316 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2019
  2. www-chronicle-com.libproxy.nau.edu www-chronicle-com.libproxy.nau.edu
    1. Technology

      This website explores technology news within the field of higher education. The site contains a wide variety of news articles on current issues, trends, and research surrounding the integration of technology in universities and colleges. This includes technology's prevalence in teaching and learning, institutional decisions, and societal trends of higher education. The articles are published by authors for "The Chronicle of Higher Education," a leading newspaper and website for higher education journalism. Rating: 7/10

    1. Although not specifically geared toward adult learning, the article includes valuable insight into the role technology can play in non-profit organizations. Boles's focuses on how non-profit organizations can enhance their work integrating technology into three key areas: service delivery, fundraising, and outreach. Of particular interest are the sections on barriers to integration and how to overcome them.


    1. The authors present a study that compared face to face and hybrid instruction in graduate classes for counseling students. The results indicate that using technology, including web tools to facilitate instruction, improved test results in a small sample of students.


    1. Flores examines the current research as it relates to distance learning. She explores technology integration and learning theory. Throughout, she stresses the importance of professional development for instructors to equip them to provide quality distance education.


    1. The authors detail their development of a professional learning community to advance technology integration at Nova Southeastern University. After a literature review of the key components of online learning, they discuss the method of implementing the PLC and the major outcomes and then offer recommendations for starting a PLC within institutions of higher ed.


    1. Thomas and Gilbert offer a literature review of current technologies available to improve athlete performance. They provide a brief theoretical foundation for the technologies and how they can be sued to improve athletic and personal performance.


    1. Coffey argues the effectiveness of online literature discussions in the elementary classroom. Addressing both synchronous and asynchronous environments, she suggests that computer-based discussions can enhance understanding of literature and promote community within the classroom.


    1. This manual, published by Hanover Research, outlines theory and practice of technology integration in the K-12 classroom and provides key strategies for professional development to equip teachers to successfully integrate technology.


    1. The authors present the benefits of coaching in professional development for educators in today's technologically advanced classrooms. Of particular interest is the explanation of the different methods of coaching: executive, coactive, cognitive, and instructional. They suggest that coaching provides more successful outcomes than single workshops and stress that finding the correct method for each situation and organization is crucial.


    1. Davis and Curry stress the importance of tech coaches in schools to help instructors integrate technology effectively. They present key factors to consider when using tech coaching, including the importance of having a clear plan and defined roles.


    1. This book is current from 2015 and is one stop shopping for technology integration in schools. Integrations and Blooms taxonomy theory, ISTE standards, pathways (yes, it is still a slow process), understanding about classroom set up when using technology and learning theories, online, web 2.0, teacher resources, multilingual tools, different screens, digital cameras, and COPPA, Privacy, and Copyright laws. If you are looking for a job in technology integration in schools this is a must read and resource manual. rating 10/10

    1. This is an interesting article for assistive technology in adult literacy as you can listen to it like a person with LD would. Initially, it was beneficial, but load times and generic voice are challenging for me, but I am not used to using the AT device. Also interesting is the lack of study on the matter of LD in adult literacy, and therefore this study is really "surveying the gaps." Sadly, what we do know is that minority LD students rates for graduation are lower than whites with LD, and that the dropout rates are higher as well. LD students access to AT may be key to understanding the dynamics of graduation and drop out rates in addition to literacy. A proven solution is small group tutoring with AT as it can be empowering and enabling LD students to learn.

    1. This article offers insight to technology integration for adults in Arizona. Recognizing the importance of technology in education, Arizona has put together a plan on integration for adult education. Using trends, understanding challenges, devising strategies to meet those challenges now and in the future, and meeting the expectations of how a successful learner is defined are a part of this plan for Arizona. It starts with a vision and three goals for Arizona. From there the goals and trends are implemented in short term, mid term, and long term goals over five plus years. With expecting challenges they are able to address them head on and use innovative practices. 8/10

    1. For instance, an integration test could verify that all necessary props are passed through from the tested component to a specific child component.
    1. The text "Adult Learners Come to Campus With Unique Technology Needs" illustrates the barriers to learning that surround a learner's experience with technology. Author David Hutchins suggests having inclusive discussions with diverse sets of technology users to best determine their needs, issues, and reasonable solutions for support. Multi-level support for multiple generations of learners includes the instructors, administration, and IT teams that work together to improve education via technology. Embedding links throughout the text re-direct the reader to valuable resources for further review. Rating: 7/10

    2. Hutchins addresses the need for institutions of higher education to meet the growing population of adult learners who are returning to school to gain relevant professional skills. The three recommendations are solutions-focused and practical.


    1. Section 508 compliance is discussed to support instructors knowledge of section 508 and how to begin the process of ensuring instructional content is 508 compliant. Section 508 of the federal Rehabilitation Act governs access of media to all persons whether they have a disability or not. Including captions, audio description, and accessible video players are vital to compliance. Compliance with 508 is necessary given that data that illustrates the percent of employees that have need for accommodations to support their learning. This brief article seems highly related to Universal Design of Learning. Rating: 10/10

    1. Designed to be used in a workshop setting, the content provides an understanding of adult learning theory and it's application of best practices in both face to face and e-learning environments. Participants are provided a list of web tools to facilitate learning.

      6/10: the format is bit difficult to access out of context

  3. Oct 2019
  4. Sep 2019
    1. types.refinement might be what you're looking for, you could combine that with for example react-final-form. it is not depending on redux anymore. a form component of react-final-form wrapped by an @observer and using an action within onSubmit callback of it to actually persist the state has worked out well for me recently.
  5. Aug 2019
  6. Jul 2019
    1. 5.3 New version (2017-05-16) NEW - New Office 365 connector for retrieving information from Microsoft Office 365 Cloud Services
  7. May 2019
    1. Valdomiro Bilharvas - Squads mais eficientes com Devops

      Mais um caso prático que vai te mostrar a importância da preparação de um ambiente de desenvolvimento que facilita a vida de todos e garante entregas contínuas e de qualidade. O assunto é transversal a vários tópicos de nossa certificação DevOps Tools.

    2. João Brito - CI/CD - Pense um pouco além das ferramentas

      Continuous Integration e Delivery são também tópicos importantes da certificação LPI DevOps Tools, mas como o João Brito vai falar nessa palestra, é importante entender o porque do uso dessas ferramentas.

      701.4 Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (weight: 5)

  8. Mar 2019
    1. This paper addresses the question about how today’s modern schools can prepare learners for the future in the age of technology. The response to this question is discussion around innovative learning environments that involve the use of technology. Technology has been a concern for the rapid change in the educational landscape and this paper aims to highlight transformation and innovation in relation to technology for teaching and learning. 9/10 for helpful diagrams and tables.

    1. This paper discusses the idea that design is responsible for developing learning and teaching in technology rich environments. This paper argues Cultural Historical Activity Theory. This paper uses this perspective to discuss their ideas of design in connection with the digital age. This paper is written from the perspective German, Nordic, Russian and Vygotskyan concepts that seek to define the relationship between learning and teaching in relation to design. Rating 9/10 for mixing design with digital learning

    1. This article is about technology integration in the classroom and how to support teachers and schools during the process. It provides recommendations on how to handle distractions and the level of engagement that should be happening between peers. This article takes a deep dive into learning in general and how it prepares students for the real world. Rating: 7/10

    1. This article is for teachers and contains multiple resources about how to integrate technology into the classroom and the different types of technology integration. This article is full of examples and ideas teachers can use to facilitate technology in the classroom. Rating: 9/10 for use of examples and practical application.

    1. This article contains the following sections:Getting Started Integrating Technology Across the Access Spectrum Getting to "Seamless" Integration Tips for Shared Hardware Creating a Professional-Development Plan Hardware and Equipment Using Technology for Feedback and Assessment The Role of Digital Citizenship

      Edutopia presents multiple ways to integrate technology into the classroom efficiently and effectively. The article begins with how to get started. This will help the average teacher create a seamless integration of technology. Then, it moves on to how to use technology across the curriculum, how the school can provide effective professional development to aid in teacher success and how the role of digital citizenship can make or break the effectiveness of the integration.

      Rating 10/10

    1. Implementando CI com GitLab

      Ainda que os tópicos da prova LPI DevOps não cubram apenas o Git para a integração contínua (ele é usado especialmente em Source Code Management), é muito importante conhecer bem os conceitos de integração e entrega contínua cobertos nessa palestra. Eles estão nesse tópico:

      701.4 Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery

  9. Feb 2019
    1. Researchers have determined that technology integration typically moves through specific levels. The higher the level of an activity the greater the educational benefit.

      The more technology is integrated into our lessons, the more learning will occur. It is important to remember that technology helps us to make content more relatable and interesting to our students.

  10. Jan 2019
    1. By utilizing the Deeplearning4j library1 for model representation, learning and prediction, KNIME builds upon a well performing open source solution with a thriving community.
    2. KNIME includes Python in various processing nodes for data processing, model learning and prediction, and the generation of visualizations.
    3. One of KNIME's strengths is its multitude of nodes for data analysis and machine learning. While its base configuration already offers a variety of algorithms for this task, the plugin system is the factor that enables third-party developers to easily integrate their tools and make them compatible with the output of each other.
    4. KNIME allows nodes from different research areas to be mixed to create truly cross-domain workflows.
    5. Passing the data between those tools often involves complex scripts for controlling data flow, data transformation, and statistical analysis. Such scripts are not only prone to be platform dependent, they also tend to grow as the experiment progresses and are seldomly well documented, a fact that hinders the reproducibility of the experiment. Workflow systems such as KNIME Analytics Platform aim to solve these problems by providing a platform for connecting tools graphically and guaranteeing the same results on different operating systems. As an open source software, KNIME allows scientists and programmers to provide their own extensions to the scientific community.
    6. SeqAn implements various applications that can be used for different tasks for example to map reads, apply read error correction, conduct protein searches, run variant detection and many more. However, analysts are not interested in a single execution of one tool but design and execute entire pipelines using different tools for different tasks contained in the pipeline. Often they also require some downstream analysis steps, e.g. computing some statistics, generating reports and so on. Hence it was desirable to add SeqAn applications to the KNIME workflow engine, which offers many additional analysis and data mining features.
    7. The tools presented above are all used in various areas of the life sciences, but their main task is the orchestration of external tools that exchange files with each other. Natively, KNIME goes a different way by encouraging a deep tool integration that is compatible with KNIME's table format. With this approach data are embedded into table cells allowing for easy tool interoperability without the need for file conversions.
    8. Orchestrating the execution of many command line tools is a task for Galaxy, while an analysis of life science data with subsequent statistical analysis and visualization is best carried out in KNIME or Orange. Orange with its “ad-hoc” execution of nodes caters to scientists doing quick analyses on small amounts of data, while KNIME is built from the ground up for large tables and images. Noteworthy is that none of the mentioned tools provide image processing capabilities as extensive as those of the KNIME Image Processing plugin (KNIP).
    9. Compared to other tools KNIME focuses on a deeper integration of tools and tries to manage the data that flows in the workflow by itself. Tools like Galaxy and Taverna, on the other hand, rather orchestrate command line tools that exchange files. Orange is very similar to KNIME in that it has extensive machine learning capabilities, but focuses more on the analysis of smaller data sets. We conclude that there are workflow tools for a variety of different use cases and that it is the scientists task to choose the tool that fits the problem at hand best. While there are certainly overlaps, each tool excels at its intended purpose.
    10. KNIME's network mining extension also has an integration with the open source bioinformatics software platform Cytoscape,9 which can be used to visualize molecular interaction networks and biological pathways. Installing the KNIME Connector plugin in Cytoscape enables users to exchange networks between the two tools.
  11. Nov 2018
    1. Hospitalists were seen as people to lead the charge for safety because they were already taking care of patients, already focused on reducing LOS and improving care delivery—and never to be underestimated, they were omnipresent, Dr. Gandhi says of her experience with hospitalists around 2000 at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. “At least where I was, hospitalists truly were leaders in the quality and safety space, and it was just a really good fit for the kind of mindset and personality of a hospitalist because they’re very much … integrators of care across hospitals,” she says. “They interface with so many different areas of the hospital and then try to make all of that work better.”

      role of hospitalists in safety and quality

    1. In today's fast-paced knowledge-intensive economy, work of importanceis increasingly accomplished coUaboratively through informal networks. As aresult, assessing and supporting strategically important informal networks inorganizations can yield substantial performance benefits. In addition, networkrelationships are critical anchoring points for employees, whose loyalty andcommitment may be more to sets of individuals in their network than to a givenorganization. Our research (and that of others) has found that these informalnetworks are increasingly important contributors to employee job satisfactionand performance. Yet despite their importance, these networks are rarely well-supported or even understood by the organizations in which they are embedded.Social network analysis provides a means with which to identify and assess thehealth of strategically important networks within an organization. By makingvisible these otherwise "invisible" patterns of interaction, it becomes possible towork with important groups to facilitate effective collaboration

      The author does a great job of examining social relationships and the effect they have in the workplace. The author asserts that by making the connections and work visible there will be a better result.


  12. learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
    1. A number of authors argue that professional development requires adual focus on both knowledge of subject matter content and an understand-ing of how children learn specific content.

      This article addresses what makes professional development effective and why. It reviews study results to show what works in a national sample of teachers. This article has good information on professional development.


    1. This article takes a different perspective on technological integration, showing that sometimes technology, when used improperly, can set a class backwards.Examples in the article clearly show that effective use of technology is extremely important, otherwise the technology may cause more problems than it offers solutions.

      Rating: 9/10

    1. This article takes the perspective that education should not necessarily be solely focused on educational experiences, as we tend to do. Rather, technology should also have a focus in supporting non-academic areas and using data to drive instruction.

      Rating: 7/10

    1. This research takes an interesting look into the role gender plays in self-efficacy in technology. The research finds that self-efficacy in technology was primarily effected by gender and gender roles, not specifically by biological sex.

      Rating: 10/10

    1. Several problems and barriers to technological integration are often included in the discussion about using technology in higher education, however it is less common that solutions are presented. This article proposes solutions for transforming educational technology through personalized experiences and collaboration.

      Rating: 8/10

    1. This site includes five highly effective technological resources that instructors can use in their higher ed classrooms. What is especially useful about this site is that it includes a rationale for all the proposed technologies, ensuring that the technology is not just including in lesson planning for technology's sake.

      Rating: 10/10

    1. We often talk about avoiding the use of technology for technology's sake and ensuring here is relevance in the integration. This site lays out specific characteristics of effective technologies in the classroom.

      Rating: 9/10

    2. What Is Successful Technology Integration?

      This article offers a few ideas on how to measure the success of technology integration. Rating: 4/5

    1. This article brings up the important issue of accessibility as a barrier to technology integration. It is suggested that accessibility should be a much more pressing concern than technological relevance to a lesson plan. First it is important to know whether or not all students will still have equal access and ability to reach mastery with the deliver method provided.

      Rating: 7/10

    1. This article focuses on the importance of using technological integration in the classroom correctly and effectively. Barriers to effectiveness, as the article states, are often linked to lack of rational, vision, or necessity for including technology in instruction.

      Rating: 8/10

    1. This is scholarly article that shares research findings in questions such as, to what extent is there a relationship between faculty's comfortableness with technology and perception of technology integration and student success? The data is very interesting, including the fact that students in the sample reported being most proficient with a printer and least proficient with a smarboard. This definitely indicates a shift in what technological knowledge a professor will need verses their students.

      Rating: 9/10

    1. This page has easy-to-follow methods for integrating technology into academic advising practices. Many of the theories listed are quite similar to simply good teaching techniques such as using data to drive instruction and maintaining continuous outreach. Rating: 8/10

    1. This site gives a thorough overview into the integration of technology in the classroom. The most helpful element it includes is a list of limitations to consider within this integration. The downside is you will have to "dig" a little through the article to find the solutions to these problems, as they are not immediately obvious. Rating: 8/10

    1. Instructional Design Strategies for Intensive Online Courses: An Objectivist-Constructivist Blended Approach

      This was an excellent article Chen (2007) in defining and laying out how a blended learning approach of objectivist and constructivist instructional strategies work well in online instruction and the use of an actual online course as a study example.

      RATING: 4/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)

    1. Distance Education Trends: Integrating new technologies to foster student interaction and collaboration

      This article explores the interaction of student based learner-centered used of technology tools such as wikis, blogs and podcasts as new and emerging technology tools. With distance learning programs becoming more and more popular, software applications such as Writeboard, InstaCol and Imeem may become less of the software of choice. The article looks closely at the influence of technology and outcomes.

      RATING: 4/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)

    1. Factors Influencing Teachers' Integration of ICT in Teaching and Learning

      ICT is enhancing communication in the digital learning environment. In this article the integration of ICT is explored and reveals how both teachers and students are able to better utilize their digital options 24/7 more effectively and efficiently. In addition, a gap has been identified in being showing how to best use ICT in the learning environment and included are in-depth studies of its’ use. The article identifies factors influencing teachers’ decision to integrate ICT in teaching.

      RATING: 4/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)

    1. 10 Training Tips for a Successful Technology Integration

      This blog provides ten tips to successfully integrate technology in the classroom. The tips include conducting a needs assessment, plan ahead, and to not let the technology become the focus. Rating: 5/5

    1. Technology Integration for the New 21st Century Learner

      Although focusing on younger learners, this article details many things to consider when integrating technology into the classroom. Additionally, Blair shares ideas for developing a plan to continue technology planning into the future. Rating: 4/5

    1. Technology Integration and Higher Education

      Dr. Jones explains that instructors are reluctant to use technology and choose to use a traditional lecture as a teaching method. He continues to explore how to eliminate the barriers to technology integration. Rating: 5/5

    1. Anticipating and Addressing Challenges With Technology in Developmental Education

      The authors describe how to anticipate and handle challenges with technology integration in developmental education. They insist that vendors and end users must work together to develop technology that will benefit everyone. Rating: 4/5

    1. Bringing IT to the Forefront of Innovation: How to Leverage Technology to Drive Innovation on Campus

      Dr. Burrell explores how technology can be used to more tightly integrate students and faculty and provide an efficient form of communication and discovery. He also details what is needed from a technical standpoint to make technology easily adoptable by universities. Rating: 4/5

    1. What K–12 Administrators Should Think About When Integrating Classroom Tech

      This article describes how school districts who wish to integrate more technology into their classrooms should approach the integration. Rating: 4/5

    1. Here's how technology is shaping the future of education

      This article explains how technology is changing education and offers a few examples of how it has already done so. Rating: 5/5

    1. 5 Teaching Strategies to Engage Students Using Technology

      This article offers strategies on how to integrate technology into the classroom and get students involved. Rating: 4/5

    1. Learning Needs Analysis of Collaborative E-Classes in Semi-Formal Settings: The REVIT Example.

      This article explores the importance of analysis of instructional design which seems to be often downplayed particularly in distance learning. ADDIE, REVIT have been considered when evaluating whether the training was meaningful or not and from that a central report was extracted and may prove useful in the development of similar e-learning situations for adult learning.

      RATING: 4/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)

  13. May 2018
  14. Nov 2017
    1. The EU is ASEAN's second largest trading partner. Based on EU statistics, in 2015 ASEAN-EU two-way trade in goods stood at €201 billion, an 11% increase on 2014. In 2015, ASEAN exported almost €118 billion to the EU and the EU €83 billion to ASEAN.

      ASEAN is second largest trading partner.

  15. Apr 2017
    1. tongue

      The smaller text and indent implies its a quotation, but she doesn't cite an author? Am I missing something here?

      Though I'd like to also use this annotation to say I really like what Anzaldua does with these quotations--they're not just serving as headers, but interstitched throughout the sections. Some of the earlier ones were much more loosely connected to their sections, too, which has an interesting effect for the reader.

  16. Jan 2017
    1. And all the while, the math teachers get essentially relegated to “managing the [Teach to One] program rather than to providing direct instruction” themselves.

      This definitely is a concern with "programs": that teachers essentially become technicians charged with implementing the program.

    1. Those schools that work best socialize the next generation into thinking, feeling, and acting beings who work in communities, thrive in workplaces, and learn to live fully in a digital world.

      Thinking how? Feeling how? Acting how? What are the best relational and pedagogic practices for "intertwining" analog and digital as suggested?

    2. Each of these professionals is immensely aided by new technologies they use daily yet their work depends upon human interaction and unfolding relationships.

      This is most certainly true and I often sense a strain on those who strongly believe this to imagine how technology can really benefit. It is almost seen as a zero sum game, with relationships at odds with "tech".

  17. Nov 2016
  18. Jun 2016
    1. “Does segregation of children in public schools solely on the basis of race, even though the physical facilities and other ‘tangible’ factors may be equal, deprive the children of the minority group of equal educational opportunities? We believe that it does.” The ruling made clear that because this nation was founded on a racial caste system, black children would never become equals as long as they were separated from white children.

      And I know that my giving up on integration basically denies the truth of this. When I say that we need to give the African-American and Latino students the best counter-education we can give them, I am accepting that they will always be separate and unequal. I don't accept that, but what can I do about it? This is inspiring: http://www.integratenyc4me.com/

  19. Oct 2015
  20. Apr 2015
    1. First, the domain is a poor candidate because the domain of all entities relevant to neurobiological function is extremely large, highly fragmented into separate subdisciplines, and riddled with lack of consensus (Shirky, 2005).

      Probably a good thing to add to the Complex Data integration workshop write up

  21. Mar 2015