426 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
  2. Feb 2025
    1. for - from - post - LinkedIn - Guido Palazzo - on Elon Musk and Accelerationism - https://hyp.is/laDhyOXtEe-BbR-zV7xadQ/www.linkedin.com/posts/guidopalazzo-_civilizations-did-rise-when-they-built-up-activity-7292962891819855874-fq2T/

      summary - This is a good article that explains the rational behind a number of Silicon Valley actors such as Peter Thiel, Elon Musk, Sam Altman and others who subscribe to a toxic and dystopian mix of: - Longterminism - Libertarianism - Accelerationism - In order to understand the actions of the tech bros, it is key to understand their modus operandi

    1. “We believe in accelerationism – the conscious and deliberate propulsion of technological development – to ensure the fulfillment of the Law of Accelerating Returns. To ensure the techno-capital upward spiral continues forever.” Marc Andreessen writes this in his “Techno-Optimist Manifesto”. "Democracy and freedom are incompatible", Peter Thiel concurs.

      for - silicon valley accelerationism - Marc Andreessen - Techno-optimist manifesto - Elon Musk - accelerationism - LinkedIn post - Elon Musk - accelerationism

  3. Jan 2025
    1. “But to cook, you must kill. You make ghosts. You cook to make ghosts. Spirits that live on in every ingredient,” -The Hundred-Foot Journey. Hassan, the chef and main character of the movie, learns this from his mother while she's teaching him to cook.

      for - quote - to cook you must kill - line from movie "The Hundred-Foot Journey - source - post - LinkedIn - Nora Bateson - sharing - Sherry Hess - 2025, Jan 8 - posted a comment - post - LinkedIn - Nora Bateson - sharing - Sherry Hess - 2025, Jan 8

    1. Graeber left us, but as Jose Luis Borges said: “When writers die, they become books, which is, after all, not too bad an incarnation.”

      for - quote - when writers die, they become books - Jose Luis Borge - source - post - LinkedIn - Jesus Martin Gonzalez, 2025, Jan 8

  4. Dec 2024
    1. This article of his really shifted my thinking:https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/18/opinion/neighborhood-social-infrastructure-community.html

      for - Linked In Post - reply to - rapid whole system change - neighborhood as the unit of change - Danica Virginia Meredith - to - NYTimes - Opinion - The Neighborhood is the Unit of Change - David Brooks - 2018

    1. there were a group of scientists that were trying to understand how the brain processes language, and they found something very interesting. They found that when you learn a language as a child, as a two-year-old, you learn it with a certain part of your brain, and when you learn a language as an adult -- for example, if I wanted to learn Japanese

      for - research study - language - children learning mother tongue use a different post off the brain then adults learning another language - from TED Talk - YouTube - A word game to convey any language - Ajit Narayanan

    1. At the heart of Chinese philosophy is a belief in the innate goodness of humanity. This principle is encapsulated in the ancient phrase: “Man on earth, good at birth. The same nature, varies on nurture.”

      for - adjacency - quote - inherent sacred - Chinese saying - (hu)man on earth, good at birth. The same nature, varies on nurture - building a regenerative world - Post Growth Institute - Man Fang - Deep Humanity - Common Human Denominators - rekindling the sacred in an age of crisis - chinese meme

      adjacency - between - Chinese saying - (hu)man on earth, good at birth. The same nature, varies on nurture - building a regenerative world - Post Growth Institute - Man Fang - Deep Humanity - Common Human Denominators - rekindling the sacred in an age of crisis - chinese meme - adjacency relationship - This ancient Chinese philosophy saying is a good summary of a key claim of the Stop Reset Go open source Deep Humanity praxis, namely - we are all sacred but we forget that as we become enculturated - The Deep Humanity Common Human Denominators (CHD) and the tree metaphor depicts diagrammatically how we can find a way to return to the sacred later in life - even though we have had it obscured - The existential crisis requires awakening the sleeping giant of the billions of people who no longer have a living experience of the sacred - This strategy is like moving from the branches of the tree of great diversity back to the common trunk of the sacred that supports all this diversity, - using the BEing journey as the strategic tool to bring back wonder, awe and a living experience of the sacred

    2. Rediscovering Harmony: How Chinese Philosophy Offers Pathways to a Regenerative Future

      for - from - post - LlinkedIn - Rediscovering Harmony: How Chinese Philosophy Offers Pathways to a Regenerative Future - Post Growth Institute - Man Fang

      from - post - LinkedIn - Rediscovering Harmony: How Chinese Philosophy Offers Pathways to a Regenerative Future - Post Growth Institute - Man Fang - https://hyp.is/C8v8mLlSEe-aUfeerj7pSg/www.linkedin.com/posts/post-growth-institute_chinese-philosophy-regenerative-futures-ugcPost-7273235520824979456-DOqk/

    1. Drawing on ancient wisdom can help co-create systems that prioritise ecological reverence and community over individualistic domination

      for - post - LinkedIn - How Chinese Philosophy Offers Pathways to a Regenerative Future - Man Fang - Post Growth Institute - to - Medium - Rediscovering Harmony: How Chinese Philosophy Offers Pathways to a Regenerative Future - By foregrounding relationships — between individuals, communities, and the natural world — we can build systems that prioritize wellbeing and resilience - Post Growth Institute - Man Fang

      to - Medium - Rediscovering Harmony: How Chinese Philosophy Offers Pathways to a Regenerative Future - By foregrounding relationships — between individuals, communities, and the natural world — we can build systems that prioritize wellbeing and resilience - Post Growth Institute - Man Fang - https://hyp.is/a2HCSrlTEe-um4thfDGo-A/medium.com/postgrowth/rediscovering-harmony-how-chinese-philosophy-offers-pathways-to-a-regenerative-future-07a097b237a0

    1. for - climate crisis - Medium article - climate communication - how climate change is framed to disempower you - Joe Brewer - 2024, Dec 4 - from - post - LinkedIn - climate crisis - climate communication - climate change discourse has been framed to disempower us - changing the story - so that grassroots, bottom-up initiatives can restore health to ecosystems - Joe Brewer, 2024, Dec 4 - from - Resilience article - A 'Transcender Manifesto" for a world beyond capitalism. A seed.

      summary - A good article that offers an explanation of how language has potentially led the public to rely on top down actors to provide solutions to the climate crisis - Joe Brewer draws on his background as a frame analyst to analyse the role language and cognitive linguistics has played in framing the discourse on the climate crisis - He claims that this has led the public to look to elite top down actors to provide the solutions - This had led to a disempowerment of the public in actively participating in contributing too solutions - Indeed it could be why we have a sleeping giant - Reframing the story could have the opposite effect of inspiring people's to wake up and take action to regenerate nature within and surrounding the communities where people live.

      from - post - LinkedIn - climate crisis - climate communication - climate change discourse has been framed to disempower us - changing the story - so that grassroots, bottom-up initiatives can restore health to ecosystems - Joe Brewer, 2024, Dec 4 - https://hyp.is/yvHstLfVEe-cyRN4sq09Ow/www.linkedin.com/posts/joe-brewer-4957925_earlier-this-week-i-lived-into-an-important-activity-7270035170328494080-E7Cq/ - from - Resilience article - A 'Transcender Manifesto" for a world beyond capitalism. A seed. - https://hyp.is/0NOdtLiREe--pwPfB1SmdA/www.resilience.org/stories/2024-04-18/a-transcender-manifesto-for-a-world-beyond-capitalism-a-seed/

    1. What I did this week was sit down and record a video explaining how the climate change discourse has been framed to disempower us -- and what we can do about it by focusing on grassroots organizing to restore health to our local ecosystems

      for - post - LinkedIn - climate crisis - climate communication - climate change discourse has been framed to disempower us - changing the story - so that grassroots, bottom-up initiatives can restore health to ecosystems - Joe Brewer, 2024, Dec 4 - to - Medium article - How Climate Change is framed to Disempower you - Joe Brewer - 2024, Dec 4

      to - Medium article - How Climate Change is framed to Disempower you - Joe Brewer - 2024, Dec 4 - https://hyp.is/XoQoRLfVEe-ZMIMjZheLLA/medium.com/@joe_brewer/how-climate-change-is-framed-to-disempower-you-01d871413487

    1. we cannot create the so-called new without addressing the historical homes that have been created.

      for - example of - meme - we cannot know where we are going - unless we know where we are from - redressing colonial harm - in order to create a viable future - Post Capitalist Philanthropy - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023

    2. less than 5% of the world's population stewarding more than 80% of the world's biodiversity.

      for - stats - biodiversity stewardship - 5% of the world's population - stewarding 80% of the world's biodiversity - Post Capitalist Philanthropy - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023

    3. shift our ontological gaze

      for - meme - shift our ontological gaze - Post Capitalist Philanthropy - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023

    4. It's not a just a localist project. It's embedded within the guy intellectually, within this planetary. And by intellectually, what we mean is that Gaia herself as a living being, has her own will and her own agency, that through ontological shifts we can learn and practice to be in dialog with, to be in call and response with, to be in service to. And that requires a certain amount of humility and a move from materialism to animism, a move from rationalism to relational ism

      for - transition - from materialism to animism - from rationalism to relationalism - Post Capitalist Philanthropy - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023

    5. imagine that all these various biomes are feeding social ecologies in service to a different type of superstructure. The current superstructure we call neoliberalism or capitalist modernity, that thinking of it in a in a mycelial way, how do we create resilient bio, regional, sovereign communities that are not divided by artificial state lines,

      for - transition - from neoliberal divisions of nation states, provinces, states, cities - to bio-regional sovereignty not divided by artificial state lines - Post Capitalist Philanthropy - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023

    6. also what it requires is to recast the individual as a non individual

      for - adjacency - post Capitalist spiral - 5 Element Mandala - the individual as non-individual - Michael Levin's - Multi-Scale Competency Architecture - Post Capitalist Philanthropy - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 - Stop Reset Go - Deep Humanity - Individual / Collective Gestalt

    7. I want to get into the Five Elements Mandala

      for - definition - spiral of the - 5 Elements Mandala - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 - need to move - from linear pyramid, neoliberal logic - to trends logic - multi-dimensional - reflexive - feedbacks - intertwingled - need to know what you stand for and - what you stand against ( the dominant neoliberal culture)

    8. a historical amnesi

      for - definition - ahistorical amnesia - plagues philanthropy - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023

    9. I'm sitting here perceiving whether I'm a separate self from Al-Nour from this table, from this computer screen. Am I actually seeing this as a relational fabric or am I thing a find to assert my domination over in any given moment?

      for - application - Deep Humanity BEing Journey - onto shift - ontological shift - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023

    10. what we set up is not a binary of here is one side of it and here is the other. But we call this a continuum of auto shifts continuum

      for - definition - continuum of onto shift - back and forth, iterative, non-binary - Post Capitalist Philanthropy - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 - definition - thingify - Post Capitalist Philanthropy - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 - adjacency - onto shift - example - perception - Deep Humanity - BEing journey - Post Capitalist Philanthropy - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023

      adjacency - onto shift - example - perception - Deep Humanity - BEing journey - Post Capitalist Philanthropy - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 - These onto shifts would be an excellent exercise for Deep Humanity BEing journeys

    11. And for for someone like me who was born in this in the country of the US, who came into life as a white presenting woman, it is the work of my life to entirely and utterly work to dismantle oppressive systems simultaneously while I'm actually working to shift my consciousness about how I respond

      for - key insight - challenging ourselves for authentic, transformative change - inner and outer work to dismantle oppressive, entrenched systems - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023

    12. this what Alnoor just put out was a graphical representation of what is it for us to go from these pyramid logics, this dominant system, and start to shift our gaze into what we will talk about as as spiral logic, as trans logic is other ways where we set first and foremost, not just saying that it's the work of philosophers and mystics and others to sit with these first principle questions, questions of ontology. But indeed, it's the responsibility of all of us who are taking full responsibility for what it means to be alive in these times, for how do we see how do we know what we know? How do we think about what we know that we know? How do we behave in accordance to what we see and what we know? And what is our set of ethics that goes along with that.

      for - ontological shift - from totalizing neoliberalism - to spiral logic - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 - adjacency - ontological shift - Deep Humanity - asking these fundamental questions - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023

    13. it was so hard to get outside of the project of neoliberalism that we couldn't actually see what was possible in that Horizon three construct. So for us, we started to look at we need a just transition, plus an entire shift of ontology, ethical, epistemological, what we shorthand call auto shifts or ontological shifts

      for - definition - ontological shift - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 - adjacency - Deep Humanity - can provide new vocabulary and ideas to support - the horizon 3 - ontological shift - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023

      adjacency - between - ontological shift to reach horizon 3 - Deep Humanity - adjacency relationship - Deep Humanity may offer a new language and vocabulary for this Horizon 3 shift ontology

    14. We also simultaneously started to notice that there was efforts going on in the way that we even talk about and perceive well itself. So how do we broaden our understanding of wealth? And we had a wonderful sets of conversations. But Todd James, who said that if we imagine that capital is like energy and it wants to flow like water, water will move to the lowest places that the capital wants to flow. And anything that is not flowing is a continuation of the colonial project.

      for - quote - Flow of wealth to the lowest place - Colonial project stops flow to the lowest place - Todd James - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023

    15. we kept looking at the a couple of assumptions and it was assuming almost a linear journey of we're going to take the power and the money from the elites and we're going to put it in the hands of the community and the peoples and what we know throughout history is many different social movements over the past hundreds of years have endeavored to make that shift. But unless we actually get down into the deeper thought forms that underlie power and domination themselves, we're not actually in a cold, liberatory kind of framework

      for - quote / key insight - must interrogate the deeper thought patterns else - we risk repeating simplistic linear transition social movements that have failed over the past centuries - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023

    16. Bill Sharp, and it's called the Three Horizon Framework

      for - definition - Three Horizon Framework - developed by Bill Sharp - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 - example - Three Horizon Framework

      example - Three Horizon Framework - horizon 1 - carbon credits - carbon capture - green new deal - green growth - reforming democracy - more humane capitalism - horizon 2 - equity and justice - decolonization - transition pathways to disrupt ideologies - formative stage - ontological - still operating in frame of modernity - still operating in material realm - horizon 3 - new ways of being, living seeing, worldviews - dearth of imagination

    17. there is a growing set of people, groups, endeavors that are really recognizing this neoliberal operating system that we're working within. And they have many different ways that they're going about this. It's a growing movement, and for our purposes here, we kind of refer to this as the just transition movement

      for - definition - just transition movement - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023

    18. we just included some of the artwork from the book. This is by Patrick Cruz was a mexican artist, activist, organizer and he's just riffing on this term that we use in the book, which is re characterizing, you know, the Anthropocene or the color Yuga. This period we're in as the age of consequence.

      for - Mexican artist Patrick Cruz - redefining - anthropocene - to age of consequence - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy

    19. There's not necessarily a process by which that communities decide who comes in or countries decide who comes in to work on these problems that have been decided outside.

      for - key insight - Philanthropies have decided on the outside, which communities and which problems need to be solved - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023

      comment - So true! Who hasn't experienced the NGO coming into the community with a know-it-all attitude and already decided who will receive what funds for what project. It's all decided ahead of time then offered! - We don't want to fall into the same trap!

    20. as individuals, we're replicators of neoliberalism. Not just intellectually, cognitively, medically, but semantically our physical bodies. We have given somatic real estate to aspects of neoliberalism.

      for - key insight - as individuals, we promote neoliberalism - via entrenched and unconscious colonialism - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 - deep entrenchment and entrainment of neolieralism in our bodies - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023

      comment - The depth of entrainment of neoliberalism in our bodies is very pronounced - This is why it is so difficult to make adhoc change because it faces so much opposition emerging from the unconscious

    21. Lynne and I interviewed a couple of people who had come into huge amounts of wealth, and we're just setting up their their philanthropy. And they would they would be very optimistic at first. They would have these huge sort of ranges of potential of what they believe they could achieve. And then we would talk to them six months later or a year later,

      for - key insight - severe limits of philanthropy - abiding by neoliberal logic severely constrains them - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023

    22. these things are not externalities that the existing system can figure out, but they are the logical outcomes of the existing system. And so any lens we use to say, well, technology will save the day. Well, technology is an extension and an externality of neoliberal capitalism

      for - progress traps - science - technology - neoliberalism - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023

      progress traps - science - technology - neoliberalism - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 - It is with progress that the modernity shaped by centuries of scaled-out industrial,scientific and technological innovation has created all our crisis. - It is absurd to say that science, technology and industrialization did not play a major role in the creation of all the crisis of modernity - If science, technology and industry inherently embed separation, how do we use it in a meaningful way that doesn't lead to another progress trap? - What are the motives of those who fund technology?

    23. neoliberalism and its predecessors of industrial capitalism and even proto capitalism were based on separation from the natural world. And and we can we call it sort of separation or dualism

      for - key insight - neoliberalism and industrial capitalism were based on Descarte and our separation from the natural world - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 - adjacency - materialism, science and neoliberalism - will technology save us? - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 - to - The Three Great Separations

      key insight / summary - neoliberalism and industrial capitalism were based on Descarte and our separation from the natural world - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 - FIrst, Descarte separated the mind from the body. We have the paradox of: - godlike mind housed in - animalistic bodies - (incidentally, this sets us up for the exageration of the existential crisis of the denial of death in modernity - Ernest Becker) - Then we impose separation of external vs internal world - Then, we have separate categories of mind and nature, and we begin othering of: - women - other (indigenous) cultures - What Alnoor and Lynn forgot to mention was that there is another separation that preceded the industrial revolution, the separation of people into distinct classes of: - producer - consumer - Then with the advance of Newtonian physics and the wild success of materialist theory applied to create a plethora of industrial technologies, a wedding occurred between: - dualism and - materialism - Materialism decomposes everything into subatomic particles that a rational mind can understand - To those who think science and technology can save us from the crisis it helped create - the deeper understanding reveals that science and technology are themselves agents of separation.

      to - See the three great separations - https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Finthesetimes.com%2Farticle%2Findustrial-agricultural-revolution-planet-earth-david-korten&group=world

    24. when we analyzed the the dominant cultural operating system, because there's more than a political economy, it's a it's a, as we've said, a totalizing operating system. And we're going to call it neoliberalism

      for - definition - neoliberalism - as the name of the dominant, totalizing, cultural operating system of modernity - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 - summary - neoliberalism - as the name of the dominant, totalizing, cultural operating system of modernity - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 definition - neoliberalism - as the name of the dominant, totalizing, cultural operating system of modernity - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 - Neoliberalism is a totalizing, cultural operating system for modernity - It is all of these things: - a political philosophy - an economic practice - a cosmology - a wordview - an ontology - a theocracy - a religious worldview based on faith - Most of the dogmas of neoliberalism have been proven to be false, and yet it is still taught in most institutions of higher education summary - Some of the premises of neoliberalism are: - 1. humans are homo economicus - our chief concern is our selves and NOT others - Enlightenment theories - Scientism - Evolutionary theory - All our systems are designed on this false premise - 2. Hierarchy is inevitable and necessary for order. Without it, we would revert to beasts - The system embeds - Patriarchism - White Supremacy - Gender inequality - 3. The individual is the primary unit of power - together with 1) and 2), it creates inherent competition - 4. Material wealth and power is the measure of wellbeing - If you have money, you are considered a success, otherwise, you are considered a moral failure

    25. this webinar series is a is a space where we really want to be in this collective sense, making together at this critical crossroads.

      for - objective - of webinar - collective sensemaking - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023

    26. we can't talk about social change unless we have a conversation about philanthropy, which is the upstream driver of who's doing what. Who's getting paid for social change work? How are they funded? Who's working for that organization, the efficacy of that organization, etc., etc..

      for - adjacency - philanthropy is the upstream driver of - social change - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023

    27. philanthropy, if we take it as a sector or an industry or as a biome, as we say in the book, it's a massive, massive sector. It's about $2.2 trillion. So it's equivalent to the GDP of Canada, a G7 country. It would be one of the top ten, maybe top eight industries in the world. And it's completely excluded, very little transparency, labyrinth rules and systems, opaque and almost no public discourse about it.

      for - stats - philanthropy - possibly the world's 8th largest industry - with little transparency - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023

    28. philanthropy is in some ways the the most symbolic externalization of neoliberal capitalism. Some people have amassed huge amounts of wealth through a rigged game of extraction and destruction of life. And then it's also presented back to us as an alternative to capitalism that somehow philanthropy can solve the problems that capital created in the first place. And in many ways, that is the fundamental paradox and the absurdity of modern philanthropy.

      for - paradox - of philanthropy - People who amass huge fortunes through a lifetime of extracting from nature, people and destroying the fabric of life - present philanthropy as a way to atone for their own sins - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023

    29. we're really invoking a call for philanthropy to be in the liberation of capital in a way that can support transition pathways. What we refer to as transition pathways is other ways of being and knowing that are in co-creative relationship with life itself.

      for - key objective - of Post Capitalist Philanthropy - call for philanthropy to be in the liberation of capital in a way that supports transition pathways - to explore other ways of being and knowing that are in co-creative relationship with life itself - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023

    30. there's a line in this in the book that says, if you do not have a critique of capitalist modernity, you are contextually irrelevant. But if all you have is a critique, you are spiritually incredibly impoverished.

      for - quote - from book - If you do not have a critique of capitalist modernity, you are contextually irrelevant - but if all you have is a critique, you are spiritually incredibly impoverished - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023

    31. we're using post in the way postmodernists use post, which is it's informed by modernism, it's informed by capitalism without being able to transcend it necessarily because capitalism and it's the most recent incarnation of capitalism, which is neoliberalism, is like the oxygen that we breathe. It's all encompassing. It's totalitarian in its nature. And it's pervasive. And so in that sense, we say we have to be informed by the logic of the dominant system.

      for - key point - Post Capitalist - informed by the logic of the dominant system - but not necessarily try to transcend it because it is so ubiquitous - Post Capitalist Philanthropy - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023

      key point - Post Capitalist - informed by the logic of the dominant system - but not necessarily try to transcend it because it is so ubiquitous - Post Capitalist Philanthropy - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 - It is so ubiquitous, like the air we breath - all encompassing - totalitarian - pervasive

    32. the onus is for many of us in the occidental mind and the Western tradition to find what it is to excavate what it is about capitalism that lives in our very minds and our bodies and our our ways of working. And to find another way that is possible.

      for - key points - excavate and replace engrained capitalist worldviews and behaviors and replace with healthier alternatives - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023

      key points - excavate and replace engrained capitalist worldviews and behaviors and replace with healthier alternatives - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023 - For those of western tradition, - find out what deeply engrained capitalist habits must we excavate in our - minds, - bodies, - worldviews, - behaviors, - hearts (feelings) and - ways of being - and replace them with healthier alternatives

    33. let's start with host capitalism and recognize that the way that we're using this is not as simple linearity of a transition out of an old system into a new system. We're using it in a way as a conceptual container to hold multiple values and ways of being and knowing that are rooted in reciprocity, solidarity, compassion, empathy, reverence for life.

      for - summary - explaining the paradox of Post Capitalist Philanthropy - a conceptual container - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2023

      summary - explaining the paradox of Post Capitalist Philanthropy - a conceptual container - Using this idea of Post Capitalist Philanthropy not as a simple linear vehicle for transition from old to new system - It is a conceptual container that holds multiple values and ways of being, including: - reciprocity - solidarity - compassion - reverence for life - Recognition of transitioning out of a system that is about: - extractionism - commodification of - humans - nature - our relationships - domination - exploitation - What does an alternative way of being look like?

    34. perhaps the ultimate paradox that this entire inquiry is the ground is the paradox of host capitalism and post-capitalist philanthropy itself

      for - second and ultimate paradox - Post Capitalist Philanthropy itself - paradoxes - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladna - Lynn Murphy - 2023

    35. the first one is the paradox of pronouncement. And here we recognize that language is both incredibly useful for us and is evocative and helps us create and and see and be in this reciprocal exchange. And we also are trying to open to a non dual embodied cognition that is beyond the written word and beyond the hegemony of the written word, and indeed the hegemony of the English written word

      for - paradoxes - first one - pronouncement - the written word - evocative - but also hegemonic - especially the English language - there are other oral traditions - try to open nondual embodied cognition using English - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladna - Lynn Murphy - 2023

    36. we are all still performers of the dominant culture

      for - quote - power of language - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - 2023

      quote - power of language - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - 2023 - (see below) - We are still performers of the dominant culture

    37. May this webinar serve the healing of all beings, including the fallen deity of money and its offspring, the shadow and alabi of philanthropy. May the colonized mind and body be liberated, including our own.

      for - quote - webinar prayer - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2024

      quote - webinar prayer - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy - 2024 - May this webinar serve the healing of all beings, - including the - fallen deity of money and - its offspring, the shadow and alabi of philanthropy. - May the - colonized mind and - body - be liberated, including our own.

    38. for - youtube - Post Capitalist Philanthropy Webinar 1 - Alnoor Ladha - Culture Hack Labs - Lynn Murphy - 2023

      summary - to visit the annotated transcription of this video, please goto: - https://via.hypothes.is/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dk6F4IlEbAk - funding bottom-up, transition work in the polycrisis - Alnoor Ladha - Lynn Murphy




    1. What is the scientific community doing to bolster the resiliency of climate change research in the US?

      for - post - LinkedIn - question - Trump-proofing climate change research in the US

  5. Nov 2024
    1. the point is that this is a collective problem that can only be solved collectively. And clearly there is no collective, even worse

      for - post comment - LinkedIn - polarization - Trump 2024 win - lack of collective - adjacency - Deep Humanity - deep time, species-wide singularity - conservativism vs progressiveness - progress - political polarization - progress trap

      adjacency between - Trump 2024 win - Deep Humanity - anthropocene as deep time species-wide singularity - progress traps reaching a climax - conservatism vs progressiveness - adjacency relationship - This fits into a Deep Humanity explanation: - We are moving through a deep time, species singularity in which - once isolated pockets of cultural seeking and interpretative systems for explaining reality have been rapidly mashed-up via: - communication and - transportation technology - There is a singularity now where two forces are battling each other: - conservative that values old traditional cultural values and norms and - progressive that values the future possibilities - There are different cultural flavors of this. Whether it is - political polarization that pits authoritarian vs democratic ideologies or - climate change that pits traditional fossil fuel systems vs new renewable energy systems - the way we've always done things is in conflict with new ways of doing things through natural human evolutionary change - progress - In fact, we can look at the deep time, species-wide singularity that is now happening across all fields in the anthropocene as a predictable progress trap arising from progress itself

    1. Christian atheism is an ideology that embraces the teachings, narratives, symbols, practices, or communities associated with Christianity without accepting the literal existence of God. It often overlaps with nontheism and post-theism.
  6. Oct 2024
  7. Sep 2024
  8. Aug 2024
    1. 101st CONGRESS 1st Session H. CON. RES. 180 Commending the outstanding efforts of aviators and the Flying Tigers for valued and competent service to the United States. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES July 31, 1989

      resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service.

      • Whereas aviators have had a distinguished record as volunteers in emergency and rescue missions;

      • Whereas the Flying Tigers originated in the jungles of Burma nearly 50 years ago with the United States volunteer group of General Clair Chennault;

      • Whereas the tradition of proud and distinguished service of the Flying Tigers to the United States began under the direction of Robert W. Prescott;

      • Whereas this proud and distinguished group of aviators has steadfastly served the specialized air transportation needs of the United States for more than 4 decades;

      • Whereas the Flying Tigers has provided assistance with rescue efforts in Korea, Hungary, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Ethiopia, as well as many other humanitarian missions; and

      • Whereas the Flying Tigers are representative of countless aviators that deserve recognition for service to the Nation and to thousands of individuals throughout the world:

      Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That the Congress commends the outstanding efforts of aviators and the Flying Tigers for valued and competent service to the United States.

    1. for - Dr. Donna Thomas - book - Children's unexplained experiences in a post materialistic world - analytic idealism - children perspective of reality - adjacency - children as natural philosophers - Deep Humanity as reminder of our philosophical nature

      adjacency - between - Children as natural philosophers - Deep Humanity - adjacency relationship - At time 59 minute of that interview, Dr Thomas makes a very insightful observation that - children are naturally philosophers - and ask deeply philosophical questions - Another way to look at Deep Humanity is that it is reminding us of these deeply philosophical questions the see all had when we were children - but we stopped asking then as we grew out of childhood because nobody could answer them for us

  9. Jul 2024
    1. for - stone age 2.0 - stone and lime - new stone age - stone and lime - sustainable building - stone and lime - post-modern construction - sustainable construction - stone and lime - post-modern construction

    2. What is required in the first half of the 21st century is a new form of post-modern construction, relevant to contemporary needs but as sustainable and as environmentally benign as pre-industrial traditional building used to be.

      for - sustainable building - stone age 2.0 - quote - stone age 2.0 - post-modern stone building

      quote - stone age 2.0 - post modern stone building - What is required in the first half of the 21st century is a new form of post-modern construction, - relevant to contemporary needs but as - sustainable and as - environmentally benign - as pre-industrial traditional building used to be.

    3. Such a new post-modern system of construction could produce the loose-fit, low-energy, long-life principles proposed by RIBA President Alex Gordon in the 1970s – and ignored ever since!

      for - post-modern sustainable building - RIBA President Alex Gordon - 1970s proposal for stone system - ignored

    4. This would exploit the compressive strength of stone, which can be greater than that of concrete, combined with post-tensioning by stainless steel rods.

      for - sustainable building - stone age 2.0 - stone for compression - post-tensioned steel rods for tension

  10. Jun 2024
    1. After we posted our initial exchange, and posited our formative thoughts about openness and politics, we could not have anticipated – much less controlled – who would join as reader or conversant, what they would contribute as an annotator, and how we would subsequently react.

      Comment by chrisaldrich: Not to mention the fact that the experiment will continue on into the future past the official publication.

    1. for - Anthropocene - cross-scale spatial and temporal connectivity of water - governance - water - Anthropocene - cross scale - complexity - water governance - Anthropocene - from - Linked In post - new publication alart - to - Linked In post - new publication alert - Moving from fit to fitness for governing water in the Anthropocene

      summary - This is a good review paper that summarizes findings from two decades of water research on river basins and watersheds, - It highlights how recent Anthropocene research shows the global interconnected nature of water systems, - which makes the traditional River Basin Organization form of local governance challenging since - variability in localities far from the governed river basin or watershed can have significant impact on it and vice versa - New governance systems must emerge to deal with this complexity

      from - Linked In post - new publication alert - to - Linked In post - new publication alert - Moving from fit to fitness for governing water in the Anthropocene - https://hyp.is/GdXo1ipKEe-_FbMMhZGIMQ/www.linkedin.com/posts/activity-7207337444281659392-66RF/

  11. May 2024
    1. Well said. But then why are so many prominent voices, business interests, and documentaries about Regenerative Ag pitching wildly unrealistic levels of carbon removal as the primary benefit?

      for post comment - LinkedIn - carbon sequestration - Jonathan Foley - Regenerative Agriculture

    1. Global, deep synchronization is the hashtag#philosophersStone and hashtag#HolyGrail that we are all after, in our silo'd, fragmented attempts at unity

      for - post comment - LinkedIn - global synchronization and unity - holy grail

    1. How long will we ignore the urgency of adopting responsible, sustainable policies worldwide? How long will the victims of such tragedies keep being ignored?

      for - post comment - LinkedIn - Brazil floods

    1. The earliest known version of Sternberger’s creation of the cheeseburger was recently discovered by food historian Andrew Smith, author of Hamburger: A Global History. It is in an article in The Pasadena Post, a now defunct newspaper. Published July 23, 1931, it sheds light on Sternberger’s early life and innovative ideas.
    1. Minou, Michel Bauwens often uses the term "predatory capitalism."

      for - post comment - LinkedIn - regenerative inner world

    1. for - post comment - Linked I - Daniel Schmachtenberger - why good people comply with evil - direct citizen action - networked commons

      summary - A great short video that is a teaser to a longer podcast conversation on the topic of confirmation bias, and recognizing it to empower citizens during this time of rapid whole system change.

    1. John Hudson@John_HudsonI cover diplomacy & national security for @WashingtonPost | Tips: John.Hudson@WashPost.com | work travel grams: http://instagram.com/john.p.hudson/

      John Hudson Twitter account profile diplomacy & national security for Washington Post

    1. that’s what my Sunday Thought of last Sunday wanted to explain:

      for - post comment - LinkedIn - progress trap - Ralph Thrum article

      to - Ralph Thurn LinkedIn article - https://hyp.is/b-LpIA7-Ee-1nyMavdKbbw/www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7192642433833201664/

    2. Jessie, we are entrapped in a super wicked problem for which there is ultimately no single "solution"

      for - post comment - LinkedIn - progress trap

    1. this dualism probably isn’t right given today’s complexities

      for - progress trap - post comment - LinkedIn - Ralph Thurn article - progress trap - adjacency - progress trap - maladaptive - attention - focus of attention - cultural evolution - duality - dualism - dualistic

      adjacency - between - progress - progress trap - maladaptive - cultural evolution - attention - focus of attention - Exploring this statement further, it isn't just that it is our dualistic thinking applied here is a problem - but that it is the very nature of human analytic reasoning coupled with our innate ability to focus our attention which requires a deep unpacking - For to focus on an object of attention - is something we can only accomplish by defocusing on everything else - Indeed, it is the very act of attention on the one, that is inextricably accompanied by the act of inattention of the many - Our body, and that of many other organisms is evolutionarily designed - to focus our attention in our field of view on emergent phenomena that is salient to our survival - The nature of reductionist-type research - which is to say, most research - is that we continue applying this evolved adaptive behavior, even though cultural evolution (ie. progress) has accelerated exponentially to such an extent - that this same biologically evolved behavior has become maladaptive in the context of modernity

    2. Solutions to avoid Collapse‘ - that’s why it’s failing!
  12. Apr 2024
  13. Mar 2024
    1. Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [00:32:33][^2^][2]:

      Cette vidéo est destinée aux parents pour les aider à guider leur enfant dans le choix d'une formation post-bac. Elle aborde l'importance de choisir des filières et diplômes reconnus, et présente des experts pour fournir des conseils éclairés.

      Points forts: + [00:07:12][^3^][3] Introduction au webinaire * Accueil des parents * Objectif d'orientation + [00:10:01][^4^][4] Croissance de l'offre supérieure * Variété des formations * Importance du choix éclairé + [00:14:00][^5^][5] Autonomie des jeunes * Conseils pour les parents * Importance de l'orientation + [00:17:01][^6^][6] Panorama de l'enseignement supérieur * Évolution récente * Importance des diplômes certifiés + [00:26:02][^7^][7] Écoles sous et hors contrat * Différences et implications * Importance de la certification + [00:30:07][^8^][8] Reconnaissance des diplômes * Critères de qualité * Impact sur la poursuite des études Résumé de la vidéo 00:32:35 - 00:58:48 : La vidéo aborde l'importance d'une formation de base solide pour s'adapter aux métiers futurs, l'évaluation des diplômes, la distinction entre enseignement académique et professionnalisant, et les critères pour reconnaître les diplômes certifiés.

      Points forts : + [00:32:35][^1^][1] Formation de base solide * Adaptabilité aux métiers futurs + [00:33:02][^2^][2] Évaluation des diplômes * Importance du socle de connaissances + [00:34:08][^3^][3] Académique vs Professionnalisant * Recherche avance l'enseignement + [00:37:00][^4^][4] Reconnaissance des diplômes * Labels officiels sur Parcoursup + [00:41:02][^5^][5] Évaluation par le ministère * Garantie de qualité de l'enseignement + [00:49:32][^6^][6] Système éducatif et accès * Évolution et harmonisation européenne Résumé de la vidéo [00:58:50][^1^][1] - [01:09:22][^2^][2]: La vidéo aborde l'orientation post-bac et les options de formation pour les étudiants, en mettant l'accent sur les BTS comme point de départ solide pour des études ultérieures, y compris les écoles d'ingénieurs et de commerce.

      Points forts: + [00:58:50][^3^][3] Les BTS comme fondation * Professionnalisant et adapté pour ceux qui ne visent pas des études longues + [00:59:18][^4^][4] Passerelles vers l'enseignement supérieur * BTS permettent l'accès à des licences pro et des écoles spécialisées + [01:00:14][^5^][5] Diversité des parcours * Les BTS offrent une mixité et préparent bien aux études supérieures + [01:01:00][^6^][6] Choix entre BTS et autres formations * Les BTS sont préférables pour leur structure et reconnaissance + [01:05:31][^7^][7] Importance des grades universitaires * Grades licence, master et doctorat garantissent un niveau d'éducation élevé + [01:07:12][^8^][8] Reconnaissance et qualité des formations * Il est crucial de vérifier la reconnaissance et le contenu des programmes

  14. Feb 2024
    1. UnHerd, a U.K.-based ​“heterodox” opinion website founded by a Brexit supporter

      for - Unherd - Brexit founder - post-left

      • UnHerd,
        • a U.K.-based ​“heterodox” opinion website
          • founded by a Brexit supporter,
        • covered the movement in a piece titled ​
          • “Twilight of the American Left.”
      • To the post-left,
        • explained contributor Park MacDougald,
      • the real U.S. ruling class is a Democratic oligarchy that uses
        • the threat of creeping fascism and
        • white nationalism
      • to consolidate power, and deploys
        • “‘identity politics,’ -​‘antiracism,’
        • ​‘intersectionality’ and
        • other pillars of the progressive culture war” as ​
      • “mystifications whose function is to
        • demoralize and
        • divide the proletariat.”
      • Leftists, in this view, merely serve as that regime’s ​“unwitting dupes.”

      unpack - very interesting to unpack from a Deep Humanity perspective.

  15. Jan 2024
    1. yeah. printing books is my "prepping" for the post-apocalypse world: no electricity, no computers, no internet, no DVD players, ...

      on the other side, their aggressive push for digitalization of everything is their way of prepping for "the great memory hole". because the blackout is just a matter of time, and then "oops!" all data is gone, the collective memory is reset to zero, no proof of anything, no traces, no history ...

    1. Cross-posted a social post on Mastodon.

      Very cool! I'd love to read about your setup, will look around.

  16. Dec 2023
    1. naturalism, paradise on earth, relations... i heard some fuzzy attempts to approach these topics.<br /> in my work, i propose a mathematcally-exact system, to describe and predict human relations,<br /> in a culture, that also works in a post-collapse world, in small groups of 150 people. book:<br /> pallas. who are my friends. group composition by personality type.<br /> github .com /milahu /alchi

  17. Nov 2023
    1. typically men more than women when they gain weight tend to store fat in their tongue and so 00:01:55 their tongues will swell you can see that really nicely on MRI actually because fat shows up as basically white tissue on MRI the other thing is that men's Airways are larger and so because of the law of Laplace which we don't 00:02:07 have time to get into larger Airways are more collapsible and so they're easier to close off with pressure placed on the outside so that's why men are typically more at risk for obstructive sleep apnea 00:02:18 but women are also at risk for sleep apnea especially after menopause
      • for: sleep apnea - enlarged tongue in overweight men, sleep apnea - post menopause in women, sleep apnea - increased risk - overweight men, sleep apnea - increased risk - post menopause women

      • increased risk: sleep apnea

        • men: overweight
        • women - post menopause
    1. let me put in a good word for post modernity to say that it may not be a space you can build a house in and live in but it may be a kind of 00:48:27 wilderness it may be a space you can escape to for a while from modernity to get a different perspective on modernity and one of the things postmodern thinking has done for us is give us perspectives on modernity we hadn't seen 00:48:39 within modernity
      • for: post-modernity - temporary perspective of modernity
  18. Oct 2023
    1. 'third-world woman' ties into the economic and ideological praxis of scientific inquiry and pluralism

      western methods

    2. colonize and appropriate the experiences of third-world women, defining them based on western standards and perpetuating stereotypes.
    3. Western scholarship on the production, distribution, and consumption of information and ideas.

      impact of patriarchy and colonialisation on knowledge production and sharing

    4. Overall, the text calls for the formation of strategic coalitions across race and national boundaries
    1. This text discusses how women of color can be silenced in discussions about racism and feminism
    2. ntervention strategies based solely on the experiences of women who do not share the same race or class backgrounds will be of limited help to women of color.
    3. representational intersectionality
  19. Sep 2023
    1. A rhizome is a concept in post-structuralism describing a nonlinear network that "connects any point to any other point".[1] It appears in the work of French theorists Deleuze and Guattari, who used the term in their book A Thousand Plateaus to refer to networks that establish "connections between semiotic chains, organizations of power, and circumstances relative to the arts, sciences and social struggles" with no apparent order or coherency.
    1. Hoekstra, a Shell man and a McKinsey man in charge of EU climate policy?
      • for: climate change policy hypocrisy, fossil fuel lobby, EU climate policy, Hoekstra, Fox guarding the henhouse, Linked In post
      • comment

        • What does it say about the EU's authenticity to deal with the global boiling crisis when they put a fox in charge of the henhouse?
        • this seems awfully similar to the choice for positioning an oil man to head COP28.
        • The fossil fuel lobby is EXTREMELY busy in the opaque back end of politics. We need more light to shine and bring the back end fossil fuel lobby activity out of the shadows to pre-empt future leadership betrayals.
      • future research

        • uncover future fossil fuel lobby’s game plan and future attempts to coopt climate change policy leadership
        • needed in order to proactively preempt the next attempt at coopting climate leadership. It’s difficult when we are simply reacting
  20. Aug 2023
    1. In our early experiments, reported by The Washington Post in March 2013, we discovered that Google’s search engine had the power to shift the percentage of undecided voters supporting a political candidate by a substantial margin without anyone knowing.
      • for: search engine manipulation effect, SEME, voting, voting - bias, voting - manipulation, voting - search engine bias, democracy - search engine bias, quote, quote - Robert Epstein, quote - search engine bias, stats, stats - tilting elections
      • paraphrase
      • quote
        • In our early experiments, reported by The Washington Post in March 2013,
        • we discovered that Google’s search engine had the power to shift the percentage of undecided voters supporting a political candidate by a substantial margin without anyone knowing.
        • 2015 PNAS research on SEME
          • http://www.pnas.org/content/112/33/E4512.full.pdf?with-ds=yes&ref=hackernoon.com
          • stats begin
          • search results favoring one candidate
          • could easily shift the opinions and voting preferences of real voters in real elections by up to 80 percent in some demographic groups
          • with virtually no one knowing they had been manipulated.
          • stats end
          • Worse still, the few people who had noticed that we were showing them biased search results
          • generally shifted even farther in the direction of the bias,
          • so being able to spot favoritism in search results is no protection against it.
          • stats begin
          • Google’s search engine 
            • with or without any deliberate planning by Google employees 
          • was currently determining the outcomes of upwards of 25 percent of the world’s national elections.
          • This is because Google’s search engine lacks an equal-time rule,
            • so it virtually always favors one candidate over another, and that in turn shifts the preferences of undecided voters.
          • Because many elections are very close, shifting the preferences of undecided voters can easily tip the outcome.
          • stats end
  21. Jul 2023
    1. How we arrived in a post-truth era, when “alternative facts” replace actual facts, and feelings have more weight than evidence.Are we living in a post-truth world, where “alternative facts” replace actual facts and feelings have more weight than evidence? How did we get here? In this volume in the MIT Press Essential Knowledge series, Lee McIntyre traces the development of the post-truth phenomenon from science denial through the rise of “fake news,” from our psychological blind spots to the public's retreat into “information silos.”What, exactly, is post-truth? Is it wishful thinking, political spin, mass delusion, bold-faced lying? McIntyre analyzes recent examples—claims about inauguration crowd size, crime statistics, and the popular vote—and finds that post-truth is an assertion of ideological supremacy by which its practitioners try to compel someone to believe something regardless of the evidence. Yet post-truth didn't begin with the 2016 election; the denial of scientific facts about smoking, evolution, vaccines, and climate change offers a road map for more widespread fact denial. Add to this the wired-in cognitive biases that make us feel that our conclusions are based on good reasoning even when they are not, the decline of traditional media and the rise of social media, and the emergence of fake news as a political tool, and we have the ideal conditions for post-truth. McIntyre also argues provocatively that the right wing borrowed from postmodernism—specifically, the idea that there is no such thing as objective truth—in its attacks on science and facts.McIntyre argues that we can fight post-truth, and that the first step in fighting post-truth is to understand it.
    1. we're beginning to demonstrate is that actually contrary to our perceptions Consciousness does not become annihilated just because a person has just died and in fact Consciousness 00:04:49 appears to continue at least in the first period the early period of death the first minutes or hours after death
      • claim with evidence

        • Consciousness does not become annihilated just because a person has just died
        • Consciousness appears to continue at least in the first period the early period of death the first minutes or hours after death
        • Explanation
          • death is a biological process
          • when you stop blood flow to brain cells they undergo certain changes and will eventually become damaged
          • however the first thing that happens is that you stop oxygen delivery to the areas inside the core of the brain that modulate your sense of being awake and alert
          • the reticulate activating system various other parts and so it's very similar to the effect of giving a general anesthetics to somebody
          • if you give a high enough dose of general anesthetic to a patient or person then you basically shut down those areas of the brain
          • the person's consciousness looks like it's lost
          • it flips out of sight but we wouldn't say that person's Consciousness has become annihilated forever
          • we just realize it's gone temporarily and so when people first die what's happening is that oxygen is stopping to those parts of the brain and it's essentially taking Consciousness out of you and making it disappear but it doesn't necessarily disappear Forever
      • comment

        • could this be the reason in Tibetan Buddhism, there is the Thukdam meditation practice as well as dream yoga practice?
  22. Jun 2023
    1. Chapter 27 makes forays into post-tonal music theory in an attempt to demonstrate howsome of its concepts—trichords, in particular—are implemented in jazz. Familiar topicsare presented anew with the emphasis on ear training and harmony
  23. www.educative.io