to its ends, and on those means alone was it expected to rely for the accomplishment of its ends.
This whole phrase is really confusing me? I'm not able to even figure out what any of the parts mean, could anybody help me out?
Is this something that is actively being said? If so, is this something that was yelled a little but louder? Or was this only written and capitalized for effect.
I saw "we" being mentioned throughout this whole thing but I'm still a little bit confused as to where the introductions would be. Is this just assumed or am I missing something?
but by people over whom they claim no control.
Is this suggesting that if States were allowed to tax the Federal Government, would States hold power and authority over citizens outside of their state? Would State laws apply universally?
incompatible with the language of the Constitution.
How exactly is the necessity of resorting to mean which it cannot control not compatible with the language outlined in the Constitution?
thus leaving the question whether the particular power which may become the subject of contest has been delegated to the one Government, or prohibited to the other, to depend on a fair construction of the whole instrument.
Is this suggesting that there is isn't any sort of protocol for when certain issues arise that causes question on what government has authority over said issue?
It is true, they assembled in their several States—and where else should they have assembled?
When assembling in their states, did they form permanent locations to meet or was it a random?
But if the full application of this argument could be admitted, it might bring into question the right of Congress to tax the State banks, and could not prove the rights of the States to tax the Bank of the United States.
Is this saying that the federal government can tax the states, but the states cannot tax the federal government?
This is, we think, the unavoidable consequence of that supremacy which the Constitution has declared.
A lot of this argument seems centered around the idea that the people, via its representatives, declared the Constitution has supreme power over states. In this, a State (and by extension, representatives of the people) is arguing the apparent supremacy of the federal gov't over the state, doesn't this contradict the argument of the Supreme Court a bit, that the will of the people was for a federal gov't to hold supreme over state?
The people of all the States have created the General Government,
A lot of what we've read up to this point make it seem like the Supreme Court acts as a kind of voice for the Constitution, that it would interpret and enforce the objectives of it. It's never felt like a branch that was representative of the people. Does the Supreme Court ever act or treat itself as representative of the people, or does it more view itself as a representation of the Constitution?
It was reported to the then existing Congress of the United States
I'm assuming he means with this line, the congress as it existed under the Articles of Confederation. My question is why bring up this quick history recap? Is it to argue that the States, in ratifying the Constitution and the new Federal government, were granting that the Federal Government held a certain amount of power of them? Something else?
The Constitution of our country, in its most interesting and vital parts, is to be considered, the conflicting powers of the Government of the Union and of its members, as marked in that Constitution, are to be discussed, and an opinion given which may essentially influence the great operations of the Government....
Does Marshall regularly define the scope of the case like this at the start of his decisions? I don't recall anything similar in Marbury v Madison.
The powers of the General Government, it has been said, are delegated by the States, who alone are truly sovereign, and must be exercised in subordination to the States, who alone possess supreme dominion.
Does Maryland grapple with the idea that the sovereignty and power of the states comes from the people in its argument that the Constitution receives its power from the states, as opposed to the people?
The Government of the Union then ... is, emphatically and truly, a Government of the people....
What's the deal with these ellipses? Is there actual text omitted? Or did Marshall literally include these marks in his writing?
we shall find it capable of changing totally the character of that instrument
I don't understand what this is saying? So on the basis of Marylands contends it changes the meaning of what the Bank means in the constitution?? I'm not sure if I even read it correctly the end of the sentence isn't making sense to me. Changes the character of what instrument? Constitution?
the Bank of the United States is a law made in pursuance of the Constitution, and is a part of the supreme law of the land....
What does this mean? so the bank of the united states is inherently also the supreme law of the land?
the instrument,
Whats the term "instrument" referring to here? the constitution? or the creation of it?
Taxation, it is said, does not necessarily and unavoidably destroy.
Taxation seems to be a big pinpoint of this argument. In history we have seen many problems with "taxation without representation" or misuse of taxing in this case, but we also see problems today with people not agreeing with where the tax money goes, or especially problems with getting tax returns. Do you think taxation is going to continue being a problem?
may be carried into execution, would partake of the prolixity of a legal code, and could scarcely be embraced by the human mind. It would probably never be understood by the public.
I am lost here. Is this referring to the idea that if the constitution had every subdivision of rules stated that it would not be embraced by human kind and that it would never be understood by the public? Because wouldn't a constitution with accurate details be the most accepted to the public?
Among the enumerated powers, we do not find that of establishing a bank or creating a corporation
While the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the land, obviously the Constitution does not outline every possibility of things that happen within society (like the establishing of a bank or creating a corporation). Is the creation of something or a situation where things happen due to the lack of guidelines in the constitution common? Do you think it is fair that new rules and regulations be made in addition to there being none directly stated about these given situations?