110 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2022
    1. It is very important that your gem reopens the modules ActiveJob and ActiveJob::QueueAdapters instead of defining them. Because their proper definition lives in Active Job. Furthermore, if the project reloads, you do not want any of ActiveJob or ActiveJob::QueueAdapters to be reloaded. Bottom line, Zeitwerk should not be managing those namespaces. Active Job owns them and defines them. Your gem needs to reopen them.
  2. Nov 2021
    1. the re-opening/closure of schools will be evaluated in terms of education and COVID-19 infection characteristics in children.

      the re-opening/closure of schools will be evaluated in terms of education and COVID-19 infection characteristics in children.

      1. Налични нормативни и прагматични предпоставки за преминаване към дистанционно обучение, ускорено от пaндемията Covid19 The presence of policies and pragmatic conditions to transition to distance education, accelerate by COVID19
    1. An interface can be re-opened. Whereas a type is sealed. So a solution for microsoft/TypeScript#15300 is to map the interface (which can be defined in many places) to a type.
  3. Sep 2021
  4. Jul 2021
  5. Mar 2021
  6. Jan 2021
    1. Dr. Theresa Chapple [@Theresa_Chapple} (2020-07-27) A thread on U.S. #camps and #schools that experienced #COVID19 outbreaks since opening. I'll continually add to this thread as more are reported.Twitter. Retrieved from: https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1288158173438910464

  7. Dec 2020
  8. Oct 2020
  9. Sep 2020
  10. Aug 2020
    1. It will find there is "very little evidence that the virus is transmitted in schools",

      The reporter interviewed Professor Russel Viner, president of Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health. Apparently, a study was conducted through April to June which collected information of 20,000 students and 100 teachers yet there is no link to this study, did not get peer reviewed or published. It is all just claims at this point. We have no knowledge if these are private schools or public, if there were any safety measures in place, if this included online classes vs in class.

      However, according to CDC and the respected studies it cited, there seems to be lower transmission rates among children and transmission from child to family, but this remains inconclusive. There still needs to be more evidence to be gathered.

    1. Balla-Elliott, D., Cullen, Z. B., Glaeser, E. L., Luca, M., & Stanton, C. T. (2020). Business Reopening Decisions and Demand Forecasts During the COVID-19 Pandemic (Working Paper No. 27362; Working Paper Series). National Bureau of Economic Research. https://doi.org/10.3386/w27362

  11. Jul 2020
  12. Jun 2020