30 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2024
    1. he channels Echo often in the novel whenhe describes his contemplative repetitions of things Oliver says to him in his dreams or inactuality. He has a dream that Oliver says, “you’ll kill me if you stop,” which happens in hisdreams on various other occasions, and Elio holds onto this phrase until the two of them finallyconsummate their love and Elio repeats the phrase aloud several times

      Basically, Echo is reinforcing the idea of interpersonal identification. Although in the dream Oliver says "you'll kill me if you stop", the phrase is actually said by Elio -- showing how they desire one another both to have each other but also to be one another. Through the exchanging and replacing of words. How do words and speech represent or shape identity?

  2. May 2024
    1. “Later, maybe,”I said, echoing his word but also trying to say as little as possible beforehe’d spot I was out of breath.

      Merging of their identities



  3. Apr 2024
    1. We quote because we are afraid to-change words, lest there be a change in meaning.

      Quotations are easier to collect than writing things out in one's own words, not only because it requires no work, but we may be afraid of changing the original meaning by changing the original words or by collapsing the context and divorcing the words from their original environment.

      Perhaps some may be afraid that the words sound "right" and they have a sense of understanding of them, but they don't quite have a full grasp of the situation. Of course this may be remedied by the reader or listener not only by putting heard stories into their own words and providing additional concrete illustrative examples of the concepts. These exercises are meant to ensure that one has properly heard/read and understood a concept. Psychologists call this paraphrasing or repetition the "echo effect" (others might say parroting or mirroring) and have found that it can help to build understanding, connection, and likeability between people. Great leaders who do this will be sure to make sure that credit for the original ideas goes to the originator and not to themselves simply because they repeated it, especially in group settings where their words may have more primacy amidst their underlings.

      (I can't find it at the moment, but there's a name/tag for this in my notes? looping?)

      Beyond this, can one place the idea into a more clear language than the original? Add some poetry perhaps? Make the concept into a concrete meme to make it more memorable?

      Journalists like to quote because it gives primacy of voice to the speaker and provides the reader with the sense that they're getting the original from which they might make up their own minds. It also provides a veneer of vérité to their reportage.

      Link this back to Terrence's comedy: https://hypothes.is/a/xe15ZKPGEe6NJkeL77Ji4Q

  4. Mar 2024
    1. “Think, my lord?” Alas, thou echo’st meAs if there were some monster in thy thoughtToo hideous to be shown.

      Again, Iago is but an echo and reaffirmation of what is already there: he has said very little.

    2. Think, my lord?

      He acts as an echo, and an echo is simply just a reaffirmation, a suspicion being ingrained, a hallucination

    1. 我还有一个以前团队里的一个小伙,人是很聪明,但就完全就是野路子,他对技术没有什么偏好,一个PHP程序员,做那个Discuz!论坛,公司被并购了,转成Java,开始研究Java的各种细节,对技术从来没有什么偏见,有什么就玩什么,每做一个项目,就算是一样的他都要用新的技术做一遍,然后跟着我做云计算,我教他TCP,教他C/C++,后来一起玩Docker/Go,等等,反正是一点就通,他是我见过学习能力最强的人。但是,有一个事他一直与我的想法不一样,就是我希望他先把软件设计好,再写代码,他非常不能理解,他习惯于直接动手开干,然后有什么问题就整什么问题,我也很难教育他。 有一天,他电话面了一下Facebook,电话面了15分钟后对方就放弃了,他受到了严重的打击。然后,他就开始找菲利宾人练英文口语了,我也让他做算法题,然后,他才发现,一道连算法都不是的纯编程题都提交几次都过不了,等他做完了Leetcode最初的那151道题后,整个人都改变了,写代码前认认真真地在纸上把程序的状态,处理时序以及可能遇到的一些条件先罗列出来,然后,进行逻辑设计后,再写,从此,他就开启他更大的天地了。我后来把他推荐给了微软,先在中国的Bing,在中国升好2-3级,然后去了美国的Azure,现在听说他准备要跟 k8s 的 co-founder Brendan Burns 混了(虽然,他现在还在印度人手下,但是,我真的不知道他未来能玩多大,因为今年他才33岁,而且非常聪明)


  5. Sep 2023
  6. Aug 2023
    1. The basic settings allow users to quickly configure a subset of KB features and colors accessible on the left sidebar on this page.


  7. May 2023
  8. Jan 2023
    1. Some call this Portico the Echo Portico, because when a man has shouted his voice is repeated by the echo seven or even more times.

      Echo Stoa

  9. Sep 2022
  10. Jun 2022
    1. algorithmic radicalization is presumably a simpler problem to solve than the fact that there are people who deliberately seek out vile content. “These are the three stories—echo chambers, foreign influence campaigns, and radicalizing recommendation algorithms—but, when you look at the literature, they’ve all been overstated.”

      algorithmic radicalization

    2. “A lot of the stories out there are just wrong,” he told me. “The political echo chamber has been massively overstated. Maybe it’s three to five per cent of people who are properly in an echo chamber.” Echo chambers, as hotboxes of confirmation bias, are counterproductive for democracy. But research indicates that most of us are actually exposed to a wider range of views on social media than we are in real life, where our social networks—in the original use of the term—are rarely heterogeneous.
  11. Feb 2022
  12. Sep 2021
  13. Aug 2021
  14. Jul 2021
  15. May 2021
    1. “Monetising what we see as sacred knowledge, our way of being – driving, walking – is sacred knowledge and the only people who should have any purview over that is our community. … What if we look at what the data could do for our community and how to achieve that? … We are gathering our data because we love our people, we want a better future for the next generations. What if all data was gathered for those reasons? What would it look like?”

      A great quote and framing from Abigail Echo-Hawk.

      This reliance on going to community elders (primarily because they have more knowledge and wisdom) is similar to designing for the commons and working backward. Elders in many indigenous cultures represent the the commons.

      This isn't to say that we shouldn't continue to innovate and explore the evolutionary space for better answers, but going slow and fixing things is far more likely to be helpful than moving fast and breaking things as has been the mode for the last fifteen years. Who's watching the long horizon in these scenarios?

      This quote and set up deserves some additional thought into the ideas and power structures described by Lynne Kelly in Knowledge and Power in Prehistoric Societies Orality, Memory and the Transmission of Culture

  16. Mar 2021
  17. Feb 2021
  18. Aug 2020
  19. Jun 2020
  20. May 2020
  21. Mar 2019
    1. Today, most delay units are digital, but they often include controls to help them emulate the characteristics of the early tape units, including distortion and low-pass filtering in the delay path and pitch modulation to emulate the wow and flutter of a well-used tape transport.

      While pure digital delay produces perfect echoes, an analogue emulation can be more musically useful, as each successive echo becomes less distinct, creating a sense of distance and perspective.

      Hi-fi echoes tend to confuse the original sound, while the human hearing system seems better able to separate lo-fi echoes from the original clean sound.

  22. Oct 2018
    1. Like all experts, academics are used to speaking to a specialized audience. That’s true no matter their discipline, from sociology to geotechnical engineering to classics. When you speak to a niche audience among peers, a lot of understanding comes for free. You can use technical language, make presumptions about prior knowledge, and assume common goals or contexts. When speaking to a general audience, you can’t take those circumstances as a given.
  23. Apr 2017