949 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2020
    1. And most important: No proprietary encryption software can be fully trusted
    2. If you are concerned about privacy and looking for a bullet-proof solution then the only way to go is open-source software. For example, there was another incident with a proprietary file "encrypter" for Android/iOS which used the simplest possible "encryption" on earth: XORing of data that is as easy to crack a monkey could do that. Would not happen to an open-source software. If you're worried about the mobile app not being as reliable (backdoors etc.) as the desktop app: compile it yourself from sources. https/github.com/MiniKeePass/MiniKeePass You can also compile the desktop version yourself. Honestly, I doubt most people, including you and me, will bother.
    1. 1Password wasn’t built in a vacuum. It was developed on top of open standards that anyone with the right skills can investigate, implement, and improve. Open tools are trusted, proven, and constantly getting better. Here’s how 1Password respects the principles behind the open tools on which it relies:

      I found it ironic that this proprietary software that I have avoided using because it is proprietary software is touting the importance of open tools.

    1. Changing things doesn't necessarily imply improving them and it's improvement we should strive for, otherwise change is pointless.

      I'd even go further and argue why change things at all in first place ? And that's why Open Source Software is better in this debate too. Don't change your software just for the sake of change.

    1. Autologous growth factors are harvested from the patient’s own platelets, yielding an unpredictable combination and concentration of factors, which are then applied to the wound.
    1. So what will happen with these projects from now on? All of the projects above have one thing in common: they were created and maintained by passionate individuals who wanted to make positive contributions to their communities. Without these individuals and their efforts, these projects would not have become what they are today. Therefore, it is only fair that Plataformatec gives these individuals control of these projects moving forward.
    1. Automattic uses WordPress to power WordPress.com, and it contributes back code and time to the WordPress project. It is a symbiotic relationship. It isn’t accurate to say that WordPress is Automattic’s product, or that WordPress came from Automattic. Indeed, the opposite is true — Automattic came from WordPress, and Automattic (through WordPress.com) exists as part of the vast WordPress community and ecosystem.

      That's probably a common misconception. I'm glad they clarified that because I might have assumed that as well:

      It isn’t accurate to say that WordPress is Automattic’s product, or that WordPress came from Automattic. Indeed, the opposite is true — Automattic came from WordPress, and Automattic (through WordPress.com) exists as part of the vast WordPress community and ecosystem.

  2. Mar 2020
    1. Piwik PRO uses a fork of Piwik open-source software (similarly to RedHat using the Linux kernel and multiple open source tools), however we currently seamlessly integrate a part of open source Piwik in our proprietary platform via APIs. Moreover, Piwik PRO controls all the changes to the code used in its Analytics Suite and since 2016 has been maintaining and developing its own fork of “Piwik” alongside the proprietary modules of Analytics Suite.
    1. We are independently developing each of our products and don’t require permission from any other organization to improve them or create new functionalities.
    1. Google Analytics created an option to remove the last octet (the last group of 3 numbers) from your visitor’s IP-address. This is called ‘IP Anonymization‘. Although this isn’t complete anonymization, the GDPR demands you use this option if you want to use Analytics without prior consent from your visitors. Some countris (e.g. Germany) demand this setting to be enabled at all times.
  3. Feb 2020
    1. We believe load test scripts should be plain code to get all the benefits of version control, as opposed to say unreadable and tool generated XML.

      Saw another comment lamenting the use of ugly/unreasonable XML files:


      Tired of using the JMeter GUI or looking at hairy XML files?

    2. We commit to build the load testing tool with the best developer experience, k6, and developing it in the open with the community, read our document on stewardship of the OSS k6 project. We believe this is key and the necessary foundation to build great developer tooling.
    3. we believe that developer tools should be open source to allow for a community to form and drive the project forward through discussions and contributions. Hence why we built k6, the load testing tool we’ve always wanted ourselves!
    1. To never block or remove features from k6 in order to make them exclusive to Load Impact’s SaaS productStrive not to delay introduction of new features in the k6 OSS tool, if the feature was planned to appear both there and in Load Impact’s SaaS productTo never introduce into the k6 OSS tool any artificial limits designed to promote conversion to Load Impact’s SaaS productTo work with the community, participating in and prioritize building the functionality the k6 community wants, making it the prefered tool for load testing
    2. With k6, our goal has always been to create the best load testing tool for the modern working developer and that we do this in collaboration with the k6 community. Our revenue will not come from k6 directly, but from premium value creating offers based on k6. These offers will be made available at https://loadimpact.com. Load Impact premium offers will have focus on providing further simplicity, productivity and ease to use functionality.
    3. We believe the key to Load Impact’s long-term success as a Company is to foster an active community of users around k6 as an open source project. To achieve this long-term goal, it is vital that we do not withhold new features from k6 based on whether or not they compete with our SaaS offering.
    4. Load Impact is a for profit organization, and recognizes that there is a need to balance this requirement with the needs of the k6 open source project. In the longer run, we strongly believe that those two needs will rarely be in conflict.
    5. Load Impact is the initiator of, and an active participant in, the k6 open-source project, trying to serve its needs and lead by example
    1. We Open Source and actively participate in various OSS programs such as Google Summer of Code(GSoC), Rails Girls Summer of Code (RGSoC), Outreachy and Google Code-In (GCI).
    1. With version 6.1.4, the Foxit installer was bundled with potentially unwanted programs like OpenCandy which installed the browser-hijacking malware Conduit.[11][12] Following complaints from users, it was removed after version 6.2.1.[13] In July 2014, the Internet Storm Center reported that the mobile version for iPhone was transmitting unencrypted telemetry and other data to remote servers located in China despite users attempting to opt out of such data collection.[14]
    1. "We are at a time where some people doubt the validity of science," he says. "And if people feel that they are part of this great adventure that is science, I think they're more inclined to trust it. And that's really great."

      These citizen scientists in Finland helped identify a new type of "northern light". Basically, 2 people were able to take a shot of the same display at the same second, 60 miles apart, allowing for depth resolution.

  4. Jan 2020
    1. In many cases, the projects exist, and the developers are eager to do the work, but schedules and the demands of producing sustainable income prohibits focus on the effort. What's needed is a relatively small amount of funding to facilitate that focus.

      True that! I'd love to work on open-source projects like this if only I could feed my family while working on them...

    1. I was going through the source for Thin and noticed that instead of using require, Marc-Andre Cournoyer was using a method called autoload to load thin's constituent parts.
    1. More broadly, we hope that others, especially the hundreds of new startups in synthetic biology, consider sharing pre-competitive ideas, methods, tools, etc. We think the community will be stronger as a result.

      This is a great initiative. Hat's off to this company - Octant-bio for encouraging open sourcing of their hard work and optimization.

  5. Dec 2019
    1. tus is brought to you by the people behind Transloadit but the source code to all of our implementations, this website and even the protocol itself is accessible to everyone under MIT license
    1. If you need a tool to backup your documents and files please take a look at the excellent BackInTime application which is more configurable and provides options for saving user files.
    2. Timeshift for Linux is an application that provides functionality similar to the System Restore feature in Windows and the Time Machine tool in Mac OS.
    1. Choose Your Plan
    2. Transparently Secure. We believe that transparency and openness are the best foundation for trust so we are building Padloc completely out in the open. Our source code is developed under an open source licence so anyone can review it, provide feedback and even offer contributions at any time!
  6. Nov 2019
    1. We hope that this approach will bring us the best of worlds - the ability to have a commercially sustainable product, with high quality - as well as giving back to the open source communities by having our work eventually end up in the open, and ensuring that external contributions are always open source.
    2. Because of the support we've received from open source communities, we've decided to dual-license the code after 18 months

      Interesting licensing solution/choice...

    1. the main reason we built a new multiprocess architecture is that Chromium's multiprocess support was never contributed to the WebKit project. It has always lived in the separate Chromium tree, making it pretty hard to use for non-Chrome purposes.Before we wrote a single line of what would become WebKit2 we directly asked Google folks if they would be willing to contribute their multiprocess support back to WebKit, so that we could build on it. They said no.
    1. Its ridership (and particularly bus ridership!) is up. Oh, and traffic is down.

      agrees nor disagrees with both sources

    2. Meeting regions’ climate goals demands cities get better about transit.

      source agrees

    3. And while Uber and Lyft have grabbed headlines for convincing people to abandon transit in big cities like New York and Chicago, the TransitCenter says that the effects of those services are limited to just a few dense, urban places.

      source disagrees

    4. according to a new report from transportation research and advocacy organization TransitCenter, riders are even less enthused about public transit than they were two years ago.

      background/problem/agrees with source

    5. Today, many regions have cheap gas, easy-come auto loans, Uber, Lyft, and now a new breed of bike- and scooter-share. So transit users aren’t riding like they used to.

      what caused this problem/source neither agrees nor disagrees, hence the "Don't Blame Uber" in the title

    6. transit riders sat down to talk about what sucks about the bus. “What is it about the bus?” the interviewer said, and they were off.

      this source agrees with what these transit riders have to say about transit

    1. Some time ago I asked on Reddit: “What’s the consensus among the React community for testing React components?” Shawn Wang replied: “testing is an enormously complicated and nuanced topic on which there isn’t a consensus anywhere in JS, much less in React.” I was not trying to find the best library for testing React. Mainly because there isn’t one.
  7. Oct 2019
    1. Probably some context-setting is in order. This meeting is primarily devoted to getting yes-or-no decisions made on suggestions which have fairly clear outcomes. In other words, it's effectively a "shortest job first" throughput-maximizing endeavor where we try to pay down some of the massive triage debt we have while also getting as many suggestions accepted or declined in a short turnaround time.
    1. Issues can be funded by anyone and the money will be transparently distributed to the contributors handling a particular issue.
    2. If you are using Utility-Types please consider donating as this will guarantee the project will be updated and maintained in the long run.
    1. There's no problem with Chromecast per se it's just that Chromecast is a closed ecosystem that doesn't lend itself very well to experimentation.
    1. Their hope by announcing so loudly what they have accomplished, is that others in the Android modder/hacker scene will step up and help them turn this root exploit into something useful for users by deploying features that are not currently available through the Google controlled Chromecast experience.
  8. Sep 2019
  9. Aug 2019
    1. I'm working full time on Material-UI since 2019. I was working on it during my free time before that. I hope that I can leverage my full-time involvement in the library to make it really awesome. You are right, the project is well-funded. We hope we can fund the time of more than 1 person full time in the future, with the current growth rate, it should soon be possible. We have 3 people working part-time on the project (Matt, Sebastian and Josh), plus the community behind us (+1,000 code contributors).
    1. Thanks to the lust of innovation brewed by productivism, there’s companies everywhere seeking talented self-motivated creatives to unquestionably follow orders, to ensure their company is the winner out of many losers;

      There are several companies that although they have closed-source products, they have large open-source projects that are core-components to their product. Thing Facebook and it's open-source projects or Microsoft and their open-sourcing of the asp.net and corresponding frameworks. It seems like in general, there is a trend toward companies open-sourcing their DX tools, which is what a majority of open-source projects are....

  10. Jul 2019
    1. Software Sustainability Institute, based at the University of Edinburgh, provides free, short, online evaluations of software sustainability, and fellowships of £3,000 ($US3,800) for researchers based in Britain or their collaborators.

      UK only additional opportunity for open source software funding: Software Sustainability Institute (University of Edinburgh)

    2. One Twitter thread (see go.nature.com/2yekao5) documents grants from the NSF’s Division of Biological Infrastructure, the NIH’s National Human Genome Research Institute and the National Cancer Institute, and a joint programme from the NSF and the UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (now part of UK Research and Innovation). Private US foundations such as the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation and the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI) also fund open-source software support.

      Funding opportunities for open source software

  11. May 2019
    1. By “Infrastructure” we mean

      ​The definition of "open infrastructure" (or the software component of open infrastructure) should include an explicit requirement for open-source code.​ Even an explicit recommendation short of a requirement would be better than the current definition, which is entirely silent the value of opening the code. The Elsevier acquisition of bepress (to use one example among many) would have been much less harmful to the community if the code had been open and user institutions could hold on to the platform, fork it if they wanted, take it in their own direction, and continue using it without becoming Elsevier customers.

    1. Methodology The classic OSINT methodology you will find everywhere is strait-forward: Define requirements: What are you looking for? Retrieve data Analyze the information gathered Pivoting & Reporting: Either define new requirements by pivoting on data just gathered or end the investigation and write the report.

      Etienne's blog! Amazing resource for OSINT; particularly focused on technical attacks.

  12. Apr 2019
    1. So in theory, one could imagine an organization that produces a different kind of document. Instead of a license for the source code, they would provide a way to say uh, let’s go with “Open Development Certified.” Projects could then submit for certification, they’d get accepted or rejected.

      This sounds a lot like the Apache trademark, to me.

  13. Mar 2019
    1. They could plan their forestry better and make it more ecologically friendly. They should log secondary forests that are not so valuable instead of virgin forestry. Ikea has the means to do this," Ilina told IPS.

      The source is intellectually honest because it allows both sides of the argument to voice their opinions.

    1. Born in 1969, Turin, he has always nurtured a magnetic attraction towards art and creativity. This passion has sublimated her in her professional career in the Lavazza Group , of which she is a member of the board of directors.
    1. Ami Vitale has documented the wild nature and poachers of Africa, recounted the conflicts between man and the environment and engaged in initiatives to save the Northern white rhino and reintroduce pandas into their habitat. Her philosophy of "living history" brought her to over 100 countries, where she lived in mud huts and war zones, contracted malaria and disguised herself as a panda to tell her secret life (Ami Vitale is author of the best seller "Panda Love").
    2. "Nature is the work of art par excellence - commented Francesca Lavazza, member of the company's Board of Directors
    1. For Ami Vitale, the Good to Earth calendar «is the dream project. After telling about war, poverty or health in over a hundred countries, what really struck me was that, in the end, the outcomes of any story are conditioned by nature - he says -. Losing a piece of nature has an effect on each of us, we need nature to survive, it is not nature that needs us. In a world with more than seven billion people we must begin to see ourselves as an integral part of the landscape and deal with it ».
    1. "Today there is a great need for a positive art that is not an end in itself, but capable of leaving a mark, inspiring, moving consciences. This is why the positive art of 'Good to Earth' opposes the one-way narration of the Earth as a 'sick patient' and chooses to tell examples of virtuous behavior and environmental requalification, which we hope will infect people, especially the younger ones, and inspire a direct commitment to safeguard our planet ", explains Francesca Lavazza
    1. “We still have many untapped opportunities to keep developing our markets, bring purpose into all of our brands, and that will translate into more opportunities for growth right across our considerable geographic footprint.”​Jope stressed the need to deliver “quality”​ growth that is consistent, competitive, profitable and responsible.“To have consistent growth, we need to use the breadth of our portfolio to avoid or minimize the impact of onetime shocks. Competitive growth is simple, growing ahead of our markets. Profitable growth is going to require that we get the right balance of price and volume mix in any period as well as keep delivering strong savings and efficiency programs.​“And finally, our growth will, of course, be responsible, which means putting purposes into our brands and making continued progress on the ambitious environmental and social roles that we set out in the Unilever Sustainable Living Plan.​“It is not purpose ahead of profits. It's purpose that drives better profits.”​

      Again, an article that presents the conflicting nature of a purpose brand. This clearly states the new CEO of Unilver is going to put profit first. This is my last annotation. Overall, I would say that I still find the 50 foods campaign reliable. If you look at it simply as an informative document I think it is accurate, and a good publication However I think it is worth it to understand the authors as well. Unilever is not a perfect company, nor is WWF. Far from it. I hope that we can support this 50 foods campaign and other good choices while still holding Knorr Unilever and WWF accountable for their contradictions, hypocrisy, corruption, and bad choices.

    1. “Unilever believes that complete transparency is needed for radical transformation,” Engel said in a statement posted on Unilever’s website. Advertisement“This is a big step toward greater transparency, but we know there is more work to be done to achieve a truly sustainable palm oil industry and we will continue our efforts to make this a reality.”

      This is an interesting move. On the one hand, I wish Unilever woulds stop messing with products like whitening skin cream and pal oil. But if they are going to use palm oil I'd rather they be transparent about it. It makes me hope, perhaps naively that they will always be transparent about what they do. It's encouraging and discouraging at the same time.

    1. Fair & Lovely is not the only Unilever product to shore up problematic ideas about skin colour. In 2013 the company drew criticism for a body lotion promotion campaign in Thailand, which appeared to portray lighter skinned female students as smarter than dark-skinned ones.  Its other brands such as Pond’s also contain whitening lotions.  Unilever’s wares are also not the only ones on the market to run counter to the spirit of the SDGs; every single product that implies that any skin colour is inferior is guilty of this. (One might argue that tanning products also sell a way for people to temporarily change their skin colour, but pale skin carries much less socio-cultural baggage than dark skin does). 

      It's really horrifying that Unilever sells skin whitening products. It makes me trust them much less. It's such an ignorant thing for a supposedly smart and sustainable company to do.

    2. While there have been some valid feminist critiques about Dove’s emphasis on beauty and empowerment through consumerism, Dove and Unilever’s other Sustainable Living Brands have, by and large, lived up to the spirit of the Sustainable Development Goals.  But products such as Fair & Lovely contravene the goals on several counts. Goal 5, for instance, aims to empower all women and girls.  While Fair & Lovely ostensibly wants to “give women the confidence to overcome their own hesitations and fears to achieve their true potential”, it has spent decades portraying dark-skinned women as people who are overlooked romantically and professionally, until they buy their way to fairer skin.  If a company truly wants to empower women, surely a better way to do this is to break down stereotypes that perpetuate sexism and colourism—that is, discrimination on the basis of skin colour—rather than to sell people a product to pander to those insecurities?

      At the beginning of the semester, we talked about how gender equality and female empowerment are part of sustainability. This is a very good point. If Unilever doesn't remember or care about things like this, it undermines their other goals.

    1. Unilever cannot be faulted for its dedication and good intentions. And as long as sustainability equals efficiency, all is well. Both Unilever and the world benefit, exactly the way Paul Polman likes it. Reducing the use of pesticides is good for both the environment and the company’s shareholders. The more fruit a palm oil tree can bear, the less land will have to be cleared. But win-win scenarios are not often as clear-cut. Personal care product sales are up and while this means sustainability brownie points for Unilever, it also causes environmental problems in the emerging economies. And the Roundtable which was supposed to promote sustainability, has become a lightning conductor for an unsustainable production model. Unilever’s proud boast is that it has managed to ‘decouple’ or separate higher revenue from environmental impact. It is a first move towards the beacon of sustainable growth. A closer look at the company’s Sustainable Living Plan shows Unilever is on schedule in most areas (although deadlines are moved about), except when it comes to the environmental impact of consumer use. That is where the bullets on the sustainability dashboard turn an angry red. Greenhouse gas emissions ‘per consumer unit' went up eight per cent from 2010. That poses a problem, since two thirds of Unilever’s total CO2 emissions stem from consumer use. So the business is growing – but not in a very green way. People want to consume responsibly but not less. Authorities are willing to go green as long as the public purse does not suffer. And companies are no longer bogey men but part of the solution. Paul Polman is a welcome guest because his message is a comfortable one. As head of a transnational company he is making the world a better place. But unlike his idols Ghandi and Mother Theresa, the Unilever boss, while looking after People and Planet, must never lose sight of Profit, as the recent Kraft-Heinz takeover attempt attests.

      I think this is one of the most objective reviews of former CEO of Unilever, and is accurate about the current state of Unilever. I think we should always take what a company says about sustainability with a grain of salt because it is still trying to profit. But, we need people who care in business. Businesses contribute to pollution more than anyone else. Unilever is still kind of in a gray area, but I think their efforts still make them reputable overall, at least in the eyes of the public.

    1. Experts estimate that in Africa alone, conservation efforts have created 14 million "conservation refugees" since the colonial era. In this model, some of the indigenous people, if they were lucky enough, could work as park wardens, preventing their relatives from entering the protected zones.

      This adds to the conflicting reputation and credibility of WWF. I think that sometimes they put animals above people when, in reality, we need to honor both animals and people for sustainability. We're all part of the ecosystem. Having 14 million displaced people is not sustainable. WWF is very complicated; they seem to have great intentions but sometimes poor execution. It's hard to say whether or not to trust them.

    1. You might expect global food conglomerates to resist such a diversity push. But Dorothy Shaver, who is head of sustainability for Knorr, says the company wants to be part of this movement. She says the shift in the amount and types of food people eat is inevitable and will also open new markets. "This actually gives us a major opportunity to identify some of the flavors that people are missing out on," she says. "And then we can get them on people's plates. We can get people to switch out one of their white potatoes that they eat potentially four or five times a week with a purple yam. Or in Indonesia make it an Indonesian sweet potato instead of white rice." Shaver says doing this all over the planet would have an enormous impact on the environment. She says Knorr will try to mainstream 10 or 15 of these so-called future foods in its dishes. She says its popular cheddar and broccoli rice dish will soon have versions featuring black beans and quinoa instead of rice.

      Dorothy Shaver designed the report. This article shows she is personally committed to the cause.

  14. wwf.panda.org wwf.panda.org
    1. WWF wishes to convene stakeholders from across the food system and integrate decisions that will ensure human and planetary health. Together, we have the power to bring food to the top of the conservation agenda and help deliver tangible results which protect our future. Our goal is to create sustainable food systems that safeguard the variety of life on Earth while ensuring food security, now and in the future. To achieve this, WWF works to improve how our food is produced, to change the way we eat, and to ensure food goes in our bodies not in the bin. Together with others, we are focusing on three key outcomes by 2030: - Half of the area used for agriculture and aquaculture is sustainably managed, with no new areas being converted - Global food waste is halved and post-harvest loss is reduced - Half of food consumption is in line with World Health Organisation dietary guidelines in target countries:

      Still unsure how credible I find WWF but they seem to have good ideas about food sustainability.

    1. The unwashed masses will not be moved by this stunt which validates the idea that it’s okay to peddle fake news for a just cause. Sitting on the opposite end of the spectrum, Joseph Barratt, CEO of Mutant Communications lauded the campaign for the impact it had. “It provoked emotions and discussions in households and workplaces around Singapore in an area where it is typically difficult to break through the noise. The outrage at the faux business drove awareness with limited resources,” he said, adding: Any allegations that the campaign spread fake news is misrepresenting a real issue in the media today.

      This article is interesting. I don't think in this instance that WWF was involved in spreading fake news, but it does show they are capable of devising plans that don't necessarily put ethics first. It's a good reminder that WWF is still involved in trying to market itself and get press. I think that WWF doesn't take a comprehensive approach to understanding the ivory trade, which is largely a result of poverty. This makes them a little less credible to me. Although, some people might find them more credible for going so far for a cause.

    1. A yearlong BuzzFeed News investigation across six countries — based on more than 100 interviews and thousands of pages of documents, including confidential memos, internal budgets, and emails discussing weapons purchases — can reveal:Villagers have been whipped with belts, attacked with machetes, beaten unconscious with bamboo sticks, sexually assaulted, shot, and murdered by WWF-supported anti-poaching units, according to reports and documents obtained by BuzzFeed News.The charity’s field staff in Asia and Africa have organized anti-poaching missions with notoriously vicious shock troops, and signed off on a proposal to kill trespassers penned by a park director who presided over the killings of dozens of people.WWF has provided paramilitary forces with salaries, training, and supplies — including knives, night vision binoculars, riot gear, and batons — and funded raids on villages. In one African country, it embroiled itself in a botched arms deal to buy assault rifles from a brutal army that has paraded the streets with the severed heads of alleged “criminals.”The charity has operated like a global spymaster, organizing, financing, and running dangerous and secretive networks of informants motivated by “fear” and “revenge,” including within indigenous communities, to provide park officials with intelligence — all while publicly denying working with informants. { "id": 122412833 } Jorge Silva / Reuters World Wildlife Fund activists demonstrate on the sidelines of the UN Climate Change conference. { "id": 122247237 } WWF has launched an “independent review” led by human rights specialists into the evidence uncovered by BuzzFeed News. “We see it as our urgent responsibility to get to the bottom of the allegations BuzzFeed has made, and we recognize the importance of such scrutiny,” the charity said in a statement. “With this in mind, and while many of BuzzFeed’s assertions do not match our understanding of events, we have commissioned an independent review into the matters raised.” The charity declined to answer detailed questions sent by BuzzFeed News.

      Again, this is very hard to ignore. This is the biggest thing cutting into the campaign. It makes me suspicious. Even if everything WWF said in the campaign was true and ethical, I think it's a bad idea to work with a company that's involved in such abuses. Hopefully Unilever was unaware of these problems. If they had known and collaborated with WWF anyway, that would be a serious knock to their credibility and reliability.

    2. Shikharam’s alleged murder in 2006 was no isolated incident: It was part of a pattern that persists to this day. In national parks across Asia and Africa, the beloved nonprofit with the cuddly panda logo funds, equips, and works directly with paramilitary forces that have been accused of beating, torturing, sexually assaulting, and murdering scores of people. As recently as 2017, forest rangers at a WWF-funded park in Cameroon tortured an 11-year-old boy in front of his parents, the family told BuzzFeed News. Their village submitted a complaint to WWF, but months later, the family said they still hadn’t heard back. { "id": 122251936 } Tsering Dolker Gurung for BuzzFeed News People living near Nepal's Chitwan National Park. { "id": 122247237 } WWF said that it does not tolerate any brutality by its partners. “Human rights abuses are totally unacceptable and can never be justified in the name of conservation,” the charity said in a statement.But WWF has provided high-tech enforcement equipment, cash, and weapons to forces implicated in atrocities against indigenous communities. In the coming days, BuzzFeed News will reveal how the charity has continued funding and equipping rangers, even after higher-ups became aware of evidence of serious human rights abuses.

      This shows that WWF breaks its own rules. It makes me wonder if their partnership with Unilever is about sustainability or money. Unfortunately I think very few people know of this scandal, so it hasn't impacted WWF's reputation. But I think it could.

    3. WWF Funds Guards Who Have Tortured And Killed People

      This comprehensive article is the biggest blow to Unilever's campaign. WWF is one of the main partners who wrote the report. Although WWF has a history of doing good things for the planet, this article is very hard to swallow. It made me completely distrust WWF.

    1. The focus areas that were addressed in the methodology for this report were nutritional value, relative environmental impact, flavour, accessibility, acceptability and affordability

      This portion of the document explains every detail that went into picking each food. The process includes many different measures of sustainability and health. All of the science is current and accurate.


      This comprehensive list of varied references makes the document very reliable.

    1. "Polman's corporate social responsibility agenda certainly did gripe with a number of investors and so we shall watch with interest to see if continuity persists in this arena; we would expect evolution rather than revolution though," Clive Black, the head of research at UK stockbrokers Shore Capital, says. Jefferies' Deboo agrees there will be some changes – and argues Jope should look to do so. "My logic would be it would be hard not to be less sustainability-focused than Polman. Polman was the absolute high priest. My sense of Jope is that he comes across as this sort of, straight-up, affable guy, who looks to me to be more of a commercial pragmatist. My sense is you'll probably see it dialled down. That's my instinct," Deboo says. "It may be my personal prejudice but I think it had gone too far anyway. Not only was it alienating shareholders but I also think the marketing execution at Unilever had become far too leaden and earnest and purpose-driven. The Sustainable Living Plan was squeezing the joy out of the marketing, in my view. I would hope that Jope would dial that back a bit."

      This is one of the first things I've seen that makes me question Unilever. In 2018, a new CEO took over, and now it seems there may be some doubt about whether or not he continues to keep Unilever as sustainable as it was. I don't think it changes the brands reputation to most but it does introduce questions that might lower some peoples trust.

    2. Polman was perhaps the most vocal advocate for the food industry – and business in general – to embed sustainability in how companies operate. On issues from climate change and water scarcity to energy use and ethical trading, the Dutchman was almost Polman the preacher. In 2010, Unilever launched its Sustainable Living Plan, a ten-year programme to reduce the company's impact on the environment and "decouple" that impact from its growth. "It's our business model. This is the way we do business. This is our permission to operate ten, 15 years from now," Polman just-food in an interview in 2012. Not everyone in the investor community welcomed Polman's position (nor, for that matter, those of peers like Danone CEO Emmanuel Faber), arguing the purpose-led approach to running the business was in danger of being at the expense of shareholders.

      This description of the former CEO of Unilever shows that sustainability is not a new value for Unilever. Former CEO Polman introduced many, at the time, controversial practices that were more sustainable. This establishes a history of Unilever caring about ethics and sustainable food.

    1. Unilever brand Knorr is testing a new video ad format that allows viewers to choose a charity to benefit from the revenue it derives if they view an ad for at least 15 seconds.The technology was built by Good-Loop, which describes itself as an “ethical online video advertising platform seeking to fix the problems experienced in ad tech."

      Unilever now has a way to help social media users donate to charity. Although it is mostly a clever way to push ads, it still shows that they care about ethics as well as business.

    1. The firm, behind more than 400 brands from Ben & Jerry's ice-cream to Dove soap, has pledged to remove sexist stereotypes from its own ads and called on rivals to follow suit.Some 40% of women did not identify with their portrayal in adverts, it said.The firm spends £6bn a year on adverts.The figure makes it the second-biggest advertiser globally and chief marketing officer Keith Weed told the BBC this gave it a responsibility to push the change "on a broader society level". /**/ (function() { if (window.bbcdotcom && bbcdotcom.adverts && bbcdotcom.adverts.slotAsync) { bbcdotcom.adverts.slotAsync('mpu', [1,2,3]); } })(); /**/ He said the campaign, dubbed Unstereotype, was the culmination of two years of research.

      Although this article is not related to sustainable food, it does discuss things on the UN goals like gender equality. The fact that Unilever cares about removing stereotypes from its ads shows that not only are they conscious of the current climate of gender discussions, they are also conscious of representing gender equality publicly. This enhances their reputation and credibility ethics-wise.

    1. In January 2017, corporate behemoth Unilever unveiled a new commitment to ensuring that all of its plastic packaging is fully reusable, recyclable or compostable by 2025. The commitment was built on a recognition that the global plastics market was broken; nine months later, Blue Planet 2 aired, alerting the public to the environmental hazards of plastics.

      This article describes Unilever's plans to change the way it uses plastic. It shows that Unilever cares about sustainability because they are transparent about the economic benefits of being more sustainable as well as the benefits to the planet.

    1. Animal welfare group Compassion in World Farming has welcomed a decision by Unilever’s Knorr brand to become the first company to sign up to the European Broiler Ask. The European Broiler Ask is calling on suppliers to meet a range of welfare requirements covering all fresh, frozen and processed chicken across the supply chain. These include: • Complying with all EU animal welfare laws and regulations, regardless of the country of production; • Implementing a maximum stocking density of 30kg/square metre and if practised thinning must be limited to one thin per flock; • Adopting breeds that demonstrate higher welfare outcomes – breeds should meet the RSPCA Broiler Breed Welfare Assessment Protocol; • Meeting improved environmental standards on natural lights, perch space and air quality. No cages or multi-tier systems are allowed; • Adopting controlled atmospheric stunning using inert gas or multi-phased systems, or effective electrical stunning without live inversion; • Demonstrating compliance with the standards through third-party auditing and annual public reporting.

      Knorr is the first company to sign up for a new plan to raise chickens and kill its chickens more compassionately and sustainably. They plan to achieve all goals 2 years early. This shows they have a commitment to making more ethical choices.

    1. Knorr claims that addressing water waste is therefore “more important than ever,” and launched its new campaign during World Water Week in partnership with the Water Footprint Network (WFN). The brand is encouraging consumers to make simple changes to their buying habits and offers advice to help them be more water conscious. Knorr is offering a list of alternative food items with a lower water footprint, as well as asking consumers to buy food that is certified as sustainably sourced and limiting their food waste.

      Parterning with WFN improves source reputation.

    1. The veteran marketing executive is not new to values-led business. At Unilever he has increased the social impact of a number of the company's leading brands, including Hellmann's, which has led the industry in using certified cage-free eggs in its mayonnaise. The project was executed three years ahead of plan and earned McCarthy and his team a Corporate Progress Award from the Humane Society of the US. The executive also committed Unilever's Knorr brand to higher welfare standards for its chickens, in collaboration with the Global Animal Partnership and Compassion in World Farming NGOs. Most recently, McCarthy and his team created Growing Roots, Unilever's first organic snacking brand with a mission to support urban farming in underserved communities. McCarthy also founded the Men's Working Group for Gender Equality at Unilever.

      This article is about a former Unilever employee who worked at the company for 25 years. He spearheaded many projects for Unilever,making sustainable changes like using cage-free eggs, raising chickens more compassionately, and creating an organic snack line. This article shows that Unilever has a good reputation for making it's company more and more sustainable.

    1. We Are Social and Doing dealt with digital and influence relations, Video content by  Stand by Me .
    2. “After the edition dedicated to the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the Lavazza Calendar continues to be one of the highest symbols of the union between art and social commitment. With Good to Earth we have chosen to witness how there is good on Earth ”.
    1. For Armando Testa, under the creative executive direction of Michele Mariani, creative directors Andrea Lantelme and Federico Bonenti , copy Stefano Arrigoni and graphic designer Michela Repellino worked on the Lavazza campaign and calendar .
    1. "Human beings - says the photojournalist - need Nature, but Nature does not need us". In his 12 shots, six artists were involved, with their works, created in six different nations of the world, which were first photographed immersed in Nature, followed by the same landscape seen from another angle. The combination is breathtaking especially in
    1. “Good to Earth establishes an artistic balance between nature art and photographic narration. Thus, the structure is that of a leaf through magazine that tells, over the 12 months, six good projects for the Earth through the extraordinary photographs of Ami Vitale: six shots of the works immersed in nature and six emblematic shots of these places where the Good-to-Earth projects have come to life and the works have been realized ", declares Michele Mariani, Executive Creative Director of Armando Testa.
    1. "Today there is a great need for a positive art, not an end in itself, but capable of leaving a mark, inspiring, moving consciences. This is why the positive art of Good to Earth opposes the one-way narration of the Earth as a 'sick patient' and chooses to tell examples of virtuous behavior and environmental requalification, which we hope will infect people, especially the younger ones, and inspire a direct commitment to safeguard our planet ”.
    2. The photographs of the photographer Ami Vitale document the works of the artists Hula (Switzerland), Mantra (Kenya), Saype (Colombia), Gomez (Thailand), Millo (Belgium) and Gerada (Morocco)
    1. Her philosophy of "living history" brought her to over 100 countries, where she lived in mud huts and war zones, contracted malaria and disguised herself as a panda to tell her secret life (Ami Vitale is author of the best seller "Panda Love").
    2. Nature is the work of art par excellence, but in the Lavazza Calendar it also becomes a blank canvas on which you can engrave your love and commitment to the environment. So with an unconventional mix between the art photography of Ami Vitale and six works of nature art, a contemporary art form totally immersed in nature, we tell the Good to Earth projects that are good for the Earth. Good news of which today there is a great need: positive examples of virtuous behavior, stories of personal redemption and environmental redevelopment that we hope will infect people, especially the youngest, and inspire a direct commitment to safeguard our planet ", comments Francesca Lavazza, member of the company's board of directors.
    1. to tell and share, despite what unfortunately happens on the environmental front, good news for the Earth, virtuous projects that are silently carried out in different areas of the world
    2. "In a world with more than 7 billion people we must begin to see ourselves as an integral part of the landscape," comments Ami Vitale, American photographer of the National Geographic Magazine.
    1. Artist SAYPE artiste embodies our Good to Earth mission in a landscape painting set amongst the coffee plantations in the rolling hills of Huila, Colombia.
    1. The six works are inspired by six good projects for the Earth, identified by Lavazza and the United Nations Environment Program on four continents and six countries: from Colombia to Switzerland and from Kenya to Thailand, via Belgium and Morocco.
    1. In Colombia, Maria Paula is the young girl portrayed lying on the grass in a painting that measures 8,000sq m. She is using her hands to protect a coffee bush, symbolising the desire to take care of her own future and that of the local area as a whole.
    2. The spaces have been identified throughout the world in partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), which can contribute to protecting nature and therefore the planet.
    3. The photographs by Vitale document the nature art of Hula (Switzerland); Mantra (Kenya); Saype (Colombia); Gomez (Thailand), Millo (Belgium) and Gerada (Morocco).
    1. With executive creative direction from Michele Mariani, creative directors Andrea Lantelme and Federico Bonenti, copywriter Stefano Arrigoni and graphic designer Michela Repellino worked on the campaign and calendar for Armando Testa.
    2. Their artistic endeavors viewed from the lens of the famous American photo reporter Ami Vitale reinforce important messages in defense of the planet, celebrating the places in the world where man’s intervention is bringing good news for the Earth.
  15. Feb 2019
  16. Jan 2019
    1. Apart from the free and open source KNIME Analytics Platform, KNIME also has commercial offerings. The KNIME server provides a platform for sharing workflows. It has a web interface and is connected to a KNIME instance for executing workflows remotely on demand or according to a schedule. Also commercially available are the Big Data Extensions and the KNIME Spark executor.
    1. If the open source community really wants to make a difference, then the some focus should be directed toward back-end, e-commerce billing systems. The regulatory conditions of the market have reached a point where it is incredibly inefficient for them to be tracked and applied by hand.

      This is an incredibly important point.

  17. Dec 2018
    1. OSS contribution takes time; I don't think anyone would contest that. Getting familiar with a project, finding out where you can fit into it, reading and responding to issues, testing and submitting patches, writing documentation. All of that requires a good deal of time.

      I reached out to a prominent OSS company preferring a "history of open source contributions" and put forward the idea that people who code for a living don't always have the opportunity. The response was surprisingly hostile:

      It doesn't exclude anyone. Zero chance I'm going to have a debate about it.

  18. Nov 2018
    1. The Moodle project

      Moodle is one of the largest open source collaborative platform used in the development of curriculum.

      Moodle is an Australian company and has various levels of subscriptions including one level for free. Overall I have found the site to be user friendly rich with demos, documentation and support including community forums. This site supports multiple languages and has an easy to use drop down menu for that selection.

      RATING: 5/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)

  19. Oct 2018
    1. Esch, T., & Stefano, G.B. (2007). The neurobiology of love. Activitas Nervosa Superior, 49, 1-18.
    2. Bob, P. (2008). Dissociation and Neurobiological Consequences of Traumatic Stress. Activitas Nervosa Superior, 50, 9-14.
  20. Sep 2018
  21. www-jstor-org.proxy.library.georgetown.edu www-jstor-org.proxy.library.georgetown.edu
    1. Our research took place at Florida State University (FSU), a large, flag-ship, Research–1 institution in the Southeast US, had IRB approval and spanned two semesters totaling thirty-five weeks, over the fall of 2009 and the spring of 2010.
  22. Jul 2018
    1. http://www.copyright.gov/circs/circ01.pdf

      I prefer sources that are short and to the point, with links allowing me to explore various topics if  I need to.  This piece goes over all of the basics of creating and maintaining a copyright license. While that is not the objective, typically, of someone taking a Creative Commons course, it helps to see this information from a pro-copyright perspective to understand all sides of the issue.

      It's also a primary source, meaning that the department issuing the copyrights in the United States also wrote this piece, which means it should be as accurate as possible.

  23. Jun 2018
    1. Why are there poor in this world where technology has helped create sufficient abundance to provide for basic needs including food, homes and care for all?

      Innovations in Technology is more a proprietary community than open source.

  24. May 2018
    1. The video offers HAX as the future of online course development because it simplifies the technology requirements of users in exchange for quality content and ease of access. At a recent conference in Nashville, Ollendyke and Kaufman used Lego pieces to explain HAX as being like the gridplate of a Lego board that allow for Open Source modular content to work together to create easy, multimedia integration.

      Nice one! I wonder if this was maybe OLCInnovate 2018 in Nashville? Which I'd seen it!

    1. hi there check this link on SAS training and tutorial with the detailed explanation on the Base Training of that along with real time Examples and Projects practices


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    3. hi there we have came up with the newly launched Procedural Query in PL sql with Oracle 12 c so please check this out For detailed Description on the Pl Sql from the scratch to advance level:-


  25. Mar 2018
    1. export var Layer = Evented.extend({

      Layer is the base class for geometry object in Leaflet.

      • base class for Marker
      • base class for Vector objects (path, polyline, polygon, circle, rectangle)
      • base class for tile layers
    1. // Adds the given layer to the group.

      addLayer method add object to LayerGroup. Since Path is extend from Layer. Almost all geometry can be applied here.

      • marker
      • path/circle/ployline/polygon
  26. Jan 2018
  27. Nov 2017
    1. Toxoplasmosis is caused by the obligate intracellular parasite, Toxoplasma gondii. Its life cycle consists of 3 forms, including an oocyst, a tissue cyst, and an active (proliferative) form.

      See also: CDC- Toxoplasmosis


      Source of Infection in humans:

      1. Eating under cooked meat of animals harboring tissue cysts
      2. Consuming food or water contaminated with cat feces or by contaminated environmental samples (such as fecal-contaminated soil or changing the litter box of a pet cat)
      3. Blood transfusion or organ transplantation
      4. Transplacentally from mother to fetus

      Sources of T. gondi infection

      Life cycle of T. gondi

  28. Sep 2017
    1. The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative’s investments in Meta and bioRxiv are also said to carry with them a strong preference for open source solutions.


    1. The recognition of mediocrity exchanged by two characters, whom nineteenth-century readers recognized as “of superior order” to common novel characters, transfigures their self-consciously lacking public performances—his bad manners, her mediocre piano playing—into performances of intimacy, rather than class allegiance or simple dilettantism

      Great point. Moe's description of Elizabeth and Darcy's connection through their "modern" misbehavior, as presented through narrative, addresses the points of her argument. However, this is quoted/paraphrased from a text (The Critical Review/Annals of Literature) from 1813, which I do not think is necessarily appropriate or relevant for such a modern (pardon the pun) article.

    2. ******

      The different theses Moe presents to her reader are all an original take on reading Charlotte and Elizabeth's argument, and Charlotte's individual views, especially considering the extensive description of the typical reading of these characters which Moe provides us with.

      This introduction, though at times distracted from the main point through inclusion of so many outside theories and readings of Elizabeth/Charlotte/Austen, definitely engages the reader, provides grounding for Moe's argument, and makes this subject appear significant in understanding the conflict of modern viewpoints in Pride and Prejudice, as well as to better understand Charlotte as a character and her decisions.

    3. Austen’s novels were diagnostic of her social world and conservative in the sense that they offered social compromises rather than fractious challenges to the uncertain social future of her moment.

      OK, clearly Moe has done her research, as she has provided a great number of sources about Austen's writing, Austen's characters, Austen's personal/written setting, and so forth. The consistent inclusion of reputable sources strengthens Moe's argument (as it makes her assertions seem well based on research), but I am finding it also a bit distracting. She is jumping from topic to topic with inexplicit transitions, and providing so much outside detail, that it is taking away from her own contentions. More analysis, as I have highlighted here, is what would make this article even better.

      Also, this notation makes sense, as it extends to Charlotte's marital decisions.

    4. The agency of the critic is exemplified in discovering and naming the overlooked agency of Austen’s female subjects, who in themselves demonstrate Austen’s attentiveness to the limits of patriarchal norms and her willingness to transgress.

      Again, Moe is using secondary sources to accentuate that Austen writes about women constrained by patriarchy. Here, however, she includes the concept of "Agency" (for both critic and character), which connects to her argument about Charlotte's actions.