- Jan 2023
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In this room they entertain the winners in the Olympic games.
Where the winners of the Olympic games would go possibly for the banquet on the final day of the games.
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- Dec 2022
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I was thinking this morning how House Church is much like a wagon train going across the wilderness. By the time you get to your destination, you know everything about everyone on that train. You help each other and protect each other and become bonded together. The institutional church is like a high-speed bullet train. It's more comfortable, more efficient and takes you the same distance in a shorter amount of time. Also you have barely enough time to get acquainted with 1 or 2 people.
For those who can hear. When you name you divide. There is zero biblical precedent for naming a certain group of believers .... Identify with the body of Christ in your area .... We are exhorted to, "let there be no division among you".The only use of "churches" plural in scripture refers to the church in different locations. There was no such thought of "churches" within one locality. Love you all and pray more will see this so the world may see we are one and know that Jesus was sent by the Father.It's important John 17:20-23
Often it helps to have the location or region in the name, a mountain near you or the name of the valley you are in, or a creek, stream or river. What says 'home' about where you are?
Pleeaasse don't give "it" a name.There is no "it". You believers are part of the church in your location and you meet together.There is zero biblical precedent for a group of believers giving their particular group a name.I understand that nearly all believers do .... That in no way makes it right.Names seperate us from others of the church in our area.
Paul TrosclairHow is it biblical to name a church ?2wBeth BalmesPaul Trosclair geographical. E.g.Church in Corinth. Church in Ephesus.2wJohanna WhittakerBeth Balmes .. Paul's letters were to the CHURCHES (ekklesia) in ...
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- Nov 2022
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SmartFan from getair (Kofinas system) for ventilation+heat-recovery.
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Explore the Must-Have Things For Your New House before you move in.
- Oct 2022
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- Sep 2022
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Council Chamber
Council chamber
www.theoi.com www.theoi.com
This too is in the Town Hall, opposite the chamber where stands the hearth. In this room they entertain the winners in the Olympic games.
Altar of Hestia located here. it was the sacred ever burning hearth from which all other altars received their fire.
In this room they entertain the winners in the Olympic games.
The House of Magistrates is where the victors were honored with a banquet
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- Jul 2022
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The numbers themselves have also been a source ofdebate. Some digital users identify a new notechronologically. One I made right now, for example,might be numbered “202207201003”, which would beunique in my system, provided I don’t make another thisminute. The advantage of this system is that I could keeptrack of when I had particular ideas, which might comein handy sometime in the future. The disadvantage is thatthe number doesn’t convey any additional information,and it doesn’t allow me to choose where to insert a newnote “behind” the existing note it is most closely relatedto.
Allosso points out some useful critiques of numbering systems, but doesn't seem to get to the two core ideas that underpin them (and let's be honest, most other sources don't either). As a result most of the controversies are based on a variety of opinions from users, many of whom don't have long enough term practices to see the potential value.
The important things about numbers (or even titles) within zettelkasten or even commonplace book systems is that they be unique to immediately and irrevocably identify ideas within a system.
The other important piece is that ideas be linked to at least one other idea, so they're less likely to get lost.
Once these are dealt with there's little other controversy to be had.
The issue with date/time-stamped numbering systems in digital contexts is that users make notes using them, but wholly fail to link them to anything much less one other idea within their system, thus creating orphaned ideas. (This is fine in the early days, but ultimately one should strive to have nothing orphaned).
The benefit of Luhmann's analog method was that by putting one idea behind its most closely related idea was that it immediately created that minimum of one link (to the thing it sits behind). It's only at this point once it's situated that it can be given it's unique number (and not before).
Luhmann's numbering system, similar to those seen in Viennese contexts for conscription numbers/house numbers and early library call numbers, allows one to infinitely add new ideas to a pre-existing set no matter how packed the collection may become. This idea is very similar to the idea of dense sets in mathematics settings in which one can get arbitrarily close to any member of a set.
link to: - https://hypothes.is/a/YMZ-hofbEeyvXyf1gjXZCg (Vienna library catalogue system) - https://hypothes.is/a/Jlnn3IfSEey_-3uboxHsOA (Vienna conscription numbers)
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Will be noisy due to proximity to I-95 (about 1,000 ft away). Otherwise, this looks like a nice place for the price.
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- Jun 2022
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www.wikiwand.com www.wikiwand.com
Das gerichtliche Aktenzeichen dient der Kennzeichnung eines Dokuments und geht auf die Aktenordnung (AktO) vom 28. November 1934 und ihre Vorgänger zurück.[4]
The court file number is used to identify a document and goes back to the file regulations (AktO) of November 28, 1934 and its predecessors.
The German "file number" (aktenzeichen) is a unique identification of a file, commonly used in their court system and predecessors as well as file numbers in public administration since at least 1934.
Niklas Luhmann studied law at the University of Freiburg from 1946 to 1949, when he obtained a law degree, before beginning a career in Lüneburg's public administration where he stayed in civil service until 1962. Given this fact, it's very likely that Luhmann had in-depth experience with these sorts of file numbers as location identifiers for files and documents.
We know these numbering methods in public administration date back to as early as Vienna, Austria in the 1770s.
The missing piece now is who/where did Luhmann learn his note taking and excerpting practice from? Alberto Cevolini argues that Niklas Luhmann was unaware of the prior tradition of excerpting, though note taking on index cards or slips had been commonplace in academic circles for quite some time and would have been reasonably commonplace during his student years.
Are there handbooks, guides, or manuals in the early 1900's that detail these sorts of note taking practices?
Perhaps something along the lines of Antonin Sertillanges’ book The Intellectual Life (1921) or Paul Chavigny's Organisation du travail intellectuel: recettes pratiques à l’usage des étudiants de toutes les facultés et de tous les travailleurs (in French) (Delagrave, 1918)?
Further recall that Bruno Winck has linked some of the note taking using index cards to legal studies to Roland Claude's 1961 text:
I checked Chavigny’s book on the BNF site. He insists on the use of index cards (‘fiches’), how to index them, one idea per card but not how to connect between the cards and allow navigation between them.
Mind that it’s written in 1919, in Strasbourg (my hometown) just one year after it returned to France. So between students who used this book and Luhmann in Freiburg it’s not far away. My mother taught me how to use cards for my studies back in 1977, I still have the book where she learn the method, as Law student in Strasbourg “Comment se documenter”, by Roland Claude, 1961. Page 25 describes a way to build secondary index to receive all cards relatives to a topic by their number. Still Luhmann system seems easier to maintain but very near.
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'> Scott P. Scheper </span> in Scott P. Scheper on Twitter: "The origins of the Zettelkasten's numeric-alpha card addresses seem to derive from Niklas Luhmann's early work as a legal clerk. The filing scheme used is called "Aktenzeichen" - See https://t.co/4mQklgSG5u. cc @ChrisAldrich" / Twitter (<time class='dt-published'>06/28/2022 11:29:18</time>)</cite></small>
Link to: - https://hypothes.is/a/Jlnn3IfSEey_-3uboxHsOA - https://hypothes.is/a/4jtT0FqsEeyXFzP-AuDIAA
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[Verse]Paul JohnsonDJ FunkDJ SneakDJ RushWax MasterHyperactiveJammin GeraldBrian WilsonGeorge ClintonLil LouisAshley BeedleNeil LandstrummKenny DopeDJ HellLouie VegaK-AlexiDr. Dre is in the house, yeahArmando in the houseGemini is in the houseJeff Mills is in the houseDJ DeeonDJ MiltonDJ SlugoDJs on the lowGreen VelvetJoey BeltramDJ ESPRoy DavisBoo WilliamsDJ TonkaDJ SkullDJ PierreMike Dearborn in the house, yeahTodd Edwards in the houseRomanthony in the houseCVO in the houseLuke SlaterDerrick CarterRobert HoodParris MitchellDave Clarke is in the houseVan Helden in the houseArmani in the houseSurgeon is in the house, yeah
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TEACHERS tracklist: Paul Johnson v. Jammin Gerald - CK's 'Partyin' with Paul' edit DJ Deeon 'Freak Mode II' intro DJ Deeon 'House-o-Matic' DJ Milton v. Thomas Bangalter 'Bang-o-Matics' CK edit Robert Armani v. Thomas Bangalter 'CK's Rollin' Up edit' Thomas Bangalter 'Spinal Beats' Cajmere / Dajae 'Brighter Days (Underground Goodies mix)' Paul Johnson 'Y'All Stole Them Dances' Gemini 'Le Fusion / Don't Stop' Paul Johnson / Robert Armani / Louis Bell/ Rick Garcia 'Mix It (CK's Baddest DJ edit)' DJ Deeon 'Freaks / Do-U-C' DJ Deeon 'In The House!' Robert Armani 'Ambulance' Gant-Man 'Gon' Bang Da Box' Thomas Bangalter v. George Kranz 'CK's Spinal Skranz edit' DJ Funk 'Work It!' Parris Mitchell Project feat. Waxmaster 'Ghetto Shout Out!' Daft Punk v. Waxmaster Teach that Body (CK's Chi-town edit)' DJ Slugo 'DJs on the Low'
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- May 2022
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- Apr 2022
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- </span>00:00<span> Jess and Crabbe – Hell and Back
- </span>05:00<span> Le Knight Club – Santa Claus (Paul Johnson Remix)
- </span>07:42<span> For the Floorz – Body Angels
- </span>11:43<span> Aloud – Sex and Sun III
- </span>14:26<span> Sedat – Feel Inside
- </span>19:51<span> We in Music – Grandlife (Time Code Mix By Play Paul)
- </span>25:19<span> Alex Gopher – Party People
- </span>27:47<span> Kid Creme – The Game (Kid’s Piano Mix)
- </span>32:27<span> Royksopp – Remind Me (Ernest Saint Laurent’s Moonfish Mix)
- </span>34:54<span> Trankilou – Champagne
- </span>39:44<span> Raw Man – Europa
- </span>42:41<span> Le Knight Club – Cherie D’Amour
- </span>47:07<span> Cheek – Venus
- </span>50:04<span> Sedat – The Turkish Avenger
- </span>53:42<span> The Eternals – Wrath of Zeus (Acapella)
- </span>54:20<span> Daddy’s Favourite – Good Times
- </span>57:32<span> Alan Braxe and Fred Falke – Intro
- </span>01:00:57<span> Crydajam – Loaded
- </span>01:05:24<span> Lifelike – Black Chess
- </span>01:08:28<span> Archigram – Carnaval
- </span>01:12:34<span> Bel Amour – Promise Me (Extended)
- </span>01:17:06<span> Billy Lo – Everytime
- </span>01:19:49<span> Phoenix – If I Ever Feel Better (Buffalo Bunch Remix)
- </span>01:24:15<span> Le Knight Club – Gator
- </span>01:28:06<span> Fantom – Faithful (Etienne de Crecy Remix)
- </span>01:30:04<span> Fantom – Faithful (Original)
- </span>01:33:32<span> Fantom – Faithful (Prassay Remix)
- </span>01:36:44<span> The Buffalo Bunch – Music Box
- </span>01:40:00<span> Thomas Bangalter – Ventura
- </span>01:43:16<span> Crydajam – Playground
- </span>01:46:16<span> Archigram – In Flight
- </span>01:51:05<span> Le Knight Club – Mosquito
- </span>01:53:48<span> Deelat – Wetness Anthem
- </span>01:56:26<span> We in Music – Now That Love Has Gone (Ice Creamer Remix By Aloud)
- </span>01:59:48<span> Modjo – No more tears (Alex Gopher Remix)
- </span>02:03:07<span> Stardust – Music Sounds Better With You (Bibi & Dimitri Anthem From Paris)
- </span>02:08:11<span> Cheek – Venus (I:Cube Remix)
- </span>02:12:15<span> Cassius – La Mouche (Played Live By DJ Falcon)
- </span>02:16:18<span> Modjo – Music Takes You Back
- </span>02:19:17<span> Daft Punk – Musique
- </span>02:22:23<span> Play Paul – Holy Ghostz
- </span>02:25:56<span> Vinyl Fever – 1h45 A.M on the Floor
- </span>02:29:30<span> Modjo – On Fire (Archigram’s When What Remix)
- </span>02:33:48<span> Aloud – Bob O’lean
- </span>02:36:38<span> Archigram – Mad Joe
- </span>02:41:04<span> Raw Man – Lovers
- </span>02:44:15<span> Daft Punk – One More Time
- </span>02:49:04<span> DJ Falcon – Honeymoon
- </span>02:52:46<span> Rhythm Masters – Good Times
- </span>02:56:38<span> Cassius – Nulife
- </span>02:58:35<span> Jess & Crabbe – Crack Head (Seduction Mix by Deelat)
- </span>03:03:02<span> Modjo – On Fire
- </span>03:05:45<span> Together – Together
- </span>03:11:19<span> Daft Punk – Voyager (Dominique Torti Wild Style Remix)
- </span>03:15:25<span> Patrick Alavi – How Much That Means To Me</span>
- Mar 2022
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La Funk Mob was the project of Hubert Blanc-Francard AKA Boom Bass and Philippe Zdar Cerboneschi. Ultimately, La Funk Mob led to Cassius.
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docdrop.org docdrop.org
We’ve built, in the late 20th century, a house for humanity 00:24:37 based on cooperation, based on collaboration, based on the understanding that our future depends on being able to cooperate, otherwise we will become extinct as a species. And we all live in this house. But in the last few years we stopped -- we neglected it, we stopped repairing it. 00:25:02 We allow it to deteriorate more and more. And, you know, eventually it will -- It is collapsing now. So I hope that people will realize before it's too late that we need not just to stop this terrible war, we need to rebuild the institutions, we need to repair the global house in which we all live together. 00:25:29 If it falls down, we all die.
This is a very worthwhile quote: "We need to repair the global house in which we all live together. If it falls down, we all die."
- Feb 2022
shop.versatilerecords.com shop.versatilerecords.com
By 1777, the government of Lower Austria starts a renewed numbering of houses. “ As many new houses were built after the last conscription which have no number yet, this is also an opportunity for the rectifi cation of the house numbers. ” New entries are to be treated as follows: “ If for instance three new houses are found between numbers 12 and 13, the fi rst is to be 12a, the second 12b, the third 12c. ” 7 Moreover, the conscription decree further increases the depth of addressing, including “ women, Jews, and farm animals. ”
Starting with a decree by Her Majesty Maria Theresa on December 24, 1770 to create conscription numbers on Viennese houses and expanded in 1777, the government of Lower Austria created a number system to identify all houses as well as to men, women, Jews, and farm animals. Because new houses had been built since the beginning of the system houses built between whole numbered houses were assigned address including the whole number along with an alphabetic letter a, b, c, and so on depending on the number of new spaces.
It can't escape one's notice that this is substantially similar to the numbering system which Niklas Luhmann used for his zettelkasten.
For a comprehensive history of conscription and house numbers in Europe, see Tantner 2007a,b.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
thehustle.co thehustle.co
In crowded housing markets in large cities, house flipping is often viewed as a driver of inequality.
If house flipping is viewed as a driver of inequality in crowded housing markets in larger cities, what spurs it on? What do the economics look like and how can the trend be combatted?
What effect does economic speculation have?
- Jan 2022
www.latimes.com www.latimes.com
The mansion sits on the same land where Sharon Tate and four others were murdered by the Manson family in the summer of 1969.Back then, the property’s address was 10050 Cielo Dr., but in 1994, real estate investor Alvin Weintraub demolished the house and changed the address to 10066 Cielo Dr. in an attempt to separate the estate from its dark past.
soundcloud.com soundcloud.com
www.pasadenanow.com www.pasadenanow.com
The Laemmle Theatre’s Playhouse 7 was the first arthouse movie theater chain in Los Angeles.
www.kiwiheatpump.co.nz www.kiwiheatpump.co.nz
While heat pumps are the most cost effective way to use electricity to heat your home during the cooler months, leaving them running day and night is not economically efficient. According to Energywise, you should switch off your heat pump when you don’t need it. This is to avoid excessive energy waste.
www.hollywoodreporter.com www.hollywoodreporter.com
- Nov 2021
www.cnn.com www.cnn.com
Business, J. V., CNN. (n.d.). Newsmax reporter permanently banned from Twitter for posting Covid misinformation. CNN. Retrieved 15 November 2021, from https://www.cnn.com/2021/11/10/media/newsmax-twitter-emerald-robinson-banned/index.html
- Aug 2021
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
‘Analysis | People Are More Anti-Vaccine If They Get Their Covid News from Facebook than from Fox News, Data Shows’. Washington Post. Accessed 4 August 2021. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/07/27/people-are-more-anti-vaccine-if-they-get-their-covid-19-news-facebook-rather-than-fox-news-new-data-shows/.
- Jul 2021
www.reuters.com www.reuters.com
White House says it’s aware of Russia disinformation related to COVID-19 vaccines. (2021, March 8). Reuters. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-russia-vaccine-idUSKBN2B0236
- May 2021
www.ayradvertiser.com www.ayradvertiser.com
“Super spreader” went to house parties with coronavirus. (n.d.). Glasgow Times. Retrieved September 2, 2020, from https://www.glasgowtimes.co.uk/news/18688989.ayrshire-super-spreader-went-house-parties-coronavirus/
- Mar 2021
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
lack houses of the Outer Hebrides
[[black house]] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackhouse
Mies Vander Rohe's Farnsworth house
jangawolof.org jangawolof.orgPhrases1
Fexeel ba kër gi bañ ñàkk alkol.
Veille à ce qu'il ne manque pas d'alcool à la maison.
fexe+el (fexe) v. -- search/seek by all means.
ba -- the (?).
kër gi -- house; family.
gi -- the (indicates nearness).
bañ v. -- refuse, resist, refuse to; to hate; verb marking the negation in subordinate clauses.
ñàkk v. / ñàkk bi -- vaccinate / vaccine (not sure exactly how this fits in the sentence if it's even the right translation -- perhaps it has to do with surgical alcohol rather than drinking alcohol).
alkol ji -- (French) surgical alcohol. (I'm certain this is also used for the type of alcohol you drink -- but sangara is probably the most used term).
- Feb 2021
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
Dam, A. V. (n.d.). Analysis | We’ve been cooped up with our families for almost a year. This is the result. Washington Post. Retrieved 18 February 2021, from https://www.washingtonpost.com/road-to-recovery/2021/02/16/pandemic-togetherness-never-have-so-many-spent-so-much-time-with-so-few/
- COVID-19
- family
- lang:en
- children and family
- home
- human behaviour
- house
- children
- is:blog
- isolation
- data
- pandemic
- lockdown
- togetherness
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Newall, P. W. S., Walasek, L., & Ludvig, E. A. (2020, November 11). Risk communication improvements for gambling: House-edge information and volatility statements. https://doi.org/10.1037/adb0000695
www.npr.org www.npr.org
Greene went on to say, "If it weren't for the Facebook post and comments that I liked in 2018, I wouldn't be standing here today and you couldn't point a finger and accuse me of anything wrong."
Sure... blame Facebook!
I'll bet dollars to donuts that she doesn't vote to regulate Facebook in any way during her tenure.
zume.vision zume.vision
churchwithoutwallsinternational.org churchwithoutwallsinternational.org
www.movements.net www.movements.net
www.housechurchconnect.com www.housechurchconnect.com
organicchurch.com organicchurch.com
The "World Population", "Born with No Access to the Gospel Today", "Deaths without Christ Today" counters are sobering.
lk10.com lk10.com
The Lk10 "rhythms" are now being practiced in 28 countries, across 6 continents.
noplaceleft.net noplaceleft.net
- Aug 2020
homeguides.sfgate.com homeguides.sfgate.com
www.familyhandyman.com www.familyhandyman.com
more roof ventilation is usually better.
Space attic vents evenly and mark the locations by driving nails up through the shingles (Photo 1).
Mark the roof venting locations from the attic, where you can see the rafters and avoid placing roofing vents over them.
Place all the roof vents on the same side of the roof. If your roof peak runs parallel to the street, put them on the backside, where they’ll be less prominent.
Grab a flashlight and inspect your attic during the winter. If you see dampness or frost, you need better roof ventilation and some attic vents.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
18:00: Wishes he did insulation on the roof instead of bottom of attic, because having lightly-insulated 55-degree AC ducts going through 150-degree hot attic is energy inefficient
5:00: To eliminate dead corner, use "Magic corner" instead of lazy susan.
15:00 hardwood floors
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
1000 soft house less than R40 no air sealing needs 7 sq feet of vent 3-1/2 on the roof that’s 504 sq in that’s 10 of those square flat vents or 260 inches of ridge vent. Show less Read more 1 year ago (edited) 2
1000 soft => 1000 sq ft ?
It is near impossible to get the attic and roof sheathing temperature the same as the ambient outdoor air temperature, due to the radiant heat from the sun. You would need three or four 1500 cfm power ventilators to come close to achieving that goal, at that point you'd be using enough electricity to run a central a.c. unit. Proper depth and type of insulation will do more than any amount of ventilation.
Wide rafters are 24" inch centers, narrow are 16" centers. He used narrower size (used in 16 centers) instead of wider size (not shown) baffles (for 24s). Unfortunately, as is, any blown-in insulation can now go down on either side of the narrower baffle and block the soffit slits necessary for air entry. Should have bought the wider size baffle that fits rafter-to-rafter, preventing any blown-in insulation from clogging the soffit entry slits. Costs a few cents more...
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Attic fans work great and sure DO reduce electric bills
A powered exhaust fan will not work without proper soffit venting
As others have said, I think this works better with one fan as an intake, and another an an exhaust to keep the pressure balanced.
Bummer, incorrect and completely inaccurate information regarding attic fans. At least in a dry and hot climate. The more attic ventilation the better. It will extent the life of your roof and WILL decrease your attic temperature.
Any mod or installation if treated as an individual component is a scam. Contrary, a properly balanced and engineered system is beneficial. Attic fans do work, as long as they're incorporated into the ventilation ... as a system.
For me the attic ventilation temp difference of 145 to 110 is significant. I don’t know if you think that is significant but for us it certainly makes a difference in comfort for us. PS Over the thirty years in our home I have replaced the attic fan motor twice. The total cost of those motors was less than 100 dollars over those 30 years. During one season when we didn’t have the ventilation fan running we had a roughly $45-$50 per month increase in our electric bill. (The bill went from $190 to approximately $240 per month). From an energy perspective I guess that is not a lot of money but from a comfort perspective and level of A/C required it seems like a good return in the long run.
I don’t think that I can agree with you about the benefits of a powered attic fan. I live in Springfield, Virginia and I have actually measured a 30-35 degree difference in the attic temperature when that powered ventilator is running as opposed to when it is not running. I have had a comprehensive energy analysis done on my home and I know for a fact that my attic ventilation is not sucking air from our second floor into the attic.
there is a reason us HVAC people if we run into a house that has no ventilation in the attic and equipment is there, we will pull a salvage furnace blower and put it on a gable vent and turn it on for 5 minutes before staying up there for longer periods.
- Jun 2020
www.parliament.uk www.parliament.uk
Select Committees. (n.d.). UK Parliament. Retrieved June 14, 2020, from https://www.parliament.uk/about/how/committees/select/