- Sep 2023
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Recent work has revealed several new and significant aspects of the dynamics of theory change. First, statistical information, information about the probabilistic contingencies between events, plays a particularly important role in theory-formation both in science and in childhood. In the last fifteen years we’ve discovered the power of early statistical learning.
The data of the past is congruent with the current psychological trends that face the education system of today. Developmentalists have charted how children construct and revise intuitive theories. In turn, a variety of theories have developed because of the greater use of statistical information that supports probabilistic contingencies that help to better inform us of causal models and their distinctive cognitive functions. These studies investigate the physical, psychological, and social domains. In the case of intuitive psychology, or "theory of mind," developmentalism has traced a progression from an early understanding of emotion and action to an understanding of intentions and simple aspects of perception, to an understanding of knowledge vs. ignorance, and finally to a representational and then an interpretive theory of mind.
The mechanisms by which life evolved—from chemical beginnings to cognizing human beings—are central to understanding the psychological basis of learning. We are the product of an evolutionary process and it is the mechanisms inherent in this process that offer the most probable explanations to how we think and learn.
Bada, & Olusegun, S. (2015). Constructivism Learning Theory : A Paradigm for Teaching and Learning.
- May 2022
Local file Local file
Active reading to the extreme!
What a clever innovation building on the ideas of the art of memory and Raymond Llull's combinatoric arts!
Does this hit all of the areas of Bloom's Taxonomy? I suspect that it does.
How could it be tied more directly into an active reading, annotating, and note taking practice?
- Nov 2019
www.angelo.edu www.angelo.edu
Section 1.3 Theories of Education and the Online Environment
This website is part of Angelo State University's online teaching training course for faculty members. This section outlines three prominent theories of education-Behaviorism, Social Cognitive Theory, and Constructivism-and applies them to online learning. Instructional Designers and course instructors can use this guide for the construction of meaningful and active learning environment for students. Rating: 10/10
- Behaviorism
- instructional design
- higher education
- technology integration
- collaborative learning
- adult learning
- online instruction
- etc556
- Constructivism
- active learning
- self-directed learning
- Angelo State University
- Social Cognitive Theory
- educational theories
- e-learning
- professional development
- andragogy
- online teaching
- edtech
- etcnau
- adult education
www.learning-theories.com www.learning-theories.com
E-Learning Theory (Mayer, Sweller, Moreno)
This website outlines key principles of the E-Learning Theory developed by Mayer, Sweller, and Moreno. E-Learning Theory describes how the implementation of educational technology can be combined with key principles of how we learn for better outcomes. This site describes those principles as a guide of more effective instructional design. Users can also find other learning theories under the "Categories" link at the top of the page. Examples include Constructivist theories, Media & Technology theories, and Social Learning theories. Rating: 8/10
www.instructionaldesign.org www.instructionaldesign.org
Learning Domains
This website provides several examples of domains adults may learn in or engage with. By clicking on each type, you are redirected to a detailed description of the domain. Descriptions include, but are not limited to, definitions, theories and research behind the topic, and real-world examples. You can also find references used in the description, which can be helpful for further exploration. This InstructionalDesign.org website also provides extensive lists of learning concepts (i.e. motivation, personalized learning, storyboard, etc.) and theories (i.e. Adult Learning Theory, Social Learning, Constructivism, etc.). Each learning theory link provides a theoretical definition, applications, examples, key principles, references, and related websites. Rating 10/10.
www.physiology.org www.physiology.org
The main objectives of this article are to present the theoretical evidence for the design and delivery of instructional materials and to provide a practical framework for implementing those theories in the classroom and laboratory.
The American Journal of Physiology. org is an website dedicated to published journals and books of functions of life or living organisms.
Rating: 9/10
www.techlearning.com www.techlearning.com
This web page can be used in many ways because it has theories from the old to new in education and technology, and from institutions to working environments, and military. You will find George Bush, Steve Jobs, and Seymour Papert from MIT, just to name a few.
It is really nice to see new and not so new perspectives of people that do not provide learning theories, but combine learning theories with technology, which to me is relevant for today's educators and learners. 5/10
digitalpromise.org digitalpromise.org
The use of technology to support learning for K-12 students is gaining popularity, leading many to ask whether there might be similar solutions for low-skilled adults.
This article emphasizes on the topic of how adult learning is hindered by technology and how to teach an adult learner. Using five theories; 1) Shared experience 2) Problem-solving scenarios 3) Reflection on experience 4) Own their learning 5) Have an ah-ha moment. Adults all differently and all want that opportunity to have a new learning moment. Rating 5/5
humanservices.ucdavis.edu humanservices.ucdavis.edu
To be effective in teaching adults, it’s important to know your audience and have a general understanding of how adults learn
This literature is a resource to assist in adult teaching. The first section of the reading defines who your audience (background, does your selected audience need more training, learning objectives). Then explains the learning objectives in more detail and how to develop effective learning objectives (Specify, Measureable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) and if needed the ABCD model (Audience, Behavior, Condition, Degree) can be utilized. Secondly, developing training content. Lastly, deliver your training. The article is very good. Rating: 5/5
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
An understanding of adult learning theories (ie, andragogy) in healthcare professional education programs is important for several reasons.
The author of this article articulates the instrumental learning theories in the healthcare industry. The information provided is more like a speedy way for students and healthcare providers to understand the learning theories. Rating: 4/5
files.eric.ed.gov files.eric.ed.gov
n. Key to this model is the assumption that online education has evolved as a subset of learning in general rather than a subset of distance learning
This article helps the reader understand the major theories that are related to technology using the leaning theories, theoretical frameworks, and models. Rate: 4/5
- Jul 2019
www.tonybates.ca www.tonybates.ca
Communities of practice are one of the ways in which experiential learning, social constructivism, and connectivism can be combined, illustrating the limitations of trying to rigidly classify learning theories. Practice tends to be more complex.
Constructivism - roots in the philosophical and psychological viewpoints of this century, specially Piaget, Bruner and Goodman. Learning occurs when the mind filters inputs from the world to produce its unique reality. The mind is believed to be the source of all meaning, direct experiences with the environment are considered critical. It crosses both categories by emphasizing the interaction between learner and the real world.
Social constructivism would emphasize critical experiences between the learner and other learners and mentors.
Connectivism is the integration of principles explored by chaos, network, complexity and self-organization theory. A lot of the content is now offloaded to the machine that was previously residing within the learner.
- Mar 2019
doaj.org doaj.org
Laboratory activities and constructivism are two notions that have been playing significant roles in science education. Despite common beliefs about the importance of laboratory activities, reviews reported inconsistent results about the effectiveness of laboratory activities. Since laboratory activities can be expensive and take more time, there is an effort to introduce virtual laboratory activities. This study aims at exploring the learning environment created by a virtual laboratory and a real laboratory. A quasi experimental study was conducted at two grade ten classes at a state high school in Bandung, Indonesia. Data were collected using a questionnaire called Constructivist Learning Environment Survey (CLES) before and after the laboratory activities. The results show that both types of laboratories can create constructivist learning environments. Each type of laboratory activity, however, may be stronger in improving certain aspects compared to the other. While a virtual laboratory is stronger in improving critical voice and personal relevance, real laboratory activities promote aspects of personal relevance, uncertainty and student negotiation. This study suggests that instead of setting one type of laboratory against the other, lessons and follow up studies should focus on how to combine both types of laboratories to support better learning.
In this peer-reviewed study, two tenth-grade classes were analyzed as they used either a virtual or a real laboratory to accomplish learning tasks. The question raised was whether a real or a virtual laboratory was more conducive to constructivist learning. The study concluded that a real lab is better than a virtual one to trigger constructivist learning. This is of importance to me because I teach adults about software in both virtual and real laboratories, and when I develop content, I try to use the constructivist theory as much as possible as I find it works best for my audience, in addition to making novel content more relatable. Please note: I could not put the annotation on the text because the paper opened in a popup page that does not work with Hypothes.is. 7/10
www.pacer.org www.pacer.org
Teaching Adults:What Every Trainer Needs to Know About Adult Learning Styles
This paper, a project o the PACER Center, discusses learning styles specifically as they pertain to adult learners. From the nitty-gritty podagogy vs. andragogy to the best ways to train for adults, this is a good tool for those who don't know much or need a refresher on adult learning theory and training adults. I love that it is set up in a textbook style, so it's friendly but has a considerable amount of information in a variety of formats. The section, "Tips for Teaching Adults" is helpful to me as it's a series of quick reminders about how to present my information best. 8/10
collegeforamerica.org collegeforamerica.org
How to Design Education for Adults
This wonderful how-to by Southern New Hampshire University provided several well explained tips about what adults need in their learning environments, including their own learning theory, goals, relevant instruction, treatment by the teacher, and participation. These are important things to keep in mind when training working adults because it may have an impact on what information is offered and how it is presented. I will use the information in this article later to help me present content in a meaningful way for my working adult learners. I want the content to be as relevant and inviting to them as possible. 9/10
online.pointpark.edu online.pointpark.edu
6 Effective Strategies for Teaching Adults
This article from Point Park University provides several methods one can use to help educate adults. Ideas presented include ensuring content is relevant, knowing the audience, igniting emotion in the audience, ensuring assignments are attainable, and providing constructive feedback. I find these especially helpful because of my work, which often involves teaching adults who are busy and sometimes uninterested in my content. The section that will help me most is "Encourage Exploration." Because I'm training on a software tool, I want learners to go into the software and make mistakes and learn from them. I want them to poke around! It can be difficult to convince a class of disgruntled 60-year-old men who are mad that things are changing to go play with a complex software tool like children. 7/10
digitalmarketinginstitute.com digitalmarketinginstitute.com
Adults & Learning: How to Provide for Working Professionals
The Digital Marketing Institute published this article to help those who provide training for professional adults. It echoes a lot of what I've read in other articles about teaching adults: The goals are different, and they have different needs from the instructor than children do. I liked that this article mentioned that many professional adults find technology to be a barrier, but I wish there were more information about it. The article discussed several of the biggest challenges for adult learners, which was a nice change from the quintessential adult learner article that focuses on what learners need. I also want to know what they don't need. Some of the barriers to learning include a lack of time, responsibilities, financial stressors, fear of technology, and trouble identifying the ideal learning path. 8/10
academic.oup.com academic.oup.com
Training Older Adults To Use New Technology
This article, published in the Journals of Gerontology, discusses a study that focused on teaching older adults to use technology. This is often discussed in a practical sense, with many how-to's. This article, however, discusses the theory behind gerontological learning. Older adults don't generally learn the same way younger adults do. Therefore, it is important to provide them with practice that shows tasks have continuity, to ensure the important task components are focused on strongly, and to consider whether the learning goals are appropriate for the learner. Representative design is addressed here. This is the first time I've heard of representative design. I teach many people over the age of 60 to use technology, so it is important for me to know the theory that will help them learn best. Interestingly,this article mentioned that performance should be assessed based on a comparison of the older adult's environment. I wish I could use that more in my work, but it's a young person's world now. 9/10
www.ryerson.ca www.ryerson.ca
Engaging Adult Learners
This article discusses some attributes that are unique to adult learners, such as that their learning is selective, self-directed, and often focused on solving problems. Therefore, it is important that instructors enable students to be autonomous and show them why it is important. Often in my instructional design, I start with the WIIFM (What's In It For Me?). This article supports my idea that my adult learners will choose to learn when it can solve a problem for them. This article also discusses active learning from an adult perspective, such as Socratic teaching. 9/10
www.ccconline.org www.ccconline.org
What the Research Says About Teaching Adults
Colorado Community Colleges published this article to discuss research about teaching adults, focusing strongly on Knowles's six principles of andragogy. The main idea behind Knowles's principles is that adults learn because they decided to--because the information is relevant to them and they can benefit from attaining that knowledge. Therefore, the article states, activities that ask adult learners to discuss problems with each other will help them learn. This can be useful as I design instruction. 7/10
www.learning-theories.com www.learning-theories.com
Learning-Theories.com published a very handy few pages that describe various learning theories. This is a quick, straightforward, simple way to access information on the different theories. This article, Behaviorism, explains that the theory assumes learners learn by responding to external stimuli in their environment. Learning under behaviorism is characterized by a change in the learner's behavior. I use this in my horse training as I use both positive reinforcement (clicker training) and negative reinforcement (pressure-release) to structure my horse's behaviors. Behaviorism can be translated to human work, too. I've used TAG teaching (clicker training for humans) to teach people to get on and off horses with ease and also to trim horses' hooves. I also use it to clicker train my cats! 6/10
www.learning-theories.com www.learning-theories.com
Cognitivism challenge behaviorism by positing that humans are more complex than simple lumps that respond to external stimuli. Cognitivism claims that people must involve themselves in their learning and take an active role. In short, when information enters the mind, it must be processed before it becomes a change in behavior. 6/10
www.learning-theories.com www.learning-theories.com
Constructivism is my favorite learning theory. It states that in order to learn, learners must experience something, then reconcile that experience with their previous experiences. The learner will create and test hypotheses based on all experiences, and prove those hypotheses right or wrong based on future experiences. They will then use what they learned from those hypotheses to create new ones. I frequently use this in my instructional design. 6/10
www.learning-theories.com www.learning-theories.com
Design-Based Research Methods (DBR)
Design-based research (DBR) tries to connect learning theory and practice. It puts theories to the test and is an important part of siting through which parts of theories work well, contradict each other, or contradict themselves. This page provides several of the characteristics of design-based studies, as well as the needs and issues important to studying learning. 7/10
utah.instructure.com utah.instructure.com
Adult Learning Theory
This article by the University of Utah discusses Lindeman's and Knowles's theories on adult learning. Andragogy uses the teacher differently from pedagogy: the teacher in an adult learning environment becomes a facilitator instead of the knower. I think this is an important distinction to make for people who go from teaching children to teaching adults. There are two of these people on my team at work. One taught third grade and one taught sixth grade, and both of them tend to try to put the instructor in the knower's position instead of the facilitator's position. They have to catch themselves often and rework some instruction to be more student-focused instead of content-focused. 8/10
gsi.berkeley.edu gsi.berkeley.edu
Overview of Learning Theories
The Berkeley Graduate Division published an interesting and straightforward table of learning theories. The table compares behaviorism, cognitive constructivism, and social constructivism in four ways: the view of knowledge, view of learning, view of motivation, and implications for teaching. This is an easy-to-read, quick resource for those who would like a side-by-side comparison of common theories. 9/10
www.learning-theories.com www.learning-theories.com
This website is a free website that allows for users to access summaries of learning theories, educational guides and much more!
This site includes links to brief discussions of more than 100 learning theories, some of which relate to technology enhanced learning. Those include gamification and online collaborative learning among others. Usability is adequate and this is sufficient for an introduction to the theories though not necessarily a nuanced understanding. rating 4/5
faculty.coe.uh.edu faculty.coe.uh.edu
Edward Thorndike's three laws of learning. The page does not explain this, but his theories came out in about 1900. His three laws of learning appear to be relevant to our course work. This simple page features black text on a white page. It is brief and it simply describes the three laws of learning. rating 5/5
www.instructionaldesign.org www.instructionaldesign.org
This page is a simply presented list of many learning theories, both popular and less well known. The layout is clean. The pages to which the listed items link are somewhat minimal in nature so this would give a basic tour or overview of the models and would allow viewers to review the names of some of the learning theories. This page does not prioritize learning theories or identify and establish those theories that are the most prominent.
edutechwiki.unige.ch edutechwiki.unige.ch
Edutech wiki This page has a somewhat messy design and does not look very modern but it does offer overviews of many topics related to technologies. Just like wikipedia, it offers a good jumping off point on many topics. Navigation can occur by clicking through categories and drilling down to topics, which is easier for those who already know the topic they are looking for and how it is likely to be characterized. Rating 3/5
- Nov 2018
www.shiftelearning.com www.shiftelearning.com
In addition to discussing Knowles Andragogy learning theory this article also looks into two other adult learning theories: experiential and transformational. For learning to be successful in adults instructional designers need to "tap into prior experiences," "create a-ha moments," and "create meaning" by connecting to reality. Rating: 5/5
www.citejournal.org www.citejournal.org
This article documents how Ohio State University trains new elementary and middle school teachers to incorporate technology into their lessons. It highlights that technology integration is a tool not a theory or education. It also states that technology integration should be used to enhance the students' learning instead of forcing it into the curriculum. Rating: 5/5
elearningindustry.com elearningindustry.com
This article gives us seven tips on how to create a successful learning environment for adults. The takeaway from this article is that adults understand who they are. They are intrinsically motivated and want their learning to be purposeful. Ratings: 4/5
online.rutgers.edu online.rutgers.edu
This article discusses the main points of Malcolm Knowles main ideas of adult learning. It also mentions the different styles of learning. Additionally. the ADDIE instructional model is described. I properly constructed the ADDIE model helps merge and implement the different learning styles and needs of the adult learner. Ratings: 3/5
- Jul 2018
aeon.co aeon.co
However, computers and algorithms – even the most sophisticated ones – cannot address the fallacy of obviousness. Put differently, they can never know what might be relevant.
One goal of systems science and modelling, to explore what might be relevant and give us better heuristics.
- Aug 2015
www.irrodl.org www.irrodl.org
The capacity to know is more critical than what is actually known
- Jun 2015
www.teachthought.com www.teachthought.com
Steven Wheeler’s presentation below reviews related ideas contextualizing the modern learning climate. The gist? Rapid technology change has produced critical new pathways for both formal and informal learning.