1,236 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2017
    1. A data lake management service with an Apache licence. I am particularly interested in how well the monitoring features of this platform work.

    1. Singularity containers can be used to package entire scientific workflows, software and libraries, and even data.

      Very interesting, basically Singularity allows containers to run in HPC environments, so that code running in the container can take advantage of the HPC tools, like massive scale and message passing, while at the same time keeping the stuff in the container safer.

    1. Hackerand maker spaces are meta-organizational assemblages. Entanglement – through the notion fo “do-ocracy” –stands in for typical organizational trappings of rules, hierarchies and roles. Hackerspaces morph and evolve to meet the desires of participants, draw on affordances of tools and materialities of the space itself.
  2. Jul 2017
    1. F1000Research is an Open Research publishing platform offering immediate publication of articles and other research outputs with no editorial bias. All articles benefit from transparent peer review and the inclusion of all source data.

      Wellcome is basing its platform on F1000Research.

  3. Jun 2017
  4. Feb 2017
    1. Powerful ASCII art editor

      Design and draw using simple character sets. Save to git or other version control. Hattip to @paulozoom.

  5. Jan 2017
    1. Norms, have long inhabited the architect’s toolset

      I want to highlight the useful understanding of norms as tools: this very quickly begins to unpack the black box that is normal. Lemos turns norms" into Morty's car battery*.

    1. Google can also find Creative Commons materials.

      The CC Search Tool is a convenient way to search for Creative Commons licensed material on Google, Google Images, Flickr, YouTube, Wikimedia Commons, and other websites.

    1. In the knowledge section, you can create the outline of your thesis or paper. The individual knowledge items can be dropped on the categories on the left, which correspond to your chapters, and within each chapter, they can then be ordered to develop your argument. Thus, your paper is taking shape before your actually start writing.
  6. Oct 2016
    1. the elements—tools and community—seemed to mediate stu-dents’ active participation and motivation in the process of achieving their (subject) learning objectives (object). Tool mediation, which is a key principle of Activity Theory, highlights that human activity is mediated by various tools



  7. Sep 2016
    1. But ultimately you have to stop being meta. As Jeff Kaufman — a developer in Cambridge who's famous among effective altruists for, along with his wife Julia Wise, donating half their household's income to effective charities — argued in a talk about why global poverty should be a major focus, if you take meta-charity too far, you get a movement that's really good at expanding itself but not necessarily good at actually helping people.

      "Stop being meta" could be applied in some sense to meta systems like Smalltalk and Lisp, because their tendency to develop meta tools used mostly by developers, instead of "tools" used by by mostly everyone else. Burring the distinction between "everyone else" and developers in their ability to build/use meta tools, means to deliver tools and practices that can be a bridge with meta-tools. This is something we're trying to do with Grafoscopio and the Data Week.



    1. If we must be gods, we should at least be cautious and well-informed gods, with the best possible tools for seeing, understanding, and debating our interventions, and the best possible meta-tools for improving those tools.

      Also applies for sensible & concerned humans, which are worried about their own relation with the planet and other beings on it, despite of not being gods (or aspiring to be). On the case of tools for understanding and metatools for improving those tools, again Perfection & Feedback Loops, or: why worse is better seems enlightening, particularly in the context of Smalltalk legacy. Grafoscopio could make a humble contribution on the seeing, understanding and debating part

  8. Jul 2016
    1. I’ve heard it suggested often that the World Wide Web is an example of what Ivan Illich called “convivial tools” — although his book predates the Web by 15+ years, Illich speaks of “learning webs” in Deschooling Society. I grow less and less certain that the Web is quite “it."

      Yours in struggle.

  9. Jun 2016
    1. Defining making in education in terms of tools, spaces, or disciplines is insufficient. Learning through making is a philosophical approach that can affect classes across the curriculum and schools across the globe. It’s time to change the paradigm.
  10. May 2016
    1. Writing and submission. The process of compiling findings, writing accompanying narrative and making this available for public view and scrutiny can be simplified by the use of new improved software. These tools can help identify relevant papers through increasingly powerful learning algorithms (e.g. F1000Workspace, Mendeley, Readcube). They can also enable collaborative authoring (e.g. F1000Workspace, Overleaf, Google docs), and provide formatting tools to simplify the process of structuring an article to ensure all the necessary underlying information has been captured (e.g. F1000Workspace, EndNote). Submission for posting as a preprint, and/or for formal publication and peer review, should be as simple as a single click.

      How can an "Open Science Platform" be built upon proprietary tools only? Maybe is meaning of "open" to define here?

  11. Feb 2016
    1. This page will have various tool descriptions and possible practical applications

      plugins used: bootstrap shortcodes

  12. Jan 2016
    1. Online disassembler for many different CPUs that takes hexadecimal strings or several executable formats.

  13. Nov 2015
    1. user innovation toolkit - a product malleable enough to let users adapt it to their own needs.

      Trello is a project management tool that provides boards, lists, and cards. The cards represent tasks or items, and move across columns on the board as they progress to a new stage of development. No particular method is prescribed. The individual or team decides how to use Trello, and the method is likely to evolve. Different projects may require different methods.

      Trello has an API to allow automation and customization. After agreeing on how to use the board, different team members might use the API to build interfaces that work best for them.

  14. Jun 2015
    1. If you want a DIY version of this, try ImageMagick's compare command: compare bag_frame1.gif bag_frame2.gif compare.gif Documentation: http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/compare/ reply no_gravity 2 hours ago Interesting. And to render the html you can use cutycapt. Which is in the Debian repos too. I just tried it, and this rendered a nice diff of two pages for me: cutycapt --url=http://www.xyz.com/1 --out=1.png cutycapt --url=http://www.xyz.com/2 --out=2.png compare 1.png 2.png diff.png reply easytiger 2 hours ago Now make it a webservice and charge $200/month! reply programmernews3 1 hour ago First part already done: http://archive.is/ reply prottmann 1 hour ago apt-get install the services and use them on my server ;-) reply

      Plain and simple way to report visual degradation of website or webapp

  15. Apr 2015
    1. Do you need to learn code to use The Grid? No coding is required to use The Grid. Just do what you're already doing on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Post images, video, and content to your site and our AI Designer will make it beautiful. If you know code, you can extend functionality using our platform tools and API.

      Coding skills are a plus but not necessary. Accessibility!...

  16. Mar 2015
    1. Machines that Make The Machine that make project at the MIT Center for Bits and Atoms seeks to develop low-cost machines that can be made using CNC equipment, like available in fab labs.
  17. Jan 2015
    1. perhaps discussions about course content could take place directly on the content pages using http://hypothes.is/

      This is what it would look like. ;-)

      Markdown works here.

  18. Oct 2013
    1. An inquiry has been also started, though by a very few writers, concerning the instrument of oratory. The instrument I call that without which material cannot be fashioned and adapted to the object which we wish to effect

      rhetoric as a tool